Binamira vs. Garrucho

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Binamira Vs. Garrucho SECTION 23-A.

 General Manager-Appointment and

Tenure. — The General Manager shall be appointed by
In this petition for quo warranto, Ramon P. Binamira the President of the Philippines and shall serve for a
seeks reinstatement to the office of General Manager of term of six (6) years unless sooner removed for
the Philippine Tourism Authority from which he claims to cause; Provided, That upon the expiration of his term, he
have been removed without just cause in violation of his shall serve as such until his successor shall have been
security of tenure. appointed and qualified. (As amended by P.D. 1400)
Facts: Where the person is merely designated and not
In pursuant to a memorandum addressed to him by the appointed, the implication is that he shall hold the office
Minister of Tourism, the petitioner assumed office on on only in a temporary capacity and may be replaced at will
April 7, 1986. by the appointing authority. In this sense, the designation
is considered only an acting or temporary appointment,
On April 10, 1986, Minister Gonzales sought approval which does not confer security of tenure on the person
from President Aquino of the composition of the Board of named.
Directors of the PTA, which included Binamira as Vice-
Chairman in his capacity as General Manager, approved The petitioner cannot sustain his claim that he has been
by the President on the same date. illegally removed. The reason is that the decree clearly
provides that the appointment of the General Manager of
Binamira claims that since assuming office, he had the Philippine Tourism Authority shall be made by the
discharged the duties of PTA General Manager and President of the Philippines, not by any other officer.
Vice-Chairman of its Board of Directors. Appointment involves the exercise of discretion, which
because of its nature cannot be delegated. Legally
On January 2, 1990, his resignation was demanded by
speaking, it was not possible for Minister Gonzales to
respondent Garrucho as the new Secretary of Tourism.
assume the exercise of that discretion as an alter ego of
On January 4, 1990, President Aquino sent respondent the President.
Garrucho a memorandum designating him concurrently
An officer to whom a discretion is entrusted cannot
as General Manager, effective immediately, until the
delegate it to another, the presumption being that he was
President can appoint a person to serve in the said office
chosen because he was deemed fit and competent to
in a permanent capacity.
exercise that judgment and discretion, and unless the
Garrucho having taken over as General Manager of the power to substitute another in his place has been given
PTA in accordance with this memorandum, the petitioner to him, he cannot delegate his duties to another.
filed this action against him to question his title.
In those cases in which the proper execution of the office
Subsequently, while his original petition was pending,
requires, on the part of the officer, the exercise of
Binamira filed a supplemental petition alleging that on
judgment or discretion, the presumption is that he was
April 6, 1990, the President of the Philippines appointed
chosen because he was deemed fit and competent to
Jose A. Capistrano as General Manager of the Philippine
exercise that judgment and discretion, and, unless power
Tourism Authority. Capistrano was impleaded as
to substitute another in his place has been given to him,
additional respondent.
he cannot delegate his duties to another. “
The doctrine presumes the acts of the Department Head
Whether or not, the petitioner was illegally removed from to be the acts of the President of the Philippines when
his designation. “performed and promulgated in the regular course of
business,” which was true of the designation made by
Whether or not , petitioner should be reinstatement to Minister Gonzales in favor of the petitioner. But it also
the office of General Manager of the Philippine Tourism adds that such acts shall be considered valid only if not
Authority ‘disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive,” as
Held: also happened in the case at bar.

