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The Great Stupa at Sanchi is one of the most important Buddhist

monuments reflecting gem of Buddhist art and architecture. Located

at Sanchi Town, Madhya Pradesh, India, this Stupa is the oldest stone

structure in India that was built during the Mauryan period. Originally

commissioned in the third century BCE by Emperor Ashok this huge

hemispherical dome with a height of 12.2816.46 m (54.0 ft) consists

of a central chamber where the relics of Lord Buddha are placed. Four

ornamental gateways facing four directions and a balustrade

surrounding the Stupa were later added in the first century BCE. A

typical example of a Stupa and an excellent illustration of the

development of Buddhist art and sculpture starting from the third

century BC through the twelfth century AD, the Sanchi Stupa attracts

hundreds of visitors from across the world. Enlisted as a UNESCO

World Heritage Site since 1989, it is counted among the best

conserved ancient Stupas of central India.


The foundation of the Buddhist vihara at Sanchi that includes the

great Sanchi Stupa was laid by one of the greatest Indian Emperors,

Ashoka of the Maurya Dynasty who reigned over almost the entire

Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE. He commissioned

construction of the Stupa here after redistributing the mortal remains

of Lord Buddha so as to build several Stupas in different locations

across India to spread Buddhism. The present hemispherical edifice is

double in diameter of the original brick structure built by Ashoka,

consisting of the relics of Lord Buddha. A chatra that is an umbrella

like structure made of stone crowned the hemispherical brick structure

that was surrounded by a wooden railing. Queen Devi, wife of

Ashoka and daughter of a merchant of Vidisha, who was born in

Sanchi, supervised the construction of this monument. A sandstone

pillar, inscribed with Schism Edict by Ashoka as also with ornate

spiral Brahmi characters from the Gupta period resembling conch

shells referred as ‘Shankhalipi’ or ‘shell-script’ by scholars, was

erected in the site. While the lower portion of it is still grounded, the

upper portions are kept under a canopy.

Sanchi Stupa is located on a hill top at Sanchi in Raisen district state

of Madhya Pradesh. It is located 46 miles north east of Bhopal which

is the capital of Madhya Pradesh.

The city of Vidisha was on the trade route which connected the plains

of the Ganga to The Western coast. It was also a great market place in

the center of the vast Plains of Central India.

At Sanchi Airtel Hill close to Vidisha are the earliest surviving

Buddhist Stupas. Halfway up the hill is a stupa containing the remains

of the prominent buddhists teachers of the Maurya period. The Vedica

are made around the stupa dates to around 1000 BC.

Buddhism grow rapidly while and after Lord Buddha’s time. It’s

ideas and practices emerged through interaction with other traditions.

Some of these interactions to form the generation of certain secret

places which were attached with small shrines. Besides these places

associated with Lord Buddha’s life and stupa’s containing his relics

where also worshiped.

Lumbini – Place of Birth.

Bodh Gaya – Place where he attained enlightenment.

Sarnath – Where Buddha delivered his first sermon.

Kusinagara – Place where he attained mahaparinirvana or salvation

Sanchi Stupa was built by Ashoka during the Mauryan Empire to

spread the message of love and peace. It is the first built Stupas of all

at Sanchi. Sanchi stupa is now a historic monument. It houses the

relics of Buddha.

It is situated on a hillock. There are many other stupas in the vicinity.

But maximum of them are now in dilapidated condition. Our lion

emblem has been taken from the ‘Ashoka Stambha’ located near the

entry of the stupa. The entry gates are aligned in the four cardinal


It is made of sandstone blocks and some amount of bricks. Ashoka

wanted to spread the message of love and peace far and wide. He

became a follower of Buddhism. Hence he ordered the erection of

such structures.
It has an ornamented gateway called the ‘Torana’. The stupa cannot

be entered. You can only walk around it. It is one of the biggest

landmarks of Buddhism in India. The monument is placed on so high

a hill that the top of the dome can be seen even from a distance. It is

still standing in the same way fighting the test of time.

The relics of budha are located in the nucleus of the hemispherical

brick structure. The form has been given a round shape purposefully

signifying the dust mound poured on a Buddha’s relics.

There are different name assigned to the different structures

The hemispherical dome is called the ‘anda’ – This structure was built

to exemplify and illustrate the heap of soil that was used to bury the

lifeless body of Lord Buddha. The ‘anda’ is a solid structure but

contains the relics and actual remains of Lord Buddha.

However, it is believed that different last remaining mortal relics of

Lord Buddha are present in many of these Stupas inside their

respective andas. The remains of lord Buddha present inside the andas

have been archaeologically verified and corroborated by scientific

These remains are indeed of the great Buddist scholar Siddhartha

Buddha. It is however believed that a few of them might have been

misplaced or stolen due to exploitation over thousands of years by the

followers of Buddha.

Many of them have stolen relics because of their immense loging to

be in contact with the mortal remains of their beloved teacher


The circum-ambulatory path all around is called the ‘pradakshina-

path’ –

Central pillar supporting triple discs- ‘chhatra’

Entry gates are called the ‘toranas’ – The gateways to the stupas at

sanchi are known as Torana. It is an exemplary work of art and

architecture going hand in hand. These were built by the Satavahanas

during 70 BC. The toranas are of a very unique nature and have an

equally unique story behind their making.

It is said that those toranas were not made by order of the royal

dynasty but was built from the money collectively donated by the

local people including farmers, businessmen, lawyers etc. The

inscriptions on those toranas were also not decided by the rulers.

The common people of the kingdom were given complete freedom to

choose whatever was to be inscribed on them.

The toranas are made in accordance with a unique design concept

having two pillars supporting three parallel horizontal beams. The

wheel of law is carved at the top while seven incarnations of Buddha

are also present around it. The inscriptions also include pictorial

stories that tell us about the life and times of the common people.

The circulatory path is known as the -‘medhi’ – This is supposed to

surround the anda which depics the central part of the stupa. This

place is supposedly meant for circumambulation rituals.

The square railing at the top- ‘harmika’ – This is a depiction of the

sacred dome and is made of various writings carved on it.


The Sanchi Stupa is a UNESCO world heritage structure. Although

there is no dedicated management team that looks after the

maintenance of the structure, a wing of the Archaeological Survey of

India, looks after its general care.

The Ancient Monument and Archaeological Sites and Remains

(AMASR) Act of 1958 and its Rules of 1959 and the Amendment and

Validation Act of 2010 and the gazette notification of 1992 are

responsible for providing the maintenance of this great historic site of

human history and wisdom.

The maintenance and timely restoration of landscaping of the area

falls under the responsibility of the Municipality of Madhya Pradesh.

Every year lots of tourists, both Indian as well as non-Indians visit the

holy shrine to witness not only a divine and spiritual ambience but

also to notice the exemplary work of architecture done thousands of

years ago without any of the technology that is available to us today.

It was built at a time when tools were limited and rare. Skill from hit

and trial and an immensely towering vision were the only assets they


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