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1. The Central Information Commission falls under which ministry?

(a) Ministry of Home Affairs

(b) Ministry of Personnel

(c) Ministry of Human Resource Development

(d) None of the above

Answer: b

Explanation: The Central Information Commission falls under Ministry of Personnel. It

entertains complaints and appeals pertaining to offices, financial institutions, Public Sector
Undertakings etc.

2. Who appoints the members and chairman of the Central Information Commission?

(a) President alone can appoint

(b) Chief Justice of Supreme of India

(c) Committee under the leadership of Prime Minister

(d) Home Minister of the country

Answer: c

Explanation: The members and chairman of the Central Information Commission are
appointed by the President on the recommendation of the select committee comprises of the
Prime Minister (head), leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha and a Union Cabinet Minister
appointed by the Prime Minister.

3. Which of the following statement is/are correct about the Central Information

1. Post of Central Information Commission is derived from the RTI Act, 2005.

2. Chief Information Commission and other commissioners can hold office for the period of 3

3. On the advice of Supreme court the President can remove the Chief Information
Commission and other commissioners.

(a) Only 1 & 3

(b) Only 3
(c) Only 1 & 2

(d) Only 1

Answer: a

Explanation: Chief Information Commission and other commissioners can be removed by

the President after seeking approval from the Supreme Court of India. The tenure of the
Central Information Commission and other commissioners is 5 years.

4. The salary and other allowances of the Chief Information Commission are same as;

(a) Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India

(b) Attorney General of India

(c) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(d) Chief Election Commissioner

Answer: d

Explanation: The salary and other allowances of the Chief Information Commission are
same as; Chief Election Commissioner while salary and allowances of the other
commissioners is same as Election Commissioner. As per Annexure to order
No.16/2/2005/T&C Dated: 25th August, 06; The Chief Information
Commissioner/Information Commissioner shall draw a pay of Rs.30, 000 p.m. (fixed).

5. What is the tenure of Chief Information Commissioner?

(a) 5 years

(b) 3 years

(c) 6 years

(d) Not fixed

Answer: a

Explanation: The Chief Information Commissioner and other commissioners hold the office
for the period of 5 years or until they attain the age of 65 years whichever is earlier. They are
not eligible for re-election.

6. The President of India can remove the Chief Information Commissioner on the grounds

(1) Insolvent

(2) Involved in any paid employment outside is office

(3) Unfit to continue in office due to infirmity of mind and body.

(4) Proved misbehaviour or incapacity

(a) Only 1& 4

(b) Only 3& 4

(c) Only 1 & 3

(d) All 1,2,3,4

Answer: d

Explanation: All options given in the questions are correct to remove the CIC from the post.

7. Who of the following is not the part of the committee to select Chief Election
Commissioner and other information commissioners?

(a) Prime Minister of India

(b) Chief Justice of Supreme Court

(c) Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha

(d) A Union Cabinet Minister appointed by the Prime Minister

Answer: b

Explanation: The Chief Justice of Supreme Court is not the part of the select committee to
select the Chief Information Commissioner and other information commissioners. The select
committee comprises of the Prime Minister (head), leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha and
a Union Cabinet Minister appointed by the Prime Minister.

8. What can be the maximum strength of the Information Commissioners?

(a) 5

(b) 7

(c) 10

(d) 12

Answer: C

Explanation: The central Information Commission comprises of one Chief Election

Commissioner and not more than 10 information commissioners. The members and chairman
of the Central Information Commission are appointed by the President on the
recommendation of the select committee.
9. Who is the current Chief Information Commission in India?

(a) Rajiv Mathur

(b) Vijai Sharma

(c) Radha Krishna Mathur

(d) Sudhir Bhargava

Answer: d

Explanation: President Kovind administered oath of office to Shri Sudhir Bhargava, Chief
Information Commissioner, at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Sudhir Bhargava, former Secretary in the
Ministry of Social Justice, took oath as the Chief Information Commissioner in the Central
Information Commission (CIC).

10. Till date how many Chief Information Commissioner have been appointed?

(a) 13

(b) 11

(c) 9

(d) 6

Answer: c

Explanation: The first Chief Information Commissioner of India was Wajahat Habibullah.
First woman Chief Information Commissioner was Deepak Sandhu. The present Chief
Information Commissioner of India is Sudhir Bhargava.

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