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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Score: _____________

I. Identify the following tempo markings if it is for fast tempo or for slow tempo. Choose
the letter of your answer from the given choices below.
A. Fast Tempo Marking B. Slow Tempo Marking

____ 1. Larghetto ____ 6. Accelerando

____ 2. Andante ____ 7. Allegro
____ 3. Presto ____ 8. Moderato
____ 4. Adagio ____ 9. Prestissimo
____ 5. Largo ____ 10. Ritardando

II. Fill in the missing information. Write your answer on the space provided.


p piano 1.
________________ Mezzo piano Moderately soft
pp _________________ Very soft
ppp 4. ___________________ _________________
6. 7.
________________ _________________ Loud
8. 9.
________________ Mezzo Forte _________________
ff fortissimo ___________________________
11. 12.
________________ ______________________ Very, very loud
13. 14.
________________ crescendo ___________________________
________________ decrescendo Gradually becoming softer

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. It is a technique in art which uses a paper and is widely practiced in Paete,
a. Paper Folding c. Paper Cutting
b. Free-standing d. Papier-Mache
_____ 2. It is the Japanese term for paper-mache.
a. Zhezhi c. Kar-i-munaqqash
b. Mon-kiri d. collage
_____ 3. It is the Japanese term for paper cutting.
a. Zhezhi c. Kar-i-munaqqash
b. Mon-kiri d. collage
_____ 4. It is the Japanese term for paper folding.
a. Zhezhi c. Kar-i-munaqqash
b. Mon-kiri d. collage
_____ 5. It is the product of the paper folding.
a. Origami c. Kirigami
b. Taka d. Diorama
_____ 6. It is the product of paper cutting.
a. Origami c. Kirigami
b. Taka d. Diorama
_____ 7. It is the product of the papier-mache.
a. Origami c. Kirigami
b. Taka d. Diorama
_____ 8. It is the art of folding paper.
a. Origami c. Kirigami
b. Taka d. Diorama
_____ 9. It is a well-known type of mixed media in Asia using the combination of
objects that are placed on a flat surface.
a. Collage c. Installation art
b. Paper Beadwork d. Diorama
_____ 10. It is another form of mixed media art placed on a table.
a. Collage c. Installation art
b. Paper Beadwork d. Diorama

II. Essay
1. Is paper important? Why? Explain your answer. (5 pts.)

I. Label the parts of a volleyball court and write its measurement.
3. _____ m
1. _______________ 2. _________________

4. _____ m

5. __________________

6. _____ m 7. _____ m

II. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
____ 1. It is the year where the game volleyball became part of the Olympic sports.
a. 1963 b. 1964 c. 1973 d. 1974
____ 2. It is the year where in volleyball was introduced in the Philippines.
a. 1911 b. 1912 c. 1910 d. 1913

____ 3. It is the measurement of the length of the court used in volleyball.

a. 9 m b. 12 m c. 16 m d. 18 m
____ 4. It is the measurement of the width of the court used in volleyball.
a. 9 m b. 12 m c. 16 m d. 18 m
____ 5. He/she is the official who can replace the first referee if he cannot continue his
a. Scorer b. Line judge c. Umpire d. Referee
____ 6. He/she is the official who signals if the ball is “in” or “out”.
a. Scorer b. Line judge c. Umpire d. Referee
____ 7. He/she is the overall in charge of the game.
a. Scorer b. Line judge c. Umpire d. Referee
____ 8. He/she is the official who keeps the record of the game.
a. Scorer b. Line judge c. Umpire d. Referee
____ 9. He was the one who developed the game volleyball.
a. James Naismith b. William Morgan c. Alfred Halsted d. Aparicio Mequi
____ 10. It is the former name of the game volleyball.
a. Pingpong b. Sepak takraw c. Badminton d. Mintonette
____ 11. He was the one who recommended changing the former name of volleyball.
a. James Naismith b. William Morgan c. Alfred Halsted d. Aparicio Mequi
____ 12. The main object of this game was to hit the ball back and forth over the net
with the hands.
a. volleyball b. basketball c. badminton d. table tennis
____ 13. The following equipment is used in volleyball EXCEPT:
a. antenna b. net c. shuttlecock d. post

I. Complete the statements. Choose your answer from the box below.
1. ________________ food poisoning is often caused by the salmonella group of
bacteria, associated with farm animals, particularly poultry.
2. ________________ refers to someone who has completed a course of theoretical
and practical instructions.
3. _______________ food poisoning is frequently caused by toxins produced by the
bacteria group, staphylococcus.
4. The temporary relief given to a person in case of sudden illness or injury is called
5. ________________ is any break in the skin through which blood may be lost from
the body.
6. Any abnormal break in the skin or body surface is known as _________________.
7. _____________ wound is a superficial wound in which the top layers of the skin are
scraped off.
8. RICES stands for rest, ice, compress, _____________, and splint.
9. ____________ wound is a jab caused by a needle or the wound you get when you
accidentally stand on a nail.
10. _________________ commonly occurs when blood vessels inside the nostrils are

Toxic Open wound elevate

Nose bleeding wound Bacterial
Abrasion First aider First Aid
II. Give at least two first aid treatments for each common injury and condition.

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

1. ______________________________________

Nose Bleeding
2. ______________________________________


1. ______________________________________

Insect Bites
2. ______________________________________


1. ______________________________________

Animal Bites
2. ______________________________________


1. ______________________________________

Burns and
Scalds 2. ______________________________________


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