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Tourism product
travel and tourism tourism marketing

housekeeping services tourism industry statistics

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Tourist Product

A tourism product is anything that can be offered for attraction, acquisition or consumption. It includes physical objects,
services, personalities, places, organisations and ideas. Tourism product is a series of interrelated services, namely services
produced from various companies (economically), community services and natural services.

Tourism products is the group of elements brought together in a' bundle' to satisfy the customer's need. It includes everything
and every person they come into contact with during their stay. Tourist product is primarily an experience not a good. From
customer's view tourism products is a bundle of benefits and choose those which give them the bundle. Tourism product
includes all the necessary elements of product plus luxury and status.

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The tourism product is an experience of place at a particular time. The basics of the tourist product formulation are selling
experiences, which they cannot get at home. They buy the experience, which is different from every day's job.

In conclusion from above discussion, that the tourist product is the physical and psychological satisfaction it provides to
tourists during their travelling route and at the destinations. A tourist product is an object that attracts tourists having
elements: accommodation, transportation, dining and entertainment as well as attraction and tours.

Components of Tourism Product

The tourism product may be defined as a bundle or package of tangible and intangible components based on activity at a X Close
destination. As tourism is made of 4 A's i.e:attraction, accommodation, accessibility, amenities.

1. Attraction
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Attractions are those elements which determine the choice
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Attraction comprises natural attractions, manmade attractions, event attractions, built-in attraction, cultural and social
attractions, supplementary attractions.

2. Accommodation
Accommodation plays a vital role and basic to tourist destinations. The range of accommodation is quite varied and has
undergone considerable change since the half of century.For the purpose of classification, all tourist accommodation have
been divided into two groups, service accommodation and supplementary accommodation. Service accommodation are the
hotels, lodges, resorts, inns etc operating as business enterprises and provide housekeeping facilities.Supplementary
accommodations are not registered as tourism organisation but provide accommodation.facilities as Dharmasalas, camping
grounds, youth hostels etc.

3. Accessibility
Access is a subject of transport infrastructure and transport technology. It is a means by which a tourist can reach the area
where attractions are located. It is related to the possibility to visit, to feel, to see or to acquire the experience. If tourist
destinations are located in places where no transport can reach or where there are adequate transport facilities, they become
of little value. Accessibility is not to have any travel barriers.

4. Amenities
Facilities are a necessary aid to the tourist centre. Amenities are the facilities and services added with attraction,
accommodation and accessibility to create the tourism. Certain other natural amenities such as spacious waters for the
purpose of sailing or the opportunities of fishing and hunting are also very important Without amenities a destination will be a
place, accommodation will be a local hotel, a transport will be local transport, etc.

Types of Tourist Products

1. Convenience Tourism Products:

They are bought to satisfy immediate desire. Tourists buy convenience products usually without significant planning. The
examples of convenience tourism products are fast food, cold drinks, small souvenirs, a visit to museum etc. Convenient
sales outlets, intensive distribution, and attraction of the sales shop are the marketing consideration.

2. Shopping Tourism Products:

They are more expensive than convenience products. Buying these products involves shopping comfort. Tourists want to
compare quality, service agency. Thamel and Pokhara travel business organisations are the examples of shopping tourism
market. Role of retailers, counter sale, salesmanship, are very important marketing considerations.

3. Speciality Tourism Products:

They are expensive and involves high risk from tourist side. They effort to buy these types of products. Airline ticket,
mountaineering and expedition, Tibet tours are some of the examples of speciality tourist product.

4. Unsought Tourism Products:

These products are the unknown to the tourist. These products are newly to the tourist, every product should include
pleasure of shopping. Creating the awareness and desire is necessary to involve them with the product.

5. Industrial Tourism Products:

For conducting business, these products are purchased. The distinction between the consumer product and industrial product
is determined by the product which is bought. A trekking needs hotels and city tours and transport. Likewise, every resort is
supported by transport.

6. Raw Materials:
These are the goods processed to be the final product. They are not made for the tourism purpose but are used for tourismX Close
purpose. Raw material also includes fabricating materials which undergo further processing, for example, bank service,
insurance etc are used by travel agency without change but Ads
service with them.

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7. Capital Items:
Production is supported by capital item. They facilitate developing and managing the finished products. Land and buildings,
natural beauty, cultural hospitality, customer's trust, image, goodwill, standardization of the service are the capital in tourism
in business.


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