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Sprint 7

DECLARATION Sprint 7 is HIIT on a bike!

The Les Mills global family is made up of

OF INTENT As a company that leads group fitness
Spend time before class to ensure participants are correctly set up. Do the short ‘on bike’ set up
you would have practiced at Initial Module Training before you push play – seat height and handle
bar position are important. Due to some technical issues we don’t have an example of this in the
16,000 fitness clubs, 100,000 instructors experiences for millions of people every Masterclass but be sure to do one!
and millions of participants from 112 countries day, we walk a fine line between delivering
around the globe. cutting-edge, innovative products and ensuring Remind everyone their comfort is key and we are using the bike as a training tool just like any
SEPARATED BY GEOGRAPHY, RELIGION, that accepted norms are upheld and respected. other piece of gym equipment.
RACE, COLOR AND CREED, WE ARE Choosing, licensing and matching
UNITED IN OUR LOVE OF MOVEMENT, choreography to the right music is a huge Our workout starts with a short, Accelerated Warmup. It’s engaging and uplifting.
MUSIC AND THE PURSUIT OF HEALTHY challenge! We screen the music we use and
LIVING, BOTH FOR OURSELVES AND OUR try to avoid language and references that may
PLANET. cause offense. If we can, sometimes there will The switch is flicked in Mixed Conditioning 1 by hitting the last interval of ‘Redemption’ again
be an alternative track (at the bottom of the before launching into a series of Sprint, Strength, and Power intervals – 11 intervals in total – 1x
AT LES MILLS WE BELIEVE IN THE 60 second Power interval, 4x 30 second Sprints, 2x 60 second Strength phases, and 4x 30
DIGNITY OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WITHIN track list) for you to use instead.
OUR COMMUNITY AND STRIVE TO WE EMBRACE OPEN COMMUNICATION second Power efforts. This is maximal training!
OF ALL. DIFFERENCES OF OPINION CAN BE Mixed Conditioning 2 starts with a more relaxed approach to ‘Redemption’ giving the class a
EXPRESSED, AND COMPROMISES mental refresher, yet keeping physical intensity high, before hitting the last 10 intervals again.
In our choice of role models, music and REACHED.
movements we understand that different people
and societies have different standards for dress, ABOVE ALL, WE ARE PASSIONATE Fatigue hits fast and our aerobic and anaerobic systems are stressed which improves our
popular culture and dance. ABOUT DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING cardiovascular fitness and provides the body with the impetus to consume calories – Burger time!

CONSIDERED APPROPRIATE IN We flush the muscles and congratulate the class on a training session well done!
INAPPROPRIATE IN OTHERS. AND HEARD Be sure to check out the Health & Safety tips we have included as a result of global feedback – we
Tell us what you think of this release. love hearing from you guys and we are proud to say at the time of writing this we have 750+ clubs
Visit utilising Sprint on their timetables.

Bring on 1000!
Program Director I Glen Ostergaard LOAD The Sprint Team
Presenting Team I Khiran Huston, Brett Henderson L Light
Chief Creative Officer I Jackie Mills M Moderate
Creative Director I Lisa Osborne H Heavy
Technical Consultant I Bryce Hastings LPT Load, Position
Workout Plan Notes I Sarah Ostergaard and Training
Program Coach I Chris Richardson The Fine Print
Program Planner I Tenille Graham Les Mills’ instructor resources are unique, valuable resources provided to you as a Les Mills’ certified instructor to enable you to learn each new release and teach it in
Les Mills’ licensed clubs only. Do not share these resources. Copying, uploading or sharing files on the internet or selling Les Mills’ instructor resources to other people is illegal,
and rips off Les Mills, its distributors and other instructors. If you are engaging in any of these illegal activities, there may be serious consequences for you personally including
legal action and the suspension or permanent withdrawal of your Les Mills certification. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

