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Maggots in the Meat: Expanded

Changes to the GM’s Kit scenario by Jeans_Stealer ([email protected])

(Along with a significant amount of help by Gregorius21778, Saldre and Darth Smeg from the Dark Heresy
Fantasy Flight Games forums)
October 2012

‘Maggots in the Meat’ could be a fantastic Scenario. Problem is, it has some exceptionally, exceptionally
hard aliens for bosses, so you need to start with Higher-level Characters anyway than the Level 1s that the
book suggests. (Optional rules for lower-level characters are shown later.)
My Characters have come into this Campaign at level 4, so all the changes are to match them accordingly.
Hopefully, at Level 4 there is still a difficult and potentially lethal fight at the end of the campaign.
Remember– if your players aren't at risk, they’re obviously not working for the Inquisition.

 The Acolytes receive a small imagifier/charm/necklace to represent their inquisitorial status as
acting agents. The campaign missed out how their codes could be used by the Port Authority tower
– In this campaign though, there are no ‘official’ boats, and ‘clandestine’ is the order of play!

 The addition of modern-armed mercenaries to the Baroness Falatrish’s army, and slightly tougher
musketmen. (The Musketmen are not really toughened because A. They’re Feudal Conscripts and
B. they are just a ‘distraction’ in the Campaign – the real threat is later.)

 Smeed and Smoot actually having a good reason for dumping bodies and ‘working’ with the
Slaugth, as seen later. They receive no stat increases as protecting them is now the requirement
for this part of the campaign.

 The Prince of Olrankan may allow an audience with the Acolytes (if they swing their status around)
or the ‘Hill’ area is now open to explore. This opens more Avenues for talking characters.

 The Slaugth can escape the Sky-Mill, and the Acolytes must hunt them down in the Swamps,
where their space-vessel-come-escape-capsule crash landed.

Part 1: Emperor’s Island

There’s no passenger boat to Olrankan. The blockade has stopped all ships. The Acolytes must find another
way onto Olrankan. The suggested options are below:

Mostly this is as per the Campaign, with opponents (Krass & his Cronies) made tougher (more wounds,
more skills, more Talents – see the Enemies section) but with the added option of intimidating/scaring them
into submission, instead of them just outright attacking. Increase the level of interaction if desired.

The Mercy Ship

The few local Imperium representatives (The Ecclesiarchy & the Munitorium) don’t wish to be involved in the
‘Local War’. On the other side, None of the feuding parties involved in this civil war want the IMPERIUM
annoyed or involved, and so the local clergy will have demanded special rights and "untouchable status" in
exchange for being neutral in the conflict. The PCs will either need social skills to convince the Priest to
break his word of honour and thereby endanger his colleagues (+10 or +20, as the PCs do represent the
Inquisition, after all) or they can try to sneak on-board the ship - This should be a routine (+20) affair (Silent
Move and Concealment) but should have the difficulty increased if they first tried to negotiate a passage
through conversation and failed. The Clergy ship will likely be searched when it reaches the blockade, so
the players successfully disguising themselves is important to getting through. See how your players wish to
play it, and roll along with it!

The Inquisition Card

If push comes to shove, the PC can always demand a free passage using their inquisition representation
necklaces. But, this information would spread within a day and would give the Slaugth a fair warning that
there are some well-armed players in Olrankan…

The Mercenary Boatman

An ex-military off-worlder with a fast hovercraft/airboat/seacraft lives on Emperors Island- Come up with a
sufficient Name (using the Rulebook or otherwise.) He used to bring people over to Olrankan if they paid the
high price but now the old guy is not making any money (due to the blockade) and spends his remaining
coin on cheap booze. The PCs might have already met him in a seedy bar as he sticks out for still wearing
the almost complete military uniform of his former duty.
The PCs could hire him as a Blockade-runner, taking them between the highly un-manoeuvrable Gunboats
of the Baroness…but this will need a considerable cash investment, or some very strong roleplaying /
convincing to appeal to his former youth and daring recklessness. ("Oh…I didn’t think that one of the
greatest Sea-Dog Mercs in the Calixis Sector would be afraid of some primitives with black-powder
If there are several "off-world mercenary sharpshooters" placed throughout the Blockade, a "running long
range firefight" (for 8-15 rounds) is possible as the fast Sea-craft breaks through between the larger ships.
Musketmen and Mercs open fire; they attempt to board the Acolytes’ ship by jumping on it, or going for the
craft in other ways. The PCs need to fire at them to dis-encourage such (or even pick them of with sniper
fire of their own from a fast moving hovercraft/boat/ship.)

