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Ammendments and Errata to IRC Codes

From May 2017 to March 2020


SR.NO Code Amendment/Errata Published Date
Amendment No 1 IH August 2017
Amendment No 2 IH January 2018
1 IRC: 6-2017 Amendment No 3 IH June 2018
Amendment No 4 IH January 2019
Amendment No 5 IH October 2019

2 IRC: 22-2015 Amendment No 1 IH August 2017

Amendment No 4 IH August 2017

Errata No 5 IH August 2017
Amendment No 5 IH January 2018
Errata No 6 IH January 2018
3 IRC: 112-2011
Amendment No 6 IH June 2018
Amendment No 7 IH January 2019
Amendment No 8 IH October 2019
Amendment No 9 IH March 2020

IRC: 83 Part(IV)- Amendment No 1 IH January 2019

2018 Amendment No 2 IH February 2020

IRC: 83 Part(III)- Amendment No 1 IH September 2019

2018 Amendment No 2 IH February 2020

Errata No 1 IH January 2019

6 IRC: SP: 114-2018 Amendment No 1 IH January 2019
Amendment No 2 IH October 2019

7 IRC: SP: 84-2019 Amendment No 1 IH February 2020

SR.NO Code Amendment/Errata Published Date

8 IRC: SP: 42-2014 Amendment No 1 IH August 2017

9 IRC: SP: 89-2010 Amendment No 1 IH August 2017

10 IRC: 5-2015 Amendment No 1 IH January 2018

11 IRC: 24-2010 Amendment No 1 IH January 2018

12 IRC: 78-2014 Amendment No 1 IH March 2018

13 IRC: SP: 79-2008 Amendment No 1 IH January 2019

Amendment No 1 IH January 2019

14 IRC: SP: 80-2008
Errata No. 1 IH September 2019

15 IRC: SP: 65-2018 Amendment No 1 IH January 2019

Amendment No 1 IH September 2019

16 IRC: SP: 73-2018
Amendment No 2 IH February 2020

17 IRC: 81- 1997 Amendment No 2 IH September 2019

18 IRC: SP: 87-2019 Amendment No 1 IH February 2020

IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section-II Loads and Load Combinations”
(Seventh Revision)
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 ANNEX-B, New Clause 9. Combination for Design of Bearings
Add new a) The design of the various bearings shall be based on serviceability or ultimate limit
Clause 9 state depending upon the safety classification of the limit state under consideration.
after clause 8
(Page 90) b) For structures with elastic behaviour, all forces and movements should be based on
characteristic values of action. The method of calculation for actions, rotations and


deformations shall follow principles set out in IRC:112 (for concrete structures),
IRC:24 (for Steel Structures) and IRC:22 (for composite structures). Where
the deformation of the foundation or the piers or the bearings has a significant
influence on the forces on bearings or the movements of bearings, these elements
should be included in the analysis model.
c) The relevant partial factors and combination rules should be applied at serviceability,
ultimate limit states in conformity with the principles set out in Table B.1 to Table

B.4 of this code, unless otherwise stated below.

d) For determining the design values of actions on bearings and their rotations
and movements, the relevant loading combination for the Basic, Accidental and
Seismic load combinations should be taken into account under ULS.
e) Design displacements and rotations due to ‘creep’ and ‘shrinkage’ in concrete shall
be considered by multiplying mean values of deformation by a factor of 1.35 under
2 Table B.1 Thermal effects include restraint associated Thermal effects include restraint associated with expansion / contraction due to type
Foot Note No. 3 with expansion/contraction due to type of construction (Portal Frame, arch and elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint in
(Page 92) of construction (Portal Frame, arch and metallic bearings and thermal gradients.
elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint in
metallic bearings and thermal gradients. This
combination however is not valid for the
design of bearing and expansion joint.
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
3 Table B.2 New Note  The partial safety factor shown under permanent loads, against adding to the
Add new Foot effect of variable loads in 1.1(a) and 1.2(a) shall be used for loads which are
Note No. 7 causing unfavourable effects on bearing and those shown against 1.1(b) and
(Page 94) 1.2(b) shall be used for loads which are causing favourable effects (e,g. for
checking the minimum contact pressure of 3 Mpa due to permanent loads
under elastomeric bearings) for checking the relevant design condition

4 Table B.3 Thermal effects include restraint associated  Thermal effects include restraint associated with expansion/contraction due to type
Foot Note No. 2 with expansion / contraction due to type of construction (Portal Frame, arch and elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint
(Page 95) of construction (Portal Frame, arch and in metallic bearings and thermal gradients.
elastomeric bearings), frictional restraint in
metallic bearings and thermal gradients. This
combination however is not valid for the
design of bearing and expansion joint.

5 219.5 Note:- For structural components like short Note:- For short rigid structural components like short piers and rigid abutments, the
Computation and rigid abutments, the value of Sa/g shall be value of Sa/g shall be taken as 1. The component is considered as rigid in case the
of Seismic taken as 1. Also , the response reduction factor time period is less than 0.03 sec. Also , the response reduction factor R shall be taken
Response R shall be taken as 1.0 for seismic design of as 1.0 for seismic design of such structural component.

– Note Fig. such structures.

20 Response
(Page 67)












Angular Deviation ‘1’ to ‘5’ denotes following: 
1 Pivot  point  is  ‘A’,  where  tensile  strain  εu  =  εudin  reinforcement.  Section  is  fully  in  axial  tension  with  some  bending.  Neutral  axis  outside  the  section. 
Compressive strain in concrete, εc≤0 (Negative). Failure occurs due to yielding of steel. 
2 Pivot point is ‘A’, where tensile strain εu = εudin reinforcement. Section is in combined axial and bending. Neutral axis within the section. Compressive strain 
in concrete, 0 ≤εc≤εcu2. Failure occurs due to yielding of steel. 
3 Pivot  point  is  ‘B’,  where  compressive  strain  εc  =  εcu2  in  concrete.  Section  is  in  combined  axial  and  bending.  Neutral  axis  within  the  section.  Strain  in 
reinforcement, εyd ≤ εs ≤ εud. The failure of the section occurs by an excess of plastic strain in concrete 
4 Pivot  point  is  ‘B’,  where  compressive  strain  εc  =  εcu2  in  concrete.  Section  is  in  combined  axial  and  bending.  Neutral  axis  within  the  section.  Strain  in 
reinforcement, εs ≤ εyd. The failure of the section occurs by an excess of plastic strain in concrete 
5 Pivot point is ‘C’, where compressive strain  εc =  εc2  in concrete. Section is in axial compression with some bending. Neutral axis outside the section. The 
failure of the section occurs by an excess of average strain in concrete 
Fig. 8.2 as proposed
Sl. Clause No. For Read
No. (Page No.)
3. Table 12.1, Table 12.1 Recommended Values of Wmax Table 12.1 Recommended Values of Wmax
Page 122
Condition of Reinforced Prestressed Condition of Reinforced members Prestressed members
Exposure members and members with Exposure and prestressed with bonded tendons
As per prestressed bonded As per Clause members with un-
Clause members with tendons 14.3.1 bonded tendons
14.3.1 un-bonded Quasi-permanent load Frequent load
tendons combination (mm) combination (mm)
Quasi- Frequent load

permanent combination
Moderate 0.3 0.2
load (mm)
combination Severe 0.3 0.2
(mm) Very Severe 0.3 0.2 and decompression
Moderate 0.3 0.2 Extreme 0.2 0.2 and decompression
Severe 0.3 0.2
Very Severe 0.2 0.2 and
and Extreme decompression
4. Table 14.1, New Addition Add following note below table.
Page 141
Note: Relative Humidity is as defined in note no. (3) below Table 6.9.


Sl. Clause No. For Read
No. (Page No.)
5. Notes below New addition Add note (iii) below table.
Table 14.4,
Page 145 Where chloride is encountered along with sulphates in soil, ground water or in
ambient air, ordinary portland cement with C3A content from 5 to 8 percent
shall be desirable to be used in concrete instead of sulphate resisting cement.
6. Annexure RH to the relative humidity of the ambient RH is average of relative humidity (RH) of atmosphere.
A2.5, Page environment in percent.
7. Annexure RH to the relative humidity of the ambient RH is average of relative humidity (RH) of atmosphere.
A2.6, Page environment in percent.
8. 18.8.5, Page The temperature of the concrete at the time of The temperature of the concrete at the time of placement should be as low as
224 placement should be as low as possible but in no possible but in no case more than 35oC


case more than 30oC
The metal sheathing shall conform to the requirements specified in
ANNEXURE-A5 and a test certificate shall be furnished by the manufacturer.
9 13.4.2 (4), New Clause
The joints of all sheathing shall be watertight and conform to provisions
Page # 135
specified in ANNEXURE : A-5
The material for the ducts shall be high density The material for the ducts shall be high density polyethylene with more than
polyethylene with more than 2% carbon black to 2% carbon black to provide resistance to ultraviolet degradation and properties
Clause provide resistance to ultraviolet degradation and of raw materials shall comply with the provisions of ANNEXURE-A5"

10 13.4.3 (1), properties of raw materials shall comply with the

Page # 135 technical report Bulletin-7 published by FIB
"corrugated plastic ducts for internal bonded post
The wall thickness of the duct as manufactured shall The minimumwall thickness of the duct as manufactured shall be 2.0mm,
be 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, and 4mm for the ducts of 2.5mm, 3mm, and 4mm for the ducts of internaldiameter 50mm, 85mm,
Clause internal diameter up to 50mm, 85mm, 100mm and 100mm and 125mmrespectively.Linear interpolation may be done for any
11 13.4.3 (2), 125mm. The minimum residual wall thickness after intermediate values.
Page # 135 loss (wear resistance) shall not be less than 1.5mm Tolerance for duct diameter is ±1% or ± 1mm, whichever is greater. Tolerance
for ducts up to 85mm in diameter and not less than for wall thickness shall be -0/+0.5mm.
2mm for ducts greater than 85mm in diameter.
For internally bonded tendons, the ducts shall be corrugated on both sides. The
The ducts shall be corrugated on both sides. The
Clause ducts shall transmit full tendon strength from the tendon to the surrounding
ducts shall transmit full tendon strength from the
12 13.4.3 (3), concrete over a length not greater than 40-ducts’ diameter.
tendon to the surrounding concrete over a length not
Page # 135
greater than 40-ducts’ diameter.
Sl. Clause No. For Read
No. (Page No.)
13 Section 1 A-4 Structural Design by “Working loads/Allowable A-4 Structural Design by “Working loads/Allowable Stresses Method-
Contents, Stresses Method” Withdrawn

14 Section 1 New
Contents, A-5 Test on Mild Steel and Corrugated HDPE sheeting ducts.
Normative -
15 Section 1 - NEW
Contents, A-6Design considerations for Construction stages

16 18.9 - NEW
Page 229 18.9 Design considerations for construction stages
Refer to Annexure A-6




(Refer Clause 13.4.2 and Clause 13.4.3)


All tests specified below shall be carried out on the same sample in the order given below. At least 3
samples for one lot of supply (not exceeding 7000 metre length) shall be tested.

1.1 Workability Test

A test sample 1100 mm long is soldered to a fixed base plate with a soft solder (Fig. A5-1).The sample is
then bent to a radius of 1800 mm alternately on either side to complete 3 cycles.

Thereafter, the sealing joints will be visually inspected to verify that no failure or opening has taken place.

Fig. A5-1. Workability Test

1.2 Transverse Load Rating Test

The test ensures that stiffness of the sheathing is sufficient to prevent permanent distortion during site

The sample is placed on a horizontal support 500 mm long so that the sample is supported at all points of
outward corrugations.



A load as specified in Table-A5-1 below is applied gradually at the centre of the supported portion
through a circular contract surface of 12 mm dia. Couplers shall be placed so that the load is applied
approximately at the centre of two corrugations, Fig. A5-2. The load as specified below is applied in

Fig. A5-2. Transverse Load Rating Test

Table A5-1 : Table showing Duct Diameter-Test Load relationship

Between more than more than more than more than more than more than
Dia: 25 mm 35 mm 45 mm 55 mm 65 mm 75mm 85 mm
to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to
35 mm 45 mm 55 mm 65 mm 75 mm 85 mm 90 mm

Load: 250 N 400 N 500 N 600 N 700 N 800 N 1000 N

The sample is considered acceptable if the permanent deformation is less than 5 per cent.
1.3 Tension Load Test
The test specimen is subjected to a tensile load. The hollow core is filled with a wooden circular piece
having a diameter of 95 per cent of the inner dia of the sample to ensure circular profile during test
loading, Fig. A5-3.



Fig. A5-3 : Tension Load Test

A coupler is screwed on and the sample loaded in increments, till specified load. If no deformation of the
joints nor slippage of couplers is noticed, the test shall be considered satisfactory :
Dia in mm Load
25 upto 35 300 N
More than 35 upto 45 500 N
More than 45 upto 55 800 N
More than 55 upto 65 1100 N
More than 65 upto 75 1400 N
More than 75 upto 85 1600 N
More than 85 upto 90 1800 N
1.4 Water Loss Test
The sample is sealed at one end. The sample is filled with water and after sealing, the end is connected
to a system capable of applying a pressure of 0.05 MPa, Fig. A5-4 and kept constant for 5 minutes, hand
pump and pressure gauge or stand pipe system can be used.

Fig. A5-4 : Water Loss Test

The sample is acceptable if the water loss does not exceed 1.5 per cent of the volume . The volume is
worked out as follows:

Another sample 500 mm long is sealed at one end and the volume of hallow space arrived at by pouring
water from a measuring cylinder.



The computation of relative profile volume is worked out as follows:

Va - Premeasured quantity of water in measuring cylinder
Vb - Balance quantity of water left in the cylinder after completely filling of the test sample
Actual Volume ‘Vp’ = Va -Vb

Relative Profile Volume = Vp - cm3/ cm3

Where l is length of specimen and Ø internal nominal dia. of sheathing.

1.5 Specification for Sheathing Duct Joints

The sheathing ducts shall be of the spiral corrugated type. For major projects, the sheathing ducts should
preferably be manufactured at the project site utilising appropriate machines. With such an arrangement,
long lengths of sheathing ducts may be used with consequent reduction in the number of joints and
Where sheathing duct joints are unavoidable, such joints shall be made cement slurry tight by the use of
corrugated threaded sleeve couplers which can be tightly screwed on to the outer side of the sheathing
ducts. A heat-shrink coupler could also be used if suitable.
Typical details of a sleeve coupler is shown in Fig.A5-5. The length of the coupler should not be less
than 150 mm but should be increased upto 200 mm wherever practicable. The joints between the ends
of the coupler and the duct shall be sealed with adhesive sealing tape to prevent penetration of cement
slurry during concreting. The couplers of adjacent ducts should be staggered wherever practicable. As
far as possible, couplers should not be located in curved zones. The corrugated sleeve couplers are being
conveniently manufactured using the sheath making machine with the next higher size of die set.

Fig. A5-5 : Typical details of a sleeve coupler

The hear-shrink coupler Fig.A5-6 is supplied in the form of bandage rolls which can be used for all
diameters of sheathing ducts. The bandage is coated on the underside with a heat sensitive adhesive so
that after heating the bandage material shrinks in to the sheathing and ensures formation of a leak proof
joint, without the need for extra taping or support in the form of corrugated sleeve couplers. The heating
is effected by means of a soft gas flame.

Fig. A5-6 : Typical details of a Shrink coupler

A summary of all the requirements, methods of verification, and acceptance criteria for the polymer duct
system together with the components and material is given in Table A5-2 below. The Table is in line
with the technical report Bulletin 75 published by fib titled “Polymer – duct systems for internal bonded


Table A5-2 : Summary of requirements, methods of verification and acceptance criteria for polymer-duct systems -
Recommended specification

No. of
Sr. No. Requirement Method of verification Acceptance criteria Frequency of Test
No. 75,

1 Material 5.2 Table Material certificates based on Material to comply with certificates, specified As specified in footnote of Table 5.2 of
requirements 5.2 testing properties, and declared properties fib75
Test reports Specified
properties Declared material


2 Dimensional 6.1 Data sheets - Existence of data sheets a) Initially,
requirements Annex Assembly drawings - Existence of assembly drawings b) When there is a change in design
A.1 Fabrication drawings - Existence of fabrication drawings c) For each type of material used
- Dimensions and tolerances of actual
components to comply with specified

dimensions and tolerances

3 Stiffness of 6.2 Stiffness test of duct: -Actual flexural stiffness of duct determined in a) Initially,
duct Annex - at room temperature 23 0C test b) When there is a change in design
A.2 - at high temperature 45 0C -Maximum duct support spacing calculated c) For each type of material used
according to Section 6.2 with actual flexural
stiffness such as to limit duct deflection
between supports under defined load
4 Longitudinal 6.3 Longitudinal load resistance -Prefabricated and on a) Initially,
load resistance Annex test of duct -site fabricated tendon/duct systems to sustain b) When there is a change in design
of duct A.3 - at room temperature 23 0C imposed deformation caused by temperature c) For each type of material used
variation of 40 0C d) When a new connector is proposed
-Prefabricated tendon/duct systems to sustain for use
in addition specified minimum longitudinal
force for coiling
5 Lateral load 6.4 Lateral load resistance test -No transverse deformation exceeding 35% at a) Initially,
resistance of Annex of duct specified transverse load for immediate duct b) When there is a change in design
duct A.4 -at room temperature 23 0C deformation c) For each type of material used
-at high temperature 45 0C -No transverse deformation exceeding 10% or
5 mm after release of transverse load
6 Flexibility of 6.5 Flexibility test of duct system -No visual damage to duct or connector a) Initially,
duct system Annex -at room temperature 23 0C -No deformation of cross section > 5% b) When there is a change in design
A.5 -at low temperature -15 0C c) For each type of material used
-at high temperature 45 0C d) When a new connector is proposed
for use
7 Leak tightness 6.6 Leak tightness test of duct -Leak tight for tendons (5minutes) a) Initially,
of duct system Annex system b) When there is a change in design
A.6 -at room temperature 230C c) For each type of material used
d) When a new connector is proposed
for use
8 Concrete 6.7 Concrete pressure test on -Deformation of duct cross section when a) Initially,
pressure on Annex duct bent to minimum radius of curvature for field b) When there is a change in design
duct A.7 -at room temperature 23 0C installation ≤ 10% under negative pressure c) For each type of material used
of 0.75 bar or 0.25 bar for Class I or Class II,
9 Wear 6.8 Wear resistance test of duct -Residual wall thickness of duct ≥ 1.5 mm for a) Initially,
resistance of Annex -at room temperature 23 0C tendons b) When there is a change in design
duct A.8 -at high temperature 45 0C c) For each type of material used
10 Wear 6.9 Wear of duct under sustained -Residual wall thickness of duct ≥ 1.0 mm for a) Initially,

resistance of Annex load tendons b) When there is a change in design

duct under A.9 -at room temperature 23 0C c) For each type of material used
sustained load -at high temperature 45 0C
11 Bond 6.10 Bond behaviour test of duct -Transfer 40% UTS of tendons within a length a) Initially,
behaviour of Annex -at room temperature 23 0C of ≤ 16 duct diameter b) When there is a change in design
duct A.10 c) For each type of material used
12 Precast 6.11 Precast segmental duct - Hold 3.5 bar pressure with ≤ 10% loss in 5 a) Initially,
segmental duct Annex coupler system test minutes for tendons b) When there is a change in design
coupler system A.11 -at room temperature 23 0C c) For each type of material used


13 Fracture 6.12 Fracture resistance test of -No cracking of duct after 2 million cycles of a) A
 pproval-If declared as option of
resistance of Annex duct crack opening between 0.2 - 0.5 mm polymer duct system, this test should
duct (optional A.12 -at room temperature 23 0C be performed as part of the polymer
if performance duct system approval.
is declared b) P
 roject Specific- If not part of system
by system approval, but required for a specific
supplier) project.
14 Leak tightness 7.1 Leak tightness test of -Leak tight for tendons (5minutes) a) Initially,
of anchorage- Annex anchorage b) When there is a change in design and/
duct assembly B.1 -duct assembly or manufacturing process of polymer
-at room temperature 23 0C ducts, trumpets or connectors,
anchorage components.
c) For each type of duct material,
trumpet and anchorage components


d) When a new anchorage or trumpet is
proposed for use.
15 Full scale 7.4 Full scale PT and duct -Duct profile complies with specified profile a) Initially,
duct system Annex system assembly test -no apparent tendon profile kinks or b) When a new duct or connector or a
assembly B.4 -at ambient temperature discontinuities or loss connections new installation method is proposed
-no excessive duct deformations on support or for use.

duct deflections between the supports spaced at

maximum permissible support spacing as per
Section 6.2
16 Leak tightness 7.5 Leak tightness test of -Pressure loss ≤ 10% of initial pressure after 5 a) Initially,
of assembled Annex assembled PT and duct minutes for tendons PL2 and PL3 b) W
 hen a new duct or connector or a
duct system B.5 system new installation method is proposed
for use.


A6-1 General
(i) For bridges built in stages, the design and detailing shall take into account of the construction
procedure, sequence etc., as appropriate.Some situations are illustrated in the following.:

a) Where forces, other than those produced on the completed structure, occur in any structural
section during the phases of construction (e.g. deck erection by incremental launching, bridges
built by balanced cantilever, change in sections during construction, change of support conditions
during construction etc.).

b) Where redistribution of forces due to Creep, shrinkage and steel relaxation is originated by
changes to the structural arrangement during the construction process (e.g. continuous bridges
built span by span on false work or by cantilever).

c) Where distribution of stresses due to Creep, shrinkage and steel relaxationis originated by changes
to structural sections during the construction process (e.g. decks consisting of precast beams and
an insitu slab).

d) Where the erection or construction sequence may have an influence on: the stability of the
structure / capacity of section during construction, the forces in the completed structure, or the
geometry of the completed structure.

(ii) For structures in which any of the circumstances described in paragraphs (i) a) to d) apply, the
serviceability limit states and ultimate limit states should be verified during various construction

(iii) For structures in which the circumstances described in paragraphs (i) b) or c) apply, long term values
of forces or stresses should be determined from an analysis of redistribution effects. Step by step or
approximate methods may be used in these calculations.

(iv) For structures in which the circumstances described in paragraph (i) d) apply erection and casting
sequences/procedures should be indicated on drawings or detailed in a construction procedure
document along with assumed construction and equipment loads / configurations etc.

A6-2 Actions & Effects to be considered during construction

For the verifications of equilibrium and limit states during various construction stages following
construction loads and erection effects shall be considered.

A6-2.1 General
(a) Distributed construction live load taken as 50 kg/m2 of deck area for cantilever construction,
sequential/span by span construction etc.

(b) Specialized construction equipment load from launching gantry, from traveler, beam and winch,
movement of precast segments over constructed portion etc.

(c) Dynamic load of equipment may be taken as 10% of the lifting load.



(d) Longitudinal forces arising from construction equipment loads according to the type of the

(e) Unbalanced load resulting from sequence /construction stage.

(f) Horizontal wind load on structure shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of IRC:6 for
construction stages.

(g) Effects arising from imposed deformations shallbe taken into account. These effects can be of
permanent nature, depending upon the situation. In such situations the strains and stresses shall
be algebraically superimposed as per applicable section at various construction stages.

(h) The support restraints during all construction stages shall be ensured tor stability against sliding
and overturning. The situation may arise when restraint, particularly in longitudinal direction,
may be absent during construction stage. Need of temporary restraint for this situation shall
be either accounted for in suggested sequence & detailing or constructor shall be instructed to
provide appropriate restraint.

A6-2.2 For cantilever construction

(a) Differential Dead Load of 2 % on one side of cantilever on unfavorable side.

(b) For verification of equilibrium under the accidental combination, dynamic response due to
accidental release of precast segment taken as equivalent to additional static load as 100% of the
weight of the precast segment.

A6- 3 Verification criteria

A6-3.1 Verification for static equilibrium
The equilibrium of the structure shall be verified for the combinations as per Table 3.1 of IRC:6.

A6- 3.2 Ultimate limit states

ULS verifications required for design during construction are the same as those given in sections 8,
9, 10 & 11.

A6- 3.3 Serviceability limit states

Serviceability criteria for the completed structure need not be applied to intermediate
construction stages, provided that durability and final appearance of the completed structure
are not affected (e.g. crack width and deformations) and comply with applicable provisions of
the Code.

(b) The idea of frequent combination does not exist during construction and also limit states
related to durability are not pertinent for short term-phases as such limiting stresses in concrete
to 0.48 fck(t) and steel to 0.8fyk under rare combination during constructionis adequate.

(c) For bridges or element of bridges in which limit state of decompression is checked on the
completed structure, tensile stresses less than fctm(t) under the quasi permanent combination
during construction is permitted.

(d) Prestressing effects may be taken as rsup= rinf= 1.0 during the construction


IRC:112-2011 –“Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”

Sl. No. Clause No. For Read

(Page No.)
1. ; (5)(a), βcc (t) follows from Eq 6.7 and βcc (t) follows from Eq 6.3
Page 41,
below Eq. 6.7
2. 8.2.1 (3), Fig. 8.1 as printed Fig. 8.1 as corrected
Fig. 8.1, (Refer sketch attached below)
Page 71

3. 10.3.4, Indented: a surface with indentations complying with Indented: a surface with indentations complying with
Page 96 Fig. 10.8 Fig. 10.8:μ = 0.9

4. 6.4.1 (c), Page 36 High performance concrete is similar to standard High performance concrete is similar to standard
concrete but contains additional one or more mineral concrete but contains additional one or more mineral
admixtures providing….. admixtures and super plasticizers providing….

A s2 (1- C2/ CU2) h
Strain distribution for (1- C3/ CU3) h
section with neutral
d axis within section
h C Strain distribution for section
with zero strain at the least
AP compressed face
p p(0)
A s1 Strain distribution for section Fig. 8.1
in axial compression
Tension Compression
s, p c
ud y c2 cu2
=0.9 uk
0 ( c3) ( cu3)








Amendment No. 1/July, 2017
IRC:SP: 42-2014 “Guidelines of Road Drainage”
(First Revision)
Clause No.
S.No. For Read
(Page No.)
1, ------- Add Para after 6th line i.e. “Normally a partially perforated PVC or HDPE pipe is buried near the bottom to collect and
(Page 43) dispose the moisture collected.”

“The specifications for corrugated pipes (with or without perforations) shall conform to IS: 9271:2004 and/or IS:
16098 (Part-2) - 2013. The specifications for plain PVC/HDPE pipes shall conform to IS: 4984:1995. The type of
pipe to be used shall be decided depending on flow / site conditions, with the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge”.

Amendment No. 1/July, 2017

IRC:SP: 89-2010 “Guidelines for Soil and Granular Material Stabilization
Using Cement, Lime & Fly Ash”
(First Published)
S. Clause No. For Read

No. (Page No.)

1 3.1.2, (a), Plasticity Product (PP) expressed as product of PI of soil and Deleted
(Page 12) percentage fraction passing 75 micron sieve should not exceed 60
2 Table 5 Type of Soil Properties Type of Soil Properties
(Page 16) Stabilization More than 25% passing Less than 25% passing the Stabilization More than 25% passing Less than 25% passing
the 0.075 mm sieve 0.075 mm sieve the 0.075 mm sieve the 0.075 mm sieve
PI<10 10<PI<20 PI>20 PI<6 PI<10 PI>10
PI<10 10<PI<20 PI>20 PI<6, PI<10 PI>10
Cement Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes
Cement Yes Yes * Yes Yes Yes
Lime - Yes Yes No * Yes
Lime - Yes Yes No * Yes Lime- Yes - No Yes Yes *
Lime- Yes - No Yes Yes * Pozzolana



Notification No. 1
Amendment No. 1/IRC:5/November 2017
IRC:5-2015 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section-I General Features of Design” (Eighth Revision)
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 101.56 Wing wall is a splayed return wall, usually Wing wall is a splayed return wall, usually at
(Page 7) at 450 to the road embankment 45º to the road embankment
2 Page 13 – Add the following above table
104.1.4 Design Life
3 104.5 104.5 Span Configuration 104.5 Span Configuration
(Page 16) 105 Geometric Design Considerations Choice of a particular span arrangement
Choice of a particular span arrangement and the type of structure depends upon
and the type of structure depends upon several factors such as site characteristics,
several factors such as site characteristics, type of sub-soil strata, height and length
type of sub-soil strata, height and length of the bridge, riding quality, design and
of the bridge, riding quality, design constructability considerations, availability
and constructability considerations, of construction materials and technology etc.
availability of construction materials and In case of urban flyovers, considerations of
technology etc. In case of urban flyovers, aesthetics and other functional requirement
considerations of aesthetics and other like openness in inhabited portions, may
functional requirement like openness in have overriding effect for viaduct spans vis-
inhabited portions, may have overriding à-vis solid –fill portion for approaches.
effect for viaduct spans vis-à-vis 105 Geometric Design Considerations
solid–fill portion for approaches.
4 …..normal scour level. …..mean scour level.
(Page 22)
5 107.5 Wing walls for abridge can be splayed Wing walls for a bridge can be splayed
(Page 28) type, type,

Notification No. 2
Amendment No. 2/IRC:6/November, 2017
IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section; II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision)
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 204.5.3 The SV Loading shall be considered to The SV Loading shall be considered to
(Page 22) ply close to centre of carriageway with a ply close to centre of carriageway with a
maximum eccentricity of 300 mm for single maximum eccentricity of 300 mm from
carriageway bridges or for dual carriageway C/L of carriageway, as shown in Fig. 6B for
bridges, as shown in Fig. 6B different situations.

34 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


S. No. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
2 Fig. 6B Refer separate sheet attached for modified
(Page 22) Fig. 6B

3 204.5.4 During the passage of SV loading, no other During the passage of SV loading, no other
(Page 22) vehicle shall be considered to ply on the vehicle shall be considered to ply on the same
bridge. No wind, seismic, braking force and carriageway. No wind, seismic, temperature
dynamic impact on the live load need to be gradient, braking force and dynamic impact
considered as the SV shall move at a speed on the live load need to be considered as
not exceeding 5kmph over the bridge. For the SV shall move at a speed not exceeding
the load combination with special vehicle, 5 kmph over the bridge. For the load
the partial safety factor on live load for combination with special vehicle, the partial
verification of equilibrium and structural safety factor on SV load for verification of
strength under Ultimate Limit State and for equilibrium and structural strength under
verification of Serviceability Limit State Ultimate Limit State (Basic Combination)
shall be taken as 1.0. and for verification of Serviceability Limit
State (Rare Combination) shall be taken
as 1.15 and 1.0 respectively. For other
accompanying loads, partial safety factors
shall be taken from Annex-B
4 215.2 Effective bridge temperature for the location Effective bridge temperature for the
(Page 56) of bridge shall be estimated from the location of bridge shall be estimated from
iso-therms of shade air temperature given on the maximum and minimum shade air
Fig. 15 and 16…… temperature given in Annexure F. For
bridge locations other than the stations listed
in Annexure F, the values corresponding to
nearest station shall be used.
5 2) below Air shade temperature to be obtained from Shade air temperature to be obtained from
Table 15 Fig. 8 and 9 Annexure F
(Page 56)
6 Fig. 15 Chart showing Highest Maximum Delete
(Page 57) Temperature
7 Fig. 16 Chart showing Lowest Minimum Delete
(Page 58) Temperature
8 Under - New
ANNEXURE Annexure-F State wise Highest Maximum
and Lowest Minimum Temperature

9 Table B.4 Loads Combi- Combi- Seismic Accidental Loads Combi- Combi- Seismic Accidental
(Page 96) nation nation Combination Combination nation nation Combination Combination
(I) (2) (I) (2)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2.1-a) – 1.5 1.3 0.75 (if 0.75 (if 2.1-a) 1.5 1.3 - 0.75 (if
Leading applicable) applicable) Leading applicable)
Loads or 0 or 0 Loads or 0

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 35



S. No. No. of Lanes & Carriageway Configuration Transverse Loading Position (Maximum Eccentricity)

1 Single Multi-Lane Undivided Carriageway

with Symmetrical Confguration with Footway
On Both Sides Or Without Footpath

2 Single Multi-Lane Undivided Carriageway

Having Unsymmetrical Confguration with
Footway on one Side

3 Dual Multi-Lane Carriageway with Central

Median & Structural Gap to Separate the Two
Carriageways (Catering to Multi-Lanes) with/
without Footpath with Independent Substructure
& Foundation

4 Dual Multi-Lane Carriageway with Central

Median & Structural Gap to Separate the
Two Carriageways (Catering to Multi-Lanes)
with/without Footpath on Either Side with
Common Sub-Structure & Foundation for Dual

5 Dual Multi-Lane Carriageway with Central

Median but without any Structural Gap to
Separate the Two Carriageways (Catering to
Multi-Lanes) with/without Footpath on Either
Side and with Common Sub-Structure &
Foundation for Dual Carriageway

36 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


Annexure – F Vishakhapatn
am (RS/RW)
42 15.8
(IRC:6-2017) Pasighat
al 38.8 6
Sate-wise Higest Maximum and Lowest Minimum Dhubri
Temperature (Rupsi) 41.3 2.4
(Source: Climatological Normals 1981-2010, IMD,Pune)
Shade air (Mohanbari) 39.8 1
Temperature (A)
State Station (°C) Assam Guwahati
40.3 3
Max. Min. (Bhorjar) (A)
Car-Nicobar 38.1 10.9 39 2.7
Hut Bay 39.4 0.2 Rangia 39.4 6
Kondul 47.2 14 Silchar 39.4 5
n and
Long Island 43.1 14.6 Tezpur 45.7 5.6
Mayabandar 39 14 Bhagalpur 46.6 3.8
Nancowry 39.2 13.9 Chaibasa 46.7 4.4
Port Blair 36.4 14.6 Chapra 46.6 2.4
Anantapur 44.1 9.4 Daltonganj 48.8 0
Arogyavaram 40.6 8 Darbhanga 44.1 0
Bapatla 47.4 11.1 Dehri 49.5 -1
Cuddapah 46.1 10 Dumka 48.5 1.9
Dolphine Gaya 49 1.2
Nose/CDR Hazaribagh 46.6 0.5
42.8 14.1 Bihar
Visakhapatna Jamshedpur 47.7 3.9
m Jamshedpur
Gannavaram 46.6 4.4
48.8 8.5 (A)
(A) Motihari 44.4 0
Kakinada 47.2 12 Muzaffarpur 44.5 2.2
Kalingapatan Patna (A) 46.6 1.4
46.9 10.3
Purnea 43.9 -0.2
Kavali 47.2 16.4
Andhra Ranchi(A) 43.4 0.6
Kurnool 45.6 6.7
Pradesh Sabaur 46.1 0.6
47.8 13.2 Ambikapur 44.9 0.9
Bailaldila 39.4 4.6
Nandigama 47.1 9.3
Jagdalpur 46.1 2.8
Nandyal 48.2 9.2 Chattisg
Pbo Raipur 47 6.6
Narsapur 46.1 14.6 arh
Raipur 47.9 3.9
Nellore 46.7 11.1
Nidadavolu 48.9 11.4 47.4 5.7
Ongole 47.4 14
Rentachintala 49.9 9.4 Diu 44 5
& Diu
Tirmalai 37.6 3.6 Dabolim
Tirupathy 45.2 12.9 38.2 13.6
Tuni 47.5 13.9 Goa
Marmugao 38.4 12.2
Vishakhapatn Panjim 39.8 3.4
45.4 10.5

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 37


Ahmedabad 47.8 2.2 Kupwara 37.6 -15.7

Amreli 46.2 1.6 Pehalgam 32.2 -18.6
Balsar ( Quazigund 35.7 -16.7
43.1 5.8
Valsad) Srinagar 38.3 -20
Baroda 46.7 -1.1 Agumbe 38 3.2
Baroda (A) 46.2 2.8 Bagalkote 42.8 7.8
Bhavnagar Balehonnur 39.2 6.7
47.3 0.6
(A) Bangaluru
38.9 7.8
Bhuj [Bangalore]
(Rudramata) 47.8 -0.2 Bangalore
38.3 8.8
(A) (A)
Deesa 49.4 2 Belgaum 41.9 6.7
Dohad 47 0 Belgaum
Gujarat 40.2 6.4
Dwarka 42.7 6.1 (Sambre) (A)
Idar 48.5 4.8 Bellary 44.7 7
Keshod (A) 45.5 3.6 Bidar 44 6.2
Naliya 44.6 0.4 Bijapur 44.9 5.6
New Kandla 47.1 4.4 Chickmagalur 37 10
Okha 39.8 10 Chitradurga 41.7 8.3
Porbandar Gadag 41.7 9.8
45.5 2 Karnatak
(A) Gulbarga 46.1 5.6
Rajkot (A) 47.9 -0.6 Hassan 37.8 5.6
Surat 45.6 4.4 Honavar 38.6 13.5
Vallabh Karwar 39.6 11.6
47.5 2
Vidyanagar Kolar Gold
39.7 9.4
Veraval 44.2 4.4 Field
Ambala 47.8 -1.3 Mandya 39.1 8
Bhiwani 46.8 0.4 Mangalore
39.8 15.9
Gurgaon 49 -0.4 (Bajpe) (A)
Haryana Hissar 48.8 -3.9 Mangalore
38.1 15.6
Karnal 49 -0.4 (Panambur)
Narnaul 48.4 -0.9 Mercara 36.2 4.8
Rohtak 47.2 -0.5 Mysore 39.4 8.6
Bhuntar (A) 40 -5.2 Raichur 45.6 7.3
Dharamshala 42.7 -1.9 Shimoga 44 6
Kalpa (GL) 32.4 -15.4 Shirali 38.9 14.3
Manali 35 -11.6 Tumkur 39 6
Himacha Alleppy
Nahan 43 -7.9
l Pradesh (Alappuzha) 39.9 13.8
Nauni / Solan 39 -3.6
Shimla 32.4 -12.2 Calikote /
Sundernagar 42.1 -2.7 Kozhicode 38.1 13.8
Una 45.2 -5.8 Cannanore
Badarwah 39.4 -10.8 (Kannur) 38.3 16.4
Banihal 36.3 -13.6 Kerala Cochin (N. A.
Batote 36.6 -7.2 S.) /Kochi 36.5 16.3
Jammu Karipur
Gulmarg 29.4 -19.8
and (Airport) 38.6 11.2
Jammu 47.4 0.6
Kashmir Kottayam 38.5 16
Kathua 48 -1.8
Katra 46.2 -1 Palakkad
Kukernag 34.9 -15.3 (Palghat) 41.8 14

38 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


Punalur 40.6 12.9 Umaria 48.7 0

Thiruvananth Vidisha 49.1 0
apuram Ahmednagar 48.2 2.2
(Trivandrum) 38.3 16 Akola 47.8 2.2
Lakshad Agatti(A) 38 22.1 Akola (A) 47.7 4.4
weep Amini Divi 38.3 16.6 Alibagh 40.1 9.4
Islands Minicoy 36.7 16.7 Amravati 48.3 1.5
Alirajpur Aurangabad
(Jhabua) 46.2 0 (Chikalthana)
Bagratawa 47.2 1.5 (A) 43.6 1.2
Betul 48 -0.2 Baramati 43.8 5
Bhopal Bhira 49 5.1
(Bairagarh) 46 0.6 Bir (Beed) 47 4
Chhindwara 47.6 1.1 Brahmapuri 48.3 0.8
Damoh 49.8 1 Buldhana 44.2 4.4
Datia 48.5 0 Chandrapur
Dhar 47.1 3 (Chanda) 49.2 2.8
Ginabahar 46.1 -6.1 Dahanu 40.6 8.3
Guna 48 -2.2 Devgad
Gwalior 48.3 -1.1 (Devgarh) 43.1 14.1
Hoshangabad 47.1 1 Gondia 47.5 0.8
Indore 46 -2.8 Harnai 39.8 12.5
Jabalpur 46.7 0 Jalgaon 48.4 1.7
Jashpurnagar 42.5 -1.3 Jeur 46.6 2.2
Kannod 47.6 1.1 Kolhapur 42.3 8.6
Khajuraho 48.4 0.6 Maharas Mahabaleshw
Khandwa 47.6 0.2 htra ar 38.2 3.9
Khargone 47.9 0.2 Malegaon 46.7 -0.6
Malanjkhand 45.5 0.6 Miraj
Mandla 46.8 0 (Sangali) 43 6.5
Narsinghpur 48.6 -1.4 Mumbai
Nimach 46.7 -1.1 (Colaba) 40.6 11.7
Nowgong 48.8 -1.7 Mumbai(Bom
Panna 47 -0.4 bay) (Santa
Pendra Road 46.7 1.7 Cruz) 42.2 7.4
Raisen 47.7 0 Nagpur
Rajgarh 48.3 6.4 (Mayo-
Rajnandgaon 46.7 1.7 Hospital) 47.7 7.3
Ratlam 45.5 2.5 Nagpur
Rewa 46.8 0.6 (Sonegaon) 47.8 3.9
Sagar 46.4 1.1 Nanded 46.7 3.6
Satna 47.8 0.4 Osmanabad 45.1 8
Seoni 45.2 2.8 Ozar(A) 43.9 0.4
Shajapur 47.2 -0.5 Parbhani 46.6 4.4
Sheopur 48.8 -2.2 Pune 43.3 1.7
Shivpuri 47.2 -4 Pusad 47.6 1.1
Sidhi 52.3 1 Ratnagiri
Thikri 47.5 0.5 (PBO) 40.6 11.5
Tikamgarh 47.5 -0.6 Satara 42.6 4.8
Ujjain 46 0 Sholapur 46 4.4

