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or some children, math comes fairly easily. For others, it is a challenge nearly every step of the way. What
2 accounts for this difference? Is there a special math gene that makes math easy for some kids and difficult
for others? Fortunately, the answer is "no." Success is often determined by how fluent children are with numbers,
the language of math. When kids develop a good understanding of numbers at an early age, everything else —
arithmetic, algebra, even geometry — follows naturally.
In writing this book, my goal is to present numbers in a way that will make math easier for all children. I believe
it is especially important to lay the groundwork early, and I have written Math Fables for ages 3 to 6. Each fable begins
by introducing numbers the traditional way—by counting. How much is the number six? It's a group of "one, two,
three, four, five, six." This familiar approach emphasizes size and order. As the stories unfold, each number is shown
in different ways. The six becomes a group of 4 and 2, a group of 5 and 1, and finally two groups of 3. The idea is to
encourage kids to begin thinking more efficiently in groups rather than counting one number at a time.
There are several important advantages to this approach. First, it lays the foundation for place value, the basis of
our number system. When children are introduced to grouping at an early age, thinking in terms of ones, tens, and
hundreds follows naturally. Second, it is the first step to building strong computational skills. Breaking numbers into
smaller, more manageable pieces and combining them in smart ways is the key to arithmetic. Finally, grouping
encourages flexible and creative thinking by requiring kids to think about the same number in different ways.
I wrote Math Fables, the sixth book in a series that includes The Grapes of Math, Math For All Seasons, The Best of
Times, Math Appeal, and Math-terpieces, to give kids a head start in math and at the same time encourage a love for
reading and learning. I hope children and adults alike will smile at the stories, delight in the artwork, and
brighten at the memory of shared times together. Enjoy!
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1 spider waited patiently,
at last her web was done.
Just who would come to dinner now
* and be the lucky one?
A fly? A moth?
Mosquitoes would be great.
It's nice to know that all good things
will come to those who wait!
The sun was shining overhead,
the skies were bright and clear
With wings spread wide bird took flight -
but fluttered to the ground.
The other fell from the sky
and very nearly drowned!

The | birds practiced all day long

until they both could fly.
Sometimes the most important thing
in life is just to try!
Family affatR
3 turtles living in the woods
were always on the go.
One day they headed for a pond,
albeit very slow.

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The youngest I soon raced ahead,

but accidentally tripped.
The other B caught up with him
and found that he had flipped!

M They quickly grabbed him by the shell

and righted him once more.
All 3 agreed wholeheartedly,
That's what a family's for!"
4 squirrels frolicked in the leaves
one brisk fall afternoon,
when suddenly it dawned on them
that snow was coming soon!
"We haven't any winter food,"
3 frightened squirrels cried.
"I guess we'd better get to work,"
a prudent 1 replied.
2 squirrels raced to gather nuts
and made a great, big mound.
The other 2 then buried them
in stashes underground.
All 4 slept very well that night,
no longer feeling scared.
They learned it's wise to plan ahead
and always be prepared!
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Along the rocky ocean coast
in water dear and blue,
6 otters liked to swim and play
and look for shellfish, too.
One afternoon 2 saw some clams
along the ocean floor.
4 quickly dove to scoop them up,
then hurried back for more!
"These shells are hard to pry apart,"


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A group of 3 tried this technique

and found it worked quite well
The other 3 then followed suit
and opened every shell!
The 6 smart otters were content,
all had their fill of dams.
They each had also learned to use
a tool and not their hands!
QOHe WitH tHe WiHD
The autumn air was growing cool,
the days were shorter, too.
For 7 monarch butterflies,
a trip was overdue.
"We should have left here weeks ago!"
5 butterflies exclaimed.
"We hate to say we told you so,"
2 know-it-alls proclaimed.
They had to get to Mexico
before the winter freeze,
lied the other 6 in flight
atop a southern breeze.

Their journey would be very far,

a thousand miles or more.
The monarchs flew both day and night
in groups of 3 and 4i-

At last all 7 made it home,

too tired to celebrate.
They vowed next spring to be on time
and not procrastinate!

