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How debris flows can be triggered after a fire

A study of the San Gabriel Mountains offers one explanation for formation of debris flows after a fire.
Before fire and rain After fire Rain and runoff
No clear sign
of ulterior
Soil is trapped on steep rocky hills During major fires, vegetation is When it rains, the water and runoff
by vegetation. burned, causing sediment to roll move sediment into the steep
down steep hills. Within a few hours channels, creating debris flows.
or days, channel bottoms are loaded
with loose sediment.

Trapped soil Vegetation

Sediment Sediment
on channel
motives in

visa papers
Channel By Brian Bennett,
Debris Richard A. Serrano
and Sarah Parvini

Sources: Michael P. Lamb, professor of geology, Caltech; National Science Foundation and the Terrestrial Hazard Observation and Reporting Center at Caltech
had only met online — first
on a matrimonial website,
R a oul R a ñ oa Los Angeles Times
and then in what he called

Drought mimics fire in

“several weeks of emailing”
— when Syed Rizwan
Farook first sat down with
Tashfeen Malik during his
pilgrimage to Mecca, Islam’s
holiest city, in October 2013. SHOOTER Tashfeen
They got engaged that Malik’s documents ap-

boosting mudflow risk

same day, and the couple pear free of errors that
disclosed extensive personal might arouse suspicion.
details, including her birth-
place in a historic Pakistani
town and his Social Security

number, when Farook filled
out a K-1 fiancee visa appli-
cation so he could bring Ma-
By Rosanna Xia lik to Riverside to marry him

the following summer.
An intense October rain- But the 21-page applica-
storm that pounded the tion and supporting docu-
Grapevine’s barren hillsides ments gave no hint of

to court
offered a sober preview of whether Farook and Malik’s
what El Niño might unleash then-secret commitment to
in the rest of drought-strick- violent jihad, rather than ro-
en Southern California. mance, brought them to-

over gas
The rain hit the dry, hard- gether in a conspiracy two
ened terrain where the years before they carried out
drought had shriveled vege- a rampage that left 14 people
tation. The topsoil easily dead in San Bernardino.

gave way, with mudflows That, together with their
cascading onto Interstate 5 motive for shooting his co-
and local roadways and workers at the Inland Re-
trapping motorists, many gional Center on Dec. 2,
overnight, in several feet of and their whereabouts for
debris. nearly four hours before po-
Heavy rains often bring lice spotted their car and City wants SoCal Gas
mudflows. But experts warn killed them in a shootout,
that the deluges expected Al Seib Los Angeles Times
are among the key unan- to act more quickly to
this winter with El Niño are JON SIMPSON installs a barrier on Conejo Mountain where winter El Niño swered questions three relocate Porter Ranch
likely to be exacerbated by storms could cause debris to rush down upon Camarillo Springs homes. weeks after the deadliest
the dry conditions in count- terrorist attack on U.S. soil residents affected by
less hillside and canyon since 2001. sickening fumes.
communities. Even a little The documents were re-
rain can set off a fast-moving leased Tuesday as FBI Di- By Alice Walton
debris flow, sweeping up rector James B. Comey visit-
anything in its way — loose ed San Bernardino for a
boulders, tree limbs, cars, briefing from agents from The Los Angeles city at-
even homes. the Los Angeles field office. torney’s office sought a
“The drought, it’s just The paperwork doesn’t court order Tuesday to
made this whole situation appear to substantiate move Porter Ranch resi-
worse. … That area that slid charges from some Republi- dents into temporary hous-
[in October]? It’s not green. can lawmakers that immi- ing more quickly to avoid
There’s not even grass on it. gration officials failed to fumes from a massive natu-
It’s so dead because of lack of catch errors on the visa ral gas leak.
rain,” said Deborah Wong, a application that should With 2,684 families of the
deputy director for the Cali- have blocked Malik’s entry, northwest San Fernando
fornia Department of Trans- and that the Obama admin- Valley community awaiting
portation. “If there’s no root istration thus allowed a bud- relocation, the city wants a
structure to hold the moun- ding terrorist into the coun- “special master” appointed
tain back, or at least the top- try. to oversee the task, which is
soil, it’s coming down.” The FBI has concluded currently in the hands of
From Ventura County to that Farook and Malik sepa- Southern California Gas Co.
San Diego County, officials rately radicalized on the In- The gas company owns the
are racing to clean out debris Francine Orr Los Angeles Times ternet as early as 2011, largely well in Aliso Canyon that has
basins, install protective AN OCTOBER rainstorm caused drought-stricken terrain to give way, and from English-language ser- been leaking massive
[See Drought, A8] mudflows trapped vehicles on California 58 east of Tehachapi in debris. [See Visa, A11] amounts of methane since
Oct. 23.
The restraining order
sought by City Atty. Mike

Lyft gets the OK

Feuer would require gas


company officials to relocate
residents within 48 hours of
their requests. A hearing is

to begin pickup of
scheduled for Wednesday
As of Tuesday, the gas

Falcon 9 landing is hailed as a step to reusable

company had paid to relo-

LAX passengers
cate and house 2,092 house-
holds, SoCal Gas spokes-
rockets, which could transform space travel man Michael Mizrahi said.
The company is working
with17 relocation agencies in
contend with gridlocked addition to government
By Melody Petersen
Starting today, the traffic and pricey parking agencies, he said.
rates. The gas company is hav-
ride-hailing service is When Lyft drivers begin When Elon Musk’s ing increasing difficulty find-
no longer limited to picking up travelers SpaceX rocket nailed its his- ing alternative housing
Wednesday morning, offi- toric landing at Florida’s nearby because most of the
departures — a first cials say it will amount to the Cape Canaveral on Monday available hotel and motel
for the airport. biggest change to ground night and the enormous rooms and rental homes al-
transportation options at dust cloud settled, it was ready have been snapped up
By Laura J. Nelson the airport since the intro- more than an engineering by relocated Porter Ranch
duction of shared-ride vans feat hailed around the world. [See Leak, A11]
like Super Shuttle in the The Falcon 9’s landing
In what officials hope will 1980s. made deep space travel
be an early Christmas “We’re doing a lot of work seem attainable again — not
present to harried holiday to show that we’re a world- just to aerospace engineers
travelers, Lyft on Wednes- class airport — or at least and astronauts but to the Robert Durst
day will become the first trying to become one,” said masses. to face murder
ride-hailing service to pick Los Angeles City Council- Analysts called it a giant
up passengers at Los Ange- man Mike Bonin, whose step toward a day when
charge in L.A.
les International Airport. Westside district includes rockets are reused like air- The New York real
Earlier this year, Los An- the airport. liners. In turn, that would estate heir will be
geles officials agreed to allow The biggest loser in the transform not just the global extradited from New
Lyft and its larger rival, Ub- rise of ride-hailing could be space industry, but perhaps Orleans next summer
er, to apply for permits to Southern California taxi even where and how humans for a trial in connec-
work at LAX. Lyft com- companies, which view the live in the more distant fu- tion with the killing of
pleted its negotiations first, airport as their last remain- ture. his friend Susan Ber-
gaining a head start in the ing revenue stronghold. “Ultimately, he wants to man. CALIFORNIA, B1
potentially lucrative airport The typical taxi trip from colonize Mars,” said Marco Weather
market. LAX to downtown is more Caceres, a space industry Sunny and cool.
Backers say ride-hailing than $50, not including tip. A analyst at the Teal Group, of L.A. Basin: 66/46. B8
will be a major improvement ride with Uber or Lyft is Musk’s often stated goal. “If
for passengers at LAX, closer to $30, although prices you begin launching every
which, unlike most major air can climb during high-de- other day, then no longer SpaceX

hubs, lacks direct rail serv- mand periods. does that vision seem so out- SPACEX’S Falcon 9 rocket comes in for a landing
ice. Those who use the West For more than two years, landish.” Monday at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The commercial 7 85944 00200 5
Coast’s largest airport must [See Lyft, A8] [See SpaceX, A10] space industry sees reusability as a game changer.
A2 W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM


Susan Walsh Associated Press

A $1.1-TRILLION spending bill approved by Congress last week was a major victory for new House Speaker
Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), avoiding a government shutdown and extending a variety of tax breaks.

Congress’ hits and misses

What it did and didn’t do this year will affect Americans in major ways
associated press gress approved a bipartisan bill to lawmakers allowed it to expire.
improve the nation’s aging and con-
gested highways and transit systems. ::
WASHINGTON — In a chaotic The new law assures states that fed-
year, when Republicans in the House eral help will be available for major Despite those accomplishments,
unseated a speaker, Congress pro- projects, although it does not resolve the Republican-controlled Congress
duced a significant amount of biparti- how to pay for transportation pro- failed on a number of fronts:
san legislation that affects every grams in the long term.
American. Iran nuclear deal
It enacted laws recasting federal Trade Republican lawmakers were unable
education policy, restricting govern- Congress approved a bill granting to block a deal involving the U.S., Iran
ment access to bulk phone records, the president trade promotion author- and five world powers that would
renewing highway and transit pro- ity. The law allows Congress to ratify or require Iran to curb its nuclear activ-
grams, and even resolving a long- reject trade agreements negotiated by ities in exchange for access to billions
standing problem of how Medicare the executive branch, but not change in frozen assets and oil revenue.
reimburses doctors. Before leaving or filibuster them. Obama has not
town for the year, it sent President submitted to Congress a recently Planned Parenthood
Obama bipartisan legislation Friday competed trade agreement with 11 Congress did not halt federal pay-
financing government agencies in 2016 Pacific Rim nations. ments to Planned Parenthood after
and cutting taxes. secretly recorded videos of clinic offi-
Highlights of an eventful year in Surveillance cials discussing tissue donations
Congress: Obama signed the USA Freedom caused an uproar among Republican
Act, which extends three expiring lawmakers and abortion opponents.
Budget deal surveillance provisions of the Patriot
A $1.1-trillion spending bill ap- Act, passed after the Sept. 11 attacks Health law
proved Friday funds the government on New York and the Pentagon. Lawmakers tweaked the edges of
for the 2016 budget year running The law overhauls the previous Obama’s 2010 healthcare law but did
through Sept. 30 and extends $680 law’s most controversial provision, not overturn it despite repeated votes
billion in tax cuts for businesses and which had been interpreted to allow to repeal all or part of it.
individuals. The deal — a victory for bulk collection of U.S. phone records
new House Speaker Paul D. Ryan by the National Security Agency. The Environmental regulations
(R-Wis.) — avoids a government shut- new law gives private companies more Congress did not block Obama
down, allows crude oil exports for the leeway to publicly report information administration regulations on clean
first time in 40 years and extends a about the number of national security air and water and was unable to stop
huge variety of tax breaks, including surveillance demands they receive. Obama’s signature environmental
those for college tuition and renewable accomplishment, a high-profile plan to
energy such as solar and wind power. Defense curb greenhouse gas emissions from
Congress approved a sweeping coal-fired power plants.
Education defense authorization bill that in-
Obama signed the sweeping Every cludes a troop pay raise and prohibits Keystone XL pipeline
Student Succeeds Act, which replaced transfer of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Despite many attempts, Congress
the No Child Left Behind Act. It is the detainees to the United States. again failed to win approval for the
biggest education overhaul since 2002. Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada.
The bipartisan law ushers in a new Physician payments Obama finally rejected the pipeline
approach to accountability, teacher Under a bill shepherded by former last month after seven years of indeci-
evaluations and the way the most House Speaker John A. Boehner (R- sion.
poorly performing schools are pushed Ohio) and House Minority Leader
to improve. Students will still take Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), Con- Benghazi
federally required statewide reading gress finally approved a bipartisan House Republicans continued a
and math exams, but the law encour- measure that permanently recasts widely criticized investigation into the
ages states to limit time spent on test- how Medicare reimburses doctors for 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, which
ing and diminishes the stakes for treating more than 50 million elderly killed four Americans, including the
underperforming schools. people. U.S. ambassador. An 11-hour hearing
The $214-billion measure prevented featuring Democratic presidential
College loans a 21% cut in physicians’ Medicare fees, candidate Hillary Clinton failed to
Congress extended a federal loan avoiding a flood of complaints to law- produce revelations Republicans were
program that provides low-interest makers from doctors and senior citi- seeking. Clinton was secretary of State
money to the neediest college stu- zens. when the attacks occurred.
Export-Import Bank Immigration
Highways and transit Congress revived the federal Ex- Neither chamber approved a com-
After years of stymied efforts, Con- port-Import Bank five months after prehensive immigration overhaul.

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Security firm to review Egypt airports
Egypt to give recommenda-
The nation known for tions about airport security
its tourism is pushing Homeland Security Sec-
to send a global retary Jeh Johnson has said
enhancements should in-
message of safety. clude additional screening
for items put on planes, air-
By Amro Hassan port assessments in con-
junction with counterparts
CAIRO — Egyptian offi- in other countries and offers
cials said Tuesday that the of other assistance that are
country’s push to send a both seen and unseen.
global message of safety af- Zazou said that such rec-
ter an October plane crash ommendations already are
killed 224 people includes ex- being implemented, but
tensive security reviews of some travelers at Egyptian
two of its biggest airports by airports still do not feel
a newly hired British firm. much safer.
Tourism Minister Mustafa Khalil, an Egyp-
Hisham Zazou said the safe- tian journalist who traveled
ty review was not a direct from Cairo to Morocco last
consequence of the Oct. 31 month, said he saw many po-
crash of Russian Metrojet lice officers and security per-
Airbus A321 in Egypt’s Sinai sonnel, long lines and big
Peninsula, but rather a pre- crowds, but the search
cautionary measure based methods appeared un-
on growing security threats changed.
worldwide. “I was late for my flight so Associated Press

“Ensuring safe and se- I gave one of the airport EGYPT’S Tourism Ministry said the airport safety review was not a direct consequence of the crash of a Rus-
cure flights for everyone workers a tip. He took my sian passenger jet on Oct. 31, but rather a precautionary measure based on growing global security threats.
traveling to Egypt, whether luggage and got them inside
for business or pleasure, is a the airport without even
top priority of the Egyptian running them through the

China attorney’s fate a concern

government,” Zazou told re- scanner,” Khalil said. “I
porters in Cairo. “This is why could have put anything in
we have taken immediate these bags and no one would
actions to ensure we possess have noticed.”
a world-class, gold standard Officials said the deci-
security.” sions barring Russian and
The London-based firm British flights to Egypt at the two cases. Pu has “a though the state-run New following as an acerbic critic
Control Risks will examine the peak Christmas season Guilty verdict leaves sword hanging over his head China News Agency said of government policy; he
security at Cairo and Sharm have hit the already-strug- for the next three years, and that Pu would not appeal, racked up tens of thousands
el Sheik airports, with a plan gling Egyptian tourism in- the rights lawyer at he’s very much at the mercy Shang noted that his client of fans on social media sites
to expand the inspections to dustry hard. The crash cost officials’ mercy and in of the authorities,” he said. still legally has 10 days to de- before government censors
other airports, said Egyp- Egypt almost $281 million a On Tuesday morning, cide. “Either way, we would blocked his accounts. He has
tian Aviation Minister Hos- month, and Zazou esti- effect ends his career. the Beijing No. 2 Intermedi- support him,” he said. represented a diverse array
sam Kamal. mates tourism receipts will ate People’s Court an- Pu was detained in May of clients, including dissi-
The announcement fall by 10% by the end of the By Jonathan Kaiman nounced that Pu, 50, had 2014 after he participated in dent artist Ai Weiwei and
came less than two months year. been found guilty of “picking a private commemoration of victims of a draconian (and
after the crash of the Rus- A main source of foreign BEIJING — In 2006, sup- quarrels and causing dis- the 25th anniversary of the now abolished) “reeducat-
sian airliner. The militant currency, tourism brought porters of a prominent Chi- turbances” and “inciting Tiananmen Square massa- ion through labor” system.
group Islamic State claimed Egypt $7.2 billion in revenue nese human rights lawyer ethnic hatred” for criticizing cre, and he was arrested that Pu will have to spend 10
responsibility, saying a last year. At the industry’s were spared their darkest the government in seven so- June. During his time be- days under “residential sur-
security breach at Sharm heyday — before the 2011 “Ar- expectations. cial media posts. State me- hind bars, authorities whit- veillance” at an assigned lo-
el Sheik airport enabled ab Spring” uprisings — tour- Although authorities dia described the sentence tled down the charges cation before he is allowed to
it to plant a bomb on the ism revenue totaled $12.5 bil- found Gao Zhisheng guilty as “light”; together, the against him until he stood go home, Mo Shaoping, a
plane. lion a year. Tourism ac- of “subversion,” they handed charges carried a potential accused of sending seven second lawyer for Pu, told
Russia’s Federal Security counts for nearly 13% of him a three-year “sus- jail term of up to eight years. critical tweets between 2011 Reuters.
Service, or FSB, the main Egypt’s gross domestic pended sentence” with five Yet Pu’s supporters and 2014. One mocked the The New China News
successor agency to the So- product. The industry pro- years of probation, provi- called the sentence — which government’s bungled re- Agency said Tuesday that
viet KGB, also announced vided nearly 12% of Egypt’s sionally allowing him to dictates that he will be moni- sponse to a high-speed train Pu was “given a light punish-
that an improvised bomb jobs last year. serve his time at home. tored for three years and crash that killed 40 people; ment after a public trial as he
caused the crash, a finding Several tourism experts Since then, Gao has been jailed for another three if he others criticized the govern- confessed his crime hon-
that resulted in Moscow’s said hiring international se- apprehended, tortured, re- violates the terms of his pro- ment’s policies in Tibet and estly, pleaded guilty and re-
decision to bar all Russian curity auditors is a move in leased, apprehended again, bation — an act of political the ethnically riven north- pented his guilt.”
flights to and from Egypt. the right direction. and tortured again, even persecution and an attack western region of Xinjiang. Yet many of Pu’s support-
Britain, meanwhile, banned “For weeks, [the govern- more severely. By the time on freedom of speech. The On Dec. 14, nearly 19 ers were still outraged that
all flights to Sinai. ment] kept creating cam- he was last released, in Au- sentence will in effect end his months after his detention, he would be found guilty of a
Egyptian authorities say paigns urging locals to go to gust 2014, he was “utterly de- legal career. authorities tried Pu at the crime.
there is no evidence pointing Sinai, which will never be of stroyed” by his time in jail, “He is no criminal, and Beijing court, as plain- “The court should only
to a terrorist assault. An in- any benefit because local the advocacy group Free- this guilty verdict effectively clothes police shoved and deem Pu Zhiqiang not guilty
vestigative panel of interna- tourists don’t bring in for- dom Now said in a state- shackles one of China’s brav- harassed journalists, diplo- and release him,” Murong
tional experts has yet to eign currency. Then they ment. est champions of human mats and supporters under Xuecun, an author and free
come up with any solid con- started having international Supporters of another rights from practicing law,” hazy skies outside. The trial speech advocate in Beijing,
clusions on what caused the campaigns to attract foreign famed Chinese human William Nee, China re- drew scorn from human tweeted Tuesday.
crash. tourists, but that didn’t rights lawyer, Pu Zhiqiang, searcher at Amnesty Inter- rights groups and foreign Rosenzweig said that the
According to Control work either since the major who on Tuesday was handed national, said in a state- governments. It seeped into verdict will strip Pu of his le-
Risks Chief Executive An- issue here is security,” said a three-year suspended sen- ment. the U.S. presidential cam- gal credentials, as China
dreas Carleton-Smith, re- Hazem Saied, manager of a tence with three years’ pro- Attorney Shang Baojun paign as Sen. Marco Rubio bars convicted criminals
views of the two airports are Sharm el Sheik-based travel bation, fear he could meet a said in a telephone interview (R-Fla.) called the “specta- from working as attorneys.
expected to take 21⁄2 to three agency. “What we really need similar fate. that he still believes in his cli- cle” of the trial — and the fra-
months. now is to show foreign gov- Joshua Rosenzweig, a ent’s innocence. cas outside — “a mockery of jonathan.kaiman
Since the crash, interna- ernments that it is safe to fly Hong Kong-based inde- Pu “told us he wants to justice and rule of law.”
tional delegations from a to Egypt.” pendent researcher focused express gratitude to all of his Pu, known as China’s “Gi- Alexandra Li and Tommy
number of countries, includ- on human rights and crimi- supporters,” Shang said. ant Lawyer” for his com- Yang in The Times’ Beijing
ing Britain, Germany, Rus- Hassan is a special nal justice issues in China, “He will tell them face to face manding height and bari- bureau contributed to this
sia and the U.S., have gone to correspondent. noted the parallels between when the time is right.” Al- tone voice, has amassed a report.

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A4 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM

In Brazil, the
are ‘on edge’
Rousseff, 68, a former
As the political crisis leftist guerrilla, was elected
the country’s first female
deepens, Congress president in 2010 after being
finds itself at the handpicked by popular
predecessor Luiz Inacio
chaotic center. Lula da Silva. President
Obama and celebrities in-
By Vincent Bevins cluding actor Benicio Del
Toro, director Oliver Stone
BRASILIA, Brazil — It and musician Tom Morello
was a weekday morning, two have campaigned or re-
weeks after impeachment corded messages on her be-
proceedings were launched half.
Adriano Machado European Pressphoto Agency
against Brazilian President But the once-popular
Dilma Rousseff, and the president was only narrowly BRAZILIAN President Dilma Rousseff with newly appointed Finance Minister Nelson Barbosa. He replaced
grand entrance to Brasilia’s reelected in 2014. Her ap- Joaquim Levy, who left the government after disagreements with Rousseff over his austerity policies.
bold Modernist congres- proval rating began to
sional building was packed plunge this year with the ceedings and gave a bigger terity policies. (He was tion, said the crisis is larger impeachment,” he said. “In a
with police. country’s worst recession in role to the Senate, where quickly replaced with a close than the paralysis in Con- presidential system, im-
Armed with riot gear, the decades, and an inquiry into Rousseff has more support- ally of the president, Plan- gress. peachment has to do with a
officers lounged on stylish kickbacks surrounding the ers. ning Minister Nelson Barbo- “The leaders in Congress crime committed. And
leather furniture, waiting for Brazilian oil company Petro- The chaotic swirl of sa.) don’t control their parties. [Rousseff] has committed
possible clashes with Rous- bras, for which she formerly events was playing out in The political pandemo- Ministers have little influ- no crime.”
seff supporters, who were served as a member of the Congress last week, as legis- nium has been reverberat- ence … and the criminal in- Teixeira blamed the cri-
demonstrating outside. board of directors. lators checked their phones ing powerfully in Congress. vestigations that are being sis on an attempt by the po-
At the other end of the Pro-impeachment to monitor the latest plunge In recent days, demon- carried out by the federal po- litical opposition to seize the
building, indigenous pro- groups organized several in the currency and tens of strations over the impeach- lice have discredited the gov- power it failed to win
testers asserting their rights large rallies this year, and thousands of supporters ment initiative have led to ernment,” he said. through the last presidential
were making their way to the supporters have sought to marched around the coun- physical confrontations and In fact, he said, investi- election. “The opposition
roof. answer in kind, despite disil- try, including outside the broken voting machines. gating and punishing cor- never accepted their defeat,”
“We’re in a really strange lusionment on the left due to building. The home of House speaker ruption should be celebrat- he said. “They’ve tried
time. On edge. It’s a moment austerity and economic Near the lobby, a Christ- Eduardo Cunha, who has led ed. everything to stop the gov-
in which everyone’s mood hardship. On the same day mas tree in front of the of- the impeachment effort “Things are changing,” ernment. Impeachment is
changes with each new de- that Leitao spoke, Fitch fices of Rousseff ’s Workers’ against Rousseff, was raided Silva said. “That will be their last attempt.”
velopment. No one can Ratings cut the nation’s sov- Party contrasted with a red this month by police investi- understood in the future. Back downstairs, a crowd
calmly get work done,” said ereign debt rating to junk pamphlet on the wall loudly gating the Petrobras scan- But for now it’s producing was milling outside as the
Congressman Nilson Leitao status, a major blow to the declaring that the impeach- dal. distrust among the popula- sun set. A man in a suit slept
of the opposition Brazilian world’s seventh-largest ment process represents a “Now, for Brazil to really tion.” on a couch. He and the
Social Democratic Party. economy. coup d’etat and an attack on start over, to have a new Upstairs, in a much more crowd were ignoring an
After 20 years of stable Politicians and lawyers the constitution. start, the best of all would be stylish wing of offices, Work- alarm that had been buzzing
government in the fifth have been battling over how Legislators were buzzing a new election,” said Leitao, ers’ Party Congressman from somewhere for almost
most-populous country, impeachment will play out, about the latest report, that the opposition congress- Paulo Teixeira predicted 45 minutes. It sounded like a
Brazil’s Congress is now the and Rousseff ’s side won a Finance Minister Joaquim man. there will be no solution to fire alarm.
chaotic center of an unpre- small victory last week when Levy was leaving the govern- Lawmaker Orlando Silva the crisis before March.
dictable and explosive polit- the Supreme Court invali- ment after disagreements of the Communist Party, a “The way out of the im- Bevins is a special
ical crisis. dated a secret vote on pro- with Rousseff over his aus- member of Rousseff ’s coali- peachment is to defeat the correspondent.

Taliban gaining territory in Afghanistan

flee from their home near ployed. He described the sit-
Residents flee as the the district center to the out- uation there as a priority for
skirts, and many of their his administration.
militant group closes neighbors were trapped in Sediq Sediqqi, an Interi-
in on an important the crossfire. or Ministry spokesman, said
“We can’t get to the in- Tuesday that fighting be-
southwestern district. jured and they can’t get to tween the Taliban and gov-
us, we have no idea what ernment forces was under-
By Ali M. Latifi condition anyone is in,” he way in six districts of Hel-
said. mand and that at least 12
KABUL, Afghanistan — Sangin is part of Hel- Taliban militants and two
The Taliban stood on the mand, the largest of the policemen had been killed in
verge of gaining an impor- country’s 34 provinces in the last 24 hours.
tant foothold in southwest- terms of territory and an im- He said that on Saturday
ern Afghanistan on Tues- portant gateway to Pakistan government troops took
day, as additional govern- and smuggling routes used back the district of Kha-
ment troops and British mil- by local militias to transport nashin, which had fallen to
itary advisors joined an arms and drugs. The base of the Taliban 10 days earlier.
increasingly desperate at- U.S. and British forces until “All measures are being
tempt to defend the key dis- most withdrew in 2014, the taken” to ensure the prov-
trict of Sangin. province has teetered be- ince does not fall into Tali-
Residents there said that tween government and Tali- ban hands, he said.
Watan Yar European Pressphoto Agency
large portions of the district ban control for a decade. That includes sending 10
have already fallen under The Taliban now seems MEMBERS of the Afghan security forces take up positions during an operation British military advisors to
Taliban control. “They’ve to have the upper hand, by against Taliban fighters in Helmand, the largest of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. Lashkar Gah, Helmand’s
taken over the main bazaar some counts controlling as capital. They joined 450 Brit-
and the district center,” said many as 10 of the 13 districts. Borhan Osman, a political ture endeavors. The provincial governor, ish troops that stayed be-
Haji Akhtar Mohammad. “Helmand would make analyst in the Afghan capi- “They want to stabilize Mirza Khan Rahimi, sought hind in Afghanistan in train-
He said the fighting an important base for their tal, Kabul. “It could serve as and secure their control,” he to downplay any Taliban ing and advisory capacity af-
forced him and his family to military commanders,” said a launching ground for fu- said. gains, telling local media on ter last year’s withdrawal of
Monday that government international combat forces.
troops remained in control The Taliban has been
of Sangin. gaining strength in recent
He was responding to a months. This fall, its forces
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L AT I M ES . C O M W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 A5

Vegas rampage ‘was gas the whole way’
But on Tuesday, a spokeswom-
Witness recalls horror of a an for Holloway’s family offered a
new possible version of events.
careening car and his effort LaShay Hardaway, a cousin, said
to aid victims. The driver’s Holloway, a women’s clothing de-
signer, had stopped in Las Vegas
motive remains unknown. twice as part of a long road trip:
once last week and once on Sun-
By Matt Pearce day.
Hardaway declined to say
Eric Pitkanen had been in Las where else Holloway had been on
Vegas for less than nine hours, and her trip.
he already missed his 15-month- Hardaway said she was still col-
old son back home in Oregon. lecting information from family
As the athletic trainer and his members about what Holloway
team of college wrestlers walked was doing before Sunday night.
past the famous hotels lining the “I do want the public to know
Strip, he called his wife and ex- that she has a loving family [and]
plained that as much as he wanted she is a loving person,” Hardaway
to see his son on video, the teeming said, asking for “prayers for the vic-
sidewalk wasn’t the best place to tims, prayers for Keisha.”
do it. The family of the person who
“It’s not safe to FaceTime while was killed, Jessica Valenzuela of
we walk the Strip,” he said. Buckeye, Ariz., a 32-year-old
The words had barely left his mother of three young girls, has
mouth when a 1996 Oldsmobile raised more than $33,000 on the
jumped the curb 30 feet in front of GoFundMe website for transpor-
him and plunged into the crowd. tation and funeral costs.
Time seemed to slow down, Pit- On her Facebook profile page,
kanen recalled. He heard a muffled Valenzuela recently wrote that she
thump-thump-thump as the sedan and her husband had just celebrat-
hit three or four people. ed their 10-year anniversary.
It was the beginning of a trail of Her brother, Bryan Roessler,
havoc that would end with one per- told an Arizona TV station that
son dead, at least 35 others injured “her husband surprised her with a
and authorities struggling to ex- Vegas trip.”
Brian Skoloff Associated Press
plain the driver’s motive for what “She was just wonderful, you
they say was an intentional act. PEOPLE VISIT a makeshift memorial on the Las Vegas Strip two days after a car plowed into know,” Roessler said.
Pitkanen, 32, watched one man crowds of pedestrians. The woman who died was “an all-around good person,” her brother said. He called her “a good mother, a
flip over the vehicle as it sped past good sister, a good wife — just an
Planet Hollywood. with a bloodied head needed aid. tragically impacted countless public defender, Joe Abood, said in all-around good person.”
As far as he could tell, the Olds- Soon officials shut down the Strip. lives,” Clark County Dist. Atty. Ste- a statement, expressing “great Roessler said that “the out-
mobile’s brake lights never came Pitkanen still didn’t know that ven B. Wolfson said in a statement, sympathy” for the victims. “At the pouring from people she knew and
on, he said: “It was gas the whole the crime was far larger than he adding that he was confident “we same time, we simply don’t have didn’t know has been amazing to
way, unfortunately, for the people could see, and that four of his Pa- will be filing many more charges enough information to piece to- me” and that Holloway “deserves
who got hit.” cific University wrestlers were against Ms. Holloway.” gether how or why this event took to be put away for a very long time.”
Pitkanen, who had come to Las among the injured, along with vic- Holloway, who was arrested af- place.” The last of the four Pacific Uni-
Vegas for a wrestling tournament, tims from all over North America. ter parking her car at a casino and On Monday, Clark County versity wrestlers injured in the inci-
had long wondered what he would He never saw the driver, only telling an employee to call 911, was Sheriff Joe Lombardo said investi- dent was released from a hospital
do in a real-life crisis situation, the car, and only for a few seconds. set to make her first court appear- gators thought Holloway had been Monday.
whether he would “run the right On Tuesday, Lakeisha N. Hollo- ance Wednesday. Police said that in Las Vegas for a week, homeless The team returned home Mon-
way and help some people.” way, 24, of Portland, Ore., was she admitted driving the vehicle and sleeping in her car, and pos- day, skipping the Desert Duals
His medical training kicked in. charged with one count of murder, and that video showed her act was sibly headed to Dallas to see her wrestling tournament.
He rushed over to a man in his early one count of leaving the scene of an intentional. daughter’s estranged father. “All in all, everyone made it out
50s and stabilized his dislocated accident and one count of child ne- But investigators have not of- Holloway told investigators OK,” said Pitkanen, who returned
knee. He also helped calm the glect for having her 3-year-old fered a motive, and she denied be- that Sunday had been a stressful to his family knowing that he was
man’s 29-year-old son, who seemed daughter in the car during what ing under the influence of alcohol day in which she had tried to sleep the kind of guy who had run the
to have a concussion. authorities say amounted to an at- or drugs, according to police re- in her car at various places in Las right way.
When the first paramedic ar- tack. cords. Vegas but kept getting chased
rived, Pitkanen told him to help the “This is a horrendous and inex- “We can all agree this is a shock- away by security guards, according [email protected]
more seriously injured. A woman cusable act that has needlessly and ing and tragic event,” Holloway’s to a police report. Twitter: @MattDPearce
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A6 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E MB E R 23 , 2 015 WSCE L AT I ME S . CO M

Fewer are dying entering U.S. in the Rio Grande Valley

Homeland Security compared with 25 in the
same period last year, he
chief Jeh Johnson says said.
numbers reflect ‘lower “We do everything we can
to triangulate where they
level of attempted are and get out there,” Ortiz
illegal migration.’ said.
Agents in the Rio Grande
By Molly Valley have rescued 136 mi-
Hennessy-Fiske grants so far this fiscal year
compared with 115 in the
same period last year, Ortiz
HOUSTON — For the said.
third straight year, migrant But some immigrant ad-
deaths along the southern vocates dispute those fig-
border have decreased, even ures.
in some areas where the Eddie Canales, director
number of migrant children of the South Texas Human
and families crossing in- Rights Center in Falfurrias,
creased over the summer, noted that the Border Pa-
authorities said Tuesday. trol’s definition of “rescue”
U.S. Customs and Border includes more than just mi-
Protection reported that grants saved in the field; for
there were 240 migrant instance, those found being
deaths at the border for the smuggled in vehicles
fiscal year that ended in Sep- stopped at checkpoints are
tember, down from 308 considered rescued.
deaths last year and 365 five His count of migrant
years earlier. deaths in Brooks County is
The number of migrants also down: At least 45 this
caught nationwide (mostly calendar year compared
at the southern border) also with 61 last year.
dropped in the fiscal year, Canales suspects the re-
from 486,651 the year before corded death toll would be
John Moore Getty Images
to 337,117 — a 31% change. Ap- higher if the Border Patrol
prehensions had increased A U.S. BORDER PATROL agent detains young migrants Dec. 10 in La Grulla, Texas. Apprehensions of chil- spent more time and re-
the last four years after dren and families have started rising again, with 10,500 unaccompanied youth caught in the last two months. sources searching for mi-
trending downward for dec- grants who might have gone
ades. in the southern tip of Texas, missing in the vast Rio
Homeland Security Sec- agents reported 97 deaths in Grande Valley.
retary Jeh Johnson called it Border deaths the fiscal year compared Migrant deaths in the Rio
a “dramatic decrease ... re- Southwest border deaths by fiscal year, Oct. 1 through Sept. 30: with 116 the previous year. Grande Valley are still more
flecting a lower level of at- Border Patrol officials said than triple what they were
tempted illegal migration at 500 better surveillance technol- five years ago. Some areas of
our borders.” ogy and more robust inland the border saw a slight in-
In the new fiscal year, 400 240 checkpoints probably crease in deaths last fiscal
Johnson said, “we will be helped in that decline. year, including Yuma, Ariz.,
challenged again by a 300 “It has reduced deaths,” and El Paso, which have seen
variety of factors driving acting Chief Patrol Agent an increase in unaccompa-
illegal migration to the Raul Ortiz said during a visit nied children and families
U.S., mostly from Central 200 to a checkpoint last week. crossing as smugglers shift
America, and we are redou- “And rescues are up. I’m west of the Rio Grande Val-
bling our border security ef- 100 putting more search and res- ley, experts say.
forts now to meet that chal- cue teams out there; we’re In Brooks County, Ca-
lenge.” 0 putting helicopters out nales installs water barrels
Though 42% fewer mi- there, border-watch teams on ranchland for stranded
1998 2000 2005 2010 2015
grant children and families and ranchers.” migrants, fields phone calls
Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Lore n a Iñ igue z E le b e e Los Angeles Times
— 39,838 family units and Smugglers often drop mi- from relatives of the missing
39,970 unaccompanied chil- grants in ranchland south of — up to 50 a month — and
dren — were caught com- months — more than twice a Republican, announced migrants. the checkpoint, promising searches for remains.
pared with the previous fis- the number caught in the this month that he was ex- Border Patrol officials to pick them up on the other “Overall things are not
cal year, a decline early in the same period the previous fis- tending the deployment of credit the drop in migrant side. In recent years, many getting better,” Canales
year was reversed by sum- cal year. Most are Central National Guard troops deaths to the agency’s abil- people got lost or died on the said. “I will not be satisfied
mer. Americans fleeing violence along the border and taking ity to apprehend more massive ranches — includ- until we have no more
The numbers jumped and deteriorating economic additional steps to increase stranded migrants. But im- ing the fabled King Ranch, deaths.”
this fall, with more than conditions in Guatemala, security. On Wednesday he migrant advocates say the as large as the state of Rhode
12,500 family units and 10,500 Honduras and El Salvador, plans to visit troops in the picture is probably far more Island. molly.hennessy-fiske
unaccompanied youth mainly through Texas. Rio Grande Valley, the epi- complicated. In the new fiscal year,
caught in the last two Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, center of the latest influx of In the Rio Grande Valley, there have been nine deaths Twitter: @mollyhf


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L AT I M ES . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 A7

No charges in jailhouse
death of Sandra Bland
to the grand jury, said he had Sheriff ’s Office, jail officials
But the Texas trooper tried repeatedly to talk with and the Texas Department
the family. “We offered to fly of Public Safety. The trial is
who arrested her to Chicago on our own set for Jan. 23.
awaits the grand jury’s dime,” he said. “They have
yet to set up [or] request a molly.hennessy-fiske
decision in his case. meeting with us.”
In August, Bland’s family Twitter: @mollyhf
By Molly filed a wrongful-death law- Lolly Bowean of the Chicago Waller County Sheriff ’s Office
Hennessy-Fiske suit in Houston federal court Tribune contributed to this THE DECISION effectively rules Sandra Bland’s hanging in a Texas jail a suicide.
against the Waller County report. An attorney for family members said they were “disgusted” by the process so far.
HOUSTON — A grand
jury in Texas has deter-
mined that criminal charges

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should not be filed against
the sheriff ’s office or jailers
in connection with the death
this summer of Sandra
Bland, in effect ruling it a visit m ts
Bland, 28, was found
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arrested Bland, should face
charges. The grand jury re-
convenes Jan. 6.
Bland’s family and activ-
ists have questioned her ar-
rest and the conclusion that
Bland — an outspoken advo-
cate of the Black Lives Mat-
ter movement — killed her-
Ecinia pulled Bland over
for what he said was an im-
proper lane change near
Prairie View A&M Univer-
sity, her alma mater, where
she had recently been hired.
The confrontation that en-
sued before Bland was ar-
rested was captured by a
dashboard camera.
Bland was taken to the
county jail in nearby Hemp-
stead, where three days later
she was discovered hanging
in her cell. Her death was
ruled a suicide.
Waller County Dist. Atty.
Elton R. Mathis said Tues-
day that the investigation
into Bland’s death had been
“The public can be as-
sured that these matters are
receiving the scrutiny that
was promised,” Mathis said. i n t h e m ag i c o f g i v i n g
But Cannon Lambert, an
attorney representing
Bland’s family, said they
were “disgusted” by the
whole process.
“Right at Christmas, that NEW! FREE SHIPPING ON
they would do this is a par-
ticular insult to the family,”
Lambert said.
On Tuesday, Bland’s sup-
porters gathered outside the
Waller County Courthouse
and at a Houston park to de-
mand the Justice Depart-
ment undertake an inde-
pendent investigation.
“We are making an ap-
peal today to Loretta Lynch
to look into the Sandra
Bland situation,” said the
Rev. Hannah Bonner of St.
John’s United Methodist
Church in Houston.
“The biggest problem I
have is the entire process,”
said Geneva Reed-Veal,
Bland’s mother, before the
grand jury findings were re-
leased. “It’s the secrecy of it
Shawn McDonald, an at- JUICY COUTURE
torney who was one of five
special prosecutors ap-
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A8 W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23, 2 015 WS C E L AT I ME S . CO M

Drought multiplies the

mudflow risk in El Niño
[Drought, from A1] In Orange County’s Silve-
barriers and develop evacu- rado Canyon, a gentle storm
ation plans for communities Calculating risk of debris flows in September also offered a
Al Seib Los Angeles Times
most at risk from an El Niño Using burn severity, soil properties, rainfall data based on preview of what El Niño
A DRIVER for Uber and Lyft drops off passengers at forecast to be one of the a 25-year storm and a number of other factors, scientists could bring. A series of mud-
LAX. Lyft drivers now can pick up at LAX as well. strongest ever recorded. have estimated the likelihood of a debris flow in recently flows swept through roads
Debris flow has long been burned areas during weather similar to what could occur and threatened homes in the

LAX travelers get

a concern in areas where in a strong El Niño season. neighborhood, which is still
wildfires have recently recovering from last year’s
burned. Vegetation, once Fire High chance of Moderate chance of wildfire.
burned, can no longer hold perimeter debris-flow hazard debris-flow hazard “That’s one of our top hot

a new ride option

back loose sediment. spots, that fire burn area.
The burned slopes can Colby fire, Jan. 16, 2014 There was just an inch or two
also become “water repel- The Colby fire burned 1,952 acres and destroyed 10 buildings, of rain in September, and we
lent,” said Jason Kean, a U.S. including 5 residences. The same area also burned in 1968 saw three feet of mud across
Geological Survey hydrolo- and a powerful storm in 1969 produced a debris flow that the county road there,” said
[Lyft, from A1] depend on long-haul, lucra- gist whose research focuses damaged a large number of homes. Shannon Widor of Orange
Uber and Lyft drivers have tive trips from the airport to on debris flow. Ash tends to County Public Works.
been allowed to drop off pas- cover the costs of their vehi- clog the soil after fire, and But in neighboring Mo-
sengers at LAX, but only li- cles and their commercial oily substances can affect djeska Canyon, where there
censed livery drivers, shut- insurance. the ground’s ability to ab- was no burn area, “we saw
tles and taxi drivers were al- After several years of sorb water. Impact from the mud and debris a couple feet
lowed to pick up customers. steadily increasing rider- rain can also help seal the down the roadway too,” Wi-
Travelers could request a ship, Los Angeles’ nine li- top layer of sediment. dor said. Operations and
higher-end Uber or Lyft car censed cab companies re- It’s like water on a park- maintenance crews have
service, operated by a state- ported a 24% drop in trips ing lot or the surface of a been busy installing rain
licensed livery driver, but the from the last quarter of 2014 playground slide, Kean said: gauges and preparing for
companies’ low-cost serv- compared with the same pe- “When the rainfall hits it, it other unburned areas ahead
ices were banned. riod in 2012, the steepest de- just runs right off. … The rap- of the storms.
Sierra Madre Blvd.
The taxi industry led the cline on record. Overall, taxi id runoff from these bare hill El Niño is a warming of
fight to prevent Uber and trips dropped 19% from 2012 slopes can quickly pick up ocean waters west of Peru
Lyft from serving LAX, ar- to 2014. sediment, and that can that can cause dramatic
guing that their drivers were Garcetti had originally transform into a really nasty changes to the atmosphere,

Grand Ave.
PACIFIC Foothill Blvd.
held to a lower standard said that services like Lyft debris flow.” CITRUS Glendora
altering weather patterns
compared to cabbies. and Uber would be operat- Now with the drought, an COLLEGE worldwide. This year’s El Ni-
Passengers can hail a ride ing at the airport by sum- unburned slope may act like Route 66 ño is stacking up to be one of
using Lyft’s smartphone mer. But the process — a burn area. Officials in Oc- the strongest on record, and
app, then follow signs mired in disagreements be- tober were stunned that is expected to bring heavy
marked “ride service” to the tween city agencies and per- much of the I-5 mudflow hit 210 2000 FT. rains to California in Janu-
upper departures level, mit requirements that crit- an area that had not been ary, February and March, cli-
where drivers will be wait- ics panned as onerous — burned in recent years. mate experts said.
ing. Lyft originally opposed took much longer than “It was a lot of rain, with Generally, El Niño
Silverado fire, Sept. 12, 2014
the upper-level requirement promised. “Obviously, Lyft nothing holding that topsoil storms are not as intense as
because riders will have to has shown that it can be back,” said Wong, who over- The Silverado fire burned 968 acres in an area with steep Pineapple Express storms,
carry their luggage upstairs done, and relatively quickly,” sees maintenance, including terrain, chaparral and brush. The area has had a history of like the one in 2010 that un-
from baggage claim. Garcetti said. vegetation control, for Cal- debris flows. leashed a torrent of mud
Lyft drivers will be re- Uber spokesman Michael trans in Los Angeles and that crashed into more than
quired to wait in a holding Amodeo said he “couldn’t Ventura counties. 40 houses in La Cañada
area until they get a request agree more that Angelenos “There are areas where Norco Flintridge.
for a ride. No more than 40 deserve more reliable ways we don’t landscape, don’t 91 The problem with El Niño
drivers will be allowed in to get to and from LAX.” water. We’re relying on the LAKE is that many smaller storms
that area at one time. He added: “We are confi- natural vegetation of the come one after another.
The LAX permit will re- dent that it’s only a matter of area,” Wong said. “Lots of “It’s three months of con-
quire Lyft to pay the airport time” until the region’s areas in Ventura. All of Mali- tinuous storms, so that’s not
a minimum of $25,000 per “most popular” ride-hailing bu. … We’re relying on nature enough time for the water to
month from $4 fees for each option is available at LAX, to continue to water the saturate underground. It’s
drop-off and pickup. The alongside the higher-end op- plants, and it hasn’t.” just going to hit and wipe
fees, which will be passed tions operated by licensed The fall storms were not away,” said AJ Jaime, an op-
along to passengers, will go town car drivers. related to El Niño, but ex- erations and maintenance
to the airport’s general oper- Airport officials spent perts said events similar to manager for Orange County
ating budget. the first half of the summer what happened on I-5 could Public Works. After each
Travelers’ stepping off a wrangling with ride-share occur elsewhere in the storm, crews will be rushing
plane to discover that Lyft representatives over what months ahead — both in to repair and clean out
and Uber were barred from rules their drivers should be burned and unburned areas. roads, flood control chan-
picking up at LAX was “the required to follow. Generally, burn areas are nels and hillsides before the
worst signal to send about Then the City Council in- more prone to debris flow for next one arrives.
L.A.,” Los Angeles Mayor tervened in July, spending a three to five years after a fire “After you have your first
Eric Garcetti told The month debating whether — the amount of time usu- two, the third storm that
Times. “It made us look like Uber and Lyft drivers should ally needed for vegetation to Maple Springs
comes by, we’ll start seeing
a non-innovative city.” undergo the same back- grow back. With each addi- issues no matter how much
Other California air- ground checks as their taxi tional year of recovery, the rain there is,” Jaime said.
ports, in San Francisco and competitors. In the end, the risk decreases, experts said. Across Southern Califor-
Orange County, have al- council did not establish For major burn areas in Silverado Canyon Blvd. 2000 FT.
nia, authorities have been
lowed Uber and Lyft pickups new rules for the drivers, al- Southern California, offi- hopscotching around hill-
for some time. But the com- lowing them to continue us- cials have long analyzed just Sources: Jason Kean, U.S. Geological Survey; CalFire, Inciweb side communities to help
panies see LAX, the nation’s ing their favored back- how much rain it might take R a oul R a ñ oa , R o sa n n a X i a Los Angeles Times
residents prepare.
third-busiest airport, as a ground check method, before the debris starts tum- Known burn areas are a
key venue to demonstrate which does not include a bling. If weather forecasters played havoc with the usual verdant, the vegetation was top priority: In addition to
how the app-based technol- fingerprint scan. see that rainfall is reaching timetable for vegetation re- able to anchor the soil in Silverado Canyon and Cam-
ogy can blossom as an alter- After the City Council the trigger threshold, they covery. even the heaviest storms in arillo Springs, officials are
native to driving, mass tran- and the airport approved can issue alerts to help offi- “There is no growth 1998 and 2005. But last De- monitoring neighborhoods
sit and taxis. the application process, Lyft cials evacuate residents in there. We’re on year three, cember, the slopes came where recent fires occurred,
The approval has stoked and Uber spent months in time. and we’re acting like it’s year crashing down in a torrent of in areas such as Glendora,
fears among drivers for Los back-and-forth negotiations But the drought has one for the Camarillo mud, rocks and dead Santa Clarita and Simi Val-
Angeles’ nine licensed taxi with the airport, providing thrown off these calcula- Springs community,” said branches like “white-water ley.
companies, who say the documents and data that tions. Gil Zavlodaver, of the Ventu- rapids,” residents said. De- Flood officials from the
pickups will cut into a de- clarified whether the com- In Ventura County, emer- ra County Sheriff ’s Office of bris knocked out sliding U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
pendable source of income. panies could meet the terms gency response officials are Emergency Services. “We’re doors, filled garages to the neers and seven counties in
Taxi drivers — who, like of their contracts. eyeing the roughly 24,250 monitoring that situation ceiling, and swept one wom- Southern California re-
Lyft and Uber drivers, are in- acres ravaged by the 2013 very closely with the city.” an out her front door. cently met to trade notes on
dependent contractors — [email protected] Springs fire. Drought has Back when the hills were The most damaged El Niño preparations. The
homes still sit empty. Bar- storms are known to be un-
bara Williams, president of predictable, they acknowl-
the homeowners associa- edged. There is always the

tion, spoke with awe as she chance that one street or

can help walked through the skeletal neighborhood will experi-
inspire youth and families frame of one house, recalling ence a 1,000-year flood, like
build their futures the day nature tore apart 10 certain sections of the Ante-
homes in her peaceful com- lope Valley during the in-
munity. tense October rains.

“It just knocked the K- “We’re moving silt, we’re
rails out like Tinkertoys,” moving vegetation where we
LITERACY AND EDUCATION she said. “Big boulders — I can. We’re cleaning out all of
ARE THE FIRST STEPS mean, humongous boulders our catch basins, our storm
— came down.” drains,” Jaime said. “We’re
Camarillo Springs is pre- doing everything in antici-
Help put disadvantaged children and adults paring for the worst. De- pation of this big El Niño,


on the path to reach their full potential tailed evacuation plans have but Mother Nature is still a
been mapped out, and offi- beast.”
Donate to the cials have carved out debris

WITH SEVERE NEUROPATHIES Los Angeles Times Family Fund

Holiday Campaign
basins and installed steel ca-
ble netting designed to catch
large rocks at the base of the
[email protected]
Times staff writer
Rong-Gong Lin II
slopes. contributed to this report.
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Landing gives boost

to reusable rockets
[SpaceX, from A1] In forums, he talks ear-
The success also mints
Musk’s credentials — no ‘I haven’t been nestly about his plans to
eventually travel to and live
longer is space just a billion-
aire’s playground. Real
as excited as on Mars.
Before the launch, Musk
progress is being made
toward making spacecraft
this since the sparked the imaginations of
some followers by tweeting
Last month, Amazon-
moon landing. about the difficulties
SpaceX engineers were hav-
.com founder Jeff Bezos beat
Musk by becoming the first
This is a real ing in readying the newly re-
designed Falcon 9. Because
to land a rocket.
Bezos’ space company,
breakthrough.’ of those glitches, the launch
was delayed for two days.
Blue Origin, released a video — Charles Lurio, “Rounding up to 1 sec for
showing its experimental space analyst a bit of timing margin. Up-
New Shepherd space vehicle dating flight computer com-
touching down at its West mand sequence,” Musk
Texas launch site. game changer. tweeted Friday.
But analysts say that Companies are working In response, Jacob Pat-
SpaceX accomplished a toward a future in which ton, a SpaceX fan, tweeted,
much more difficult engi- minerals are mined from as- “I like to pretend that Elon
neering task with a far bigger teroids and tourists book Musk does everything for
rocket that was flying faster rooms in space. Satellite SpaceX himself. Right now
and higher. companies are developing he’s on that rocket with a
“I haven’t been as excited new technologies that would wrench and a soldering
as this since the moon land- expand their reach and ca- iron.”
ing,” said Charles Lurio, a pabilities. But all of the com- Musk had a lot riding on
space analyst in Boston. panies have been slowed by the launch, so it’s no surprise
“This is a real break- the high price of a launch. he kept intimately close to
MAKING rockets reusable has long been a goal of aerospace engineers. Above, a through.” “The cost of getting to or- the engineering details.
time-lapse photo of the launch, reentry and landing of SpaceX’s Falcon 9. Making rockets reusable bit has always been the The Hawthorne com-
has long been a goal of aero- choke point,” Lurio said. pany was not just trying to
space engineers because of Even before Monday land the rocket. It was also
its potential to greatly re- night, SpaceX had upset the attempting its first launch
duce the cost of space travel. global launch industry by since June 28, when a Falcon
It would also allow more fre- charging far less to go to 9 carrying cargo to the Inter-
Macy’s Century City location only quent flights.
NASA’s space shuttle
space than its competitors.
The company won gov-
national Space Station ex-
ploded just minutes after

was reusable, but far too ernment and commercial liftoff.
costly. customers around the world The disaster cost NASA
More recently, NASA has by charging $60 million to and taxpayers hundreds of
spent little on developing re- $70 million a launch — millions of dollars, including
usable space vehicles, Lurio roughly half the price of the loss of supplies and
said. Instead the agency has other firms. equipment valued at $110
focused on “monster rock- If SpaceX can now refur- million.

ets” such as the Space bish the first stage and reuse Musk said a company-led
Launch System, which will its nine expensive engines, it investigation had blamed
cost billions of dollars and could drive down the cost the disaster on the failure of
can be used only once, he even more. a 2-foot-long steel strut that
said. More than that, SpaceX had been holding a helium
America’s commercial also has the ability to re-ex- bottle in the second-stage.
space industry, on the other cite the public about space, On Monday, SpaceX em-
hand, sees reusability as especially younger Ameri- ployees cheered when the
cans — something that Falcon 9 blasted off without

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NASA has failed to do in re- a hitch and even louder
cent years, Caceres said. when the towering first-
Musk has more than 3 stage landed at its Landing
million followers on Twitter. Complex-1, a concrete pad
He has held sessions on Red- leased from Cape Canaveral.