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 39


Sironcha 48.2 4.5 Alwar 50.6 -0.8

Vengurla 40 6.2 Banswara 47.5 2.8
Wardha 48.4 4.3 Bharatpur 48.5 1.7
Yeotmal 46.6 6.2 Barmer 49.9 -1.7
Imphal/ Bhilwara 47.8 -0.3
Tulihal(A) 36.1 -2.7 Bikaner(P.B.
Barapani 35.2 -3.4 O) 49.4 -4
Meghala Cherrapunji 31.1 -1 Chambal
ya Shillong /(Rawat
(C.S.O.) 30.2 -3.3 Bhatta Dam) 47.6 -1.1
Mizoram Aizwal 35.5 6.1 Chittorgarh 47.5 -0.1
New Delhi Churu 49.9 -4.6
Palam (A) 48.4 -2.2 Dholpur 50 -4.3
New New Delhi Ganganagar 50 -2.8
Delhi (Safdarjang) 47.2 -0.6 Jaipur
New Delhi (Sanganer) 49 -2.2
C.H.O 47.8 -0.4 Jaisalmer 49.2 -5.9
Angul 47.2 0 Jawai
Balasore 46.7 6.7 Bandh/Erinpu
Baripada 48.3 6.5 ra 48.1 -3.1
Bhawani Jhalawar 49.3 -0.6
Patna 48.5 4.5 Kota (A) 48.5 1.8
Bhubaneshwa Kota (PB-
r (A) 46.5 8.6 Micromet ) 47.4 2.1
Bolangir 49 1.6 Phalodi 49.6 -3.3
Chandbali 46.7 5.1 Pilani 48.6 -4
Orissa Cuttack 47.7 5.8 Sawai
Gopalpur 44 9.6 Madhopur 48 -1.2
Jharsuguda 49.6 6 Sikar 49.7 -4.9
Keonjhargarh 47.4 0.6 Udaipur 44.6 0.4
Paradip Port 42.4 9.6 Udaipur
Pulbani 44.6 -2.3 (Dabok) (A) 46.4 -1.3
Puri 44.2 7.5 Gangtok 29.9 -2.2
Sambalpur 49 3.6 Tadong 32.6 0
Sundergarh 47.6 1.6 Adiramapatin
Titlagarh 50.1 4 am 43 15.6
Pondicherry 45.5 15.1 Ariyalur 49.6 13
Pondiche Chennai
rry (Minambakka
(M.O) 43.1 16.2
Amritsar m) (A) 49.1 15.7
(Rajasansi) 47.8 -3.6 Chennai
Kapurthala 47.7 0 Tamil (Nungambak
Ludhiana 46.6 -1.7 Nadu kam) 45 13.9
Punjab Ludhiana Coimbatore
(P.A.U.) 46.6 -1.6 (Pilamedu) 42.6 12.2
Patiala 47 -0.9 Coonoor 29.6 -0.5
Patiala Cuddalore 43.3 8
(Rs/Rw) 47 -0.1 Dharmapuri 41.4 10.6
Rajastha Abu 40.4 -7.4 Erode 42.8 13
n Ajmer 47.4 -2.8 K. Paramathy 45.4 13.4

40 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


Kanniyakuma Bareilly
ri 39.4 18.6 P.B.O. 47.3 -1.3
Kodaikanal 29.3 0.6 Churk 49 -0.6
Karaikal 42 17.8 Etawah 48.6 0.4
Karaikudi 42.7 15.5 Faizabad 47.4 0.8
Koradacherry 42.6 15 Fatehgarh 48.8 2.1
Kudumiamala Fatehpur 48.1 -1.7
i 43.1 13.5 Gazipur 46.4 -0.5
Madurai 44.5 10.5 Gonda 49.9 0.1
Madurai (A) 43.4 14.6 Gorakhpur
Mettur Dam 42.4 13.1 (P.B.O) 49.4 1.7
Nagapattinam 42.8 15.6 Hamirpur 48.2 -1
Octacamund 28.5 -2.1 Hardoi 48.3 0.7
Palayamkotta Jhansi 48.2 0
i 44.9 16.3 Kanpur (A) 47.3 0.4
Pamban 38.9 17 Kheri-
Port Novo 43.5 13 Lakhimpur 47.6 0.5
Salem 42.8 11.1 Lucknow
Tanjavur 46.2 16.6 (Amausi) 47.7 -1
Tiruchirapalli Mainpuri 49.2 -1.7
(A) 43.9 13.9 Mathura 47.6 0
Tiruchi 42.4 16 Meerut 46.1 0
Tiruppattur 46.3 10.2 Moradabad 48.2 0
Tiruttani 48.6 10 Mukhim 36.3 -9
Tondi 40.4 15.7 Muzaffarnaga
Tuticorin 41.1 15.3 r 45 -2.6
Vedaranniya Najibabad 45.2 -2.9
m 40 14.8 Shahajahanpu
Vellore 45 8.4 r 46.2 0.6
Bhadrachalla Sultanpur
49.4 8.4
m (M.O.) 48 0
Hanamkonda 47.8 8.3 Varanasi 47.2 1
Hyderabad Varanasi
45.5 6.1
(A) (Babatpur) 48 0.3
Telangan Dehra Dun 43.9 -1.1
Khammam 47.2 9.4
Mahbubnagar 45.3 9.1 Mukteswar
Medak 46.3 2.7 (Kumaun) 31.5 -7.8
Nalgonda 46.5 10.6 Pantnagar 45.6 -2.2
Nizamabad 47.3 4.4 Roorkee 47.4 -2.2
Ramgundam 47.3 7.5 Bagati 46.2 0.8
Agartala (A) 42.2 2 Balurghat 43.4 4.1
Tripura Kailashahar Bankura 47.4 0.8
(A) 42.2 2.4 Bankura
Agra 48.6 -2.2 (M.O.) 46.4 6.2
West Berhampore 48.3 3.9
Aligarh 49.5 0
Allahabad 48.8 -0.7 Calcutta
Uttar (Alipur) 43.9 6.7
Bahraich 47.6 0.3
Pradesh Calcutta
Ballia 48 0
Banda 48.9 -0.8 (Dum Dum)
Barabanki 47 2 (A) 43.7 5

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 41

Digha 42 7.6
Amendments Harbour 43 8.2
Haldia 40.9 9.1
Jalpaiguri 40.9 2.2
Canning 42.5 7.6 Kalimpong 34.1 -0.6
Contai 43.8 7.7 Krishnanagar 46.1 0.9
Cooch Behar Malda 45 3.9
(A) 41 3.3 Midnapore 47.2 0.6
Darjeeling 28.5 -7.2 Purulia 46.3 3.8
Digha 42 7.6 Sagar Island 40 7.2
Diamond Sandheads 40.4 9.2
Harbour 43 8.2 Shanti-
Haldia 40.9 9.1 Niketan 47 5
Jalpaiguri 40.9 2.2 Ulberia 43.5 6.6
Kalimpong 34.1 -0.6
Krishnanagar 46.1 0.9 A-Airport
Malda 45 3.9
Midnapore 47.2 0.6
Purulia 46.3 Notification
3.8 No. 3
Sagar Island 40 7.2
40.4 No.9.2
5/IRC:112/November 2017
Shanti- To
IRC:112-2011 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”
Niketan 47 5
Ulberia 43.5 6.6
S. No. Clause No. For Read
A-Airport Page No.
1 Section 1 - New Annexure
Contents A-7 Average Annual Relative Humidity
Annexure A-7
(Page vi)
2 Foot Note under 3. Relative humidity mentioned in 3. Relative humidity mentioned in Table 6.9
Table 6.9 the above table is defined as average is defined as average annual relative humidity
(Page 47) annual relative humidity (RH) of the (RH) of the atmosphere.
atmosphere. Annexure A-7 which shows the maximum
and minimum value of relative humidly
may be referred to. The mean of the values
corresponding to a respective station as shown
in Table A-7 shall be used as average annual
relative humidity.
For bridge locations other than the stations
given in Table A-7, values corresponding to
nearest station shall be used.
3 Clause In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan
(Page 81) (b)], a fan like compression field like compression field exists. When structure
exists. In area, confined by the beam is subjected to predominantly uniformly
end and the steepest inclination distributed loads, in area, confined by the
(θmax = 45º) of the compression field, beam end and the steepest inclination (θmax=
no shear reinforcement is required. 45º) of the compression field (generally
(It is however, customary to extend within a distance equal to effective depth from
the shear reinforcement at section 'A' centre of support), no shear reinforcement is
in this region also). required.

42 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


S. No. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
In area, confined by the steepest For concentrated loads the steepest inclination
(θmax) and the lowest inclination may the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect
(θmin) of compression field [θmin to vertical face of beam end, generally within a
is set at the chosen design angle distance of half the effective depth from centre
of compression strut (θ), as per of support) and for loads within this distance no
Clause], no shear shear reinforcement is required. It is however,
reinforcement is required for loads necessary to extend the shear reinforcement
acting within that area, as these loads up to the support from the section within this
are carried to supports by the direct region 'A' (distance d or half of d, as the case
compressive strut. The horizontal may be) and provide tensile reinforcement for
components of this internal resisting the horizontal components of these
compressive forces shall be provided internal compressive forces in addition to the
by tensile steel in addition to the steel steel provided for bending.
needed for bending.
4 10.2.3 (1) In case of direct support, shear force In case of direct support, shear force VNS
(Page 84) VNS acting at section 'd' (effective acting at section d (effective depth) away
depth) away from support may be used from centre of support, when the member is
for design of shear reinforcement. subjected predominately uniformly distributed
For checking crushing of concrete load and at a distance d/2 away when member
compression strut VNS shall be taken is subjected to concreted loads - may be
at the face of support. used for design of shear reinforcement in the
region between support to d or support to d/2
as the case may be. For checking crushing of
concrete compression strut VNS shall be taken
at the centre of the support.
5 z = lever arm can be taken as 0.9d for z ( lever arm )can be taken as 0.9d for RCC
(Page 91) RCC section and to be calculated for section and to be calculated for PSC section.
PSC section. For sections which are under full compression
under moment, and the compressive force in
the less compressive chord is at least equal to
ΔFtd – 1/3 of compressive force in the web, z
shall be taken as 0.9 times of total depth.
For calculating the compressive force in the
less compressive chord, the area of this chord
shall be assumed as follows.
(a) in case of box girder the area of soffit
(b) in case of T beam with bulb, the  area of
(c) in case of voided slabs the soffit area( area
below void)
(d) in case there is no   defined chord   is
available for less compressive chord then it
shall be taken as zero e. g. T Beam without

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 43


S. No. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
6 (3) – (3) In case of post tensioned bonded cables,
(Page 162) the minimum horizontal and vertical clear
spacing of cables as given in Fig. 15.9 shall
be followed for major lengths of the cables.
These requirements can be relaxed locally
near transition lengths of the cable, provided
the minimum clear spacing between the
adjacent cables along the line joining the
centers of two cables is maintained as Min
[φduct or 50mm].

Annexure-A-7 (IRC:112-2011) S. No. Station Average Annual

Table A-7 :State-Wise Average Annual Relative Humidity (%)
(Source: Climatological Normals 1981-2010, issued
14 Kurnool 67 42
by Indian Meteorological Department, Pune)
15 Mahbubnagar 66 50
S. No. Station Average Annual
16 Masulipatnam 77 68
Humidity (%) 17 Medak 66 49
I II 18 Nalgonda 75 51
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS 19 Nandigama 77 54
1 Car-Nicobar 79 82 20 Nandyal 71 50
2 Hut Bay 81 82 21 Narsapur 82 70
3 Kondul 85 86 22 Nellore 76 62
4 Long Island 80 83 23 Nidadavolu 84 68
5 Mayabandar 83 83 24 Nizamabad 67 47
6 Nancowry 81 83 25 Ongole 75 60
7 Port Blair 77 80 26 Ramgundam 71 52
ANDHRA PRADESH 27 Rentachintala 76 55
1 Anantapur 68 43 28 Tirmalai 76 69
2 Arogyavaram 72 48 29 Tirupathy 70 51
3 Bapatla 80 67 30 Tuni 74 67
4 Bhadrachallam 78 60 31 Vishakhapatnam 73 68
5 Cuddapah 67 49 32 Vishakhapatnam (RS/RW) 73 74
6 Dolphine Nose/CDR Visakhapatnam 78 - ARUNACHAL PRADESH
7 Gannavaram(A) 78 59 1 Pasighat 77 77
8 Hanamkonda 72 61 ASSAM
9 Hyderabad(A) 68 46 1 Dhubri (Rupsi){A} 80 73
10 Kakinada 77 66 2 Dibrugarh / Mohanbari (A) 80 76
11 Kalingapatanam 80 77 3 Gauhati(A) (Bhorjar) 81 72
12 Kavali 75 64 4 North Lakhimpur 80 78
13 Khammam 73 52 5 Rangia 77 -

44 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual

Relative Relative
Humidity (%) Humidity (%)
6 Silchar 85 73 5 Baroda (A) 70 45
7 Tezpur 81 74 6 Bhavnagar (A) 64 44
BIHAR 7 Bhuj (Rudramata)(A) 73 41
1 Bhagalpur 78 65 8 Deesa 68 39
2 Chaibasa 68 54 9 Dohad 70 41
3 Chapra 74 58 10 Dwarka 80 70
4 Daltonganj 72 53 11 Idar 55 36
5 Darbhanga 64 65 12 Keshod(A) 69 46
6 Dehri 69 58 13 Naliya 76 52
7 Dumka 68 60 14 New Kandla 72 51
8 Gaya 71 54 15 Okha 76 71
9 Hazaribagh 69 59 16 Porbandar (A) 72 57
10 Jamshedpur 72 63 17 Rajkot(A) 71 38
11 Jamshedpur (A) 70 56 18 Surat 73 53
12 Motihari 77 - 19 VallabhVidyanagar 77 50
13 Muzaffarpur 73 71 20 Veraval 73 72
14 Patna(A) 74 60 HARYANA
15 Purnea 80 71 1 Ambala 74 52
16 Ranchi(A) 66 55 2 Bhiwani 69 50
17 Sabour 77 63 3 Gurgaon 68 48
CHHATTISGARH 4 Hissar 72 46
1 Ambikapur 70 54 5 Karnal 73 55
2 Bailaldila 71 - 6 Narnaul 56 46
3 Jagdalpur 74 58 7 Rohtak 69 50
4 Pbo Raipur 67 51 HIMACHAL PRADESH
5 Raipur 63 49 1 Bhuntar(A) 80 48
6 Raipur(Mana) 61 46 2 Dharmsala 64 63
DAMAN & DIU 3 Kalpa (GL) 59 49
1 Diu 66 66 4 Manali 78 64
GOA 5 Nahan 70 64
1 Dabolim (N.A.S.) 77 69 6 Nauni / Solan 68 54
2 Marmugao 79 74 7 Shimla 60 65
3 Panjim 82 71 8 Sundernagar 83 54
9 Una 77 59
1 Ahmedabad 67 41 1 Badarwah 73 58
2 Amreli 69 39 2 Banihal 72 52
3 Balsar ( Valsad) 77 65 3 Batote 67 60
4 Baroda 70 42 4 Gulmarg 73 67

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 45


S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual

Relative Relative
Humidity (%) Humidity (%)
5 Jammu 71 56 3 Cannanore 79 73
6 Kathua 75 - 4 Cochin (N. A. S.) 83 73
7 Katra 66 61 5 Karipur (Airport) 80 71
8 Kukernag 72 65 6 Kottayam 84 72
9 Kupwara 85 64 7 Palakkad (Palghat) 81 61
10 Pehalgam 83 66 8 Punalur 87 66
11 Quazigund 79 59 9 Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) 83 73
12 Srinagar 79 56 LAKSHADWEEP
KARNATAKA 1 Agatti(A) 77 73
1 Agumbe 89 82 2 AminiDivi 82 75
2 Bagalkote 74 60 3 Minicoy 82 75
3 Balehonnur 85 - MADHYA PRADESH
4 Bangalore /Bangaluru 80 52 1 Alirajpur (Jhabua) 56 50
5 Bangalore /Bangaluru (A) 81 52 2 Bagratawa 61 46
6 Belgaum 75 - 3 Betul 70 50
7 Belgaum Samra(A) 74 53 4 Bhopal (Bairagarh) 60 43
8 Bellary 65 47 5 Chhindwara 70 52
9 Bidar 67 52 6 Damoh 62 -
10 Bijapur 71 47 7 Datia 65 52
11 Chickmagalur 74 62 8 Dhar 70 60
12 Chitradurga 74 49 9 Ginabahar 66 55
13 Gadag 73 45 10 Guna 62 43
14 Gulbarga 62 41 11 Gwalior 63 46
15 Hassan 82 63 12 Hoshangabad 65 47
16 Honavar 81 72 13 Indore 60 40
17 Karwar 80 72 14 Jabalpur 65 48
18 Kolar Gold Field 75 54 15 Jashpurnagar 66 58
19 Mandya 81 57 16 Kannod 67 50
20 Mangalore (Panambur) 84 73 17 Khajuraho 65 45
21 Mangalore / Bajpe (A) 82 70 18 Khandwa 59 37
22 Mercara 88 76 19 Khargone 68 62
23 Mysore 82 61 20 Malanjkhand 69 54
24 Raichur 59 42 21 Mandla 69 54
25 Shimoga 81 58 22 Narsinghpur 67 46
26 Shirali 81 75 23 Nimach 60 43
27 Tumkur 71 48 24 Nowgong 68 51
KERALA 25 Panna 61 52
1 Alleppy 86 78 26 Pendra Road 64 53
2 Kozhicode 83 75 27 Raigarh 67 52

46 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual

Relative Relative
Humidity (%) Humidity (%)
28 Raisen - - 22 Miraj (Sangali) 78 51
29 Rajgarh 62 43 23 Mumbai(Colaba) 81 71
30 Rajnandgaon 68 53 24 Mumbai(Bombay) (Santa Cruz) 74 63
31 Ratlam 63 41 25 Nagpur (Mayo-Hospital) - -
32 Rewa 61 54 26 Nagpur (Sonegaon) 62 47
33 Sagar 59 45 27 Nanded 66 43
34 Satna 65 47 28 Osmanabad 68 54
35 Seoni 63 55 29 Ozar(A) 67 44
36 Shajapur 61 43 30 Parbhani 62 44
37 Sheopur 69 47 31 Pune 74 47
38 Shivpuri 61 47 32 Pusad 63 46
39 Sidhi 66 47 33 Ratnagiri(PBO) 74 69
40 Thikri 65 - 34 Satara 73 51
41 Tikamgarh 65 60 35 Solapur 67 38
42 Ujjain 69 42 36 Sironcha 71 52
43 Umaria 70 54 37 Vengurla 82 68
44 Vidisha 73 50 38 Wardha 61 47
MAHARASHTRA 39 Yeotmal 56 44
1 Ahmednagar 65 48 MANIPUR
2 Akola 61 42 1 Imphal/ Tulihal(A) 78 70
3 Akola(A) 60 41 MEGHALAYA
4 Alibag 80 71 1 Barapani 78 -
5 Amravati 64 51 2 Cherrapunji 75 83
6 Aurangabad (Chikalthana)(A) 64 45 3 Shillong (C.S.O.) 70 84
7 Baramati 61 39 MIZORAM
8 Bhira 84 63 1 Aizwal - -
9 Bir (Beed) 69 45 NEW DELHI
10 Brahmapuri 68 49 1 New Delhi Palam (A) 68 45
11 Buldhana 63 44 2 New Delhi (Safdarjang) 68 46
12 Chandrapur (Chanda) 67 48 3 New Delhi C.H.O 70 47
13 Dahanu 73 70 ORRISA
14 Devgad (Devgarh) 78 73 1 Angul 72 60
15 Gondia 66 50 2 Balasore 72 71
16 Harnai 71 75 3 Baripada 77 70
17 Jalgaon 68 43 4 Bhawani Patna 65 54
18 Jeur 68 46 5 Bhubaneshwar (A) 77 67
19 Kolhapur 78 55 6 Bolangir 69 58
20 Mahabaleshwar 69 69 7 Chandbali 79 72
21 Malegaon 64 40 8 Cuttack 78 65

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 47


S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual

Relative Relative
Humidity (%) Humidity (%)
9 Gopalpur 81 78 20 Pilani 66 42
10 Jharsuguda 67 51 21 SawaiMadhopur 63 42
11 Keonjhargarh 70 61 22 Sikar 57 43
12 Paradip Port 81 79 23 Udaipur 65 -
13 Pulbani 77 66 24 Udaipur (Dabok)(A) 62 39
14 Puri 80 78 SIKKIM
15 Sambalpur 72 58 1 Gangtok 86 83
16 Sundergarh 70 62 2 Tadong 81 73
17 Titlagarh 65 60 TAMILNADU
PONDICHERRY 1 Adiramapatinam 77 73
1 Pondicherry 77 76 2 Ariyalur 73 61
2 Pondicherry (M.O) 81 75 3 Chennai (Minambakkam) (A) 74 65
PUNJAB 4 Chennai (Nungambakkam) 76 69
1 Amritsar (Rajasansi) 77 52 5 Coimbatore (Pilamedu) 80 54
2 Kapurthala 79 70 6 Coonoor 69 -
3 Ludhiana 73 51 7 Cuddalore 78 71
4 Ludhiana P.A.U. 76 54 8 Dharmapuri 71 52
5 Patiala 78 57 9 Erode 67 56
6 Patiala (Rs/Rw) 78 58 10 K. Paramathy 78 54
RAJASTHAN 11 Kanniyakumari 75 74
1 Abu 66 53 12 Kodaikanal 73 81
2 Ajmer 55 34 13 Karaikal 79 73
3 Banswara 62 43 14 Koradacherry 81 65
4 Bharatpur 68 49 15 Kudumiamalai 73 49
5 Barmer 59 32 16 Madurai 74 -
6 Bhilwara 65 - 17 Madurai (A) 69 50
7 Bikaner(P.B.O) 56 30 18 Mettur Dam 69 45
8 Chambal /(RawatBhatta Dam) 61 41 19 Nagapattinam 78 71
9 Chittorgarh 66 42 20 Octacamund 77 75
10 Churu 62 34 21 Palayamkottai 74 60
11 Dholpur 57 50 22 Pamban 76 73
12 Ganganagar 70 43 23 Port Novo 82 72
13 Jaipur (Sanganer) 58 36 24 Salem 75 52
14 Jaisalmer 60 31 25 Tanjavur 80 58
15 JawaiBandh/Erinpura 66 45 26 Tiruchirapalli (A) 73 50
16 Jhalawar 66 43 27 Tiruchi 85 -
17 Kota (A) 53 35 28 Tiruppattur 77 62
18 Kota (PB-Micromet) 55 37 29 Tiruttani 72 57
19 Phalodi 59 33 30 Tondi 76 76

48 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


S. No. Station Average Annual S. No. Station Average Annual

Relative Relative
Humidity (%) Humidity (%)
31 Tuticorin 77 73 26 Moradabad 79 65
32 Vedaranniyam 80 74 27 Mukhim 64 59
33 Vellore 78 55 28 Muzaffarnagar 74 53
TRIPURA 29 Najibabad 76 55
1 Agartala(A) 79 75 30 Shahajahanpur 75 59
2 Kailashahar(A) 83 75 31 Sultanpur (M.O.) 78 64
UTTARAKHAND 32 Varanasi 72 57
1 Dehra Dun 73 61 33 Varanasi (Babatpur) 71 55
2 Mukteswar (Kumaun) 62 69 WEST BENGAL
3 Pantnagar 76 60 1 Bagati 82 71
4 Roorkee 74 56 2 Balurghat 78 74
UTTAR PRADESH 3 Bankura 69 68
1 Agra 70 51 4 Bankura (M.O.) 78 68
2 Aligarh 71 55 5 Berhampore 79 70
3 Allahabad 68 53 6 Calcutta (Alipur) 77 69
4 Bahraich 74 59 7 Calcutta (Dum Dum) (A) 75 68
5 Ballia 77 66 8 Canning 79 73
6 Banda 66 54 9 Contai 79 77
7 Barabanki 73 59 10 Cooch Behar (A) 80 72
8 Bareilly P.B.O. 76 56 11 Darjeeling 85 84
9 Churk 67 59 12 Digha 79 76
10 Etawah 73 59 13 Diamond Harbour 82 76
11 Faizabad 74 - 14 Haldia 78 73
12 Fatehgarh 70 60 15 Jalpaiguri 83 78
13 Fatehpur 69 63 16 Kalimpong 88 89
14 Gazipur 71 61 17 Krishnanagar 72 66
15 Gonda - - 18 Malda 72 64
16 Gorakhpur(P.B.O) 76 61 19 Midnapore 70 66
17 Hamirpur 69 55 20 Purulia 71 59
18 Hardoi 73 57 21 Sagar Island 80 78
19 Jhansi 62 45 22 Sandheads 79 77
20 Kanpur (A) 73 54 23 Shanti-Niketan 76 65
21 Kheri- Lakhimpur 78 58 24 Ulberia 86 74
22 Lucknow (Amausi) 72 55
23 Mainpuri 76 59 Notes:
24 Mathura 65 58 I – corresponds to observation at 0830 IST
25 Meerut 76 - II –corresponds to observation at 1730 IST

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 49


Notification No. 4
Amendments No. 1/IRC:24/November 2017
IRC:24-2010- “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section-V, Steel Road Bridges” (Limit State Method)
(Third Revision)

S. No. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
G, (based on IRC:24-2001) DESIGN Stands Withdrawn
(Page 202)
2. 502.2.2.2 The principal mechanical properties of the The principal mechanical properties of the structural
(Page 24) structural steel important in design are the steel important in design are the yield stress, fy,
yield stress, fy, the tensile or ultimate stress, the tensile or ultimate stress, fu, the maximum
fu, the maximum per cent elongation on per cent elongation on standard gauge length and
standard gauge length and notch toughness. notch toughness. Except for notch toughness, other
Except for notch toughness, other properties properties are determined by conducting tensile
are determined by conducting tensile tests tests on samples cut from the plates, sections etc.,
on samples cut from the plates, sections etc., according to IS 1608. Refer to IS:2062-2011 for
according to IS 1608. For notch toughness test notch toughness of different grades of steel.The notch
IS 1499 may be referred. toughness requirement of steels to be used in bridges
is presented in new Clause 502.2.2.3.
3 502.2.2.3 – New Clause 502.2.2.3 introduced after clause
(Page 24) 502.2.2.2, as illustrated below

502.2.2.3 Fracture toughness requirement (Refer Sl. No. 3 above)

In order to avoid brittle fracture, the steel members and joining parts material should be selected to have
adequate fracture toughness taking into account the following:
a) Design minimum service temperature of the part
b) Fracture criticality of the member/part
c) Type of the steel (Grade & quality) and construction detail used in the part
d) Thickness of the stress carrying part.
The provisions of this clause shall apply irrespective of fatigue assessment requirement for a part as per
Clause 511 of IRC:24. The charpy V-notch toughness of different types of steel as per IS:2062:2011 are
given in Table (i). For other grades of steels, reference may be made to the relevant codes. It shall be
established (either based on experimental evidence or specialist literature) that steel proposed to be used
in a bridge/part will be able to sustain number of design cycles for design stress range at minimum service
temperature of the part. Minimum service temperature shall be as specified in clause 215 of IRC:6, viz.,
(i) -35ºC for snow bound areas and (ii) minimum shed air temperature – 10ºC for other areas.
Steel selected as per the guidelines given in clause 502.2.3.1 shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement
of this clause.
Unless indicated otherwise in the contract plans, Charpy V-notch toughness requirement are not mandatory
for the following items.
● Intermediate transverse web stiffeners not serving as connecting plates
● Bearings, sole plates, masonry plates
● Expansion plates

50 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


● Drainage components
● Filler plates in bolted connection in double shear
Table (i) Charpey v-notch toughness Requirement of Different Steels as per IS:2062-2011
Grade Quality Max. Yield stress (MPa) CVN at Test Temperature
E 250 A, BR, B0, C 250 27
E 275 A, BR, B0, C 275 27
E 300 A, BR, B0, C 300 27
E 350 A, BR, B0, C 350 27
E 410 A, BR, B0, C 410 25
E 450 A, BR 450 20
Note: Test temperature for CVN values are 25ºC for BR, 0ºC for B0 and -20ºC for C grade.
502.2.3.1 Selection of steel
For the purpose of toughness evaluation, minimum service temperature zones are classified as given in
Table (ii).
Table (ii). Temperature Zone Classification for Charpy V-Notch Requirement
Minimum Service Temperature (ºC) Temperature Zone
Above 0ºC 1
0ºC to -17ºC 2
Below -18ºC 3
Based on notch toughness requirement, selection table for various types of steel confirming to IS:2062:2011
for different temperature zone, plate thickness and fracture critically of the components is given in
Table (iii).
Table (iii) Selection Table for Steel
E-250, E-275 t ≤ 100 BR B0 C BR BR B0
& E-300
E 350 t ≤ 50 BR B0 C BR BR B0
50 ≤ t ≤ 100 B0 C C BR B0 B0
E-410 t ≤ 100 C NP NP B0 C NP
E450 t ≤ 100 C NP NP B0 C NP
Note: i) NP – Not Permitted
ii) Charpy impact test shall be mandatory for using Quality BR
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
4 503.2.2.2. – New Sub-clause to 503. to clause 503.2.2.2
(Page 29) added as follows.
503. Limiting Stresses for Serviceability
(a) The nominal Stress due to bending Moment

INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018 51


(b) The Nominal Stress due to Shear

(c) Combined Stress

(d) The Nominal Stress range due to frequent load

combination should be limited to 1.5fy / γm,ser
a) Where relevant the above checks should
include additional stresses from transverse
b) The value of γm shall be taken as 1.0.
c) For global analysis the effect of plate buckling
on the stiffness may be ignored when the ef-
fective cross-sectional area of an element in
compression is larger than 50% of the gross
cross-sectional area of the same element.
5 509.7.2.4, tw = minimum required web thickness for tw = minimum required web thickness
(Page 104) spacing using tension field action, as given in
clause 509.4.2.1

Notification No. 5
Errata No. 6/IRC:112/November 2017
IRC:112-2011 – “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 Sections having both bonded and Sections having both bonded and
(page 94) unbonded tendons shall be treated as unbonded tendons shall be treated as in
in Clause making use to only clause 10.3.3 making use of only bonded
bonded tendons as reinforcement tendons as reinforcement.

Notification No. 6
Subject: Withdrawal of IRC Publications:IRC:SP:11-1984, IRC:SP:47-1998 & IRC:SP:57-2000
The Following publications of IRC have been amalgamated into IRC:SP:112-2017- “Manual for Quality Control
in Road & Bridge Works” which has been released by IRC - November, 2017.
i) IRC:SP:11-1984 “Handbook for Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways”
ii) IRC:SP:47-1998-“Guidelines for Quality Systems for Road Bridges”
iii) IRC:SP:57-2000- “Guidelines for Quality Systems for Road Construction”
Aforesaid 3 publications stand withdrawn with immediate effect.

Notification No. 7
Subject: Withdrawal of IRC:SP:94-2011 “Material Testing Facilities for Highway Sector in NCR”
The IRC:SP:94-2011 “Material Testing Facilities for Highway Sector in NCR” published by Indian Roads
Congress in 2011 stands withdrawn with immediate effect.

52 INDIAN HIGHWAYS│January 2018


Notification No. 8
Amendment No.1/IRC:78-2014/November, 2017
IRC:78-2014 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section : VII,
Foundations and Substructure (Revised Edition)”
S. No Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 707.5 - New Clause
(p.n.23) 707.5 Raft Foundations
Guidelines for Raft foundations given in
Appendix 8 may be adopted wherever
2 709.2.5 - New Clause
(p.n.36) 709.2.5 Bi-directional Load Testing of
For initial Load test and routine load
test on piles, bi-directional pile load test
as per guidelines given in Appendix-9
may be adopted as an alternative to the
procedure given in IS:2911-Part IV.

(Clause 707.5)
Raft foundations have been successfully used as bridge foundation in most part of India, especially in
Maharashtra. It is a common practice to rest the foundations of bridges firmly into sound rock or at a
strata of soil below scour level but having adequate safe bearing capacity. Where good founding strata
is not available at reasonable depth, deep foundations such as wells, drilled caissons or piles have been
adopted. For some of this type of situations an alternative of Raft Foundations can be considered, where
construction of Raft slab together with cut off walls to protect the securable strata immediately below
the raft is provided. Raft foundations can also be founded on strata of somewhat lower bearing capacities
than Rock or Intermediate Geo material.
In case of Raft Foundation, the founding level need not be taken deeper than the maximum scour level
like in case of open, isolated footings. It is sufficient to go slightly below general scour depth worked out
by LACEY’s or other applicable formula. Thus, it reduces the construction problem due to lesser depths
of foundations. The full raft and cut off walls along with U/S and D/S stone apron are the barriers to resist
washing away of bed material by currents below bed by confinement of underneath strata immediately
below the raft slab.
The raft foundations fall under the category of shallow foundations. However, these types of foundations
warrant some specific attention pertaining to design, construction and maintenance. For guidance of
Bridge Engineers, IRC considered it useful to lay down guidelines for design and construction of Raft
foundations. Raft foundation are suitable for small and medium bridges. However, these have been

successfully used in Major bridges also. A list of major bridge structures constructed in Maharashtra
State using raft foundations with broad design parameters is given in Annexure-1 for reference.
2.1 Scope
The Guidelines can be used for the design and construction of Raft Foundations for bridges on all category
of roads. The considerations given in these Guidelines should be supplemented by sound engineering
judgment taking in to account the local environment and past performance in the respective regions. For
the purpose of these guidelines, Raft Foundation includes Foundation Slabs with structurally detached
Cut off walls along with U/S and D/S apron.
2.2 Limitation and acceptability of Raft Foundation
Rivers can be classified into following two categories which decide the suitability of raft
foundation hence limitation of these guidelines.
a) Rivers flowing within more or less defined and stable banks consisting of soils like silt, fine
to coarse sands.
Raft foundation is a suitable alternative for these rivers; such streams/rivers are typically
met in very large part of the country excepting the alluvial belt of Northern and Eastern India
and Delta regions of large rivers.
b) Rivers flowing in its own deposited alluvium with large depth of deposits and wide khadir, in
which the flood course itself may undergo changes, and even after forming deep local scour-
holes the firm bed and sides having cohesive bond between particles are not available. The
structure needs guide bunds to control the flood within pre-selected course. Scour depths are
several meters deep. Raft type foundations are not suitable for these rivers. However, raft
foundations can be considered in this situation also for small streams with limited discharge,
medium and small streams of water.
Raft type foundations, if proposed for such conditions, need extensive hydraulic design.
For these refer IS: 6966(Part 1), Hydraulic Design of Barrages and Weirs. Also refer to the
local experience and practices of the Irrigation Departments dealing with these areas.
Certain clarifications for applying these methods to the design of raft foundations are given
2.3 Raft in Bouldery strata- Raft foundations should not be constructed in the Bouldery strata or in
hilly region where velocity of the flow can be very high.
3. Design and Specifications
3.1 Definition
Raft is a shallow foundation structure consisting of structural slab to support load, cutoff walls at U/S and
D/S to restrict the scour along with U/S and D/S stone apron and thereby ensure safety of the structure.
3.2 Elements of Raft Foundations
Reinforced Concrete raft slab is a structural member which transmits the loads to the soil, which is a
semi-elastic material. Under the permanent loads the soil settles, mostly unequally, causing permanent
settlements and induces corresponding stresses in the raft. Under transient loads the soil acts as an elastic
material, causing recoverable stresses and deflections. If soil does not respond so, the raft type foundation
is not viable.
The elements of the Raft Foundations, in their most generalised form are shown in Fig. 1. These are listed
a) Treated and compacted soil below the raft.



b) RCC Raft with thickness designed as per structural and durability requirements, but
having concrete of at least M 30 grade. A sacrificial surface layer of not less than 100 mm
thickness with surface reinforcement or stone masonry is to be provided where rolling
debris are expected during floods. This provision should be extended around the pier for the
depth till the velocity of current drops below gravel/pebbles carrying velocity.
c) Vertical Cut off walls on U/S and D/S side of the raft, having water tight connection with the
raft but structurally not connected with the same.
d) Stone Apron on upstream with length and thickness designed to make it function as a
launching apron to avoid U/S scour immediately in front of the cut off wall and achieve
uniform flow from unprotected bed scoured to its deepest normal scour depth to the structure
on the U/S. The apron may be provided for short lengths on either side to keep the scour hole
away at safer distance.
e) Stone apron on D/S of Raft, with length and thickness designed to make it function as a
launching apron so as to avoid D/S scour immediately in front of the cut off (and or concrete
blocks) and achieve uniform flow from protection to the scoured bed to its deepest normal
scour depth on the D/S.

Fig. 1: Typical Cross Section of Raft Foundation

Floor Protection Work- The effective waterway between piers should preferably be adequate
to avoid supercritical flow between the piers and a hydraulic jump downstream. However
under certain conditions this may not be possible to avoid jump formation. In such situation
an extended floor protection consisting of concrete blocks should be provided on D/S
immediately after the RCC raft and Cut-off wall. The length is to be decided upon
requirement to re-establish subcritical flow as much stream lined as possible and contain
formation of hydraulic jump within its length.
g) Toe Wall: Toe wall shall be constructed at the end of Launching Apron.
h) Super and Sub Critical Flow-
The dimensionless Froude number, Fr, describes different flow regimes of open channel
flow. The Froude number is a ratio of inertial and gravitational forces.
Fr = V/(gD)1/2
V = Water velocity
D = Hydraulic depth (cross sectional area of flow/top width)
g = Acceleration due to Gravity When:
Fr = 1, critical flow,
Fr > 1, supercritical flow (fast rapid flow),
Fr < 1, subcritical flow (slow/tranquil flow)



3.3 Design Considerations for Raft Foundations in Non- Alluvial Rivers

3.3.1 General Consideration
The foundation shall be designed to withstand the worse combination of loads and forces in accordance
with the provisions of Clause 706 of IRC:78. The foundation shall be taken to such a depth that they are
safe against Normal scour or protected against it. Apart from this, the depth should be also sufficient from
consideration of bearing capacity, settlement, liquefaction potential, stability, etc. at founding level. In
case of bridges where the mean scour depth ‘dm’ is calculated as per IRC:5, depth of foundation shall not
be less than those of existing structures in the vicinity, which is close enough to influence the flow depth
and pattern if the structure is also on Raft.
Although Raft Foundation falls in the category of shallow foundation and is found to be convenient and
economical proposition under certain conditions, the general concepts given above need to be interpreted
separately, since the foundation itself, acting together with other elements also acts as a bed protection.
The requirements of the minimum depth are different from those for open foundations.
3.3.2 Hydraulic and Geotechnical Considerations-
The design flood should of not less than 100 years return period as calculated by rational methods for
small catchments, but not less than the observed maximum flood and by unit hydrograph method for
medium catchments. The requirements of the linear waterway, cross section, constriction, etc., should be
worked out on the basis of Manning or Inglis method. The waterway should be calculated as per IRC:5
“General Features of Design”
The bearing capacity of the soil should be adequate. The founding strata should be not less than 300 mm
below the lowest bed level at low water level. The soil profile of the channel where Raft is to be laid
should be more or less uniform so as to provide uniform sub-grade reaction from the soil. One meter
depth of soil below this level should be removed and replaced by selected earth, preferably granular
material as explained under 4.1.1 to ensure uniform reaction. For initial design appropriate value of
sub grade reaction of site soil be based/adopted on Cl 2.3 of IS9214:1979/Cl 6.4 of IRC Publications
which should later be validated by Plate load test. In case of major variation the thickness etc. shall be
redesigned. The top of the floor shall be kept atleast 300 mm below lowest bed level to prevent floor
acting as a weir when retrogression of levels takes place.
3.3.3 Structural Design of Raft
i) Analysis:
Raft slab can be designed as beam on elastic foundation using Heteny’s equations for Beams
on elastic foundations or as “Plate” resting on elastic support using finite element method or
“Grid” with elastic support at every node, loaded at regular interval with dead and live load
at pier locations. Any standard software or design charts can be used for this purpose. The
raft slab will have structurally detached water tight cut-off wall. The design of structurally
integral cut-off wall and the raft is complicated, and the raft may not qualify as a raft slab.
The designs done beyond the range of past experience or for extrapolated situations may be
verified by model testing and appropriate studies. The average load on the founding strata as
a whole shall be within the bearing capacity of soil.
ii) Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (K value):
For selecting appropriate k values IRC:15 / IS: 9214 publications / any text book on soil
engineering can be referred for guidance. Confirmatory plate load test can be carried out if
required. Typical k values, normally adopted in the design are reproduced as below:



a) Stiff/hard clay 20 to 25 Mpa/m

b) Fine sand 40 to 45 Mpa /m
c) Murum or compact sand 50 to 75 Mpa /m
iii) Structural Design:
Structural design should be in conformity with the applicable Code but thickness not
less than 300 mm and of concrete having strength not less than M30. The durability
specifications should be for severe conditions of exposures and the provisions of the minimum
cover and allowable max crack widths should be suitable for these exposure conditions. The
raft slab should be checked for punching shear caused by the concentrated pier load, in
addition to the normal bending and shear design for severe conditions of exposure as per
Table 14.1 of IRC 112 subject to verification of local conditions on a particular site. The
structural slab should extend beyond pier by at least the amount equal to the design thickness
of the slab or equal to width of pier whichever higher.
In addition to the structural thickness, protective measures against abrasion from suspended
and rolling coarse material in the flood should be provided. The slab should be laid on
100 mm thick M 10 PCC.
The thickness of the slab should not be less than 300 mm.
iv) Extension of structural slab as floor protection beyond pier/structural thickness
The floor protection in front of piers should be provided for length not less than the width
of the pier or depth of raft slab whichever is higher to control/eliminate horse-shoe shaped
vortex which causes local scour. The RCC slab should be at least 300 mm thick laid on 100
mm thick M 10 PCC. It should have minimum 0.2% steel of Fe500 grade attop and bottom in
each direction. Protective measures against abrasion, if provided, should be continued over
the full width.
v) Cut-Off Walls on U/S and D/S of RCC slab
The cut off wall could be attached with raft slab and should be not less than 300 mm thick
with M 30 grade concrete. It should be designed as nominally reinforced PCC wall with
0.12% steel of Fe500 grade in each direction on both faces, with clear cover of 75 mm.
These walls should not have structural continuity or moment connection with RCC slab, but
the joint should be leak tight. The cut off wall should be taken at least 300 mm below the
mean depth of scour calculated as per IRC:5.However, the total minimum depth below floor
shall be not less than 2 m. below the top of floor. In case the substratum with continuous
layer of stiff non- securable clay in the neighbourhood of downstream of cut-offs a
judicious adjustment in the depths of U/S and D/S cut-offs shall be made to avoid building
up pressure under the raft (refer clause 15.1.1 of IS: 6966).
vi) Pervious Block Protection beyond RCC Raft on D/S side
For cases where hydraulic jump can occur due to presence of supercritical flows as mentioned
in Para 3.2. (h) a pervious protection layer consisting of concrete blocks laid on the inverted
filter should be provided, for a length needed to achieve desired velocity. The length of the
concrete block apron should be at least 1.5 x (depth of average scour below floor level). The
minimum size of the concrete blocks should be based on the mean design velocity V in m/s,
equivalent diameter in m and weight in kg as given by Table 1. For the concrete blocks size
should be worked out from weight at density of 2400 kg/cu.m.