Swamp Trek
Of course the PC could hire someone with (or borrow/’borrow’) a fishing boat to take them to the swamps
near the city and then try to sneak in on foot, clambering the wall or by swimming in via the Harbour. The
Plumes guard the harbour and the Baroness’s forces are outside the walls, so they will have to sneak or
fight past them (and face the appropriate consequences if necessary.)

Aboard the Black Market Merchant Ship

Successful Inquiry tests with many degrees of success will point the PCs to a local merchant buying up the
luxury foodstuffs and wine/booze on Emperors island (no-one else is touching it… who needs champagne
deep into a war?) This person then ships the items elsewhere, returning each day (or every other day)
without holes from the Blockade.
The merchant apparently knows the Captain of the Blockade fleet and gives him a share of black market
gains, in exchange for being allowed through the Blockade to sell his Luxury food in Olrankan (it’s
purchased by the palace and the Commanding office of the Plumes – some corruption obviously exists. This
is also an alternate route into the palace.)
The ‘Inspections’ by the Blockade fleet are less invasive than they would be on the Priest’s vessel, but there
are more mercenaries and fewer basic musketmen. Also, the guns trained (by the fleet) on his ship are
The Harbour guards know about the arrangement but keep it a secret to the wider body of armsmen and the
populace of the city.

This should provide enough different options.

Part 2: The Wharf

The Prince is trying the ‘play down’ the rumours of the attacks, now more and more prevalent amongst the
population, as sneak-and-demoralise attacks by the Baroness. The Plumes, unless convinced otherwise or
pressed, will not outwardly discuss the evidence they’ve seen. The Investigation still points towards the
outer wall (and its distractions.)

Part 3: The Hill

Some players may think that they can get support by the Plumes. In this changed campaign this should be a
possibility, but substantial evidence may be required… See how the players play this section, but leave
options open.

The Hill is a sealed wooden-buttress section where the walls are cleaner and tidier, there is still some
bombardment damage but otherwise it’s protected by competent Plumes and contains nothing but Nobles
(of this backwater, anyway.)

The Prince is holding constant war meetings as the fight starts to shift against him. He cannot count on his
few allies (The Baroness is slowly turning them one-by-one.) He cannot get the support he needs from
Emperor’s Island due to the Blockade, even though he has considerably deep pockets from pre-war savings.

Through a hard fight at the wall, The Prince may be informed of the Mercenaries within his town (likely
saving the day and turning a vicious and brutal wave in a stylish and flamboyant way) and as a further
distraction, a raid on the Blockade’s Powder-ships could be requested of the Players, or some other such
pompous demonstration and morale-booster for the citizens… and by which informing the Slaugth that the
Acolytes are here.

Players could sneak into his court looking for Intel (thinking the Prince involved) to hear a more detailed
account of an interrupted attack on a Plume by the Slaugth’s Type 1 creation – a small pack of Red Jenkins
– leaving him horribly mutilated and needing his limbs amputated. Keep the ideas open here – the
Campaign should have left this avenue open.

Another interesting option: The Slaugth infiltrators have been advising both sides of the war, using their
Shroud-cloaks to make them look like soothsayers, intelligence gatherers, and war-experts/ancient veterans.
One of them may appear in Prince Orcan’s court, flanked by a red Jenkin. (The diminutive creature is in
hiding-robes too, carrying things & acting as bodyguard.) The Slaugth are using this tactic to prolong the war
(and to keep themselves fed) and should a shrewd Acolyte encounter and reveal the Alien, the Slaugth
'advisor' will attempt to flee through kitchens, long-halls and sewers, leaving the Red Jenkin to Delay the
Acolyte while it makes it’s escape (and therefore be ready for the acolytes at the Sky-mill.)

