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History of Education in the Philippines

Before the Philippines attained complete independence in 1946, the country's education system was
patterned on the systems of Spain and the United States--countries which colonized and governed the
country for more than three hundred years. However, after independence, the country's educational system
has constantly undergone reform.

Pre-colonial period
During the pre-colonial period, most children were provided with solely vocational training, which was
supervised by parents, tribal tutors or those assigned for specific, specialized roles within their communities
(for example, the babaylan). In most communities, stories, songs, poetry, dances, medicinal practices and
advice regarding all sorts of community life issues were passed from generation to generation mostly
through oral tradition. Some communities utilised a writing system known as baybayin, whose use was wide
and varied, though there are other syllabaries used throughout the archipelago.

Spanish period
Formal education was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards, which was conducted mostly by religious
orders. Upon learning the local languages and writing systems, they began teaching Christianity, the
Spanish language, and Spanish culture. These religious orders opened the first schools and universities as
early as the 16th century. Spanish missionaries established schools immediately after reaching the islands.
The Augustinians opened a parochial school in Cebu in 1565. The Franciscans, took to the task of improving
literacy in 1577, aside from the teaching of new industrial and agricultural techniques. The Jesuits followed
in 1581, as well as the Dominicans in 1587, setting up a school in Bataan. The church and the school
cooperated to ensure that Christian villages had schools for students to attend.

Schools for boys and for girls were then opened. Colegios were opened for boys, ostensibly the equivalent to
present day senior high schools. The Universidad de San Ignacio, founded in Manila by the Jesuits in 1589
was the first colegio. Eventually, it was incorporated into the University of Santo Tomas, College of Medicine
and Pharmacology following the suppression of the Jesuits. Girls had two types of schools - the beaterio, a
school meant to prepare them for the convent, and another, meant to prepare them for secular womanhood.

The Spanish also introduced printing presses to produce books in Spanish and Tagalog, sometimes using
baybayin. The first book printed in the Philippines dates back to 1590. It was a Chinese language version of
Doctrina Christiana. Spanish and Tagalog versions, in both Latin script and the locally used baybayin script,
were later printed in 1593. In 1610, Tomas Pinpin, a Filipino printer, writer and publisher, who is sometimes
referred to as the "Patriarch of Filipino Printing", wrote his famous "Librong Pagaaralan nang manga Tagalog
nang Uicang Castilla", which was meant to help Filipinos learn the Spanish language. The prologue read:

" Let us therefore study, my countrymen, for although the art of learning is somewhat difficult, yet if we are
persevering, we shall soon improve our knowledge.

Other Tagalogs like us did not take a year to learn the Spanish language when using my book. This good
result has given me satisfaction and encouraged me to print my work, so that all may derive some profit
from it.

The Educational Decree of 1863 provided a free public education system in the Philippines, managed by the
government. The decree mandated the establishment of at least one primary school for boys and one for
girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government, and the establishment of a normal
school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits. Primary education was also declared free and
available to every Filipino, regardless of race or social class. Contrary to what the propaganda of the
Spanish-American War tried to depict, they were not religious schools; rather, they are schools that were
established, supported, and maintained by the Spanish government.

After the implementation of the decree, the number of schools and students increased steadily. In 1866, the
total population of the Philippines was 4,411,261. The total number of public schools for boys was 841, and
the number of public schools for girls was 833. The total number of children attending those schools was
135,098 for boys, and 95,260 for girls. In 1892, the number of schools had increased to 2,137, of which
1,087 were for boys, and 1,050 for girls. By 1898, enrollment in schools at all levels exceeded 200,000
Among those who benefited from the free public education system were a burgeoning group of Filipino
intellectuals: the Ilustrados ('enlightened ones'), some of whom included José Rizal, Graciano López Jaena,
Marcelo H. del Pilar, Mariano Ponce, and Antonio Luna--all of whom played vital roles in the Propaganda
Movement that ultimately inspired the founding of the Katipunan.

First Republic
The defeat of Spain following the Spanish-American War led to the short-lived Philippine Independence
movement, which established the insurgent First Philippine Republic. The schools maintained by Spain for
more than three centuries were closed briefly, but were reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of
Interior. The Burgos Institute (the country's first law school), the Academia Militar (the country's first
military academy), and the Literary University of the Philippines were established. Article 23 of the Malolos
Constitution mandated that public education would be free and obligatory in all schools of the nation under
the First Philippine Republic. However, the Philippine-American War hindered its progress.