Table 1 Size and Weight of Stone for Launching Apron

S. No. Mean Velocity in Maximum size and weight of stone

m/sec- Upto
Diameter(mm) Weight(kg)
1 2.5 300 40
2 3.0 380 76
3 3.5 510 184
4 4.0 670 417
5 4.5 850 852
6 5.5 1040 1561
vii) Launching Aprons on U/S and D/S sides
The length of apron for raft beyond RCC floor slab on U/S side should be at least 1.5 x
(depth of average scour on U/S bellow floor level). On D/S side it should extend beyond
pervious block (if provided) for at least 2.0 x (depth of average scour on D/S below floor
level). However, in no case these shall be less than 3 m and 5 m respectively.
The thickness of apron shall be 0.6 m for Manning’s velocity up to 3m/sec at raft top and for
velocity more than 3m/sec the same shall be 1.0 m. However, the thickness of apron shall be
such that total quantity of rubble will cover 1:2 sloping length between raft top and normal
scour level with 2 layers of 220 mm. In case of bed having very fine sand or silt, slope up to
1:3 and in case of boulder reaches 1:1.5 slope may be adopted.
The thickness of loose stone shall be 1.25 times the thickness specified for river slope and
type of bed material in IS: 6966. These shall however, have a minimum thickness of 220 mm
after launching Normally box returns are provided to the bridges with Raft Foundations. In
that case it will be desirable to extend the u/s and d/s stone aprons with Toe walls sideways
at least by 3m beyond ends of both abutments on upstream and downstream or anchor them
well into stable banks of the stream, to prevent undermining of aprons from sides and to
ensure additional safety to box returns and to ensure that box returns do not get undermined
during floods.
Size and weight of stone shall be as per Table 1. The minimum weight of stone of size D50
shall be 40 kg. Concrete precast or cast in situ block or wire mesh crates can be used to get
the required weight. For wire mesh crates refer Para, Appendix 2 of IRC 89.
Where similar Aprons have been provided in the nearby locations and in comparable
conditions, the local experience shall be taken in to account.
viii) For a new bridge on raft foundation close to bridge on open or deep foundation closer to less
than flood depth following precautions need to be taken:
a) When new raft bridge at U/S-The D/S apron may be extended up to 2m beyond pier base
of the existing bridge
b) When new raft bridge at D/S- The U/S apron be extended beyond two meter of existing
c) Hydraulics and structural safety of exiting bridge to be rechecked assuming apron top
as bed level
In case the U/S or D/S face of the pier of the existing bridge is at least at a distance of 1.5
times the flood depth from the nearest Toe wall of the Apron, then no additional measures,
as stated above, are required to be taken.



3.4 Raft Foundation on Alluvial Soils

The basic design principles of raft design are the same as above in this case also. The foundation strata
below raft is protected from the local extra scour and used as founding strata. The hydraulic design is
more complex requiring control of flow on both above and below bed level. Guidelines for doing so are
available in IS: 6966(Part 1), “Hydraulic Design of Barrages and Weirs”.
While using the same, apart from non-applicability of weir/barrage related clauses, certain other basic
differences have to be kept in mind. These are described below:
(i) The bridge sub structure does not impound any reservoir and the difference between U/S
and D/S levels of the water surface are due to natural longitudinal gradient in open channel,
local change to the shear resistance by the raft and protective aprons and the afflux created by
the obstruction of piers resulting in reduced waterway and increased local velocities. This is
comparatively much smaller as compared to the weir/barrage. Hence the hydraulic design of
flow below bed is easier to manage. The requirements given in the IS can be reduced/relaxed
as mentioned below.
(ii) Clause 4: Data requirements can be relaxed in their extent and coverage.
(iii) Clause 5: Design flood of 500 years return period need not be used.
(iv) Clause 6: The afflux restriction of 0.5 m and 1.0 m are not applicable.
(v) Clause 14: Energy dissipation may or may not be required, depending upon nature and
energy of flow between the piers and the flow on the D/S beyond the structure and further
down in the original sections of the river. This may occur by formation of hydraulic jump or
by creation of obstacles to the flow and resulting turbulent flow. It is necessary to provide
D/S RCC slab and pervious concrete blocks of adequate length to ensure that the jump is
contained within this portion.
The Launching apron has to be provided beyond the Concrete block protection.
4. Construction Requirements
4.1 Foundation Preparation
It is desirable to carry out construction of raft in dry season. Raft foundations are constructed by excavating
entire bed up to the depth of cut off walls. The form work is then erected and reinforcement for Cut off
placed in place. Sometimes it is not possible to excavate the entire bed due to water seepage. In such
situations small portion of cut off wall is excavated for limited width and full depth. The excavated
portion is concreted, and work progressed. Appropriate type of concrete should be used to avoid washing
out of cement slurry from concrete. Use of dry concrete shall be avoided as its quality control is difficult.
The raft is a RCC structural member transferring the load to the soil below. The bearing capacity of the
soil supporting the Raft slab should be adequate. The founding strata should be at-least 0.30 m below the
lowest bed level at low water level. The soil profile below this level should be more or less uniform so as
to provide uniform sub-grade reaction from the soil. In absence of uniformity in the strata, 1.0 m depth
of soil below this level should be removed and the bed rolled and compacted using good selected non-
cohesive soil. Over this compacted bed selected earth from suitable borrow pits should be backfilled in
layers and compacted to 95% proctor density. A PCC layer of about 100 mm thickness shall be laid over
the compacted earth. A layer of about 100 mm shall be constructed in such a manner that it does not get
mixed with the soil. It provides a solid base for the raft foundation and a mix of M 10 concrete can be
used in it. Plain concrete is vibrated to achieve full compaction. Concrete placed below ground should be
protected from falling earth during and after placing. Concrete placed in ground containing deleterious
substances should be kept free from contact with such a ground and with water draining it during placing
and for a period of seven days. When joint in a layer of concrete are unavoidable, and end is sloped at



an angle of 30 degree and junctions of different layers break joint in laying upper layer of concrete. The
lower surface is made rough and clean watered before upper layer is laid. Raft slab of required thickness
shall be laid over the compacted PCC layer. Substructure should not be started unless raft slab along with
Apron is completed.
4.2 Cut Off Walls
Bed shall be excavated to construct Cut-off walls abutting to the Raft Slab on U/S and D/S sides of the
Raft. The Cut off walls can be integrated to the Raft slab to have a water leak-proof joint. The joint of
Cut-off walls and Raft slab shall be watertight and the same can be achieved if required by providing
PVC water-stop with minimum embedment of 150 mm. However, the Cut off walls should not share
moments from the raft slab as these are not designed for that. The Cut-off walls shall be minimum 300
mm thick in M 30 Concrete with minimum depth as 2.0 m. or 300 mm below the mean scour depth
whichever is more. The construction of Raft and Cut off walls shall be taken up during dry season to
avoid dewatering problem. In case of excessive water percolation during construction of Cut-off walls
sinking of Precast Cut off walls, dumbbell shape “well” with U/S and D/S cut-off connected together to
be sunk by grabbing, or sheet pile techniques or bentonite clay technique or similar such construction
techniques be adopted. Cross cutoff wall of 2.3 m depth shall be provided at the end of raft so as to
prevent washing out of the filling beneath the Raft. In case full length of raft cannot not be completed
before the onset of monsoon then in that case also the cross cutoff shall be provided at end of constructed
portion of the raft. These will strengthen the main cut off walls as well as protect the underneath bed from
scouring in case of out-flanking.
4.3 Protective Block Protection on D/S Side
As explained in Para 3.2. (f) additional protective block protection at D/S need to be provided in case
supercritical velocity is likely to be generated.
4.4 Launching Apron on U/S and D/S sides
Launching apron at U/S and D/S are essential element of the system and detailed requirement are defined
in Para 3.2 (g).
4.5 Special Cases
Construction of Raft Slab and cut off walls up to desired depth by excavating an open trench is possible
in cohesive soils. However, in case of sandy soils and structures near irrigated areas dewatering is one
of the major difficulties faced in the construction of raft foundations. Various innovative methods have
been devised and put into practice in the field to overcome such difficulties. Also, Raft need not be
constructed for the entire width of superstructure. Narrow Raft with proper flare has also been designed
and constructed in past. It is not necessary that the width of raft slab is same as that of superstructure.
Raft slab width can be varied to achieve economy. Width of central portion can be reduced while at end
it can be matched with abutment width. Typical sketch is given in Fig 2.
4.6 Combination of Foundations
Sometimes rock may be available at surface or in shallow depth only in part width of the river. Rock if
available at isolated small location then same can be removed at least for 1m below the bottom of raft
slab and filled up with selected granular material to be well compacted. Where the rock is available in
part length for full width of raft, in such cases the system of open foundation in rocky portion and raft for
remaining length can be adopted. However, in such case the provision of cross cut-off at the end of raft
portion need to be given. In addition to this the span next to raft foundation need to be fully protected
against scour by U/S and D/S cut-off, nominal concrete raft slab as bed protection along with U/S and
D/S apron as bed protection.



Fig. 2 Typical Details of Raft Showing Reduction in Width

5. Precautions to be Taken
The following precautions shall be taken during design, construction and maintenance.
5.1 Preparation of Bed
The excavated area below the raft slab should be well consolidated and if required necessary treatment
should be applied to soil to achieve the desired bearing capacity depending on soil investigation data.
5.2 Control on Exit Gradient and Bed Protection
The soil below the Raft slab needs to be protected from erosion. The scour of the soil immediately around
the substructure is protected by providing cut off walls abutting the raft slab. The scour on the upstream
or downstream side beyond the cut off walls may take place where bed protection is not provided.
Launching stone aprons should be provided for adequate length on U/S and D/S so that the scour holes
do not extend below the foundation level. The Raft, flooring and cutoff walls length should be such that
the exit gradient and exit velocity do not exceed the permissible limits.
5.3 Uniform Soil Reaction to Raft Slab
The Raft slab is designed as supported for the entire length and width by well compacted natural granular
or with selected material. Such a bed provides vertical reaction to the RCC Raft slab when loaded.The
bedding material should be of same type.
5.4 Maintenance of Raft Foundation
The satisfactory and safe performance of raft foundations depends on the function of Raft slab, Cut off,
elastic bed material below the slab, launching apron and Toe walls. It is therefore necessary to ensure that
all these elements remain intact. These elements should be inspected at least twice a year before and after
monsoon. Any deficiency found should be made good well before the onset of monsoon.
Top of the Raft slab in part stretch shall be cleared and closely inspected. If any damages are noticed then
the whole Raft slab shall be cleared, inspected and repaired if necessary.
U/S and D/S launching Apron shall be inspected and dislodgement of stones shall be replaced with
appropriate quantity of stones of desired weight. Similarly, toe walls shall also be inspected and repaired
if needed.
Scouring of bed material below Raft slab needs to be monitored and protected. Hollows below the raft
slab with or without appearance are not permitted as it may lead to settlement and cracking of Raft slab.
5.5 Sand Dredging
Dredging of sand at least for a length of 6 times the river width at U/S and D/S or minimum 300 m,
whichever is more should not be allowed. This zone should be declared a prohibited zone and no digging
or the use of area within the zone should be allowed.


Annexure 1
List of Major Bridges with Raft Foundation built in Maharashtra State

S. No.

Depth of flow

Name of Stream
Design descharge
Grade of concrete

Design scour level

Mean Design HFL

Thickness of apron

Height of cut off wall

Thickness of Raft slab

Spanning arrangement
Pier-Dimension in Plan

Carriageway width in m
Type Attached/Detached
lentth of upstream apron

Soil type clayey, sandy etc.

Total length of bridge in m

Name of road and standard

Length of downstream apron

Bhandara-Tumsar- 47 Spans of 9.02 x

1 Bawanthadi 423 Sandy 6157.857 263.8 253.39 6.16 M 20 0.54 Det 0.35 4.25 12 15 1.2
Balaghat Rd. (SH) 7.5 9.0 m. c/c 1.52

28 Spans of 8.88 x
2 Keshori Gadhavi 7.5 168 Sandy 2696.25 99.038 91.236 5.502 M 30 0.375 Det 0.4 2.3 4 6 0.55
6.0 m. c/c 1.39
Rd (MDR)
13 Spans of 9.30 x
3 Thadipaoni Wardha 7.5 130 Sandy 5243 96.41 83.085 11 M 30 0.65 Det 0.4 2.3 6 8 0.6
10.0 m. c/c 1.803


Anjangaon-Akot 15 Spans of 10.472 x

4 Shahanur 9 120 Silty 5026 102.41 89.837 8.573 M 30 0.5 Det 0.5 4 6 9 0.6
Rd (SH) 8 m. c/c 1.472

Rajoli-Approach 19 Spans of 5.58 x

5 Kathani 4.25 114 Sandy 2674.649 101.17 86.244 13 M 30 0.55 Det 0.4 2.3 4 6 0.65
Rd (VR) 6.0 m. c/c 1.33

Akola-Akot Rd 8 Spans of 8.50 x

6 Purna 7.5 96 Silty 10909 109.54 88.6 18 M 30 0.4 Det 0.5 3 13.45 21.75 1
(SH) 12.0 m. c/c 2.0



(Clause 709.2.5)
Bi-Directional Load Testing of Piles
1. Terminology
Common technical terms used in this document are as below:
1.1 Bi-directional Pile Load Test
A deep foundation pressurised by an embedded jack assembly to perform axial compressive load test, so
that the foundation section above the jack assembly moves upwards and the foundation below the jack
assembly moves downwards, each section providing reaction to the other. As such applied test load is
twice the load in the jack assembly.
1.2 Cast-in-situ Pile
A deep foundation made of concrete or cement grout and constructed in its final location like drilled
shafts, bored piles, caissons, auger cast piles.
1.3 Deep Foundation
A relatively slender structural element that transmits some or all of the load it supports to soil or rock
well below the ground surface.
1.4 Jack Assembly
One or more bi-directional jacks arranged together with steel bearing plates, stiffeners or equivalent to
distribute jack load and to act in parallel symmetrically about a central axis. The jacks will be embedded
within a deep foundation to apply a bi-directional compressive load aligned with the central axis of the
deep foundation.
1.5 Bi-directional Jack
A specialised hydraulic jack that has linear load-pressure calibration over its expansion range and remains
accurate under small eccentric reaction conditions.
1.6 Pile Reinforcement, Reinforcing Steel
For the purpose of this document, this may consist of any steel member such as rebar, channel, box beam,
wide flange beam.
1.7 Barrette
A cast-in-situ constructed pile having non-circular cross-section, i.e. rectangular, square, T-shaped,
H-shaped etc.
1.8 Telltale Rod
An unrestrained metal rod extended through the test pile from a specific point within the pile to be used
as a reference from which to measure the change in the length of the loaded pile section or the absolute
movement at that specific point, such as the top of an embedded jack.
1.9 Wire Line
A steel wire mounted with a constant tension force between two supports and used as a reference line to
read a scale indicating movement of test pile.
2. Scope
This appendix provides the procedure for Bi-directional static vertical pile load testing for initial as well
as routine tests for pile foundations.



This type of test is conducted on a single deep foundation element to measure load and axial displacements
when loaded in bi-directional static axial compression using an embedded jack assembly. This method
applies to all deep foundations, which function in a manner, similar to driven or cast-in-situ piles,
regardless of their method of installation. This document provides minimum requirement for testing
deep foundations under bi-directional axial vertical loads. The agency conducting the test shall interpret
the results based on the procedures described in the document.
3. Advantages
This method has a number of advantages as compared to conventional Static Load Test described in
IS:2911 Part IV, as below:
a) Automatic skin friction and end bearing separation.
b) Eliminates heavy load frame used for load application to pile by hydraulic jacks.
c) Eliminates kenteledge platform when loads are from top of pile by sand loading or by concrete
blocks. These have known to topple with attended hazards.
d) Eliminates anchor piles when reaction is taken from soil/rock below.
e) Eliminates constraint due to non-availability of area around pile due to traffic in urban areas
and low head room situation.
f) Load testing can be done within cofferdam in the middle of the river or in such similar
g) Saves time in preparation and load testing.
h) The total load application will be half of pile capacity, there by using lesser capacity jacks and
other equipment.
i) Comparatively Safe as no loads are applied at or above ground level and very large MS frames
are not used.
j) Can be used when there is Space constraints.
4. Limitations
The pile need to be preselected for testing and cannot be randomly selected after completion
5. Test principles
5.1 The bi-directional axial vertical pile load test provides quantum of side shear parameter mobilised
above embedded jack assembly and the pile end bearing parameter plus any side shear mobilised below
it. Pile capacity mobilised will be two times the maximum load applied by jack assembly. Test results
will provide information to assess distribution of side shear resistance along the pile and quantum of end
bearing mobilised at the pile bottom, this will provide information on load-displacement behaviour of
5.2 Initial test piles or test piles of bi-directional axial vertical pile tests shall be conducted for loads
exceeding 2.50 times the design load or till pile fails. The parameters obtained during this test like load-
displacement curves, strains etc shall be used to optimise the designs of piles in the nearby region for
their dimensions.
5.3 The initial test shall be considered as part of design for the purpose of approval. For routine piles
the total loading shall be limited to the extent of 1.50 times the design load of pile. Initial pile load testing
and routine pile load testing shall be in conformance with Clause 709.1.8.(C), and 709.2.4 of
5.4 Results of bi-directional vertical axial tests can be analysed to estimate the load versus movement
behaviour and the ultimate capacity that could be measured during axial static compression test.



5.5 Location of jack assembly at theoretical balance point within

the pile is a crucial factor to completely mobilise the axial compressive
capacity, so that approximate capacity above the assembly equals
the capacity below it. A improperly chosen balance point will result
in excessive movement above or below jack assembly, limiting the
applied load and reducing the usefulness of test results. This factor
can be addressed by studying the geotechnical investigation report,
so that the location of jack assembly can be at a suitable level in
the piles, chosen as to ensure that all calculated upward thrust and
bottom thrust due to loading will be almost equal. It shall be nearly
equal with proper engineering judgement.
5.6 Estimation and establishment of balance point requires
suitable site characterisation, and proper application of engineering
principles and judgement. For very high capacity piles staged
testing, using multiple jack assemblies at different heights will
provide greater assurance of full capacity mobilisation along the
complete length of pile. In case the ‘balance point’ demands an
additional downward kenteledge load or rock anchors to ensure full
mobilisation of end bearing, same shall be provided. Fig. 1 A Schematic Diagram of
A schematic diagram of Bi-Directional Pile Load Testing is given Bi-Directional Pile Load Testing
in Fig. 1.

6. Preparation of Test Site

6.1 The pile under test shall be prepared such that the resultant line of force of jack assembly shall
coincide with central axis of pile. Figs. 2 to 5 show details of embedded jack assembly and other allied
details of pile and jack assembly placed within a test pile in preparation for a bi-directional axial vertical
pile load testing. During the initial jack pressurisation, a fracture plane will form through the surrounding.
The pile reinforcement, jack assembly and instrumentation provided shall not restrain the subsequent
expansion of the assembly after the fracture occurs in the pile. The depth to the embedded jack and test
instrumentation installed within the pile shall be measured to the nearest 25mm or less with respect to a
common fixed point near the top of pile that will remain accessible after completion of pile installation.
The test foundation preparation shall be checked and verified so that the constructed test pile will satisfy
the intent of the test programme.

Fig. 2 Typical Instrumentation Above Fig. 3 Typical Embedded Jack Movements

Ground Level



Fig. 4 Details of Instrumentation for Fig. 5 Typical Measurement of Axial Pile

Measuring Pile Movements Movement –Above Jack Assembly
6.2 The jack assembly shall be placed at a predetermined location within the pile prior to placing the
pile concrete for all types of cast-in-situ piles or drilled shafts or bored piles. Steel reinforcement cage or
a similar support frame with centralised devices shall be placed to maintain the location and orientation
of the assembly during concrete placement. Care shall be taken to provide for detailing of reinforcement
required in the vicinity of jack assembly. Sound concrete shall be placed around the assembly by using a
fluid concrete mixture, concrete shall be placed at slow and study rate, and providing adequate clearance
around it to avoid restricting concrete flow and trapping any sediments, drill fluid or laitance. Drilling
mud/fluid, sediments and cuttings not removed from the pile bottom before concreting can reduce the
maximum possible test load if the allowable jack expansion is inadequate to compress these sediments
and mobilise the planned end bearing. The jack assembly shall be placed at a minimum distance of 1.50
times pile diameter above the pile bottom, as needed to place sound concrete or grout below it. A jack
assembly placed along the pile length shall provide access to place concrete beneath the assembly.
6.3 For piles constructed by auger cast method, the jack assembly shall be attached to the steel
reinforcement cage or a similar support frame, and then placed into the fluid grout or concrete at the
desired location. Centraliser devices shall be used to avoid damaging the jack or altering the size and
shape of pile. A minimum clearance between the jack and sidewalls of bore pile shall be lesser of 75 mm
or 8 times the diameter of maximum size of aggregate used. The jack assembly and its support frame
shall be placed in the same manner as that of piles.
6.4 For driven, pushed or screwed piles, the jack assembly is usually installed during the manufacture
of pile. The pile is then installed as per normal procedure.
6.5 Jack assemblies shall be designed to load the pile symmetrically about its axis, typically using
jacks of the same make, model and capacity that have individual pressure supply hoses.
6.6 A minimum of two hydraulic hoses shall be provided for input and return, extending from pile top
to the jack assembly. To confirm the hydraulic flow to each jack and to isolate potential pressure leaks
during the test, two hoses extending from the pile top are recommended for each individual jack. As an
alternate, jacks directly connected together within an assembly shall be connected in series to verify
flow continuity and check for pressure leaks. Alternatively, jack can be connected in parallel with an
embedded manifold to verify the flow and pressure to each jack. To limit potential leaks, hoses should
not include unnecessary fittings or connections within the pile. Each hose shall be clearly marked at each
jack, at both sides of any connection and at the pile top to identify the jack connected to it.
6.7 Routine piles or working piles can use the vent pipes or tubes for post-test grouting of fracture
plane created in the pile by the expanded jack assembly. The hydraulic hoses installed for each jack is
used to grout the expanded jacks. Grout used shall be of non-shrink cementitious in nature.
6.8 The ground level around the test pile shall be excavated or filled up to final design elevation. Cut
off or build up the test pile as necessary to permit the placement, use and operation of test equipment
and instrumentation. Any damaged or unsound material shall be removed from pile top as required to
install instrumentation for testing. While temporarily dewatering the site, a ground water level shall be
maintained as near to the nominal elevation as possible for the duration of test.



7. Planning of Load Testing

7.1 The maximum anticipated load applied by the embedded jack assembly in each direction will
be half of the specified maximum test load. The rated capacity of the jack assembly shall exceed the
maximum anticipated load by 25%. The jack assembly shall be pressurised using hydraulic fluid oil
or water or both. The ram of each bi-directional jack shall have a minimum travel of 150 mm or it can
be less than 150 mm if the test demands for the same. However, it is preferred to have ram travel of a
minimum of 150 mm.
7.2 Location of jack assembly for routine load test: The jack assembly shall be below the designed
length of pile and in continuation to the pile.
7.3 Bi-directional jacks shall be assembled together with mild steel bearing plates, stiffeners or
equivalent, so that jack load can be distributed to outer perimeter of the pile. Bearing plates and stiffeners
shall provide a uniform distribution of the axial load and allow for smooth flow of concrete below the
jack assembly and into the assembly between bearing plates. Distance from pile top reference to the
jack assembly top and bottom shall be measured and recorded to nearest 25mm or less. A Jack assembly
consists of steel plates fixed to the required no. of jacks. Refer Figs. 6 and 7.

Fig. 6 Jacks Being Assembled with Fig-7 Assembled Arrangement Ready to be

Steel Bearing plates Installed in Pile
Note : Cutouts in steel bearing plates for passage of concrete by tremie are shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
7.4 Jack assembly shall be welded or locked so that it remains closed during handling and installation
in the pile. The welds or locks shall be designed, so that, they can be disengaged completely with no
resistance to expansion of jack, prior to testing or to provide resistance after 1mm or less of assembly
expansion. When placed as integral part of the pile reinforcement in a cast-in-situ pile, the jack assembly
and its connection to the reinforcement shall be designed to safely withstand handling and placement
stresses. Jack assemblies are introduced in the steel reinforcement cage at the required location. As such
hinge is introduced in upper portion near jack assembly, refer Figs. 8 and 9.

Fig. 8 Jack Assembly Attached to Pile Fig. 9 Jack Assembly Attached to Pile
7.5 Jack assembly casing for driven pile shall include anchorage that will safely withstand handling
and driving stresses. Refer Fig. 10.



Bi-directional jacks that opens within the soil, especially

when installed in a driven pile, can include a plate around
the pile perimeter that covers the opening to minimise
disturbance of the surrounding soil during testing.
7.6 The pump, hoses, pipes, fittings, pressure gauges and
pressure sensors used to pressurise the jack assembly shall
be rated to a minimum safe pressure corresponding to the
nominal capacity of the jack assembly.
7.7 The pressure measurements in the jack assembly
using pressure gauges or sensors shall have a range greater
than or equal to the rated pressure of the jack assembly. Fig. 10 Lowering of Assembly
Pressure gauges shall have minimum graduations less than with Cage Reinforcement
or equal to 1% of maximum anticipated pressure. When
used in the test, pressure sensor output in units of pressure or calibrated load shall be displayed in real
time during the test.
7.8 Each jack, pressure gauge and pressure sensor shall be plainly marked by a unique serial number
and shall have calibration tests performed no more than twelve months prior to the test to atleast the
maximum anticipated jack pressure.
7.9 Strain gauges are recommended at strategic locations to assess the load in the pile and the load
transfer along the pile length, which facilitates the equivalent top-down load-displacement analysis.
8. Measurement of displacements and strains
8.1 Upward pile movement shall be reported as positive and downward movement as negative. Pile
compression shall be reported as positive and expansion as negative. Jack assembly expansion shall be
reported as positive and closure as negative.
8.2 Reference beams and wire lines, if used, shall have supports firmly embedded in the ground at a
clear distance from the test pile of atleast three times the diameter of test pile. A single reference beam
shall be oriented across pile top or two parallel reference beams, one on each side of test pile. Reference
beams shall have adequate strength, stiffness and cross bracing to provide stable support for the test
instrumentation and to minimise vibrations that may affect the measurement of pile movement. One
end of each beam shall be free to move laterally as the beam length changes with temperature variation.
Supports for reference beams and wire lines shall be isolated from moving water and wave action.
8.3 A trap or shelter shall be provided to prevent direct
sunlight and precipitation from affecting the measuring and
reference systems. Refer Fig. 11.
8.4 The dial indicator stem shall be perpendicular to
the direction of stem travel and bearing surface shall be
smooth with atleast a 5 mm glass plate glued to the surface.
Electronic indicator movements shall be displayed in
real-time during the test. Displacement indicators used for
measuring pile movements shall have a minimum travel of
100 mm and minimum graduations of 0.01mm or less. If
larger displacements are anticipated, greater travel, stem Fig. 11 On-Site Test Set up Location
extensions shall be provided. Dial indicators and electronic
displacement indicators shall be in good working condition and shall have a full range calibration within
twelve months prior to the test.
8.5 Laser, optical or digital survey levels can be used for secondary pile top axial movement
measurements and to verify reference movements.



8.6 Unstrained telltale rods, with a typical diameter of 6 mm shall be used to measure the axial pile
movement or the axial compression within the pile. Telltale rods shall be installed in an open sheath or
casing or tubing having an inside diameter approximately two times the telltale rod diameter to ensure
free rod movement during the test. A displacement indicator shall be used with its stem parallel to the
pile axis to measure the relative movement between the rod and the pile top or the reference beam. A
glass plate shall be clamped and glued to the telltale rod perpendicular to the rod. A single telltale can
be installed on the axis or telltales can be provided in pairs at the same elevation to obtain an average
measurement on the pile axis, with the telltales in each pair oriented diametrically opposite to each other
and equidistant from and parallel to pile axis. For test piles exceeding 1.80 m diameter a minimum of two
pairs of telltales shall be installed at each elevation to obtain an average measurement, ideally with one
pair orthogonal to other. The telltale rods shall have a rounded or pointed tip that bears on a clean steel
plate affixed within the pile or shall be threaded into a nut affixed within the pile or firmly fixed with any
available method. Telltale rods shall be cleaned and oiled prior to installation in pile. Centralisers shall
be provided for the rods at the pile top to restrain lateral movement but not axial movement. Alternatively
a axial tension displacement indicator can be attached to the telltale and other end can be fixed to a
rigid reference to measure the axial movement of telltale rod. Distance from pile top reference to the
termination point of each telltale shall be measured to nearest 25 mm or less.
8.7 Each displacement indicator, scale, target, detector, staff and reference point used during the test
shall be identified and marked with reference numbers or letters clearly visible to test personnel.
8.8 Indicators, scales or reference points attached to the test pile, reference beam or other references
shall be firmly affixed to prevent slippage during test. Verification shall be done for wire line supports
and reference beams, so as, to prevent movement during the test by using a surveyor’s level for taking
readings on a survey rod or scale with reference to permanent bench mark located outside immediate test
8.9 Axial Movements on Pile Top
Displacement indicators shall be used as primary or secondary system to measure pile top axial movement
with respect to one or more reference beams. The indicator stem shall be oriented parallel to the pile axis.
A single displacement indicator shall be mounted on a reference beam to measure axial movement at the
centre of the test pile. As an alternate, displacement indicators shall be mounted on reference beams in
pairs to bear on pile top at opposing axisymmetric points equidistant from the centre of test pile. During
the test, use a level or laser with scales, targets, detectors or staff to measure the movement the reference
beam relative to a benchmark located outside of immediate test area.
8.10 Axial Movements of Jack Assembly
Telltales shall be installed to measure respective movements of the top and bottom of jack assembly.
Displacement indicators used to measure these movements shall have adequate length to measure
assembly plate movement and shall measure the axial movements of the jack assembly to the nearest
0.01mm. Telltales shall be referenced to the top of the pile or to a reference beam system. Monitor the
axial expansion of the jack assembly using the difference between the telltale measurements at the top
and bottom of the assembly.
8.11 Direct Jack Expansion Measurement
Electronic displacement indicators shall be installed in the pile to directly measure the jack assembly
expansion. These electronic displacement indicators shall measure assembly expansion to the nearest
0.01 mm. A minimum of one pair of indicators shall be installed, with the indicators in each pair oriented
diametrically opposite to each other and equidistance from and parallel to pile axis. For test pile exceeding
1.80 m diameter, a minimum of two such pairs of indicators shall be used. In addition, at least one pair
of telltales shall be used by extending from pile top and up to telltale level coming from top of jack
assembly to measure the pile compression above the jack assembly.



When the jack assembly is activated, the lower and upper portions of the jack will move in the respective
directions with displacements. A typical pile having length of 25000 mm with displacement of 50 mm
upward and 50 mm downward movement is shown in Fig. 12. Telltales- TT-1, TT-2 are for upward
movement of pile and Telltales-TT-3 and TT-4 are provided for downward movement of pile below the
jack assembly. The lengths given in the Fig. 12 are notional only and for the purpose of understanding.

The measurements are notional only and for the purpose of better understanding

Fig. 12 A Typical Jack Assembly Movement when Activated for a Pile Length of 25 m.

8.12 Strain Measurement in Pile

Wherever strain measurements are envisaged, strain in the pile can be measured using strain gauges
installed along the length of pile axis at locations specified to help evaluate the distribution of load
transfer from the pile to the surrounding soil. Single gauges or paired gauges can be installed on pile
axis with the gauges in each pair oriented symmetrically opposite to each other and equidistant from and
parallel to the pile axis. Two such pairs of gauges are recommended for critical locations and for test piles
with diameter exceeding 1.80 m or larger, ideally with one pair orthogonal to the other. Distance from
pile top reference to the gauges is measured and recorded to the nearest 10 mm or less.
The strain gauges shall be individually or batch calibrated prior to installation and shall have accuracy
within 1% throughout the applicable measurement range. Strain readings shall be recorded with a precision
of 1 micro strain or less. Where feasible, strain measurement programme shall include a complete history
of gauge readings starting before their installation in the pile.
In order to interpret strain measurement and to estimate the load in the pile, details regarding depth
profile describing the variation and properties of pile constituents, including strength, cross-sectional
area and modulus obtained are required. The modulus can vary with the applied stress, especially for
grout or concrete. This information can be obtained from installation records, calliper measurements and
separate material property tests as needed.
8.13 Pile Compression Measurements
Wherever pile compression measurements are envisaged, same shall be measured in test pile.
9. Load testing procedure
9.1 General
Use of embedded jack assembly to apply load to the test pile will result in application of test load which
is twice the load measured in jack assembly. The test uses load intervals to better estimate the anticipated
movements. Structural capacity of pile or jack assembly shall not be exceeded in the test procedure.
9.1.1 Prior to testing, concrete in the pile should generally achieve approximately uniform strength
throughout the pile and atleast 85% of maximum design compressive strength.



9.1.2 The static axial capacity of piles typically changes as time elapses after pile installation, depending
on the soil or rock properties, on the pore water pressure and soil structure interface while installing pile.
This behaviour can be for both cast-in-situ as well as driven piles.
9.1.3 Prior to performing the test hydraulic fluid shall be circulated through each jack to verify hose
connectivity, saturate the system and flush any blockages.
9.1.4 Prior to test, any safety locks placed on the jack assembly shall be removed for safe handling
during placement in the pile. Welds must be broken during initial pressurisation of the jack assembly. The
initial pressurisation shall proceed until a fracture plane forms across the pile and all welds or locking
mechanisms are fully disengaged, at that time the pressure shall be reduced to zero for atleast 1 minute
before beginning the loading on pile.
9.1.5 Unless otherwise specified each increment of test load shall be maintained constant with reasonable
9.1.6 Jack operating personnel shall check for pressure leaks during each load interval. Continuous
pumping without expansion of jack assembly or a significant difference between the pressures measured
on the input and return pressure lines can indicate hydraulic leak. Leaks shall be identified, isolated and
repaired before continuing the test. The effect of leak shall be assessed with reliability of test results.
9.2 Loading Procedure
9.2.1 Load on jack assembly shall be applied in ten equal increments with each increment not more
than 5% of maximum specified test load, since maximum specified jack assembly load will be 50% of
maximum specified test load. Each load increment shall be added in a continuous operation attaining
the load following the completion of movement readings for the previous load intervals. If significant
movement occurs above or below the jack assembly, the loading time is extended to apply the load
increment to the opposing portion of the pile. Load increments shall be added till reaching half of the
maximum specified test load, until reaching the maximum expansion or load capacity of jack assembly,
or until observing continuing, progressive expansion of jack assembly, but structural capacity of pile
shall not be exceeded. Below template shows Load vs displacements - top and bottom movements.
Load (kN) Top plate movement (mm) Bottom plate movement (mm) Total (mm) Remark

Note : Use TT-1 and TT-3 from Fig. 12 for measuring and Plotting load vs displacement table and curves
9.3 Recording Test Readings
9.3.1 Time of applied pressure, jack assembly load, pile movement, jack assembly expansion, pile
compression, pile strain, reference movement for each identified gauge, scale and reference point shall
be recorded for each increment immediately, preferably within 1 minute of each loading.
9.3.2 It is preferable to use a data logger system to condition and store the test data in digital form. The
data logger shall be connected to an electronic system that displays the numeric results in real time during
the test.
9.3.3 The jack’s manufacturers shall certify its accuracy
9.3.4 Load shall be applied in each increment and decrement of 5% of maximum specified test load at
1, 2, 5, 10 and further each at 10 minutes upto the duration of total load. It should be noted here that
maximum specified jack assembly load will be 50% of maximum specified test load in bi-directional
testing. Instrument reading shall be recorded within 1 minute before application of next load increment
or decrement. If required, data logger can be used to automate the test.
10. Safety during testing
i) All operations in connection with pile load testing shall be carried out, so as to, minimise or
avoid or eliminate exposure of people to any type of hazard due to test.
ii) Stable and level work areas shall be provided around the test pile. All test and adjacent work
area’s walkways, platforms shall be cleared of scrap, debris, small tools and accumulated mud,
grease, oil and other substances.



iii) Temporary devices to keep embedded jack assembly safely closed during handling and
placement is provided. When placing in jack assembly as part of steel reinforcement cage,
adequate connections between steel reinforcement and jack assembly shall be provided to
maintain stability and integrity of overall cage during its handling and placement. Multiple
lifting connections shall be used to prevent permanent distortion of reinforcement cage.
iv) Loads shall not be hoisted, swung or suspended over test personnel and shall be controlled by
tag hoists. Only authorised personnel and test equipment shall be permitted within immediate
test area.
11. Analysis of results
Measurements obtained in the form of deformation upwards and downwards shall be plotted as in
Fig. 13. The ordinate above 0.00 mm displacement with respect to the load in abscissa indicate upward
movement of the jack system recorded, and the ordinate below 0.00 mm with respect to the load in
abscissa indicate downward movement of the jack system at respective loads. For any particular load
combined movement measured above 0.00 abscissa line as well as below the line will indicate total
displacement of the jack assembly. Further an equivalent top load curve derived from Fig. 13 and plotted
as in Fig. 14. This equivalent top-load curve shall be read for load – displacement requirements.

Fig. 13 Typical individual top-bottom displacement Fig. 14 Typical equivalent combined

of pile with respect to load curve from load test
11.2 Initial Load Test or Load Test on Test Pile
Test pile or load test on Initial pile shall be conducted for loads exceeding 2.5 times the design load and
capacity measured corresponding to settlement of 10% of pile diameter or less if the settlements is less
than 10% of pile dia.
11.3 Routine Load Test shall be conducted for test load of 1.50 times design load and settlements shall
not exceed settlement obtained from initial pile test corresponding to routine test load.
12. Report
Test information shall be recorded for:
i) Project identification and location, ii) Test site location, iii) Date and type of test, iv) Agency performing
the test, v) Personnel performing the test and preparing the report, vi) Temperature and weather conditions
during tests, vii) Brief description of embedded jack assembly and pressure measurements, including
capacity, viii) Description of instrumentation used to measure pile movement including location of
indicators, scales, and other reference points with respect to pile top, ix) Description of special
instrumentation such as telltales or strain gauges including location of such instruments with reference
to pile top, x) Special testing procedures used, xi) Plots of load vs. plate movement above and below the
jack assembly, xii) Photographs of test instrumentation and setup (optional), xiii) Date test pile installed,
xiv) Design load of test pile, xv) Type and dimensions of test pile to nearest 0.03 m or less, xvi) Test pile
material including basic specifications, xvii) Load vs displacement curves for upward and downward
movement of pile shall be recorded, equivalent top load curve from earlier curves shall be plotted, further
strain gauge readings wherever required shall be plotted.



Amendment No. 6/IRC:112/May, 2018 (Effective from the 30th June, 2018)
IRC:112-2011 – “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 (1) Curvature Curvature
(Page 116) (1) For members with constant The curvature of any member may be calculated by
symmetrical cross – sections (including using
reinforcement), the following may be
Where, For simplification it can be assumed that the strain in
kr is a correction factor depending on axial extreme compression fiber εc reaches failure strain and
load, can be taken as εcu2 and in the tension steel strain εy
reaches the yield strain εyd
kφ is a factor for taking account of creep.

d = is the effective depth given in (2) d is the effective depth in the plane of bending
kr is a correction factor depending upon axial load as
given in (3)
kφ is a factor for taking account of creep as given in

2 (2) If all reinforcement is not concentrated (2) For members with constant symmetrical cross
on opposite sides, but part of it is section (including reinforcement) having reinforcement
(Page 117)
distributed parallel to the plane of bending, on both faces which reach the yield strains and are
d is defined as: separated by lever arm, z = 0.9d, the curvature is given
by εyd and d as defined earlier.
Eq. 11.8
If all reinforcement is not concentrated on opposite
Where is is the radius of gyration of the sides, but part of it is distributed parallel to the plane
total reinforcement area. of bending, d is defined as:
Eq. 11.8
Where is is the radius gyration of the total reinforcement

3 (3) (3) Kr in Expression (11.7) should be (3) As a simplification kr in expression (11.7) may be
taken as: taken as 1.0 on the conservative side. Alternatively kr
(Page 117)
can be calculated as shown below:
Kr = (nu – n) / (nu – nbal) ≤ 1
kr = (nu – n) / (nu – nbal) ≤ 1 Eq. 11.9
Where Eq. 11.9
relative axial force.
NED = is the design value of axial force.
nu = 1 + ω NED = design value of axial force
nbal is the value of n at maximum moment nu = 1 + ω
resistance; the value 0.4 may be used.



