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1. A form of delivery which takes place after the seller of the property continues in possession of
said property no longer as owner but as a mere possessor:
a. Traditio constitutum possessorium
b. Traditio calvio
c. Traditio brevi-manu
d. Quasi-traditio

Answer: a


2. When goods are delivered to the buyer on “sale or return”, the ownership passes to the buyer:
a. Upon delivery of the goods
b. Upon the expiration of the period agreed upon
c. Upon acceptance of the buyer of the seller’s offer
d. Upon perfection of the sale

Answer: a


3. When things are delivered to the buyer on approval, trial, or satisfaction, the ownership passes
to the buyer:
a. Upon delivery of the things
b. Upon meetings of minds
c. Upon conception of the sale
d. Upon the return of the things to the seller

Answer: b


4. P orally appointed A as his agent to sell the former’s land. On January 3, 2020, A sold the land to
B who forthwith took possession thereof. It turned out however, that on January 1, 2020, P,
without informing A, had already sold the same land to C, who up to now has not taken
possession of the same land. Neither of the sales was registered. Whose contract shall prevail?
a. The sale to B for he was first in possession in good faith.
b. The sale to C for the land has first sold to him by the owner.
c. The sale to B for the agent was duly authorized to sell the land.
d. The sale to C because the sale to B was void, A was not duly authorized by P.

Answer: d

5. S sold to A in a memorandum of agreement of sale his parcel of land. After a week S sold the
same land to B in a formal deed of sale. Upon buying the land, B who was aware of the sale to A,
immediately took possession thereof and registered the sale in his favor. When informed of the
second sale, a subsequently registered an adverse claim with the Registry of Deeds. The parcel
of land shall belong to:
a. A, because he has the older title.
b. B, because the sale to him was in a formal deed of sale.
c. B, because he first registered the sale in his favor.
d. B, because he was the first possessor of the land.

Answer: a


6. In case of redemption, which of the following will not be paid by the seller to the buyer?
a. Expenses incidental to the sale paid by the buyer.
b. Necessary expense made on the thing sold.
c. The consideration of the sale paid by the buyer.
d. The interest on the purchase price.

Answer: d


7. Dacion en pago as distinguished from sale:

a. The object is always existing and specific
b. There is greater freedom in fixing the price
c. There is no pre-existing obligation
d. The cause is the price

Answer: a


8. S sold to B his car. There was no fixed date for the performance of their respective obligations.
The obligation of S as vendor is:
a. To wait for the buyer to pay the price before he delivers.
b. To deliver the immediately since the sale has been perfected.
c. To deliver the car after the buyer demands delivery.
d. Rescind the contract for time of performance not fixed.

Answer: a


9. A, B, and C are co-owners of a parcel of land pro-indiviso. A sold his share to B in an absolute
deed of sale. Which is correct?
a. The deed of sale between A and B is void since it was made not in favor of a third person.
b. C may exercise his right of redemption on the interest of A sold to B.
c. C may redeem only ½ of the share sold by A to B.
d. C cannot exercise the right of redemption since the sale was made to a co-owner.

Answer: d


10. Statement 1: If the same thing was sold to different buyers, the ownership shall pertain to the
one who has taken possession thereof in good faith if movables.
Statement 2: The seller is liable to the buyer for any hidden defect of the thing sold only if was
aware thereof.
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. Both are false.
c. Both are true.
d. First is false, second is true.

Answer: a


11. The buyer has a right to the fruits of the things:

a. From the time the fruits have been delivered.
b. From the time the obligation to deliver the thing bought arises.
c. From the time of perfection of the sale.
d. From the time the thing bought is delivered.

Answer: c


12. S sold his cat to B for P2,000.00. No payment has been made and the sales document does not
provide for the date of delivery. Before delivery and payment, the cat gave birth to a kitten.
a. B entitled to the kitten which was born after the perfection of the sale.
b. S is entitled to the fruit as B has not yet paid the price.
c. S is entitled to the fruit because it was born before his obligation to deliver the cat.
d. B should pay an additional amount for the kitten to be entitled to it.

Answer: a


13. S delivered his car to B by way of sale with the understanding that on the day following such
delivery S will name and fix the price. The said day came and S telephoned B and stated and
fixed the price at Php 1M. is the sale perfected?
a. Yes, because the price was named and fixed on the agreed date.
b. No. The price was left to the discretion of the seller only.
c. Yes, since there was already delivery of the thing sold.
d. No. The price fixed by the seller was not accepted by the buyer.

Answer: b


14. Three of the following are option money. Which is the exception?
a. Given when contract of sale is perfected.
b. Given when there is no contract of sale, but as a consideration.
c. Given to bind the offeror in a unilateral promise to buy or sell.
d. Given as a consideration distinct from the price.

Answer: a


15. In a sale, this is actual delivery:

a. Execution and signing of the deed of sale.
b. Goods sold are placed in the control and possession of the vendee.
c. Delivery by the vendor of the keys to the place where the goods are kept or stored.
d. The vendee is already in possession of the goods even before the sale.

Answer: b


16. A and B entered into a contract of lease with option to buy the car of the former for a term of
two years. For three months B failed to pay the rentals and by reason thereof, A repossessed the
car. Hence:
a. A can collect the unpaid rentals for three months.
b. A can collect the unpaid rentals for the duration of the term of the lease of two years.
c. When A deprived B the possession of the leased car, he has no further action against the latter
for any unpaid rentals.
d. A shall return the rentals without deductions to B by virtue of the rescission of the contract o
lease with option to buy.

Answer: c


17. A offered in writing to sell his house and lot for Php 1M to B on January 20, 2020. B requested A
to give him one month to raise the amount. On January 25, 2020, A informed B that he has
raised the price to Php 1.5M. Can B compel A to accept the payment to Php 1M for the sale of
the house and lot?
a. Yes, because A is already estopped by his written offer of Php 1M.
b. Yes, because the one-month option period has not yet expired.
c. No, because there is as yet no perfected sale.
d. No, because the seller has the sole discretion in fixing the price with or without the concurrence
of the buyer.

Answer: c


18. Which of the following may not be the object of a contract of sale?
a. Things having potential existence
b. Things, the acquisition of which depends upon a contingency which may or may not happen.
c. Vain hope or expectancy
d. Things subject to a resolutory condition

Answer: c


19. When delivery takes place by mere consent or agreement of the parties as when the vendor
merely points to the thing sold which shall thereafter be at the disposal of the vendee if the
thing sold cannot be transferred to the possession of the vendee upon sale:
a. Traditio symbolica
b. Traditio brevi manu
c. Traditio longa manu
d. Traditio constitutum possessorium

Answer: c


20. A placed an order with B for one hundred pieces of T-shirts which were then not available but
manufactured by B and consigned to its sales outlets regularly. The contract between A and B is:
a. Contract for a piece of work
b. Contract of Lease of service
c. Contract of sale
d. Renumeratory contract

Answer: c


21. A sold a parcel of land to B. Thereafter, A sold the same land to C who immediately took
possession of the land in good faith. In this case, the proper remedy of B is:
a. Ask for the annulment of the sale to C.
b. File an action in court against C to recover the land.
c. Institute an action for damages against A for breach of contract.
d. File an action for rescission of the sale to C due to the damage suffered by him.

Answer: c

22. A seller sold to a buyer a piece of jewelry at a price of Php 1M. The contract provides that the
buyer will pay the seller cash of Php .4M and deliver the buyer’s car worth Php .6M. The
contract is:
a. Barter
b. Sale
c. Partly sale and partly barter
d. Commodatum

Answer: b


23. A delivers to B his parcel of land worth Php 1M in exchange for the car of B worth Php .5M and
cash in the amount of Php .5M. The contract is:
a. Barter
b. Sale
c. Partly sale and partly barter
d. Innominate contract

Answer: b


24. On January 2, 2020 A sold to B his car with the payment to be made on January 10, 2020.
However, on January 6, 2020, A sold the same car to C who immediately took possession
thereof. Decide:
a. B must wait for January 10, 2020 and sue A for damages.
b. B may recover the car from C because the former was first buyer
c. B may claim damages from A for breach of contract of sale
d. B can file an action to annul the sale to C even if C is in good faith in buying the car

Answer: c


25. Statement 1: A contract of sale is unenforceable if it is not in public instrument and it refers to a
sale of real property.
Statement 2: A sale of a house through an agent whose authority is oral is void.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both are false.
c. Second is true, first is false.
d. First is true, second is false.

Answer: b

26. Statement 1 : In case of double sale of real property, the possessor in good faith shall preferred
to the registrant but in bad faith.
Statement 2: In all cases of double sale, priority is given to the buyer in good faith, that is,
whether registrant, possessor or with the oldest title.
a. First statement is false, second is true.
b. First is true, second is false.
c. Both are false.
d. Both are true.

Answer: d


27. A sold his land to B who began to possess it. Later, C, a stranger sold the same land to D who in
good faith registered the sale and thus obtained the title in his name. The owner is:
a. D is the owner for he was the first to register in good faith.
b. A remains to be the owner because C had no authority to sell.
c. A is still the owner because B did not register the sale.
d. B is the owner because the owner is his seller and he has taken possession of the land.

Answer: d


28. S sold his land to B. then S became B’s tenant on the land. Subsequently, S sold the same land to
C. Neither sale was registered. Who shall be the owner?
a. S remains to be the owner because neither of the contracts of sale was registered.
b. C is the owner because the possession of the land was not transferred to B as buyer thereof.
c. B is the owner since he bought the land from S as owner thereof and has possession of the
d. S retains the ownership of the land because he still has possession.

Answer: c


29. A sold his land to B. Later, A sold the same land to C. B in turn sold the same land to D, who took
possession of the land in good faith. C, a purchaser in good faith, registered the sale in his favor.
a. B is the owner of the land because he was the first buyer.
b. C is the owner of the land having registered the sale in good faith.
c. D is the owner of the land being the transferee of the rights of B and who is in possession in
good faith.
d. D is the owner because after A sold the land to B, A had no more right to transfer ownership to
C, the second buyer.
Answer: b


30. A husband and his wife were living together under a conjugal partnership of gains. Later,
because of a quarrel, the wife left the husband without judicial approval. They have thus been
living apart for more than ten years. The wife later sold her land to the said husband. Is the sale
a. The sale is valid because the spouse have been separated for more than ten years.
b. The sale is valid because after the separation there is already a separation of properties
between spouses.
c. The sale is void because of the absence of separation of properties between spouses.
d. The sale is void because the spouses are living apart.

Answer: c


31. Statement 1: In a contract of sale, the buyer becomes owner upon delivery of the thing sold as a
rule. Non-payment of price is resolutory condition.
Statement 2: In a contract to sell, the buyer becomes owner only after he has fully paid the
price. Payment of the price is suspensive condition.
a. First statement is true, second is false.
b. First is false, second is true.
c. Both are false.
d. Both are true.

Answer: d


32. Statement 1: The seller of a thing must have the right to transfer the ownership thereof at the
time of the meeting of minds of the parties.
Statement 2: The sale of a mere hope or expectancy is deemed subject to the condition that the
thing will come into existence. It is a sale however of a present thing, that is, the hope itself
already existing.
a. Both statements are correct.
b. Both are incorrect.
c. First is correct, second is incorrect.
d. First is incorrect, second is correct.

Answer: d


33. A sold to B in a private instrument a parcel of land for Php 5,000.00 B now wants A to place the
contract in a public instrument so that B could register the sale with the Registry of Deeds and
secure the Transfer Certificate of Title in his name. Decide:
a. A may not be forced or compelled to execute the public instrument since the sale is
unenforceable being in private instrument only.
b. A cannot required to place the contract in a notarized deed of sale because the contract is void
not being in public instrument.
c. A can be required to execute the public instrument only if B has paid the purchase price.
d. A has the obligation to execute the public instrument because the contract of sale is

Answer: d


34. A sold to B orally a parcel of land for P5M. delivery and payment were to be made four months
later. When the said date arrived, A refused to deliver the land. Can B compel A to deliver?
a. Yes, because the sale has been perfected already and obligations of the parties are reciprocally
b. Yes, because there was an agreement to deliver after four months and that should be respected
by the parties.
c. No, because the sale although valid is unenforceable.
d. No, because the sale is void, being orally entered into.

Answer: c


35. A sold to B a particular pencil for P250.00. The sale is oral. It was agreed that the payment and
delivery are to be made after two years from the sale. At the stipulated period, A refused to
deliver alleging he has no obligation to do so. Is A correct?
a. Yes, because the sale is voidable and cannot be enforced.
b. Yes, because the contract is unenforceable it being an oral contract.
c. No, because the contract is enforceable since the price is less than five hundred pesos.
d. No, the contract is valid, binding and therefore must be given effect.

Answer: b


36. A bought a car from B who is an insane man, later A sold the same car to C who was in good
faith having no knowledge of the voidable character of the sale. In this case, after delivery:
a. C could not acquire title to the thing because his seller A had no ownership to transfer to him
because B was insane person who was not able to give consent to the sale which is void.
b. C cannot acquire title to the thing despite his good faith because the sale by B to A could be
annulled since it is voidable sale.
c. C acquires good title to the thing as an innocent purchaser for value. His seller’s title only
voidable which has not been avoided at the time of sale.
d. C acquires title to the thing but the same may be rescinded after the annulment of the sale
between A and B.
Answer: c


37. A buys from B a piece of land supposed to contain 1,000 sq. m at the rate of P10,000.00 per sq.
m. But the land actually contains 1,500 sq. m. Which of the following is not included in the rights
of A:
a. May demand the delivery of the entire land with proportionate increase of the price.
b. A may reject the excess of 500 sq. m. and accept only the 1,000 sq. m.
c. A may rescind the contract of sale because what was delivered is not in accordance with the
d. None of the above.

Answer: c


38. A buys a land from B at the lump sum of P1M. In the contract, the area is stated to be 1,000 sq.
m. The boundaries were mentioned in the contract. It was discovered, however, that the land
within the boundaries really contains 1,500 sq. m. Which of the following is not a right of A?
a. A may demand the delivery of all the 1,500 sq. m. without any price increase.
b. If B refuses to deliver all the 1,500 sq. m. A may demand proportionate reduction in the price.
c. A may rescind the contract of sale if B does not deliver all that is included in the boundaries.
d. A may treat the contract as void ab initio because the object is not determinate to its kind.

Answer: d


39. Statement 1: Even in the absence of doubt, a sale with right of repurchase is presumed to an
equitable mortgage.
Statement 2 : In conventional redemption, it is not necessary that the parties agree upon the
period within which redemption may be exercised.
a. Both statements are correct.
b. First is false, second is true.
c. Both are incorrect.
d. First is true, second is incorrect.

Answer: b


40. A bought pair of shoes from a shoe store and repair shop. It was later discovered, however, that
the shoes did not belong to the store but to a customer who had left the same for repair. Did A
acquire good title to the shoes?
a. No, because it was sold by the store which is not the owner thereof.
b. No, because it is the fault of A in not exercising diligence in buying the shoes as to its real
c. Yes, because it was bought from a store in good faith for value.
d. Yes, because the owner of the shoes was precluded from setting up the want of authority of the
store in selling the shoes.

Answer: c


41. Statement 1: Warranty against eviction as well as against hidden defect may be waived by the
vendee provided the vendor is in good faith.
Statement 2: Waiver intencionada on the part of the vendee will absolutely exempt the vendor
from liability.
a. Both statements are false.
b. Both are true.
c. First is false, second is true.
d. First is true, second is false.

Answer: b


42. Statement 1: In waiver consiente there is no warranty against eviction but the seller is still liable
to pay the value of the thing at the time of eviction if eviction takes place.
Statement 2: In case of total eviction, the vendee cannot rescind the sale with damages.
a. Both statements are correct.
b. Both are incorrect.
c. First is correct, second is incorrect.
d. First is incorrect, second is correct.

Answer: a


43. A, B and C are co-owners in equal shares of one hectare rural land, the adjoining owners to
which are D and E, the latter owning the smaller area. A donated his share of the land owned in
common to X who is a rural landowner. Upon proper notice of the sale, B, C, D and E sought to
exercise the right of legal redemption over the shares sold. Who shall have the right to do so?
a. A and B are preferred to D and E to redeem because co-owners have preference to adjoining
b. E shall have the right to redeem because he has smaller area of land than D.
c. The first one between A and B to request redemption shall be preferred in case both demand.
d. None of them has the right to redeem because the alienated was not by onerous title.

Answer: d

44. Statement 1: In case eviction takes place, the seller is obliged to return to the buyer the price he
paid for the thing sold.
Statement 2: In case the thing is lost due to its hidden defect, the vendor shall return to the
vendee the value at the time of the loss.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both are false.
c. First is false, second is true.
d. First is true, second is false.

Answer: b


45. Statement 1: In the sale of goods, if the seller delivers more than the quantity agreed upon, the
buyer may rescind the contract of sale.
Statement 2: The seller have the right of legal redemption only if this right has been agreed
upon between the seller and the buyer.
a. Both statements are false.
b. Both are true.
c. First is false, second is true.
d. First is true, second is false.

Answer: a


46. Statement 1: If several persons, jointly and in the same contract, should sell an undivided
immovable with a right of repurchase, none of them may exercise this right for more than his
respective share.
Statement 2: Each one of the co-owners of an individual immovable who may have sold his
share separately, may independently exercise the right of repurchase as regards his own share,
and the vendee cannot compel him to redeem the whole property.
a. Both statements are true.
b. Both are false.
c. First is false, second is true.
d. First is true, second is false.

Answer: a


47. Statement 1: The creditors of the vendor cannot make use of the right of redemption against
the vendee, until after they have exhausted the property of the vendor.
Statement 2: The vendor is responsible to the vendee for any hidden faults or defects in the
thing sold if so stipulated by the parties.
a. First statement is false, second is true.
b. Second statement is false, first is true.
c. Both statements are false.
d. Both statements are true.

Answer: b


48. Three of the following are remedies of the buyer in case of the breach of warranty by the seller.
Which is not included?
a. Accept or keep the goods and set up the breach of warranty by way or recoupment or extinction
of the price;
b. Rescind the contract of sale and refuse to accept the thing or if already delivered refuse to
return the same;
c. Accept or keep the goods and claim damages for the breach of warranty;
d. Refuse to accept the goods and claim damages for the breach of warranty.

Answer: b


49. Statement 1: In the sale of immovable property, if it has been stipulated that upon failure to pay
the price at the time agreed upon, the rescission of the contract shall of right take place, the
vendee may still pay despite the demand for rescission.
Statement 2: In the sale of movable property, the rescission of the sale shall of right take place if
the vendee, upon the expiration of the period fixed for the delivery of the thing, should not have
appeared to receive it, or having appeared he should not have tendered the price.
a. Both statements are correct.
b. Both are incorrect.
c. First is incorrect, second is correct.
d. First is correct, second is incorrect.

Answer: c


50. B in good faith purchased a diamond ring from C, a friend of his. C gave B a bill of sale. Later on,
O identified the ring as the one she had lost about a year before. There is no question as to the
truth of O’s allegation. In case:
a. O cannot recover the ring from B because the latter was in good faith when he bought the ring
from C.
b. O cannot recover the ring from B because it was lost by him (O) and found by, C therefore C, as
finder will be keeper and owner who could transfer ownership to B, an innocent purchaser for
c. C is the one liable to O for damages while B becomes owner who could not be disposed being an
innocent purchaser for value.
d. O can recover the ring from B even if he is an innocent purchaser for value because C did not
have title to convey to B.

