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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in

Volume 3, Issue 3 2007 Article 1

A Starting Point for Analyzing Basketball


Justin Kubatko, The Ohio State University and basketball-
Dean Oliver, Basketball on Paper and Denver Nuggets
Kevin Pelton, Seattle Sonics & Storm
Dan T. Rosenbaum, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro and Cleveland Cavaliers

Recommended Citation:
Kubatko, Justin; Oliver, Dean; Pelton, Kevin; and Rosenbaum, Dan T. (2007) "A Starting Point
for Analyzing Basketball Statistics," Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports: Vol. 3: Iss. 3,
Article 1.

DOI: 10.2202/1559-0410.1070
©2007 American Statistical Association. All rights reserved.
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A Starting Point for Analyzing Basketball
Justin Kubatko, Dean Oliver, Kevin Pelton, and Dan T. Rosenbaum

The quantitative analysis of sports is a growing branch of science and, in many ways one that
has developed through non-academic and non-traditionally peer-reviewed work. The aim of this
paper is to bring to a peer-reviewed journal the generally accepted basics of the analysis of
basketball, thereby providing a common starting point for future research in basketball. The
possession concept, in particular the concept of equal possessions for opponents in a game, is
central to basketball analysis. Estimates of possessions have existed for approximately two
decades, but the various formulas have sometimes created confusion. We hope that by showing
how most previous formulas are special cases of our more general formulation, we shed light on
the relationship between possessions and various statistics. Also, we hope that our new estimates
can provide a common basis for future possession estimation. In addition to listing data sources
for statistical research on basketball, we also discuss other concepts and methods, including
offensive and defensive ratings, plays, per-minute statistics, pace adjustments, true shooting
percentage, effective field goal percentage, rebound rates, Four Factors, plus/minus statistics,
counterpart statistics, linear weights metrics, individual possession usage, individual efficiency,
Pythagorean method, and Bell Curve method. This list is not an exhaustive list of methodologies
used in the field, but we believe that they provide a set of tools that fit within the possession
framework and form the basis of common conversations on statistical research in basketball.

KEYWORDS: basketball possessions, offensive ratings, defensive ratings, plays, per-minute

statistics, pace adjustments, true shooting percentage, effective field goal percentage, rebound
rates, Four Factors, plus/minus statistics, counterpart statistics, linear weights metrics, individual
possession usage, individual efficiency, Pythagorean method, Bell Curve method

Author Notes: We would like to thank two anonymous referees, Javier Gonzalez, Thomas Ryan,
Steven Schran, and the APBRmetrics community for years of commentary and critique of the
ideas contained in this paper. We also would like to make it clear that this paper represents the
views of the authors alone and not the organizations that the authors are associated with.

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Kubatko et al.: A Starting Point for Analyzing Basketball Statistics

1. Introduction

One of the great strengths of the quantitative analysis of sports is that it is a

melting pot for ideas. It blends together ideas from several academic disciplines
with ideas of hobbyists and practitioners from outside academia. It is a true
“marketplace of ideas” and one where good ideas often are implemented
immediately into practice.
But this plethora of voices can lead to disparities in the basic concepts and
terminology that different groups use to express their ideas. That can create
barriers when one group tries to communicate its ideas to another group. It also
raises the costs to new entrants into the field. In addition, it makes it harder for
the large number of interested readers with varied backgrounds to evaluate the
arguments and evidence.
In this article, we define the basic variables used in what is now the
mainstream of basketball statistics. Originating primarily from non-academic
sources, in particular Oliver (2004) and Hollinger (2003, 2004, and 2005), this
body of work has withstood review from peers practicing in the NBA, writers,
some academics, and a variety of critics interested in the material purely for its
entertainment value. While this framework for evaluating basketball has been
built largely outside of academic circles, it has been influenced by the large
number of academic articles on basketball research published in journals on
management, sociology, statistics, psychology, medicine, and economics.
We hope that introduction of this work into the Journal of Quantitative
Analysis of Sports will provide a peer-reviewed foundation from which academic
basketball researchers can launch their research. By outlining the framework
here, we anticipate that the work from academic sources focusing on smaller
points of interest can ultimately be cast in terms of that framework. That
framework should provide some uniformity of communication for both
researchers and lay readers.
As we introduce the basic variables of basketball analysis, we use a variety of
available data sources to describe the distributions of these variables. Because the
concept of “possessions” plays such a central role in analyzing basketball, we
undertake an extensive analysis of possessions using four seasons of game log
data.1 And finally, we provide a detailed listing of the sources of data for
analyzing basketball statistics, which we hope will help jump start more research
on basketball.