How much exercise did you do as a child? The researchers were particularly interested in how active the children were during the class, and how
How much exercise do you do now? the classes affected their motivation to exercise when compared with standard PE classes. The children
Can you see a correlation between the two? also answered questions relating to enjoyment, the music, the teacher and how competent they felt
during the class.
Research has shown that your activity levels as a child will predict how active you are as an adult.1
The results clearly demonstrated that BORN TO MOVE is a fantastic solution to getting children
Youth Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that children and adolescents should accumulate a motivated to exercise. The children in the BORN TO MOVE group accumulated more moderate to
minimum of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day2, and yet statistics show vigorous physical activity over the day as a whole than the children who just did their regular PE
that most children fall tragically short of this. A report from the US found that only 27% of classes. And they spent less time being sedentary. Enjoyment levels during BORN TO MOVE were
high-school students manage to achieve the minimum recommendations.3 significantly higher when compared to the control group which meant that their intrinsic motivation
scores were higher also.
The question is, HOW do we get our kids to move more? The answer – we need them to WANT to
exercise. The children of today’s world spend more time staring at a screen and are less physically active than
previous generations. Obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents over the
LES MILLS BORN TO MOVE™ classes have been designed to engage and motivate children. They’re past 30 years. The obese children of today become the obese adults of tomorrow, and it’s of growing
fun, action packed and social. The buzz of learning new moves, fresh routines, plus the excitement urgency that we find a solution to this global epidemic.
of being in a group will all ensure the classes instill a love of fitness from an early age. They include
easy-to-follow exercises and games, set to age-specific music. We know it works but we needed some Getting children to fall in love with movement from a young age will ensure they build the healthy habits
evidence. of a lifetime. As we battle to draw their attention away from screens and get them active, finding a
solution to keep them engaged is the key. As this study shows, BORN TO MOVE is the perfect remedy to
A study conducted in the UK4 set out to investigate whether BORN TO MOVE delivers on its promise to get our children moving!
get kids moving and change their attitude towards being active. In a six-week study of 10 to 11 year
olds, two schools acted as a control and continued with their regular two physical education classes a 1. Childhood Physical Fitness Tests: Predictor of Adult Physical Activity Levels? Dennison, B.A., Straus, J.H.E., Mellits, D. &
week. The other two received two BORN TO MOVE classes a week. Charney, E. (1988). Pediatrics 82(3):324-330.
2. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
3. 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

RPM and SPRINT. Two workouts on a bike which initially appear similar, but look more closely and they are TEACHING METHODS
quite different. Let's compare them. Let’s compare teaching methods using the ‘STATE SHOW SAY’ tool:

STATE is our State Of Mind; it’s the mindset that we bring to each class.
RPM is 45 minutes of Cardio Peak Training. SPRINT is 30 minutes of High-Intensity Interval SHOW is What We Show our participants in class; it’s how we ‘walk the talk’.
Moderate to high-intensity efforts with active Training (H.I.I.T). Participants spend up to SAY is What We Say to coach and enhance our participants’ experience.

recoveries. 20 minutes above 85% of their maximum

heart rate, and experience rapid shifts in body STATE In RPM we are “Leading a smooth ride over In SPRINT we are “Training with like-minded
Each effort blends into the next and we encourage composition and metabolic health. rolling terrain, where everyone finds their own people, focused on giving our absolute max to
constant motion. Three classes per week, as part
of a balanced training schedule, creates a leaner Each effort is followed by complete rest and place in the pack”. each interval”.
body shape and improvements in aerobic fitness participants are encouraged to stop moving. We SHOW In RPM we SHOW “Great cycling technique and In SPRINT, “We don’t ride. We work. We rest”.
and cardiovascular health. recommend no more than 2 H.I.I.T. workouts per enjoyment of the ride”.
SAY SAY in RPM is “Coached using P.R.P. and is In SPRINT, it’s coached with “L.P.T. Using
inclusive and fun”. enthusiasm and empathy”.
In this heart rate profile you can see the difference in duration and intensity between RPM and SPRINT.
We use different coaching tools in the two programs.
90-100% max
P.R.P. – Position, Resistance and Pace. L.P.T. – Load, Position and Training.
80-90% max
Position is our program-specific Positions such as Load is Light, Moderate or Heavy. We also refer
Ride Easy, Racing and Standing Climb. to it as “Weight”, but we avoid using “Resistance”
or “Gears” because we use these in RPM. We
Resistance is our Base, Racing, Attack and still use muscle pressure and breathing cues