Answer: d

51. X the owner of a certain jewelry delivered though same to Y, “on sale or return” upon a
specified period of time. Y sold the said jewelry to Z, but retains the price. Can X recover the
jewelry from Z?
a. X can recover the jewelry from Z being an unpaid seller whose ownership was not transferred to
Y upon delivery to him.
b. X can recover the jewelry from Z but after reimbursement of the price paid.
c. X cannot recover the jewelry from Z because his seller (Y) has transferred ownership to him.
d. X cannot recover the jewelry from Z because it was sold by his agent Y to Z and his only recourse
is to go after Y for his failure to remit the payment to him.

Answer: c


52. A sold his piano to B, who immediately paid the price. Because the piano was at the repair shop
at the time of the sale, no delivery was made. While at the said place, C, a creditor of A, who has
filed a suit against him, attached the piano. May B oppose the attachment?
a. B may oppose the attachment on the ground that he already was the owner of the same after
he immediately paid the price.
b. B may oppose the attachment because there was already constructive delivery to him of the
piano and therefore he is owner of the same.
c. B may not oppose the attachment because although he is not yet the owner of the piano, he has
already paid the price and has preference over the thing than C.
d. B may not oppose the attachment because he is not yet the owner despite payment of the price
as there is no delivery yet.

Answer: d


53. A sold to B his car. There was no fixed date for the performance of their respective obligations.
The obligation of B as vendee is:
a. To immediately pay the price because their obligations are demandable at once being pure
b. To pay upon demand by the vendor.
c. To rescind the sale because there was no agreement as to when their obligations shall be
d. To pay at the time of delivery.

Answer: d


54. P authorized A to sell the former’s car. A sold the car to X. without knowledge of the sale to X, P
sold the same car to Z. which of the two buyers shall be preferred?
a. X, being the buyer of a duly authorized agent.
b. Z, being the buyer of the principal himself.
c. X, the first registrant in good faith of the sale.
d. The first possessor in good faith of the car.

Answer: d


55. S sold to B his parcel of land valued at P1M only for a measly sum of P.5M because of his poor
judgment on the real value of the land and the ability of B to bargain for a low price. The sale
therefore is:
a. Voidable due to inadequacy of the price.
b. Rescissible because S suffered lesion or damage.
c. Presumed equitable mortgage due to the unusually inadequate price.
d. Valid although may be annulled because of vitiated consent of S.

Answer: c


56. In payment of his debt to X, A ceded his one half (1/2) share in a parcel of land he co-owned
with B. B therefore:
a. Has the right of pre-emption as a co-owner.
b. Has the right of redemption as a co-owner.
c. Has no right of redemption nor pre-emption since the transfer was not of sale.
d. Has the right to compel X to buy his ½ share of the land to prevent co-ownership between X and

Answer: b


57. In case of doubt, a sale with a right of repurchase or without a right of repurchase shall be
construed as an equitable mortgage. The seller therefore:
a. May ask for the reformation of the instrument.
b. May ask for the annulment of the contract.
c. May ask the court for the declaration of nullity of the contract.
d. Shall be bound to perform his obligation as seller.

Answer: a


58. A sold to X his ½ share of the parcel of land he co-owns with B. C owns the parcel of land
adjoining that of A and B. Both B and c want to redeem the share of A which the latter sold to X.
a. C shall be preferred to B in the redemption from X.
b. B’s right as co-owner excludes that of C, the latter being only an adjoining owner.
c. C has a better right to the redemption as an adjoining owner.
d. B and C shall equally redeem the share of A.

Answer: b


59. In a contract to sell of a parcel of land, it was stipulated that upon failure to pay the price at the
time agreed upon for payment, the sale is automatically rescinded. Hence, if the buyer fails to
pay as agreed upon:
a. The sale shall not be rescinded as a matter of right and the buyer may still pay as long as there is
no demand for rescission.
b. The rescission of the contract of sale shall of right take place.
c. The rescission of the contract to sell shall of right take place.
d. Contract to sell or contract of sale, rescission of the sale shall of right take place.

Answer: c


60. S sold to B his dog which he knew was afflicted with a disease. The parties agreed that there is
no warranty against hidden defect. After delivery, the dog was struck by lightning and thus died.
a. S is not liable to pay B any amount because the dog was lost due to fortuitous event.
b. S is not liable because of the waiver agreed upon between B and himself.
c. S is liable to return the price paid by B because the waiver is void.
d. S is liable for the price less the value of the dog at the time of loss.

Answer: d


61. A contract whereby one of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the ownership of
and to deliver a determinate thing and the other to pay therefore a piece certain in money or its
equivalent is a contract of:
a. Barter
b. Sales
c. Dacion en pago
d. Mortgage

Answer: b


62. The following are the essential elements of a contract of sale, except:
a. Consent of the contracting parties.
b. Subject matter which should be determinate.
c. Price which is certain in money or its equivalent.
d. Warranty against eviction and against hidden defects.
Answer: d


63. The following are the characteristics of a contract of sale, except:

a. Principal, which means that a contract of sale can exist by itself.
b. Real, which requires the delivery of the object of the contract of sale for its perfection.
c. Onerous. Where rights are acquired in exchange of a valuable consideration.
d. Bilateral, which means that both parties are bound reciprocally to each other.

Answer: b


64. One of the following characteristics of dacion en pago is a characteristic of a contract of sale.
Which is it?
a. There is a pre-existing credit.
b. Obligations are extinguished.
c. There is less freedom in fixing the price.
d. Ownership of the object is transferred to the other party.

Answer: d


65. The following are characteristics of a contract of sale except one which refers to payment by
a. There is no pre-existing credit.
b. The cause or consideration is the price.
c. There is more freedom in fixing the price.
d. Assignee of the property acquires the right to sell the thing but not the ownership thereof.

Answer: d


66. The following items pertain to either a contract of sale or a contract to sell.
I. Ownership of the thing sold is transferred upon delivery.
II. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the buyer at some future time.
III. The risk of loss is on the buyer.
IV. The risk of loss is on the seller.

Based on the above data, which of the following is correct?

a. Items I and III pertain to a contract to sell
b. Items I
c. I and III pertain to a contract to sell
d. Items II and IV pertain to a contract of sale
e. Items I and III pertain to a contract of sale

Answer: e


67. Which of the following is not a requisite of the object of a contract of sale?
a. It must be within the commerce of men.
b. It must be licit.
c. It must be determinate thing.
d. Vendor must have the right to transfer the ownership of the thing at the time of sale.

Answer: d


68. The following items pertain to either emptio rei sperati or emptio spei.
I. The sale of a future thing.
II. The sale of hope or expectancy.
III. The sale of present thing.
IV. The thing sold must come into existence.

Based on the above information, which of the following is correct?

a. Items I and II pertain to emptio rei sperati.
b. Items II and III pertain to emptio spei.
c. Items II and III pertain to emptio rei sperati.
d. Items III and IV pertain to emptio spei.

Answer: b


69. S sells to B 500 sacks of rice at P1,000.00 per sack from the stock then stored in the warehouse
of S. Unknown to the parties, the warehouse contains only 480 sacks of rice. What is the status
of the contract?
a. The sale is void since the quantity available is less than the quantity sold.
b. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but void as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice.
c. The entire sale is valid up to 500s sacks of rice. B becomes the owner of the while stock available
and S must deliver the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice.
d. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but rescissible as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice by
reason of damage suffered by B.

Answer: c


70. S sells to B at P50 per liter 300 liters of gasoline stored in his truck’s tank which, unknown to the
parties, contains 500 liters. What is the status of the contract of sale between S and B?
a. The sale is void because the quantity available is more than the quantity sold.
b. The sale is valid up to 500 liters of gasoline. B must pay for the additional 200 liters.
c. The sale is valid up to 300 liters of gasoline. B becomes the owner of 3/5 of the whole stock,
while S becomes the owner of 2/5 thereof.
d. The sale is rescissible because S will suffer lesion of more than ¼ of the value of the whole stock.

Answer: c


71. The seller must be the owner of the property he sells because he must transfer the ownership
thereof to the buyer. The delivery of the thing sold may be by mere agreement of the parties.
a. Both statements are true
b. Only the first is true
c. Both are false
d. Only the second is true

Answer: a


72. S and B entered into a contract whereby S transferred to B a specific car for the price of
P200,000.00, while B gave to S P90,000.00 in cash and a diamond ring worth P110,000.00. The
heading of the written contract reads “Contract of Sale.”
a. The contract is void because the intention of the parties is void since the value of the diamond
ring is more than the monetary consideration given.
b. The contract is a valid contract of sale as intended by the parties regardless of whether the
monetary consideration is more or less than the value of the property consideration.
c. The contract is valid contract of barter since the value of the property given is more than the
monetary consideration. The intention of the parties is immaterial.
d. The contract is partly a contract of barter and partly a contract of sale.

Answer: b


73. The price in a contract of sale is certain, except:

a. When the parties have fixed or agreed upon a definite amount.
b. If the price is certain with reference to another thing certain.
c. If the fixing of the price is left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties.
d. If the price fixed is that which the thing sold would have on a definite day or in a particular
exchange or market.

Answer: c

74. On January 1, S orally sold to B a specific ring for P450.00. The parties agreed that S shall deliver
the ring to B on January 5, while B will pay the price on January 7.
a. The contract is perfected on January 5, when the ring is delivered by S to B.
b. The contract is perfected on January 1, when the parties had a meeting of minds on the object
and the price.
c. The contract is perfected on January 7, when the price is paid, since both parties would by then
have performed their obligations in the contract.
d. There is no perfected contract because the sale was made orally.

Answer: b


75. A sum of money paid, or a thing delivered upon the making of a contract for the sale of goods,
to bind the bargain, the delivery and acceptance of which makes the final asset of both parties
to the contract.
a. Option money
b. Earnest money
c. Reservation money
d. Down payment

Answer: b


76. S orally offered to sell a certain diamond ring to B for P50,000.00. B accepted the offer and to
prove that he was in earnest, he gave S P1,000.00. The parties agreed that the delivery of the
ring and the payment of the price would be made 30 days later. On due date:
a. S may collect from B P50,000.00.
b. S may collect from B P49,000.00.
c. S cannot enforce payment because the contract was verbal.
d. S cannot enforce payment because there was no contract of sale yet.

Answer: b


77. On June 1, 2020 S sold to B 50 units of machines which were scheduled to arrive from Japan.
The sale was evidenced by an invoice identifying each machine by serial number. Each machine
was priced at P10,000.00. Unknown to the parties, 30 units were damaged beyond repair by
seawater on May 31, 2020. Based on the foregoing, which of the following statements is
a. B may rescind the whole contract.
b. B may demand delivery of the remaining 20 units and pay the price therefore.
c. S may require payment of the whole shipment from B since S was not aware of the damage
caused on the machines at the time of sale.
d. S has no option to rescind the whole contract or require payment of the remaining 20 units.
Answer: c


78. It refers to the delivery of the thing sold from hand to hand in case of movables, or the taking of
possession with respect to immovable, in the presence and with the consent of the vendor.
a. Actual or real delivery
b. Traditio constitutum possessorium
c. Traditio longa manu
d. Traditio brevi manu

Answer: a


79. S sold to B 20 sacks of corn stored in the warehouse of S. S delivered the keys to the warehouse
to B. the delivery made by S to B is known as:
a. Constructive delivery by legal formalities
b. Symbolic delivery or traditio clavium
c. Traditio longa manu
d. Traditio brevi manu

Answer: b


80. Delivery of incorporeal property may be made through any of the following means, except:
a. Execution of a public document.
b. Placing the titles of ownership in the possession of the vendee.
c. Use by the vendee of his rights, with the debtor’s consent.
d. Execution of private instrument.

Answer: d


81. Which of the following statements on the transfer of ownership of the thing in “sale on trial” is
a. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee when he signifies his approval or acceptance
to the vendor.
b. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee when he does an act adopting the
c. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee if the time fixed for the return of the thing
has expired and the vendee retains the thing without giving notice of rejection or acceptance to
the vendor.
d. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee upon delivery.

Answer: d

82. On March 1, 2020, S sold and delivered to B a television set for P10,000.00 “on sale or return”
giving B up to March 16, 2020 within which to return the television set. On March 16, 2020, the
television set was burned through no fault of B. Based on the foregoing, which of the following
statements is incorrect?
a. S does not have to replace the tv set.
b. S must bear the loss since the time for the return of the television set had not yet expired.
c. The ownership of the television set was transferred to B upon delivery to him.
d. B must bear the loss of the television set.

Answer: b


83. In a contract of sale of personal property the price of which is payable in installments, the
vendor may exercise any of the following remedies, except:
a. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail to pay any number of installments.
b. Cancel the sale should the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more installments.
c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more
installments and recover any deficiency after the foreclosure sale if they have stipulated it.
d. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more
installments but he may no longer recover any deficiency after the foreclosure sale.

Answer: c


84. T stole a ring belonging to O. Subsequently, the ring was offered for sale at a public auction
where X, who was not aware that the ring was stolen, bought it. A few weeks later, O saw the
ring and recognized it as his. Based on the foregoing information, which of the following
statements is correct?
a. O may recover the ring from X without reimbursing X since O was unlawfully deprived of the
b. O may recover the ring from X but he has to reimburse X since X acquired title to the ring.
c. O may no longer recover the ring even if he is willing to reimburse X.
d. X did not acquire title to the ring since the auctioneer had no valid title thereto.

Answer: b


85. Where the seller of goods has a voidable title thereto, but his title has not been avoided at the
time of the sale, the buyer acquires title to the goods. Such acquisition of title has the following
requisites, except:
a. The buyer must have bought the goods in good faith.
b. The buyer must have bought them for value.
c. The buyer bought them without notice of the seller’s defect of title.
d. The seller is in good faith.

Answer: d


86. R, S and T are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land. R sold his 1/3 interest to T in a deed of
absolute sale. Which is correct?
a. S may exercise the right of redemption on the interest sold by R to T.
b. S cannot exercise the right of redemption.
c. The sale made by R to T is voidable.
d. S may redeem only ½ of the interest sold by R to T.

Answer: b


87. D obtained from C a loan amounting to P50,000.00, the same being secured by a mortgage on
D’s lot. Thereafter, C assigned his credit right to T with notice to D. Based on the foregoing facts,
which of the followings statements is incorrect?
a. T cannot collect from D if D does not give his consent to the assignment.
b. T can collect from D. D’s consent to the assignment is not required.
c. T can collect from D and D cannot pay, T can foreclose the mortgage on the lot.
d. The notice to D of the assignment is sufficient. D must make his payment to T and no longer to

Answer: a


88. A kind of mortgage which, although lacking some formality, form of words, or requisites
prescribed by law, show the intention of the parties to charge real property as security for debt
and contains nothing impossible or contrary to law is known as:
a. Legal mortgage.
b. Equitable mortgage.
c. Conventional mortgage.
d. Voluntary mortgage.

Answer: b


89. If a movable property is sold separately to two or more different vendees, ownership shall
belong to the person:
a. Who in good faith first paid the purchase price in full.
b. Who in good faith first recorded the sale in the Registry of Property.
c. Who in good faith presents the oldest title.
d. Who in good faith first took possession of the property.

Answer: d


90.A contact of sale perfected:

a. Upon compliance with the requirements of the law as to form.
b. Upon delivery of the object of the contract.
c. Upon the meeting of the minds on the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the
d. Upon demand.

Answer: c


91. A contract of sale is not a

a. Principal contract
b. Nominate contract
c. Consensual contract
d. Real contract

Answer: d


92. The following may not be valid objects of a contract of sale except:
a. Objects outside the commerce of men
b. Illicit things
c. Future goods
d. Impossible service

Answer: c


93. This is a kind of delivery where the vendor remains in possession of the property sold, such as by
virtue of a lease agreement with the vendee.
a. Traditio longa manu
b. Traditio brevi manu
c. Traditio constitutum possessorium
d. Delivery to common carrier

Answer: c

94. When the goods are delivered to the buyer, the ownership thereof passes to the buyer in
a. Sale on approval
b. Sale or return
c. Sale on trial
d. Contract to sell

Answer: b


95. S promised to sell his car to B for P200,000.00 giving B 30 days to decide. B accepted the
promise of S and informed S that he (B) would make known his decision before the lapse of 30
days. He also gave S P2,000.00 as consideration so that S would hold on to his promise. The
contract entered into between S and B and the consideration given by B to S are known as:
a. Option contract and option money, respectively.
b. Contract of sale and earnest money, respectively.
c. Contract of sale and down payment, respectively.
d. Contract of sale and reservation money, respectively.

Answer: a


96. The Recto Law applies to which of the following examples of sale?
a. Sale of a car on straight term.
b. Sale of house and lot on installment.
c. Sale of car on installment where the buyer constituted a mortgage on his truck.
d. Sale of a piano on installments where the buyer constituted a chattel mortgage on the piano.

Answer: d


97. S sold to B a lot through a deed of absolute sale duly acknowledged before a notary public.
Three days later, S sold the same lot to X, also through a deed of sale duly acknowledged before
a notary public. X had the sale registered with the Register of Deeds. Neither B nor X was aware
of the sale made by S to the other and neither took physical possession of the lot. Who is the
present owner of the lot?
a. B, because he was the first purchaser in good faith.
b. X, because he registered the sale in good faith.
c. Neither B nor X.
d. S, as long as he does not surrender physical possession of the lot.

Answer: b

98. B purchased from S a laptop computer worth P100,000.00. The terms of sale provide for a down
payment of P20,000.00 with the balance payable in 8 equal monthly installments. To secure the
balance, S required B to execute a chattel mortgage on the laptop computer and a real
mortgage on B’s lot. B complied with all the requirements but defaulted in the payment of the
third and fourth installments. These remedies are available to S except one. Which is it?
a. Cancel the sale.
b. Exact fulfillment of the obligation.
c. Foreclose the real mortgage and thereafter recover any deficiency from B.
d. Foreclose the chattel mortgage and thereafter foreclose the real mortgage in case of deficiency.

Answer: d


99. S and B entered into a contract whereby S transferred to B a specific piano for the price of
P80,000.00, while B gave to S cash of P30,000.00 and a diamond ring worth P50,000.00. What
kind of a contract was entered into between S and B?
a. Contract of barter.
b. A contract of sale.
c. The contract is partly a contract of barter and partly a contract of sale.
d. The contract is an innominate contract because the intention of the parties cannot be

Answer: b


100. One of the distinctions between option money and earnest money is that earnest
money is:
a. The consideration paid for the purpose of holding one to his promise to buy or sell a
determinate thing for a certain period of time.
b. Not part of the purchase price.
c. Proof of the perfection of the contract of sale.
d. Paid before the perfection of the contract of sale.

Answer: c


101. This refers to the warranty of the seller that he has the right to sell the thing at the time
when ownership is to pass, and which can be enforced if the buyer is deprived of the property
sold by a final judgment in court.
a. Warranty against hidden defects.
b. Warranty of merchantable quality.
c. Warranty against eviction.
d. Warranty of possession.

Answer: c

102. P, who was in Hong Kong, made an overseas call to A, his friend, to sell P’s lot in Quezon
City immediately as P needed cash. Accordingly, A sold the lot to B. The deed of sale as in a
public document. The sale of P’s lot is:
a. Valid
b. Rescissible
c. Unenforceable
d. Void

Answer: d


103. One of the distinction between a contract of sale and a contract for a piece of work is
that a contract for a piece of work:
a. Is not governed by the Statue of Fraud.
b. Refers to a contract for the delivery goods which are manufactured in the ordinary course of
business although the same are not available.
c. Has for its parties the vendor and the vendee.
d. Has for its consideration the price of the thing.