Oliver (2004), Hollinger (2003, 2004, and 2005), and Berri et al. (2006) all use possessions as
the foundation for their analyses of basketball statistics.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

2. Defining Possessions: the Starting Point of Basketball Statistics

A possession starts when one team gains control (or possession) of the basketball
and ends when that team gives up control of the basketball. Teams can give up
possession of the basketball in several ways, including (1) made field goals or free
throws that lead to the other team taking the ball out of bounds, (2) defensive
rebounds, and (3) turnovers. Note that under this definition of a possession, an
offensive rebound does not start a new possession; an offensive rebound starts a
new play.
Possessions are guaranteed to be approximately the same for two teams in a
game (within two for a non-overtime game), so possessions provide a useful basis
for evaluating the efficiency of teams and individuals. To win, teams and
individuals try to score more points per possession than their opponents.
Possessions are analogous to outs in baseball, where baseball teams typically have
27 outs to outscore their opponents. Given the centrality of the concept of a
possession, it is surprising that this is not an officially tracked statistic in most
basketball games.2 However, possessions can be counted using play-by-play
game logs.3
Possessions can also be estimated using commonly available box score data.
A general formula to estimate possessions for team t (POSSt) is:

1 POSSt FGM t  O FTM t  D ª¬ FGAt  FGM t  O FTAt  FTM t  OREBt º¼

 1  D DREBo  TOt ,
where FGAt is field goal attempts for team t,
FGMt is field goals made for team t,
FTAt is free throw attempts for team t,
FTMt is free throws made for team t,
OREBt is offensive rebounds for team t,
DREBt is defensive rebounds for opponent o,
TOt is turnovers for team t,4
O is the fraction of free throws that end possessions,5 and

Possessions have been officially tracked in the Women’s National Basketball Association
(WNBA) since 2004.
No possession is counted at the end of a period when there are less than or equal to four seconds
left and there are no field goal attempts, free throw attempts, or turnovers.
TOt includes team turnovers, such as five second or 24 second violations that are not credited to
any individual. These are not always reported and average about 0.666 per team per game. For
readers using data from Doug Steele’s site (see Section 4), where team turnovers are not included,
0.666 should be added to turnovers before applying the formulas in Tables 1 and 2.
Free throws that end possessions do not include first free throws of two, first and second free
throws of three, or free throws due to technicals, flagrant fouls, and clear path fouls. Also, free

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D is a parameter between zero and one.

Equation (1) recognizes that each turnover, made field goal, and made possession-
ending free throw constitutes a possession, i.e. has a possession value of one.
Missed field goal attempts and missed possession-ending free throw attempts
share credit for the possession with defensive rebounds. Missed field goal
attempts and missed possession-ending free throw attempts get an D share of the
possession, while the defensive rebound gets a 1 – D share. Offensive rebounds
undo missed field goal attempts and missed possession-ending free throw
attempts, so their possession value is -D.
One of the most common (and simplest) formulations of (1) is to assume that D
= 1 and O = 0.44, which results in the following formula for possessions:

(2) POSSt = FGAt + 0.44 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt.

This formulation sometimes is referred to as possessions lost, but it is important to

note that it implies that defensive rebounds have no possession value. Another
common formulation, possessions gained, assumes that D = 0 and implies that
offensive rebounds, missed field goal attempts, and missed possession-ending free
throw attempts have no possession value.6
Rather than assuming particular values for D and O, we estimate (1) using play-
by-play game log data from 5,178 games from the 2002-03 through 2005-06
seasons. Here is the specific equation that we estimate.

3 POSSt E 0  E1 FGAt  E 2 FGAt  FGM t  E3 FTAt  E 4 FTAt  FTM t

 E5 OREBt  E 6 DREBo  E 7TOt  H .

It is not possible to perfectly predict possessions using box score data, because,
among other reasons, possession-ending free throws are not identified in box
scores, some quarters end with offensive rebounds without follow-up shots, and
not all rebounds are attributed to individuals in box scores.7 Some rebounds, in
particular missed shots that go out of bounds (often blocked shots), are recorded

throws after made field goals are not (double) counted, since the made field goal already has
counted that possession. In the 2002-03 through 2005-06 seasons, 43.8% of free throws were
possession ending free throws.
The assumption of D = 0 results in POSSt = FGMt + 0.44 × FTMt + DREBo + TOt.
In addition, possession-ending free throws are not identified in box scores, so a fraction of these
free throws (O) are assumed to be possession-ending. Finally, some end of quarter situations, such
as an offensive rebound right as the quarter ends, results in no possession being estimated. In a
way this is a team turnover, but that is not how this is recorded in play-by-play logs.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

as team rebounds.8 For this reason we estimate (3) without imposing all of the
restrictions in (1); this more flexible form allows us to capture relationships
between these variables and other factors, such as team rebounds, that we do not
include in the model.
We estimate (3) for both teams’ possessions in a game averaged together,
because we find that the best predictor of a particular team’s number of
possessions is the average estimated using both teams rather than the estimated
number for just that specific team.9

Table 1
OLS Regressions Predicting Possessions using Box Score Statistics
(1) (2)
Std Std
Variable Coeff Error Coeff Error
Field goals attempted 0.9640 0.0039 0.9492 0.0036
Field goals missed -0.3452 0.0086 -- --
Free throws attempted 0.4637 0.0034 0.4437 0.0030
Free throws missed -0.2073 0.0098 -- --
Offensive rebounds -0.6227 0.0100 -0.9599 0.0074
Defensive rebounds (for opponent) 0.3643 0.0086 -- --
Turnovers 0.9767 0.0053 0.9550 0.0061
Constant 3.2258 0.5200 3.8810 0.6070
R2 0.9615 0.9473
Number of observations 5,178
Data are from the 2002-03 through 2005-06 seasons.