70-80% max Climbing Resistances. These can also be referred but when we use visualization we refer to other
to as “Gears” but we avoid using “Load” or modes of training, eg “It’s like a heavy squat” or
140 “Weight” – these are reserved for SPRINT. We “Imagine someone pulling you back”.
describe how the Resistance feels by using
60-70% max
muscle pressure or breathing cues such as, Position is simply Sit or Stand, and we vary hip
“The legs are tight and strong” or “The lungs feel and hand positions.
full”. We also use visualization, eg “The climb is
getting steeper”. Training is Sprint, Power, Strength and Rest. The
50-60% max music is a guide and we can move off the beat:
Pace is Slow, Medium, Fast or On The Beat, and Sprints are as fast as possible, Power is on the
100 we use rhythm cues to enhance these tempos. beat or a bit faster, Strength is on the beat or a bit
slower, and when we Rest we stop moving.

So there you have it! Two programs that may appear similar but are in fact very different. The type of training,
KEY: teaching methods and coaching tools each serve to create the key differences between RPM and SPRINT.
RPM — SPRINT — Use these tools in your next class to ensure each program retains its unique essence.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is riding a wave The team was split into two groups. The control To ensure everyone’s safety during Floor Coaching we suggest the following tips
of popularity in the fitness industry and has proved group kept their exercise regime exactly the same. be considered;
to be hugely popular with participants. The other group replaced one 60-minute session 1.Use of non-slip MTB style cycle shoes like the Reebok cycle shoes worn by the
with 2x 30-minute LES MILLS SPRINT classes, so Presenter team and/or non-slip flooring
HIIT delivers two specific training benefits: that both groups completed the same number of 2.Clear pathways to walk through and access bikes and enter/exit the stage
• Accelerated improvements in fitness training hours. 3.Remember to avoid manually adjusting participants’ Load
• Rapid changes in body composition 4.If there is not adequate space to move safely, and the floor is slippery, we
The LES MILLS SPRINT group demonstrated
Those who participate in HIIT get fit and lose body recommend you coach from your bike until these concerns can be addressed.
significant improvements in just 6 weeks:
fat – fast. This method of training changes our • Cardio fitness increased by 9.7%
biochemistry and speeds up results. Your body • Body fat decreased by 5.8%
keeps working hard long after the 30-minute • Leg strength increased by 11.9%
workout has finished.
Improvements were also seen in blood pressure
LES MILLS GRIT™ has been scientifically designed levels and other factors that are predictors of
to deliver the benefits of HIIT and our research cardiovascular disease.
proves that it works: people get leaner, fitter, and
stronger. LES MILLS SPRINT is therefore a fantastic option
for High-Intensity Interval Training. It’s proven to
So why HIIT on a bike? generate great results in just 6 weeks, and is the
For many people, cycling is more manageable than perfect option for those who can’t lift weights or do
a LES MILLS GRIT workout. It requires less skill than high-impact exercise. Incorporating 2x 30-minute
lifting weights, and removes the impact generated classes into a weekly training plan is all that is
when we run or jump. required to get fit, burn fat, and build strength –
New research proves that LES MILLS SPRINT
delivers on the HIIT promise. For a full report on this study, visit :
Thirty-six active adults, aged 18 to 65 years, intensity-interval-cycling-improves-physical-151
participated in a study at Fitology in Penn State,
USA. All participants had cycling experience, and
were actively doing at least 3x 60-minute cardio
sessions per week.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

1 Accelerated Warmup Redemption > 3:56 mins


Quickly warmup participants and get them into the SPRINT state of mind. Be direct by using short, sharp cues. 2x Power efforts using Moderate – Heavy Load.
1x 40 second Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
1x 60 second Power using Moderate – Heavy Load
Set up Moderate - Heavy Load. Like you’ve got weight on WORK 1
0:00 INTRO your legs and someone’s holding onto your jersey as you • Use Layer 1 Setup cues to establish LPT: Load, Position, Training e.g 40 second Power Training. Load
start to accelerate. is Moderate to Heavy, tempo on the beat.