One hot and sultry afternoon
down at the tidal pool,
3 crabs were buried in the sand
"The water here is much too warm,"
^ weary crabs complained.
"The sun is very strong today,"
the other 3 explained.

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A group of 4 then grabbed their things

and headed to the shore.
The others followed after them,
a second group of 4-
As 7 stood by cautiously,
1 daring crab jumped in,
but soon got hammered by a wave
that caught him on the chin!

The smallest crab swam out to help,

now in the sea were £ -
with 6 left cheering on the shore
this bold and brave rescue!
The crabs at last were one big group,
again they numbered 3-
They all then thanked their lucky stars
for having friends so great!
One warm and sunny afternoon,
the month was late July,
9 ants were rather hungry when
a picnic they did spy.
3 crept ahead to take a look
while 6 ants stayed behind.
Some crackers, cheese, a loaf of bread -
such treasures they did find!


"This food's too big for us to lift,"

0 worried ants complained.
"We'll have to work together then,
the oldest 1 explained.
With one in front and one behind,
2 carried home the cheese.
While 7 picked the loaf right up
as easy as you please!

The ants were happy as could be

and soon returned for more.
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They carried two big crackers home
in teams of 5 and 4-

When finally their task was done,
the 9 ants felt just great.
They each had learned the meaning of
the word cooperate!
10 beavers left for work one day,
they had a lodge to fix.
All marched along in single file
in search of broken sticks.

A group of 7 raced ahead

and found a fallen tree.
Jhey quickly gnawed off all the limbs,
then called the other3 -

"How will we get these branches home?"

9 puzzled beavers cried.
"We need to dig a small canal,"
a clever 1 replied.

So 6 went back and dug into
the river's muddy shore.
They soon had made a waterway
right to the other

The trees were now a

5 floated them downstream.
The other 5 then built a roof,
the best you've ever seen!
Their home was nearly finished now,
with few things left to do.
9 quickly patched the holes with mud,
while cracks were filled by

At last the beavers'job was done,

and 10 let out a cheer.
They each had earned the title of
Domestic Engineer!

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he journey from counting to calculus begins with numbers — the language of

math. But there's more to understanding numbers than learning to count. The
real secret is learning to see big numbers in terms of smaller ones. To
help early learners become more fluent with numbers, try
the following practice challenges:
Count backward from to , first by
looking at the parade, and then by remembering
and visualizing the order and size of numbers.

Find all ten combinations that make t . For example, the otters (6)
and squirrels (4) together make 10. As you practice, use , , , or even
different groups!
(Answer: 10,9+1,8+2,7+3,7+2+1,6+4,6+3+1,5+4+1,5+3+2, and 4+3+2+1)

Now, practice making all the numbers by combining groups in different ways. For
example, make an 8 with turtles (3) and raccoons (5).

Find the even numbers by seeing which numbers can be divided evenly into two
groups. The ones that cannot be divided evenly are called the odd numbers. Be sure
to learn the even and odd numbers in both increasing and decreasing order.

conQRatoLations You have completed the first leg of your

journey. Good luck, and remember to think smart the rest of the way!
Whimsical math stories that give young learners a head start on the road to
higher math. More than just a counting book, it begins building the foundation
for arithmetic and problem solving by encouraging children to think about
i numbers in creative ways.
, «*** A% ,• Ages 5-

Perfect for younger children making the transition from counting to

arithmetic; builds the foundation for higher math by introducing simple
but important problem-solving strategies.

.ges 5-12

Math and art history? Of course! Visually oriented problems inspired by the
artwork of 12 great masters give children ages 5 to 7 fascinating ways to
practice adding, while kids up to 12 years old will learn to solve problems in A^y0RkT
more efficient and systematic ways.

Ages 7-1

Designed to help smooth the transition from adding to multiplying; a fun and
challenging way to sharpen both computational and problem-solving skills.

Greg Tang continues to make math appeal to the masses in this collection aimed
at kids making the transition from addition to multiplication.

Ages 7-12 f <4 •

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Encourages mastery of the times tables by intuition and understanding ' rP '\,
rather than memorization. y/fr'
This edition is only available for distribution through the school market. w''mess-
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2016 02 2513-42
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Cover art © 2004 by Scholastic Inc.

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