Part 4: The Wall

Nobody will take notice of small splashes of blood in a feudal Warzone… the walls are coming down,
cannonballs are landing in the streets and troops are dying in droves. The ‘Recent attack’ site is removed
from this campaign and replaced with the eyewitness accounts as described below.

Random encounters
This section doesn’t change from the GM kit. If the players encounter a patrol or a cannon-ball then play it
as described, but if they’re conscripted, then there’s the opportunity for large hordes of the Baroness’s
musketmen to be attacking the wall, as well as smaller hordes of plumes defending it. Expect Mercenaries to
be amongst the Baroness’s army (to pose a second threat) but don’t draw the players in too long here. (See
the Antagonist’s section for details of musketmen, captains and mercenaries.)

If the Players successfully fend off a large attack, then they get bonuses to talking to all Plumes, and some
extra doors may be opened for them to get answers. Asking about the attacks, depending on who is asked,
should direct them to one of the sources below.

The survivor
Inquiry/charm within the wall-guarding Plumes or via some other means (talking to the Plume Captain about
the attacks) reveals the story of ‘The Survivor’ – he’s housed up in a field hospital several lines back from
the wall, and was attacked in the middle of the night by some of the Slaugth “pets” (The Type 1, or the “Red
Jenkin” – see the enemies section.) Suddenly more Plumes showed up, opening fire on the half-seen thing.
He lost an arm, suffered massive internal injuries, and is slowly succumbing to infection. The Acolytes can
talk to him – convincing him that they’ll listen to his crazy story is enough for it to be told.
He heard dragging noises whilst on wall patrol, investigated and came across a mutilated corpse of several
civilians. He was about to raise the alarm when he was jumped from all directions by several small
creatures. He managed to fend several off and scream for help before they overpowered him, and began
pulling him to pieces. He didn’t see it fully, but he noted that the Red Jenkin had an ‘almost human-like face
with whiskers’. The moonlight showed him half-glimpses of its bald, scaly-skinned rat-and-monkey-like form.
He blacked out from the pain as it tore into him. He was rescued by other Plumes, who deny that they saw
anything but fast-moving shadows as they let rip. A good success on the fellowship test here reveals that:

“We were all blasting at shadows - some of us fled, but we grabbed him outta there, all the while pumping
bullets into the shadows…I swear I hit one. Well… I think I did, ‘cos it…it sobbed? But… but the other
shapes, they… they dragged it away…they took it with them!”

This should lead to a discussion about the Corpse Farmers as they took custody of the only remaining
civilian body the other plumes found (and the survivor’s legs – they were mauled so badly they had to be
amputated) but no other bodies were found, even though the survivor saw more than one. He can’t explain
it, and neither can the other plumes.

The Homeless Witness

If the Acolytes are unsuccessful with their inquiries around the wall or city, they are approached, in a dark
Alley, by a Homeless man. He takes them to a quiet place down the back alleys, and offers to tell them what
he saw in exchange for money/supplies/medical care/food/clothing (+10 to all tests.)
He saw an attack on a pregnant woman and her young son (slightly too young to be a Plume conscript) in
the middle of the night by two small creatures, and he describes what carried them away… a short, stocky
lummox-of-a-thing. (This is the Type 2: The ‘Brut-Ox’ – see Enemies section later.) Again, he didn’t see
much, and had to stay perfectly still and silent so that they didn’t see him. The ‘Attackers’ headed off into the
night (he may not have seen which way) and taking the bodies too (The Brut-Ox carried all of them.)
He can show them the location of the attack – very little evidence remains here. (Tracking can be used here
at (-20) as the tracks are old - the tracks head off towards the Fabricator’s district. Passing by one degree
reveals that what the Homeless man said is true... foul ‘alien’ footprints.)

