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Robert “Chaithi” Thayer Genesys by Fantasy Flight Games
PLAYTESTING Reddit: u/kitsucoon
StormPigeon Twitter: @The_Chaithi
Kierrale Discord: Chaithi#1375
1.01 - February 3rd, 2020
Update notes can be found at
Paul M N Haakonsen’s conversion
Shadowrun Fifth Edition & Sixth World by Catalyst
Game Labs

Ting Chen
David Sondered
Marco Mazzoni
Ralph Damiani
Matt Zeilinger
Genesys and its logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight
Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight
This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Robert Thayer.
Shadowrun names and concept copyright © 2020 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shadowrun and
Matrix are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other
This is a fan project and is presented without financial compensation. This is not intended to be a challenge to any

Intro 4 Conjuring 91
Character Creation 5 Enchanting 95
Campaign Level 5 Magical Foci and Charms 95
Step 1: Determine Background 5 Adepts 96
Step 2: Choose a Metatype 6 Background Count 98
Human 6 Assensing 98
Elf 6 Astral Projection 99
Dwarf 7
Ork 8
Troll 9
Step 3: Choose a Career 10
Step 4: Invest Experience 11
Step 5: Determine Derived Attributes 12
Step 6: Determine Character Motivations 12
Step 7: Choose Gear, Appearance, and
Personality 12
Skills 13
Knowledge Skills 13
Magic Skills 15
Talents 16
Tier 1 16
Tier 2 24
Tier 3 35
Tier 4 49
Tier 5 60
Contacts & Favors 66
Gear 68
Cyberware and Bioware 68
Cyberware 69
Bioware 72
Tools 73
Armor 77
Weapons 78
Vehicles 81
Drones 83
Vehicle and Drone Modifications 84
The Matrix 86
Hacking 86
Technomancers 87
Magic 91
Spellcasting 91

W elcome to Shadowrun, a setting transplant of the
popular Cyberpunk style Tabletop RPG from Cat-
alyst Game Labs.
After several playtest sessions, we feel we’re ready to
share this conversion with the world. To play, you’ll need
the following Genesys books:
I have been a fan of the Shadowrun story since 4th • Genesys Core Rulebook
edition came out and it was my first tabletop RPG. Since
• Genesys Expanded Player’s Guide (optional, but rec-
then, I have fallen in love with many other systems and
discovered how “crunchy” the Shadowrun system is.
• Shadow of the Beanstalk
I wanted to share my love of the Shadowrun story to
my friends, some of which are brand new to TTRPGs. In most cases, this conversion assumes that at least
We first tried the rules light version, Shadowrun Anar- the GM has an understanding of the Shadowrun uni-
chy, but found the system a bit lacking. During that time, verse. We do not provide specific gear names and de-
I was also a player in Fantasy Flight’s Edge of the Empire scriptions. We recommend picking up some of the
Star Wars game. It took me awhile to get used to the dice, Shadowrun setting and gear books to provide flavor to
but after that, the system was dynamic and easy to use. your players. While this document will give stats for a
When I heard that Genesys was released using the same Heavy Pistol, the GM is welcome to flavor it as an Ares
system with some improvements, I latched onto that. Predator, and perhaps even modify the stats a little to
differentiate it from a Savalette Guardian.
I discovered a fantastically in-depth conversion by
Paul M N Haakonsen that clocked in over 600 pages of We hope you enjoy the neon-lit streets of whatever
quality content, detailing the lore of each item and con- setting you or your GM puts you in, whether it be the
verting the Shadowrun ruleset to work with Genesys. Arcologies of the Seattle Metroplex, the crowded streets
of Neo-Tokyo, the slums of Hong Kong, or anywhere else
However, it was the ruleset that I wanted to avoid!
in the Sixth World.
So, we got to work with one core design philosophy: keep
as close to core Genesys as possible: port the setting, not Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo,
the rules. and never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon.
There were a few concessions to be made. Cyber-
ware and Bioware exist in Shadow of the Beanstalk, but
- Robert “Chaithi” Thayer
the limitations on them go against the nature of the
Shadowrun world. Our first take on the system included
a detailed Essence system that allowed for great cus-
tomization, but then required....*gasp*DECIMALS.

C oming up with a character concept is one of the
most important components of creation. It is also
Campaign Level
the one that does not have any rules attached to it! The information presented in this document assume a
standard level of shadowrunner when starting the cam-
Review the section in Genesys Core Rulebook pages paign. These runners have ran the shadows previously
34-36. In addition, you may want to consider the follow- and are somewhat competent in their craft.
ing questionnaires designed around Shadowrun:
Throughout the document, there will be modifica-
• Shadowrun 2nd Edition tions included that offer two different levels of play.
• Updated homebrew version Check with your GM to see which level fits your cam-
Some GMs may give out bonus experience (called
Karma in this system) for well-fleshed out characters. If • Street Level: Every runner has to start somewhere.
your game does this, this Karma should be granted post- These campaigns usually involve being in a street
character creation. gang and working your way up to the big time. You
will have less gear, fewer friends, and less nuyen.
Once you know the type of runner you want to be,
it’s time to move onto putting your ideas down to paper • Prime Runner: Maybe you want to skip all that
(or PDF, who am I to judge?) and start as a bad ass shadowrunner with great
gear. Never cut a deal with a dragon? How about
cutting their head off? More money, better gear,
more friends. These runners have been around the

T he following metatypes replace the Archetypes and
Species found in the Genesys rulebook.
Any ranks in skills granted in this section have the Elf
following rules: Obtain this rank before spending experi-
ence points. These skills may not be increased higher than
1 2 2 2 2 3
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
2 during character creation.
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
HUMAN • Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Charm and
2 2 2 2 2 2 Coordination.
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence • Low-Light Vision: Remove bb from any check
incurred by dim light.
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Dryad
• Starting Experience: 110 1 2 2 1 2 4
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in each of two brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
different non-career skills.
• Ready for Anything: Once per session as an out-of- • Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn
turn incidental, you may move one Story Point • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
from the Game Master's pool to the player pool.
• Starting Experience: 80
Nartaki • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Charm.
• Low-Light Vision: Remove bb from any check
2 2 2 2 2 2 incurred by dim light.
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Glamour: Add a to the results of all Charm, Nego-
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn tiation, and Deception checks.
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Memorable: Targets trying to remember or perceive
you when they have seen you before add bb to
• Starting Experience: 110 their checks.
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in each of two • Symbiosis: You become attuned to the location you
different non-career skills. spend the most time in (determined by the GM). If
the area is healthy, you add a b to social skills and
• Extra Limbs: You do not add an additional diffi- Survival checks while in the area. However, if the
culty die when using Two-Weapon Fighting. Addi- area is not healthy, gain a b instead.
tionally, once per Encounter, you may activate the
second weapon using a.

Nocturna DWARF
1 3 2 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
2 1 2 2 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 95 • Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Charm and • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Coordination. • Starting Experience: 100
• Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in- • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Resilience.
curred by dim light.
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
• Keen Hearing: Add b to Perception checks involv- check incurred by dim or no light.
ing hearing.
• Sturdy: Add a b to any Resilience check involving
• Nocturnal: b to all checks when active during day- resisting a poison or toxin.
time hours. Additional b if in direct sunlight.
2 1 2 2 3 2
2 2 3 1 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn
• Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Discipline
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Survival. and Vigilance.
• Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in- • Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
curred by dim light. check incurred by dim or no light.
• Celerity: When taking the Move maneuver as your • Magic Resistance: Add a b to any magic check tar-
second maneuver, reduce the Strain you suffer by 1. geting you (both positive and negative effects)

Xapiri Thëpë Hanuman

2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100 • Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Survival. • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Coordina-
• Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in- tion.
curred by dim light. • Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
• Photosynthesis: You are uncomfortable at night. check incurred by dim or no light.
Add b to all checks when the sun is down. b to all • Prehensile Tail: Once per session, may add bb to
checks if in direct sunlight. a Coordination check.

Koborokuru Hobgoblin
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

• Starting Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn • Starting Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 95 • Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Resilience. • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Survival and
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
check incurred by dim or no light. • Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in-
curred by dim light.
• Celerity: When taking the Move maneuver as your
second maneuver, reduce the Strain you suffer by 1. • Quick to Anger: If insulted or your honor slighted
(GM discretion) in a social encounter, add b to all
further checks this encounter or until your honor is
Menehune redeemed.
3 1 2 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence Ogre
• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn 3 1 2 1 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 90 • Starting Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Athletics. • Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any • Starting Experience: 80
check incurred by dim or no light. • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Resilience.
• Sea Legs: Add a b to any Athletics check involving • Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in-
swimming. curred by dim light.
• Ogre Stomach: You are able to digest almost any-
ORK thing. Reduce the difficulty once of any check to re-
sist ingested toxins.
3 2 2 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence 3 3 1 1 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower • Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
• Starting Experience: 100 • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Streetwise. • Starting Experience: 85
• Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in- • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Discipline
curred by dim light. and Streetwise.
• Tough as Nails: Once per session, change the result • Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in-
of the dice rolled for a Critical Injury on you to 01. curred by dim light.
• Hard to Hit: Once per encounter, as an out-of-turn
incidental may suffer strain (up to your Agility
characteristic) to add an equal number of Ranged
and Melee defense until the end of the current turn.

Satyr Fomorian
3 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

• Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn • Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 95 • Starting Experience: 95
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Vigilance and • Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Vigilance.
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
• Low-light Vision: Remove bb from any check in- check incurred by dim or no light.
curred by dim light.
• Magic Resistance: Add a b to any magic check tar-
• Hooves: Impose b on all Stealth checks. Once per geting you (both positive and negative effects)
encounter, may add an additional damage to a suc-
cessful Brawl check and trigger Knockdown with
a. Giant
4 2 1 2 1 2
TROLL brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

• Starting Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn

• Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
4 1 2 2 2 1
• Starting Experience: 70
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Athletics.
• Starting Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn • Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower check incurred by dim or no light.
• Starting Experience: 75 • Barkskin: Your skin gains toughened fibers that
gives it a bark-like appearance. +1 Soak, +1 Melee
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Athletics. Defense
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
check incurred by dim or no light. Minotaur
• Dermal Deposits: Increase Soak value by 1.
4 2 1 2 1 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
4 2 2 1 2 1 • Starting Wound Threshold: 16 + Brawn
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence • Starting Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 70
• Starting Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Athletics.
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any
• Starting Experience: 75 check incurred by dim or no light.
• Starting Skills: Start with one rank in Vigilance. • Bullrush: After taking a Move maneuver to move
• Thermographic Vision: Remove bb from any into Engaged with a target that is one Silhouette
check incurred by dim or no light. larger or less than yourself, your Melee attack gains
the Knockdown quality.
• Long Reach: May make Melee attacks at Short
Range without moving into Engaged. • Colorblind: When making a Perception check, if it
involves discerning colors (GM discretion), add a
• Cyclopean Eye: Lacks depth perception. Add b to b.
all Coordination checks.

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Disci- Career Skills: Computers, Gunnery, Mechanics, Operat-
pline, Qi, Resilience, Streetwise, Survival ing, Perception, Piloting, Ranged - Heavy, Vigilance


Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Career Skills: Computers, Driving, Gunnery, Mechan-
Discipline, Negotiation, Qi. Choose one: Coercion or ics, Operating, Piloting, Ranged - Light, Resilience
GUNSLINGER ADEPT Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Driving, Melee, Percep-
Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Discipline, Per- tion, Ranged - Light, Stealth, Streetwise
ception, Qi, Ranged - Light, Resilience, Vigilance
MELEE ADEPT Career Skills: Athletics, Perception, Resilience, Survival,
Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Discipline, Vigilance. Choose three: Brawl, Gunnery, Melee, Ranged
Melee, Qi, Resilience, Survival, Vigilance - Heavy, Ranged - Light


Career Skills: Athletics, Discipline, Perception, Qi, Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Negotiation, Skuldug-
Stealth, Survival. Choose one: Arcana or Primal. Choose gery, Streetwise, Vigilance. Choose two: Charm, Coer-
one: Melee, Ranged - Light, Brawl cion, Deception, Leadership
Special rule for Mystic Adepts: At character creation, your
combined Qi and Primal/Arcana skill ranks may not ex- STREET DOC
ceed 2. Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge - Profes-
sional, Mechanics, Medicine, Negotiation, Streetwise,
Career Skills: Arcana, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge -
Magic, Medicine, Perception, Streetwise, Vigilance INFILTRATION SPECIALIST
Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Melee, Percep-
SHAMAN tion, Ranged - Light, Skulduggery, Stealth, Vigilance
Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge - Magic, Medicine,
Perception, Primal, Skulduggery, Streetwise, Survival SMUGGLER
Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Driving, Gunnery, Me-
DECKER chanics, Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge
- Interests, Mechanics, Perception, Stealth, Vigilance OPERATIVE
Career Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Coercion, Per-
TECHNOMANCER ception, Ranged - Light, Skulduggery, Stealth, Vigilance
Career Skills: Computers, Deception, Discipline,
Knowledge - Academic, Resonance, Skulduggery, Street- WEAPONS SPECIALIST
wise, Vigilance Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Gunnery,
Melee, Ranged - Heavy, Ranged - Light, Stealth

F ollow the same rules as on Genesys core rulebook
pages 44-45 with the following additions. Additional
talents for Shadowrun can be found later in this guide.

Your character starts with one native language. You
may purchase additional languages for 5 XP. Please refer
to Shadowrun source materials for lists of languages to
use in your campaign. This can be purchased multiple
times, one for each language, and is available during and
after character creation.
All languages that exist in today’s world persist in
2080, along with the following newer languages:
• Or’zet: Language of the Orks, recovered from time
by the dragon Dunkelzahn in 2057. This has been
adopted heavily by orks, who have added many
modern loan words from Cityspeak.
• Perkins-Athabaskan: A sign language used by
North American Sasquatches.
• Sperethiel: Language of the Elves, spoken as an offi-
cial language in Elvish lands such as Tír na nÓg and
Tír Tairngire. Sperethiel is described as a very com-
plex language with a number of subtle variations
enabling expressions of different levels of formality
and rank between speakers, much as in Japanese.
• Upvehu: A language reminiscent of Gaelic that is
used primarily by Pixies.

Starting resources are described later in Step 7 of this
guide, but your character is allowed to spend either 5 XP
for an extra 5,000 nuyen or 10 XP for an extra 10,000
nuyen to spend on gear during character creation.

Contacts are described later in this guide, but your
character receives 2 contacts at character creation. They
also receive bonus contacts equal to their Presence char-
acteristic. Additional contacts may be purchased for 5 xp
during character creation.

Alternate Campaigns
Prime Runners: Start with an additional 75 XP that may
not be spent on characteristics. Skills may be purchased
up to rank 3.

R efer to Genesys Core Rulebook page 45. No changes
in this setting.


R efer to Genesys Core Rulebook pages 46 to 50. No
changes in this setting.


D uring character creation, players start with 5000
nuyen to purchase gear. As this is likely not enough
for some careers (such as Vehicle Riggers), players may
expend up to 10 of their starting XP at a rate of 5,000
nuyen per 5 XP.
At character creation, players may not purchase gear
that is Rarity 6 or higher.
After the player has finished purchasing gear, roll a
d100. Add 10x the value of the die roll to any remaining
nuyen. This represents how much pocket change you
have at the start of your campaign. Since you generate it
after you purchased starting gear, you cannot use this
currency during character creation.
For appearance and personality, refer to Genesys Core
Rulebook page 51. If you have never played Shadowrun
before, take a look at some of the art online to get a feel
for the setting and maybe some inspiration for how your
character looks.

Alternate Campaigns
• Street Level: Start with 500 nuyen to purchase gear.
XP spent gives 500 nuyen per 5 XP. May not pur-
chase gear that is Rarity 5 or higher. Starting nuyen
is determined by a d100 roll.
• Prime Runner: Start with 30,000 nuyen. XP spent
gives 10,000 nuyen per 5 XP. No Rarity restriction
to gear. Starting nuyen is 20x a d100 roll.

S hadowrun setting contains the following skills. New
skills are detailed below.

Skills Used in Shadowrun

Athletics (BR) Driving (AG) Resilience (BR) Brawl (BR) Charm (PR) Academic (INT) Arcana (INT)
Computers (INT) Mechanics (INT) Skulduggery (CUN) Gunnery (AG) Coercion (WIL) Interests (CUN) Primal (CUN)
Cool (PR) Medicine (INT) Stealth (AG) Melee (BR) Deception (CUN) Magic (INT) Qi (WIL)
Coordination (AG) Perception (CUN) Streetwise (CUN) Ranged - Heavy (AG) Leadership (PR) Professional (INT) Resonance (CUN)
Discipline (WIL) Piloting (AG) Survival (CUN) Ranged - Light (AG) Negotiation (PR) Street (CUN)
Operating (INT) Vigilance (INT)

L egwork is an important part of any shadowrun. You
will be faced with many unknowns that your myste-
rious Mr. Johnsons give you. As a shadowrunner, you’ll
sort of secondary school. More ranks may represent the
equivalent of a college education. Five ranks would be a
master in their field.
be introduced to many different areas of knowledge on
To keep with the simplified skills, all Knowledge • Your character tries to do something academic, such
checks can be placed into the following categories. as calculate a theorem, conduct an experiment, or
write a history thesis.
Academic (Intellect) • Your character tries to research a certain topic
Most SINless grow up without a formal education. through academic means.
However, even those people with a hoity toity piece of • Your character performs critical thinking or tries to
paper fall on hard times and join the ranks of shad- figure out a logic puzzle.
• Your character tries to find out if they know an im-
This skill represents the character’s understanding of portant fact about the world around them that they
topics normally taught in schools. The humanities (cul- may have learned in school.
tures, art, philosophy, etc) are also included in this. A
single rank in this skill may indicate a primary school • Your character tries to find out information about
education, whereas a second rank would represent some people or organizations tied to an Academic back-

• Your character needs to know information that is True magic came back to the world during the Awak-
fairly simple or trivial. Asking someone to add 2+2 ening several decades ago, but there is a rich history of it
shouldn’t require a check, for example. from previous ages of the world.
• The answer your character is looking for can easily Studying ancient tomes can yield powerful magical
be found in the Matrix. Whether or not your char- effects and abilities. Mages and Shamans can extend
acter can apply this information, however, may be their power by learning these ancient secrets.
determined by a Knowledge check.
• Your character tries to recall information about the YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL IF ...
latest Urban Brawl league standings. This would be • Your character is casting a spell that increases affects
handled by the Interests skill. by the character’s knowledge. Use this knowledge
skill’s ranks for that number.
Interests (Cunning) • Your character tries to research information related
Runners aren’t all shooting people and getting shot at. to magical artifacts, magical theory, spirits, or other
Some have hobbies outside of death and destruction. mystical elements.
This skill represents things you know because of what • Your character tries to find out if they know an im-
you do for fun. portant fact about magical creatures, spells, spirits,
One rank may represent someone knowing the names foci, or other magical things.
of all the Urban Brawl teams. Two ranks may represent
knowing players and coaches. More ranks may represent YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS SKILL IF ...
in-depth knowledge that only true fans would know.
• Your character is trying to cast a spell. This is han-
Five ranks is reaching true geek levels. These are the ones
dled by the Arcana, Primal, or Qi skill.
who start massive flame wars online in Matrix hosts ded-
icated to the topic. • Your character wants to inspect magical items on
the Astral plane. This is handled by Assensing
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL IF ... through the Perception skill.
• Your character tries to recall a fact about pop cul-
ture, leisure activity, pastime, sports team, etc. Professional (Intellect)
• Your character tries to research information related Corporations tend to hate other corporations and hire
to a hobby or pop culture. you to hurt said corporations. As dull as it may sound,
knowing information about normal trades, professions,
• Your character tries to find out information about and occupations can pan out useful information on a
people or organizations tied to pop culture, sports, run.
or other hobby.
• Your character is trying to find out information
• Your character tries to determine if another charac- about people that work for corporations or the cor-
ter is interested in something. That would be han- porations themselves.
dled by the Perception or Charm skill.
• Your character tries to find out procedures that se-
• The information is extremely common in the zeit- curity companies usually follow.
geist or available easily in the Matrix.
• Your character tries to find out where to purchase
• Your character tries to recall information they are legal goods not available at your local Stuffer Shack.
interested in, but the information is pertaining to a
subject outside of the Interests field.

• Your character is trying to blend in inside of a cor- • Your character tries to find out which Yakuza gumi
poration you’re infiltrating. This would be handled controls an area.
by the Con skill.
• Your character tries to recognize which gang colors
• Your character is trying to find knowledge about a particular thug is wearing.
non-professional groups, such as gangs or orga-
nized crime. This would be handled by the Street • Your character tries to research safehouses in the
skill. area.

• Your character looks for a merchant who sells black-
Knowing how things get done in the shadows and the
market goods or illegal services. This is handled by
people to watch out for or that may be able to help you in
the Streetwise skill.
a bind can save your life out on the streets. Ranks in this
skill represent your knowledge of the neighborhoods, • Your character tries to approach criminals and start
gang territories, organized crime members, and the peo- up a conversation without appearing like an out-
ple in the know. sider or a threat. This is handled by the Streetwise

M agic skills in Shadowrun are limited to Arcana for
Street Mages and Primal for Street Shaman. There
Resonance (Cunning)
are two specialized magic skills specific to Shadowrun. The mysterious technomancers have access to abilities
some find mystical. While not actually magic, it utilizes
similar systems, so is included in this section.
Qi (Willpower)
Adepts focus their magical power within rather than YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL IF ...
manifesting outward magical effects. This magical ability • Your character is a Technomancer and tries to
is called Qi (pronounced Key) and is available only to thread a complex form or summon a sprite.
• Your character tries to hack a commlink. This would
• Your character is an Adept and tries to activate an be handled by the Computers skill.
Adept power.
• Your character tries to look something up on the
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS SKILL IF ... Matrix. This would be handled by the Computers
• Your character tries to cast a spell. This would be
handled by the Arcana or Primal skill.

