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NIM: 1811112265

KELAS: A 2018-1


1) Language (Grammar)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. Answer:

1. Into
2. Left
3. At
4. Up to
5. On
6. Opposite
7. Towards
8. Next

2) Key Words From the Unit

Complete the sentence with the words below. Answer:

1) Dispenses
2) Lift
3) Correidor
4) Stretchers
5) Reception
6) Waste
7) Mortuary
8) Transport


Some hospitals specialize in particular conditions like cancer or psychiatric illness.

Other hospitals specialize in particular types of patients like geriatrics, children or the
terminally ill. However, the best known type of hospital is the general hospital which deals
with almost everything, has ambulance crews and beds for both intensive care and long stay.

A big general hospital has many different specialist departments. Identifying departments can
be confusing because different hospitals use different names for the same thing. For example,
one hospital may have a ‘children’s unit’ which a different hospital calls ‘Paediatrics’.
‘Accident and Emergency’ (A&E) in one hospital is called ‘Casualty’ in another.

There are many other examples. The department that specializes in heart problems, is
sometimes called ‘Coronary Care’. Others call it ‘Cardiology’ or ‘Cardiovascular medicine’.
Nephrology, the department that treats illnesses of the kidney is sometimes called ‘the Renal
Gastroenterology (digestive system) is sometimes ‘the Department of Hepatology’. Hospital
staff often use abbreviations for departments. For example, they refer to ‘Obs and Gynae’.
This is a department combining Obstetrics (pregnancy), and Gynaecology (women’s
reproductive organs). They call Otolaryngology, ‘ENT’ (ears, nose & throat), mostly because
it is much easier to say.

3) Comprehension. Answer:
1. a. Specialize in particular condition hospital
b. Specialize in particular types of patients hospital
c. General hospital
2. Most common hospital is general hospital.
3. Because different hospitals use different names for the same thing. For example, one
hospital may have a ‘children’s unit’ which a different hospital calls ‘Paediatrics’.
‘Accident and Emergency’ (A&E) in one hospital is called ‘Casualty’ in another.
4. Department of hepatology and gastroenterology.
5. Two, This is a department combining Obstetrics (pregnancy), and Gynaecology
(women’s reproductive organs).
6. The common name is ENT

4) Vocabulary
a. Psychiatrict illness
b. Geriatrics
c. Terminally ill
d. Ambulance crews
e. Intensive care
f. Gastroenterology (digestive system)
g. Gynaecology (women’s reproductive organs)

5) Further vocabulary practice

Match department names 1-6 with parts o the body a-f. Answer:

1. D. Heart
2. B. Cervix
3. F. Placenta
4. C. Bowel
5. A.Tonsils
6. E. Kidneys

6) Writing (giving directions)

Below are instructions to get to the Department of Coronary Care. Park in the hospital car
park which is at the front of the hospital. Go to the main entrance there is the reception with
name on the door, then walk the corridor. After you see obstretics room turn left. Go straight
after that turn right go through the corridor on your left there is a hepatology room walk a
little, beside the hepatology room is a coronary room.

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