The Homeless man also saw a ‘small flash’ in the night sky, several months ago or more. No one else saw
it, just him. No-one else knows anything about it. (It was the Slaugth-ship coming under fire, before it
crashed on Acreage in the Swamp near Olrankan – more on this later.)

If the Acolytes ask the right questions, and ply him with the right resources, the homeless man can direct
them to the Fabricator’s District (he has heard rumours from other homeless about things in the Fabricator’s
district, matching the things he saw in description) or to the Corpse Farmers, as he’s seen them clearing up
bodies and collecting them.

Part 5: Smeed & Smoot: The Corpse Farmers

In a city under constant siege, somebody needs to clear up and dispose of the bodies in the street. In
Olrankan, this became a constant job, as if the were left to rot, plague and famine would set in; The Bodies
cannot be dumped in the Harbour either, as the water would be poisoned.

Smeed & Smoot are "regular body haulers" - people in the city whom collect the corpses and dispose of
them for a pitiful fee.
Smeed & Smoot are in trouble. Several weeks ago, their incinerator was working full capacity, they couldn’t
get hold of the fuel, and the bodies were mounting – so they looked for a dumping ground.

It Turns out that Smeed and Smoot haven't been disposing of bodies they way they should have for a while.
They have been dumping the bodies in a pit by the Old Sky-Mill in the middle of the night, their warehouse
full of wrapped-up dead. The Old Sky-Mill was perfect - near the outer wall facing the swamp, with few
patrols, checks, or incidents to bother them.

However while there on their third dumping mission, something spoke to them, in broken, squealing rasps
out of the darkness. The voices came from many people, many people in pain and suffering in agony…
The voices spoke of a bargain.

The Corpse Farmers would dump their Bodies here. The Bodies would disappear. The Corpse Farmers
would collect (from the pit-side) trinkets, thrones and equipment in “Payment” (The Farmers quickly realised
that the things there were collecting were from bodies they didn’t bring, they were from others) and any
rescinding of the deal would result in their death… and the death of everyone around them.

Smeed and Smoot agreed in fear, and fled.

They have seen eyes watching their warehouse / shack in the night, and sometimes even during the day.
They dread even going near the incinerator, and so it remains cold – they now just dump the bodies in the
pit by the Sky-Mill, and sometimes, when they look back as they go quickly, they see black shapes swoop
from the upper levels of the Mill towards the ground (The Social test must be passed by several degrees to
learn this…)

They fear for their souls, they fear they’ve made a pact with the "Dark Ones" and that they will suffer in
damnation – but they have seen the predator eyes watching them and their family, the sound of creaking
roof-tiles and rustling trees and snapping branches making their nights sleepless.

They are afraid, and will resist all questions from the Acolytes unless seriously convinced, and so it’s a (-20)
to all interaction tests with them (but it’s obvious they’re terrified of something. Both have family living in the
shack / building behind the warehouse, and the Slaugth constructs are constantly watching - Smeed &
Smoot have become desperate people working under immense pressure, knowing that if they slip there
family will end up as food to these…daemonic things.
The Slaugth are in a Win-Win situation. The Acolytes will arrive at their Shack/hovel/building to find a cold
incinerator, a warehouse full of wrapped bodies, and two very nervous looking gentlemen…

Smeed & Smoot are no tougher. Several Type 1 constructs (No. of Acolytes + several more) are watching
the Warehouse constantly. Any breaking or convincing of Smeed and Smoot will result in the Xenos
pets/constructs attacking during the questioning. They start with Smeed & Smoot’s Families – it is likely that
several family members will not survive the attack. They also try to kill Smeed and Smoot, and the Acolytes
must protect them at all costs, if they are to discover the dumping location…

Part 5: The Sky-Mill

There are several changes here:
1. The Number and type of Constructs used in the attack, and maybe the number of Slaugth.
2. The Acolytes will have had to do something significantly overt for the Slaugth to be ready.
3. The Slaugth can escape and will head into the Swamps on gliding wings from their Shroud cloaks.
4. The Destination for the Slaugth needs evidence planted, so that the Acolytes can follow them to the
crash-site... into the Swamps.