American period
About a year after having secured Manila, the Americans were keen to open up seven schools with army
servicemen teaching with army command-selected books and supplies. In the same year, 1899, more
schools were opened, this time, with 24 English-language teachers and 4500 students.

A highly centralised, experimental public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine Commission
and legislated by Act No. 74. The law exposed a severe shortage of qualified teachers, brought about by
large enrollment numbers in schools. As a result, the Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of
Public Instruction to bring more than 1,000 teachers from the United States, who were called the
Thomasites, to the Philippines between 1901 and 1902. These teachers were scattered throughout the
islands to establish barangay schools. The same law established the Philippine Normal School (now the
Philippine Normal University) to train aspiring Filipino teachers.

The high school system was supported by provincial governments and included special educational
institutions, schools of arts and trades, an agricultural school, and commerce and marine institutes, which
were established in 1902 by the Philippine Commission.

Several other laws were passed throughout the period. In 1902, Act No. 372 authorised the opening of
provincial high schools.

1908 marked the year when Act No. 1870 initiated the opening of the University of the Philippines, now the
country's national university.

The emergence of high school education in the Philippines, however, did not occur until 1910. It was borne
out of rising numbers in enrollment, widespread economic depression, and a growing demand by big
businesses and technological advances in factories and the emergence of electrification for skilled workers.
In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created and the curriculum focused on practical
job skills that would better prepare students for professional white collar or skilled blue collar work. This
proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the employee; the investment in human capital caused
employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received
a higher wage than those employees with just primary educational attainment.

However, a steady increase in enrollment in schools appeared to have hindered any revisions to then-
implemented experimental educational system. Act No. 1381, also known as Gabaldon Law, was passed in
1907, which provided a fund of a million pesos for construction of concrete school buildings and is one of
many attempts by the government to meet this demand. In line as well with the Filipinization policy of the
government, the Reorganization Act of 1916 provided that all department secretaries except the Secretary
of Public Instruction must be a natural-born Filipino.

A series of revisions (in terms of content, length, and focus) to the curriculum began in 1924, the year the
Monroe Survey Commission released its findings. After having convened in the period from 1906 to 1918,
what was simply an advisory committee on textbooks was officiated in 1921 as the Board on Textbooks
through Act No. 2957. The Board was faced with difficulties, however, even up to the 1940s, but because
financial problems hindered the possibility of newer adaptations of books.

Third Republic
In 1947, after the United States relinquished all its authority over the Philippines, President Manuel Roxas
issued Executive Order No. 94 which renamed Department of Instruction into Department of Education.
During this period, the regulation and supervision of public and private schools belonged to the Bureau of
Public and Private Schools.

Fourth Republic
In 1972, the Department of Education became the Department of Education and Culture (DECS) under
Proclamation 1081, which was signed by President Ferdinand Marcos.

On September 24, 1972, by Presidential Decree No. 1, DECS was decentralized with decision-making shared
among its thirteen regional offices.

Following a referendum of all barangays in the Philippines from January 10-15, 1973, President Marcos
ratified the 1973 Constitution by Proclamation 1102 on January 17, 1973. The 1973 Constitution set out the
three fundamental aims of education in the Philippines:

to foster love of country;

to teach the duties of citizenship; and
to develop moral character, self-discipline, and scientific, technological and vocational efficiency.

In 1978, by the Presidential Decree No. 1397, DECS became the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The Education Act of 1982 provided for an integrated system of education covering both formal and non-
formal education at all levels. Section 29 of the act sought to upgrade educational institutions' standards to
achieve "quality education" through voluntary accreditation for schools, colleges, and universities. Section
16 and Section 17 upgraded the obligations and qualifications required for teachers and administrators.
Section 41 provided for government financial assistance to private schools. This act also created the Ministry
of Education, Culture and Sports.

Fifth Republic
A new constitution was ratified on February 2, 1987, and entered into force of February 11. Section 3,
Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution contains the ten fundamental aims of education in the Philippines.
Section 2(2), Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution made elementary school compulsory for all children.