T he following talents have been collected from
Shadow of the Beanstalk, Realms of Terrinoth,
Bought Info
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action)
Genesys Core Rulebook, Genesys Expanded Player’s Ranked: No
Guide, and community sources. When choosing talents
When making any knowledge skill check, your character
in this setting, refer only to these talents or any other
can instead use this talent to spend an amount of cur-
source your GM allows.
rency equal to fifty times the difficulty of the check and
automatically succeed on the knowledge check with one
TIER 1 uncanceled s (instead of rolling). At your GM’s discre-
tion, your character may not be able to use Bought Info
All-Terrain Driver if the information is particularly sensitive or difficult to
find, or buying it doesn’t make narrative sense.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Brace
Tier: 1
Do not suffer usual penalties for driving through difficult
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
terrain when using Driving.
Ranked: Yes

Street Clinic As a maneuver, the character may Brace himself. This al-
lows a character to remove b per rank of Brace from the
Tier: 1 next skill check based on changing conditions, inclement
Activation: Passive weather, unstable surfaces, zero gravity, heavy gravity, or
Ranked: Yes
other disruptive physical obstacles that would make a
When a patient under your character’s care heals wounds skill check more difficult.
from natural rest, they heal additional wounds equal to
twice your character’s ranks in Street Clinic. Bullrush
Tier: 1
Black Market Contacts Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) When your character makes a Brawl or Melee combat
Ranked: Yes
check after using a maneuver to engage a target, you may
When purchasing illegal goods, may reduce rarity by 1 spend aaa or t to use this talent to knock the target
per rank of Black Market Contacts, increasing cost by 50 prone and move them up to one range band away from
percent of base cost per reduction. your character.

Call 'Em Corporate Drone
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Do not add b to combat checks due to the use of the When you take this talent, your character gains Knowl-
Aim maneuver. edge (Professional) or Negotiation as a career skill. In ad-
dition, once per session, your character may collect a
Catfall small favor from any other member of a single corpora-
tion (chosen when you take this talent), even if they do
Tier: 1
not owe your character a favor.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Creative Design
When rolling Athletics or Coordination to reduce dam-
Tier: 1
age from falling, add b. In addition, reduce damage and
Activation: Passive
strain suffered from a fall by 1 per rank of Catfall.
Ranked: Yes

Challenge! As part of resolving a successful crafting check, your

character may also apply a result equivalent to spending
Tier: 1
a number of a equal to their ranks in Creative Design.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
The GM may then apply a result equivalent to the same
Ranked: Yes
number of h.
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
to choose a number of adversaries within short range no Custom Code
greater than your character’s ranks in Challenge! (a min-
Tier: 1
ion group counts as a single adversary for this purpose).
Activation: Passive
Until the encounter ends or your character is incapaci-
Ranked: No
tated, these adversaries add b to combat checks target-
ing your character and bb to combat checks targeting When your character selects this talent they choose one
other characters. icebreaker or piece of ice that they own. If they choose an
icebreaker, whenever they use that icebreaker to override
Clever Retort ice, they add a to the results. If they choose a piece of ice,
whenever someone else attempts to override it, they add
Tier: 1
h to the results.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Custom Rig
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
Tier: 1
to add automatic hh to another character’s social skill
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes

Construction Specialist When your character selects this talent they choose one
cyberdeck that they own. The amount of ice or icebreak-
Tier: 1
ers (your character's choice) that they can have on that
Activation: Passive
cyberdeck is increased by 1 per rank of Custom Rig.
Ranked: Yes
(This may be a mix of ice and icebreakers, as long as the
Your character removes one b per rank of Construction combined total increase does not exceed your character's
Specialist from checks made to construct bases, defense ranks in Custom Rig). If your character loses their
works, positions, fortifications, tunnels, bunkers, and affected cyberdeck, they may choose a new cyberdeck to
similar combat engineering projects . be affected by this talent.

Customer Service Experience Desperate Recovery
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
After your character makes a Charm check, they may Before your character heals strain at the end of an en-
suffer 1 strain use this talent to cancel h equal to your counter, if their strain is more than half of their strain
character’s ranks in Customer Service Experience. threshold, they heal two additional strain.

Deep Pockets Disenfrancisto

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, your character may use this talent to When you take this talent, your character gains Street-
produce a small but narratively useful item from their wise or Survival (your choice) as a career skill. In addi-
pockets, backpack, or similar receptacle (it turns out the tion, once per session, your character may collect a small
item had been there the whole time). Your GM has final favor from any other disenfrancisto, even if they do not
say as to what items can be produced with Deep Pockets, owe your character a favor.
but generally the item should cost less than 100 credits
and have an encumbrance of 0 or 1. Duelist
Tier: 1
Defensive Sysops Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Your character adds b to their melee combat checks
Ranked: No
while engaged with a single opponent. Your character
When attempting to defend a computer system against adds b to their melee combat checks while engaged
intrusion (or when someone attempts to hack a com- with three or more opponents.
puter owned or programmed by your character) your
character adds bb to their opponent’s checks. If your Durable
character has access to the computer system when the in-
Tier: 1
trusion takes place, they are automatically aware of the
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes

Deflect Spell Your character reduces any Critical Injury result they
suffer by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of 01.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes Elementalist
Tier: 1
When your character suffers a hit from a magic based
Activation: Passive
combat check, after damage is calculated but before soak
Ranked: No
is applied (so immediately after Step 3 of Perform a
Combat check, page 102), your character may suffer 3 When your character purchases this talent, choose one
strain to use this talent to reduce the damage of the hit by of the following attack spell effects (and the element as-
two plus their ranks in Deflect Spell. This talent can only sociated with it): Fire (fire), Ice (water), Impact (earth),
be used once per hit. or Lightning (air). Whenever your character casts an At-
tack spell, they always add the chosen effect to the spell
without increasing the difficulty. However, they may
never add any of the other three effects to a spell they

Ensorcelled Forager
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
If your character has at least one rank in a magic skill, Your character removes up to bb from any skill checks
once per encounter, they may use this talent to add a to they make to find food, water, or shelter. Checks to for-
the result their next social skill check. age or search the area that your character makes take half
the time they would normally.
Additionally, this has a passive narrative effect; your
character’s appearance is subtly enhanced by their magic.
Others do not note it as supernatural, but may be slightly Former Professor
put off. What form this enhancement takes is up to you, Tier: 1
with your GM’s approval, but it should be based on the Activation: Passive
magic skill your character possesses (as well as their Ranked: No
backstory). A character with the Divine skill may always
When you take this talent, your character gains Knowl-
be flushed with good health, or their eyes may flash red
edge (Academic) as a career skill. In addition, once per
momentarily. A character with the Primal skill may be
session, your character may collect a small favor from a
surrounded by the scent of fresh pine, or their voice may
member of an institute of higher learning, even if they do
have an intimidating growl. A character with the Arcana
not owe your character a favor.
skill may have their hair tousled by undetectable winds,
or when they wear a hat or hood, their face might be ob-
scured by strangely deep shadows. Grit
Tier: 1
Extra Ammo Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Each rank of Grit increases your character’s strain
Ranked: No threshold by one.
Cannot run out of ammo due to a d. Items with Limited
Ammo quality run out of ammo as normal. Hamstring Shot
Tier: 1
Familiar Sky Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Once per round, your character may use this talent to
Ranked: No perform a ranged combat check against one non-vehicle
target within range of the weapon used. If the check is
Once per session, may perform a Familiar Sky maneu-
successful, halve the damage inflicted by the attack (be-
ver; make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to reveal
fore reducing damage by the target’s soak). The target is
the current type of environment and other useful infor-
immobilized until the end of its next turn.

Finesse Hand On The Throttle

Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Once per round while driving or piloting a vehicle, your
When making a Brawl or Melee check, your character
character may use this talent to increase or decrease its
may use Agility instead of Brawn.
speed by 1, to a minimum of 0 or a maximum of the ve-
hicle’s max speed.

Hidden Storage Knockout Punch
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Gain hidden storage in vehicles or equipment that holds Your character adds the Stun quality to their Brawl com-
items with total encumbrance equal to ranks in Hidden bat checks, with a rating equal to two plus your charac-
Storage. ter’s ranks in Coordination (this does not stack with
other instances of the Stun quality).
Iaijutsu Training
Tier: 1 Know Somebody
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
The first time during an encounter that your character
draws a Melee weapon, increase the weapon's damage by Once per session, when attempting to purchase a legally
2 for the remainder of the turn. available item, your character may use this talent to re-
duce its rarity by one per rank of Know Somebody.
Intuitive Casting
Tier: 1 Knowledge Specialization
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Add b per rank of Intuitive Casting to a spell-casting
skill check when your character is the first PC to act in When acquired, choose 1 Knowledge skill. When mak-
the current encounter. ing that skill check, may spend a t result to gain addi-
tional s equal to ranks in Knowledge Specialization.
Jump Up
Tier: 1 Let’s Ride
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Once per round during your character’s turn, your char-
acter may use this talent to stand from a prone or seated Once per round during your character's turn, your char-
position as an incidental. acter can use this talent to mount or dismount from a ve-
hicle or animal, or move from one position in a vehicle
Knack for It to another (such as from the cockpit to a gun turret) as
an incidental. In addition, if your character suffers a
Tier: 1
short-range fall (see page 112) from a vehicle or animal,
Activation: Passive
they suffer no damage and land on their feet.
Ranked: Yes
When you purchase this talent for your character, select Museum Worthy
one skill. Your character removes bb from any checks
Tier: 1
they make using this skill. Each additional time you pur-
Activation: Active (Action)
chase this talent for your character, select two additional
Ranked: No
skills. Your character also removes bb from any checks
they make using these skills. You cannot select combat or Once per session, take Museum Worthy action, make a
magic skills when choosing skills for this talent. Hard (ddd) Knowledge check to ascertain informa-
tion regarding a relic, ruin, or piece of history.

Matrix Search Parry
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
If your character has access to the Matrix, they may use When your character suffers a hit from a melee combat
this talent to upgrade the ability of the next Knowledge check, after damage is calculated but before soak is ap-
check they make during their turn twice and the diffi- plied (so immediately after Step 3 of Perform a Combat
culty of that check once. Your GM must spend a d to check, page 102), your character may suffer 3 strain to
have your character learn some seemingly relevant and use this talent to reduce the damage of the hit by two plus
believable information that turns out to be completely their ranks in Parry. This talent can only be used once
(and possibly maliciously) false. per hit, and your character needs to be wielding a Melee
One with Nature
Tier: 1 Physician
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
When in the wilderness, your character may make a
Simple (–) Survival check, instead of Discipline or Cool, When making a Medicine check to help a character heal
to recover strain at the end of an encounter (see page wounds, the target heals 1 additional strain per rank of
117). Physician.

Overchannel Precision
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When casting a spell, your character may select a num- When making a Brawl or Ranged check, your character
ber of additional effect in (d) up to their ranks in Over- may use Cunning instead of Brawn and Agility.
channel. The effect must be limited to single (d) effects.
The character gains hh per (d) added in this way rather Proper Upbringing
than increase the difficulty of the check. This is in addi-
Tier: 1
tion to any h rolled. Threat added by this talent can be
Activation: Active (Incidental)
cancelled by rolled advantages.
Ranked: Yes

Painful Blow When your character makes a social skill check in polite
company (as determined by your GM), they may suffer a
Tier: 1
number of strain to use this talent to add an equal num-
Activation: Active (Incidental)
ber of a to the check. The number may not exceed your
Ranked: No
character’s ranks in Proper Upbringing.
When your character makes a combat check, you may
voluntarily increase the difficulty by one to use this tal- Quick Draw
ent. If the target suffers one or more wounds from the
Tier: 1
combat check, the target suffers 2 strain each time they
Activation: Active (Incidental)
perform a maneuver until the end of the encounter.
Ranked: No
Once per round on your character’s turn, they may use
this talent to draw or holster an easily accessible weapon
or item as an incidental. Quick Draw also reduces a
weapon’s Prepare rating by one, to a minimum of one.

Quick Strike Resourceful Mechanic
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
Your character adds b for each rank of Quick Strike to When your character makes a Mechanics check to repair
any combat checks they make against any targets that system strain or hull trauma on a vehicle, they repair one
have not yet taken their turn in the current encounter. additional system strain or hull trauma per rank of Re-
sourceful Mechanic.
Rapid Reaction
Tier: 1 Respected
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Your character may suffer a number of strain to use this
talent to add an equal number of s to a Vigilance or When first acquired, choose one social group. The char-
Cool check they make to determine Initiative order. The acter downgrades the difficulty of checks to interact with
number may not exceed your character’s ranks in Rapid members of that social group a number of times equal to
Reaction. his ranks in Respected. The social group affected must be
approved by the GM, but possibilities include institu-
Rapid Recovery tions of higher learning, law-enforcement agencies, the
thieves' guild, etc.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Second Wind
Tier: 1
When healing strain after an encounter, heal 1 additional
Activation: Active (Incidental)
strain per rank of Rapid Recovery.
Ranked: Yes

Redundant Systems Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
to heal an amount of strain equal to their ranks in Sec-
Tier: 1
ond Wind.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Shady Contact
Once per session, may take a Redundant Systems action;
Tier: 1
make an Easy (d) Mechanics check to harvest compo-
Activation: Passive
nents from a functioning device to repair a broken one
Ranked: No
without breaking the first device.
When you take this talent, your character gains Melee or
Reflect Skulduggery (your choice) as a career skill. In addition,
once per session, your character may collect a small fa-
Tier: 1
vor from a member of a single orgcrime group (chosen
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
when you take this talent), even if they do not owe your
Ranked: Yes
character a favor.
When your character suffers a hit from a Ranged combat
check, after damage is calculated but before soak is ap- Shield Slam
plied, your character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent
Tier: 1
to reduce the damage of the hit by two plus their ranks in
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Reflect. This talent can only be used once per hit, and
Ranked: No
your character needs to be wielding a Shield deemed ap-
propriate by the GM. When your character uses a shield to attack a minion or
rival, you may spend aaaa or t to stagger the target
until the end of the target's next turn.

Signature Vehicle Street Fighter
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Choose one vehicle with a silhouette of 3 or lower that When your character disorients or knocks their target
your character owns. This vehicle is your character's prone while making a Brawl combat check, they may use
"Signature Vehicle." Upgrade the ability of all Mechanics this talent to cause the target to suffer wounds equal to
checks made to work on the vehicle once. If the vehicle your character’s ranks in Skulduggery.
ever lost or destroyed, the character may apply Signature
Vehicle to a new vehicle that meets the requirements. Street Slang
Tier: 1
Smooth Talker Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When making a social skill check in criminal or dubious
Ranked: Yes
company, may suffer a number of strain no greater than
When first acquired choose 1 skill; Charm, Coercion, ranks in Street Slang to add an equal number of a to the
Deception, or Negotiation. When making checks with check.
that skill spend t to gain additional s equal to ranks in
Smooth Talker. Surgeon
Tier: 1
Solid Repairs Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive When your character makes a Medicine check to heal
Ranked: Yes wounds, the target heals one additional wound per rank
The character repairs +1 hull trauma per rank of Solid of Surgeon.
Repairs whenever he repairs a vehicle.
Soothing Tone Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character does not suffer the penalties for moving
Once per encounter, take a Soothing Tone action; make through difficult terrain (they move through difficult
an Average (dd) Knowledge check to allow a beast to terrain at normal speed without spending additional ma-
recover strain equal to s. neuvers).

Specialist Knowledge Tavern Brawler

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No

When you purchase this talent, select a specific area of Your character adds a to Brawl checks and combat
expertise for your character. When making a Knowledge checks using improvised weapons.
check which pertains to that area of knowledge, reduce
the difficulty of the check once. Toughened
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Each rank of Toughened increases your character’s
wound threshold by two.

Tumble Years On The Force
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per round on your character's turn, they may suffer When you take this talent, your character gains Percep-
2 strain to disengage from all engaged adversaries. tion or Ranged (Light) as a career skill. In addition, once
per session, your character may collect a small favor
Union Member from a current or former member of a private security or
public police force, even if they do not owe your charac-
Tier: 1
ter a favor.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When you take this talent, your character gains Athlet-
Tier 2
ics, Mechanics, or Operating (your choice) as a career
skill. In addition, once per session, your character may Adroitness
collect a small favor from a member of the Dockworker's Tier: 2
Union or Teamster, even if they do not owe your charac- Activation: Passive
ter a favor. Ranked: No
When first acquired, choose a general skill. When mak-
Unremarkable ing a check with that skill, reduce the time required by
Tier: 1 25%. The GM may determine that this talent may not be
Activation: Passive used with certain skills or activities.
Ranked: No
Other characters add f to any checks made to find or Animal Expertise
identify your character in a crowd. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Wheel and Deal Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 Add b per rank of Animal Expertise to all checks when
Activation: Passive interacting with beast or animals (including combat
Ranked: Yes checks). Add +10 to Critical Injury results against beasts
or animals per rank of Animal Expertise.
When selling good legally, gain 10% more currency per
rank of Wheel and Deal.
Bad Cop
Veteran Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Your character may spend aa from a Coercion or De-
ception check to use this talent to upgrade the ability of
When you take this talent, your character gains Ranged
a single ally’s subsequent social skill check a number of
(Heavy) or Resilience as a career skill. In addition, once
times equal to your character’s ranks in Bad Cop. The
per session, your character may collect a small favor
check must target the same character as your character’s
from a current or former member of a single country's
initial check, and it must take place during the same en-
military (chosen when you take this talent), even if they
counter. Only one character may affect a check with this
do not owe your character a favor.

Barrage Blackmail
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Add 1 damage per rank of Barrage to 1 hit of successful When an NPC exceeds his strain threshold, may spend 1
attack while using Ranged (Heavy) or Gunnery skills at Story Point to convince that NPC to perform a single
long or extreme range. task of choice instead.

Basic Military Training Block

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Athletics, Ranged (Heavy), and Resilience are now ca- Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to
reer skills for your character. benefit from this talent. While wielding a shield, your
character may use the Parry talent to reduce damage
Beast Wrangler from ranged attacks as well as melee attacks targeting
your character.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Blood Sacrifice
Tier: 2
Add b per rank of Beast Wrangler to checks to tame or
Activation: Active (Incidental)
wrangle creatures.
Ranked: Yes

Berserk Before your character makes a magic skill check, they

may suffer a number of wounds to use this talent to add
Tier: 2
an equal number of s to the check. The number cannot
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
exceed your character’s ranks in Blood Sacrifice.
Ranked: No
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent. Blooded
Until the end of the encounter or until they are incapac-
Tier: 2
itated, your character adds saa to all melee combat
Activation: Passive
checks they make. However, opponents add s to all
Ranked: Yes
combat checks targeting your character. While berserk,
your character cannot make ranged combat checks. At Add b per rank of Blooded to all checks to resist or re-
the end of the encounter (or when they are incapaci- cover from poisons, venoms, or toxins. Reduce duration
tated), your character suffers 6 strain. of ongoing poisons by 1 round per rank of Blooded to a
minimum of 1.
Big Guns
Tier: 2 Brilliant Casting
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Your character’s encumbrance threshold is 10 plus their
Brawn, instead of 5 plus their Brawn. Your character re- When your character casts a spell, you may spend one
duces the Cumbersome rating of any weapon they carry Story Point to use this talent to add a equal to your char-
by 1, to a minimum of 3. acter’s ranks in Knowledge - Magic to the results.

Bulwark Containment
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to The character and each ally within short range may
benefit from this talent. While wielding a weapon with spend a on their failed combat checks to inflict one
the Defensive quality, your character may use Parry to strain on the target per rank of Containment. Each char-
reduce the damage of an attack targeting an engaged ally. acter can only activate this effect once per round.

Burly Coordinated Assault

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
Reduce any wielded weapon's Cumbersome quality and Once per turn, your character may use this talent to have
Encumbrance rating by a number equal to ranks in Burly a number of allies engaged with your character equal to
to a minimum of 1. your ranks in Leadership add a to all combat checks
they make until the end of your character’s next turn.
Codeslinger The range of this talent increases by one band per rank of
Tier: 2 Coordinated Assault beyond the first.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Counteroffer
Tier: 2
When your character performs the activate program ma-
Activation: Active (Action)
neuver (page 132) in a hacking encounter, they can
Ranked: No
choose not to deactivate one other active icebreaker.
They may have two icebreakers active at once. Once per session, your character may use this talent to
choose one non-nemesis adversary within medium
Combat Medicine range and make an opposed Negotiation versus Disci-
Tier: 2 pline check. If successful, the target becomes staggered
Activation: Active (Incidental) until the end of their next turn. At your GM’s discretion,
Ranked: Yes you may spend t on this check to have the adversary be-
come an ally until the end of the encounter. However, the
Before making a Medicine check, your character may duration of this may be shortened or extended depend-
use this talent to add s equal to their ranks in Combat ing on whether your GM feels your offer is appealing to
Medicine to the results. After the check is resolved, the the adversary and whether your character follows
target suffers 2 strain for each rank your character has in through on their offer!
Combat Medicine.
Cutting Question
Command Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Once per encounter, when making a Coercion skill
Add b per rank of Command when making Leadership
checks. Affected targets add b to Discipline checks for check, the character may use Deception skill instead.
next 24 hours.
Daring Aviator
Confidence Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Before your character makes a Driving or Piloting check,
May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear they may add a number of h to the results to use this tal-
by 1 per rank of Confidence, to a minimum of Easy (d). ent to add an equal number of s. The number may not
exceed your character’s ranks in Daring Aviator.