The Slaugth use both types, but there are twice as many Type 1(Red Jenkin) as there are Type 2 (Brut-Ox)
overall there are 12 constructs, or three for every acolyte – see the Enemies section.
They will attack the Acolytes on the stairs as described. There should only be two Slaugth overall, but add a
third if they breeze through the first two infiltrators. (this is unlikely however.)

Alerting the Slaugth

Discussing their mission loudly over Comm-link before entering the Sky-Mill will give the Slaugth a small
amount of warning, in which case the Slaugth will retreat to the Sky-Mill dome and reign fire down on the
Acolytes. They are all Slaugth Infiltrators (See the Game Master’s Kit.)

Slaugth Escape
If the fight starts going badly, the Slaugth will attempt to escape – Their Shroud-cloaks can be used to “hold”
their Gestalt Entity-form in a basic ‘parachute’. They will leap from the Sky-Mill blades, and attempt a glide
for the swamp over the near city wall. They may land in front of or on-top of the wall (especially if they come
under fire) and have to fight their way through.
They can squeeze through a barricade/portcullis, or climb a wall-tower and leap over the wall, heading into
the swamp – give the Acolytes a chance to give chase if possible.

Slaugth destination in the Swamp

If the Acolytes kill them all then they’ve done well, but it’s not quite over yet. If they don’t, they have to chase
down the survivor(s) – but there is a crash site.
Their escape pod is located in the swamp (see next section.) To locate it, the Slaugth each carry a small
locator in the Slaugth's equipment that indicates the direction of the Slaugth ship (takes a (+20) toughness
test to use, falling by 10 every round it's active. failure indicates gaining a level of fatigue.)
They also marked a map on the inside of the Sky-Mill top-dome wall, showing it’s location against the Sky-

Part 6: The Swamp

The PCs (and several plumes if they convince the Prince/Plume Captain) have to hunt down the Remaining
escaped Slaugth (if one/several escape) in the Swamps, as the final battle for Olrankan happens.

The Slaugth made an emergency landing after being chased by an unknown ship and badly damaged, and
cannot repair their vessel… but the War on Olrankan was a good place to sit tight, and wait for possible

The Acolytes can hear the battle occurring in the background as they hunt through the Marshland, unsure of
whether Prince Orcan will be in Charge when they return…

Heading into the Swamps

It’s still a Siege – The Acolytes will have to convince the Plumes and/or the Prince to let them leave and
chase the Slaugth. This can be done in a Variety of ways (disguise, sneaking, charming, discussing, and
offering to attack the Baroness…) but any movement at greater than walking speed through the swamps
requires a (+20) Agility check to avoid falling over. Any failure on this test by more than 5 degrees indicates
that the player has fallen into quicksand, and unless another Acolytes pulls them out with a (+0) strength
test, they will sink for a number of rounds equal to their Agility Bonus, after which they will begin to drown…

If they use “white flags” and identify themselves as the Inquisition to the forces of the Baroness, they will
leave them alone (as long as a Commanding Officer is there – Normal Musketmen might have heard of
“Olrankan’s Mercs” and will try to kill them - if they made an impact at the wall, that is.)
Some convincing role-play might even get them a unit of musketmen (depending on their success on a
social skill/Fellowship test.) This increases the Bonus to the Agility test for quicker movement to (+30) in the
Swamp as the Musketmen show the way to move through the swamp.

If any of the Slaugth survived, they’ll come out of the low mist to attack the Acolytes (impairing vision down
to 20-25 metres, and drifting across the battlefield to impair it further.) They Slaugth are trying to get their
Comm-system in their ship to work, but if The Acolytes are winning, they will attempt to activate a self-
destruct sequence…
When the Slaugth are dead and their ship is captured or destroyed, the Campaign ends. It takes the
Acolytes a week to get through the blockade and leave Olrankan behind as an Ordo Xenos sweeper-team is
called in to clean up the mess… as Olrankan falls in the wake of their exit. The Baroness is now in control.

