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We, the members of St. Michael’s College We, the members of St. Michael’s College
community, animated by the Ignacian community, animated by the Ignacian
spirituality, witness to the compassionate love spirituality, witness to the compassionate love
of Jesus Christ, empower and nurture of Jesus Christ, empower and nurture
individuals into becoming competent and individuals into becoming competent and
responsible citizens towards social responsible citizens towards social
transformation for the common good. transformation for the common good.
We commit ourselves to: We commit ourselves to:
grow in discernment and interior freedom to be grow in discernment and interior freedom to be
prophets of hope in today’s world; prophets of hope in today’s world;
continuously form Ignacian Marian leaders who continuously form Ignacian Marian leaders who
witness to faith, excellence and service in witness to faith, excellence and service in
varied socio-cultural settings; varied socio-cultural settings;
constantly pursue innovative programs, constantly pursue innovative programs,
approaches and educational strategies to approaches and educational strategies to
develop world-class professionals; develop world-class professionals;
build up resources and capabilities to respond build up resources and capabilities to respond
to contemporary issues towards enhancement to contemporary issues towards enhancement
of quality life, and; of quality life, and;
expand our educational thrust for the poor. expand our educational thrust for the poor.
Formation of proficient graduates who are Formation of proficient graduates who are
transformative agents committed to build a transformative agents committed to build a
compassionate and loving community. compassionate and loving community.
Lead a life guided by Gospel values and Lead a life guided by Gospel values and
Ignacian Marian virtues characterized by an Ignacian Marian virtues characterized by an
active commitment and involvement in Christ’s active commitment and involvement in Christ’s
salvific mission; salvific mission;
Participate actively in community building and Participate actively in community building and
contribute the best of who and what he/she is contribute the best of who and what he/she is
towards social transformation for the common towards social transformation for the common
good; good;
Render life-giving, humble service and share in Render life-giving, humble service and share in
the advocacy for peace and preservation of life; the advocacy for peace and preservation of life;
and and
Enhance one’s personal and professional Enhance one’s personal and professional
growth and development for greater service to growth and development for greater service to
humanity and for God’s glory. humanity and for God’s glory.

We, the members of St. Michael’s College
community, animated by the Ignacian
spirituality, witness to the compassionate love
of Jesus Christ, empower and nurture
individuals into becoming competent and
responsible citizens towards social
transformation for the common good.
We commit ourselves to:
grow in discernment and interior freedom to be
prophets of hope in today’s world;
continuously form Ignacian Marian leaders who
witness to faith, excellence and service in
varied socio-cultural settings;
constantly pursue innovative programs,
approaches and educational strategies to
develop world-class professionals;
build up resources and capabilities to respond
to contemporary issues towards enhancement
of quality life, and;
expand our educational thrust for the poor.
Formation of proficient graduates who are
transformative agents committed to build a
compassionate and loving community.
Lead a life guided by Gospel values and
Ignacian Marian virtues characterized by an
active commitment and involvement in Christ’s
salvific mission;
Participate actively in community building and
contribute the best of who and what he/she is
towards social transformation for the common
Render life-giving, humble service and share in
the advocacy for peace and preservation of life;
Enhance one’s personal and professional
growth and development for greater service to
humanity and for God’s glory.

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