New Price
dit to answer questions. He “There and back again,”
named the company’s ocean Musk tweeted soon after the
barge used for earlier land- rocket landed.
ing attempts “Just Read the
Instructions” — after a star- melody.petersen
ship in science fiction books

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Shooters’ visa papers scrutinized

[Visa, from A1] the Masjid al-Haram — the lican lawmakers have Rep. Robert W. Good-
mons and other material largest mosque in the world charged that Malik failed to latte (R-Va.), chairman of
posted online by Al Qaeda in — in Mecca. After Malik’s meet the legal requirements the House Judiciary Com-
the Arabian Peninsula. The six-month visa was ap- to be issued a visa. mittee, insisted Tuesday
Times also has reported proved, she flew to America. Sen. Charles E. Grassley that immigration officials
that Malik sent private mes- Her entry visa was stamped (R-Iowa), chairman of the had failed to check the appli-
sages to friends on Facebook at O’Hare International Air- Senate Judiciary Commit- cation carefully enough.
in 2012 and 2014 expressing port in Chicago on July 27, tee, said at a Dec. 10 hearing Without the requested
support for jihad. 2014. that it appeared Malik had translation of the Saudi en-
Farook also had consid- Less than a month later, given a false home address try and exit stamps, he said,
ered a terrorist spree in on Aug. 16, 2014, the couple on the application, and thus the immigration officer
Southern California long be- obtained a marriage certifi- should have been denied a didn’t have enough evidence
fore the two met. He hatched cate from Riverside County. visa. to show the two had met in
plots to gun down drivers on Malik later applied for a law- “Our government appar- person, as required for the
the 91 Freeway and butcher ful permanent residency ently didn’t catch the false K-1 visa.
students at a community visa. address in Pakistan she “Visa security is critical
college in Riverside, accord- At that point, Saudi offi- listed on her application or to national security, and it’s
ing to a federal indictment cials confirmed to Home- other possible signs that she unacceptable that U.S. Citi-
against Enrique Marquez, land Security authorities was radicalized or an opera- zenship and Immigration
who bought the semiauto- that the couple were both in tive,” Grassley said. Services did not fully vet Ma-
matic weapons used in the Saudi Arabia in October In the application, Malik lik’s application and instead
San Bernardino attack. 2013, as their application had wrote that she lived at Awad sloppily approved her visa,”
None of that evidence claimed. House, 110-B, Babar Colony, he said in a statement.
came to light before the SOME LAWMAKERS say Tashfeen Malik, left, “Tashfeen Malik’s immi- MDA Chowk, in Punjab, Pa- In response, Rep. John
shootings, however, and Co- should have been better vetted and denied a U.S. visa gration file contained suffi- kistan, between November Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), rank-
mey has said the couple ap- despite her engagement to Syed Rizwan Farook. cient evidence to establish 2009 to June 2013, and from ing member of the Judiciary
peared on no terrorism or that she intended to marry October 2013 until Decem- Committee, said Goo-
criminal watch lists that son on Oct. 3, 2013, when he health specialist for San Syed Farook and that the ber 2013, when she filled out dlatte’s claims “are not sup-
would have led to greater was on the Hajj pilgrimage Bernardino County begin- two were together in Saudi the form. ported” by the facts.
scrutiny by law enforcement to Mecca, the birthplace of ning in January 2012. Arabia before the fiancee pe- She said she lived in Ri- “We have reviewed the
and intelligence agencies. the prophet Muhammad He signed the documents tition was filed,” Joseph R. yadh, Saudi Arabia, in the suspect’s immigration file,
On the K-1 visa applica- and of Islam itself. “S. Farook” in several places, Holstead, a spokesman for intervening months, appar- and found that it included
tion form, Farook answered “My fiance and her family and dated the application U.S. Citizenship and Immi- ently with her father. relevant evidence such as
“no” to questions of whether drove from Riyadh to Mecca Jan. 20, 2014. gration Services, said in a Malik said she was born passport stamps, bio-
he had ever committed “ho- so that we could meet and it Malik is not covering her statement Tuesday. on July 13, 1986, in Dera graphic data, and translated
micide, murder, manslaugh- is on this day that we got en- face in her passport or visa Some information in the Ghazi Khan, a town famed Saudi visas submitted in re-
ter” or other crimes, includ- gaged,” he wrote. photographs. file was blacked out for re- for its historic mosques and sponse to [the] request for
ing illegal drug use and do- He said they met at a The file includes copies of lease, including Farook’s So- tombs, on the western banks further evidence,” he said.
mestic violence. relative’s home near the their Saudi visas and entry cial Security number, con- of the Indus River in south-
The application provides Ajyad Hotel, a high-end ho- and exit stamps, which were tact information for his par- ern Punjab province. [email protected]
the first public look at the ev- tel close to the central Mas- in Arabic. ents, and telephone num- No evidence has shown richard.serrano
idence that Farook, a U.S. jid al-Haram, which con- A U.S. Citizenship and bers and email addresses. those addresses were false,
citizen born in Chicago, gave tains Islam’s most sacred Immigration Services offi- The file was released by and aides to Grassley have [email protected]
immigration officials to shrine. cial in Laguna Niguel re- the House Judiciary Com- since suggested that he was Bennett and Serrano
prove he and Pakistani-born Farook said they did not quested a translation of the mittee, which is investigat- inquiring after hearing me- reported from Washington;
Malik had met in person and use the services of an inter- Saudi entry and exit stamps. ing whether the visa was is- dia reports that she had giv- Parvini reported from
were planning to marry. national marriage broker. The file contains a transla- sued properly. Some Repub- en incorrect addresses. Redlands.
In his two-paragraph “in- He said he had worked as tion of their Saudi visas, but
tention to marry state- an environmental techni- not of the entry-exit stamps.
ment,” Farook wrote that he cian from June 2011 to Janu- The visa was approved with-
and Malik had found each ary 2012 for the Kasai Con- out them.
other on a matrimonial web- sulting firm in Carlsbad and The couple had a reli-
site and that they met in per- then as an environmental gious wedding ceremony at

L.A. seeks faster moves for

residents of Porter Ranch
[Leak, from A1] gilded cage.” sents the Porter Ranch com-
families. Some Porter Ranch resi- munity, applauded the city
The shortage is sending dents, however, believe the attorney’s filing.
home rental prices as high as process has worked. “What should be a very
$8,500 a month as landlords, Samantha Sandoval, 20, special time of year has
who prefer leases of a year or and her family made the de- turned into a nightmare for
longer, seek compensation cision to leave their home af- this community,” Englander
for renting properties for ter a severe nose bleed and said.
much shorter terms than blurry vision sent her to the Los Angeles school offi-
the three to four months So- emergency room in the mid- cials decided last week that
CalGas said it needs to cap dle of the night. It took the students and staff at two

Crystallize your
the damaged well. gas company about 12 hours Porter Ranch schools would
But the city believes the to get the family of three, temporarily relocate to
gas company can improve plus a boxer and a terrier avoid the fumes. The Porter

savings plan.
the speed of its response, mix, into a hotel room 25 Ranch Community School
particularly for people with miles away in Westlake Vil- will hold classes at North-
disabilities who may be lage. ridge Middle School after
more sensitive to fumes that “We feel pretty lucky,” the winter recess. Lane
health officials say can lead Sandoval said. “It’s been dis- Charter Elementary will re-
to headaches, nausea and ruptive but it’s not severe.” locate to Sunny Brae Avenue
other short-term afflictions Mizrahi said the gas com- Elementary in Winnetka.
but pose no long-term, seri- pany is “committed to best School district officials
ous health risks. efforts to accommodate all also authorized their legal
Other customers are be- residents in neighboring staff to sue the gas company
ing moved from large homes
into significantly smaller ho-
communities who need relo-
cation, including people
to recoup any expenses re-
lated to problems created by Earn 10X the national average with
tel quarters, said James P. with disabilities and access the leak. this award-winning High Yield Savings.2

Clark, chief deputy to Feuer. and functional needs.” Earlier this month, the

“In some of those hotel While SoCal Gas is offer- city attorney sued SoCal
rooms there are not enough ing free, temporary housing, Gas, alleging that the utility
beds for the people who many customers are pursu- failed to prevent the leak and
are being moved,” Clark ing accommodations then exacerbated “the ef- HIGH on all
said. through hotels and Airbnb fects of that failure by allow- YIELD balances
“It’s time Porter Ranch on their own and will seek re- ing the acute odor and
residents had direct and imbursement from the gas health problems faced by
complete answers about all company, he said. the community to persist for
facets of this leak, including The gas company had no more than one month, to say
what caused it, how to stop it comment on the city attor- nothing about the indefinite
and what will be done to as- ney’s request. time it will persist into the
sure it never happens Symptoms that resi- future,” according to court Visit us at or call 1-800-753-6870
again,” he said. “They
should also receive better,
dents experience probably
are not the result of the gas
Gas officials could be de-
to get started using code NEWS.
quicker and completely ade- itself but of tertiary butyl posed in that case as soon as
quate relocation assist- mercaptan and tetrahy- Jan. 7, according to the city
ance.” drothiophene, two odorants attorney. Among the city’s
Attorney Rex Parris, who that are added to the natural key questions are: what
said he represents about gas so that a leak can be de- caused the leak, how much
1,000 people in Porter Ranch tected by smell, according to gas has been released and TM

and Chatsworth in a class- officials with the Los Ange- how effective are the air fil-
action lawsuit, said the les County Department of tration systems made avail- Great Rates +Safety = Peace of Mind.
speed of relocation isn’t the Public Health and inde- able by the gas company.
only issue. pendent experts. On Monday, Los Angeles
“What the Los Angeles The leaking well is about County Supervisor Michael
County and the Los Angeles a mile from the nearest resi- D. Antonovich asked that
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/1/15 and subject to change at any time without
city [governments] told the dential area but wind fre- unincorporated county ter-
notice. Rates are variable and subject to change any time without notice after the account is opened.
A minimum of $30 is required to open an account and avoid a $5 monthly service charge. Fees may
gas company to do is relo- quently carries the fumes ritory near Aliso Canyon not
reduce earnings. Visit for current rates, terms and account requirements. Offer
cate these people, not to into neighborhoods. Re- be annexed to Los Angeles
applies to personal accounts only.
put people in the Four Sea- peated attempts to cap the for residential development 2
National Average APYs based on specific product types of top 50 U.S. banks (ranked by total deposits)
sons and say they’re relo- leak at the wellhead have until a thorough investiga- provided by Informa Research Services, Inc. as of 11/2/15. High Yield Savings Rates: Average APYs
cated,” Parris said. “You failed. tion of the leak is completed. are based on High Yield Savings accounts of $10,000. Although the information provided by Informa
can’t put a man, a wife and Los Angeles Councilman Research Services, Inc. has been obtained from the various institutions, accuracy cannot
his kids in one room. It’s a Mitch Englander, who repre- [email protected] be guaranteed.
© 2015 Synchrony Bank
A12 W E D N E S DAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 L ATI M E S . C O M/ O P IN I O N

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Taser’s iffy donations

Many issues remain,
such as systems reliability
(GPS is not 100% reliable —

who’s driving when it
here’s the letter of the law tember 2013 motion urging the LAPD to work fails?) and privacy (Google
or the “autonomous car
and there’s the spirit of the law. with Taser on a test of the equipment.
cloud” will know every-
The donations made by Taser Yet the donations do not appear to have
thing about your move-
International employees to violated the contribution ban. Why? Because
ments, the final chapter of
Councilman Mitch Englander in 2014, the LAPD was engaging in a “com- “1984” writ).
while the company was seeking to sell body petitive evaluation” of the equipment before Of greater concern to
cameras for use by L.A. police officers may purchase; it was not in the midst of a formal me is the adoption period.
not have been technically illegal. But they bid process that would have triggered the Driverless cars will be
certainly appear to have run contrary to the ban. Englander argues that when Taser sharing the road with
spirit of the city’s campaign finance laws. made the contributions, there was no plan to “driven” vehicles for many
Los Angeles voters in 2011 approved Meas- spend taxpayer funds on the body cameras; years to come. I can just see
ure H, which barred bidders on city contracts rather, the expectation was that Police Com- some of my fellow Ange-
from making contributions to candidates for mission President Steve Soboroff would raise lenos “bullying” driverless
Al Seib Los Angeles Times
city offices. At the time, proponents argued private money so that the nonprofit Police cars into doing or not doing
PARENTS and students in Porter Ranch protest things because the algo-
that taxpayers needed to ensure that city Foundation could buy several hundred cam-
over leaking natural gas affecting schools. rithms don’t recognize
services “aren’t auctioned off to the biggest eras. The city didn’t commit to buying cam-

Unnatural gas
campaign donors.” And the rules seemed eras with taxpayer funds until several
straightforward: Once companies submitted months later — December 2014 — when May- Let’s take our time.
a bid for a contract worth $100,000 or more, or Eric Garcetti announced that L.A. would Leonardo
they would be prohibited from making dona- buy cameras for every officer in the field. Costantino
Re “The Porter Ranch fallout,” Editorial, Dec. 20 Los Angeles
tions to or raising money for city candidates. Still, Taser was already competing to sell
But there are loopholes in the law. its product for use by the LAPD, and Eng-
Recently I read about a new development in Porter ::
Last year, while the Los Angeles Police lander, as chairman of the Public Safety com-
Department was field-testing body cameras mittee, was essentially overseeing the city’s Ranch. The piece noted the wonderful views, open spaces
and so on, but it didn’t say a word about the nearby Imagine if in 1900 the
made by Taser and another company before experiment with body cameras. Their ac- California Department of
deciding which model should be bought, Ta- tions cast a pall over what has now meta- natural gas storage facility.
Agriculture issued permits
ser executives and their families donated morphosed into a $31-million contract with Now, we read about the homeowners who live near the
for automobiles with gaso-
$8,400 to Englander. The contributions were Taser that was not bid out competitively. leaking Aliso Canyon storage facility wanting to close it
line drivetrains, but only if
all dated June 7, 2014, which was when Eng- The Ethics Commission should investi- down or otherwise force Southern California Gas Co. to
they were led by a horse. In
lander was holding a fundraiser in the Phoe- gate whether Taser crossed the line. And if it compensate them. There’s absolutely nothing being said effect, that is what the
nix area, where Taser is based. Englander, didn’t, the commission or the voters ought to about the culpability of developers who built — and are California DMV has done
who heads the City Council’s Public Safety redraw the line to make clear that companies still building — near that site. with its shortsighted deci-
Committee, had already been a vocal propo- competing to sell products to the city We all use gas in some form or another, gas that has to sion now backed by The
nent of body cameras and had written a Sep- shouldn’t be funding political campaigns. be produced, transported and stored. We cannot demand Times editorial board.
ready access to the fuel on one hand and ignore the If safety is truly the
infrastructure needed to deliver it as “somebody else’s concern, then it is the 3,000
problem.” Where and how we live are choices, and in this Californians killed annu-
case the choice was to buy property near the storage ally by human-operated

Ugly history at Tule Lake facility. motor vehicles that should

The leak will get fixed eventually; it’s a temporary first come to mind. It is
inconvenience that will eventually be forgotten. unlikely that their relatives

Martin Usher would support the same
he story of the incarceration of guns) monitoring fences from 28 watch Thousand Oaks “caution” the editorial
board urges.
some 120,000 people of Japanese towers, and backed up by eight tanks.
The editorial says, “If
ancestry living on the West Coast Like the other internment camps, Tule
I am pleased to see The Bush defied the United it’s a little slower than tech
of the U.S. — nearly two-thirds of Lake closed down after the war. Many of the
Times including external Nations as well as much of advocates want, that’s
whom were American citizens — barracks were repurposed by nearby resi- costs into its argument the North Atlantic Treaty OK.” We are not advocat-
is familiar, if not as broadly known as it dents, and are still used on local farms or as over the cost-effectiveness Organization with his ing for a new gaming app to
should be. Most were imprisoned after the parts of houses. But other buildings are part of dirty energy. It is im- U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in entertain tech nerds, but
onset of World War II in 10 remote camps, the of what is known as the “World War II Valor in perative that any dis- 2003, supported by the rather a new transporta-
best-known of which today is Manzanar, the Pacific National Monument,” a multi-site cussion over the relative deceitful notion that Iraqis tion platform to keep all of
which was designated a national historic site confederation of war-related locations an- merits of renewable energy yearned for democracy. us safe from the carnage we
in 1992. In 2004, a visitor center was built at chored by Pearl Harbor. It is an inapt merger include health, environ- Obama, conversely, partic- take for granted today.
the site to memorialize people who lost their of sites. The U.S. actions at Pearl Harbor mental and military costs. ipated in a coalition aiming Michael Granoff
freedom simply because of their ethnicity. were undeniably valorous. What happened When critics of Califor- to prevent wholesale Tenafly, N.J.
As emblematic as Manzanar might be, at Tule Lake was an embarrassment. nia’s aggressive response slaughter and misery in The writer is principal
the story of the Tule Lake camp has its own Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) has intro- to climate change trot out civil wars that could spread of Maniv Mobility, a ven-
resonance. It was there, beginning in 1943, duced a bill to designate Tule Lake a national the cost of clean energy as instability throughout the ture capital firm that in-
that the government sent internees of Japa- historic site, which would help sharpen the a reason not to switch, we region. vests in driverless technol-
nese descent whom it deemed “disloyal,” focus on a too-often overlooked episode. Rep. must counter that they are It is notable that Oba- ogy.
based primarily on their refusal to go along Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale), whose district leaving the huge external ma’s political opponents
costs out of their equa- slammed his actions in
Shooters and
meekly with the government’s denial of their includes Tule Lake, plans a similar measure
tions, rendering them Libya while demanding
civil liberties. Many answered no when asked in the House. Although the U.S. belatedly ac-
useless. that he do the same thing
whether they would they swear allegiance to
the U.S. or serve in the military. The answers
knowledged its horrendous treatment of
Japanese Americans during the war, giving
This is the entire nut of in Syria. press coverage
our problem. These costs Eric Carey
for some were not simple. Would a noncitizen Tule Lake an enhanced status would be a have never been included Arlington, Va. Re “Coverage of the shoot-
who swore allegiance to the U.S. be left state- welcome tribute to the people who were so before, but now they must ers,” Mailbag, Dec. 19
less? Some sought to qualify their answer to egregiously mistreated by their own govern- be included every time ::
the military question: Yes, if their families ment. It would also serve as a rejoinder to energy and climate change I disagree with readers
were released. At its peak the maximum-se- those, amid the current anti-Muslim hys- are discussed. McManus ignores the who’ve written that The
curity camp at Tule Lake held 18,000 people teria, who may have forgotten the lessons of Paul Scott issue and talks about the Times has overdone the
secured by 1,200 guards (many with machine those terrible mistakes. Santa Monica politics and personalities. coverage of the San Ber-
The closest any candidate nardino shootings.
:: has come to articulating I am a retired college
the arrogant and hypocriti- educator; I’ve worked with
We need to keep the cal philosophy underlying and taught many Muslims

Muzzling the watchdogs Aliso Canyon natural gas

storage field until alternate
renewable energy sources
our foreign policy is when
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
referenced Iran’s Moham-
in my career at UCLA,
USC, Cal State San Ber-
nardino (coincidence) and

can replace natural gas. med Mossadegh and Chi- the University of Washing-
ince Congress created the first in- the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and The field itself, nestled le’s Salvador Allende. ton. All were just like every-
spectors general for federal agencies Section 626 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. in the foothills of the Santa However, he failed to one else I worked with.
in 1978, these in-house watchdogs His opinion said that the department could Susana Mountains, is the point out that these were The Times has gone
have proved their worth again and provide the inspector general with informa- perfect place for wind democratically elected into great detail about how
again. Inspectors general have inves- tion protected by these laws for “many, but energy. Every resident of governments. We helped the radical extremists
Porter Ranch is familiar overthrew them for access planned their horror, how
tigated the CIA’s inhumane “enhanced inter- not all” of its investigations.
with our constant winds to resources and some they exploited the Internet
rogation methods,” revealed abuses in the That isn’t good enough for Michael E.
blowing over the hills and perceived geopolitical toward this end, and how
FBI’s acquisition of telephone and other re- Horowitz, the department’s inspector gen-
buffeting our homes. advantage. They were they carefully kept their
cords, and documented the selective enforce- eral, who said that without greater access With such a reliable replaced with terrible plans secret from those
ment by the Internal Revenue Service of “our office’s ability to conduct its work will be wind source, let’s replace dictators — the shah in around them. Such radical
regulations governing political spending by significantly impaired.” But the problem isn’t the gas pipelines on our Iran and Augusto Pinochet extremists are the enemy.
tax-exempt groups. confined to the Justice Department. In a let- hills with wind mills for in Chile. The vast majority of Mus-
Given the nature of their mission, it is not ter to congressional leaders, the council rep- future green energy. Regime change in Syria lims are not.
terribly surprising to learn from inspectors resenting inspectors general from through- Peter Rothenberg wreaks with hypocrisy. It is essential that we
general for several federal agencies that their out the government warned that the Office of Porter Ranch The choice between learn how to identify the
work is being hampered by the unwillingness Legal Counsel’s opinion “represents a poten- stability and regime enemy. The Times’ articles
of the officials they monitor to provide some tially serious challenge to the authority of ev- :: change is a false one. The on the shooters have pro-
necessary information — despite the fact ery inspector general and our collective abil- above situations are just vided a useful resource
that the Inspector General Act requires that ity to conduct our work thoroughly, inde- Sometimes it takes a some that show we don’t toward this end.
inspectors general have access to “all re- pendently and in a timely manner.” natural gas leak such as really care about democ- Richard Goodman
cords, reports, audits, reviews, documents, In fairness to the Justice Department, the one that has sickened racy. If our reasons for Camarillo
papers, recommendations or other material” laws must be read in conjunction with others. families near Aliso Canyon regime change were to end
necessary to do their job. And, legal interpretation aside, it’s impor- for all of us to realize there repression and coincided ::
The Justice Department has come under tant to protect the privacy of personal infor- is nothing cheap about the with the desires of the
price of fossil fuels. citizens, we might have I was very happy to see
particular — and deserved — criticism for mation, including financial records and the
The methane over regime change without as your Mailbag regarding
stymieing the work of its inspector general. products of electronic surveillance, which
Porter Ranch should clari- much instability. coverage of the San Ber-
Beginning in 2010, FBI lawyers argued that can capture private conversations of inno-
fy our resolve to realize the The way in which we nardino shooters, which
some records couldn’t be shared because of cent people. But in such sensitive situations, true costs of our depend- can accomplish this is the noted that “readers have
protections in federal law. In July, the depart- information can be provided to inspectors ence. Only by putting a discussion we should be expressed dismay over
ment’s Office of Legal Counsel concluded general with the understanding that it will be price on carbon emissions having. what they feel is aggrandiz-
that the inspector general could be denied redacted in any public report. will we level the energy Michael Goldman ingly prominent coverage
access to some information in three catego- A Justice Department spokeswoman said playing field and speed our Woodland Hills of the perpetrators.”
ries: the contents of wiretaps, grand jury pro- that the department would support legisla- transition to renewables, I then opened the two-
ceedings and credit information. tion to clarify Congress’ intent. Fortunately, which are our best hedge page spread in the Califor-
The author of that opinion, Deputy As-
sistant Atty. Gen. Karl R. Thompson, con-
there is a bipartisan effort in Congress to
make it clear that, irrespective of other laws,
against the huge costs of
climate change.
Gearing up for nia section of this same
daily edition and found the
cluded that the Inspector General Act’s re- inspectors general are entitled to “all re- That transition can’t
come soon enough. Just
driverless cars “timeline of the shooters’
radicalization,” a step-by-
quirement that inspectors general have ac- cords” necessary for them to perform their
cess to “all records” must be qualified in light vital function. Enacting such a law must be a ask the people of Porter Re “The route to driverless step, how-to process to
of the provisions of the federal Wiretap Act, priority when Congress returns to work. Ranch. cars,” Editorial, Dec. 18 become radicalized, as
Dennis Arp those shooters did.
Brea Years ago, during my Not only is The Times
hours-long commute, I apparently not listening to
often fantasized about my readers; it has also given
Timothy E. Ryan PUBLISHER AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Not all regime car being autonomous. A
nap would have been espe-
would-be terrorists in-
structions on how to do
Davan Maharaj
change is equal cially welcome during the
40 minutes it took just to
what they will.
Jo Anne Slater
MANAGING EDITORS Re “Regime change falls get through the East L.A. Monrovia
Marc Duvoisin, Lawrence Ingrassia, S. Mitra Kalita out of fashion,” Opinion, interchange.
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS Dec. 20 Although autonomous
Colin Crawford, Megan Garvey, Scott Kraft cars will happen and will be
ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS Doyle McManus says great, I applaud the DMV’s
Christina Bellantoni, John Corrigan, Shelby Grad, both Presidents George W. draft regulations that will Please send letters to
Kim Murphy, Alice Short, Michael Whitley
Bush and Barack Obama ease us toward that future [email protected]. For
FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 have sought regime change by requiring that driverless submission guidelines, see
Juliet Lapidos OP-ED AND SUNDAY OPINION EDITOR at the point of a gun. This is cars still have a human or call
an unfair comparison. behind the wheel. 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.
L AT I M ES . C O M / O PI N I O N W E D NE S DAY , DE C E M B ER 23 , 2 015 A13


How not to treat terror anxiety

By Eyal Winter despite the fact that the homicide of all terror attacks, just as the Fear of terrorism, however, gen-

rate in Washington, D.C., was far treatment for entomophobia, fear erates yet more terrorism. When
magine you’re afraid of spi- higher during that period than the of insects, need not be the extinc- terrorists see that their actions are
ders. If you seek psychiatric combined homicide, terror-death tion of all insects and the treat- having the intended effect, they
treatment, your therapist will rate in Israel. ment for hypochondria need not be take heart, and plan more attacks.
try to convince you that your In 2004, the last full year of the elimination of all illness. If terror attacks were to receive
fear is irrational. She’ll tell the intifada, more people That’s true in large part be- the same amount of media cover-
you over and over again that daddy were murdered in the New cause we cannot prevent all terror age as, say, domestic violence — a
long legs are harmless and black Orleans metropolitan attacks, exterminate all insects or far more lethal threat— they would
widows are rare. Ignore the crea- area than in the entire na- eliminate illness, but we can deal probably soon be a relic of history.
tures crawling around your attic, tion of Israel, counting civil- with the fear these problems gener- They would cease to exist because
she’ll say; just live your life. ian intifada victims. ate. Nevertheless, governments the cost of conducting attacks
At least, that’s what your thera- When a good therapist treats an peddle terror almost like a form of would outweigh their benefit to the
pist will do if she’s good at her job. If anxious patient, she tells him to di- pornography. perpetrators. This is precisely
she’s bad at it, she’ll tell you that vert his attention away from the Terrorists want to encourage what happened in the 1980s to ter-
spiders represent a significant cause of the anxiety as much as panic, to alter the collective mental rorist groups such as the Baader-
threat to your safety. Your anxiety possible. Scared of spiders? Don’t state, and our feckless politicians Meinhof Gang and the Red Bri-
will spiral out of control and may Nancy Ohanian Tribune think about spiders. are helping them achieve their gades when the European media
seriously damage your health. Politicians do the opposite. goals. started losing interest in them.
In response to Islamic State ag- To Israelis, this is an old story. They never mention that Western- Government leaders partici- Violence in any form, regardless
gression, Western leaders are act- During the darkest months of the ers are statistically more likely to pate in fearmongering because of motivation, destroys lives and
ing like the bad therapist — build- second Palestinian intifada in my drown in a bathtub than die in a they can portray themselves as the traumatizes families. But while ex-
ing up the threat instead of putting country, when suicide bombers oc- terrorist attack. They’d rather saviors of their constituents, as tensive coverage of domestic vio-
it in perspective, even using it as an casionally blew themselves up in drone on about eradicating terror- righteous Davids fighting evil Goli- lence can actually reduce the vio-
excuse to stoke xenophobia. If they public places, terror — not terror- ism and reaching its perpetrators aths. The media benefits because lence by creating awareness, simi-
keep at it, our communal anxiety ism, but terror — almost obliter- wherever they are; they’d rather re- sensational stories always sell well. lar coverage of terror attacks can
will spiral out of control and may ated the public sphere. I recall that hearse the biography of every ter- Terrorists love it because they get only propagate it.
seriously damage our collective going out for dinner or to the thea- rorist and every victim. That’s their work done for them by others.
health. ter was considered suicidal. How- analogous to entertaining a crowd The only party that ends up losing Eyal Winter is a professor of
Fear of terror can disrupt and ever, the objective risk of being in- of hypochondriacs with gruesome in this weird coalition is the public. economics at the Federmann
worsen our lives in the absence of volved in a terror attack at a res- descriptions of hospital emergency When the bad therapist fuels Center for the Study of Rationality
an actual attack, as Angelenos now taurant or theater wasn’t much rooms. her patient’s fear of spiders, at at the Hebrew University of
know. Last week, a single email greater than the risk of being in- Whatever American presiden- least she doesn’t create more spi- Jerusalem. He is the author
from an unknown source led to volved in a car accident during a tial hopefuls may say at their pri- ders. There is no connection be- of “Feeling Smart: Why Our
school closures across Los Angeles normal drive home from work. mary debates, the treatment for tween the amount of fear in the Emotions Are More Rational
at a cost of more than $20 million. Tourism was almost nonexistent terror need not be the prevention world and the number of spiders. Than We Think.”

A med student
in Silicon Valley
cleaning. Friends at Facebook
Tech company perks commented on the benefits of
standing desks, on-site barbers
tempt residents to leave and a bike repair shop. Even those
the hospital behind. at smaller companies, such as
Airbnb and Square, raved about
the free organic snacks, yoga
By Rich Joseph classes and Uber rides after late

nights at the office.
growing number of Now, as I interview for my clini-
medical students to- cal residency — the most intense
day are tacking on phase of medical training — I’m
a business degree. excited yet troubled. I wonder:
Since 1993 the number How are medical trainees ex-
of MD/MBA programs has bal- pected to restore the health of oth-
looned from six to about 65, repre- ers without the means to care for
senting nearly half of all U.S. medi- ourselves?
cal schools. Tech companies, with their
The majority of MD/MBA stu- generous benefits, blur the bound-
dents will complete a medical resi- ary between one’s personal and
dency and use their business professional life in order to recruit
training to lead physicians and and retain a healthy and produc-
manage hospitals or other health- tive workforce. The medical estab-
care systems. Yet here at Stan- lishment, by contrast, attempts to
ford, where I am one of 18 such du- inject a “healthy balance” by limit-
al-degree candidates, some of my ing one’s hours at work. The Ac-
peers are considering joining digi- creditation Council for Graduate
tal health startups instead. We are Medical Education constrains
surrounded by an explosion of first-year residents to 80 hours a
such opportunities, propelled by week.
more than $2 billion of venture Ignore for the moment
capital funding in the first half of whether that’s too much or within
2015. reason: My complaint is that an
Doximity, a professional net- exclusive focus on hours sharpens Jason Kempin Getty Images

work for physicians, reported in the divide between work and life FANS GATHER in Pershing Square on Friday for a “Star Wars” light saber event.
2011 that only 68% of Stanford and reinforces their incompatibil-

Why did I pay $30

medical students go on to pursue ity. Indeed, studies have shown
clinical residency, a lower share that duty-hour reform has not sig-
than all but six medical schools in nificantly reduced burnout, sub-
the country. stance abuse or suicide. A global

to see ‘Star Wars’?

As I alternate between these study published recently in the
two worlds — the hospital and Sili- Journal of the American Medical
con Valley — to complete my de- Assn. found that 29% of residents
grees, I see an obvious reason why experience depression during
medical professionals may be their residencies.
lured into business and away from Cynicism infects many resi-
patient care: the contrast between dents who feel downtrodden by By Ann Friedman one of this year’s most-watched

the work environments.
Doctors in training effectively
the grueling schedule, the hours
spent glued to electronic health few days ago, as I
In our fragmented television shows.
What matters now isn’t the
live at the hospital (hence the records, the pitiful salary (barely bought tickets to age, it’s rare to zeitgeist, it’s the social network. If
term “resident”). After the emo-
tional and physical toll of over-
above minimum wage when
counting total hours worked) and
“Star Wars: The Force
Awakens,” I paused experience a mass- my network hadn’t endorsed the
new “Star Wars,” I might not have
night duty, emergency calls or
lengthy surgeries, weary residents
the colossal burden of medical
school debt. “Get out now,” former
briefly to wonder what
I was doing. Why was I paying
cultural event. Yet gone to seen it. Unusually, howev-
er, it was anointed both by my
find little to support their health residents warned me. “Go into in- dearly — $30 for each seat — to everyone in my network and, seemingly, everyone
and performance. Hospital caf-
eterias sell greasy foods, sodas
dustry.” Not only may medicine be
losing tremendous talent, it is also
see “Star Wars” in 3-D? I wasn’t a
particularly enthusiastic fan of network and beyond else’s network as a must-see
movie. “The Force Awakens”
and candy scarfed by sleep-de-
prived residents to allay mounting
losing vitality — the vitality that
our patients desire and deserve.
the originals. I wasn’t desperate
to watch a J.J. Abrams-directed
endorsed the film. brought in a record-breaking $248
million in its opening weekend.
stress. At the county hospital in At least some residency pro- light saber battle. Ultimately, I “To see ‘Star Wars’ in 1977 was
San Jose, where I worked last grams have begun to integrate realized, I was going to see “The to experience a moment in pop
summer, we updated patient re- wellness programs. At Stanford, Force Awakens” because all my I was born five years after the culture that seemed universal,”
cords on computers in cramped, for example, the general surgery friends were going to see it, and first “Star Wars” premiered, and, wrote the film critic Jim Emerson
dusty, sun-starved rooms. On-site residents participate in a program everyone else’s friends were going like many if not most members of in 2007. In 2015, something can
fitness facilities at such hospitals, called Balance in Life that ad- to see it too. I was in the grip of an my generation, I revel in frag- seem universal even if only you,
if they exist, are often inaccessible dresses their professional, phys- increasingly rare phenomenon: A mentation. I watch television but your friends and your family are
or insufficient. ical, psychological and social well- true mass-cultural event. I don’t have cable; instead I participating. But George Lucas’
Quiet contemplation centers being. Incoming anesthesia resi- In the Internet age, it’s difficult stream shows on Netflix and characters are clearly still uni-
to escape the fluorescent lights, dents receive lectures on sleep and to even define what’s main- Hulu. I listen to podcasts more versal in the 1977 sense.
incessant paging and the stale participate in weekend wellness stream. Yes, we still have pop often than public radio. I enjoy “Star Wars,” the contempo-
smell of sickness? In our dreams. retreats. Emergency medicine stars who are so famous they only the “Saturday Night Live” skits rary franchise, of course benefits
The rooms where residents nap residents attend group sessions need a first name, and songs that that get sent around, but I haven’t from the fact that the brand dates
during overnight shifts look and on mental health; counseling and seem omnipresent even if we’ve sat down for a full episode in back to a long time ago and a
feel like jail cells. After 14 hours support services are available. never downloaded them on years. I keep up with the Kar- culture that feels far, far away — a
plus on call, I would drive home Our technology neighbors can iTunes or searched for them on dashians on Instagram, not culture that had fewer options. It
with the windows down and music teach us a valuable lesson: To real- YouTube. And, yes, new movies Bravo. And I see only about five broke out at a less competitive
blasting to stay awake. ize the potential of your workforce, still become touchstones — just films in the theater per year, time. Perhaps the movie has
Meanwhile, classmates from integrate work and life by creating think about all those “Frozen”- which actually makes me an avid drawn mass attention for another
business school rode on cushy an environment that encourages obsessed kids. Yet touchstones moviegoer, statistically speaking. reason, too. It offers fragmented
commuter buses to their intern- holistic self-care. Ultimately, that are harder than ever to manufac- The average American sees just audiences a chance to remember
ships at tech companies that should be the hallmark not just of ture, because there are more three or four. what it feels like to be a part of
served free gourmet meals. They residencies but the entire medical entertainment options than ever. None of which is to say I’m something big that crosses cul-
had ergonomic work stations and profession. Thirty-eight years ago, when immune to trends. It’s just that I tural and generational lines.
top-of-the-line gyms. Those at the Doctors don’t need open vaca- the first “Star Wars” came out, feel more pressure to connect In other words, “The Force
Googleplex enjoyed massages. tion policy, arcade rooms or bring- consumers were limited to the with my friends than society at Awakens” is so popular because
When deadlines approached, they your-pet-to-work days. But we do channels in their cable package, large. This year, that meant everyone knew it would be so
could take advantage of on-site oil need healthful food to sustain en- the films at their local theater watching Drake’s “Hotline Bling” popular.
changes, or laundry and dry ergy, gyms to stay sharp and re- and in video stores, and the books video (and all of the resulting Although I’ll continue to enjoy
lieve stress, reimagined work- in their local libraries and book- GIFs), and tracking DJ Khaled’s my Drake GIFs, Ferrante novels
spaces that improve communica- stores. The enterprising viewer latest Snapchats. It meant read- and streaming shows, I’m also
tion and time to decompress, could use her VCR to record ing Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan happy I hustled to the theater for
laugh, be human. These benefits movies and television for later novels. I didn’t watch “The Jinx” “Star Wars.” It’s nice to leave your
Doyle McManus will make us more whole. And our consideration, but limited op- — the HBO documentary mini- niche and experience the truly
patients will thank us. tions and tightly controlled dis- series about Robert Durst — and universal once in a while.
and Patt Morrison tribution meant that most people felt downright rebellious; but I felt
Rich Joseph is a medical and experienced the same cultural no qualms about skipping “The Ann Friedman is a contributing
have the day off business student at Stanford. events at the same time. Big Bang Theory” — which was writer to Opinion.


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CALIFORNIA W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

Deal will
bring Durst
back to L.A.
The real estate heir
Robert Durst
will be extradited
from New Orleans to timeline
be tried in Susan 2000: Durst friend Susan
Berman is found fatally
Berman’s slaying. shot at her Benedict
Canyon home.
By Molly 2001: LAPD says it wants
Hennessy-Fiske to talk to Durst but says
and Richard Winton he’s not a suspect.
2011: LAPD says Durst at
New York real estate heir the center of Berman
Robert Durst will return to slaying investigation.
Los Angeles by next summer 2013: “The Jinx”
to face a murder charge in producers talk to LAPD
connection with the death of about new evidence in
his writer friend Susan Ber- Berman case.
man, prosecutors an-
nounced Tuesday. 2015: “The Jinx” airs on
The Los Angeles County HBO; Durst arrested.
district attorney’s office said 2016: Durst scheduled to
in a statement that it had be arraigned in L.A. in
reached a deal with Durst’s Berman slaying case.
attorneys to have him extra-
dited from New Orleans by Source: Times reports
Aug. 18.
The agreement, made
public by the district attor- criminal trials the Los Ange-
ney’s office, is dependent on les courts have seen in years.
Durst reaching a separate “We look forward to
plea deal in a federal weap- working with our district at-
ons case in Louisiana and torney to achieve some level
his sentencing in that case. of justice from Mr. Durst,”
A Durst murder trial Los Angeles police Chief
would be one of the highest Charlie Beck said Tuesday.
profile and closely watched [See Durst, B8]

National Park Service Gerald Herbert Associated Press

POWERFUL SNOWSTORMS in the Sierra Nevada have resulted in higher snowpack levels not seen in A ROBERT DURST murder trial would be one of
California for two years, weather officials say. Above, snow lightly covers the Lower Yosemite Falls. the most high-profile local criminal cases in years.

LET IT SNOW Video spurs

Storms swell mountain snowpack to above-average
levels, but experts say it’s too soon to rejoice call to reopen
By Joseph Serna,
Frank Shyong
and Bettina Boxall

A series of powerful snowstorms

shooting case
in the Sierra Nevada has resulted in a for Aguilar’s death.
small milestone in drought-stricken Newly released The video appears to
California: The snowpack is now show that the deputy who
higher than average for this time of recording seems to was injured had already tak-
year. show that man was en Aguilar’s gun before his
The storms, which are likely to partner fired the first shot.
continue into Friday, have fattened slain by deputies after The injured deputy gave a
the mountain snowpack to levels Cal- he’d been disarmed. similar account to investiga-
ifornia hasn’t seen for two years, said tors.
Steve Nemeth, water supply fore- Angel Carrazco Jr., an at-
caster for the state Department of By Cindy Chang torney for Aguilar’s family,
Water Resources. called the May 26, 2014,
The announcement was welcome The video showed a life- shooting “a blatant execu-
news to a state that has struggled and-death struggle between tion” because Aguilar had al-
with extremely dry conditions for two Los Angeles County ready been disarmed and
more than four years. However, ex- sheriff ’s deputies and 23- was not a lethal threat.
perts were quick to point out that year-old Noel Aguilar on the “The way to de-escalate
California’s drought is far from over. driveway of an apartment is to handcuff, Taser and use
Statewide, the snowpack is 111% of complex in Long Beach. [See Video,, B6]
average for the date. In the northern As the deputies tried to
Sierra, it is 116% of the norm; in the Mark Boster Los Angeles Times clap handcuffs on Aguilar,
central Sierra, 121% of average and in THE SNOWPACK is 111% of average for this time of year, com- who was resisting arrest and
the southern Sierra, 85% of the norm. pared with a year ago when the snowpack was little more than half was believed to have a gun,
Last year [See Snowpack, B5] the average. Above, pedestrians stroll along the Seal Beach Pier. one deputy shot at Aguilar Swiss Army
but hit his partner instead.
Aguilar continued to knife of gene
wrestle with the deputies.
“I didn’t shoot nobody,”

Prison gets low marks on health

Aguilar insisted before both 2016 is going to be a
deputies shot him at point- big year for CRISPR,
blank range. a powerful — and
The case is the latest in a controversial —
series nationwide in which a technology.
bystander’s cellphone video SCIENCE FILE, B2
spite a decade of federal addition to a review of ad- medical providers had been captured the graphic details
Report faults Solano oversight, the state’s inspec- ministrative systems, the deemed responsible for a of authorities using lethal A Hollywood
facility for poor tor general said Tuesday. agency hired physicians and large number of the cases force against a suspect and late bloomer
The agency’s report nurses to pull medical case where poor care was found, raised questions about
Angela McEwan, who
inmate medical care. faulted Solano for poor files of 62 prisoners to exam- and that they no longer whether the force was justi-
became an actress in
medical care — including de- ine the quality of care. worked at the prison. fied.
lays in attending to sick in- Joyce Hayhoe, a spokes- One of those dismissed Attorneys for Aguilar’s her 70s and drew
By Paige St. John mates and scheduling fol- woman for the federal re- was an on-call doctor who family released the video at a acclaim for her role in
low-up exams. In 2013, the ceiver’s office, said that sought to send an inmate news conference last week Alexander Payne’s
SACRAMENTO — Medi- prison in Vacaville, about 35 since the inspection con- with low blood pressure and and are asking for Dist. Atty. “Nebraska,” has died.
cal examiners have found miles southwest of Sacra- ducted during the summer, a history of blackouts back Jackie Lacey to reopen the
the healthcare provided at mento, received relatively Solano had “addressed to his cell with only a cursory case. Lacey’s office had pre- Lottery ...................... B6
California State Prison So- high scores for medical care. many of the concerns.” exam. viously rejected criminal
Weather .................... B8
lano to be inadequate de- But this time around, in The report said that two [See Prison, B5] charges against the deputies
B2 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 WS C E L AT I ME S . CO M

A breakthrough in gene editing


and it wasn’t until 2012 that Dana Carroll, a biochem-

A tool that enables they understood how all the ist at the University of Utah,
components worked to- says there are several issues
scientists to easily gether, making it possible with using CRISPR — or
rewrite genetic code? for other researchers to use. any other gene-editing
The first applications of technology — to alter hu-
Read all about it — CRISPR technology in man embryos. For example,
and a warning. living cells came along in an attempt to correct one
early 2013. Since then nu- gene could lead to an unex-
DEBORAH NETBURN merous labs have used the pected alteration in anoth-
system for a wide variety of er.
research. Also, depending on when
CRISPR is having a mo- that change is made, it
ment. What can we expect from could be transmitted to that
Last week, the gene-edit- this technology? child’s offspring. So if a
ing system was declared the The CRISPR system is mistake is made, multiple
“Breakthrough of the Year” not foolproof. It doesn’t generations could be stuck
by editors of the journal Sci- work all the time, and it with the consequences. It is
ence. A day earlier, Nature occasionally causes changes also possible that parents
named the Chinese re- in genes that weren’t in- who make edits to their
searcher Junjiu Huang one tended. child’s genome may be
of the 10 people who mat- However, as the technol- making decisions that the
tered in 2015 for being the ogy continues to get better, child would not have cho-
first to use the CRISPR sys- CRISPR could be used to sen. Some bioethicists
tem to edit the DNA of hu- correct the faulty DNA consider this unfair.
man embryos (albeit ones that’s responsible for genet-
that weren’t viable). ic diseases like cystic fibro- How are scientists ad-
Last month, researchers sis, sickle cell anemia, he- dressing this controversy?
from UC Irvine and UC San mophilia and perhaps mus- Scientists recently gath-
Diego showed how mosqui- cular dystrophy. As long as ered in Washington for the
toes genetically modified us- scientists can identify which International Summit for
Cailey Cotner UC Berkeley
ing the CRISPR system can mutation causes these Human Gene Editing and
be programmed to fight ma- JENNIFER DOUDNA, right, co-invented the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing diseases, they could in discussed technologies like
laria in their bodies and pass system. With her is Kai Hong, manager of Doudna’s lab at UC Berkeley. theory use CRISPR to find CRISPR and the ethics of
that trait to 97% of their off- these genes, break them using them.
spring. And just a few weeks than ever before. Clustered Regularly Inter- their DNA cut, so they try to and replace them with At the end of the confer-
ago, hundreds of geneticists, Now that changing spe- spaced Short Palindromic make repairs right away. healthy versions. ence, they released a state-
biologists, ethicists and sci- cific genes has become more Repeats. Because that’s a Some CRISPR systems Other researchers are ment that acknowledged
entific policymakers con- straightforward and signifi- mouthful, you can just say include an additional piece experimenting with using the importance of using
vened in Washington for a cantly less expensive, more “crisper.” of DNA that the cell can use CRISPR to take genes that these technologies in the lab
three-day conference to ad- scientists are more likely to to fix the break, thereby work fine and make them and the scientific value of
dress the ethics of using this fiddle with the instructions I don’t have a degree in allowing scientists to re- even better. For instance, studying how they work in
powerful — and controver- that control how living genetics. Can someone like write genetic code. some would like to make embryos, including human
sial — technology. things are made. me understand how it Perhaps a metaphor small alterations to genes in embryos. However, they
Scientists say that what works? would help. Paul Knoepfler, crops and livestock to create also said it would be “irre-
sets CRISPR apart from Haven’t scientists been Yes, you can. We’re going a stem cell researcher at UC plants that need less water, sponsible to proceed with
other gene-editing technolo- editing genes for a while? to take this step by step: Davis, describes CRISPR as or cows that build more any clinical use” of gene
gies is how easy it is to use. Yes, researchers have The most basic form of a molecular Swiss army muscle mass without re- editing that would be
But just because it’s easy to been editing genes in some the CRISPR system is made knife: It’s part genome quiring extra feed. passed along to future gen-
use doesn’t mean it’s easy to organisms since the 1970s. up of two parts: a small scanner (like a magnifying erations.
understand. Here we walk piece of RNA and a protein glass tool on the knife), part That all sounds great. Why Carroll said they came to
you through everything you So what makes CRISPR so called Cas9. scissors to cut the DNA, and is this controversial? that conclusion because the
need to know about special? Before injecting the part pencil to rewrite the Part of what makes technology isn’t ready yet,
CRISPR-Cas9, including It’s much easier to em- CRISPR system into a cell, genetic code. CRISPR controversial is and because society isn’t
what it is, how it works and ploy than older gene-editing scientists program the RNA that it’s so easy to use. That ready for it either.
what we can expect from it in technologies, and it has a to match the code of a spe- How new is the CRISPR also makes it easy to abuse. “It’s scary for people to
the future. very high success rate. cific gene in the target cell’s system? Some scientists, in- think that their genes, or
Because it is more user- DNA. It depends on how you cluding Jennifer Doudna of their children’s genes, could
What exactly is CRISPR- friendly to the average sci- Once the RNA and the look at it. Bacteria and UC Berkeley, who co-in- be changed by human inter-
Cas9 and why should I care entist, it has opened the Cas9 are in the cell, the two other single-celled organ- vented the gene-editing vention,” he said.
about it? door to all kinds of research molecules sort of stick to- isms have been using the technology, are particularly The scientists also
CRISPR-Cas9 is a new that previously would have gether. The RNA guides the combination of guide RNA concerned that people agreed to keep talking,
technology for editing genes been too expensive or re- Cas9 to a particular part of a and a scissors-like protein might try to make genetic because this issue is not
in living organisms. Scien- quired too much time to gene, and the Cas9 acts as a to chop up the DNA of un- modifications to viable going to disappear.
tists who use it say it has carry out. pair of scissors, breaking friendly viruses for hun- human embryos.
made targeting and chang- both strands of DNA at that dreds of million of years. deborah.netburn
ing genes in a cell’s DNA Why is it called CRISPR? specific spot. However, scientists learned Why would that be a prob-
easier and more precise CRISPR stands for Cells don’t like having of the system in the 1980s, lem? Twitter: @DeborahNetburn

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L AT I M ES . C O M W E D N E S DAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 B3

Professor cut from fellowship Clash
Science organization
and ratified by its elected
council. The organization
said last week that the initial
says those who reviewers had been unaware
approved him as a — until a week earlier — of
Sangji’s death or the un-
fellow did not know of

precedented and widely
the fatal fire in his lab. publicized criminal case
against Harran.
By Kim Christensen That claim was met with
widespread skepticism, in-

cluding from some in scien-
The American Assn. for tific circles who noted that
the Advancement of Science AAAS had itself published
has dropped UCLA chemis- several articles about the
try professor Patrick Harran case.
as one of its 2015 fellows, say- A reevaluation of Har-
ing that members who ini- ran’s nomination led to a
tially approved his nomina- chemistry section vote “not One ratepayer
tion were unaware of a fatal to move forward” with it, as-
fire in a laboratory he super- sociation officials said in a advocate accuses
vised. statement Tuesday. The or- another of not seeking
The decision by the ganization “is also consider-
world’s largest general sci- ing changes to the fellow re- a tough enough
entific society capped weeks
Al Seib Los Angeles Times
view process for subsequent settlement.
of controversy sparked by nominations,” it said.
the November announce- UCLA chemistry professor Patrick Harran, right, speaks in court in 2014 after a UCLA officials respond- By Peter Jamison
ment of Harran’s selection deal to avoid prosecution. He was accused of failing to require protective gear. ed with a statement express-
as one of 347 fellows. ing disappointment in the
The AAAS, which pub- Sangji, 23, was not wear- pressed “shock, dismay and sity of California contended organization’s decision. Inside the courtroom, a
lishes the journal Science, ing a protective lab coat at utter disbelief ” that the 167- that Sangji was a seasoned “Professor Patrick Har- judge’s review of the Los An-
received fierce criticism by the time. year-old organization had chemist who chose not to ran is widely recognized as geles Department of Water
workplace safety experts, Harran was accused of chosen Harran for one of its wear protective gear and one of the most creative and and Power’s still-evolving
chemists and the family of willfully violating state labor fellowships and asked that was trained in the experi- influential scientists in his settlement of a class-action
Sheharbano “Sheri” Sangji, codes by failing to provide his selection be rescinded. ment she was performing. field, and UCLA is deeply lawsuit over a malfunction-
a UCLA staff research asso- proper safety training and More than 40 workplace Charges against UC were disappointed by AAAS’ de- ing billing system was a
ciate who suffered extensive require protective gear for safety officials, public health dropped in July 2012 when cision to withdraw his fellow- mostly somnolent affair.
burns Dec. 29, 2008, and died lab workers. He struck a deal professors, labor union rep- the regents agreed to follow ship,” it said. “Although all The real drama was out-
18 days later. last year with the Los Ange- resentatives and others comprehensive safety mea- concerned lament the tragic doors Monday, where a news
Harran, 46, was charged les County district attor- signed a second letter of pro- sures and endow a $500,000 laboratory accident that oc- conference on the court-
with four felonies stemming ney’s office to defer prosecu- test to AAAS officials. “His scholarship in Sangji’s curred in 2008, professor house steps devolved into a
from the accident, which oc- tion for five years, after careless practices put his name. Harran’s work has impor- shouting match between
curred when a plastic sy- which the charges will be dis- staff and students at risk of UCLA has since spent at tant implications for cancer two men ostensibly on the
ringe Sangji was using to missed if he meets certain grave harm,” the letter read. least $20 million on enhanc- research and deserves rec- same side of the case. One of
transfer t-butyl lithium from conditions — including “Dr. Harran failed to address ing lab safety. ognition.” the attorneys representing
one sealed container to an- teaching chemistry to inner- the safety problems and Ms. Harran’s nomination by utility customers and a con-
other came apart, spewing a city students each summer. Sangji lost her life as a re- three current AAAS fellows kim.christensen sumer advocate traded a
chemical compound that ig- In a letter to AAAS offi- sult.” was reviewed by the organi- colorful slew of insults as
nites when exposed to air. cials, Sangji’s family ex- Harran and the Univer- zation’s chemistry section Twitter: @kchristensenLAT television news cameras
The estimated $45-mil-
lion settlement remained a

work in progress. Superior
Court Judge Elihu Berle said
that he accepts the main
points of the draft agree-

bans the
ment, including full refunds
for DWP customers who
were overcharged. But some
technical details — such as

the timeline and methods
for notifying ratepayers —
still need to be worked out
before he grants the deal

of pot
preliminary approval.
Meanwhile, the argu-
ment outside the civil court-
house in Westlake laid bare
tensions that have been
mounting for months
among some of the attor-
By Matt Sanderson neys and activists vying to
speak on behalf of Ange-
The La Cañada Flint- lenos affected by the DWP
ridge City Council has billing fiasco.
adopted regulations prohib- The dispute erupted
iting medical marijuana dis- when Tom Merriman — one
pensaries, cultivation and of several lawyers represent-
delivery in the city limits. ing DWP ratepayers — tried
California cities and to rebut some of the claims
towns have until March 1 to made to a small crowd of re-
maintain local regulatory porters by Jamie Court,
authority over medical mari- president and chairman of
juana. After that, the state’s the nonprofit Consumer
Medical Marijuana Regula- Watchdog.
tion and Safety Act allows Court and some other
potential marijuana growers plaintiffs’ attorneys have al-
to apply for and receive li- leged that Merriman and his
censes from the state. La colleagues at a Cleveland
Cañada Flintridge took ac- law firm did not hold out for
tion this month. Photographs by Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times a tough enough settlement
Councilwoman Terry over the widespread billing
Walker took issue with the
outright banning of marijua-
na delivery services.
A poignant mistakes. Those errors be-
gan in the fall of 2013 after the
botched rollout of new DWP
“If someone in our town is
in a lot of pain and is using tribute software.
After Court made similar
marijuana legally for the statements to reporters dur-
treatment of pain, and say Family members of ing a break in the hearing,
they are bedridden, is there homicide victims Merriman stepped to the
any way in this code mari- bank of television micro-
decorate a Christmas
juana can be delivered to phones and responded.
them?” she asked. tree in the lobby of the “Jamie, you’re obnoxious
Susan Koleda, the city’s LAPD’s 77th Division and offensive,” Merriman
deputy director of communi- station with orna- told Court, adding, “This is a
ty development, replied that ments in memory of circus. You’re a ringmaster,
as the regulations are cur- their loved ones. At and you’re misleading the
rently written, that would right, one survivor people of this city. And they
not be allowed, but a pa- deserve better.”
tient’s caregiver or relative
takes a photo of the Court countered that the
could go out and legally pur- tree. settlement agreements
chase marijuana from a city Merriman’s firm has en-
where sales are allowed and dorsed, and which Berle has
bring it back. repeatedly sent back for
“If you need OxyContin modification, have not done
and your doctor prescribes enough for DWP customers.
it, and you get it from a phar- “Why weren’t you fighting
macy, they can deliver it to them?” Court said. “Why
you,” Walker said. “I just didn’t you come in here with
hope that we’re not getting something that [Berle]
overzealous in prohibiting wouldn’t reject three
our citizens from obtaining times?”
legal medication legally Back in court, the judge
without a lot of inconven- said he approved of the

Woman fatally shot; child abducted

ience.” agreement’s central tenets,
Councilman Jon Curtis including full refunds for
concurred that he received a customers who were over-
call from a resident with the billed.
same concern of delivery. However, he said the
City Atty. Mark Steres process outlined in the draft
noted there can be an oppor- Officers responded to a child, whose exact age was on suspicion of murder and settlement for notifying
tunity to revisit the mobile By Ruben Vives and report of possible domestic not known, was found at an is being held at Long Beach ratepayers who might want
delivery portion of the ordi- Taylor Goldenstein violence about 8:30 a.m. apartment building near the City Jail on $1-million bail, to submit claims was “hope-
nance in the future. Tuesday in the 1900 block of shooting site. Long Beach police said. Au- lessly confused” and needed
“Staff believed this was A woman was shot to Chestnut Avenue, where Officers, concerned for thorities are trying to deter- to be clarified.
the most prudent action to death in an alley and a child they found the victim in an the child’s safety, forced en- mine the relationship be- “It’s better to be right
take at this time,” Steres was abducted but safely re- alley with multiple gunshot try into the apartment and tween Williams, the woman than to be fast,” Berle said.
said. “As time goes on we will covered Tuesday morning, wounds to the upper torso. rescued him, police said. He and the toddler. No informa- He scheduled the next
see how mobile delivery according to the Long Beach She was pronounced dead at is in custody of the county tion about the woman was hearing in the case for Feb-
works.” Police Department. the scene. Department of Children and released. ruary.
A 29-year-old man was Police officers learned Family Services.
Sanderson writes for Times arrested in connection with that a man had abducted a Eric Jerome Williams Jr., [email protected] peter.jamison
Community News. the fatal shooting. child from the woman. The of Long Beach, was booked
B4 W E D NE S DAY , DE C E M B ER 23 , 2 015 S L AT I ME S . CO M

Police shooting video released
have the ability to weigh the people.
San Diego D.A. allows video alongside other evi- Browder, a 27-year de-
dence,” she said. partment veteran, said he
selected materials Dumanis did not release fired after Nehad ignored
about officer’s killing all the materials, however. commands to stop and drop
She did not provide a copy of the knife.
of homeless man to be Browder’s entire statement Nehad did not have a
viewed so public can to investigators — a docu- knife, however. Police later
ment that news organiza- said he was holding a blue
weigh the evidence. tions have also sought. “We pen.
put together everything we Despite an exhaustive
By Greg Moran believe is appropriate,” she search, police never recov-
said. ered a knife, but found a
SAN DIEGO — District Lawyers for the Nehad sheath. Footage from a secu-
Atty. Bonnie Dumanis on family said in a statement rity camera at another busi-
Tuesday released a copy of a that the news conference ness that Dumanis released
video that captured the con- and selective release of infor- showed Nehad slipping
troversial fatal shooting of a mation were one-sided and what she said was a sheath
man in the Midway district that the shooting could have in between a pile of sand-
by a San Diego police officer been avoided. bags.
April 30. “She is trying to get Dumanis on Nov. 9 con-
The action by Dumanis ahead of the story,” said cluded the shooting was jus-
— who ruled last month that Louis R. “Skip” Miller. “She tified. An inquiry from the
the shooting of Fridoon must be very insecure of her FBI and U.S. attorney’s of-
Rawshan Nehad by Officer decision not to prosecute to fice in San Diego is under-
Neal Browder was legally go to these extreme lengths way, Dumanis said Tuesday.
Nelvin C. Cepeda San Diego Union-Tribune
justified — came during a to justify the shooting.” In a statement, U.S. Atty.
news conference where she SAN DIEGO COUNTY Dist. Atty. Bonnie Dumanis points to a monitor showing Nehad, 42, who suffered Laura Duffy confirmed the
also released selected ma- Fridoon Rawshan Nehad after he was shot by Officer Neal Browder in April. from mental illness and was shooting was under review
terials from the investiga- homeless, was shot once but declined to comment
tion. had had been minutes be- bleeding. shot. about midnight April 30. further.
Included were a tran- fore the encounter. The dis- Dumanis said she made The San Diego Union- Police had been sent to
script and audio of police trict attorney also released the materials public because Tribune and other media the area in response to a 911 greg.moran
dispatch recordings and se- body camera footage from the video did not provide a had gone to court seeking its call from a bookstore em-
curity camera video from an another police officer who complete view of what hap- release. ployee who said Nehad had a Moran writes for the San
adult bookstore where Ne- sprinted to Nehad as he lay pened when Nehad was “The community should knife and was threatening Diego Union-Tribune.