S. No. Clause No. For Read

Page No.
nbal is the value of n calculated using the balanced
axial force corresponding to the maximum moment
As = is the total area of reinforcement. of resistance of section which shall be obtained by
Ac = is the area of concrete cross – section. constructing the Axial Load-Moment interaction
For symmetrically reinforced rectangular sections nbal
can be taken as 0.4.

As = is the total area of reinforcement, and,
Ac = is the area of concrete cross – section.

4 12.3.4 (2) Aceff is the effective area of concrete in Aceff For rectangular section it is the effective area of
(Page 126) tension surrounding the reinforcement of concrete in tension surrounding the reinforcement of
depth hcef where hcef is the lesser of 2.5 depth hcef, where hcef is the lesser of 2.5 (h-d); (h-x)/3;
(h-d);(h-x)/3; or or h/2 (refer fig 12.2) or or h/2 (refer fig 12.2)
For circular section a thin slice in the plane of bending
through diameter having width equal to spacing of
reinforcement bars may be taken and analyzed. Ac,eff,
hcef and ρp.eff shall be calculated for this slice taking d
as the effective depth of reinforcement in this width
5 12.3.6 New Note Add Note below table 12.3:
(Page 130) “Table 12.2 and 12.3 are applicable for circular section
6 Clause In order to avoid edge sliding, uniformly In order to avoid edge sliding, uniformly distributed
16.11.2 (3) distributed reinforcement parallel to the reinforcement parallel to the loaded face should be
(Page 189) loaded face should be provided to the provided to the point at which local compressive
point at which local compressive stresses stresses are dispersed. This point is determined as
are dispersed. This point is determined as follows:
follows: A line inclined at an angle θ (30º) to the direction
A line inclined at an angle θ (30º) to the of load application is drawn from the edge of
direction of load application is drawn from the section to intersect with the opposite edge of
the edge of the section to intersect with the loaded surface, as shown in Fig. 16.10. The
the opposite edge of the loaded surface, reinforcement provided to avoid edge sliding
as shown in Fig. 16.10. The reinforcement (At) shall be calculated using the expression
provided to avoid edge sliding shall be At fyd ≥ FRdu/2 and shall be adequately anchored
adequately anchored. on both sides of the failure plane. Reinforcement
provided for other purposes may also be utilized for
this requirement.



Amendment No. 3/IRC:6/May, 2018 (Effective from the 30th June, 2018)
IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section; II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision)
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 Clause 219 Seismic Force Refer IRC:SP:114 “Guidelines for Seismic Design
of Road Bridges”
(Page 61 to 74)

Errata No. 1/2018
1. IRC:SP:64-2016 “Guidelines for the Analysis and Design of Cast-in-Place Voided Slab
Superstructure (First Revision)”
2. IRC:SP:66-2016 “Guidelines for Design of Continuous Bridges (First Revision)” and
3. IRC:SP:70-2016 “Guidelines for the use of High Performance Concrete (Including Self Compacting
Concrete in Bridges) (First Revision)”.
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 2.0 Cl No.2.1 Deleted
(Page 2) Cl No. 2.2 Deleted
Cl. No.2.3 2.1


Indian Association of Structural Engineers (IAStructE), national apex body of structural engineers in India
is planned to organize half-day Seminar on topic “Introduction to New Seismic Guidelines on Highway
Bridges (IRC:SP:114-2018)” on 23rd June 2018 between 2:30 PM to 05:30 PM at PHD Chamber of
Commerce & Industry, PHD House, 4/2 Shri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi 110 016.
The participation fee is Rs 1,000/- for non IAStructE members. However, for IRC members 25 % discount is
available. For IAStructE members, there is no participation fee. The Seminar will be followed by high tea. The
aim of seminar is to sensitize the bridge designers, proof checkers, authority engineers and client engineers
about provisions/adoptability of recently published/released IRC’s) new document IRC:SP:114-2018
“Guidelines for Seismic Design for Road Bridges”, (i,e. on May 4th 2018 during IRC council meeting
held at Aizawl) which is replacing existing seismic provisions of IRC:6-2017. The invited speakers in this
seminar are the code makers themselves who were involved in making of this new guideline.
In view of limited available seats, you are requested to quickly send your nomination along with the requisite
fee, as applicable or nominate engineers from your organization/department latest by 5th June, 2018. For
further details and enquiry, you may contact the IAStructE Secretariat: Mr. Vikas Verma, Manager IAStructE,
Tel: 011-45794829, Email: [email protected].



Amendment No. 1/IRC:SP:79/November, 2018 (Effective from the 31st January, 2019)
IRC:SP:79-2008 “Specifications for Stone Matrix Asphalt”
S.No Clause No. For Read
& Page No.
1. Title Tentative Specifications for Stone Matrix Specifications for Stone Matrix Asphalt
2. 3.1 Bitumen: The bitumen for fiber-stabilized Bitumen: The bitumen for fiber-stabilized
(Page 2) SMA shall be viscosity grade VG-30 complying SMA shall be viscosity grade VG-40 complying
with Indian Standard Specification for paving with Indian Standard Specification for paving
bitumen IS:73 or Polymer Modified Bitumen bitumen IS:73 or Polymer Modified Bitumen
(PMB) Grade 40 complying with the Indian (PMB) Grade 40 complying with the Indian
Roads Congress Specification IRC:SP:53 Roads Congress Specification IRC:SP:53 or
Rubberised bitumen as per IRC:SP:107.
3. 6.2 Tack Coat: A bitumen emulsion complying with Tack Coat: Rapid Setting bitumen emulsion
(Page 6) IS:8887 of a type and grade or viscosity grade (RS1) complying with IS:8887 or bitumen
bitumen VG-10 shall be applied as a tack coat on VG 10 shall be applied as a tack coat on the
the existing bituminous layer. Quantity of liquid existing bituminous layer. The quantity of
bituminous material shall vary from 0.20 to 0.30 residual bitumen of the emulsion or the bitumen
kg/sqm in case of emulsion and 0.30 to 0.40 kg/ VG 10 shall vary from 0.13 to 0.19 kg/m2. The
sqm in case of bitumen. In this regard IRC:16 tack coat shall be applied by a self propelled
may be referred. The tack coat shall be applied or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped
by a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure for spraying the bitumen binder uniformly at a
sprayer equipped for spraying the bitumen binder specified rate. The emulsion tack coat shall be
uniformly at a specified rate. The emulsion tack allowed to set (turn black from brown) before
coat shall be allowed to set (turn black from laying the hot mix.
brown) before laying the hot mix.

Notification No. 13
Amendment No. 4/IRC:6/November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section; II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision)
S. Clause No. For Read
No. Page No.
1 Combination of Loads and Forces and Combination of Loads and Forces and
Permissible Increase in Stresses Permissible Increase in Stresses
The load combination shown in Table 1 The load combination shown in Table 1 shall
(Page 6)
shall be adopted for working out stresses be adopted for masonry & timber bridges for
in the members. The permissible increase working out stresses in the members. The
of stresses in various members due to these permissible increase of stresses in various
combinations is also indicated therein. members due to these combinations is also
These combinations of forces are not indicated therein. These combinations of
applicable for working out base pressure on forces are not applicable for working out
foundations for which provision made in base pressure on foundations for which
relevant IRC Bridge Code shall be adopted. provision made in relevant IRC Bridge Code
For calculating stresses in members using shall be adopted. For calculating stresses in



S. Clause No. For Read

No. Page No.
working stress method of design the load members using working stress method of
combination shown in Table 1 shall be design the load combination shown in Table 1
adopted. shall be adopted.
The load combination as shown in Annex The load combination as shown in Annex B
B shall be adopted for limit state design shall be adopted for limit state design
approach. approach.
2 204.4 Note Below Table 7 :- Congestion Factor
(Page 21) Note :- For Intermediate bridge spans, the Note :- For Intermediate bridge spans, the value
value of multiplying factor may be of congestion factor may be interpolated
3 206.4 Each part of the footway shall be capable of Each part of the footway shall be capable of
resisting an accidental load of 4 tonne, which shall resisting an accidental load of 4 tonne, which
(Page 25)
be deemed to include impact, distributed over a shall be deemed to include impact, distributed
contact area of 300 mm in diameter. For working over a contact area of 300 mm in diameter. For
stress approach, the permissible stress shall limit state design, the accidental combination
be increased by 25% to meet this provision. as per Table B.2 shall be followed. This
For limit state design, the load combination as provision need not be made where vehicles
per Table B- 2 shall be followed.This provision cannot mount the footway as in the case of
need not be made where vehicles cannot mount a footway separated from the roadway by
the footway as in the case of a footway separated means of an insurmountable obstacle, such as,
from the roadway by means of an insurmountable crash barrier, truss or a main girder
obstacle, such as,crashbarrier, truss or a main
4 208.5 The span length to be considered for arriving at The span length to be considered for arriving
the impact percentages specified in Clause at the impact percentages specified in Clause
(Page 31)
208.2 and 208.3 shall be as follows: 208.2 and 208.3 shall be as follows:
a) For spans simply supported or continuous a) For spans simply supported or continuous
or for arches…………. or for arches………….
the effective span on which the load is placed. the effective span on which the load is placed.
b) For bridges having cantilever arms without b) For bridges having cantilever arms (with
suspended spans…………. & without hinges/suspended spans)….….
the effective over hang of the cantilever arms the effective over hang of the cantilever
reduced by 25 percent for loads on the cantilever arms reduced by 25 percent for loads on the
arms and the effective span between supports cantilever arms.
for loads on the main span.
c) For bridges having cantilever arms with
suspended span………………
the effective overhang of the cantilever arm
plus half the length of the suspended span
for loads on the cantilever arm, the effective
length of the suspended span for loads on the
suspended span and the effective span between
supports for load on the main span
5 208.7 For calculating the pressure on the bearings and For calculating the pressure on the bearings
(Page 32) on the top surface of the bedblocks, full value and abutment cap/pier cap, full value of
of the appropriate impact percentage shall be the appropriate impact percentage shall
allowed. But, for the design of piers abutments be allowed. But, for the design of piers
and structures, generally below the level of the abutments and structures, generally below
top of the bed block, the appropriate impact the level of the top of the abutment cap/pier



S. Clause No. For Read

No. Page No.
percentage shall be multiplied by the factor cap, the appropriate impact percentage shall
given below: be multiplied by the factor given below:
a) For calculating the : 0.5 a) For calculating the : 0.5
pressure at the bottom pressure on the top 3 m
surface of the bed block: of the structure below the
b) For calculating the : 0.5 abutment cap/piercap
to zero
pressure on the top 3 m decreasing
of the structure below the uniformly b) For calculating the : Zero
bed block to zero pressure on the portion
c) For calculating the : zero of structure more than 3
pressure on the portion m below the abutment
of structure more than cap/piercap
3 m below the bed block
6 210.3 Third Line Third Line
(Page 41) “The maximum velocity for the purpose of this “The maximum velocity for the purpose of
sub-clause shall be assumed to be √2 times the this sub-clause shall be assumed to be √2
maximum mean velocity of the current” times the mean velocity of the current”
Where is the maximum mean velocity Where, is the mean velocity
7 Annexure B Sr. 1, Sr. 1,
(202.3) 2) Snow Load ( See note i) 2) Snow Load
(Page 88) Notes Notes:
i) The snow loads may be based on actual i) The wave forces shall be determined
observation or past records in the particular by suitable analysis considering
area or local practices, if existing drawing and inertia forces etc. on
ii) The wave forces shall be determined by single structural members based on
suitable analysis considering drawing rational methods or model studies.
and inertia forces etc. on single structural In case of group of piles, piers
members based on rational methods or etc., proximity effects shall also be
model studies. In case of group of piles, considered
piers etc., proximity effects shall also be

Notification No.14
Amendment No.1/IRC:SP:114/November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:SP:114-2018 “Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road Bridges”
S. Clause No/. For Read
No Page No.
1. 4.2.3 Where, Where,
(Page 25) l is the span metres, m is the mass per unit l is the span metres, m is the mass per unit
length (N-m), and EI is the flexural rigidity of length (N-m), and EI is the flexural rigidity of
the superstructure in N-m2. the superstructure in N-m2.
EI may be estimated for simply supported span The spectra for vertical ground motions may
as (l3/48 ▲), where ▲is deflection of span due be taken as two-thirds of that for horizontal
unit point load applied on it. motions.
The seismic zone factor for vertical ground
motions may be taken as two-thirds of that for
horizontal motions.



S. Clause No/. For Read

No Page No.
2. Fig 4.3 (b) -- Note:- In case of Pile foundation, the total
-Add Note hydrodynamic forces calculated based on
below Fig. above formula shall be considered to be equally
shared between piles covered within enveloping
(Page 33)
3. 5.2.1 Z = Zone factor as given in Table 4.2 (Ground Z = Zone factor as given in Table 4.2
(Page 34) acceleration corresponsing to Maximum
Considered Earthquake)
4. 5.2.3, Table 5.1 Table 5.1
Table 5.1
Classification of Types of Soils for Determining Classification of Types of Soils for Determining
(Page 38)
the Spectrum to be Used to Estimate Design the Spectrum to be Used to Estimate Design
Add Note below Earthquake Force Earthquake Force
the Table 5.1
Note: -The value of N to be used shall be weighted
mean of ‘N’ of soil layers from existing ground
level/ Scour level to ‘30 m’ below ground / Scour
level. Here N value of individual layer shall be the
corrected value.
5. 5.3.1, General, Depending on the nature of the application Depending on the nature of the application
last line and on the information actually available, the and on the information actually available, the
(Page 39) description of the seismic motion may be made description of the seismic motion may be made
by using artificial accelerograms and recorded by using artificial accelerograms and simulated
or simulated accelerograms. accelerograms.
6. 5.3.2 heading 5.3.2 Artificial Accelerogram 5.3.2 Spectrum Compatible Time History
(Page 39)
7. 5.3.3, Heading 5.3.3 Recorded or Simulated Accelerograms 5.3.3 Simulated Accelerograms
and first line
Recorded accelerograms are generated through Simulated accelerograms are generated through
(Page 39)
a physical simulation of source and travel path a physical simulation of source and travel path
mechanisms. mechanisms
8. 6.4.3, (ii), Wherever the fixed bearings are used, they Wherever the fixed bearings are used, they
shall be designed for the design seismic shall be designed for the design seismic action
(Page 43)
action determined through capacity design. determined through capacity design, subject to
Alternatively, linkages shall be used to the upper limit of elastic design force considered
withstand seismic action. with R = 1. Alternatively, linkages shall be used
to withstand seismic action.
9. 8.1, last line This chapter deals with the earthquake resistant This chapter deals with the earthquake resistant
(Page 57) design of regular bridges in which the seismic design of regular bridges in which the seismic
actions are mainly resisted at abutments actions are mainly resisted at abutments
or through flexure of piers, that is, bridges or through flexure of piers, that is, bridges
comprising of conventional pier-foundation comprising of conventional pier-foundation
system supporting the deck structure with/ system supporting the deck structure with/
without bearings. However for all special and without bearings.
major bridges, detailed dynamic studies should
be carried out as mentioned in Chapter 6
10., (iv), iv) For special long span structure such as cable iv) For long span structure beyond 150m span,
(Page 62) stay & extradosed type bridge foundations, non-linear soil behaviour should be taken into
non-linear soil behaviour should be taken into account in determining possible permanent
account in determining possible permanent deformation during earthquake
deformation during earthquake



S. Clause No/. For Read

No Page No.
11. 8.5.2, last In seismic zone II & III, the designer is free to Delete this sentence
sentence, exercise his choice of bearing arrangement
(Page 64)
(page 131) SOIL SOIL
(Clause 8.4.3)
13. Appendix -A5 An evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility An evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility
A-5.1.1 should be made when the foundation soils should be made when the foundation soils
(Page 131) include extended layers or thick loose sand, include extended layers or thick loose sand,
with or without silt/clay fines, beneath the water with or without silt/clay fines, beneath the
table level, and when the water table level is water table level. The highest water table shall
close to the ground surface. To evaluate the be adopted that can exist over a long period in
liquefaction potential, investigations have to be a year. To evaluate the liquefaction potential,
conducted which include the in- situ Standard investigations have to be conducted which
Penetration Tests (SPT) [IS 2131-1981] or include the in- situ Standard Penetration Tests
Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) [IS 4968 (Part (SPT) [IS 2131-1981] or Cone Penetration
3)-1976], as well as the determination of grain Tests (CPT) [IS 4968 (Part 3)-1976], as well
size distribution curves in the laboratory as the determination of grain size distribution
curves in the laboratory
14. APPENDIX- Where Where
C60=CHTCHWCSSCRLCBD= correction factor for C60=CHTCHWCSSCRLCBD= correction factor
non-standard SPT configurations
(Page 131 &
132) For SPT conducted as per IS 2131-1981, the Delete this sentance
energy delivered to the drill rod is about 60
percent and factors C60 may be assumed as 1.
For non-standard SPT configuration factors Factors CHT, CHW, CBD, CRL and CSS are given
CHT, CHW, CBD, CRL and CSS are given below below
15. APPENDIX- amax- Peak ground acceleration (PGA), in terms amax- Peak ground acceleration (PGA), in terms
A-5 of g, (shall be taken as per Table 4.2), of g, where g is acceleration due to gravity
(Page 135) If value of PGA is not available the ratio amax/g
may be taken equal to seismic zone factor (as
per Table 4.2),

Notification No.15
Amendment No.1/IRC:83 (Part IV)/November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:83 -2014 (Part IV) “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section IX – Bearings (Spherical and Cylindrical)”
S. No. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1 5.4.2 Nsd.max<= fk/γm .Ar .k Nsd<= fk/γm .Ar .k
(Page 16)
2 e2 = Vxy,sd/Nsd,max. µfr . c e2 = Vxy,sd/Nsd, . µfr . c
(Page 18)
3 e4 = Vxy,sd/Nsd,max. (r + b) e4 = Vxy,sd/Nsd. (r + b)
(Page 19)



Notification No.16
Errata No.1/IRC:SP:114/November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:SP:114-2018 “Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road Bridges”
Sl. Clause No. Existing Modified
No. & Page No.
Contents - Seismic Analysis Methods General Design Provisions
1. Contents - Bearings, Seismic connection & Experience Bearings, Seismic connection & Expansion
Chapter-8, Joints Joints
Title of
section 8.5
2. Contents Illustration of Seismic Acceleration Method Illustration of Capacity Design
– Title of Preamble
3. 2.3, iii. The dynamic earth pressures on abutments The dynamic earth pressures on abutments, wing
(Page 6) during earthquakes shall not be considered in walls and return walls/retaining walls during
Zones II and III. earthquakes shall not be considered in Zones II
and III.
4. 4.2.4, vi. The shear force for over strength moments The shear force for over strength moments in
(Page 27) in case of cantilever piers shall be calculated case of cantilever piers shall be calculated as
as MRD/h, “h” is height shown in Fig 7.1 in Mo/h, where “h” is height shown in Fig 7.1 in
Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity
of all possible hinges need to be considered. of all possible hinges need to be considered.
5. 4.8, ii. …. The total force shall be evaluated by ……. The total force shall be evaluated by
(Page 30 & Eq.4.2 Eq.4.2
F=Ce x αh x W Eq. (4.2) F=Ce x Ah x W Eq. (4.2)
Where : Where:
Ce = A coefficient given in Table 4.4 as a function Ce = A coefficient given in Table 4.4 as a function
of ratio of height of submerged portion of pier of ratio of height of submerged portion of pier
(H) to Radius of enveloping cylinder Re (H) to Radius of enveloping cylinder Re
αh = Design horizontal seismic coefficient as Ah = Design horizontal seismic coefficient
given in IRC 6 – 2017

W = Weight of the water of the enveloping W = Weight of the water of the enveloping
cylinder cylinder
The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 4.2. The pressure distribution is shown in Fig. 4.2.
Values of C1, C2, C3 and C4 are stated in Table Values of C1, C2, C3 and C4 are stated in Table
4.5 …………. 4.5 ………….
6. 5.2.1 For most of the structures of low to medium For most of the structures of low to medium
(Page 34) heights with small spand and small length of heights with small span and small length of
bridge, elastic seismic acceleration method bridge, elastic seismic acceleration method
(seismic coefficient method) is adequate. In this (seismic coefficient method) is adequate. In this
method structure is analysed its fundamental method structure is analysed in its fundamental
(single) mode of vibration. mode of vibration.
7. 5.2.2 ………. .The forces are obtained for each mode ………. .The forces are obtained for each mode
(Page 37) by use of response spectrum as given in Fig 5.1 by use of response spectrum as given in Fig 5.1
(b) above and (b) above and



8. 5.3 In bridges where pier height are high, bridge In bridges where pier heights are high, bridge has
(Page 38) has abrupt or unusual changes in mass, abrupt or unusual changes in mass, stiffness or
stiffness or geometry along its span and has geometry along its span and has large differences
large differences in these parameters between in these parameters between adjacent supports,
adjacent supports, special seismic devices such special seismic devices such as dampers, isolator,
as dampers, isolator shock transmission unit shock transmission unit etc. are provided and
etc. are provided and where the large spatial where the large spatial variation need to be
variation need to considered than time history considered, then time history method should be
method should be used. The dynamic analysis used. The dynamic analysis of a bridge by time
of a bridge by time history method may be history method may be carried out using direct
carried out using direct step-by-step method of step-by-step method of integration of equations
integration of equations of motion suitable steps of motion with suitable steps which are small
small enough to include response of highest enough to include response of highest modes of
modes of vibration. vibration.
9. 8.2, 1st Para, The superstructure shall be designed for the design The superstructure shall be designed for the
last line, seismic forces calculated based on various analysis design seismic forces calculated based on
(Page 57) methods specified in Chapter 6 in combination various analysis methods specified in Chapter
with other appropriate loads. The effect of vertical 6 in combination with other appropriate loads.
seismic component is particularly important in The effect of vertical seismic component is
Superstructure and needs to be investigated in particularly important in Superstructure and
situations mentioned in clause 5.3 under “General needs to be investigated in situations mentioned
Design Provisions”. in clause 4.2.1.
10. 9.2.1, ii. Steel members shall be so designed and detailed Steel members shall be so designed and detailed
(Page 78) as to give them adequate strength, stability and as to give them adequate strength, stability and
ductility to resist severe earthquakes in all seismic ductility to resist severe earthquakes in all seismic
zones classified in IRC:6 without collapse. zones classified in Chapter - 4 without collapse.
11. 9.2.2 Special braced/moment frames defined in (i) Special braced/moment frames defined in (i)
(Page 79) (b,c and (ii)b above, are detailed to exhibit (b,c and (ii)b above, are detailed to exhibit
higher ductility and can be used in any seismic higher ductility and can be used in any seismic
zone. Ordinary concentrically braced frames and zone. Ordinary concentrically braced frames and
Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF) shall not be Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF) shall not be
used in seismic zones IV and V and for bridges used in seismic zones IV and V and for bridges
with importance factor greater than unity (1> 1.0) with importance factor greater than unity (I > 1.0)
in seismic zone III. Provisions for eccentrically in seismic zone III. Provisions for eccentrically
Braced Frame (EBF) are not covered in these Braced Frame (EBF) are not covered in these
guidelines and specialist literature may be referred guidelines and specialist literature may be referred
to for detailing of such frames. to for detailing of such frames.
12., • The provisions in this section apply for a. The provisions in this section apply for
(Page 81) diagonal, X-bracing, V and inverted V-type diagonal, X-bracing, V and inverted V-type
bracing in concentrically braced frames. bracing in concentrically braced frames.
• For eccentrically braced frames (EBF), b. For eccentrically braced frames (EBF),
specialist literature may be referred. specialist literature may be referred.



• K-bracing shall not be permitted in systems c. K-bracing shall not be permitted in systems
to resist earthquake. In K-bracing system, to resist earthquake. In K-bracing system,
bracings are connected in the middle of bracings are connected in the middle of
an axial force carrying member and any an axial force carrying member and any
unbalance in lateral force at joint due to unbalance in lateral force at joint due to
failure of one brace may result in bending of failure of one brace may result in bending of
the member leading to failure of member. the member leading to failure of member.
• Along any line of bracing, braces shall be d. Along any line of bracing, braces shall be
provided such that for lateral loading in provided such that for lateral loading in
either direction, the tension braces will have either direction, the tension braces will have
to resist between 30 to 70 per cent of the to resist between 30 to 70 per cent of the
total lateral load. total lateral load.
• The concentrically braced frames should be e. The concentrically braced frames should be
designed to resist all gravity loads without designed to resist all gravity loads without
considering the additional strength provided considering the additional strength provided
by bracings/ diagonals of bracing system. by bracings/ diagonals of bracing system.
• Concentrically braced frames shall be so f. Concentrically braced frames shall be so
designed that yielding of the diagonals in designed that yielding of the diagonals in
tension takes place before yielding failure tension takes place before yielding failure
of connections and buckling of main of connections and buckling of main
bending (beam) and compression (column) bending (beam) and compression (column)
members. members.
• The bracing members shall be so designed g. The bracing members shall be so designed
that gross area yielding and not the net area that gross area yielding and not the net area
rupture would govern the design tensile rupture would govern the design tensile
strength. strength.
• For all built-up braces, the spacing of tack h. For all built-up braces, the spacing of tack
fasteners shall be such that the unfavourable fasteners shall be such that the unfavourable
slenderness ratio of individual element, slenderness ratio of individual element,
between such fasteners, shall not exceed between such fasteners, shall not exceed
0.4 times the governing slenderness ratio of 0.4 times the governing slenderness ratio of
the brace itself. Bolted connections shall be the brace itself. Bolted connections shall be
avoided within the middle one-fourth of the avoided within the middle one-fourth of the
clear brace length (0.25 times the length in clear brace length (0.25 times the length in
the middle). the middle).
• The connection should be checked for i. The connection should be checked for
tension rupture and block shear for the load tension rupture and block shear for the load
determined in respective clause. determined in respective clause.
• The connection shall be designed to j. The connection shall be designed to
withstand a moment of 1.2 times the full withstand a moment of 1.2 times the full
plastic moment of the braced section about plastic moment of the braced section about
the buckling axis. the buckling axis.
• Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling k. Gusset plates shall be checked for buckling
out of their plane. out of their plane.
13., Formula for ‘t’ is given as: The formula for ‘t’ should be changed as:
t ≥ (dp+ dp) / 90 t ≥ (dp+ bp) / 90
in 3rd para,
(Page 87)

14., Column Bases 9.2.8 Column Bases

(Page 88)




(Page 117)
16. APPENDIX- Design Flexural Strength along Transverse Design Flexural Strength along Transverse
A-3 Direction, MRD,L Direction, MRD,T
(Page 122)
17. APPENDIX- As per clause the over strength As per clause the over strength
A-3 moment……….. moment………..
(Page 123) Over-strength factor for concrete substructure Over-strength factor for concrete substructure
=γo =γo
As per clause (b) of this guideline, As per clause (b) of this guideline,
…… ……

Notification No.17
Amendment No.7/IRC:112/November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:112-2011 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”
S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
1 4.1 Concrete road bridges including foot bridges in Concrete road bridges, foot bridges and culverts
(Page 16) India
2 5.8.1, “The following table indicates the ‘design service “For Design service life of structures, reference may
(Page 25) life’ of some common types of bridges.” be made to provisions of IRC 5. Unless otherwise
specifically classified by Owner, all structures shall
be designed for a useful service life of 100 years
3 Table 5.1, As it exists Delete Table 5.1
(Page 26)
4 Table 6.1 Types of Steel Grade / Designation Types of Steel Grade / Designation
titled “Grades Mild Steel (MS) Grade-1 Mild Steel (MS) Grade-1
of Reinforcing
Steel” High Yield Fe 415 High Strength deformed Fe 415
(Page 29) Strength Fe415D Steel (HSD) Fe415D
deformed Steel Fe500 Fe415 S
(HYSD) Fe500D Fe500
Fe550 Fe500D
Fe550D Fe500 S
Fe600 Fe550
5 6.4.1(c) (c) High Performance Concrete is similar to standard High Performance Concrete (HPC) is one,
(Page 36) concrete but contains additional one or more mineral whose ingredients, proportions and production
admixtures providing binding characteristics and methods are specifically chosen to meet special
partly acting as inert filler material which increases performance and uniformity requirements that
its strength, reduce its porosity and modify its other cannot be always achieved routinely by using only
properties in fresh as well as hardened condition. conventional materials, like, cement, aggregates,
Concretes upto Grade M90 are included in this type. water and chemical admixtures, and adopting
normal mixing, placing and curing practices.
Use of mineral admixtures is required. These
performance requirements can be high strength, high
early strength, high workability (including Self-
Compacting Concrete), low permeability and high
durability for severe service environments, etc. or
combinations thereof. Production and use of such
concrete in the field necessitates high degree of



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
uniformity between batches and very stringent quality
Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a type of
High Performance Concrete, that fills uniformly
and completely every corner of formwork by its
own weight and fluidity without application of any
vibration, without segregation, whilst maintaining
homogeneity. It is suitable in situations where;
• reinforcement is very congested,
• access to allow vibration is not available,
• complicated geometry of the formwork,
• pouring is possible only from a single point,
• speedy placement is required,
It has also the other advantages of no noise due to
vibration and no requirement of finishing.
6 Table 6.6 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain of Concrete Table 6.6 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain of Concrete
(Page 45) x 10 6
7, The values given in Table-6.9 can be considered as The values given in Table-6.9 can be considered as
Above Table final creep co-efficient for design for normal weight final creep co-efficient for design for normal weight
6.9, concrete, subject to condition that the compressive concrete, subject to condition that the compressive
(Page 47) stress does not exceed 0.36 fcm at the age of loading, stress does not exceed 0.36 fcm at the age of loading.
and mean temperature of concrete is between 10°C In case the compressive stress exceeds 0.36 fcm, at
and 20°C with seasonal variation between -20°C to loading, non-linear creep shall be considered.
40°C. For temperature greater than 40°C the co-
efficient given may be increased by 10%, in absence
of accurate data. In case the compressive stress
exceeds 0.36 fcm, at loading, non-linear creep shall
be considered.
8 Footnote No. 2 2. For higher grades of concrete the coefficient 2 For higher grades of concrete the coefficient may
below Table 6.9, may be worked out using equations given in be worked out using equations given in Annexure
Annexure A-2 A-2. For simplification however, the values given in
the Table 6.9 can also be adopted for higher grades.
9 Table 6.9, Title Table 6.9 Final Creep Coefficient [φ(70 Yr)] of Table 6.9 Final Creep Coefficient [φ(70 Yr)] of
(Page 47) Concrete at age of t = 70 years Concrete at age of t = 70 years or more
10 11.1 Add sub clauses (8), (9) and (10) below 11.1 (7)
(Page 111) (8) Compression members that can be isolated from
rest of the bridge, whose boundary conditions can
be represented by an effective length applied to the
member, are defined as isolated members for the
purpose of second order analysis.
(9) Second order analysis shall be carried out under
Ultimate Limit State only.
(10) Braced and Unbraced members:
(a) Braced members: Members that are held in
position at both ends and which may or may not
have restraining rotational stiffness at ends.
(b) Unbraced members: Members where one end of
the member can translate with respect to other end
and which have restraining rotational stiffness at
one or both ends.
11 11.2 Simplified Slenderness Criteria Simplified criteria for second order effects.
(Page 111)



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
12 11.2.2 Effective length (Height) and Slenderness ratio of Effective length (height) of columns and piers.
Heading columns and piers with bearings
(Page 112)
13 11.2.2 (2) (b) Last Line: The effective length should be derived using
(Page 113) The effective length should be derived from the first Eq. 11.2 or Eq. 11.3 whichever is applicable.
14 11.3. Non-liner Analysis of Structures and Elements Method of Analysis for Obtaining the Second Order
(Page 115) Effects
15 11.3.1 Add New Sub-clauses ( 1), (2) and (3).
(Page 115)Add 11.3.1General
at Page 118
The methods of analysis include two simplified
methods and one general method based on non
linear analysis
(1) The simplified methods are.
(a) Method based on nominal curvature.
(b) Method based on nominal stiffness.
(2) For isolated member method based on nominal
curvature is applicable
(3) For a group of compression members, as in a
framed structure or where they are connected integrally
to the same superstructure or a group of piles connected
through a pile cap, which cannot be isolated as they
collectively resist the side sway of the structure bringing
unequal axial loads on the compression members, only
the method based on nominal stiffness as per clause is applicable.
(4) General method based on non-linear analysis.
Non linear analysis may be used for all members
with any boundary conditions
(a) In case of members having varying sections and
different types of loading such as permanent
and quasi-permanent loads leading to creep
effects and short term loads such as live loads,
generalized methods of non-linear analysis
taking into account the geometric non-linearity
of structure and or material non linearity need
to be used.
(b) Stress-strain relationships for concrete given
in Annexure (A2.7) and for steel given in
Section 6 (Fig. 6.2 and 6.4) may be used. With
stress-strain diagrams based on design value,
a design value of the ultimate load is obtained
directly from the analysis. In equation Eq.A2-
28 and in the calculation of k-value, fcm is then
substituted by the design compressive strength
fcd and Ecm isis fcm is then substituted by the
design compressive strength fcd and Ecm is
substituted by; where is taken as 1.2.
(c) In the absence of more refined models, creep
may be taken into account by modifying all strain
value in the concrete stress-strain diagram using
effective E value as per Clause (iii).



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
16 (2) Add the following below Sub-clause. (2)
(Page 116) by deleting the note above
Eq 11.5 is applicable only to the braced member and
also when no transverse load is applied within the
height of the member. Further the first order moment
due to imperfections shall be added to the equivalent
first order moment to get total first order moment in
the middle of the member
M0Ed = M0e+ moment due to imperfections

17 Add New Clause

(Page 117) Design Bending moment for braced and un-braced
The design bending moment shall be evaluated as given
(a) For braced member:
Equivalent first order moment including, moment
due to imperfections in the middle of the member
and moment due to second order effect shall be
added to arrive at the design bending moment at
middle of the member.
Numerically initial larger first order end moment
assuming no moments due to imperfections and
second order effect develop will be the design
moment at this end.
(b) For un-braced member:
First order end moment including, moment due
to imperfections and moment due to second order
effects shall be added to arrive at the design bending
moment at the ends.
(c) For cantilever member:
First order moment including, moment due to
imperfections and moment due to second order
effect shall be added to get the design moment at
different sections.
18 11.3.3 Add New Clauses
(Page 118) 11.3.3 Method based on nominal stiffness Nominal flexural stiffness
(1) In second order analysis based on stiffness,
nominal values of the flexural stiffness shall be used.
(2) In the nominal stiffness method, the flexural
rigidity of slender compression members with any
cross section can be estimated using the following
EI =Kc Ecd I c + Ks Es Is
Ecd is the design value of the modulus of elasticity
of concrete, see clause 11.3.1 (4) (b)
IC is the moment of inertia of concrete cross sections



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
a group having varying axial load in members as
explained in clause 11.3.1 (3) the design bending
moment shall be taken as

MED = Design moment

MoED = First order moment including moment due to
imperfection. where applicable
∑NED is the total design axial load on the group.
∑NB is the total buckling load of all the compression
moments in the group based on nominal stiffness.
NB is the buckling load based on the formula
π2 EI/ le2 where le is the effective length. Design bending moment
The design bending moment shall be evaluated as
given below:
(a) For Braced members
(1) Equivalent first order moment as defined in
Eq 11.5 and the moment due to imperfections in the
middle of the member shall be added and magnified
in accordance with clause
(2) Numerically larger first order initial end moment
assuming no second order effects and imperfections.
(b) For un-braced members:
First order end moments including moments due
to imperfections shall be magnified. as per clause
(c) For cantilever members:
The first order moment and the moment due
to imperfections shall be added and magnified
throughout its height as per clause
19 11.3.3 11.3.3 Bi-axial Bending. 11.3.4 Bi-axial Bending.
(Page 118)
20 12.3.2 (1) Add new para at the end of existing para New para :
(Page 121) “This provision of 100mm is not a cover requirement
for prestressing duct, for which provision has been
made in clause In case the duct is closer
than 100mm to concrete surface the concrete within
the cover portion shall be in compression.”
Table 18.1 titled Existing table (Annex-I) to be replaced by a new Refer Annex-II
“Reinforcing table
(Page 201)
22 Footnote below Note: Note:
Table 18.1, 2. For seismic zones III, IV & V, HYSD steel 2. For seismic zones III, IV & V, HSD steel bars
(Page 201) bars having minimum elongation of 14.5% and having minimum elongation of 14.5% and
conforming to other requirements of IS:1786 conforming to other requirements of IS:1786
shall be used. shall be used.



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
3. For seismic zones III, IV and V, HSD steel bars
shall possess following properties :
a. The actual 0.2% proof strength of steel
bars based on tensile test must not exceed
their characteristic 0.2% proof strength
by more than 20 percent.
b. The ratio of the actual ultimate strength
to the actual 0.2 percent proof strength /
yield strength shall be at least 1.15.
23 18.4.1 (b), Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade conforming to Ordinary Portland Cement 43 grade conforming to
(Page 205) IS:8112 IS:269
18.4.1 (c), Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade conforming to Ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade conforming to
(Page 205) IS:12269 IS:269
25 18.4.2 To improve properties of fresh concrete such as Chemical admixtures and superplasticisers
(Page 206) workability, admixtures conforming to IS: 9103 may conforming to IS: 9103 may be used. Compatibility
be used. of the superplasticiser with the cement and any
other pozzolanic or hydraulic additives as covered
in Clause 18.4.3 being used, should be ensured by
trials, so that the following problems are avoided:
• Large dosage of superplasticiser required to
achieve the desired workability,
• Excessive retardation of setting,
• Excessive entrainment of large air bubbles,
• Unusually rapid stiffening of concrete,
• Rapid slump loss, and
• Excessive segregation and bleeding.
26 18.5.3 Requirement of design mixes. After (1) and (2), add (3) Mix Design for High Performance Concrete
(Page 210) the following new clause; General: Choice of materials, concrete mix
design and field practices are quite critical, so that
optimum performance can be extracted of each of
the ingredients. The procedure of mix proportioning
of normal grades of concrete may not be adequate.
Relationships between the compressive strength of
concrete and water/cement ratio (or water-cement
+ cementitious materials ratio, when part of the
cement is replaced by mineral admixtures) and
between water content and workability will have
to be established by laboratory trials for the grade
of concrete, the materials to be used, and the water-
reducing efficiency of the superplasticiser.
The minimum cement content of concrete, inclusive
of any mineral admixtures, shall be not less than 380
The ratio of water / (all cementitious materials
including cement) should generally not exceed 0.33,
but in no case more than 0.40.
Field Trial Mixes: Mix proportions arrived
at by laboratory trials shall, in addition, be
verified to be satisfactory under field conditions
and necessary adjustments made. Field trial
mixes shall be prepared for all grades of
concrete, using samples of approved materials.



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
The concreting plant and means of transportation
employed to make trial mixes and to transport them
to representative distances shall be similar to the
corresponding plant and transport to be used in
the works. The optimum sequence of mixing of
ingredients shall be established by trials. Mixing time
may be longer than in normal grade concrete mixes.
The temperature of concrete at the time of placement
shall not exceed 25°C. The temperature of concrete
at the mixing stage should be lower, to allow for rise
in temperature during transport. When considerable
distance of transport is involved, particular attention
should be paid to ensure retention of slump as
targeted for placement.
Use of Mock-up Testing: Further mock-up testing
may be carried out to ensure that the concrete can
be satisfactorily placed and compacted, taking into
account the location of placement and provision of
reinforcement, and adjustments made in concrete mix
design and/or detailing of reinforcement accordingly.
27 New Clause Add New clause after 18.6.7, p 213 (Durability) and 18.7. Self-Compacting Concrete
(Page 214) Before 18.7, p 214 (Grouting) 18.7.1 Constituents
In Self-Compacting Concrete, superplasticisers
provide the fluidity, and Viscosity Modifying
Admixtures (VMA) are used to help reduce
segregation, and sensitivity of the mix due to
variations in other constituents, especially to
moisture content. Other materials are as in Clauses
18.4.1 to 18.4.5.
VMA’s are hydrophilic, water-soluble polymers
having high molecular weight. Such polymers
can form a network of large molecules extending
throughout the mass. The dimensions of the polymers
or particles are in colloidal range; hence these are
called ‘colloidal admixtures’. These can also be
used as ‘anti-washout’ admixtures for underwater
18.7.2 Properties in the Fresh State
The filling ability and stability of self-compacting
concrete in the fresh state can be defined by four key
characteristics. Each characteristic can be assessed
by one or more test methods (Table 18.9).
Table 18.9. Characteristics of SCC and Tests
Characteristics Preferred Test Limit of Test
Method(s) Value
Flowability Slump-flow test 550 – 850 mm
Flowability T500 Slump flow test 2 sec
V-funnel test 8 – 25 sec
Passing ability L-box test 0.8
Segregation Segregation 15 – 20 per
resistance (sieve) test cent



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
Note: For details of the test methods and limiting test
values, as appropriate to placing conditions, amount
and congestion of reinforcement, dimensions of the
members, size of aggregate etc., EFNARC Guidelines
for Self-Compacting Concrete, May 2005 may be
Fig. 18.1 gives the dimensions of the test equipment.