Stand 22secs
0:59 WORK 1 M-H Power
Sit 22secs
You choose where you want to Rest. Rest is just as important as Work. • Acknowledge how the body feels after the first effort.
1:44 REST Explain Workout Plan for next interval using LPT. • This set is the same as Work 1 but has a Power Kick at the end – 60 seconds in total.
• Reinforce LPT, using Layer 2 cues to Improve Execution.
Stand 22secs • Encourage participants to hit the Power Tempo on the beat or to move a bit faster.
2:29 M-H Power
Sit 22secs
Stand 4secs TRACK TIP
3:14 M-H Power 4x
Sit 4secs
• The song is uplifting and upbeat. Ensure your coaching matches the music, keeping it light but still
in the essence of SPRINT: direct and to the point.
3:37 REST

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

2 Mixed Conditioning 1 Redemption / Roll Up / Beastmode / Pop It Off > 12:25 mins


Create clear separation between the 3 Training methods – Power, Sprint, Strength. Clearly indicate the changes in 1x 60 second Power using Moderate – Heavy Load with 30 seconds Rest
Training and use variety in your voice to match the different styles of Training. 4x 30 second Sprints using Light – Moderate Load with 15 seconds Rest
2x 60 second Strength using Heavy Load with 30 seconds Rest
4x 30 second Power using Moderate – Heavy Load with 15 seconds Rest
0:00 INTRO Explain Workout Plan, then reset Moderate – Heavy Load. WORK 1
• Even though it’s the same song as the Accelerated Warmup, coach this effort with more vocal and
Stand 22secs physical intensity and clearly indicate we are out of the Warmup phase.
0:45 M-H Power • Reinforce Layer 1 cues while using some Layer 2 cues to increase intensity e.g. relax the upper
Sit 22secs
WORK 1 body, tighten through the lower body.
Stand 4secs
1:30 M-H Power 4x
Sit 4secs

1:53 REST Explain next phase of Workout Plan, then set up Light – Moderate Load.
• Setup this Interval simply e.g Sprints. 30 seconds on,15 seconds off. 4 times. Load is Light to
Moderate.Training tempo – as fast as you can.
2:25 WORK 2 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint
• Use Sprint cues to help your class find maximum speed, focusing on Technique and body position
e.g hips forwards, brace abs, toes down, fix the ankle.
2:56 REST That was good. Faster on this next one!

3:10 WORK 3 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

3:41 REST 2 done, 2 to go! • Continue to coach Layer 1 cues, and use the tempo of the music to drive the Workout.

3:55 WORK 4 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

4:27 REST Awesome, last Sprint now.
• Use Layer 2 cues to adjust Intensity e.g Can you move faster for longer? Create tension across your
hips to stay still in the seat.
4:40 WORK 5 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

5:11 REST 30 second Rest. Explain new focus. Set up Heavy Load.
• Final Sprint. Use Layer 3 cues to motivate and drive your class to success. e.g 100% max speed, not
98, not 99, 100 % max speed.
• Your class will be under fatigue at this point. Let them know that it's OK if they are slowing down –
it’s the intention to move as fast as they can with the weight they have on that counts.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

2 Mixed Conditioning 1 Continued Redemption/ Roll Up/ Beastmode/ Pop It Off > 12:25 mins


• Explain the change to the Workout Plan using LPT. Coach the Strength focus with Heavy Load.
Stand 15 Secs
Sit 15 Secs • Use Layer 1 cues to get your class moving with good Technique.
5:55 WORK 6 H Strength
Stand 15 Secs
Sit 15 Secs
6:54 REST You want to get stronger? Use more Load!
• Floor Coaching – coach those who need to improve Position first.
• Reinforce the feel of the Load: The kind of weight that burns deep into your muscle fibers.
Stand 15 Secs
Sit 15 Secs • Coach how to move the Heavy Load using Layer 2 cues.
7:24 WORK 7 H Strength
Stand 15 Secs
Sit 15 Secs
You choose how you Rest, roll or stop. Find Moderate – Heavy Load. Now
8:23 REST • Explain the change to the Workout Plan using LPT. Coach the Power focus and Moderate – Heavy
we train Power.
Load: Load needs to feel firm and tight.
• Use Layer 1 cues to get moving with good Technique.
WORK 8 Stand 15secs
9:23 M-H Power • Challenge your class to move on or ahead of the beat.
Sit 15secs

9:53 REST Adjust your Load if you need to.