Debilitating Shot Dirty Tricks
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No

Upon successful attack with a starship or vehicle After your character inflicts a Critical Injury on an ad-
weapon, may spend aa to reduce the maximum speed versary, they may use this talent to upgrade the difficulty
of the target by 1 until the end of the next round. of that adversary’s next check.

Deceptive Taunt Disorient

Tier: 2
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
After hitting with combat check, may spend aa to dis-
Once per session, may make Deceptive Taunt action.
orient target for number of rounds equal to ranks in Dis-
Make opposed Deception check. If successful, one ad-
versary must attack the character during adversary's next
Distracting Behavior
Defensive Stance Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 2 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Make a Distracting Behavior maneuver and suffer strain
no greater than ranks in Cunning. Until the beginning of
Once per round, your character may suffer a number of next turn, equal number of engaged NPC's suffer h on
strain no greater than their ranks in Defensive Stance to checks. Range increases with additional ranks.
use this talent. Then, until the end of your character’s
next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all melee combat
checks targeting your character a number of times equal Dominion of the Dimora
to the strain suffered. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Defensive Sysops (Improved)
Your character cannot take this talent if they have taken
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) the Favor of the Fae talent. When casting an Attack spell,
Ranked: No your character may add the Impact effect without in-
creasing the difficulty. Your character can never add the
Your character must have purchased the Defensive Manipulative effect.
Sysops talent to benefit from this talent. Before adding
bb from Defensive Sysops to a check, use this talent to Dual Wielder
add fh to the results of the check instead.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Determined Driver Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Your character may use this talent to decrease the diffi-
Activation: Active (Incidental) culty of the next combined combat check (see Two-
Ranked: No
Weapon Combat, on page 108) they make during the
You may spend a Story Point to use this talent to have same turn by one.
your character heal system strain on a vehicle they are
currently driving, piloting, or operating equal to their
ranks in Driving, Piloting, or Operating (choose the skill
used to direct the vehicle).

Dynamic Fire Once per round, your character may use a maneuver
Tier: 2 to direct the familiar to take specific maneuvers during
Activation: Active (Incidental) your character's turn. As long as the familiar is in short
Ranked: No range, it may use the Assist maneuver to give b to all
magic checks. This range increases with ranks in Famil-
When making a ranged attack while engaged with an op- iar.
ponent, may suffer 2 strain to reduce the ranged modifier
by 1.
Fan the Hammer
Ensorcelled (Improved) Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 2
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Once per encounter before making a combat check with
a pistol (your GM has the final say on whether a weapon
Your character must have purchased the Ensorcelled tal-
is a pistol or not), your character may use this talent to
ent to benefit from this talent. If your character has at
add the Auto-fire quality to the pistol when resolving the
least two ranks in a magic skill, when using the Ensor-
check. If your character does, the weapon runs out of
celled talent, they may add sa to their next social skill
ammo exactly as with an Out of Ammo result (see page
check (instead of a).
After purchasing this talent, your character’s appearance
is now noticeably changed by their magic. What form Fancy Paint Job
this enhancement takes is up to you, with your GM’s ap-
Tier: 2
proval, but it should be based on the magic skill your
Activation: Passive
character possesses as well as the enhancement they
Ranked: No
originally possessed with the Ensorcelled talent.
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
Exploit cle talent to benefit from this talent. Upgrade all Charm,
Tier: 2 Deception, and Negotiation checks made in the presence
Activation: Active (Incidental) of Signature Vehicle once.
Ranked: Yes
Favor of the Fae
When your character makes a combat check with a
Ranged or Melee (Light) weapon, they may suffer 2 Tier: 2
strain to use this talent to add the Ensnare quality to the Activation: Active (Incidental)
attack. The rating of the Ensnare quality is equal to your Ranked: No
character’s ranks in Exploit. Your character cannot take this talent if they have taken
the Dominion of the Dimora talent. When casting an At-
Familiar tack spell, your character may add the Manipulative
Tier: 2 effect without increasing the difficulty. Your character
Activation: Passive can never add the Impact effect.
Ranked: Yes
Your character must have the ability to cast the Conjure Fearsome
spell to take this talent. When your character purchases Tier: 2
this talent, choose a silhouette 0 creature (approved by Activation: Passive
your GM). This creature becomes your character's famil- Ranked: Yes
iar. Your character is bonded to this familiar as long as
When an adversary becomes engaged with the character,
you choose, though the GM may decide to remove it due
the character may force the adversary to make a fear
to mistreatment or other conditions. You instruct the fa-
check, with the difficulty equal to the character's ranks in
miliar how to act telepathically. However, the only action
a familiar may take is Exchange an Action for a Maneu-
ver. It cannot fight except in self-defense, under the GM's

Fighter’s Stance Good Cop
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When making a combat check, if your character has per- Your character may spend aa from a Charm or Negoti-
formed the Guarded Stance maneuver this turn, you may
ation check to use this talent to upgrade the ability of a
suffer 1 strain to ignore the penalties of the Guarded
Stance maneuver. single ally’s subsequent social skill check a number of
times equal to your character’s ranks in Good Cop. The
check must target the same character as your character’s
Fine Tuning initial check, and it must take place during the same en-
Tier: 2 counter. Only one character may affect a check with this
Activation: Passive talent.
Ranked: Yes
When reducing the amount of system strain a vehicle Grapple
suffers, reduce 1 additional strain per rank of Fine Tun-
ing. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Fire Aspected
Tier: 2 Your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. Until
Activation: Active (Incidental) the start of your character's next turn, enemies must
Ranked: No spend two maneuvers to disengage from your character.
Your character cannot take this talent if they have taken
the Frost Aspected talent. When casting an Attack spell, Hard Headed
your character may add the Fire effect without increas- Tier: 2
ing the difficulty. Your character can never add the Ice Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes

Flash of Insight When staggered or disoriented, perform the Hard

Tier: 2 Headed action; make a Daunting (dddd) Disci-
Activation: Passive pline check to remove status. Difficulty reduced per
Ranked: No rank of Hard Headed.

When your character generates t on a knowledge skill

check, roll bb and add the results to the check, in addi- Haughty Demeanor
tion to spending the t as usual. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Frost Aspected Ranked: No
Tier: 2 Other characters add h to social skill checks targeting
Activation: Active (Incidental) your character.
Ranked: No
Your character cannot take this talent if they have taken Headbutt
the Fire Aspected talent. When casting an Attack spell,
your character may add the Ice effect without increasing Tier: 2
the difficulty. Your character can never add the Fire Activation: Active (Incidental)
effect. Ranked: No
Once per encounter, the character may perform the
Go Without Headbutt incidental. The character suffers two wounds
Tier: 2 and selects one engaged non vehicle target with a silhou-
Activation: Active (Incidental) ette of up to one higher than the character’s. The target is
Ranked: No knocked prone and is disoriented until the end of the
Once per session, count as having the right tools for the next round.
job when performing the next skill check this turn.

Heightened Awareness Impaling Strike
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Allies within short range of your character add b to When your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
their Perception and Vigilance checks. Allies engaged melee weapon, until the end of the target's next turn they
with your character add bb instead. may use this talent to immobilize the target (in addition
to the other effects of the Critical Injury).
Heroic Recovery
Tier: 2 Improvised Defenses
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
When your character acquires this talent, choose one
characteristic. Once per encounter, you may spend one Your character may attempt an Average (dd) Survival
Story Point to use this talent to have your character heal check to fashion small defenses using scavenged materi-
strain equal to the rating of the chosen characteristic. als. If the check is successful, the structure can provide
cover for up to 4 characters for the rest of the encounter.
Hidden Storage (Improved) Your character may spend aa or t from the check to
increase the ranged defense the structure provides to 2.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Inspiring Rhetoric
Tier: 2
Your character may use Hidden Storage to store an item
Activation: Active (Action)
within their own suitably modified body (such as
Ranked: No
through cybernetics, surgery, or prosthetic replace-
ments). Your character may use this talent to make an Average
(dd) Leadership check. For each s the check gener-
Hold Together ates, one ally within short range heals one strain. For
each a, one ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric heals
Tier: 2
one additional strain.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Spend 1 Story Point to perform a Hold Together inciden-
Tier: 2
tal immediately after vehicle takes damage to turn it into
Activation: Active (Incidental)
system strain.
Ranked: Yes

Hunter When your character makes a check to construct new

items or modify existing ones, use this talent to add a
Tier: 2
number of b to the check equal to ranks of Inventor. In
Activation: Passive
addition, your character may attempt to reconstruct de-
Ranked: No
vices that they have heard described but have not seen
Knowledge (Street), Ranged - Heavy, and Survival are and do not have any kinds of plans or schematics for.
now career skills for your character.
Hunter's Quarry Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No
After hitting with a melee attack, may spend a t to acti-
Take Hunter's Quarry action, make a Hard (ddd) vate the Knockdown quality, even if your melee weapon
Survival check to upgrade the ability of all attacks made does not have the Knockdown quality.
against a target within long range until the end of the
character's next turn.

Know the Enemy Multiple Opponents
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
May use an appropriate Knowledge skill when making Your character adds b to his Brawl and Melee combat
checks to determine initiative. checks when engaged with multiple opponents. This in-
cludes single groups of multiple minions.
Tier: 2 Magic Initiate
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Once per session, perfectly recall an important fact pre-
viously learned as if a Story Point had been spent. When purchasing this talent, choose one: Arcana, Pri-
mal, or Qi. That skill becomes a career skill but your
Known Schematic character may only use it for one check per encounter.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Matrix Hunter
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Once per session, may perform the Known Schematic
Ranked: No
maneuver; make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge (Profes-
sional) check. Success grants familiarity with a building When your character successfully traces another charac-
or ship's design. ter during a Matrix encounter, your character gains one
additional trace.
Knows the Ropes
Tier: 2 Overstocked Ammo
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Add b to checks made to escape from restraints equal to
ranks in Skulduggery. Spend t to free all other allies Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
within short range. cle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the value of
the Limited Ammo quality of any weapons mounted on
Loom Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Overstocked Ammo.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Pact Magic
Ranked: No Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
When an ally engaged with the character makes a suc-
Ranked: No
cessful Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check, the
character adds a per rank in Coercion to the ally's check. You have entered into a Pact with a powerful other-
worldly being. When you purchase this Talent, choose
Lucky Strike one spell type your character can not normally cast.
Once per encounter, you may cast this spell using any
Tier: 2
magic skill you possess. The GM may spend hh to make
Activation: Active (Incidental)
your character suffer one wound.
Ranked: No
When your character purchases this talent, choose one
characteristic. After your character makes a successful
combat check, you may spend one Story Point to use this
talent to add damage equal to your character’s ranks in
that characteristic to one hit of the combat check.

Parkour! Quick Draw (Improved)
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per round, your character may suffer 1 strain to use Your character must have purchased the Quick Draw
this talent and move to any location within short range. Talent to benefit from this talent. May use Quick Draw
This includes locations that are vertically distant or have twice per round. This also allows you to reduce the pre-
no easy access route, but there must be an object to move pare rating by 2 to a minimum of one.
across or path to move along. Your GM may rule some
locations cannot be reached (such as ones behind locked Quick Fix
doors or walls).
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Physical Training Ranked: No
Tier: 2
You may spend a Story Point to use this talent to have
Activation: Passive
your character temporarily repair one damaged item
Ranked: Yes
they are engaged with. For a number of rounds equal to
Add b per rank of Physical Training to Athletics and your character's ranks in Mechanics, the item may be
Resilience checks. used without penalty (see page 89 of the GENESYS Core
Rulebook), even if it is unusable. When the effect ends,
Prepared Spell the item is damaged one additional step; if it was already
suffering from major damage, it is destroyed and cannot
Tier: 2
be repaired.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Reckless Charge
Once per session, your character may make a skill check
Tier: 2
to cast a spell without suffering strain.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Pride and Joy
After using a maneuver to move engage an adversary,
Tier: 2
your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. They
Activation: Passive
then add sshh to the results of the next Brawl or Melee
Ranked: No
combat check they make this turn.
Choose one vehicle your character owns with a silhou-
ette of 4 or greater; it becomes their "Pride and Joy" vehi- Reconstruct the Scene
cle. Upgrade the ability of all social checks your
Tier: 2
character makes while within short range of the vehicle
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No

Probing Question Perform the Reconstruct the Scene action; make a Hard
(ddd) Perception check to identify the physical char-
Tier: 2
acteristics of a person present at the scene within 24
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
If your character knows an opponent’s Flaw or Fear mo- Researcher
tivation, when your character inflicts strain on that op-
Tier: 2
ponent using a social skill, the opponent suffers 3
Activation: Passive
additional strain.
Ranked: Yes
On a successful Knowledge (Academic) check, character
and allies gain automatic a per rank of Researcher on
checks to act on those facts until the end of his next turn.

Resist Disarm Signature Spell
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapon When your character gains this talent, decide on a signa-
damaged or destroyed. ture spell for them, consisting of a particular Arcana,
Primal, or Qi action and a specific set of one or more
Scathing Tirade effects. When your character casts their signature spell
(consisting of the exact combination of action and effects
Tier: 2
previously chosen), reduce the difficulty of the check by
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Your character may use this talent to make an Average Special Use Permit
(dd) Coercion check. For each s the check generates,
Tier: 2
one enemy within short range suffers 1 strain. For each Activation: Passive
a, one enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers 1 addi-
Ranked: No
tional strain.
Your character does not treat any Ranged (Heavy)
Selective Detonation weapons as restricted. This means your character can
carry a Ranged (Heavy) weapon that normally would be
Tier: 2 restricted in public without being arrested. However,
Activation: Active (Incidental) they can still be arrested for using such a weapon in an
Ranked: Yes unlawful manner.
When using a weapon with the Blast quality spend a to
exclude 1 target that would be affected by the explosion, Spirit Affinity
up to ranks in Selective Detonation. Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Sense Emotions Ranked: No
Tier: 2 When your character uses the Conjure magic action, the
Activation: Passive spell gains the Summon Ally effect without increasing
Ranked: No the difficulty.
Add b to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks.
Shortcut Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Add b per rank of Stalker to all Stealth and Coordina-
During a chase, add b per rank in Shortcut to any tion checks.
checks made to catch or escape an opponent.
Street Rat
Side Step Tier: 2
Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Athletics and Knowledge (Street) are now career skills
for your character.
Once per round, your character may suffer a number of
strain no greater than their ranks in Side Step to use this
talent. Until the end of your character’s next turn, up-
Strong Arm
grade the difficulty of all ranged combat checks targeting Tier: 2
your character a number of times equal to the strain Activation: Passive
suffered. Ranked: No
Treat thrown weapons as if they had 1 greater range.

Stunning Blow Touch of Fate
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
While making Melee checks, may inflict damage as Once per session, add bb to any 1 check.
strain instead of wounds. This does not ignore soak. This
does not apply to the Monofilament Whip weapon.
Two-Handed Stance
Tactical Focus Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No When performing a combat check with a Ranged (Light)
When performing a combat check with a Ranged weapon, if your character has nothing in their other
(Heavy) weapon, if your character did not perform a ma- hand, they add a to the results.
neuver to ready or stow a weapon or item during this
turn, they add a to the results. Unarmed Parry
Tier: 2
Technical Aptitude Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No May Parry while unarmed. Reduce strain cost to Parry
while unarmed by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
When making a Computer skill check may spend aa or
t to reduce the time spent to complete the task by 50%.
Uncanny Senses
Threaten Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Add bb per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Perception
After an adversary within short range of your character and Vigilance checks.
resolves a combat check that deals damage to one of your
character’s allies, your character may suffer 3 strain to Undercity Contacts
use this talent to inflict a number of strain on the adver- Tier: 2
sary equal to your character’s ranks in Coercion. The Activation: Active (Incidental)
range of this talent increases by one band per rank of Ranked: No
Threaten beyond the first.
Once per session, you may spend one Story Point to use
Time to Go this talent to let your character learn if a character of
your choice is in the city (chosen when you take this tal-
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Maneuver) ent), and if so, what district. At your GM’s discretion, the
Ranked: No information may take up to an hour to come back to
your character.
The character may spend 1 Story Point to perform a
Move maneuver as an incidental to attempt to move into Unstoppable
cover or out of the blast range of a weapon or explosion.
Tier: 2
Tinkerer Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive If a Critical Injury roll is 1 or reduced to 1, do not receive
Ranked: Yes the critical injury.
May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items
equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item may only be mod-
ified once.

Vehicle Combat Training Animal Companion
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes

Gunnery, Driving, and Piloting become career skills. Your character creates a bond with a single animal ap-
proved by your GM. This animal must be silhouette 0
(no larger than a mid-sized dog). The bond persists as
Well Read
long as your character chooses, although at your GM’s
Tier: 2 discretion, the bond may also be broken due to abusive
Activation: Passive treatment or other extenuating circumstances. As long as
Ranked: No the bond persists, the animal follows your character, and
Choose any 3 Knowledge skills. They permanently be- you dictate the animal’s overall behavior (although, since
come career skills. the animal is only bonded with the character, not domi-
nated, it may still perform inconvenient actions such as
Well-Traveled scratching furniture, consuming rations, and marking
territory). Once per round in structured encounters,
Tier: 2 your character may spend one maneuver to direct their
Activation: Passive animal in performing one action and one maneuver dur-
Ranked: No ing your character’s turn. The animal must be within
Knowledge (Academic), Negotiation, and Vigilance are hearing and visual range of your character (generally
now career skills for your character. medium range) to do this. Otherwise, the animal does
not contribute to the encounter. The specifics of its be-
havior are up to you and your GM. For every additional
Tier 3 rank of Animal Companion your character has, increase
the allowed silhouette of the companion by one (this
Alchemical Arts may mean your character gets a new companion, or their
Tier: 3 companion grows in size). This talent can also change in
Activation: Active (Incidental) flavor depending on the nature of your game setting.
Ranked: Yes While an animal companion may make sense in many
settings, in a futuristic setting it may make more sense
After making a check to craft a poison, may suffer Strain for the “animal” to be a robot or drone, for example.
up to twice ranks in Alchemical Arts. For every two
Strain add sa to results.
Applied Research
Tier: 3
Ambush Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Your character may use this talent before making a check
to use any knowledge skill and Intellect instead of the
Once per round while benefiting from cover, may make skill and characteristic the check would normally re-
the Ambush maneuver. Add damage equal to Stealth quire. Your character may use this talent a number of
skill to one hit of next successful combat check against a times per session equal to their ranks in Applied Re-
target within short range before the end of the turn. search. When your character uses this talent, you should
explain how their mastery of knowledge lets them ac-
complish this task. In addition, your GM may rule that a
particular knowledge skill makes the most sense in a
given situation, and require your character to use that
specific knowledge skill.

Armor Master Battle Casting
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When wearing armor, increase total soak value by 1. Your character does not add b to magic skill checks for
wearing heavy armor (armor with +2 soak or higher),
using a shield, or not having at least one hand free (see
Backstab Table III.2–3: Penalties When Casting Spells, on page
Tier: 3 210 of the Genesys Core Rulebook).
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Blind Spot
Your character may use this talent to attack an unaware Tier: 3
adversary using a Melee (Light) weapon. A Backstab is a Activation: Passive
melee attack, and follows the normal rules for perform- Ranked: No
ing a combat check (see page 101 of the Genesys Core Your character, and allies within short range, add auto-
Rulebook), using the character’s Skulduggery skill in- matic a to combat checks they make while benefiting
stead of Melee (Light). If the check succeeds, each un- from cover.
canceled s adds +2 damage (instead of the normal +1).
Bad Habit Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
As long as your character can hear, you may ignore all b
Your character may use this talent to become disoriented imposed by darkness or blindness within short range.
for the remainder of the encounter. At the beginning of Each additional rank increases range.
each of your character’s turns, if they are still disoriented
due to this talent, they heal 2 strain. Blood Magic
Tier: 3
Bad Press Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action) When casting a spell your character may take two
Ranked: No wounds instead of two strain.
Once per session, choose an organization and make a
Hard (ddd) Deception check. On success, organiza- Blooded (Improved)
tion members have their strain thresholds reduced by 1, Tier: 3
plus 1 per sss, until the end of the session. When he Activation: Active (Action)
does this, the player must explain how the PC dissemi- Ranked: Yes
nated the propaganda such that it has affected his targets. As an action, make a Hard (ddd) Resilience check to
The chosen organization must be narrow and cohesive immediately recover from all poisons and side effects of
enough to be affected by bad publicity. drugs. Reduce difficulty once per rank of Blooded.