In specification (1) of Table 1, each field goal made is a field goal attempted,
so the possession value is estimated to be about 0.96 possessions. Each missed
field goal is both a field goal attempt and a field goal miss, so we add those two
coefficients to estimate that each missed field goal has a possession value of about
0.62 possessions. Missed field goals have a lower possession value than made
field goals, because made field goals almost always lead to a change of

A team rebound is recorded when a player misses a non-possession-ending free throw, i.e. one
that cannot lead to an individual rebound. These rebounds are not differentiated in box scores
from other team rebounds; also offensive and defensive team rebounds are not differentiated.
Using equation (2), the correlation of a team’s actual possessions with its own estimated
possessions is 0.9493. Using the averaged possessions from both teams, the correlation rises to

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possession,10 whereas missed field goals sometimes lead to offensive rebounds,

which extend the possession. This same logic explains why turnovers have a
greater possession value than missed field goal attempts; turnovers do not allow
for offensive rebounds. Also, note that the possession value of missed field goals
(0.62) and defensive rebounds (0.36) almost add up to one as in equation (1).11
Specification (2) re-estimates equation (3), but sets the coefficients for missed
field goals, missed free throws, and defensive rebounds equal to zero. This
formulation only uses information from the offensive team to estimate
Table 2 gives correlations with actual possessions and means for various
possession formulas.

Table 2
Correlations and Means for Various Possession Formulas
Possession Formula Correlation Mean
(1) Actual possessions 1.0000 91.67
(2) Possessions from specification (1) of Table 1 0.9806 91.67
(3) Possessions from specification (2) of Table 1 0.9733 91.67
(4) FGAt + 0.44 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt 0.9729 93.88
(5) FGAt + 0.44 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt, own team 0.9488 93.88
(6) FGAt + 0.5 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt 0.9727 95.40
(7) FGAt + 0.4 × FTAt – 1.07 × OREBMisst + TOt 0.9766 91.28
Data are from 5,178 games from the 2002-03 through 2005-06 seasons. Possessions are averaged
across both teams in a game, except for row (5). Correlation gives the correlation with actual
possessions. OREBMisst = OREBt × (FGAt – FGMt) ÷ (OREBt + DREBo).

In the 2002-03 through 2005-06 seasons, teams averaged about 91.7

possessions per game.12 In all of the formulas where possession estimates are
averaged for both teams in a game, correlations with actual possessions are quite
similar (and quite high); there is not a lot of payoff from using the complicated
Made field goals almost always lead to a change in possession, with those rare exceptions being
flagrant fouls, shots made at the buzzer, or shots made with a subsequent foul shot missed and
rebounded by the offense.
They do not add up precisely to one because of team rebounds and end of quarter offensive
rebounds. We also estimate equation (3) imposing all of the restrictions in equation (1) and
assuming that O = 0.438 since 43.8% of free throw attempts are possession-ending. Our resulting
alpha estimate is 0.5931 (0.028) and the resulting predicted possessions have a correlation of
0.9800 with actual possessions. This is relative to the 0.9804 correlation of the predicted
possessions from an unrestricted equation (3). Hence, we see that the data strongly supports the
general formulation in equation (1).
Teams averaged 92.1 possessions per game in 2002-03, 91.1 possessions per game in 2003-04,
92.0 possessions per game in 2004-05, and 91.5 possessions per game in 2005-06.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

specification (2) of Table 2. However, the simpler formulations do tend to

overestimate possessions.13 The formulations with O = 0.44 are, on average, 1.5
possessions per game too high and those with O = 0.5 are, on average, 3.1
possessions per game too high. This suggests that a good “simple” formula for
possessions in NBA games is the following, averaged over both teams.

POSSt = 0.976 × (FGAt + 0.44 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt).14

Most estimates of possessions are not particularly different; as a consequence,

working with results using different estimates is possible usually by making a
shift based on league averages. For example, if data set A shows a league
possession average of 100, but data set B shows a league possession average of 99
for the same teams and games, then shifting data set A values down by one or
data set B values up by one allows reasonable analyses using the union of the data

3. Basic Terms in Basketball Statistics

Offensive and Defensive Ratings

Given the definition of possessions, the next step is to use them to evaluate
efficiency. The common term for per-possession efficiency is a “rating.”
Specifically, points scored and allowed per 100 possessions have been called
offensive rating and defensive rating, respectively, for team t.15

(5) Offensive Rating (ORtgt) = PTSt/POSSt × 100

(6) Defensive Rating (DRtgt) = PTSo/POSSo × 100

The traditional measures of team offense and defense – points scored and
allowed per game, respectively – reflect both how efficient a team is and the pace
at which it plays. Given that, in any game, the number of possessions is dictated

One exception is the formula using the offensive rebounding percentage of missed shots from
Oliver (2004), which slightly underestimates possessions. That formula also is more highly
correlated with actual possessions than the “simpler” formulas, which should not be that surprising
since it uses more information, in particular information of missed shots and defensive rebounds.
Note that this formula is calibrated for the current NBA. Adjustments would likely have to be
made for earlier periods in the NBA and for basketball at other levels. Also, note that a “really
simple” formula (for the current NBA) is POSSt = FGAt + 0.5 × FTAt – OREBt + TOt – 4. This
formula (that can be computed without a calculator) predicts possessions nearly as well as the
more complicated formulas.
The difference between offensive ratings and defensive ratings is often referred to as net
efficiency ratings.