Answer: a


104. A and B are co-owners of a rural lot not exceeding 1 hectare. The lot is surrounded on its
four sides as follows: on the North, by the road; on the East, by the lot of X consisting of 2
hectares; on the South, by the lot of Y consisting of 2 ½ hectares; and on the West, by Z’s lot
consisting of 2 ¾ hectares. A sells his undivided interest in the agricultural lot to T, who owns
several hectares of rural land in the area. Who has the right of legal redemption over the
undivided interest in the lot sold by A to T?
a. B
b. X
c. Y
d. Z

Answer: a


105. It is an affirmation of fact or any promise by the seller relating to the thing which has a
natural tendency to induce the buyer to purchase the same, relying on such promise or
a. Condition
b. False representation
c. Warranty
d. Sellers talk

Answer: c


106. In one of the following cases, the ownership of the thing object of the contract is
transferred to the other party upon delivery.
a. Contract to sell
b. Agency to sell
c. Sale or return
d. Sale on approval

Answer: c


107. Under the “Realty Installment Buyer Act”, the buyer of real estate on installment
payments may pay an installment defaulted without additional interest if he has paid at least
two years of installments. The law is applicable to sales/transactions involving:
a. Industrial lots
b. Commercial buildings
c. Residential lots
d. Sales to tenants under the Land Reform Law.

Answer: c


108. S, the owner of a rent-a-car business, leased one of his cars to B for one month. On the
day of the expiration of the lease and while B was still in possession of the car, B offered to buy
the car from S for P200,000.00. Believing the price to be a good one, S readily accepted B’s offer
and then and there executed a deed of absolute sale in favor of B who immediately paid the
price in cash. Thereafter, B drove away form place of S.
a. The delivery of the car by S to B is by constitutum manu.
b. The delivery of the car by S to B is by traditio longa manu.
c. The delivery of the car by S to B is by traditio brevi manu.
d. There was no delivery because B should have turned over the possession of the car to S upon
the expiration of the lease so that S could make the proper delivery to him upon the expiration
of the lease so that S could make the proper delivery to him upon the execution of the contract
of sale.

Answer: c


109. B called on S at the shoe factory of S for the latter to make a pair of shoes which B would
be needing in the play “Romeo and Juliet.” B provided S with the description of the pair of shoes
that he wanted since S did not manufacture the kind of shoes that B needed. S quoted a price of
P1,000.00 which B agreed to pay upon delivery to him of the pair of shoes. Since S and B had
been neighbors for a long time, their agreement was sealed with a handshake.
a. The contract between S and B becomes enforceable if S had already completed making the pair
of shoes.
b. The contract between S and B becomes enforceable if B had already paid the amount agreed
upon for the work.
c. The contract between S and B is enforceable even if it is still executory.
d. The contract cannot be enforced by either party because it was not in writing.

Answer: c


110. Which of the following contracts of sale is void?

a. Oral sale of a piece of land made through an agent whose authority is in a public instrument.
b. Sale of a piece of land in a public instrument made through an agent whose authority was given
orally by the principal.
c. Sale of a piece of land in a private instrument made through an agent whose authority is in a
public instrument.
d. Sale of a piece of land in a public instrument made through an agent whose authority is in a
private instrument.

Answer: b


111. On July 5, 2020 A sold for P2M her house and lot to B. It was agreed that delivery of the
house and lot, and the payment therefore would be made on August 1, 2020. Unfortunately, C
negligently set the house on fire on July 26, 2020 and the house was completely destroyed.
Which is correct?
a. B is not required to pay the P900,000 since the contract had no subject matter
b. A must still deliver the lot but is excused from delivering the house, while B must still pay the
c. A must still deliver the lot while B should pay only the amount equivalent to the value of the lot
d. A need not deliver the lot while B need not pay the P2M

Answer: c


112. If immovable property should have been sold to different vendees, the ownership shall
be transferred to the person
a. Who have first taken possession in good faith
b. Who presents the oldest title in good faith
c. Who in good faith first recorded it in the Registry of Property
d. Who have paid in good faith the purchase price in full
Answer: c


113. Action by the vendee against the vendor to nullify the sale due to some vices or defects
which render the object of sale unfit for the use intended or knowledge of which, the vendee
would not have bought the thing
a. Accion quanti minoris
b. Accion reinvidicatoria
c. Accion pauliana
d. Redhibitory action

Answer: d


114. Action to seek a corresponding reduction in price by reason of some vices or defects in
the thing purchased.
a. Accion quanti minoris
b. Accion reinvidicatoria
c. Accion pauliana
d. Redhibitory action

Answer: a


115. The redhibitory action based on the faults or defects animals must be brought within
a. 30 days from delivery to the vendee
b. 40 days from delivery to the vendee
c. 45 days from delivery to the vendee
d. 6 months from delivery to the vendee

Answer: b


116. In contract of sale, if the price is absolutely simulated, the sale is

a. Unenforceable
b. Voidable
c. Void
d. Rescissible

Answer: c

117. In a contract of sale of personal property, the price of which is payable in installments,
the vendor may exercise any of the following remedies, except
a. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail to pay any installment
b. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more installments
c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the thing sold, if one has been constituted should the
vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more installments
d. Rescind the sale should the vendee fail to pay any installment

Answer: d


118. The right of the seller to stop goods in transit, upon discovering that the buyer does not
have the funds to pay for the goods
a. Pre-emptive right
b. Appraisal right
c. Voting right
d. Right of stoppage in transit

Answer: d


119. A sold to B a parcel of land for P3.8M. The sale is evidenced by a memorandum of
agreement of sale. One week later, A sold the same parcel of land to C for P4M. This is
evidenced by a formal deed of sale. Upon buying the property, C, who was aware of the first
sale, immediately took possession of the lot. When informed of the second sale, B subsequently
registered an adverse claim property. Later, C registered the deed of sale in her favor. The parcel
of land shall belong to
a. B because he has got an older title
b. C because he is the first to register
c. C because he is the first to take possession
d. No one as both sales are void

Answer: a


120. Voluntary renunciation made by the buyer of his right to warranty against eviction
where in case the buyer is evicted, the seller is liable to the value of the thing at the time of
a. Waiver intentionada
b. Waiver consciente
c. Waiver cursunada
d. Waiver inocente

Answer: b

121. A contract of sale whereby the seller acquires the right to redeem or repurchase the
object of the sale from the buyer within a certain period agreed upon
a. Equitable mortgage
b. Absolute sale
c. On sale or return
d. Pacto de retro sale

Answer: d


122. A sold to B his car and promised to deliver ten days later. The next day, after the sale to
B, A sold the same car to C immediately effected delivery. On the day agreed upon, A did not
deliver the car to B. which is correct?
a. B can cancel the contract between A and C, because the contract between A and B was
perfected ahead of the contract between A and C
b. B should make a demand to make A in default
c. A is liable to B for the value of the car plus damages after B makes a demand
d. A is liable to B for damages and is in default without need of any demand

Answer: d


123. A sold to B her RJ guitar. It was agreed that A would fix the price a week later. At the
agreed time, A named the price P10,000. B agreed. Was the sale perfected?
a. No, because the price was left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties
b. No, because at the time of sale the price was not fixed
c. Yes, because the price fixed b one of the parties was accepted by the other
d. Yes, because there was agreement that A would fix the price

Answer: c


124. Not an implied warranty in a contract of sale

a. Right to sell the thing at the time of perfection of the contract
b. Reasonably fit for the purpose they are acquired
c. Merchantable in quality
d. Free from charges or encumbrances not declared or known to the buyer

Answer: a

125. After the death of C, A, C’s son, sold his inheritance though its amount has not yet been
determined to B for a consideration of P1,000,000. Which is correct?
a. The contract is valid if the value of inheritance is at least equal to P1,000,000.
b. The contract is valid even though the inheritance to be turned over to B is less than P1M.
c. The contract is void as future inheritance cannot be the object of sale
d. The contract is unenforceable

Answer: b


126. A stole a fountain pen from P and sold it to B Merchandise a “store for pens”, which
paid for it in good faith, not knowing it was stolen. The “store” then sold it to B, a reviewee.
Which is correct?
a. C cannot be considered as the owner because the original seller (A) is not the real owner
b. P may recover the fountain pen from C without reimbursement because he is the legal owner
c. C became the owner because he purchased the pen from a merchant store
d. C became the owner regardless whether the seller is a tore for pens or not because C bought it
in good faith.

Answer: c


127. When goods are deliver to the buyer on “sale or return” for period of seven days,
ownership of the goods passes to the buyer
a. Upon perfection of the contract
b. Upon acceptance by the buyer of the offer of the seller
c. Upon expiration of seven days
d. Upon delivery of the goods

Answer: d


128. Quasi-traditio is equivalent to

a. Traditio long-manu
b. Traditio brevi-manu
c. Traditio constitutum possessorium
d. Buyer has the title of ownership

Answer: d


129. B imported radios from Japan and asked for 220 volts capacity. The radios arrived clearly
labeled 220 volts and B sold them to the public as such. Later a customer complained that the
radios have been mislabeled by the manufacturer and that they were good only for 110 volts.
a. B is liable to the vendees for any hidden defects even though he is not aware
b. B is not liable because he is in good faith
c. B is not liable under the principle of “caveat emptor” or let the buyer beware
d. The vendees may hold the manufacturer liable but not B because B specifically asked for 220

Answer: a


130. If redemption is to be made by the seller, one of the following need not be given to the
a. Expenses of the contract
b. Interest on the price of sale
c. Necessary expenses on the thing sold
d. Price of the sale

Answer: b


131. Not an element of the sellers right of stoppage in transit

a. The good must be in transit
b. The buyer must be insolvent
c. The seller must be in possession of the goods
d. The seller must be unpaid

Answer: c


132. A sold his only car to B for P300,000 to be paid as follows: P150,000 upon delivery of the
car to B and the balance at P10,000 per month until full payment of the purchase price. Later
the car gets burned in the possession of B through fortuitous even before full payment of the
balance, is B obliged to pay the balance?
a. No, because the car was lost through fortuitous event and without B’s fault, hence B’s obligation
is extinguished
b. No, because the loss should be borne by the seller as this an installment sale so until the buyer
pays the full amount of the price of the sale, a remains to be the owner
c. Yes, but A must give another car to B because of the principle “genus nunquam peruit” or
generic thing never perishes
d. Yes, because of the principle “res perit domino” or the thing perishes with the owner

Answer: d

133. A, B and C are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land, A sold his 1/3 interest to B
absolutely. Which is correct?
a. C may exercise his right of redemption on the interest sold by A to B
b. C cannot exercise the right of redemption because the sale was made in favor of a co-owner
c. The sale made by A to B is void because it was not made in favor of a stranger
d. C may redeem only ½ of the interest sold by A to B.

Answer: b


134. Which of the following cannot be an object of a contract of sale

a. Incorporeal property
b. Young of animal not yet conceived at the time of perfection
c. Land which the seller expects to buy
d. Object outside the commence of man

Answer: d


135. A offered for sale to B 20 cavans of wagwag rice and fixed the price per cavan at P10
over the price offered at Y’s store in Quinta Market. The price is
a. Not certain because the price at Quinta Market is not stated
b. Certain because it has got reference to another thing which is certain
c. Certain because there is a price ceiling for price of rice
d. Not certain so the court may fix the price

Answer: a


136. A offers to B 100 electric fans for P80,000 payable in 60 days with 12% interest per
annum. B accepted the offer by telegram provided that interest is reduced to 6%. If there is a no
further communication between A and B relating to the terms
a. The contract is perfected because of the acceptance by B
b. There is no contract yet between A and B because B made a counter offer
c. The contract is perfected under the terms of A
d. There is no contract yet unless B gives earnest money

Answer: b


137. A owns 50 mango trees bearing fruits, ready for harvest. She sold all the fruits of all the
trees to B who paid P100,000. A told B he can harvest her fruits anytime he likes and pointing at
the mango trees. For legal purposes, A has fulfilled her obligation to deliver the mango fruits to
B by
a. Traditio brevi-manu
b. Traditio symbolica
c. Traditio longa-manu
d. Traditio constitutum possessorium

Answer: c


138. A sold her specific car to B for P200,000 payable in 5 equal installments. A delivered the
car to B but a mortgage was constituted on the car to answer for the unpaid installments B paid
the first 2 installments but failed to pay the last 3 installments. A foreclosed the mortgaged
property and sold it at public auction for P100,000. Which is correct?
a. A can recover from B the balance of P20,000 even if there is no stipulation to that effect
b. A can recover from B the balance of P20,000 if there is stipulation to that effect
c. A cannot recover the deficiency except if there is stipulation to that effect
d. A cannot recover the deficiency even if there is stipulation to the contrary

Answer: d


139. Ownership of the thing sold is

a. Retained by the seller in “sale or return”
b. Transferred to the buyer upon constructive or actual delivery of the things old
c. Acquired by the buyer upon perfection of the contract
d. Transferred to the buyer upon acceptance of the price

Answer: b


140. Y sold his horse to Z for P50,000. No payment has yet been made and the sales
document does not provide the date of delivery. Before delivery and payment the horse gave
birth to a colt. Which is correct?
a. Z is entitled to the colt which was born after the perfection of the contract
b. Y is entitled to the fruit (colt) as Z has not paid the price yet
c. Y is entitled to the (colt) because it was born before his obligation to deliver arises
d. Z should pay additional amount for the colt to be entitled to it

Answer: a


141. A contract of sale is in the stage of conception when

a. There is meeting of minds
b. Negotiations are in progress
c. The parties come to an agreement
d. The contract is perfected

Answer: b


142. A seller sold to a buyer a piece of jewelry at a price of P20,000. The contract provides
that the Buyer will pay the Seller cash-P15,000 and for the balance, the Buyer will give the Seller
a micro oven worth P5,000. What is the nature of the contract?
a. Sale
b. Partly sale and partly barter
c. Barter
d. Commodatum

Answer: a


143. A, the guardian of B, sold B’s house and lot worth P480,000 for P240,000.
a. The contract can be rescinded because of inadequacy of price
b. The contract cannot be rescinded because there is no fraud, mistake or undue influence
c. The contract cannot be rescinded because all the elements of the contract are present
d. The contract can be rescinded by A

Answer: a


144. A leased to B a generator for two years at a leased rental fee of P1,000 per month and
signed an option in favor of B to buy the TV set at the end of the term of the lease at P60,000.
All rental fees paid are to be considered as partial payment of the sale. After 12 months B was
able to pay the rental fees for 9 months and was in arrears for three months. A terminated the
lease contract and repossessed the generator. The consequence of the transaction is
a. A can collect the rental fees for three months which are in arrears
b. A can collect the rental fees for the unexpired 12 months of the lease contract
c. When A took possession on the generator, he has no further action against B

Answer: c


145. S sold to B a parcel of land for P1M. B paid S P1M in fake bills. The sale is:
a. Void because there was no valid cause or consideration, the bills being fake.
b. Voidable only since there was consideration but due to fraud B delivered fake peso bills.
c. Valid sale because of valid cause of P1M price.
d. Void because of false cause which is the counterfeit currency.

Answer: c

146. The buyer is obliged to pay interest on the price form the time of delivery of the thing
sold up to the time of payment in three of the following instances, except:
a. Should it have been stipulated
b. Should the thing produce fruits or income
c. Should the vendee be in default in the payment of the price
d. Should the vendee be insolvent

Answer: d


147. Statement 1: The seller is liable for express warranty only if there is stipulation on the
Statement 2: If it is stipulated that there is no warranty against hidden defect, the seller is still
liable for the value of the thing lost due to hidden defect.
a. Both statements are false.
b. Both are true.
c. First is true, second is false.
d. First is false, second is true.

Answer: c


148. Statement 1: Waiver consciente and intencionada apply both to hidden defect and
Statement 2: Rescission of the sale may be resorted to by the vendee in case of total eviction.
a. Both statements are false.
b. Both are true.
c. First is true, second is false.
d. First is false, second is true.

Answer: a


149. S sold to B a water pump with brand name “Higopka.” After delivery, it was discovered
that the pump does not function well prompting B to complain. Therefore:
a. B does not have the right to complain for breach of warranty against hidden defect because the
thing has a brand name when sold.
b. B has the right to complain for breach of warranty against hidden defect despite the thing being
sold under a patent or trade name.
c. S is not liable for hidden defect even if the thing sold is unfit for the particular purpose for which
it is sold.
d. S is liable for hidden defect only if it was stipulated.
Answer: b


150. Statement 1: Implied warranties as provided by law are enforceable only if so agreed
upon by the seller and buyer in a contract of sale.
Statement 2: Even if there is waiver of warranty against eviction and eviction should take place
the seller is liable to pay the value at the time of the sale.
a. First statement is true, second is false;
b. Second is true, first is false;
c. Both are false;
d. Both are true.

Answer: c


151. B bought on installment a car and executed a chattel mortgage on the same in favor of
the seller S as security for the unpaid balance of the price. They agreed that B shall be liable for
any deficiency that may arise after foreclosure of mortgage. B failed to pay two installments. S
filed a case for collection of the unpaid balance and attached the car and other assets of B.
a. S cannot attach the other assets of B because B has no deficiency liability under the Recto Law.
b. S can attach the car and other assets of B because the Recto Law applies only in case of
foreclosure of real mortgage.
c. S cannot go after the other assets of B as this is provided for under the Recto Law in case of the
seller exacting specific performance of the buyer’s obligation to pay.
d. S can attach all the assets of B in exacting fulfillment of B’s obligation to pay.

Answer: d


152. S sold to B a dog on January 10, 2020. Two days after delivery, the dog suffered some
illness which caused its death. B is now suing S for breach of warranty against hidden defect
because the dog died within three days after delivery. Decide.
a. S is liable because the disease existed within three days after purchase.
b. S is not liable if he was not aware of the disease, which caused the death of the dog.
c. S is liable if he were in bad faith.
d. S is not liable because the disease did not exist at the time of purchase.

Answer: d


153. Statement 1: In contract to sell, the buyer becomes owner upon delivery of the thing
Statement 2: In contract of sale, the buyer becomes owner upon payment of the price.
a. Both statements are true;
b. Both are false;
c. First statement false, second is true;
d. Second is false, first is true.

Answer: b


154. Statement 1: A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. In pacto de retro sale,
the repurchase is suspensive condition that will give rise to a sale.
Statement 2: In case the thing to be sold is not on hand but still to be raised, acquired or
manufactured, the contract is one for a piece of work and not sale.
a. First statement is false, second is true;
b. Second is false, first is true
c. Both are false statements;
d. Both are true.

