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Short Informative Outline Planning Form

Title Anne Frank An Undisputed Icon.

I. Topic Anne Frank
II. General Purpose: to inform
III. Specific Purpose: I will tell my audience about Anne frank’s life accompanied by her
struggles mainly shared through her diary.
IV. Thesis Statement/Main Idea: the life of Anne Frank is an extraordinary and unique
perspective of a young girl that struggles while hiding from the nazis during world war II.
V. Introduction What would you do if suddenly you have to hide in a basement just to protect
the very minimum right, that everyone should have for granted? That happened to Anne Frank,
to her family and to millions of Jewish that were victims to the holocaust.

VI. Body/Main Points

A. Anne Frank life and family background
1. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929. She was the youngest of
two daughters of Edith and Otto Frank, and had an older sister named Margot.
2.On her 13th birthday she receives a diary in which she compile her thoughts about different
things as a normal 13 years old.
B. Anne Frank impact
1. Anne continue to write in her diary mainly about her experiences, family conflicts as well
as her perceptions on life, love and hope. Not knowing her diary would have an immense
historical reverberation.
C. Anne franks life changes when nazis decree anti-jewish regulations.
1. In 1940 Amsterdam gets invaded; 1942 Anne and her family went hiding to stay away
from deportation to concentration camps.
2.They hid in a basement Anne called the secret annex.
a. They lived in the annex for 2 years, help by a small group of friends.
b. After two years, their hiding came to an abrupt end, they were discovered.

D. Anne and her sister died in April 1945.

1. Only her father Otto survived.

2. Otto receives his daughter’s diary. The diary gets published in 1947 in the Netherlands.
3. Anne diary has been translated to more than 65 different languages; millions visit her
house in Amsterdam.

VII. Conclusion
I just told you about 3 main aspects of Anne frank life; her life before the holocaust, how it
changes after the nazis occupation, and how Anne frank had an unimaginable perpetual impact
all over the world through her diary. Anne’s diary opens a window that connects racism,
discrimination, and hateful crimes along with hopefulness for a better and brighter future in an
inspiring and astonishing way, being that voice that couldn’t be suppressed and is still
resonating on people’s minds.

VIII. Bibliography/List of Sources

Meyers, Jeffrey. (2011). Anne Frank: Tragedy and triumph. Midstream, 57(3), 6.

Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl. Bantam/Doubleday, 1993.

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