WORK 9 Stand 15secs • Reinforce the Training tempo and Load as participants will be starting to fatigue and may not use the
10:07 M-H Power
Sit 15secs correct Load.
• Use Layer 2 cues Improve Execution or Adjust Intensity.
10:37 REST It’s a 400m dash, but I want you to treat it as 100m! • Be positive and upbeat in your Coaching.

WORK 10 Stand 15secs

10:54 M-H Power
Sit 15secs
11:21 REST One more to go! • Floor Coaching – how high can you pick up your knees by bracing hard through the core?
• Keep it positive so everybody feels successful.
Stand 15secs • Be conscious of how you are using your voice – are you talking to the group or one on one?
11:38 WORK 11 M-H Power
Sit 15secs

12:08 REST Well done! You made it to the end of your first block!
• Final effort of Mixed Conditioning 1. Use Layer 3 cues to drive and motivate. This is where they’ll
need you the most.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

3 Mixed Conditioning 2 Redemption / Roll Up / Beastmode / Pop It Off > 12:25 mins


Keep the intensity high as your class starts to fatigue. Continue to reinforce correct LPT and 1x 60 second Power effort using Moderate – Heavy Load with 30 seconds Rest
assess their Workout Intensity. 4x 30 second Sprints using Light – Moderate Load with 15 seconds Rest
2x 60 second Strength using Heavy Load with 30 seconds rest
4x 30 second Power using Moderate - Load with 15 seconds Rest
We are halfway! Time to re-energize the body! WORK 1
0:00 INTRO Set up Moderate – Heavy Load. • This interval is about re-energizing the class. Give them a chance to Rest, then refocus them back
into the Work using LPT Layer 1 cues. Freshen up the body before settling into the next 10 rounds of
Stand 22secs Work. Don’t let the Intensity drop too low in this block.
0:45 M-H Power
Sit 22secs • Keep it fresh at the start then escalate the intensity during the Power kick before the next set of
WORK 1 Sprints.
Stand 4secs
1:30 M-H Power 4x
Sit 4secs

Explain Workout Plan using LPT. Maximum leg speed! Set up Light – WORK 2
1:53 REST • Remind class of Workout Plan. Set up Light – Moderate Load.
Moderate Load.
• Floor Coaching: get them excited about the Sprints again: fast legs strip fat, fact!!!
2:25 WORK 2 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

2:56 REST Relax! Breathe. Rest.

3:10 WORK 3 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint • Assess what is happening in the class and adapt your Layer 2 cues to what your class needs.
• Participants will be fatigued so look out for poor Technique. Improve Execution with cues like lift the
3:41 REST How are we feeling? Two more? You’ve got this! chest, slide forward, don’t tense the upper body. Your class will require Technique pointers like these
at this stage of the workout.
3:55 WORK 4 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint

4:27 REST Lucky last! Last Sprint of the workout! WORK 4

• Look for ways to enhance performance with Layer 2 Coaching but motivational Layer 3 cues will also
4:40 WORK 5 L-M Sit 30secs Sprint be important to get your class through these Sprints.
• Encourage participants by letting them know they are doing well and nearing the back end of the
5:11 REST Explain change to Workout Plan using LPT Set up a Heavy Load. workout.

