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San Antonio National High School

San Antonio, Culasi, Antique

4th Departmental Test in PE & Health 11

SY 2018-2019

Read the questions carefully. Choose your answer from the choices. Write letters only in your answer sheet.

1. It is the principle that indicates doing “more than normal” for improvement to happen.
a. Overload Principle b. Principle of Progression
c. Principle of Specificity d. Principle of Reversibility
2. This principle of physical activity suggests that overloading must specifically train a desired body part for it to improve.
a. Overload Principle b. Principle of Progression
c. Principle of Specificity d. Principle of Reversibility
3. In this principle, development of muscles will take place if regular movement and execution is done and if activity ceases, it will be
a. Overload Principle b. Principle of Progression
c. Principle of Specificity d. Principle of Reversibility
4. It is a measure of exercise intensity based on oxygen consumption.
a. MET b. THR b. BMI d. WTH
5. It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires exertion of energy.
a. exercise b. recreation c. physical activity d. physical fitness
6. It is a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the purpose of increasing physical
fitness level.
a. exercise b. recreation c. physical activity d. physical fitness
7. It is the ability of the lungs, heart and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to
sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises.
a. aerobic capacity b. anaerobic capacity c. muscular strength c. speed
8. It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion.
a. flexibility b. muscular endurance c. body composition d. balance
9. It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.
a. aerobic capacity b. anaerobic capacity c. muscular strength c. speed
10. It requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeably accelerates the heart rate.
a. moderate-intensity physical activity b. Vigorous –intensity physical activity
c. Light activity d. passive physical activity
11. It requires a large amount of effort and causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate.
a. moderate-intensity physical activity b. Vigorous –intensity physical activity
c. Light activity d. passive physical activity
12. It refers to the number of times a physical activity is done in each week.
a. frequency b. intensity c. type d. time
13. It is the rate at which the activity is performed.
a. frequency b. intensity c. type d. time
14. It is the duration or the length of session of physical activity.
a. frequency b. intensity c. type d. time
15 They are repetitive movements that aim to improve one or more components of fitness.
a. recreation b. leisure c. exercise d. physical fitness
16. It is an exercise that is also called as “ cardio “ exercises.
a. cool down b. aerobic activities c. strength exercises d. resistance exercise
17. Which of the following is NOT a flexibility exercise?
a. yoga b. Lunges c. stretching d. jogging
18. Which of the following will NOT improve your cardio-vascular fitness?
a. tag games b. jumping rope c. running d. push ups
19. Which of these is NOT a moderate-intensity physical activity?
a. brisk walking b. dancing c. gardening d. running
20. Which of these is NOT a moderate-intensity physical activity?
a. household chores b. aerobics c. digging ditches d. basketball
21. The following are exercises to improve muscular strength and endurance EXCEPT:
a. planks b. sit ups c. lunges d. walking
22. What is the Target Heart Rate (THR) of 15 year old athlete doing moderate-vigorous physical activity?
a. 147-176 bpm b. 160-130 bpm c. 110-120 bpm d. 90-120 bpm
23. Why there is a need to select the appropriate activities in improving body fitness?
a. to save time and effort b. to achieve the desired result
c. to specify the target muscles for development d. to serve as basis for your fitness routine
24. It is the number of times a person’s heart beat per minute.
a. pulse rate b. heart beat c. heart rate d. pulse beat
25. It is the result of your heart pumping blood.
a. artery b. pulse c. beat d. viens
26. It is an artery found just below the sides of the jaw.
a. carotid b. brachial c. temporal d. radial
27. It is an artery that is found just below the base of the thumb.
a. carotid b. brachial c. temporal d. radial
28. It refers to the rate or speed of doing physical activities.
a. speed b. pacing c. efficiency d. time
29. It refers to excessive loss of water from the body.
a. sweating b. perspiration c. hydration d. dehydration
30. It is a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a desire for liquids.
a. hunger b. urinate c. thirst d. sweat