In 1987, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports became again the DECS under Executive Order No.
117. The structure of DECS as embodied in the order remained practically unchanged until 1994.

On May 26, 1988, the Congress of the Philippines enacted the Republic Act 6655 or the Free Public
Secondary Education Act of 1988, which mandated free public secondary education commencing in the
school year 1988-1989.

On February 3, 1992, the Congress enacted Republic Act 7323, which provided that students aged 15 to 25
may be employed during their Christmas vacation and summer vacation with a salary not lower than the
minimum wage--with 60% of the wage paid by the employer and 40% by the government.

The Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) report of 1991 recommended the division of DECS
into three parts. On May 18, 1994, the Congress passed Republic Act 7722 or the Higher Education Act of
1994, creating the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), which assumed the functions of the Bureau of
Higher Education and supervised tertiary degree programs. On August 25, 1994, the Congress passed
Republic Act 7796 or the Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 199, creating the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), which absorbed the Bureau of Technical-Vocational
Education as well as the National Manpower and Youth Council, and began to supervise non-degree
technical-vocational programs. DECS retained responsibility for all elementary and secondary education.
This threefold division became known as the "trifocal system of education" in the Philippines.

In August 2001, Republic Act 9155, otherwise called the Governance of Basic Education Act, was passed.
This act changed the name of DECS to the current Department of Education (DepEd) and redefined the role
of field offices (regional offices, division offices, district offices and schools). The act provided the overall
framework for school empowerment by strengthening the leadership roles of headmasters and fostering
transparency and local accountability for school administrations. The goal of basic education was to provide
the school age population and young adults with skills, knowledge, and values to become caring, self-reliant,
productive, and patriotic citizens.
In 2005, the Philippines spent about US$138 per pupil, compared to US$3,728 in Japan, US$1,582 in
Singapore and US$852 in Thailand.

In 2006, the Education for All (EFA) 2015 National Action Plan was implemented. It states:

" The central goal is to provide basic competencies to everyone, and to achieve functional literacy for all.
Ensuring that every Filipino has the basic competencies is equivalent to providing all Filipinos with the basic
learning needs, or enabling all Filipinos to be functionally literate. "

In terms of secondary level education, all children aged twelve to fifteen, are sought to be on track to
completing the schooling cycle with satisfactory achievement levels at every year.

In January 2009, the Department of Education signed a memorandum of agreement with the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) to seal $86 million assistance to Philippine education,
particularly the access to quality education in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and the
Western and Central Mindanao regions.

Recent years
In 2010, then-Senator Benigno Aquino III expressed his desire to implement the K-12 basic education cycle
to increase the number of years of compulsory education to thirteen years. According to him, this will "give
everyone an equal chance to succeed" and "have quality education and profitable jobs". After further
consultations and studies, the government under President Aquino formally adopted the K-6-4-2 basic
education system--one year of kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high
school education and two years of senior high school education. Kindergarten was formally made
compulsory by virtue of the Kindergarten Education Act of 2012, while the further twelve years were
officially put into law by virtue of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Although DepEd has already
implemented the K-12 Program since SY 2011-2012, it was still enacted into law to guarantee its continuity
in the succeeding years.

The former system of basic education in the Philippines consists of one-year preschool education, six-year
elementary education and four-year high school education. Although public preschool, elementary and high
school education are provided free, only primary education is stipulated as compulsory according to the
1987 Philippine Constitution. Pre-primary education caters to children aged five. A child aged six may enter
elementary schools with, or without pre-primary education. Following on from primary education is four-
years of secondary education, which can theoretically be further divided into three years of lower secondary
and one year of upper secondary education. Ideally, a child enters secondary education at the age of 12.
After completing their secondary education, students may progress to a technical education and skills
development to earn a certificate or a diploma within one to three years, depending on the skill. Students
also have the option to enrol in higher education programmes to earn a baccalaureate degree.