Pair charged
with murder
and torture
of children
Couple are suspected
of killing girl, 3, and
boy, 6. A 9-year-old
was found starving.
By Joseph Serna

A woman and her 17-year-

Photographs by Mark Boster Los Angeles Times
old boyfriend have been
SEDIMENT from Huntington Harbour dredging will be used to replenish the sand at Sunset Beach and Surf- charged with the killing of
side, and to help restore the salt marsh at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. two children and the torture

O.C. dredging project to help

of a third child after two bod-
ies were found in a Redding
Redding Police Department
storage unit this month,
Monterey County prosecu- TAMI HUNTSMAN , 39,
tors said. had five children in her

restore beach sand, marsh

Tami Joy Huntsman, 39, care; two were hers from
and her boyfriend, Gonzalo a previous marriage.
Curiel, were charged Mon-
day with two counts of mur-
der, one count of child abuse
and multiple counts of tor-
ture and conspiracy to com-
mit a felony, according to the
Most work will be criminal complaint from the
Monterey County district at-
near main channel at torney’s office. Prosecutors
border of Huntington have not decided whether
they’ll seek the death penal-
Beach, Seal Beach. ty for the pair. Curiel is being
charged as an adult.
By Anthony Authorities say Hunts-
Clark Carpio man and Curiel killed
the two children and hid
Some of the sediment to their bodies in the storage
Redding Police Department
be removed from Hunting- unit.
ton Harbour during a county The grim case came as a GONZALO CURIEL , 17,
dredging project will end up result of a child abuse inves- directed investigators to
helping restore a marsh in tigation in Quincy, a small a storage unit with two
Seal Beach and the sand at town in Plumas County. children’s bodies inside.
Sunset Beach and Surfside. Sheriff ’s deputies went to
By the end of December, Huntsman and Curiel’s abuse, Robinson said.
a contractor hired by Or- home this month after re- Though the bodies were
ange County Parks will be- ceiving a phone call from a found in Redding, investiga-
gin dredging sediment in concerned resident and tors determined they prob-
several parts of the harbor to found a starving 9-year-old ably were killed in Salinas
level off the height of the sea THE COUNTY most recently dredged the harbor in 2001, removing about 96,000 girl with untreated broken around Thanksgiving.
floor, with most of the work cubic yards of sediment. Several channels will be dredged in a new project. bones, authorities said. The Shortly after the bodies
near the main entry channel girl is recovering at a hospi- were found, Robinson said,
along the Seal Beach and and the Sunset Aquatic Ma- can Lee, a city water engi- trench where the city is in- tal. his department reported
Huntington Beach border. rina. An additional 23,000 neer. stalling its water pipe. It turned out the child the deaths of 3-year-old
A few residents told offi- cubic yards will be removed Lee said the city expects Though the city and was one of five in Hunts- Delylah Tara and 6-year-old
cials during a town hall from the Bolsa Channel and to install the pipe in April or county will partner to com- man’s care, said Elliot Rob- Shaun Tara to the state. Be-
meeting last week at the the Bolsa sediment trap. May. plete their projects, both will inson of the Monterey tween September 2014 and
Harbour View Clubhouse The county also will re- The county dredging pay their respective costs. County Department of So- August, Monterey County
that their boats have gotten move about 48,000 cubic project is expected to be The price of the county’s cial Services. Two of the chil- social workers visited
stuck in sediment in the yards from the eastern main completed by May, said Ste- project is estimated at $7.2 dren were Huntsman’s from Huntsman’s home in Sali-
channel entrance and other channel near the Hunting- ven Chew, operations man- million, while the city’s is es- a previous marriage and the nas four times for general
spots in the harbor. ton Yacht Club. ager with Curtin Maritime. timated to cost $840,416. other three were relatives, child negligence investiga-
The county most recently Huntington Beach offi- Sediment collected from The county is receiving local media outlets re- tions, Robinson said.
dredged the harbor in 2001, cials caught wind of the proj- the dredging will be placed grants from state and fed- ported. The children were not re-
removing about 96,000 cubic ect and asked whether the at various locations. About eral agencies to help pay for But authorities found moved from the home dur-
yards of sediment. county would be willing to 129,300 cubic yards will be the dredging. The state only three children inside ing any of those visits.
Susan Brodeur, senior help the city with its plans to disposed of at an Environ- Coastal Conservancy is issu- the Quincy home — they Huntsman, her boyfriend
coastal engineer for O.C. install a 16-inch-diameter mental Protection Agency- ing a $550,000 grant, while didn’t learn there were sup- and the children relocated
Parks, said the county is water pipe between Ty- approved site off the coast the U.S. Fish and Wildlife posed to be two more there sometime after that and
looking to remove about phoon Lane on Trinidad Is- near San Pedro, and 47,000 Service and state Depart- until after arresting the cou- were spotted in towns across
197,000 cubic yards of sedi- land and Grimaud Lane cubic yards will be used to re- ment of Fish and Wildlife are ple and interviewing family Northern California in re-
ment during this project. near Peter’s Landing. plenish the sand at Sunset donating $350,000 and members. Curiel pointed in- cent weeks, police said.
The county has hired Curtin In October, the city and Beach and Surfside. $125,000, respectively. vestigators to the storage Huntsman and Curiel
Maritime to perform the county agreed to dredge About 13,500 cubic yards unit in Redding, where the will be arraigned once
dredging. 7,000 cubic yards to enable will be used to help restore anthonyclark.carpio bodies of the two missing they’re moved to Monterey
Of that total, about city public works crews to in- the salt marsh at the Seal children were found. County from up north, au-
109,000 cubic yards will be stall the pipe to provide an Beach Naval Weapons Sta- Twitter: @acocarpio An autopsy revealed that thorities said.
taken out of the channel’s emergency water line to tion, and 7,000 cubic yards Carpio writes for Times the two children appeared to
entrance, Peter’s Landing Trinidad Island, said Dun- will be used to backfill the Community News. have died from sustained [email protected]
L AT I M ES . C O M W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 B5

Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times

MARK POYSER displays seasonal spirit as he looks toward a boat that washed ashore on Toes Beach in Playa del Rey. A National Weather Service alert warned coast-
al residents to prepare for high surf and high tides. A predicted storm could force the closure of the Tejon Pass through the Grapevine on Christmas Eve.

April 1 is key date for snowpack

[Snowpack, from B1]
at this time, the statewide
snowpack was little more California
than half the average, set-
ting the tone for a dismal
winter of bare Sierra slopes. Sierra Nevada storm
Snow in these areas is a key totals (Dec. 20-22):
source of water for the state.
“We are above average Kirkwood.........................43”
and that’s a very good Squaw Valley..................36”
thing,” Nemeth said, adding
Heavenly .........................36”
a note of caution. “We’ve
been fooled before on above- Northstar ........................34”
average Decembers” with Alpine Meadows............34”
disappointing sequels. Sugar Bowl ......................31”
When it comes to snow-
pack, the critical date is still
Source: National Weather
months away. April 1 is when Service
snowpack reaches its peak,
and in a typical year that
snow provides Californians est on record.
with roughly a third of their El Niño is a phenomenon
water supply. involving a section of the Pa-
The snow comes from a cific Ocean west of Peru that
series of cold storm systems warms up, causing altera-
that originated in the Gulf of tions in the atmosphere that
Alaska, according to Eric can cause dramatic changes
Kurth, meteorologist with in weather patterns globally.
the National Weather Serv- Strong El Niños
ice in Sacramento. strengthen the track of win-
Snowfall began earlier ter storms targeting Califor-
this year — in November — nia and the southern United
and covered a wider area States, while the jungles of
than usual, instead of ap- southern Mexico and Cen-
pearing at just higher eleva- Mark Boster Los Angeles Times tral America see less rain,
tions. SEAL BEACH residents Mike and Cookie Castro take cover under a towel during their morning walk on the and the northern United
“We’ve got snowstorms Seal Beach Pier. Recent storms in Southern California have brought gusty winds, high tides and rain. States, such as the Midwest
on top of other snowstorms, and Northeast, sees milder
which has helped accumu- On Tuesday, winds in the Forecasters had ex- sory for the southwestern coastal areas. winters.
late snowpack,” Kurth said. Antelope Valley toppled at pected heavier rains but in California region for Tues- The storms are consid-
A storm that began Sun- least 10 big rigs, while flood- recent days the storm lost day morning until noon ered a preview of a strong El joseph.serna
day and continued into ing closed portions of the 405 strength, Bruno said. It is Wednesday. The service pre- Niño weather system ex-
Tuesday has deposited 3 feet Freeway in Los Angeles. now expected to hit Los An- dicted gusts of more than 60 pected in January, which is frank.shyong
of snow in some mountain The National Weather geles County with just a miles per hour, with the expected to dump heavy
areas. Another cold system Service warned coastal resi- “glancing blow,” but that’s most severe winds near the rains across California. bettina.boxall
is arriving on Thursday, dents to prepare for high enough to dust the moun- Grapevine, mountainous The National Weather
Kurth said, which means surf and high tides, and cau- tains with snow at elevations areas and the western Ante- Service’s Climate Prediction Times staff writer Monte
that foothill communities in tioned that a second pre- as low as 4,000 feet, which lope Valley along the 5 Free- Center said El Niño is on Morin contributed to this
Northern California could dicted storm could force the could be a headache for com- way. track to be one of the strong- report.
see snow on Christmas. closure of the Tejon Pass muters and holiday travel- Winds strong enough to
However, the storms through the Grapevine on ers. blow over trees and power
have not brought as much Christmas Eve. According to the Auto- lines will cause driving diffi-
moisture as last year, Kurth Although recent rains mobile Club of Southern culties for large vehicles and
said. The Northern Califor- had dropped only hun- California, 7.6 million South- kick up dust and sand, re-
nia region has seen 15.6 inch- dredths of an inch of rain ern Californians are ex- ducing visibility in desert LA TIMES SUBSCRIBER

es of rain since October, each hour, that precipita- pected to travel more than areas to less than half a mile,
down from 23 inches this tion could still cause prob- 50 miles between Wednes- according to the advisory.
time last year. lems at certain elevations. day and Jan. 3. Of those, Strong winds could also
In Southern California, “Even just an inch of that about 6.8 million are ex- cause rip currents and high

recent storms have brought will wreak havoc on the pected to drive, AAA said. surf along Central Coast
gusty winds, high tides and Grapevine,” said meteorolo- The National Weather beaches, as well as minor
rain. gist Dave Bruno. Service issued a wind advi- flooding in low-elevation

Prison faulted for poor healthcare

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[Prison, from B1] dressed issues such as clean- fornia prison medical care fornia’s 34 prisons has show premieres and more!
The prisoner later re- liness, timeliness of appoint- began in 2005 after a federal passed muster and had its
quired hospitalization. ments, processing of paper- judge ruled the state’s care medical system returned to
Another inmate, re- work and legibility of docu- was “broken beyond repair” state control. That was Fol- Get puzzles, games, trivia, sports
turned to the prison popula- ments,” Hayhoe said. — with scores of inmate som State Prison. & soaps PLUS an A-Z movie directory
tion after hospitalization for The patient case reviews deaths each year from pre-
congestive heart failure, were begun after the inspec- ventable causes. [email protected] Get the ultimate TV handbook for
failed to receive his pre- tor general’s office repeat- To date, only one of Cali- Twitter: @paigestjohn
scribed medications or fol- edly rated prison medical
less than $1 per week
low-up exams. systems as meeting state
The responsible pharma- standards, only to have
cist also is no longer em- those prisons fail subse-
ployed at the prison, the re-
port said.
quent reviews by the federal
receiver’s experts.
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The facility also has “ad- Federal oversight of Cali-

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B6 W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM


Authorities identify
body found in fridge
Santa Ana police on Thursday identified the body of a
woman found in a refrigerator as that of Ricarda Reyes-
Villalobos, 50.
Police received a call at 2 p.m. Thursday reporting a body
in the garage of a home in the 1000 block of Jackson Street,
Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna said.
Detectives found the couple who had rented and lived in
the detached garage and said they were now living in Gar-
den Grove.
The couple identified Reyes-Villalobos as a relative and
said they had been her caregivers, police said. They said she
died in August 2014.
The relatives had not wanted to report the death to au-
thorities because of their immigration status, police said.
The couple planned on returning to the residence for their
KTLA property when they had the money.
A VIDEO shows a life-and-death struggle between two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies and 23-year-old The Orange County coroner performed an autopsy Tues-
Noel Aguilar on the driveway of an apartment complex in Long Beach in May 2014. day and found no signs of trauma. The official cause of

D.A. urged to reopen case

death is pending a toxicology report, police said.
After the report is issued, the case will be submitted to
the Orange County district attorney’s office for possible
criminal charges, police said.
— Taylor Goldenstein

[Video, from B1] a gun or a knife, not when about 9:45 a.m. when sher- Just as the deputies were
the baton on him,” said Car- you’re not confronted with a iff ’s Deputies Albert Murad about to handcuff him, Agui-
razco, who has filed a federal lethal weapon.” and Jose Ruiz tried to stop lar burst free and stood SACRAMENTO require “truthful, non-mis-
civil lawsuit on behalf of the
family. “You use the gun
The American Civil Lib-
erties Union of Southern
him, according to the dis-
trict attorney’s memo.
nearly upright. Ruiz fired a
single shot at Aguilar but hit Court upholds leading information” and
don’t restrict the clinic’s
when you’re confronted with California weighed in with a Carrazco said he does not Murad in the abdomen in- speech rights.
statement, calling the video believe there was probable stead. abortion law — Associated Press
“chilling” and saying it raises cause for the stop. Aguilar “I’ve been shot!” Murad
serious doubts about was the father of two young yelled. A federal judge has up- GILROY
whether the deputies’ ac- children and had spent eight “Where’s the gun?” Ruiz held a recently passed state
Lottery results
Tonight’s Super Lotto Plus
tions were justified. Execu-
tive Director Hector Villagra
months in jail for violating a
gang injunction, Carrazco
asked as the two deputies
continued to struggle with
law requiring crisis preg-
nancy centers to let women
Crash victims
Jackpot: $26 million
Sales close at 7:45 p.m.
also called on Lacey to take said. Aguilar. know abortion is an option. are identified
another look at the case. Aguilar rode away from “I don’t have any,” Agui- U.S. District Judge Kim-
Tonight’s Powerball Jackpot: The deputy who fired the the deputies, then jumped lar replied. berly Mueller rejected an ar- The victims of a fatal sin-
$227 million first shot may not have real- off the bicycle and ran into Meanwhile, Murad took a gument from three preg- gle-engine plane crash Sat-
Sales close at 7 p.m. ized that his partner already an apartment complex on gun from his waistband and nancy centers that the law, urday south of Bakersfield
had Aguilar’s gun. He told East 69th Way. placed it on the ground. AB775, violated free-speech were identified as a family of
For Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015
investigators that he fired The deputies pursued Aguilar insisted several rights. Legislature Republi- five from Gilroy.
Mega Millions because he believed Aguilar Aguilar on foot, suspecting times that he didn’t shoot cans raised similar objec- The Kern County coro-
Mega number is bold was reaching for a weapon, he had a gun. He ignored anybody. tions in opposing the law. ner’s office identified Jason
11-21-40-50-70—Mega 15 according to a D.A. memo their commands and they “C’mon, man, why you The Pacific Justice Insti- Price, 42, as the pilot. Also
Jackpot: $94 million explaining why the office re- tackled him. pulling a gun on me?” Agui- tute brought the lawsuit on killed were passengers Olga
Fantasy Five: 8-30-33-35-38 jected criminal charges. The newly released video, lar said just before Ruiz shot behalf of the pregnancy cen- Price, 40; Olivia Price, 9;
The Sheriff ’s Depart- filmed from the other side of him once in the leg. ters, faith-based clinics that Mary Price, 10; and John
Daily Four: 0-3-3-4 ment said in a statement a metal fence, begins with Murad then pulled his have arisen as alternatives Price, 14.
Daily Three (midday): 8-6-8 that an internal affairs inves- Aguilar face down on the service weapon from its hol- to abortion providers and All five died at the scene,
tigation has been com- ground and the deputies on ster and shot Aguilar three encourage women to bring officials said.
Daily Three (evening): 0-0-4 pleted, and a force review top of him, trying to wrestle times in the back. their pregnancy to term. The bodies were recov-
Daily Derby: committee will decide next him into handcuffs. Murad told investigators The law requires the cen- ered from the crash site in an
(05) California Classic month whether there were “Is it a gun?” Ruiz asked he fired because he heard ters to post notices saying orchard, said Kern County
(04) Big Ben any policy, tactical, supervi- as he bent over Aguilar. Ruiz say “Gun!” and thought reproductive health serv- sheriff ’s Sgt. Mark King.
(03) Hot Shot sory or training violations. “It’s a gun! It’s a gun!” Aguilar had either taken ices, including abortion, are King said bad weather
Race time: 1:42.91 Both deputies are back at Murad confirmed before Ruiz’s gun or had a second available to pregnant wom- may have been a factor. It
Results on the Internet: work in the field, the state- cursing at Aguilar and tell- gun. en and may have govern- was rainy and cloudy in the ment said. ing him to stop moving. ment funding. area south of Bakersfield
General information: Aguilar was riding his bi- Murad can be seen taking cindy.chang The judge acknowledged about the time the plane
(800) 568-8379 cycle on the sidewalk on something from Aguilar and that the signs are compelled went off radar.
(Results not available at this number) Long Beach Boulevard tucking it in his waistband. Twitter: @cindychangLA speech, but that they merely — Taylor Goldenstein

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L AT I M ES . C O M W E D N ES DAY , D E C E M BE R 23 , 2 015 B7

ANGELA McEWAN, 1934 - 2015

actress was a
late bloomer
geles City College and at
By Susan King UCLA. But then she fell in

love and married Guillermo
hough her role in McEwan, a medical student
Alexander Payne’s at UCLA from Nicaragua.
2013 dramedy “Ne- After they married, the cou-
braska” was small, ple moved to Mexico where
Angela McEwan was singled McEwan began to act and
out for her wistfully sweet continued to perform in lo-
turn as a small-town news- cal theater productions
paper editor who had long when they moved to Temple,
loved Woody (Bruce Dern) Texas.
and regretted losing him to Upon returning to South-
the feisty Kate (June ern California, she earned a
Squibb). master’s in Spanish at UC Ir-
McEwan, who had re- vine, where she also taught
cently turned to acting when before becoming a criminal
she got the part in “Ne- court Spanish interpreter
braska,” died Sunday from for 30 years. Merie W. Wallace Paramount Pictures
complications of lung cancer When her husband re- SEEING GOOD IN EVERYONE
at the age of 81. tired about a decade ago, Angela McEwan and Will Forte in “Nebraska.” Director Alexander Payne found McEwan, who had
“My mom had an amaz- McEwan began taking act- recently turned to acting, on a tape and realized she was right for the part when they met over coffee.
ing capacity to see good in ing lessons and did some ep-
everyone,” said her son Car- isodic work on “The New
los McEwan in a statement Girl,” “Parks and Recrea- quite special. We kept re- baked me cookies. It just ing after seeing McEwan’s A writer, McEwan’s poet-
Monday. “She believed that tions” and other series. turning to the tape.” came from her heart.” tape. ry has been published in
everyone tries to do their “She came late in life to Payne, though, doesn’t Payne and Jackson had McEwan, who had a re- such literary magazines as
best within their abilities, so acting,” Payne said in an in- like to cast someone without been seeking lesser-known curring role on HBO’s “Get- “Revista Chicano Riquena”
there is no reason to be nega- terview with The Times in meeting them. “I happened actors and even retired ting On,” continued to work and “Apostrophe.”
tive.” 2014. “I cast her off a tape. to be coming out to Los An- farmers for “Nebraska,” but after she was diagnosed with In addition to her son
McEwan, who was born [Casting director] John geles and I called her. I met their biggest discovery cancer in October 2014. She Carlos, she is survived by an-
in Santa Monica in 1934, had Jackson and I were in her at her sister-in-law’s might have been McEwan. also had a role in the indie other son, William and three
dreamed of becoming an ac- Omaha and hadn’t pulled home in Hancock Park. We “I don’t know who she is, film “The Boonville Re- grandchildren.
tress when she was just a the trigger on that part. We had coffee together in the but look how sweet she is,” demption,” with Pat Boone
child and studied at Los An- knew we wanted someone late afternoon. She had Payne recalled Johnson say- and Diane Ladd. [email protected]


Patricia Elliott

Tony Award Place a paid Notice:

Search obituary notice archives:

winner and Conrad, Sima

Mount Sinai Memorial Parks
Lackowski, Matthew Red
January 11, 1978 - December 12, 2015

soap star
and Mortuaries 800-600-0076 Matthew Alexander Lackowski, also called Red died December 12, 2015, in
Palm Desert, CA, after a brief illness.
Matthew formerly lived in Santa
Patricia Elliott, who won Monica and was married to William
a Tony Award on her Broad- H. Schleicher of Morristown, NJ; Palm
way musical debut, went on Desert, CA; and Birr, County Offaly,
to star opposite David Bowie Ireland.
in “The Elephant Man” and Born in Saginaw, MI, the son of
Clarence and Betty Jean (McMahon)
spent 23 years aboard the Lackowski, Matthew attended the
TV soap opera “One Life to Art Institute of CA (LA) and The
Live,” has died. She was 77. College of the Desert, Palm Desert,
Elliott died of cancer CA. He was affiliated with Earthship
Sunday at her home in Man- Biotecture, Taos, NM as well as The
hattan, said her niece, Sally Feuer, Melvin Eco Village, Cloughjordan, County
May 20, 1923 - December 21, 2015 Tipperary. He played rugby on the
Fay. LA Rebellion rugby football team. He
Elliott, who was born in A World War II veteran, educator,
mentor and role model to thousands worked as an Assistant Editor at Bent
Gunnison, Colo., made her of children whose lives he changed Magazine (Flynt Enterprises). He was
Broadway debut as Count- forever, Melvin Feuer passed away on a beta tester of the original Call of
ess Charlotte Malcolm in the Monday, December 21, in Los Angeles Duty gaming series as well as an avid
at the age of 92. World of Warcraft enthusiast. He was
original production of Ste- formerly Creative Partner, mal-intent
phen Sondheim’s “A Little The atrocities of the Holocaust
inspired Mel to enlist in the U.S. productions, llc which he owned with
Night Music” and won the Army Air Corps in 1942. A ball turret his husband. Red worked at the LA
Tony for best featured ac- gunner in a B-24 bomber, Mel was Eagle, Mickey’s, West Hollywood,
tress in 1973. shot down and captured by the Nazis, CA,the Barracks in Cathedral City
who imprisoned him for a year in CA and was active in the worldwide
She also was nominated leather community.
for a Tony in 1977 in the origi- Marty Lederhandler Associated Press the infamous Stalag 17. Through the
love of music he developed as a child
nal production of “The BROADWAY ACTRESS prodigy, Mel used a worn violin to help Arrangements and burial will
Shadow Box.” Her other Patricia Elliott worked in theater for years before appearing on ABC’s “One raise morale in the camp, performing be private in Ireland. No flowers
Broadway credits include “A in a makeshift orchestra and jazz band. requested. Tributes can be held for the
Life to Live.” Above, she stars with David Bowie in “The Elephant Man” in 1980. establishment of a scholarship fund
Doll’s House,” “A Month of At the end of an arduous march across
Austria, Mel and his fellow prisoners in his name or donated immediately
Sundays” and “Hedda Ga- the Los Angeles LGBT Center, YWCA
were liberated by American troops.
bler.” For “The Elephant Circuit Court of Appeals in Mel was awarded a number of medals, Central West MI or to your local abused
Man,” she replaced Carole Philadelphia, retiring in1987. including the Air Medal with three oak children’s charity.
Shelley as Mrs. Kendal and President Ford consid- leaf clusters.
her John Merricks included ered him for the U.S. Su- Having witnessed the horrors of war,
Philip Anglim and Bowie. preme Court in 1975. He was Mel committed himself to building a Medley, Jerry C.
better world by educating children.
Elliott played Renee Di- one of two finalists but lost He served as a teacher and elementary Jerry Medley 69, passed away on
vine Buchanan on the ABC out to John Paul Stevens. school principal in San Bernardino December 17, 2015 in Chicago, IL.
daytime drama “One Life to “I don’t think I was enti- for thirty-six years, earning deep Jerry was Founder and President
respect from educators and students of The Medley Group, a national
Live” from 1988 to 2011. She tled to it,” Adams said in an management consulting firm based
graduated from the Univer- interview later. “There were alike. A leader in desegregation and
the principal of one of California’s in Los Angeles specializing in executive
sity of Colorado in 1960 and, many other lawyers and recruitment services.
first bilingual schools, Mel was an
among other theater work, judges more qualified, I education leader who cared deeply Services are scheduled for Saturday,
she starred in “Hay Fever” at thought, and just being con- about every child. Mel later taught December 26, 2015 in Chicago at
at California State University, helping A.A.Rayner Funeral Home 318 East
the Ahmanson Theatre in sidered was honor enough.” 71st Street Chicago, IL 60619.
Los Angeles. She had guest Adams was also Presi- aspiring teachers become effective
roles on such TV shows as dent Nixon’s second choice,
Upon moving to Los Angeles to be Phifer, David Alan
“Kojak,” “St. Elsewhere” and behind William H. Rehn- close to his grandchildren, Mel joined May 9, 1936 - December 17, 2015
“Hill Street Blues.” quist. the Maple Counseling Center as a Beloved husband of Elin
Besides her niece, Elliott A lifelong Republican, volunteer, inspiring Los Angeles and (predeceased). Loving father of Lance
is survived by an aunt, Clau- Adams worked on Nixon’s Beverly Hills students on issues from and daughter-in-law Janice, Craig, and
dine Walker, and several successful presidential cam- combating bullying to maintaining Brian and daughter-in-law Tabitha.
integrity in their daily lives. Cherished grandfather of Christian,
cousins. paign in 1968. That led to his Mel was an avid sports lover, rooting Kierra, Hannah (Nick) Buttino, Michael
— associated Press appeals court appointment. for his hometown Cleveland Indians ,Travis, Ryan, Jacob, Sarah, Tyler and
After retiring, Adams and all UCLA teams. He was also a true Meagan and great grandfather of
served as independent “people person,” with an endearing Aubrey, and Zoey. Services will be
Arlin Adams counsel in an investigation sense of humor and unfailing held at 2pm, Monday, December 28,
optimism. 2015, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and
Associated Press of the Department of Hous- Mel was a devoted husband to Mortuaries~ Los Angeles.
LIFELONG REPUBLICAN ing and Urban Development his wife, Stella, for nearly sixty-four Mount Sinai Memorial Parks
Judge considered Two GOP presidents considered Philadelphia
Judge Arlin Adams for the Supreme Court.
that won numerous convic-
years. He is survived by Stella, sons
Michael (wife Gail Ruderman Feuer),
and Mortuaries 800-600-0076
for high court Adams was born in Phila-
delphia and earned a law
Robert (husband Larry Tyndall), and
Steven (husband Martin Venezky),
Waterman, Harriet
grandchildren Aaron and Danielle,
Arlin Adams, a longtime the U.S. Supreme Court, has Schnader Harrison Segal & degree at University of brother Richard (Abby Brown), and tupper
stalwart of the federal bench died. He was 94. Lewis, said he died Monday Pennsylvania Law School in all those kids whose lives he touched. 1924 - December 20, 2015
in Philadelphia who was A spokeswoman at Ad- night. Adams spent 18 years 1947. Funeral services will be held on Harriet graduated the University of
considered at least twice for ams’ former law firm, on the bench of the U.S. 3rd — associated Press Wednesday, December 23 at 2pm at Minnesota, married her high school
Hillside Memorial Park in Los Angeles. sweetheart Harold Waterman and
Donations in Mel’s name can be sent to they had two sons: Jeffrey (Muriel)
the Maple Counseling Center. and Michael (Jackie). Harriet’s parents
were Esther and Phillip Tupper. She
is survived by her three sisters, Nancy
WHERE DO... Kahn, Susan Wasserman and Myrna

Singer; her two sons and seven

grandchildren: Jeremie (Rachel), Adam
Share a (Cindy), Benjamin (Ashley), Gabriel
(Rachel), Matthew (Amanda), Rebecca
memory (Evan) and Abby (Avi). Also eight
great-grandchildren: Jonah, Jacob,
To sign a guest book Joshua, Emmett, Olivia, Ethan, Noah

please go to and Maya; with two more on the way. Harriet was a preschool teacher,
social worker and teacher of Hebrew, Bible and Judaism. She was a pillar
of the Jewish community for over 60
B8 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Sunny and cool: Below-normal temperatures and strong, gusty winds will continue in the L.A. County Storm in the East: A large storm tracking across the Midwest will
mountains and the I-5 corridor through the early part of the day. The flow in the upper levels of the cause widespread rain throughout the Mississippi Basin. Farther
atmosphere will turn more northerly and conditions will be drier across the area. A cold trough will east, rain is possible from Pennsylvania to Georgia.
bring a chance of rain and lower-elevation snow Christmas Eve and early Christmas Day. Thunderstorms are likely in the Deep South.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
Today 66/46 60/39 65/44 43/23 68/46 Anchorage
Periods of sun Partly sunny Partly sunny Clouds clearing Partly sunny 15/7
Thursday Showers 62/46 Showers 58/39 Showers 61/44 Some sun 40/17 Some sun 66/45
Friday Showers 59/40 Showers 53/37 Showers 58/42 Snow showers 29/11 Some sun 59/38
Saturday Sunny, cool 61/39 Sunny, cool 54/35 Sunny 60/35 Very cold 29/11 Sunny 57/33
Sunday Sunny, cool 64/42 Mostly sunny 58/31 Sunny 60/40 Not as cold 42/15 Sunny 59/35
Los Angeles Basin: Cool partly cloudy and cool. cloudy and cool tonight. mostly sunny and cool.
with clouds and sun. Partly Partly cloudy tonight. Local mountains: Morning Partly cloudy tonight.
cloudy tonight. Clouds Ventura/Santa Barbara: snow and rain showers, Clouds and sun Thursday. Seattle
increasing Thursday. Cool with clouds and sun. then partial sun. Partly San Francisco Bay Area: 44/36 New York
Valleys/canyons: Cool with Partly cloudy tonight. cloudy tonight. Mostly cloudy and cool. 64/63
clouds and sun. Partly Afternoon showers are High desert: Partly sunny Mostly cloudy tonight with Denver
cloudy tonight. Increasing possible Thursday. and cool. Partly cloudy rain arriving toward dawn. 39/16 Chicago
clouds Thursday. San Diego County: Isolated tonight. Partly sunny and 61/37
Orange County: Isolated morning showers, then windy Thursday afternoon.
morning showers, then clouds and sun. Partly Low desert: Partly to Los Angeles Las Vegas
66/46 58/38 Houston
79/56 Miami
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available 84/75
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality


BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 59/35 Hesperia
Santa Ojai 64/35 LOS ANGELES CO. 54/32
Barbara 60/33 Simi Valley
66/40 61/35 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 60/39
65/41 67/41
62/42 59/39
Yucca Valley
U.S. cities
UCLA Fairplex 57/33 High 85 in Fort Myers, Fla.
Oxnard LA Downtown San Bernardino
Westlake 65/45 Ontario Low 4 in Opheim, Mont.
65/44 Woodland 66/46 63/38 60/38
Village 62/41
Santa Barbara Co. Hills Whittier Tuesday Today
64/33 Chino
63/38 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Height Period Direction Santa Monica Hills 65/38 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
3-5’ 7 sec W 65/44 66/44 Fullerton 61/35 Albuquerque 47 32 Tr 50 29 Cy
Torrance 68/44 Amarillo 61 34 -- 60 30 Su
Ventura Co. 68/47 Santa Ana Anchorage 13 9 -- 15 7 Pc
Height Period Direction Long 66/46 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm Atlanta 64 52 .72 71 67 R
3-6’ 7 sec W Beach Newport Irvine 59/36 Springs Atlantic City 58 49 .42 62 60 R
68/46 Beach 65/45 68/46 Austin 77 39 -- 79 48 Su Taken at 3 p.m. Tuesday
Los Angeles Co. Mission Viejo Baltimore 59 52 .11 66 61 R
65/49 Temecula Billings 36 26 -- 25 16 Pc
Height Period Direction 62/43 Spokane 31 23 .07 31 25 Sn
Laguna 60/37 Birmingham 66 60 .64 74 67 R Springfield, Mo. 60 35 -- 66 39 Sh
3-6’ 8 sec W Beach San Boise 39 33 .05 36 27 Sf Tallahassee 70 64 1.28 76 68 Ts
62/47 Boston 60 49 .23 54 51 R
Orange Co. Clemente Tampa 82 71 Tr 83 71 Fg
Surf and sea Height Period Direction 63/43 SAN DIEGO CO.
87 66
62 57
Tucson 57 40 -- 66 48 Pc
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO Oceanside Tulsa 69 29 -- 65 40 Su
3-5’ 8 sec W Burlington, Vt. 50 45 .72 53 50 R Washington, D.C. 62 51 .14 68 64 R
Inner waters: Variable winds at 7-15 64/42 Casper 34 29 Tr 27 14 Sn
knots. Combined seas of 2-6 feet with a Wichita 60 27 -- 53 34 Su
dominant period of 7 seconds.
San Diego Co. Charleston, S.C. 74 63 1.02 77 67 R Yuma 61 49 -- 71 46 Pc
Height Period Direction Escondido Ramona Charleston, W.Va. 64 52 .48 71 64 Ts
Surf zone: The potential for strong rip 4-6’ 10 sec WNW 62/42 58/39 Charlotte
71 65
61 37
currents is high at Southern California Poway Acapulco 89 75 .04 87 76 Pc
Cincinnati 61 53 .36 68 54 Pc
beaches. Coastal flood advisories are in Cleveland 57 49 .36 63 57 Cy
Amsterdam 57 46 .86 53 45 Pc
effect through Friday night. Tides UV index Colo. Springs 57 31 -- 40 16 Pc
Athens 64 37 -- 63 47 Su
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. Baghdad 64 43 -- 61 44 Pc
Minutes to burn for San Diego Columbia, S.C. 68 54 2.74 75 67 R
Bangkok 87 78 -- 91 78 Cy
Station Time Wind Waves Temp Today 7:00a 6.7 Hi 12:40a 1.5 Lo sensitive people Columbus 59 50 .99 66 55 Pc
Barbados 85 78 .10 84 78 Pc
Las Vegas, 60
65/53 Concord, N.H. 45 33 .58 50 44 R
Morro Bay 4p NNW8 12/14 57/58 8:29p 4.2 Hi 2:07p -1.1 Lo Beijing 43 26 -- 45 20 Pc
Los Angeles, 60 Dallas/Ft.Worth 74 44 Tr 75 53 Su
Santa Barbara 4p NNW7 2/7 61/63 Thu. 7:42a 6.8 Hi 1:26a 1.6 Lo Phoenix, 45 Berlin 55 48 .06 54 39 Pc
Denver 47 28 -- 39 16 Sf
9:14p 4.2 Hi 2:49p -1.3 Lo San Francisco, 60 Buenos Aires 79 72 .16 87 63 Ts
Ventura 4p WNW7 4/7 58/63 Des Moines 42 29 -- 48 29 R
Cabo San Lucas 79 62 -- 78 58 Su
Zuma Beach 4p NW6 3/7 61/62 Almanac Detroit
61 50
35 22
Cairo 68 50 -- 68 52 Su
Marina del Rey 4p NNW6 3/8 62/63
Hermosa Beach 4p NW7 4/8 60/63
Tuesday Downtown readings Sun and moon El Paso 60 38 -- 64 45 Su
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Eugene 47 42 .16 47 35 Sh
Cabrillo Beach 4p NW7 5/8 62/64 Today’s rise/set Full Moon Copenhagen 52 42 .62 49 41 Pc
High/low 62/54 63/54 66/59 Dec. 25 Fairbanks 0 -5 -- -4-20 Sf
Hunt’n. Beach 4p WNW6 5/8 57/62 High/low a year ago 75/50 76/48 78/59 Los Angeles County Dublin 50 48 .18 49 39 W
Fargo 35 20 .02 28 14 Cy
Newport Beach 4p WSW4 5/8 60/62 Normal high/low for date 67/47 67/44 66/44 Sun 6:55a/4:49p Edinburgh 51 42 .46 46 43 Pc
Flagstaff 32 25 .04 38 19 Sn
Dana Point 4p WSW4 4/8 61/62 Record high/date 80/1960 78/2003 80/1972 Moon 3:43p/4:52a Last Quarter Frankfurt 55 48 .10 52 41 Cy
Grand Junction 36 30 .03 34 7 Sf
San Clemente 4p SW4 5/9 62/63 Record low/date 33/1990 33/1998 30/1968 Jan. 1 Geneva 50 37 -- 51 35 Pc
Grand Rapids 45 44 -- 62 43 R
Orange County Havana 84 72 -- 88 69 Su
Oceanside 4p SW4 5/9 62/61 Precipitation Green Bay 37 31 .01 51 32 R
Sun 6:54a/4:48p New Moon Ho Chi Minh City 90 77 .01 93 74 Pc
Solana Beach 4p WSW4 5/9 61/62 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.10 0.34 0.02 Hartford 56 48 .12 55 52 R
Moon 3:42p/4:51a Jan. 9 Hong Kong 72 67 -- 74 68 Cy
Mission Beach 4p W6 4/9 62/63 Season total (since Oct. 1) 1.03 1.05 0.95 Helena 36 18 Tr 25 13 Sn
Istanbul 54 46 -- 54 44 Pc
Avalon 4p NW8 1/8 65/61 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 4.42 3.75 4.89 Ventura County Honolulu 83 74 .06 83 73 Pc
Jerusalem 58 44 -- 55 37 Su
Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 3.17 2.94 3.90 Sun 7:00a/4:52p First Quarter Houston 72 55 Tr 79 56 Cy
Johannesburg 88 59 -- 89 62 Su
Wind speed in knots; wave heights in feet/intervals in seconds;
Humidity (high/low) 96/83 100/83 89/74 Moon 3:47p/4:57a Jan. 16 Indianapolis 50 45 .07 64 47 R
temperatures for sea/air Kabul 38 26 .04 39 12 Su
Jacksonville, Fla. 79 69 .01 82 67 Fg
Kingston 88 82 -- 88 77 W
Kansas City 53 26 -- 57 34 Sh
California cities Las Vegas 63 46 -- 58 38 Pc
Tuesday Today Thursday Tuesday Today Thursday Tuesday Today Thursday Little Rock 65 38 -- 74 52 Ts
Manila 90 76 -- 87 75 Su
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Louisville 61 54 .68 70 59 Ts
Mecca 88 70 -- 79 66 Ts
Medford 46 41 .28 43 34 Sh
Anaheim 62 53 .19 66 42 62 44 Laguna Beach 61 56 .31 62 47 59 47 Sacramento 63 50 .05 56 39 53 34 Mexico City 74 47 -- 70 42 Pc
Memphis 70 52 .05 74 59 Ts
Avalon/Catalina 64 59 .18 57 48 55 45 Lancaster 61 50 Tr 51 30 54 34 San Bernardino 58 50 .43 60 38 57 39 Montreal 40 37 .20 49 45 Cy
Miami 83 76 .08 84 75 Pc
Bakersfield 66 54 .10 54 37 55 38 Long Beach 64 55 .61 68 46 63 46 San Clemente Pier 62 56 .89 63 43 60 47 Moscow 43 41 .21 42 39 R
Milwaukee 39 35 Tr 57 34 R
Barstow 67 57 -- 61 34 59 39 Mammoth Lakes 50 39 1.02 39 14 29 9 San Diego 64 56 .19 65 53 64 53 Mumbai 86 66 -- 88 70 Hz
Minneapolis 34 30 .02 39 25 Sn
Beaumont 53 45 .49 55 34 51 35 Mission Viejo 59 52 .65 62 43 59 43 San Francisco 59 56 .26 56 45 52 43 New Delhi 70 45 -- 68 43 Hz
Nashville 70 57 .99 72 61 Ts
Big Bear Lake 45 37 .01 43 23 40 17 Monrovia 60 51 .32 59 39 55 39 San Gabriel 62 53 .11 66 43 61 44 Oslo 43 33 .55 45 41 W
New Orleans 72 67 1.29 80 68 R
Bishop 67 31 -- 50 16 43 18 Monterey 59 56 .87 57 45 56 42 San Jose 62 57 .67 58 43 54 39 Paris 59 52 .02 55 47 Cy
New York 62 53 .19 64 63 R
Burbank 58 51 .23 62 42 60 42 Mt. Wilson 46 39 -- 50 30 43 26 San Luis Obispo 63 58 .45 63 40 59 39 Rio de Janeiro 95 77 -- 91 76 Pc
Oklahoma City 69 29 -- 63 36 Su
Camarillo 70 62 -- 67 41 65 42 Needles 67 52 -- 65 42 64 42 Santa Ana 61 54 .44 66 46 62 46 Rome 59 39 -- 59 41 Pc
Omaha 47 28 -- 44 28 R
Chatsworth 61 52 .30 60 39 58 38 Newport Beach 62 57 .14 65 49 61 50 Santa Barbara 72 58 Tr 66 40 62 43 Seoul 41 25 .02 48 27 Pc
Orlando 83 67 -- 85 69 Fg
Chino 62 51 .14 65 38 61 38 Northridge 59 51 .38 63 38 61 36 Santa Clarita 62 52 -- 59 35 58 37 Stockholm 42 40 .07 46 38 Pc
Philadelphia 61 54 .15 67 65 R
Dana Point 60 54 .21 63 46 60 49 Oakland 59 55 .13 56 42 52 40 Santa Monica Pier 62 53 Tr 65 44 61 44 Sydney 68 64 .90 75 66 Pc
Phoenix 57 45 -- 65 50 Pc
Death Valley 66 43 -- 64 34 61 34 Oceanside 63 54 .24 64 42 63 41 Santa Paula 70 53 -- 64 35 62 37 Taipei 82 64 .02 79 68 Pc
Pittsburgh 62 50 .20 63 60 Cy
Del Mar 62 55 .05 65 51 64 52 Ojai 69 49 -- 60 33 58 37 Santa Rosa 62 55 .28 55 38 52 35 Tehran 46 34 -- 47 28 Su
Portland, Maine 49 37 .81 49 43 Pc
Escondido 60 52 .49 62 42 60 46 Ontario 57 50 .39 62 41 59 40 Simi Valley 61 53 .52 61 35 59 33 Tokyo 60 48 -- 51 47 R
Portland, Ore. 46 37 .04 46 36 Sh
Eureka 55 50 .74 50 41 46 35 Oxnard 67 60 -- 65 44 60 44 Tahoe Valley 42 36 .98 34 18 27 17 Toronto 57 45 .02 54 51 R
Providence 61 51 .21 58 54 R
Fallbrook 60 52 .72 61 40 58 43 Palm Springs 66 49 -- 68 46 66 45 Temecula 60 52 .09 60 37 57 40 Vancouver 41 32 .11 43 35 R
Pueblo 59 26 -- 48 18 Pc
Fillmore 71 54 -- 64 34 62 36 Pasadena 59 52 .16 63 41 59 42 Thousand Oaks 62 54 .09 63 33 63 33 Vienna 54 30 -- 48 37 Pc
Raleigh 65 51 .63 74 67 R
Fresno 60 52 1.22 54 37 48 36 Paso Robles 65 56 .02 55 32 53 33 Torrance 63 59 .26 68 47 64 47 Winnipeg 27 18 .15 26 13 Sf
Rapid City 45 25 -- 32 9 Pc
Fullerton 63 54 .34 68 44 64 43 Pomona/Fairplex 59 51 .20 63 38 59 39 UCLA 60 53 -- 65 45 62 44 Zurich 54 39 -- 52 34 Su
Reno 56 46 Tr 42 29 Cy
Hemet 57 48 .30 59 36 56 39 Poway 59 51 .59 65 48 63 51 Van Nuys 59 52 .21 62 44 61 41 Richmond 63 49 1.08 72 65 R Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Hesperia 59 50 -- 54 32 53 34 Redding 55 48 .50 52 39 48 32 Ventura 66 59 .02 65 41 60 45 St. Louis 50 41 -- 69 41 R foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy
Huntington Beach 61 57 .48 65 48 61 50 Rialto 56 48 1.01 60 38 56 39 Whittier Hills 63 53 .24 66 44 62 45 Salt Lake City 34 33 .55 33 20 Sf Sh showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow;
Idyllwild 45 40 2.72 45 29 43 27 Riverside 62 50 .35 61 35 58 36 Woodland Hills 61 52 .35 63 38 61 37 San Antonio 79 48 -- 81 51 Su Sf snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy;
Irvine 62 56 .75 65 45 62 45 Wrightwood 52 42 -- 41 23 40 21 San Juan, P.R. 82 75 .13 86 75 Su Tr trace. Notes: National extremes are for NWS
L.A. D’ntown/USC 62 54 .09 66 46 62 46 Forecasts provided by Yorba Linda 62 53 .32 64 41 60 41 Santa Fe 42 25 .01 42 19 Cy stations; excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
L.A. Int’l. Airport 64 54 .55 66 48 62 48 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Yosemite Valley 45 35 3.59 41 21 31 20 Seattle 46 39 Tr 44 36 Sh Missing data indicated by “xx”.