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by both participants and is approximately equal for both participants, efficiency

with the ball is what ultimately wins; hence, this measure better isolates the
quality of a team’s offense and defense.
As such, most studies of team performance are underlain by these “ratings.”
Figure 1 shows the 2005-06 offensive and defensive ratings for teams in the NBA,
illustrating the general range of values. This figure shows good teams in the
lower right quadrant and poor teams in the upper left quadrant. In the upper right
quadrant are teams with good offense and poor defense. In the lower left
quadrant are teams with poor offense and good defense. Historically and in 2005-
06, there is very little correlation between offensive and defensive ratings; good
offensive teams do not tend to be better or worse on defense.

Figure 1
Offensive and Defensive Ratings in 2005-06

Figure 2 shows how the league average ratings have changed historically.
League ratings were quite low in the late 1970s, but increased steadily. In the late
1980s and early 1990s, league ratings were at their highest point, but between
1994-95 and 1998-99 (a lockout shortened season), league ratings dropped by
about six points per 100 possessions. Since then the league rating has recovered
about two thirds of the previous decline.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

Figure 2
Average League Ratings from 1973-74 to 2005-06 Seasons

In Oliver (2004), the term floor percentage is also introduced as the percentage
of possessions on which at least one point is scored. This floor percentage then
can serve as the characteristic probability in a binomial distribution describing the
sequence of scores on a court. There can be issues of independence, as mentioned
in Oliver (1991).


Plays are similar to possessions, except that offensive rebounds constitute a new
play. A team can shoot, miss, rebound its own shot many times, resulting in
several plays for one team without a corresponding play for their opponent.
Hence, plays are not approximately equal for two teams in a game and thus are
not as useful as a basis for evaluating team efficiency.
Note that because of the lack of standardization of terminology, sometimes
plays are referred to as possessions or minor possessions (with possessions also
called major possessions). In fact, early work by longtime University of North
Carolina basketball coach Dean Smith (also working with Frank McGuire, his
predecessor there) about 50 years ago appeared to refer to plays as possessions.

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Due to the obvious potential for confusion, the authors do not recommend using
the term possessions when speaking about plays.
The number of plays can be counted, but it is often estimated as:

(7) PLAYSt = FGAt + 0.44 × FTAt + TOt.

As mentioned above with our study on possessions, the multiplying factor on

FTAt is related to the fraction of free throws that are end possessions. On average,
in the 2002-03 through 2005-06 seasons, teams had 105.0 plays (both actual and
estimated) on their 91.7 possessions.
Analogous to floor percentage, the percentage of plays on which at least one
point is scored is called the play percentage.

Per-Minute Statistics

Another important breakthrough for analysis of the NBA was finding that
statistics calculated on a per-minute basis tend to be fairly consistent even when a
player's minutes played are variable. This allows for direct comparisons of starters
and reserves who play fewer minutes (per-minute statistics become unreliable for
players who have played very few minutes; generally, 500 or 1,000 minutes
played in an NBA season is used as a cut-off point). Sometimes, per-minute
statistics are referred to as rates; the scoring rate for player p, for example, is
points scored per 40 minutes (PTS40p):

(8) PTS40p = PTSp/MINp × 40,

where PTSp is points for player p and MINp is minutes for player p.
The use of per-minute statistics allowed analysts to identify young players like
Andrei Kirilenko, Michael Redd and Zach Randolph as candidates to break out
when they had the opportunity to play more minutes. Hollinger (2003, 2004,
2005) has used a basis of 40 minutes despite NBA games being 48 minutes long.
Because college and international games are 40 minutes long and NBA players
rarely play more than 40 minutes per game, this basis can have its benefits for
consistency across different leagues. For that reason we have a slight preference
for using 40 minutes as a basis, although the number of minutes used as a basis
does not alter the effectiveness of per-minute statistics. We will use a 40 minute
basis for consistency throughout the rest of this article.

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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

Pace Adjustments

A team that averages 100 possessions per game gives their team 25 percent more
chances to shoot, assist, rebound, etc. than a team that averages 80 possessions
per game. Hence, many basketball analysts pace adjust their team and player

(9) adjPTS40p = PTS40p × (POSSl/POSSt),

where POSSl is the league average for possessions per game.

True Shooting Percentage and Effective Field Goal Percentage

Field goal percentage (FG%) does not account for three pointers or free throws,
so two common alternatives have been developed: effective field goal percentage
(eFG%) and true shooting percentage (TS%). These can be measured at the
individual or team level.

(10) FG% = FGM/FGA.

(11) eFG% = (FGM + 0.5 × 3PM)/FGA.
(12) TS% = (PTS/2)/(FGA + 0.44 × FTA).16

Effective field goal percentage accounts for made three pointers (3PM), whereas
true shooting percentage accounts for both three pointers and free throws. True
shooting percentage provides a measure of total efficiency in scoring attempts,
while effective field goal percentage isolates a player’s (or team’s) shooting
efficiency from the field. Both measures are appropriate for different situations;
the authors would not advocate one or the other for exclusive use. Over the 1996-
97 through 2005-06 seasons, means (and standard deviations) for the three
measures, measured at the player level, are as follows.17

x FG% = 44.6% (4.7%)

x eFG% = 47.9% (4.4%)
x TS% = 52.3% (4.5%)

Points per shot is used at times and is analogous to TS%, with a formula of PTS/(FGA + 0.44 ×
These shooting percentage measures are weighted by field goal attempts.