Answer: c


155. D deposited his goods in the warehouse of W who issued to D a warehouse receipt
stating that the goods are to be delivered to bearer. Thereafter, A obtained possession of the
warehouse receipt from D in exchange for what A claimed to be a bar of gold, which, however,
was discovered by D to be fake. D demanded the return of the warehouse receipt from A but
the same had already been negotiated b A to H who purchased the document for value, in good
faith and without notice that D was deprived possession thereof by fraud. The negotiation by A
to H is:
a. Voidable
b. Valid
c. Void
d. Rescissible

Answer: b


156. B purchased a pair of leather shoes from the store of S. Shortly after leaving the store, B
decided to return and requested S, the owner, to place a protective rubber covering on the sole
of each shoe. Since the job required at least 30 minutes to complete, B left the store of S to shop
at the neighboring stores. When he returned to the store of S after 30 minutes, the pair of shoes
was nowhere to be found. It turned out that C, a sales clerk, had sold the pair of shoes that B
bought to X, another customer.
a. X acquired ownership of the pair of shoes earlier bought by B.
b. X did not acquire ownership of the pair of shoes earlier bought by B.
c. B remained the owner of the pair of shoes that he had bought despite its sale to X.
d. S reacquired ownership of the pair of shoes when it was brought to him for additional work.
Answer: a


157. S sold 500 shares of stock of San Manuel Corporation to B at P50.00 per share. The
transfer of the ownership of the shares of stock may be made through any of the following
means, except:
a. Execution of the sale in a public instrument.
b. The giving by S to B of the power to vote in the stockholders’ meeting of San Manuel
Corporation and its actual exercise thereof by B.
c. The endorsement by S of the stock certificate covering the 500 shares of stock and its placing it
in the possession of B.
d. The issuance of S of the official receipt for the full payment of the purchase price of the shares
by B.

Answer: d


158. A contract whereby one of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing and the other to pay therefor a price certain in
money or its equivalent is a contract of:
a. Barter.
b. Sale.
c. Dacion en pago.
d. Mortgage.

Answer: b


159. The following are the essential elements of a contract of sale, except:
a. Consent of the contracting parties.
b. Subject matter which should be determinate.
c. Price which is certain in money or its equivalent.
d. Warranty against eviction and against hidden defects.

Answer: d


160. The following are the characteristics of a contract of sale, except:

a. Principal, which means that a contract of sale can stand by itself.
b. Real, which requires the delivery of the object of the contract of sale for its perfection.
c. Onerous, where rights are acquired in exchange of a valuable consideration.
d. Bilateral, which means that both parties are bound reciprocally to each other.
Answer: b


161. One of the following characteristics of dacion en pago is also a characteristic of a

contract of sale. Which is it?
a. There is a pre-existing credit.
b. Obligations are extinguished.
c. There is less freedom in fixing the price.
d. Ownership of the object is transferred to the other party.

Answer: d


162. The following are characteristics of a contract of sale except for one which refers to
payment by cession. Which characteristic refers to a payment by cession?
a. There is no pre-existing credit.
b. The cause or consideration is the price.
c. There is more freedom in fixing the price.
d. Assignee of the property acquires the right to sell the thing but not the ownership thereof.

Answer: d


163. The following items pertain to either a contract of sale or a contract to sell.
I. Ownership of the thing sold is transferred upon delivery.
II. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the buyer at some future time.
III. The risk of loss in on the buyer.
IV. The risk of loss is on the seller.

Based on the above data, which of the following is correct?

a. Items I and III pertain to a contract to sell.
b. Items II and III pertain to a contract to sell.
c. Items II and IV pertain to a contract of sale.
d. Items I and III pertain to a contract of sale.

Answer: d


164. One of the following is not a requisite of the object of a contract of sale. Which is it?
a. It must be within the commerce of men.
b. It must be licit.
c. It must be determinate or determinable.
d. Vendor must have the right to transfer the ownership of the thing at the time of sale.
Answer: d


165. The following items pertain to either emptio rei sperati or emptio spei.
I. The sale of a future thing.
II. The sale of hope or expectancy.
III. The sale of a present thing.
IV. The thing sold must come into existence.

Based on the above information, which of the following is correct?

a. Items I and II pertain to emptio rei sperati.
b. Items II and III pertain to emptio spei.
c. Items II and III pertain to emptio rei sperati.
d. Items III and IV pertain to emptio spei.

Answer: b


166. Santiago sells to Bermejo 500 sacks of rice at P1,000.00 per sack from the stock then
stored in the warehouse of Santiago. Unknown to the parties, the warehouse contains only 480
sacks of rice. What is the status of the contract between Santiago and Bermejo?
a. The sale is void since the quantity available is less than the quantity sold.
b. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but void as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice.
c. The entire sale is valid up to 500 sacks of rice. Bermejo becomes the owner of the whole stock
available and Santiago must deliver the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice.
d. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but rescissible as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice by
reason of damage suffered by Bermejo.

Answer: c


167. Villarama sells to Fatima at P50 per gallon 300 gallons of gasoline stored in his truck’s
tank which, unknown to the parties, contains 500 gallons gasoline. What is the status of the
contract of sale between Villarama and Bermejo?
a. The sale is void because the quantity available is less than the quantity sold.
b. The sale is valid up to 500 gallons of gasoline. Fatima must pay for the additional 200 gallons of
c. The sale is valid up to 300 gallons of gasoline. Fatima becomes the owner of 3/5 of the whole
stock, while Villarama becomes the owner of 2/5 thereof.
d. The sale is rescissible because Villarama will suffer lesion of more than ¼ of the value of the
whole stock.

Answer: c

168. San Manuel Corporation, which maintains a professional basketball team, entered into a
contract with Armstrong Rubber Company for the latter to provide a pair of rubber shoes to the
former’s two imported basketball players, Charles Lebron and Michael Wade. Armstrong Rubber
Company was instructed to make a pair for either or both players in case the company did not
manufacture shoes of their size. No pair was, however, immediately available for both the
players. Charles Lebron, who is 6’5’’ tall and wears size 12 rubber shoes, was given a pair the
following day from the 300 pairs that Armstrong was in the process of manufacturing for its
customers at the time the orders were received. Michael Wade, who is 7’ tall and wears size 18
shoes, was provided three days later, with a pair that was specially made for him since
Armstrong does not make shoes of his size. What kind of contracts were entered into for the
shoes provided to the two basketball players?
a. The contract for the pair of shoes provided to Charles Lebron is a contract for a piece of work,
while that for Michael Wade is a contract of sale.
b. The contract for the pair of shoes provided to Charles Lebron is a contract of sale, while that of
Michael Wade is a contract for a piece of work.
c. Both contracts are contracts of sale.
d. Both contracts are contracts for a piece of work.

Answer: b


169. S and B entered into a contract whereby S transferred to B a specific car for the price of
P200,000.00, while B gave to S P90,000.00 in cash and a diamond ring worth P110,000.00. The
heading of the written contract signed by the parties reads “Contract of Sale”.
a. The contract is void because the intention of the parties is void since the value of the diamond
ring is more than the monetary consideration given.
b. The contract is a valid contract of sale as intended by the parties regardless of whether the
monetary consideration is more or less than the value of the property consideration.
c. The contract is valid contract of barter since the value of the property given is more than the
monetary consideration. The intention of the parties is immaterial.
d. The contract is partly a contract of barter and partly a contract of sale.

Answer: b


170. The price in a contract of sale is certain, except:

a. When the parties have fixed or agreed upon a definite amount.
b. If the price is certain with reference to another thing certain.
c. If the fixing of the price is left to the discretion of one of the contracting parties and the price is
fixed is not accepted by the other party.
d. If the price fixed is that which the thing sold would have on a definite day or in a particular
exchange or market.

Answer: c

171. On January 1, S orally sold to B a specific ring for P450.00. the parties agreed that S shall
deliver the ring to B on January 5, while B will pay the price on January 7.
a. The contract is perfected on January 5, when the ring is delivered by S to B.
b. The contract is perfected on January 1, when the parties had a meeting of minds on the object
and the price.
c. The contract is perfected on January 7, when the price is paid, since both parties would be then
have performed their obligations in the contract.
d. There is no perfected contract because the sale was made orally.

Answer: b


172. A sum of money paid, or a thing delivered upon the making of a contract for the sale of
goods, to bind the bargain, the delivery and acceptance of which makes the final assent of both
parties to the contract.
a. Option money
b. Earnest money
c. Reservation money
d. Down payment

Answer: b


173. S orally offered to sell a certain diamond ring to B for P50,000.00. B accepted the offer
and to prove that he was in earnest, he gave S P1,000.00. The parties agreed that the delivery of
the ring and the payment of the price would be made 30 days later. On due date:
a. S may collect from B P50,000.00.
b. S may collect form B P49,000.00.
c. S cannot enforce payment because the contract was not reduced to writing.
d. S cannot enforce payment because there was no contract of sale yet.

Answer: b


174. On June 1, 2020, S sold to B 50 units of machines which were scheduled to arrive from
Japan the following day on board the vessel “MT Nippon Maru”. The sale was evidenced by an
invoice identifying each machine by serial number. Each machine was priced at P10,000.00.
Unknown to the parties, 30 units were damaged beyond repair by seawater on May 31, 2020.
Based on the foregoing, which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. B may rescind the whole contract.
b. B may demand delivery of the remaining 20 units and pay the price therefor.
c. S may require payment of the whole shipment from B since S was not aware of the damage
caused on the machines at the time of sale.
d. S has no option to rescind the whole contract or require payment of the remaining 20 units.

Answer: c


175. It refers to the delivery of the thing sold from hand to hand in case of movables, or the
taking of possession with respect to immovables, in the presence and with the consent of the
a. Actual or real delivery
b. Traditio constitutum possessorium.
c. Traditio longa manu.
d. Traditio brevi manu.

Answer: a


176. On May 1, 2020, S sold to B through a private instrument 20 sacks of corn stored in the
only warehouse of S. On May 10, 2020, S delivered the keys to the warehouse to B. the delivery
made by S to B is known as:
a. Constructive delivery by legal formalities.
b. Symbolic delivery by traditio clavium.
c. Traditio longa manu.
d. Traditio brevi manu.

Answer: b


177. Delivery of incorporeal property may be made through any of the following means,
a. Execution of a public document.
b. Placing the titles of ownership in the possession of the vendee.
c. Use by the vendee of his rights, with the debtor’s consent.
d. Execution of private instrument.

Answer: d


178. One of the following statements on the transfer of ownership of the thing in “sale on
trial” is incorrect. Which is it?
a. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee when he signifies his approval or acceptance
to the vendor.
b. Ownership of the ting is transferred to the vendee when he does an act adopting the
c. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee if the time fixed for the return of the thing
has expired and the vendee retains the thing without giving notice of rejection or acceptance to
the vendor.
d. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the vendee upon delivery.

Answer: d


179. On March 1, 2020, S sold and delivered to B a television set for P10,000.00 “on sale or
return” giving B up to March 16, 2020 within which to return the television set. On March 10,
2020, the television set was burned through no fault of B. Based on the foregoing, which of the
following statements is incorrect?
a. B must pay the price of the television set.
b. S must bear the loss since the time for the return of the television set had not yet expired.
c. The ownership of the television set was transferred to B upon delivery to him.
d. B must bear the loss of the television set.

Answer: b


180. In one of the following cases, delivery of the goods to a carrier for the purpose of
transmission to the buyer transfers ownership to the latter. Which one is it?
a. When by the terms of the bill of lading, the goods are to be delivered to the seller or his agent.
b. When by the terms of the bill of lading, the goods are to be delivered to the order of the buyer
or his agent but the seller retains the bill of lading.
c. When the seller draw a bill of exchange on the buyer for the price of the goods and transmits
such bill of exchange and the bill of lading to the buyer to secure acceptance or payment of the
bill of exchange and the buyer dishonors the bill of exchange.
d. When the owner does not reserve the right of possession or ownership of the thing sold upon
delivery to the carrier.

Answer: d


181. In a contract of sale of personal property the price of which is payable in installments,
the vendor may exercise any of the following remedies, except:
a. Exact fulfillment of the obligation, should the vendee fail to pay any number of installments.
b. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more installments.
c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more
installments and recover any deficiency after the foreclosure sale if they stipulated it.
d. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover two or more
installments but he may no longer recover any deficiency after the foreclosure sale.

Answer: c

182. Alapag bought a residential house and lot from Sta. Ana Realty for P250,000.00 giving a
down payment of P10,000.00 and promising to pay the balance of P240,000.00 in 20 years in
monthly installments of P1,000.00. After paying 72 installments, Alapag defaulted in the
payment of the 73rd installment and subsequent ones. Despite the grace period he had learned,
he was not able to make any further payments. Accordingly, Sta. Ana Realty cancelled the sale.
How much cash surrender value is Alapag entitled to receive?
a. P45,100.00.
b. P39,600.00.
c. P36,000.00.
d. P41,000.00.

Answer: a


183. S stole a ring belonging to O. subsequently, the ring was offered for sale at a public
auction where X, who was not aware that the ring was stolen, bought it. A few weeks later, O
saw the ring and recognized it as his. Based on the foregoing information, which of the following
statements is correct?
a. O may recover the ring from X without reimbursing X since O was unlawfully deprived of the
b. O may recover the ring from X but he has to reimburse X since X acquired title to the ring.
c. O may no longer recover the ring even if he is willing to reimburse X.
d. X did not acquire title to the ring since the auctioneer had no valid title thereto.

Answer: b


184. Where the seller of goods has a voidable title thereto, but his title has not been avoided
at the time of sale, the buyer acquires title to the goods. Such acquisition of title has the
following requisites, except:
a. The buyer must have bought the goods in good faith.
b. The buyer must have bought them for value.
c. The buyer bought them without notice of the seller’s defect of title.
d. The party from whom the seller obtained the goods must ratify the sale.

Answer: d


185. An unpaid seller has the following rights, except:

a. A lien on the goods or the right to retain them for the price while he is in possession of them.
b. In case of insolvency of the buyer, a right of stopping the goods in transit after he has parted
with the possession of them.
c. A right of repurchase.
d. A right to rescind.

Answer: c


186. An unpaid seller loses his lien on the goods in the following cases, except:
a. When he delivers the goods to a carrier or other bailee for the purpose of transmission to the
buyer without reserving the right of ownership in the goods.
b. When the buyer or his agent lawfully obtains possession of the goods.
c. When the seller waives his possessory lien.
d. When he has obtained judgment for the price of the goods.

Answer: d


187. Three of the following are the requisites in order that an unpaid seller may exercise his
right of stoppage of transit. Which one is not?
a. The seller is unpaid.
b. The seller has not parted with the possession of the goods.
c. The goods are in transit.
d. The buyer is or becomes insolvent.

Answer: b


188. Goods are still in transit:

a. If the buyer or his agent obtains delivery of the goods before their arrival at the appointed
b. When the carrier acknowledges possession of the goods as bailee for the buyer after the arrival
of the goods at the place of destination.
c. If the carrier or other bailee wrongfully refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer or his agent.
d. If the goods are rejected by the buyer, and the carrier or other bailee continues in possession of
them, even if the seller has refused to received them back.

Answer: d


189. An unpaid seller’s right to resell the goods is available in the following cases, except:
a. If the goods are of a perishable nature.
b. When the seller reserved the right to resell the goods.
c. When the buyer has defaulted in the payment of the price for an unreasonable time.
d. When the seller has lost his lien on the goods.

Answer: d

190. Estrella bought a piece of land from Sarmiento for a lump sum of P120,000.00. Aside
from mentioning the boundaries in the contract which is required in the sale of real estate, the
contract also states that the piece of land consists of 1,000 square meters. Before delivery,
Sarmiento discovered that the piece of land actually contains 1,200 square meters.
a. Sarmiento must deliver all the 1,200 square meters; Estrella must pay P120,000.00 plus an
additional amount for the excess of 200 square meters.
b. Sarmiento is required to deliver only 1,000 square meters; Estrella must pay the contract price
of P120,000.00.
c. Sarmiento must deliver all the 1,200 square meters; Estrella has to pay only P120,000.00.
d. Neither party is required to perform the obligation because of mistake.

Answer: c


191. Castro sold a registered place of land to Bautista on May 1, 2020 in a public instrument.
On May 3, 2020, Castro sold in a private instrument the same piece of land to Cruz, who took
physical possession of the land. Neither buyer was aware of the sale made to the other.
a. The land belongs to Bautista.
b. The land belongs to Cruz.
c. The land still belongs to Castro, because both sales are void.
d. The land should be divided equally between Bautista and Cruz to give effect to both sales.

Answer: a


192. On June 1, 2020, Sanchez sold to Gonzales in a private instrument a certain computer.
Two days later, Sanchez sold the same computer in a private instrument to Contreras who
immediately took possession of the computer. Neither party was aware of the sale made to the
a. The computer belongs to Gonzales.
b. The computer belongs to Contreras.
c. The computer will be co-owned by Gonzales and Contreras to give effect to both sales.
d. Both sales are void. Accordingly, Castro will still be the owner.

Answer: b


193. This refers to the implied warranty on the part of the seller that he has the right to sell
the thing at the time when ownerships is to pass, and that the buyer from that time shall have
and enjoy legal and peaceful possession of the thing.
a. Warranty against hidden defects.
b. Warranty against eviction.
c. Warranty of ownership.
d. Warranty of possession.

Answer: b


194. Three of the following are the requisites in order that the vendee may enforce the
vendor’s liability in case of eviction. Which one is not?
a. There must be a final judgment depriving the vendee of a part or the whole of the thing sold.
b. The vendee must have appealed from such judgment rendered against him.
c. The deprivation of the vendee is based on a right prior to the sale or an act imputable to the
d. The vendor is notified of the suit at the instance of the vendee.

Answer: b


195. This refers to an encumbrance imposed upon an immovable for the benefit of another
immovable belonging to a different owner.
a. Easement or servitude
b. Real estate mortgage
c. Pledge
d. Chattel mortgage

Answer: a


196. Three of the following are the requisites in order that the buyer may enforce the seller’s
liability for hidden defects. Which one is not?
a. The defects of the thing sold must not be patent or visible.
b. The defects render the thing unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which diminish its
fitness for such use to such an extent that had the buyer been aware thereof, he would not have
bought it.
c. The defects must be existing at the time of sale.
d. The defects must be capable of determination by an expert.

Answer: d


197. Alessandra purchased from Rose Tan’s Department Store, two pieces of imported
identical bathrobe, one of which was embroidered with “HIS” and the other with “HERS”, which
she planned to give to his friends Jules and Assunta as a wedding present. She inspected the
items very carefully with the assistance of the store clerk before paying for them. While she was
wrapping them shortly after she arrived home, she noticed that the hem of the “HERS” bathrobe
had disintegrated because it was loosely sewn, which damage was not apparent because of the
many colors of the apparel.
a. Alessandra can rescind the sale on both pieces of bathrobe.
b. Alessandra can rescind only the sale of the bathrobe marked “HERS”
c. Alessandra cannot rescind because she should have inspected the item well when she bought it.
d. Alessandra must pay for both pieces of bathrobe.

Answer: a


198. The vendor shall be liable for the death of the animal sold when the following requisites
are present, except:
a. The disease existed at the time of sale.
b. The disease is the cause of the death of the animal.
c. The disease must be redhibitory.
d. The animal dies within 3 days from the time of purchase.

Answer: c


199. The justified refusal of the buyer to accept the goods produces the following effects,
a. Buyer has no duty to return the goods, unless otherwise stipulated.
b. Title to the goods does not pass on to him.
c. Buyer shall not be obliged to pay the price.
d. Buyer is obliged to constitute himself as depositary until he returns the goods.

Answer: d


200. In three of the following cases, the buyer is not entitled to suspend the payment of the
price. Which one will give him the right to suspend payment?
a. Disturbance in the possession or ownership of the thing purchased.
b. The seller gives him security for the return of the price.
c. It has been stipulated that the buyer shall pay the price notwithstanding any disturbance.
d. The disturbance is a mere act of trespass.