(a) Slump Flow Test

(b) V – Funnel Test

(c) L – Box Test

Fig. 18.1. Test Equipment for SCC



S. Clause No.
For Read
No Page No.
18.7.3. Mix Design
There is no fixed method of mix design for SCC.
Mix proportions are to be selected by trials and
tests, till a satisfactory mix is arrived at. EFNARC
Guidelines 2005 suggest broad outline, as given
• Coarse aggregate content - 750 – 1000 kg per
m3 of concrete,
• Total powder content –380 to 600 kg per m3 of
• Water/powder ratio by solid volume – 0.85 to
• Water content –150 – 210 litres/ m3,
• Paste volume – 300 – 380 litres/ m3,
• Water/cement ratio selected for strength and
durability requirements,
• Sand content to balance the remaining volume,
usually 48 – 55 % of total aggregate by weight.
Note – Following this addition, Clause numbers 18.7
and 18.8 in the existing Code will change. There is no
change in Table or Figure numbers in this chapter.
28 18.7 All clauses & Sub-clauses with 18.7 ............... 18.8 ...............
(Page 214)
29 18.8 All clauses & Sub-clauses with clause 18.8 ............. 18.9 ...............
(Page 216)
30 18.8.4 (4) New Para to be added after 1st para, before para High Performance Concrete containing silica fume
(Page 223) starting "Liquid membrane forming.......". is more cohesive than normal mixes hence, there is
little or no bleeding and no bleed water to rise to the
surface to offset water lost due to evaporation. Plastic
shrinkage cracking is possible, if curing is not proper.
Initial curing should commence soon after initial
setting of concrete. Concrete should be covered with
moist covers (sacking, canvas or hessian), opaque
colour plastic sheets or suitable curing compound.
Final moist curing should commence after final
setting of concrete and continue for at least 14 days.
31 A-2.5 (2) & (2) The values given in Table 6.9 may be adopted for Delete this sub clause.
(3), creep of concrete at 70 years, in normal atmospheric
(Page 239) conditions of temperature and hmidity.

(3) The mean coefficient of variation of the above (2) The mean coefficient of variation of the above
predicted creep data deduced from a computerised predicted creep data deduced from a computerised
data bank of laboratory test results is of the order of data bank of laboratory test results is of the order of
20 percent. 20 percent.



Type of Steel Grade / Relevant BIS Minimum Yield Minimum Tensile Strength, Min. %
Designation Standard Stress/ as % of the actual 0.2% proof elongation
0.2% proof-stress fyk stress/yield stress but not less
than a
Mild Steel Grade-I IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
(Part-1)- including 20mm dia.
1982 = 250 MPa
20mm ≤dia 50mm 410 MPa 23
240 Mpa
High Strength Fe 415 110% (not less than 485MPa) 14.5
Deformed IS:1786 415 MPa
Fe 415D 112% (not less than 500MPa) 18.0
Steel (HSD
Steel) Fe 500 500 MPa 108% (not less than 545MPa) 12.0
Fe 500D 110% (not less than 565MPa) 16.0
Fe 550 106% (not less than 585MPa) 10.0
IS:1786-2000 550 MPa
Fe 550D 108% (not less than 600MPa) 14.5
Fe 600 IS:1786-2000 600 MPa 106% (not less than 600MPa) 10.0

Type of Steel Grade / Relevant BIS Minimum Yield Minimum Tensile Strength, Min. %
Designation Standard Stress/ as % of the actual 0.2% proof elongation
0.2% proof-stress fyk stress/yield stress but not less
than a
Mild Steel Grade-I IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
(Part-1)- including 20mm dia.
1982 = 250 MPa
20mm ≤dia 50mm 410 MPa 23
240 Mpa
High Strength Fe 415 110% (not less than 485MPa) 14.5
Steel (HSD Fe 415D IS:1786 415 MPa 112% (not less than 500MPa) 18.0
Steel) Fe 415S ≥ 125% 18.0
Fe 500 108% (not less than 545MPa) 12.0
Fe 500D IS:1786 500 MPa 110% (not less than 565MPa) 16.0
Fe 500S ≥ 125% 16.0
Fe 550 106% (not less than 585MPa) 10.0
IS:1786 550 MPa
Fe 550D 108% (not less than 600MPa) 14.5
Fe 600 IS:1786 600 MPa 106% (not less than 600MPa) 10.0



Notification No.18
Amendment No. 1/ IRC:SP:80/November, 2018 (Effective from the 31st January, 2019)
IRC:SP:80:2008 “ Guidelines for Corrosion prevention , Monitoring and Remedial Measures for
Concrete Bridge Structures”
Sl. Clause No. For Read
No. (Page No.)
1. 4.1.7 ---------------------. The level of carbon- ----------------. The level of carbon-dioxide
(Page 14) dioxide penetrates into the pores of concrete penetrates into the pores of concrete by
by diffusion and reacts with the calcium diffusion and reacts with the calcium
hydroxide dissolved in the pre water. hydroxide dissolved in the pore water.
------------------ ---------------
2. 5.1 Crack width should be controlled and kept Crack width should be controlled and
(Page 14) to the minimum. Provisions given in Table kept to the minimum. For allowable crack
5.1 as per IRC:21, strive to achieve it by width in different environmental conditions
controlling the bar diameters and spacing. both for reinforced and pre-stressed
Alternatively, crack widths as calculated by concrete members, provisions for bar
formula given in Appendix-I and IRC:21 are spacing, maximum bar size and minimum
recommended for achieving the same. It will reinforcement under section of IRC:112
be generally applicable to RC members and may be referred to.
non stressed members. For members where
crack width cannot be calculated, it should
be controlled by using well distributed steel
not exceeding spacing of 200 mm dia. In
pre-stressed concrete members also, this
early age shrinkage and thermal cracks
should be controlled by minimum level of
reinforcement similarly placed not greater
than 200 mm spacing.
3. 5.3.5 Water used shall not contain oil, acids, alkalis, Water used shall not contain oil, acids, alkalis,
(Page 16) sugar, and organic materials which may be sugar, and organic materials which may be
deleterious to concrete and steel and shall deleterious to concrete and steel and shall
generally conform to provisions contained in generally conform to provisions contained in
IRC:21-2000, IS:3025 and IS:456. IRC:112-2011.
4. 5.5 Table 5.1 : Requirements to prevent/control Table 5.1 : Requirements to prevent/control
Table 5.1 corrosion (Existing table enclosed at corrosion (New table enclosed at Annex-II)
(Page 17) Annex-I)
5. 5.5 IS:456:2000, IRC:SP:70-2005 IRC:SP:70
Table 5.2 (In the forth column)
Page 22
6. 5.6.1 ------------------. However, the current codes of ------------------. However, the current codes
(Page 22) practices have generally divided the conditions of practices have generally divided the
of exposure of the structural elements based conditions of exposure of the structural
on the general atmospheric environment in elements based on the classification of service
to two classes: Severe and Moderate. The environment in to four classes: Extreme, Very
moderate includes all conditions except what Severe, Severe and Moderate.
is described as ‘Severe’ (Ref. IRC:21).



7. 5.6.2 Concrete in Severe Environment (In first row Concrete in Extreme, Very severe and
Table 5.3 and second column) Severe Environment (In first row and second
(Page 23) column)
8. 5.6.2 IRC:21-2000 (In the first row and forth IRC:112
Table 5.3 column)
(Page 23)
9. 5.6.2 Use of galvanized steel as reinforcement is Use of galvanized steel and stainless steel as
Table 5.3 effective. Powder coating with epoxy can also reinforcement is effective. Powder coating
(Page 23) be used. ( Fifth row and second column) with epoxy can also be used.
10. 6.1 and 6.1.1(b) 1. Delete line ‘Zink + Aluminium Coating’
(Page 24 & 25) 2. Delete 6.1.1(b)
11. Last line
(Page 35) ‘The grouting should be carried out as ‘The grouting should be carried out as
specified in IRC:18-2000’ specified in IRC:112
12. 6.5.1 Table 6.6 Table 6.6 : Requirements for Acrylic Table 6.6 : Requirements for Acrylic
(Page 37) Elastomeric coating (Existing table enclosed Elastomeric coating (New table enclosed at
at Annex-III) Annex-IV)

IRC: SP: 80 – 2008
Table 5.1

Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

1. Crack width A) Average stain value calculated as per specified formula IRC:21-2000
should be negative. Clause 303.4.2
B) Crack width under sustained loads shall not exceed 0.2 mm Appendix-1
for severe conditions of exposure and 0.3 mm for moderate
2. Clear Cover for Exposure Nominal Cover IRC:21-2000
Reinforcement (in mm) Clause 303.4.3
Moderate 40
Severe 50
Alternate 75
Wetting & Drying Zone
Note: the above cover may be reduced by 5 mm for factory made
precast products with higher level of quality assurance.
3. Cover for pre-stressing • Wherever pre-stressing cable is nearest to concrete surface IRC:18-2000
steel and spacing the minimum clear cover measured from outside of sheathing Clause 16.1, 16.3
shall be 75 mm.
• A minimum clear distance of 50 mm or diameter of the duct
whichever is greater shall be maintained between individual



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

4 Grouping of cables Grouping of cables shall be avoided to the extent possible. If IRC:18-2000
unavoidable, only vertical grouping of cables upto 2 cables shall Clause 16.4
be permitted.
In case of severe condition of exposure grouping of cables shall
be altogether avoided.
This may be achieved by use of high capacity strands.
5 Proper detailing and Attention should be given to detailing to ensure proper
spacing of steel concretability, use of vibrators etc.
6 • Coarse Aggregates • The preferred nominal size of aggregate is 20 mm for pre IS:383 &
stressed and reinforced concrete. It should consist of natural IRC:21-2000
sand crushed stone or gravel. It should not contain dust, lumps,
• Fine Aggregates
soft or flaky particles, mica and other deleterious materials.
• Concrete should be kept wet at least for 14 days.
7 Water Should not contain injurious amounts of oil acids, alkalis, sugar and IRC:21-2000 &
organic materials, which may be deleterious to concrete and steel. IS:3025
Permissible limits of solids shall be as under:
Organic-200 mg/l
Inorganic-3000 mg/
Sulphates-400 mg/l
Cholorides-500 mg/l (RCC)
Suspended matter-2000 mg/l
• pH Value-6
• Use of Sea Water is not allowed
8 Reinforcement a) Following grades of reinforcement steel shall be used: IS:432-Part I.
• Grade S-240 Mild Steel IS:1786
• Grade S-415-Deformed bars
• Grade S-500-Deformed bars
b) Coated bar
• Galvanised zinc aluminum coating As per relevant
• Fusion bonded epoxy coating standards detailed
under Chapter-6
9 Concrete Cement content shall not exceed
450 kg/m3 of concrete
Minimum cement content for various structural members and
different exposure conditions shall be as under:
Structural Moderate Severe Min Cement Content
Member Exposure Exposure
PCC M-25 M-30 360 kg/m3
RCC M-30 M-35 380 kg/m3
PSC M-35 M-40 400 kg/m3
HPC -- M-40 380 kg/m3 with Admixture
Members 450kg/m3 without



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

Sulphate Content (SO3) shall not exceed 4% by mass of cement IRC:21-2000
used in the mix of concrete. In severe condition, this should be Clause 302.6.5
limited to 2%
Chloride content in concrete shall not exceed following value by
mass of cement:
PSC-0.1 % IRC:SP:70-2005
RCC-Severe exposure 0.2 %
RCC-(Moderate) 0.3 %
Table -5
The above value shall be respected in case of HPC also
Water Cement Ratio Maximum water cement ratio should be maintained as under:
Member Normal Severe
Exposure Exposure
PCC 0.45 0.45
RCC 0.45 0.40
PSC/HPC 0.40 0.40

10 Sheathing • Use Corrugated HDPE Duct. They are especially

recommended to serve as barrier to externally penetrating
• Whenever feasible, metallic ducts may be manufactured
at site to eliminate along storage period and thereby
corrosion problem.
• To prevent corrosion on outer side surface should be applied
with washable water soluble oil/VPL Power injection.
C. Construction Stage
1. Curing Concrete shall be kept atleast for 14 days. IRC:21-2000
Steam or other improved method of curing wherever necessary
should be used.
2. Storage and Handling of All pre-stressing elements such as strands/ IRC:18-2000 wires, IRC:18-2000
Pre-stressing Material anchorages, ducts, couplers, should Appendix-3 be protected. Appendix-3
These materials should be stored in such a way that there is no
deterioration in quality and usage in the work. These should
be protected from rain, damp ground, ambient temperature by
covering them properly. These should be coated with soluble oil,
silica gel or vapour phase inhibiting materials.
The HTS strands should be wrapped in HDPE wrappers. The
steel should be stored in the godown wherein humidity should
be controlled upto 60% with the help of de-humidifiers, electric
heaters or equivalent means. Hygrometers should be installed in
such godown to check humidity.
Just enough quantity of strand/HT wire sufficient to last for 4
weeks or so should be ordered.
3. Grouting of Post- The grout protects the pre-stressing steel and ensures encasement IRC:18-2000
Tensioned Pre-stressing of steel in an alkaline environment for corrosion protection and
cables. by filling the space, it prevents water collection and freezing.
• For effective protection, recommended practice stipulated
in MC:18:2000 -Appendix - 5, in respect of materials,
grout vents, equipment, properties of the grout, mixing
and grouting operations etc, shall be followed.



Sr. No. Parameters Requirement Reference

• Grouting shall be carried out as early as possible but
not later than 2 weeks of stressing a tendon. Whenever
this stipulation cannot be complied with for unavoidable
reasons, adequate temporary protection of the steel
against corrosion by methods or products which will
not impair the ultimate adherence of the injected grout
should be ensured till grouting. The sealing of the
anchorage ends after concreting is considered to be a
good practice to prevent ingress of water. For structures
in aggressive environment, sealing of the anchorage ends
is mandatory.
• No admixture containing chloride of any sort shall be
used in grout.
• Water cement ratio should not be more than 0.40
• Temperature of grout should not be more than 25°C. Use
ice to maintain the temperature.
• Power driven equipment should be used for grouting the
• Grout cap should be used to provide protection to the
anchorage elements.
• Should be supervised by Senior engineers. There is
tendency to leave it to junior staff since it is a low value,
last item.
1. Deck slab Water proofing membrane of mastic of MOSRT&H minimum MoSRT&H
thickness of 12 mm should be specification provided under the Specification
wearing coat to prevent ingress of water in the deck slab and Clause 2702.1.1
corrosion of cables and rebars.
2. Railing Provide mild steel post and pipe railing and paint them IRC:5-1998
3. Crash Barrier Crash Barrier of desired height with or without pipe IRC:5-1998

IRC: SP: 80 – 2008
Revised Table 5.1
No. Parameters Requirement Reference
1. Crack width • Crack width under quasi-permanent load combination shall not exceed IRC:112
0.3 mm for moderate, severe and very severe conditions of exposure and Clause 12.3
0.2 mm for extreme conditions of exposure for reinforced and pre-stressed (Table 12.1)
members with un-bonded tendons.
• Crack width under frequent load combination for pre-stressed members
with bonded tendons shall not exceed 0.2 mm in all conditions of
2. Minimum Cover for Exposure Nominal Cover IRC:112
Reinforcement (in mm) Clause 14.3.2
(Table 14.2)
Moderate 40



No. Parameters Requirement Reference
Severe 45
Very severe 50
Extreme 75
(Note: The above cover may be reduced by 5 mm for factory made precast
concrete elements, high performance concrete, use of stainless steel
reinforcement, or controlled permeable formwork. In case more than one of
the above measure is adopted, the reduction should not exceed 10 mm.)
3. Minimum Cover for • For post-tensioned tendons, the minimum cover measured from outside of IRC:112
pre-stressing steel and sheathing shall be 75 mm. Clause 14.3.2
spacing • For pre-tensioned tendons, the minimum cover shall be 65 mm. (Table 14.2),
• Minimum horizontal clear spacing of 50 mm or diameter of the duct,
(Fig. 15.9 &
whichever is greater, shall be maintained between individual post
tensioning cables.
• Minimum vertical clear spacing of 50 mm or diameter of the duct or
aggregate size + 10 mm, whichever is greater, shall be maintained between
individual post- tensioning cables.
• In case of pre-tensioning cables, the minimum clear horizontal spacing
of individual cables shall be highest value of aggregate size + 10 mm, 2
times of tendon diameter and 20 mm. The minimum vertical spacing shall
be greater value of aggregate size + 10 mm, 2 times diameter of tendon.
4 Bundling of High • In a bundle, all bars shall be of the same characteristics, type and grade IRC:112
Strength Deformed and preferably same diameter. Bars of different diameters can be bundled Clause 15.2.7,
Bars, Pre-stressing provided the ratio of diameters does not exceed 1.7. Further details can Clause 15.3.1
Tendons and be obtained from clause 15.2.7 of IRC:112 & Fig. 15.9
Grouping of cables • In case of post-tensioned bonded cables, bundles of more than two ducts
are not permitted. A pair of ducts placed horizontally or vertically touching
each other may be permitted only in straight portion of the cable subject to
following stipulations :
a) Two cables can be grouped horizontally provided each duct diameter is
not more than 50 mm.
b) Two cables can be grouped vertically provided each duct diameter is not
more than 110 mm.
c) Two cables shall not be bundled over the curved length of cable in the
plane of curvature.
5 Proper detailing and Attention should be given to detailing to ensure proper concretability, use of
spacing of steel vibrators etc.


1 • Coarse aggregates • The preferred nominal size of aggregate is 20 mm for pre stressed and IRC:112
• Fine Aggregates reinforced concrete. It should consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non- Clause
porous and durable pieces of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel
or a suitable combination thereof or other approved inert material. It should
not contain dust, lumps, soft or flaky particles, mica and other deleterious
• Fine aggregates shall consist of hard, strong, durable clean particles of
natural sand, crushed stone or gravel or suitable combination of natural
sand and crushed stone or gravel.



S. Parameters Requirement Reference

2 Water Should not contain injurious amounts of oil acids, alkalis, sugar and organic IRC:112
materials, which may be deleterious to concrete and steel.
Permissible limits of solids shall be as under:
Organic-200 mg/l
Inorganic-3000 mg/
Sulphates-400 mg/l
Cholorides-2000 mg/l for concrete work not containing embedded steel and
500 mg/l for pre-stressed/ reinforced concrete work
Suspended matter-2000 mg/l
• pH Value- not less than 6
• Use of Sea Water is not allowed
3 Reinforcement • Following grades of reinforcement steel shall be used: IRC:112
Type of Grade / Relevant Minimum Minimum Tensile a Min.% Clause 18.2.3
steel Designation BIS Yield Strength, as % of the elongation (Table 18.1)
Standard Stress/0.2% actual 0.2% proof
proof-stress fyk stress/yield stress but
not less than
Mild Steel Grade-1 IS:432 Bars upto & 410 MPa 23
(Part-1)- including
1982 20 mm dia.
= 250 MPa
20mm ≤dia 410 MPa 23
50mm 240
High Yield Fe 415 110% (not less than 14.5
Strength 485 MPa)
Deformed Fe 415D IS:1786 112% (not less than
Steel 415 MPa 500 MPa)
(HYSD Fe 415S ≥125% 18.0
Steel) Fe 500 108% (not less than 12.0
545 MPa)
Fe 500D IS:1786 500 MPa 110% (not less than
565 MPa) 16.0
Fe 500S ≥125%
Fe 550 106% (not less than 10.0
IS:1786- 550 MPa 585 MPa)
Fe 550D 2000 108% (not less than 14.5
600 MPa)
Fe 600 IS: 1786- 600 MPa 106% (not less than 10.0
2000 600 MPa)

(1) Elongation on a gauge length of 5.65 √A, where A is the cross-sectional
area of the test piece, when tested in accordance with IS 1608-1995
(2) For seismic zones III, IV & V; HYSD steel bars having minimum
elongation of 14.5 percent and conforming to other requirements of IS 1786
shall be used.
• Products with improved corrosion resistance
a) Galvanised reinforcement
b) Epoxy-coated reinforcement
c) Stainless steel reinforcement



No. Parameters Requirement Reference
4 Concrete (Water Cement content (excluding fly-ash, GGBS or Silica Fume) shall not exceed IRC:112
Cement Ratio, 450 kg/m3 of concrete Clause 14.3.2
Cement Content, Maximum water cement ratio, minimum cement content and minimum (Table 14.2
Grade of Concrete) grade of concrete for various structural members under different exposure & 14.3)
conditions for concrete with 20 mm size aggregate shall be as under: RC:SP:70-2016

Exposure Maximum Water Minimum Cement Minimum Grade

Condition Cement Ratio Content (Kg/m3) of Concrete
Moderate 0.45 340 M 25
Severe 0.45 360 M 30
Very Severe 0.40 380 M 40
Extreme 0.35 400 M 45
(Note: The term cement for maximum water cement ratio and minimum
cement content in the above table includes all cementitious materials
inclusive of additions. For plain cement concrete, with or without surface
reinforcement, the maximum grade of concrete can be lowered by 5 MPa and
maximum water cement ratio exceeded by 0.05.)
Sulphate Content (SO3) shall not exceed 4% by mass of cement used in the
mix of concrete.
Chloride content in concrete shall not exceed following value by mass of
Pre-stressed Concrete - 0.10 %
Reinforced Concrete in severe,
very severe and extreme
exposure conditions - 0.20 %
Reinforced Concrete in moderate
exposure condition - 0.30 %
The above value shall be respected in case of HPC also
5 Sheathing • HDPE Sheathing ducts IRC:112
1. Use Corrugated HDPE Duct. They are especially recommended to serve Clause 13.4.2
as barrier to externally penetrating chlorides/sulphates. and 13.4.3
2. The wall thickness of the duct as manufactured shall be 2.0 mm,
2.5 mm, 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm for ducts of internal diameter upto 50 mm,
85 mm, 100 mm and 125 mm respectively. The minimum residual wall
thickness after loss (wear resistance) shall not be less than 1.5 mm for
ducts upto 85 mm in diameter and not less than 2.0 mm for ducts greater
than 85 mm in diameter.
• MS Sheathing ducts
1. Unless otherwise specified, the material shall be Cold Rolled Cold
Annealed (CRCA) Mild Steel intended for mechanical treatment and
surface refining but not for quench hardening or tempering.
2. The material shall be clean and free from rust and normally of bright
metal finish. However, in case of use in aggressive environment
glavanised or lead coated mild steel strips shall be adopted.
3. The thickness of metal sheathing shall not be less than 0.3mm, 0.4mm
and 0.5mm for sheathing ducts having internal diameter upto 50mm,
75mm and 90mm and above respectively. For larger diameter ducts,
thickness of sheathing shall be based on recommendations of pre-
stressing system supplier.



S. Parameters Requirement Reference

C. Construction Stage
1. Curing Concrete shall be kept constantly wet for a minimum period of 14 days. IRC:112
Liquid membrane-foaming curing compounds conforming to ASTM 309
may be used in lieu of moist curing after approval. Steam curing under
atmospheric pressure is adopted to develop high early strength of concrete
and is particularly suitable for precast concrete members.
2. Storage and Handling All pre-stressing elements such as strands/wires, anchorages, ducts, couplers, MoRT&H
of Pre-stressing shall be protected from corrosion at all times. These materials should be stored in Specification
Material such a way that there is no deterioration in quality and usage in the work. These
should be protected from rain, damp ground and from ambient atmosphere if it
is likely to be aggressive by covering them properly.
3. Grouting of The purpose of grouting is to provide permanent protection to the IRC:112
Post-Tensioned post-tensioned steel against corrosion and to develop bond between the
Pre-stressing cables pre-stressing steel and the surrounding structural concrete. The grout ensures
encasement of steel in an alkaline environment for corrosion protection and
by filling the duct space it prevents water collection and freezing. For effective
protection, recommended practice stipulated in Clause 18.7 of IRC:112, in
respect of materials, properties of the grout, mixing and grouting operations
etc, shall be followed.
4 Protection of Post In order to achieve a durable post-tensioning system, matching with the IRC:112
Tensioned Tendons design service life of the structure, suitable corrosion protection of the Clause 13.7
and Anchorages post-tensioning system, is necessary. The corrosion protection system shall
take into account:
a) Temporary protection of the tendons, ducts, anchorages and all accessories
from manufacture handling storage, transport, till incorporation in the structure.
b) Semi-permanent protection of the system in situations where the tendons
and anchorages are exposed to atmosphere for an extended period of time.
c) Permanent protection of pre-stressing system applied either at the factory
or at site shall be according to stressing of the surrounding. Special care
is warranted since most parts of the tendons or other component are
generally not accessible during service life.
5 Protective Grouting a) Post tensioned tendons shall be bonded to concrete of the pre-stressed IRC:112-2011
member as well as protected from corrosion by cement grout which shall Clause 13.6
fill the ducts fully, without leaving any entrapped air or water pockets, voids
created by evaporation of excess water in the grout and bleeding.
b) Unbonded tendons placed either in ducts embedded in concrete or externally
located shall be protected from corrosion by suitable fillers. Grouting by
cement, wax, nuclear grade (low sulphur) grease are some of the options.
For materials other than cement or such long life permanent materials,
arrangements for inspection and refilling or replacement of grouting materials
shall be made. Factory made coated wires/strands embedded in polyethylene
ducts with suitable fill are acceptable. Manufacturer’s recommendations shall
be followed for the specialist materials and techniques.
1. Additional measures for concrete • Use of Water proofing membrane over bridge deck to IRC:112-2011
members prevent ingress of water. MoRT&H
• Use of surface coatings to the concrete to inhibit the ingress Specification
of chlorides or carbon dioxide.
• Use of controlled permeability formwork (CPF) liners, which
effectively reduce the water-cement ratio of cover concrete
and reduce the chloride diffusion into the concrete.
2. Railing and Crash Barrier Design and type of Railing and Crash Barrier be provided in IRC:5
accordance with IRC:5 and MoRT&H Specification. MoRT&H



IRC: SP: 80 – 2008
Table 6.6
SI. No. Parameter Requirement Reference
1 Specific Gravity 1.35 to 1.40 IS 345
2 Solid Contents 70 ± 3 % IS 345
3 UV Resistance No Colour Change
4 IR-Spectrum Acrylic Polymer IR Spectrometer Standards
ASTM D 4541-02 /
5 Adhesion with Concrete 1.5 N / mm2
DIN 50014
200 – 225 Microns
6 Dry Film Thickness
(for Minimum 2 Coats)
7 Coverage 400 to 450 gm / m2 (in 2 Coats)
Equivalent Air Layer
8 Diffusion Resistance against CO2 DIN 53122 Part I
Thickness, SDCO2 shall be > 50 m
Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
9 Diffusion Resistance against H2O DIN 52615
SDH2Oshall be < 4 m
Percentage reduction in flux should be
10 Water proofing charecterstics
> 50%
Min. 2 h to 72 h or as per
11 Re-coatability manufacturer’s specification with the
approval of the Engineer in Charge

IRC: SP: 80 – 2008
Revised Table 6.6

SI. No. Parameter Requirement Reference

1 Specific Gravity 1.35 to 1.40 IS 345
2 Solid Contents 70 ± 3 % IS 345
No Colour Change after minimum ASTM G-53 / DIN
3 UV Resistance
400 hours exposure EN 150-105
IR Spectrometer
4 IR-Spectrum Acrylic Polymer
ASTM D 4541-02 /
5 Adhesion with Concrete > 1.5 N / mm2
DIN 50014
200 – 225 Microns
6 Dry Film Thickness
(for Minimum 2 Coats)
7 Coverage 400 to 450 gm / m2 (in 2 Coats)
Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
8 Diffusion Resistance against CO2 DIN 53122 Part I
SDCO2 shall be > 50 m
Equivalent Air Layer Thickness,
9 Diffusion Resistance against H2O DIN 52615
SDH2O shall be < 4 m



EN 1062-3-2008 or
10* Water Permeability of Coating w< 0.1 kg/m2 . h0.5
Min. 2 h to 72 h or as per
manufacturer’s specification with
11 Re-coatability
the approval of the Engineer in
12 Tensile Strength > 1.5 N / mm2 ASTM D 638
13 Elongation > 200% ASTM D 638
Pass: No Damage or Blistering after
14 Salt Spray Test ASTM B 117
atleast 400 Hours Exposure
15 Crack Bridging Capacity > 2.0 mm ASTM C1305 – 2008

Notification No.19
Amendment No.1/IRC:SP:65 /November, 2018 (Effective from 31st January, 2019)
IRC:SP:65-2018 “Guidelines for Design and Construction of Segmental Bridges (First Revision)”
S.N. Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1. 3.2.1 The stresses at the least compressive face The stresses at the least compressive face
(Page 3) under Rare Combination of Loads shall be under Rare Combination of Loads shall be
limited to minimum residual compression limited to minimum residual compression of
of 0.5 MPa in case of epoxy jointed precast 0.5 MPa at joint locations in case of epoxy
segments. jointed precast segments.
2. 3.2.2 The limits specified in clause 12.2.2 of The limits specified in clause 12.2.2 of
(Page 3) IRC:112 apply to all types of segmental IRC:112 apply to all types of segmental
bridges except longitudinal reinforcement bridges except in the longitudinal
of precast segmental bridges, where these reinforcement of precast segmental bridges,
stress checks have no relevance. where these stress checks have no relevance.
3. 3.3 The crack width limitations given in The crack width limitations given in clause
(Page 3 & 4) clause 12.3 of IRC:112 apply to all types 12.3 of IRC:112 apply to all types of
of segmental bridges except at joints of segmental bridges except at joints of epoxy
precast segmental structure where minimum jointed precast segmental structure where
compressive stress limitations of para 3.2.1 minimum compressive stress limitations of
above apply. The decompression limits of para 3.2.1 above apply. The decompression
Table 12.1 of IRC:112 apply to Prestressed limits of Table 12.1 of IRC:112 apply to
members with bonded tendons. Prestressed members with bonded tendons
for structures built in severe, very severe
and extreme environmental conditions.
4. For Structure with external unbonded tendons, For Structure with external unbonded
Page (4) the shear resistance shall be calculated as per tendons, the shear resistance shall be
clause (2) of IRC:112. calculated as per clause (2) of
For this purpose, the equation 10.18 of IRC:112.
IRC:112 shall be modified as follows:
VNS/0.85 = VED <hredcbwvfed/ (cotѳ + tanѳ)
And equation 10.19 modified as follows:
ASW/S=VED/hredcvfed cotѳ


Notification No. 20
Amendment No.1/IRC:SP:73/August, 2019 (Effective from the 30th September, 2019)
IRC:SP:73-2018 “Manual of Specifications & Standards for Two Laning of Highways with Paved
Shoulder” (Second Revision)
Clause No. For Read
Page No.
5.4.3 (ii) (b) b) Roughness in each lane: Not more b) Roughness in each lane:
(Page 47) than 2000 mm/km for each lane in (i) Rigid Pavement:  ≯  2000 mm/km for each lane in a km
a km length length
(ii) Flexible Pavement :  ≯  1800 mm/km for each lane in a
km length

Notification No.21
Amendment No.1/IRC:83 (Part III)/August, 2019 (Effective from 30th September, 2019)
IRC:83 -2018 (Part III) “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridgesˮ Section IX –
Bearings, Part III: POT, PIN, Metallic Guide and Plane Sliding Bearings (First Revision)
S. No Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1.; FRdu = D x L x (fcd /√3) FRdu = 1.33 x D x L x (fcd /√3)
(Page 41)
fcd = Design value of concrete
compressive strength
Annexure-C, MRd = Reduced Bending Resistance MRd = Reduced Bending Resistance
2. = (ku2 x L,eff x fy’) / γm = (ku2*(L,eff/4)*(fy’/γm))
(Page 60)

Notification No.22
Errata No. 1 to Amendment No. 1 issued vide Notification No. 18/IRC:SP:80-2008
IRC:SP:80-2008 “Guidelines for Corrosion, Prevention, Monitoring and Remedial Measures
for Concrete Bridge Structures”.
Table 6.6

For Read
S. No. Parameter Requirement Reference Parameter Requirement Reference
1. Specific Gravity 1.35 to 1.40 IS:354 Specific 1.4 ± 0.05 IS:354



Notification No. 23
Amendment No. 2/IRC:81/August, 2019 (Effective from the 30th September, 2019)
IRC:81-1997 “Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements using Benkelman
Beam Deflection Technique” (First Revision)

S. Clause No. For Read

No & Page
1. Table 4 Indicative VDF Values Indicative VDF Values
(Page 16) Initial traffic intensity Terrain Initial traffic intensity Terrain
in terms of number of Rolling/Plain Hilly in terms of number of Rolling/Plain Hilly
commercial vehicles per commercial vehicles per
day (Traffic Range) day (Traffic Range)
0-150 1.5 0.5 0-150 1.7 0.6
150-1500 3.5 1.5 150-1500 3.9 1.7
More than 1500 4.5 2.5 More than 1500 5.0 2.8

2. Clause Distribution of commercial traffic over the carriageway Lateral Distribution of commercial traffic over the
No. 5.4.2 Carriageway:
A realistic assessment of distribution of commercial
(Page 15)
traffic by direction and by lane is necessary as it Lateral distribution of commercial traffic on the
directly affects the total equivalent standard axle load carriageway is required for estimating the design traffic
applications used in the design. It is recommended (equivalent standard axle load applications) to be
that for the time being the following distribution may considered for the design of pavement. The following
be assumed for design until more reliable data on lateral distribution factors may be considered for roads
placement of commercial vehicles on the carriageway with different types of the carriageway:
lanes are available. However, if in a particular situation
(i) Single-lane roads
a better estimate of the distribution of traffic between
the carriageway lanes is available from traffic surveys, Traffic tends to be more channelized on single-lane
the same should be adopted and the design is based on roads than on two-lane roads and to allow for this
the traffic in the most heavily trafficked lane. The design concentration of wheel load repetitions, the design
will normally be applied over the whole carriageway should be based on the total number (sum) of
width: commercial vehicles in both directions.
(i) Single-lane roads (3.75 m width) (ii) Intermediate lane roads of width 5.50 m
Traffic tends to be more channelized on single lane The design traffic should be based on 75 per cent of
roads than on two lane roads and to allow for this the two-way commercial traffic.
concentration of wheel load repetitions, the design
should be based on the total number of commercial (iii) Two-lane two-way roads
vehicles per day in both directions multiplied by two. The design should be based on 50 per cent of the
(ii) Two-lane single carriageway roads total number of commercial vehicles in both the
The design should be based on 75 per cent of the total
number of commercial vehicles in both directions. (iv) Four-lane single carriageway roads

(iii) Four-lane single carriageway roads 40 per cent of the total number (sum) of commercial
vehicles in both directions should be considered for
The design should be based on 40 per cent of the total design.
number of commercial vehicles in both directions.
(v) Dual carriageway roads
(iv) Dual carriageway roads
The design of dual two-lane carriageway roads should
The design of dual two lane carriageway roads should be based on 75 per cent of the number of commercial
be based on 75 per cent of the number of commercial vehicles in each direction.
vehicles in each direction. The distribution factor shall
be reduced by 20 per cent for each additional lane. For dual three-lane carriageway and dual four-lane
carriageway, the distribution factors shall be 60 per
Ex: For dual three-lane carriageway distribution factor cent and 45 per cent respectively.
– 60 per cent


Notifications & Tender notice

The traffic in each direction may be assumed to be half

the sum in both directions when the latter only is known.
Where significant difference between the two streams
can occur, the condition in the more heavily trafficked
lane should be considered for design. However, if on a
particular situation a better estimate of the distribution
of traffic between the carriageway lanes is available
from traffic surveys, the same should be adopted and the
design is based on the traffic in the most heavily traffic
lane. The design will normally be applied over the whole
carriageway width.
3. Clause Traffic growth rate Traffic growth rate
No. 5.2
An estimate of likely growth rate can be obtained as a) For estimating the cumulative traffic expected to use
(Page 14)
follows: the pavement over the design period, it is necessary
to estimate the rate(s) at which the commercial
a) By studying the past trend in traffic growth
traffic will grow over the design period. The growth
b) Elasticity of transport demand rates may be estimated as per IRC:108. Typical data
required for estimation of the growth rates(r) are:
c) If adequate data is not available, it is recommended
that an average value of 7.5 per cent may be adopted (i) past trends of traffic growth and
for roads in rural routes.
(ii) demand elasticity of traffic with respect to macro-
economic parameters (like the gross domestic
product and state domestic product) and the demand
expected due to specific developments and land use
changes likely to take place during the design life
b) Traffic growth rates shall be established for each
category of commercial vehicles. In the absence
of data for estimation of the annual growth rate of
commercial vehicles or when the estimated growth
rate is less than 5 per cent, a minimum annual growth
rate of 5 per cent should be used for commercial
vehicles for estimating the design traffic.

Invitation of bids for disposal of ROMDAS Equipemnt

Sealed online bids are invited by Joint Secretary, PRBDB, SCF 61-62, Phase-2, Mohali
for disposal of Road Measurement and Data Acquisition System (ROMDAS), a class-I
laser road profilometer on "As-is where- is" basis. The details of the equipment alongwith
other information pertaining to invitation of bids can be seen at, The on-line bids will be received on the portal from 19th Aug, 2019 to
23rd Sept, 2019 (3.00 PM).

Addenda/Corrigenda, if any, will be published only on the websites.

(Muksesh Kumar Goel)

Joint Secretary


Notification No. 24
Amendment No.5/IRC:6/August, 2019 (Effective from 31st October, 2019)
IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section-II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision)
S. Clause No For Read
No Page No
1 204.4 Add a sentence after the first sentence “For bridges, Flyovers/grade Add following sentence after the first sentence “For bridges,
separators close ……shall be considered.” Flyovers/grade separators close …shall be considered.” :
(Page 20)
“Congestion factor shall not be applicable in load combination with
SV loading.”