An award of 100-200 extra exp should be available for this mission. Any seriously good rolling or anyone
cheating the odds or death should earn a fate point. The acolytes could find the evidence in the ruin of the
Sky-Mill of a wide-spreading conspiracy (as described in the GM Kit) or there could be evidence that the
logicians shot down the Slaugth space-craft. Or perhaps This Slaugth was part of a Mother-ship colony
somewhere in local space, or was on the way to a Rendezvous. An entire campaign can be effectively
seeded from this mission.

Lower-Level Players: Matching the Scenario to rank 1 characters

There is no doubt about it… the Slaugth are tough, and three of them, as well as all their pets, would mince
a bunch of level ones like butter.

So, in order to match this scenario to level ones (1’s):

 Musketmen and Krass/Cronies are as per the GM’s Kit. Officers just have different weapons. This way
they’re easier and are matched to their level.
 If they get conscripted, they might fight as a VERY small part of the overall battle or against a VERY
small horde (A rating of 10.) Plumes will be about to assist if required.
 Mercenaries… They can be rated as ‘scum’ from the antagonist’s section of the core rulebook to
differentiate them. All their weapons are modern/non-primitive but do not have mono or special ammo.
 Smeed & Smoot are NOT innocent. This is to balance the end scene. See below.
 The Slaugth creatures – there are far fewer, and Type 1’s lose dodge, lightning reflexes and Swift
Attack. There are two-three in Smeed & Smoot’s warehouse, and two or three overall in the Sky-mill,
with only a SINGLE Type 2 per four acolytes. Smeed and Smoot are calm and collected in their
fanaticism, and don’t have family in their shack behind the warehouse. They’re alone and have no
family (died in the war, embittering them to it) and they’re convinced that the Corpse-King will deliver
them into salvation (and somehow think it’s the emperor, as it is the Corpse-King from space…)
 The single Slaugth is very, very likely to get away and not die. The faster they get to the sky-mill, the
less likely his ship is to work and get him back into orbit. The Slaugth will attack briefly, but will
otherwise flee into the swamp and away on his ship, leaving the crazed cultists and Xenos pets to hold
up the Acolytes.

The Cult of the corpse-king

It is and may be insinuated earlier in the campaign about an old cult that was wiped out years ago. The
stories have passed down the line of succession, in the event that the Corpse-King may return…

A Ship did indeed crash land, as per the scenario changes, but it is NOT badly damaged. In fact it needs
very little to fly again, but on a Feudal world that’s hard to come by.

The part of the swamp where the ship crashed is pretty treacherous but the Slaugth was undeterred, and
with the locating of Smeed & Smoot dumping bodies near the mill, their ‘realisation’ of the ‘return of the
Corpse-King’ was seen as the perfect cover by the single Slaugth infiltrator.
Smeed & Smoot have been ‘collecting’ corpses from the streets in the dead of night, after the Slaugth pets
have had their ‘fun’, and in return, Smeed & Smoot have received protection, power and favours. The
Slaugth has ‘marked’ cult members using a ‘Necro-kiss’ (an area of toxified/decayed flesh.) There may be
members in the king’s court if it goes that way – I expect entertainers or noble’s entourage. Various Low-
lives around the city as well, perhaps…even plumes. There are VERY few (The Slaugth is VERY picky) so
this should not be an obvious tie-in (perhaps one in the kings’ court, and the odd citizen in the fabricator’s

The Cult, started ‘again’ by Smeed & Smoot, brings corpses for offerings to the Sky-mill, and ‘prays’ to the
Slaugth, also giving ‘offerings’ of allowing themselves to be tortured (much to the Slaugth’s amusement, and
he has accidentally killed many) or bringing tools for the Slaugth to repair his ship with.

