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Name: _______________________
Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Discuss in groups

Write other similar words:

Little: _________________________________________________________

Child: ________________________________________________________

Terrible: _______________________________________________________

Brave: ________________________________________________________

Bored: ________________________________________________________

Shadow: ______________________________________________________

Home: ________________________________________________________

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 2

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Discuss the questions

• What do you think the story is about?

• What do you think will happen next?

Complete the card

Author: ___________________________________

Illustrator: _________________________________

Characters: _________________________________





Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 3

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Match the descriptions with the images

Scaly tail

Fiery eyes

Wiry whiskers


Long tail

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 4

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

The story
Read the sentences and write TRUE or FALSE:

• ________ The Gruffalo child is feeling bored.

• ________ One summer day, into the woods goes the Gruffalo’s child.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child finds a snake with wiry whiskers.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child finds an owl with a long scaly tail.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child found a fox with with whiskers and a
hairy tail.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child found a little mouse.
• ________ The little mouse jumped into a hazel tree.
• ________ Out came the sun, bright and round.
• ________ A terrible shadow fell onto the ground.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child runs back to the cave.
• ________ The Gruffalo’s child is very brave.

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 5

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

The characters
List the characters from the story in the order they appear:

_____ Snake _____ Mouse

_____ Fox _____ Owl
__1__ Gruffalo _____ Gruffalo’s child

Read the description and draw a Draw a picture of the mouse as he

picture of the mouse as the Gruffalo actually looks.
described him.

Terribly strong Eyes like fire

Long, scaly tail Wiry whiskers

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 6

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Choose and circle

1. “Terribly big” means

a) not big b) big teeth c) very big

2. “His eyes are pools of terrible fire,” means “ his eyes are …
a) big deep fire
b) fire in the water
c) swim in fire

3. “His terrible whiskers are tougher than wire” means

a) his whiskers are heavier than wire
b) his whiskers are longer than wire
c) his whiskers are stronger than wire

4. What is snoring?

a) b) c)

5. Which word means the opposite of brave?

a) courageous b) fresh c) scared

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 7

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

6. “The wind blew wild.” means

a) The wind woke up the animals.
b) The wind was strong.
c) The wind swim in the water..

7. What is trail?
a) track b) tail c) line

8. “Down flew the creature.” What is a creature?

a) an animal b) a twig c) snow

9. “The Big Bad Mouse…, so he does exist!” What does “exist” mean?
a) be real b) be strong c) be careful

10. What does enormous mean?

a) very old b) very strong c) very big

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 8

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

After activities
Sort the words

Mouse kind small Fox big child Owl

short Gruffalo scary house brown nice
little cave cake Snake eyes purple bad
Moon bright snow strong brave scaly
tail whiskers tree friend shadow round

Adjectives Nouns

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 9

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Rhyming words
The Gruffalo’s Child is full of wonderful rhyming words. Match each word with
its rhyming partner in the box below.

wood __________________ cake __________________

bored __________________ bad __________________

strong __________________ least __________________

me __________________ fire __________________

wild __________________ brave __________________

should Dad long wire snored

cave child snake tea feast

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 10

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Describe the characters with as many adjectives as you can! Choose them
from the list below.

kind small big short scary brown

nice little purple bad strong brave
scaly red yellow green

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 11

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Imagine your monster

Imagine your own monster and draw it down. But don’t forget to include some
of the following characteristics or others that you find important.

Body Characteristics
legs big
arms long
eyes small
hands green
hair yellow
feet scaly
tail strong
knees brown
fingers pointed
teeth fluffy
mouth green

Now, with the words help, try to describe a monster


Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 12

Build your own Gruffalo’s child
Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________

Resources Book Film

Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 17

Date: _____________________________
Name: ____________________________



Discuss the questions.................................................................................................4

Complete the card......................................................................................................4



The story....................................................................................................................6

The characters............................................................................................................7

After activities.........................................................................................................10

Sort the words..........................................................................................................10

Rhyming words........................................................................................................11

Imagine your monster........................................................................................12

Build your own Gruffalo’s child......................................................................16


Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer 18

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