Former educational system

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Philippine Colonial Education System Research ·
August 2015 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2507.7600 CITATIONS 0 READS 25,195 1 author: Rory Dacumos
Nagoya University 26 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was
uploaded by Rory Dacumos on 02 August 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the
downloaded file. Rory Sta. Catalina Dacumos 13/11/2013 Philippine Colonial Education System The
Philippines had a long colonial history, spanning the 16th to 20th century (1565 up to 1946). Spain
colonized the Philippine Islands for 333 years, after which they ceded control to the United States in
1898. The Americans ruled the country uninterrupted until they handed over control to the
Commonwealth of the Philippines in 1935. The decade-long existence of the Philippine Commonwealth
was interrupted from 1942-1945, at the height of the Japanese occupation during World War II. After
the war, the Commonwealth ended in 1946 and the Philippines regained full independence from the
Americans. All throughout this colonization period, Spanish and American influences were most
prominent into the Philippine educational system. Spanish period When the Spaniards came to the
Philippine Islands in 1521, they were surprised to discover that the native population had high literacy,
that is, they knew how to read and write using a 17-symbol alphabet called the Baybayin script.
Education though was not formal, and that it was mainly focused on teaching practical knowledge as
well as the worship of Bathala (local deity) and the respect of laws and customs. With the onset of
Spanish colonization in 1565, Spanish friars and missionaries arrived. Across the islands, the colonies
that were built always included a church and a school. The priests were the first teachers, and they
educated the natives in order to convert them into Catholicism. Thus, the formal education introduced
by the Spanish colonizers was mainly religion-based and controlled by the Roman Catholic Church.
During this period, the oldest universities, colleges and vocational schools founded in Asia were created
by Catholic missionary/religious orders. The first religious order to arrive, the Augustinians, founded the
first school in Cebu in 1565. This was followed by the Franciscans in 1577, Jesuits in 1581 and
Dominicans in 1587. In 1590, the Jesuits established Colegio de Manila, later renamed as Rory Sta.
Catalina Dacumos 13/11/2013 Universidad de San Ignacio in 1621. The oldest, existing university in the
Philippines and in Asia, the University of Santo Tomas, was founded by the Dominicans on 28 April 1611.
Spanish education centered on religion. Aside from catechism1 , the friars taught Latin and Spanish
grammar (languages used in religious ceremonies). In essence, the Spanish educational system was
meant to keep the natives faithful, in order to keep the Church's authority over the lives of the Indios
(colonized Filipinos). This system continued until the introduction of the modern public education
system in 1863.2 In 20 December 1863, Queen Isabella of Spain ordered the Education Decree, which
provided free access to primary education for boys and girls in each town. The implementation of this
Royal Decree made the Philippines as the first country in Asia which had a free and compulsory form of
modern education, 10 years before the implementation in Japan. It also provided for a complete and
structured educational system, with primary education leading to secondary and tertiary education.
Subjects taught included non-religious courses such as mathematics, history, geography, philosophy and
psychology, among others. Finally, after 300 years under Spanish rule, the reformed educational system
gave Filipinos the opportunity to pursue higher learning, study liberal western ideas and develop
valuable leadership skills. This gave birth to select group of enlightened individuals who call themselves
as Ilustrados 3 . The Ilustrados played a major role in the Philippine revolution against Spain. Prominent
Ilustrados were Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Antonio Luna and the
Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. American period By the time of American occupation in 1898,
Filipinos were among the most educated people in all of Asia, with some scholars claiming that the
average Filipino at that time was even 1 A collection or compilation of Roman Catholic Church doctrines
and teachings. 2 In 1833, France became the first country in the world to introduce the modern public
education system. This system only reached Spain in 1857, and a few years later, introduced the same
system to her colonies in 1863. 3 From the Spanish word Ilustrado, meaning, "erudite," "enlightened,"