Barrel Roll Body Guard

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character can only use this talent while piloting an Once per round, your character may suffer a number of
airplane of Silhouette 3 or less. When your vehicle suffers strain no greater than their ranks in Body Guard to use
a hit from a ranged combat check, after damage is calcu- this talent. Choose one ally engaged with your character,
until the end of your character's next turn, upgrade the
lated but before armor is applied, your character may
difficulty of all combat checks targeting that ally a num-
have their vehicle suffer 3 system strain to use this talent. ber of times equal to the strain suffered.
Then, reduce the damage suffered by a number equal to
their ranks in Piloting.

Bonded Implement Confidence (Improved)
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Choose one magical implement your character owns Your character must have purchased the Confidence
when taking this talent. Your character becomes bonded talent to benefit from this talent. May spend a on a fear
to this implement, and no other person may use it. Your check to steady the nerves of allies making the same
character may attempt to summon it by making a Hard fear check. If the character does so each ally within
(ddd) Arcana, Primal, or Qi Skill check. If your short range who makes the fear check adds s equal to
chosen implement is ever permanently lost or destroyed, the character's rank in confidence.
you may select a new one of the same value.
Capital Sendoff Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of
Take a Capital Sendoff action targeting two ships or vehi- Charm or Negotiation checks or upgrade difficulty when
cles at Close range; make a Hard (ddd) Cool check target by Charm or Negotiation checks, by an equal
to cause the targets to suffer a minor collision. number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in
Center of Being
Tier: 3 Constant Vigilance
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Tier: 3
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
While wielding a weapon with the Defensive quality,
your character may perform a Center of Being maneu- May always use Vigilance when making checks to deter-
ver. Until the beginning of your character's next turn, mine initiative.
whenever an enemy makes a melee attack targeting
them, the critical rating of the enemy's weapon counts as Counterattack
1 higher per rank of Center of Being.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Combat Caster Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Your character must have purchased the Improved Parry
Activation: Passive
talent to benefit from this talent. When your character
Ranked: No
uses the Improved Parry talent to hit an attacker, they
Once per session your character may add the Deadly may also activate an item quality of the weapon they
quality to a spell without increasing the difficulty. used as if they had generated aa on a combat check us-
ing that weapon.
Combat Veteran
Tier: 3 Creative Killer
Activation: Passive Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Add b to Brawl and Discipline checks.
Reduce the crit rating of improvised weapons by 2 (to a
minimum of 1).

Cunning Persona Distant Spell
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may suffer 2 strain to make a Charm Once per session, when casting a spell the first range en-
check using Cunning instead of Presence. hancement does not increase the difficulty of the spell.

Cunning Snare Distinctive Style

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter as an action, may create a trap. Any When making a Computers check to hack a system or
other character who moves to engaged range of the trap break into a secured network, before rolling, your char-
must make an Opposed Vigilance vs. Survival check to acter may use this talent to add sshh to the results. If
you are using the optional hacking rules on page 232 and
avoid harm and ill effects.
your check generates hh, your GM should spend it on
the I Know You! option in Table III.2-22 on page 234 of
Customized Cooling Unit the Genesys Core Rulebook.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Dockyard Expertise
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi- Activation: Active (Action)
cle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the system Ranked: Yes
strain threshold of Signature Vehicle by 2 per rank of Your character may make an Average (dd) Knowl-
Customized Cooling Unit. edge check when at a dry dock with suitable personnel
and equipment to conduct repairs to a ship, or to add at-
Daring Turn tachments or modifications to one. If successful, the cost
Tier: 3 and time for repairs is reduced by 20% for each rank of
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Dockyard Expertise to a minimum of 100 nuyen and one
Ranked: No day.

When an opponent has gained the advantage on a vehi-

cle being piloted, may spent 2 strain to perform a Daring
Turn maneuver to remove the effects. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes
Tier: 3 When your character is targeted by a combat check
Activation: Passive (ranged or melee), they may suffer a number of strain no
Ranked: No greater than their ranks in Dodge to use this talent.
Then, upgrade the difficulty of the combat check target-
May spend t or aa with a successful Brawl or Melee ing your character a number of times equal to the strain
check to disarm opponent. suffered.

Disarming Smile Double or Nothing

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Take the Disarming Smile action; succeed at an opposed Suffer 2 strain to perform the Double or Nothing inci-
Charm check against a target within short range to lower dental to increase the difficulty of the next check by one.
all defenses of a target by ranks in Disarming Smile until Then, after canceling opposing symbols, double the
the end of the encounter. amount of remaining a.

Dual Strike Encoded Communique
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When resolving a combined check to attack with two Upgrade the difficulty of checks to decrypt this charac-
weapons in a melee combat, your character may suffer 2
ter's coded messages without the proper cipher a number
strain to use this talent to hit with the secondary weapon
(instead of spending aa). of times equal to Computers skill.

Dumb Luck Encouraging Words

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, you may spend a Story Point to use After an engaged ally fails a check, may suffer 1 strain to
this talent after your character suffers a Critical Injury assist that ally's next check this encounter as an out of
but before the result is rolled. Their opponent must roll turn incidental.
two results, and you select which applies to your charac-
Ensorcelled (Supreme)
Eagle Eyes Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased the Improved En-
Once per encounter before making a ranged combat sorcelled talent to benefit from this talent. If your char-
check, you may use this talent to increase your weapon’s acter has at least three ranks in a magic skill, once per
range by one range band (to a maximum of extreme session they may use this talent to force all enemies
range). This lasts for the duration of the combat check. within medium range to make a Hard (ddd) Disci-
pline check as an out-of-turn incidental. If they fail, they
Easy Prey must spend all available maneuvers moving away from
Tier: 3 your character, and they suffer 5 strain, plus 1 additional
Activation: Active (Maneuver) strain per h.
Ranked: No What form this reveal takes is up to you, with your
Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent. Until GM’s approval, but is should be based on your character’s
the start of your character’s next turn, your character and magic skill and the enhancement they possess from the
allies within short range add bb to combat checks Improved Ensorcelled talent. Some possibilities include
against immobilized targets. growing golden wings of light, manifesting demonic
horns and glowing red eyes, rising into the air on a tor-
Elementalist (Improved) nado, becoming a figure of pure shadow, or transforming
Tier: 3 into a massive treelike humanoid.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Exhaustive Questioning
Your character must have purchased the Elementalist Tier: 3
talent to benefit from this talent. When your character Activation: Active (Incidental)
purchases this talent, they gain one of the following abil- Ranked: No
ities based on the element they selected when they pur-
chased Elementalist: they cannot be knocked prone or Whenever your character makes a successful social
staggered (earth), they cannot be immobilized and can check against a captured enemy within short range, they
breathe underwater (water), they cannot be disoriented may reduce the enemy's strain threshold by 2 for the re-
and can fly using the hovering guidelines in the Flying mainder of the session and spend 1 a to inflict 1 strain.
sidebar on page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook (air),
or they are immune to fire—including ignoring damage
from attacks with the Burn item quality and from other
fire-based attacks (fire).

Explosive Casting In addition, when the Familiar uses the Assist maneu-
ver with the Character's Arcana or Primal check, the As-
Tier: 3
sist maneuver provides bb. The familiar must be
Activation: Active (Incidental)
within the range granted by ranks in the Familiar talent
Ranked: No
for your character to use the Familiar (Improved) talent.
When your character casts an attack spell, they treat the
spell’s Blast quality as having a rating equal to twice your Fear the Shadows
character’s ranks in Knowledge - Magic (instead of their
ranks in Knowledge - Magic). When your character casts Tier: 3
an Attack spell with the Blast effect, you may spend one Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Story Point to use this talent to trigger the spell’s Blast
quality, instead of spending a (even if the attack misses). Once per session, may make a Hard (ddd) Decep-
tion check to force a single minion group or rival to flee
Extended Reach the encounter.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Fearsome Rep
Ranked: No Tier: 3
While armed with a two-handed melee weapon, suffer 1 Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
strain to make a Melee combat check with that weapon
targeting an enemy at up to short range (rather than en- Add a to results of Coercion checks equal to ranks in
gaged range). Fearsome Rep.

Eye for Detail Feint

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: Yes
After making a Mechanics or Computers check, may Spend t or aaa generated on a missed melee attack to
suffer strain up to ranks in Eye for Detail to convert that upgrade difficulty of opponent's next attack targeting
many s to a. character by ranks in Feint.

Face of the Wild Feral Strength

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When your character casts a transform spell on themself Add 1 damage per rank of Feral Strength to one hit of
using the Primal skill, you may spend a Story Point to successful attacks made using Brawl or Melee skills.
have them use this talent to maintain the effects of the
spell until the end of the encounter, without performing Field Commander
concentrate maneuvers.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Familiar (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Your character may use this talent to make an Average
Activation: Active (Action)
(dd) Leadership check. If successful, a number of al-
Ranked: No
lies equal to your character’s Presence may immediately
Your character must have purchased the Familiar talent suffer 1 strain to perform one maneuver (out of turn). If
to benefit from this talent. Your character may suffer 2 there are any questions as to which allies take their ma-
strain and make an Easy (d) Arcana or Primal Skill neuvers first, your character is the final arbiter.
check; if successful, see and hear using your familiar's
senses for one round, and you may suffer 1 strain per
round to extend the duration.

Fire Control Fortified Structure
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Take the Fire Control maneuver; all combat checks made Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
from current vehicle count their target's silhouette as one cle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the hull
higher than normal until the beginning of next turn. trauma threshold of Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of
Fortified Structure.
Forbidden Knowledge
Tier: 3 Frenzied Attack
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Tier: 3
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Once per session, suffer strain no greater than ranks in
Knowledge (Magic) to increase your ranks in Knowledge When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number
(Magic) by an equal number for the purpose of deter- of strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times.
mining the strength of additional effects for the next The strain suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied At-
spell cast during that round. In this case, your temporary tack.
ranks in Knowledge (Magic) may exceed the usual limit
of 5. Full Throttle
Tier: 3
Forgot to Count? Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
While driving or flying, your character may use this tal-
Ranked: No
ent to make a Hard (ddd) Piloting or Driving check.
When an opponent makes a ranged combat check, you If successful, the top speed of the vehicle increases by
can spend hh from that check to use this talent to cause one (to a maximum of 5) for a number of rounds equal
their weapon to run out of ammo (see page 104), as long to your character’s Cunning. The specifics of this talent
as the weapon can normally run out of ammunition. require the optional vehicle rules, on page 220. If your
game does not use these rules, this talent simply makes
Form On Me the vehicle go much faster than normal, with the
specifics up to your GM.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Greased Palms
Tier: 3
Allies equal to ranks in Leadership in short range gain
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
the benefits of the Gain the Advantage action.
Ranked: Yes

Formation Tactics Before making a social check, may spend up to 50 nuyen

per rank of Greased Palms to upgrade the ability of the
Tier: 3
check once for every 50 spent.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If successful,
Tier: 3
choose a number of allies within short range equal to s
Activation: Active (Incidental)
generated. Upgrade the difficulty of attacks against these
Ranked: Yes
allies once until the end of your character's next turn.
When your character makes a ranged combat check with
a weapon that has the Blast item quality, you may spend
one Story Point to use this talent to trigger the weapon’s
Blast quality, instead of spending a (even if the attack
misses). In addition, your character treats grenades as
having a range of medium.

Harass Hold It Steady
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Whenever the character's animal companion makes a Before performing a combat check using a weapon with
successful combat check against a target, it may forgo in- the Auto-fire quality, your character may use this talent
flicting damage to upgrade the difficulty of the target's to use the Auto-fire quality without increasing the diffi-
next check once instead. culty of the combat check. If they do so, each time they
trigger an additional hit during the attack, they suffer 2
Hard-Boiled strain.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Hunter's Quarry (Improved)
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
When your character makes a check to recover from
Ranked: No
strain at the end of an encounter (as described on page
117 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook), your character Your character must have purchased the Hunter's
may make a Simple (–) Resilience check instead of Dis- Quarry talent to benefit from this talent. Suffer 2 strain
cipline or Cool. If your character does so, they heal 1 to perform Hunter's Quarry action as a maneuver
strain per s and 1 wound per a.
Heroic Resilience Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes
Once per session, may reveal a contact who can shed
Immediately after being hit by an attack but before light on a chosen subject.
suffering damage, spend 1 Story Point to increase soak
by ranks in Resilience. Innate Focus
Tier: 3
Heroic Will Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
While not using a magic implement, your character in-
Ranked: No
creases the base damage of all Attack spells they cast by
When you purchase this talent for your character, choose two. In addition, when casting a spell while not using a
two characteristics. You may spend a Story Point to use magic implement, your character may use this talent to
this talent to have your character ignore the effects of all decrease the difficulty of the check by one. If they do so,
Critical Injuries on any skill checks using those two char- they increase the strain suffered for casting the spell by
acteristics until the end of the current encounter. (Your one.
character still suffers the Critical Injuries; they just ig-
nore the effects. See page 114.) Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved)
Tier: 3
Hindering Shot Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring
Ranked: Yes
Rhetoric talent to benefit from this talent. Allies affected
Spend a story point and increase the difficulty of next by your character’s Inspiring Rhetoric add b to all skill
Gunnery check by 1. If check deals damage, target vehi- checks they make for a number of rounds equal to your
cle suffers system strain equal to speed when it moves for character’s ranks in Leadership.
a number of turns equal to ranks in Hindering Shot.

Interjection Laugh It Off
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Incidental, OOT)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
After another character makes a social check, suffer 3 When your character is targeted by a social skill check
strain to take an interjection incidental make an Average they may use this talent to spend hhh or d to reduce
(dd) Vigilance check to add s or f equal to s, and a any strain the check inflicts by a number equal to their
or h equal to a to the check. ranks in Charm. If they do so, the character who targeted
them suffers an amount of strain equal to the amount of
Intimidating strain reduced.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Lethal Blows
Ranked: Yes Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of
Ranked: Yes
Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by
Coercion checks, by an equal number. Strain suffered Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury
this way cannot exceed ranks in Intimidating. results inflicted on opponents.

Iron Body Life or Death

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Remove b per rank of Iron Body from Coordination When your character suffers wounds equal to half of
and Resilience checks. Reduce the critical rating of un- their wound threshold or greater, add b to all combat
armed attacks by 1 per rank of Iron Body (to a minimum checks they make.
of 1).
Lingering Spell
Justice of the Citadel Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Spend a Story Point and your character may make con-
Once per round on your character’s turn, your character centration maneuver as an incidental.
may suffer 3 strain to use this talent to add damage equal
to their ranks in Discipline to one hit of a successful Made You Talk
melee attack.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Larger Project Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Once per session, your character may make an opposed
Activation: Passive
social check against a captured enemy within short
Ranked: Yes
range, adding b for every 2 strain the target has suffered
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi- in the encounter.
cle talent to benefit from this talent. Signature Vehicle
can have a silhouette 1 larger per rank of Larger Project Magic Resistance
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Whenever you are being targeted by an enemy's spell, the
caster adds b to the check. When making a check to
resist a negative magic effect, may add b to the check.

Martial Grace Matrix Warrior
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per round, the character may suffer 3 strain to add While accessing a system using a Virtual Reality, your
additional damage equal to ranks in Coordination to one character may use this talent to make an opposed Com-
hit of a successful Brawl combat Check. puters versus Computers check targeting one other char-
acter on the system that they are aware of. The target
Martial Weapons Master suffers 1 strain per s, and if they are using Hot-Sim Vir-
tual Reality, they also suffer 1 wound per s.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Nimble
Tier: 3
While armed with a Melee weapon, your character may
Activation: Active (Incidental)
use this talent to make an Average (dd) Melee check.
Ranked: No
If successful, your character may force one engaged tar-
get to either drop one weapon they are holding or move At the start of your character’s turn, you may spend one
up to one range band in a direction of your choosing. If Story Point to use this talent to allow your character to
your character forces a named rival or nemesis into dan- perform a move maneuver as an incidental. (This does
gerous terrain (or off a ledge or cliff) using this talent, not count against the limit of two maneuvers per turn.)
your GM can spend a Story Point to allow them to catch If you use this talent, your character can only perform
themselves at the edge and fall prone instead. one additional move maneuver during this turn.

Master of Illusion No Escape

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
After your character makes a successful Mask spell to May spend aa from a Coercion check or hh from a
create an illusion, you may spend a Story Point to have foe's Discipline check; that target cannot perform a free
your character use this talent to make the illusion last maneuver during his next turn.
until the end of the encounter, without performing con-
centrate maneuvers, and not need to remain within the Nobody's Fool
spell’s range after being cast. You may spend two Story
Tier: 3
Points to make the illusion last until the end of the ses-
Activation: Passive
sion instead.
Ranked: Yes

Maximize Spell May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or

Deception checks once per rank of Nobody's Fool.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Opportunist
Tier: 3
Once per session, your character may add b to the skill
Activation: Active (Incidental)
check to cast a spell once per rank in Maximize Spell.
Ranked: Yes

Natural When your character purchases this talent, choose one

non-combat, non-magic skill. When you roll a check us-
Tier: 3
ing this skill, you may suffer strain up to ranks in Oppor-
Activation: Active (Incidental)
tunist to convert that many s into a.
Ranked: No
When your character purchases this talent, choose two
skills. Once per session, your character may use this tal-
ent to reroll one skill check that uses one of those two

Outside the Box Pin
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Choose one characteristic when purchasing this talent. Take Pin action; make an opposed Athletics check to
Once per session, make one skill check using that char- immobilize an engaged opponent until the end of the
acteristic rather than the characteristic linked to that character's next turn. Spend t to extend duration one
skill. round.

Overchannel (Improved) Pinning Fire

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Overchannel Select a target within range of your currently wielded
talent to benefit from this talent. In addition to the ranged weapon and make a Pinning Fire action. Until
effects of Overchannel, you may also add (dd) effects. the start of your next turn, the targeted character adds b
The character gains one d (including the associated fail- to their checks for each rank of Pinning Fire, and suffers
ure) per (dd) effect added in this way rather than in- 1 strain.
crease the difficultly of the check. This is in addition to
any d rolled. Plausible Deniability
Tier: 3
Overwhelm Defenses Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Take a Plausible Deniability action makes a Hard
Ranked: Yes (ddd) Coercion check to convince one bystander
Upon unsuccessful attack with a vehicle weapon, may equal to your Willpower to depart quietly.
spend aa per rank of Overwhelm Defenses. Reduce the
defense in the targeted zone by 1 for every aa spent. Point Blank
Tier: 3
Parry (Improved) Activation: Passive
Tier: 3 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to damage of one
Ranked: No hit of successful attack while using Ranged (Heavy) or
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to Ranged (Light) skills at short range or engaged.
benefit from this talent. When your character suffers a
hit from a melee combat check and uses Parry to reduce Powerful Blast
the damage from that hit, after the attack is resolved, you Tier: 3
may spend d or hhh from the attacker’s check to use Activation: Passive
this talent. Then, your character automatically hits the Ranked: Yes
attacker once with a Brawl or Melee weapon your char-
acter is wielding. The hit deals the weapon’s base damage, Increase Blast damage dealt by +1 per rank of Powerful
plus any damage from applicable talents or abilities. Your Blast.
character can’t use this talent if the original attack inca-
pacitates them.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
When making a Ranged combat check targeting a char-
acter engaged with one of your character's allies, down-
grade the difficulty of the check once (thus negating the
penalty for shooting at engaged targets).

Preemptive Avoidance Resist Questioning
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
May spend 1 Story Point to disengage from engaged en- When targeted by an opposed social check, your charac-
emy as an out-of-turn incidental. ter may suffer 2 strain as an out-of-turn incidental,
adding b to the check. If the check fails, spend d to in-
Pressure Point dicate that your character has provided false or mislead-
Tier: 3 ing information that the target believes to be truthful.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Resourceful Refit
When your character makes an unarmed Brawl check Tier: 3
targeting a living opponent, they may use this talent to Activation: Active (Action)
deal strain damage instead of wound damage, and inflict Ranked: No
additional strain damage equal to their ranks in
Medicine. May perform the Resourceful Refit action, make an Av-
erage (dd) Mechanics check to scavenge an old at-
Pride and Joy (Improved) tachment to construct a new one, reducing its price by
that of the dismantled attachment.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Scathing Tirade (Improved)
While inside your character's Pride and Joy, recover +1 Tier: 3
strain whenever recovering strain and spend a on checks Activation: Passive
made to recover strain to allow an ally also within the ve- Ranked: No
hicle to recover 1 strain. Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade
talent to benefit from this talent. Enemies affected by
Rapid Archery your character’s Scathing Tirade add b to all skill checks
Tier: 3 they make for a number of rounds equal to your charac-
Activation: Active (Maneuver) ter’s ranks in Coercion.
Ranked: No
While your character is armed with a bow (or similar Scything Strike
weapon, at your GM’s discretion) they may suffer 2 Tier: 3
strain to use this talent. During the next ranged combat Activation: Passive
check your character makes this turn, the bow gains the Ranked: Yes
Linked quality with a value equal to their ranks in the
Ranged skill. The character’s unarmed Brawl attacks gain the Pierce
quality with a rating equal to their ranks in Scything
Reflect (Improved)
Tier: 3 Seize the Initiative
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Your character must have purchased the Reflect Talent to Ranked: No
benefit from this talent. Your character may use reflect
while wielding a melee weapon deemed appropriate by Once per session, as a maneuver, may make a Hard
the GM. When reflecting a hit that generated d or hhh (ddd) Athletics check. On success, other PCs may
may hit one target in medium range with the same dam- take their turns immediately.
age as the initial hit, after original attack resolves.

