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Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Prof. Suresh - Ph: +91 8838037215.

CSIR NET/SET | TN TRB PG | Polytechnic Lecturer | & Other PG Level Exams
MATHEMATICS - Complex Analysis

Test No. 2

1. The least positive integer n for which [ ] is ……

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

1 i 

2. If    x  iy then
1 i 
A) x = -1, y = 0 B) x = 0, y = 1 C) x = -1, y = 1 D) x = 0, y = 2
3. The function w = is analytic
z 2  36
A) for all z B) for all z except 2,-2 C) for all z except 6, -6 D) for all z except 0.

4. Which of the followings is not an entire function?

A) e z B) tan z C) e  z D) z + 1

5. Any two harmonic conjugates of a given harmonic function u(x, y) differ by

A) x B) y C) xy D) constant

6. A pole of order 2 is called ……..

A) double pole B) triple pole C) simple pole D) Square.

7. A function f(z) is said to be …… if it is analytic except at poles.

A) polynomial B) power function C) meromorphic D) NOTA

8. Expansion of arc sin z is

A) z + B) z -

C) z D) 1

9. If f(z) = u + iv is analytic and au + bv = constant then f(z) is

A) not analytic at z = 0 B) constant C) not continuous D) not differentiable

10. If the poles of f(z) lies outside the contour C then  f ( z)dz =
[TN SET 2018]

A) 1 B) 0 C) 2i D) i

TRB PG Asst. | Polytechnic | CSIR NET / SET Maths 1 © Prof. Suresh, WhApp: 8838037215
11. Let f(z) = u + i v be analytic. If u is a harmonic conjugate of v and
v is a harmonic conjugate of u then
A) u is constant, v is non-constant B) v is constant, u is non-constant
C) Both u and v are non-constants D) f(z) is constant

12. Which one of the following theorems is used in the proof of the Fundamental theorem of
algebra? [TRB Govt. Engineering College A.P 2016]
A) Cauchy’s theorem B) Liouville’s theorem
C) Taylor’s theorem D) Morera’s theorem

13. Any function which is meromorphic in the extended complex plane is …. [TN SET 2018]
A) rational B) polynomial C) power series D) zero

14. The value of 

f(z) dz where ℓ is the length of the curve C and M is a number such that

 f(z)   M  z  C, is
A) = Mℓ B)  Mℓ C)  Mℓ D) 0

15. If f(z) is analytic then (∂2/∂x2+∂2/∂y2)|f(z)|2 =

A) 4|f ’(z)|2 B) 4 f(z) C) 2|f ‘(z)|2 D) log |f ’(z)|2

16. Let n (, a) be the winding number of  w.r.t. ‘a’ Then n (, a) =
A) –n (, a) B) –n (-, a) C) n (-, a) D) 0

17. The analytic function f(z) for which the real part is is …
A) B) ez + c C) z + e- z + c D) 2e3z + c

18. A simple closed curve is called

A) Cauchy curve B) Gauss curve C) Jordan curve D) Riemann curve.

19. If is an entire function & for some M > 0 then f(z) is

A) non-constant B) constant C) not analytic D) zero always.

20. Let f be an entire function and f(z) = f(cz), |c| > 1 for all z in C. Consider
I. Re f is constant II. f ’’ is a zero constant III. f is constant . Then
A) Only I is true B) Only II is true C) Only I & II are true D) All are true

*** “Secret of your Success is your daily routine”. Best Wishes – Prof. Suresh ***

TRB PG Asst. | Polytechnic | CSIR NET / SET Maths 2 © Prof. Suresh, WhApp: 8838037215
MATHEMATICS - Complex Analysis
Test No. 2
Answer Key

1 D 11 D

2 A 12 B

3 C 13 A

4 B 14 B

5 D 15 A

6 A 16 B

7 C 17 A

8 A 18 C

9 B 19 B

10 B 20 D

Courses Offered by Prof. Suresh (CSIR NET & SET Qualified)

CSIR NET/JRF | SET – Mathematical Science

TN TRB PG Assistant - Mathematics

TN TRB Govt. Polytechnic Lecturer – Mathematics.


Madurai - 625001, Tamil Nadu, India.
TRB PG Asst. | Polytechnic | CSIR NET / SET Maths 3 © Prof. Suresh, WhApp: 8838037215

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