or "learned." Rory Sta. Catalina Dacumos 13/11/2013 more educated than the average American. In
fact, the public school system that was introduced by Spain, i.e., one school for boys and one school for
girls in every town or municipality, was even ahead of the American public school system which only had
34 states with formal, compulsory form of education. Nevertheless, the successive Philippine Revolution
and Philippine-American War took its toll on the public educational system, with most school structures
either damaged or badly looted. This prompted the American colonizers to reform the whole system
and used education as part of their colonization program called the benevolent assimilation4 . By this
way, American soldiers built schools in conquered areas, and the soldiers themselves were the first
teachers. Educational reform started with the passage of Act No. 74, otherwise known as the Education
Act of 1901. Soldiers were replaced by trained teachers, beginning June 1901 when a group of around
1000 volunteer teachers arrived in the Philippines. Two months later, another batch of 600 teachers
came via the naval ship USS Thomas, hence, they called themselves the Thomasites. The reformed
educational system introduced by the Americans encouraged more Filipinos in the field of teaching,
such that succeeding generations were taught by Filipino teachers and reliance on American teachers
decreased. Throughout the American colonization period, several universities, vocational schools and
normal schools were established around the country. The University of the Philippines, currently the
country's top-ranking university, was established in 1908. More importantly, the law discarded the
religious bias in the system of education. It also promulgated the use of English language as the official
medium of instruction in all public schools and the teaching of the concept of democracy. In effect, the
lasting legacy of American educational reforms in the Philippines would later on be felt until today, with
the Filipinos' continued English language proficiency and their undying support for democracy. 4 A
proclamation by United States (U.S.) President William McKinley stating that the mission of the U.S. was
not to conquer and suppress individual rights and liberties which was recently won by Filipinos from
Spain, rather, absorb the Filipino society into a new culture (i.e., American), as an act of benevolence
(kindness) from the American people. In essence, this was just a euphemism, to justify the U.S.
colonization of the Philippines. Rory Sta. Catalina Dacumos 13/11/2013 Japanese occupation The short-
lived Japanese occupation of the Philippines provided little room for the introduction of educational
reforms, as war ravaged through the islands. In some conquered areas, Japanese forces tried to
introduced the following reforms in the educational system: i) to stop depending on western countries
like the U.S. and Great Britain; ii) promote and enrich the Filipino culture; iii) to recognize that the
Philippines is a part of the Greater East Asia CoProsperity Sphere so that the Philippines and Japan will
have good relations; iv) to be aware of materialism to raise the morality of the Filipinos; v) to learn and
adopt Nippongo and to stop using the English language; vi) to spread elementary and vocational
education and vii) to develop love for work. With the defeat of Japan at the end of World War II, it could
be safely concluded that such attempts at reforms produced little to almost negligible effects for the
Philippine educational system, as it is today.
Education during the spanish regime and its colonial effects group 4
2. 2. Education during the Spanish Regime and Its Colonial Effects to the Filipinos
3. 3. During the Spanish Colonial Period of the Philippines (1565-1898) most of the archipelago
underwent a deep cultural, religious transformation from various native Asian cultures and
traditions with Islamic or animist religious practices, to a unique hybrid of Southeast Asia and
Western culture including the Catholic faith.
4. 4. Spanish education played a major role in that transformation. The oldest universities,
colleges, vocational schools and the first modern public education system in Asia were
created during the colonial period.
5. 5. Education was still in the early stage of development during the Spanish period. Even by
the late 19th century, the Spanish language was still unknown to a great majority. They were
literate in their own native dialects. The Spanish aristocracy tried to distinguish themselves
from the indios with the use of language and level education.
7. 7. During the early years of Spanish colonization, education was mostly religionoriented and
controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. Spanish friars and missionaries educated the