Answer: a


201. A contract of sale with a right to repurchase and other contracts including a contract
purporting to be an absolute sale shall be presumed to be an equitable mortgage in the
following cases, except:
a. When the price of sale with right to repurchase to repurchase is unusually inadequate.
b. When the vendor remains in possession of the thing sold.
c. When the period to repurchase the property is extended.
d. When the vendee binds himself to pay the taxes due.

Answer: d


202. An owner of a rural land has the right of legal redemption of an adjoining rural land sold
if the following requisites are present, except when:
a. The adjoining rural land is not separated by any apparent servitudes for the benefit of other
b. The land sold does not exceed one hectare.
c. The grantee owns another rural land.
d. The grantee owns an urban land.

Answer: d


203. This refers to the right of an adjoining owner of an urban land to be given preference to
the purchase of a small piece of urban land which is held for speculation before it is offered for
sale to others.
a. Right of subrogation.
b. Right of redemption.
c. Right of pre-emption.
d. Right of repurchase.

Answer: c


204. A, B, and C, are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land. On May 1, A sold his share to
X; on June 1, B sold his shares also to X; and on July 1, C sold his share also to X. each sale was
with a right to repurchase.
a. X may compel A, B and C to come to an agreement to repurchase the whole land.
b. Each co-owner may exercise his right of redemption on the whole property including the share
of the other two co-owners.
c. Each co-owner may exercise his right of redemption only with respect to his share.
d. Any two of the three co-owners may redeem the property proportionately.

Answer: c


205. R, S and T are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land. R solo his 1/3 interest to T in a
deed of absolute sale. Which is correct?
a. S may exercise the right of redemption on the interest sold by R to T.
b. S cannot exercise the right of redemption.
c. The sale made by R to T is voidable.
d. S may redeem only ½ of the interest sold by R to T.

Answer: b


206. T steals the goods of O and deposits them in the warehouse of W. W issues to T a
warehouse receipt which by its terms indicates that goods are to be delivered to the order of T.
T, thereafter, negotiates the receipt to H who purchases the document in good faith and for
a. H may obtain delivery of the goods from W because H was an innocent purchaser for value.
b. H can obtain delivery of the goods from W because the issuance of the warehouse receipt to T
conferred a valid title to him over the goods.
c. H can obtain delivery of the goods from W because the acquisition by H of the warehouse
receipt in good faith cured the defect in T’s title.
d. H cannot obtain delivery of the goods because he acquired whatever title T had over such
goods, which is the title of a thief.

Answer: d


207. O delivered certain goods to C, a common carrier, which issued to O a bill of lading
stating that the goods are to be delivered to bearer. Without O’s fault, the bill of lading was
stolen by T who thereafter negotiated the document by mere delivery to H, a purchaser for
value and without notice of the defect in the title of T.
a. The negotiation of the bill of lading by T to H is not valid because of T’s defective title.
b. The negotiation of the bill of lading by T to H is valid. T’s defective title does not have any effect
on the validity of the negotiation.
c. H may not obtain delivery of the goods from C because H acquired whatever title T had over the
d. H acquired title to the document but not the goods.

Answer: b


208. D obtained from C a loan amounting to P50,000.00, the same being secured by a
mortgage on D’s lot. Thereafter, C assigned his credit right to T with notice to D. based on the
foregoing facts, which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. T cannot collect from D if D does not give his consent to the assignment.
b. T can collect from D. D’s consent to the assignment is not required.
c. T can collect from D and if D cannot play, T can foreclose the mortgage on the lot.
d. The notice to D of the assignment is sufficient. D must make his payment to T and no longer to c.

Answer: a

209. A kind of mortgage which, although lacking some formality, form of words, or requisites
prescribed by law, shows the intention of the parties to charge real property as security for debt
and contains nothing impossible or contrary to law is known as:
a. Legal mortgage.
b. Equitable mortgage.
c. Conventional mortgage.
d. Voluntary mortgage.

Answer: b


210. If a movable property is sold separately to two or more different vendees, ownership
shall belong to the person:
a. Who in good faith first paid the purchase price in full.
b. Who in good faith first recorded the sale in the Registry of Property.
c. Who in good faith presents the oldest title.
d. Who in good faith first took possession of the property.

Answer: d


211. A contract of sale is perfected:

a. Upon compliance with the requirements of the law as to form.
b. Upon delivery of the object of the contract.
c. Upon the meeting of the minds on the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the
d. Upon demand.

Answer: c


212. It is a contract by virtue of the terms of which the parties thereto promise and obligate
themselves to enter into another contract at a future time, upon the happening of certain
events, or the fulfillment of certain conditions.
a. Contract of adhesion
b. Contract of option
c. Contract of sale
d. Auto-contract

Answer: b

213. A contract of sale is not a:
a. Principal contract.
b. Nominate contract.
c. Consensual contract.
d. Real contract.

Answer: d


214. The following may not be valid objects of a contract of sale, except:
a. Objects outside the commerce of men.
b. Illicit things.
c. Future goods.
d. Impossible service.

Answer: c


215. This is a kind of symbolic delivery where the vendor remains in possession of the
property sold, such as by virtue of a lease agreement with the vendee.
a. Traditio longa manu.
b. Traditio brevi manu.
c. Traditio constitutum possessorium.
d. Delivery to common carrier.

Answer: c


216. When the goods are delivered to the buyer, the ownership thereof passes to the buyer
a. Sale on approval.
b. Sale or return
c. Sale on trial.
d. Contract to sell.

Answer: b


217. S promised to sell his car to B for P200,000.00 giving B 30 days to decide. B accepted the
promise of S and informed S that he (B) would make known his decision before the lapse of 30
days. He also gave S P2,000.00 as consideration so that S would hold on to his promise. The
contract entered into between S and B and the consideration given by B to S are known as:
a. Option contract and option money, respectively.
b. Contract of sale and earnest money, respectively.
c. Contract of sale and down payment, respectively.
d. Contract to sell and reservation money, respectively.

Answer: a


218. The Recto Law applies to which of the following examples of sale?
a. Sale of a car on straight term.
b. Sale of house and lot on installment.
c. Sale of car on installment where the buyer constitute a mortgage on his truck.
d. Sale of a piano on installments where the buyer constituted a chattel mortgage on the piano.

Answer: d


219. S sold to B a lot through a deed of absolute sale duly acknowledged before a notary
public. Three days later, S sold same lot to X, also through a deed of sale duly acknowledged
before a notary public. X had the sales registered with the Register of Deeds. Neither B nor X
was aware of the sale made by S to the other and neither took physical possession of the lot.
Who is the present owner of the lot?
a. B, because he was the first purchaser in good faith.
b. X, because he registered the sale in good faith.
c. Neither B nor X.
d. S, as long as he does not surrender physical possession of the lot.

Answer: b


220. B purchased from S a laptop computer worth P100,000.00. The terms of sale provide for
a down payment of P20,000.00 with the balance payable in 8 equal monthly installments. To
secure the balance, S required B to execute a chattel mortgage on the laptop computer and a
real mortgage on B’s lot. B complied with all the requirements but defaulted in the payment of
the third and fourth installments. These remedies are available to S except one. Which is it?
a. Cancel the sale.
b. Exact fulfillment of the obligation.
c. Foreclose the real mortgage and thereafter recover any deficiency from B.
d. Foreclose the chattel mortgage and thereafter foreclose the real mortgage in case of deficiency.

Answer: d

221. S and B entered into a contract whereby S transferred to B a specific piano for the price
of P80,000.00, while B gave to S cash of P30,000.00 and a diamond ring worth P50,000.00. What
kind of contract was entered into between S and B?
a. A contract of barter.
b. A contract of sale.
c. The contract is partly a contract of barter and partly a contract of sale.
d. The contract is an innominate contract because the intention of the parties cannot be

Answer: a


222. One of the distinctions between option money and earned money is that earnest money
a. The consideration paid for the purpose of holding one to his promise to buy or sell a
determinate thing for a certain period of time.
b. Not part of the purchase price.
c. Proof of the perfection of the contract of sale.
d. Paid before the perfection of the contract of sale.

Answer: c


223. This refers to the warranty of the seller that he has the right to sell the thing at the time
when ownership is to pass, and which can be enforced if the buyer is deprived of the property
sold by a final judgment in court.
a. Warranty against hidden defects.
b. Warranty of merchantable quality.
c. Warranty against eviction.
d. Warranty of possession.

Answer: c


224. P, who was in Hong Kong, made an overseas call to A, his friend, to sell P’s lot in Quezon
City immediately as P needed cash. Accordingly, A sold the lot to B. the deed of sale was in
public document. The sale of P’s lot is:
a. Valid.
b. Rescissible.
c. Unenforceable.
d. Void.

Answer: d

225. One of the distinctions between a contract of sale and a contract for a piece work is that
a contract for a piece of work:
a. Is not governed by the Statute of Frauds.
b. Refers to a contract for the delivery goods which are manufactured in the ordinary course of
business although the same are not available.
c. Has for its parties the vendor and the vendee.
d. Has for its consideration the price of the thing.

Answer: a


226. A and B are co-owners of a rural lot not exceeding 1 hectare. The lot is surrounded on its
four sides as follows: on the North, by the road; on the East, by the lot of X consisting of 2
hectares; on the South, by the lot of Y consisting of 2 ½ hectares; and on the West, by Z’s lot
consisting of 2 ½ hectares. A sells his undivided interest in the agricultural lot to T, who owns
several hectares of rural land in the area. Who has the right of legal redemption over the
undivided interest in the lot sold by A to T?
a. B
b. X
c. Y
d. Z

Answer: a


227. It is an affirmation of fact or any promise by the seller relating to the thing which has a
natural tendency to induce the buyer to purchase the same, relying on such promise or
a. Condition
b. False representation
c. Warranty
d. Seller’s talk

Answer: c


228. In one of the following cases, the ownership of the thing object of the contract is
transferred to the other party upon delivery.
a. Contract to sell
b. Agency to sell
c. Sale or return
d. Sale on approval

Answer: c

229. Under the “Realty Installment Buyer Act”, the buyer of real estate on installment
payments may pay an installment defaulted without additional interest if he has paid at least
two years of installments. The law is applicable to sales/transactions involving:
a. Industrial lots.
b. Commercial buildings.
c. Residential lots.
d. Sales to tenants under the Land Reform Law.

Answer: c


230. S, the owner of a rent-a-car business, leased one of his cars to B for one month. On the
day of the expiration of the lease and while B was still in possession of the car, B offered to buy
the car from S for P200,000.00. Believing the price to be a good one, S readily accepted B’s offer
and then and there executed a deed of absolute sale in favor of B who immediately paid the
price in cash. Thereafter, B drove away form place of S.
a. The delivery of the car by S to B is by constitutum possessorium.
b. The delivery of the car by S to B is by traditio longa manu.
c. The delivery of the car by S to B is by traditio brevi manu.
d. There was no delivery because B should have turned over the possession of the car to S upon
the expiration of the lease so that S could make the proper delivery to him upon the execution
of the contract of sale.

Answer: c


231. B called on S at the shoe factory of S for the latter to make a pair of shoes which B would
be needing in the play “Romeo and Juliet.” B provided S with the description of the pair of shoes
that he wanted since S did not manufacture the kind of shoes that B needed. S quoted a price of
P1,000.00 which B agreed to pay upon delivery to him of the pair of shoes. Since S and B had
been neighbors for a long time, their agreement was sealed with a handshake.
a. The contract between S and B becomes enforceable if S had already completed making the pair
of shoes.
b. The contract between S and B becomes enforceable if B had already paid the amount agreed
upon for the work.
c. The contract between S and B is enforceable even if it is still executory.
d. The contract cannot be enforced by either party because it was not in writing.

Answer: c


232. Which of the following contracts of sale is void?

a. Oral sale of a piece of land made through an agent whose authority is in a public instrument.
b. Sale of a piece of land in a public instrument made through an agent whose authority was given
orally by the principal.
c. Sale of a piece of land in a private instrument made through an agent whose authority is in a
public instrument.
d. Sale of a piece of land in a public instrument made through an agent whose authority is in a
private instrument.

Answer: b


233. D deposited his goods in the warehouse of W who issued to D a warehouse receipt
stating that the goods are to be delivered to bearer. Thereafter, A obtained possession of the
warehouse receipt from D in exchange for what A claimed to be a bar of gold, which, however,
was discovered by D to be fake. D demanded the return of the warehouse receipt from A but
the same had already been negotiated by A to H who purchased the document for value, in
good faith and without notice that D was deprived possession thereof by fraud. The negotiation
by A to H is:
a. Voidable.
b. Valid.
c. Void.
d. Rescissible.

Answer: b


234. B purchased a pair of leather shoes form the store of S. Shortly after leaving the store, B
decided to return and requested S, the owner, to place a protective rubber covering on the sole
of each sole. Since the job required at least 30 minutes to complete, B left the store of S to ship
at the neighboring stores. When he returned to the store of S after 30 minutes, the pair of shoes
was nowhere to be found. It turned out that c, a sales clerk, had sold the pair of shoes that B
bought to X, another customer.
a. X acquired ownership of the pair of shoes earlier bought by B.
b. X did not acquire ownership of the pair of shoes earlier bought by B.
c. B remained the owner of the pair of shoes that he had bought despite its sale to X.
d. S reacquired ownership of the pair of shoes when it was brought to him for additional work.

Answer: a


235. S sold 500 shares of stock of San Manual Corporation to B at P50.00 per share. The
transfer of the ownership of the share of stock may be made through any of the following
means, except:
a. Execution of the sale in a public instrument.
b. The giving by S to B of the power to vote in the stockholders’ meeting of San Manual
Corporation and its actual exercise thereof by B.
c. The indorsement by S of the stock certificate covering the 500 shares of stock and its placing it in
the possession of B.
d. The issuance by S of the official receipt for the full payment of the purchase price of the shares
by B.

Answer: d


236. Which of the following documents of title requires indorsement and delivery for its
a. A warehouse receipt which states that the goods are to be delivered to bearer.
b. A bill of lading which states that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a specified person
but such person indorsed it in blank.
c. A warehouse receipt which states that the goods are to be delivered to bearer but the bearer
indorsed it to a specified person.
d. A bill of lading which states that the goods are to be delivered to a specified person.

Answer: c


237. S and B executed a deed of absolute sale involving a parcel of land supposedly
containing 2,000 square meters. B paid a lump sum of P2,200,000.00 for the purchase. Based on
the foregoing facts, which of the following statements is correct?
a. If the parcel of land is actually 2,200 square meters in area, S has to deliver only 2,000 square
meters thereof and B must pay P2,200,000.00 as agreed upon.
b. If the parcel of land is actually 1,800 square meters in area, S must deliver only 1,800 square
meters and B has to pay only the price equivalent to 1,800 square meters.
c. If the parcel of land actually contains 2,200 square meters, S must deliver all of 2,200 square
meters with B still paying the amount of P2,200,000.00.
d. If the parcel of land actually contains 2,200 square meters, S must deliver all of 2,200 square
meters but B must pay a proportionate amount for the additional 200 square meters in addition
to the price of P2,200,000.00

Answer: c


238. S sold a parcel of land separately to the following persons: on July 1, 2020, to X, in a
public document; on July 5, 2020 in a private document to Y, who took physical possession of
the land; and on July 9, 2020, to Z, who registered the sale with the Register of Deeds. Neither X,
Y nor Z was aware of the sale made to the other two buyers. Who is the owner of the parcel of
a. X, because he was the first purchaser.
b. Y, because he took physical possession.
c. Z, because he registered the sale.
d. S, because the multiple sales he made rendered each sale a void contract.

Answer: c


239. In which of the following cases is the seller not obliged to make any payment to the
buyer for breach of warranty against eviction/
a. When such warranty has not been agreed upon.
b. When there was no stipulation exempting the seller from liability.
c. When there was a stipulation exempting the seller (who was in good faith) from breach of
warranty and the waiver was made by the buyer without knowledge of the risks of eviction.
d. When there was a stipulation exempting the seller (who was in good faith) form breach of
warranty and the waiver was made by the buyer with knowledge of the risks of eviction.

Answer: d


240. Mother Lilly purchased from Santiago Farms four horses with different colors: a white, a
gray, a black, and a brown, which Mother Lilly intended to use in a movie to be starred in by four
movie actors each one of whom represents one of the colors. Each horse was certified to be fit
by the veterinarian who was hired by the parties to examine them. Mother Lilly paid a separate
price for each of the horses. During the filming of the movie, the brown horse was always sick
and could not function as the three others. It was subsequently discovered that it was suffering
from an incurable heart ailment.
a. Mother Lilly may ask for the rescission of the sale of the brown horse only since she paid a
separate price of each of the horses.
b. Mother Lilly may ask for the rescission of the sale of all the horses.
c. Mother Lilly may not ask for rescission of the sale of any horse because she freely entered into
the contract of sale.
d. Mother Lilly is bound by the sale of all the four horses and must honor such contract because
the veterinarian certified all of the horses to be fit.

Answer: b


241. The buyer is obliged to pay interest for the period between the delivery of the thing sold
and the payment of the price in the following cases, except if:
a. There is a stipulation to pay interest.
b. There is no such stipulation but the thing sold produces fruits or income.
c. The buyer is in default, from the time of judicial or extra-judicial demand for the payment of the
d. None of the foregoing.

Answer: d

242. Earnest money possesses three of the following characteristics. Which is the exception?
a. It is part of the purchase price.
b. It is proof of the perfection of the contract of sale.
c. It is paid at the time of the perfection of the contract of sale.
d. It is paid as a consideration for the purpose of holding one to his promise to buy or sell a
determinate thing for a certain period.

Answer: d


243. S sold his farm lot to B with S reserving his right to repurchase the property within five
years from the date of the sale. Based on the foregoing facts, which of the following statements
is incorrect?
a. The sale is subject to a suspensive condition.
b. B may validly sell the lot to a third person against whom S may exercise the right to repurchase
provided the right is registered.
c. B is subrogated to the rights and actions of S.
d. B’s ownership of the lot become irrevocable if S fails to exercise his right to repurchase within
the period stated.

Answer: a


244. D borrowed P50,000.00 from C. the obligation is secured by a mortgage of D’s house
and lot. Thereafter, C assigned his credit right to T. based on the foregoing facts, which of the
following statements is incorrect?
a. The consent of D to the assignment is required in order that T may collect from D.
b. The assignment of the credit right carries with it the assignment of the mortgage.
c. If D pays C before D was notified of the assignment, D is released from liability.
d. The assignment, to bind third persons, must be in a public instrument and recorded with the
Registry of Property.

Answer: a


245. A contract of sale possess three of the following characteristics. Which is the exception?
a. Bilateral, since the parties are bound by reciprocal prestations.
b. Commutative, because the parties give almost equivalent values.
c. Onerous, since there is an exchange of valuable consideration.
d. Real, because the object of sale must be delivered for the perfection of the contract.

Answer: d

246. S sold his lot to B reserving his right to repurchase the same within 5 years form the
date of the execution of their agreement. The sale together with the right to repurchase was
registered with the Register of Deeds. Two years after the execution of the sale, B sold the same
lot to X who was not aware that S reserved his right to repurchase the lot.
a. The sale by S to B is subject to a suspensive condition.
b. The sale by S to B is subject to a resolutory condition.
c. The sale by S to be is subject to a condition which is neither suspensive or resolutory.
d. The sale by S to B is absolute without any condition.

