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A mobile phone is a cellular phone (commonly cell phones) which is a long range,
portable electronic device use for mobile communication. In addition to addition to the
standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can support many
additional services. Most common mobile phones connect to cellular networks of based
cell-side which in turn connected to the public switches network (PSTN). The exception
is satellite phone.

A mobile phone acts as a personal communication and function as a cordless phone.

Nowadays, almost everyone possesses a mobile phone. It all depends on the person who
uses it. It allows the individual to express its use. Therefore, through a mobile phone,
the fundamental rights are obtained that is freedom of speech. Mobile phones also
support auto roaming which permits the same phone to be used in different countries;
mobile phones have become good friends to us. But now researches have proved that
mobile phone affects the health of heavy users. For example, there can be a risk of
tumors, headache, and blood brain barrier effects, sleeping effects, thermal effects,
cancers, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and other health problems. Not that mobile
phone also produces radiations such as the microwave radiation.

Important News:

• Cellphones affects the cells. New evidence proving harmful effects.

• Finished research confirms increased brain cancer.
• DNA damaged by mobile phone radiation.
• Mobile phones causing brain tumors.
• Large study reports 100% increase of malignant brain tumor risk.

Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially following the
enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony throughout the world (as of
August 2005, there were more than 2 billion users worldwide). Mobile phones use
electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, and some believe this may be harmful
to human health. These concerns have induced a large body of research (both
epidemiological and experimental, in non-human animals as well as in humans).
Concerns about effects on health have also been raised regarding other digital wireless
systems, such as data communication networks.

Thermal effects

One well-understood effect of microwave radiation is dielectric heating, in which any

dielectric material (such as living tissue) is heated by rotations of polar molecules
induced by the electromagnetic field. In the case of a person using a cell phone, most of
the heating effect will occur at the surface of the head, causing its temperature to increase
by a fraction of a degree. In this case, the level of temperature increase is an order of
magnitude less than that obtained during the exposure of the head to direct sunlight. The
brain's blood circulation is capable of disposing of excess heat by increasing local blood
flow. However, the cornea of the eye does not have this temperature regulation
mechanism and exposure of 2-3 hours' duration has been reported to produce cataracts in
rabbits' eyes at SAR values from 100-140W/kg, which produced lenticular temperatures
of 41°C. Premature cataracts have not been linked with cell phone use, possibly because
of the lower power output of mobile phones.

Non-thermal effects

The communications protocols used by mobile phones often result in low-frequency

pulsing of the carrier signal. Whether these modulations have biological significance has
been subject to debate.

Some researchers have argued that so-called "non-thermal effects" could be reinterpreted
as a normal cellular response to an increase in temperature. The German biophysicist
Roland Glaser, for example, has argued that there are several thermo receptor molecules
in cells, and that they activate a cascade of second and third messenger systems, gene
expression mechanisms and production of heat shock proteins in order to defend the cell
against metabolic cell stress caused by heat. The increases in temperature that cause these
changes are too small to be detected by studies such as REFLEX, which base their whole
argument on the apparent stability of thermal equilibrium in their cell cultures.

Martin Blank disagrees with the thermal hypothesis, citing evidence of different
pathways for the synthesis of stress proteins in cells subject to EMF radiation versus heat
shock. These pathways involve different DNA segments of the same gene. He argues that
since the same non-thermal mechanism behind the stress response is found for both ELF
and RF ranges (the former having much lower SAR levels), the total energy cannot be the
key factor. Blank postulates instead a non-thermal mechanism whereby EMF rearranges
the electron configuration on DNA molecules. Blank argues that this charge
accumulation could overcome the hydrogen bonds joining the DNA strands.