natives through religion with the aim of converting indigenous populations to the Catholic
8. 8. System of Writing during the Spanish Regime was Latin Alphabet. ALBOLADORA
9. 9. The Augustinians opened a school immediately upon arriving in Cebú in 1565.
Augustinians Friars
10. 10. The Franciscans arrived in 1577, and they, too, immediately taught the people how to
read and write, besides imparting to them important industrial and agricultural techniques.
Franciscans Friars
11. 11. The Jesuits who arrived in 1581 also concentrated on teaching the young. When the
Dominicans arrived in 1587, they did the same thing Jesuits Priests
12. 12. The friars were effective in evangelizing the Catholic religion to the Filipinos. One major
failure of the educational system of the religious congregations was the withholding of the
Filipinos to learn other bodies of knowledge. Education during the Spanish regime was
privileged only to Spanish students. Several educated Filipinos referred to as ilustrados
began movements directed towards change in the system of government in the Philippines.
13. 13. The Chinese language version of the Doctrina Christiana (Christian Doctrine) was the
first book printed in the Philippines in about 1590 to 1592.
14. 14. Tomas Pinpin VILLASANTA
15. 15. In 1610 Tomas Pinpin a Filipino printer, writer and publisher, who is sometimes referred
as the "Patriarch of Filipino Printing", wrote his famous Librong Pagaaralan nang manga
Tagalog nang Uicang Castilla, that was meant to help Filipinos learn the Spanish language.
The prologue read:
16. 16. “Let us therefore study, my country men, for although the art of learning is somewhat
difficult, yet if we are persevering, we shall soon improve our knowledge. Other Tagalogs like
us did not take a year to learn the Spanish language when using my book. This good result
has given me satisfaction and encouraged me to print my work, so that all may derive some
profit from it.”
17. 17. Tertiary Schools
18. 18. Colegio de Santa Potenciana was the first school and college for girls that opened in the
Philippines, in 1589. It was followed by another school for women, Colegio de Santa Isabel,
that opened in 1632. Other Schools and Colleges for girls were Santa Catalina, Santa Rosa,
La Concordia, etc. Several religious congregations also established schools for orphaned
girls who could not educate themselves.
19. 19. Colegio de Santa Isabel
20. 20. Colegio de Santa Rosa
21. 21. In 1590, the Universidad de San Ignacio was founded in Manila by the Jesuits, initially as
the Colegio-Seminario de San Ignacio.
22. 22. The Universidad de San Carlos was founded in Cebú by the Jesuits on August 1, 1595,
initially named as the Colegio de San Ildefonso. It closed down in 1769 as a result of the
expulsion of the Jesuits from the Philippines and didn't open again until 1783. ABRIAM
23. 23. On April 28, 1611, the Universidad de Santo Tomás was founded in Manila, initially
named as the Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Santísimo Rosario and later renamed as
Colegio de Santo Tomas.
24. 24. In 1611, Fray Miguel de Benavides, the third archbishop of Manila established the
Colegio de Nuestra Senora del Santissimo Rosario, later renamed Universidad de Santo
Tomas (in 1645 by Pope Innocent X). Universidad de Santo Tomas
25. 25. Archbishop Fray Miguel de Benavides Pope Innocent X
26. 26. San Carlos and Santo Tomás maintain a friendly rivalry over the claim to be the oldest
university in Asia. The University of San Carlos makes the claim of tracing its roots to the
Colegio de San Ildefonso founded by the Spanish Jesuits fathers Antonio Sedeno, Pedro
Chirino and Antonio Pereira in 1595.
27. 27. The Jesuits also founded the Colegio de San José (1601) and took over the
management of a school that became the Escuela Municipal (1859, later renamed Ateneo
Municipal de Manila in 1865, now the Ateneo de Manila University).
28. 28. The Dominicans on their part had the Colegio de San Juan de Letrán(1620) in Manila. All
of them provided courses leading to different prestigious degrees, like the Bachiller en Artes,
that by the 19th century included science subjects such as physics, chemistry, natural history
and mathematics. BANAAG
29. 29. In 1621, College of San Ignacio was elevated to the rank of a university by Pope Gregory
XV and was named University of san Ignacio. However, this school was closed in 1768 when
the Jesuits were expelled from the country. Pope Gregory XV
30. 30. The Franciscans nuns was established the Real Monasterio de Santa Clara (now St.
Claire Convent of Manila), the first nunnery in the Philippines in 1621. San Juan de Letran for
the orphaned boy established in 1630.
31. 31. San Juan de Letran
32. 32. The girls were also given special education. Schools were of two kinds: •COLEGIO - a
