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Agrarian Reform - is a redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to
farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tendril arrangement to
include the totality of factors and support services design to lift the economic status of the
The basic elements of agrarian reform program include land reform where measures are
taken with respect to the security of tenure, abolition of tenancy, imposition of ceilings
and many more.
Land Reform - is an integrated set of measures designed to eliminate obstacle to
economic and social development arising out of defects in the agrarian structure.
Aspect of Agrarian Reform
I. Economic Aspect
The Position of Agriculture in National Economy - although there's a series of
industrial programs from the government still our economy relies heavily on the
agricultural sector. Large proportion of the total working population is employed in
agriculture and a large percentage contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP)
comes from agriculture. So it is safe to say that agriculture is the most important
component of economic structure.
One method of motivating the farmers to increase their production is to make them own
the land they till to free them from the control of the landlords. Agrarian reform was
strengthen to create an economic environment that will encourage farmers to produce
more and market more of what they produce.

II . Socio Cultural Aspect

The agrarian reform had resulted to favorable socio cultural changes as follows:
a. A change from self subsistent mindset to one of surplus for selling. The farmers started
putting all their efforts in the farm because they own the land.
b. Social order in the farmlands started to improve significantly. The farmers became more
concern of the need to maintain peace and stability within the community so that they
could continuously enjoy the increased benefits in the farm.
c. Farmers became more active in practicing leadership roles.
d. As land reform enhanced agricultural productivity and consequently increased net family
incomes the farmers were able to send their children to school.
e. Agrarian reform also promoted modern outlook among farmers which include
receptiveness and modern family planning program and also awareness of the economic
alternatives in the urban and industrial sector.
III. Religious Aspect

Based on the biblical teachings God is the owner of the earth and that he made it all for
his children. Food was not made for a few all possess god-given right to use and enjoy the
fruits of earth for the advancement of their lives.

The objectives of agrarian reform

 The main objective was to put an end to conflict pertaining to land ownership. Aim to
bring about harmony between the rural people and the urban residents are also called for.

 To bringing stability in the political set up of the country is also regarded as one of the
objectives of agrarian reform. The political set up the country plays in important role. If
there is political unrest, leader would usually concentrate on resolving the crisis, instead
of dealing with land conflicts.

 The socio agrarian reform includes bringing about equally in terms of opportunities,
income as well as wealth.

 Agrarian reform programs are primarily designed to facilities agrarian activities like land
acquisition, land distribution, land management and encouraging the growth of feasible
agrarian reform communities.

Prepared by:

John Paul Victorio BSED-I Social Studies

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