Answer: b


247. B wants to buy the car of S for P100,000.00 and to show that he is in earnest, he pays S
P2,000.00 which S accepts. There was no written instrument signed by S and B to incorporate
their agreement. Based on the foregoing, which of the following statements does not pertain to
the contract.
a. B, thereafter, needs to pay P98,000.00.
b. The giving of earnest money binds S and B to a contract of sale.
c. B, thereafter, must still pay P100,000.00 because the earnest money he paid is not part of the
purchase price.
d. The contract between S and B is enforceable although there was no written agreement between
S and B.

Answer: c


248. When the buyer is justified in refusing to accept the goods being delivered to him and
has relayed such refusal to the seller, such refusal produces the following effects, except:
a. Buyer has no duty to return the goods unless stipulated.
b. Title to the goods does not pass to the buyer.
c. Buyer is not obliged to pay the price.
d. Buyer automatically becomes a depositary of the goods.

Answer: d


249. The unpaid seller, in addition to his right to retain the goods while he is in possession of
them, has the following rights, except:
a. The right of stoppage in transit.
b. The right to resell the goods.
c. The right to rescind the sale.
d. The right to bid when the goods are resold.
Answer: d


250. One of the following is a natural element of a contract of sale.

a. The price of goods.
b. The goods sold.
c. The stipulation to pay interest on the purchase price of the goods.
d. The seller’s warranty against hidden defects.

Answer: d


251. On January 1, 2020, Santos offered to sell his only diamond ring for P50,000.00 cash to
Mercado who was interested in buying the same. Santos told Mercado that he was giving the
latter up to January 31, 2020 to decide whether to buy the ring or not. Mercado agreed to the
option and gave Santos option money of P500.00. On January 18, 2020, Santos found another
buyer who was willing to pay P70,000.00 cash. Santos personally visited Mercado to inform him
that he was withdrawing his offer unless Mercado agreed to buy the ring for P70,000.00.
a. Santos may validly withdraw the offer without being held liable for breach of contract since it
would be unfair to him if he would receive only P50,000.00 as the price of his ring when another
person is willing to buy it at a higher amount.
b. Mercado is bound to pay P70,000.00 if he were to avail himself of his option to buy the ring.
c. Santos cannot withdraw the offer because the option is founded upon a consideration of
d. Mercado needs to pay only P49,500.00 if he decides to buy the ring since the option money of
P500.00 the he paid forms part of the purchase price.

Answer: c


252. S and B executed a deed of absolute sale duly acknowledged before a notary public
whereby S conveyed his car to B for P100,000.00. B, however, informed S that he would be
going away on a business trip and that he would be taking the car from the place of S when he
returned after two weeks. Three days after the sale of the car to B, S sold the same car to X
through a deed of absolute sale which was also acknowledged before a notary public. X then
drove the car away from the place of S and had the sale recorded with the Land Transportation
Office which issued to him a certificate of registration of the car in his name. Neither B nor X was
aware of the sale made to the other until B returned from his business trip.
a. Preference shall be given to B since the car was first sold to him.
b. X did not acquire little to the car because S was no longer the owner when the sale was made to
c. X acquired title to the car because S appeared to be the owner in the record of the Land
Transportation Office.
d. S remains the owner of the car because the sale made to one buyer nullified the sale to the

Answer: c


253. D gives his ring worth P25,000.00 to C in consideration of C’s giving of P10,000.00 and a
bracelet worth P15,000.00 to D. Based on the foregoing facts, which of the following statements
is incorrect?
a. The transaction between D and C is a sale if they intended it to be a contract of sale.
b. The transaction between D and C is a barter if they intended it to be a contract of barter.
c. The transaction is barter regardless of the intention of the parties because the bracelet is of
more value than P10,000.00.
d. The transaction is barter if the intention of the parties cannot be determined.

Answer: c


254. S, the proprietor of a rent-a-car enterprise, sold his business and his fleet of 10 cars to B
for a lump sum of P3,000,000.00. S physically delivered the permits and other papers for the
operation of the business and the vehicles to B at the latter’s office except for one car which the
parties agreed shall be leased by S for one month while he was winding up his affairs in the
Philippines as he was then leaving for abroad. In the meantime, the contract of sale and the
contract of lease, though already signed by the parties, have not been acknowledge before a
notary public, and hence, were still private instruments.
a. The ownership of the car leased by S remained with S.
b. The ownership of the car leased by S has been transferred to B although there was no physical
delivery thereof to B.
c. The execution of the private instrument for the sale of the business and the cars likewise
transferred the ownership to B of the car leased by S.
d. Both the contract of sale and the contract of lease must be acknowledged before a notary public
by the parties before the ownership of the car leased by S is transferred to B.

Answer: b


255. King Gems Company, a jewelry manufacturer, shipped five dozen necklaces to Queen
Jewelry Store. The shipment was made under a written agreement allowing Queen Jewelry
Store to return the necklaces within a period of one month form delivery. Based on the
foregoing facts, which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. Title to the necklaces passed to Queen upon delivery.
b. If Queen does not return the necklaces within one month, the sale to it becomes absolute.
c. If the necklaces are destroyed by fire without the fault of Queen, Queen need not pay the price
d. If the necklaces are destroyed through the fault of Queen, Queen must pay the price thereof to
King Gems Company.

Answer: c


256. On January 3, 2021, D deposited his goods with W, warehouseman, who issued a
warehouse receipt which states that the goods are to be delivered “to the order of D”. on
January 5, 2021 D indorsed the receipt to A. on January 8, 2020, however, D sold the goods
represented by the receipt to X who informed W immediately of the sale to him of the goods by
D. At that time, W was not aware that D had indorsed the receipt to A.
a. A acquired title to the goods as represented by the receipt at the time such receipt was indorsed
to him.
b. X acquired title to the goods because at the time of the sale to him, W, the warehouseman was
not yet aware that D had indorsed the receipt to A.
c. D retained ownership of the goods because he cannot indorse the receipt to one person and sell
the goods to another.
d. W will be bound to deliver to the goods to X.

Answer: a


257. One of the following statements pertaining to a sale by auction is incorrect. Which is it?
a. A sale by public auction is perfected when the auctioneer announces its perfection by the fall of
the hammer, or in any other manner.
b. Before perfection, any bidder may tract his bid.
c. Before perfection, the auctioneer may withdraw the goods unless the auction was announced to
be without reserve.
d. The seller may validly participate in the bidding without prior notice to the bidders.

Answer: d


258. S sold a laptop computer to B for P120,000.00 with B giving a down payment of
P10,000.00 and promising to pay the balance in 11 equal monthly installments. B likewise
executed a chattel mortgage on the computer and a real mortgage on his lot to secure the
payment of the balance of the purchase price. After paying the first two installments, B
defaulted in the payment of next three installments. S may avail himself of any of the following
remedies except to:
a. Exact fulfillment of the obligation.
b. Cancel the sale.
c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage and recover any deficiency during the foreclosure sale if there is
an agreement to that effect.
d. Foreclose the real mortgage and recover the deficiency during the foreclosure sale even if there
is no agreement to that effect.
Answer: c


259. B bought from Century Properties, Inc. a 1,000 square-meter lot located beside the
Manila International Airport on which he intended to construct a warehouse condominium. The
terms of the sale provided for the payment of the contract price of P300,000.00 in 60 equal
monthly installments of P5,000.00 each. After having paid 36 installments, B defaulted in the
payment of the succeeding installments. As a consequence, Century cancelled the sale. B now
wants to claim the return of the cash surrender value of the payments he had made pursuant to
the “Realty Installment Buyer Act”, otherwise known as the Maceda Law.
a. B is entitled to cash surrender value of 50% of P180,000.00, or P90,000.00 under the Maceda
b. B is entitled to cash surrender value of 55% of P180,000.00, or P99,000.00 under the Maceda
c. B is entitled to cash surrender value of 90% of P180,000.00, or P162,000.00 under the Maceda
d. B cannot invoke the Maceda Law for the return of any of the payments he had made for the lot
he purchased.

Answer: d


260. S shipped FOB Manila, perishable goods worth P50,000.00 to B who is based in Cebu. B
remitted a check amounting to P50,000.00 for the price of the goods. While the carrier was on
its way to Cebu, S was informed by his bank that the check issued by B was dishonored for
insufficient funds. On further inquiry, he learned that B had become insolvent. Accordingly, S
obtained physical possession of the goods from the carrier. After notifying B, S resold the goods.

Case A – If the goods are resold for P52,000.00, the profit of P2,000.00 belongs to B since title had
already passed to him.

Case B – if the proceeds of sale, net of incidental expenses, amounted to P47,000.00, S can recover the
loss of P3,000.00 from B.

a. Both Cases are true.

b. Both Cases are false.
c. Case A is true; Case B is false.
d. Case A is false; Case B is true.

Answer: d


261. B visited a store selling lamps, light bulbs and similar items. He informed the seller that
he was buying 2 units of a 50-watt “Phillips” bulb. Though he intended to use the 2 bulbs for the
headlight of his car, he did not inform the seller of his purpose. Thereafter, he installed the 2
units of “Phillips” bulb on his car but they did not function. Based on the foregoing, which of the
following statements is incorrect?
a. The seller is liable for breach of warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.
b. The seller is not liable for breach of warranty of fitness for a particular purpose because the
buyer did not rely on the seller’s skill or judgment.
c. The seller is not liable to B since the seller’s warranty is only for merchantability, or that the bulb
is fit for the general purpose for which it was intended.
d. There is no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose since the bulb was sold to B under its
trade name.

Answer: a


262. It refers to the right which the vendor reserves to himself to repurchase the thing sold,
with the obligation to reimburse the vendee of the price, the expenses of the contract, any
other legitimate payments made therefor and the necessary and useful expenses made on the
thing sold.
a. Conventional redemption.
b. Legal redemption.
c. Equity of redemption.
d. Right of pre-emption.

Answer: a


263. Monterola ordered from Superstar Sportswear Company, a sportswear manufacturer 2

dozens of jackets and jogging pants styled and designed by Monterola for the use of his
basketball team. This was not the type of sportswear normally manufactured by Superstar. The
price agreed upon by the parties was P72,000.00. After the articles were manufactured,
Monterola refused to accept them and claimed that he was not liable since the contract did not
comply with the Statute of Frauds.
a. Monterola is liable although the contract was not in writing.
b. The contract is a contract of sale.
c. The contract is contract to sell.
d. There was no contract at all because no writing was executed by the parties.

Answer: a


264. B received at his office a brand-new computer printer. The printer was delivered to B
after the latter filled up a coupon which he cut out form a magazine where Supreme Machines
Company placed on advertisement allowing a “Free Trial for 7 days” of the printer to
prospective customers. After trying the printer shortly after its delivery to him, B placed it on a
table located just beside a glass window. B forgot all about the printer until two weeks later. By
that time, the plastic parts of the printer had been deformed because of its long exposure to
sunlight such that the printer would no longer function.
a. The ownership of the printer was transferred to B upon the delivery to him.
b. B must pay for the damage caused on the computer.
c. B is not liable for the damage because it was caused by a fortuitous event.
d. Supreme Machines Company must shoulder the damage because it retained ownership of the
printer despite the delivery.

Answer: b


265. One of the distinctions between pledge and mortgage is that pledge:
a. Is constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation.
b. Require absolute ownership on the part of the person constituting the security.
c. Requires that the one constituting the security must have the free disposal of the thing or be
legally authorized for the said purpose.
d. Requires the actual delivery of the thing given as security to the creditor or a third person by
common agreement.

Answer: d


266. In order to bind third persons, a pledge:

a. Must be recorded with the Register of Deeds.
b. Must be in a public instrument showing a description of the thing pledged and the date of the
c. Is sufficient that it be in a private instrument showing a description of the thing pledged and the
date of the pledge.
d. Must be accompanied by an affidavit of good faith.

Answer: b


267. The following is required in order that a chattel mortgage will bind third persons.
a. The chattel mortgage must be accompanied by an affidavit of good faith and recorded in the
Chattel Mortgage Register.
b. The chattel mortgage must be in a public instrument showing a description of the thing
mortgaged and the date of the chattel mortgage.
c. It is sufficient that the chattel mortgage be in writing, public or private.
d. The thing mortgaged must be delivered to the creditor.

Answer: a

268. The following is required in order that a real mortgage will bind third persons.
a. The real mortgage must be accompanied by an affidavit of good faith and recorded with the
Register of Deeds.
b. The real mortgage must be in a public instrument showing a description of the thing mortgaged
and the date of the real mortgage.
c. It is sufficient that the real mortgage be in writing, public or private.
d. The real mortgage must be recorded in the Registry of Property.

Answer: d


269. When is appropriation by the creditor of the thing given as security allowed in pledge,
real mortgage and chattel mortgage?
a. When the thing given as security in real mortgage is not sold at two public auctions.
b. When the thing given as security in pledge is not sold at two public auctions.
c. When the thing given as security in chattel mortgage is not sold at one public auction.
d. No appropriation is allowed in either pledge, real mortgage or chattel mortgage?

Answer: b


270. This is a stipulation in pledge or mortgage providing that the ownership of the thing
given as security will pass to the pledgee or mortgagee upon default of the debtor.
a. Constitutum possessorium
b. Pactum commissorium
c. Legal subrogation
d. Redemption

Answer: b


271. D borrowed P30,000.00 from C. To secure the debt, D pledged his ring, wristwatch, and
necklace. Before the debt could be paid, C died leaving X, Y and Z as heirs. By agreement among
the heirs who inherited the credit, the ring would secure the share of X of the credit, the
wristwatch the share of Y, and the necklace the share of Z. Later, D pays X P10,000.00.
a. D can demand the extinguishment of the pledge of the ring.
b. X may release the pledge of the ring.
c. The pledge of the ring will remain until the shares of Y and Z are paid by D.
d. D can demand the extinguishment of the pledge of the ring, wristwatch and necklace because
there has been partial payment.

Answer: c

272. The following may be the object of pledge, except:
a. All movables within the commerce of men which are susceptible of possession.
b. Bills of lading.
c. Shares of stock.
d. Parcels of land.

Answer: d


273. A kind of mortgage which lacks the formalities required by law but nevertheless shows
the intention of the parties to secure a debt with real property is known as:
a. Conventional mortgage.
b. Voluntary mortgage.
c. Equitable mortgage.
d. Legal mortgage.

Answer: c


274. The debtor/pledger has the following rights, except:

a. To ask for the return of the thing pledged after he has paid the debt, its interests, and with
expenses in a proper case.
b. To continue to be the owner of the thing pledged unless it is expropriated.
c. To require the deposit of the thing with a third person if it is in a danger of being impaired or
lost through the negligence or willful act of the pledgee.
d. To alienate the thing pledged without the consent of the pledgee.

Answer: d


275. The creditor/pledgee has the following rights, except:

a. To retain the thing in his possession until the debt is paid.
b. To use the thing pledged without authority if such use is necessary for its preservation.
c. To demand reimbursement of the expenses made for the preservation of the thing.
d. To automatically appropriate the thing pledged upon the default of the debtor in the payment
of his debt.

Answer: d


276. On March 1, 2020, D obtained a loan of P10,000.00 from C. To secure the debt, which is
payable on May 1, 2020, D pledged a promissory note amounting to P12,000.00 which was
executed in his favor by M. the promissory note is due April 25, 2020 and properly endorsed by
D to C.
a. On April 25, 2020, C can collect the note of P12,000.00 from M. the entire proceeds will belong
to C.
b. On April 25, 2020, C can collect the note of P12,000.00 from M. However, he must give
P2,000.00 to D.
c. C cannot collect from M. D is the one entitled to collect the note from M.
d. C cannot collect from M. He must sell the note at public auction at maturity if D cannot pay.

Answer: b


277. A third person who pledges his property to secure another person’s debt is released
from liability in the following cases, except:
a. When the creditor voluntarily accepts an immovable property in payment of debt.
b. When the creditor voluntarily accepts a movable property in payment of the debt.
c. If an extension of time is granted to the debtor by the creditor with the pledgor’s consent.
d. If through some acts of the creditor, the pledgee cannot be subrogated to the rights, mortgages
and preferences of the creditor.

Answer: c


278. A pledge is extinguished through any of the following, except:

a. Sale of the thing pledged.
b. Appropriation of the thing pledged after the thing is not sold at one public auction.
c. Written abandonment of the pledge in writing.
d. Return of the thing pledged.

Answer: b


279. D pledged his 100 shares of stock of San Miguel Corporation to C to secure his debt of
P5,000.00. On due date, D was not able to pay the debt, so C caused the sale of the shares at
public auction. The shares of stock were sold at P4,500.00.
a. To extinguish the obligation, C may recover the deficiency of P500.0 from D if there is a
stipulation to that effect.
b. To extinguish the obligation, C may recover the deficiency even if there is no stipulation to that
c. The obligation is extinguished even if there is a deficiency of P500.00. Accordingly, C can no
longer recover the deficiency.
d. The obligation is extinguished only if the proceeds of sale amount to P5,000.00 or more.

Answer: c

280. This refers to the right of a person to retain a thing until he receives payment of his
claim in the cases provided by law such as one who has executed work on a movable.
a. Conventional pledge.
b. Voluntary pledge.
c. Legal pledge.
d. Chattel Mortgage.

Answer: c


281. One of the following may not be the object o f a real mortgage:
a. Land, buildings, roads and construction of all kinds adhered to the soil.
b. Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land.
c. Animal houses, pigeon houses or other breeding places intended by the owner to the
permanently attached to the land, including the animals therein.
d. Growing fruits that have been gathered from trees planted on land.

Answer: d


282. D borrowed P100,000.00 from C. To secure the debt, D mortgaged his land and building
in favor of C. the mortgage is registered with the Register of Deeds. Sometime, D sold the land
to X who was not aware of the mortgage of the land and building. Based on the above
information, which of the following statements is false?
a. X must respect the mortgage although he was not a party thereto.
b. X was not bound by the mortgage because he was not aware of it.
c. If C foreclose the mortgage and the proceeds of the foreclosure sale are not enough to pay for
the debt, C can recover the deficiency from D.
d. If C foreclose the mortgage and the proceeds of the foreclosure sale exceed the amount of debt,
D is entitled to the excess.

Answer: b


283. It is the right of the mortgagor to redeem the property that was mortgaged after it was
a. Equity of redemption.
b. Right of redemption.
c. Right of subrogation.
d. Right of pre-emption.

Answer: b

284. A chattel mortgage may have the following as object, except:
a. Motor vehicles.
b. Shares of stock
c. Vessels.
d. Floating docks and structures which are intended by their nature and object to remain at a fixed
place on a river, lake or coast.

Answer: d


285. D borrowed P50,000.00 from C. The obligation bears interest of 10% per annum. To
secure the debt, D agreed with C that the fruits from the agricultural lot of D shall answer for the
interest and the principal obligation. Assuming the form required by law was complied with, the
contract entered into between D and C for the application of the fruits of the lot to the interest
and principal obligation is known as:
a. Antichresis.
b. Pledge.
c. Real estate mortgage.
d. Chattel mortgage.

Answer: a


286. For its validity, the contract referred to in the preceding number:
a. Must be in writing, whether public or private.
b. Must be in a public instrument.
c. May be in any form, whether oral or written.
d. May be inferred from the conduct of the parties.

Answer: a


287. The measurement of the application of the fruits to the interest and principal obligation
in the contract referred to in No. 21 is:
a. The actual value of the fruits at the time they are gathered.
b. The actual value of the fruits at the time they are applied.
c. The actual value of the fruits at the time they are gathered less reasonable depreciation, if any,
of the immovable.
d. The actual value of the fruits at the time they are applied less reasonable depreciation, if any, of
the immovable.