Durst could be tried in murder case in 2016

[Durst, from B1] moment. “What a disaster.” Levenson said. “They, of
Durst’s Houston-based Before the series ended course, had been helped by
attorney, Dick DeGuerin, last spring, Durst disap- Mr. Durst statements when
said the extradition deal had peared from his Houston he mumbled on tape he did
been in the works for some condo, a manhunt ensued it.”
time. and he was caught in New Though the HBO docu-
“Once we get our case re- Orleans on March 14. Los mentary might have given
solved in New Orleans, then Angeles County officials viewers the impression that
we will work on getting him, charged him with murder in the case against Durst is
Bob, to California where he connection with Berman’s strong, both Levenson and
can be brought to trial,” De- death and attempted to Robert Sheahen, an L.A.
Guerin told The Times. extradite him to California. criminal defense attorney,
“We’re hoping to get it re- Durst has remained in said proving murder in court
solved and get him there as prison in Louisiana facing a is much more difficult.
soon as possible,” DeGuerin federal gun charge related to Sheahen noted that
said, noting that Durst the discovery of a loaded re- some of the evidence pre-
would be held pending ar- volver by FBI agents in his sented in the documentary
raignment if he arrives in New Orleans hotel room. He — including what has be-
California before Aug. 18. has a change-of-plea hear- come known as “the letter”
“There’s a lot of moving ing in federal court sched- — might not be enough to
parts. He has to be designat- uled for Feb. 3. convince a jury that Durst is
ed by the federal govern- Durst has insisted he had guilty of murder.
ment to a prison in Califor- nothing to do with Berman’s The final episode of a six-
nia,” where he would be held fatal shooting. part HBO documentary
until he is transferred to an- “Bob Durst didn’t kill Su- about Durst focuses on a
other detention facility dur- san Berman and doesn’t writing sample from him.
ing trial, DeGuerin said. know who did,” DeGuerin The episode highlights simi-
DeGuerin said he talked said. “He’s ready to get to larities between an envelope
to Durst, 72, about the deal California and prove his in- from a letter he sent to Ber-
to get him extradited to face nocence.” man in 1999 and an anony-
the murder charge in Los Laurie Levenson, a Loyo- mous note sent to Beverly
Angeles. la law professor and former Hills police at the time of her
“He recognizes that federal criminal prosecutor, killing, telling authorities
that’s the main case, that’s said the deal to move Durst that they would find “a ca-
everything,” DeGuerin said to Los Angeles was not sur- daver” in Berman’s house.
of his client. “He’s been ame- prising. Both writing samples are
nable to being extradited “We knew this day was written in all capital letters,
since Day One.” coming. They can only hold and in both cases the “Bev-
Jane Robison, a spokes- him so long in New Orleans,” erly” in Beverly Hills is mis-
Gerald Herbert Associated Press
woman for the district attor- she said. “Sooner or later, he spelled.
ney’s office, said prosecutors ROBERT DURST leaves court in New Orleans in April. He is expected to reach a has to have his day in court “The evidence against
fully expect Durst to be ar- plea deal there on a federal charge of possessing a gun after a felony conviction. in L.A.” him at first glance is signifi-
raigned in August. She said the agreement cant, but a deeper examina-
“Everyone wants this ject of the HBO docudrama Canyon home. In the final appearing not to notice that suggests that both sides tion shows problems,” Shea-
proceeding to move forward. “The Jinx.” episode, Durst is caught his microphone was still re- think they can win. hen said. “The envelope
The agreement speaks for it- The series explored the muttering what sounded cording as he muttered to “The question is are the doesn’t make him the killer.”
self,” she said, adding the of- mysterious disappearance like a confession to the kill- himself, “What the hell did I prosecutors ready for trial
fice would not comment fur- of Durst’s wife, Kathy, in ings into a microphone off- do? Killed them all, of on a murder case. This is a molly.hennessy-fiske
ther. 1982, as well as the 2000 kill- camera. course.” sensational case, but pros-
Durst drew national at- ing of Berman, who was Durst left his final inter- “There it is, you’re ecutors have had almost a richard.winton
tention this year as the sub- found shot in her Benedict view to use the bathroom, caught,” he said at another year already to prepare,”

BuSINESS W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S

DOW 17,417.27 ▲ 165.65 S&P 500 2,038.97 ▲ 17.82 NASDAQ 5,001.11 ▲ 32.19 GOLD $1,074.80 ▼ 7.10 OIL $36.14 ▲ 1.40 EURO $1.0952 ▲ .0026 U.S. T-NOTE (10-yr.) 2.24% ▲ 0.05

China’s Port
growth drivers
outlook win
in 2016 back
An expert on the
world’s second-largest
economy predicts
another volatile year. State orders Carson
trucking firm to pay
By Yingzhi Yang
and Alexandra Li
out $7 million to 38
misclassified workers.
Investors and econo-
mists are becoming less op- By James Rufus Koren
timistic about the global
economy in 2016, partly be- A port trucking firm in
cause of concerns about Carson has been ordered to
China’s performance. turn over nearly $7 million in
The Organization for back pay to 38 drivers, the
Economic Cooperation and latest in a series of recent
Development expects next wins for port drivers and the
Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times
year to be slightly better Teamsters union that has
than this year, but has cut its MIKE HOPKINS, a longtime Fox distribution executive, stepped into Hulu’s CEO role in 2013, just been trying to organize
2016 world growth forecast months after Fox, Disney and NBCUniversal opted to hold onto the Santa Monica company. them.
from 3.6% to 3.3%. The state Labor Commis-

The Conference Board is sioner’s Office ruled this
more pessimistic, putting month that the drivers at Pa-
the figure at 2.8%. China — cific 9 Transportation were
the world’s second-largest improperly treated as inde-
economy — is “one of the ma- pendent contractors rather
jor wild cards” in its forecast, than as employees. It or-
the Conference Board said. dered the company to com-

After decades of export- pensate drivers for illegal
and investment-driven paycheck deductions, back
growth, China’s economy is wages and legal costs, pay-
slowing, with gross domestic outs that amount to hun-
product expanding at less dreds of thousands of dollars
than 7% a year. The country for some.
witnessed huge stock mar- Though the decision, dis-
ket volatility in 2015; a deval- closed Tuesday, affects just a

Once an underdog, the streaming service is

uation of its currency, the fraction of the nearly 12,000
renminbi; falling imports drivers who haul cargo at the
and exports; and rising con- local ports, the order shows
cern about nonperforming
China’s economic out-
becoming a player in the digital TV business that labor organizers are
having some success in using
employee classification
look and consumer confi- claims to push trucking
dence have major implica- firms to treat drivers as em-
tions for the Golden State: By Yvonne Villarreal ployees — who, unlike con-
Chinese tourists, real estate tractors, are allowed to
buyers and other investors Inside the private dining space at unionize.
have been pumping billions the exclusive Spago restaurant in Disputes between truck-
into the California economy Beverly Hills, a celebration was ing companies and port
annually. The state’s farm- underway. Writer and actress Min- truck drivers have become
ers and other exporters rely dy Kaling had just made her way common in recent years, but
significantly on China, the through the shoulder-to-shoulder typically state labor regu-
state’s No. 3 export market crowd at a holiday fete put on by lators handle classification
behind Mexico and Canada. streaming service Hulu. Nearby, complaints individually or in
But California’s ship- filmmaker Jason Reitman was chat- small groups. But the recent
ments to China have been ting with “Breaking Bad” alum case involving Pacific 9 — as
dropping; a report from Bea- Aaron Paul as a few members of the well as two others involving
con Economics this month press mingled with talent and pro- trucking firms — was heard
found that the state’s ex- ducers. en masse, with the Labor
ports to China between Au- “We’ve had quite a year at Hulu,” Commissioner’s Office rul-
gust and October fell 11.4% Craig Erwich, head of content for ing in favor of dozens of driv-
from the same period in 2014, the streaming service, said to the ers at once.
sagging from $4.19 billion to crowd as they snacked on hamachi “This is not an everyday
$3.71 billion. The decline af- ceviche and pizza with house-cured kind of decision,” said Rob-
fected a broad range of sec- smoked salmon. “I think people are ert Millman, a partner in the
tors, including agricultural starting to notice all of the efforts Century City office of labor
products and computer we’ve made and we are very grate- and employment law firm
equipment. ful.” Littler Mendelson, who was
The Times spoke with Those weren’t empty words. not involved in the case. “It’s
Francis Cheung, head of For years, the joint venture be- apparent that the Team-
China/Hong Kong strategy tween major TV network owners HULU SECURED its first Golden Globe nomination for “Casual,” sters have glommed onto
for Hong Kong brokerage 21st Century Fox, Walt Disney Co. which stars Tara Lynne Barr, left, Tommy Dewey and Michaela this issue as an organizing
[See China, C4] [See Hulu, C4] Watkins. Filmmaker Jason Reitman is an executive producer. [See Truckers, C4]

Shipping firms feel online strain

High e-commerce
sales are contributing
to delays in package
By Samantha Masunaga
‘Star Wars’ is
set to dominate December is always the
busiest month for shipping
Other films will try to
packages, but this year’s big-
find an audience as
ger-than-ever e-commerce
“The Force Awakens’
push has put even more
goes into its second
stress on delivery compa-
weekend. C3
A surge of orders last
GDP growth month around Black Friday
revised to 2% and Cyber Monday took a toll
The U.S. economy on timely deliveries. And last
grew at a slightly Friday, retailer told
slower pace in the customers that it couldn’t
third quarter than “confidently guarantee” or-
earlier estimated. C2 ders would arrive in time for
Christmas unless shoppers
Clothier to close opted for more expensive
its original store two-day delivery.
“This year’s holiday gift
Struggling retailer
rush has led to nationwide
American Apparel is
shipping delays that have af-
shutting its original
fected many of our fulfill-
U.S. store in Echo
ment partners,” the start-up
Park. C2
posted on its website.
Patrick Semansky Associated Press
Market Roundup ... C5 This month, United Par-
cel Service Inc. is expected to UPS RECEIVED an unexpectedly high number of packages the first week of December, causing some deliv-
Classifieds ................ C6
[See Shipping, C5] ery delays. Above, a worker pulls a container full of packages last month at UPS’ air hub in Louisville, Ky.
C2 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / B US I N E S S

GDP growth rate revised down to 2%
steady but tepid year of annual rate from July Federal Reserve officials
By Jim Puzzanghera recovery from the Great through September. The forecast the pace of growth
Recession. figure, in line with analyst to pick up next year, to 2.3%,
The U.S. economy grew The Commerce Depart- expectations, was a 0.1% de- despite the slightly higher
at a slightly slower pace in ment reported Tuesday that cline from an estimate last interest rate.
the third quarter than earli- total economic output, also month. The small hike in the
er estimated, putting the known as gross domestic The economy grew at a benchmark federal funds
nation on track for another product, expanded at a 2% 3.9% annual rate from April rate, and a few more ex-
through June. pected in 2016, could slow
But economists had fore- economic growth as the Fed
cast a steep drop-off for two tries to move toward a more
reasons: Much of the sec- normal interest rate envi-
ond-quarter growth was ronment after seven years of
catch-up after a subpar win- keeping the rate near zero.
ter, and the third quarter Fed Chairwoman Janet
was weighed down by global L. Yellen has stressed that
Carmine Galasso The Record of Bergen County
economic troubles that the interest rate, which is
roiled financial markets in PEOPLE SHOP at the Willowbrook Mall in Wayne, used to set the terms of
August. N.J. Consumer spending in the U.S. was solid in the many consumer and busi-
Tuesday’s report was the third quarter, expanding at a 3% annual rate. ness loans, remains ex-
final read on third-quarter tremely low by historical
growth and was based on and has been enough to fuel last week to raise a key standards and that mone-
more complete data than strong job growth in recent short-term interest rate for tary policy continues to pro-
the previous two Commerce years. the first time in nearly a dec- vide a boost to the economy.
Department estimates. Tuesday’s Commerce ade, he said.
U.S. businesses sharply Department report vali- “The economy is better jim.puzzanghera
cut back on their inventories dates the decision by Fed- than you think,” Rupkey
in the third quarter. The val- eral Reserve policymakers said. Twitter: @JimPuzzanghera
ue of private inventories de-
clined by $28 billion to $85.5
billion after increasing in the

American Apparel to close first store

previous two quarters.
Because of the strong
dollar, exports grew at just a
0.7% annual rate in the third
quarter, well below the 5.1%
growth the previous quarter. “the turning point.” In response, American
A measure of business By Shan Li The company did not give Apparel said that Charney
investment increased at a an official closing date, but had expressed interest in
2.6% annual rate in the third American Apparel is clos- an employee said workers buying the company but that
quarter, down from 4.1% the ing its original U.S. store in have been told Jan. 8. The there was “currently no
previous quarter. Echo Park. 5,300-square-foot space is al- transaction for the board to
Consumer spending was The Los Angeles retailer, ready listed for leasing, ac- consider.”
solid, expanding at a 3% an- which filed for bankruptcy cording to LoopNet. It will be Since the board pushed
nual rate. That was down protection in October, is clos- available in February. out Charney in June 2014,
from 3.6% in the previous ing stores as part of an effort Dov Charney, the former American Apparel has con-
quarter. to revive its business. chief executive who was tinued to struggle. Charney,
Consumer spending is “The store closure is a ousted by the American Ap- who owns about 40% of the
“running fast and true” and next step in implementing parel board last year, said company’s stock, was fired
helping boost overall eco- our previously announced this month that he was tak- after an investigation into al-
nomic growth, said Chris turnaround plan, which in- ing steps to return to the leged inappropriate behavior
Rupkey, chief financial econ- cludes closing under-per- company he founded. and misuse of company
omist at Union Bank in New forming locations and invest- Charney announced that funds. Charney has denied
York. ing in new stores in promis- he is “exploring plans with in- the allegations.
Economists expect simi- ing areas,” the company said vestors and industry execu- American Apparel’s re-
lar growth of about 2% in the in a statement. tives in an effort to develop a structuring agreement
fourth quarter, meaning American Apparel was value-maximizing solution” would take the company pri-
that the U.S. economy will mostly a wholesale operation for the struggling retailer. It vate and hand nearly 100%
produce another year below before opening its first store is the first public step he’s control to its largest bond-
its historical norm. on Sunset Boulevard in Echo taken to regain control since holders.
Rupkey said 2% annual Park. On its website, the American Apparel filed for
growth is “the new normal” company called that store bankruptcy protection. [email protected]

The Los Angeles Area Chamber of
Commerce has championed the
needs of the business community
and the citizens of the L.A. region
for more than 125 years. From
serving as the voice of business in
the halls of government to promoting
economic development and fostering
collaboration throughout the
community, the Chamber has worked
to ensure economic prosperity and
quality of life in our region. Visit us at
L AT I M ES . C O M / B US I N E S S W E D N E S DAY, D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 C3

Where the cameras roll
Overall shoot days were up 30% last week for TV, film and
commercial shoots in the Los Angeles area compared with the
same period last year, according to FilmL.A. Inc.
Production days for three main categories
Television Features Commercials
December 14-20, 2015 (556 total shoot days)
301 114 141
+46% +93% -13%
December 15-21, 2014 (428 total shoot days)
206 59 163

Sampling of permitted shoots this week

5 14
Los Angeles
E 405
101 F L B 210
C G OH 10
Q I 605


Film Frame/Disney/Lucasfilm

THE MASSIVE SALES for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” are poised to push industrywide box-office D 405 5
ticket sales to the $11-billion mark by the end of 2015, according to entertainment data firm Rentrak.

‘Star Wars’ to conquer

Commercials Television
A Bud Light J Chatsworth
Tujunga Canyons, Mon. Chatsworth, Mon.-Sun.
Caviar 20th Century Fox Television

the box office again

B Mercedes K Crazy Ex-girlfriend
San Pasqual, Thu. North Hollywood, Mon.-Sun.
Smuggler CBS Corp.
C Pepsi L Beyond Borders
Unincorporated Santa Studio City, Mon.
Monica Mountains, Mon.-Tue. ABC Studios
Sawhorse Productions
M Flop House
D Chase Highland Park, Tue.-Wed.
Rancho Palos Verdes, Sun. Field Recordings
Reset Content
Films such as ‘Daddy’s N Bella and the Bulldogs
Home,’ ‘Concussion’ Features Hollywood, Mon.-Sun.
Rocart Inc.
and ‘Joy’ will try to E True to the Game
West Hills, Mon. O Aquarius
find an audience. True to the Game Inc. Westlake, Mon.
Next Step Productions
By Ryan Faughnder F Corrupt
Encino, Mon. P Dance Moms
Production Media Group Sawtelle, Mon.-Thu.
“Star Wars: The Force
Fly Girls
Awakens” is set to dominate G Moon
the U.S.-Canada box office Beverly Grove, Mon.-Wed. Q Germany's Next Top
again this weekend as the Back from the Moon Model
domestic film business hur- Productions Inc. Venice, Mon.-Tue.
tles toward a record year. Kinetic Operations
H All of the Lights
The latest installment in Elysian Park, Mon.-Tue. R Botched
the Lucasfilm franchise is Digital Echo Newport Beach, Mon.-Sun.
expected to gross $140 mil-
Evolution Film & Tape
lion to $180 million domesti- I Mothers Day
cally Friday through Sun- Ladera Heights, Mon. Note: Permits are subject to
day, according to box-office Digital Media Futures last-minute changes.
analysts, overpowering a Sources: FilmL.A. Inc.; cities of Pasadena and Rancho Palos Verdes
Patti Peret Paramount Pictures
slew of new films including T h o ma s S u h L au d e r Los Angeles Times
multiple possible awards MARK WAHLBERG, left, and Will Ferrell star in “Daddy’s Home.” The PG-13
contenders and a Will Fer- comedy is expected to gross $20 million to $22 million through Sunday.
rell-Mark Wahlberg comedy

Start-up Songkick
that will hit theaters Christ- one of the biggest Christmas drama stars Lawrence as ited release this month.
mas Day. weekends and biggest Joy Mangano, the divorced Warner Bros. “Point
The massive sales for Christmas Days of all time,” mother who invented the Break,” on the other hand,
“Star Wars” are poised to said Paul Dergarabedian, Miracle Mop. could be bracing for a wipe-

sues Live Nation

push industrywide box-of- senior analyst at Rentrak. Meanwhile, Sony Pic- out. The $105-million movie,
fice ticket sales to the $11-bil- “You’ve got a lot of movies tures’ NFL head trauma released by Warner Bros.
lion mark by the end of 2015, coming out this weekend.” drama “Concussion” is on and co-financed by Alcon
according to entertainment Likely leading the crowd- track for a debut of about $10 Entertainment and DMG
data firm Rentrak. That ed pack of new non-”Star million, according to ana- Entertainment, is expected
would be the movie busi- Wars” movies is “Daddy’s lysts. Will Smith portrays to gross $10 million to $15 mil-
ness’ biggest year ever in the Home” from Paramount Dr. Bennet Omalu, the fo- lion in the U.S. and Canada. to force the company to pay
U.S. and Canada, not adjust- Pictures. rensic neuropathologist The remake of the 1991 Pat- By Ryan Faughnder service fees for presales, and
ing for inflation. The previ- The PG-13 comedy is ex- who first discovered the rick Swayze-Keanu Reeves intimidated concert venues
ous record was set in 2013 at pected to gross $20 million to football-related brain dis- action sports thriller de- Online concert-ticket into not working with Song-
$10.9 billion. $22 million through Sunday, ease C.T.E., and his battle buted earlier overseas. The seller Songkick has helped kick and other rival ticketing
“The Force Awakens,” according to people who against the league. The stu- movie has raked in about $43 major artists such as Adele services.
which cost an estimated have reviewed pre-release dio hopes Smith’s perform- million so far, mainly from sell passes directly to fans Artists have also come
$200 million to produce, de- audience tracking surveys. ance and the movie’s treat- ticket sales in China. and thwart scalpers in an ef- under pressure, Songkick
buted last weekend to The $50-million film stars ment of a timely controversy Theaters will also be busy fort to take on market leader says. In its complaint, the
record domestic ticket sales Ferrell as a mild-mannered will interest filmgoers. The with limited releases includ- Ticketmaster. company alleges a “global
of $248 million. It also man trying to compete for $35-million movie was co-fi- ing “The Revenant,” an Now it’s accusing Ticket- superstar,” whose name was
grossed $281 million over- the affections of his step- nanced by LStar Capital and awards contender starring master and its parent com- not revealed, was denied
seas for a global total of $529 children after the arrival of Village Roadshow. Leonardo DiCaprio and di- pany, Live Nation, of engag- marketing from Ticketmas-
million, topping the previ- their freewheeling biological This weekend will also rected by Alejandro Gonzá- ing in anti-competitive be- ter because the musician
ous worldwide debut bench- father, played by Wahlberg. see the nationwide expan- lez Iñárritu, who made the havior by pressuring touring used Songkick for presales.
mark set in June by “Jurassic Other newcomers are sion of “The Big Short” from 2015 Best Picture Oscar win- artists and concert venues to Ticketmaster wants to
World” ($525 million). As of likely to debut to lower num- Paramount, Regency Enter- ner “Birdman.” It will be not work with Songkick’s leverage Live Nation’s pro-
Monday, the J.J. Abrams-di- bers in hopes of generating prises and Brad Pitt’s Plan B shown in four theaters in service. motional abilities to get art-
rected space saga had strong buzz among movie- Entertainment. The Adam New York and Los Angeles New York-based Song- ists to use its own presale
grossed about $611 million. goers that will carry through McKay-directed comedy on Christmas Day. kick on Tuesday filed suit in service, called OnTour, the
Multiple other films will the holiday season. about a group of financial Weinstein Co. will release U.S. District Court in Los An- suit says. Live Nation’s busi-
try to find an audience while “Joy,” which reunites star wizards who bet against the Quentin Tarantino’s new geles saying that Beverly ness also benefits from the
“Star Wars” draws unprece- Jennifer Lawrence with di- housing market ahead of the western epic “The Hateful Hills-based Live Nation and practice of reselling tickets
dented attention from rector David O. Russell 2008 meltdown goes wide Eight” in about 100 North Ticketmaster broke federal on sites that it runs, compet-
moviegoers. They include (“American Hustle,” “Silver Wednesday and should take American theaters showing antitrust laws. The lawsuit ing directly with secondary
“Concussion,” “Daddy’s Linings Playbook”), appears in about $10 million through it in 70mm film. marks the latest legal chal- market companies like Stub-
Home,” “Joy,” “Point Break” to be headed for a gross of Sunday. The well-reviewed lenge to Ticketmaster. Hub. The secondary market
and “The Big Short.” $11 million to $13 million. The film has already posted ryan.faughnder Artists use Songkick to for live event tickets is worth
“This weekend could be 20th Century Fox comedy- strong numbers from its lim- offer tickets to fan-club about $8 billion, according to
members before they go on Songkick.
sale to the general public and Songkick also accuses
to keep prized passes out of Ticketmaster of enforcing an
CHINA BOX OFFICE the hands of scalpers who anachronistic policy about

Filmgoers flock to ‘Mojin’

want to sell them on the sec- what counts as a fan club
ondary market. The com- whose members can get ac-
pany says it has worked with cess to early ticket sales. For
artists including Kenny example, Songkick claims
Chesney, Metallica and Ticketmaster requires that
Mumford & Sons. Just last true fan clubs have a mes-
week, Songkick said it sold sage board, which it consid-
in theaters. view ticket sales last week. is on track to be the third 230,000 tickets for the British ers an out-of-date mode of
The homegrown “Mojin” centers on three But the film, inspired by the largest “fixed fee” import ti- singer Adele’s tour. communication in the social
grave robbers who come out popular Monkey King clas- tle of the year, Artisan said. With the decline of tradi- media age.
fantasy-adventure is of retirement in New York sic “Journey to the West,” “The Martian” landed in tional album sales, ticketing “Defendants’ anti-
No. 1 for now. ‘Star City to take an assignment managed a modest $23.4 mil- fourth place for the week has become an increasingly competitive acts have in-
raiding ancient Chinese lion after formally opening with $3.6 million as it fin- important source of income creased and today threaten
Wars’ opens Jan. 9. tombs for artifacts. Friday, Artisan said. ished its run. The film star- for artists and a focal point of not only continued competi-
The film, based on the “Point Break,” the ex- ring Matt Damon from 20th tension in the industry. tion from Songkick, but the
By Julie Makinen novel “The Ghost Blows Out treme-sports remake of the Century Fox has grossed In its complaint, Song- entirety of competition with-
the Light” and directed by 1991 Keanu Reeves-Patrick nearly $90 million on the kick says Ticketmaster and in the artist presale ticketing
With China a black hole Wuershan (“Painted Skin: Swayze surf film, landed in mainland, where audiences Live Nation have “attempted services market,” Songkick
for “Star Wars: The Force The Resurrection”), is likely third place for the week with have been enthusiastic to destroy competition in the says in its 65-page complaint.
Awakens” until Jan. 9 — the to surpass $230 million be- $7.2 million in sales. about space-themed fare in artist presale ticketing serv- Live Nation, the biggest
movie has been shut out of fore the end of its run, said The Alcon Entertain- recent years. ices market.” The company concert promoter, bought
Chinese theaters until then Rance Pow, president of the ment movie, which had sub- Rounding out the top five is seeking unspecified dam- Ticketmaster in 2010, despite
— mainland moviegoers last film industry consulting stantial investment from films was the local produc- ages, including punitive complaints from consumer
week flocked to “Mojin — firm Artisan Gateway. Beijing-based DMG Enter- tion “The Master,” which has damages and attorneys fees. groups that worried about so
The Lost Legend.” In second place for the tainment, arrived in Chinese earned a total of $8 million A representative for Live much power concentrated in
The homegrown fantasy- seven days that ended Sun- theaters ahead of its Christ- since its Dec. 10 release. Nation declined to comment. one company.
adventure looks to be an out- day was the action-adven- mas Day opening in the U.S. Songkick says Ticket-
size hit, selling $93 million in ture “Surprise,” which had a With $37.8 million in tickets julie.makinen master has used its clout in ryan.faughnder
tickets in its first three days stunning $17.5 million in pre- sold so far in China, the film the ticketing industry to try
C4 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B ER 23 , 2 015 L AT I M E S. C O M / BU S I N E S S

Hulu becoming a digital TV player

[Hulu, from C1] arose as owners clashed over
and NBCUniversal was strategy. Hulu’s joint owners
viewed largely as the under- were intent on preserving
dog of the streaming world traditional business models
and was best known for while Hulu’s former chief
showing major network pro- executive, Jason Kilar, was
grams the day after they trying to build a service that
aired on TV. Unlike rivals capitalized on the changing
Netflix and Amazon, the viewing habits that threat-
Santa Monica company ened those models.
didn’t invest heavily in mar- At one point Hulu’s own-
quee shows that could draw ers contemplated selling
viewers. their interest in the venture,
Now Hulu is trying be- creating further disruption.
come more of a player in an Kilar eventually left the
increasingly competitive company in the first quarter
digital television business. of 2013, as did many of the ex-
The online TV network ecutives on his team. An in-
boosted its investment in terim replacement served
original programming and for seven months before
this year pumped an esti- Mike Hopkins, a longtime
mated $800 million into buy- Fox distribution executive,
ing or making original shows was brought in to steer the
and landing high-powered li- streaming ship in 2013.
censing pacts with TV stu- He stepped into the CEO
dios. Hulu recently an- role just months after Fox,
nounced a major deal with Disney and NBCUniversal
Sony TV for the entire “Sein- opted to hold onto Hulu and
feld” library — paying close instead invest $750 million
to $1 million per episode. into the service as streaming
Hulu also signed licens- market began to show prom-
ing and output deals with ise.
AMC, Discovery, Turner Under Hopkins, a new
Broadcasting and FX Net- executive team was hired.
Rachel Murray Getty Images for Hulu
works. Additionally, Hulu Among them was Erwich,
nabbed streaming rights to CRAIG ERWICH, left, Hulu’s head of content, and filmmaker Jason Reitman attend the Hulu holiday party previously of Fox Broadcast-
big shows such as “Empire” in Beverly Hills. Erwich has led the charge to bring big-ticket Hollywood talent into the company’s fold. ing and later Warner Hori-
and “CSI,” and recently zon, who has led the charge
signed a deal with U.S. cable the power of Netflix. Time than double to 19 million by in the binge-watching craze To further expand its to bring big-ticket Holly-
premium movie network Warner Inc., owner of the 2017. and won loyal subscribers customer base, Hulu also re- wood talent into Hulu’s fold.
Epix. Warner Bros. movie and TV The company, however, with its high-quality shows cently introduced a com- The new era kicked off
Reflecting its elevated studio, TNT, TBS, HBO and has yet to turn a profit, ac- such as “House of Cards” mercial-free service for $11.99 with a big bet on comedy.
status in the television in- the Cartoon Network, has cording to people familiar and “Orange Is the New a month ($4 above the regu- This summer and fall, the
dustry, Hulu this month se- been in early talks with Hulu with the Hulu’s financials. Black.” Amazon also has lar rate). service launched three com-
cured its first Golden Globe about buying a stake in the Hulu is seeking to capi- been making waves with Hulu launched in 2008 as edies with high-profile tal-
nomination for the dark service. talize on changing television such critically acclaimed a free, ad-supported website ent attached: “Difficult Peo-
comedy “Casual,” which Analysts estimate Hulu viewer habits. More con- shows as “Transparent.” that worked to keep televi- ple,” of which Amy Poehler is
boasts Reitman as an execu- is expected to generate sumers have pared or scrap- By launching its own sion shows safely in the an executive producer; Kal-
tive producer. about $1.4 billion to $1.7 bil- ped their cable service and marquee shows, Hulu hopes hands of creators and dis- ing’s “The Mindy Project,”
“They really put their lion in revenue this year — are looking to so-called over- to keep subscribers on its tributors. It was viewed as a which Hulu took on after Fox
foot on the gas this year,” No- up from $1 billion in 2013, the-top alternatives to service longer. That’s impor- legal alternative to piracy. canceled the series; and
mura Securities media ana- when the company last dis- watch their favorite shows. tant because Hulu has high “They were created as “Casual” with Reitman.
lyst Anthony DiClemente. closed its revenue. Subscription video services turnover rate. A report from the Plan B for a few media “I was at their presenta-
““It’s been a year of acceler- Last year, Hulu execu- were in 46% of households at Parks Associates found that companies,” said Doug tion to advertisers earlier
ated investment in con- tives said the service had the end of the third quarter, 7% of U.S. broadband house- Creutz, a media analyst with this year, standing on stage
tent...They’ve shown they nearly 9 million subscribers, up from 40% in the same pe- holds had canceled their Cowen & Co. “They had seen where J.J. Abrams and
can be very aggressive in the up 50% from 2014. The com- riod last year, according to a Hulu subscription in the last what had happened to the James Franco were talking
space.” pany has not yet disclosed recent Nielsen report. 12 months, a figure that rep- music industry and they about their show and [Jerry]
The major media compa- figures for 2015 but some At the same time, Hulu resents about one-half of didn’t want the same thing Seinfeld was announcing a
nies that own Hulu also view analysts project that Hulu’s faces rising competition Hulu’s current subscriber to happen to them.” landmark deal,” Reitman
the service as a counter to subscriber base would more from Netflix, which ushered base, according to Parks. But internal tensions said. “It was crazy.”
Beyond comedies, Hulu
also is investing heavily in
new dramas. Its most high-

Drivers to get millions in back pay

profile upcoming show is
“11/22/63,” based on Stephen
King’s time-travel thriller
about the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy.
The series is produced by J.J.
Abrams, hot off his “Star
[Truckers, from C1] two cases were not immedi- with how technology and company fired him in April. drivers for work-related ex- Wars” lap, and stars Franco.
tool.” ately available. entrepreneurs have “revolu- But when he drove for the penses, such as truck main- “It’s not just enough to
These larger actions In its Pacific 9 ruling, the tionized ... driver and truck- company, he said he didn’t tenance costs, sometimes say, ‘Hey, we’ll pay a little bit
could spark an acceleration commission said independ- ing company relations,” feel like an independent con- amounting to thousands of more or we’ll pay as much for
in the number of claims ent contractor agreements moving them toward inde- tractor. dollars. The commission fur- your stuff,’ ” Hopkins said.
against trucking firms at the signed by drivers “often pendent contractors and “The control is on the ther found drivers were not “We like having these
ports of Los Angeles and amount to a subterfuge to away from traditional em- company side only,” said Li- paid for rest and meal breaks brands. We don’t want to ex-
Long Beach, most of which avoid paying payroll taxes, ployee status. nares, 60. “The drivers don’t and ordered payouts to cov- punge the FX or AMC logo
say their workers are inde- income taxes and workers’ However, Uber and Lyft control anything. They tell er that time. and the brand from our plat-
pendent contractors, ac- compensation liability.” have become the subjects of us which loads to pick up and For all payouts, the com- form. We’re proud of having
cording to labor organizers. Company executives did labor disputes too. The Seat- where to drop them and mission ordered Pacific 9 to it and we think it’s a really
“There are hundreds of not return calls for com- tle City Council this month what to do next once we’re pay interest dating back to good selling point. Our sell-
trucking companies at the ment. But the trade group voted to allow drivers for done.” when wages or payments ing point is: We’ll support
ports, and the vast majority Harbor Trucking Assn. those and other ride-sharing The bulk of the payouts were initially due. In some your brand, we’ll promote
are misclassifying drivers,” lashed out at state regu- companies to form a union, ordered by the commission cases, those interest pay- back to the current season
said Julie Gutman Dickin- lators, saying more than 90% and Uber is facing a class-ac- relate to Pacific 9 deductions ments amount to tens of when people are bingeing.”
son, an attorney who has of the labor commission’s de- tion lawsuit from drivers who from drivers’ paychecks to thousands of dollars. To be sure, Hulu has a
represented the Teamsters cisions favor workers over say they want to be recog- cover truck lease payments, In total, the commission long way to go catch up with
union and is on the advisory employers, a figure that nized as employees. insurance, maintenance and ordered payments to 37 of Netflix, which has a sub-
board of the Los Angeles Alli- shows partiality. Trucking companies also other costs. In many cases, the 38 drivers, with the aver- scriber base of more than
ance for a New Economy, “This means the labor operate differently from the such deductions added up to age driver set to receive more 43 million and will spend
a labor-backed advocacy commissioner is driving new ride-sharing services. hundreds of thousands of than $187,000. The lone driver $4 billion on content this
group that represented driv- drivers into employee status, Ride-sharing drivers dollars over several years. not paid was found to have year.
ers in the Pacific 9 case. which means loss of freedom must have a car of their own, The commission ordered claims that were too old and “Netflix still has a lead in
Labor Commissioner and control over working but port truckers often lease smaller payouts for a num- outside the statute of limita- original content, but Hulu is
Julie Su said 720 truck driv- hours, schedule, whether to their rigs from a trucking ber of other violations and to tions. investing and trying to catch
ers have filed complaints work or not, and assets and firm. Those lease agree- cover drivers’ legal expenses. Pacific 9 can appeal the up,” analyst DiClemente
with her office since 2012. The equity such as a $100,000 ments sometimes prohibit The commission also commission’s order. If it said. “They need more of
office has ruled in three cases truck and lucrative contrac- drivers from using the truck found that drivers some- does, the company will have that content that you can’t
affecting more than 100 driv- tual relationships with to work for another com- times earned less than the to post a bond for the find or get anywhere else.”
ers since July. trucking companies,” the as- pany. Uber and Lyft drivers, minimum wage and ordered amount of the payouts to
“In this industry, we have sociation said in a state- meanwhile, often drive for Pacific 9 to pay back wages to drivers, Labor Commis- yvonne.villarreal
found misclassification rou- ment. both companies cover the shortfall, amount- sioner Su said.
tinely in the case we’ve The trade group, in a nod Former Pacific 9 driver ing to a few thousand dollars Times staff writer Meg
heard,” she said. to Uber and Lyft, also said Daniel Linares, one of the 38 for most drivers. james.koren James contributed to this
Details about the other Su’s office has “lost touch” Pacific 9 drivers, said the The company must repay report.

Predictions for China’s economy in 2016

[China, from C1] market looks resilient. could fall 6% next year, [and] Alibaba, Baidu and JD, all year growth in the first half Eurasia by helping them de-
CLSA, for his thoughts on “The economy will be China would probably be listed on U.S. markets, as of 2016 after consecutive velop infrastructure. The
China’s economy for 2016. relatively weak in the first tracking that down” to keep well as Tencent. monthly declines since June initiatives should also help
Here are seven take-aways: part of the year,” he said. “We the renminbi competitive, “The Internet has always 2014. CLSA’s top pick in the Chinese exports.
1. 2016 will be volatile believe the economy will sta- Cheung said. been one of my favorite sec- sector is Wynn Macau, which Next year will be big for
For the last five years, the bilize at the earliest in 2017, 3. Consumer confidence tors, but now it’s a national has a new property opening OBOR as the three main in-
government has tried to ex- but it could take longer.” China’s consumers are policy,” Cheung said. next fall. stitutions lined up to fund its
pand the economy at a 7% to 2. The currency could less optimistic than in previ- For the first time, China’s 6. Two-child policy will projects — the Silk Road
8% rate. Stimulus programs weaken ous years, but they are not economic strategy is cen- have limited impact Fund, the Asian Infrastruc-
worked for a while. But after Whether the renminbi pessimistic. CLSA’s survey tered on the Internet with its China in October an- ture Investment Bank and
problems with overcapacity will depreciate is the “hot- of Chinese consumers new “Internet Plus” effort, nounced the end of the one- the New Development Bank
and a property bubble, test topic” for global inves- showed most thought that CLSA notes. In 2016, the gov- child policy. That could — will be in full operation.
China’s leaders recognized tors, Cheung said. China has business conditions would ernment has pledged to boost consumer spending “One Belt, One Road is a
the need for change. a clear road map for the ren- improve modestly in 2016. spend nearly $180 billion up- and eventually help address brilliant strategy,” said
“This is so-called new minbi — in addition to get- “Despite a slowing econo- grading broadband and 4G China’s shrinking pool of Cheung, because it may
normal, which means China ting the currency included in my, China consumers still networks. E-commerce workers. But CLSA believes have economic benefits as
will go from a high growth the International Monetary want to spend more. They transactions are expected to that the government is well as strategic upsides,
rate to slower or more sus- Fund’s Strategic Drawing will spend more on basics reach about $3.5 trillion in “overconfident” that the pulling China’s neighbors
tainable growth rate,” Rights basket, set to take ef- and will upgrade brands. 2016, up 64% from 2014. change will result in an extra closer into its orbit.
Cheung said. “It at least will fect next October, capital ac- Travel is a priority and al- 5. Macau may start to re- 3.4 million babies a year for After some upfront in-
take two to three years for count opening and renminbi most all respondents have bound the next five years. The pol- vestments in 2016, Cheung
the economy to be on the convertibility are explicit travel plans,” Cheung said. The gambling mecca of icy change was “too little, too said, there may be some
stable growth path. Unfor- goals between 2016 and 2020. The No. 1 destination is Ko- Macau has been in a deep late,” CLSA says. “tough going” in 2017 and be-
tunately, that’s not good for A large devaluation of the rea, followed by Japan and funk for about a year and “Population control will yond for a number of rea-
the market. There will still renminbi is unlikely because Singapore. Europe and half largely because of a be replaced by population sons, including the fact that
be a volatile market in 2016.” it will be a big setback for Thailand are also popular, nationwide anti-corruption promotion within next five many Eurasian nations are
Investors say they’re will- China’s plan, CLSA said in a CLSA says. movement. The crackdown years,” Cheung said. sparsely populated and have
ing to buy stocks again, al- report. “The incentive is to Autos and appliances, looks set to continue in 2016 7. One Belt, One Road their own economic issues.
though a majority believes keep the renminbi relatively along with education and life and it may hinder Macau’s will get off the ground
that the market will be flat or stable.” insurance, are top “wants” overall economic growth in “One Belt, One Road,” [email protected]
down in 2016, Cheung said. Currency watchers, how- for Chinese consumers. the next few years. also known as “OBOR,” is a Yang and Li are news
Property sales could fall 10% ever, should keep an eye on 4. The Internet as a But the government new development strategy assistants in The Times’
next year; 68% of consumers the euro. Europe is China’s bright spot stance toward the gambling initiated by China in 2015 to Beijing bureau.
surveyed by CLSA have no largest trading partner and Investors should look to industry is softening, and promote its economic con- Times staff writer Julie
plans to buy real estate in Beijing wants to keep its ex- big Chinese Internet compa- gambling revenue is set to nectivity and cooperative re- Makinen in Beijing
2016. But the employment ports attractive. “The euro nies for growth, in particular return to positive year-on- lationship with nations in contributed to this report.
L AT I M ES . C O M / B US I N E S S W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23, 2 015 C5

Web sales strain shippers Major stock indexes

Dow industrials
S&P 500
Daily %
[Shipping, from C1] said. “I think it’s really Nasdaq composite 5,001.11 +32.19 +0.65 +5.60
deliver 420 million packages changed the way people S&P 400 1,396.83 +12.90 +0.93 -3.83
in the U.S., while FedEx shop, which is why retailers
Russell 2000 1,137.68 +9.94 +0.88 -5.56
Corp. probably will deliver have a hard time predicting
228 million, according to data what their volumes are going EuroStoxx 50 3,019.26 -3.25 -0.11 +0.97
from shipping software com- to be through online chan- Nikkei (Japan) 18,886.70 -29.32 -0.16 +8.23
pany ShipMatrix Inc. This nels.” Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 21,830.02 +38.34 +0.18 -7.52
volume is about 8% higher John Cesano, 54, said he Source: AP
compared with last year — a ordered a number of holiday
boost that is consistent with gifts online between mid-No- MARKET ROUNDUP
the growth of e-commerce, vember and Cyber Monday

Stocks rise for

ShipMatrix President Satish and that every package was
Jindel said. delivered quickly, except for
The U.S. Postal Service is a jewelry order.
projected to handle the high- “I work all day, I work in

2nd day as price

est number of packages this the evenings, I work week-
month in the U.S., with 545 ends,” said Cesano, a Ukiah,
million, according to Ship- Calif., resident and the exe-
Matrix. cutive director of the Ander-

of oil stabilizes
During the week of Cyber son Valley Winegrowers
Monday, Atlanta-based UPS Assn. “I am tethered to a
had an on-time delivery per- phone and an iPad and a
centage of 90.9%, while Mem- MacBook. Thank God for on-
phis-based FedEx’s was 95%, line ordering.”
according to ShipMatrix. A Patrick Semansky Associated Press Each year, UPS, FedEx
week later, both those rates UPS IS expected to deliver 420 million packages this and the Postal Service hire Energy stocks were
improved, with UPS at 93.2% month. Above, a package moves at its Kentucky site. temporary workers and rent Energy shares are among the bigger gainers
and FedEx at 95.3%. extra trucks to prepare for Tuesday, with the energy
As it gets closer to the hol- jections, causing a couple ing to the National Retail the increased holiday loads. among the biggest sector of the S&P 500 up
idays, customers start using days of delay. All deliveries Federation. On Cyber Mon- This year, the postal serv- gainers in another 1.2%. Mining and materials
faster shipping options such were moving regularly by the day alone, sales hit a record- ice said it has new package stocks were also up.
as overnight and two-day de- middle of the next week, she breaking $3.07 billion, 16% sorting equipment and that light day of trading. Diamond Offshore in-
livery. ShipMatrix reported said. more than the same day last it added delivery hours earli- creased $1.13, or 5.6%, to
associated press
that UPS’ on-time delivery “The UPS network is run- year and 3.2% more than pre- er in the morning, later in the $21.43. Drilling rig operator
percentage last week was ning as expected,” Rosen- dicted, according to Adobe evening and on Sundays be- Transocean rose 43 cents, or
96.1% for overnight and two- berg said. Systems Inc. fore Christmas. Rosenberg Stocks rose for a second 4%, to $12.55.
day shipping, compared with In a statement, FedEx The online sales crush said UPS added more loca- day Tuesday, helped by a Markets are searching for
95.4% the week before. For said it was handling a record caused some retailers’ web- tions to its so-called Access stabilization in crude oil direction as the flow of eco-
FedEx, the on-time delivery number of shipments this sites to crash and merchants Point Network, which are prices. Chipotle Mexican nomic data slows dramati-
percentage for those services holiday season and that the to run out of popular items. UPS stores and other busi- Grill fell on more worries cally until after the New
was 98.9%, an improvement networks were “performing Out-of-stock rates have sur- nesses where customers can about the safety of its food. Year. Investors have already
over 98.7% for the week of as designed.” passed last year’s totals by opt to pick up a package. The Dow Jones industrial had plenty of time to digest
Dec. 6. Delivery companies pre- 10% to 15%, Adobe said. But some customers said average climbed 165.65 this month’s major decisions
Though e-commerce has pare for the holiday season Adobe predicts that on- they’ve still experienced de- points, or 1%, to 17,417.27. The by the Federal Reserve to
been a growing part of recent by coordinating with retail- line sales in November and lays. Standard & Poor’s 500 index raise rates and by the Euro-
holiday sales seasons, this ers ahead of time to get an es- December will total $83 bil- C.J. Baldwin, 36, said he increased 17.82 points, or pean Central Bank to in-
year’s Cyber Monday volume timate of order volumes, said lion, an increase of 11% com- ordered some camera light- 0.9%, to 2,038.97 and the crease its stimulus efforts.
was greater than anticipat- Steve Osburn, supply chain pared with a year earlier. ing equipment, a micro SD Nasdaq composite rose 32.19 Most investors expect
ed. strategist at management Delivery companies card and some clothing on points, or 0.7%, to 5,001.11. stocks and bonds to trade in
“They were prepared for consulting firm Kurt Salm- haven’t yet run into the same Cyber Monday and received It was another light day a narrow range until Janu-
the rush, but it’s very hard to on. With those projections, problems as in 2013, when a his items Dec. 10 when he of trading. Many investors ary.
know exactly where it’s going carriers are able to ensure combination of bad weather called the company and of- have closed their portfolios “We need a catalyst, and
to show up,” Jindel said. they have the right number and higher-than-expected fered to pick them up at a for the year or are on vaca- look to the week of the em-
“When it’s business to busi- of people on hand to handle demand led to many delays. UPS distribution center near tion for the Christmas and ployment report to be that
ness, it doesn’t change as shipments. A large part of this year’s his home in San Bernardino. New Year’s holidays. Howev- catalyst, but that is still two
much. When it goes from When retailers were off in e-commerce increase stems He had needed the light- er, a modest recovery in oil weeks away,” John Briggs,
business to consumer, or their online sales predic- from mobile orders, which ing equipment to shoot video prices helped lift energy and head of American fixed in-
consumer or consumer, you tions, the carriers weren’t made up 26% of sales on Cyb- of a wedding and had to im- materials stocks. come strategy at RBS, wrote
bring a whole new level of un- able to handle the extra or- er Monday, according to provise when the order didn’t “Investors are either in a note to investors.
predictability.” ders, which led to some de- Adobe. Mobile transactions arrive in time. done for the year or are set- In other energy trading,
UPS spokeswoman Su- lays, he said. are expected to make up 25% “This happened the exact ting up their portfolios for heating oil fell 1.3 cents to
san Rosenberg said there This year, 103 million peo- of sales for the holiday sea- same way last year,” Baldwin 2016, buying this year’s win- $1.088 a gallon, wholesale
were some isolated areas ple shopped online during son. said. “This is two years run- ners or doing reallocation to gasoline fell 3.5 cents to $1.175
during the first week of De- Thanksgiving weekend, “I think it has a huge im- ning now. This is a pattern.” their portfolios,” said J.J. a gallon and natural gas fell
cember where the number of compared with 102 million pact on customer behavior, Kinahan, chief strategist at 1.3 cents to $1.888 per 1,000
packages coming in ex- people who visited bricks- which is what pushes more of samantha.masunaga TD Ameritrade. cubic feet.
ceeded the company’s pro- and-mortar stores, accord- those sales online,” Osburn Chipotle Mexican Grill The euro rose to $1.0952
fell $27.40, or 5%, to $494.61af- from $1.0926 a day earlier.
ter the fast-casual chain dis- The dollar was unchanged
closed that additional cases against the Japanese yen at

In-store pickup problems

of E. coli had occurred at its 121.04. The yield on the 10-
restaurants. year U.S. Treasury note rose
U.S. crude oil futures to 2.24% from 2.19% on Mon-
closed up 33 cents to $36.14 a day.
barrel on the New York Mer- In metals trading, gold
cantile Exchange. Brent fell $6.50 to $1,074.10 a troy
crude, which is used to price ounce, silver was unchanged
placed a click-and-collect or- them an aura of inventive- Steve Osburn, a partner at international oils, was down at $14.31 an ounce and cop-
Some shoppers who der this month at Kmart for ness. the consulting firm Kurt 24 cents to $36.11 a barrel in per fell 3 cents to $2.109 a
three dinnerware sets, opt- Plus, customers like the Salmon who studies retail London. pound.
place orders online ing not to have them shipped idea of click-and-collect: supply chains. “When it’s low
face long waits or to her home because the Some say they like that it volumes, you can hide that.
items were fragile. She said provides more instant grati- The problem throughout the
other difficulties. she went to the store after re- fication than an order that holiday season is that every-
ceiving an email notification comes through the mail, body’s time is 100% allocat-
By Sarah Halzack that her order was ready, while others are lured by the ed,” meaning store em-
only to find herself waiting lack of shipping charges. Still ployees are already too busy
Retailers this holiday sea- for an hour and a half while others say it is more conven- to be pitching in on patching
son have been aggressively employees filled her order. ient than worrying whether a up click-and-collect prob- If you purchased any of our Al Fakher Special Edition
trumpeting “click-and-col- “I will never do in-store package will arrive at their lems.
lect” shopping, a relatively pickup ever again, that’s how apartment building. Forres- Andrea Flores Shelton of shisha products from September 2014 through October
new hybrid of digital and old- bad it was for me,” Melancon ter Research has found that San Jose recently placed a 2015, and you are a California resident, you may be
school buying that allows said. some 42% of online shoppers click-and-collect order at entitled to a full refund of your purchase amount due to
time-starved customers to In a statement, Kmart have used click-and-collect Target for a Sonicare tooth- a labeling issue on the product. Al Fakher is offering
place an order online and said that it’s working to build this year. brush. She went to the store California consumers a full refund of the purchase price
pick it up within hours at a strong connections between But, so far, experts say to pick it up and said techni-
store counter. digital and in-store shop- much of the retail industry is cal issues prevented workers
of Al Fakher Special Edition products purchased in the
But so far, many shoppers ping. “We welcome all feed- doing a poor job of consis- from finding her order; on a State of California between September 1, 2014 and
are finding it to be a big head- back and if a member experi- tently meeting customer ex- second trip, she gave up October 31, 2015. In order to obtain your refund, please
ache. Fully 60% of such or- ence falls short of expecta- pectations on these transac- when the line at the counter submit by regular U.S. Mail the following information
ders placed on Cyber Mon- tions, we want to make it tions. was bewilderingly long. and documents:
day ran into problems, one right,” the company said. “It’s like the 12-step alco- On her third trip, when
study found. The wrong The problems come in a holic program. We’re on Step she finally went home with 1. Your full name and address; and
items were received or orders year when traditional retail- One. We realize we have a the toothbrush, she and
were canceled because the ers including Best Buy, Wal- problem,” said Lee Peterson, other shoppers commiser- 2. Your original purchase receipt, your empty can of
product was no longer in Mart, Toys R Us, Kohl’s and a retail strategist at consul- ated as the minutes ticked the Special Edition product, or any original forms of
stock. Sometimes there was Nordstrom have been talking tancy WD Partners. by in another long line. proof of purchase.
no notification when an or- up their click-and-collect The struggle to get click-
der was ready. services, and it’s not hard to and-collect programs right is Sarah Halzack is national Please send your request and all other inquiries to
Shoppers have taken to see why: The model gets yet another example of how retail reporter for the our distributor Sierra Network, Inc., 14931 Gwenchris
social media to complain shoppers into their stores. It slow and difficult it has been Washington Post. Court, Paramount, California 90723. Thank you for your
about long waits at the serv- allows retailers to save the for mega-retailers to remake
ice counter and other issues, profit-gobbling shipping themselves for a shopper
loyalty and ongoing support of our brand and products.
an outcry that could get costs of a regular online or- who increasingly alternates
louder as gift-buying pro- der while putting their vast between physical and digital ADVERTISEMENT
crastinators begin descend- store fleets to work in taking shopping.
ing on store counters in the fi- the e-commerce fight to Am- “During a random Tues-
nal days before Christmas. And retailers are day six months ago, stores LOS ANGELES TIMES CD & DEPOSIT GUIDE
Kim Melancon, a shopper generally eager to embrace could just muscle through it
from Metairie, La., said she offerings that might give if there was a problem,” said Yields Available to Los Angeles Area Residents

Int Chking Money 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 18 mo 24 mo 36 mo 60 mo

Acct Mkt Acct CD CD CD CD CD CD CD

U.S. home sales plunge 10.5%

Institution/Phone Address/Internet Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min

Community Commerce Bank Claremont, Monterey Park & Woodland Hills NA NA 0.25 0.50 1.00 NA 1.11 1.21 1.71
909-625-7891 NA NA 10,000 10,000 10,000 NA 10,000 10,000 10,000
Specials: Member FDIC, Penalty for Early Withdrawl, APY’s accurate as of 12-23-15.
closing on sales in Novem- one-time hit to the data and
associated press
ber. Home values are also we expect the uptrend in Synchrony Bank NA 0.85 0.29 0.60 1.25 1.24 1.45 1.50 2.25
rising at more than double sales to get back on track 800-869-3813 NA 30 15,000 25,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 25,000
Home sales plunged in the pace of wages. next month,” said Jim O’Sul- Specials: Great Rates + Safety = Peace of Mind. Member FDIC.
November as buyers faced The median home sales livan, chief U.S. economist at
rising prices and new regula- price was $220,300 in Novem- High Frequency Economics.
tions that might have de- ber, a 6.3% annual increase An improving job market
layed some closings. from a year earlier. Sales fell and relatively low mortgage
VISIBILITY, RESPONSE, RESULTS Call 800-509-4636 for information regarding advertising opportunities
The National Assn. of Re- in all major geographic re- rates have encouraged home
altors said Tuesday that gions. buying this year. Unemploy-
sales of existing homes fell The new rules introduced ment at a healthy 5% has en-
10.5% to a seasonally ad- by the Consumer Financial dowed more people with a CHECK OUT OUR MORTGAGE GUIDE IN THE SATURDAY HOMES & SUNDAY REAL ESTATE SECTION
justed annual rate of 4.76 Protection Bureau to inform sense of financial certainty.
million. It was the weakest home buyers about interest But tight inventories and 2.5-Year CD National trend 5-Year CD National Trend
pace in 19 months. rates and fees may have de- rising prices have curbed 0.5 0.90
The setback follows solid layed the completion of sales further gains. Sales have 0.4 0.88
gains in real estate for much last month. It took 41 days to cooled after accelerating to a
0.3 0.86
of 2015. Sales of existing close a sale in November, rate of 5.58 million in July.
homes are on track to rise compared with 36 days a The number of listings on 0.2 0.84
roughly 5% for the entire year earlier. The extended the market has dropped1.9% 0.1 0.82
year. But the introduction of time frame means that some from a year ago, a shortage
0.0 0.80
a new disclosure form in Oc- sales may have been pushed that has restricted options 23-Sep 30-Sep 7-Oct 14-Oct 21-Oct 28-Oct 4-Nov 11-Nov 18-Nov 25-Nov 2-Dec 9-Dec 16-Dec
Source: 2015
30-Sep 7-Oct 14-Oct 21-Oct 28-Oct 4-Nov 11-Nov 18-Nov 25-Nov 2-Dec 9-Dec 16-Dec
Source: 2015

tober probably prevented into December. for buyers and fueled esca- Legend: Rates effective as of 12/21/15 and may change without notice. All institutions are FDIC or NCUA insured. Rates may change after the
many home buyers from “The effect should be a lating prices. account is opened. N/A means rates are not available or not offered at press time. Yields represent annual percentage yield (APY) paid by par-
ticipating institutions. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Banks, Thrifts and credit
unions pay to advertise in this guide which is compiled by®, a publication of Bankrate, Inc. © 2015. •

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conduct prompted this demanded in the Com- just drop/hook be taken without further warning from the court.
THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be reward. If you have any plaint, which could result *Terminal stops, all high- There are other legal requirements. You may want to
AT&T U-Verse Internet start- ELIMINATE CELLULITE and admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for information regarding in the taking of money or way call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may
ing at $15/month or TV & In- Inches in weeks! All natural. examination in the file kept by the court. this case, please call the property or other relief re- *Year-round work want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney,
ternet starting at $49/month Odor free. Works for men or THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under Los Angeles Police De- quested in the Complaint. *Team driving OTR 5 days
for 12 months with 1-year women. Free month supply partment at 1-877-LAW- 3. If you intend to seek out 2 days home you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services
the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal
agreement. Call 1- 800-590- on select packages. Order FULL, 24 hours. the advice of an attorney
0642 to learn more. (CDCN) now! 877-357-7486 (CDCN) the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining REQUIREMENTS Services Web Site (, the California Courts
court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, C. F. No. 08-0010-s7 in this matter, you should
do so promptly so that *Doubles Endorsements Online Self-Help Center (, or by
Rentals Hotels/Motel the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested
persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed
your *6 Months and over ex-
perience (ICE & SNOW)
contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has
response may be filed on *5 yrs no DUI a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration
action.) The independent administration authority will be granted time. award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court's lien must be paid
*1 truck ticket max in 3
OLYMPIC 213-413-6054 FURNISHED. PRIVATE BATH. unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows yrs before the court will dismiss the case.
SPECIALS $182 per week/$728 per month good cause why the court should not grant the authority. The State of Nevada, its *5yrs no felony/misde іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro
A HEARING on the petition will be held on January 7, 2016 at political subdivisions, meanor de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su contra sin escuchar su version.
agencies, officers, em- Ardian Marina
Rental Services 2:00 p.m. in Dept. C08 located at
700 Civic Center Drive West ployees, board members, 951-552-4760 Lea la informacion a continuacion.
commission members Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que le
Santa Ana, CA 92701 entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para presenter una respuesta
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the and legislators each have
Live Free from Discrimination 45 days after service of por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al
Federal and State Fair Housing laws make it illegal to indicate any hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court Financial Analyst, in Santa demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su
this Summons within
preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your which to file an Answer or Monica, CA. Master’s in Bus., respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea
sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, attorney. Fin., Econ, or closely related
other responsive plead- deg + 2 yrs exp TV syndi- que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que
source of income or physical or mental disability. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must ing to the Complaint. usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
CaliforniaDept. FairEmployment&Housing. cation. Clip ad and send
file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal resume to Lions Gate, HR, de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de
800-884-1684 representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four Submitted by: 2700 Colorado Ave., Santa California (, en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado
NOTICE TO BIRTH FATHER months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal /s/James R. Adams, Esq. Monica, CA 90404. o en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de
representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, ADAMS LAW GROUP, LTD. presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le de un formulario de
ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES §8-106(G) Nevada Bar No. 6874 Graphic Designer in Los
or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a Angeles, CA. Bachelor’s de- exencion de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede
notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California 8010 W. Sahara Ave.,
TO: SEAN DOE (LAST NAME UNKNOWN) Suite 260 gree or its foreign equivalent perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su sueldo,
statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may in A, B, C or closely related dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia.
Pursuant to A.R.S. §8-106(G), notice is given to SEAN DOE (LAST Las Vegas, Nevada degree. Clip ad and send
want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame
NAME UNKNOWN) that you have been identified by 89117 resume to Buck Design, Inc.,
YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person (702) 838-7200 a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar
ELISABETH MARIE SMITH of Lake Havasu City. Arizona, as the HR 515 W 7th St., 4th Fl., Los
interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Attorney for Plaintiff Angeles, CA 90014. a un servicio de remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es
potential father of Baby Boy Smith born on November 20, 2015. You,
Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales
SEAN DOE (LAST NAME UNKNOWN), have been named
assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section CLERK OF THE COURT gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede
the potential biological father of this child. You are informed of the
1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. By /s/Patricia Azucena encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en al sitio web de California
following: Marketing Specialist, As-
Petitioner: June 17, 2015 sistant: f/t; Korean BBQ Legal Services, (, en el Centro de Ayuda de
BRIAN D. ALEXANDER Regilonal Justice Center restaurant 7 days; Assist las Cortes de California, ( o poniendose en contacto
1. The natural mother, ELISABETH MARIE SMITH, is 200 Lewis Avenue
6165 Greenwich Drive, Ste. 340 in researching the market con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene
planning to place her child for adoption. Las Vegas Nevada conditions & developing
San Diego, CA 92122 derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un
2. Under Arizona law, A.R.S. §8-106 and A.R.S. §8-107 you have the the marketing plan; Req.
(858) 373-5555 gravamen sobre cualquier recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de valor
right, if you are the biological father of this child, to consent or Bachelor’s plus 6 mo exp. in
Published in the Los Angeles Times $50,000 REWARD job offered or related; Mail recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de
withhold your consent to the proposed adoption.
December 23, 26, 28/ 2015 NOTICE resume to Chosun Galbee derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la
3. Your written consent to the adoption is irrevocable once you sign The City of Los Angeles Restaurant, Inc(Attn: Ms.
it. corte pueda desechar el caso.
offers a reward payable at Suh), 3330 W. Olympic Blvd,
4. You have the right to seek custody of the child. the discretion of the City L.A., CA 90019
5. In the event that you wish to assert parental rights to the child NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT, LUCAS SIKKEMA Council to one or more The name and address of the court is:
described above, and/or if' you wish to withhold your consent to persons in the sum or SALES Toilet seat pa- (El nombre y direccion de la corte es):
Nature of this action: foreclosure action involving real property commonly known as 7675 State Highway 80, sums up to an aggregate per cover, 3+ years exp, Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles
the proposed adoption plan, your obligations are as follows: salary+commission, email
A. If paternity has not been established, you must initiate Springfield Center, New York 13468 seeking a judgment of foreclosure and sale for the amount due and owing maximum total sum of 111 N. Hill St.
a paternity action under Title to the Plaintiff, CNB Realty Trust, as assignee of NBT Bank, National Association, under the Note and Mortgage $50,000 for information [email protected] Los Angeles, CA 90012
25, Chapter 6, Article I, of the Arizona Revised Statutes, with a current principal balance of Thirty Eight Thousand One Hundred Eighty Two and 73/100 Dollars leading to the identifica- The name, address, and telephone number of
and serve upon the mother the paternity action within ($38,182.73) together with interest, late fees and other charges. tion and apprehension plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff without an
thirty (30) days of completion of service of this Notice. of the person or persons attorney, is:
STATE OF NEW YORK responsible for the act of (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono
B. You have the obligation to proceed to judgment in the murder against, GENARO
paternity action. SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF OTSEGO del abogado del demandante, o del demandante
OCHOA, in the City of Los
6. Once paternity is established, you must begin providing ___________________________________________ Angeles. On Monday, que no tiene abogado, es):
financial support for the child, and if paternity is not SUMMONS May 18, 2015, at approxi- Michael T. Stoller, Esq
established until after the child is born, you may be Index No.: 20150756 mately 5:00 a.m., Genaro 23945 Calabasas Road, Suite 104
responsible for past support. [A.R.S. §25-809(A)] Date Filed: 09/21/2015 Ochoa was shot multiple Calabasas, CA 91302
7. If you do not file a paternity action times while standing in (818) 226-4040
pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, Title CNB REALTY TRUST, as assignee of NBT BANK, front of his home located Substitution of attorney filed with the court on
25, Chapter 6, Article 1 and do not serve NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, at 428 East 42nd Place. May 4, 2015
upon the mother your paternity action Mr. Ochoa was trans- New Attorney Information as of May 4, 2015
Plaintiff, ported to the hospital Law Office of RAYMOND H. SARRAF
within thirty (30) days after completion of where he succumbed to
service of this Notice and pursue the 1875 Century Park East, Suite 700, LA, CA 90067
his injuries. The victim
action to judgment, you cannot bring or -against- Telephone: (310) 277-4323
was not affiliated with
maintain any action to assert any interest any gangs and had no Fax: (310) 556-2953
in the child. THE ESTATE OF GARY SIKKEMA; LUCAS SIKKEMA; known confrontations.
8. The Indian Child Welfare Act may supersede the Arizona and JOHN DOE and MARY ROE, said individuals being Detectives are continu- Date: July 24, 2014
Revised Statutes regarding this adoption and paternity, if fictitious and intended as possible occupants of the premises ing to investigate this (Fecha)
applicable to this adoption which are the subject matter of this action, and whose identity crime, but have not yet
9. For purposes of service of a paternity is unknown, been able to identify the Sherri R. Carter, Clerk
suspect or suspects. De- (Secretario)
action under Title 25, Chapter 6, Article 1, tectives believe a reward
Arizona Revised Statutes, service may be Defendants.
_______________________________________________ may compel members of Nancy Alvarez, Deputy
made upon the mother by serving Philip the public to provide in-
(Jay) McCarthy, Jr., Attorney at Law, 508 N. (Adjunto)
formation on the identity
Humphreys Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: of the persons or persons
10. THIS IS A LEGAL NOTICE. YOU MAY WISH TO CONTACT AN responsible for this crime. Attachment:
ATTORNEY TO ASSIST YOU IN RESPONDING TO THIS NOTICE. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above action and serve a copy of The person or persons “Pursuant to CCP Section 425.11, Plaintiff’s Statement of Damages are for
You may obtain further information and copies of pleadings by your Answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the responsible for this crime 1. Special Damages: In excess of $49,165
contacting Philip (Jay) McCarthy Jr., McCarthy Weston, PLLC, day of service, or if the service of the Summons is made by any means other than by personal delivery to you represent an ongoing 2. General Damages: In excess of $950,000”
508 N. Humphreys St., Flagstaff Arizona 86001, telephone within the State of New York, within thirty (30) days after such service is complete. In case of your failure to threat to the safety of the
number 1-928-779-4252. appear or Answer thereto, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the people of Los Angeles.
Complaint. The United States of America, if designated as a defendant in this action, may Answer or appear Unless withdrawn or paid
within sixty (60) days of service hereof. by City Council action,
this offer of reward shall THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME
terminate on, and have by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Otsego County is designated as the place of trial, the basis of venue in this action is the location of the
no effect after, JUNE 23,
mortgaged premises. 2016. Unscramble these four Jumbles,
The provisions of pay- one letter to each square,
NOTICE ment and all other con- to form four ordinary words.
YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME siderations shall be gov-
erned by Chapter 12 of CYREM
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of Division 19 of the LAAC
the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this Code, as amended by
foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a Ordinance Nos. 158157
default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. and 166666. This offer ©2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
shall be given upon the All Rights Reserved.
condition that all claim-
Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for
further information on how to answer the summons and protect your
ants provide continued
cooperation within the
property. criminal justice system
relative to this case and is
Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this not available to public of-
foreclosure action. ficers or employees of the
City, their families, per-
sons in law enforcement
conduct prompted this
ANSWER WITH THE COURT. reward. If you have any
information regarding
Dated: September 17, 2015
Clifton Park, New York
this case, please call the
Los Angeles Police De-
partment at 1-877-LAW- Now arrange the circled letters
FULL, 24 hours. to form the surprise answer, as
BURGESS & ASSOCIATES P.C. C. F. No. 15-0010-s32 suggested by the above cartoon.
Melissa H. Pugliese, Esq. “ - ”
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Office and P.O. Address (Answers tomorrow)
646 Plank Road, Suite 103 Jumbles: LEAKY MADLY DOUGHY JABBER
Clifton Park, New York 12065 Answer: When the “punny” puzzle makers went out to
(518) 371-0052 eat, they enjoyed the — “JUMBLE-AYA”

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Photo: Christina House, LA Times, 11/16/2015 15BR1507

W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

He energetically
scores 31 and has five
assists as the Lakers
rally from way behind.