regular school for girls •BEATERIO – a combined school and nunnery. The first college for
girls in the Philippines was the College of Santa Potenciana (1594). After the school ceased
its operations, the students transferred to College of Santa Isabel, now the oldest existing
college for girls in the country. The institution was originally built to care for orphaned
Spanish girls. Eventually, it became an exclusive school for the daughters of affluent
33. 33. In 1640, the Universidad de San Felipe de Austria was established in Manila. It was the
first public university created by the Spanish government in the Philippines. It closed down in
1643. During the 18th century, the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Canonical Law was
established. In 1871, several schools of medicine and pharmacy were opened.
35. 35. A Nautical School was created on January 1, 1820 which offered a four-year course of
study (for the profession of pilot of merchant marine) that included subjects such as
arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, hydrography, meteorology, navigati on
and pilotage. A School of Commercial Accounting and a School of French and English
Languages were established in 1839. YUSON
36. 36. The Don Honorio Ventura College of Arts and Trades (DHVCAT) in Bacolor, Pampanga
is said to be the oldest official vocational school in Asia. Augustinian Friar Juan Zita and civic
leader Don Felino Gil established the vocational school on November 4, 1861. The Manila
School of Agriculture was created in 1887, although it was unable to open its doors until July
37. 37. Agricultural schools and monitoring stations, run by professors who were agricultural
engineers, were also established in Isabela, Ilocos, Albay, Cebú, Iloílo, Leyte an d parts of
Mindanao. The Real SociedadEconómica de los Amigos del País de Filipinas (Royal
Economic Society of Friends of the Philippines) was first introduced in the islands in 1780,
and offered local and foreign scholarships to Filipinos, professorships and financed trips of
scientists from Spain to the Philippines.
38. 38. The Observatorio Meteorológico del Ateneo Municipal de Manila (Manila Observatory)
was founded in 1865 by the Jesuits after an article they published in the newspaper Diario de
Manila, describing typhoon observations made on September 1865, attracted the attention of
many readers who publicly requested for the observations to be continued.
40. 40. Modern public school education was introduced in Spain only in 1857. Free access to
modern public education by all Filipinos was made possible through the enactment of the
Education Decree of December 20, 1863 by Queen Isabella II. The Education Decree of
1863 provided for the establishment of at least two free primary schools, one for boys and
another for girls, in each town under the responsibility of the municipal government. It also
commended the creation of a free public normal school to train men as teachers, supervised
by the Jesuits.
41. 41. One of these schools was the Escuela Normal Elemental, which, in 1896 became the
Escuela Normal Superior de Maestros de Manila (Manila Ordinary School for
Schoolmistresses). The Spanish government established a school for midwives in 1879,
andEscuela Normal Superior de Maestras (Superior Normal School) for female teachers in
42. 42. Educational Decree 1863
43. 43. 1. The first educational system for students in the country was established by virtue of
the Education Decree of 1863. 2. The decree required the government to provide school
institutions for boys and girls in every town.
44. 44. 3. Spanish schools started accepting Filipino students 4. The Normal School was also
established. 5. The friars controlled the educational system during the Spanish
45. 45. 6. The missionaries took charge in teaching, controlling and maintaining the rules and
regulations imposed to the students. 7. The schools before were exclusive for the Spaniards.
The Filipinos were only able
46. 46. Effects of Colonial Education in the Philippines
47. 47. The effect of education to the Filipinos was only compelled to the friars' influences from
their lessons based on the Christian Doctrines or teachings One major failure of the
educational system of the religious congregations was the withholding of the Filipinos to
48. 48. In entirety, education during the Spanish regime was privileged only to Spanish students.
The supposed Philippine education was only a means to remain colonizers. Meanwhile,
several educated Filipinos referred to as ilustrados may considered one of the major effects
49. 49. EDUCATION IN SPANISH ERA -education was “religion centered” -education for the
elite only -Spanish is compulsory -boys and girls school are separated -inadequate,
suppressed and controlled