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Rebound Rate

Per-minute rebound statistics are affected not only by the pace at which different
teams play, but also their ability to make shots and force opponents to miss. As a
result, rebounding is best evaluated by the percentage of all missed shots a player
rebounds when they are in the game. (This is usually estimated by their team’s
rebounds per minute added to opponent rebounds per minute and multiplied by
the player's minutes.) This is known as rebound rate or rebound percentage for
player p (REB%p).

§ REB p · § MIN p ·
(13) REB% p ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸ ,
© REBt  REBo ¹ © MIN t ¹

where REBp is rebounds for player p, REBt is rebounds for team t, and REBo is
rebounds for the opponents o of team t, MINp is minutes for player p, and MINt is
minutes for team t. Player rebounding percentage can also be split into offensive
rebounding percentage (OREB%p) and defensive rebounding percentage
(DREB%p), which can prove insightful because few players are equally adept at
rebounding on both ends of the court.

§ OREB p · § MIN p ·
14 OREB% p ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© OREBt  DREBo ¹ © MIN t ¹
§ DREB p · § MIN p ·
15 DREB% p ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© OREBo  DREBt ¹ © MIN t ¹

At the team level, rebound percentage is also a more accurate measure of

ability than rebounds per game. Good teams tend to grab more rebounds than
their opponents because they have fewer missed shots than their opponents,
Missed shots tend to be predominantly rebounded by defensive teams. Team
rebounding percentage isolates rebounding ability from the ability to force misses.
The total team rebounding percentage (REB%t) is the average of its offensive
rebounding percentage (OREB%t) and defensive rebounding percentage
(DREB%t), which are defined below:


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16 OREB%t
17 DREB%t
18 REB%t

At the team level, there is a negative relationship between offensive and defensive
rebounding percentages (over the 1996-97 through 2005-06 seasons the
correlation is -0.31), probably because offensive rebounding depends heavily on
whether the coach chooses to crash the boards or play back to prevent fast breaks.
The average offensive and defensive rebounding percentages are 31.2 and 68.8
percent, respectively, over the 1996-97 through 2005-06 seasons. Notice this is
not too different from the reverse of the coefficients on offensive and defensive
rebounds in specification (1) of Table 2. This is likely not a coincidence. A
missed shot leads to a loose ball that has about a 69 percent chance of becoming a
defensive rebound and thus ending the possession. Hence, the possession value of
0.62 for an offensive rebound is roughly consistent with the 69 percent chance
that it “saves” a possession. Similarly, the loose ball after the missed shot has a
31 percent chance of becoming an offensive rebound. So the possession value of
0.36 is roughly consistent with the 31 percent of the time that missed shots turn
into offensive rebounds. Defensive rebounds deny the offense the chance to
“save” a possession, so it is reasonable for the possession value of a defensive
rebound to be approximately the same as the probability of getting an offensive

Four Factors

If offensive and defensive ratings provide summaries of the overall performance

of a team on a per-possession basis, then Four Factors provide a breakdown of
those ratings. In particular, there are four factors for each the offense and the
defense, the difference between the offensive and defensive versions reflecting
whether a team “won” a factor. The Four Factors are the following.

x Effective field goal percentage (eFG%t).

x Turnovers per possession (TOt/POSSt).
x Offensive rebounding percentage (OREB%t): It is important to note that
casting this as a percentage of available rebounds avoids potential statistical
problems where (as the authors have seen) offensive rebounds appear to be a

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negative factor because total offensive rebounds are highly correlated with
missed shots.
x Free throw rate (FTMt/FGAt): Dividing a team’s free throws made by field
goal attempts represents simultaneously the team’s ability to get to the foul
line and ability to make foul shots. Strictly, this term could be divided into
two terms, one representing how often a team gets to the foul line (relative to
shooting from the field) and the other representing how well they shoot from
the foul line. This would imply Five Factors, but this one term tends to
capture the most important elements of both.

Offensively, a team wants to minimize turnovers per possession and maximize

the others. Defensively, it is, of course, the opposite. These factors are not all
equivalent. Küpfer (2005) has noted that the relative weights of these are
approximately 10, 6, 3, and 3, respectively, in the NBA.
Figure 3 graphs league-wide averages of each of the Four Factors from 1979-
80 to 2005-06. There is no clear trend in effective field goal percentage or the
free throw rate, but turnovers per possession and offensive rebounding percentage
both have trended downward over the past couple decades.

Figure 3
Average League Four Factor Values from 1979-80 to 2005-06 Seasons


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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

Plus/Minus Statistics

The National Hockey League has long tracked how well a player’s team does
while he is on the ice. This is called a “plus/minus statistic.” In the NBA,
tracking this statistic has been made possible only recently thanks to the
availability of play-by-play data on the Internet. In particular,
began collecting and posting this information for many players beginning in 2003.
Prior to, Harvey Pollack of the Philadelphia 76ers began collecting
this information in 1993-94 and published total plus/minus for each player in his
annual statistical handbook (Pollack, various years). Note that “plus/minus” is
often used interchangeably for somewhat different concepts, as described below.

x Plus/minus statistics measure the team point differential (offensive points

minus defensive points or offensive rating minus defensive rating) when a
particular player is in the game; plus/minus statistics are often measured on a
per-minute or per-possession basis.
x Net plus/minus statistics measure the plus/minus statistics for a given player
when that player is in the game relative to the plus/minus statistics for that
team when that player is not in the game. This was once called “Roland
Rating” by the founder of, but that name is now used for a
rating that includes net plus/minus and individual statistics.
x Adjusted plus/minus statistics account for differences across players in the
quality of the teammates they play with and opponents they play against. A
description of the general method is given in Rosenbaum (2004).