Section 23-A of P.D. 564, which created the Philippine With these rulings, the petitioner’s claim of security of
Tourism Authority, provides as follows: tenure must perforce fall to the ground. His designation
being an unlawful encroachment on a presidential
prerogative, he did not acquire valid title thereunder to Respondent secretaries maintain that the President can
the position in question. Even if it be assumed that it issue appointments in an acting capacity to department
could be and was authorized, the designation signified secretaries without the consent of the Commission on
merely a temporary or acting appointment that could be Appointments even while Congress is in session.
legally withdrawn at pleasure, as in fact it was (albeit for
EO 292, which devotes a chapter to the President’s
a different reason).i•t•c-aüsl In either case, the
power of appointment.  Sections 16 and 17, Chapter 5,
petitioner’s claim of security of tenure must be rejected.
Title I, Book III of EO 292 read:
The Court sympathizes with the petitioner, who
SEC. 16.  Power of Appointment. — The President shall
apparently believed in good faith that he was being
exercise the power to appoint such officials as provided
extended a permanent appointment by the Minister of
for in the Constitution and laws.
Tourism. After all, Minister Gonzales had the ostensible
authority to do so at the time the designation was made. SEC. 17.  Power to Issue Temporary Designation. —
This belief seemed strengthened when President Aquino (1) The President may temporarily designate an officer
later approved the composition of the PTA Board of already in the government service or any other
Directors where the petitioner was designated Vice- competent person to perform the functions of an office in
Chairman because of his position as General Manager the executive branch, appointment to which is vested in
of the PTA. However, such circumstances fall short of him by law, when: (a) the officer regularly appointed to
the categorical appointment required to be made by the the office is unable to perform his duties by reason of
President herself, and not the Minister of Tourism, under illness, absence or any other cause; or (b) there exists a
Sec. 23 of P.D. No. 564. vacancy.
The Supreme Court rule therefore that the petitioner Issue: WON the President can issue appointments in an
never acquired valid title to the disputed position and so acting capacity to department secretaries while
has no right to be reinstated as General Manager of the Congress is in session.
Philippine Tourism Authority.
Held: Yes. The essence of an appointment in an acting
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED, with costs capacity is its temporary nature.  It is a stop-gap
against the petitioner. measure intended to fill an office for a limited time until
the appointment of a permanent occupant to the office. 
In case of vacancy in an office occupied by an alter
Pimentel, Jr. vs Ermita, 472 SCRA 587 ego of the President, such as the office of a department
secretary, the President must necessarily appoint
(Public Officer, Difference Between Ad-Interim and
an alter ego of her choice as acting secretary before the
Acting Appointments)
permanent appointee of her choice could assume office.
Facts: President Arroyo issued appointments to
The office of a department secretary may become
respondents as acting secretaries of their respective
vacant while Congress is in session.  Since a
departments without the consent of the Commission on
department secretary is the alter ego of the President,
Appointments, while Congress is in their regular session.
the acting appointee to the office must necessarily have
Subsequently after the Congress had adjourned, the President’s confidence. Thus, by the very nature of
President Arroyo issued ad interim appointments to the office of a department secretary, the President must
respondents as secretaries of the departments to which appoint in an acting capacity a person of her choice even
they were previously appointed in an acting capacity. while Congress is in session.

Petitioners senators assailing the constitutionality of the Ad interim appointments and acting appointments are
appointments, assert that “while Congress is in session, both effective upon acceptance.  But ad-interim
there can be no appointments, whether regular or acting, appointments are extended only during a recess of
to a vacant position of an office needing confirmation by Congress, whereas acting appointments may be
the Commission on Appointments, without first having extended any time there is a vacancy.  Moreover ad-
obtained its consent. interim appointments are submitted to the Commission
on Appointments for confirmation or rejection; acting
appointments are not submitted to the Commission on
Appointments.  Acting appointments are a way of without the necessity of a new appointment not earlier
temporarily filling important offices but, if abused, they than the date she was extended the absolute pardon. 
can also be a way of circumventing the need for
confirmation by the Commission on Appointments. Petitioner wrote the Ministry stressing that the full pardon
bestowed on her has wiped out the crime which implies
The absence of abuse is readily apparent from President
that her service in the government has never been
Arroyo’s issuance of ad interim appointments to
interrupted and therefore the date of her reinstatement
respondents immediately upon the recess of Congress,
should correspond to the date of her preventive
way before the lapse of one year.
suspension; that she is entitled to backpay for the entire
  period of her suspension; and that she should not be
required to pay the proportionate share of the amount of
Note: Can Congress impose the automatic appointment P4,892.50
of the undersecretary? 
The Ministry referred the issue to the Office of the
Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the
President. Deputy Executive Secretary Factoran denied
President the obligation to appoint automatically the
Monsanto’s request averring that Monsanto must first
undersecretary as her temporary alter ego. 
seek appointment and that the pardon does not reinstate
The power to appoint is essentially executive in nature, her former position. 
and the legislature may not interfere with the exercise of
this executive power except in those instances when the Issues:
Constitution expressly allows it to interfere. Limitations
on the executive power to appoint are construed strictly 1. Is Monsanto entitled to backpay?
against the legislature. The scope of the legislature’s
interference in the executive’s power to appoint is limited 2. Is a public officer, who has been granted an absolute
to the power to prescribe the qualifications to pardon by the Chief Executive, entitled to reinstatement
an appointive office.  Congress cannot appoint a person to her former position without need of a new
to an office in the guise of prescribing qualifications to appointment?
that office.  Neither may Congress impose on the
President the duty to appoint any particular person to an 3. May petitioner be exempt from the payment of the civil
office.  indemnity imposed upon her by the sentence?