2 204.5.4 During the passage of SV loading, no other vehicle shall be During the passage of SV loading, no other live load (including
considered to ply on the same carriageway. No wind, seismic, footway live load) shall be considered to ply on the same carriageway.
(Refer amendments
temperature gradient, braking force and dynamic impact on the live Effect of wind, seismic, temperature gradient need not be considered
published in Indian
load need to be considered as the SV shall move at a speed not for load combinations with SV loading. In addition, tractive force
Highways – January

exceeding 5 kmph over the bridge. For the load combination with / braking force and dynamic impact on live load need not be
2018 issue)
special vehicle, the partial safety factor on SV load for verification considered on the carriageway carrying SV loading. For the load
of equilibrium and structural strength under Ultimate Limit State combination with special vehicle, the partial safety factor on SV load
(Basic Combination) and for verification of Serviceability Limit for verification of equilibrium (as per Table B.1), structural strength
State (Rare Combination) shall be taken as 1.15 and 1.0 respectively. (as per Table B.2) and strength of foundation (as per combination 1
For other accompanying loads, partial safety factors shall be taken of Table B.4) under Ultimate Limit State (Basic Combination) shall
from Annex-B. be taken as 1.15. For verification under Serviceability Limit State
and for other accompanying loads, including the live load surcharge
loading, Table B.3 shall be followed with partial safety factors on
SV load  taken as 1.0 under Rare Combination (For stress check)

and 0.75 under Frequent Combination (For deflection and crack

width checks as applicable).  Fatigue check is not required under
Load Combination with SV loading. 
Note : The movement of Special Vehicle shall be regulated /
monitored to ensure that it moves at a speed less than 5 Kmph and Note : The movement of Special Vehicle shall be regulated /
also does not ply on the bridge on a high wind condition monitored to ensure that it moves at a speed less than 5 Kmph and
also does not ply on the bridge on a high wind condition
3 Sr. No. 4 of FIG. 6B Add a sentence in 2nd column under “No. of Lanes and Carriageway Add following at the end in next para :
(Refer amendments configurations” (Load combinations & partial safety factors as given in clause
published in Indian 204.5.4 shall apply for superstructure carrying SV loading and for
Highways – January 2018 substructure and foundation)

4 Sr. No. 5 of FIG. 6B Add a sentence in 2nd column under “No. of Lanes and Carriageway Add following at the end in next para :
(Refer amendments configurations” (Load combinations & partial safety factors as given in clause
published in Indian
Highways – January 2018
204.5.4 shall apply for the entire structure)
5. 206.6 Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles of Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles of
certain weights at certain angle while travelling at the specified certain weights at certain angle while travelling at the specified
Crash Barriers
speed as given in Table 9. They are expected to guide the vehicle speed as given in Table 9. They are expected to guide the vehicle
(Page 26-28) back on the road while keeping the level of damage to vehicle as back on the road while keeping the level of damage to vehicle as
well as to the barriers within acceptable limits. well as to the barriers within acceptable limits.
Table 9: Application for design of Crash Barrier Table 9: Application for design of Crash Barrier

Category Application Containment for Category Application Containment for

P-1: Normal Bridges carrying expressway, 15 kN vehicle at 110 km/h, P-1: Normal Bridges carrying 15 kN vehicle at
Containment or equivalent and 20o angle of impact Containment Expressway, National & 110 km/h and
(Cast-in-situ or State Highway or Road of 20o angle of impact
P-2: Low All other bridges except 15 kN vehicle at 80 km/h Precast as per equivalent standard except
Containment bridge over railways and 20o angle of impact Fig. 1,2 & 5 of over railways and high-risk
IRC:5-2015) locations
P-3: High At hazardous and high risk 300 kN vehicle at 60 km/h
Containment locations, over busy railway P-2: High
and 20o angle of impact At hazardous and high-risk 300 kN vehicle at
lines, complex interchanges, etc. Containment locations ie, over busy 60 km/h and
(Cast-in-situ railway lines, stretches 20o angle of impact
The barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast as per Fig. 3 of on curves having radius
reinforced concrete panels, or of flexible type, constructed using IRC:5-2015) less than 100 meters and
metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The metallic type, complex interchanges, etc
called semi-rigid type, suffers large dynamic deflection of the order The crash barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast
of 0.9 to 1.2 m due to impact, whereas the ‘rigid’ concrete type reinforced concrete panels, or of flexible type, constructed using
suffers comparatively negligible deflection. The efficacy of the metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The metallic type,
two types of barriers is established on the basis of full-size tests called semi-rigid type, suffers large dynamic deflection of the order
carried out by the laboratories specializing in such testing. Due to of 0.9 to 1.2 m due to impact, whereas the ‘rigid’ concrete type
the complexities of the structural action, the value of impact force suffers comparatively negligible deflection. The efficacy of the two
cannot be quantified. types of barriers is established on the basis of full-size tests carried
Table 10: Minimum Design Resistance out by the laboratories specializing in such testing. A certificate from

such laboratory can be the only basis of acceptance of the semi-rigid

Types of Crash Barrier type, in which case all the design details and construction details
S. P-1 P-2 P-3 tested by the laboratory are to be followed without modifications
Requirement In-situ/ In-situ/ In-situ
No and without changing relative strengths and positions of any of the
Precast Precast connections and elements.
1) Shape Shape on traffic side to be as per IRC:5,
or New Jersey (NJ) Type of ‘F’ Shape

designated thus by AASHTO For the rigid type of barrier, the same method is acceptable. However,
2) Minimum grade of M40 M40 M40 in absence of testing/test certificate, the barrier shall be designed to
concrete resist loading appropriate to the designated level of containment
3) Minimum thickness of R 175 175 250 mm
using the equivalent static nominal loadings from Table 10.
C wall (at top) mm mm
4) Minimum moment of 15 7.5 100 kNm/m for

resistance at base of the kNm/m kNm/m end section and
wall [see note (i)] for 75 kNm/m for
bending in vertical plane intermediate
section [see note

Types of Crash Barrier Table 10: Equivalent static nominal loads in situ and precast
S. P-1 P-2 P-3 concrete barriers applicable to panel lengths (L) 2.0 m to 3.5 m
Requirement In-situ/ In-situ/ In-situ
Precast Precast Barrier Containment Panel nominal Panel nominal shear
Level bending moment* (kN/panel)**
5) Minimum moment of 7.5 3.75 40 kNm/m
resistance for bending kNm/m kNm/m Normal Containment 100 kN over 1.0m 80L
in horizontal plane with without shear transfer
reinforcement adjacent to between panels
outer face [see note (ii)] High Containment (210+40 L) kN/panel (110+50H)L
6. Minimum moment of 22.5 11.25 Not applicable without shear transfer
resistance of anchorage at the kNm/m kNm/m between panels
base of a precast reinforced
Notes :

concrete panel
i) Panel Length (L) for cast-in-situ and precast barrier shall be 2.0 m
7) Minimum transverse shear 44 22.5 Not applicable
resistance at vertical joints kN/m kN/m
between precast panels, or at of joint of joint ii) Panel Length (L) for cast-in-situ barrier shall not exceed 3.5 m.
vertical joints made between iii) H=Vertical distance in meters from top of barrier to the horizontal
lengths of in-situ crash barrier. section where shear force is considered.

iv) Gaps between panels shall be 20 mm. Gaps shall be covered or sealed
8) Minimum 900 mm 900 mm 1550 mm and filled with a durable soft joint filler.
v) *The bending moment to be resisted produced by applying
Notes : transversely a horizontal continuous, uniformly distributed nominal
i) The base of wall refers to horizontal sections of the parapet within 300 load to the top of panel.
mm above the adjoining paved surface level. The minimum moments of vi) **The nominal shear force to be resisted by any transverse section of
resistance shall reduce linearly from the base of wall value to zero at top a panel.
of the parapet. vii) In addition to the main reinforcement on traffic face, secondary
ii) In addition to the main reinforcement, in items 4 & 5 above, distribution reinforcement of area not less than 50 percent of the main
steel equal to 50 percent of the main reinforcement shall be provided in reinforcement shall be provided. The area of reinforcement on outer
the respective faces. face, both vertical and horizontal, shall not be less than 50% of that

iii) For design purpose the crash barrier Type P-3 shall be divided into end in the traffic face. Spacing of reinforcement bars on any face shall not
sections extending a distance not greater than 3.0 m from ends of the exceed 200 mm.
crash barrier and intermediate sections extending along remainder of the viii) If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the reinforcement is
crash barrier. required to be placed on both sides.
iv) If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the steel is required to be ix) For in-situ panels, the joint between panels shall extend from the top of the
placed on both sides. panel down to not more than 25mm above the level of paved surface.
v) In case of P-3 In-situ type, a minimum horizontal transverse shear x) Specialist literature may be referred for design of attachment systems
resistance of 135 kN/m shall be provided. and anchorages and their loading for precast concrete parapet panels.
xi) Equivalent static loading as given in Table-10 are also applicable to crash
barrier supported on friction slabs and friction slab too can be designed
for same static loading.

6. Annex B 6. Seismic Combination 6. Seismic Combination

Sr No. 6 For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads
shown in Column No. 6 or 7 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural shown in Column No. 6 or 7 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural
(Page 90) strength, the partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 4 under Table strength, the partial safety factors for loads shown for seismic combination
B.2 shall be adopted. under column 4 of Table B.2 and B.4 are applicable only for design basis
earthquake (DBE) .
B.1 Partial Safety Factors for verification of Equilibrium
For Read
Loads Basic Combination Accidental Combination Seismic Combination Loads Basic Combination Accidental Combination Seismic Combination
Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring
or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or
uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Resisting
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
5.2 5.2
Construction Construction
dead loads Dead Loads
(such as wt. (such as weight
of launching 1.05 0.95 - - - - of launching 1.1 0.90 1.10 0.90 1.1 0.9
girder, truss girder, truss
or cantilever or cantilever
construction construction
equipment) equipment

Table B.2 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Structural Strength

For Read
Loads Ultimate Limit State Loads Ultimate Limit State
Basic Combination Accidental Seismic Basic Combination Accidental Seismic
Combination Combination Combination Combination
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1.4 Back fill weight 1.4 Back fill weight

(a) When causing adverse effect 1.35 1.0 1.0


(b) When causing relieving

1.0 1.0 1.0
2.2 Wind load
2.2 Wind load during
construction during
construction and service

Table B.3 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Serviceability Limit State
For Read
Loads Rare Combination Frequent Quasi-permanent Loads Rare Frequent Quasi-permanent
Combination Combination Combination Combination Combination
(1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) (4) (3) (4)
1.1 Dead load, 1.1 Dead load, snow
snow load if load if present, SIDL
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
present, SIDL except surfacing,

except surfacing and back fill Weight
Table B.4 Partial Safety Factor for checking of base Pressure and Design of Foundations

For Read
Loads Combination Combination Seismic Accidental Loads Combination Combination Seismic Accidental
(1) (2) Combination Combination (1) (2) Combination Combination
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1.1 Dead load, 1.1 D
 ead load, Snow Load (if
Snow Load (if 1.35 1.0 1.35 1.0 present) SIDL except surfacing
present) SIDL and Back Fill Weight
except surfacing (a) When causing adverse effects 1.35 1.0 1.35 1.0
and Back Fill
(b) When causing Relieving effects 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.2 SIDL Surfacing 1.75 1.0 1.75 1.0 1.2 Surfacing

(a) When causing adverse effect 1.75 1.0 1.75 1.0
(b) When causing relieving effect 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Add new 1.35 1.0 1.35 1.0
c) Construction live load
4.0 Construction
Dead Loads

(weight. of
launching girder, 1.35 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 Construction Dead Load 1.35 1.0 1.35 1.0
truss or cantilever
5.1 Water Current 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 5.1 Water Current 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0
5.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 5.2 Wave Pressure 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0
6 Buoyancy 6 Buoyancy
a) For Base
1.0 1.0 1.0 a) For Base Pressure 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

b) For Structural
0.15 0.15 0.15 b) For Structural Design 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15

S.NO Clause No For Read

7 216 216 DEFORMATION EFFECTS (for Steel Bridges only)
(page 60) 216.1 A deformation effects is defined as the bending stress in any member of an open web-girder caused
by the vertical deflection of the girder combined with the rigidity of the joints.
216.2 All steel bridges shall be designed, manufactured and erected in a manner such that the deformation Delete
effects are reduced to a minimum. In the absence of calculation, deformation stresses shall be assumed
to be not less than 16 percent of the dead and live loads stresses.
216.3 In prestressed girders of steel, deformation effects may be ignored.
Notification No. 25
Amendment No.2/IRC:SP:114/August, 2019 (Effective from 31st October, 2019)
IRC:SP:114-2018 “Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road Bridges”
S. Clause No. & For Read
No Page No.
1 Table 4.1 Table 4.1 Response Reduction Factors (R) 'R' WITH
(for Bridges in (i) Masonry / PCC Piers, Abutments 1.0
Zone II only)
(ii) RCC Wall piers and abutments transverse direction
Substructure     1.0
(where plastic hinge cannot develop)
(i) Masonry / PCC Piers, Abutments 1.0 1.0
(iii) R
 CC Wall piers and abutments in longitudinal
(ii) RCC Wall piers and abutments 1.0 1.0 3.0
direction (where hinges can develop)
transverse direction (where plastic
hinge cannot develop) (iv) RCC Single Column 3.0
(iii) RCC Wall piers and abutments in 3.0 2.5 (v) RCC/PSC Frame ( Refer Note VII) 3.0
longitudinal direction (where hinges
can develop) (vi) Steel Framed 3.0
(iv) RCC Single Column 3.0 2.5 (vii) Steel Cantilever Pier 1.5
(v) RCC/PSC Frame ( Refer Note VI) 3.0 2.5
Bearings and Connections (see note(VI) also) 1.0
(vi) Steel Framed 3.0 2.5
Stoppers (Reaction Blocks)
(vii) Steel Cantilever Pier 1.5 1.0

Those restraining dislodgement or drifting away of

Bearings and Connections (see note(V) also) 1.0 1.0 bridge elements.
Stoppers (Reaction Blocks) 1.0 1.0
Those restraining dislodgement or drifting
away of bridge elements.
2 Notes below Notes: Notes :
Table 4.1 i. Bracing and bracing connection primarily carrying horizontal i) Bracing and bracing connection primarily carrying horizontal

(Page 26 & 27) seismic force for steel and steel composite superstructure, R seismic force for steel and steel composite superstructure, R
factor shall be taken as 3 where ductile detailing is adopted. factor shall be taken as 3 where ductile detailing is adopted.
ii. Response reduction factor is not to be applied for calculation of ii) Response reduction factor is not to be applied for calculation of
displacements of elements of bridge as a whole. displacements of elements of bridge as a whole.
iii) When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal
iii. When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal

seismic forces, the response reduction factor (R) shall be taken
seismic forces, the response reduction factor (R) shall be taken
as 1.0 for all substructure.
as 1.0 for all substructure. In case substructure and foundation
will remain in elastic state, no ductile detailing is required.

S. Clause No. & For Read
No Page No.
iv. Ductile detailing is mandatory for piers of bridges located in iv) In case substructure & foundations are designed with R=1, no
seismic zones III, IV and V where plastic hinges are likely to form ductile detailing is required.
and when adopted for bridges in seismic zone II, for which “R v) Where plastic hinges are likely to be formed in any seismic zone
value with ductile detailing” as given in Table 4.1 shall be used. (including zone II), ductile detailing is mandatory at locations
v. Bearings and connections shall be designed to resist the lesser of plastic hinges.
of the following forces, i.e., (a) design seismic forces obtained vi) Bearings and connections shall be designed to resist the lesser of the
by using the response reduction factors given in Table 4.1 and following forces, i.e., (a) design seismic forces obtained by using
(b) forces developed due to over strength moment when hinge the response reduction factors given in Table 4.1 and (b) forces
is formed in the substructure. For calculation of overstrength developed due to over strength moment when hinge is formed in
moments, (Mo) shall be considered as Mo=γ0 MRd γ0 = the substructure. For calculation of overstrength moments, (Mo)
shall be considered as Mo=γ0 MRd γ0 = Over-strength factor

Overstrength factor & MRD is plastic moment of section, for
detail refer Chapter 7 . Over-strength factors for Concrete & MRD is plastic moment of section, for detail refer Chapter 7 .
members: γ0= 1.35 & for Steel members: γ0 = 1.25 Over-strength factors for Concrete members: γ0= 1.35 & for Steel
members: γ0 = 1.25
vi. The shear force for over strength moments in case of cantilever
vii) The shear force for over strength moments in case of cantilever
piers shall be calculated as MRD/h, “h” is height shown in Fig
piers shall be calculated as Mo/h, “h” is height shown in
7.1 in Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity of all

Fig. 7.1 in Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity of all
possible hinges need to be considered.
possible hinges need to be considered.
vii Capacity Design should be carried out where plastic hinges are viii) Capacity Design should be carried out where plastic hinges are
likely to form. likely to form.
ix) The R factor for ductile behavior specified in Table 4.1 may
be used only if the location of relevant plastic hinges are
accessible for inspection and repair. Otherwise, under situation
of inaccessibility of plastic hinges the Factor R given in Table
4.1 shall be multiplied by 0.6; however, R value less than 1.0
need not be used.

3 Title of Clause 4.7 Seismic Effects on Earth Pressure & Dynamic Component 4.7 Lateral Earth Pressure under Seismic Condition & Seismic in
4.7 For seismic effects on earth pressure and dynamic component the clause Embedded portion of Structure
(Page 30) 214.1.2 of IRC-6-2017 shall be referred. 4.7.1 Lateral Earth Pressure under Seismic Condition
The modified earth pressure forces described in above clause need not For seismic effects on earth pressure, the clause 214.1.2 of IRC-6-2017
be considered on the portion of the structure below scour level. shall be referred.
For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below The modified earth pressure forces described in above clause need not
scour level, the seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed be considered on the portion of the structure below scour level.
using design seismic coefficient equal to 0.5Ah. For portion of foundation 4.7.2 Seismic in Embedded portion of Structure
between the scour level and up to 30 m depth, the seismic force due
For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below
to that portion of foundation mass may be computed using seismic
scour level, the seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed
coefficient obtained by linearly interpolating between Ah at scour level
using design seismic coefficient equal to 0.5Ah. For portion of foundation
and 0.5Ah at a depth 30 m below scour level.
between the scour level and up to 30 m depth, the seismic force due
to that portion of foundation mass may be computed using seismic
coefficient obtained by linearly interpolating between Ah at scour level
and 0.5Ah at a depth 30 m below scour level.
S. Clause No. & For Read
No Page No.
4 Fig 5.1 (a) & (b) Natural period T,5 Natural period T, secs
(Page 35)
5 5.3 In bridges where pier height are high……. In bridges where pier heights are high……
(Page 38)
6 6.3.1 Sr. V, v. The capacity protected regions of substructure/foundation can be v. The capacity protected regions of substructure may be designed
(Page 41) designed elastically without ductility provisions. without ductility provisions.
7 6.3.2, Force demands for essentially elastic components adjacent to ductile Force demands for essentially elastic components adjacent to plastic
(Page 42) components should be determined by capacity-design principle, that is, hinges should be determined by capacity-design principle, that is, joint-
joint-force equilibrium conditions; considering plastic hinge capacity force equilibrium conditions; considering plastic hinge capacity at hinge
at hinge location multiplied by over strength factor. The over strength location multiplied by over strength factor in-principal direction of
factors should not be used where plastic hinges are not likely to be earthquake. The over strength factors should not be used where plastic
formed. Force demands calculated from linear elastic analysis should hinges are not likely to be formed. Force demands calculated from linear
not be used in capacity protected regions elastic analysis should not be used in capacity protected regions
8 6.4.3 (v) v. Wherever the elastomeric bearings are used, these bearing shall v. In case, in-plane horizontal seismic forces are to be transmitted using
(Page 43) accommodate imposed deformations and normally resist only non- elastomeric bearings, they shall be checked using minimum dynamic
seismic actions. The resistance to seismic action is provided by structural frictional value and minimum vertical loads, including combined effect
connections of the deck to piers or abutments through suitable means. of vertical and horizontal components of earthquake. In such cases
In case, in-plane horizontal seismic forces are to be transmitted using these suitable devices for preventing dislodgement of superstructure shall be
elastomeric bearings, they shall be checked using minimum dynamic provided.
frictional value and minimum vertical loads, including combined effect Where high damping elastomeric bearings are used to resist seismic
of vertical and horizontal components of earthquake. In such cases action, these may be designed to act as seismic isolation bearing for
suitable devices for preventing dislodgement of superstructure shall be which Chapter-10 shall be referred.
Where high damping elastomeric bearings are used to resist seismic
action, these may be designed to act as seismic isolation bearing for

which Chapter-8 shall be referred.

9 6.4.4 6.4.4 Foundation 6.4.4 Foundation

(Page 43) i. Force demands on foundations should be based on capacity design i. Force demands on foundations should be based on capacity
principle that is, plastic capacity of bases of columns/piers multiplied design principle that is, plastic capacity of bases of columns/
with an appropriate over strength factor. Foundation elements piers multiplied with an appropriate over strength factor. Pile
should be designed to remain essentially elastic. Pile foundations foundations may experience limited inelastic deformations; in

may experience limited inelastic deformations; in such cases these such cases these should be designed and detailed for ductile
should be designed and detailed for ductile behavior behavior
10 7.3 (e) The final step in the design is to determine the forces in the members The final step in the design is to determine the forces in the members
( Page 47) adjacent to plastic hinge which are to remain elastic, by capacity design adjacent to plastic hinge which are to remain elastic, by capacity design
procedure explained in the following section. This includes sections of procedure explained in the following section. This includes sections of

pier outside the plastic hinge and the foundations pier outside the plastic hinge and the foundations. For this purpose, the
combination of component of motion as given clause 4.2.2 for capacity
design effects is not applicable

S. Clause No. & For Read
No Page No.
11 Fig 7.2
(Page 56)


12. 8.3.2 Cl. 8.3.2 Force Transfer mechanism from bearing to abutment Cl. 8.3.2 Force Transfer mechanism from bearing to abutment
(Page 58) and pier and pier
The transfer of force through connection between substructure and The transfer of force through connection between substructure and
superstructure is an important aspect in design of substructure. superstructure is an important aspect in design of substructure.
The connections between supporting and supported members The connections between supporting and supported members
shall be designed in order to ensure structural integrity and shall be designed in order to ensure structural integrity and
avoid unseating under extreme seismic displacements. The piers avoid unseating under extreme seismic displacements. The piers
shall be designed to withstand shear forces corresponding to shall be designed to withstand shear forces corresponding to
the pier’s plastic hinge capacity. The maximum induced shear the pier’s plastic hinge capacity. The maximum induced shear
S. Clause No. & For Read
No Page No.
in the piers shall be limited to the plastic hinge moment (or moments) in the piers shall be limited to the plastic hinge moment (or moments)
divided by the height of pier as ascertained in Chapters 4 and 7. divided by the height of pier as ascertained in Chapters 4 and 7.
For Seismic Zone IV and V, use of elastomeric bearings for resisting For use of elastomeric bearing in seismic zone IV&V reference shall be
horizontal seismic actions by shear deformation, shall not be permitted. made to clause 3.4.2
In such cases PoT, POT Cum PTFE and Spherical Bearings shall be
In seismic design, the fixed bearing shall be checked for full seismic force
adopted over elastomeric bearings for resisting seismic loads.
along with braking / tractive force, ignoring the relief due to frictional
In seismic design, the fixed bearing shall be checked for full seismic force
forces in other free bearings. The structure under the fixed bearing shall
along with braking / tractive force, ignoring the relief due to frictional
be designed to withstand the full seismic and design braking / tractive
forces in other free bearings. The structure under the fixed bearing shall be
designed to withstand the full seismic and design braking / tractive force.
13 Table 5.3 Table 5.3 Method of Analysis of Various Type of Bridges Replace existing Table 5.3 with new table as given below:
(Page 40)
Table 5.3 :- Method of Analysis on various Type of Bridges
Span Length/ Pier Height Method of analysis in Seismic Zone
Type of Bridge Remarks
Condition II & III IV & V
Simply Supported individual span 0 to 60m Up to 30m ESAM/ERSM ESAM/ERSM
Above 30 m ERSM ERSM
Simply Supported individual span 60 to 150m Up to 30m ESAM/ERSM ERSM
Above 30 m ERSM ERSM
Right Individual Span > 150m Up to 30m ESAM ERSM
Bridge or Above 30 m ERSM ERSM
Skew Up to <150m between All heights ERSM ERSM
30 ◦ or Continuous/Integral Bridges/Extradosed exp. joints.
curved bridges >150m between All heights ERSM ERSM* Spatial Variation of ground motion
span exp. joints to be considered

having Bridges Located on Geological discontinuity All Spans All heights ERSM* ERSM* Refer Note 3
radius more
Major Bridges in "Near field or Bridges on
than 100m
soils consisting of marine clay or loose sand
All Spans All heights ERSM* ERSM# #site Specific Spectrum preferable
( eg where soil up to 30m depth has an avg
SPT value≤10)
Filled up Arch - ESAM/ERSM ESAM/ERSM
Arch Bridges
All other Arch - ERSM ERSM

Difference in Pier Heights/Stiffness Large All heights ERSM ERSM Refer Note 4
Curved in Plan < 100 m radius All heights ERSM ERSM*
With Skew Angle >30 ◦ All heights ERSM ERSM*
Cable Stay, Suspension spans Main Span #site Specific Spectrum for zone IV
All heights ERSM* ERSM#
<600m & V preferable

Evaluation of liquefaction potential
Bridges founded on site with sand or poorly graded sand with
All heights ERSM ERSM shall be carried out as given in
little or no fines or in liquefiable soil in all seismic zones
Appendix A5
Bridges with shock transmission units (STU), Seismic #site Specific Spectrum preferable
All heights ERSM# ERSM#

isolation devices or Seismic dampers etc
S. Clause No. /
For Read
NO Page No.
14 9.2.3 9.2.3 Load and Load Combinations 9.2.3 Load and Load Combinations
(Page 79-80) 1. Earthquake loads and response reduction factor shall be as 1. Earthquake loads and response reduction factor shall be as per these
per these guidelines. guidelines.
2. In the limit state design of frames resisting earthquake loads, in 2. In the limit state design of frames resisting earthquake loads, in addition
addition to the load combinations given in Table B.1 to B.4 of to the load combinations given in Table B.1 to B.4 of Annexure-B of
Annexure-B of IRC 6, the following load combination shall also IRC:6, the following load combination shall also be considered as
be considered as required in, and required in, and
a) 1.2 Dead Load (DL) + 0.5 Live Load (LL) ±2.5 a) 1.35 Dead Load (DL) + 1.75 Surfacing+ 0.2 Live Load (LL) + 2.5
Earthquake Load (EL); and Earthquake Load (EL); and
b) 0.9 Dead Load (DL) & 2.5 Earthquake Load(EL). b) 1.0 Dead Load (DL)+ 1.0 Surfacing + 2.5 Earthquake Load(EL).
15 9.2.4 (iii) iii. Bolted joints shall be designed not to share load in iii. Bolts used in connections shall not be considered as sharing the load in

Page 80) combination with welds on the same faying surface. combination with welds on same faying surface. However, connections that are
welded to one member and bolted to the other member are permitted.
16, Member Strength in Compression Member Strength in Compression
(Page 80) When ratio of required compressive strength of the member, Pr When ratio Pd (i.e., Pr / Pd) is greater than 0.4, the required compressive strength
to design axial compressive strength (without elastic buckling) of member shall be taken as greater of (a) & (b) below:

Pd (i.e., Pr / Pd ) is greater than 0.4, the required axial compressive a) Factored compressive load. Pr as per Table B.2 of IRC:6
strength of member in the absence of applied moment shall also b) Minimum of (i) & (ii) below
be determined from the load combination given in 9.2.3. The i) Strength required using load combination given in clause 9.2.3.
required strength so determined need not exceed the maximum ii) Direct factored load on column + maximum load transferred to column
load transferred to the member considering 1.25 times over by connected beams and/or bracings considered over strength (1.25 times
strength of the connecting beam or bracing element. nominal strength ) of such beam/bracing.
Where Pd is design axial compressive strength without elastic buckling
17 Moment resisting frames shall be designed so that plastic Moment resisting frames shall be designed so that plastic hinges form at the
(Page 85) hinges form in the beams or in the connections of the beams to base of column or in the beams not supporting the superstructure or in their connection
the columns, but not in the columns. Depending on the detailing, a to column. Plastic hinge should not form in the beam directly supporting superstructure

moment resisting frame can be classified as either an ordinary moment or at other location in the column. Depending on the detailing, a moment resisting
frame (OMF) or a special moment frame (SMF). Moment resisting frame can be classified as either an ordinary moment frame (OMF) or a special
frames are usually provided in the steel piers, end diaphragms of moment frame (SMF). Moment resisting frames are usually provided in the steel
girder bridges and end portals (for wind) of through open web girder piers, end diaphragms of girder bridges and end portals (for wind) of through open
bridges. A higher value of R is assigned to the SMF but more stringent web girder bridges. A higher value of R is assigned to the SMF but more stringent
ductility detailing requirements need to be satisfied so as to achieve ductility detailing requirements need to be satisfied so as to achieve the required
the required plastic joint rotation θp (see Fig. 9.6) plastic joint rotation θp (see Fig. 9.6).
18 iii) The rigid and semi-rigid connections should be designed to iii) The rigid and semi-rigid connections should be designed to withstand a
(iii), below withstand a shear resulting from the load combination 1.2 DL + shear resulting from the load combination 1.35 DL + 1.75 Surfacing + 0.2 LL
second para- 0.5 LL plus the shear corresponding to the design moment defined plus the shear corresponding to the design moment defined above in (i) and (ii)
(Page 86) above in (i) and (ii) respectively. respectively.
19 The connection shall be designed to withstand a shear resulting The connection shall be designed to withstand a shear resulting from the load
third para from the load combination combination
(Page 87) 1.2DL + 0.5LL plus the shear resulting from the application of 1.35 DL + 1.75 Surfacing + 0.2LL plus the shear resulting from the application of
1.2MP in the same direction, at each end of the beam (causing 1.2MP in the same direction, at each end of the beam (causing double curvature
double curvature bending). The shear strength need not exceed the bending). The shear strength need not exceed the required value corresponding to
required value corresponding to the load combination in 9.2.3 the load combination in 9.2.3.
S.NO Clause No.
For Read
/ Page No.
20 Chapter 10,
( Page 89)
This chapter deals with the design of bridges incorporating Seismic This chapter deals with the design of bridges incorporating Seismic base
Insolation Devices. Some of the currently known seismic Isolation & damping devices. Some of the currently known seismic isolation
isolation devices are: devices are:
i) Hydraulic Viscous Damper i) Low damping Elastomeric Bearing
ii) Elastomeric Bearing Damper (Low Damping Elastomer) ii) High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR)
iii) High Damping Elastomeric Bearing Damper iii) Lead-Rubber Bearing (LRB)
iv) Lead-Rubber Bearing Damper iv) Friction Pendulum System ( FPS)
v) Friction Damper Following types of damping devices in isolation system may be adopted:
Provision of isolation devices is optional and it may be decided i) Viscous Damper
by the designer on a case to case basis. Various types of isolation ii) Friction Damper
devices have different mechanism of seismic force reduction. iii) Visco Elastic Damper
Seismic Isolation devices covered in this chapter are permitted to iv) Hysteresis damper
be used for comparatively rigid structures where fundamental time Provision of isolation devices is optional and it may be decided by the designer
period ‘T’ of the structure without incorporation of seismic isolation on a case to case basis. Seismic Isolation devices covered in this chapter are
devices is less or equal to 1.0 sec. In the case of Type III soft soil, permitted to be used for comparatively rigid structures where fundamental time
seismic isolation devices shall be avoided. period ‘T’ of the structure without incorporation of seismic isolation devices
Reduction of response is achieved through either of the following is less or equal to 1.0 sec. In the case of Type III soft soil, seismic isolation
phenomena: devices shall be avoided.
i) By lengthening of the fundamental period of the structure The Reduction of response and control of displacement in isolation system can
(effect of period shift in the response spectrum), which be achieved by following methods:
reduces forces but increases displacements; i) By lengthening of the fundamental period of the structure (effect of
from 2nd
ii) By increasing the damping, which reduces displacements and period shift in the response spectrum), which reduces forces but increases
may reduce forces; displacements;
(Page 89)
iii) By a combination of the two effects (preferred). ii) By introducing a damping device in parallel with isolation devices, the

Isolation Devices provide single or combination of the following displacement at the isolation level can be limited and arrived at acceptable
functions: level.
iv) Vertical-load carrying capability, combined with high lateral iii) Instead of introducing separate damping device one may adopt HDR or
flexibility and high vertical rigidity; LRB which can serve both as isolation bearing as well as a damping
v) Energy dissipation (hysteretic, viscous, frictional); device. Similarly FPS can serve both the purpose of period elongation as
vi) Lateral restoring capability; well as damping.
vii) Horizontal restraint(sufficient elastic stiffness) under non- Isolation Devices provide single or combination of the following functions:

seismic service horizontal loads i) Vertical-load carrying capability, combined with high lateral flexibility
Strength and integrity of the Isolation Device used is of utmost and high vertical rigidity;
importance, due to the critical role of its displacement capability for ii) Energy dissipation (hysteretic, viscous, frictional);
the safety of the bridge. For all types of Isolation Devices excepting iii) Lateral restoring capability;
simple elastomeric low damping bearings and flat sliding bearings, iv) Horizontal restraint (sufficient elastic stiffness) under non-seismic service
the design properties shall be verified through established test horizontal loads

methods. Strength and integrity of the Isolation Device used is of utmost importance, due
to the critical role of its displacement capability for the safety of the bridge.
For all types of Isolation Devices excepting simple elastomeric low damping
bearings and flat sliding bearings, the design properties shall be verified through

established test methods.
S.NO Clause No.
For Read
/ Page No.
21 Below
Table 10.1
TD = value defining the …..spectrum TD = Refer fig .10.2
(Page 91)
Eq. 10.5
(Page 91)

23 ag =design ground acceleration on rocky substrata

10.3, ‘ag’
corresponding to the importance category of the bridge ag = design ground acceleration on rock or hard soil depending upon the
(Page 92) seismic zone


Fig. 10.2,

(Page 92)

Fig. 10.2: Acceleration and displacement spectra Fig. 10.2: Acceleration Spectra

25 Note 2 Note 2: Maximum Teff shall be restricted to 4 sec. Brides with higher Note 2: Maximum Teff shall be restricted to 4 sec. Bridges with higher Teff need
(Page 92) Teff need special precautions due to very low stiffness against special precautions due to very low stiffness against horizontal action
horizontal action

Fig. 10.3,
Replace existing Fig 10.3
(Page 93)

Fig. 10.3: Composite stiffness of pier and isolator i

26 10.7 10.7 Properties of Isolation Devices 10.7 Properties of Isolation Devices
(Page 95) Design properties of the Seismic Isolation Devices shall be obtained Design properties of the Seismic Isolation Devices shall be obtained from the
from the supplier. There are different sets of proprieties for different supplier. There are different sets of proprieties for different types of Seismic
types of Seismic Isolation Devices. Some of them are as follows: Isolation Devices. Some of them are as follows:
In case of low-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ ≤ 0.06),
In case of low-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio high-damping rubber bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ equal to 0.10 to 0.20) and
ξ ≤ 0.06), high-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio lead-rubber bearing, damping ratio of the composite material and other related
ξ equal to 0.10 to 0.20) and lead-rubber bearing, damping ratio of parameters are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating
the composite material and other related parameters are needed for such Seismic Isolation Devices.
analysis and design of the structure incorporating such Seismic
Isolation Devices. In case of Fluid Viscous Dampers, viscous force displacement parameters,
viscous resistance, maximum displacement after incorporating the device into
In case of Fluid Viscous Dampers, viscous force displacement the structure, velocity of movement etc are needed for analysis and design of
parameters, viscous resistance, maximum displacement after the structure incorporating such devices.
incorporating the device into the structure, velocity of movement In case of Friction Sliding Dampers with flat or curved (preferred) surface,
etc are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating parameters such as dynamic sliding friction, maximum displacement after
such devices. incorporating the device into the structure etc are needed for the design of
structure incorporating Friction Sliding Dampers.
In case of Friction Sliding Dampers with flat or curved (preferred) The required increased reliability of isolating system shall be implemented by
surface, parameters such as dynamic sliding friction, maximum designing each isolator ‘i’ for increased displacement dbi,a
displacement after incorporating the device into the structure etc
are needed for the design of structure incorporating Friction Sliding dbi,a = y ISdbi,d Eq. 10.15
Dampers Where y Is is an amplification factor (taken as 1.50) that is applied only on the
design displacement dbi,d in each isolation device i resulting from one of the
procedures specified in 10.2.
The maximum total displacement of each isolation device in each direction shall
be obtained by adding to the above increased design seismic displacement, the
offset displacement potentially induced by:
a) the permanent actions
b) the long-term deformations (post-tensioning, shrinkage and creep for
concrete decks) of the superstructure, and

c) 50% of the thermal action

All components of the isolating system shall be capable of functioning without
any unacceptable deformations at the total maximum displacements.
Note: The maximum reaction of hydraulic viscous dampers (see Eq. 10.11)
corresponding to the increased displacement dbi,a may be estimated by
multiplying the reaction resulting from the analysis times y IS α b / 2 where α b
is the exponent of velocity of viscous damper.
10.7.1 Variations in Properties of Seismic Isolation & Damping Devices

Nominal properties of the components of these devices undergo changes due to
ageing, temperature, loading history, contamination and wear. Usually higher
properties of components lead to higher design forces and lesser properties lead
to larger displacements. Hence, two sets of values, namely upper bound design
properties (UBDP) and Lower bound design properties (LBDP) need to be
considered in the analysis and design. However, in case the design displacements

calculated using Fundamental mode analysis based on UBDP and LBDP do not
differ by more than ±15%, response spectrum analysis or Time-history analysis
may use nominal design properties.
For determination of variation in properties, if required to be used in the

analysis, specialist literature may be followed.
27 10.8 10.8 Verification of Bridge Sub-structure and Superstructure 10.8 Verification of Bridge Sub-structure and Superstructure with
(Page 95-97) with Isolating System Isolating System
dbi,a = y ISdbi,d Eq. 10.15 The Seismic internal forces EEA, derived from analysis, in the substructures and
superstructure due to the design seismic action alone, shall be derived from the
Where y Is is an amplification factor (taken as 1.50) that is applied results of an analysis in accordance with 10.2. The design seismic forces EE due
only on the design displacement dbi,d in each isolation device i to the design seismic action alone, may be derived from the forces EEA, after
resulting from one of the procedures specified in 10.2. division by the Response Reduction Factor ‘R’ =1, i.e. FE = FE.A/R with R = 1.0.
The maximum total displacement of each isolation device in each All members of the structure should be verified to have an essentially elastic
direction shall be obtained by adding to the above increased design behaviour as per the relevant clauses. The design horizontal forces of supporting
seismic displacement, the offset displacement potentially induced members (piers or abutments) carrying sliding bearings shall be derived from the
by: maximum friction values as per relevant clauses of the bearing design code.
d) the permanent actions In the case of sliding bearings as mentioned above and when the same supporting
e) the long-term deformations (post-tensioning, shrinkage and member also carries viscous fluid dampers, then the design horizontal seismic

creep for concrete decks) of the superstructure, and force of the supporting member in the direction of the action of the damper should
be increased by the maximum seismic force of the damper, refer eqn. 10.16.
f) 50% of the thermal action
When single or multiple mode spectral analysis is carried out for isolating systems
All component of the isolating system shall be capable of functioning
consisting of combination of elastomeric bearings and fluid viscous dampers
without any unacceptable deformations at the total maximum
supported on the same supporting elements(s), the phase difference between

the maxima of the elastic and the viscous elements may be taken into account,
Note: The maximum reaction of hydraulic viscous dampers (see by the following approximation. The seismic force should be determined as the
10.11) corresponding to the increased displacement dbi,a may be most adverse of those corresponding to the following characteristic states:
estimated by multiplying the reaction resulting from the analysis
a. At the state of maximum displacement. The damper forces are then
times y IS α b / 2 where α b is the exponent of velocity of viscous equal to zero.
damper. b. At the state of maximum velocity and zero displacement, when the
Isolation devices consisting of simple low-damping elastomeric maximum damper forces should be determined by assuming the
bearings should be verified for the action effects in accordance with maximum velocity to be:
relevant clauses of the bearing design code, taking partial factor for ν max = 2πdbdbd //TTeffeff Eq. 10.16

material y m = 1.15. For simple low damping elastomeric bearings,

Where dbd is the maximum damper displacement corresponding to the design
in addition to the above verification, the following condition should
displacement dcd of the isolating system.
be verified:
c At the state of the maximum inertial force on the superstructure, that
εq,d ≤ 2.0 Eq. 10.16
should be estimated as follows:
Where εq,d is the shear strain calculated in accordance with relevant Fmax = ( f1 + 2ξ b f 2 )Se M d Eq. 10.17
clauses of the bearing design code. In this context the movements
Where Se is determined from Table 10.1
ν x.d and νydyd should be taken equal to the maximum total relative
displacements in the horizontal directions x and y. f1 = cos[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.18a
No uplift of isolators carrying vertical force shall be permitted in f 2 = sin[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.18b
the seismic design combination.
Sliding elements shall be designed as per relevant clauses of the Where ξb is the contribution of the dampers to the effective damping ξ eff
bearing design code. of Eq. 10.1.
The Seismic internal forces EEA, derived from analysis, in the At this state the displacement amounts to f d and the velocity of the dampers
1 ccd
substructures and superstructure due to the design seismic action
alone, shall be derived to ν = f 2ν max
from the results of an analysis in accordance with 10.2. The design In isolating systems consisting of a combination of fluid viscous dampers and
seismic forces EE due to the design seismic action alone, may elastomeric bearings, without sliding elements, the design horizontal force
be derived from the forces EEA, after division by the Response acting on supporting element(s) that carry both bearings and dampers for non-
Reduction Factor ‘R’ =1, i.e. FE = FE.A/q with R = 1.0. All members seismic situations of imposed deformation actions (temperature variation, etc.)
of the structure should be verified to have an essentially elastic should be determined by assuming that the damper reactions are zero.
behaviour as per the relevant clauses. The design horizontal forces of
supporting members (piers or abutments) carrying sliding bearings
shall be derived from the maximum friction values as per relevant
clauses of the bearing design code.

In the case of sliding bearings as mentioned above and when the

same supporting member also carries viscous fluid dampers, then
the design horizontal seismic force of the supporting member in
the direction of the action of the damper should be increased by the
maximum seismic force of the damper, see eqn. 10.17.
When single or multiple mode spectral analysis is carried out for
isolating systems consisting of combination of elastomeric bearings
and fluid viscous dampers supported on the same supporting
elements(s), the phase difference between the maxima of the elastic
and the viscous elements may be taken into account, by the following
approximation. The seismic force should be determined as the most
adverse of those corresponding to the following characteristic
a. At the state of maximum displacement. The damper forces are
then equal to zero.
b. At the state of maximum velocity and zero displacement,
when the maximum damper forces should be determined by
assuming the maximum velocity to be:

ν max = Eq. 10.17

Where dbd is the maximum damper displacement corresponding

to the design displacement dcd of the isolating system.
c. At the state of the maximum inertial force on the superstructure,

that should be estimated as follows:

Fmax = ( f1 + 2ξ b f 2 )Se M d Eq. 10.18

Where Se is determined from Table 10.1

f1 = cos[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.19a
f 2 = sin[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.19b

Where ξb is the contribution of the dampers to the effective damping
ξ eff of expression 10.1.

At this state the displacement amounts to f1d ccdd and the velocity of
the dampers to ν = f 2ν max
In isolating systems consisting of a combination of fluid viscous
dampers and elastomeric bearings, without sliding elements, the
design horizontal force acting on supporting element(s) that carry
both bearings and dampers for non-seismic situations of imposed
deformation actions (temperature variation, etc.) should be
determined by assuming that the damper reactions are zero

28 Flow Chart, Flow Chart for analysis of bridges involving seismic isolators is Deleted Flow Chart
(Page 97) shown below :
29 Appendix A-1 Illustration of elastic seismic acceleration method Replace existing Appendix A-1 with new
30 Appendix A-2 Illustration of elastic response spectrum method Replace existing Appendix A-2 with new

31 Appendix A-3 Illustration of Seimic Acceleration Method Preamble Replace existing Appendix A-3 with new
32 Appendix A-4 Illustration of hydrodynamic Pressure on Bridge Piers Replace existing Appendix A-4 with new
33 Appendix A-5 Illustration of Liquefaction of soil Replace existing Appendix A-5 with new

Appendix-A1 (Reference Clause 5.2.1)

Illustration of Elastic Seismic Acceleration Method (ESAM)
The elastic seismic acceleration method presented elastomer bearings as shown in Fig. A1.1 below. In this
here illustrates the computation of seismic forces in method, fundamental time period "T" is calculated by
accordance with method specified in clause 5.2.1 of using expression given in clause 5.2.1 and corresponding
Chapter 5. Application of this method is presented for a Sa/g is worked out using Spectra shown in Fig. 5.1 (a) of
simple bridge having a simply supported spans resting on Chapter 5.