Sense Advantage Skilled Teacher
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Once per session, may add bb to 1 NPC's skill check. Before an ally within short range makes a skill check, if
that ally has fewer ranks in that skill than your character
Shape Spell does, your character may suffer a number of strain no
greater than ranks in Skilled Teacher to add an equal
Tier: 3
number of s to the ally’s check.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Slap-Patch Specialization
When casting a spell with the Blast quality spend a to Tier: 3
exclude 1 target that would be affected by the explosion, Activation: Passive
up to ranks in Shape Spell. Ranked: Yes
When your character uses Slap-patches, the target heals
Share Pain one additional wound per rank of Slap-patch Specializa-
Tier: 3 tion. The sixth Slap-patch and beyond each day still has
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) no effect.
Ranked: No Smart Handling
May perform the Share Pain incidental when animal Tier: 3
companion suffers wounds. Reduce wounds suffered to Activation: Active (Action)
half, then character suffers wounds equal to number re- Ranked: No
Once per session, while aboard a ship of silhouette 4 or
higher, your character may make a Smart Handling ac-
Shield Master tion; making a Hard (ddd) Knowledge (Profes-
Tier: 3 sional) check. If successful, until the start of the next
Activation: Active (Maneuver) round, the ship’s handling increases by two plus one per
Ranked: No a scored on the check to a maximum handling of +4. t
can be spent to extend the effect until the end of the en-
While wielding a shield, your character may take the
Shield Master maneuver, suffering 1 Strain. Your shield's
Defensive and Deflection qualities increase by one each Snare
until the end of your next turn. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Shockwave Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Once per session, your character may use this talent to
Activation: Passive make a Hard (ddd) Computers check. If they suc-
Ranked: No ceed, once before the end of the encounter, you may
Your character treats two-handed Melee weapons as pos- spend a Story Point to force one character in the en-
sessing the Blast item quality with a rating equal to your counter to make a Daunting (dddd) Vigilance
character’s ranks in Melee. Your character does not suffer check as an incidental. If they fail, they are staggered un-
damage from their weapon's Blast quality (but allies do!). til the end of their next turn, plus one additional turn per
Shortcut (Improved) Sneak Attack
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Shortcut talent Once per round when performing the Aim maneuver
to benefit from this talent. When engaging in a chase or you may suffer 1 Strain to also add Piece 2 to the Attack,
race, may suffer 2 strain to add s equal to ranks in Short- or Increase Pierce of your weapon by 1, for the next
cut to the check. Combat check you make this round.

Sound Investments Takedown
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
At the start of each session, gain 100 nuyen for each rank Your character may use this talent to make an opposed
of Sound Investments. Brawl versus Resilience check targeting one engaged
opponent. If the check succeeds, the target is knocked
Studious Plotting prone and is immobilized until the end of your charac-
ter’s next turn. If the target is a minion or rival, your
Tier: 3
character can spend t to incapacitate (but not kill) the
Activation: Passive
target instead.
Ranked: No
When making a Streetwise or Survival skill check to nav- Time to Go (Improved)
igate, the character may use Intellect instead of Cunning.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Stunning Blow (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Your character must have purchased the Time to Go tal-
Activation: Active (Incidental)
ent to benefit from this talent. When activating Time to
Ranked: No
Go, allow 1 engaged ally to also perform an out of turn
Your character must have purchased the Stunning Blow Move maneuver as an incidental to attempt to move into
talent to benefit from this talent. When dealing strain cover or out of the blast range of a weapon or explosion.
damage with Melee or Brawl checks, may spend t to
stagger target for 1 round per t. Toughened (Improved)
Tier: 3
Sunder Expertise Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Once per session, the character may heal a number of
Ranked: No
wounds equal to their ranks in Toughened.
Each a your character spends to activate a weapon's
Sunder quality damages the target item two steps, in- Tricky Target
stead of one.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Suppressing Fire Ranked: No
Tier: 3
Count vehicle piloted as having a silhouette 1 lower
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
when being attacked.
Ranked: Yes
If your character does not make a combat check during Trust the Captain
their turn, they use this talent to target one character (or
Tier: 3
minion group) within long range. That character must
Activation: Active (Action)
upgrade the difficulty of any ranged combat checks they
Ranked: Yes
make once until the end of your character’s next turn.
Your character may choose to affect one additional char- Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If successful,
acter for each additional rank of Suppressing Fire. Your for the rest of the encounter, allies within short range in-
character must be holding a ranged weapon to use this crease their ranks in Discipline by an amount equal to
talent. Your GM can also rule that your character can’t ranks in Trust the Captain.
use this talent if they have no line of fire or range to the

Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters Well Rounded
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi- Choose any 2 non-magic skills. They permanently be-
cle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the han- come career skills.
dling of Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned
Maneuvering Thrusters. You Owe Me One
Tier: 3
Twisted Words Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Once per session, you may spend two Story Points to use
Ranked: No
this talent to have one NPC in the current encounter owe
When an incoming social check generates hh or d, may your character a favor. If the favor is not resolved by the
suffer 1 strain as an incidental to inflict strain equal to end of the encounter, it is forgotten. It’s up to you and
ranks in Coercion on speaker. your GM to determine exactly why the NPC owes your
character a favor.
Undercity Contacts (Improved)
Tier: 3 Tier 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No A Step Ahead
Your character must have purchased the Undercity Con- Tier: 4
tacts talent to benefit from this talent. When you use Un- Activation: Active (Incidental)
dercity Contacts, you may choose to spend two Story Ranked: No
Points instead of one. If you do, your character learns the
Once per session, your character may suffer 2 strain in
target's specific location.
order to count their Cunning as 1 higher than normal for
the remainder of the encounter.
Unremarkable (Improved)
Tier: 3 Analyze Data
Activation: Passive
Tier: 4
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may extend the effects of Indistinguish- Ranked: No
able to a number of allies within short range equal to
Once per session, after capturing or stealing data about
your character's ranks in Deception.
an opponent, your character may make an Average
(dd) Knowledge check to determine its value. If suc-
Up the Ante cessful, once before the end of the session your character
Tier: 3 may add automatic s equal to their ranks in Knowledge
Activation: Passive to one check related to the captured data. The GM has
Ranked: Yes the final say on which Knowledge areas are related to the
When gambling win 10% more nuyen per rank of Up the
Armor Master (Improved)
Valuable Facts Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Tier: 3
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased the Armor Master
talent to benefit from this talent. When wearing armor
Once per encounter, perform a Valuable Facts action:
with a soak value of 2 or higher, increase defense by 1.
make an Average (dd) Knowledge check. If success-
ful, add t to one ally's skill check during the encounter.

Assassin Strike Brilliant Evasion
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
After making a successful melee check, may spend a Once per vehicle encounter, your character may take
Story Point to disengage from an opponent as an inci- Brilliant Evasion action. Select 1 opponent and make
dental. Opposed Driving or Piloting check to stop opponent
from attacking character for rounds equal to Agility.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Burn Through
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
While engaged with one or more allies, your character Ranked: No
and allies they are engaged with add b to combat
checks. If one or more allies engaged with your character After making a successful break ice action, your charac-
also have Back-to-Back, the effects are cumulative to a ter may suffer 3 strain to use this talent. If they do, they
maximum of bb. may perform a second override ice action on the same
system as an incidental.
Better Luck Next Time
Tier: 4 By the Book
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 4
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Take a Better Luck Next Time action; make a Hard Ranked: Yes
(ddd) Cool check to force a competitor to suffer a Once per encounter, before making a combat check,
major misfortune. suffer 2 strain to add a to the results equal to ranks in By
the Book.
Blood Magic (Improved)
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Can’t We Talk About This?
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character must have purchased the Blood Magic
Ranked: No
talent to benefit from this talent. Once per encounter,
suffer an additional 2 wounds while using Blood Magic Your character can use this talent to make an opposed
and add one additional effect with a Difficulty Mod +d Charm or Deception versus Discipline check targeting
to a spell without increasing the difficulty. a single non-nemesis adversary within medium range. If
the check succeeds, the target cannot attack your charac-
Body Guard (Improved) ter (or perform hostile actions against your character)
Tier: 4 until the end of their next turn. You may spend aa to
Activation: Passive increase the length of the effect by one additional turn,
Ranked: No and spend t to extend the benefits to all of their identi-
Your character must have purchased the Body Guard tal- fied allies within short range. The effect ends immedi-
ent to benefit from this talent. Once per session, when an ately if your character or a known ally attacks the target.
ally protected by the Body Guard maneuver suffers a hit, In addition, your GM may rule that some targets are im-
suffer the hit instead. mune to this ability. An automated sentry turret, for ex-
ample, has no interest in resolving a conflict through
Bolstered Armor talking, nor would someone consumed by rage and the
Tier: 4 desire for revenge against your character.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
cle talent to benefit from this talent. Increase the armor
value of Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Ar-

Capital Sendoff (Improved) Deadeye
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Capital Sendoff After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
talent to benefit from this talent. When performing a ranged weapon and rolls the result, your character may
Capital Sendoff, the targets suffer a major collision in- suffer 2 strain to use this talent. Then, you may select any
stead. Critical Injury of the same severity to apply to the target
Careful Planning
Tier: 4 Deadly Accuracy
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Once per session, may introduce a "fact" into the narra-
tive as if a Story Point had been spent. When acquired, choose 1 combat skill. Add damage
equal to ranks in that skill to one hit of successful attack
Center of Being (Improved) made using that skill. May not choose the same skill
more than once.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Death Rage
Tier: 4
Suffer 1 Strain to use a Center of Being maneuver as an
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No

Commanding Presence Your character adds +2 damage to melee attacks for each
Critical Injury they are currently suffering. (Your GM
Tier: 4
may also impose additional penalties on social skill
Activation: Passive
checks your character makes if they are suffering Critical
Ranked: No
Injuries due to their frenzied behavior.)
Once per session, may take Commanding Presence ac-
tion; make an opposed Cool vs. Discipline check to Defensive
force target to leave the encounter.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Comrades in Arms Ranked: Yes
Tier: 4
Each rank of Defensive increases your character’s melee
Activation: Active (Action)
defense and ranged defense by one.
Ranked: No
Once per encounter, make a Hard (ddd) Discipline Defensive Driving
Check. If successful, your character plus one ally per s
Tier: 4
within medium range gains +1 defense for the remainder
Activation: Passive
of the encounter. Effects end if affected targets move be-
Ranked: Yes
yond medium range.
Increase the defense of any vehicle your character pilots
Conduit by one per rank of Defensive Driving. The specifics of
this talent require the optional vehicle rules, on page 220.
Tier: 4
If your game does not use these rules, this talent adds b
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
per rank to combat checks targeting your character’s ve-
Ranked: No
hicle or your character while piloting it.
Once per encounter, your character may spend a Story
Point to perform an Arcana, Primal, or Qi action as a

Deflection Double or Nothing (Improved)
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Reflect talent Your character must have purchased the Double or
to benefit from this talent. After using Reflect, may Nothing talent to benefit from this talent. When per-
spend 1 Story Point to perform Move maneuver as out- forming the Double or Nothing incidental, after cancel-
of-turn incidental to close distance with or engage op- ing opposing symbols, also double the amount of
ponent. remaining s.

Discredit Double-Talk
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, take the Discredit action, make a Spend aa or t from a successful Charm or Deception
Hard (ddd) Deception check to upgrade the diffi- check to disorient a number of opponents within short
culty of one character's social checks once, plus once for range equal to your character's Presence for the remain-
every aa, until the end of the encounter. der of the round and the next two rounds.

Distracting Behavior (Improved) Elementalist (Supreme)

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Distracting Be- Your character must have purchased the Improved Ele-
havior talent to benefit from this talent. The Distracting mentalist talent to benefit from this talent. When your
Behavior maneuver inflicts hh on NPC's checks when character casts an augment, barrier, or transform spell,
NPC's target character's allies. they may use this talent to choose to have the targets of
the spell gain the ability your character gained when they
Dodge (Improved) purchased Improved Elementalist for the spell’s dura-
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Elementary
Tier: 4
When the character performs the Dodge incidental, the
Activation: Active (Action)
character may make a Move maneuver as an out of turn
Ranked: No
incidental after the triggering attack has been resolved.
Once per session, your character may use this talent to
Don't Shoot! make a Hard (ddd) Perception check while present
at a crime scene. If they succeed, they identify all promi-
Tier: 4
nent physical characteristics of one person who was at
Activation: Active (Action)
the crime scene when the crime was committed (as long
Ranked: No
as the crime was committed in the past 48 hours). This
Once per session as an action, make a Hard (ddd) could include a person's height, weight, body type, cloth-
Charm check. On a success, cannot be target of combat ing, and if they are human or not. Your character may
checks until the end of the encounter or until making a identify all the physical characteristics of one additional
combat check. person present at the crime scene per additional s.

Enduring Flurry of Blows
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Each rank of Enduring increases your character’s soak Perform the Flurry of Blows maneuver, suffering strain
value by one. up to your ranks in Coordination to gain the Linked
quality with a rating equal to the amount of strain
Faith Healing suffered on your next Melee or Brawl combat check this
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Formation Tactics (Improved)
Tier: 4
After making a skill check to cast a Heal spell, may
Activation: Passive
choose to change one s to a per rank of Faith Healing.
Ranked: No

Familiar (Supreme) Reduce the difficulty of Formation Tactics to average.

Spend t or aaaaaa to have the effect last until the
Tier: 4
end of the encounter.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Fortune Favors the Bold
Your character must have purchased the Familiar talent
Tier: 4
to benefit from this talent. You may spend a Story Point
Activation: Active (Incidental)
and use your Familiar as the point of origin for casting a
Ranked: No
spell. The familiar must be within the range granted by
ranks in the Familiar talent for your character to use the Once per session as an incidental, suffer 2 strain to flip
Familiar (Supreme) talent. one GM Story Point to a Player Story Point.

Field Commander (Improved) Full Throttle (Improved)

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Field Com- Your character must have purchased the Full Throttle
mander talent to benefit from this talent. When your talent to benefit from this talent. Suffer 1 strain to at-
character uses the Field Commander talent, your char- tempt Full Throttle as a maneuver and decrease its diffi-
acter affects a number of allies equal to twice the char- culty to Average (dd).
acter’s Presence. In addition, you may spend t to allow
one ally to suffer 1 strain to perform an action, instead How Convenient!
of a maneuver.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Finesse (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 4
Once per session, your character may use this talent to
Activation: Passive
make a Hard (ddd) Mechanics check. If successful,
Ranked: No
one device involved in the current encounter (subject to
Your character must have purchased the Finesse talent to your GM’s approval) spontaneously fails. This can be be-
benefit from this talent. Because you can rapidly strike cause of your character’s actions, or it can simply be in-
with surgical precision, use Agility instead of Brawn for credibly convenient timing!
determining base damage for Brawl and Melee attacks.

Improvised Position It's Not that Bad
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may make a Hard (ddd) Mechanics Once per session when an ally has suffered a Critical In-
check and spends 12 hours constructing a secure posi- jury since your last action, may take an It's Not That Bad
tion that can contain the group and it’s vehicles. The sum action; make a Hard (ddd) Medicine check to re-
of it’s vehicles silhouettes must be 4 or less. The position move the Critical Injury.
provides cover and can have additional narrative benefits
at the GM’s discretion. Your character can spend aa or Jury Rigged
t from the check to increase the ranged defense the po-
Tier: 4
sition provides to 2.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
In The Know
The character chooses one personal weapon or piece of
Tier: 4
armor per rank of Jury Rigged. He may increase the
Activation: Active (Action)
damage of the weapon by one; decrease the a cost on its
Ranked: No
Critical, or any single other effect by one to a minimum
Once per session, make an opposed Deception vs Vigi- of one; or increase armor's ranged or melee defense by
lance check with the difficulty downgraded a number of one. Alternatively, he can decrease the encumbrance of
times equal to your ranks in deception to have a target the item by two to a minimum of one. The bonus only
NPC believe specific false intelligence. applies so long as the character is using the item. If the
item is ever lost or destroyed, the character may apply
Incite Distraction Jury Rigged to a new personal weapon or piece or armor.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Life or Death (Improved)
Ranked: No Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
While in a crowd or populated area, your character may
Ranked: No
make an Average (dd) Deception check. If successful,
enemies treat the area as difficult terrain for the remain- Your character must have purchased the Life or Death
der of the encounter. Your character may spend t to talent to benefit from this talent. When your character
make the location impassable terrain to them instead. suffers wounds equal to half of their wound threshold or
greater, upgrade the ability of all combat checks they
Incite Rebellion make once. This replaces the normal effects of Life or
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Lose Them
Tier: 4
Once per session, may take an Incite Rebellion action;
Activation: Active (Action)
make a Hard (ddd) Coercion check to cause a num-
Ranked: No
ber of beings up to ranks in Coercion to become rebel-
lious until the end of the encounter. When being followed or chased, your character may
make a Hard (ddd) Stealth check. If successful, they
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) add bb to checks to follow them for the remainder of
the encounter and may spend a t to lose their pursuers
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring
Rhetoric talent to benefit from this talent. Your character
may choose to suffer 1 strain to use the Inspiring
Rhetoric talent as a maneuver, instead of as an action.

Mad Inventor Moving Target
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Once per session, your character may use this talent to If the character has already acted this round, increase
make a Mechanics check to attempt to cobble together ranged defense by 1 per rank of moving target.
the functional equivalent of any item using spare parts or
salvage. The difficulty of the check is based on the item’s Magic Initiate (Improved)
rarity; see Table I.4–1: Mad Inventor Item Rarity in the
Tier: 4
Genesys Core Rulebook. Your GM will modify the check
Activation: Passive
based on the circumstances and might decide that some
Ranked: No
items simply can’t be created with what’s available (if you
are being held in a prison cell, for instance). Your GM Magic Initiate no longer limits use of the Arcana or Pri-
may spend d on the check to indicate the item ends up mal skill to once per encounter.
being dangerous to the user and anyone around them in
some way. For instance, a pistol might explode instead of Not Today
running out of ammo, or a breathing mask might make
Tier: 4
the user light-headed.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Mage Hunter
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
Tier: 4 cle talent to benefit from this talent. Once per session,
Activation: Active (Action) spend a Story Point to save Signature Vehicle from de-
Ranked: Yes
When targeted by a successful curse spell, perform the
Mage Hunter action; make a Daunting (dddd) Dis- Evasive Driving
cipline check to remove status. Difficulty reduced per
Tier: 4
rank of Mage Hunter.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Masterful Casting
As a maneuver, suffer system strain up to vehicle's high-
Tier: 4 est defense to upgrade the difficulty of target's next Pilot-
Activation: Active (Incidental) ing check that many times.
Ranked: No
When your character casts a spell, they may use this tal- Offensive Driving
ent to spend t to trigger up to three different qualities or
Tier: 4
spell effects instead of one. These qualities or spell effects
Activation: Active (Action)
must be ones that can be triggered by spending a or t.
Ranked: No

Menace While driving or piloting a vehicle, your character may

use this talent to select one other vehicle within medium
Tier: 4 range and make an opposed Driving or Piloting versus
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Driving or Piloting check (depending on whether your
Ranked: No
character and their opponent pilot are using Driving or
Once per round on the character’s turn, the character Piloting to control their vehicle) targeting the other vehi-
may spend a maneuver to allow any suitably threatening cle’s driver or pilot. If successful, roll twice on Table
creature linked through the Animal Companion talent III.2–19: Critical Hit Result, on page 230 of the
and of Silhouette 2 or greater to perform the Menace ma- GENESYS Core Rulebook. Choose one Critical Hit re-
neuver when the creature is at short range with the en- sult to apply to your character’s vehicle, and the other to
emy. The enemy gains b on his next Combat check apply to the other vehicle. You may spend t to add +20
against the character. to one Critical Hit result. Your GM may spend d to add
+20 to both Critical Hit results.

Overbalance Polymorph
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Whenever an enemy engaged with the character makes If your character has at least one rank in the Arcana skill,
a combat check, after the attack is resolved, the character they can cast the transform spell. However, they can use
may spend d or hhh to stagger the attacker until the the spell to only transform into magical or supernatural
end of the attacker's next turn. creatures (such as dragons, paracritters or elementals).

Overcharge Precise Aim

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes

Once per encounter, your character may use this talent Once per round on the character’s turn, when the char-
to make a Hard (ddd) Mechanics check and choose acter performs an Aim maneuver before attempting a
one of their cybernetic implants that grants them one of combat check, may suffer a number of strain. The num-
the following: +1 to a characteristic rating, +1 rank to a ber of strain cannot exceed his ranks in Precise Aim. He
skill, +1 rank of a ranked talent. If your character suc- then decreases the target’s defense (ranged and melee) by
ceeds, until the end of the encounter, the chosen cyber- one per strain suffered for that combat check.
netic instead provides +2 to the affected characteristic
Prey on the Weak
rating (to a maximum of 5), skill (to a maximum of 5), or
ranked talent. Your GM may spend d or hhh from the Tier: 4
check to have the overcharged cybernetic short out at the Activation: Passive
end of the encounter; it provides no benefit until your Ranked: Yes
character spends several hours making an Average Add +1 damage to one hit of successful combat checks
(dd) Mechanics check to repair it. against disoriented targets per rank of Prey on the Weak.