Monsanto vs Factoran
1. Pardon is defined as "an act of grace, proceeding
Facts: from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws,
which exempts the individual, on whom it is bestowed,
The Sandiganbayan convicted petitioner Salvacion A. from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has
Monsanto (then assistant treasurer of Calbayog City) of committed. It is the private, though official act of the
the crime of estafa through falsification of public executive magistrate, delivered to the individual for
documents. She was sentenced to jail and to indemnify whose benefit it is intended, and not communicated
the government in the sum of P4,892.50.The SC officially to the Court.
affirmed the decision. She then filed a motion for
reconsideration but while said motion was pending, she While a pardon has generally been regarded as blotting
was extended by then President Marcos absolute pardon out the existence of guilt so that in the eye of the law the
which she accepted (at that time, the rule was that offender is as innocent as though he never committed
clemency could be given even before conviction). By the offense, it does not operate for all purposes. The
reason of said pardon, petitioner wrote the Calbayog City very essence of a pardon is forgiveness or remission of
treasurer requesting that she be restored to her former guilt. Pardon implies guilt. It does not erase the fact of
post as assistant city treasurer since the same was still the commission of the crime and the conviction thereof.
vacant. Her letter was referred to the Minister of Finance It does not wash out the moral stain. It involves
who ruled that she may be reinstated to her position forgiveness and not forgetfulness.

The petitioner was later recalled to the service on 12
A pardon looks to the future. It is not retrospective. It March 1984 but the records do not show whether
makes no amends for the past. It affords no relief for petitioner’s reinstatement was to the same position of
what has been suffered by the offender. It does not Supervising Lineman.
impose upon the government any obligation to make
reparation for what has been suffered. “Since the offense ISSUE: Whether Garcia is entitled to the payment of
has been established by judicial proceedings, that which back wages after having been reinstated pursuant to the
has been done or suffered while they were in force is grant of executive clemency.
presumed to have been rightfully done and justly
suffered, and no satisfaction for it can be required.” This
would explain why petitioner, though pardoned, cannot HELD:
be entitled to receive backpay for lost earnings and The pardoned offender regains his eligibility for
benefits.  appointment to public office which was forfeited by
reason of the conviction of the offense. But since pardon
2. The pardon granted to petitioner has resulted in does not generally result in automatic reinstatement
removing her disqualification from holding public because the offender has to apply for reappointment, he
employment but it cannot go beyond that. To regain her is not entitled to back wages.
former post as assistant city treasurer, she must re-apply
and undergo the usual procedure required for a new
appointment. If the pardon is based on the innocence of the individual,
it affirms this innocence and makes him a new man and
3. Civil liability arising from crime is governed by the as innocent; as if he had not been found guilty of the
Revised Penal Code. It subsists notwithstanding service offense charged. 7 When a person is given pardon
of sentence, or for any reason the sentence is not served because he did not truly commit the offense, the pardon
by pardon, amnesty or commutation of sentence. relieves the party from all punitive consequences of his
Petitioner's civil liability may only be extinguished by the criminal act, thereby restoring to him his clean name,
same causes recognized in the Civil Code, namely: good reputation and unstained character prior to the
payment, loss of the thing due, remission of the debt, finding of guilt.
merger of the rights of creditor and debtor, compensation
and novation. (Monsanto vs. Factoran,  G.R. No.
In the case at bar, the acquittal of petitioner by the trial
78239,  February 9, 1989)
court was founded not on lack of proof beyond
reasonable doubt but on the fact that petitioner did not
GARCIA v. COA commit the offense imputed to him. Aside from finding
him innocent of the charge, the trial court commended
September 14, 1993 (G.R. No. 75025) petitioner for his concern and dedication as a public
servant. Verily, petitioner’s innocence is the primary
PARTIES: reason behind the grant of executive clemency to him,
Petitioner: VICENTE GARCIA bolstered by the favorable recommendations for his
Respondents: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN, reinstatement. This signifies that petitioner need no
COMMISSION ON AUDIT, THE HONORABLE longer apply to be reinstated to his former employment;
MINISTER, LAND TRANSPORTATION AND he is restored to his office ipso facto upon the issuance
TELECOM REGIONAL OFFICE NO. IV Petitioner’s automatic reinstatement to the government
service entitles him to back wages. This is meant to
afford relief to petitioner who is innocent from the start
FACTS: and to make reparation for what he has suffered as a
Petitioner was a supervising lineman in the Region IV result of his unjust dismissal from the service. The right
Station of the Bureau of Telecommunications in Lucena to back wages is afforded to those with have been
City. A criminal case of qualified theft was filed against illegally dismissed and were thus ordered reinstated or to
him. The president grated him an executive clemency. those otherwise acquitted of the charges against them.
The petitioner filed a claim for back payment of salaries. Therefore, the court ordered the full back wages from
April 1 1975 (date when he was illegally dismissed) to IV in his office under a contractual status.
March 12 1984 (reinstated) to the petitioner.  The appointment was made after the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) thru
Director Miguel B. Doctor approved his request for the
Cuyegkeng vs. Cruz G.R. No. L-16263 creation of a contractual position of Executive
Assistant IV at the Office of the POEA
Facts: Among the 12 nominees for the Board of Medical Administrator, effective not earlier than July 1, 1995.
Examiners, only 6 were shortlisted by the President,  Subsequently, respondent Joson wrote the CSC
which includes Dr. Pedro Cruz, a government physician. requesting exemption from the rule requiring
The petitioners, who are among the nominees cut by appointees to confidential staff positions to meet
the president, prayed for two causes of action. The first, the prescribed
being that anyone of them is qualified for the position educational qualification.
and that Dr. Cruz’s appointment be rendered illegal, thus
null and void. While the second, prays for a writ of
The educational requirement for the position of
preliminary injunction, ceasing, desisting and refraining
the respondent from assuming and performing the role of
Assistant is a “Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job” and
Board Medical Examiner, and for the respondent to pay
Priscilla Ong was not a college degree holder.
for the costs of this suit. The petition for preliminary
 Acting upon this request, the petitioner CSC
injunction was dismissed. The Council of Philippine
issued a resolution, approving the appointment of
Medical Association, and incorporated association
Ong under a Coterminous Temporary status:
intervened enjoining the petitioners in their prayer for
 In this case, it is clear that Ong does not meet the
educational qualification for the position of Executive
Assistant IV. However, considering that Ong has to her
Issue: Whether or not petitioners’ have valid causes of action.
credit 65 units leading to a Bachelor’s degree and that
the said position is coterminous with the appointing
Held: No. The Court Ruled that Respondent has a good
authority and belongs to his confidential/personal
and valid right to his title on the grounds that one who
staff, the proposed appointment of Ong may be
does not claim to be entitled to the office allegedly
allowed under Coterminous Temporary status.
usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by another
cannot question his title by quo warranto. This suggests
that petitioners have no cause of action against the
Should Ong be considered a de jure or de facto public
respondent. While the intervenors have no right to
question the title of respondent. Hence, the petition for
quo warranto has no merit.
HELD: SC held that Ong is a de jure public offier. The
inaction of certain officials led to the non-compliance with
the CSC requirement that appointments should be
Requisites of a De Facto Officership
included in the monthly report of personnel action
(ROPA), which must be submitted in turn to the CSC.
The Court held that legitimate justifications excused the
delayed observance of or the non-compliance with the
DOCTRINE: The submission of the appointment
beyond the prescribed period is not an
impediment to its validity. An appointment remains
valid despite the non-compliance of the proper A de facto officer is:
officials with the pertinent CSC rules.  One who is in possession of the office and
discharging its duties under color of authority.
FACTS: By color of authority is meant that derived from an
election or appointment, however irregular or informal,
 July 1, 1995, Felicisimo O. Joson, Jr., then
so that the incumbent is not a mere volunteer.
Administrator of the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration (POEA) appointed Priscilla Ong as  The difference between the basis of the authority of a
Executive Assistant de jure officer and that of a de facto officer is that one
rests on right, the other on reputation. It may be likened
to the difference between character and reputation. One seat is forfeited forever and nothing save a new election
is the truth of a man, the other is what is thought of him.” or appointment can restore the ousted official.
It is the color of authority, not the color of title that
an officer de facto from a usurper.