Answer: b

288. Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to the contract referred to in
No. 21?
a. An immovable belonging to a person other than the debtor may secure the obligation of the
b. The contract subsists as long as the obligation of the debtor remains unpaid.
c. The creditor may appropriate for himself the immovable if the debtor fails to pay his obligation.
d. The debtor may be compelled by the creditor to enter into the enjoyment of the immovable if
the creditor desires to exempt himself from the taxes and charges upon the estate and the
expenses for its preservation and repair.

Answer: c


289. D pledge his computer to secure a loan which he obtained from C. the debt which
amounts to P10,000.00 is due after 60 days. Before the due date, C executed an instrument
abandoning the pledge.
I. D’s debt of P10,000.00 is extinguished.
II. The pledge of the computer is extinguished even if D has not yet accepted the renunciation
of the pledge.
III. The pledge is not extinguished until C returns the ring to D.
IV. The pledge is extinguished even if C has not returned the ring to C.

Based on the foregoing, which is false among the four statements?

a. I and III.
b. II and IV.
c. I and II.
d. II and III.

Answer: a


290. In a contract of pledge, the pledgee/creditor may do the following, except to:
a. Use the thing pledged for purposes of preservation.
b. Retain the thing pledged until the principal obligation is satisfied.
c. Ask for a substitute if he was deceived on the substance of quality of the thing pledged.
d. Sell the thing pledged without notice to the pledger/debtor.

Answer: d


291. The following are the characteristics of a chattel mortgage, except:

a. The mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property mortgaged.
b. It is an accessory contract.
c. It involves movable or immovable property.
d. The deed of chattel mortgage must be accompanied by an affidavit of good faith to be binding
against third persons.

Answer: c


292. The following elements are common in both pledge and mortgage, except:
a. The contract is constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation.
b. The property on which the security is constituted must be delivered to the creditor.
c. The debtor must be the absolute owner of the property pledger or mortgaged.
d. The debtor must have free disposal of the property pledged or mortgaged.

Answer: b


293. In the sale of the thing pledged at public auction, which of the following statements is
a. The sale extinguished the principal obligation regardless of the amount of the proceeds of sale.
b. The pledgee can appropriate the thing pledged if it is not sold at the first public auction.
c. The creditor has no right to recover deficiency.
d. The debtor is not entitled to the excess of proceeds unless there is an agreement.

Answer: b


294. Which of the following is a similarity of chattel mortgage and pledge?

a. Deficiency is recoverable in case of sale of the thing pledged/mortgaged.
b. The object of the contract is a movable property.
c. The excess of the proceeds of sale over the amount of the obligation belongs to the
d. An affidavit of good faith is required to bind third persons.

Answer: b


295. D borrowed P100,000.00 from C. The loan is secured by a mortgaged of T’s lot. On due
date, D was unable to pay. Accordingly, C foreclosed the mortgage on the lot and during the
public auction, the lot was sold for P90,000.00.
a. C can recover the deficiency from D.
b. C can recover the deficiency from T.
c. C can recover the deficiency from D and T.
d. C can no longer recover the deficiency.

Answer: a

296. Consider the following cases:

I. D owes C P10,000.00. To secure the debt, D pledged his cell phone. D defaults. The cell
phone is sold for P9,000.00 at the public auction.
II. D bought a car for P360,000.00 from C. the price, which is payable in 12 equal monthly
installments of P30,000.00, is secured by a chattel mortgage on the care. After paying 2
installments by a chattel mortgage on the car. After paying 2 installments, D defaults in the
payment of 3 installments. C forecloses the chattel mortgage and the car is sold at the public
auction for P280,000.00.

The deficiency is recoverable in:

a. Both I and II.
b. I only
c. II only.
d. No deficiency is recoverable in both I and II.

Answer: d


297. D pledged his diamond ring and gold watch to C to secure a debt of P10,000.00.
a. If D defaults the ring and watch are sold at public auction, C may recover any deficiency if the
proceeds of sale amount to less than P10,000.00.
b. If D defaults, C may automatically appropriate for himself the ring and the watch.
c. If D pays C P5,000.00, D ma demand either the return of the ring or the watch.
d. If C renounces the pledge in writing, the pledge is extinguished although C continues to possess
the ring and the watch.

Answer: d


298. Alpine Corporation obtained a loan amounting to P1,000,000.00 from Eastern Bank. To
secure the obligation, P, the president of Alpine, mortgaged his own building in favor of the
bank. The contract of loan and deed of mortgage have been signed by the parties but have not
been acknowledged before a notary public.
a. Alpine Corporation and P are one and the same person.
b. P may validly mortgage his own property to secure the obligation of Alpine to the bank.
c. The mortgage is not yet binding between the parties since it has not been notarized.
d. The mortgage contract can stand independently form the contract of loan.

Answer: b


299. Pledge and real mortgage are similar in what respect?

a. The object of the contract.
b. Binding effect against third persons.
c. Recovery of deficiency.
d. The fact that third persons may pledge or mortgage their property to secure another person’s

Answer: d


300. A, B and C obtained a loan from X in the amount of P60,000.00. To secure the debt, A
pledged his wristwatch; B, his necklace; and C, his diamond ring. A pays his share of the debt
amounting to P20,000.00.
I. The obligation of A, B and C is solidary.
II. The obligation of A, B and C is joint.
III. A may demand the return of the wristwatch after payment of his share of the debt.

a. I and III are true.

b. II and III are true.
c. I and III are false.
d. II and III are false.

Answer: c


301. D obtained an interest-bearing loan from ABC Bank amounting to P100,000.00. To

secure the obligation, D mortgaged his building to ABC Bank. As added requirement of the loan,
a fire insurance on the building was also obtained by D with ABC Bank as beneficiary. Before the
due date of the loan, the building was razed by fire.
a. The loan of D amounting to P100,000.00 is extinguished but the security remains.
b. Only the security for the obligation is extinguished.
c. The proceeds of the insurance policy will be the new security of the loan obligation which will
d. Both the loan and the mortgage security are extinguished.

Answer: c


302. D borrowed P20,000.00 from C. To secure the obligation, D pledged his ring to c. Before
the due date, C executed a public instrument stating that he was abandoning the pledge and
informed D about it. In the meantime, the ring remained in the possession of C.
a. D must accept the renunciation in order to extinguish the pledge.
b. C must return the ring to D to extinguish the pledge.
c. D’s loan obligation is extinguished by reason of the abandonment of the pledge.
d. The pledge of the ring is extinguished although D does not accept the renunciation or has not
yet received the ring from C.
Answer: d


303. To bind third persons, the following contracts must comply with certain
I. A contract of pledge must be in a public instrument showing the date of the pledge and a
description of the thing pledged and recorded with the Registry of Property.
II. A contract of real estate mortgage must be recorded with the Register of Deeds.
III. A contract of chattel mortgage must contain an affidavit of good faith and be recorded int
eh Chattel Mortgage Register.

a. All statements are true.

b. I and II are true.
c. I and III are true.
d. II and III are true.

Answer: d


304. Mary Rivera and Melany Viray obtained a loan of P100,000.00 from Patricia Palma. The
debtors executed a promissory note which reads as follows:

We promise to pay Patricia Palma or order P100,000.00 on

April 30, 2020.

(Sgd.) Mary Rivera (Sgd.) Melany Viray

To secure the loan, Mary Rivera pledged her diamond ring, while Melany Viray executed a mortgage on
her lot.
a. Mary Rivera may demand the return of her diamond ring if she pays her share of the debt, while
Melany Viray’s share remains outstanding.
b. Melany Viray may demand the cancellation of the mortgage on her lot if she pays her share of
the debt, while Mary Rivera’s share remains outstanding.
c. Both Mary Rivera and Melany Viray must pay the total amount of the debt before Mary Rivera
could demand the return of the diamond ring, and Melany Viray the cancellation of the
mortgage on her lot.
d. Patricia Palma may demand payment of the amount of P100,000.00 from either Mary Rivera or
Melany Viray.

Answer: c

305. As a general rule, any deficiency in the foreclosure sale may be recovered in the following
contracts, except in:
a. Chattel mortgage.
b. Real mortgage.
c. Conventional pledge.
d. Antichresis.

Answer: c


306. As a general rule, in case of excess of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale over the creditor’s
claim, the excess shall belong to the creditor in:
a. Chattel mortgage.
b. Real mortgage.
c. Conventional pledge.
d. Antichresis.

Answer: c


307. Recording in the Registry of Property in the appropriate book is required for the validity of the
contract of:
a. Chattel mortgage.
b. Real mortgage.
c. Conventional pledge.
d. Antichresis.

Answer: a


308. The delivery required in pledge of its perfection and validity is:
a. Actual delivery.
b. Execution of public instrument.
c. Execution of private document.
d. Transfer of title of ownership.

Answer: a


309. D obtained a loan form C. To secure the debt, D pledged his ring to C. Before due date, C
executed a private document stating that he was abandoning the pledge. In the meantime, C
remained in possession of the ring and D has yet to express his acceptance of the abandonment
of the pledge.
a. The pledge of the ring is extinguished.
b. The pledge is not extinguished until C returns the ring.
c. The pledge is not extinguished unless D accepts the abandonment since it is an act of generosity.
d. The pledge is not extinguished because the abandonment should be in a public instrument.

Answer: a



310. D contracted the services of T, a tailor, to sew D’s pair of pants with D providing the cloth for
the purpose. The parties agreed that T’s labor shall be P500.00. The security that T holds for the
payment of the labor agreed upon is in the nature of:
a. Chattel mortgage.
b. Legal pledge.
c. Conventional pledge.
d. Antichresis.

Answer: b


311. The requirement that the thing on which the security is constituted must be delivered by the
debtor to the creditor or a third person by common agreement refers to the characteristic of a
pledge being:
a. An accessory contract.
b. A real contract.
c. An indivisible contract.
d. A consensual contract.

Answer: b


312. The creation of a lien on the property upon which it is imposed, whoever may be the
possessor of the property, to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security it was
constituted refers to the characteristic of a real mortgage being:
a. An accessory contract.
b. An indivisible contract.
c. An inseparable contract.
d. A real property in itself.

Answer: c

313. D obtained loan of P5,000.00 from C. The obligation is secured by a pledge of D’s ring which
he delivered to C. Both the loan and the pledge were in a private instrument. While the loan was
outstanding, D sold the ring through a public instrument to X who was not aware of the pledge,
under the deed of sale, D obliged himself to deliver the ring physically to X after a week. Before
X could obtain actual delivery of the ring, he learned that D had earlier pledged the same and
that C was selling the ring in a public sale because of D’s default in the payment of his debt.
a. X is bound by the pledge made by D to C.
b. X is not bound by the pledge made by D to C.
c. C can sell the ring to satisfy his claim.
d. X did not acquire ownership of the ring from D.

Answer: b


314. D borrowed P10,000.00 from C the debt being payable in 6 months. To secure the debt, D
promised to pledge his ring within 2 weeks. Two weeks had already lapsed but D had not yet
constituted the pledge.
I. C may demand the constitution of the pledge.
II. D loses the benefit of the period given to him to pay the debt; hence, C may demand
immediate payment of the debt.

a. Both statements are true.

b. Both statements are false.
c. I is true; II is false.
d. I is false; II is true.

Answer: a


315. A contract whereby a person binds himself to render some service or to do something in
representation or in behalf of another, with the consent and authority of the latter is known as
a. Contract for lease of services.
b. Contract of agency.
c. Contract for a piece of work.
d. Contract to sell.

Answer: b


316. A contract of agency has the following characteristics except that it is not:
a. A consensual contract.
b. An accessory contract.
c. A nominate contract.
d. A bilateral contract.

Answer: b


317. P, 25 years old, appointed A, 17 years old, as his agent to sell certain goods for P20,000.00.
Thereafter, A sold the goods to B for the said amount. P, however, learned that the price of the
goods had increased to P22,000.00 so he sought to disaffirm the sale made by A to B, and
brought an action to recover the goods from B on the ground that A’s act was voidable. A being
a minor, and hence, could not be an agent. Decide.
a. The sale is valid because the principal is capable.
b. The sale is void, because A is a minor and therefore, cannot be an agent.
c. The sale is voidable, because A is a minor.
d. The sale is unenforceable, because A exceeded his authority.

Answer: a


318. Fernandez appointed Antonio as the manager of his coconut plantation in Quezon Province.
After managing the plantation for 4 years, Antonio informed Fernandez that on account of
failing health, he, Antonio, was turning over the administration of the plantation to Cruz, an
experienced coconut plantation administrator. Antonio also informed Fernandez that he had
given a general power of attorney to Cruz and that if such authority were not sufficient,
Fernandez could send to Cruz a new power of attorney or appoint a manager of his choice.
Fernandez neither repudiated the designation of Cruz nor appointed a new agent. He also
remained silent for 5 years, all the while allowing Cruz to manage the plantation. Was Cruz an
agent of Fernandez?
a. No, because Fernandez himself, did not give a general power of attorney to Cruz.
b. No, because the designation of Cruz as manager by Antonio was without Fernandez’s authority.
c. Yes, Cruz became an agent of Fernandez because of Fernandez’s failure to repudiate the agency.
d. Yes, because Cruz was highly qualified to administer the plantation.

Answer: c


319. One of the following acts may be delegated by a principal to his agent. Which is it?
a. Vote during the meeting of stockholders of a corporation where the principal is a stockholder.
b. Attend meetings of the board of directors of a corporation where the principal is a director.
c. Purchase land in the Philippines of which the principal is an alien.
d. Represent the principal in a marriage ceremony where the principal is a party to the marriage

Answer: a

320. One of the following acts requires a special power of attorney granted by the principal to his
agent. Which is it?
a. To make gifts to employees in the business managed by the agent.
b. To borrow money which is urgently needed to preserve the property of the principal under the
administration of the agent.
c. To make payments for purchases in the ordinary course of the business.
d. To lease the real property of the principal to another person for more than one year.

Answer: d


321. One of the following acts requires only a general power of attorney, not a special power of
attorney, for the agent. Which is it?
a. To bind the principal in a contract of partnership.
b. To loan money of the principal.
c. To enter into a contract by which the ownership of an immovable is transmitted or acquired
gratuitously or for a valuable consideration.
d. To make such payments as are usually considered acts of administration.

Answer: d


322. Pedro, a Filipino who was on a business trip to Timbuktu, learned that Federico, also a Filipino,
was interested in buying his lot located in Fairview, Quezon City. To take advantage of the
opportunity, he made an overseas call to Francisco, his business associate who was in Manila, to
sell the lot in his (Pedro’s) behalf, to Federico, for P1,000,000.00 cash. Francisco thus sold the lot
promptly to Federico. The contract of sale was in a public instrument which was signed by
Francisco in behalf of Pedro as seller, and Federico as buyer. The said contract of sale is:
a. Valid, because it is in a public instrument and Francisco was duly authorized to represent Pedro.
b. Void, because the authority of Francisco was not in the form required by law.
c. Unenforceable, because Pedro did not sign the contract of sale and so he had no consent
d. Rescissible, because the contract was entered into in representation of an absentee.

Answer: b


323. P, the owner of a certain car, wanted to sell the car. A learned that P was selling the car.
Without the authority of P, A sold the car in his (A’s) name to B. what is the status of the sale of
the car?
a. Valid between A and B but A must be able to transfer the ownership of the car to B at the time
of delivery.
b. Unenforceable against P because he did not authorize A to sell the car.
c. Void because A was not the owner of the car at the time of sale.
d. Voidable because the sale was without the consent of P.

Answer: a


324. Alfonso Corporation published in the Manila Bulletin that it was appointing Armando
Arcos as its duly authorized agent for the sale of “Purofino” flour, one of its products. With the
authority, Armando sold “Purofino” flour to various bakeshops all over Luzon. After three years,
Alfonso revoked Armando’s authority by giving a notice of revocation to Armando and
publishing a notice of revocation in the Philippine Star. Despite the revocation, Armando still
sold 50 bags of “Purofino” flour to Sweetie Bakeshop, a single proprietorship owned by Marina
Bayola, who did not read the notice of revocation of Armando’s authority in the Philippine Star.
Marina Bayola now wants to have the flour she had ordered delivered to her by Alfonso but
Alfonso seeks to set aside the sale of 50 bags of flour to Sweetie Bakeshop.
a. Alfonso is not obliged to deliver 50 bags of flour because Marina Bayola is deemed to have
known of the revocation of Armando’s authority.
b. Alfonso is obliged to deliver 50 bags of flour to because Marina Bayola did not read the
revocation of Armando’s authority.
c. Alfonso is obliged to deliver 50 bags of flour because the revocation was not binding upon
Marina Bayola since it was published in another newspaper.
d. Alfonso is not obliged to deliver 50 bags of flour because the notice of revocation to Armando is

Answer: a


325. Precision Appliances Corporation (Precision), which is based in Metro Manila, sent a
letter with a special power of attorney, to Alberto Guanio (Alberto), an agent dealing with
appliances in the latter’s office in Cebu, appointing Alberto as the agent of Precision to sell its
new appliances. The letter, which was sent through LBC Courier Services, was duly received by
Alberto Guanio, who signed in the logbook of LBC. Alberto, however, did not respond to the
letter. Based on the foregoing data:
a. An agency was created between Precision and Alberto by the implied acceptance of Alberto of
the agency.
b. No agency was created between Precision and Alberto because Alberto did not respond to the
c. An agency was created by the ratification of Alberto when he duly received the letter with a
special power of attorney.
d. No agency was created because of the inaction of Alberto.

Answer: a


326. The following statements refer either to authority of instruction given by the principal to
his agent.
I. Relates to the kind of business or transaction upon which the agent is commissioned to act.
II. Concerns the principal and the agent.
III. Refers to the mode of action by the agent in carrying out the agency.
IV. Third persons can require the agent to present it to them since they are chargeable with
knowledge thereof.

You are to determine whether the above statements pertain to authority or instruction.
a. I and II refer to authority.
b. I and IV refer to authority.
c. II and IV refer to instruction.
d. III and IV refer to instruction.

Answer: b


327. Barranda, a professional singer based in Cebu, authorized Carmencita, also a

professional singer, to go to Manila to look for a nightclub where Barranda could sing. When
Carmencita arrived in Manila, she presented herself, not Barranda, as a singer, to the Twinkle
Night Club which engaged her services to sing nightly for two months at the club. Based on the
forgoing information, which of the following statements is correct?
a. Barranda has a right of action against Twinkle Night Club.
b. Twinkle Night Club has a right of action against Barranda.
c. The contract between Carmencita and Twinkle Night Club is a valid contract between them, not
between Barranda and Twinkle Night Club.
d. The contract between Carmencita and Twinkle Night Club is void because Barranda was not the
party thereto.