The Sky-Mill Corpse Cult

Instead of just the Xenos Pets, the Skymill is also defended by a collection of feudal cultist brigands/Low-
lives/Entourage to Nobles. Their weapons (although only melee and revolvers) are backed up by a diabolical
fanatical frenzy to make them lethal (as well as several Xenos pets.) They believe that the death and decay
is essential, inevitable, and that they will be rewarded by the Slaugth (The Corpse-King himself, playing on
their idea of the Corpse-God of Terra/Terror.) See their stats at the end of the Villains’ Section below.

The Acolytes might stumble into an empty Sky-Mill; they might follow some cultists in. They might interrupt a
ceremony happening on the bottom floor. They might interrupt an ‘Offering’ of torture-puppet, bodies or just
plain tools. It’s up to the GM and the players. The offerings happen at night, almost every night, by a variety
of numbers. Once the shooting starts, some might flee, others attacking – expect 2-3 Type 1’s, a type 2, and
6 Corpse Fanatics (+2 per extra acolyte) spread all over the place. Perhaps even add a fanatic or two with
slightly better stats to be up in the attic (‘converted’ plumes – use the enforcer stats) defending the Slaugth
Directly (who makes take a pot-shot or two, but it ultimately trying to withdraw.) The Slaugth’s stats don’t
change – only its mentality, as it WANTS to escape into orbit. The chase through the swamp is still possible
(as is the requirement of avoiding patrols, but the symbol of the inquisition still works here.)

Villains Section
Crazed Corpse-Cultist
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
30 25 32 32 30 30 33 30 27

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 12 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness (Per), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Swim (S) Climb (S), Common Lore (Creed)
(Int), Concealment (Ag), Silent Move (Ag)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (SP, Primitive), Basic Training (Primitive)

Armour: None (Robes/rags/workers’ uniforms)

Possible Weapons: Axe or Sword (non-primitive), revolver, and/or musket (with non-primitive bayonet.)

Gear: 18 bullets and/or 10 shot, Common/poor quality clothing, D5 Thrones.

Krass & his Kronies

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
38 35 35 35 39 24 35 25 36

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 14 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness (Per), Intimidate (S) Climb +10 (S), Dodge (Ag), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int),
Survival +10 (Int), Swim +10 (S), Shadowing +10, and Concealment +10.

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (SP, Primitive), Basic Training (SP, Primitive),
Disarm, Takedown, quickdraw, quickload, Furious Assault and Lightning Reflexes.
Armour: Leather Armour (all locations AP2 Prim except head) and a Flak vest for Krass.

Possible Weapons: knife, Knuckleduster, Stub Auto. (Krass also has an Axe.)

Gear: 2x Reloads, 1d5 thrones, Poor-quality Clothing.

Falatrishian Captain / Lieutenant

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
40 36 38 38 39 30 40 38 40

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 16 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness (Per), Command (Fel), Intimidate (S) Climb (S), Common Lore (War) (Int), Dodge (Ag),
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Survival +10 (Int), Swim (S), Tracking (Int)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Primitive), Basic Training (Primitive), Disarm,

Armour: Feudal Plate (Chest – AP5 Prim) Leather Armour (all other locations AP2 Prim)

Possible Weapons: knife, Sword, Great Weapon (Polearm), Blackpowder pistols x3.

Gear: 12 blackpowder shot, Falatrishian army clothing (common quality.)

Falatrishian Mustketman
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
31 32 36 36 34 24 33 28 30

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 16 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness (Per), Intimidate(S) Climb(S), Common Lore (War) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic)
(Int), Survival +10 (Int), Swim(S)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Primitive), Basic Training (Primitive) quickload.

Armour: Leather Hauberk (Chest AP2 Prim)

Possible Weapons: knife, Blackpowder pistol, Blackpowder musket with Bayonet.

Gear: 12 blackpowder shot, Falatrishian army clothing (common quality.)