Parkour! (Improved) Pride and Joy (Supreme)

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Parkour! talent Once per session while inside your character's Pride and
to benefit from this talent. Once per round, when using Joy, reduce its silhouette by 2 (to a minimum of 0) for the
the Parkour! talent, your character may suffer 4 strain in- remainder of the round and the following round.
stead of 1 strain to move to any location within medium
range instead of within short range. All other restrictions Prime Positions
of Parkour! apply to this movement. Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Pinning Fire (Improved) Ranked: Yes
Tier: 4 When this character or an ally in short range takes cover,
Activation: Active (Action) he increases soak against ranged attacks by 1 per rank of
Ranked: No Prime Positions until he leaves that cover.
Your character must have the Pinning Fire talent to ben- Prophetic Aim
efit from this talent. When making a Pinning Fire action,
Tier: 4
you may affect a number of targets equal to ranks of Pin-
Activation: Passive
ning Fire.
Ranked: No
While benefiting from an Aim maneuver, d from the
character's Ranged checks cannot cause attacks to hit al-
lies engaged with the target.

Push the Specs Reflexive Barrier
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may perform the Push the Specs action Once per session, when your character is targeted by an
when in a ship, attempting an Average (dd) Knowl- attack, you may cast Barrier as an out of turn incidental.
edge check. If your character is successful, the ships top
speed increases by one for a number of rounds equal to Reinforced Frame
their Intellect. May spend a and have the ship suffer two
Tier: 4
system strain to extend this effect for an additional
Activation: Passive
round, and may do so multiple times. The ship still can-
Ranked: No
not perform actions or maneuvers it couldn't perform
normally. Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
cle talent to benefit from this talent. Signature Vehicle
Quick-Witted gains Massive 1: when making an attack targeting the
ship or vehicle, the Critical rating of any weapon used
Tier: 4
counts as 1 higher.
Activation: Active (Incidental, OOT)
Ranked: No
Reroute Processors
Once per encounter, after another character makes a so-
Tier: 4
cial skill check, your character may use this talent to
Activation: Active (Action)
make an Average (dd) Vigilance check. If successful,
Ranked: No
you may add a number of s or a (your choice) equal to
your character’s ranks in Charm to the other character’s Once per encounter, may take a Reroute Processors ac-
check. If your character fails, your character suffers 3 tion, make an Average (dd) Computers check to re-
strain. duce one of an artificial life form's characteristics by 1
and increase another of its characteristics by 1.
Quickened Spell
Tier: 4 Resist Questioning (Improved)
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Once per session, spend 2 strain to make an Arcana, Pri-
mal, or Qi skill check as a maneuver. When one ally within short range is targeted by an op-
posed social check, your character may use Resist Ques-
Rain of Death tioning to affect this check instead. If the check fails, they
may spend d to indicate that the ally has provided false
Tier: 4
or misleading information that the target believes to be
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Perform the Rain of Death maneuver to ignore the in- Resolve
creased difficulty due to the Auto-fire quality of attacks
Tier: 4
made this turn.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Reflect (Supreme)
When a character involuntarily suffers strain, he suffers
Tier: 4
1 less strain per rank of Resolve to a minimum of 1.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Reflect Talent to
benefit from this talent. If the user did not make a com-
bat check during previous turn, may suffer 1 strain to use

Savvy Negotiator Signature Spell (Improved)
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
While engaged in a debate or argument, make a Hard Your character must have purchased the Signature Spell
(ddd) Negotiation check. If successful, a number of talent to benefit from this talent. When your character
bystanders or observers equal to your Presence sees one casts their signature spell, reduce the difficulty of the
of the opponent’s points (chosen by your character) as check by two instead of one.
maliciously unreasonable.
The GM has the final say as to whether bystanders could Skilled Slicer
see a point as unreasonable, based on who those by- Tier: 4
standers are and what the point is. In these cases, the GM Activation: Active (Incidental)
can suggest a modified version of that argument that Ranked: No
would be more believable.
When making a Computers check may spend a t to
make further Computers checks within this system as
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) maneuvers.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) Sneak Attack (Improved)
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade Activation: Active (Incidental)
talent to benefit from this talent. Your character may Ranked: No
choose to suffer 1 strain to use the Scathing Tirade talent
Your character must have purchased the Sneak Attack
as a maneuver, instead of as an action.
Talent to benefit from this talent. Once per round when
performing the Aim maneuver, you may choose to suffer
Second Chances 1 Strain to add Vicious 2, or increase your weapon's Vi-
Tier: 4 cious rating by 1, for your next combat check this round.
Activation: Active (Incidental) This may be instead of, or in addition to, the benefits of
Ranked: Yes Sneak Attack's Pierce option.
Once per encounter, choose a number of positive dice
equal to ranks in Second Chances and reroll them. Sorry About the Mess
Tier: 4
Seen a Lot of Things Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Decrease the Critical Rating of a weapon by 1 (to a min-
Ranked: No imum of 1) against targets that have not yet acted this en-
Whenever your character fails a Knowledge check, they
may spend aaa to roll the check again during their
next turn. Spitfire
Tier: 4
Showboat Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental) After a successful combined check with two Ranged
Ranked: No (Light) weapons, additional hits can be allocated to other
targets within range of the weapon.
When making a check in a vehicle, before rolling the
dice, may suffer 2 strain to gain t on success or d on

Steady Aim Trust No One
Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Out-of-turn
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character does not lose the benefits of the aim ma- When targeted by a social check, suffer 1 strain to add
neuver if they perform other maneuvers (including automatic f to the check. If the check fails with d, your
moving) or actions. Your character does lose the benefits character may immediately perform a maneuver as an
of the aim maneuver if the encounter ends. out-of-turn incidental.

Street Smarts Unrelenting

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Once per session, may take a Street Smarts action; make Once per round after resolving a successful Brawl or
a Formidable (ddddd) Streetwise or Knowledge Melee combat check, your character may suffer 4 strain
check to learn one vital clue from the GM. Reduce the to use this talent to make an additional melee attack as
difficulty once per rank of Street Smarts. an incidental against the same target. Increase the diffi-
culty of the combat check by one if this attack uses a sec-
Supporting Evidence ond weapon, or by two if the attack uses the same
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Unrelenting Skeptic
Tier: 4
When assisting an ally with a Charm, Deception, Lead-
Activation: Passive
ership, or Negotiation check, add automatic a per rank
Ranked: No
of Supporting Evidence.
When targeted by a Deception check, the character auto-
Targeted Firepower matically adds f to the check equal to ranks in Vigi-
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Urban Combatant
Tier: 4
Once per session, identify one enemy target and make a
Activation: Active (Incidental, OOT)
Hard (ddd) Knowledge check. If successful, for the
Ranked: No
rest of the encounter, allies within short range of your
character add 1 a to attacks against the target equal to s When your character is targeted by a combat check while
generated on the check. The type of Knowledge check is in an urban environment, you may spend one Story
determined by the GM. Point to use this talent before the dice pool is rolled. If
you do so, your character's opponent removes all b
That's How It's Done added to the check, and instead adds an equal number of
f to the results.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Venom Soaked Blade
Tier: 4
May suffer 1 strain on successful skill check to add a to
Activation: Passive
the same skill check made by a number of allies equal to
Ranked: No
Willpower within short range during the next round.
Range increases with ranks. When making a Melee (Light) combat check using a poi-
soned weapon, your character treats it as possessing the
Burn 2 item quality.

Vision of the Future Baleful Gaze
Tier: 4 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, after successfully casting a spell, you When targeted by combat check from within medium
may spend aa or t to add one additional effect to the range, may spend a Story Point to upgrade the difficulty
cast spell, which would normally have increased the of the check a number of times equal to ranks in Coer-
difficulty by 1. cion.
Weak Foundation
Tier: 4
Barbaric Strength
Activation: Active (Action) Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Once per game session, your character may identify one
bunker, weapon emplacement, or other fixed combat May use two-handed Melee weapons one-handed.
structure (subject to the GM’s approval) and then take a
Weak Foundation action; make a Hard (ddd) Biggest Fan
Knowledge (Professional) check. If successful, until the
Tier: 5
end of the encounter, your character and all allies add
Activation: Active (Action)
automatic aa or s to all combat checks made targeting Ranked: No
the structure (your character's choice).
Once per session, may take a Biggest Fan action; make a
You Owe Me One (Improved) Hard (ddd) Charm check to turn one NPC into the
Tier: 4 character's biggest fan. The exact effects of this vary de-
Activation: Active (Incidental) pending on the NPC and the situation. They can include
Ranked: No drastically decreasing the difficulty of Social Interaction
Your character must have purchased the You Owe Me skill checks the character makes targeting his biggest fan,
One talent to benefit from this talent. Once per session, the fan being willing to perform minor or even signifi-
you may spend two Story Points to use You Owe Me One cant favors for the character, or the character even be-
to have one NPC in the current encounter owe your coming a reoccurring ally in the narrative. At the GM’s
character a big favor instead of a favor. If the big favor is discretion, this talent may not be able to target certain
not resolved by the end of the encounter, it is forgotten. NPCs whose adversarial nature is vital to the plot, or
NPCs who would be unable to appreciate the character’s
Tier 5
Altered Deal Blood Magic (Supreme)
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, make a Hard (ddd) Coercion Once per session while using Blood Magic, suffer a criti-
check to radically change a previously made deal or bar- cal. You may decrease the difficulty of the next spell skill
gain to your character's advantage. check you make by three to a minimum of Average
Armor Master (Supreme)
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Body Guard (Supreme)
Ranked: No Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Armor Master
Ranked: No
talent to benefit from this talent. Once per round, when
the character suffers a Critical Injury, he may suffer 3 Your character must have purchased the Body Guard tal-
strain to take the Armor Master incidental. If he does he ent to benefit from this talent. Body Guard maneuver
reduces the Critical Injury result that he suffers by 10 per may protect a number of engaged characters up to ranks
point of his soak, to a minimum of 1. in Resilience.

Bouncing Spell Dedication
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When your character fails a spell casting skill check that Each rank of Dedication increases one of your charac-
targets another character or NPC, may spend t or aaa ter’s characteristics by one. This talent cannot increase a
to immediately reroll the attempted spell with a new tar- characteristic above 5. You cannot increase the same
get. characteristic with Dedication twice.

Comrades in Arms (Improved) Dire Animal Companion

Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Spend t or aaa when performing Comrades in Arms Your character must have purchased the Animal Com-
to also gain +1 soak or give one affected ally +1 soak. panion talent to benefit from this talent. If your charac-
ter has at least one rank in the Primal skill, the animal
Coordination Dodge companion they have bonded with through the Animal
Tier: 5 Companion talent increases its Brawn by one, to a maxi-
Activation: Active (Incidental) mum of 5, and its wound threshold by four. If it is a
Ranked: No nemesis, it increases its strain threshold by four. If it is a
minion or rival, it becomes a nemesis and gains a strain
When targeted by a combat check, may spend 1 Story threshold of 6. If it is silhouette 0, it becomes silhouette
Point to add f equal to ranks in Coordination to check. 1. Your character also chooses to increase either its
Agility or its Willpower by one, to a maximum of 5, and
Crucial Point its Brawl, Discipline, Perception, or Survival by one, to a
Tier: 5 maximum of 5.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Double or Nothing (Supreme)
Once per session, your character may introduce to nego- Tier: 5
tiations one potential concession that an opponent will Activation: Passive
do nearly anything to obtain. Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Double or
Crushing Blow Nothing talent to benefit from this talent. When per-
Tier: 5 forming the Double or Nothing incidental, also double
Activation: Active (Incidental) the number of t and d.
Ranked: No
Once per session after rolling a melee attack but before Drone Master
resolving the check, your character may suffer 4 strain to Tier: 5
use this talent. While resolving the check, the weapon Activation: Passive
gains the Breach 1 and Knockdown item qualities, and Ranked: No
destroys one item the target is wielding that does not
have the Reinforced quality. Your character may control two drones or minion
groups of drones no larger than your character's
Willpower (either via the rules found on page 233 or via
Custom Loadout the Animal Companion talent, found on page 77 of the
Tier: 5 GENESYS Core Rulebook). Your character resolves each
Activation: Passive drone’s (or minion group's) turn individually, choosing
Ranked: No the order in which they activate.
Your character must have purchased the Signature Vehi-
cle talent to benefit from this talent. May add one mount
for a weapon or piece of equipment (approved by the

Full Throttle (Supreme) Inside Knowledge
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Full Throttle Once per session, your character may make a Hard
talent to benefit from this talent. When performing Full (ddd) Skulduggery check while within an enemy fa-
Throttle, top speed increases by 2 instead of 1. cility or vessel. If successful, they can then find a single
personal scale weapon or item they previously stashed
Ghost In The Machine there with a rarity no greater than their Cunning + 2. Al-
ternatively, they can gain a narrative benefit such as
Tier: 5
knowing the codes to open sealed doors, the location of
Activation: Active (Action)
the commanders office, personality quirks or weaknesses
Ranked: No
amongst personnel, which security devices have been
As long as they have some sort of access point to the Ma- deactivated or broken, secret or concealed rooms, or
trix, your character may use this talent to make a Hard some other equivalent type of information.
(ddd) Computers check. If they succeed, they may
select one drone, vehicle, or piece of equipment involved Inside Person
in the current encounter and dictate its actions until the
Tier: 5
start of your character’s next turn. Alternatively, your
Activation: Active (Action)
character can select someone with cyberware or who is
Ranked: No
wearing powered armor or an exosuit and manipulate it
until the beginning of your character’s next turn. This Once per session, your character may spend a Story
must be approved by your GM but could include shut- Point to establish they have previously been undercover
ting off cybereyes, directing the movements of cyber- gathering information in an identified enemy base or
limbs, or causing an exosuit to eject its occupant. Your large vehicle. For the remainder of the session, add aa
character may spend aaa on the check to extend the checks your character or their allies make that are asso-
effects for one additional round, or they may spend t to ciated with that location (such as checks to attack it or
extend the effects for the remainder of the encounter. social checks targeting personnel in it).

Heavy Hitter Inspiring Leadership

Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, spend t on a successful Ranged Make a Hard (ddd) Leadership check. If successful,
(Heavy) or Gunnery check to add the Breach 1 quality to a number of allies not exceeding your character's Pres-
the attack, or increase an existing Breach rating by 1. ence within short range add s to their next skill check.

Indomitable Intense Focus

Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per encounter, when your character would be inca- Perform an Intense Focus maneuver; suffer 1 strain and
pacitated due to exceeding their wound or strain thresh- upgrade the ability of the next skill check once.
old, you may spend a Story Point to use this talent. Then,
your character is not incapacitated until the end of their Just Kidding!
next turn. If your character reduces their strain or
Tier: 5
wounds to below their threshold before the end of their
Activation: Active (Incidental)
next turn, they are not incapacitated.
Ranked: No
Once per round as an incidental spend 1 Story Point to
ignore d generated on a social check by the character or
any ally in short range.

Let’s Talk This Over Master Driver/Pilot
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per game session, when a combat encounter Once per round when driving, piloting, or operating a
against one or more sentient beings is about to begin, the vehicle, may suffer 2 strain to perform any action as a
character make a Daunting (dddd) Charm check. maneuver.
If successful, the combat encounter instead becomes a
social encounter, with the PCs attempting to convince Master Grenadier
their opposition to back down, come around to their Tier: 5
viewpoint, or accept a compromise. The GM is the final Activation: Passive
arbiter of how the situation resolves without violence (or Ranked: No
how the combat encounter continues if the character’s
check is unsuccessful). Decrease the a cost to activate the Blast quality on any
attack by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Life or Death (Supreme)
Master Instructor
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Tier: 5
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Life or Death
talent to benefit from this talent. The effects of Life or Once per round, suffer 2 strain to allow an ally within
Death activate when your character takes wounds equal short range to count as having the same number of ranks
to one quarter of their wound threshold, instead of half. in Discipline as your character for the next Discipline
check the ally makes.
Master Master Merchant
Tier: 5
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
When you purchase this talent for your character, choose
When buying or selling goods, may suffer 2 strain to sell
one skill. Once per round, your character may suffer 2
for 25% more or buy for 25% less.
strain to use this talent to reduce the difficulty of the next
check they make using that skill by two, to a minimum
of Easy (d). Master Plan
Tier: 5
Master Demolitionist Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Once per session, your character may use this talent to
Ranked: No make a Hard (ddd) Discipline check. If they suc-
ceed, they reveal that whatever terrible circumstances
When resolving an attack from a personal scale explosive they currently find themselves in are all part of a brilliant
or ordinance weapon, your character may spend a or t plan that they established at an earlier point. They then
to have the weapon’s Blast quality affect all characters choose one non-nemesis adversary in the encounter and
within short range (rather than engaged). If the weapon reveal them to be a close friend or ally who has posi-
normally affects all characters within short range, then tioned themselves to help your character at this exact
the range of the effect is increased to medium range in- moment.
The details of which character turns out to be an ally
depend on the type of encounter and your GM’s ap-
proval. However, the ally could also have done their
work before-hand, such as loading a squadron of drones
with blank ammunition, shutting down power to a secu-
rity system, or planting a tracer in an opponent’s vehicle.

Most Impressive Ruinous Repartee
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Spend t from any skill check to allow a number of allies Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
not exceeding your character's Presence within short to make an opposed Charm or Coercion versus Disci-
range add a to their next check. pline check targeting one character within medium
range (or within earshot). If successful, the target suffers
Overcharge (Improved) strain equal to twice your character’s Presence, plus one
additional strain per s. Your character heals strain equal
Tier: 5
to the strain inflicted. If incapacitated due to this talent,
Activation: Passive
the target could flee the scene in shame, collapse in a de-
Ranked: No
jected heap, or throw themself at your character in fury,
Your character must have purchased the Overcharge tal- depending on your GM and the nature of your charac-
ent to benefit from this talent. When using the Over- ter’s witty barbs.
charge talent, your character may spend aa or t from
the Mechanics check to immediately take one additional Sneak Attack (Supreme)
action. This talent can only be used once per check.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Power of Darkness Ranked: No
Tier: 5
Your character must have purchased the Sneak Attack
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Talent to benefit from this talent. Once per encounter
Ranked: No
you may spend a story point to add t to the results of an
Once per session, may perform the Power of Darkness Attack Action. This does not include the s usually asso-
maneuver. Increase Wound Threshold and Strain ciated with t.
Threshold by 1 per GM story point until the end of the
encounter. Superhuman Reflexes
Tier: 5
Prepare to be Boarded Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 5 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action)
Once per session, after generating d on a Piloting or
Ranked: No
Driving check cancel the d and add s equal to ranks in
Once per encounter, make an opposed Coercion vs Dis- Cool.
cipline check against an enemy ship captain. If success-
ful, the enemy suffers 1 strain per s and surrenders their Thorough Assessment
ship if they exceed their strain threshold. Spend t or
Tier: 5
aaaa to inflict strain equal to your character's ranks in
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No

Retribution Once per session, take a Thorough Assessment action:

make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check (GM choice)
Tier: 5
to gain b equal to s that can be distributed during the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
Once per round when an adversary attacks an ally within
medium range, your character may spend one Story
Point to use this talent to automatically hit that enemy
once with a weapon your character is wielding, if the en-
emy is within the weapon’s range. The hit deals the
weapon’s base damage, plus any damage from applicable
talents or abilities.

Trick Of The Light Zealous Fire
Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
When making a combat check with a laser or maser Each time your Game Master spends a Story Point, your
weapon, your character may use this talent to spend a to character heals 2 strain.
inflict one additional hit with this weapon, dealing base
damage plus damage equal to the total number of s
scored on the check. This hit may target the original tar-
get or another target within short range of the original

Unrelenting Skeptic (Improved)

Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Unrelenting
Skeptic talent to benefit from this talent. When targeted
by a Deception check that fails, may spend 1 Story Point
to add d to results.

Web Of Knowledge
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Once per session your character may make an Average
(dd) Knowledge (Professional) check during a Ma-
trix encounter. If you succeed, your character knows the
names, strengths, and other qualities of all ice (active or
deactivated) on one system that you currently have ac-
cess to, as well as all other characters that currently are
accessing that system. Your character may spend aaa
or t from this check (whether or not they succeeded) to
add s to all Computer checks involving that system that
they make for the remainder of the encounter.

Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Your character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to
make a Brawl or Melee attack against the engaged adver-
sary who is hardest to hit (as determined by the GM), in-
creasing the difficulty by one. If the combat check
succeeds, each adversary engaged with the character
suffers one hit from the attack, that deals base damage
plus damage equal to the total s scored on the check.