Stand 15secs
WORK 6 Sit 15secs
5:55 H Stand 15secs Strength WORK 5
Sit 15secs • Final Sprint of the workout! Do what you can to drive them home in their last Sprint effort, continuing
to keep your Coaching positive, motivating and upbeat.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

3 Mixed Conditioning 2 Continued Redemption / Roll Up / Beastmode / Pop It Off > 12:25 mins


Self assess, are you at your maximum? If you’ve got room to for more • Coach the new focus of Strength using Heavy Load. Feel a solid grip in the thighs.
6:54 REST increase Load! • There’s less emphasis on Layer 1 cues as we’ve done this before. Now it’s about getting more out of
this Strength effort. Use Layer 2 cues to help your class work harder and increase their performance.
Stand 15secs
WORK 7 Sit 15secs
7:24 H Strength
Stand 15secs
Sit 15secs WORK 7
• Last Strength effort. The key factor is Heavy Load. Ask the class to self-assess: are you using enough
Set up a Moderate – Heavy Load, remind them of the new Power focus. Last Load? Can you go heavier? It's ok to move slower than the beat. Strength Training requires Load!!!
8:23 REST block of Training!

WORK 8 Stand 15secs

9:23 M-H Power WORK 8
Sit 15secs
• Remind your class of the Workout Plan using LPT. Let them know what’s in front of them and that
9:53 REST 3 more blocks of Training, workout done! this is the home stretch. Only 4 efforts left in today’s workout!
• Set up Moderate – Heavy Load.
Stand 15secs • It’s about motivating them through the fatigue and just getting across the line! Use Layer 3 cues to
10:07 WORK 9 M-H Power
Sit 15secs help everyone get to the finish.

10:37 REST Make a decision, how do you want to finish your workout?
WORK 10 Stand 15secs
10:54 M-H Power • Floor Coaching – correct Technique to enhance performance. Motivate those that look like they need
Sit 15secs
encouragement to get them through.
11:21 REST One more, your last effort of the day, here we come!

11:38 WORK 11 M-H Stand 15secs Power WORK 10

Sit 15secs • Floor Coaching – keep motivating and inspiring your class through these final two efforts!
• Keep it positive and upbeat, but don’t be afraid to push them more here.
12:08 REST Give yourself a clap! Well done!

• Back on the bike now. Last effort of the workout. Motivate your class by showing them what working
hard looks like – inspire them to do the same!

In this track, the lower limb muscles will be fatigued and there may be a visible difference in leg speed
and output. As long as the ‘intention’ in each effort is 100% they will still achieve maximum results –
even if their performance deteriorates. Draw attention to how they physically feel, let them know it’s ok
they are fatiguing, but motivate them to still push as hard as they can.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

4 Flush & Stretch Talk > 3:50 mins

Recover with an easy flush of the legs and quick stretch. Talk about the benefits of the workout and congratulate

Flush legs for 1-2 minutes.

Stretch out the Quads, Glutes and Hamstrings off the bike – remind everyone to be careful when getting off
their bikes.

Les Mills Sprint 7 © Les Mills International Ltd 2017

1 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Banks, Chen, Edwards, Lenzie
Sigma & Diztortion feat. Jacob Banks 3:56

Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Sigma & Diztortion feat. Jacob Banks 1:56
Written by: Banks, Chen, Edwards, Lenzie

Roll Up (Baauer Remix) (Infuze Re-Roll)

2016 Fool’s Gold Records. Flosstradamus 3:30
Written by: Flosstradamus

2 Beastmode (Designer Drugs Remix)

2015 Fool's Gold Records
Written by: Alvarado, Long
Alvin Risk feat. Hodgy Beats 3:27

Pop It Off (VIP Mix)

2015 Viper Recordings
Written by: White, Garvey, Prescott
The Prototypes feat. Mad Hed City 3:32

Courtesy of the Universal Music Group. Sigma & Diztortion feat. Jacob Banks 1:56
Written by: Banks, Chen, Edwards, Lenzie

Roll Up (Baauer Remix) (Infuze Re-Roll)

2016 Fool’s Gold Records.
Written by: Flosstradamus
Flosstradamus 3:30
Beastmode (Designer Drugs Remix)
2015 Fool's Gold Records Alvin Risk feat. Hodgy Beats 3:27
Written by: Alvarado, Long

Pop It Off (VIP Mix)

2015 Viper Recordings. The Prototypes feat. Mad Hed City 3:32
Written by: White, Garvey, Prescott

4 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Streten, Higgs, Burnett, Dickinson, David, Grigahcine
DJ Snake feat. George Mapie 3:50



Les Mills Sprint 4 © Les Mills International Ltd 2016

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