The biggest advantage of plus/minus statistics is that they account for a

player's contributions that are not tracked by the box score. Setting effective
picks, the ability to spread the floor, and playing good help defense are all
examples of skills accounted for by plus/minus statistics that are not captured by
individual player statistics. Plus/minus statistics measure how a team performs
when a given player is on the floor, so they are, in essence, the individual player
version, of the team efficiency differential (offensive rating minus defensive
The biggest disadvantage of most plus/minus statistics is that they confound a
player’s performance with the performance of his four teammates while on the
floor (and five opponents, as well). Net plus/minus statistics account for some of
this issue by subtracting off how the team does without the player, effectively
assuming that player substitutions are uncorrelated. However, strong correlations
between teammates’ minutes on the court and systematic differences in the
quality of the opponents different players face are not entirely accounted for using

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Kubatko et al.: A Starting Point for Analyzing Basketball Statistics

net plus/minus statistics. Starting lineups often play a large number of minutes
together, as do deep reserves.
Adjusted plus/minus statistics use regression techniques to account for the
players a given player plays with and against. First developed as WINVAL by
Jeff Sagarin and Wayne Winston, Rosenbaum (2004) outlines the general method
that relates team point differentials (or net efficiency ratings) to variables
indicating whether a player is in the game (and on the home or away team). The
coefficients on the player variables isolate the marginal contributions of those
players, accounting for the contributions of their teammates and opponents.
However, in general, it takes many games to get reasonably precise estimates for
these coefficients.

Counterpart Statistics

Counterpart statistics for player A represent the statistics posted by the opposing
team’s player at player A’s position. has posted these statistics
since 2003-04. Because positions are often not clearly defined and because cross-
match-ups can occur, counterpart statistics have been considered difficult to
interpret. These dangers are greatest when counterpart statistics are estimated
from box score data. Estimating from play-by-play data is better, while using
observers to chart games is the preferred way to collect these statistics.

Individual Possession Usage and Efficiency Statistics

Because possessions at a team level are so important for understanding team

performance, it makes sense to consider them at an individual level. Oliver
(2004) and Hollinger (2003) introduce the concept of an individual possession
rate, which measures how intensively players use possessions through field goal
attempts, free throw attempts, assists, turnovers, and (in the case of Oliver)
offensive rebounds. Oliver also normalizes individual possession rates so that
individual players (one fifth of the team on the floor at any given time), on
average, use one fifth of the team’s possessions while they are on the floor.
Oliver (2004) also introduces the concept of an individual offensive rating or
individual offensive efficiency. The individual offensive rating is the individual-
level version of the team offensive rating, and it measures how efficient players
are with their possessions.18 Weighting by possession usage and minutes played,
individual offensive ratings should add up to the team offensive rating. Thus,
together individual possession rates and individual offensive ratings are a good
way to decompose the team offensive rating; they also provide a framework for
See Oliver (2004) for full details on the computation of individual possession rates and
individual offensive efficiency.


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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

assessing the size of offensive roles played by players and how efficient they are
in those roles.
In addition, most basketball analysts argue that there is typically a tradeoff
between possession usage and efficiency. In fact, many analysts would argue that
this is the central optimization problem for a basketball team; Oliver (2004)
provides an empirical example of such an optimization. Players use up their easy
opportunities to score on dunks, lay-ups, and wide open shots. However, as they
increase their possession usage beyond those shots (and assists), the quality of the
opportunities fall. But they fall at different rates for different players. Moreover,
teams adjust their defensive strategies to reduce the efficiency of the players most
likely to be able to shoulder a higher possession rate. All of these factors have
resulted in it being difficult to obtain conclusive evidence on the negative
relationship between possession usage and efficiency (at least in publicly
available studies). What is necessary is a credible instrument (something related
to possession usage, but with no independent effect on efficiency) to isolate the
relationship between possession usage and efficiency.

Linear Weights

The term linear weights represents a class of player valuation methods that are a
weighted sum of player statistics. Many different forms exist, most of which
were developed following logical approaches. The most basic form is that of the
NBA’s efficiency statistic (NBA_EFFp), used on the NBA Web site (,
2007), but also used by other practicioners:

19 NBA _ EFFp PTS p  REB p  ASTp  STL p  BLK p

 TO p  Missed _ FG p  Missed _ FTp .