P layers receive 2 contacts at character creation. They
also receive bonus contacts equal to their Presence
characteristic. Contacts can range from street gang
Alternate Campaigns
• Street Level: Receive 2 contacts. No bonus contacts.
Small Favor: 100¥. Regular Favor: 500¥ or 10 XP. Big
members to powerful politicians. GM has final discre-
tion on whether a contact meets the character's back- Favor: 1,500¥ or 20 starting XP.
ground/career. Additional contacts may be purchased • Prime Runner: Receive 4 contacts and 2x Presence
for 5 XP during character creation. After this, contacts bonus contacts. One of these contacts should be
may only be granted by the GM. well connected. Small Favor: 1,000¥. Regular Favor:
While contacts have no ratings, they can open up leg- 5,000¥ or 10 XP. Big Favor: 15,000¥ or 20 starting
work options, do favors for you, but may ask favors from XP.
you in return. This will open up plot hooks for the GM.
Sample Factions
Favors This is a sampling of factions possible that the players
The Shadowrun setting uses the Favor Economy rules will deal with and/or belong to. This list is not exhaustive
found in Shadow of the Beanstalk (page 80). At character and should be tailored to the setting the GM will be run-
creation, players may choose to have their character owe ning the campaign in.
a Small, Regular, or Big favor to a faction of their choos- If a character belongs to a faction:
ing. The GM gets to decide the person within that faction
who you owe the favor to, creating possible plot hooks. • Once per session, you may spend a Story Point to
Taking a favor allows you to gain additional nuyen or XP have someone else in your faction perform a small
at character creation: favor or regular favor for you.
• Once per session, your GM may spend a Story Point
• Small Favor: 500¥ to have someone else in your faction request you
• Regular Favor: 2,500¥ or 10 starting XP perform a small favor or regular favor; this must be
• Big Favor: 7,500¥ or 20 starting XP completed by the end of the session.
Mitsuhama Computer
Yakuza Halloweeners Local Lone Star Humanis Policlub
Saeder-Krupp Triads Cutters City Knight Errant TerraFirst!
NeoTokyo Metropolitan
Renraku Mafia Ancients Federal Ork Rights Commission

Native American United Kingdom

Aztechnology 162s
Koshari National Police
Shiawase Vory Crimson Crush
Wuxing Laesa 405 Hellhounds
Evo Seoulpa Ring Ragers
Spinrad Global Skraacha
Ares Spikes
Horizon Troll Killers

E ach skill or characteristic may only be increased by
+1 due to cyberware or bioware (or other gear), no
matter how many different modifications your character
6 No Penalty
5 Add b
has that would otherwise increase that number.
4 Add bb
Keeping with the +1 limitation, each skill can only 3 Upgrade the check
have one source of b (but have more than one b per 2 Upgrade the check twice
1 Upgrade the check three times
No ‘ware should provide automatic s without some 0 Game over, man. Game over!
other limitation (once per session/encounter, take strain,
add h, etc.) Custom cyberware and bioware should be built with the
following formulae.
Essence ranges from 0-6 (a character with no 'ware has 6 MULTIPLIERS COSTS
Essence) and is a general gauge of how much humanity TYPE COST TYPE COST
Cyberware 1x
is left in you. If at any point your Essence drops to 0, Bioware 4x Characteristic 2,500¥
hand your character sheet to your GM. You may be dead
Skill 1,000¥
or you may become a killer robot bent on wreaking
havoc across the Metroplex. Attribute 700¥
b 700¥
Replacing your natural body with metal and grown
parts reduces your humanity and makes it more difficult -b 700¥
to channel magic through you. Other Varies

The following penalties apply based on your remaining

Essence to all uses of any Magic skill. This also applies to
magical and non-magical healing attempts directed at
you, as well as Augment magic attempts directed at you.

Each Mod takes up one Hard Point. For Suites that could be duplicated, such as cyberlimbs, cyberears, and cybereyes,
the player may flavor it as one side or the other, or both. If choosing both, player does not double the number of hard
points or Essence, unless they decide to purchase the same suite twice. In these cases, the Essence and hard points are

Commlink, Control Rig, Cyberdeck, Datajack,
Matrix Suite 1 3 5 1,000¥ None
Neural Processor
Attention Coprocessor, Commlink, Datajack,
Mind Suite 1 3 4 1,000¥ None
Neural Processor, Skilljack
False Face, Hair Optics, Olfactory Booster,
Impersonation Suite 1 3 6 1,000¥ None
Skilljack, Voice Mask, Voice Modulator
Cybereyes Suite 1 3 3 2,000¥ All Vision Mods Perception +1 (Visual)

Cyberears Suite 1 3 3 2,000¥ All Audio Mods Perception +1 (Audio)

Adrenaline Filter, Biomonitor, Bone Lacing (all),
Strength Suite 1 3 5 1,000¥ None
Dermal Plating, Muscle Replacement
Balance Tail, Reaction Enhancers, Retractable
Dexterity Suite 1 3 5 1,000¥ None
Climbing Claws, Skillwires, Wired Reflexes (all)
Adrenaline Filter, Skillwires, Smuggling
Coyote Suite 1 3 6 1,000¥ None
Compartment, Wired Reflexes (all)
Cyberlimbs - Obvious
Cyberarm Suite 1 4 3 1,500¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Cyberleg Suite 1 4 3 1,500¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Torso Suite 1 3 4 1,500¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Cyberlimbs - Synthetic
Cyberarm Suite 1 3 4 2,000¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Cyberleg Suite 1 3 4 2,000¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Torso Suite 1 2 5 2,000¥ See Cyberlimb Mods Compatibility +1 Wound Threshold

Headware Mods
Attention Coprocessor 4 700¥ b to Perception.
200¥ +
Commlink 2 Allows for hot-sim and DNI
Control Rig 1 5 1,500¥ Add 1 rank in Driving skill. Add 1 to Handling of vehicle when Jumped In

Control Rig 2 7 2,500¥ Add 1 rank and b in Driving skill. Add 2 to Handling of vehicle when Jumped In
Add 1 rank and b in Driving skill. Add 3 to Handling of vehicle when Jumped In. May
Control Rig 3 9 3,500¥
suffer 1 strain to add s to a Driving check
200¥ +
Cyberdeck 4 Allows for hot-sim and DNI
Datajack 2 200¥ Allows for DNI. Can connect to any device using a data cable.
Allows user to change their face to any possible version of their metatype. +1 Deception and
False Face 7 1,700¥
b to Deception checks.
Hair Optics 1 1,000¥ +1 Charm

Neural Processor 6 1,000¥ +1 Computers

Olfactory Booster 4 1,400¥ bb to Perception tests involving scent

May load a knowsoft or linguasoft. May hold up to 7 'softs in memory. Only 1 may be active
Skilljack 6 1,000¥ at a time. It takes an Incidental Action to switch, but does not become active until start of
your next turn.
Voice Mask 4 500¥ bb to checks to identify user’s voice

Voice Modulator 5 1,000¥ +1 Deception

Audio Mods
Image Link 2 250¥ Allows for use of AR
Allow for magnification of an item 1000x. Focal point is 30cm. Add bb to Perception
Microscopic Lenses 3 900¥
when examining the material in question.
Facial Analyzer 6 1,000¥ +1 Negotiation

Flare Compensation 4 700¥ Remove b imposed from glare and flashing lights.
May take the aim maneuver without suffering strain. Maximum of two maneuvers still
Targeting Laser 4 700¥
Uses ultrasound to map out a room. Cannot go through physical objects, but can ‘see’ things
Ultrasound Sensor 4 700¥ others cannot (such as people affected by Invisibility). Switch between ultrasound and true
vision with a Maneuver
Vision Enhancement 2 700¥ Add b to Perception dealing with vision

Vision Magnification 2 750¥ If user takes the Aim maneuver, increase the effective range of a ranged weapon by one band.

Audio Mods
Audio Enhancement 2 1,000¥ bb to Perception (Audio)

Balance Augmenter 3 1,000¥ +1 Coordination

Damper 3 1,200¥ +2 Soak for damage inflicted by sonic-style weapons (such as flashbangs)

Increased Hearing Spectrum 3 500¥ Allows user to hear in higher and lower frequencies than human hearing
Upgrade Perception check twice when it involves a specific sound as agreed upon by player
Select Sound Filter 5 500¥
and the GM.
Spatial Recognizer 5 1,000¥ On Perception checks to determine the source of a sound, upgrade the check once.
When a linguasoft is loaded, automatically translate speech you hear to your preferred
Translate-Ear 2 600¥
Bodyware Mods
Adrenaline Filter 5 1,000¥ +1 Cool

Balance Tail 5 1,000¥ +1 Coordination

Able to show your vitals on image link and broadcast to team. Add b to Medicine checks to
Biomonitor 2 700¥
heal you.
Bone Lacing (Plastic) 5 1,000¥ +1 Brawl damage, +1 Soak

Bone Lacing (Aluminum) 6 2,000¥ +2 Brawl damage, +1 Soak

+2 Brawl damage, +1 Soak. When suffering a critical strike, may roll the dice twice and
Bone Lacing (Titanium) 7 3,000¥
choose which result to take.
Dermal Plating 6 700¥ +1 Ranged/Melee defense

Muscle Replacement 7 2,500¥ +1 Brawn

Reaction Enhancers 7 2,500¥ +1 Agility

Retractable Climbing Claws (Feet +1 Athletics when climbing. If have both feet and hands, add a b. If used as a weapon, treat
5 1,000¥
or Hands) as Retractable Hand Razors, but add a b
Allows for use of Skillsofts. May hold up to 5 skillsofts in memory. Only 1 may be active at a
Skillwires 7 1,500¥ time. It takes an Incidental Action to switch, but does not become active until start of your
next turn.
Can store objects up to Encumbrance 1. Anything stored will upgrade a perception check
Smuggling Compartment 7 200¥
trying to find it.
Wired Reflexes 1 5 3,000¥ +1 Agility, may suffer 1 strain to add s to your initiative check
+1 Agility, +1 Ranged and Melee Defense, may suffer 1 strain to add ss to your initiative
Wired Reflexes 2 6 3,700¥
+1 Agility, +1 Ranged/Melee Defense, may suffer 1 strain to add sss to your initiative
Wired Reflexes 3 7 4,400¥

Each limb may only have one mod that increases a characteristic (may not have Agility + Brawn mod in the same
Gun +
Gun (Pistol) Arm, Leg 5 GM may spend hh to make you run out of ammo.
Gun +
Gun (SMG) Arm, Leg 6 GM may spend hh to make you run out of ammo.
Gun +
Gun (Shotgun) Arm, Leg 7 GM may spend hh to make you run out of ammo.
Gun +
Grenade Launcher Arm 8 Limited Ammo 1
Hand razors (retractable) Arm 6 600¥ Brawl; Damage +2; Crit 4; Range: Engaged; Vicious 2

Cyberspurs Arm 7 950¥ Brawl; Damage +3; Crit 3; Range: Engaged; Vicious 2, Pierce 2

Cyberlimb Mods
Agility Legs, Arms 6 2,500¥ +1 Agility

Brawn Legs, Arms 6 2,500¥ +1 Brawn

Armor Torso 5 700¥ +1 Soak

Ranged weapon attached to the gyromount gains the Accurate 1
Gyromount Arms, Torso 4 700¥
quality, or increases the Accurate quality by 1.
Weapon or item attached to the slide can be drawn as an
Slide Slide 4 500¥
May holster a pistol with Encumbrance of 0 or 1. Compartment
Holster Torso 4 200¥
is concealed and adds bb to Perception checks to spot.
Hydraulic Jacks Legs 5 1,000¥ +1 Athletics
Can hold 2 Encumbrance of objects. Anything stored will
Large Smuggling Compartment Torso 5 500¥
upgrade a perception check once when trying to find it
Limb may extend 3x normal length. May make Melee attacks at
Telescopic Limbs Legs, Arms 5 500¥
Short range.
50’ of coiled nylon, able to support total encumbrance and Brawn
Grapple Gun Arms 5 400¥ of 14. If used as a weapon: Damage 4, Crit: 5. Range: Medium.
Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
Skimmers Legs 5 1,000¥ +1 Stealth

Nonconductive Material Torso 6 1,400¥ +1 Strain Threshold

May take the Move maneuver as your second maneuver without
suffering strain. GM may spend hh on your attacks to knock
Skates Legs 4 300¥
you prone. May spend aa on attacks made against you to knock
you prone.

Bone Density Augmentation, Cat's Eyes, Enhanced Articulation,
Brawn Suite 1 5 6 4,000¥ Fangs, Horns, Muscle Augmentation, Stinger, Suprathyroid Gland,
Adrenaline Pump, Cat's Claws, Cat's Eyes, Enhanced Articulation,
Agility Suite 1 5 5 4,000¥
Fangs, Muscle Toner, Suprathyroid Gland, Synthacardium
Orthoskin (1&2), Skin Pocket, Tailored Pheromones, Bone Density
Defense Suite 1 6 4 4,000¥ Augmentation, Pathogenic Defense, Platelet Factories, Symbiotes,
Toxin Extractor, Cat Claws, Horns, Fangs, Stinger
Cerebellum Booster, Dopamine blocker, Mnemonic Enhancer,
Intelligence Suite 1 5 6 5,000¥
Reflex Recorder, Sleep Regulator
Dopamine Blocker, Mnemonic Enhancer, Reception Enhancer,
Cunning Suite 1 5 6 5,000¥
Reflex Recorder, Sleep Regulator
Cerebral Booster, Damage Compensator, Dopamine Blocker, Pain
Resilience Suite 1 5 6 5,000¥
Editor, Sleep Regulator
Damage Compensator, Dopamine Blocker, Pain Editor, Reflex
Combat Suite 1 5 7 5,000¥
Recorder, Synaptic Booster

Basic Mods
Adrenaline Pump 4 6,000¥ May suffer up to 3 strain to add as many s to initiative checks.

Bone Density Augmentation 6 12,500¥ +1 Soak, +1 to Brawl damage. Requires extra h to add Knockdown effect.
May suffer 1 strain to make unarmed Brawl attacks have: Brawl; Damage: +1; Crit: 3; Range:
Cat Claws 6 400¥
Engaged; until the end of the encounter
Cat’s Eyes 3 5,000¥ Remove bb imposed by dim light.

Enhanced Articulation 3 2,800¥ Add b to checks to escape grapples or bonds.

Fangs 6 300¥ Brawl; Damage: +1; Crit: 5; Range: Engaged; Pierce 1

Horns 6 750¥ Brawl; Damage: +3; Crit: 2; Range: Engaged; Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Inaccurate 1

Muscle Augmentation 5 10,000¥ +1 Brawn

Muscle Toner 5 10,000¥ +1 Agility

Orthoskin 1 5 2,800¥ +1 Soak

Orthoskin 2 6 5,600¥ +1 Soak, +1 Ranged/Melee Defense

Pathogenic Defense 6 4,000¥ +1 Resilience

Platelet Factories 5 2,800¥ When recovering strain at the end of an encounter, recover 2 per s

Skin Pocket 5 800¥ May conceal an item of encumbrance 1 or lower. Upgrade any check to perceive this twice.

Stinger 6 700¥ Brawl; Damage: +1; Crit: 4; Range: Engaged; Pierce 1, Disorient 4, Limited Ammo 1
+1 Agility, +1 Brawn. Must pay 100¥ per session for extra food. This mod is incompatible
Suprathyroid Gland 7 20,000¥
with Muscle Augmentation and Muscle Toner.
Symbiotes 7 4,000¥ Upgrade any check once to heal you (stun or physical), including at the end of an encounter.

Synthacardium 5 4,000¥ +1 Athletics

Tailored Pheromones 6 10,000¥ +1 Presence

Toxin Extractor 5 4,000¥ Upgrade any Resilience check to fight off poisons or toxins

Cultured Mods
Cerebellum Booster 6 10,000¥ +1 Intellect

Reception Enhancer 6 10,000¥ +1 Cunning

Cerebral Booster 7 10,000¥ +1 Willpower

Damage Compensator 6 2,800¥ +1 Wound Threshold

Mnemonic Enhancer 6 2,800¥ Add b to all Knowledge checks

Once per encounter when your character suffers a Critical Injury, they may activate the pain
editor as an out-of-turn incidental. Until the end of the encounter, they ignore any penalties
that Critical Injury would otherwise impose on skill checks they make. (At your GM’s
Pain Editor 6 5,600¥
discretion, this may not apply to penalties inflicted by certain Critical Injuries, such as
blindness or loss of a limb.) At the end of the encounter, your character no longer ignores
those penalties and suffers the effects of the Critical Injuries.
Dopamine Blocker 5 4,000¥ +1 Discipline
Choose 1: +1 to Athletics, Coordination, Driving, Piloting, Brawl, Melee, Ranged (Light),
Reflex Recorder 7 4,000¥
Ranged (Heavy), Gunnery. 'May have multiple reflex recorders, but only one per skill.
Sleep Regulator 5 2,800¥ Remove bb imposed by lack of sleep
+1 Agility, +1 Ranged/Melee Defense, may suffer 1 strain to add sss to your initiative
Synaptic Booster 6 17,600¥


Matrix Devices
Commlink 0 1 25¥ May contain 1 icebreaker and one IC.

Cyberdeck 1 2 4 750¥ May contain 2 icebreakers and two IC.

Cyberdeck 2 3 6 2,000¥ May contain 4 icebreakers and six IC.

May contain 1 IC. May run 1 Pilot Program at a time which is shared to all slaved devices.
Can hold up to 3 Pilot Programs in memory. May connect to the RCC via datajack or
Rigger Command Console 1 3 4 1,500¥ through the Matrix. May slave up to 2 vehicles or drones. These may become a minion
group. Your character may spend one Action to issue a command that all slaved devices
May contain 2 IC. May run 1 Pilot Program at a time which is shared to all slaved devices.
Can hold up to 4 Pilot Programs in memory. May connect to the RCC via datajack or
Rigger Command Console 2 3 6 2,200¥ through the Matrix. May slave up to 3 vehicles or drones. These may become a minion
group. Your character may spend one Action to issue a command that all slaved devices
May contain 3 IC. May run 2 Pilot Program at a time which is shared to all slaved devices.
Can hold up to 5 Pilot Programs in memory. May connect to the RCC via datajack or
Rigger Command Console 3 3 8 3,000¥ through the Matrix. May slave up to 4 vehicles or drones. These may become a minion
group. Your character may spend one Action to issue a command that all slaved devices

Linguasoft 0 4 200¥ Contains a language, used to translate from one language to another.

Contains information about a specific Knowledge skill topic. Loading this into a skilljack
Knowsoft 0 4 1,000¥
will increase the rating of that Knowledge skill by 1, up to a maximum of 5.
May be loaded into skillwires to increase rank in a specific skill (determined at purchase) by
Skillsoft 0 6 1,000¥
1, up to a maximum of 5.
A low-end AI assistant program that can perform legal Matrix Actions on a device into
which it is loaded. Can follow basic commands. Can conduct a Matrix Search action with a
Agent 0 5 800¥
skill of 1 and characteristic of 2. Can also be used to assist your Matrix Search, granting b.
Using an Agent on your device takes up an Icebreaker or IC slot.


Audio and Imaging Devices

Contacts 0 3 90¥ May add in 1 Vision Mod

Glasses 0 3 100¥ May add in 2 Vision Mods

Goggles 1 3 120¥ May add in 3 Vision Mods

Earbuds 0 3 90¥ May add 2 Audio Mods

Headphones 1 3 150¥ May add 3 Audio Mods

Can take photos, video, and trideo. May add in 1 Vision Mod. Add bb to Perception
Micro Camera 0 4 75¥
checks to spot the device.

Camera 1 2 75¥ Can take photos, video, and trideo. May add in 2 Vision Mods.

Can pick up audio clearly up to Long range. Must be pointed directly at source and have
Directional Microphone 0 5 100¥
clear line of sight.
This sensor bounces a laser against a thin, solid object like a windowpane, reads the vibra-
Laser Microphone 0 6 150¥ tions on the surface, and translates them into the sounds that are occurring on the other
side of the surface. Maximum range is Long Range.

Allows your character to perform Medicine checks to heal wounds and Critical Injuries without
penalty. The inclusion of modern drugs adds automatic a to the check results. If your character’s
Medkit 1 3 120¥
Medicine check generates hhh or d, it means they have used up all of the kit’s supplies, and the
medkit may no longer be used.
Using a painkiller requires one maneuver for your character to apply it either to themself or to
another engaged character. The painkiller is consumed in the process, and the character immedi-
ately heals 5 wounds. While a character can use multiple painkillers, this provides diminishing
Slap-patch 0 2 25¥ returns. Each painkiller after the first heals one wound fewer. A second painkiller heals 4
wounds, a third heals 3, and so on. Using a sixth painkiller in a day has no further effect.
After one day, the lingering effects of the painkillers wear off, and the character may use
painkillers again with their normal effect
Recovers all strain immediately. At the end of the encounter, take 10 strain. May make an
Stim Patch 0 1 5¥
Average (dd) Resilience check to reduce strain suffered by 1 per s or aa
If applied to a subject that is over their Wound Threshold within 2 rounds, that character reduces
Trauma Patch 0 3 20¥
the severity level of the critical injury by 1 (does not apply to Dead.)
Cancels or negates ongoing effects caused by poisons or toxins. If a specific toxin or drug is ex-
Antidote Patch 0 2 20¥
tremely rare, the GM may require a specific Antidote patch just for that substance.

Tranq Patch 0 6 100¥ When applied, the target must succeed at a Hard (ddd) Resilience check or suffer 6 Strain.


Fake SIN 5 500¥ Must make a Daunting (dddd) Perception check to determine SIN is a fake.

Slap-patch 5 300¥ Must make a Daunting (dddd) Perception check to determine License is a fake.

Optional rules for addiction may be found on page 100 of Shadow of the Beanstalk.
Unless otherwise specified, drugs last until the end of the encounter or for 1 hour of narrative time. Taking a drug
takes an Action and user must suffer 1 Strain to do so.

Combat drugs
Cram 90¥ Upgrade all Perception and Vigilance checks once. When drug wears off, suffer 5 Strain.