Mercenaries (see options below)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
40 40 38 38 40 30 38 35 20

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 15 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness (Per), Intimidate (S) Climb (S), Common Lore (War) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic)
(Int), Survival (Int), Swim (S) Climb (S), Common Lore (Creed) (Int), Concealment (Ag), Dodge (Ag), Silent
Move (Ag), Command (Fel) Acrobatics (Ag)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive/Chain/Shock), Pistol Training (SP, Las), Basic Training (SP,
Las), Rapid Reaction, Disarm, Takedown, (+others depending on Mercenary Choice)

Armour: (Depends on Mercenary Choice)

Possible Weapons: (Depends on Mercenary Choice. See below.)
Gear: Common quality clothing, x2 reloads for every weapon, 2D10 Thrones.
Possible Mercenaries in the Baroness’s Army:
1. Mohawk Barbarian: Great weapon (sword/battleaxe) 2x revolvers, flak vest/Gauntlets/boots.
Skills/Talents include Crushing Blow. Increase Strength to 40.
2. Knight of Pain: Mono-Sword, Mono-Flail, Feudal Plate. Skills/Talents include Toughness 40, Die
Hard, Blademaster, Combat master, Ambidextrous, Two-weapon Wielder (Melee).
3. Ninja: Good Quality Mono-Sword, Flak cloak. Skills/Talents include Dodge +10, Acrobatics +10,
Assassin Strike, Catfall, Swift Attack, and Blademaster.
4. Deadeye: Long-Las and several Hot-Shot charge packs, a Mono Sword, Laspistol and 3 clips,
Guard Flak Armour. Skills/Talents include BS 45, Quickload, and Deadeye Shot.
5. Gunslinger: 2x Autopistols, Flak-Jacket, mono-knife. Skills/Talents include Ambidextrous, Two-
weapon Wielder (Ballistic), gunslinger, Hard Target, and lightning reflexes.
6. The Captain: Handcannon, Autogun with mono-Bayonet, chain knife, Guard Flak. Skills/Talents
include Rapid Reaction, lightning reflexes, Intimidate +10, Interrogate +10 and Command.

Type 1 Construct (Red Jenkin) (Predatory, Arboreal, Extra limb, +Awareness)

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
43 00 32 31 48 19 37 23 00

Movement: 6/12/18/36 Wounds: 7 Size: Scrawny (-10)

Skills: Awareness +10, Silent Move, tracking, Acrobatics +20, Climb +40

Talents: Quadruped, Dark Sight, Natural Weapons, Dodge, Catfall, Lightning reflexes,
Ambidextrous, Swift Attack

Armour: Natural Armour (2)

Weapons: Natural weapons (1D10+3, R, Primitive)

Gear: None
Looking (from a distance) like a Small Child, the Red Jenkin is a bio-creation of the Slaugth designed for
killing unsuspecting locals and soldiers alone in the dead of night in packs. Created by combining Olrankan
children and local fauna, they are expert at sneaking and climbing with a prehensile tail. Their human-like
face (the toothy grin stuck in a smiling, Cheshire-cat rictus) is the last thing any acolyte wants to face in the
dark. They are weak individuals, but utterly deadly in packs...

Type 2 Construct (Brut-Ox) (Darkling, +Blind fighting, +Brutal Charge, +Natural Weapons, Bio-Shock)
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
32 00 40 48 29 15 40 25 00

Movement: 2/4/6/12 Wounds: 17 Size: Average

Skills: Awareness, Silent move

Talents: Blind, Unnatural senses (15), Blind fighting, Natural weapons, Brutal Charge.

Armour: Natural Armour (5)

Weapons: Natural weapons (1D10+4, I, Primitive) Bio-Shock (1D10+3, E, reload)

Gear: None
The Brut-Ox is a Slaugth bio-creation designed and used for hauling the massive number of bodies. It was
created from the largest cadavers, purposely mutated-and-combined with the local swamp-life to create a
strong and useful tool. Blind and utterly loyal, this heavy-lifter has been modified to house a bio-capacitor
nervous system within its body. It unleashes the deadly arcing blasts at will and backs it up with brutal fists
that hit like sledgehammers. It is bulky, headless (save for a thick trunk-like apparatus covered in sensor
holes and small useless eyes) and smells of rotten meat, spoiled milk and, when it attacks, ozone.

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