Other linear weights measures apply different weights to each of these terms;
also, a player’s rebounds (REBp) can be broken down into offensive and defensive
rebounds, each with different weights. A summary of many different linear
weights formulations can be found in Oliver (2004).
As pointed out by several authors, including Oliver (2004) and Berri et al.
(2006), linear weights have numerous faults, including the frequently subjective
weights applied to the statistics, the lack of defensive statistics available for such
systems, the lack of correlation with winning at the team level, the theoretical
difficulty in incorporating new statistics that may be developed, and the general
lack of a measuring stick to calibrate their accuracy.
Recent work by Berri et al. (2006) assumes the externalities that players
provide their teammates are not important, which allows them to develop a linear

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weights formulation by first determining the relationship between wins and team
statistics and then assuming a similar relationship between wins and individual
statistics. Rosenbaum (2004) uses regression to develop a linear weights
approximation for his adjusted plus/minus estimates of player value.
Besides these methods, the most prominent linear weights techniques include
Player Efficiency Rating (PER) from John Hollinger (2003, 2004, and 2005),
TENDEX from Dave Heeren (1988), and Points Created from Bob Bellotti

Pythagorean Winning Percentage

A Bill James invention in baseball, Pythagorean records are based on the

knowledge that team winning percentages are generally closely related to points
scored and points allowed (and, in cases where they differ, the difference is
usually not a repeatable skill). The Pythagorean winning percentage (PYTHt) is
formulated as

20 PYTH t .
PTStx  PTSox

where the subscript t still indicates team, the subscript o indicates opponent, and
the superscript x is an exponent that is empirically determined. In baseball, James
(1985, e.g.) found empirically that x = 2, leading to the use of the term
Pythagorean. Subsequent rigorous distributional work, especially by Miller
(2006), found that a slightly lower exponent of around 1.8 works best. In NBA
basketball, the value of x has been estimated empirically from different works to
be between about 13 and 17 (see Oliver, 1996, CoolStandings, 2006, for
example). The value varies both by the era and by how important the estimator
has seen capturing the extremes. In particular, margins of victory have changed
little over the last 30 years – even as the pace of the NBA slowed. This has
resulted in smaller exponents being necessary to correlate points to winning
percentage. But capturing the very good and very bad teams, of which there are
only a few each season, is done much better with a larger exponent. Typical
least-squares-type error estimates of the exponent tend to yield a smaller exponent
because so many teams are bunched between about 30 and 50 wins (winning
percentages between about 38% and 62%). But increasing the exponent to better
capture very good and very bad teams does not significantly compromise those
teams in the middle and, as such, Oliver has been joined by ESPN (2007) in the
use of an exponent of 16.5.
In other leagues, including college, high school and the WNBA, smaller
exponents have been found to work better because there are fewer possessions in


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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

the typical game in these leagues (see Pomeroy, 2006, for example). Also, note
that because of the equality of possessions for a team and its opponents, PTSt and
PTSo can be replaced in the above equation by ORtgt and DRtgt.

Bell Curve Method

The Bell Curve method (introduced in Oliver, 2004) is a relatively more

theoretical approach to relating points scored and allowed to a team’s winning
percentage. Unlike the Pythagorean method, the Bell Curve method is based on
the assumption that the distributions for teams’ points scored and allowed are
normally distributed and can be subtracted from each other to form another
normally distributed random variable, net points. Net points are normalized by
dividing by the standard deviation of net point for that specific team, thus forming
a Z-statistic. The estimated probability of winning is then given by the
probability that a random variable distributed standard normal takes on a value
less than this Z-statistic. The formula for predicting winning percentage for team t
(Win%t) using this method is:
ª PPGt  PPGo º
21 Win% NORMSDIST « »
«¬ StDev PPGt  PPGo »¼
where PPGt is points per game for team t, PPGo is points per game for opponents
o, StDev(PPGt – PPGo) is the standard deviation of net points (PPGt – PPGo)
across a team’s schedule, and NORMSDIST is the normal cumulative distribution
function and represents the area under the standard normal “bell curve” to the left
of the value in brackets.19
As with the Pythagorean method, team points per game and points allowed per
game values can be replaced with offensive and defensive ratings, along with
their standard deviations. The benefits of the Bell Curve method over the
Pythagorean method are that

x it does not need empirical modification for application in different leagues or

different eras, and
x it incorporates information about how much teams play up or down to their

This is the NORMSDIST function in MS Excel. Note that individual game data on net points is
necessary to apply the Bell Curve method. Note also that, because ties are not allowed in
basketball, the denominator of the function above (representing the standard deviation of the
team’s net points) incorporates extra noise as additional variance. This causes the method to be
slightly biased towards 0.500 a little bit (about one to two percentage points) for teams that are far
from 0.500.

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It also has additional accuracy, but this difference is very slight and the simplicity
of the Pythagorean method can often make it preferred.