By Mike Bresnahan

DENVER — As if the Lak-

ers don’t have enough prob-
An aging star. Young
players trying to find their
way in the league. A third
consecutive season with de-
creasing win totals.
But sometimes the star
doesn’t look so aged, the
young ones do some sharp
things and the final score
shows the Lakers winning,
not losing.
Such was the case Tues-
day, when Kobe Bryant
Stephen M. Dowell Orlando Sentinel looked more like a player in
SOMETHING CALLED the Cure Bowl was added to the postseason schedule this year, and one of the invitees, San Jose State, came his early 20s, not his 20th
in with a 5-7 record. But none of that mattered to Coach Ron Caragher and his players as they celebrated a victory over Georgia State. NBA season.
He had 31 points on re-

Bidder harvest
spectable 10-for-22 shooting
and added five assists in the
Lakers’ come-from-way-be-
hind 111-107 victory over the
reasonably depleted Denver
Bryant kept hammering
away at the Nuggets’ players
in the post, found the Lak-
Critics say a bowl system with 41 games is broken, but players, coaches seem OK with it ers’ big men for three key as-
sists in the second half and
[See Lakers, D6]

games that fill ESPN’s broadcast schedule with BOWL GAME FAST FACTS
unending programming. -------------------------------------------------------------
For some, through three days of games — no Total bowl games this season
one is that foolish to schedule a Sunday bowl 41 (in contrast, there were 18 bowl games in 1995)
Eight down, 33 to go. game against the NFL — the so-called lesser -------------------------------------------------------------
The college football bowl season, a gift that bowls provided as much entertainment value Oldest bowl
keeps on giving, is in full holiday swing and as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Rose Bowl (1902: Michigan 49, Stanford 0)
building toward the College Football Playoff Without the wait in line. -------------------------------------------------------------

championship game on Jan. 11 in Glendale, In the Las Vegas Bowl, Utah and Brigham Newest bowls
Ariz. Young renewed the rivalry nicknamed the Holy AutoNation Cure Bowl, Nova Home Loans
With 40 games plus the final to be played in a War, the Utes taking a 35-0 first-quarter lead Arizona Bowl (making their debut in 2015)
24-day period, some critics are screaming that before BYU stormed nearly all the way back in Bowl game with most name changes
the system is out of control. a 35-28 defeat. Russell Athletic Bowl (formerly known as
Just ask Craig Thompson, commissioner of San Jose State and its 5-7 record made the Champs Sports Bowl, Bowl II, Micron PC Bowl,
the Mountain West Conference. bowl field by virtue of academic performance. CarQuest Bowl, Blockbuster Bowl).
“Clearly, the system is broken,” Thompson The Spartans proved worthy by defeating -------------------------------------------------------------
famously said after Nevada and Colorado State Georgia State in the Cure Bowl. Top that Duke One-hit wonders
of the Mountain West were paired in the Arizo- (Pinstripe), Northwestern (Outback) and Fort Worth Classic (1921), Los Angeles
na Bowl, while teams with losing records re- Stanford (Rose). Christmas Classic (1924); Bacardi Bowl (1937), Doug Pensinger Getty Images
ceived more prestigious bids. Louisiana Tech running back Kenneth Alamo Bowl I (1947), Great Lakes Bowl (1947), KOBE BRYANT is in
College football fans aren’t complaining, at Dixon scored four touchdowns in a New Orle- Shrine Bowl (1948), Presidential Cup (1950), control while defended
least the ones that enjoy a steady stream of ans Bowl victory over [See Bowls, D4] Bluegrass Bowl (1958), Aviation Bowl (1961). by Denver’s Randy Foye.

Ducks’ problem: They’re

giving till it hurts coasters
Mistakes lead to gift
defenseman Josh Manson in
the first period and one by
of rollers
forward Jiri Sekac early in
goals for the Rangers the third, were too big a
and a loss ensues, burden for a team that’s
struggling to score. Mats
ending a 1-2-1 trip. Zuccarello’s power-play goal
2 minutes 37 seconds into
overtime gave the Rangers a Bruins win pre-Pac-12
3-2 victory at Madison
Square Garden and sent the finale but it isn’t pretty
HELENE ELLIOTT Ducks into the Christmas as they again play to
break pondering woes that
NEW YORK show no hint of ending. opponent’s level.
— With the “Obviously, it’s not good
Ducks so enough and it’s something Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times UCLA 67
insistent on we hadn’t counted on or TREVOR LEWIS splits San Jose goaltender Martin Jones and defenseman McNEESE STATE 53
self-de- expected or wanted,” said Marc-Edouard Vlasic, right, to give the Kings a 2-0 lead at 4:32 of the first period.
By Zach Helfand

Bad luck comes in three

structing — forward Rickard Rakell,
it’s one of who set up Corey Perry for
the few the Ducks’ first goal and After a punishing non-
areas of the scored the second off a fine conference schedule, UCLA
game they’ve excelled at pass from Ryan Getzlaf with can use some time off. Ap-

in the third for the Kings

this season — opponents 2:54 left in the third. parently, the Bruins decided
have learned to wait for and “It’s definitely some to get an early start on some
pounce on those inevitable frustration on the team. rest during much of Tues-
mistakes. Everybody wants to play as day’s game against McNeese
The Ducks gave the New good as they can and be State.
York Rangers two gift goals
Tuesday, missing only glit-
productive and help the
team in any way and it just
Sharks get two power-play goals, empty netter to seal win In the end, UCLA pulled
out a 67-53 win at Pauley Pa-
tery wrapping paper and a hasn’t worked. All we can do vilion. If the Bruins did not
festive bow. Those defen- is go into this break and get In all, they gave up four on the road. His first goal end a promising nonconfer-
sive-zone mistakes, one by [See Elliott, D5] SAN JOSE 5, KINGS 3 unanswered goals, squan- came at 6:06 of the third, a ence season emphatically, at
dering a 3-1lead. A seemingly mere four seconds after least they ended it without
By Lisa Dillman efficient game vanished in Kings defenseman Christian disaster.
the third after they’d led 3-2 Ehrhoff went off for high “Our guys need a break,”
Ah, the ghosts, and glory, through two periods. But sticking Chris Tierney. UCLA Coach Steve Alford
Juarez is named player of the year of Dec. 22 past … the Sharks scored back-to- He put the Sharks ahead said. “Coaches need a break.
Versatile North Torrance quarterback/linebacker The Kings encountered back power-play goals, both for good at 7:38 on another This has been a grind. This
is chosen among The Times’ top prep talents. D3 the former, falling victim to by Joe Pavelski, just 1:32 power-play effort after has been a hard 13 games.”
another third-period break- apart to grab the lead and Kings left wing Milan Lucic UCLA has shown the
Cardinals to plug Leake into rotation down as they lost, 5-3, to managed to hold on. received a slashing penalty. ability to compete against
Pitcher agrees to a five-year, $80-million deal with their rivals, the San Jose Pavelski had a three- San Jose sealed the win anyone in the Pac-12. Its big-
St. Louis, taking another starter off the market. D7 Sharks, on Tuesday night at point night, and 16 of his 18 with an empty-netter by gest question may be its con-
Staples Center. goals this season have come [See Kings, D5] [See UCLA, D2]
D2 W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 L ATI M E S .C O M / S P O RT S

23 24 25 26 27
CITY 7:30 Memphis
7:30 ESPN, TWC, 3
TWC, Dep. Dep., Prime TWC, Dep.
at LAKERS at
7:30 Utah
Dep., Prime Prime

at Arizona

Shade denotes home game.


9:30 a.m. Central Connecticut State at Connecticut TV: ESPNU
11:30 a.m. Diamond Head Classic, 1st consolation, New Mexico TV: ESPNU
vs. Brigham Young
2 p.m. Diamond Head Classic, 1st semifinal, Auburn vs. TV: ESPNU
4 p.m. Utah Valley at Louisville TV: ESPNU
4 p.m. Bryant at Michigan TV: Big Ten
4 p.m. Illinois at Missouri TV: ESPN2
4 p.m. Western Carolina at Pittsburgh TV: Prime
5 p.m. New Mexico State at Baylor TV: FS West
5 p.m. Las Vegas Classic, 3rd place, Kent State vs. Penn TV: FS1
5 p.m. Northern Colorado at Mississippi State TV: SEC
6 p.m. Diamond Head Classic, 2nd semifinal, teams TBA TV: ESPN2
6 p.m. Green Bay at Wisconsin TV: Big Ten
6 p.m. Pepperdine at Portland TV: ESPNU
7 p.m. Lafayette at USC TV: Pac-12
7:30 p.m. Las Vegas Classic, 1st place, Southern Methodist vs. TV: FS1
8:30 p.m. Diamond Head Classic, 2nd consolation, teams TBA TV: ESPNU
1:30 p.m. Poinsettia Bowl, Boise State vs. Northern Illinois TV: ESPN
Carlos Osorio Associated Press
R: 710, 830
5 p.m. GoDaddy Bowl, Georgia Southern vs. Bowling Green TV: ESPN MICHIGAN STATE guard Eron Harris (14) shoots over Oakland center Percy Gibson (24) during the second
R: 830 half. The top-ranked Spartans beat a tough Golden Grizzlies team, 99-93, in overtime.
1 p.m. Trackside Live, Hawthorne TV: Prime COLLEGE BASKETBALL

Spartans win in overtime

3 p.m. Racing Coast to Coast TV: Prime
4 p.m. Houston at Orlando TV: NBA
7:30 p.m. Oklahoma City at Lakers TV: NBA,
R: 710, 1330
TV programming subject to blackout. For TV channel questions and availability please
contact your cable or satellite provider; Note: Times may be different for satellite TV users; the Cyclones ahead, and the
associated press
consult your guide. Bearcats missed three shots
Top 25 in the closing seconds. Iowa
Bryn Forbes scored a ca- State by13 points early in the
reer-high 32 points and No. 1 second half before Troy Cau-
Michigan State needed over- How teams from the Associated Press men’s basketball top pain led Cincinnati back.
USC TONIGHT time to beat Oakland, 99-93, 25 fared Tuesday: Kevin Johnson’s 15-foot
on Tuesday night at Auburn 8 No. 1 Michigan State 99, Oakland 93 (OT) jumper gave Cincinnati its
VS. LAFAYETTE Hills, Mich. first lead with 4:22 left, but
8 No. 2 Kansas 70, San Diego State 57
When: 7. It was the Spartans’ first Iowa State persevered.
8 No. 3 Oklahoma 88, Washington State 60
Where: Galen Center. game without the injured
8 No. 5 Virginia 63, California 62 (OT)
On the air: TV: Pac-12 Networks; Radio: TuneIn Radio Denzel Valentine. No. 13 Miami 95, at La
8 No. 6 Xavier 78, Wake Forest 70
Update: The Trojans (10-2), off to their best start in 13 sea- Eron Harris added 27 Salle 49: The Hurricanes
sons, play their final nonconference game before opening points for the Spartans 8 No. 8 Arizona 85, Long Beach State 70 handed the Explorers their
Pac-12 Conference play against Washington State on Jan. 1. (13-0), who are off to the best 8 No. 9 Butler 88, Southern Utah 52 worst loss in a program that
USC is coming off a 70-51 victory over Southern Illinois Ed- start in school history. 8 No. 11 Iowa State 81, No. 22 Cincinnati 79 started in the 1931-32 season.
wardsville. Forward Nikola Jovanovic had a season-high 21 Forbes hit seven three- 8 No. 13 Miami 95, La Salle 49 Miami, which won its fifth
points and 16 rebounds. The junior has averaged 11.8 points pointers in nine attempts, 8 No. 14 Purdue 68, Vanderbilt 55 straight, blew open the
and 7.4 rebounds per game. Junior guard Katin Reinhardt including one in overtime 8 No. 16 Louisville 75, Missouri-Kansas City 47 game with a 27-9 run early in
has averaged a team-best 12.8 points per game for the Tro- that he celebrated by slap- 8 No. 17 Villanova 78, Delaware 48 the second half.
jans, who are expected to be without junior guard Julian ping hands with former 8 No. 18 Southern Methodist 90, Kent State 74
Jacobs for the second consecutive game because of tendini- Michigan State star Mateen 8 DePaul 82, No. 20 George Washington 61 at DePaul 82, No. 20
tis in his left Achilles’ tendon. Lafayette (3-7) has not played Cleaves. 8 No. 24 Utah 105, Delaware State 58 George Washington 61: The
since defeating Sacred Heart, 90-86, on Dec. 12. Junior guard The Spartans trailed by 8 No. 25 South Carolina 75, St. John’s 61 Blue Demons broke a four-
Nick Linder has averaged 17.4 points a game, sophomore for- as many as 15 points. game losing streak and
ward Matt Klinewski averaged 15.2 points and 6.3 rebounds. Kay Felder, the nation’s scored their first home vic-
— Gary Klein No. 2 scorer, had 37 points No. 5 Virginia 63, Califor- scored 14 of his 17 points in tory over a ranked opponent
and nine assists for the nia 62 (OT): London Per- the second half, and fresh- in eight seasons. The Coloni-
Golden Grizzlies (7-4). With rantes made a three-pointer man Edmond Sumner add- als, unranked for a decade
his 38 points in a win at with 10 seconds as the Cava- ed 13 of his season-high 21 until last week, saw their
Washington, Felder had 75 liers survived a poor shoot- points after halftime for the four-game winning streak
SOUTHLAND points in less than 72 hours. ing night for their ninth con- Musketeers. Debuting at the snapped.
secutive victory. Virginia highest national ranking in
MEN No. 2 Kansas 70, at San never led until just 1:04 was school history, they trailed No. 24 Utah 105, Dela-
at No. 8 Arizona 85, Long Beach State 70: Freshman Allonzo Diego State 57: The Jay- left in regulation. The Gold- by 18 in the first half and 15 at ware State 58: The Utes led
Trier scored 20 points for the Wildcats (12-1), who won their hawks outmatched the Az- en Bears, whose five-game halftime before shooting from start to finish in the
47th consecutive home game. Nick Faust had17 points for the tecs from the start. San Di- winning streak was 59% in the second half. lopsided meeting, setting
49ers (6-8), who trimmed Arizona’s lead to 69-60 on Travis ego State pulled within four snapped, led by as many as11 season highs in points,
Hammonds’ free throw with 6:49 to play. But the Wildcats points twice in the second twice in the second half. No. 11 Iowa State 81, at three-pointers (12) and
scored seven straight points, three on a Gabe York shot. half, but each time Kansas No. 22 Cincinnati 79: Abdel bench points (50), as well as
used its talent and size ad- No. 6 Xavier 78, at Wake Nader hit a three-pointer tying a season best with 30
UC Irvine 80, Norfolk State 62 (Don Haskins Sun Bowl Invi- vantages to pull away. Forest 70: Trevon Bluiett with 11 seconds left that put assists.
tational, El Paso): The Anteaters (10-4) prevailed in the
championship game against the 5-8 Spartans as center Ma-

Bruins’ defense has been erratic

madou Ndiaye had 21 points and guard Luke Nelson added
17. Irvine led, 36-23, at halftime. Jeff Short led Norfolk State
with 24 points.
UC Santa Barbara 80, Iona 76 (South Point Classic, Las
Vegas): Michael Bryson had 29 points, tying his career high,
and the Gauchos (3-7) held off the Gaels (4-5). Iona trailed 77-
76 after an Aaron Rountree free throw with 48 seconds left, [UCLA, from D1]
but Santa Barbara’s Mitch Brewe scored on a tip-in with 21 sistency in a deep confer- UCLA 67, MCNEESE ST. 53
seconds remaining and later added a free throw. ence with few easy games. UCLA next MCNEESE ST.
at UC Riverside 63, Denver 54: Jaylen Bland scored 20 The Bruins have played McFerrin ...........23 3-10 0-0 0-3 3 2 6
with intensity against teams Jackson ............18 0-6 1-2 1-3 0 1 1
points, making four of eight three-point shots, and Taylor Burr .................39 5-12 3-3 0-3 3 2 15
like Kentucky and Gonzaga. Jan. 1 at Washington, 8 p.m., Alaska Airlines Arena, Seattle,
Johns had 14 points and eight rebounds for Riverside (8-5). Greenwood ........31 4-8 0-0 1-3 4 2 12
At other times, that focus FS1 — The Bruins will open Pac-12 Conference play against Potier ...............31 2-7 1-2 1-3 1 4 5
Bland’s buzzer-beating three gave the Highlanders a 29-26
has lapsed. The nonconfer- the Huskies. Eleven Pac-12 teams are in the RPI top 100, the Johnson ............13 1-5 0-0 0-1 0 1 3
halftime lead, and they broke it open with a 12-0 run to start Harvey................2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
ence season began with a most of any conference. Moss..................9 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 3 3
the second half. Joe Rosga scored 11 points for Denver (8-5). Brown.................4 0-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 0
loss with a squandered lead Ugochukwu........15 1-7 0-2 0-4 1 2 2
MEN TONIGHT against a surprisingly tal- Lewis................15 3-6 0-0 5-10 0 2 6
Loyola Marymount at Gonzaga ............................................6 p.m. ented Monmouth team, and three-pointers against a Nevada Las Vegas, Hamil- Totals 20-66 5-9 11-35 13 19 53
Shooting: Field goals, 30.3%; free throws, 55.6%
Pepperdine at Portland............................................................6 p.m. ended with an uncomfort- smaller opponent. McNeese ton has been reliable, and Three-point goals: 8-25 (Greenwood 4-8, Burr 2-4, Moss 1-2,
Cal State Northridge at San Diego.......................................7 p.m. able win against over- State made six of 14 from often dynamic. He has aver- Johnson 1-4, Jackson 0-1, McFerrin 0-1, Harvey 0-1, Ugochukwu
0-2, Potier 0-2). Team Rebounds: 4. Blocked Shots: 4 (Ugochuk-
matched McNeese State. long range in the first half. aged 18.6 points in that nine- wu 2, McFerrin, Lewis). Turnovers: 9 (Greenwood 2, Burr 2, Jack-
Coming into the game, But then the Bruins ex- game span. In his last five son 2, McFerrin, Harvey). Steals: 7 (McFerrin 2, Jackson 2, Po-
tier, Johnson, Burr). Technical Fouls: None.
the Cowboys were ranked tended the defense, and af- games, he has turned the
312th in the Ratings Percent- ter a quick McNeese State ball over no more than twice. Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
age Index, out of 351 Division three-pointer tied the score He has now gone five Parker...............26 2-6 2-3 3-11 3 3 6
Welsh ...............30 8-16 0-1 8-14 0 2 16
I teams. Their two wins were to begin the second half, games with at least eight Holiday .............35 5-11 1-4 1-3 1 1 12
against NAIA teams, Dillard UCLA went on a 13-2 run. field goals, becoming the Hamilton ...........35 9-19 0-0 3-11 1 1 18
and LSU Alexandria. Neither team sustained first UCLA player to do so Alford ...............36 3-10 6-6 0-4 8 0 13
Olesinski.............9 0-0 0-2 1-2 0 1 0
But UCLA appeared un- much offense in the rest of a since Tracy Murray in 1991. Allen ..................8 0-1 0-3 0-0 1 1 0
interested for large swaths of sleepy second half. The Cow- “I think he’s just relax- J Smith ...............1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Wulff ..................1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
the game. The Bruins scored boys made one three-point- ing,” Alford said. “He’s much Okwarabizie.........1 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
one basket over the final six er over the last 19 minutes. more aggressive. He’s very Bolden..............18 1-2 0-0 0-3 3 0 2
Totals 28-65 9-19 18-54 17 9 67
minutes of the first half. At “We took a huge step de- confident right now because
Shooting: Field goals, 43.1%; free throws, 47.4%
the break, they led by just fensively tonight,” center he’s making shots.” Three-point goals: 2-9 (Alford 1-1, Holiday 1-3, Bolden 0-1,
three, despite McNeese Thomas Welsh said. “I know Welsh had 16 points and Hamilton 0-4). Team Rebounds: 6. Blocked Shots: 6 (Holiday 3,
Welsh 2, Bolden). Turnovers: 10 (Parker 4, Olesinski 2, Welsh 2,
State’s having shot 27.8% we can score. If we can just 14 rebounds. Holiday, Bolden). Steals: 7 (Hamilton 4, Holiday 2, Bolden).
from the field. play defense and keep it Guard Prince Ali sat out Technical Fouls: None.
“Not one of those games under 65 every game, I think for the third straight game McNeese St. 27 26— 53
UCLA 30 37— 67
that had a great flow to it,” we’ll put ourselves in a good since suffering a bruised
Alford said. position.” knee against Gonzaga. Al-
To this point, UCLA has Again, Isaac Hamilton ford said Ali will be back for is expected back for the first
had little trouble scoring but led the team in scoring, with Pac-12 play. Forward Gyorgy or second week of confer-
Kelly Presnell Associated Press
has been inconsistent defen- 18 points, and added 11 re- Goloman, who missed the ence play, Alford said.
ARIZONA’S Parker Jackson-Cartwright, top, and sively. Early on, UCLA again bounds. Since an eight-turn- entire nonconference sea-
Long Beach State’s Justin Bibbins tussle for the ball. failed to staunch the flow of over performance against son due to a stress fracture, [email protected]
L AT I M ES . C O M / S P O RT S W E D N E SDAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 D3



Running back: Sean McGrew, St. John Bosco, 5-8, 174,
Sr. The Washington-bound McGrew rushed for 1,852
yards and scored 27 touchdowns for the 13-1 Braves.
Running back: J.J. Taylor, Corona Centennial, 5-6, 170,
Sr. During four Pac-5 playoff games, Taylor accounted
for 801 yards rushing and 16 touchdowns. He finished
with 41 TDs and 2,049 yards rushing.
Quarterback: Khalil Tate, Gardena Serra, 6-0, 185, Sr.
The Mission League MVP passed for 2,036 yards and 17
touchdowns and ran for 2,130 yards and 26 touchdowns.
Offensive line: Frank Martin, Mater Dei, 6-6, 295, Sr.
The USC-bound Martin helped protect a freshman
quarterback all season with his powerful blocking and
line leadership.
Offensive line: Wyatt Davis, St. John Bosco, 6-5, 315, Jr.
Davis helped St. John Bosco’s high-powered offense
produce running clocks in 12 of 14 games with his agility
and strength.
Offensive line: Alex Akingbulu, Narbonne, 6-6, 265, Sr.
The UCLA-bound senior helped his team win a second
consecutive City Section Division I championship us-
ing his athleticism and strong work ethic.
Offensive line: Luke Wattenberg, JSerra, 6-5, 275, Sr. Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
The Washington-bound senior was the co-lineman of WHEN Mique Juarez wasn’t playing quarterback for North Torrance, he was contributing as a linebacker. His
the year in the Trinity League and his team knocked off loyalty is notable: He played for his neighborhood football team, which is his parents’ alma mater.
Orange Lutheran and Mater Dei.
Offensive line: Matt Brayton; Bishop Amat; 6-4; 300; PLAYER OF THE YEAR MIQUE JUAREZ

Ever-present excellence
Sr. The co-lineman of the year in the Mission League is
headed to UNLV and was a two-year standout for the
Wide receiver: Javon McKinley, Corona Centennial,
6-2, 195, Sr. Despite a banged-up body, McKinley fin-
ished with 55 catches for 1,173 yards and 12 touchdowns
for the 14-1 Huskies.
Asked about playing on
Wide receiver: J.P. Shohfi, San Marino, 6-1, 190, Sr. By Eric Sondheimer offense and defense, Juarez
Shohfi set a national record for most receiving yards in Players of the year
said, “It’s really about being
a season with 2,464. He also had 122 receptions for the It is hardly embellishing Winners of The Times’ high school football player-of- able to play under control.
15-1 Titans. to call Mique Juarez of North the-year award: On offense, you have to play
Wide receiver: Michael Pittman, Oaks Christian, 6-4, Torrance High a football Year Player School Pos. with a mind-set you don’t get
195, Sr. In his final prep game, the USC-bound Pittman player with “unique skills.” touched. On defense, it’s
How else to explain 2015 Mique Juarez North Torrance QB/LB play aggressive and be
caught 16 passes for 354 yards and five TDs against 2014 Josh Rosen St. John Bosco QB
someone whose future posi- smart. You have to be in con-
Bishop Amat. He had 81 receptions for 1,990 yards and tion in college will be line- dition.”
24 TDs.
2013 Jaleel Wadood St. John Bosco WR/DB
backer, yet he accounted for As good as Juarez has
2012 Thomas Duarte Mater Dei WR/LB
Kicker: Manny Berz, Citrus Hill, 5-10, 180, Jr. Berz made 60 touchdowns this last sea- been for North Torrance
14 of 17 field goals, 87 of 88 PATs, kicked 56 balls into the son (23 passing, 36 rushing, 2011 Su’a Cravens Vista Murrieta RB/WR/LB (9-3), it’s his loyalty that will
end zone for touchbacks and had18 punts end up inside one kickoff return)? 2010 DeAnthony Thomas Crenshaw RB/DB be long remembered. He
the 20-yard line. “He’s remarkable,” Mira 2009 Cody Fajardo Servite QB stayed for four years to play
Costa Coach Don Morrow for his neighborhood foot-
2008 Taylor Martinez Corona Centennial QB
Defense said. ball team and the school his
Asked to play quarter- 2007 Matt Barkley Mater Dei QB parents went to.
Defensive line: Oluwole Betiku, Gardena Serra, 6-6, back because of his versatili- 2006 Aaron Corp Orange Lutheran QB “You had a lot of things to
245, Sr. He accounted for 17 sacks and 70 tackles as one ty, the 6-foot-2, 222-pound live up to and a lot of emo-
2005 Toby Gerhart Norco RB
of the most feared defensive ends in SoCal. senior kept finding ways to tion,” he said. “It was awe-
contribute even though 2004 DeSean Jackson Long Beach Poly RB some to bring a lot of atten-
Defensive line: Carter Hartmann, Mission Viejo, 6-3,
270, Sr. The top lineman in the South Coast League led
most opposing coaches de- 2003 Brigham Harwell Los Altos DL/FB tion to my school. I got to
signed their defenses to stop 2002 Whitney Lewis St. Bonaventure WR play through the season
the Diablos to a 16-0 record. He’s a straight-A student him. with no injuries.”
headed to Harvard. “He impacts every aspect 2001 Hershel Dennis Long Beach Poly RB Considered the No. 1 line-
Defensive line: Jacob Callier, St. John Bosco, 6-3, 247, of the game,” North Tor- 2000 Tyler Ebell Ventura RB backer prospect in the na-
Jr. Callier emerged as one of the best pass rushers in the rance Coach Todd Croce 1999 Matt Grootegoed Mater Dei RB/LB tion, Juarez used to be com-
Southland. He had 12 sacks. said. “You can’t account for a mitted to USC but has been
1998 Chris Lewis Long Beach Poly QB
quarterback who can take fielding offers from UCLA,
Defensive line: Hunter Echols, L.A. Cathedral, 6-4, 232, off any moment and go the 1997 DeShaun Foster Tustin RB/DB Alabama and Oklahoma
Jr. Using a nonstop motor, Echols finished with 79 tack- distance. He was a game- 1996 Antoine Harris Loyola TE/DE State, among others.
les, including 17 sacks. changer.” Croce can’t wait to see
1995 Chris Claiborne Riverside North LB/RB
Linebacker: Curtis Robinson, Mater Dei, 6-4, 210, Sr. On defense, Juarez had what he does playing line-
146 tackles, including 21 for 1994 Daylon McCutcheon Bishop Amat RB/DB backer at the collegiate level.
The Stanford-bound Robinson finished with 55 tack-
les, including 10 sacks. losses. He had five sacks and 1993 Glenn Thompkins Eisenhower QB “He’s very instinctive and
finished with 397 career 1992 Travis Kirschke Esperanza DL wants to get into every play,”
Linebacker: Mique Juarez, North Torrance, 6-2, 220, tackles. he said. “His motor is great,
Sr. Juarez accounted for 60 touchdowns rushing, pass- 1991 Billy Blanton Mater Dei QB
For his versatility and and he wants to go sideline
ing and returning kickoffs. On defense, he had a school- ability to make an impact on 1990 John Walsh Carson QB to sideline to track some-
record 397 tackles in his career. both sides of the ball, Juarez 1989 Kevin Copeland Dorsey WR body down.”
Linebacker: Josh Brown, Long Beach Poly, 6-2, 225, Jr. has been selected The 1988 Derek Brown Servite RB
Times’ high school football [email protected]
Brown contributed 81 solo tackles, including eight 1987 Russell White Crespi RB
player of the year. Twitter: @LATSondheimer
against unbeaten Las Vegas Bishop Gorman. He was
known for his toughness and consistency
Defensive back: Jack Jones, Long Beach Poly, 5-11, 160,
Sr. One of the most dangerous players on both sides of COACH OF THE YEAR LINEMAN
the ball, Jones had 42 receptions and 11 touchdowns as GREGG BARDEN OF THE YEAR

He rises
a receiver and also was a standout cornerback. WYATT DAVIS
Defensive back: Chacho Ulloa, Corona Centennial, 6-0,
185, Sr. The Stanford-bound safety had six intercep-
to the
tions in helping an improved defense get the Huskies

to block
into the CIF state championship Open Division bowl
Defensive back: Tyler Vaughns, Bishop Amat, 6-3, 175,
Sr. The USC-bound Vaughns caught 84 passes and 13
touchdowns while also contributing in the secondary.
occasion the way
Defensive back: David Long, Loyola, 5-10, 175, Sr. Long
was so highly regarded at cornerback that few oppo- For 19 anonymous sea-
nents tested him because of his ability to cover receiv- sons, Gregg Barden was per- If you can’t hear Wyatt
ers and make tackles. fectly content coaching jun- Davis when his big footsteps
ior varsity football at Los pound the ground, you can
Punter: Andrew Nielsen, Hart, 5-11,175, Sr. Nielsen aver- Angeles Belmont. Then the probably tell he’s nearby
aged 43.8 yards per punt, including12 inside the 20-yard school needed a varsity when he’s verbally trying to
line. He also made eight field goals and has a 4.6 grade- coach three years ago and fire up teammates.
point average. Barden accepted. At 6 feet 5, 315 pounds,
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
This season, he guided Davis has stamped himself
the Sentinels to their first J.J. TAYLOR of Corona Centennial had 16 touch- as one of the top offensive
City Section football cham- downs and 801 yards rushing in four playoff games. linemen as a junior at St.
THE TIMES’ FINAL TOP 25 pionship in school history, John Bosco. He was the co-
winning the Division III title BACK OF THE YEAR J.J. TAYLOR lineman of the year in the
By Eric Sondheimer: and finishing 14-0 in City powerful Trinity League.

Section action. He created And he has been selected the
Rk. School (W-L) 2015 (last week’s ranking)
excitement and interest on lineman of the year in South-
1 CORONA CENTENNIAL (14-1) Pac-5 Division champion (1) campus in a sport that has ern California by The Times.
2 ST. JOHN BOSCO (13-1) Pac-5 Division runner-up (2) taken a back seat for years to “If you look how well we

peaks in playoffs
soccer and cross country. were running all year and
3 MISSION VIEJO (16-0) West Valley Division, state I-AA champion (4)
For his efforts, Barden pass protection, being the
4 NARBONNE (14-2) City Division I, state I-A champion (6) has been selected The left tackle, it all started with
5 MATER DEI (10-3) Pac-5 Division semifinalist (9) Times’ coach of the year. him,” Coach Jason Negro
Belmont doesn’t get said.
6 BISHOP AMAT (10-3) Pac-5 Division semifinalist (3)
many players with football In winning 10 section said. “He probably should St. John Bosco went 13-1,
7 LONG BEACH POLY (4-6) no playoffs (5) experience, so Barden must championships, Corona have 4,000 yards rushing if it and 12 of its 14 games fea-
8 GARDENA SERRA (9-3) Pac-5 Division quarterfinalist (8) train his players from Centennial has produced its was a normal season. He’s an tured running clocks in the
scratch. share of top running backs, incredible player. He has it fourth quarter because of
9 CAMARILLO (15-1) Northern Division champion (10)
“We had kids who really but none has been better all. He runs hard, has bal- mercy rules.
10 LOYOLA (9-3) Pac-5 quarterfinalist (16) liked the sport and followed than J.J. Taylor. ance, speed, he’s tough, he It was Davis protecting
11 ORANGE LUTHERAN (6-6) Pac-5 Division quarterfinalist (15) it,” he said. “We got more In his senior season, the can catch the ball.” quarterback Quentin Davis
12 VISTA MURRIETA (12-2) West Valley Division runner-up (13) kids out for football. We had 5-foot-6, 170-pound Taylor His playoff run was simi- (no relation), who passed for
greater depth than we’ve became the most valuable lar to what teammate Javon 3,612 yards and 40 touch-
13 CITRUS HILL Inland Division, state II-A champion (NR) had.” player of the Pac-5 playoffs, McKinley, a receiver, pulled downs.
14 JSERRA (7-3) no playoffs (14) Equally important, Bar- producing 16 touchdowns off last season in helping the It was Davis helping to
15 OAKS CHRISTIAN (11-1) Pac-5 Division quarterfinalist (7) den said, “to be a champion- and 801 yards rushing in four Huskies win the Pac-5. Tay- open holes for running back
ship-caliber team, you not playoff games in helping the lor peaked at the right time. Sean McGrew, who rushed
16 CHAMINADE (7-4) Pac-5 Division first round (11) only have to be good football Huskies win a second con- There were 185 yards for 1,852 yards and scored 27
17 LA HABRA (13-2) Southwest Division champion (18) players but also good peo- secutive Pac-5 title. rushing and seven touch- touchdowns.
18 LA MIRADA (13-3) Southeast Division, state III-AA champion (NR) ple. Our kids weren’t perfect, Taylor, an Arizona com- downs against West Hills Known for his agility and
but by and large, we have mit, has been selected The Chaminade; 138 yards and physicality, Davis was a dev-
19 SERVITE (4-6) no playoffs (NR) really good kids. What I’m Times’ back of the year. He three touchdowns against astating blocker for the
20 SAN MARINO (15-1) Central Division champion (NR) most proud is the way the rushed for 2,149 yards and 41 Orange Lutheran; 219 yards Braves.
21 CALABASAS (13-2) Western Division champion (23) kids week after week touchdowns even though he and one touchdown against “He has all the character-
bounced back. They were sat out much of the fourth Santa Ana Mater Dei; 261 istics you want in a left
22 NORCO (8-3) Pac-5 Division first round (17) really unflappable.” quarter in games because yards and five touchdowns tackle,” Negro said. “He’s a
23 RANCHO CUCAMONGA (9-4) West Valley Division semifinalist (NR) Belmont lost to Coro- the Huskies (14-1) were so far against Bellflower St. John really good athlete and good
24 MURRIETA VALLEY (9-3) West Valley Division semifinalist (NR) nado in a regional bowl game in front of opponents. Bosco and 169 yards against on his feet and you never see
to finish 14-1. “He’s an amazing ath- Concord De La Salle. him on the ground.”
25 CHINO HILLS (10-3) West Valley Division semifinalist (21)
— Eric Sondheimer lete,” Coach Matt Logan — Eric Sondheimer —Eric Sondheimer
D4 W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L ATI M E S .C O M / S P O RT S



Toledo defeats
No. 24 Temple
school’s career scoring
associated press
leader with 268 points, con-
nected from 29, 33 and 46
Phillip Ely hit Cody yards, and was selected the
Thompson with an 80-yard game’s MVP.
touchdown pass early in the
fourth quarter Tuesday
McCaffrey is AP
night, and Toledo won Jason
Candle’s first game as head player of year
coach, beating No. 24 Tem- Stanford running back
ple, 32-17, in a soggy Boca Ra- Christian McCaffrey was
ton Bowl in Florida. named Associated Press col-
Candle was promoted lege football player of the
from offensive coordinator year, becoming the first non-
three weeks ago when Matt Heisman Trophy winner to
Campbell took over at Iowa earn the honor in six years.
State. McCaffrey, runner-up in
The Rockets (10-2) posi- the Heisman balloting to Al-
tioned themselves to crack abama running back Der-
the final top 25 for the first rick Henry, received 29 of 60
time since 2001. Temple votes from the AP top 25 me-
(10-4) lost for the fourth time dia panel. Henry was second
in seven games after starting with 16 votes, Clemson
7-0. quarterback Deshaun Wat-
Frequent driving rain son third with 11.
hampered both offenses, but
Ely went 20 for 28 for 285 Etc. Rick Scuteri Associated Press
yards and two scores with no Texas State football JUNIOR OFFENSIVE LINEMAN Alex Redmond, left, who started 10 games this season, has quit the team
turnovers. Coach Dennis Franchione, and signed with an agent and will make himself available for the NFL draft, UCLA Coach Jim Mora said.
64, said he is retiring after a
Akron wins in Boise 30-year head coaching ca- UCLA REPORT

Mazzone may not attend

Robert Stein made three reer that included stops at
field goals and Jatavis New Mexico, Texas Chris-
Brown led a smothering de- tian, Alabama and Texas
fense for Akron in the Fa- A&M. ... Ball State Coach
mous Idaho Potato Bowl at Pete Lembo resigned to join
Boise. It was the Zips’ first Maryland’s staff as assistant

bowl for health reasons

victory in a bowl. head coach and special
Stein, who became the teams coordinator.

“I think that’s one of the ben- Ulu-Perry, a highly re-

By Zach Helfand efits of having a staff that’s garded freshman offensive
been together, that’s had lineman, also left the pro-
UCLA Coach Jim Mora some continuity. It allows gram. He transferred to Ha-
said Tuesday that he be- you to be able to adjust waii because of what Mora
lieves offensive coordinator quickly when things like this described as homesickness.
Noel Mazzone will be at the FOSTER FARMS BOWL happen.”
Foster Farms Bowl on Sat- No full house
urday when UCLA plays Ne-
UCLA vs. Redmond leaves Saturday’s game may
braska. Nebraska One UCLA junior’s NFL look familiar to anyone who
Whether Mazzone will Saturday at Santa Clara, Calif. draft decision has come has watched a San Fran-
call the plays or be a specta- TV: 6:15 p.m., ESPN early. Starting right guard cisco 49ers home game this
tor has yet to be determined. Alex Redmond has left the season: There will probably
And, Mora said, it is still pos- team, Mora said. be plenty of seats available.
sible that Mazzone will not press box or what his role “He’s gone already, he Gary Cavalli, executive
attend the game. will be,” Mora said. “But quit,” Mora told reporters. director of the Foster Farms
Mazzone was hospital- we’re prepared to go either “He signed with an agent.” Bowl, said he expects 30,000
Joe Skipper Associated Press ized last week with what Mo- way.” Redmond started all 13 to 35,000 fans to attend the
TOLEDO’S Kareem Hunt (3) runs by Temple’s Nate ra called “a serious medical Mazzone, Mora said, is games as a freshman and game. That would be about
D. Smith (35) in first quarter of Boca Raton Bowl. condition.” UCLA, citing pri- “better,” but “not feeling eight more during his sopho- half of Levi’s Stadium’s ca-
vacy concerns, has not dis- great.” more season. This season, pacity of 68,500, and would
closed the health issue. “But you know Noel,” Mo- he started 10 games and, Mo- be roughly equal to the aver-
Mazzone has since at- ra added. “He loves to coach ra said last week, was one of age historical attendance for
TODAY’S BOWL GAMES tended UCLA practices in a ball, and he loves that game the few healthy members of the bowl.
limited capacity, and he environment. I don’t know. I a dinged-up offensive line. “Please come out and buy
Poinsettia Bowl visited doctors Monday believe he’ll be at the game.” The departure worsens tickets,” Mora said. “It’s not
BOISE STATE (8-4) vs. NORTHERN ILLINOIS (8-5) while the team traveled to Mora did not say who UCLA’s depth problems at only going to be a great
When: 1:30 p.m. (ESPN). Where: San Diego. San Francisco to begin bowl would assume play-calling guard. Last week, with start- event, a great game. I’m sure
Line: Boise State by 81⁄2. Series: First meeting. practice. responsibilities should Maz- ing left guard Kenny Lacy it will come down to the last
Story line: Boise State seniors want to get their 40th victory. “I think we’ll still play it zone be unable to. But he still hobbled by an ankle in- series or two. You’re going to
Northern Illinois wants to break a two-game losing streak by ear and determine as we said that the team has been jury, walk-on freshman Cris- see two tremendous
and win for the first time in three Poinsettia Bowl appearanc- get closer to the game, with working on a contingency tian Garcia started in prac- quarterbacks.”
es. The key matchup will be Boise State’s offensive line our doctors, whether he’s go- plan over the last week. tice.
against Northern Illinois’ defensive line. Boise State will be ing to be on the field or in the “We’re good,” Mora said. Earlier this month, Fred [email protected]
trying to open holes for Jeremy McNichols, who rushed for
1,244 yards and 18 touchdowns this season.

GoDaddy Bowl
BOWLING GREEN (10-3) vs.
When: 5 p.m. PST (ESPN). Where: Mobile, Ala.
Games are programming for ESPN
Line: Bowling Green by 7. Series: First meeting. [Bowls, from D1]
Story line: Bowling Green and Georgia Southern are both in Arkansas State, giving him
a state of transition after each head coach — Bowling Green’s an FBS-record 87 in his
Dino Babers (Syracuse) and Georgia Southern’s Willie Fritz career. That sets up another
(Tulane) — took a new job since the end of the regular sea- dramatic opportunity for
son. Bowling Green has been one of the better programs in Navy quarterback Keenan
the Mid-American Conference for several years, and Georgia Reynolds, who has 83 touch-
Southern is playing in its first bowl game since recently join- downs going in to the Mil-
ing the Football Bowl Subdivision. itary Bowl against Pitts-
— associated press burgh.
And Western Kentucky
followed up last season’s
sensational Hail Mary-
BOWL SCHEDULE multiple-lateral victory over
Central Michigan in the
Bahamas Bowl with a trick-
Poinsettia: Boise State vs. Northern Illinois Today, 1:30 p.m.; ESPN Boise State by 81⁄2 play-filled win over South Bowling Green vs. Ga. Southern Today, 5 p.m.; ESPN BGSU by 7 Florida in the Miami Beach
Bahamas: Middle Tennessee vs. Western Mich. Thu., 9 a.m.; ESPN W. Michigan by 41⁄2 Bowl.
Hawaii: Cincinnati vs. San Diego State Thu., 5 p.m.; ESPN San Diego St. by 11⁄2 And we’re not even
St. Petersburg: Connecticut vs. Marshall Sat., 8 a.m.; ESPN Marshall by 5 through the first quarter of
Sun: Miami vs. Washington State Sat., 11 a.m.; Ch. 2 Wash. State by 21⁄2 the bowl season. Austin Anthony Associated Press
Not that everything is THE HISTORY of the Miami Beach Bowl goes back all the way to 2014. Nacarius
Heart of Dallas: Washington vs. Southern Miss. Sat., 11:15 a.m.; ESPN Washington by 9
worth celebrating. Fant (1) and Western Kentucky beat South Florida in the second edition Monday.
Pinstripe: Duke vs. Indiana Sat., 12:30 p.m.; Ch. 7 Indiana by 2
Other than fans watch-
Independence: Virginia Tech vs. Tulsa Sat., 2:45 p.m.; ESPN Va. Tech by 131⁄2 ing on television, the main And don’t forget the hair drag. “It’s nice to end the year
Foster Farms: Nebraska vs. UCLA Sat., 6:15 p.m.; ESPN UCLA by 61⁄2 beneficiaries of the bowl dryers. Kessler has traveled with bonding with your friends
Military: Pittsburgh vs. Navy Monday, 11:30 a.m.; ESPN Navy by 3 experience are ESPN, game There may come a time the Trojans and played in and your teammates and
Quick Lane: Minnesota vs. Central Michigan Monday, 2 p.m.; ESPN2 Minnesota by 6 organizers, coaches with when unionized college bowl games in El Paso, Las then go out and play one
Armed Forces: Air Force vs. California Tuesday, 11 a.m.; ESPN California by 7 contract bonuses and con- football players collectively Vegas and San Diego, where last game,” he says.
Russell Athletic: North Carolina vs. Baylor Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.; ESPN N. Carolina by 21⁄2 ferences and their member bargain for a share of bowl the team will play in the Bruins defensive line-
schools. revenues. But it appears no Holiday Bowl for the second man Takkarist McKinley, of
Arizona: Nevada vs. Colorado State Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.; Ch. 5 Colo. State by 3
Oregon State and Colo- strikes are on the horizon — straight year. Not exactly Richmond, Calif., is essen-
Texas: Texas Tech vs. Louisiana State Tuesday, 6 p.m.; ESPN LSU by 7
rado, for example, did not vanguard Northwestern is glamorous bowl destina- tially going home for the
Birmingham: Auburn vs. Memphis Dec. 30, 9 a.m.; ESPN Auburn by 21⁄2 make bowl games but still scheduled to play Ten- tions, but Kessler is not holidays to play in a bowl
Belk: North Carolina State vs. Mississippi State Dec. 30, 12:30 p.m.; ESPN Miss. State by 5 share in Pac-12 Conference nessee in the Outback Bowl complaining. game at Levi’s Stadium. He
Music City: Louisville vs. Texas A&M Dec. 30, 4 p.m.; ESPN Louisville by 4 payouts. on Jan. 1. He likes the excitement is looking forward to seeing
Holiday: Wisconsin vs. USC Dec. 30, 7:30 p.m.; ESPN USC by 31⁄2 USC Coach Clay Helton That doesn’t mean every created by unexpected family, but says he and his
Peach: Houston vs. Florida State Dec. 31, 9 a.m.; ESPN Florida State by 7 echoes most coaches who college player privately matchups. teammates are striving for a
Orange: Clemson vs. Oklahoma Dec. 31, 1 p.m.; ESPN Oklahoma by 4
welcome bowl practices as a loves the idea of extra prac- “So many scenarios,” he bigger game next season.
means of developing talent tices, and potential for says. “I want the national
Cotton: Alabama vs. Michigan State Dec. 31, 5 p.m.; ESPN Alabama by 91⁄2
for the next season. injury, after a long season. Trojans defensive line- championship, man,” he
Outback: Northwestern vs. Tennessee Jan. 1, 9 a.m.; ESPN2 Tennessee by 81⁄2 Quarterbacks Max Browne USC linebacker Su’a man Kenny Bigelow says says. “That’s where I really
Citrus: Michigan vs. Florida Jan. 1, 10 a.m.; Channel 7 Michigan by 41⁄2 and Sam Darnold, for exam- Cravens, Ohio State run- the bowl system is “a great want to go.”
Fiesta: Ohio State vs. Notre Dame Jan. 1, 10 a.m.; ESPN Ohio State by 61⁄2 ple, have already begun ning back Ezekiel Elliott thing,” providing players a Next season’s final will be
Rose: Iowa vs. Stanford Jan. 1, 2 p.m.; ESPN Stanford by 61⁄2 competing to replace senior and others who have de- chance to bond and “to give played in Tampa, Fla.
Sugar: Mississippi vs. Oklahoma State Jan. 1, 5:30 p.m.; ESPN Mississippi by 7 Cody Kessler. clared for the draft might them a little pocket change Good luck to all players,
TaxSlayer: Penn State vs. Georgia Jan. 2, 9 a.m.; ESPN Georgia by 61⁄2 “That’s why you love want to avoid potential risk around the holidays.” coaches and fans trying to
going to bowl games,” Hel- and start working on their Fullback Soma Vainuku get there.
Liberty: Kansas State vs. Arkansas Jan. 2, 12:15 p.m.; ESPN Arkansas by 121⁄2
ton says, “because you can 40-yard dash times. says bowl practices offer Until then, enjoy the
Alamo: Texas Christian vs. Oregon Jan. 2, 3:45 p.m.; ESPN Texas Christian by 1
really progress the young Several UCLA players opportunities to “perfect bowl season. And pass the
Cactus: West Virginia vs. Arizona State Jan. 2, 7:15 p.m.; ESPN West Virginia by 1 kids.” set to play against Nebraska your craft” before partici- remote.
College Football Championship Jan. 11, 5:30 p.m.; ESPN It can be argued that in the Foster Farms Bowl on pating in NFL evaluations
Results players deserve compensa- Saturday in Santa Clara, at the Senior Bowl in Janu- [email protected]
New Mexico: Arizona 45, New Mexico 37 Las Vegas: Utah 35, Brigham Young 28 tion beyond gifts that in- and several USC players ary. Twitter: @latimesklein
clude belt buckles, watches, readying for Wisconsin and UCLA linebacker Aaron
Camellia: Appalachian State 31, Ohio 29 Cure: San Jose State 27, Georgia State 16
backpacks, caps and gift the Dec. 30 Holiday Bowl in Wallace, a fifth-year senior, Times staff writer Zach
New Orleans: La. Tech 47, Arkansas St. 28 Miami: Western Kentucky 45, South Florida 35
certificates from big box San Diego, say the bowl says he looks forward to Helfand contributed to this
Famous Idaho Potato: Akron 23, Utah St. 21 Boca Raton: Toledo 32, Temple 17 stores. experience is anything but a bowl activities. report.
L AT I M ES . C O M / S P O RT S WSCE W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 D5

Senior Bowl calls on Kessler, Vainuku

ton said. “You can be the guy feel” as they prepare for 2016.
By Gary Klein that does his job and still “I couldn’t wish for noth-
play this game for a long ing better,” he said of the
USC quarterback Cody time.” matchup against Alabama.
Kessler performed in the “That’s a great team and
spotlight for most of his Tro- Well rested we’re going to have a lot of
jans career. Fullback Soma HOLIDAY BOWL Helton has said that he fun.”
Vainuku played in relative scheduled only eight prac-
obscurity, making his mark
USC vs. tices before the Holiday Quick hits
on special teams. Wisconsin Bowl because the Trojans Cornerback Kevon Sey-
Both earned invitations Dec. 30 at Qualcomm had an extra week of work- mour did not practice after
to the Jan. 30 Senior Bowl, Stadium, San Diego outs for the Pac-12 title suffering an ankle injury on
an annual evaluation mile- game. Monday. . . . Offensive tackle
TV: 7:30 p.m., ESPN
stone on the way to the NFL After playing through nu- Chad Wheeler remained ab-
draft. merous injuries — including sent after an incident involv-
Kessler has passed for 28 a bone fracture in his right ing police Saturday. He was
touchdowns, with six inter- Louisiana Tech’s Jeff Dris- hand that required surgery not arrested. Asked whether
ceptions, for a Trojans team kel and North Dakota Mark J. Terrill Associated Press — receiver JuJu Smith- Wheeler could be ruled out
that is preparing for the Dec. State’s Carson Wentz are SOMA VAINUKU, a strong contributor on special Schuster was happy to have for the Holiday Bowl, Helton
30 Holiday Bowl against Wis- other quarterbacks who teams, welcomes his Senior Bowl opportunity. an extra week of rest before said, “We’re still playing it
consin. have accepted Senior Bowl the Trojans opened practice out and just seeing where
Kessler said Tuesday invitations. sume is thin. He has only two Senior Bowl opportunity as Saturday. he’s at. Really, at this point
that he was excited about “Go into that atmos- carries and has not caught a “an honor” and “one of the Smith-Schuster is al- in time, I can’t comment on
the opportunity to test him- phere with other top pass this season. most happy moments” of his ready looking forward to the situation. We’re just
self against other players at quarterbacks and be able to But the 6-foot, 255-pound USC career. next season, when the Tro- wishing him the best.” . . .
the Senior Bowl and to show sling it around a little bit,” Vainuku has been a stalwart Coach Clay Helton said jans will open against Ala- The Trojans will go through
“that I can throw with any- Kessler said, adding, “It’s a on special teams. Vainuku’s Senior Bowl invi- bama in Arlington, Texas. mock-game situations on
one.” cool event, but at the same Two years ago, he was tation validated the player’s He said that he and other Wednesday and then break
Stanford’s Kevin Hogan, time, obviously, a very im- All-Pac-12 Conference as a willingness to put the team receivers have done work- for three days.
Mississippi State’s Dak portant step for the next lev- special teams player. He was ahead of personal goals. outs with reserve quarter-
Prescott, North Carolina el.” second team this season. “You don’t always have to backs Max Browne and [email protected]
State’s Jacoby Brissett, Vainuku’s statistical re- Vainuku described the be the superstar name,” Hel- Sam Darnold to “get the Twitter: @latimesklein

Pacific W L OL Pts GF GA Metropolitan W L OL Pts GF GA
KINGS 20 11 2 42 84 76 Washington 25 6 2 52 105 71
San Jose 17 15 2 36 93 94 NY Rangers 20 12 4 44 104 93
Vancouver 13 14 9 35 91 103 NY Islanders 19 11 5 43 96 82
Arizona 16 15 2 34 90 104 New Jersey 17 13 5 39 83 87
Calgary 16 16 2 34 91 113 Philadelphia 15 12 7 37 74 92
Edmonton 15 18 2 32 91 106 Pittsburgh 16 14 3 35 76 84
DUCKS 12 15 6 30 62 85 Carolina 13 16 5 31 80 101
Central W L OL Pts GF GA Columbus 13 20 3 29 88 112
Dallas 26 7 2 54 124 88 Atlantic W L OL Pts GF GA
St. Louis 21 11 4 46 92 85 Montreal 20 13 3 43 105 89
Chicago 20 12 4 44 96 87 Boston 19 10 4 42 104 85
Minnesota 18 9 6 42 91 80 Florida 19 12 4 42 95 81
Nashville 17 11 6 40 90 86 Detroit 17 10 7 41 89 89
Colorado 17 17 1 35 99 97 Ottawa 17 12 6 40 105 104
Winnipeg 15 17 2 32 92 104 Tampa Bay 17 15 3 37 87 82
Note: Overtime or shootout losses are worth Buffalo 14 16 4 32 79 89
one point.
Toronto 12 14 7 31 86 93

SAN JOSE 5 Sharks score four unanswered goals, including three in
AT KINGS 3 the third period, to rally from a 3-1 second-period deficit.
AT N.Y. RANGERS 3 Mats Zuccarello scores a power-play goal at 2:37 of the
DUCKS 2 (OT) extra period for the Rangers’ fourth win in 15 games.
ST. LOUIS 2 Jake Allen stops 32 shots for his fifth shutout. Vladimir
AT BOSTON 0 Tarasenko and Robby Fabbri score in third period.
NEW JERSEY 4 The Devils score on three consecutive shots in the first
AT DETROIT 3 period, ending goalie Jimmy Howard’s night.
VANCOUVER 2 Daniel Sedin scores the go-ahead goal in the third period,
AT TAMPA BAY 1 and Jacob Markstrom makes 26 saves for the Canucks.
AT FLORIDA 2 In the shootout, Aleksander Barkov scores the winning
OTTAWA 1 (SO) goal and Roberto Luongo stops both Senators attempts.
MINNESOTA 2 Jason Pominville and Charlie Coyle score, and Darcy
AT MONTREAL 1 Kuemper gets the win for the Wild with 24 saves. Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
AT DALLAS 4 Stars’ Patrick Sharp gets a goal and an assist in his first KINGS CENTER Trevor Lewis, right, moves in to check San Jose defenseman Dylan DeMelo in first period.
CHICAGO 0 regular-season game against his former team.

