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Saint Mary’s University


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Literary Analysis of “Problem Is”

by Conchitina R. Cruz

Submitted by:
Sherlyn M. Garces
STEM 12- D

Submitted to:
Miss Maria Cristina Javier
10 March 2020

Adventures in 21st Century Literature

From Philippines and the World
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

The literary piece “Problem Is” is written by Conchita R. Cruz, a Filipina poet who
teaches creative writing and comparative literature at the University of the Philippines in
Diliman. The poem belongs to the genre of lyrical poetry consists of nine stanzas that is spoken
in the first person point of view, the word ‘we’ in “we used to joke and call ourselves typical
Filipinos…. When all we did was touch and for all the movies we missed, fancy dinners we
didn’t have, books we borrowed but never owned we compensated by making love.” indicates
that the poem’s speaker is either the husband or the wife where they relate information from their
perspective. The poem depicts the life of a husband and wife living in poverty and intended for
all readers because of the lesson they may learn in the poem. First of all, the author hints the
sedulous thinking of the Filipinos inherited from its ancestor way back before the colonization of
the Spaniards. Therefore, it affects the modern-day of the Filipinos. The author strives to deliver
the message that even though poverty covered the life of some Filipinos, there is still a way of
surviving throughout every day. For that reason, the author set the poem serious and realistic
generally. The author plays the literary piece giving in hints in the theme such as life in poverty,
love, and the Filipino concept of ‘bahala na’. The first three stanzas: “They say poor Filipinos
multiply like rabbits since they have nothing to do but fuck. Living in houses with room only for
the inevitable brush of the hand against the buttock between chores, on the way to switch
channels to the daily noontime show, no money, and little space lead to nowhere” depicts the life
of the couple which is they have no place to stay in if they will not work. The following stanzas:
“but to coupling. We used to joke and call ourselves typical Filipinos, broke and empty-handed,
when all we did was touch, and for all the movies we missed, fancy dinners we didn’t have,
books we borrowed but never owned, we compensated by making love” depicts the concept of
‘bahala na’ because they relay their lives on ‘bathala’ or the gods and did not think of anything
but themselves,. The last two stanzas: “you told me not to worry, that someday the worst would
end, just a couple of right moves and it would be over. Should I have told you then we’d never
been better, should I have told you then to hold your tongue, but we had no room for such words.
We were rabbits, seeking the other side, bent on crossing the pasture.” depicts their satisfaction
towards each other, though they have less they satisfy themselves with each other and together
they will stand up whenever they fall.

Adventures in 21st Century Literature

From Philippines and the World
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

With reference to the poem’s imagery, the devices present mostly appeal to the reader’s
sense of touch. In the lines “…lead to nowhere but to coupling…. When all we did was touch…
we compensated by making love…” shows us the viewpoint of the wife. The lines signify the
satisfaction of the husband and wife that they find through coitus (other term for sex). The author
also crafted idioms in her literary piece such as “living in houses with room only for the
inevitable brush of the hand against the buttock in between chores…… should I have told you
then to hold your tongue, but we had no room for such words.”. The first line means poverty is a
pain in the ass and the second line means do not say something. In the line “we were rabbits”
metaphor is applied because the person talking in the poem identified themselves as a rabbit
which provides or identify the hidden similarity of the two which is stated in the first line of the
poem “ they say poor Filipinos multiply like rabbits since they have nothing to do but fuck”
which can be identified as simile because the author compared rabbits to poor Filipinos.

In the literary piece the word ‘rabbit’ is highlighted. Rabbits literally symbolizes
reproduction, abundance and fertility. On the same side, rabbits also mean happiness. The love
and satisfaction between the couple identified in the poem leads them to be happy despite their
struggles of being poor. Also, in the line “seeking the other side, bent on crossing over the
pasture” means that they should work hard in order for them to sustain their family. The words
“bent on” means hard work and “crossing over the pasture” means the prosperity they will face if
they work hard. The poem literally means reproduction if not analyzed properly but for me, the
author titled the poem “Problem Is” because the real problem is will they satisfy themselves with
what they have and will they find happiness with themselves experiencing struggles in their life.

I am inclined to believe that the problem is still relevant in today’s society and should be
resolved by acceptance. The message of the poem is for us to be blessed and satisfy of
everything we have today that is provided by the people around us like our parents because some
people shed sweat, blood and tears in order for them to attain something. We should also learn to
love the people around us and help them in times of struggle because someday if we can’t
depend on ourselves, we can depend on others. In my view, Mrs. Conchitina R. Cruz was
successful in bringing up such ideas, and due to her ability to touch the human senses and raise

Adventures in 21st Century Literature

From Philippines and the World
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

the topic, the society may learn from it and come up with solutions and reflections. Therefore,
the poetry of such talented individuals should be cherished.

Adventures in 21st Century Literature

From Philippines and the World

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