 Jan 1, 1554


Aim: for survival and conformity; for enculturation

Methods: demonstration method; observation/imitation
Content: broad, indefinite and unwritten; unstructured; research later shows Filipinos already
have their own "baybayin" alphabet

 Jan 2, 1555

SPANISH PERIOD (1555-1898)

Royal decree of 1555 mandated the ff. education goals:
- indoctrination of Christianity
- promotion of Spanish language
- imposition of Spanish culture
Methods: dictation; memorization; moro-moro, cenaculo
*Primary instruction was free but usually for the elite. Education during that period was
inadequate, suppressed, and controlled.
Content: Christian doctrine; intro of parochial schools; severe discipline imposed;
authoritarianism type; teacher dominated

 Jan 1, 1565

Parochial Schools
rise of parochial schools started by the Agustinians and later by other religious Spanish orders.
among the 1st schools are Colegio de San Ignacio (1589), UST (1611), Beaterio de Sta.
Potenciana (1st only-girls school in 1594)

 Jan 1, 1863

Royal Decree of 1863

Establishment of Education Act of 1863 whereby which provided for the establishment of at
least one primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal
government; and the establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision
of the Jesuits.

 Jan 1, 1901

Creation of Dept. of Public Instruction and

Educational Act of 1901
aka Act No. 74 of the Philippine Commission was promulgated to establish a Dept. of Public
Instruction (1900) to oversee the operations of public schools (section 17 of which created PNU)
- a 3-level school syatem was set up (elementary, high school and college)

 Jan 1, 1935

1935 Consitution (Commonwealth Period)

*As set forth in the 1935 Constitution, educational aims are: to develop moral character,
personal discipline, civic conscience, vocational efficiency and duties of citizenship. Various
Executive Orders were mandated by Commonwealth president M.L.Quezon such as Educ. Act
of 1940, EO 134 (Tagalog) EO 17 (code of ethics); EO 263 (compulsory teaching of Pilipino

 Feb 17, 1942

Legal Mandate for Education during Japanese

Order No. 2 of the Japanese Imperial Forces was established to set up war time educational

 Jun 14, 1947

Board of Textbooks (RA 139)

its function was to screen and approve textbooks for use in all public schools. Private schools
can use textbooks of their choice provided the Board has no objections.

 Jun 15, 1954

Civil Service Eligibility

Pursuant to RA 1079, teachers are required to take civil service exma to be eligible to teach in
public schools.
 Jun 18, 1966

Magna Carta for Teachers

*recruitment qualification of teachers
*Code of Professional Conduct
*teaching load and overtime
*GSIS benefits
*leaves, salary increases

 Jan 17, 1973

YDT and CAT are introduced via 1973 Constitution

*aside from YDT and CAT, several educational programs were initiated from 197-1986, viz:
NCEE (later abolished in 1994), NSAT, NEAT, etc.
*automatic civisl service eligibility to tertiary honor students

 Sep 22, 1976

Professional Board Exams for Teachers (now LET)

*as per PD 1006, teachers are given professional status upon passing the board exam (PBET).
Currently, RA 7836 mandates that teachers should pass the LET as administered by the PRC.

 Jan 1, 1982

Education Act of 1982

*aka BP 232 was executed to promote and maintain "quality education" through accreditation
for all schools to upgrade their standards;

 Jan 1, 1991

Break-up of DECS into 3 departments

*as recommended by Congress, DECS was subdivided into 3 depts: Dept of Basic Education
*establishment of Teacher Education Centers of Excellence

 Feb 3, 1992
Student Employment Law
*aka RA 7323, it allows students aged 15-25 to be employed during summer or Christmas
vacations with a salary not lower than the minimum wage where 60% paid by employer and
40% shouldered by the govt.

 May 15, 2013

K-12 Educational System

 Aug 15, 2015

1987 Constitution
Aims for education: inculcate patriotism/nationalism; foster love of humanity; respect for human
rights; appreciation of national heroes; rights and duties of citizenship; strengthen ethical and
spiritual values; develop moral character and discipline; encourage critical creative thinking;
broaden science/technology; promote vocational efficiency

 Period: Jan 1, 1898 to Dec 31, 1942


Aim: to promote democratic ideals and way of life

Content: 3Rs, GMRC, civics, hygiense and sanitation, gardening, American and Phil history;
highly influenced by John Dewey
Method: democratic way of teaching
*religious freedom was enforced; right attitudes, habits and intelligence and democratic ideals
were emphasized; schools had the role of guidance and consultancy

 Period: Jan 1, 1942 to Dec 31, 1945


*Order No. 2 of the Japanese Imperial Forces set up the war time educational aims in Phils:
fostering a new culture based on consciousness of the people as Orientals; elevating the morals
of the people over materialism; diffusion of elem. educ. and promotion of vocational educ.;
diffusion of Japanses language and termination of use of English in schools
*establishment of vocational, agricultural and technical schools; teaching P.E. and Japanese

 Period: Jul 4, 1946 to Aug 15, 2015


Starting with the 1935 Constitution up to present, various reforms were made on the educational
EOs and RAs establishing various agencies started to prolifigate, living and working conditions
of teachers were addressed and their civil service eligibility, barrio and provincial schools were
created, educational programs to enhance studies and assessments were initiated (NCEE,
NSAT, etc) aim is still to promote natl devt and values educ., and implementation of K-12


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