Answer: c


328. Kamuning Auto Corporation (Kamuning), an authorized dealer of Honda cars, appointed
Armando as its agent to sell the cars of the company. The authority of Armando includes the
giving of a discount of P20,000.00 to customers who pay in cash. One day, Virata, a customer,
went to the company’s car center and told Armando that she wanted to buy a car with a sales
price of P600,000.00. However, as she only had P550,000.00, she told Armando that she would
take the car if Armando agreed to a discount of P50,000.00. Armando agreed and sold the car to
Virata at P550,000.00 in behalf of the corporation. What is the status of the sale made by
Armando to Virata?
a. Voidable at the instance of Kamuning because it did not give its consent to the sale at the
discount of P50,000.00.
b. Unenforceable against Kamuning, the principal, because Armando acted beyond the scope of his
c. Void, because the additional discount of P30,000.00 given by Armando was not authorized by
d. Rescissible, because Kamuning suffered damage of P30,000.00.
Answer: b


329. Perez gave Salazar a special power of attorney wherein it was written that Salazar was
being authorized to sell the two cars of Perez. However, Perez and Salazar had an understanding
that Salazar should sell only one of the cars. Salazar sold the two cars to Bernarte who was not
aware of the instruction given by Perez to Salazar.
a. Perez is bound by the sale of only one car in accordance with his understanding with Salazar.
b. Perez is bound by the sale of the two cars because that is what is contained in the special power
of attorney as written.
c. Perez is bound at all by the sale of either one or both of the two cars because Salazar violated
the instructions given by Perez.
d. Perez will be bound by the sale of one or both cars at his option.

Answer: b


330. Capistrano gave a power of attorney to Alfonso for the sale of his 2 cars, a Toyota and a
Lancer. Their agreement included among other provisions, the following: (1) Alfonso shall be
entitled to a commission of 10% based on the actual selling price of the cars which Capistrano
fixed at a minimum of P400,000.00 for the Toyota; and P500,000.00 for the Lancer; and (2)
Alfonso need not render to Capistrano any accounting of his transactions as long as Alfonso
turns over the actual selling price of the cars net of the commission of 10%. Alfonso was able to
sell the Toyota to Teodolfo for P410,000.00; and the Lancer for P500,000.00 to Leoncio who
gave Alfonso a tip of P20,000.00. After the sale, Capistrano demanded from Alfonso an
accounting of the transactions that he had made but Alfonso refused claiming that it was
enough that he turned over the net selling price of P810,000.00 (P900,000 less 10% of
P900,000.00 as commission) to Capistrano as agreed to by the two of them. Decide.
a. Alfonso need not render an accounting to Capistrano because that was their agreement.
b. Alfonso must account and deliver to Capistrano only the sum of P900,000.00.
c. Alfonso must account and deliver to Capistrano P910,000.00.
d. Alfonso must account and deliver to Capistrano P930,000.00.

Answer: d


331. The following statements pertain to either a commission agent or a broker.

I. He has a relation not only with his principal, and the buyers or sellers, but also with the
property which is the object of the transaction.
II. Maintains no relation with the thing he purchases or sells.
III. The goods are placed in his possession and disposal.
IV. He is merely an intermediary whose function is to bring the parties to the transaction.

Determine whether the above statements pertain to commission agent or broker.

a. I and III pertain to a commission agent.
b. I and IV pertain to a commission agent.
c. II and III pertain to a broker.
d. I and IV pertain to a broker.

Answer: a


332. The principal is not liable for the expenses incurred by the agent in the following,
a. When although the agent acted in contravention of the principal’s instructions, the principal
wishes to avail himself of the benefits derived from the contract.
b. When it was supplied that the agent would be allowed only a certain sum.
c. When the agent incurred them with the knowledge that an unfavorable result would ensue, if
the principal was not aware thereof.
d. When the expenses were due to the fault of the agent.

Answer: a


333. When two persons contract with regard to the same immovable thing, one of them with
the agent, and the other with the principal, and the contracts are incompatible with each other,
ownership shall be transferred to:
a. The first purchaser in good faith.
b. The first who completed the payment of the price in good faith.
c. The first who will register in good faith the transaction.
d. The one who presents the oldest title who must be in good faith.

Answer: c


334. An agency is impliedly revoked in three of the following cases. Which is the exception?
a. When a new agent is appointed for the same business or transaction.
b. When the principal directly manages the business entrusted to the agent, dealing directly with
third persons.
c. When a special power of attorney is granted to another agent pertaining to a special matter
involved in a general power of attorney issued to a previous agent.
d. When the desire of the principal is help the agent manage the business.

Answer: d


335. Penelope appointed Aviso as her agent to sell a set of bakery equipment for P50,000.00
with an ordinary commission of 10% and a guarantee commission of 15%. Aviso is authorized to
sell on credit. Aviso was able to sell, in behalf of Penelope, the bakery equipment for P50,000.00
to Nicole who issued a check dated ten days after the sale. On the tenth day, however, the
check was dishonored by the bank because Nicole did not have sufficient funds for it.
a. Aviso is liable to Penelope because she must bear the risk of collecting the price from Nicole.
b. Aviso is not liable to Penelope because the dishonor of the check was without Aviso’s fault.
c. Aviso is not liable to Penelope because she is not the purchaser but Nicole.
d. Aviso is liable to Penelope because she acted beyond the scope of her authority.

Answer: a


336. P appointed A as his agent. The authority of A did not authorize A to appoint a
substitute but it did not also prohibit him from appointing one. In this case:
a. A may appoint a substitute because he is not prohibited from doing so in his authority but he
shall be liable for the acts of the substitute.
b. A may not appoint a substitute because there is no express provision in his appointment from P
allowing him to appoint one.
c. A may appoint a substitute but he shall be liable for the acts of the substitute only when the
substitute is notoriously incompetent or insolvent.
d. A may appoint a substitute only when the substitute is designated in the authority given by P to

Answer: a


337. The following cases were presented to you for evaluation:

I. A bilateral contract depends upon the agency.
II. The agency is a means of fulfilling an obligation previously contracted.
III. The agency is one where the partner was appointed manager in the contract of partnership
and the removal of the partner from the management is unjustifiable.

In which of the above cases is the principal not allowed to revoke the agency?
a. I and II.
b. II and III.
c. I and III.
d. I, II and III.

Answer: d


338. The following are modes of extinguishing an agency, except:

a. Death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or agent.
b. Accomplishment of the purpose of the agency.
c. Expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted.
d. Continued losses on the part of the principal or agent.
Answer: d


339. X, Y and Z, co-owners of a house and lot, appointed A to sell the house and lot at a price
of not less P1,500,000.00 cash with A being entitled to a commission of 10% of the selling price.
A was able to sell the house for P1,800,000.00 cash. How much commission may A collect from
a. P150,000.00.
b. P180,000.00.
c. P60,000.00.
d. P50,000.00.

Answer: b


340. R, S and T, each one owning a separate lot, appointed A to sell their lots in one
instrument. Under the agreement A will receive a commission of 10% of the selling price of each
lot. A was able to sell the lot of R for P100,000.00; the lot of S for P200,000.00; and the lot of T
for P300,000.00. How much commission may A collect from R?
a. P60,000.00
b. P10,000.00
c. P20,000.00
d. P30,000.00

Answer: b


341. This is an agency that comprise one or more specific transactions of the principal.
a. Special agency.
b. General agency.
c. Agency couched in general terms.
d. Agency couched in specific terms.

Answer: a


342. P, owner of a certain car, authorized A to sell the car for P100,000.00 cash. A, however,
sold the car in the name of P for P110,000.00 but on credit. B, the buyer, knew at the time of the
transaction that A’s authority was to sell the car of P on cash basis. The contract entered into by
A is:
a. Void because B was aware of A’s limit of authority. In this case, A is not liable because he did not
undertake to get P’s ratification.
b. Valid because the transaction, although it was for credit, was more advantageous to P.
accordingly, P will be liable.
c. Unenforceable against P because A acted to excess of his authority. Thus, A alone will be liable.
d. Rescissible, because P will suffer damage if the sales price is not paid by B.

Answer: a


343. Suarez appointed Dimalanta as commission agent to sell Suarez’s goods for P10,000.00
cash. Dimalanta, however, sold the goods on credit for P11,000.00 without Suarez’s consent.
Based on the foregoing facts, which of the following options are available to Suarez?
I. Suarez may demand immediate payment in P11,000.00 cash.
II. Suarez may demand immediate payment in p10,000.00 cash. However, Dimalanta shall be
entitled to keep the excess of P1,000.00 when he collects the price of P11,000.00.
III. Suarez may ratify the sale on credit for P11,000.00 and wait for the amount to be collected.

a. Either I or III.
b. Either II or III.
c. Either I or II.
d. I only.

Answer: b


344. P leads B to believe that A is his (P’s) agent. However, A is not really the agent of P.
Later, B transacted with A believing that A is the agent of P. What kind of agency was created
a. Agency by ratification.
b. Agency by appointment.
c. Agency by estoppel.
d. Agency by necessity.

Answer: c


345. Consider the following statements:

I. An agency may be constituted in the common interest of the principal and the agent.
II. An agency may be constituted in the interest of a third person who has accepted the
stipulation in his favor.

The death of the principal extinguishes the agency, as a rule. However, the death of the principal does
not extinguish an agency if the reason why the agency was created is:
a. Reason I only.
b. Reason II only.
c. Either Reason I or Reason II.
d. Neither Reason I nor Reason II.
Answer: c


346. An agent who contracts in the name of the principal is not liable in one of the following
cases. Which is it?
a. If the agent expressly bound himself.
b. If the agent acted beyond the limits of his authority without giving the party he contracted with
sufficient notice of his powers.
c. If the other party knew that the agent exceeded his authority and the agent undertook to secure
the principal’s ratification but the principal did not ratify the contract.
d. If the other party knew that the agent acted in excess of his authority but the agent did not
undertake to secure the principal’s ratification.

Answer: d


347. A, a duly authorized agent of P, wrote a letter to X on March 1, 2020 offering to sell P’s
only Mercedes Benz car for P200,000.00 cash. On March 3, 2020, X wrote a letter to A stating
that he accepted all the terms of the offer, which letter was received by A on March 5, 2020.
Before A could relay such acceptance to P, P died in a vehicular accident on March 6, 2020.
a. The contract was not perfected because P, the real party to the sale, died before the acceptance
came to his knowledge.
b. The contract was perfected on March 1, 2020.
c. The contract was perfected on March 3, 2020.
d. The contract was perfected on March 5, 2020.

Answer: d


348. P published the appointment of A as P’s agent in Manila Bulletin. For 5 years, A, as P’s
agent, dealt with the public including X. On March 1, 2020, P revoked A’s authority by giving the
latter a notice of revocation. The revocation was published in the Philippine Star. A month later,
X, who was ignorant of the revocation, sold goods to A as P’s agent.
a. P is not obliged to pay for the goods because the publication of the revocation of A’s authority is
sufficient notice.
b. P is obliged to pay for the goods since X was not aware of the revocation of A’s authority.
c. P is obliged to pay for the goods because the revocation should have been published in the
same newspaper.
d. P is not obliged to pay for the goods because the notice of revocation to A is sufficient.

Answer: a

349. P appointed A as his agent to sell the appliance products of P. The agreement between P
and A provides for the payment to A of a 5% ordinary commission and a 10% guarantee (or del
credere) commission. A sold several appliances to B for P20,000.00 the same being payable after
30 days. When A went to B’s place to collect the price of the appliances, B, together with the
appliances that were sold, was nowhere to be found:
a. A is liable to P for the price of the appliances because A must bear the risk of collecting.
b. A is not liable to P for the price of the appliances because it was not his fault that B should
c. P must bear the risk of collection because he is the owner of the appliances.
d. A is liable to P because A acted beyond the scope of his authority.

Answer: a


350. An agent acting in the name of the principal shall not be liable to the third person with
whom he contracts:
a. When he expressly binds himself.
b. When he exceeds the limit of his authority without giving the third person sufficient notice of his
c. When the third person knew of the agent’s lack of authority and the agent undertook to get the
principal’s ratification but failed to get the same.
d. When the third person knew of the agent’s lack of authority but the agent did not undertake to
get the principal’s ratification.

Answer: d


351. P appointed A as his agent to sell the goods belonging to P for a commission of 10%.
Thereafter, A sold the goods of P to B on 30-days credit term for P20,000.00 without authority
from P. the goods have a cash price of P19,000.00. Which of the following is not an option
available to P?
a. P may demand immediate payment from A of the amount of P18,000.00. (P20,000.00 less 10%).
b. P may demand immediate payment from A the amount of P17,100.00 (P19,000.00 less 10%).
c. P may demand payment from A of the amount of P18,000.00 (P20,000.00 less 10%) when A
collects from B after 30 days.
d. P may choose not to ratify the sale.

Answer: a


352. Which of the following acts does not require a special power of attorney for the agent?
a. To effect novations which put an end to obligations already in existence at the time the agency
was constituted.
b. To make gifts to the employees in the business managed by the agent.
c. To bind the principal in a contract of partnership.
d. To lease any real property to another person for more than a year.

Answer: b


353. P gave a general power of attorney to A to sell P’s produce all over the Philippines. After
three years, P revoked A’s authority by giving a notice of revocation to A. P also had the
revocation published in the Manila Bulletin. Despite the revocation, A still sold P’s products to X
who had been a regular customer for the past 3 years and who was known to P. However, X did
not read the notice of revocation in the Manila Bulletin.
a. P is bound by the sale.
b. The contract is unenforceable against P.
c. A is not liable on the sale.
d. X must be specially informed of the revocation.

Answer: b


354. P gave a special power of attorney to A to sell P’s house and lot. On May 1, 2020, A sold
the house and lot to X through a deed of absolute sale which was duly acknowledged before a
notary public. On May 5, 2020, P sold the house and lot to Y not knowing that A had already sold
the same to X. Although the deed of sale in favor of Y had not yet been acknowledged before a
notary public by P and Y, Y immediately took possession of the house and lot. X and Y were not
aware of the sale made to the other.
a. X is the owner of the house and lot.
b. Y is the owner of the house and lot.
c. X and Y will become co-owners of the house and lot.
d. P remains the owner of the house and lot.

Answer: a


355. The principal may delegate to an agent the performance of one of the following acts:
a. The power to attend and vote at the meetings of directors of a corporation of which the
principal is a director.
b. The power to represent the principal in a marriage ceremony where the principal is the groom.
c. The power to vote in the elections of officials for public office while the principal is abroad.
d. The power to vote in the election of directors of a corporation of which the principal is a

Answer: d


356. Which of the following statements pertaining to a contract of agency is incorrect?

a. The death of the principal extinguishes the agency.
b. An agent may be a natural person or an artificial person like a corporation.
c. A guarantee commission agent is not liable to the principal if he cannot collect the price of sale
form the buyers.
d. A contract of agency is presumed to be for a compensation.

Answer: c


357. P gave a general power of attorney to A. During the year, A entered into a lease contract
involving two lots of P as follows:
I. Lease of a lot located in Manila to X for a period of 5 years with an annual rental of
II. Lease of a lot located in Quezon City to Y on a month-to-month basis at a monthly rental of

Which of the two leases is valid and binding upon P?

a. I only.
b. II only.
c. Both I and II.
d. Neither I nor II.

Answer: b


358. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the contract of agency?

a. Onerous, which means that an agency is presumed to be for a compensation.
b. Real, which means that the principal must deliver the object to the agent for the perfection of
the contract.
c. Principal, which means that a contract of agency can stand by itself.
d. Preparatory, which means that the contract of agency is a means by which other contracts will
be entered into.

Answer: b


359. P delivered to A a power of attorney authorizing A to sell goods for P10,000.00 on cash
basis. A was able to sell the goods for P10,500.00, also on cash basis, to X, who upon learning of
A’s authority as regards the selling price, sought to annul the sale.
a. X may successfully annul the sale because A exceeded his authority.
b. X may not successfully annul the sale because A acted in a manner more advantageous to P.
c. X may successfully annul the sale because there was no instruction given by P to A to sell more
than P10,000.00.
d. X may successfully annul the sale only if P prohibited A to sell more than P10,000.00.
Answer: b


360. P appointed A as his agent. For more than 5 years, A transacted business with the
general public including X. On the sixth year of the agency, P revoked the authority of A as his
agent by giving a notice of revocation to A and causing the publication of the revocation in the
Manila Bulletin on the same day that P revoked A’s authority. Three months thereafter, X, who
was not aware of the revocation of A’s authority, in the course of his usual business transactions
with A as P’s agent, sold and delivered goods to A. X now sues p for the price of the goods.
a. P is liable to X because X did not read the publication of the revocation of A’s power.
b. P is not liable because the revocation as published is binding upon any person including X
although X has not read the publication.
c. P is liable to X because P should have specially informed X that A’s authority had been revoked.
d. P is liable because A was a customer of long standing and must be given the benefit of the

Answer: b


361. P gave a general power of attorney to A. During the year, A entered into two lease
contracts involving properties belonging to P as follows:
I. Lease of a drilling equipment located in Manila to X for a period of 2 years with an annual
rental of P120,000.00.
II. Lease of a lot located in Quezon City to Y on a month-to-month basis at a monthly rental of

Which of the two leases is valid and binding upon P?

a. I only.
b. II only
c. Both I and II.
d. Neither I nor II.

Answer: c


362. P appointed A as his exclusive agent to sell generators on cash basis in Davao City. As A
had to leave for Europe for a one-month pleasure trip, he asked P to allow him to appoint a
substitute to take his place during his absences, to which P agreed. A selected S as his substitute.
S sold generators on a term of 60 days. The accounts resulting from these sales later proved to
be uncollectible. Based on the foregoing, which of the following statement/s are/is false?
I. A will be liable to P if S is notoriously incompetent or insolvent without prejudice to the right
of P to go after S.
II. A will not be liable to P if S is not notoriously incompetent or insolvent.
III. A will be liable to P whether or not S is notoriously incompetent or insolvent without
prejudice to the right of P to go after S.
a. I and II are false.
b. I and III are false.
c. II and III are false.
d. Only III is false.

Answer: d


363. P gave a special power of attorney to A to sell a piece of land belonging to P. On April 1,
P was able to sell the land to X. The sale was in public instrument with X taking immediate
physical possession of the land. A learned of the sale made by P but nonetheless, he sold the
same piece of land to Y. The sale was in a public instrument which Y registered in the Register of
Deeds. Neither X nor Y knew of the sale made to the other.
a. The piece of land belongs to X.
b. The piece of land belongs to Y.
c. The piece of land shall be owned jointly by X and Y since no one was aware of the sale made to
the other.
d. The ownership of the piece of land remains with P since neither X nor Y is entitled to the land.

Answer: b


364. S sold a piece of land belonging to his father F, to B. In the deed of absolute sale which
was acknowledged before a notary public, S signed as the agent of F. The fact, however, was
that no power of attorney was executed in favor of S by his father. Later, in the presence of two
witnesses, F told B that he would abide by the sale executed by S.
a. The sale was void at the start but was validated upon the ratification by F.
b. The sale remained void despite the ratification by F.
c. The sale was valid from the start since it was made in a public instrument and F, the owner,
agreed to abide by the same.
d. The sale was merely unenforceable at the start but was ratified when F agreed to abide by the

Answer: b


365. One of the distinction between a contract of sale and a contract for a piece of work is
that a contract for a piece of work:
a. Is not governed by the Statue of Fraud.
b. Refers to a contract for the delivery goods which are manufactured in the ordinary course of
business although the same are not available.
c. Has for its parties the vendor and the vendee.
d. Has for its consideration the price of the thing.
Answer: a


366. A and B are co-owners of a rural lot not exceeding 1 hectare. The lot is surrounded on its
four sides as follows: on the North, by the road; on the East, by the lot of X consisting of 2
hectares; on the South, by the lot of Y consisting of 2 ½ hectares; and on the West, by Z’s lot
consisting of 2 ¾ hectares. A sells his undivided interest in the agricultural lot to T, who owns
several hectares of rural land in the area. Who has the right of legal redemption over the
undivided interest in the lot sold by A to T?
a. B
b. X
c. Y
d. Z

Answer: a

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