Blood Brain Barrier effects

Swedish researchers from Lund University have studied the effects of microwave
radiation on the rat brain. They found a leakage of albumin into the brain via a permeated
blood-brain barrier. Other groups have not confirmed these findings in cell or animal

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

Some users of mobile handsets have reported feeling several unspecific symptoms during
and after its use; ranging from burning and tingling sensations in the skin of the head and
extremities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental attention, reaction times
and memory retentiveness, headaches, malaise, tachycardia (heart palpitations), to
disturbances of the digestive system. Reports have noted that all of these symptoms can
also be attributed to stress and that current research cannot separate the symptoms from
nocebo effects.
Mobile phones and cancer

In 2006 a large Danish study about the connection between mobile phone use and cancer
incidence was published. It followed over 420,000 Danish citizens for 20 years and
showed no increased risk of cancer. The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection
considers this report as inconclusive.

In order to investigate the risk of cancer for the mobile phone user, a cooperative project
between 13 countries has been launched called INTERPHONE. The idea is that cancers
need time to develop so only studies over 10 years are of interest.

The following studies of long time exposure have been published:

• A Danish study (2004) that took place over 10 years and found no evidence to
support a link.

• A Swedish study (2005) that draws the conclusion that "the data do not support
the hypothesis that mobile phone use is related to an increased risk of glioma or

• A British study (2005) that draws the conclusion that "The study suggests that
there is no substantial risk of acoustic neuroma in the first decade after starting
mobile phone use. However, an increase in risk after longer term use or after a
longer lag period could not be ruled out."

• A German study (2006) that states "In conclusion, no overall increased risk of
glioma or meningioma was observed among these cellular phone users; however,
for long-term cellular phone users, results need to be confirmed before firm
conclusions can be drawn."

• A joint study conducted in northern Europe that draws the conclusion that
"Although our results overall do not indicate an increased risk of glioma in
relation to mobile phone use, the possible risk in the most heavily exposed part of
the brain with long-term use needs to be explored further before firm conclusions
can be drawn."

Other studies on cancer and mobile phones are:

• Tumor risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop

telephones, which states: "We found for all studied phone types an increased risk
for brain tumors, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumors".

• A Swedish scientific team at the Karolinska Institute conducted an

epidemiological study (2004) that suggested that regular use of a mobile phone
over a decade or more was associated with an increased risk of acoustic neuroma,
a type of benign brain tumor. The increase was not noted in those who had used
phones for fewer than 10 years.
• The INTERPHONE study group from Japan published the results of a study of
brain tumor risk and mobile phone use. They used a new approach: determining
the SAR inside a tumor by calculating the radiofrequency field absorption in the
exact tumor location. Cases examined included glioma, meninigioma, and
pituitary adenoma. They reported that the overall odds ratio (OR) was not
increased and that there was no significant trend towards an increasing OR in
relation to SAR-derived exposure.

Sleep and EEG effects

Some studies have claimed to show that mobile phone signals affect sleep patterns and
possibly delay sleep onset during exposure. In another clinical study, carried out by
Sweden's Karolinska Institute and Wayne State University in the US, the authors
concluded their research suggested an association between RF exposure and adverse
effects on sleep quality within certain sleep stages, though participants were unable to
determine better than chance if they had been exposed to actual radiation or sham
exposure. The UK National Health Service criticized the research because of the small
sample size used, and because of the 53% of participants who reported sensitivity to
mobile use, a proportion unlikely to be representative of the general population. The NHS
also criticized the press for inaccurate reporting of the study.

Summary-Microwave radiations

The microwave radiations from mobile phones have harmful effects at intensity levels
far below the official safety threshold values. This is confirmed by a considerable body
of evidence.

The radiation of the mobile phones is adapted to these far to high threshold values.

This means that your mobile phone radiation is strong enough to exert harmful
influences on your brain and other tissues even at normal usage.

Accumulating evidence indicate that microwave radiation from mobile phones may cause
serious diseases and disturbances in the physiology. This includes genetic damage
leading to an increased cancer risk, especially brain tumors, disturbed brain function
and other health disturbances.


• People should be very restrictive with using mobile phones as there is a

growing body of compelling scientific evidence indicating serious hazards.
Especially the steadily growing numbers of studies indicating increased risk for
brain tumors are worrisome.
• Further buildup of the mobile phone net should be stopped. Steadily
increasing evidence indicates that it is too harmful to be acceptable for common
usage. Moreover, it has been repeatedly confirmed that the radiation from base
stations is harmful to health.

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