4. Sources of Data for Basketball Statistics

The Web provides an array of sites with basketball data. Most people know about
Web sites such as (,
(, and Yahoo! Sports ( These sites
provide daily coverage of the NBA, and their sites are constantly updated during
the season with contemporary statistics, rosters, and schedules. Other than the big
media sites, here are some other sites that we frequently use for historical and
other contemporary information: ( This site, which is run by Roland
Beech, provides both modern analysis of the NBA using some of the techniques
above, but also some data resources. The site uses detailed play-by-play data
from 2002-03 through the (regularly updated) current season to examine questions
such as (a) how the Lakers perform when Kobe Bryant is on the court as opposed
to when he is off the court, (b) how opposing centers have performed when Yao
Ming is on the court, (c) how teams shoot from different parts of the court or at
different stages of the shot clock, (d) how teams have fared with different line-ups
on the court, (e) how players have performed in clutch time, and much, much
more. These play-by-play data fill in many of the gaps left by traditional box
score statistics. The original play-by-play data is not available publicly on the
82games site, but in the past sufficiently original and interesting research plans
have resulted in 82games providing some of its data to researchers. Beech takes
requests from readers for “research projects,” providing them with data in return
for articles written for the site. This can be a useful way to start research projects.
APBRmetrics Forum ( This discussion
board is not a data source, per se, but it is an excellent resource for anyone
interested in serious discussions about the statistical analysis of basketball. The
site is run by Kevin Pelton, and is a descendant of the APBR_analysis group on
Yahoo! Groups. ( An on-line
basketball encyclopedia run by Justin Kubatko, this site is practically a one-stop
shop for historical basketball statistics. This site includes regular season data for
players, coaches and teams for the entire history of the NBA. Data from the
playoffs and individual game box score data are available for an increasing
number of years. The site is also rich with biographical data and even includes
college statistics and salary information for many players. Also, much of the
work by analysts such as John Hollinger and Dean Oliver has been incorporated


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Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Vol. 3 [2007], Iss. 3, Art. 1

into the site. Finally, the site allows for queries of specific information, which
can be very useful for research purposes. ( This bare
bones site provides zip files for download of NBA season stats for players and
teams, including playoff data. It also has information on coaches. Some of this
information is incorrect (so research using these data should be done with care),
but these files provide a reasonable starting point for a personal database.
Doug’s MLB and NBA Statistics ( Doug Steele’s
site provides current season data in a form that is easily imported into most
spreadsheet applications and is updated on a daily basis. Doug also provides
historical NBA statistics dating back to the 1988-89 season. ( Ken Pomeroy’s site provides data
and analysis for college basketball. The site includes (among many other things)
advanced statistics for both teams and players.
Rodney Fort’s Sport Business Data page
( Fort has collected a
treasure trove of historical financial, attendance, and winning percentage data for
the NFL, NBA, NBA, and MLB.

5. Conclusion

The quantitative analysis of sports is a new branch of science and, in many ways
one that has grown through non-academic and non-traditionally peer-reviewed
work. The aim of this paper is to bring to a peer-reviewed journal the generally
accepted basics of the analysis of basketball, thereby providing a common starting
point for future research in basketball.
The possession concept is central to this work. The concept of equal
possessions for opponents in a game has been in the statistical community for
approximately 20 years and has withstood substantial review and commentary.
Possession estimates have existed for approximately two decades, but the various
formulas have sometimes created confusion. We hope that by showing how most
previous formulas are special cases of our more general formulation, we shed
light on the relationship between possessions and various statistics. Also, we
hope that our new estimates can provide a common basis for future possession
estimation. Regardless, we suggest that the possession framework be considered
in future basketball research, as it continues to get review from “peers” now
working in the NBA.
The other concepts and methods discussed above are by no means a
comprehensive list of methodologies used in the field or even by the authors, but
we believe that they provide a set of tools that fit within the possession framework
and form the basis of common conversations on statistical research in basketball.

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Bellotti, Bob. The Points Created Pro Basketball Book of 1993-94. 1994.
Nightwork Publishing, New Brunswick, NJ.
Berri, David J., Martin B. Schmidt, and Stacey L. Brook. The Wages of Wins:
Taking Measure of the Many Myths in Modern Sport. 2006. Stanford
University Press, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,.
CoolStandings. “Do You Use the Bill James Pythagorean Theorem for Sports
other than Baseball?” 2007., available
as recently as 1/22/07. “2006-07 NBA Expected Winning Percentage.” 2007., available as recently as January 15,
Heeren, Dave. The Basketball Abstract. 1988. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, Prentice Hall.
Hollinger, John. Pro Basketball Forecast: 2004-05 Edition. 2004. Brassey’s,
Washington, DC: Brassey’s.
-----. Pro Basketball Forecast: 2005-06 Edition. 2005. Brassey’s, Washington,
DC: Brassey’s, 2005.
-----. Pro Basketball Prospectus: All-New 2003-04 Edition. 2003. Brassey’s,
Washington, DC: Brassey’s.
James, Bill. The 1985 Baseball Abstract. Ballantine Books, 1985.
Küpfer, Ed. “Team Similarity.” 2005. APBRMetrics forum,
McGuire, Frank. Defensive Basketball. 1959. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
Miller, Stephen J. “A Derivation of the Pythagorean Won-Loss formula in
Baseball,” Chance Magazine, forthcoming. “Efficiency Statistics.”, available as recently as
January 19, 2007.
Oliver, Dean. Basketball on Paper. 2004. Brassey’s, Washington, DC.
-----. “Established Methods.” 1996. Journal of Basketball Studies,
-----. “New Measurement Techniques and a Binomial Model of the Game of
Basketball.” 1991. Journal of Basketball Studies,
Pollack, Harvey. Harvey Pollack’s NBA Statistical Yearbook. Various years.


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Pomeroy, Ken. “Ratings Explanation.” 2007. Blog,, available
as recently as 1/22/07.
Rosenbaum, Dan T. “Measuring How NBA Players Help their Teams Win.”

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