Kings give away 3-1 lead to rival

AT CALGARY 4 Johnny Gaudreau’s hat trick includes goals at 15:41 and
WINNIPEG 1 18:11 of the third period, the last one on an empty net.
AT ARIZONA 3 Shane Doan scores twice in a 14-second span of the first
TORONTO 2 period and assists on the third-period go-ahead goal.
For complete NHL summaries, go to [Kings, from D1] into the holidays. rookie Johnny Gaudreau of the glove side at 1:40. They
Brent Burns with 1:10 re- San Jose pulled within six the Flames had his first ca- made it, 2-0, when Trevor
maining after the Kings had points of the Kings, and reer hat trick. (Gaudreau, Lewis redirected Dustin
No games scheduled
pulled goalie Jonathan third-place Vancouver, incidentally, had another Brown’s wrist shot past
Quick for an extra attacker. which also won Tuesday hat trick Tuesday.) Jones at 4:32.
For the Sharks, it was against Tampa Bay, is seven Other games on this date For Lewis, it was his third
SHARKS 5, KINGS 3 RANGERS 3, DUCKS 2, OT their second win against the points back. have produced happier of the season and first goal
San Jose..................................1 1 3 — 5 DUCKS .............................1 0 1 0 — 2
KINGS .....................................2 1 0 — 3 N.Y. Rangers ......................1 0 1 1 — 3
Kings in two meetings at “We’ve won one of our last memories for the Kings. since Nov. 3. He had missed
Staples Center this season. five. There’s nothing to like Darryl Sutter coached his seven games with an upper-
FIRST PERIOD: 1. KINGS, Toffoli 13 (Pearson, Cart- FIRST PERIOD: 1. DUCKS, Perry 11 (Rakell), 11:16. Thus, a five-point night, about that,” Quick said. first game with the Kings body injury before returning
er), 1:40. 2. KINGS, Lewis 3 (D.Brown, Martinez), 4:32. 2. N.Y. Rangers, Brassard 12, 17:50.
3. S.J., Thornton 6 (Pavelski, Dillon), 12:12. Penalties—Maroon, DUCKS, major (fighting), 5:35. combined, from the recently The Kings have given up four years ago, a victory over to the lineup Saturday at To-
Penalties—Wingels, S.J., served by Smith, double Glass, N.Y.R, major (fighting), 5:35. Boyle, N.Y.R (hold- reunited line of Tanner Pear- five goals in back-to-back the Anaheim Ducks in a ronto.
minor (roughing), 12:55. Lewis, KINGS (roughing), ing), 7:05. Santorelli, DUCKS (high-sticking), 12:43.
12:55. SECOND PERIOD: Scoring—None. Penalties—Kesler, son-Jeff Carter-Tyler Toffoli losses and have allowed five shootout. The other Sharks goals
DUCKS (interference), 2:44. Kesler, DUCKS, major went for naught. Toffoli goals in three of their last Coming off a six-game came from Joe Thornton
SECOND PERIOD: 4. KINGS, Toffoli 14 (Pearson), (fighting), 6:48. Miller, N.Y.R, major (fighting), 6:48.
17:48. 5. S.J., Burns 13 (Thornton, Donskoi), 18:45. Bieksa, DUCKS (cross-checking), 7:22. McIlrath, N.Y.R scored twice, his 13th and four games, a disturbing trip that included three (14th) and Burns. Burns
Penalties—McNabb, KINGS (hooking), 1:44. KINGS (hooking), 12:49. 14th goals, Pearson had two trend for the Kings. games in Eastern Canada, scored late in the second pe-
bench, served by Mersch (too many men), 5:22. Martin, THIRD PERIOD: 3. N.Y. Rangers, Brassard 13 (Zucca-
S.J. (holding stick), 8:39. M.Brown, S.J. (holding),14:19. rello), 2:44. 4. DUCKS, Rakell 7 (Getzlaf, Fowler), assists and Carter recorded The final game before the the Kings showed few ill ef- riod, cutting the Kings’ lead
17:06. Penalties—Hayes, N.Y.R (hooking), :33. one assist, winning the draw brief NHL Christmas break fects early on in the game, to 3-2 at 18:45, not long after
THIRD PERIOD: 6. S.J., Pavelski 17 (Burns), 6:06 Summers, N.Y.R (holding stick), 5:05. Kesler, DUCKS
(pp). 7. S.J., Pavelski 18 (Thornton), 7:38 (pp). 8. S.J., (interference), 14:20. to set up Toffoli’s first goal. is often fraught with diffi- taking a 2-0 lead in the open- his miscue on the blue line
Burns 14, 18:50 (en). OVERTIME: 5. N.Y. Rangers, Zuccarello 15 (Boyle,
Brassard), 2:37 (pp). Penalty—Fowler, DUCKS
This was the Kings’ first culty, with one eye closely ing 4:32 against their former led to an outnumbered at-
Penalties—Ehrhoff, KINGS (high-sticking), 6:02.
Lucic, KINGS (slashing), 6:41. (holding), 1:07. loss at home in seven games. fixed on the calendar. teammate, Sharks goalie tack and Toffoli’s second
SHOTS ON GOAL: DUCKS 8-5-6-0—19. N.Y. Rangers They had been attempting Last season, the Kings Martin Jones. goal of the game.
SHOTS ON GOAL: S.J. 6-9-8—23. KINGS 21-5-10— 5-5-10-2—22. Power-play conversions—DUCKS 0 of 4.
36. Power-play conversions—S.J. 2 of 4. KINGS 0 of 3. N.Y. Rangers 1 of 5. to put the rest of the Pacific blew a late third-period lead Toffoli’s first goal, his 13th
GOALIES: S.J., Jones 15-10-2 (36 shots-33 saves). GOALIES: DUCKS, Gibson 4-4-2 (22 shots-19 Division a bit further back in to Calgary, also on Dec. 22, of the season, came just after [email protected]
KINGS, Quick 17-9-1 (22-18). Att—18,493 (18,230). saves). N.Y. Rangers, Lundqvist 16-9-3 (19-17).
T—2:33. Att—18,006 (18,006). T—2:38. the rearview mirror heading losing in overtime as then- the draw as he beat Jones on Twitter: @reallisa

Ducks are 0-5 in overtime after a loss to the Rangers

[Elliott, from D1] ily than they were and had chance on Gibson. Manson committed his Boyle fed Zuccarello for the
some rest and think about
what you can do different
‘This is the National won only one of its previous
seven games, but they clung
“We definitely had fight
left, but a few too many
giveaway and Brassard took
advantage at 17:50 of the
winner while Fowler sat in
and make sure you come Hockey League. to that notion after a 1-2-1 mistakes led to us getting first period. box.
back and work for the guy
next to you.”
Those guys gotta trip.
“In the past, or at least in
only one point out of two.”
Perry’s shot from the
Zuccarello put the Rang-
ers ahead after he stepped
For the Ducks, who don’t
play again until Sunday, this
It can be tough when make better plays these last few games, we’d inside edge of the left circle, in Sekac’s path to take the seems a fine time to take a
that guy next to you is turn-
ing the puck over in a bad coming out of our give up a goal to make it 2-1
and it’s been kind of our
set up neatly by Rakell, gave
the Ducks a 1-0 lead at 11:16
puck away and then fed
Brassard, who scored on a
“Maybe,” Rakell said.
spot at a bad time, a pattern zone.’ character to sink a little bit of a first period that both one-timer from one knee at “Anyways, we’ve got to
that has left the Ducks and let them dictate the teams slogged through. 2:44 of the third period. change this around.”
expecting the worst to hap- — Bruce Boudreau, play, but we fought hard,” Less than a minute after Rakell, one of the Ducks’ few
pen — and, sometimes, Ducks coach said defenseman Cam Fowl- Gibson made a fine chest bright spots Tuesday, [email protected]
making it happen. er, who was penalized for save on Dominic Moore, brought them even but Dan Twitter: @helenenothelen
Manson passed the puck holding defenseman Ryan
up the middle and onto the not. McDonagh 1:07 into over-
stick of Derick Brassard, “The mistakes we’re time to prevent him from
who brought the Rangers making, this is the NHL. taking a stretch pass and
even at 1-1. Sekac, presented This isn’t the Junior B [lev- getting a dangerous scoring
with four possible targets el] at 14 years old, when you
for a pass that likely would expect that,” Coach Bruce
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have gotten the puck out of Boudreau said. “This is the
the zone, picked the worst National Hockey League.
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possible option and pretty Those guys gotta make
much gave the puck to better plays coming out of
forechecker Zuccarello, who our zone.”
fed Brassard for a 2-1 Rang- After their fourth loss in Don’t let the phone
ers lead. five games the Ducks (12-
With goals so precious, 15-6) rank 29th among 30 stop ringing
it’s understandable that the teams in the NHL. Their AUTOS FOR SALE
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D6 W E D N E SDAY , D E CE M B E R 23 , 2 015 L ATI M E S .C O M / S P O RT S



NBA attests to missed calls

Standings have been arranged to reflect how the teams will be
determined for the playoffs. Teams are ranked 1-15 by record. Divi-
sion standing no longer has any bearing on the rankings. The top
eight teams in each conference make the playoffs, and the top- LAKERS 111, NUGGETS 107
seeded team would play the eighth-seeded team, the seventh team LAKERS
would play the second, etc. Head-to-head competition is the first of Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
several tiebreakers, followed by conference record. (Western Confer- Bryant.........32 10-22 9-11 1-3 5 2 31
ence divisions: S-Southwest; P-Pacific; N-Northwest; Eastern Con- Nance Jr......19 5-9 0-0 1-2 0 4 10
ference divisions: A-Atlantic; C-Central; S-Southeast). room to avoid the contact. his backup big man instead of Josh
By Ben Bolch Smith because he thought Aldrich
Hibbert .......15 2-2 1-1 1-6 1 5 5
WESTERN CONFERENCE Williams......37 6-11 2-5 1-4 5 2 17
Breaking through? would energize his team. Absolutely Clarkson......37 6-14 7-9 3-8 2 3 19
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. Sacre ...........2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 0
The NBA issued the written Cole Aldrich had no indication the correct. Russell........21 2-6 0-0 0-1 1 1 6
1. Golden State 26 1 .963 9-1 P1
equivalent of a “my bad” Tuesday for Clippers’ game against the Thunder Aldrich, who had logged only 24 Randle........28 3-7 2-3 3-10 1 1 8
2. San Antonio 24 5 .828 3 9-1 S1 Bass...........30 4-5 3-3 1-6 2 1 11
three missed calls in the final two min- would be any different from the two minutes before Monday in a mop-up Young .........16 2-8 0-0 0-0 0 0 4
3. Oklahoma City 19 9 .679 71⁄2 8-2 N1
utes of the Clippers’ one-point loss the dozen-plus that preceded it. role, said he figured he might have Totals 40-84 24-32 11-40 17 21 111
4. CLIPPERS 16 13 .552 11 6-4 P2 previous day against the Oklahoma The backup center figured he earned more playing time with his en- Shooting: Field goals, 47.6%; free throws,
5. Dallas 15 13 .536 111⁄2 5-5 S2 75.0%
City Thunder. would complete his pregame workout, ergetic play at the end of the Clippers’ Three-point goals: 7-26 (Williams 3-5, Russell
6. Memphis 16 14 .533 111⁄2 5-5 S3 Not that it does any good now. watch the opening minutes and hope loss to the Houston Rockets on Satur- 2-5, Bryant 2-9, Clarkson 0-2, Young 0-5). Team
7. Houston 15 14 .517 12 7-3 S4 Rebounds: 10. Team Turnovers: 11 (14 PTS).
“It won’t matter,” Clippers Coach to play at some point, preferably be- day. But not even he could have envi- Blocked Shots: 6 (Bass 4, Bryant, Nance Jr.). Turn-
8. Utah 12 14 .462 131⁄2 4-6 N2 Doc Rivers said late Monday after an- fore the final part of a blowout. Rivers sioned this. Aldrich finished with five overs: 11 (Clarkson 2, Hibbert 2, Randle 2, Russell
2, Bass, Bryant, Williams). Steals: 6 (Clarkson 3,
grily confronting referees following his had given Aldrich no hint that things points, four rebounds, three steals Bryant, Russell, Williams). Technical Fouls: Hib-
9. Phoenix 12 18 .400 2 4-6 P3 team’s 100-99 defeat at Staples Center. would go otherwise. and two blocks in 13 minutes against bert, 7:57 second.
10. Denver 11 17 .393 2 5-5 N3 “It’s frustrating, though. And it’s not Then something unexpected hap- the Thunder. DENVER
11. Minnesota 11 17 .393 2 3-7 N4 like they’re doing it on purpose, but pened. Aldrich checked into the game “When Coach called his number he Papniklau ....11 3-5 0-0 0-0 0 2 9
12. Sacramento 11 17 .393 2 5-5 P4 these are games that in the West you in the first quarter to play meaningful was ready,” Paul said. “So I think that Faried .........29 4-9 6-6 3-9 3 1 14
Lauvergne....16 0-4 0-0 0-4 2 4 0
13. Portland 11 19 .367 3 3-7 N5 need every game, so it gets very frus- minutes and made the most of them. sort of energized the team. He played Nelson ........29 2-9 1-2 0-3 8 2 5
14. New Orleans 8 19 .296 41⁄2 4-6 S5 trating from a coaching standpoint.” He dived on the court for a steal and with the right spirit and did all the lit- Harris .........35 9-15 1-2 0-1 1 4 21
The league acknowledged in its took a pass from Lance Stephenson tle things.” Barton ........38 10-21 3-3 1-8 2 3 25
15. LAKERS 5 23 .179 8 2-8 P5 Jokic...........29 5-7 5-6 6-10 5 1 15
Last Two Minute Report that it for a layup, Aldrich acknowledging Aldrich, who signed a veteran’s Foye ...........29 4-12 0-0 2-6 4 3 9
EASTERN CONFERENCE should have called a foul on Oklahoma the assist by patting Stephenson on minimum contract over the summer, Arthur .........20 4-8 0-0 1-3 1 4 9
Totals 41-90 16-19 13-44 26 24 107
Team W L PCT GB L10 Rk. City’s Dion Waiters for grabbing and his backside on the way back up the said he was encouraged more by the Shooting: Field goals, 45.6%; free throws,
1. Cleveland 18 7 .720 7-3 C1 pulling Clippers guard J.J. Redick’s court. team’s collective effort than his break- 84.2%
jersey before Redick caught a pass Aldrich’s best sequence came early through. Three-point goals: 9-25 (Papanikolaou 3-4,
2. Atlanta 18 12 .600 21⁄2 6-4 S1 Harris 2-5, Barton 2-6, Arthur 1-2, Foye 1-3, Lau-
3. Toronto 18 12 .600 21⁄2 6-4 A1 and attempted a three-pointer with in the fourth quarter when he blocked “If we play this way the rest of the vergne 0-1, Nelson 0-4). Team Rebounds: 10.
Team Turnovers: 12 (13 PTS). Blocked Shots: 5
4. Indiana 16 11 .593 3 4-6 C2 about a minute left in the game. an attempted layup by Westbrook and year, we’re going to win a lot of games,” (Barton, Faried, Foye, Harris, Lauvergne). Turn-
5. Miami 16 11 .593 3 5-5 S2 The referees also missed a foul on then took a pass from Wesley Johnson Aldrich said. “We played with a lot of overs: 12 (Harris 3, Jokic 3, Nelson 2, Barton, Fa-
ried, Foye, Lauvergne). Steals: 2 (Harris, Papaniko-
6. Detroit 17 12 .586 3 7-3 C3 Thunder guard Russell Westbrook for a dunk. The fans inside Staples heart and a lot of enthusiasm and it laou). Technical Fouls: Defensive three second,
7. Chicago 15 11 .577 31⁄2 4-6 C4 for undercutting Clippers counter- Center roared and the Clippers led by was fun out there.” 5:37 first

8. Orlando 16 12 .571 31⁄2 6-4 S3 part Chris Paul and making contact eight points. Rivers said Smith took his one- LAKERS 26 25 32 28— 111
Denver 34 30 16 27— 107
with Paul’s left leg, impeding his The Clippers couldn’t hold on, but game demotion well, but the true test
A—19,124. T—2:13. O—John Goble, Nick Buch-
movement toward the basket on a Aldrich emerged as a big winner with of whether Aldrich has supplanted ert, Scott Twardoski.
9. Charlotte 15 12 .556 1
⁄2 5-5 S4
layup Paul made with 10.9 seconds left his effort. Smith in the rotation will be if he plays
10. Boston 15 13 .536 1 5-5 A2
after Paul stole an inbounds pass. “I think that was a prime example against teams that use smaller line-
11. New York 14 15 .483 21⁄2 5-5 A3 Grizzlies 104, 76ers 90
Finally, the league said it failed to of being a star in your role and not try- ups than the Thunder.
12. Washington 12 14 .462 3 5-5 S5 MEMPHIS
call an illegal screen on Oklahoma ing to reach outside of that,” Clippers Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
13. Milwaukee 11 18 .379 51⁄2 4-6 C5 City’s Serge Ibaka with 10.9 seconds forward Blake Griffin said. “He just [email protected] Barnes........29 5-8 0-0 1-10 2 5 12
14. Brooklyn 8 20 .286 8 3-7 A4 left for extending his arms as he set did what we need him to do and that’s Twitter: @latbbolch JeGreen.......18 3-3 2-2 2-3 0 1 8
Gasol..........34 7-15 5-5 0-6 5 4 19
15. Philadelphia 1 29 .033 16 0-10 A5 the screen on the Clippers’ Luc Mbah huge.” Times correspondent Melissa Rohlin Conley ........32 6-13 5-6 0-1 6 2 18
a Moute without giving Mbah a Moute Rivers said he went with Aldrich as contributed to this report. Lee.............34 6-12 3-3 0-1 2 1 15
TODAY’S GAMES Randolph ....24 6-10 2-2 4-8 3 2 14
Allen...........16 0-5 1-4 1-3 0 1 1
Favorite Line Underdog Time Chalmers.....22 1-7 0-0 0-2 7 1 2
Oklahoma City 13 at LAKERS 7:30 p.m. JaGreen ........9 3-4 1-2 1-1 0 3 7
at Cleveland No line New York 4 p.m. Carter .........16 3-8 0-0 0-1 1 3 8
LAKERS REPORT Totals 40-85 19-24 9-36 26 23 104
at Charlotte 2 Boston 4 p.m.

Nance is surrounded by fans

Shooting: Field goals, 47.1%; free throws, 79.2%
at Orlando 11⁄2 Houston 4 p.m. Three-point goals: 5-15 (Barnes 2-4, Carter 2-5, Conley
at Washington 11⁄2 Memphis 4 p.m. 1-3, Allen 0-1, Chalmers 0-2). Team Rebounds: 10. Team
Turnovers: 12 (20 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3 (Barnes 2, Ga-
at Indiana 7 Sacramento 4 p.m. sol). Turnovers: 12 (Barnes 3, Chalmers 3, Conley 2, Allen,
Dallas 31⁄2 at Brooklyn 4:30 p.m. Gasol, Ja.Green, Lee). Steals: 16 (Chalmers 4, Gasol 3,
San Antonio 101⁄2 at Minnesota 5 p.m. Barnes 2, Lee 2, Allen, Carter, Conley, Je.Green, Ran-
dolph). Technical Fouls: Barnes, 5:13 second. Flagrant
at New Orleans 81⁄2 Portland 5 p.m. Fouls: Barnes, 3:31 fourth.
at Milwaukee 10 Philadelphia 5 p.m. ble in his eighth game as a starter. tain West tournament and advanced PHILADELPHIA
at Atlanta 51⁄2 Detroit 5 p.m. By Mike Bresnahan He’s still very raw and his outside to the NCAA tournament for the first Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
at Phoenix 81⁄2 Denver 6 p.m. Covington ....22 3-9 2-2 3-8 3 3 8
shot needs work, despite a smooth 15- time in 13 years. Grant..........26 3-4 2-2 2-6 0 2 9
at Golden State 14 Utah 7:30 p.m.
DENVER — The size of the wel- footer from the left side in the first “It meant a lot to me that many Okafor ........32 8-12 2-3 2-5 2 4 18
Wroten........28 2-9 3-8 1-5 7 3 7
coming crowd was surprising, truly. quarter of the Lakers’ 111-107 victory. people would come out and support Canaan.......30 5-8 3-6 0-1 1 1 15
Kids had their gold jerseys signed. One thing he has is a sense of hu- me in the closest game they were going McConnell ...17 1-4 0-0 0-2 3 2 2
Noel ...........26 1-3 3-3 0-8 2 1 5
The elderly posed for pictures with mor. He was asked who had more fans to get to see,” Nance said. Holmes .........8 1-3 1-2 2-3 1 3 3
their favorite basketball player. Fans at Pepsi Center — Bryant or him?
RESULTS lined up for quite a while just for a few “Oh no, I had more fans,” he said O’Neal’s place in history
Thompson ...27 6-9 0-0 0-1 0 2 16
Sampson ....14 1-3 5-6 0-2 0 0 7
Stauskas.......3 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 0
seconds of face-to-face time. before offering the split: “90-10, 90 my No surprise, Shaquille O’Neal is a Totals 31-66 21-32 10-42 19 21 90
Maybe they appreciated Kobe Bry- way.” nominee for the Hall of Fame in his Shooting: Field goals, 47.0%; free throws, 65.6%
Three-point goals: 7-23 (Thompson 4-6, Canaan 2-5,
ant too, but Larry Nance Jr. was the He was a little off, of course, and first eligible year. It will be surprising Grant 1-1, Holmes 0-1, McConnell 0-1, Sampson 0-1,
big hit Tuesday, two hours before the fans would chant Bryant’s name often only if he isn’t inducted when the final Stauskas 0-2, Wroten 0-2, Covington 0-4). Team Re-
bounds: 8. Team Turnovers: 28 (36 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3
Lakers played the Denver Nuggets. in the fourth quarter, not his. vote is announced in April. (Canaan, Grant, Noel). Turnovers: 26 (Covington 6, Wroten
The rookie out of Wyoming agreed Bryant had 31 points, five assists Where is he among the all-time 5, Okafor 4, McConnell 3, Noel 2, Sampson 2, Thompson

Pistons find their to a meet-and-greet with hundreds of

people who came to see him play. Den-
and some praise for the rookie.
“He’s been playing great for us,”
greats at center? Lakers Coach Byron
Scott would pick, in no order, Wilt
2, Holmes, Stauskas). Steals: 6 (Canaan 2, Covington 2,
Holmes, Noel). Technical Fouls: Defensive three second,
0:39 second.
range and beat Heat ver is about two hours from the cam-
pus in Laramie, Wyo., a “pretty treach-
Bryant said. “He’s attacking the rim
beautifully. Now I just want to make
Chamberlain, Bill Russell and Ka-
reem Abdul-Jabbar.
31 22 24 27— 104
23 24 19 24— 90
A—15,552. T—2:22. O—James Capers, Brian Forte, JT
erous drive,” Nance conceded. sure he stays confident in his shooting “After that, to me, it probably is Orr.
DETROIT 93, MIAMI 92 He signed basketballs, he signed a and not think about it. If he’s open, Shaq,” he said.
baseball for some reason and he even just pull the trigger.” Hmmmm. What about Hakeem
Pistons 93, Heat 92
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope’s held a baby. It belonged to Wyoming Nance also showed a serious side. Olajuwon? “Olajuwon is up there but I
jump shot with 55.5 seconds left sports publicist Amil Anderson. It was good for him to see the famil- look at statistics and I also look at Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
put Detroit ahead to stay, and the “If I had the time, I would have sat iar faces that watched him play four rings, and Shaq got more rings than Morris.........33 3-7 2-4 0-5 3 1 8
Ilyasova.......24 3-7 0-0 4-8 0 0 6
Pistons came back from 18 points there and taken pictures and signed years with the Cowboys. Olajuwon,” Scott said. Drummond ..34 4-12 3-6 4-12 1 3 11
down to beat the Heat, 93-92, on [for] every single person that came A hustle player in college, he fin- Other first-time Hall of Fame Jackson.......30 8-16 0-0 2-5 3 1 18
Tuesday night at Miami. out,” said Nance, drafted 27th overall ished fifth in Wyoming history in nominees include Philadelphia guard Cldwll-Pope..40 5-13 2-2 1-1 3 4 14
Baynes........13 0-3 1-2 0-1 0 0 1
Reggie Jackson led the Pistons by the Lakers last June. blocked shots and steals despite sus- Allen Iverson, Houston center Yao SJohnson ....22 5-10 0-0 0-4 3 0 14
with 18 points, and Stanley John- He had a game to play and did just taining a torn knee ligament as a jun- Ming, WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes Blake..........17 4-5 0-0 1-2 2 1 12
Tolliver ........23 3-5 0-0 0-5 1 1 9
son and Caldwell-Pope each added fine, scoring 10 points in 19 minutes, in- ior and contracting mononucleosis as and Michigan State Coach Tom Izzo. Totals 35-78 8-14 12-43 16 11 93
14. Detroit was 15 for 29 from three- cluding two dunks and an alley-oop a senior. He was eventually cleared to Shooting: Field goals, 44.9%; free throws,
point range, outscoring Miami 45- layup. He would have had more play from the latter and was a main [email protected] 57.1%
Three-point goals: 15-29 (Blake 4-5, S.Johnson
12 in that department. playing time but got in some foul trou- reason the Cowboys won the Moun- Twitter: Mike_Bresnahan 4-7, Tolliver 3-5, Jackson 2-4, Caldwell-Pope 2-6,
Chris Bosh scored 20 points for Ilyasova 0-1, Morris 0-1). Team Rebounds: 10.
Team Turnovers: 16 (19 PTS). Blocked Shots: 3
Miami, which missed a pair of po- (Drummond 2, Ilyasova). Turnovers: 16 (Morris 5,

Defense bears down in second half

tential go-ahead shots in the final Jackson 3, Ilyasova 2, S.Johnson 2, Baynes, Blake,
Caldwell-Pope, Drummond). Steals: 3 (Ilyasova,
three seconds. Jackson, Tolliver). Technical Fouls: None.
Miami led 34-18 after the first MIAMI
quarter, then pushed the lead to 18 Deng ..........33 3-8 3-4 0-4 1 1 9
early in the second — and trailed Bosh ..........33 9-21 0-0 0-3 2 3 20
54-52 at halftime after a Detroit [Lakers, from D1] Whiteside ....35 7-13 2-2 6-16 0 2 16
Udrih ..........33 7-11 0-0 1-3 6 4 14
barrage of three-pointers. played exemplary defense against a Wade..........28 8-21 3-4 2-5 1 0 19
reserve named Will Barton. Winslow ......24 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 2
Green .........29 3-6 0-0 1-4 1 0 8
at Toronto 103, Dallas 99: DeMar Don’t laugh. Barton decimated the Haslem .........6 0-2 0-0 0-2 0 0 0
DeRozan scored 28 points and Bis- Lakers for 18 points in the first quarter Richardson ..14 1-4 2-2 1-2 2 1 4
mack Biyombo had a career-high and 23 by halftime. He had two in the Totals 39-88 10-12 11-40 13 12 92
Shooting: Field goals, 44.3%; free throws,
20 rebounds for the Raptors, who second half after Bryant picked him 83.3%
swept their two-game season se- up. Three-point goals: 4-18 (Green 2-3, Bosh 2-7,
Haslem 0-1, Winslow 0-1, Deng 0-3, Udrih 0-3).
ries against the Mavericks. Dallas’ The Lakers trailed by 21 at one Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turnovers: 5 (7 PTS).
Dirk Nowitzki (20 points) hit a 26- point. They are now 5-23. Blocked Shots: 7 (Whiteside 4, Green 3). Turn-
overs: 5 (Whiteside 2, Bosh, Deng, Winslow).
foot three-pointer to cut the Rap- Bryant is probably thinking about Steals: 9 (Deng 5, Winslow 3, Wade). Technical
tors’ lead to three points in the sec- reversing his retirement announce- Fouls: None.
ond minute of the fourth. But To- ment after a pronounced uptick in his Detroit 18 36 18 21— 93
Miami 34 18 23 17— 92
ronto responded with a 15-2 run play the last two weeks.
A—19,901. T—2:04. O—Bill Spooner, Eric Lewis,
over the next five minutes. “Zero [chance],” he said. “Not an Aaron Smith.
Memphis 104, at Philadelphia 90: Scratch that. Raptors 103, Mavericks 99
Marc Gasol (19 points) and Mike He had five days to rest his sore DALLAS
Conley (18 points, six assists) were right shoulder and didn’t do much Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
Matthews ....27 6-11 0-0 0-1 1 3 15
among five Grizzlies who scored in physically because it was painful, he Nowitzki ......28 8-17 0-0 1-7 0 1 20
double figures. Jahlil Okafor said. He did watch the new “Star Pachulia......18 3-6 1-1 0-3 2 3 7
scored 18 points for the 76ers, who Wars” movie. He said it was “amaz- Felton .........31 3-9 0-0 0-4 3 1 7
Williams......23 2-7 3-3 0-2 6 0 7
dropped to 1-29. Memphis blew the ing.” McGee........17 1-4 3-4 0-5 1 2 5
game open by scoring eight Equally impressive has been his re- Villanueva....11 4-10 0-0 0-2 3 2 9
Parsons.......25 3-8 0-0 0-2 1 1 6
straight points to open the fourth turn from the statistical grave. DPowell.......14 1-3 1-2 2-4 0 3 3
quarter. His overall accuracy lingered below Barea .........22 3-9 0-0 0-0 5 4 8
Jenkins .........9 1-3 0-0 1-3 1 2 2
30% and his three-point shooting was Evans ...........5 3-3 0-1 0-0 0 1 6
Lakers 111, at Denver 107 around a subterranean 20%. In his last Anderson ......5 2-2 0-0 0-1 0 2 4
— associated press four games, though, he is averaging 25 Totals 40-92 8-11 4-34 23 25 99
Shooting: Field goals, 43.5%; free throws,
points on 50.7% accuracy. 72.7%
Bryant flew high for an offensive re- Three-point goals: 11-29 (Nowitzki 4-9, Mat-
thews 3-5, Barea 2-4, Felton 1-3, Villanueva 1-6,
bound in the first quarter, pump- Jenkins 0-1, Williams 0-1). Team Rebounds: 6.
faked twice and scored on a high-arc Team Turnovers: 6 (7 PTS). Blocked Shots: 7 (Mc-
LAKERS baseline shot. Then he posted up Ja- David Zalubowski Associated Press Gee 3, Nowitzki 2, Evans, Pachulia). Turnovers: 6

TONIGHT meer Nelson and beat him with a turn- JULIUS RANDLE, left, reacts to scoring over Denver center Nikola
(Felton 2, Barea, McGee, Nowitzki, D.Powell).
Steals: 8 (Felton 3, Villanueva 2, Barea, Pachulia,
Parsons). Technical Fouls: Felton, 3:08 first.
around near the free-throw line. Jokic as Randle’s Lakers teammate Brandon Bass applauds. TORONTO
VS. OKLAHOMA CITY In the third quarter, he backed Min FG-A FT-A OR-T A P T
When: 7:30. down Barton on the right side and throw he missed late in the game that ron Scott offered a somber view of Bry- Ross...........32 5-9 2-2 0-3 1 1 16
Scola..........31 5-11 4-6 2-9 0 5 15
Where: Staples Center. scored. And was that a double-team drew praise from Bryant. ant’s last season. Biyombo......38 4-9 1-2 7-20 2 2 9
On the air: TV: TWC SportsNet, the Nuggets threw at him when he Not to be overlooked was a defense “We wanted him to go out on top Lowry..........37 6-13 3-3 0-10 7 2 17
TWC Deportes; Radio: 710, 1330. tried to post up Barton again? It was, that shut down Denver in the second and have a chance to win another DeRozan .....39 10-17 6-8 1-4 4 5 28
Patterson ......8 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Records: Lakers 5-23, Thunder indeed. half after allowing 64 first-half points championship. The reality is that’s Joseph ........26 3-6 4-4 0-4 5 1 12
19-9. After his off-balance 16-footer to a team without its leading scorer not going to happen,” he said. “We are Nogueira .......7 0-0 1-2 0-0 0 2 1
Wright...........6 0-2 0-0 0-1 1 0 0
Record vs. Thunder: 0-1. rolled in with 32.2 seconds left, Nug- (Danilo Gallinari) and an exciting a team that’s trying to reload — I don’t Bennett.........9 2-5 0-0 0-2 0 1 5
Update: It’s time for the rematch. gets forward Darrell Arthur could rookie (Emmanuel Mudiay). They like the word ‘rebuild’ — and get back Totals 35-74 21-27 10-53 20 19 103
The Thunder obliterated the Lak- only smile ruefully after going to the were each out because of a sprained to where we’re used to being.” Shooting: Field goals, 47.3%; free throws,
ers last Saturday, 118-78, the Lak- bench for the a timeout. ankle. Sorry Scott, it’s still a rebuilding Three-point goals: 12-26 (Ross 4-8, DeRozan
ers’ worst loss ever to the Okla- Interestingly, who was the first guy There was another bothersome process. Painfully so. 2-3, Joseph 2-4, Lowry 2-4, Scola 1-2, Bennett
1-3, Patterson 0-2). Team Rebounds: 7. Team Turn-
homa City/Seattle franchise. Kevin Bryant spoke to after the game? Bar- stat the Lakers ended, an inability to But Bryant reloaded his own game overs: 18 (31 PTS). Blocked Shots: 4 (Biyombo 2,
Durant hit a 19-footer with 5.8 sec- ton. He went up and offered what beat a Western Conference opponent. Tuesday. Lowry, Scola). Turnovers: 17 (DeRozan 7, Joseph 3,
Biyombo 2, Lowry 2, Scola 2, Patterson). Steals: 4
onds left and then blocked Chris seemed like encouraging words to the They had lost 17 in a row to West “I can still play a little bit,” he said (Joseph, Patterson, Ross, Scola). Technical Fouls:
Paul’s shot to preserve a 100-99 young Nuggets forward. teams, but the Minnesota Timber- with a wry smile. Defensive three second, 6:58 second.
Dallas 16 20 31 32— 99
Thunder victory Monday against Jordan Clarkson added some wolves are now off the hook. The Lak- Toronto 32 17 23 31— 103
the Clippers at Staples Center. youthful fire, offering up 19 points and ers beat them last April. [email protected] A—19,800. T—2:21. O—Ed Malloy, Bennie Ad-
—Mike Bresnahan eight rebounds, including one on a free Before the game, Lakers Coach By- Twitter: Mike_Bresnahan ams, Mitchell Ervin.
L AT I M ES . C O M / S P O RT S W E D N E S DAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 D7


Leake will sign

UCLA 67, McNeese St. 53
First Round
Auburn 83, New Mexico 78
In the Bleachers by Steve Moore
Arizona 85, Long Beach St. 70 Harvard 85, BYU 82, OT
UC Riverside 63, Denver 54 Oklahoma 88, Washington St. 60
N. Iowa at Hawaii, late

with Cardinals
UC Santa Barbara 80, Iona 76
Cal St. Bakersfield 78, Portland St. 66 Las Vegas Classic
Kansas 70, San Diego St. 57 At Las Vegas
Lewis & Clark 80, Redlands 60 First Round
WEST SMU 90, Kent St. 74
Arizona St. 80, Stephen F. Austin 73 Colorado 71, Penn St. 70
Idaho 68, UC Davis 51 Canisius 108, Louisiana Monroe 96, 3OT
UNLV 103, South Dakota 68 Nicholls St. 84, Hampton 81
Washington 79, Seattle 68 WOMEN
Boston College 64, Fordham 55 No. 2 South Carolina 78, Elon 63
Dartmouth 78, Longwood 54 No. 12 Stanford 83, Cal State Bakersfield 41 Cup titles, is a four-time pick for the
wire reports
Drexel 53, Penn 52, OT No. 15 Northwestern 80, UMKC 38 league’s MLS Best XI and was voted
FIU 66, Binghamton 49 No. 16 Texas A&M 69, UALR 39
Fairfield 94, Loyola (Md.) 88, OT No. 23 Miami 83, Fla. International 66 2011 MLS defender of the year.
Hartford 69, Widener 46 SOUTHLAND Right-hander Mike Leake and the
Hofstra 68, FAU 54 Sacramento St. 126, UC Irvine 78
LIU Brooklyn 66, Incarnate Word 59 Stanford 83, Cal St. Bakersfield 41
St. Louis Cardinals agreed to a five- FIFA, world soccer’s governing
Marist 84, Brown 83, 2OT WEST year, $80-million contract Monday, re- body, told Michel Platini he cannot
Miami 95, La Salle 49
Navy 62, Furman 49
Hawaii 76, San Jose St. 73 moving another free agent from a bypass its appeals process by chal-
Northeastern 77, Vermont 65 Colgate 72, Lafayette 59 starting pitching market in which the lenging his eight-year ban directly at
Princeton 89, Bucknell 77
Seton Hall 66, South Florida 49
Delaware 71, Vermont 60 Dodgers were expected to be active. the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
N. Dakota St. 64, NJIT 59
Siena 73, St. Bonaventure 70 Pittsburgh 76, American U. 58 Leake, 28, is 64-52 with a 3.88 Platini, president of European ruling
South Carolina 75, St. John’s 61
Stony Brook 75, Lehigh 62
St. Francis Brooklyn 64, Loyola (Md.) 54 earned-run average in six big league body UEFA, is racing to try to over-
St. John’s 73, Fairfield 54
Syracuse 82, Montana St. 60 Massachusetts 63, Hartford 57 seasons, including 11-10 and 3.70 for turn his ban before the Feb. 26 FIFA
Villanova 78, Delaware 48
SOUTH Cincinnati and San Francisco in 2015. presidential election.
Charleston Southern 80, W. Carolina 59
Austin Peay 84, Wofford 77
Coll. of Charleston 77, Winthrop 63
St. Louis, which was unable to sign
Chattanooga 77, Radford 75
Delaware St. 88, Longwood 63 left-hander David Price, could add The U.S. Soccer Federation
Coll. of Charleston 86, Campbell 68 named national team captain Mi-
Marshall 83, WVU Tech 39
East Carolina 98, SC State 71
McNeese St. 74, Louisiana Tech 71
Leake to a rotation likely to include
Florida 89, Jacksonville 65
Miami 83, FIU 55 Adam Wainwright, Carlos Martinez, chael Bradley male player of the year.
George Mason 71, Wagner 60
Morgan St. 64, Bucknell 50
Georgetown 62, Charlotte 59
Oklahoma St. 74, Central Florida 55
Jaime Garcia and Michael Wacha. Golden State Warriors Coach
Georgia 71, Clemson 48
Old Dominion 69, Md.-Eastern Shore 52
Outfielder Alejandro De Aza and Steve Kerr, out since fall camp after
Georgia Southern 78, Stetson 58
South Carolina 78, Elon 63 NFL STANDINGS THE ODDS
Georgia St. 64, Middle Tennessee 62
Tennessee Tech 54, Wichita St. 48 the New York Mets agreed to a one- summer back surgery, ran practice
James Madison 73, Mount St. Mary’s 53
MIDWEST AMERICAN CONFERENCE College Football for the first time this season but said
LSU 79, American U. 51
Brown 62, Kent St. 57 Today’s Bowl Games
year, $5.75-million deal, pending a
Louisiana Tech 66, Florida Gulf Coast 63
Creighton 69, N. Iowa 61
West W L T Pct. PF PA
physical. He hit .262 this year for Bal- there was no timeline for his return.
Louisville 75, UMKC 47 Denver 10 4 0 .714 308 259
Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog
Green Bay 66, Belmont 62
Md.-Eastern Shore 115, Cent. Pennsylvania 86
Ill.-Chicago 70, Nevada 55 Kansas City 9 5 0 .643 365 257 Poinsettia timore, Boston and San Francisco. Chicago Bulls center Joakim No-
Memphis 84, IUPUI 48 Oakland 6 8 0 .429 319 356
Iowa 89, Drake 76 At San Diego
Mississippi 83, Troy 80, OT San Diego 4 10 0 .286 280 348 ah will miss at least two weeks be-
N.C. State 58, UNC Greensboro 52 Iowa St. 79, N. Arizona 63 Boise St. 9 (56) N. Illinois
Ohio Wesleyan 96, Transylvania 72 Marquette 101, Milwaukee 81 North W L T Pct. PF PA PRO FOOTBALL cause of a sprained left shoulder.
Old Dominion 71, Rhode Island 65 Northwestern 80, UMKC 38 x-Cincinnati 11 3 0 .786 378 243

Appeal hearing today A federal judge in Los Angeles

Oakland 81, IPFW 74 At Mobile, Ala.
Richmond 74, Presbyterian 44 Pittsburgh 9 5 0 .643 378 287
S. Illinois 87, SE Missouri 72 Baltimore 4 10 0 .286 292 360 Bowling Green 7 (64) Ga. Southern
Saint Joseph’s 79, Virginia Tech 62
South Dakota 85, Illinois 76 Cleveland 3 11 0 .214 253 387
ruled that sexual orientation is cov-
South Alabama 74, Rice 67 Thursday’s Bowl Games
Tennessee 76, ETSU 67 Utah Valley 74, Nebraska-Omaha 59 South W L T Pct. PF PA ered under a law that bans gender-
Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog New York Giants receiver Odell
Tulane 59, Southern Miss. 40 SOUTHWEST Houston 7 7 0 .500 275 301 Bahamas based discrimination in educational
UAB 116, Hiwassee 43 Texas A&M 69, UALR 39 Indianapolis 6 8 0 .429 285 372 Beckham Jr.’s appeal of his one-
Central Florida 101, Bethune-Cookman 96, OT ROCKIES At Nassau programs, allowing two former wom-
Jacksonville 5 9 0 .357 343 380 game suspension will be heard
UNC Wilmington 102, Utah Valley 77 Utah 64, Utah St. 61 Tennessee 3 11 0 .214 269 359 W. Michigan 41⁄2 (631⁄2) Middle Tenn. en’s basketball players to proceed
VCU 90, Buffalo 69 Hawaii Wednesday by former NFL receiver
Virginia 63, California 62, OT
East W L T Pct. PF PA with a lawsuit against Pepperdine.
TRANSACTIONS y-New England 12 2 0 .857 435 269 At Honolulu James Thrash, one of two hearing of-
W. Kentucky 79, Detroit 74
N.Y. Jets 9 5 0 .643 344 272 U.S. District Judge Dean Pregerson
Winthrop 92, Alabama St. 84 San Diego St. 11⁄2 (561⁄2) Cincinnati ficers appointed by the league and
Xavier 78, Wake Forest 70 BASEBALL Buffalo 6 8 0 .429 341 336 found that a 1972 law prohibiting sex-
Cleveland—Released third baseman Chris Miami 5 9 0 .357 278 361 Pro Football players’ union.
based discrimination at federally
Johnson; agreed to terms with pitcher Ross Det- Thursday
Butler 88, S. Utah 52
Cent. Michigan 72, Howard 52
wiler on a minor league contract. NATIONAL CONFERENCE Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog
The NFL effectively shut down funded universities covers the wom-
Cornerstone 87, Siena Heights 72
Memphis—Assigned forwards James Ennis
West W L T Pct. PF PA OAKLAND 5 (47) San Diego Carolina players’ practice of bringing en’s claims they were discriminated
Dayton 64, Miami (Ohio) 63
DePaul 82, George Washington 61 and Jarell Martin and guard Russ Smith to Iowa y-Arizona 12 2 0 .857 445 269 Saturday a baseball bat on the field before against because they were dating.
(Development League). x-Seattle 9 5 0 .643 370 248
Drake 87, Abilene Christian 70
Minnesota—Called up guard Tyus Jones from St. Louis 6 8 0 .429 241 294 Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog games as a motivational prop. A
Evansville 91, Alabama A&M 70
Idaho (DL). San Francisco 4 10 0 .286 202 339 PHILADELPHIA 3 (471⁄2) Washington memo sent to all 32 teams reminded The NCAA put Hawaii men’s
IPFW 89, W. Michigan 86, OT
Ill.-Chicago 91, Purdue-Calumet 74 PRO FOOTBALL North W L T Pct. PF PA Sunday
them that “no foreign objects unre- basketball on three years’ probation
Illinois St. 66, Tennessee St. 55 Arizona—Put safety Tyrann Mathieu on injured x-Green Bay 10 4 0 .714 347 265 Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog for violations under former coach Gib
Indiana 99, Kennesaw St. 72 reserve; signed safety Chris Clemons. Minnesota 9 5 0 .643 296 272 MINNESOTA 6 (451⁄2) N.Y. Giants lated to the uniform or playing equip-
Indiana St. 73, Ball St. 61 Baltimore—Put tight end Crockett Gillmore on Chicago 5 9 0 .357 289 352
ment are permitted on the playing Arnold. The team will lose four schol-
injured reserve; put linebacker Brennen Beyer on Detroit 5 9 0 .357 302 363 TAMPA BAY 3 (46) Chicago
Iowa 85, Tennessee Tech 63
Carolina 7 (471⁄2) ATLANTA field and sidelines on game day.” arships and is ineligible for postsea-
Iowa St. 81, Cincinnati 79 the practice squad injured list; signed linebacker South W L T Pct. PF PA
Kansas St. 63, North Dakota 49 Chris Carter; signed defensive end Nordly Capi to y-Carolina 14 0 0 1.000 449 278 BUFFALO 6 (42 ⁄2)
Dallas son play in the 2016-17 academic year.
Michigan St. 99, Oakland 93, OT the practice squad. Atlanta 7 7 0 .500 302 312 NEW ORLEANS 31⁄2 (No O/U) Jacksonville The 14-0 Panthers led the NFL
N. Dakota St. 68, Texas Rio Grande Valley 50 Buffalo—Put linebacker Randell Johnson and Tampa Bay 6 8 0 .429 311 353 with 10 players selected for the Pro The director of IAAF President
wide receiver Robert Woods on injured reserve, DETROIT 9 (43) San Francisco
N. Illinois 85, Roosevelt 52
and offensive tackle Seantrel Henderson on the
New Orleans 5 9 0 .357 350 432
KANSAS CITY 121⁄2 (421⁄2) Cleveland Bowl, including quarterback Cam Sebastian Coe’s office temporarily
Nebraska 81, Prairie View 50 East W L T Pct. PF PA
Ohio St. 64, Mercer 44 reserve/non-football illness list; released wide MIAMI No line Indianapolis Newton, an MVP contender, and for- stepped down pending an investiga-
receiver Marcus Thigpen; signed wide receivers Washington 7 7 0 .500 316 332
Purdue 68, Vanderbilt 55 Philadelphia 6 8 0 .429 318 362 New England 3 (46) N.Y. JETS tion into emails linked to Russian
SE Missouri 78, Missouri St. 74 Dezmin Lewis, Walter Powell and Greg Salas, and mer USC center Ryan Kahlil. Seattle,
St. Norbert 76, Illinois College 67 defensive end Jerel Worthy; signed tight end Ja- N.Y. Giants 6 8 0 .429 373 358 TENNESSEE No line Houston
Arizona and New England each had doping cases. Emails sent by Nick Da-
cob Maxwell and quarterback Zac Dysart to the Dallas 4 10 0 .286 246 324 ARIZONA 4 (49 ⁄2)
Green Bay
Wichita St. 98, Nevada 69
practice squad. seven players picked. vies indicated he tried to delay public
Wis.-Stevens Pt. 82, Edgewood 66 x-clinched playoff spot; y-division SEATTLE 13 (40 ⁄2)
St. Louis
Wright St. 65, Murray St. 49 Chicago—Waived running back Antone Smith;
Pittsburgh 10 (47) BALTIMORE
identification of alleged Russian drug
terminated the contract of defensive lineman Thursday’s Game
Toby Johnson; signed defensive tackle D’Anthony San Diego at Oakland, 5:15 p.m. Monday The New York Jets signed receiver cheats before the 2013 track and field
Arkansas 97, North Florida 72
Arkansas St. 77, Cent. Arkansas 67 Smith from the practice squad and cornerback Saturday’s Game Favorite Line (O/U) Underdog Joe Anderson to their practice squad, world championships in Moscow.
De’Vante Bausby and defensive lineman Davon Washington at Philadelphia, 5:15 p.m.
Cal Poly 88, UTSA 73
Coleman to the practice squad. Sunday’s Schedule
DENVER 31⁄2 (401⁄2) Cincinnati six weeks after he stood outside the
Texas Tech 65, UALR 53
Cleveland—Put offensive lineman John Greco Houston at Tennessee, 10 a.m. Home team in CAPS; updates at stadium in Houston for a few days Brazil Attorney General Rodrigo
Tulsa 90, N. Arizona 55
on injured reserve; signed wide receiver Darius Cleveland at Kansas City, 10
with a sign asking for an NFL job. The Janot is investigating allegations that
ROCKIES Jennings. New England at N.Y. Jets, 10 —Associated Press
Montana 75, Montana-Western 43 Green Bay—Signed long snapper Rick Lovato. Indianapolis at Miami, 10 incident went viral on Instagram. bribes were paid to Eduardo Cunha,
Air Force 80, Johnson & Wales (CO) 56 Houston—Put quarterback T.J. Yates on in- San Francisco at Detroit, 10 speaker of the lower chamber of Bra-
Utah 105, Delaware St. 58 jured reserve; signed quarterback B.J. Daniels Dallas at Buffalo, 10 COLLEGE
Weber St. 99, S. Dakota St. 95 Chicago at Tampa Bay, 10 zil’s legislature, to help secure con-
from the practice squad. FOOTBALL
TOURNAMENTS Miami—Signed linebacker James-Michael Carolina at Atlanta, 10 ETC. tracts for the building of venues and
Sun Bowl Invitational Johnson and offensive lineman Jacques McClen- Pittsburgh at Baltimore, 10 Tuesday’s Results
At El Paso
UC Irvine 80, Norfolk St. 62 (championship)
UTEP 87, Sam Houston St. 68 (third place)
don; signed guard Shelley Smith.
Minnesota—Signed linebacker Alex Singleton
to the practice squad.
Jacksonville at New Orleans, 1 p.m.
St. Louis at Seattle, 1:15
Green Bay at Arizona, 1:15
Famous Idaho Potato Bowl
At Boise
Akron 23, Utah State 21
Gonzalez transferred other works for next year’s Olympics
in Rio de Janeiro.
Global Sports Classic New England—Put linebacker Eric Martin on N.Y. Giants at Minnesota, 5:30 Boca Raton Bowl Defender Omar Gonzalez has Henrik Kristoffersen of Norway
At Las Vegas injured reserve; released defensive lineman Ish- Monday’s Game At Boca Raton, Fla.
Grand Canyon 85, Marshall 81 maa’ily Kitchen; signed running back Steven Cincinnati at Denver, 5:30 p.m. Toledo 32, Temple 17 been transferred from the Galaxy to won a World Cup slalom at Madonna
Houston 94, Wyoming 89, 2OT Jackson.
FCS PLAYOFFS Mexico’s Pachuca. Once viewed as a Di Campiglio, Italy, a race marred
E. Illinois vs. N.C. Central Tennessee—Put defensive tackle Mike Martin Championship
N.C. Central 57, E. Illinois 52 on injured reserve; signed quarterback Alex Tan- INTERNATIONAL Saturday, Jan. 9 possible future star for the U.S. na- when a drone carrying a TV camera
Nebraska-Omaha 74, Southern U. 53 ney from Indianpolis’ practice squad. SCOTLAND At Frisco, Texas tional team before injuries stalled his crashed near four-time defending
Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic Washington—Signed tight end Marcel Jensen Scotland F..A. Cup North Dakota State (12-2) vs. Jacksonville
At Honolulu from Buffalo’s practice squad. Third-round Replay State (13-1), 9 a.m. international career, Gonzalez overall champion Marcel Hirscher
Linlithgow Rose 5, Wick Academy 1 helped the Galaxy win three MLS during his second run.