Petition DENIED. Being a de jure officer, Ong is
entitled to receive all the salaries and
emoluments appertaining to the position

Monroy v. CA
G.R. No. L-23258 July 1, 1967
Bengzon, J.P., J.

Roberto Monroy was the incumbent Mayor of Navotas,
Rizal, when on September
15,1 9 6 1 ,   h i s   c e r t i f i c a t e   o f   c a n d i d a c y   a s   r e p
resentative of the first district of Rizal in t
h e forthcoming elections was filed with the
Comelec. Three days later, or on September
18,1961, Monroy filed a letter withdrawing said
certificate of candidacy. The Comelec approved the
withdrawal. But on September 21, 1961, Felipe
del Rosario, then the vice-mayor
of N a v o t a s ,   t o o k   h i s oath of office
as municipal mayor on the
t h e o r y   t h a t   p e t i t i o n e r   h a d forfeited the said
office upon his filing of the certificate of candidacy in
Did Monroy
cease to be mayor of Navotas, Rizal, 
after his certificate of candidacy was 
f i l e d   o n September 15, 1961?

 Yes. The withdrawal of his certificate of
candidacy did not restore petitioner to his former
position. Sec. 27 of the Rev. Election Code
(which reads “Any elective provincial,
municipal or city official running for
an office, other then the
o n e   w h i c h   h e   i s   a c t u a l l y holding, shall be
considered resigned from his office from the
moment of the filing of his certificate of candidacy”)
makes the forfeiture automatic and permanently effective
upon t h e f i l i n g o f t h e c e r t i f i c a t e o f f o r
another office. Only the moment and act of
f i l i n g a r e considered. Once the certificate is filed, the

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