   


Step 1: Define Seismic parameters

The variables involved in finding out the seismic

coefficient are as follows:

Direction for Seismic Analysis = Longitudinal

Zone factor, Z
The bridge is located in zone III.
Therefore, as per Table 4.2: Z = 0.16
Importance factor, I
The bridge is categorized as Seismic class Fig. A1.2: Typical Transverse Cross Section of The Bridge
"Important bridges".
Therefore, as per Table 4.3: I = 1.2
Response reduction factor, R
As per Table 4.1, Note iii: R =1
Average response acceleration coefficient, Sa/g
The soil strata is categorized as Medium stiff
soil sites.
Therefore, as per clause 5.2.1:
Sa/g = 2.5 ; 0 < T < 0.55s
= 1.36 / T ; 0.55s < T < 4.00s
= 0.34 ; T > 4.00s
Step 2: Define member Idealization

Fig. A1.3: Load Fig. A1.4: Fig. A1.5: Variation

Idealization Deflection of Pier of Seismic
& Bearing Coefficient

For the purpose of this analysis, pier is assumed to be
fixed at top of open foundation and mass is lumped at top
of bearing i.e., 10.05 m above top of open foundation.
Step 3: Define member stiffness
Fig. A1.1: Typical Elevation The stiffness of Elastomeric bearing is calculated based on



the Shear rating of the bearing as follows: obtained by vectoral addition of vX & vY (for stiffness
computation – unit deflection)
RXY = Resultant of the forces resisting to translatory
motion, Te = Total thickness of elastomer in shear = 50 mm
RXY/vXY = (n A G)/Te (refer IRC 83 Part-II)
n = Total number of bearings on pier cap = 4
A = Total plan area of bearing = 500 x 500 = 4x500 x 500 x 0.7
G = Shear modulus of bearing (IRHD 50) = 0.7 Mpa = 14000 N/mm
vXY = Maximum resultant horizontal relative displacement = 14000 kN/m

Summary of member stiffness:

Member Dimension Section Properties Grade of concrete Modulus of
(Mpa) Elasticity (Gpa)
Pier cap Depth 1.5 m Area 11.2 m2
Width 4.0 m Ixx 7.32 m4 35 32
Length 2.8m Iyy 14.93 m4
Pier Area 3.14 m2
Diameter 2.0m Ixx / Iyy 0.78 m4 35 32
Cracked 0.59 m 4

Ixx / Iyy
Foundation Depth 1.5 m Area 16.0 m2
Width 4.0 m Ixx 21.33 m4 35 32
Length 4.0m Iyy 21.33 m 4

Elastomeric Thickness 0.05 m

bearing Width 0.5 m Rxy / vxx 14000 kN/m N/A N/A
Length 0.5 m
The stiffness of pier is reduced by 25% to cater for cracking of the element during seismic case. The same can be modified based on the
actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses.
All other components are assumed to be uncracked. The same can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the help of
rigorous analyses.

Step 4: Define Member Loads Calculate equivalent stiffness of system:

Mass of superstructure (including deck slab) = 5000 kN Stiffness of Elastomeric bearing, K1 = 14000 kN/m
Mass of crash barrier = 480 kN Stiffness of Pier, K2
Mass of wearing course = 570 kN

Mass of CWLL (as applicable) = N.A.
Total mass from superstructure = 6050 kN = 55709 kN/m
Mass of pier cap = 11.20 x 1.50 x 25 Equivalent stiffness of system
= 420 kN
Mass of pier = 3.14 x 8.50 x 25
= 667.25 kN
Step 5: Calculate time period & Base shear
= 11188.3 kN/m
Calculation of time period by approximate method:



Hence, the force in kN required to be applied for 1mm

horizontal deflection:

F = 11188.3/1000 = 0.87

= 11.19 kN Calculate design seismic acceleration coefficient (Ah)

The stiffness of pier cap is not considered separately for the =
sake of simplicity.
The length L is taken from the top of bearing to the top of

Calculate the dead load idealized as a lumped mass:
= 0.084
The dead load idealized as a lumped mass, D
Calculate base shear:
= Mass from superstructure +
Mass of pier cap + S. Component Loads Design seismic Seismic
Half mass of pier No. (kN) acceleration force
coefficient (Ah) (kN)
= 6050 + 420 + 333.6
= 6803.6 kN 1 Super 5000.0 0.084 418.60
The time period based on the approximate method, T 2 Crash barrier 480.0 0.084 40.19
3 Wearing 570.0 0.084 47.72
4 CWLL 0.0 0.084 0.00
5 Pier cap 420.0 0.084 35.16

6 Pier above 588.8 0.084 49.29
= 1.56 sec GL (7.5m)
Calculation of Base shear: 7 Pier below 78.5 0.083 6.52
Since time period is 1.56 sec, as per clause 5.2.1: Sa/g GL (1m)
= 1.36 / T; 0.55s < T < 4.00s 8 Foundation 600.0 0.081 48.77
Base Shear: 646.24
Calculate Sa/g =

Appendix-A2 Example 1 (Reference Clause 5.2.2)

Illustration of Elastic Seismic Response Spectrum Method (ERSM)

In this example, a bridge with two span continuous example illustrates the mathematical modelling, member
superstructure resting on fixed and free bearings is properties for analysis, loading, determination of natural
analyzed for assessment of seismic forces with ERSM as frequency, mode shapes and calculation of base shear by
per clause 5.2.2 and Fig. 5.1(b) of Chapter 5. Fig. A.2.1.1 using a commercial software.
shows the bridge elevation with pile foundation. The

   

WORK FLOW FOR CALCULATING THE BASE Direction for Seismic Analysis = Longitudinal
Zone factor, Z
Step 1: Define Seismic parameters
The variables involved in finding out the seismic coefficient The bridge is located in zone III.
are as follows: Therefore, as per Table 4.2: Z = 0.16



Importance factor, I
The bridge is categorized as Seismic class
"Important bridges".
Therefore, as per Table 4.3: I = 1.2
Response reduction factor, R
As per Table 4.1: R =3
Average response acceleration coefficient, Sa/g
The soil strata is categorized as Medium stiff soil
Therefore, as per clause 5.2.2: Sa/g
= 1 + 15T : T < 0.10s Fig. A2.1.3: Fig. A2.1.4:
Variation of Seismic Coefficient Member Idealization
= 2.5 ; 0.10s < T < 0.55s
= 1.36 / T ; 0.55s < T < 4.00s
= 0.34 ; T > 4.00s
The depth of fixity is calculated based on IS 2911 (Part
Step 2: Define member Idealization
1/Sec 2). In this example it is assumed as 6m from base
of pile cap.
The pile is modelled as a free-standing element from
bottom of pile cap to depth of fixity.
The base of pile is assumed as fixed at the depth of fixity.
Step 3: Define member stiffness
Summary of member stiffness:

Section Grade of Modulus

Fig. A2.1.1: Typical Elevation Member Dimension
(Mpa) Elasticity

Depth Area 12.6 m2
4.5 Ixx
Pier cap Width 8.23 m4 35 32

Length 2.8m Iyy 21.26

Area 4.91 m2
Ixx / Iyy 1.92 m4
Pier Diameter
2.5m 35 32
Cracked 1.44 m4
Ixx / Iyy
1.8 26.01
Depth Area m2

Pile cap Width

5.1 Ixx 56.38
m m4 35 32

Length 5.1 m Iyy 56.38

Area 1.13 m2
Fig. A2.1.2: Typical Transverse Cross Section of The Bridge Pile Diameter 1.2m 35 32
Ixx / Iyy 0.10 m4



The stiffness of pier is reduced by 25% to cater for cracking of the
element during seismic case. The same can be modified based on
the actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses.
All other components are assumed to be uncracked. The same
can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the
help of rigorous analyses.
Step 4: Define Member Loads
Mass of superstructure (including deck slab)
= 5000 kN x 2
= 10000 kN
Mode Shape – 1 Mode Shape –2
Mass of crash barrier = 480 kN x 2
Summary of Time period & Modal participation factor:
= 960 kN Participation Design
Mass of wearing course = 570 kN x 2 Frequency Time factor (%) seismic
Mode (Cycles/ Period Sa/g acceleration
= 1140 kN Sec) (Sec) Individual Cumulative coefficient
Mass of CWLL (as applicable) = N.A.
1 0.48 2.10 85.01 85.01 0.65 0.021
Total mass from superstructure = 12100 kN
2 7.29 0.14 14.97 99.98 2.50 0.080
Mass of pier cap = 12.60 x 1.50 x 25
The shear force & bending moment diagram as output
= 472.5 kN from the commercial software is shown below:
Mass of pier = 4.91 x 1.0 x 25
= 122.8 kN/m
Mass of pile cap = 26.01 x 1.80 x 25
= 1170.5 kN Shear force at pier
base: 283kN
Mass of pile = 1.13 x 1.0 x 25
= 28.3 kN/m
Step 5: Calculate time period & Base shear
Calculation of time period by commercial software:
The number of modes to be used in the analysis for
earthquake shaking along a considered direction,
should be such that the sum total of modal masses of Bending moment at pier
these modes considered is at least 90 percent of the base: 5724 kNm
total seismic mass.
The mode shapes, time periods & participation factor are For foundation design, capacity design shall be done as per
calculated with the help of a commercial software. Clause (iv) of IRC:114

Appendix A-2 Example-2 (Reference Clause 5.2.2)

Illustration of Elastic Response Spectrum Method (ERSM)

This example illustrates the Elastic Response Spectrum pier height of 45m resting on open foundation. The spans
Method for computation of seismic forces as per clause resting on pier are supported on fixed bearings on one side
5.2.2 and Spectra shown in Fig.5.1(b) of IRC:SP:114. and free bearings on other side of pier center. The example
The bridge analyzed is a simply supported bridge with a illustrates the mathematical modelling, determination of



natural frequency, mode shapes, lateral seismic forces and I longitudinal @ top = 4.17 m4
base shear in longitudinal and transverse directions using I transverse @ top = 39.17 m4
a commercial software.
Section at Node 2:
Design Data
Area of Pier section @ m2 = 10.16 m2
Self-weight of Superstructure I longitudinal @ m2 = 9.54 m4
+ SIDL = 10000 kN I transverse @ m2 = 52.38 m4
Self-weight of Pier cap = 1200 kN Section at Node 1:
Live Load on superstructure = 1500 kN Area of Pier section @ m1 = 12.51 m2
I longitudinal @ m1 = 18.23 m4
Seismic Zone = III
I transverse @ m1 = 66.98 m4
Zone Factor Z = 0.16
Section 4 at base:
Importance Factor I = 1.5
Area of Pier section @ bottom = 15.04 m2
Response Reduction Factor R = 3.0 I longitudinal @ bottom = 31.11 m4
Grade of concrete fck = 25 MPa I transverse @ bottom = 82.84 m4

Elastic Modulus of Concrete E = 3.00E+07

Height of Pier = 45 m
Type of Soil = Medium Stiff

Fig. A.2.2.1 : Pier Cross Section

Fig. A.2.2.2: Lumped Mass Model

Pier Section Properties Member properties:

Breadth, b Depth, h Thickness, t For Member 3

Section Properties
(m) (m) (m) Area for section of member 3   =9.08 m2
Top of Pier 7 2 0.5 Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal
Bottom of Pier 7 4 0.8 =6.86 m4
Pier Idealization: Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked)
= 6.86 x 0.75 = 5.14 m4
The pier is considered as hollow and is divided into 3
Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k3
sections of 15m height each.
= 1.37E+05 kN/m
Properties of the pier section are as below: Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse
Section at Node 3: =45.78 m4
Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked)
Area of Pier section @ top = 8 m2 = 45.78 x 0.75 = 34.33m4



Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k3 Total horizontal load at m3 [DL + SIDL + wt. of pier
= 9.16E+05 kN/m (7.5m ht.)] = 12870 kN
Total horizontal load at m2 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)]
For Member 2
= 3755 kN
Area for section of member 2 Total horizontal load at m1 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)]
= 11.33 m2 = 4618 kN
Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal
Basic Steps in Response Spectrum Method:

= 13.89 m4
Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked) Step-1 Frame Mass Matrix, M
= 13.89 x 0.75 = 10.42m4 m1 0 0
Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k2 M = 0 m2 0
= 2.78E+05 kN/m 0 0 m3
Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse
= 59.68 m4 Step-2 Frame Stiffness Matrix, K
Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked) k1+k2 -k2 0
= 59.68 x 0.75 = 44.76 m4 K = -k2 k2+k3 -k3
Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k2 0 -k3 k3
= 11.94E+05 kN/m
Step-3 Determine Eigenvalues, ω2 by [K-ω2M]
For Member 1
= 0 for each Mode=ω12, ω22, ω32
Area for section of member 1
= 13.77 m2 Step-4 Determine Natural Frequency for each Mode
Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal =ω1, ω2 & ω3
= 24.67 m4

Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked) Step-5 Determine Natural Time Period, T for each mode
= 24.67 x 0.75 = 18.50 m4 T1=2π/ω1
Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k1 T2=2π/ω2
= 4.93E+05 kN/m T3=2π/ω3
Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse
= 74.91 m4 Step-6 Determine Eigenvectors φ (mode shapes) at each
Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked) Node for each mode, by [K-Mw^2] φ=0 for each Mode
=74.91 x 0.75 = 56.18 m4 φ11, φ21, φ31 for Mode 1
Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k1 φ12, φ22, φ32 for Mode 2
= 14.98E+05 kN/m φ13, φ23, φ33 for Mode 3
Average properties for member 1, 2 & 3 are provided as
Step-7 Determination of Modal Participation Factors for
given in the table below: each Mode, Pk
Member I longitudinal (m4 ) I transverse (m4 ) Area (m2)
1 18.50 56.18 13.77
2 10.42 44.76 11.33
3 5.14 34.33 9.08
Step-8 Determination of Modal Mass for each Mode,
Load calculation: Mk
Transverse seismic load
Total horizontal load at m3 [DL + SIDL +20% LL+ wt. of
pier (7.5m ht.)] = 13170 kN
Total horizontal load at m2 Where,
[Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 3755 kN g = acceleration due to gravity,
Total horizontal load at m1
[Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 4618 kN φik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k,
Longitudinal seismic load Wi = seismic weight at node i of the structure, and



n  = number of nodes of the structure MODAL BASE ACTIONS:

Step-9 Determination of Lateral Forces at each Node for Time Forces (in kN) Moments (kN-m)
each Mode, Qik Mode Period
Qik = AkØikPkWi
1 1.06 0 897.2 0 0 0 37655
2 0.11 0 328.8 0 0 0 3975.5
Ak = design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per
3 0.04 0 58.2 0 0 0 433.5
Clause 5.2.2 using natural period Tk of mode k obtained
from dynamic analysis BASE SHEAR BY SRSS: 957 kN
Step-10 Determination of Node Shear in each BASE MOMENT BY SRSS: 37867 kN-m
Mode, Vik
To illustrate the Response Spectrum Method further
for obtaining lateral forces, nodal shears and
moments, manual calculations are presented for steps
7 to 12 after picking up values of Time Period and
Step-11 Determination of Nodal Shear due to all Modes Eigenvectors from Computer output.
by SRSS at each node, Vik
Step-12 Determination of Base Moment
Mode Shapes-Longitudinal DIRECTION
Computer Output- The problem is analyzed by using
commercial software and results are presented below:
(A) Longitudinal Direction

Frequency Time
Mode Contribution
(Hz) Period (sec)
1 0.51 1.98 78.61
2 4.20 0.238 15.62
3 11.97 0.084 5.77

Modal Base Actions:

Time Forces (in kN) Moments (kN-m)


1 1.98 0 0 459.3 0 19388.5 0

Fig. A.2.2.3: Eigenvectors
2 0.238 0 0 331.9 0 4623.7 0
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
3 0.084 0 0 110.3 0 893.3 0
φ31 1.00 φ32 -0.16 φ33 -0.05
Base Shear By Srss: 577 kn
φ21 0.46 φ22 1.00 φ23 0.65
Base Moment By Srss: 19952 kn-m
φ11 0.12 φ12 0.55 φ13 -1.00
(B) Transverse Direction
Calculation of Modal Mass
Frequency Time Period Modal
(Hz) (sec) Contribution%
1 0.94 1.06 80.52
2 8.80 0.11 15.26 Where,
3 24.60 0.04 4.22 g = acceleration due to gravity,



Qik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k, k = Mode Number

Wi = seismic weight at node i of the structure,  Lateral Force Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
n= number of nodes of the structure Q3k 390 kN -158 kN 23 kN
W3 = 12870 kN Q2k 52 kN 292 kN -98 kN
W2 = 3755 kN Q1k 16 kN 197 kN 185 kN
W1 = 4618 kN Nodal Shear
Total (M)= 21243 kN Shear at each level for each mode is given by

M1 = 1702 kN
M2 = 337 kN
M3 = 124 kN
Modal Contribution of various Modes Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS
Mode 1= 100.M1/M = 78.60 % V3 390 kN -158 kN 23 kN 421.5 kN
Mode 2= 100.M2/M = 15.58 % V2 442 kN 134 kN -74 kN 468.2 kN
Mode 3= 100.M3/M = 5.74 % V1 459 kN 331 kN 110 kN 578.3 kN

Mode Participation Factors Refer Fig. A2.2.4

Base Moments (kn-m)
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS
P1 = 1.10 19365 4600 885 19923
P2 = 0.78 Mode-1 base moment
P3 = -0.44
= 390x45+52x30+16x15 = 19365 kN-m
Calculation of design lateral force (Qik):
Mode-2 base moment
Design acceleration coefficients and lateral forces are = -158x45+292x30+197x15 = 4600 kN-m
calculated as per Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018
Mode-3 base moment
= 23x45-98x30+185x15 = 885 kN-m

Z = 0.16
I = 1.5
R = 3.0
Response Spectra is chosen for Medium Stiff Soil Type
Ref: Cl.5.2.2 and Fig. 5.1(b) of IRC:SP:114-2018

Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3

Tk 1.98 Sec 0.24 Sec 0.08 Sec
Sa/g 0.69 2.50 2.26
Ak 0.027 0.10 0.09

Qik = AkØikPkWi
Ak =design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per
Cl.5.2.2 using natural period of Tk of mode k obtained
from dynamic analysis Fig. A.2.2.4: Shear Force Diagram



TRANSVERSE DIRECTION Mode Participation Factors

Mode Shapes-Transverse Direction Mode participation factors are given below:
P1 = 1.10
P2 = 0.73
P3 = -0.36

Calculation of design lateral force (Øik):

Design acceleration coefficients and lateral forces are
calculated as per Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018

Z= 0.16
I= 1.5
Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 R= 3.0
φ31 1.00 φ32 -0.18 φ33 -0.06
Response Spectra is chosen for Medium Stiff Soil Type
φ21 0.50 φ22 1.00 φ23 0.78 Ref: Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018 and Fig.5.1(b)
φ11 0.14 φ12 0.67 φ13 -1.00 Qik = AkØikPkWi
Fig. A.2.2.5: Eigenvectors Where,
Calculation of Modal Mass Ak = design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per
5.2.2 using natural period Tk of mode k obtained from
W3 = 13170 kN dynamic analysis
W2 = 3755 kN   Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
Tk 1.06 Sec 0.11 Sec 0.041 Sec
W1 = 4618 kN
Sa/g 1.28 2.50 1.62
Total (M)= 21543 kN Ak 0.051 0.10 0.065

M1 = 1768 kN Nodal Shear is given by:

M2 = 335 kN
M3 = 92 kN
k=Mode No.
Lateral Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3
Q3k 748 kN -168 kN 19 kN
where, Q2k 107 kN 273 kN -68 kN
g= acceleration due to gravity, Q1k 36 kN 224 kN 108 kN
Qik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k, Nodal Shear
Wi = seismic weight of node i of the structure, Nodal
n= number of nodes of the structure Shear Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS
V3 748 kN -168 kN 19 kN 766.5 kN
Mode 1= 100.M1/M = 80.53 % V2 855 kN 104 kN -49 kN 862.5 kN
Mode 2= 100.M2/M = 15.23 % V1 891 kN 328 kN 58 kN 951.5 kN
Mode 3= 100.M3/M = 4.20 % Refer Fig. A 2.2.6



Base Moments (kN-m)

Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS

37402 3962 431 37614

Mode 1 base moment

= 748 x45 + 107 x 30 + 36 x 15 = 37402 kN-m
Mode 2 base moment
= -168 x45 + 273 x 30 + 224 x 15 = 3962 kN-m
Mode 3 base moment
= 19 x45 -68 x 30 + 108 x 15) = 431 kN-m

Fig.A2.2.6: Shear Force Diagram

(Reference Clause 7.3)
This Appendix includes worked out example for Capacity
¾¾ Capacity Design Effects shall be treated as Ultimate
Design to be followed for checking the member sections loads
adjacent to ductile components/plastic hinges in accordance
with method described in Chapter 7. A typical pier analysed and designed for Capacity Design
is shown in Fig.A3.1 and Fig.A3.2.
The procedure for Capacity design mainly includes the
following steps:
¾¾ Design of Section with IRC:112 for Load
Combinations of IRC:6 by Limit State Method
¾¾ Design of Plastic Hinge including its location, height
and ductile detailing as specified in Clause 7.5.2 &
7.5.4 of Guidelines
¾¾ Determination of MRd, Design Flexural Strength of
section in Longitudinal and Transverse directions
at location of plastic hinge for reinforcement and
dimensions provided
¾¾ Computation of Over Strength Moment Mo by
multiplying MRd with Over Strength Factor γ o

¾¾ Computation of Capacity design Moment, Mc and

Shear Vc for the member sections outside the plastic
¾¾ Design of Section outside plastic hinge for Mc & Vc
in accordance with Clause 7.5.3
¾¾ Design of Foundation for Moment Mo and Shear Vc
Fig.A3.1: Section in Transverse Direction
computed at base of pier



SIDL (Surfacing)
3 SIDL-V-Each 620 0 0 0 0
4 Live load (LL) Reaction Without Impact Factor
i 1982 0 0 238 3164
Max MT(LL)
ii 1321 0 0 159 4416
Max ML(LL)
iii 1326 0 0 1061 2121

SIDL -Super Imposed Dead Load
P -Axial Force
-Horizontal Force along Transverse
HL -Horizontal Force along Longitudinal
MT -Transverse moment
ML -Longitudinal moment
Pmax(LL) -Maximum Vertical load case
Fig.A3.2: Section in Longitudinal Direction
Max MT(LL) -Maximum Transverse moment case
(both bearings fixed)
Max ML(LL) -Maximum Longitudinal moment case
1. Material Properties:
Superstructure Mass for longitudinal seismic
Grade of concrete for Substructure fck = 45 N/mm2
(DL + SIDL) = 18060 KN
Grade of concrete for Pile foundation fck = 35 N/mm2
Superstructure Mass for transverse seismic
Grade of steel reinforcement for
fy = 500 N/mm2 (DL+SIDL+0.2 x LL) = 9426 KN
Substructure and Pile foundation
Clear Cover to reinforcement for Pile T, Time Period of the system along Longitudinal
c = 75 mm Direction = 1.18 sec
Clear Cover to reinforcement for T, Time Period of the system along Transverse Direction
c = 40 mm
Substructure = 0.75 sec
Gross Area of Pier section Ac = 3570000 mm2 Taking
2. Calculation of Seismic Forces: Zone factor = 0.24
Importance factor = 1.2
Table 1: Un-Factored loads from Superstructure at bearing
level Response Reduction factor, R = 3
Considering medium type soil
N. Description
ML MT Ah Long = 0.164
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Ah Trans = 0.263
1 Dead Load Load Factor for Seismic
(DL) – Each 7710 0 0 0 0
Superstructure Combination = 1.5
Base Shear un-factored Seismic Combination in Longitudinal
SIDL (permanent)
2 SIDL-F-Each 700 0 0 0 0
side Due to superstructure= 987.3 KN with lever arm=10.5m above
pier base


Due to pier+ pier cap=61.23 KN with lever arm=6.0m above
pier base
+SIDL-F) +
Factored Ultimate Base shear with b 1.75(SIDL-V) 14215 513 1387 4862 17262
R=1 =1.5*(987.3+61.23)*3=4718 KN  (1) + 0.2(Q2) +
Base Shear un-factored Seismic Combination in Transverse 0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq
Direction: 1.35(DL
Due to superstructure= 826.38 KN with lever arm=12.5m above +SIDL-F)
pier base +1.75
c 14216 529 1387 5042 16803
Due to pier+ pier cap=98.19 KN with lever arm=6.0m above (SIDL-V) +
pier base 0.2 (Q3) +
Factored Ultimate Base shear with 0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq

R=1 =1.5*(826.38+98.19)*3=4161 KN (2) 3. Design of Section:

Table 2: Braking forces at the base of Pier-unfactored The reinforcement detailing of the Pier section at the base
and at the curtailment level is shown in Figure A3- 3.
S r. P HL HT ML MT Curtailment level is assumed to be 6m above the ground
No. (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) level.
1 Braking Force under seismic Combination, Fb
i Pmax(LL) 0 284 0 2982 0
ii Max MT(LL) 0 208 0 2184 0
iii Max ML(LL) 0 284 0 2982 0

Table 3: Summary of forces at the base of Pier ULS

Seismic with R=3

No (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
1 Earthquake along Longitudinal Direction
a 1.75 (SIDL-V) 14347 1630 416 16745 5546
+ 0.2(Q1) +
0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq At the base of Pier
+SIDL-F) +
b 1.75(SIDL-V) 14215 1614 416 16569 5797
+0.2(Q2) +
0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq
+SIDL-F) +
c 1.75(SIDL-V) 14216 1630 416 16909 5338
+0.2(Q3) +
0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq
2 Earthquake along Transverse Direction
+SIDL-F) +
a 1.75(SIDL-V) 14347 529 1387 4878 17011
+ 0.2(Q1) +
0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq At curtailment level
Figure A3. 3: Reinforcement Detailing of the Pier Section



4. Design Flexural Strength of Section:

At ULS, the design flexural strength of the section in
orthogonal directions is estimated for maximum vertical
load case.
In computing MRd, biaxial moment under the permanent
effects and seismic effects corresponding to the design
seismic action in the selected direction shall only be
considered as per clause
Ultimate axial force, NED (At the base of
= 14347 kN
Design Flexural Strength along
= 27660 kNm
Longitudinal Direction, MRd,L
Design Flexural Strength along Transverse
= 29390 kNm
Direction, MRd,T
Distance between ground level to the top
= 10.25 m
of Pier Cap, h
Fig. A3.4: Capacity Moment Diagram
Moment due to Live Load (Longitudinal
= 48 kNm
Direction) = 0.2 x 238 The over-strength factor to be considered
= 1.35
Moment due to Live Load (Transverse for Pier section
= 634 kNm
Direction) = 0.2 x 3164 Over strength moment at the base of Pier = 1.35 x 27660
Maximum Braking Force = 0.2 x 284 = 57 kN along Longitudinal Direction, Mo,L = 37341 kNm
Factored Moments (ULS) due to non-seismic actions, i.e. live = 1.35 x 29390
Over strength moment at the base of Pier
load and braking force :-
along Transverse Direction, Mo,T = 39677 kNm
Along Longitudinal Direction
= 632 kNm 6. Capacity Design:
= 48 + 57 x 10.25
Along Transverse Direction = 634 kNm 6.1 For Capacity Design Moment Mc:
Curtailment of longitudinal bars, if any, should be done at such
5. Over Strength Moment, Mo:
a level that the design flexural strength of the section at the
The procedure to calculate the capacity moment and curtailed level (MRd,curtailed) should be greater than the capacity
shear is applied separately for each of the two horizontal moment (Mc) at the curtailed level (Refer Fig.A3-4 )
components of the design seismic action. As per clause Ultimate axial force, NED (At curtailment (a) the over-strength moment of the sections due to level) = 13893 kN
plastic mechanism is obtained by multiplying the design Design Flexural Strength at curtailed level = 22840 kNm
flexural strength of the section with appropriate over- along Longitudinal Direction, MRd,L,
strength factors. Design Flexural Strength at curtailed level
= 25980 kNm
along Transverse Direction, MRd,T,
Over-strength factor for concrete substructures, γo = 1.35
Capacity moment at curtailed section along = 15483 kNm
As per clause (b) of this Guideline, the over strength Longitudinal Direction,   <22840 kNm
factor has to be multiplied with a factor ‘K’ if the value of Mc,L, curtailed = 37341 x (10.25-6)/10.25   (MRd long)
normalized axial force ‘ηk’ is greater than 0.08. Capacity moment at curtailed section along = 17420 kNm
Transverse Direction,   <25980 kNm
Where, ηk= NED/Acfck
Mc,T, curtailed = 39677 x (10.25-6)/10.25   (MRd trans)
   = (14682 x 1000) / (3570000 x 45)
Hence, the design flexural strength of the section at
   =0.091 > 0.08
curtailed level is more than the capacity moment at the
Since the value of normalized axial force, ηk, is more than same level.
0.08, the over-strength factor requires modification as
below: ¾¾ Within members having plastic hinges, the Mc at the
K = [1+2(ηk - 0.08)2]   = 1.0002 vicinity of hinge shall not be taken greater than MRd
Thus, γo = 1.0002 x1.35   = 1.35 of the hinge -Clause of Guidelines.



6.2 For Capacity Design Shear Vc in Pier Checks should be carried out to ensure that the plastic
As per section 7.8 of this Guideline, the increase of hinge region, pier sections beyond plastic hinge region
moments of plastic hinges, ΔM, is obtained by deducting and foundation have shear strength greater than the Final
the moment due to non-seismic actions, i.e. live load and Capacity Design shear Vc of the section along both the
braking force (considering appropriate load factors) from directions.
the over-strength moment of the section along both the 6.3 Bearings:
directions. The increase in moment of plastic hinge is:
Bearings and connections are to be designed for lesser of
Along Longitudinal Direction, ΔML the following forces:
= 37341 - 632 = 36709 kNm i) Seismic forces obtained using Response reduction
Along Transverse Direction, ΔMT factor,
= 39677 - 634 = 39043 kNm R=1 as applicable for assessment of bearings.
As per clause (e), Capacity Design shear ii) Forces developed due to over strength moment when
corresponding to this increase in moment is Obtained as: hinge is formed in the substructure
Vc = (∑ΔM) / h where ∑ΔM =∑Mo Hence the design seismic forces for bearing design are:
Shear Along Longitudinal Direction Along Longitudinal Direction, lesser of (1) and (3)
= ΔML / h = 36709/10.25 = 3582 kN (3) = 3582 kN
Shear Along Transverse Direction
Along Transverse Direction, lesser of (2) and (4)
= ΔMT / h =39043/10.25 = 3810 kN (4)
= 3735 kN
The factored shear due to non-seismic actions (braking
force for this example) is then added to the shear due to 6.4 Capacity check for Pile Foundation:
design seismic forces so as to obtain the Final Capacity The foundation is capacity protected by designing it for
design shear along both the directions. Over strength Moment Mo and Capacity Design Shear Vc
Final Capacity Design Shear in in both the directions separately. The summary of forces
= 3639 kN acting at the base of pile cap for the considered maximum
Longitudinal Direction = 3582+ 57
vertical load case in Longitudinal and Transverse is given
Final Capacity Design Shear in Transverse
= 3810 kN in Table 4. The number of piles is considered as 4 at a
spacing of 4.5 m in both directions.
Table 4: Summary of forces at the base of Pile cap
Hor. Load on
P HL HT ML MT Reactions on Pile in kN
Description Pile in kN

kN kN kN kNm kNm P1 P2 P3 P4
Longitudinal Seismic
17218* 3639 0 37341 634 8524 8383 226 -85 910
Transverse Seismic
17157* 57 3810 48 39677 8704 -115 8693 -125 953
*Including soil weight above pile cap
The depth of fixity is assumed to be 9 m from the pile cap The pile diameter is assumed to be 1.2 m and the corresponding
bottom. The reduction factor for fixed head pile is assumed reinforcement assumed is 19 numbers of (32+20mm) bundled
to be 0.8 as per Fig. 5 of IS 2911(Part 1/Sec 2).
bars. For the above said pile, the capacity at the minimum axial
Maximum moment on a pile is observed to be load i.e. -85 kN and -125 kN along longitudinal and transverse
Along Longitudinal Direction direction respectively is found out to be 3575 kNm and
= 910 x 9/2x 0.8 = 3276 kNm 3484 kNm respectively. The capacity of the Pile for longitudinal
Along Transverse Direction and transverse seismic case is more than the maximum moment
= 953 x 9/2x 0.8 = 3431 kNm on the pile.



(Reference Clause 4.8)
Example : Calculation of hydrodynamic forces in case = C3F1 \
of a bridge with Well Foundation, located in Seismic = 1.0 x 2.464t = 2.464t
Zone IV, with design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah
= (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) = 0.12 [i,e. Assuming Sa/g = 2.5; Point of application of resultant force from base of pier
I=1.2; Z=0.24; R=3.0 : Ah = (0.24/2) x (1.2/3.0) x 2.5] = C4h = 0.4286 X 6.218 = 2.665m
Bending moment at the base of pier (Well cap level) due
Design parameters : Pier Diameter, d1 = 2.4m; Pier
to hydrodynamic force on pier
Height below HFL, h = 6.218m, Well Diameter, d2 = 5.5m,
Overall height from HFL to Scour Level, H = 31.09m, = 2.464 x 2.665 = 6.566tm
Well Height upto scour level = (H-h) = 24.872m [Refer The force distribution is worked out in Table 1, below, and
Fig. A4-1] shown in Fig. A4-2
Table 1: Force Distribution on pier
(Refer portion A-B-C in Fig. A4-4)
C1 C1h C2 C2 Pb1 (t/m)
0.1 0.6218 0.410 0.195
0.2 1.2436 0.673 0.319
0.3 1.8654 0.832 0.395
0.4 2.4872 0.922 0.438
0.5 3.1090 0.970 0.460
0.6 3.7308 0.990 0.470
0.8 4.9744 0.999 0.474
1.0 6.2180 1.000 0.475

Fig. A4.1
Hydrodynamic force on pier, F1 = CeαhWe
Pier Portion:
For pier portion consider enveloping cylinder of height h
and radius r1. Fig. A4.2
For pier portion, (b) Well Portion:
(Refer Table 4.4) For well portion consider enveloping cylinder of height
Weight of water in enveloping cylinder for pier H and radius r2. Deduct from it the enveloping cylinder of
height h and radius r2 to determine hydrodynamic effect
on well portion only. Thus hydrodynamic force on well
portion is obtained as follows:
Hydrodynamic force on pier, F1 = Ceαh We1
For well foundation,
F1 = 0.73 x 0.12 x 28.129 = 2.464t

For Pier,
Resultant force at base of pier

Hydrodynamic force on well portion only= F2 –F3, Table 2: Force Distribution on well
C1 C1h C2 C2 Pb2(t/m)
F2 = force acting on complete height H, enveloping radius
0.2 0.6218 0.673 1.680
r2 (Refer portion A-B-D in Fig. A4.4
0.3 9.3270 0.832 2.077
F3 = force acting on pier height h, enveloping radius
r2(Refer portion A-E-F in Fig. A4.4 0.4 12.436 0.922 2.302
F2 = Ceαh We2 0.5 15.545 0.970 2.422
We2 = π x 2.752 x 31.09 = 738.645 t 0.6 18.654 0.990 2.472
F2 = 0.73 x 0.12 x 738.645 = 64.705 t 0.8 24.872 0.999 2.472

Point of application of F2 (resultant on H) from scour level 1.0 31.090 1.000 2.497
(C1 = 1.0),
C4H = 0.4286 x 31.09 = 13.325 m
Resultant force on height h (for C1 = h/H = 0.2)
F3 = C3 F2
F3 = 0.093 x 64.705 = 6.017 t
Point of application F3 (resultant on h) from scour level
(for C1 = 0.2)
= C4 H = 0.8712 x 31.09 = 27.085 m
The net hydrodynamic force acting on well portion only
F2 – F3 = 64.705-6.017 = 58.688 t
Bending moment at scour level due to hydrodynamic
force on well
=F2 x 13.325 - F3 x 27.085 Fig. A4.3
= 64.705 x 13.325 – 6.017 x 27.085
Fig. A4-4 below shows the final forces acting in pier and
= 699.224tm well foundation
Total shear force and bending moment at scour level
Total shear force at scour level
= Hydrodynamic force on pier + Hydrodynamic force
on well
= 2.464 + 58.688 = 61.152 t
Total bending moment at scour level
= Moment of force F1 + Net Moment of force F2 and F3
= 2.464 (2.665 + 24.872) + 699.224
= 67.851 + 699.224 = 767.075t
The force distribution for well portion (C1 = 0.2 to C1 = 1.0)
is worked out in Table 2 and also shown in Fig. A4-3.

Fig. A4-4 : Hydrodynamic Force on Pier & Foundation



Notification No. 26
Amendment No.8/Irc:112/August, 2019 (effective from 31th October, 2019)
Irc:112-2011 “code of practice for concrete road bridges”

S. No. Cl. No. For Read

1 3.1.2 Design Working Life / Design Life Design Life
(Page 5) Assumed period for which a structure or part Assumed period for which a structure or part of it is
of it is to be used for its intended purpose with to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated
anticipated maintenance but without necessity of maintenance but without necessity of major repair
major repair
2 5.8.1 5.8.1 Design Service Life 5.8.1 Design Life
(Page 25) For design service life of structures, reference may For design life of structures, reference may be
be made to provisions of IRC:5. Unless otherwise made to provisions of IRC:5. Unless otherwise
specifically classified by Owner, all structures specifically classified by Owner, all structures shall
shall be designed for a useful service life of 100 be designed for a design life of 100 years.
3. 6.2.2 Note: (2)
(Page 30) The idealised bilinear diagram has sloping The idealised bilinear diagram has sloping

top branch joining top branch joining

and, (εuk ; ft), where fyk ; ft, εuk are the minimum and, (εuk ; ft), where fyk ; ft, εuk are the minimum
values required by relevant IS Codes referred to in values required by relevant IS Codes referred to in
Section 18.2.1 (Table 18.1). The factored idealised Section 18.2.1 (Table 18.1). The factored idealised
design diagram is obtained by factoring design diagram is obtained by factoring stress
values by, that is by taking, values by, that is by taking,

and limiting design strain to . and limiting design strain to .

For grades Fe 415D, Fe 500D & Fe 550D, εuk shall

be taken as 5% (max.) and for grades Fe 415S &
Fe 500S, εuk shall be taken as 8% (max.). For other
grades it shall be taken as 2.5% (max.).
4. Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall Stainless steel reinforcement shall conform to
(Page 31) not be inferior to the carbon steel reinforcement of IS:16651:2017. The code covers requirements and
corresponding strength class. For bond properties methods of test for high strength deformed stainless
reference should be made to the relevant code or steel bars/wires of the following strength grades for
established on the basis of tests. use as concrete reinforcement:
(a) SS 500,
Note:The Indian Standard for Stainless Steel (b) SS 550,
reinforcement is under preparation. The British standard (c) SS 600, and
BS:6744:2001, which covers suitable stainless steels for (d) SS 650.
use as reinforcement may be referred.
5. 6.3.5 For strands, stress values shall be based on the For strands, stress values shall be based on the
(Page 34) nominal cross-sectional area given in Table 18.4. nominal cross-sectional area given in Table 18.4. The
The idealised design shape (A) is obtained by
idealised design shape (A) is obtained by factoring
factoring idealised bi-linear diagram by
and idealised bi-linear diagram by
, , and taking design

taking design strain not greater than 0.9 εuk ,with strain not greater than εudwhich is equal to 0.9 εuk,
corresponding value of design stress. with corresponding value of design stress. εudshall be
taken as 2% (max.), if more accurate values are not



6. In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan
(Page 81) like compression field exists. When structure is like compression field exists. When structure is
subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed
loads, in area, confined by the beam end and the loads, in area, confined by the beam end and the
steepest inclination (θmax= 45º) of the compression steepest inclination (θmax= 45º) of the compression
field (generally within a distance equal to field (generally within a distance equal to effective
effective depth from centre of support), no shear depth from face of support or centre of bearing
reinforcement is required. where flexible bearings are used), no shear
reinforcement is required.
For concentrated loads the steepest inclination
may the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect For concentrated loads the steepest inclination may
to vertical face of beam end, generally within a the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect to vertical
distance of half the effective depth from centre of face of beam end, generally within a distance of half
support) and for loads within this distance no shear the effective depth from face of support) and for
reinforcement is required. It is however, necessary loads within this distance no shear reinforcement
to extend the shear reinforcement up to the support is required. It is however, necessary to extend the
from the section within this region 'A' (distance shear reinforcement up to the support from the
d or half of d, as the case may be) and provide section within this region ‘X1' (distance d or half
tensile reinforcement for resisting the horizontal of d, as the case may be, see figure 10.1(b)) and
components of these internal compressive forces provide tensile reinforcement, adequately anchored
in addition to the steel provided for bending. beyond bearing point, for resisting the horizontal
components of these internal compressive forces in
addition to the steel provided for bending.
7. 10.2.3 (1) In case of direct support, shear force VNS acting In case of direct support, shear force VNS acting
(Page 84) at section d (effective depth) away from centre at section d (effective depth) away from face
of support, when the member is subjected of support (or centre of bearing where flexible
predominately uniformly distributed load and at bearings are used) when the member is subjected
a distance d/2 away when member is subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed load and at
concreted loads – may be used for design of shear a distance d/2 away when member is subjected to
reinforcement in the region between support to d concentrated loads – may be used for design of shear
or support to d/2 as the case may be. For checking reinforcement in the region between support to d
crushing of concrete compression strut VNS shall be or support to d/2 as the case may be. For checking
taken at the centre of the support. crushing of compression strut VNS shall be taken at
centre of support.

