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Constitutional Law: Banco Español vs.

Palanca, 37 Phil
Banco Español vs. Palanca, 37 Phil 921

Engracio Palanca Tanquinyeng secured a debt with various parcels of real property in Manila. The
debt amounted to P218,294.10 at 8% per annum, payable quarterly. Property's estimated value
was about P292,558. After the instrument's execution, mortgagor returned to Amoy, China and
died on January 29, 1810. The foreclosure proceeding needed publication pursuant to section
399 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Publication was made in a newspaper of Manila and an order
of the court deposited in the post office in a stamped envelope of the summons and complaint
directed to defendant. The clerk, however, failed to comply with the mail publication
The bank was able to foreclose the property without the defendant.
After seven years, the administrator of the estate, Vicente Palanca, appeared and requested the
court to set aside the order of default of July 2, 1908, and the judgment rendered upon July 3,
1908, and to vacate all the proceedings subsequent thereto. The basis of this application, as set
forth in the motion itself, was that the order of default and the judgment rendered thereon were
void because the court had never acquired jurisdiction over the defendant or over the subject of
the action. His appeal was denied by the lower court, hence the appeal.
His appeal was denied by the lower court, hence the appeal.

Issue: Whether or not the procedural aspect of the right to due process has been prejudiced.

1. There must be a COURT or TRIBUNAL clothed with judicial power to hear and determine the
matter before it;
2. JURISDICTION must be lawfully acquired over the person of the defendant or over the property
which is the subject of the proceeding;
3. The defendant must be given the OPPORTUNITY to be heard; and
4. Judgment must be rendered upon lawful HEARING.
The essentials of procedural fairness inn judicial proceedings are:

Conclusions stated by the court indicated that the judgment appealed from is without error, and the
same is accordingly affirmed.

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