Wazir Ahmad PM Week 2 PDF

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Subject: Performance Management

Assignment: High-Performance Culture

Submitted to: Ma’am Zulaikha Mahmood
Submitted by: M. Ahmad Ali
Roll no: L-21206
Class: MBA-4 (Morning)

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The term culture has many meanings. There is one, however, that pertains to organizational culture
that may not be foremost in your mind. Organizational culture can be defined as the set of shared
attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group.
Simply put, “the way work gets done around here.” A company’s culture says a lot about an
organization and the direction they are headed.
We’ll discuss the following key components to creating a high performing culture:

• Strategy
• Adaptability
• Leadership
• Communication
• Structure
• People
• Processes
• Technology
• Diversity
• Evaluation

• Strategy
An organization is unable to achieve a high performing culture without developing a detailed
strategy including a clear mission and a defined statement of vision. The strategy should help you
determine who you want to be, where you want to go, and how to chart the course that will help
you get there.
Developing a detailed and actionable strategy is imperative if you want to achieve a highly
performing culture. Development of a strategy should not simply involve leadership. Employees,
vendors, stakeholders and anyone else who is playing a role in the organization's strategic direction
and success should include input. The organization's mission and vision statements should be clear.

• Leadership
Leaders serve as role models through their actions and behaviors. High performing organizations
have committed leaders who can rally people around a deeper sense of purpose. In most cases
these leaders are also expert communicators. Through their management, leaders of organizations
with a high performing culture have the ability to translate ideals into action.

If you are a leader trying to create an organization with a high performing culture, or trying to
select leaders to help create a high performing organization, start with the basics. Leaders should
be personally involved in organizational planning, communications, employee development and
coaching, development of future leaders, employee engagement and recognition and overall
organizational performance strategies.

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• Communication
Achieving a high-performance culture is a necessity for frequent, transparent and authentic
communication among leadership, employees, stakeholders and customers. They need to know
what is going on and why to keep the audience engaged in their products and services and
committed to the strategy, mission and vision of the organizations.
If you want to create a high performing culture, it is not enough simply to communicate;
methods for receiving and acting on feedback received from target audiences must also be
developed. Develop communication plans and processes.

• People
Many things bring employees through the front door, but bad work environments drive them out.
Let employees know they and their ideas are valued and provide a culture where their voices can
be heard. Leaders should acknowledge, in all decisions made, that it is the people who execute the
organizations strategy. It is people who measure the organizations progress and steer its direction.
It is the people and their capabilities, individually and collectively, that ultimately create a high
perfuming culture. If you want to transform your workforce into one with highly engaged and
committed people, create an environment which has processes in place to support employees in
sharing ideas and innovations.

• Technology
Technology can be used to encourage group and project-based work, strengthening collaboration
and engagement. Use technology to build in collaboration, create informal team building exercises,
and as a communication tool for positive public relations for your organization. Advanced
technology has often proven to yield a competitive advantage. To achieve a high performing
culture, utilize social media and new technology as a communication and feedback tool, and for
telecommuting and enhancing collaboration.

• Structure
Many different types of organizational structures exist. Internal structures that help achieve a high
performing culture contain processes for delegating routine decisions, investing in new ideas and
providing for optimal employee value, empowerment and accountability.

• Processes
There needs to be flexible and adaptable processes in place to have an organization with a
successful, high-performing culture. Processes should assist the organization in developing an
organization's ability to change (flexibility, speed and learning ability). Processes should support
an innovation culture, as well as continuous improvement. To support organizational strategy,
processes should be continuously improved, simplified and coordinated. The more processes that
you have in place to help report and deliver relevant and correct information, the faster products
and services can be updated and continuously improved.

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• Adaptability
The organization with a high performing culture is unafraid of
change and embraces new innovations and trends in order to remain
competitive. Developing the ability of the organization to change and adapt
(flexibility, speed and ability to learn) is imperative to success. The high
performing organization does not maintain status quo; but is enabled to
make meaningful change to improve their programs, services, products,
and processes, and to create new value for the organization's stakeholders.
You should be agile and adaptable to attain a high performing culture. Authorize employees with
sufficient freedom to make decisions, reduce barriers between departments, promote participatory
management and keep open communication. Stay aligned with the strategy by providing the entire
organization with sufficient information.

• Diversity
To achieve a high performing culture, you should recognize and embrace all facets of
diversity, gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Implement Affinity Groups, put
forth diversity initiatives, change up the organization chart and add diversity to your
leadership mix; sponsor events or corporate matching programs and give back to
communities. When employees can see the organization values them for who they are, and
not just the work they can do, engagement, commitment, and retention will increase and so
will productivity and performance.

• Evaluation
Effectively measure, analyze, and review performance data to drive improvement and
organizational competitiveness. Continuous improvement and innovation is imperative to success,
and can only occur through evaluation and a culture of continuous learning. Tools such as balanced
score cards, strategic management systems, talent and performance management systems, and
other project management tools can be helpful in achieving this. Measuring individual
performance as it relates to organizational goals is an important step in aligning behavior, structure,
processes, and strategy.

In creating performance management processes and systems, emphasizing ‘real time’ feedback is
a key component in effectively managing performance. At the core of a high-performing
organization is a strong organizational culture. Organizations with a high performing culture tend
to be much more adept at recruiting and retaining top talent.

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As no one organization is the same, no one size fits all solution exists. The exploration, design and
action planning of these activities may vary from organization to organization; however,
addressing all of them is critically important to achieving a high performing culture. A skilled
organizational change expert will know how to do this well and can assist your organization
through design and execution of the various steps in the process to achieving a high performing
culture and becoming a high-performance organization.

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