31. What are factors that contribute to losing of fluids when performing physical activities?
a. intensity and duration of activity b. frequency and type
c. intensity and type of activity
32. What is the best drink to replenish lost fluids in our body?
a. sports drink b. energy drink c. soda d. water
33. It refers to detrimental cause of excessive training.
a. over fatigue b. over work c. overtraining d. over use
34. It is an alarming rise in body temperature, which is an effect of exercising in a very humid temperature.
a. exothermia b. hypothermia c. hyperthermia d. frost bite
35. It cools the skin and the blood circulating near the body surface when you are exercising in hot and humid temperature.
a. saliva b. sweat c. urine d. blood
36. What will happen if you lose too much water?
a. dehydration b. heat stroke c. high blood pressure d. death
37. It happens when your body temperature rises too high.
a. dehydration b. heat stroke c. high blood pressure d. death
38. It happens when a considerable amount of salt is lost in sweat.
a. heat cramps b. heat exhaustion c. heat stroke c. perspiration
39. It refers to metabolic adjustments as well as improved tissue insulation.
a. acclimatization b. familiarity c. homing d. familiarization
40. It is also known as prickly heat.
a. heat rash b. heat syncope c. heat wave d. heat stroke
41. It is associated with rapid physical fatigue during overexposure to heat.
a. heat rash b. heat syncope c. heat wave d. heat stroke
42. It is used or applied to skin to help prevent many of the damaging effects of ultra violet radiation.
a. lotion b. alcohol c. ointment d. sunscreen
43. It is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill.
a. first aid b. first care b. first injury d. first in
44. It is the national branch of the international Red Cross that cares for the wounded, sick and the homeless and provides help during
and following natural disasters.
a. Philippine General Hospital b. Bantay Bata 163 c. Kapuso Foundation d. Philippine Red Cross
45. It is a set of procedures on how to respond to injuries or emergencies.
a. Emergency Situation Plan b. Emergency Response Procedure c. Emergency Procedures
46. It is a set of supplies and equipment used to administer first aid.
a. safety box b. supply box c. first aid kit c. medicine kit
47. It is the common cause of death nowadays according to WHO.
a. heat stroke b. cardiac arrest c. HIV/AIDS d. cancer
48. These implements make access easier and are necessary especially for structures that are higher than three stories.
a. escalator b. stairs c. elevator d. slides
49. What is the first thing that you will do if there is an emergency situation?
a. Call for help. b. Assess the situation. c. Help the victim d. Apply first aid.
50. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of overtraining?
a. Less energetic than usual. b. Have trouble sleeping
c. Loss of appetite d. Feel unusual fatigue
51. Which of the following is NOT found in a first aid kit?
a. gauze pad b. spine board c. betadine d. cotton balls
52. The following are signs and symptoms of heat disorder EXCEPT:
a. muscle cramps b. fast, shallow breath c. noisy breathing d. feeling of thirst
53. Which of the following is NOT an equipment used in administering first aid?
a. AED b. blankets c. splints d. gloves
54. Which of these is NOT a non-medical transportation?
a. ambulance b. wheelchair c. spine board d. stretcher
55. The following are safety precautions inside a gym EXCEPT:
a. Lower volume of music. b. Drop or slam weights.
c. Minimize yelling. d. Return equipment to its proper place.
56. The following are expectations when using dance studios EXCEPT:
a. Wipe off wet spots. b. Know the studio schedule
c. Keep footwear on designated spots d. Monopolize use of dance area.
57. What is the significance of improving our fitness?
a. It helps boost our self-confidence. b. It reduces risk of acquiring health problems.
c. It helps avoid boredom. d. It will help us to be acquainted with others.
58. You are walking home when suddenly your companion loss consciousness. What will you do?
a. Conduct CPR immediately. b. Call for help.
c. Check consciousness. d. Assess situation.
59. Why it is important to follow the proper procedures in assessing emergency situations and in doing basic life support?
a. It may lead to farther harm. b. It can replace a nurse or a doctor.
c. It can alleviate pain and save lives. d. It gives initial treatment to an injured person.
60. How can we ensure safety in using gym equipment and facilities?
a. Make signage on how to handle equipment.
b. Put equipment inside a locker and put a padlock.
c. Observe proper manners inside the gym.
d. Ask consent before using gym equipments.

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