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CALENDAR W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R


Michael Moore loses
his way in the activist
travelogue ‘Where
to Invade Next.’
By Rebecca Keegan

Michael Moore has said

the early inspiration for
“Where to Invade Next”
came to him as a 19-year-old
with a Eurail pass, as-
tounded by the free health-
care he received in Sweden
for a broken toe.
It makes sense, then, that
his new movie has the feel of
an activist travelogue. How
much filmgoers enjoy it may
depend on how much they
enjoy the mixture of smug-
ness and naivete in a college
Moore gained fame with
his earlier documentaries
Agatha A. Nitecka Sundance Selects
about corporate greed, guns
and foreign policy that were TOM COURTENAY and Charlotte Rampling bring decades of living and acting knowledge to their roles in the powerful gem “45 Years.”

Shaken to the core

fueled by a righteous anger.
In “Where to Invade Next,”
he takes a more optimistic
stance. Shedding the rage is
fine — even rabble rousers
are allowed to evolve — but
in losing that anger, Moore
has also lost focus.
The director superficially
explores such issues as
healthcare in the countries

Tom Courtenay’s and Charlotte Rampling’s talents anchor

he “invades” with his cam-
eras — “Where to Invade
Next” also advocates for
gourmet school lunches
(France), no standardized
tests (Finland), gender par-
‘45 Years’ as a marriage is hit by a seismic jolt from the past
ity (Iceland), humane incar-
ceration policies (Norway), KENNETH TURAN FILM CRITIC >>> “45 Years” is a quietly ex- Another Country,” a masterful short story by award-winning
decriminalization of drugs
[See ‘Invade,’ E6] plosive film, a potent drama with a nuanced feel for subtlety British writer David Constantine, which the filmmaker deftly
and emotional complications. Starring accomplished British expanded on and rearranged to exceptional effect.
veterans Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay, it’s a mas- Of course, the filmmaker also has the advantage of actors of
ter class in understated acting that explores what happens to a the formidable experience and ability of Rampling and Cour-
long-term marriage when a disturbance in the field shifts the tenay (winners of Silver Bears at the Berlin film festival for
ground under everyone’s feet. their performances), who bring decades of living and acting
On the surface, the story of a slowly spreading crisis in the knowledge to their exploration of the ever-shifting power dy-
emotional life of people married longer than many moviegoers namics of a long-term relationship.
have been alive may not sound compelling, but that kind of And though he started his career as an assistant editor (on
thinking reckons without the formidable skill and insight of films including “Gladiator” and “Black Hawk Down”), Haigh
writer-director Andrew Haigh. believes in letting scenes play out in two-shots, because, as he
Haigh, whose breakout last film, “Weekend,” explored sex- said in an interview in Sight & Sound magazine, “I like to see
ual and emotional intimacy between two men in that brief emotional changes happen on screen, not within the edit.”
Jay L. Clendenin L.A. Times time span, is attracted to stories about what falling in love That and his decision to shoot “45 Years” in sequence have en-
A kinder, gentler does, and does not do, to people’s lives, to the power of passion abled his actors to appear at their life-like best.
Michael Moore and jealousy to derange us and throw us off balance no matter “45 Years” starts quietly, with a long shot of a house in rural
He’s “showing you the what our ages. Norfolk, Britain, so tranquil it’s hard to believe any kind of
solutions,” he says. E7 In “45 Years,” Haigh had the advantage of starting with “In drama can find a home here, but over [See ‘45 Years,’ E5]

Misty Copeland dances home

Excited fans welcome
the ballerina back to
San Pedro. The day
proves quite moving.
By Deborah Vankin
Xavi Moreno

The crowd of about 200 A very special

huddled in the parking lot of ‘Christmas’
San Pedro City Ballet, en-
Diana Yanez, above,
sconced in fog and drizzle.
and her castmates
Restless and excited, they
deliver a holiday
might have been awaiting
homage to Mom. E3
the arrival of a rock legend.
Some rubbed their palms to-
gether to keep warm on the
Making no
chilly Monday afternoon; bones about it
others stretched their Nicolas Cage is
necks, peering down Pacific returning a dinosaur
Avenue in anticipation. skull to the Mongolian
Neighbors crouched on the government. E2
roof of a small bungalow
next door to get a glimpse of Charming and
the action. comically odd
When at last a gray SUV
Martin Kersels’ pieces
rolled up, smartphones and
at Redling Fine Art
tablets shot into the air and
are a bit subdued. But
the chanting began: “Misty,
they’re not quiet. E9
Misty, Misty.”
San Pedro’s ballet prodi- Comics ................ E10-11
Christina House For The Times gy was home. TV grid .................... E12
ASCENDANT BALLERINA Misty Copeland leads a master class during Monday’s celebration in San Pedro. [See Copeland, E4]
E2 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B ER 23 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R

Cage-owned dinosaur skull QUICK TAKES

Obama will go for a spin

will be returned to Mongolia President Obama will appear in the season premiere of
Jerry Seinfeld’s Web series “Comedians in Cars Getting
Cage as the owner. were contacted in July 2014 The episode, debuting Dec. 30 on the streaming network
The fossil, bought at The 32-inch-long skull is by the Department of Crackle, was filmed at the White House this month and will
one of several fossils and Homeland Security and in-
auction, is being skeletons illegally taken formed that a multiyear in-
feature Seinfeld and Obama riding around in a 1963
handed over at the from and returned to Mon- vestigation indicated that Corvette Stingray split-window coupe.
Previous guests on the popular unscripted show —
golia. This particular fossil the skull may have been
government’s request. hails from the late Creta- smuggled from Mongolia, which, just as the name suggests, follows Seinfeld and a
ceous period, which ended Schack said. fellow comedian as they discuss their craft while driving
By Nardine Saad about 65 million years ago. The “National Treasure” vintage automobiles — have included Larry David, Trevor
In court papers obtained star “fully cooperated with
Noah, Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey.
Nicolas Cage has to give by the Associated Press, the investigation, including
back a national treasure: prosecutors said that the arranging for an inspection While Obama is not a comedian, we can only assume that
He’ll be returning a 67-mil- skull was unlawfully taken of the fossil by agents of the Seinfeld was willing to make an exception for the leader of
lion-year-old dinosaur skull from the Gobi Desert and Department of Homeland the free world. According to Crackle, the two talked about
to the Mongolian govern- was shipped from Japan to Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times Security and U.S. attorney’s life at the White House.
ment. Gainesville, Fla., in June NICOLAS CAGE bought office,” his publicist said, “The president’s humor and generosity are the only
The Oscar winner, who 2006 by being falsely labeled a Tyrannosaurus bataar adding that Cage agreed to reasons this was even possible. He was so easy and fun to be
bought the skull in 2007 for as “fossil stone pieces.” After skull at auction in 2007. transfer possession of the
with,” Seinfeld said in a news release.
$276,000, was contacted by that, it was auctioned in skull once it had been deter-
U.S. authorities saying that Manhattan on March 25, the I.M. Chait auction house mined that it was, indeed, It’s the latest unconventional media appearance by the
his Tyrannosaurus bataar 2007, for $230,000 with a com- and the actor also received a smuggled and rightfully be- president, who has bucked tradition by becoming a regular
fossil had been illegally mission that raised the price certificate of authenticity longs to the government of guest on daytime and late-night talk shows while in office
smuggled out of Mongolia. to $276,000. from the auction company. Mongolia. and has continued to reach out via new formats, including
Last week, the U.S. attor- Cage’s publicist, Alex The 51-year-old got into a Neither Cage nor the auc- the mock talk show “Between Two Ferns,” the podcast
ney in Manhattan filed a civil Schack, did confirm to The bidding war with Leonardo tion house has been accused
“WTF,” Vice’s special report “Fixing the System” and the
forfeiture complaint to take Times on Tuesday that Cage DiCaprio for the item, ac- of any wrongdoing.
possession of the item; how- bought the skull in 2007 dur- cording to previous reports. outdoor reality series “Running Wild With Bear Grylls.”
ever, the suit did not name ing a national history sale by Cage’s representatives [email protected] Other guests this season on “Comedians in Cars Getting
Coffee” will include Will Ferrell, Steve Martin and Garry
— Meredith Blake


Fox News taps “Hunger Games” costar
Liam Hemsworth, who
Donald Trump plays Gale in the recently

wrapped four-film franchise,
though she didn’t say when,
Fox News Channel plans nor whether he was still with
to start off 2016 by tapping ex-fiancée Miley Cyrus at

into Donald Trump’s power the time.
to lift cable news ratings. “It has recently been ru-
The Republican presi- mored that you and Liam

. dential front-runner is to be
a featured attraction on Fox
Hemsworth had some PDA
at the Waverly Inn,” Cohen


Year” coverage hosted by
said during a game of “Plead
the Fifth.” “Have you two

THE OSCAR !” Eric Bolling and Kimberly ever kissed when the cam-
Guilfoyle, regulars on the eras weren’t rolling?”
network’s daily talk show “Liam and I grew up to-
“The Five.” gether. Liam’s real hot,”

A Fox News spokes- Lawrence began, smirking a
“ person confirmed that little bit. “What would you
Trump was set to appear via have done?”

BEST FILMS satellite “closer to midnight

to ring in the new year.”
“I would say yes!” Cohen

Though Fox News Chan- “Yeah,” Lawrence said,
nel is the overall leader in ca- laughing.
ble news ratings, CNN has “I would pick Gale over
REPRESENTS CLASSIC FILMMAKING built a viewer habit on New Peeta any day,” Cohen con-
AT ITS BEST. A MASTERCLASS IN Year’s Eve, thanks to the tinued.
UNDERSTATED ACTING..” pairing of comedian Kathy “I did at one point,” she
Griffin and anchor Ander- added.
son Cooper for its live cover- The actress did plead the
age from Times Square in 5th to Cohen’s final ques-

New York.
Last year, CNN drew 1.6
million viewers with its “New
tion, which asked who
among her former costars of
Christian Bale, Bradley
Year’s Eve Live,” topping Cooper and Josh Hutcher-
THERE’S WHAT THE LEGENDARY 1.2 million for Fox News son she’d marry, canoodle
CHARLOTTE RAMPLING IS DOING..” Channel, and it has been the with or kill. She pleaded the
- DAVID FEAR, perennial winner in the 25- 5th because she “didn’t want
to-54 age group that adver- to kill one of them.”
tisers seek to reach with Elsewhere in the show,
“ELEGANT AND AFFECTING. news. (Fox News’ coverage the candid star showed off

RAMPLING IS was off Dish Network last

year due to a contract dis-
her familiarity with Bravo’s
“Real Housewives” stars

A REVELATION. ” pute with the satellite video and opened up about her
provider.) headline-grabbing Novem-
Other contenders for the ber dinner with singer Adele
- LEAH GREENBLATT, Republican nomination are and actress Emma Stone,
also set to appear on “All- and even shut down a fan
American New Year,” which question about singer Justin
WINNE R • BE ST ACTRE SS is scheduled to air live from
the Knickerbocker Hotel in
When asked who picked
LOS ANGELES FILM CRITICS ASSOCIATION Times Square from10 p.m. to up the dinner check, Law-
BOSTON SOCIETY OF FILM CRITICS • EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 12:30 a.m. Eastern time. rence couldn’t recall but al-
— Stephen Battaglio luded to the “Hello” singer’s
chart-topping sales week.

“Oh, God, I don’t know
“ She’s game for who picked up the check. It
might’ve been Adele,” Law-

some hot gossip rence said. “I think we

would’ve all been like, ‘Adele,
you’ve had a pretty good
Leave it to Andy Cohen to week.’ So I’m sure we
get Jennifer Lawrence to would’ve probably let her get
A POWERFUL AND BRILLIANT LOOK gossip — about herself. it,” she said, later adding
AT MARRIAGE AND WHAT IT MEANS The “Joy” and “Hunger that they “talk about every-
TO LOVE SOMEONE OVER MANY YEARS.” Games” star stopped by Co- thing but work.”
hen’s “Watch What Happens Then a caller brought up
- DAVE CALHOUN, Live!” on Monday and Bieber’s remarks that he
dished on everything from thought Lawrence was “so
her behavior at the Oscars to sexy and so cute,” asking if

“ the lowdown on her celebrity she would ever “tap that.”
pals. “Uh, I’m gonna say a hard
The Bravo host managed no,” she replied. “But
DON’T MISS ‘45 YEARS’. IT’S UNFORGETTABLE.” to get the 25-year-old to ad- thanks.”
mit that she’d made out with — Nardine Saad







Laemmle’s Royal (310) 478-3836
Wed 12:30, 1:40, 2:55, 4:10, 5:20, 20th Century Fox

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 Tickets @ 7:00, 7:50, 9:30 & 10:15 PM JENNIFER LAWRENCE sat down for some reveal-
ATTENTION AMPAS MEMBERS: ing chatter with Bravo talk-show host Andy Cohen.
Your membership card and photo ID will admit you and a guest to any performance, based on seating availability: Laemmle will admit: AMPAS (Monday – Thursday only).
Additional theaters are subject to individual restrictions.
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY , D E C EM B E R 23 , 2 015 E3


Soweto Gospel Choir
Getty expanded holiday
Story Time in the Galleries
“The Christians”
“Kurios: Cabinet of
OUT Walt Disney Concert Hall
8 p.m. Wednesday
hours Monday
10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Los Angeles County
Museum of Art
Mark Taper Forum, L.A.
Through Jan. 10
Cirque du Soleil
Highlights of the week $90.50-$106 Getty Center, Brentwood; 2 p.m. Monday $55-$85 Dodger Stadium
ahead in arts, music and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free Through Feb. 7
performance Getty Villa, Malibu $58-$165
Free; parking $15


A very merry
homage to
their Moms
Yee Eun Nam’s crucial video/
The heartfelt projection design — help en-
‘Latina Christmas liven the action.
Russell starts off the fun
Special’ also comes with her impersonations of
wrapped in hilarity. her hyper-histrionic Mexi-
can mom and stoical Lithua-
nian dad. Yanez follows with
By F. Kathleen Foley an account of growing up as
a first-generation Cuban in
Shortly after the lights go Miami. Valls hilariously re-
up on “The Latina Christ- capitulates her experiences
mas Special,” you may expe- growing up gay in a tradi-
rience a slight disorienta- tional Mexican family before
tion. The tone of the show is seguing into caring for her
so low key and intimate, you terminally ill mother.
feel as though you wandered The tone varies between
into a backstage party in- the hilarious and the heart-
tended only for family. wrenching, but most strik-
As it quickly becomes ap- ingly, the show is a loving
parent, that feeling is com- homage to the performers’
pletely appropriate to the mothers — feisty, funny La-
occasion. The show, pro- tina women with their own
duced by the Latino Theater high spirits and distinctive
Company at Los Angeles styles — a legacy carried on,
Theatre Center, takes the in this very special “Special,”
form of a highly personal and by their talented daughters.
colorful Christmas celebra-
tion, with fractious relatives, [email protected]
disappointing presents and
enough food to feed a small
The show stars creator ‘The Latina
Diana Yanez and her co- Christmas
writers, Maria Russell and
Sandra Valls. This is the Special’
third season the women
have performed the piece Where: Los Angeles
but the first with a director, Theatre Center, 514 S.
Geoffrey Rivas, whose crisp Spring St., Los Angeles
staging highlights his cast’s When: 8 p.m. Jan. 7-9; 3
appeal. p.m. Jan. 10.
Yanez, Russell and Valls Tickets: $30.
all play themselves in what Info: (866) 811-4111,
are essentially three ex-
tended monologues. Rear
Running time: 1 hour, 40
projections from actual fam- minutes
ily archives — assembled in

Photographs by, clockwise from top left, Ullstein Bild / Getty Images; Hiroyuki Ito Getty Images and Hiroyuki Ito Getty Images
PAUL HINDEMITH , top left, completed “The Long Christmas Dinner” in 1961. The opera reemerged last
year in performances by American Symphony Orchestra. A live recording of that rendition is now out.


DIANA YANEZ, left, Maria Russell and Sandra

Valls deliver a personal and colorful “Christmas.”
Xavi Moreno

This ‘Dinner’
Rowling applauds
this Hermione
is quite a meal
The author praises
tress as Hermione repre-
sents a departure from the
Hindemith’s last opera returns in a crisp recording
cinematic adaptations of
the choice of a black the “Harry Potter” novels, down operatic requests from Aaron tors. But memory fades without any-
actress cast in ‘Harry where the character was
Copland and Leonard Bernstein. one quite grasping the process.
played by Emma Watson, But Wilder did come around when What matters most, then, is not
Potter’ production. who is white. approached by Hindemith. The result the Christmas dinner that came be-
On Twitter, Rowling de- The Long Christmas is a wistful, exquisite and profoundly fore or the one that will come next but
By David Ng fended the casting choice, touching tiny masterpiece, which an appreciation of the moment. Love
writing: “Canon: brown eyes, seemed to have no legs whatsoever. and loss, life and death happen quick-
The upcoming “Harry frizzy hair and very clever. Paul Hindemith (composer), The first performance was in Ger- ly, so pay attention. Surprisingly, “The
Potter” sequel that is set to White skin was never speci- Thornton Wilder (libretto), many, with the libretto translated into Long Christmas Dinner” turns out to
open at the Palace Theatre fied. Rowling loves black Leon Botstein (conductor), serviceable German by the composer. be an opera about the inevitability of
in London next year has cast Hermione.” American Symphony Orchestra Hindemith conducted the premiere of impermanence, possibly making it
a black actress to play the Playwright Jack Thorne, Bridge Records, $14.99 the original English-language version the first and only covertly Buddhist
role of the adult Hermione, a who penned the new play, at the Juilliard School in 1963, a few Christmas opera.
decision that author J.K. wrote on Twitter, “Noma, Christmas, we like to remind our- months before he died, and it was all To do this, Hindemith and Wilder
Rowling has defended on so- Jamie & Paul will be the selves, is about family. But the season but forgotten until Leon Botstein re- made every condensed musical
cial media. most brilliant three. We’re tends to offer surprisingly little famil- vived it last year in New York with his phrase or line of text have essential
Producers of “Harry Pot- very lucky to have them. And ial music of any real significance. American Symphony Orchestra. purpose. Time flows unstoppably in
ter and the Cursed Child” to assure all doubters — The subject matter of holiday ora- Bridge Records has now released a the understated score, with its subtle
announced Monday that ac- Paul is ginger in his soul.” torio, cantata, opera or song tends to live recording just in time for Christ- pastel instrumental colors and gra-
tress Noma Dumezweni will The stage production, be either the Christmas story itself or mas dinner. ciously unshowy vocal writing at-
play the role of a grown-up which Rowling has stated is our own surroundings and issues, Short and bittersweet, the opera tuned to the sound and meaning of
Hermione, alongside actor an official sequel to her nov- whether dreaming of a white Christ- covers a 90-year parade of a Midwest- the word.
Jamie Parker in the role of els, is a two-part tale that is mas or the jingling of bells or cash reg- ern family’s Christmas dinners The performance features a young
Harry. scheduled to open in Lon- isters. Even “The Nutcracker” isn’t through the generations. The over- American cast that enunciates clearly
The cast also includes don in July. really family ballet but fantasy. ture is based on “God Rest Ye Merry if not especially strong on personality.
Paul Thornley in the role of The story picks up when Paul Hindemith’s “The Long Gentlemen,” and there are hints of But the orchestra is excellent, and
the adult Ron Weasley. a middle-aged Harry Potter Christmas Dinner” is exactly what’s hymn music here and there, but Botstein’s account avoids what an
Dumezweni hails from is an “overworked employee needed. otherwise religiosity is avoided in older, better-sung German recording
Swaziland and has earned of the Ministry of Magic, a Completed in 1961, it is the last op- what is essentially a meditation on doesn’t, namely sentimentality. The
acclaim performing on the husband and father of three era by one of the 20th century’s major the passing of time by two great art- wisdom of “The Long Christmas Din-
London stage, winning an school-age children,” ac- composers. The English-language li- ists at or near the ends of their long ca- ner” is that there can be no long
Olivier Award for her role in cording to the Pottermore bretto, remarkably, is by Thornton reers (Wilder died in 1975). Christmas dinners.
a 2005 revival of “A Raisin in site. It follows his youngest Wilder — remarkably because while The entire opera takes place at the All happy families are not, as Tol-
the Sun.” She has also acted son, Albus, who “must strug- Wilder may have been a musical con- dinner table. As the years go by, chil- stoy suggests, alike, because happi-
in productions from the Na- gle with the weight of a fami- noisseur (he actually directed a Han- dren take the places of parents, serv- ness, like all else, is ephemeral, So
tional Theatre and the Royal ly legacy he never wanted.” del opera in 1935), the playwright and ing white meat or dark. Mindfulness make this Christmas dinner matter.
Shakespeare Company. novelist was notoriously unaccommo- to tradition is attempted as family
The casting of a black ac- [email protected] dating to composers. He even turned members record the names of ances- [email protected]
E4 W E D N ES DAY , D E C E M BE R 23 , 2 015 L ATI M E S . CO M / CA L EN DA R

Photographs by Christina House For The Times

DANCERS surround American Ballet Theatre principal ballerina Misty Copeland during a master class that followed a mural dedication and street naming.

San Pedro greets Misty Copeland

[Copeland, from E1] “I would not say that!” by Warner Grand Theatre,
A populist ballerina if Copeland said, laughing. where Copeland taught a
ever there was one, Misty Copeland does her part master class for 50 students
Copeland has become a pio- to support the San Pedro before an audience of about
neering hero not just to City Ballet, where she was 800. Proceeds from the event
dance hopefuls but to a gen- discovered at 13 through the support SPCB’s DancEd
eration of young women school’s outreach program Steps Up dance outreach
looking for inspiring, bound- for under-served youths. program to public schools.
ary-breaking athletic and “America loves their bal- In the master class,
artistic role models. Earlier lerina. San Pedro loves its Copeland snaked her way
this year, the American Bal- ballerina,” Councilman Joe through the rows of ballet
let Theatre soloist was pro- Buscaino told the crowd barres, where pupils mim-
moted to principal dancer; gathered for a mural dedica- icked her twists and grand
she is the New York com- tion and street-naming cere- pliés. “Focus,” Copeland told
pany’s first African Ameri- mony in Copeland’s honor. them. “Don’t pay any atten-
can woman to hold that title. The corner of West 13th tion to the audience, right?”
And she was the first African Street and South Pacific Av- Piano music and the
American woman to dance enue will now be known as shloof-shloofing sound of
the lead in an ABT “Swan Misty Copeland Square. sliding ballet slippers filled
Lake” production. It’s partly Buscaino spoke about the auditorium. “Back,
why Copeland landed on the Copeland’s difficult person- close, inside leg, close,”
cover of Time magazine’s al and professional trajec- Copeland instructed. “Now
“100 Most Influential Peo- tory, which included grow- relax, just let it go.”
ple” issue this spring. ing up poor, starting ballet The admiration from
She has also punctured studies later than most, fac- these young women, as they
the pop culture zeitgeist, ing racial bias and a fraught straightened their backs
making the art form more custody battle between her and stretched their arms,
accessible to young people. mother and SPCB co-direc- COPELAND , at right, moves in close to share advice with a young dancer in the twirling on their toes, was
She’s performed with Prince tors Cindy and Patrick master class. Copeland was introduced to dance by San Pedro City Ballet. nearly palpable. But Cope-
and is a social media star Bradley. land’s biggest fan might
with more than 82,000 Twit- “Misty Copeland is being Copeland and her five ing order was dropped and and swayed, waving their have been out in the lobby.
ter followers and 800,000 on celebrated because we rec- siblings were living in a wel- Copeland ended her eman- arms in the air, Copeland Wearing a sparkly tutu,
Instagram, not to mention ognize the degree of diffi- fare motel room with her sin- cipation case. The young stood by the podium and an “I heart Misty” hair bow
the subject of the documen- culty life has dealt her,” Bus- gle mother, subsisting on ballerina returned to live beamed, her hair blowing in and a “#TeamMistyC” T-
tary “A Ballerina’s Tale.” . caino said. “She is the per- food stamps, when she first with her mother full time. the rain and, fighting back shirt featuring Copeland on
Just last week, Copeland fect example of why America turned up at a free class Although she and the tears, seemingly over- Time magazine, 8-year-old
appeared on “Barbara Wal- is great.” Bradley was teaching at the Bradleys didn’t speak for whelmed with emotion. Marisa Alvarez practiced
ters Presents: The 10 Most In an earlier interview, San Pedro Boys & Girls several years after that, they “This is insane,” she’d her pliés. She studied ballet
Fascinating People of 2015” Cindy Bradley said she saw Club. Later that year, she reunited when Copeland told the crowd. “Growing up, for a year at a San Pedro
and “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Copeland’s potential for moved in with the Bradleys was writing her memoir, last San Pedro was the only school, she said, and hoped
“Is it correct to say you dance stardom in their very and their 2-year-old son, year’s “Life in Motion: An place I considered home; it to get back to it. Copeland
saved ballet?” Kimmel first class together. “I always Wolf, so she could concen- Unlikely Ballerina” (op- was the only place where I was her inspiration.
asked Copeland, who was say it’s something I can’t ex- trate on ballet. When Cope- tioned by New Line Cine- felt a real connection with “I like how nice she is and
making her second appear- plain,” Bradley said. “When I land was 15 and trying to bal- ma), and they’ve stayed the community.” Later, she how she became a princi-
ance in two months on the touched her foot, I had a vi- ance the demands of ballet close, Cindy Bradley says. added: “No matter what pal,” Alavarez said, smiling
show (during her October sion for her. I could tell she and her single mother’s de- During Monday’s dedica- platform I’m speaking on, I brightly. “And it was so awe-
appearance, she gamely was a natural. In the months sire for a relationship, Cope- tion, Wolf, now 22, sang “Wait always give credit to this in- some how they named Pa-
gave a ballet lesson to Kim- and years to come, it took land filed emancipation pa- for Me,” which he’d written credible, small, warm com- cific after her. It’s, like: Now
mel and his sidekick Gui- hard work and perseverance pers and her mother filed a for Copeland, as more than munity that made me the she’s history!”
llermo Rodriguez, who both on her part, but I saw her po- restraining order against 80 SPCB students, carrying person that I am today.”
wore pink tutus for the occa- tential in those first few mo- the Bradleys. After much white roses, performed for Many in the crowd then deborah.vankin
sion). ments.” back and forth, the restrain- the crowd. As they swirled made their way to the near-



8290 La Palma Avenue 340 N. Eureka St.
714-826-SHOW (7469) 909-793-6393 410 S. Myrtle Avenue
626-305-SHOW (7469)
THE BIG SHORT E (10:10, 1:15, 4:20), 7:25, 10:25
CHIP B (10:15, 12:00, 12:40, 2:25, 3:05, 4:50, * STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (9:15,
“When you’re done laughing, ‘Where to 5:30), 7:15, 7:55, 9:40 LFX LARGE FORMAT EXPERIENCE
Invade Next’ is a movie that stings.” SISTERS E (10:15, 11:15, 1:05, 2:05, 3:55, 4:55),
6:45, 7:45, 9:40, 10:10, 10:40 10:15, 11:45, 12:30, 1:30, 3:00, 3:45, 4:45), 6:15,

(11:15, 11:45, 12:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:45, 5:45), 6:15,
6:40, 7:00, 9:00, 9:30, 9:50, 10:15 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 10:15
AWAKENS C (12:30, 3:45), 7:00, 10:15

“His Funniest Film By Far.” (10:15, 1:30, 4:45), 8:00

(9:45, 10:45, 1:00, 2:00, 4:15, 5:15), 7:30, 8:30,

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (10:00, 1:00, (9:45, 10:45, 1:00, 2:00, 4:15, 5:15), 7:30, 8:30, (10:15, 1:30, 4:45), 8:00, 11:15
4:00), 7:00, 10:00
KRAMPUS C (11:50, 2:20, 4:50), 7:15, 9:50
CREED C (10:35, 1:40, 4:45), 7:50, 10:45


THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (10:55, 1:30, 4:05)
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B F (11:25, 2:00,
(11:45, 3:00), 6:15, 9:30

2 C (12:25, 3:40), 7:00, 10:10

A film by Michael Moore SPECTRE C (12:25, 3:45), 7:05, 10:25

(9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45


641-B Camino De Los Mares
949-661-SHOW (7469)

Invade Next
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD 8200 3rd St., Corner of 3rd St. and New Ave.
CHIP B F (11:50, 2:20, 4:50), 7:20, 9:50 562-622-3999

SISTERS E (11:00, 1:50, 4:40), 7:40, 10:30

(12:30, 3:45), 7:00, 10:15
(9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45 (10:15, 12:30, 1:30, 3:45, 4:45), 7:00, 8:00, 10:15
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (10:40, 1:30,
4:20), 7:10, 10:00

BLVD. (323)464-4226
HOLLYWOOD FOR SHOWTIMES SPOTLIGHT E 8:30 (9:45, 1:00, 4:15), 7:30, 10:45
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D NE S DAY, D E C E MB E R 23 , 2 015 E5

A discovery
threatens a
strong union
[‘45 Years,’ from E1]
the week that follows it cer-
tainly will. ‘45 Years’
The Mercers live here,
Kate (Rampling in the role No MPAA rating
of her career) and Geoff Running time: 1 hour, 35
(Courtenay). Childless, minutes
they’re coming up on their
Playing: Laemmle’s Royal,
45th wedding anniversary, West Los Angeles
and the capable Kate is
planning a large celebratory
party for Saturday, post- viously unspoken details
poned from their 40th be- that gradually pour unbid-
cause Geoff needed emer- den out of Geoff. And she’s
gency heart surgery. not prepared (and neither is
A letter has come this Geoff for that matter) for
day, Monday, for Geoff. It’s in how emotional the news
German, and he not only makes him, for how involved
needs the German/English he becomes in reliving the
dictionary to translate past and a relationship that Sundance Selects

everything, he needs a bit of has not existed for half a cen- THE MARRIAGE of Geoff (Tom Courtenay) and Kate (Charlotte Rampling) is shaken by a revelation.
help even remembering tury.
where the dictionary is. But The eventful specifics of
the key words are under- how this dynamic plays out
stood almost at once. “They in the context of what has
found her body,” Geoff tells
his wife. “They found my Ka-
previously been a strong and
stable marriage, with Geoff
in the grip of buried feelings
Katya was Geoff ’s girl- he forgot he had and Kate in-
friend years before he met creasingly distressed and
Kate. While they were on a worried while attempting to
hiking vacation in Switzer- carry on, is best left discov-
land, Katya fell to her death ered in the film.
through a fissure in a glacier. Just as, in Geoff ’s words,
Now, because of global “a fissure, I suppose you’d
warming, all the snow cover- call it, like a narrow crack in
ing that glacier has melted the rock” opened to swallow
away and Katya’s body is vis- Katya, so a fissure in this
ible for the first time. “She’s marriage threatens to swal-
like something in the free- low both participants with-
zer,” Geoff says, not quite be- out a trace. This is superb

lieving it. “She looks like she yet restrained drama of the
did in 1962, and I look like highest order, definitely not
this.” to be missed.
Kate has known about A HILARIOUS TIME AT THE MOVIES.”
Katya, but only in the vagu- kenneth.turan PETER TRAVERS,
est way, not with all the pre-
Christian Bale’s performance is
Culture Monster
All the arts, all the time TOUCHING”. ANTHONY LANE,


“Carell embodies the film’s tone, as a borderline comic figure who







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( ) at Discount = No Passes = The Screening Lounge holidays). LANDMARK will admit: AMPAS, DGA, PGA and WGA (Mon-Thur only, excluding holidays). TCL CHINESE will admit: AMPAS, ACE, ADG, ASC, BAFTA, CAS, DGA, HFPA, MPEG, MPSE, PGA and WGA (Mon-Thur only).
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VALID WEDNESDAYu DECEMBER D2 ONLY © 2015 Landmark Theatres REGENCY will admit: AMPAS, DGA, and WGA (Mon-Thur only). Please check newspaper circuit listing for theatre locations & showtimes. Theatre list subject to change.
E6 W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / CA L EN DA R

Army of one
loses its way
[‘Invade,’ from E1]
(Portugal), longer vacations
(Italy) and much, much ‘Where to
more, together creating a
smorgasbord of mostly Eu-
Invade Next’
ropean public policies with-
out ever making a rigorous MPAA rating: R, for
or compelling case on any language, some violent
one topic. images, drugs and brief
Perhaps a documentary graphic nudity
that spends its nearly two- Running time: 1 hour, 59
Robert D. Ward TIFF minutes
hour running time on the so-
THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF seek Michael Moore’s advice in his new film, “Where to Invade Next.” cietal benefits of vacation — Playing: ArcLight,
less sickness, higher produc- Hollywood
tivity, better-written movie

reviews — would be worth
watching. Instead, Moore their several weeks of paid
treats each idea with all the vacation are a living en- depth and sophistication of dorsement of la dolce vita.
All the arts, all the time To advertise here go to Donald Trump’s Make Italy’s unemployment rate,
America Great Again hat. alas, never comes up, nor do
Occasionally, he entertains, any of the other economic
but he almost never pro- challenges the European
vokes any kind of reflection. Union is confronting.
“Where to Invade Next” The gentle, civilized re-
begins with a cartoonish sponse of a Norwegian man
prologue, as Moore stages a who lost his son to a horrific
meeting of the Joint Chiefs of act of violence serves as a
Staff seeking his advice on, kind of balm for every nerve
yes, where to invade next. that blood-thirsty American
His proposal, to become a cable news pundits have rat-
one-man army visiting other tled. There is another way to
countries and learning from respond to terror, Moore
them, sounds like a great wants us to know. But before
idea for a TV series. As a fea- we reach any kind of nu-
ture film, however, it’s wholly anced understanding, he
unsatisfying. has hopped along to another
Moore has always been a country.
flamboyant storyteller, but As in his previous films,
“Where to Invade Next” Moore appears on camera in
lacks the narrative urgency the role of the slobby, dumb-
of his 2004 critique of the war founded — and occasionally
on terror, “Fahrenheit 9/11,” just dumb — American.
and his 2002 exploration of With each country he visits
gun violence, “Bowling for to steal its ideas, he plants a
Columbine.” Instead of giant, tacky American flag
alarming his audience, the that his hosts are too polite
director this time wants to not to accept.
inspire us. In its best moments, the
Examining thorny prob- movie reflects Moore’s deft
lems is the currency of most comedic touch, as in a scene
political documentaries, but of him showing disgusted
a more optimistic approach French schoolchildren
to the form is possible — an- photographs of American
other 2015 movie, “He school lunches. There may
Named Me Malala,” manag- be no greater rebuke to the
es to create an inspirational notion of American excep-
experience while tackling tionalism than a shot of
tough themes. Moore trying to persuade
When Moore succeeds at the skeptical children, en-
crafting feel-good moments, joying their cheese course, to

JAN 1–3 it’s thanks to some well cho-

sen interview subjects — one
take a sip of his Coke.

SEGERSTROM HALL effortlessly sexy Italian cou- rebecca.keegan

ple sharing snapshots from


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13917 Pioneer Blvd. 562-804-5615 6355 Bellingham Ave. 818-760-8400 854 E. Alosta Ave. at Citrus 626-334-6007
$1.50 Sun. & Tue! (All 2D Movies, All Day!) All Seats $6.50 before 5pm
Rancho Niguel Road 949-831-0446 SECRET IN THEIR EYES C 5:10, 10:20 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:20, 2:00,
THE PEANUTS MOVIE A (11:30, 12:30, 2:00, 3:20, 4:30), 7:10, 9:40
THE BIG SHORT E (11:30, 12:45, 3:45), 6:45, 9:40 THE PEANUTS MOVIE A 11:40, 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:20 4:30), 6:50, 9:10
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:45), 9:40 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30
961 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C 12:10, 2:40, 7:50 SISTERS E (11:00, 1:50, 4:50), 7:40, 10:30
YOUTH (10:55, 1:45, 4:30), 7:15, 10:00 GOOSEBUMPS B (11:40, 2:10, 4:40), 7:20, 9:50 GOOSEBUMPS B 11:50, 2:15, 4:45, 7:10, 9:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS - DOLBY ATMOS C THE DANISH GIRL E (11:15, 2:00, 4:40), 7:25, 10:05 PAN B (12:45, 3:50) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (10:50, 11:30, 12:30,
(12:50), 7:40 PAN B 3:50 PM
SPOTLIGHT E (11:05, 1:55, 4:50), 7:40, 10:20 2:10, 3:00, 4:00), 5:40, 6:15, 7:10, 8:50, 9:50, 10:20
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS THE MARTIAN C (12:10, 3:30), 6:50, 10:10 THE MARTIAN C 12:50, 4:00, 7:20, 10:30
TRUMBO E (2:45), 5:30, 8:15 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30), 5:00, 8:10
3D - DOLBY ATMOS C 4:10, 11:10 SICARIO E (12:20), 6:40, 9:45 SICARIO E 12:40, 7:40, 10:30
BROOKLYN C (11:10, 1:50, 4:25), 7:00, 9:35 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:10, 1:55, 4:40), 7:30, 10:15
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B (2:30), 7:00 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B (3:10 PM) HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D B 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:30, 9:50
KRAMPUS C (12:45, 3:10), 5:30, 7:45, 10:00
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D B (11:20, 1:50, 4:20), 7:00, 9:30
CHARTER CENTRE 5 CONEJO VALLEY CREED C (1:15, 4:20), 7:20, 10:25
THE INTERN C 7:00, 10:00 THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:15, 1:40, 4:10), 7:00, 9:40
7822 Warner Ave. at Beach 714-596-3456 AGOURA HILLS STADIUM 8
$1.50 Sundays, All 2D Films, All Day SAN FERNANDO VALLEY 29045 Agoura Road 818-707-9966 VENTURA COUNTY
948 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 (3D Surcharge Applies)
$6 Wednesday all day for all 2D films
SISTERS E (1:30), 4:30, 7:30, 10:20 THE 33 C 12:45 PM
BRIDGE OF SPIES C 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 9:00, 9:50
16830 Devonshire Street 818-363-3679 Now Offering Reserved Seating 1440 Eastman Ave. at Telephone Rd. 805-658-6544
All Seats $3.50 • $1.50 Surcharge for 3D Movies
GOOSEBUMPS 3D B 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40 THE BIG SHORT E (12:00, 3:50), 7:15, 10:30 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:40, 2:10,
$1.00 All Day Tuesday - 3D Surcharge Applies
WESTMINSTER 10 SICARIO E 4:00, 7:30, 10:15
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B 12:15, 2:30, 4:40, 6:50
1:50), 4:30, 7:00, 9:30
4:30), 6:40, 9:00
SISTERS E (11:20, 2:00, 4:50), 7:40, 10:30
6721 Westminster Ave. 714-893-4222 LOVE THE COOPERS C 1:00, 7:20
THE INTERN C 1:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45 SISTERS E (11:10, 2:00), 4:50, 7:40, 10:40 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:15, 1:30, 2:45), 5:00,
Featuring New High-Back Love Seats 6:00, 8:10, 9:15 THE PEANUTS MOVIE 3D A 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:30, 12:30, 2:45), BRIDGE OF SPIES C 12:10, 3:30, 6:50, 10:05
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (12:45, 1:30, EAST LOS ANGELES 4:00, 6:00, 7:10, 9:10, 10:20
4:10), 6:45, 9:20
SISTERS E (12:15, 1:40, 4:30), 7:30, 8:30, 10:15 COMMERCE 14 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (12:15, 3:40), 7:30, 10:15
(4:00), 10:20
THE MARTIAN C 11:50, 3:20, 6:40, 10:00
SICARIO E 1:10, 4:10, 7:30, 10:15
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:30, 12:30, 2:40, Goodrich & Whittier 323-726-8022 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
3:30, 4:00), 5:50, 6:50, 7:10, 9:10, 10:00, 10:20 CREED C (11:45, 3:30), 7:20, 10:25 3D - DBOX SEATING - DOLBY ATMOS C (12:30), 7:10 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B 7:00, 9:20
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30, 5:00), 8:10 $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D)
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:00, 1:40), 4:15, 6:45, 9:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS THE INTERN C 4:00, 9:55
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (1:50, 4:40), 7:40, 10:25 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP B (11:10, 3D - DOLBY ATMOS C (12:30), 7:10
KRAMPUS C (12:25, 2:40, 4:50), 7:45, 10:00 11:40, 2:00, 4:00, 4:20), 6:40, 8:40, 9:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (12:45, 4:15), 7:30, 10:25
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (1:25, 4:00), 6:30, 9:00 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD PLANT 16 CREED C (1:00, 4:20), 7:20, 10:15 JANSS MARKETPLACE 9
CHIP (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (1:00, 1:30, 3:20, 5:40), 6:20, 8:00 255 North Moorpark Rd. 805-374-9656
THE NIGHT BEFORE E (3:00), 5:50
SISTERS E (1:40), 7:20
7876 Van Nuys Blvd. 818-779-0323 SPOTLIGHT E (12:00, 3:15), 6:50, 9:40
SISTERS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (10:45, 4:30), 10:10 $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D)
THE BIG SHORT E (1:20), 4:20, 7:15, 10:10
26762 Verdugo Street 949-661-3456 5:30), 7:10, 10:20 12:15, 1:45, 2:45), 4:15, 5:15, 6:50, 7:50, 9:10, 10:10 4711 Lakeview Canyon at Agoura Rd. 818-889-8061 12:20, 1:40, 2:40, 4:10), 5:10, 6:30, 7:30, 9:00, 10:00
ENJOY BEER & WINE IN ALL AUDITORIUMS AWAKENS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (11:30, 2:15, 2:45), 6:15, SISTERS E (11:35, 1:15, 2:25), 4:10, 5:10, 7:00, 8:00, 9:45, 10:45 YOUTH (10:35, 1:25, 4:20), 7:15 SISTERS E (11:30, 2:10, 4:50), 7:50, 10:30
8:45, 9:35 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (11:00, 11:30, 12:30, THE DANISH GIRL E (10:50, 1:40, 4:35), 7:30 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:40, 3:30), 6:50, 9:50
$5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D & VIP) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (1:30), 8:00 2:20, 3:00), 4:00, 5:30, 6:30, 7:10, 7:40, 8:40, 9:40, 10:20 CREED C (12:10, 3:50), 10:15
4:30), 6:45, 9:00 7:10, 10:20
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (4:10), 10:00 TRUMBO E (12:30, 4:40), 7:40, 10:25
SISTERS - VIP SEATING E (1:15, 4:15), 7:15, 9:55
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS C (1:30, 3:50, 4:50), 7:00, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (12:00, 1:30, 3:30), ACADEMY CINEMAS 6 BROOKLYN C (11:25, 2:00, 4:35), 7:15, 9:55
8:00, 10:10 (12:45), 7:00 5:00, 8:10 1003 E. Colorado Blvd 626-229-9400
KRAMPUS C (11:50, 4:40), 10:05 BRIDGE OF SPIES C (12:00, 3:40), 6:50, 9:55
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D C (12:30 PM) STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS All Seats $2.00 before 6pm • $1.00 All Beef Hot Dogs
KRAMPUS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (2:15), 7:20 3D - DBOX SEATING C (12:00, 3:30) IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B 7:30 PM
CREED C (3:50), 10:10 CHI-RAQ E (4:20), 10:10
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA C (11:10, 1:55), 4:45, 7:30, 10:15
SECRET IN THEIR EYES C (11:20, 2:15, 4:50), 7:30, 10:15 PASEO CAMARILLO 3
At South Coast Plaza/Sunflower & Plaza Dr. 714-557-5701 KRAMPUS C (1:00, 3:20), 5:35, 7:50, 10:05
THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:30, 2:10, 4:45), 7:15, 9:45 LOVE THE COOPERS C (11:40, 2:10, 4:40), 7:10, 9:40 390 N. Lantana at Daily 805-383-2267
MACBETH (2015) E (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 9:45 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (11:05, 1:40, CREED C (1:10), 4:10, 7:05, 10:00 THE LAST WITCH HUNTER C 7:40, 10:20
TRUMBO E (11:30), 9:40 4:15), 6:45, 9:15 THE GOOD DINOSAUR B (11:50, 2:15), 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 GOOSEBUMPS B (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 7:00, 9:30 SPOTLIGHT E (12:00, 3:45), 7:00
BROOKLYN C (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 7:30, 9:55 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 C (4:05), SICARIO E (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30 ROOM E (12:15), 7:15
IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) B (2:30 PM) 3:40), 7:25, 10:25 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 B (12:10, 2:40, 5:00) TRUMBO E (4:00 PM)
A CHRISTMAS STORY B 7:30 PM 2 (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (1:00), 7:05 THE NIGHT BEFORE E (12:40, 3:05), 5:40, 8:05, 10:30 THE INTERN C (1:30), 7:20 BROOKLYN C (11:30, 2:05, 4:40), 7:30
Bargain Showtimes in ( ) “Locally Owned, Proudly Operated” Showtimes for December 23
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B ER 23 , 2 015 E7

The innocent filmmaker abroad

umbine.” “This is a sad, sad
Michael Moore puts thing to say.”
on a kinder, gentler According to Powers,
Moore’s cinematic legacy is
face for a new public- not strictly political. His suc-
policy travelogue. cess has brought “a new am-
bition to documentary film-
makers, a recognition that
By Akiva Gottlieb the films they’re making
could reach much wider au-
For a notorious rabble- diences,” Powers said. “The
rouser and publicity hound, No. 1 achievement of Mi-
Michael Moore has kept a chael Moore is that he gave
pretty low profile during the license for documentary
Obama presidency. The is- films to be entertaining.”
sues that animate Moore Moore’s films have been
haven’t disappeared, but criticized for their pro-
from Occupy Wall Street to nounced and often simplis-
Black Lives Matter to the tic liberal rhetoric, but the
Democratic presidential onetime editor of Mother
campaign of Bernie Sand- Jones magazine doesn’t
ers, the social justice move- bristle at the “activist” label.
ment has no shortage of “Journalism should be an ac-
other megaphones these tive thing,” he said. “I don’t
days. believe there’s such a thing
The Oscar-winning di- as objective journalism. It’s
rector, whose “Fahrenheit 9/ produced by human beings,
11” (2004) remains the high- and we’re subjective. You
est-grossing documentary have to have the facts right,
of all time, explained his but other than that… tell me
relative scarceness by say- a story.”
ing he “just wanted to un- “Where to Invade Next”
plug from the noise.” marks the debut of a kinder,
“I’m tired of all that,” he gentler liberal crusader. In
added, referring to the pres- Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times conversation, Moore even
sures of social media and the MICHAEL MOORE discusses his latest film, the brisk, inquisitive “Where to Invade Next,” at the AFI Fest. conveys respect for his ideo-
Hollywood publicity ma- logical opponents. “One of
chine. “I’m a filmmaker. I policy ideas — an equal nounced Jan. 14. broader canvas than the know much about any- the great things about con-
want to focus on my art.” rights amendment for wom- “Of all the movies that specifics of who’s running for thing… When the Italian servatives is that they’re not
The product of his re- en, free college education, came out in 2015, it’s the one office this year. I made an couple tells me that they get a bunch of wusses,” he says.
newed focus, and his first drug decriminalization — that I would most like all epic film. My idea was to bas- 15 days’ paid vacation for “They’re willing to take you
feature since 2009’s “Capital- and “claiming” them for the Americans to see,” said ically make a film about the their honeymoon, the look on. I kind of admire them for
ism: A Love Story,” is the United States. Thom Powers, the docu- United States without on my face is real. I’m hear- that.”
playful and idealistic “Where Despite this central gim- mentary programmer who shooting a single frame of ing that for the first time.” Despite America’s seem-
to Invade Next,” which mick, the movie’s senti- selected “Where to Invade film in the United States.” Because Moore’s films ingly intractable partisan
opens Wednesday for a ments are surprisingly sin- Next” for its Toronto Inter- Though Moore toned often double as advocacy rancor, Moore calls himself a
weeklong Oscar qualifying cere and even buoyant. national Film Festival pre- down his brash, jokey antics campaigns, he’s in the un- “crazy optimist” at the end
run (wide release is sched- “I spend the two hours miere. in such films as 2007’s usual position of having of the film. “We have all these
uled for Feb. 12). not showing you all the prob- By design, Moore’s brisk, “Sicko,” which examined the made financially and criti- examples where things do
Though the project’s ini- lems,” Moore said, “but inquisitive world tour largely U.S. healthcare system, cally successful movies that get better,” he said. “When
tial secrecy and cheeky title showing you the solutions.” sidesteps partisan politics. they’re front and center have failed at their policy people get off the couch and
suggest that “Where to In- “Where to Invade Next” “Obviously, the politics of again in the new movie, aims. “Fahrenheit 9/11” do something, things do get
vade Next” is a polemic may lack “Fahrenheit 9/11’s” the film align themselves where he plays the role of a didn’t unseat President better. There are state ballot
about America’s military-in- gravitas, but it has reso- very closely to Bernie [Sand- callow innocent abroad. George W. Bush, and “Bowl- proposals next year regard-
dustrial complex, Moore’s nated with the film acade- ers],” he said, “but one of the He acknowledged a Ste- ing for Columbine” didn’t ing marijuana, there are par-
latest is actually an episodic my’s documentary branch, main points of the film is phen Colbert-style comic move the needle on gun con- ents’ groups trying to stop
travelogue, following the which recently named it that [in] countries where strategy of “pretending to be trol. standardized testing,
self-appointed ambassador one of 15 movies short- women have the power, or the American exceptional- “You could open that film there’s a big push right now
as he “invades” various listed for the feature docu- share the power, people are ist,” but also insisted that tonight, in theaters across for paid maternity leave. The
countries in Europe and mentary Oscar, out of 124 much better off.” “it’s not a persona. When America, and it would look optimism is well grounded.”
North Africa, “stealing” submissions. The final He added: “I think this we’re filming, I tell the pro- like I made it in the last few
their most humane public five nominees will be an- film is painted on a much ducers that I don’t want to months,” Moore said of “Col- [email protected]

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GOP snaps the NFL’s Sunday night streak

released Tuesday by Niel- Fox News Channel’s cover- However, the debate was and Fox, which averaged weekly average.
City News Service
sen. age of the Aug. 6 debate from Saturday’s most-watched 2.94 million. Fox’s coverage of the
Viewership for the Cardi- Cleveland averaged 24 mil- prime-time program, in- With the other three ma- Miss Universe pageant,
The Republican presi- nals’ 40-17 victory was the lion viewers, and the Sept. 16 cluding topping the NFL jor networks airing little which gained notoriety for
dential debate on CNN second-smallest of the sea- debate from Simi Valley on Network’s coverage of the first-run scripted program- host Steve Harvey announc-
ended the NFL’s streak of son for “Sunday Night Foot- CNN averaged 23.06 million. Dallas Cowboys-New York ming, CBS had each of the 13 ing the wrong winner, was
having the most-watched ball,” ahead of only the 18.01 ABC’s Democratic presi- Jets game, which averaged most-watched scripted pro- 34th for the week, averaging
program on prime-time tele- million average for Arizona’s dential debate was the least- 7.41 million viewers. grams, topped by “The Big 5.62 million viewers.
vision at 14 weeks. 34-31 victory over the Cincin- watched of the party’s three The return of original epi- Bang Theory,” third overall, Viewership was 26.8%
The debate from Las nati Bengals on Nov. 22. debates during this election sodes of its two most popu- averaging 17.23 million view- lower than the last Miss Uni-
Vegas on Dec. 15 averaged Before this week, an NFL cycle, averaging 8.03 million lar dramas, “NCIS” and ers, and “NCIS,” fourth over- verse pageant, which aver-
18.16 million viewers, while game had been the most- viewers, finishing 21st “NCIS: New Orleans,” all, averaging 15.53 million aged 7.68 million when it
the week’s most-watched watched prime-time pro- among prime-time broad- helped CBS end NBC’s viewers. aired on NBC Jan. 25, when
prime-time NFL clash, the gram for each week of the cast and cable programs air- three-week streak of being CBS’ viewership was bol- overall television viewership
“Sunday Night Football” season. ing between Dec.14 and Sun- the most-watched network, stered by a 62-minute run- is higher.
game between the Arizona The viewership for the day. The Oct. 13 debate from averaging 8.87 million view- over of its afternoon NFL NBC was the most-
Cardinals and Philadelphia fifth Republican debate was Las Vegas on CNN averaged ers for its prime-time pro- coverage into prime time, watched network among
Eagles on NBC, averaged the third-largest for a presi- 15.79 million, and the Nov. 14 gramming for the week. which averaged 29.24 million viewers ages 18 to 49 for the
18.11 million, finishing second dential primary debate, be- debate from Des Moines, NBC was second, averaging viewers. The run-over is not 12th time in the television
for the week, according to hind the campaign’s first Iowa on CBS averaged 8.55 7.71 million, followed by ABC, considered a separate pro- season’s 13 weeks, averaging
live-plus-same-day figures two Republican debates. million. which averaged 4.61 million, gram but is included in the 2.57 million viewers.