8., fywd is the design strength of web reinforcement to fywd is the design strength of web reinforcement to
(Page 91) resist shear = fyk / γm resist shear (and torsion) = fyk / γmwhile the value
of fyk is limited to 500 MPa.
9. (5) For non-grouted ducts, grouted plastic ducts and For non-grouted ducts and unbonded tendons the
(Page 92) unbonded tendons the nominal web thickness is: nominal web thickness is:
bw,nom= bw - 1.2Σ Φ Eq.10.15 bw,nom= bw - 1.2Σ Φ Eq.10.15

The value 1.2 In Eq.10.15 is introduced to take The value 1.2 In Eq.10.15 is introduced to take
account of splitting of the concrete struts due account of splitting of the concrete struts due
to transverse tension. If adequate transverse to transverse tension. If adequate transverse
reinforcement is provided this value may be reinforcement is provided this value may be
reduced to 1.0 reduced to 1.0

For grouted plastic ducts the nominal web thickness

bw,nom = bw – 0.8 Σ Φ Eq.10.15a
10. 13.5 End Block Design and Detailing Anchorage Block Design and Detailing
(Page 136)



11. Pg No. 138 Additional clause 13.5.4 Intermediate Anchorages General
Intermediate Anchorages are those post tensioned anchorages that are not
located at the end surface of a member or segment (see fig 13.2). They are
usually in the form of embedded anchors, blisters, ribs, or recess pockets.
In case of intermediate anchorages, tensile stresses may develop behind
the anchorages. These tensile stresses result from the compatibility of
deformations ahead of and behind the anchorage.The force of the tendon must
be carefully distributed to the flange/web by reinforcement in front as well as
behind the anchorage. For intermediate anchorages, the anchorage zone shall
be considered to extend for a distance not less than the transverse dimension
of the flange/ web to which it is anchored. Intermediate anchorages shall not be used in regions where tensile

stress exceeding 1MPa is generated behind the anchor (upto 1.0 x depth
of section) from other actions under relevant SLS combination. Whenever
practical, blisters should be located in the corner between flange and webs or
shall be extended over the full flange width or web height to form a continuous

If isolated blisters are required to be used in the middle of a flange or web,

local shear, bending, and direct force effects, shall be adequately considered
in the design. For flange/web thickness up to 225 mm, an upper limit of force
equivalent to12 strands of 12.7 mm diameter shall be adhered to for tendons
anchored in intermediate blisters supported only by the flange or web. Tie-back Reinforcement

Tie-back reinforcement is the one required to take care of the tensile stresses
indicated in For this purpose bonded reinforcement shall be provided
to tie-back at least 25 percent of the unfactored intermediate anchorage
stressing force into the concrete section behind the anchorage. Stresses in this
bonded reinforcement shall not exceed 240 MPa. The anchorage force of the
tendon must be carefully distributed to the main structure by reinforcement.
If permanent compressive stresses are generated behind the anchor from
other actions, the amount of tie-back reinforcement may be reduced using the
following equation
Tia = 0.25 Ps - fcb Acb
Tia = the tie-back tension force at the intermediate anchorage (N)
Ps = the maximum unfactored anchorage stressing force (N) transmitted to the
anchor plate
fcb = the unfactored dead load compressive stress in the regionbehind the
anchor (MPa)
Acb = the area of the continuing cross-section within the extensions of the
sides of the anchor plate.
or blister, i.e., the area of the blister or rib shall not be taken as part of the
cross-section (mm2)

The tie-back reinforcement shall be concentrated within one anchor plate

on either side of the tendon axis. It shall be fully anchored so that the yield
strength can be developed at a distance of one plate width or half the length
of the blister or rib ahead of the anchor as well as at the same distance
behind the anchor. The centroid of this reinforcement shall coincide with the
tendon axis, as far as possible. For blisters and ribs, the reinforcement shall
be placed in the continuing section near that face of the flange or web from
which the blister or rib is projecting.


Benachrichtigungen Blister and Rib Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be provided throughout the blisters or ribs as required for shear friction, corbel
action, bursting forces, and deviation forces due to tendon curvature. This reinforcement shall extend
into the flange or web and be developed by standard hooks bent around transverse bars or equivalent.
Spacing shall not exceed the smallest of blister or rib height at anchor, blister width, or 150 mm,
whichever is less. Reinforcement shall be provided to resist local bending in blisters and ribs due to
eccentricity of the tendon force and to resist lateral bending in ribs due to tendon deviation forces. This
reinforcement is normally provided in the form of ties or U-stirrups, which encase the anchorage and
tie it effectively into the adjacent web and flange.
Reinforcement, as specified in earlier clauses of this Section shall be provided to resist tensile forces
due to transfer of the anchorage force from the blister or rib into the overall structure. Precast Segmental Constructions
In the case of precast segmental structure, it is not feasible to provide continuing reinforcement over the
segment joints to take care of the stresses indicated in In such cases, adequate compression,
behind the intermediate anchorages, through prestressing, shall be ensured to take care of these effects
in accordance with (6).

12. (Page 138) Additional Figure

13. Table 14.1 Table 14.1 Classification of Service Environment Table 14.1 Classification of Service Environment
(Page 141)
S. S.
Environment Exposure Condition Environment Exposure Condition
No. No.
Concrete dry or permanently Concrete dry or permanently
wet; concrete continuously under wet; concrete continuously under
(1) Moderate
water; (1) Moderate water; low humidity (Relative
humidity <50%); humid
Wet, rarely dry; humid (relative (Relative humidity >70 %)
humidity > 70 %), completely
Wet, rarely dry; moderate
submerged in sea water below
(2) Severe humidity (relative humidity ≥
mid-tide level; concrete exposed
50% and ≤70 %), completely
to coastal environment. (2) Severe submerged in sea water below
moderate humidity (relative mid-tide level; concrete exposed
humidity 50-70 percent); to coastal environment.
(3) Very severe Concrete exposed to air-borne Concrete exposed to air-borne
chloride in marine environment; (3) Very severe chloride in marine environment;
freezing conditions while wet. freezing conditions while wet.
Cyclic wet and dry, concrete Cyclic wet and dry, concrete
exposed to tidal, splash and spray exposed to tidal, splash and spray
zones in sea, concrete in direct zones in sea, concrete in direct
(4) Extreme contact with aggressive sub-soil/ (4) Extreme contact with aggressive sub-soil/
ground water, concrete in contact ground water, concrete in contact
with aggressive chemicals. with aggressive chemicals.



14. 16.7.1 (1) (1) Corbels may be designed by using strut and tie (1) Corbels may be designed by using strut and tie
model. The inclination of strut with respect to model. The inclination of strut with respect to
(Page 185) axial direction of the member to which corbel the “main” tie should lie between 45° and 68°.
is attached, should lie between 22o and 45o. The strut shall be dimensioned such that the
concrete compression stress does not exceed
that given in clause Horizontal forces,
HEd when applied in addition to the vertical load
FEd, will require additional reinforcement in the
tie. The effects of torsion, if any, have to be
catered to in accordance with clause
15. 16.7.1 (3), As,link> 0.25 As,main As,link> 0.50 As,main(to be provided in upper two-
Eq. 16.11 third of the corbel depth)
(Page 185)
16. 16.7.1 (4), (4) In corbels with ac> 0.5 hcand (4) In corbels where aclies between 0.5 hcand hc and
(Page 185) FEd>VRd.c(Refer section 10), closed vertical stirrups FEd>VRd.c(Refer clause 10.3.2 and 10.3.3), closed
with area As.stirrupshall be provided in addition to vertical stirrups with area As.stirrupshall be provided
the main tension reinforcement as shown in Fig. in addition to the main tension reinforcement and
16.7(b), where: the closed horizontal or inclined links, as shown in
As.stirrup ≥ 0.5 FEd / fyd Fig. 16.7(b), where:
As.stirrup ≥ 0.5 FEd / fyd
In addition check against crushing of strut shall be
made in accordance with Eq 10.5
17. Additional New clause added (5) If ac>hc the design shall be carried out as a
clauses (5) flexural member. The shear check shall be carried
to (7) to be out as per Eq 10.5 of 10.3.2 (5) for checking against
added in clause crushing of concrete as well as and
16.7.1, for arriving at the shear reinforcement.
(Page 186) (6) The bearing area on a corbel shall not project
either beyond the straight portion of the main
tension bars or beyond the interior face of any
transverse anchor bar.
(7) In the case of corbels with varying depth, Fig
16.7(c), the depth at the outside edge of the bearing
area shall not be less than half the depth at the
face of the support. The favourable contributions
from inclined compression chord and tensile chord
(clause 10.2.3) shall not be considered.



18. 17.1 (1) Ductile detailing shall be carried out for bridges Ductile detailing shall be carried out for the bridges
(Page 192) located in zones III, IV and V of seismic zone map located in Zones III, IV and V of the seismic Zone
of IRC:6. map of IRC : 6 if they are designed for Response
reduction factor R > 1.0

19. 17.2.2 (3) (3) The minimum amount of transverse ties shall be Change the clause no. from 17.2.2 (3) to 17.2.2.(2)
(Page198) determined as follows: (c), with following revision :
(c) The minimum amount of transverse ties shall be
determined as follows:
Al is the area of one tie leg, in mm2.
ST is the transverse distance between tie legs, in m; where
ΣAS is the sum of the areas of the longitudinal bars Al is the area of one tie leg, in mm .

restrained by the tie, in mm ;2 S L

i s the spacing of the legs along the axis of the
member, in m;
fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and ΣAS is the sum of the areas of the longitudinal bars
fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal in outer layer restrained by tie at any one end,
reinforcement. in mm2;
fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and
fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal
20. New Addition Additional sub-clause added under 17.2.2.(2) (d) (d) The steel As shall be determined for different
to clause 17.2.2 situations for At as follows:
(2) (d),
(Page 198)

As for determining Al = 0.5 As1 + As2 + 0.5 As3

As for determining Al1 = 0.5 As1 + As2

Al2 = As3

When Al is at any inclination to the transverse outer

tie, then the As shall be divided by the Sine of the
angle between the outer transverse tie and this tie,
e.g. in case Al is inclined at 45 degrees to the outer
tie, then As shall be divided by Sine 45, hence As =
√2 x (0.5 As1 + As2 + 0.5 As3)



21. 17.2.2 (3), New Clause to replace existing clause (3) Along Circular section boundaries, restraining
(Pge 198) of longitudinal bars should be achieved through
circular ties determined by:
A1 1 fys
= x ρ D2 x
fyt (mm /m)
Eq. 17.9
SL 12.8 l
Al is the area of one circular tie, in mm .
SL is the spacing of the circular tie along the axis of
the member, in m;
ρ is the reinforcement ratio of the longitudinal

D is the Diameter of the Circular section in mm

fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and
fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal

22. 17.2.3 New clause to be added Add after (3)

(Page 198)
(4) The confinement steel and Buckling preventing
reinforcement shall not be added together.

(5) The Buckling prevention and confinement steel

may be provided through a set of hoops or single leg
cross ties. The hoops shall engage the longitudinal
bars only, while single leg ties shall engage both the
longitudinal bars and the transverse hoops in the
manner shown below at the 135 Degree bent hook.
Such ties need not comply with cover requirements
at such engagement locations.

23. Properties of stainless steel reinforcement Stainless steel reinforcement shall conform to
(Page 202) shall not be inferior to those of carbon steel IS:16651:2017.
reinforcement of corresponding strength class.
For bond properties, the relevant code may Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not
be inferior to those of carbon steel reinforcement of
be referred or they may be established on the
corresponding strength class.
basis of tests.

Note : Till such time as the Indian Standard

for stainless steel reinforcement is available,
the British Standard BS:6744:2001, may be



Notification No. 29
Amendment No.2/IRC:83 (Part III)/December, 2019 (Effective from 1st February, 2020)
IRC:83 -2018 (Part III) “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section IX – Bearings,
Part III: POT, PIN, Metallic Guide and Plane Sliding Bearings (First Revision)”
IRC Notification No.27 dated 4th November, 2019 regarding suspension of above Code has been withdrawn
and further Amendment No.2 of IRC:83 (part III) notified effective from 1st February, 2020.
Sl. Page No/Para For Read
No. No./Clause No
1. 3 /4 (Scope) High performance elastomeric pressure pad in High performance elastomeric pressure pad in
combination with specific internal seal and sliding combination with specific internal seal and other
material (e.g. UHMWPE) can be used subjected sliding material can be used subject to availability
to availability of approval document from of approval document from acceptable national /
international approving bodies like ETA, FHWA international approving authorities. .
or similar acceptance by other leading international

2. 3/7 (Scope) Sliding surfaces with a diameter of the Sliding surfaces with a diameter of the circumscribing
circumscribing circle of single or multiple PTFE circle of single or multiple PTFE sheets or other
sheets or other approved sliding materials e.g. sliding material (subject to availability of approval
UHMWPE approved through ETA, FHWA or document from acceptable national / international
similar acceptance by other leading international approving authorities ), less than 75 mm or greater
Specifications, less than 75 mm or greater than than 1500 mm, are outside the scope of this code.
1500 mm, are outside the scope of this code. Sliding elements for use as temporary devices
Sliding elements for use as temporary devices during construction, for example during launching
during construction, for example during launching of the of the superstructure, are also outside the scope of
superstructure, are also outside the scope of this code. this code.

3. 12/3.2.2 h = projection of PTFE/UHMWPE above the h = projection of sliding material above the recessed
recessed portion portion

4. 13/3.2.5 UHMWPE = Ultra High Molecular Weight Delete line


5. 13/4.2 Low Friction Thermo-Plastic Sliding Material Low Friction Thermo-Plastic Sliding Material
The material shall be either polytetrafluoroethylene The material shall be either polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) free sintered without regenerated material (PTFE) free sintered without regenerated material
or Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene or any other material having requisite material
(UHMWPE) having high material strength and low strength and low frictional properties. The pattern
frictional properties. The pattern of dimples shall be of dimples shall be as described in Fig. 4.1.
as described in Fig. 4.1.

6. 14/4.2.2 Use of modified sliding material (UHMWPE) Use of other sliding material having frictional
having frictional properties superior to that of PTFE properties superior to that of PTFE combined
combined with enhanced load bearing capacity with enhanced load bearing capacity and ability
and ability to provide high velocity displacement to provide high velocity displacement with longer
with longer service life can be considered for service life can be considered for both horizontal
both horizontal and vertical sliding surfaces. Use and vertical sliding surfaces subject to availability
of UHMWPE shall be subjected to availability of of approval document from aaceptable national /
approval document from international approving international approving authorities. .
bodies like ETA, FHWA or similar acceptance by
other leading International Specifications, reference
of its usage in the bearing.



Sl. Page No/Para For Read

No. No./Clause No
7. 24/NOTE 2 NOTE 2: Elastomeric pad including internal seal Delete Para
having higher characteristic contact strength (fe,k))
may be used subjected to the availability of approved
documents from International Approval bodies like
ETA, FHWA or similar acceptance by other leading
International Specifications, reference of its usage
in the bearing application, satisfactory and proven
test and performance records etc.
8. 25/ Table 5.2 Sliding Surfaces Table 5.2 Sliding Surfaces
Flat Sliding Surface Guides Flat Sliding Surface Guides
PTFE Stainless PTFE (Unfilled) / Stainless PTFE (Unfilled Stainless PTFE (Unfilled)/ Stainless
(Unfilled and Steel (SS) UHMWPE Steel (SS) and Steel other sliding Steel (SS)
dimpled) / Composite dimpled) / (SS) material subject
UHMWPE Material other sliding to availability
(Dimpled) (CM1) material subject of approval
to availability document from
of approval acceptable
document from national /
acceptable international
national / approving
international authorities
authorities Composite
(Dimpled) Material

9. 28/ When UHMWPE is used as sliding material, When material other than PTFE is used as sliding
relevant ETA / FHWA documents shall be referred material, relevant approval document from
to determine the parameters described in Clause acceptable national / international approving to authorities shall be referred to determine the
parameters described in Clause to

10. 35/ PTFE is commonly used as plane sliding element PTFE is commonly used as plane sliding element
at the interface capable to cater for translational at the interface capable to cater for translational
movements. UHMWPE (if supported by movements. Other sliding element, (subject to
independent certification like ETA / FHWA / availability of approval documents from acceptable
similar certifying authority) can also be provided national / international approving authorities can
as may be required. Sliding assemblies should not also be provided as may be required. Sliding
be used to accommodate rotation other than about assemblies should not be used to accommodate
an axis perpendicular to the plane of sliding. To rotation other than about an axis perpendicular to the
accommodate rotation about an axis in the plane plane of sliding. To accommodate rotation about an
of sliding additional arrangement shall be provided axis in the plane of sliding additional arrangement
e.g. sliding assemblies may be combined with other shall be provided e.g. sliding assemblies may
types of bearings like elastomeric bearings, metallic be combined with other types of bearings like
rocker bearings, Pot bearings etc. elastomeric bearings, metallic rocker bearings, Pot
bearings etc.
11. 35/ Sliding assemblies shall preferably have the Sliding assemblies shall have the stainless steel
stainless steel sliding sheet positioned above the sliding sheet positioned above the PTFE or other
PTFE or UHMWPE, so that the sliding surfaces are material supported with approval document from
kept clean. acceptable national / international approving
authorities so that the sliding surfaces are kept
12. 35/ Surfaces mating with PTFE or UHMWPE shall Surfaces mating with sliding material shall always
always be made of Stainless Steel. The mating be made of Stainless Steel. The mating Stainless
Stainless Steel surface shall always overlap the Steel surface shall always overlap the sliding
PTFE or UHMWPE even when the extreme material even when the extreme movement occurs.
movement occurs.



Sl. Page No/Para For Read

No. No./Clause No
13. 35/ Load distribution through the bearing components Load distribution through the bearing components
and the adjacent structures shall be calculated and the adjacent structures shall be calculated
considering the effective contact area after one considering the effective contact area after one
vertical to one horizontal (1V:1H) of dispersion vertical to one horizontal (1V:1H) of dispersion
from confined PTFE / UHMWPE sheets. Effect of from confined sliding material sheets. Effect of
eccentricities shall be applied as per Annexure B. eccentricities shall be applied as per Annexure B.

14. 38/ Sliding surfaces for guides of pot bearings with Sliding surfaces for guides of pot bearings with
sliding assemblies shall be made of stainless steel sliding assemblies shall be made of stainless steel
sliding on either confined PTFE or UHMWPE or sliding on either confined PTFE or other sliding
Composite Material (CM1). The coefficient of material subject to availability of approval document
friction at the sliding interface of guides shall be from acceptable national / international approving
considered as per Table 5.5. authorities or Composite Material (CM1). The
coefficient of friction at the sliding interface of
guides shall be considered as per Table 5.5.

15. 41 / In case of dynamically loaded structures where While designing the Bearing anchorages for seismic
extreme load fluctuations can occur, e,g. railway forces, contribution due to friction shall not be taken
bridges, structures in high seismic zones (Zone into consideration i.e. µk = 0
IV and V), contribution due to friction shall not
be taken into consideration while designing the
anchorage i.e. µk = 0

16. 41/ FRdu = D x L x fcd/√3 FRdu = 1.33 D x L x fcd/√3

FRdu = resistance offered by concrete in ULS FRdu = resistance offered by concrete in ULS
fcd = Permissible direct compressive strength of fcd = Design Value of compressive strength of
concrete, calculated as: concrete, calculated as:
fcd = 0.67 x fck fcd = 0.67 x fck
1.5 1.5

17. 44/6.2.3 PTFE/ UHMWPE shall be secured and confined Sliding material shall be secured and confined in
in the recesses preferably by shrinking fit method the recesses preferably by shrink fit method only.
only for confinement. Glue may be used for vertical Glue may be used for vertical surfaces e.g. Guide/
surfaces e.g. Guide/Guide bearing. For large PTFE/ Guide bearing. For large sliding material sheets
UHMWPE sheets subdivided into parts, each subdivided into parts, each individual part shall be
individual part shall be confined into separate confined into separate recess.

18. 60 MRd = Reduced bending resistance MRd = Reduced bending resistance

= ku2 x Leff x f’y = (ku2 x Leff x f’y)
γm (4 x γm)

19. 66/Annexure G UHMWPE– Valid approval document from For material other than PTFE, approval document
international approving bodies like ETA, FHWA or from acceptable national /international approving
similar acceptance by other leading international authorities in the name of Bearing Manufacturer
Specifications in the name of Bearing Manufacturer-



Notification No. 30
Amendment No.2/IRC:83 (Part IV)/December, 2019 (Effective from 1st February, 2020)
IRc:83 -2014 (Part IV) “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road bridges, Section IX–Bearings
(Spherical and Cylindrical)” Part IV
IRC Notification No.27 dated 4th November, 2019 regarding suspension of above Code has been withdrawn
and further Amendment No.2 of IRC:83 (part IV) notified effective from 1st February, 2020.
Sl. Page No/ For Read
No. Para No./
Clause No
1. 2/2 SCOPE The provisions made in this code are based on an Delete this sentence .
assumed working life of the Spherical Bearing upto
30 years with PTFE and of 50 years with UHMWPE.
2. 5/3.1 Steel Plates confining the low friction sliding material Steel Plates confining the low friction sliding
Backing like PTFE/UHMWPE, etc. material.
3. 5/ Sliding PTFE or UHMWPE low friction thermoplastic material A low friction thermoplastic material mounted on flat
Surface mounted on flat or curved backing plate providing low or curved backing plate providing low friction sliding
friction sliding to the mating surface. to the mating surface.
4. 5/Approval Approval Document e.g. ETA, FHWA or Similar Approval Document
Documents The special approval documents acceptable under this The special approval documents under this code
e.g. code shall be that from International reputed approving shall be that from acceptable national / International
ETA,FHWA bodies having proven experience of research and approving authorities having proven experience of
or similiar Testing in the field of Structural Bearings and covering research and Testing in the field of Structural Bearings
within the approval document all aspects incl. design, and covering within the approval document all aspects
material, manufacturing, tolerances and acceptance. incl. design, material, manufacturing, tolerances and
Isolated approvals or qualification of individual acceptance. Isolated approvals or qualification of
components separately that proposed to be used inside individual components separately that proposed to be
the Bearing shall not be treated as approval document used inside the Bearing shall not be treated as approval
referred in this specification. document referred in this specification.
5. 6/3.2 Bs width of sliding surface (PTFE/UHMWPE/others) Bs width of sliding surface strip
6. 6/3.2 fk characteristic compressive strength of Sliding fk = characteristic compressive strength of Sliding
Surface (PTFE/UHMWPE) material
7. 6/3.2 Ls Length of Sliding surface strip (PTFE/UHMWPE/ Ls Length of Sliding surface strip
8. 7/3.2 u force free perimeter of PTFE/UHMWPE free to bulge u force free perimeter of sliding surface free to bulge
9. 7/3.2 U UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Delete Line
10. 8/3.2 UHMWPE Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Delete Line
11. 8,9/4.2 4.2 Low Friction Thermo-Plastic Sliding Material 4.2 Low Friction Thermo-Plastic Sliding Material .
The material shall be pure polytetrafluoroethylene
The material shall be either pure polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), free sintered, without regenerated materials
(PTFE), free sintered, without regenerated materials and and fillers having requisite material strength and low
fillers or Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene frictional properties. The pattern of dimples shall be as
(UHMWPE) having high material strength and low described in Annexure-A "Properties of Low Friction
frictional properties. The pattern of dimples shall be as Sliding Material". The sliding surface shall be recessed
described in Annexure-A "Properties of Low Friction in the metal backing plate compulsorily.
Sliding Material". The sliding surface shall be recessed
in the metal backing plate compulsorily.



Sl. Page No/ For Read

No. Para No./
Clause No
Use of Modified sliding material (UHMWPE) having Use of other material can be considered. However,
frictional properties superior to that of PTFE combined this shall be subject to the availability of approval
with enhanced load bearing capacity and ability to document from acceptable national / international
provide high velocity displacement with longer service approving authorities.
life can be considered for both Primary (flat or curved)
and secondary (guides) sliding interfaces. However,
this shall be subject to the availability of approval
documents from International approving bodies like
ETA, FHWA or similar, acceptance by other Leading
International Specifications, references of its usage in
the Bearings application, satisfactory and proven test
and performance records etc.
12. 9/4.3 The characteristic compressive strengths of PTFE/ The characteristic compressive strengths of PTFE
UHMWPE are given in Table 1 and valid for effective are given in Table 1 and valid for effective bearing
bearing temperatures upto 30°C for PTFE and 35°C temperatures upto 30°C. For bearings exposed to
for UHMWPE. For bearings exposed to maximum maximum effective bearing temperature in excess of
effective bearing temperature in excess of above above mentioned respective values, the aforementioned
mentioned respective values, the aforementioned values shall be reduced by 2 percent per degree above
values shall be reduced by 2 percent per degree above 300C in order to reduce creep effects of the PTFE. For
300C/350C in order to reduce creep effects of the other material, similar properties shall be mentioned
PTFE/UHMWPE respectively. in the approval documents from acceptable national /
international approving authorities.
13. 9/4.3
Table 1
fk (MPa)
fk (MPa)







Effects of Temperature, Shrinkage and Creep

Temperature, Shrinkage and Creep

Temperature, Shrinkage and Creep

Compressive Strength (fk) of Sliding Materials

Compressive Strength (fk) of Sliding Materials

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Permanent and Variable Loads

Loading Condition
Loading Condition

Permanent Loads,

Permanent Loads
Permanent Loads

Variable Loads
Variable Loads

Variable Loads

Application Condition
Application Condition

Main Bearing Surface

Main Bearing Surface

Main Bearing Surface













Sl. Page No/ For Read

No. Para No./
Clause No
14 10/4.6 Table 2 Permissible Combination of Materials for Table 2 Permissible Combination of Materials for
Permanent Application as Sliding Interfaces for Permanent Application as Sliding Interfaces for
Spherical Bearings Spherical Bearings
Plane Surface Curved Surface Guides Plane Surface Curved Surface Guides
PTFE/ Staniless PTFE/ Stainless PTFE/ Stainless PTFE/ Staniless PTFE / Stainless PTFE / Stainless
UHMWPE Steel UHMWPE Steel UHMWPE Steel other Steel other sliding Steel other sliding Steel
(dimpled) (dimpled) Hard Composite sliding material material
chromium Material material (dimpled) Hard Composite
plating (CM1 and (dimpled) chromium Material
Aluminium CM2) plating (CM1 and
Alloy* Aluminium CM2)
* Use of Aluminum alloy is permitted as mating surface for
* Use of Aluminum alloy is permitted as mating surface for
curved sliding interface only. The alloy shall be Al-Mg6M
curved sliding interface only. The alloy shall be Al-Mg6M
or Al-Si7MgTF in accordance with the requirements of ISO
or Al-Si7MgTF in accordance with the requirements of
3522 or as covered in the special approval documents like
ISO 3522 or as covered in the approval documents from
ETA, FHWA or similar.
acceptable national/International approving authorities.
15. 17/ (b) Coefficient of friction for UHMWPE (b) Coefficient of friction for other material
For curved sliding interfaces combined with dimpled For curved sliding interfaces combined with dimpled
and lubricated UHMWPE sheets and stainless steel/ and lubricated other material sheets and stainless steel
hard chromium plating, the coefficient of friction is/ hard chromium plating, the co-efficient of friction
determined as a function of the average pressure is determined as a function of the average pressure
σUHMWPE [MPa] under maximum vertical load in ULS under
condition, as follows: maximum vertical load in ULS condition, as mentioned
Notes: in the approval document from acceptable national /
i) For zones where the minimum effective international approving authorities.
bearing temperature doesn't fall below - 5°C, Notes:
the co-efficient of friction values for PTFE and
i) For zones where the minimum effective
UHMWPE sliding surfaces as worked out from bearing temperature doesn't fall below - 5°C,
the above expressions may be reduced by 30 the co-efficient of friction values for PTFE
percent and 25 percent respectively. sliding surface as worked out from the above
ii) In case aluminium alloy used as mating surface expressions may be reduced by 30 percent.
for curved sliding interface, the stated limits
ii) In case aluminium alloy used as mating surface
and also the actual value worked out from the for curved sliding interface, the stated limits
expression above in a) and b) shall be enhanced and also the actual value worked out from the
by a factor of 1.5. expression above in a) shall be enhanced by a
factor of 1.5.
16. 18 Table 4 Co-efficient of Friction (µfr) for Secondary Table 4 Co-efficient of Friction (µfr) for Secondary
Sliding Surfaces Sliding Surfaces
Application Sliding Interface (µfr) Application Sliding Interface (µfr)
Guided Bearings SS PTFE/UHMWPE 0.10 Guided Bearings SS PTFE/other sliding material 0.10
subject to availability of approval
SS Composite 0.20 document from acceptable national /
Material (CM1/CM2) international approving authorities
Fixed Bearing Steel Steel 0.20 SS Composite 0.20
Material (CM1/CM2)
Fixed Bearing Steel Steel 0.20

17. 19/5.4.4 With the exception of guides, it shall be verified that With the exception of guides, it shall be verified
the edge pressure "σ" over PTFE/UHMWPE ≥ 0 that the edge pressure "σ" over PTFE / other sliding
material subject to availability of approval document
Also, the average pressure “σ” over PTFE/UHMWPE from acceptable national / international approving
for authorities ≥ 0
calculating “umax” for eccentricity “e1” shall be worked
out using minimum vertical load (Nsk,min) in SLS Also, the average pressure “σ” over sliding material
condition. for calculating “umax” for eccentricity “e1” shall be
worked out using minimum vertical load (Nsk,min) in
SLS condition.



Sl. Page No/ For Read

No. Para No./
Clause No
18 20/5.5.2 PTFE/UHMWPE strip dimension shall satisfy Sliding material strip dimension shall satisfy

Vy,sd ≤ Ls x Bs x k x fk /γm Vy,sd ≤ Ls x Bs x k x fk /γm

19. 21/5.5.6 LS Length of Sliding surface (PTFE/UHMWPE/ LS Length of Sliding surface Strip in mm
Others) Strip in mm
BS Width of Sliding surface (PTFE/UHMWPE/ BS Width of Sliding surface Strip in mm
Others) Strip in mm
20. 27/6.4 where, where,
h Projection of PTFE/UHMWPE above the recessed h Projection of sliding material above the recessed
portion portion
u Perimeter of PTFE/UHMWPE free to bulge u Perimeter of sliding material free to bulge
Ap Area of the sliding surface (PTFE/UHMWPE) in Ap Area of the sliding surface in contact i.e. under
contact i.e. under load load
21. 39/A.0 Properties of Low Friction Thermo-plastic Sliding Properties of Low Friction Thermo-plastic Sliding
Material (PTFE or UHMWPE) Material
22. 39/ Fully molded sheets with cavities or dimples for Fully molded sheets with cavities or dimples for
Annexure lubrication shall be used for flat/curved sliding lubrication shall be used for flat/curved sliding surfaces.
A.1 surfaces. The dimples shall be formed by hot pressing The dimples shall be strictly formed by hot pressing
Fig A.1 or molding and strictly not by machining or drilling. or molding and not by machining or drilling. Where
Where dimples are produced by hot pressing, the dimples are produced by hot pressing, the temperature
temperature during the pressing process shall not during the pressing process shall not exceed 200°C for
exceed 200°C for PTFE and 80 percent of the melting PTFE and for other material, the temperature will be
temperature in case of UHMWPE. The pattern of mentioned in the approval documents from acceptable
dimples shall be as shown in Fig. A.1 national/international approving authorities. The
pattern of dimples shall be as shown in Fig. A.1
1. Main direction of sliding
Fig. A.1 Pattern of Dimples in Recessed PTFE/ Fig. A.1 Pattern of Dimples in Recessed PTFE / other
UHMWPE Sheet material Sheet

Note :
The information for UHMWPE as given in this
annexure and elsewhere in this code are the gist Deleted
only and merely to serve as a information guide
to the Design and Accepting Authorities about the
availability of such materials as an option.

The manufacture and use of UHMWPE material Deleted

inside the Bearings may be governed by Patent
Control Rights. The responsibility of acquiring such
materials legally for use in the Bearing applications
and if required, proving the license rights to use such
materials within the offered product shall be solely of
the supplier/manufacturer of Bearings.


Notification No. 31
Amendment No.2 /IRC:SP:73-2018 /December 2019 (Effective from the 1st February, 2020)
IRC:SP:73-2018 “Manual of Specifications & Standards for Two Laning of Highways with Paved Shoulder” (Second
Clause No. For Read
(Page No.)
5.4 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement Sections
(Page No. Sections 5.4.1 Flexible Pavement - Design Period and Strategy
47) 5.4.1 Flexible Pavement - Design Period and i)  Flexible pavement shall be designed for a design period of 20
Strategy years for National Highways, State Highways and Urban Roads.
i)  Flexible pavement shall be designed for a For other categories of roads, a design period of 15 years is
minimum design period of 15 years, subject recommended. Pavements for very high density corridors (more
to the condition that design traffic shall not be than 300 msa) and expressways shall preferably be designed as
less than 20 msa. long-life pavements. Otherwise, for such corridors, the pavement
ii)  Stage construction shall not be permitted. shall be designed for a minimum period of 30 years.
ii)  Stage construction shall not be permitted.

Notification No. 32
Amendment No.1 /IRC:SP:84-2019 /December 2019 (Effective from the 1st February, 2020)
IRC:SP:84-2019 “Manual of Specifications & Standards for Four Laning of Highways”
(Second Revision)
Clause No. For Read
(Page No.)
5.4 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement Sections
(Page No. Sections 5.4.1 Flexible Pavement - Design Period and Strategy
46) 5.4.1 Flexible Pavement-Design Period and i) Flexible pavement shall be designed for a design period of
Strategy 20 years for National Highways, State Highways and Urban
i) Flexible pavement shall be designed for a Roads. For other categories of roads, a design period of 15
minimum design period of 15 years, subject years is recommended. Pavements for very high density
to the condition that design traffic shall not corridors (more than 300 msa) and expressways shall
be less than 20 msa. preferably be designed as long-life pavements. Otherwise,
ii) Stage construction shall not be permitted. for such corridors, the pavement shall be designed for a
minimum period of 30 years.
ii) Stage construction shall not be permitted.

Notification No. 33
Amendment No.1 /IRC:SP:87-2019 /December 2019 (Effective from the 1st February, 2020)
IRC:SP:87-2019 “Manual of Specifications & Standards for Six Laning of Highways”
(Second Revision)
Clause No. For Read
(Page No.)
5.4 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement 5.4 Design Requirements for New Pavement Sections
(Page No. 42) Sections 5.4.1 Flexible Pavement - Design Period and Strategy
5.4.1 Flexible Pavement-Design Period and Strategy i) Flexible pavement shall be designed for a design period of
i) Flexible pavement shall be designed for a 20 years for National Highways, State Highways and Urban
minimum design period of 15 years, subject Roads. For other categories of roads, a design period of 15
to the condition that design traffic shall not be years is recommended. Pavements for very high density
less than 20 msa. corridors (more than 300 msa) and expressways shall
ii) Stage construction shall not be permitted. preferably be designed as long-life pavements. Otherwise,
for such corridors, the pavement shall be designed for a
minimum period of 30 years.
ii) Stage construction shall not be permitted.



Notification No. 34
Amendment No.9/IRC:112/December, 2019 (Effective from 1st March, 2020)
IRC:112-2011 “Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges”
S. No Clause No. For Read
Page No.
1. 12.4.1 (2) “In the absence……………......................
“In the absence of other criteria, the following deflection
(Page 131) .................……………………considered” limits for live load under frequent load combination may be
2. 13.4.1 Add subclause (4) (4) Special precautions are required in the case of joints
(Page 135 ) particularly in precast segmental construction. Leakages as well
as interconnections between ducts, should be avoided. Duct
spacing should be detailed in such a way that there is sufficient
concrete between parallel ducts to prevent interconnections
during grouting operations and to comply with relevant IRC
As a general rule, the joints of precast segmental construction
are treated with epoxy resin, if internal grouted tendons
are used. The epoxy resin seals the joint and prevents grout
leaking through and out of the segment joint. However there is
a possibility that epoxy may be squeezed into adjacent ducts,
when the segments are pressed together, causing blockages. To
prevent this, generally a compressible foam seal is provided in
the segment joint around the duct, and the excess is scraped out
with plastic or rubber scrapers before the epoxy sets. Also the
leak tightness of internal prestressing tendons can be improved
by the use of rubber rings around the ducts at the joints between
segments. Before casting of the segment, steel rings are placed
around the ducts, leaving an imprint of half the thickness of the
rubber rings. The rubber rings are placed in this recess, and are
compressed when the temporary prestressing is applied.
However, jointing with encapsulation is the preferable option and
system suppliers may be having their own method of doing so.
3. 13.4.2 (3) Add new sentence at the end For some types of M.S. sheathing ducts, refer Fig 13.1.
(Page 135)
4. 13.4.3 (3) Add new sentence at the end For some of the types of corrugated HDPE sheathing ducts,
(Page 135) refer Fig. 13.1.

5. 13.4.3 Add sub clause (4) (4) Minimum internal diameter of the HDPE duct shall not be
(new Sub less than 3 times the cross-sectional area of the tendon which
Clause) can be fitted in the anchorage system used. However, in case
(Page 135) of threading of tendons after concreting for spans larger than
30m, internal diameter of duct shall be 5mm larger than the
requirement stated above, in order to facilitate threading.



S. No Clause No. For Read

Page No.
6. 13.4.2 Add Fig. 13.1 between the two clauses
(Page 135)

13.1 Typical Types of Sheathing Ducts

7. Fig. 13.1
Fig. 13.1 Loaded Face of the End Block Fig. 13.2 Loaded Face of the End Block
(Page 137)

8. (1) The bursting tensile force, Fbst existing in The bursting tensile force, Fbst existing in an individual square
Change in 2 an individual square end block loaded by a end block loaded by a symmetrically placed square anchorage
sentences, symmetrically placed square anchorage or or bearing plate, may be derived from Table 13.1 and Fig.
bearing plate, may be derived from Table 13.2
(Page 136)
13.1 and Fig. 13.1

This force, Fbst will be distributed in a region This force, Fbst will be distributed in a region extending from
extending from 0.2 Yo to 2 Yo from the 0.2 Yo to 2 Yo from the loaded face of the end block as shown
loaded face of the end block as shown in in Fig. 13.2
Fig. 13.1.

9. (2) Add new sentence - In case of precast segmental construction, grouping of
cables is not permitted. The minimum clear distance
(Page 163 )
between the ducts shall be greater of 10 mm or the outer
diameter of the duct.

10. 18.8.2 Add new sub clause (5) Ready Mixed grout
(Page 215) Alternatively, the dry materials may be batched in a factory for
pre-mixed grout and mixed with the liquid materials on site as
per the instructions of the Manufacturers.

11. 18.8.4 sub (1) Water/Cement Ratio (1) Water/Cement Ratio

clause (1) Water/cement ratio should be as low as Water/cement ratio should be as low as possible, consistent
(Page 215) possible, consistent with workability. This with workability and should not exceed 0.40
ratio should not exceed 0.45
12. 18.8.4 sub (4) Compressive Strength (4) Compressive Strength
clause (4) The compressive strength of 100 mm cube The compressive strength of 100 mm cube of the grout shall
(Page 216) of the grout shall not be less than 17 MPa not be less than 27 MPa at 7 days or 30 MPa at 28 days. Cubes
at 7 days. Cubes shall be cured in a moist shall be cured in a moist atmosphere for the first 24 hours
atmosphere for the first 24 hours and and subsequently in water. These tests shall be conducted in
subsequently in water. These tests shall advance to ascertain the suitability of the grout mix. The 7 day
be conducted in advance to ascertain the strength is not mandatory if the 28 day strength requirement
suitability of the grout mix. is met.



S. No Clause No. For Read

Page No.
13. 18.8.4 sub (7) Volume Change (7) Volume change
clause (7) The volume change of grout kept at rest for Volume change of the grout at rest for 24 h shall be within the
(Page 216) 24 hours and tested as per ASTM C1090 range of - 1 % and + 5 % of the original volume when tested
shall be within the range of 0.5 percent and as per EN 445. It should not be more than +0.2 percent at 28
5.0 percent of the original volume. It should days.
not be more than +0.2 percent at 28 days.

14. 18.8.4 sub (8) Fluidity (8) Fluidity

clause (8) Fluidity is tested as per ASTM C939 standard Fluidity is tested as per EN 445 by a) cone test and b) grout
spread test. The time for cone test (Fig 18.2a) shall be less
(Page 216) using standard flow cone.
than or equal to 25 seconds. The spread of the grout as per
grout spread test (Fig 18.2b) shall be greater than or equal to
For retention of fluidity there shall not be more than 20%
reduction in fluidity at 30 minutes when tested as per EN 445.

Fig 18.2 (a) – Cone for fluidity test (as per EN 445)

1 - Cylinder (steel or plastic tube)

2 - Smooth plate
Fig 18.2 (b) – Grout spread test (as per EN 445)



S. No Clause No. For Read

Page No.
15. 18.8.4 sub Add new sub clause (9) (9) Tests for Bleed and Volume Stability
clause (9) Wick Induced Bleed and volume change test shall be as per EN
(Page 216) 445. The details of the test are given in Figure 18.2 (c)

1. Seal 4. Grout ho - height at to

2. Air 5. Transparent tube ho - height at tn
3. Water 6. Strand, wires or bar

Fig 18.2 (c) – Wick induced test setup (as per EN 445)
Alternatively, the inclined tube bleed test can be done to
determine the bleed properties and volume stability of grout.
The details of the test are shown in figure 18.2(d).

1- Vent and stop valve 4- Transparent tube

2-Air 5-12 Strand
3-Water 6- Injection of grout
Fig 18.2 (d) – Inclined tube test set up (as per EN 445)
16. 18.8.5 Add New clause after 18.8.4 18.8.5 Grouting Procedure
The grouting procedure shall be as per EN 446. Guidelines for
(Page 216)
grouting are given below:
a) Ducts should be grouted at a continuous and steady
rate of 6 to12 m / minute for horizontal and 2 to 3 m
/ minute for vertical ducts. For parabolic ducts the
grouting rate should be 6 to 8m / minute.
b) Grouting pressure should not exceed 2 MPa.
c) Grouting should continue until the fluidity or density
of grout flowing from free ends and vent openings is
same as that of original grout.
After closing all the vents, retained pressure should be same
as adopted for grouting subject to a minimum of 0.5 MPa.


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