Here are the combined rankings for national prime-time

network and cable television last week (Dec. 14-20) as com-
piled by Nielsen. They are based on the average number of
people who watched a program from start to finish during
its scheduled telecast or on a playback device the same day.
EL CAPITAN GLENDALE Nielsen estimates there are 289 million potential viewers in
all reserved seating | café bar | exhibits | gift shop
eL Capitan gLendaLe 18
6838 Hollywood Blvd. at Highland The Americana at Brand the U.S. ages 2 and older. Viewership is listed in millions.
818/845-3110 Express Code - 91361 Colorado Street at Brand Blvd. Select, Purchase and Print Your Tickets Online with No Added Fee
1-866-PAC-9790 Express Code - 905
4 Hours Free Validated Parking. Program Net- View- Program Net- View-


Enter at Central Blvd. 3D
BEACH CITIES 1 Republican


18.16 49 WWE (10 p.m.)

DIGITAL 3D Nash & Rosecrans Debate 50 WWE (9 p.m.) USA 3.79
KN 9:45 AM, 12:55, 4:05, 7:15, 10:25 PM Dolby Vision and STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 310/607-9955 2 NFL Football: NBC 18.11 ---------------------------------------
3D (PG13) KN (9:30 AM, 10:30, 10:45, 11:30, 12:30, Free Parking 3D Cardinals at 51 Gold Rush Discover 3.77
1:30, 2:30, 2:45, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 5:45), 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 8:45, Eagles
Dolby Atmos 52 48 Hours CBS 3.76
9:30, 10:30, 11:30 PM DIGITAL 3D THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:35 AM, 11:20, 1:50 PM
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3 The Big Bang CBS 17.23 53 Shark Tank (Fri.) ABC 3.73
3D (PG13) KN 9:45 AM, 11:15, 12:45, 1:30, 2:15, 3:45, Theory
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 4:30, 5:15, 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:45, 11:15 PM 54 NCIS (Sat.) CBS 3.68
4 NCIS (Tue.) CBS 15.53
KN (9:00 AM, 10:00, 10:15, 11:00, 11:15, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 55 Toy Story Time ABC 3.64
CHATSWORTH 2:15, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 5:15), 6:00, 7:00, 7:15, 8:00, 8:15, 9:00,
(PG13) 10:10 AM, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 PM
5 Republican
Debate Coverage
CNN 15.37 Forgot
winnetka Stadium 21 10:00, 10:15, 11:00 PM ---------------------------------------
KN 9:15 AM, 9:30, 10:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, 12:00, --------------------------------------- 56 Running Wild NBC 3.55
Winnetka and Prairie 12:30, 1:15, 1:45, 2:00, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:30, 4:15, 4:45, 5:00, 6 The Voice (Mon.) NBC 14.03
818/501-5121 Express Code - 095 3D ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 5:30, 6:00, 6:30, 7:15, 7:45 PM; 8:00, 8:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:30, With Bear Grylls
10:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45 PM 7 NFL Pre-Game NBC 13.44 57 The O’Reilly Fox News 3.53
KN (9:00 AM, 9:40, 10:50, 12:00, 1:10, 2:10, 3:20, 4:35, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 11:35 AM, 2:20, (Sun.) Factor (Wed.)
4:55), 7:05, 9:20 PM 4:55, 8:10, 10:50 PM
8 60 Minutes CBS 12.70 58 Kelly Clarkson’s NBC 3.52
An Immersive Experience is Here! THE BIG SHORT (R) KN (11:50 AM, 1:45, 4:40), 7:35, KN 9:40 AM, 12:20, 4:00, 6:05, 9:55 PM Cautionary
p.m.) Christmas Music
10:30 PM
SPECTRE (PG13) 4:50 PM 10 NCIS: New CBS 12.09 Tale
- 79 ft wall-to-wall screen! Orleans
SISTERS (R) KN (9:30 AM, 12:10, 2:50, 5:30), 7:05, 8:10, SISTERS (R) KN 11:05 AM, 2:25, 5:05, 7:40, 10:20 PM 59 Alaskan Bush Discover 3.42
9:45, 10:35, 11:30 PM
--------------------------------------- People
- 20% wider, luxurious seats! 11 NFL Football: ESPN 11.55 60 Caught on NBC 3.41
CREED (PG13) 10:25 AM, 1:25, 4:20, 7:20, 10:25 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) 7:50, 10:35 PM Giants at Camera
BROOKLYN (PG13) (3:25 PM)

Dolphins ---------------------------------------
- Premium Sight and Sound!
12 Adele Live in New NBC 11.27 61 Law & Order: SVU NBC 3.39
CREED (PG13) (11:10 AM, 2:05, 5:35), 8:25, 11:20 PM York City Disney Prep & ABC 3.39
9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 13 Life in Pieces CBS 10.27 Landing
NOW PLAYING IN THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:20 AM, 11:45, 1:00, 4:35), (310) 559-2416 14 Football Night NBC 9.64 63 20/20 ABC 3.34
7:00, 9:25 PM 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D America (Part 3) 64 The Great Holiday ABC 3.33
DIGITAL 3D SISTERS (R) KN 10:05 AM, 12:25, 3:00, 5:35, 7:15, 8:15, Baking Show
THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 2 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS ---------------------------------------
9:50, 10:50 PM 65 Shrek the Halls ABC 3.32
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) (10:10 AM, 1:30, 4:25), 7:25, 10:50 PM 3D (PG13) KN 11:00 AM, 11:45, 12:45, 2:00, 2:45, 16 Scorpion CBS 9.28
5:00, 5:45, 6:45, 8:00, 8:45, 11:00 PM ---------------------------------------
17 NCIS: Los CBS 9.22 66 I Want a Dog for ABC 3.29
3D (PG13) KN (8:30 AM, 11:25, 2:25, 5:35), 8:45, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (9:00 AM, 11:40, Angeles Christmas,
2:20, 5:05), 7:50, 10:25 PM 18 Anderson Cooper CNN 9.10 Charlie Brown
11:50 PM CREED (PG13) 11:20 AM, 1:40, 4:40, 7:35, 10:35 PM 360 (Tue.) 67 A Home for the CBS 3.24
KRAMPUS (PG13) (11:15 AM, 2:20, 5:55), 8:15, 11:15 PM 19 Mom CBS 8.95 Holidays
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 20 The Voice (Tue. 8 NBC 8.47 68 Criminal Minds CBS 3.22
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center KN 10:00 AM, 10:15, 10:30, 12:30, 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 3:30,
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 10:30 PM p.m.) (Sat.)
3:45, 4:00, 4:30, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 9:45, 10:00,
A Premium will be charged per XME ticket purchased 10:30 PM --------------------------------------- Modern Family ABC 3.22
SPECTRE (PG13) (4:05 PM) IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 11:25 AM, 2:05, 21 Democratic ABC 8.03 (Thu.)
4:45, 7:25, 10:05 PM Debate Prep & Landing: ABC 3.22
SPOTLIGHT (R) (9:00 AM, 1:15 PM) 22 Undercover Boss CBS 7.51 Naughty vs. Nice
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 23 NFL Football: Jets NFL 7.41 ---------------------------------------
at Cowboys 71 The O’Reilly Fox News 3.20
KN (9:00 AM, 9:30, 10:30, 12:40, 1:40, 3:50, 4:50), 7:00, L.A./BEVERLY HILLS ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG)
KN 10:25 AM, 12:35, 2:10, 3:55, 5:25, 7:40, 9:55 PM SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:55 AM, 2:40, 4:20, 5:55 PM 24 Supergirl CBS 7.28 Factor (Mon.)
72 The O’Reilly Fox News 3.07
the grOVe Stadium 14 25 2 Broke Girls CBS 6.92
8:00, 10:10, 11:10 PM 3rd & The Grove Drive
Just East of the Historic Farmers Market
323-692-0829 Express Code - 209
PASADENA ---------------------------------------
26 Blue Bloods CBS 6.67
Factor (Thu.)
73 NFL Pre-Game
NFL 3.05

Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center Colorado & Los Robles 27 Limitless CBS 6.63
4 Hours On-Site Validated Parking Only $2.50 3D 74 Alaska: The Last Discover 3.03
626/568-8888 28 Survivor Reunion CBS 6.49
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $2 3D 29 Barbara Walters ABC 6.24
75 Elf: Buddy’s NBC 3.02
Most Fascinating
People of 2015 Christmas
3D (PG13) KN (10:30 AM, 12:15, 1:30, 3:15, 4:30), 6:15, 76 Major Crimes TNT 3.00
3D (PG13) KN 10:00 AM, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 PM ---------------------------------------
3D (PG13) KN (10:00 AM, 12:05, 1:10, 3:10, 4:15), 6:20, 7:30, 9:15, 9:30, 10:30 PM 31 NFL Football: NFL 5.99 The Kelly File Fox News 3.00
Buccaneers at (Wed.)
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) Rams 78 The Real Bravo 2.86
7:20, 9:30, 10:30 PM
KN (10:00 AM, 11:30, 12:00, 1:00, 2:30, 3:00, 4:00, 4:30, 32 Elementary CBS 5.91 Housewives of
5:30), 6:00, 7:00, 8:30, 9:00, 10:00 PM Atlanta
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center 33 Dateline NBC 5.67
79 The Big Bang TBS 2.85
34 The 64th Annual FOX 5.62 Theory (Wed.
KN (9:40 AM, 11:30, 12:10, 2:00, 2:45, 5:05), 7:25, 9:45 PM 10:30 p.m.)
80 Rosewood (Wed. FOX 2.83
35 The Middle ABC 5.47
LAKEWOOD SISTERS (R) KN (9:35 AM, 11:25, 2:10, 5:00), 6:45, 7:45, ---------------------------------------
9 p.m.)
LakewOOd Center 16 9:30, 10:30 PM
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 36 Modern Family ABC 4.82 81 The Big Bang TBS 2.80
5200 Faculty Ave. (Wed.) Theory (Wed. 10
(562) 531-9580 Express Code - 046 3D CREED (PG13) (11:45 AM, 2:25, 5:30), 8:25, 11:20 PM KN 11:00 AM, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00, 11:00 PM 37 Movie: “The ABC 4.76 p.m.)
Sound of Music

82 UFC Fight Night FOX 2.78
THE DANISH GIRL (R) (9:30 AM, 11:30, 1:45, 4:40), 7:30, Sing-Along”
83 Empire FOX 2.73
10:20 PM 38 Last Man ABC 4.64
DIGITAL 3D 84 American FOX 2.68
Ventura & Sepulveda Standing
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (11:20 AM, 2:15, 4:30), (818) 501-0753 39 Frosty the CBS 4.62 Countdown’s Top
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D 10 Stories of 2015
40 Chicago PD NBC 4.60
3D (PG13) KN (8:45 AM, 10:05, 10:45, 12:05, 1:25, DIGITAL 3D BROOKLYN (PG13) 9:35 AM, 12:40 PM ---------------------------------------
(PG13) (11:10 AM, 2:10, 5:15), 8:20, 11:15 PM
3D (PG13) 8:30 AM, 11:30, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30 PM 41 The Goldbergs ABC 4.58 Network averages
2:05, 3:25, 4:45, 5:25), 6:45, 8:00, 8:45, 10:05 PM DOLBY ATMOS CAROL (R) 11:10 AM, 2:25, 5:10, 7:40, 10:25 PM 42 The Great ABC 4.39
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (10:50 AM, 1:45, Christmas Light Here is the number of viewers (in millions) that
4:00), 7:05, 9:50 PM STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 7:30 AM, Fight each network averaged per hour of prime time,
8:00, 8:10, 8:15, 9:30, 10:05, 10:15, 10:30, 11:00, 11:15, 12:30, CREED (PG13) 11:05 AM, 1:50, 4:35, 7:35, 10:10 PM
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 1:05, 1:20, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, 3:30, 4:05, 4:15, 4:30, 5:00, 5:15, 43 Movie: Hallmark 4.24 for last week and for the season.
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) (11:05 AM, 1:30, 4:35), 7:30, 6:30, 7:05 PM; 7:15, 7:30, 8:00, 8:15, 8:40, 9:30, 10:05, 10:30, “Christmas Land”
10:00 PM 10:45, 11:00, 11:20, 11:45, 12:30 AM, 12:45, 12:50, 12:55, 1:05, THE DANISH GIRL (R) 11:55 AM, 1:50, 4:55, 7:20, 44 Frosty Returns CBS 4.06 Last week Season
KN (8:00 AM, 9:25, 10:25, 11:05, 11:25, 12:45, 1:45, 2:25, 1:15, 1:30 AM 10:20 PM Network to date
45 WWE (8 p.m.) USA 4.04
CBS 8.87 11.41
DIGITAL 3D --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
2:45, 4:05, 4:25, 5:05, 5:45), 6:05, 7:25, 7:45, 8:15, 9:05, 9:25,
3D (PG13) 9:00 AM, 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00 AM
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:25 AM, 10:10, 12:25,
3:15 PM
46 Black-ish ABC 3.99 NBC 7.71 9.9
47 MasterChef FOX 3.97
10:45, 11:15 PM
nOrthridge FaShiOn Center ABC 4.61 7.62
Junior --------------------------------------
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) 10:00 AM, 2:20, 48 Movie: “A Hallmark 3.94 Fox 2.94 6.21
Tampa and Plummber 10:40 AM, 12:20, 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:55 PM 4:25, 7:45, 11:25 PM --------------------------------------
818/501-5121 Express Code - 092 3D UNI 1.84 2.19
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) SISTERS (R) 11:50 AM, 2:35, 5:05, 7:25, 9:10, 10:15, Melody” --------------------------------------
12:05 AM SPOTLIGHT (R) 5:50 PM
KN (8:00 AM, 8:35, 9:15, 9:45, 10:15, 11:30, 12:30, 1:45, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
3D (PG13) KN (10:30 AM, 1:30, 2:00, 4:30, 5:05), 7:30,
10:30, 11:30 PM
HOLLYWOOD Program Subject To Change
2:45, 4:00, 5:00), 6:15, 7:15, 8:30, 9:30 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka Dome Entertainment Center
Sunset & Vine - (323) 464-4226
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG13) 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $3 3D Times for 12/23/15 only
SISTERS (R) KN (9:25 AM, 12:05, 2:45, 5:25), 7:10, 8:05, KN (9:15 AM, 11:00, 11:30, 12:15, 2:30, 3:15, 5:30), 6:15, Cinerama Dome
8:00, 8:30, 9:15, 11:00, 11:45 PM
9:50, 10:45 PM Also Showing At Winnetka STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) (PG13) 8:30 AM, 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30 PM
CHI-RAQ (R) (10:30 AM, 1:30 PM) KN (9:25 AM, 11:05, 12:30, 3:40, 5:50), 7:10, 9:20 PM


SISTERS (R) KN (11:10 AM, 1:45, 3:10, 5:00), 7:35,
10:10 PM (PG-13) 9:00, 12:15, 3:40, 7:15, 10:45
CREED (PG13) (8:10 AM, 11:10, 2:05, 5:00), 8:00, 10:50 PM
CREED (PG13) (9:20 AM, 12:20, 1:50, 5:45), 8:35, 10:45 PM
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:25 AM, 11:50, 2:15, 4:40), THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) (9:50 AM, 1:20, 2:40, 5:15), STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) 12:00, 3:25, 7:00,
7:00, 9:25 PM
7:05, 8:50 PM
4:25), 8:05, 11:35 PM 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00, 11:00 PM 2:45, 5:00, 7:10, 9:30

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG13) (8:00 AM, 9:50,
KRAMPUS (PG13) (11:35 AM, 2:50, 4:45), 7:45, 10:00 PM IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) 11:00, 4:30, 10:15

12:35, 3:20), 6:05, 9:10, 10:30, 11:15 PM IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 1:45, 7:00
395 Santa Monica Place, Suite 330
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 310/566-2810 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:10, 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:10

VineLand driVe-in . 3D
KRAMPUS (PG13) (8:10 AM, 12:00, 2:20, 4:40), 7:00,
Vineland at Valley
626/961-9262 Express Code - 125 DIGITAL 3D
10:50 PM Show Starts at Dusk STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
3D (PG13) KN 11:00 AM, 2:00, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45 PM
SPOTLIGHT (R) (8:10 AM, 10:55, 1:40, 4:25), 9:30 PM 7:00 PM




8:45 PM
5:30, 8:30, 9:20
HEART OF A DOG (NR) 1:30, 3:30
Milbank at Van Nuys
818/501-5121 Express Code - 392 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:32 PM 12:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:05, 8:05

KRAMPUS (PG13) 9:16 PM THE BIG SHORT (R) 10:00, 12:45, 3:30, 6:15, 9:55


KN 9:00 AM, 11:45, 2:30, 5:30, 8:30, 11:30 PM DOLBY TO ADVERTISE HERE
K SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT - NO PASSES N G.A.T. GOOD FOR BARGAIN SHOWS ONLY BARGAIN SHOWS IN ( ) A Premium will be charged per 3D presentation ticket purchased Times for Wednesday, December 23, 2015 ONLY BROOKLYN (PG-13) 5:30, 8:00
CALL (213) 237-2184
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 E9

Info Line 310.478.3836


way of
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood

45 Years E (12:30 PM 1:40 PM 2:55 PM 4:10 PM The BIg shOrT E (1:00 PM 4:00 PM) 7:10 PM 10:10 PM
5:20 PM) 7:00 PM 7:50 PM 9:30 PM 10:15 PM

H sTar wars: The FOrCe awakeNs C
MONICA (12:30 PM 3:45 PM) 7:00 PM 10:15 PM
1332 Second Street Santa Monica
Dreams rewIreD I (1:00 PM 3:20 PM
CLOseD FOr reNOVaTION 5:40 PM) 8:00 PM 10:15 PM

The emperOr’s New CLOThes I (1:50 PM
MUSIC HALL 4:40 PM) 7:30 PM 10:10 PM
9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills

spOTLIghT E (1:00 PM 4:00 PM) 7:00 PM 9:55 PM IN The hearT OF The sea C (1:10 PM
4:10 PM) 7:10 PM 10:10 PM
TruTh E (2:10 PM)
sOuND OF reDempTION: The FraNk
The Laws OF The uNIVerse parT 0 I
mOrgaN sTOrY I (1:10 PM 3:10 PM
Comic sights and odd (1:10 PM 4:10 PM) 7:10 PM 10:00 PM
5:20 PM) 7:40 PM 10:10 PM
graNDma E (12:00 PM) 7:30 PM
sounds pop in Martin The DIarY OF a TeeNage gIrL E 9:40 PM
ThOse whO FeeL The FIre BurNINg I

Kersels exhibition. (1:20 PM 3:30 PM 5:30 PM) 7:50 PM 9:55 PM


8556 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills TOWN CENTER
By Sharon Mizota 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino
BeasTs OF NO NaTION (12:45 PM 3:50 PM)
7:00 PM 10:10 PM maCBeTh 2015 E (1:50 PM 4:30 PM)
Compared with his large 7:20 PM 10:00 PM
sculptures and audaciously PLAYHOUSE
673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena YOuTh (1:20 PM 4:10 PM) 7:00 PM 9:50 PM
physical performances,
Martin Kersels’ pieces at Re- The BIg shOrT E (1:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM TrumBO E (1:10 PM 4:10 PM) 7:10 PM 10:10 PM
dling Fine Art are a bit sub- 5:00 PM) 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM
dued. But they’re not quiet. NOma: mY perFeCT sTOrm I 7:30 PM BaJIraO masTaNI I SPECIAL
Three quirky wooden ENGAGEMENT 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 8:45 PM
hITChCOCk/TruFFauT C (3:40 PM
sculptures in the “Seen and 5:50 PM) 8:00 PM DILwaLe I SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT
Redling Fine Art
Heard” exhibition emit mys- 2:00 PM 5:15 PM 8:30 PM
LegeND E 10:15 PM
terious sounds to an audi- “BARRY MANILOW:BARRY MANILOW, 2015” is in Martin Kersels’ exhibit.
ence of peeping-Tom por- JaNIs: LITTLe gIrL BLue I (5:10 PM) 9:55 PM
traits whose eyes gaze out mond-shaped protrusion This simple gesture is maCBeTh 2015 E (1:30 PM) 450 W. 2nd Street Claremont
meekly through holes drilled produces a throbbing drone. oddly expressive, lending YOuTh (1:30 PM 4:20 PM) 7:10 PM 10:00 PM
in planks of wood. The effect The gallerist notes that the peepers a surprised look Martin CarOL E (1:20 PM 4:10 PM) 7:00 PM 9:50 PM
The BIg shOrT E (1:00 PM 4:00 PM) 7:10 PM 10:10 PM
is riotously charming and all of the sounds are pro- and a frisson of the illicit.
comically odd. duced by physical mecha- The blankness of the wood
Kersels: ‘Seen rOOm E (4:20 PM)
H sTar wars: The FOrCe awakeNs C
(12:30 PM 3:45 PM) 7:00 PM 10:15 PM
Each sculpture, based nisms within the sculptures turns each subject into and Heard’ TrumBO E (1:10 PM) 7:00 PM
loosely on furniture and and are not recordings. I just something like a puppet or a IN The hearT OF The sea C (1:10 PM
sOuND OF reDempTION: The FraNk 4:10 PM) 7:10 PM 10:00 PM
made from found materials, assumed there was an MP3 doll — a thing that looks hu- Where: Redling Fine Art, mOrgaN sTOrY I (3:00 PM) 10:10 PM
features a crank or a lever player somewhere. man but is not. Together 6757 Santa Monica Blvd., spOTLIghT E (4:00 PM) 10:15 PM
IN The Name OF hONOr I (1:00 PM)
that triggers a sound. A The mute portraits are with the sculptures, they are Los Angeles
chair augmented with a equally uncanny. They con- awkward stand-ins for the ONe DaY sINCe YesTerDaY: peTer rOOm E (1:30 PM 4:20 PM) 7:10 PM 9:55 PM
When: Through Jan. 16. BOgDaNOVICh & The LOsT amerICaN
floating box sounds like a sist of found photographs or body, a reminder of how Closed Sunday and FILm I (1:30 PM) BrOOkLYN C (1:20 PM) 7:30 PM
crackling fire, a cabinet fea- album covers that Kersels strange and wondrous it can Monday.
turing a phonograph-like has layered with sheets or be to inhabit one. BARGAIN IN ( ) FOR 12/23/2015 ONLY
Info: (323) 378-5238,
horn emits a snoring sound, planks of wood, drilling
and a chest with a large, dia- holes for the subjects’ eyes. [email protected]


RESERVE REALD 3D 9:50, 1:10, 4:30, 7:50, 11:10
RESERVE REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 2:00, 5:20, 7:00,
8:40, 10:20
4:45, 6:05, 7:40, 9:35, 11:10
6:20, 8:20, 9:40
RESERVE 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 11:30, 12:05, 3:35, 7:15, 10:45
12:20, 2:50, 3:40, 6:10, 9:30
10:55, 12:40, 2:25, 4:00, 8:25, 11:55

1:00, 2:20, 4:20, 5:40, 7:40, 9:00, 11:00
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) XD TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 SISTERS (R) RESERVE 10:45, 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:25
RESERVE REALD 3D 9:30, 1:10, 4:40, 8:10, 11:40 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE
RESERVE 2:00, 7:00 REALD 3D 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:01 SISTERS (R) 11:10, 2:05, 4:55, 8:00, 10:55

7:30, 10:35 2:15, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45
SPECTRE (PG-13) 11:50, 3:15, 6:55, 10:20

REALD 3D 9:05 A.M. TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00
SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:55, 2:00, 5:05, 8:10, 11:15 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) XD
RESERVE REALD 3D 12:25, 3:45, 7:05, 10:25
6:55, 10:10
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:50, 1:25, 4:00, 6:50, 9:30, 10:50, 12:01 5:00, 8:20

THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 11:20, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30, 10:15 1:05, 3:05, 4:25, 6:25, 6:45, 7:45, 9:45, 11:05 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 10:20, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D
CREED (PG-13) 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:40 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:25, 12:20, 1:40, 3:40, 5:00, 7:00, 8:20, 10:20 (PG-13) XTREME 9:40, 11:00, 1:00, 2:20, 4:20, 5:40,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 9:40, 7:40, 9:00, 10:55
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 12:20, 2:55, 5:30, 8:05, 10:45
12:05, 3:25, 10:05 1:00, 4:20, 7:40, 11:00
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:00, 10:15, 12:35, 1:45, IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:00, 4:40, 11:00
4:00, 5:15, 7:35, 8:45, 9:15, 11:00, 12:01 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE
2:20, 5:40, 9:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 8:10 P.M.
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:35, REALD 3D 11:05, 1:45, 2:25, 5:05, 5:45, 8:25, 9:05 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 12:40, 3:55,
10:50, 11:25, 12:00, 2:05, 2:20, 2:55, 3:30, 5:35, 5:50, 6:25, 7:00, 9:20, 9:55, REALD 3D 11:00, 11:40, 2:20, 3:00, 5:40, 6:20, 9:00, 9:40
SISTERS (R) 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:20 TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated)
7:20, 10:40
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 9:00, 11:30, RESERVE 2:00, 7:00 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:50, 11:15, 12:50, 2:10, 3:45, 4:50, 6:40,
BROOKLYN (PG-13) 11:15, 2:05, 4:55, 7:45, 10:35
TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 7:30, 9:30, 10:15
SISTERS (R) 9:00, 10:20, 11:55, 1:15, 2:50, 4:10, 5:45, 7:05, 8:40, 10:05, 11:35 2:00, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50 RESERVE 2:00, 7:00
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:00, 11:10, CREED (PG-13) 9:45, 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 10:00, 10:45
TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:50, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00, 10:50
12:30, 1:40, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30, 11:45
BAJIRAO MASTANI (Not Rated) 12:25, 4:10, 7:45, 11:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:20, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00,
TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40
THANGA MAGAN (Not Rated) 10:05, 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 10:05

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 1:45, 7:35

REALD 3D 10:00, 1:10, 11:05
RESERVE REALD 3D 4:30, 7:50
3:40, 7:00, 10:20
SISTERS (R) 10:10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:50, 4:40, 10:25 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 11:15, 2:10, 5:15, 8:15, 11:10 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:30, 11:30,
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:50, 12:55, 3:45,

V STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) XD SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:45, 1:40, 4:35, 7:30, 10:30 1:20, 1:55, 3:50, 4:30, 6:30, 7:50, 9:15, 10:30
6:35, 9:45
REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20 TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00
CREED (PG-13) 11:55, 3:45, 6:55, 10:05 EIGHT BELOW (PG) 4:00 P.M.
IRON WILL (PG) 7:00 P.M.
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 4:20, 10:25 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 1:00, 3:20, 7:00,
SPECTRE (PG-13) 9:55, 4:20, 10:35
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:20, 7:20 9:20 SPOTLIGHT (R) 10:50, 1:55, 5:00, 8:05, 11:10
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:30, 4:35, 7:40, 10:50
7:15, 10:15 THE POLAR EXPRESS (G) 10:40, 1:25, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25
11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 5:50, 8:10, 10:30 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 10:00, 11:00, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 8:30, 10:00
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 9:30, 10:35, 12:10, 1:25, 2:55, 4:10, 5:30, INSIDE OUT (PG) 10:55, 1:30, 4:20, 6:55
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 1:40, 7:55
6:50, 8:10, 9:40 BROOKLYN (PG-13) 11:00, 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 10:05 CREED (PG-13) 10:15, 1:30, 4:40, 7:45, 10:55 MINIONS (PG) 11:40, 7:25
THE NIGHT BEFORE (R) 10:40 P.M. KRAMPUS (PG-13) 12:50, 3:20, 5:50, 8:20, 11:00 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:00, 1:55, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25
SISTERS (R) 10:00, 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:10
CREED (PG-13) 10:45, 11:45, 1:50, 3:00, 4:55, 6:30, 8:00, 9:35 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:45, 12:35, 1:45, 5:05, PAN (PG) 10:50, 1:50, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 9:20, 10:30, 12:05, 1:15, 2:35, 3:50, 5:10, 6:25, 7:55, ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 11:00, 1:30, 6:15, 8:25, 9:15, 9:35, 10:45, 11:15
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 4:00, 7:20 GOOSEBUMPS (PG) 11:20, 4:40, 9:50
9:05, 10:35 4:00, 6:45, 9:30
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:50, 1:10, 4:05, 4:30,
TRUMBO (R) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 10:30 11:00, 11:35, 12:10, 2:20, 2:50, 3:25, 5:40, 6:45, 9:00, 10:10 MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS (PG-13) 2:20, 9:45
6:10, 7:50, 9:30 SISTERS (R) 10:10, 11:40, 1:00, 2:30, 3:50, 5:20, 6:50, 8:10, 9:40, 11:05
EVEREST (PG-13) 10:45, 4:35, 10:25
10:40, 11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 2:50, 5:20, 7:25, 8:40 12:45, 1:50, 3:10, 4:15, 5:35, 6:40, 8:00, 9:35, 10:30 EVEREST 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:40, 7:30
SISTERS (R) 10:50, 1:45, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 DISNEY'S A CHRISTMAS CAROL (PG) 10:30 A.M. HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 (PG) 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 10:00
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 10:05, 7:20 TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00
2:10, 4:35, 7:10, 9:45 9:20
TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:10, 4:20, 10:20 SICARIO (R) 11:50, 2:40, 6:15, 9:30
THE LAST WITCH HUNTER (PG-13) 11:05, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 10:10

6:45, 10:05
REALD 3D 9:00, 12:20, 3:40, 7:00, 10:20
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:20, 2:00, 4:40, 7:15, 9:55
THE POLAR EXPRESS (G) 11:30, 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 THE PEANUTS MOVIE 3D (G) REALD 3D 2:00, 7:00
PAN (PG) 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 7:55 CREED (PG-13) 9:45, 12:55, 4:10, 7:35, 10:40 THE MARTIAN (PG-13) 9:30, 12:55, 4:25, 7:45, 11:10
GOOSEBUMPS (PG) 11:40, 4:40 SPECTRE (PG-13) 9:15, 12:40, 4:15, 7:50, 11:15
KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:40, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50, 10:35
GOOSEBUMPS 3D (PG) REALD 3D 2:10, 7:10 SPOTLIGHT (R) 9:30, 12:45, 4:00, 7:10, 10:25
MAZE RUNNER: THE SCORCH TRIALS (PG-13) 11:45, 2:45, 5:45 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:30, 11:50, 12:20, 3:20, THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (PG-13) 9:10, 12:35,
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 (PG) 11:45, 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 3:55, 7:15, 10:45
3:50, 7:00, 7:30, 10:30
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:15, 2:00, 4:40, 7:25, 10:00 THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 8:30, 11:00, 1:40, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50, 12:20
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 3D (PG) REALD 3D 12:00, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:40, CREED (PG-13) 9:35, 12:50, 4:05, 7:20, 10:50 CREED (PG-13) RESERVE 10:00, 1:10, 4:10, 7:40, 10:45
THE INTERN (PG-13) 11:35, 2:25, 5:15, 8:05 THE DANISH GIRL (R) 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30
SICARIO (R) 11:35, 2:25, 5:15, 8:05 1:00, 2:10, 4:30, 5:50, 8:10, 9:20 KRAMPUS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:00, 11:40, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:40, 11:00, 1:00, 2:20,
THE MARTIAN (PG-13) 11:30, 2:45, 5:55 SISTERS (R) 10:30, 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 10:25 4:20, 5:40, 7:40, 9:00, 11:00 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) RESERVE 9:30, 11:50,
THE LAST WITCH HUNTER (PG-13) 11:40, 2:15, 4:50, 7:25 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 10:20, 3:20, 5:50, 10:30, 12:30
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 11:05, 1:40, 11:40, 1:40, 3:00, 5:00, 6:20, 8:20, 9:40, 11:40
4:15, 6:50, 9:25
SISTERS (R) 10:35, 1:45, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP (PG) 10:55, 1:35, 10:40, 1:00, 2:10, 4:30, 7:00, 8:10, 9:20, 11:40
TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 4:10, 6:45, 9:30 SISTERS (R) RESERVE 8:15, 11:10, 2:00, 5:00, 7:50, 10:40

8:40, 11:20, 1:50, 4:20, 7:10, 9:40, 12:10


12:30, 3:45, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:15
IMAX 3D EXPERIENCE (PG-13) 9:00, 12:15, 3:30,
6:45, 10:00
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (PG-13) 11:20, 5:30
IN THE HEART OF THE SEA 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 2:20, 8:30
THE GOOD DINOSAUR (PG) 11:00, 11:40, 1:40, 2:30, 4:20, 5:20, 7:10, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 10:40, 12:20, 3:40, 6:10,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 1:10, 8:00, 9:40, 10:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 9:50, 11:20, 1:05, 2:35, 7:00, 8:40, 10:20
4:25, 7:40, 11:00 KRAMPUS (PG-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:30, 7:00, 9:25
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (PG-13) 11:20, 2:40, 6:00, 9:20 STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:45,
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 11:15, 4:20, 4:50, 5:50, 7:35, 8:05, 9:05, 10:50
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:40, 11:30, 1:10, 2:00, 2:50, 4:30, 5:20, 7:50, 9:30
1:45, 2:30, 5:45, 8:20, 11:40
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 9:25, 1:00, 4:20, 7:40
SISTERS (R) RESERVE 10:20, 1:25, 4:20, 7:15, 10:10 TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00
SISTERS (R) 10:00, 12:45, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30
10:20, 10:50, 12:40, 1:35, 2:05, 3:55, 5:20, 7:10, 8:35, 10:25
RESERVE 2:00, 7:00 TCM PRESENTS MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (Not Rated) 2:00, 7:00 3:50, 6:30, 9:10

ShowtimeS Valid 12/23/15 ONLY

E10 W E D NE S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 L AT I M E S . C OM / CA L EN DA R


est — East knew he had four may hold 3,10 5, A K Q 7 5, A K
By Frank Stewart clubs, leaving South with 10 7 6.
four. Since South had bid
“Can’t you take a break both red suits, he had one South dealer
from badgering your part- spade at most. N-S vulnerable
ners?” I begged the acid-ton- At Trick Two East must
gued Grapefruit. “After all, shift to spades — to the king ♠A9652
it’s Christmas.” in case South has a singleton ♥J2
“My partners act like it’s queen. The defense will take ♦ 10 6 4
Christmas every day of the three spades, two clubs and ♣QJ2
year,” Grapefruit growled. a heart. (Yes, West wasn’t WEST EAST
♠J84 ♠ K 10 7 3
“They hand out gifts to our blameless.) ♥9865 ♥A73
opponents like tinsel.” Question: You hold: ♠ A 9 ♦85 ♦9732
As today’s West, Grape- 6 5 2 ♥ J 2 ♦10 6 4 ♣ Q J 2. Your ♣K843 ♣ A 10
fruit led a club against 3NT: partner opens one diamond, SOUTH
queen, ace, six. East re- you respond one spade, he ♠Q
turned the ten, and South bids two clubs and you re- ♥ K Q 10 4
followed with the seven. turn to two diamonds. Part- ♦AKQJ
Grapefruit let dummy win, ner then bids three clubs. ♣9765
but South then forced out Answer: Your two-dia- SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
the ace of hearts. He claimed mond preference showed at 1♦ Pass 1♠ Pass
nine tricks, and Grapefruit most nine points, but part- 2♥ Pass 2♠ Pass
2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
told East that he wasn’t the ner bid again and remains
brightest bulb on the tree. interested in game — even in Opening lead — ♣ 3
East forgot to count. an 11-trick contract. Your ace
When Grapefruit led the is a good card. Bid four clubs 2015, Tribune Content
KENKEN three of clubs — fourth high- or four diamonds. Partner Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Their apartment is filthy

Dear Amy: I am ashamed face, but I heard from my just learned that she has
to say that my husband and I brother that he was dis- been having an affair during
keep an extremely messy gusted and ashamed of me this time with an employee.
and dirty home. My husband because he raised me better I confronted her, and at
was raised by a hoarder, and than this. first she angrily denied it,
I was raised by a neat freak. I don’t want my parents then broke down and admit-
Our apartment seems to fall to have this view of me. I ted it. She claims she still
closer to the hoarder side. want them to see me as an loves me and wants to go
Our apartment is dis- adult who can keep a clean ahead with the wedding and
gustingly dirty. My husband home. that it was a one-time only
works full time (plus over- Help?!! and stupid mistake that will
time), and I work full time never happen again. I do love
12/23/15 and go to school full time. Dear Help: One way to her and want to believe her,
Between this and our three cope with this is to hire a bi- but I am hurt, angry and
pets, there is just no leftover weekly cleaner. You will pow- confused. It appears that
HOROSCOPE time or energy to clean the er-clean before the cleaner’s she and this guy acted like a
house. first visit, and pre-clean and couple all fall, going out to-
Clutter is the biggest deal with accumulation be- gether to movies, concerts,
Time constraints bring table. Be forewarned, this
By Holiday Mathis problem. Junk is piled on ev- fore subsequent visits. You etc. This hurts almost more
stress and frustration. Do will only be as interesting as
ery surface. I do my best to can get to the point where a than the sex. What should I
what you can to eliminate or the questions you ask.
keep garbage and food waste few minutes each day will do?
Aries (March 21-April 19): ease them wherever pos- Pisces (Feb. 19-March
out of the picture, but our help to keep things in order. Angry, Confused
Something you thought you sible. 20): Don’t avoid or procrasti-
pets will pull out garbage Living in filth is not good for and in Love
were through with still holds Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): nate facing the thing you
and hide it in the clutter. We any member of the house-
an electric charge. Maybe You are leaning toward a less know you need to experi-
usually run out of clean hold, including your pets. Dear Angry: Even though
you’re not as “over it” as you materialistic definition of ence.
dishes after a week or two, There are many re- you seem to have a definite
thought, but you’re getting success these days. Today’s birthday (Dec.
then one of us binge cleans sources teaching people how plan to marry, you should
there. Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): 23): The world is better be-
the dishes, and the cycle to tidy up, but my favorite is postpone your plans long
Taurus (April 20-May You’ll attract people who are cause you were born, and
starts all over again. the Flylady. Check out flyla enough to work on this to-
20): Try not to confuse at- spiritual like you. They star- this year you’ll spend your
In the past year, my home for practical tips gether. I strongly believe
tachment with connection. gaze, just like you, in awe of energy and time proving
has been spotless maybe (“BabySteps”) on how to get that all marrying couples
Connection is mostly love. something bigger. that point. What you’ll do
four or five days. This always started when you are over- should pursue premarital
Attachment is mostly fear. Sagittarius (Nov. 22- with your psychic inherit-
happens the day we are ex- whelmed and how to estab- counseling; you two now
Gemini (May 21-June 21): Dec. 21): The happy ance will be completely in-
pecting family or the land- lish new habits. have an excellent reason to
There’s much to appreciate thoughts have energy. The teresting to others and logi-
lord to come over. It takes enter into therapy together.
in a special relationship. For unhappy thoughts, unfortu- cal to you. February and Au-
me half a day to power-clean :: You can move forward suc-
starters, you are somehow nately, have more. Who no- gust will be especially nota-
the apartment, and it is cessfully, but this is impor-
each able to grow in a direc- tices them? That person is ble on the love front. The
beautiful, but then within a Dear Amy: My fiancée and tant. Don’t sweep it under
tion that feels personally ful- an empathetic soul who will main message: Don’t hold
week it becomes a disgust- I are planning to be married the rug.
filling without growing apart make your life better. back! Libra and Leo adore
ing mess again. after we graduate from col-
from one another. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. you. Your lucky numbers
Recently, my father sur- lege this month. She was Send questions for
Cancer (June 22-July 22): 19): How you landed in your are: 49, 2, 25, 38 and 11.
prised us with a visit. He away on an internship this Amy Dickinson to
People-watching will be a particular support circle is a
didn’t say anything to my past semester, and I have [email protected].
source of entertainment and story of the coming together Holiday Mathis writes her
education for you. of thousands of small deci- column for Creators
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): sions. Today you’ll just be Syndicate Inc. The FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
You’ll get a peek into a world glad for the way things horoscope should be read
that makes you imagine dif- panned out. for entertainment. More
ferent futures. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. horoscopes at
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 18): Conversation is inevi-

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Jeff Stillman © 2015 Tribune Content Agency

1 Dictionary abbr.
4 Pests repelled by cedar
9 Give birth to
14 __ Kappa Epsilon: U.S./
Canada frat with more
than 250 chapters
15 Skylab’s path
16 Impish type
17 Out of the ordinary
18 “The 11:00 p.m. flight is
now boarding”?
20 Rabies victim
22 Org. making raids ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
23 Fruity coolers
24 Capital near the Gulf of
26 Figure out
28 Inconsolable freshwater
34 Trac II cousin
35 “Frasier” sibling
36 Out of use
38 “The Shoop Shoop
Song (__ His Kiss)”:
Cher hit
40 Suffix with chlor-
41 Lexus competitor
43 Personal quirk
44 __ in the right direction 7 Hurried, old-style 53 NYSE debuts
46 Rock ’n’ roll middle 8 Case for an 54 Cartoon explorer with
name ophthalmologist a talking backpack
47 Fearful Iowan? 9 Salt scrub venue 55 October birthstone
51 Stallone nickname 10 “Ecce homo” speaker 57 Make a lasting
52 More resentful 11 Cut down impression?
53 Star with tons of fans 12 Toaster-to-plug link 58 Hawaiian starch source
56 Darling 13 Brooklyn hoopsters 60 Not overlooked
59 Go kicking and 19 Bald __ 61 Smartphone message BLISS By Harry Bliss BALLARD STREET By Jerry Van Amerongen
screaming 21 __ Lama 63 Word of support
62 Fictional sailor’s pies? 25 Start to burn 64 Chairs may be
65 “I’m impressed!” 27 Disney queen who sings arranged in one
66 Speak from a podium “Let It Go”
67 Zagreb native 28 “Let me catch up!” ANSWER TO
68 Whammy 29 Web site PREVIOUS PUZZLE
69 Party dip 30 Spread out
70 Laughs heartily 31 Talmud letters
71 Rubble creator 32 “Couldn’t agree more”
33 Jetson who attends
DOWN Little Dipper School
1 Tiny power source 37 Hamlet or Ophelia
2 Cry from a crib 39 Component of ocean
3 Two-time Emmy winner H2O
for “Taxi” 42 Bakery display
4 Capital of the Comoros 45 Video calling option
5 Its state tree is the 48 Fiji’s 500-plus
Douglas fir 49 Like some matters of
6 Up in the air, on a the heart?
sched. 50 Forcibly removes 12/23/15
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R W E D N E S DAY, D E C E M B E R 23, 2 015 E11


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

LIO By Mark Tatulli

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

E12 W E D N E SDAY , D E CE M B ER 23 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R

T V HIG HLIG HTS Wednesday Prime-Time TV Sports News Movies (N) New Å Closed Captioning
8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm
SERIES Rachael Ray Debi Mazar;
hip-hop artist Pras. (N)
CBS I Love Lucy Christmas Special Hawaii Five-0 (TV14) A cow- Criminal Minds (TV14) Promi- News (N) Å
Expedition Unknown A new Health tonic. (N) Å boy is poisoned. Å nent attorney disappears. Å
episode finds host Josh 1 p.m. KABC
NBC How the Grinch How Murray Adele Live in New York City Michael Bublé’s Christmas in News (N) Å
Gates investigating the The Dr. Oz Show Chef Ro- Stole Christ- Saved Christ- (TVPG) Grammy-winning Hollywood (TVPG) With
legend behind the reli- blé. 1 p.m. KCOP mas (TVG) mas (TVG) Å singer performs. Å Celine Dion, Jay Leno. Å
gious relic known as the The Dr. Oz Show Ken Jeong. KTLA Arrow (TV14) Å Supernatural (TV14) Å News (N) Å News (N) Å
True Cross. 9 p.m. Travel 2 p.m. KTTV ABC The Middle The Goldbergs Modern Family Blackish Fresh Off the Blackish News (N) Å
Channel (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TV14) Å Boat (TVPG) (TVPG) Å
The Real Gladys Knight; Er-
KCAL News (N) Å News (N) Å News (N) Å Sports Central Mike & Molly
Time Scanners The team ica Ash; guest co-host Me-
pays a visit to the holy city lissa Rivers. 2 p.m. KCOP FOX Empire (TV14) Cookie tries to Rosewood (TV14) Rosewood News (N) Å TMZ (TVPG)
start a record label. Å goes up against his father. Å Å
of Jerusalem on the finale Dr. Phil A woman may have MyNt TMZ Live (TVPG) (N) Å Hollywood Today Live (TVPG) Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å The Closer Å
of this series, which ex- married a scammer. 3 p.m. KVCR American Experience (TVPG) The Pilgrims. Å A Grand Mercer Christmas Å Charlie Rose
plores architecture, engi- KCBS
neering, history and ar- CBS KCET SoCal The New Envi- The Men Who Made Us Fat Earth Focus SoCal The Men Who
Steve Harvey Advice for Connected ronmentalists (TVPG) Eating habits. Å (TVG) Connected Made Us Fat
chaeology. 10 p.m. KOCE TV LEGEND Lucille single mothers with teen- UNI Antes Muerta que Lichita (N) Pasión y Poder (N) Yo no creo en los hombres Noticias (N)
Then and Now With Andy Ball is featured in a new age sons. 3 p.m. KNBC KOCE Nature (TVPG) Magic of the Nova (TVG) Building the Time Scanners (TVPG) Jeru- Tavis Smiley Å
Cohen Your host looks “I Love Lucy Christmas The Real Robert Herjavec Snowy Owl. Å Great Cathedrals. Å salem. (Series finale) (N) Å
back at famous faces and Special” on CBS. and Barbara Corcoran KDOC Orange County Christmas Extravaganza Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Seinfeld Å
memorable moments (“Shark Tank”). 3 p.m. KLCS Downton Abbey Downton Abbey (TVPG) Rose Composers on Over 90 and Loving It (TVG) Nightly Busi-
from the year 2000 in the Jurassic Park (1993) 11 a.m. KTTV (TVPG) (7) wants a radio for the house. Composing Sustaining a happy life. Å ness Report
conclusion of this three- Spike
The Wendy Williams Show A&E Duck Dynasty (TVPG) Å Duck Dynasty (TVPG) Å Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty
part series. 10 p.m. Bravo King of Kings (1961) 2 p.m. Mack Wilds (“The AMC Scrooged ››› (1988) (7) Christmas With the Kranks ›› (2004) Tim Allen. (PG) Jingle All Way
Celebrity Food Fight Dean TCM Breaks”). 3 p.m. KCOP ANP Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools: Off the Deep End Insane Pools
Cain, Joey McIntyre, A Christmas Carol (1984) The Ellen DeGeneres Show BBC Doctor Who Runaway Bride. Doctor Who (TVPG) A Christmas Carol. Å Doctor Who (TVPG) (10:20)
Richard Blais and Katie 2:30 p.m. AMC Will Smith; Greyson BET Lucky Girl (6) Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG) Martin (TVPG) House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne
Lee join host Andy Rich-
9 to 5 (1980) 4:35 p.m. Encore Chance performs. 4 p.m. Bravo Real Housewives of Beverly Hills The Real Housewives of Atlanta Then and Now With Andy Cohen Vanderpump
ter in this new episode.
The Matrix (1999) 5 p.m. IFC KNBC CNN Anderson Cooper (TVPG) A. Bourdain Parts Unknown CNN Newsroom Live (N) Newsroom
10 p.m. Food Network
The Sixth Sense (1999) 5:05 SoCal Connected 8 and Com South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å
SPECIALS p.m. Cinemax 10:30 p.m. KCET Disc Alaskan Bush People (TVPG) Alaskan Bush People (TV14) Men, Women, Wild (TV14) (N) Alaskan Bush
I Love Lucy Christmas Spe- Bolshoi Babylon (2015) 5:15 Tavis Smiley Michael B. Jor- Disn Lion Guard: Return of the Roar Bunk’d (TVG) Girl Meets... Liv and Maddie Best Friends Girl Meets...
cial The annual special re- p.m. HBO dan. 11 p.m. KOCE E! Superbad ››› (2007) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. (R) Kardashians Å E! News (N)
turns with two more newly The Miracle of the Bells Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. ESPN Football (5) SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter
colorized episodes of the (1948) 5:45 p.m. TCM KVCR, 11:30 p.m. KOCE, Fam The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (7:30) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ››› (1989) (9:45)
beloved sitcom, including 1 a.m. KLCS Food Chopped Sitcom Moms. Chopped Reality TV Stars. Celebrity Food Chopped Holiday Cooking.
the classic in which Lucy TALK SHOWS Conan Artie Lange; Aaron FNC The O’Reilly Factor Å The Kelly File Hannity Host Mark Steyn. Van Susteren
(Lucille Ball) promotes an Sorkin; Beirut performs.
CBS This Morning Conduc- FX Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked › (2011) (G) Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked › (G)
alcohol-infused health 11 p.m. TBS, 12:30 a.m.
tor Seiji Ozawa. (N) 7 a.m. Hall Once Upon a Holiday (2015) Briana Evigan. Å A Christmas Melody (2015) Mariah Carey. Å
tonic called Vitameatave- TBS
KCBS HGTV Property Brothers (TVG) Å Property Brothers (TVG) (N) Waterfront (N) Hunters Intl Å Property Bros
gamin. 8 p.m. CBS The Tonight Show Starring
Today Flex spending; Hist American Pickers (TVPG) Å American Pickers (TVPG) Å Pawn Stars (TVPG) Å Pawn Stars Å
Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Jimmy Fallon Tom
Straight No Chaser per- IFC The Matrix Reloaded ››› (2003) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. (R) Matrix Revol.
Stole Christmas Boris Hanks; Jessica Chastain;
forms. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC Life Crazy for Christmas ››› (2005) Andrea Roth. Å 12 Men of Christmas Kristin Chenoweth. Å
Karloff narrates this clas- Pentatonix performs.
sic animated special Good Morning America 11:34 p.m. KNBC MSN Lockup Tulsa: Extended Stay. Lockup Tulsa: Extended Stay. Lockup Tulsa: Extended Stay. Lockup Tulsa.
about a grouchy charac- The cast of “The Big MTV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines (TV14)
Short”; a performance The Late Show With Ste-
ter who absolutely hates phen Colbert Bruce Wil- NGC Drugs, Inc. (TV14) Weed Day. Drugs, Inc. (TV14) (N) Narco Bling (TV14) Cartels. Drugs, Inc.
the holidays. 8 p.m. NBC from “Spring Awakening.”
(N) 7 a.m. KABC lis; journalist Michael Nick SpongeBob Å Mutt & Stuff Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Friends Å
Orange County Christmas Lewis; Prof. Andrew Del- OWN Dateline on OWN (TV14) Å 20/20 on OWN (TV14) Å 20/20 on ID (TV14) Å Dateline Å
Extravaganza Several fan Good Day LA Anthony banco. 11:35 p.m. KCBS Spike The Mummy Returns ›› (2001) Brendan Fraser. (7) (PG-13) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time ›› (PG-13)
favorites from past sea- Rapp (“If/Then”). (N)
7 a.m. KTTV Jimmy Kimmel Live Direc- Sund The Fugitive ››› (1993) (6) U.S. Marshals ›› (1998) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. (PG-13) Å
sons of “American Idol,” tor Quentin Tarantino Syfy Labyrinth (TV14) (7) Å Labyrinth (TV14) A teen protects the Holy Grail. Å Reversion Å
including Ruben Stud- Live With Kelly and Mi- and “The Hateful Eight”
chael Adam Levine; Jack TBS Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Conan (TV14)
dard, Kris Allen and Ta- cast members; Rick Ross;
myra Gray, take part in Black; MMA fighter Ron- TCM High Society ››› (1956) Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly. Å Robin and the Seven Hoods ››› (1964) Å
Chris Brown. 11:35 p.m.
this inaugural holiday da Rousey; Trevor Noah. TLC Secretly Pregnant (TVPG) Å Secretly Pregnant (TV14) Å Secretly Pregnant (TV14) Å Secretly Preg
special broadcast from (N) 9 a.m. KABC TNT Now You See Me ›› (2013) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. (PG-13) Å Now You See Me ›› (2013)
The Late Late Show With
Segerstrom Center in The View Republican presi- Toon King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Family Guy Å
James Corden Josh Du-
Costa Mesa. 8 p.m. KDOC dential candidate Dr. Ben Travel Expedition Unknown (TVPG) Expedition Unknown (N) Å Rev Runs World Rev Runs World Bizarre Foods
hamel; Kelly Osbourne;
WWE Tribute to the Troops Carson; Garcelle Beau- hypnotist Richard Bark- Tru Santas in the Barn (TVPG) (N) Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
The brutes and beauties vais, Ty Hodges and Ryan er. 12:37 a.m. KCBS TV L Facts of Life Å Facts of Life Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens
of pro wrestling salute Destiny. 10 a.m. KABC USA WWE Tribute to the Troops (TVPG) (N) Å Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Modern Family
Late Night With Seth Mey-
America’s men and wom- The Meredith Vieira Show Boyz N the Hood ››› (1991) Larry Fishburne, Ice Cube. (R) Love & Hip Hop (TV14)
ers The Meyers family VH1
en in uniform in this annu- Chef Carla Hall. (N)11a.m. 12:37 a.m. KNBC WGN How I Met Mom How I Met Mom How I Met Mom How I Met Mom Parks & Rec Å Parks & Rec Å Engagement
al special. 8 p.m. USA KNBC
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. Cine Vertical Limit ›› (6:55) Å The Knick (TVMA) Å A Million Ways to Die in the West ›› (R) Å
The Doctors Weight loss; KABC Encr Cinderella Man ››› (2005) Russell Crowe, Renée Zellweger. (PG-13) Å GoldenEye ››› (10:25) Å
MOVIES back-pain. 11 a.m. KCAL
Last Call With Carson Daly EPIX Goldfinger ›››› (1964) (7) NHL: Road to Winter Classic NHL: Road to Winter Classic Jack Ryan
Waterworld (1995) 10 a.m. The Wendy Williams Show
and 5:30 p.m. TMC Niecy Nash; Drenge per- HBO X-Men: Days of Future Past The Divergent Series: Insurgent ›› (2015) Shailene Woodley. Fight Game –
Lisa Edelstein (“Girl- forms; author Neil ››› (2014) (6:45) (PG-13) Tris and Four search for allies and answers. (PG-13) Jim Lampley
The Greatest Story Ever friends’ Guide to Di- Strauss. 1:38 a.m. KNBC Show Boulevard ›› (2014) Robin Homeland (TVMA) Time is The Affair (TVMA) A dispute Inside the NFL
Told (1965) 10:30 a.m. vorce”). 11 a.m. KTTV Williams. (7:30) (R) running out. Å is followed by tragedy. Å (11:10) Å
TCM The Talk Dick Van Dyke; SPORTS Starz Ten Thousand Saints (2015) Ash vs Evil Guardians of the Galaxy ››› (2014) Chris Pratt, Zoe Sal-
Dead Poets Society (1989) Nancy O’Dell; Elle King For today’s sports on TV, see Asa Butterfield. (7:10) (R) Å Dead (TVMA) dana. Ragtag rivals unite to save the universe. (PG-13) Å
10:45 a.m. Showtime performs. 1 p.m. KCBS the Sports section. TMC Twelve Monkeys ››› (1995) Bruce Willis. (R) Å Meet Joe Black ›› (1998) Brad Pitt. (10:10)


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PHOTO: LA Times, Kirk McKoy

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