Deepweed 100¥ Upgrade all Willpower based checks once. Forces Awakened characters to astrally perceive.

Upgrade all Agility based checks once. When drug wears off, your character is afflicted with
Jazz 120¥
Disoriented status for 1 hour of narrative time.

Upgrade all Agility and Brawl checks once. When drug wears off, downgrade all Agility and
Kamikaze 90¥
Willpower based checks once for 2 hours of narrative time. Also, suffer 5 Strain.

Remove bb imposed from exhaustion. Can stay awake up to 4 days with one dose. When drug
Long Haul 150¥ wears off, your character immediately passes out and sleeps soundly for 1 day. Your character may
not benefit from this drug again until that rest is completed.
Upgrade all Cunning based checks once. Add b to Perception checks. When drug wears off,
Nitro 75¥
suffer 6 Strain and gain the Disoriented status for 1 hour of narrative time.
Upgrade all Presence based checks and Perception checks once. When drug wears off, Presence
and Willpower characteristics are reduced to 1 for 1 hour of narrative time. If your character’s
Novacoke 75¥
Presence or Willpower is already 1, your character immediately passes out into a restful slumber
for the duration.
Upgrade all Intellect and Cunning based checks once. Awakened and Emerged users suffer 1
Psyche 100¥
fewer Strain when using the Concentrate maneuver..

Recreational drugs
Zen 150¥ Downgrade all Agility and Brawn based checks twice.

Your character loses their free maneuver on their turn for the next five rounds (or five minutes of
Bliss 50¥
narrative time). In addition, your character adds hh to any checks they make during that time.

A tranquilizing narcotic, bliss is an opiate synthesized Jazz is a stimulant designed to better the odds for run-of-
from poppy plants. It takes its name from the sensations the-mill law-enforcement officers who run up against
its users feel. Players attempting to roleplay a bliss user augmented street samurai. It’s usually taken from a sin-
may want to focus on the escapist angle, using the drug gle-dose inhaler (or “popper”). When jazz wears off, the
to block out the chaotic or unsatisfying world. user crashes and is flooded with despondent and miser-
able emotions. Jazz makes people as jumpy and hyper as
CRAM caffeinated two-year-olds. Role-playing a jazz user
Cram is an extremely popular stimulant. Cram users ap- means turning it up a notch, portraying someone with
pear hyper-alert, almost to the point of paranoia. They too much energy to burn—and too much energy to fo-
react quickly, often without thought, and they’re prone to cus.
irrational outbursts. Other common side effects are jit-
teriness and fidgeting.
Kamikaze is a tailored combat stimulant. The repeated
DEEPWEED use of kamikaze has a destructive effect on the user’s me-
Deepweed is a narcotic derived by Caribbean houngans tabolism. Large doses can cause excitement, tremors,
from an Awakened form of kelp. It’s extremely enticing momentary euphoria, and dilated pupils. Excess doses
to the Awakened and is sometimes used to dose targets (bordering on overdose level) cause anxiety, hallucina-
for possession. There are dangers inherent in forced as- tions, and uncontrolled muscular movements. Kamikaze
tral perception, such as attracting unwanted attention. users are near crazed, filled with a feeling of impervious-
Role-playing the effects of deepweed may mean portray- ness and invincibility, exhibiting almost no regard for
ing someone who seems not completely “present,” since their own well-being. They can be entertaining to watch,
they aren’t. as long as you’re not in front of them.

A combination of synthesized hormones and other This designer stimulant is especially prized by magicians
brain-regulating chemicals, long haul stimulates the and technomancers alike. Psyche users are simultane-
brain and keeps the user awake, obviating the need for ously hyper-aware and detached, easily absorbed by de-
sleep. tail and obsessive about certain facts or problems.
A dangerous combination of potent drugs favored by A psychedelic hallucinogen, zen is popular among those
troll gangers, nitro is a powerful stimulant that can easily looking to escape reality or seeking trance-like states. It
kill a user. Nitro users feel infused with energy, suffer a won’t help you much when you’re on a run, unless you
diminished attention span, and talk incessantly (includ- dose your opponents with it.
ing to themselves).
A stimulant derived from coca plants, novacoke is a
highly addictive social drug.

Building and repairing items, including people, requires the right tools for the job. Tools must be bought separately
for a specific skill (for example, a Computers toolkit, a Medicine shop, a Mechanics facility, etc.).

A kit is portable and contains the basic gear to make standard repairs. Without at least a
Kit 0 3 120¥
kit in the field, a skill may not be able to be used actively.
A shop is transportable in the back of a van and contains more advanced tools for
Shop 8 5 1,200¥ building and repairing. A shop upgrades the applicable skill once on checks made there.
Shops are stocked with standard spare parts.
A facility needs a building and is immobile because of the bulky and heavy machines
Facility 20 7 12,000¥ involved, but it can be used for very advanced constructions and modifications. A facility
offers the same bonus and parts as a shop, as well as adding bb to applicable checks.

Metal restraints attached to wrists and ankles. Escaping requires a Daunting (dddd)
Athletics or Skulduggery check. When restrained, in order to take a Move maneuver,
Containment Manacles 2 3 100¥
your character must succeed at a Hard (ddd) Coordination check. GM may spend
hh or d on the check to cause your character to fall over.
Metal wrist restraints with a mechanical or wireless-controlled lock. Escaping requires a
Metal Restraints 1 3 15¥
Daunting (dddd) Athletics or Skulduggery check.
Modern restraints for wrists that flash-fuse and remain in place until the subject is cut
Plasteel Restraints 1 4 30¥
free. Escaping requires a Formidable (ddddd) Athletics or Skulduggery check
Disposable plastic straps are lightweight and easy to carry in bundles. Escaping requires a
Plastic Straps (x10) 0 1 5¥
Hard (ddd) Athletics or Skulduggery check
Old technology with a mechanical lock. To bypass, requires a Skulduggery check at a
Lock 1 2 50¥
difficulty set by the GM.
Electronic locks sealed with electromagnets with a variety of access control
options,including biometrics, keycards, passcards, and RFIDs. Bypassing requires a
Maglock 1 1 70¥
Skulduggery check to open up the casing and then passing either a Computers check or
Mechanics check (determined by type of lock) at a difficulty set by the GM.

Security Bypass
Autopicker 1 6 100¥ When picking a mechanical lock, add b to the check.

Lockpick Kit 0 4 50¥ Without at least this kit or an autopicker, picking a lock may not be possible.

This can take on many forms, such as a sequencer for a keypad, a passkey, or keycard
Maglock Bypass - - -¥
copier. Obtaining the proper credentials to copy is up to the GM.

Instead of a list of all the various tools, GM should allow players to buy what they would like for their character
within reason. If a situation requires a specific tool and no one has it, they could use a story point! If someone has
the right tool for the job, reward that player with a boost die.

Clothing 0 0 0 0 - Varies

0 1 1 0 4 200¥

Combat Armors
Armor Vest 1 0 1 0 4 300¥

Armored Jacket 1 1 1 1 5 350¥

Full Body
0 2 1 2 6 500¥
Add b on checks to find items up to Encumbrance 1 hidden in the
Lined Coat 0 1 1 1 5 250¥
2 1 2 1 6 350¥
Body Armor

Specialty / Fashion
0 1 4 3 4 260¥ Add b to Resilience checks to resist environmental effects

Chameleon Suit 1 0 1 0 6 350¥ Add b to Stealth checks

Executive Suit 0 1 1 0 6 300¥ Add b to Negotiation checks

Nightshade Add b to Charm checks to those attracted to your metatype and gen-
0 0 0 0 4 250¥
Dress / Suit der (GM discretion)

Law Enforcement/Military
Security Armor,
1 1 1 1 6 300¥
Security Armor,
1 2 2 2 6 450¥
Security Armor,
2 2 3 3 7 600¥ Add b to Coercion checks
Riot Control
0/3 2 3 2 7 850¥

S.W.A.T. Armor 2 3 5 4 7 900¥

Mil-Spec, Light 1 2 2 1 7 600¥ Reinforced

2 2 3 2 7 750¥ Reinforced

Mil-spec, Heavy 2 3 4 3 8 1,000¥ Add b to Coercion checks, Reinforced

Ballistic Plates 1 4 350¥ Combat Armors Ranged Defense +1. Encumbrance +1.

Reduce incoming Strain Damage by 2, to a minimum of 0, prior to

Electricity Resistance 1 3 200¥ Any armor
applying Soak. Damage source must be electrical.

Fire Resistance 1 5 400¥ Any armor Reduce the Burn quality by 3 to a minimum of 0.
Gyroscopic mount for a weapon. Add the Accurate 1 quality, or increase
Any Medium or
Gyromount 2 6 2,000¥ the Accurate 1 quality by 1 to any Ranged - Heavy or Gunnery weapon
Heavy armor
attached to it.
When wearing this armor, your character adds s to Coercion checks they
Intimidating Visage 0 2 90¥ Any armor
make, and f to Charm checks they make.

Reinforced Plating 2 7 8,000¥ Any armor Armor gains the Reinforced quality. Encumbrance +1.
This armor looks like normal clothing. Anyone searching your character
Any armor of
Street Wear 0 2 125¥ adds bb to Perception checks to notice that they are wearing armor.
Soak 0 or 1
Armor must be custom-crafted to gain this attachment.


Assault Cannon Gunnery 13 2 Extreme 9 4 3,750¥ 9 Cumbersome 5, Vicious 4, Slow-Firing 2

Assault Rifle Ranged - Heavy 7 3 Long 2 3 800¥ 5 Auto-fire

Gauss Rifle Ranged - Heavy 10 2 Exteme 7 3 2,100¥ 8 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 4, Knockdown

Heavy Machine Gun Gunnery 11 3 Long 8 4 1,700¥ 8 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 2

Heavy Pistol Ranged - Light 6 3 Medium 1 2 600¥ 4 Vicious 1

Hold-out Pistol Ranged - Light 4 5 Short 1 0 100¥ 3

Light Machine Gun Ranged - Heavy 8 3 Long 6 4 1,000¥ 7 Auto-fire, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1

Light Pistol Ranged - Light 5 4 Short 1 1 150¥ 3

Shotgun Ranged - Heavy 8 3 Medium 2 2 850¥ 5 Pierce 1

SMG Ranged - Light 5 3 Medium 1 2 450¥ 4 Auto-fire

Sniper Rifle Ranged - Heavy 10 2 Extreme 5 4 1,950¥ 7 Accurate 1

Taser Ranged - Light 5 5 Short 1 0 350¥ 3 Stun Damage, Stun 3

Throwing/Projectile Weapons
May spend a on check to have Boomerang
Boomerang Ranged - Light +0 5 Short 1 0 50¥ 5
return to you.
Ranged - Light +1 4 Short 1 0 150¥ 4 Limited Ammo 6

Bow Ranged - Heavy 7 3 Medium 2 1 275¥ 2 Unwieldy 2


Blast 3, Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Limited
Flashbang Ranged - Light 3 5 Short 1 0 50¥ 4
Ammo 1

Fragmentation Ranged - Light 7 3 Short 1 0 85¥ 4 Blast 7, Vicious 2, Limited Ammo 1

High Explosive Ranged - Light 6 4 Short 1 0 70¥ 5 Blast 6, Concussive 1, Limited Ammo 1

Incendiary Ranged - Light 6 4 Short 1 0 50¥ 6 Burn 3, Limited Ammo 1

Adds to bb Visual based checks, Limited

Smoke Ranged - Light 0 6 Short 1 0 20¥ 4
Ammo 1

Tear Gas Ranged - Light 0 6 Short 1 0 60¥ 6 Disorient 5, Limited Ammo 1

Adds bb to Visual based checks, including

Thermal Smoke Ranged - Light 0 6 Short 1 0 30¥ 5
thermo, Limited Ammo 1

Cumbersome 2, Limited Ammo 6. May spend
By By
Grenade Launcher Gunnery Long 5 2 2,450¥ 7 aaa or t to activate Blast, even if you do not
Type Type
Limited Ammo 1, Breach 1, Guided 1, Prepare
Missile Launcher Gunnery 15 2 Extreme 7 3 4,450¥ 9

Club Melee +2 4 Engaged 1 1 150¥ 3 Stun 1

Combat Axe Melee +4 3 Engaged 2 1 200¥ 4 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1, Vicious 1

Extendable Baton Melee +2 3 Engaged 1 1 125¥ 3 Stun 1

Forearm Snap Blades Melee +3 3 Engaged 0 0 200¥ 4

Katana Melee +4 2 Engaged 2 1 400¥ 5 Pierce 1, Vicious 1, Defensive

Knife Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 0 175¥ 2 Pierce 1

Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 3. If roll includes
hhh or d: Damage yourself. If roll includes
Monofilament Whip Melee +5 2 Short 1 0 900¥ 7 dd: Damage and critical yourself. If your
attack is still successful, you deal damage to
the target, too.
Polearm Melee +4 3 Engaged 3 2 325¥ 5 Defensive, Pierce 2

Staff Melee +3 4 Engaged 2 2 175¥ 3 Stun 2, Defensive

Stun Baton Melee 5 5 Engaged 1 1 400¥ 4 Stun 2, Stun Damage

Sword Melee +3 4 Engaged 2 1 225¥ 4 Pierce 1, Defensive

Tonfa Melee +2 4 Engaged 1 1 125¥ 4 Stun 2

Improvised Weapon Melee +0 6 Engaged 0 0 N/A 0 Inaccurate 1, Inferior 1

Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, Deflective 2,
Ballistic Shield Melee +1 5 Engaged 2 1 300¥ 5
Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
Unwieldy 3, Defensive 1, Deflective 1,
Riot Shield Melee +0 6 Engaged 1 1 150¥ 8
Inaccurate 1, Knockdown
* Grenades can either be set to explode immediately, or via timer for up to 3 rounds. Setting the timer is an


Hardliner Gloves Brawl +2 4 Engaged 0 0 125¥ 4 Disorient 2

Brass Knuckles Brawl +1 3 Engaged 0 0 175¥ 3 Stun 2

Shock Gloves Brawl 5 5 Engaged 1 1 150¥ 4 Stun Damage, Stun 3

The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality, or increases any existing
Any one-handed
Balanced Hilt 1 1,000¥ 6 Accurate quality by 1. (If the weapon has the Inaccurate quality, it reduces
melee weapon
that quality’s rating by 1 to a minimum of 0, instead.)
If the user spends one preparation maneuver to deploy the bipod, the
weapon’s Cumbersome or Unwieldy qualities are reduced by 2, to a
Any Ranged - Heavy
Bipod 1 250¥ 2 minimum of 0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 2, to a
or Gunnery firearm
minimum of 0, while the user fires from a crouched or prone position (or
can brace the bipod against something solid).
The weapon’s range increases by one range band, to a maximum of
Extended Barrel Any firearm 2 1,000¥ 4 extreme range. The weapon gains the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases
its existing Cumbersome quality by 2.
Any weapon that has a The GM cannot force you to drop this weapon if you are actively wielding
Gecko Grip 1 120 3
grip it. Critical Injury effects can still force you to drop it.
When the user makes the first combat check with this weapon in an
Hair Trigger Any pistol 1 150¥ 3
encounter, add sh to the results.
Any sensible ranged The user reduces the difficulty of ranged combat checks made with this
Imaging Scope 1 200¥ 3
weapon weapon at long and extreme range by 1. May add up to 3 Vision Mods.
The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or increases any existing Pierce
Any bladed melee
Razor Edge 1 1,250¥ 6 quality by 1. The weapon also decreases its Crit rating by 1, to a minimum
of 1.
Any bladed melee The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or increases any existing Vicious
Serrated Edge 1 75¥ 2
weapon quality by 1.
Any Ranged - Light Your character may draw this weapon as an incidental rather than as a
Shortened Barrel 1 180 3
firearm maneuver. The range of this weapon changes to short.
Gain the Accurate 1 quality or increase Accurate by 1, as long as the user
Smartlink Any ranged weapon 1 1,000¥ 3
has Image Link active in their vision.
Your character may spend a maneuver during an encounter to activate the
Any ranged weapon target-selection system. If they do, for the remainder of the encounter,
Target-Selection System 2 1,225 7
with Smartlink your GM cannot spend d from their combat checks to cause the attack to
hit an ally engaged with their original target.
If the user spends two preparation maneuvers to deploy the tripod, the
Ranged - Heavy or weapon’s Cumbersome or Unwieldy qualities are reduced by 3, to a
Gunnery weapon with minimum of 0, and the weapon’s encumbrance is reduced by 4, to a
Tripod 2 400¥ 3
Encumbrance of 4 or minimum of 0. The weapon may not be moved (except to pivot on the
more tripod mount) once it has been set up. The user must spend two
preparation maneuvers to take the tripod down.
This weapon cannot be fired except by its designated user. Unlocking and
reprogramming a stolen or otherwise “acquired” weapon with an active
Any ranged weapon
Weapon Lockout 1 145 3 lockout requires your character to make a Daunting (dddd)
with Smartlink
Computers check. Your GM may spend hhh or d from this check to
permanently disable the locked weapon, rendering it useless.
Any Ranged - Heavy
Weapon Sling weapon that requires 1 25¥ 1 Reduce encumbrance by 2
two hands to wield
Any melee weapon The weapon increases its damage by 2. The weapon gains the
Weighted Head 1 250¥ 2
that deals bludgeoning Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its existing Cumbersome quality by 1.

The following rules apply to Underbarrel mods: The weapon gains the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its existing
Cumbersome quality by 1. The weapon also gains the Unwieldy 2 quality, or increases its existing Unwieldy quality
by 1. Finally, the weapon increases its encumbrance by 2.

Any rifle-sized Ranged Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10; Critical 2; Range [Short]; Blast 6, Burn 4,
Underbarrel Flamethrower 2 3,000 6
- Heavy weapon Limited Ammo 2.
Underbarrel Grenade Any rifle-sized Ranged Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Blast 6, Limited
2 1,500 5
Launcher - Heavy weapon Ammo 1.
Any rifle-sized Ranged Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range [Short]; Blast 5,
Underbarrel Shotgun 2 1,000 4
- Heavy weapon Knockdown


Special Ammo
All Ranged - Light and
Gel Rounds 5¥ 1 Stun Damage, Knockdown
Ranged - Heavy firearms

APDS All firearms 100¥ 8 Pierce 2 or increase Pierce rating by 1

+1 Damage. GM may spend hhh or d on the roll for a misfire.
All Ranged - Heavy,
EX-Explosive Rounds 100¥ 8 Attacker takes the damage instead and weapon is damaged one
Gunnery firearms

Grenades purchased for the Grenade Launcher may not be used
Grenades Grenade Launcher By Type By Type
like regular grenades, they must be fired from the Launcher.

Missiles Missile Launcher 500¥ 9

Each category listed provides an example of one. Use this as inspiration and refer to the Expanded Player’s Guide
for building out other vehicles as needed.


Suzuki Mirage Harley-Davidson Scorpion
Armor Defense Armor Defense
1 5 +0 0 0 1 4 +1 0 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
2 4 3 4
Control Skill: Driving Control Skill: Driving
Complement: 1 Driver Complement: 1 Driver
Passenger Capacity: 0 (1 uncomfortably) Passenger Capacity: 0 (1 uncomfortably)
Consumables: 6 hours Consumables: 5 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 2 Encumbrance Capacity: 3
Price/Rarity: 5,205¥ / 3 Price/Rarity: 3,255¥ / 3
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 1 Hard Points: 1

Honda Spirit GMC Bulldog Step-Van
Armor Defense Armor Defense
2 3 +0 0 0 2 3 -1 0 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
4 5 5 5
Control Skill: Driving Control Skill: Driving
Complement: 1 Driver Complement: 1 Driver
Passenger Capacity: 3 Passenger Capacity: 8
Consumables: 1 day Consumables: 6 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 10 Encumbrance Capacity: 3
Price/Rarity: 3,360¥ / 3 Price/Rarity: 3,550¥ / 3
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 3 Hard Points: 6
Ford Americar Ares Roadmaster
Armor Defense Armor Defense
2 4 +0 0 0 3 3 -1 1 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
4 5 14 13
Control Skill: Driving Control Skill: Driving
Complement: 1 Driver Complement: 1 Driver
Passenger Capacity: 4 Passenger Capacity: 2
Consumables: 1 day Consumables: 3 days
Encumbrance Capacity: 20 Encumbrance Capacity: 80
Price/Rarity: 6,060¥ / 3 Price/Rarity: 9,110¥ / 4
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 4 Hard Points: 6
Eurocar Westwind X80 Ares Dragon
Armor Defense Armor Defense
2 4 +2 0 0 3 4 +1 1 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
3 5 12 10
Control Skill: Driving Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 1 Driver Complement: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot
Passenger Capacity: 1 Passenger Capacity: 6
Consumables: 3 hours Consumables: 1 day
Encumbrance Capacity: 12 Encumbrance Capacity: 40
Price/Rarity: 8,000¥ / 5 Price/Rarity: 9,260¥ / 7
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 4 Hard Points: 5
Toyota Gopher GMC Banshee
Armor Defense Armor Defense
2 3 -1 0 0 3 4 +2 1 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
6 5 10 12
Control Skill: Driving Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 1 Driver Complement: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot
Passenger Capacity: 5 Passenger Capacity: 3
Consumables: 6 hours Consumables: 6 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 35 Encumbrance Capacity: 30
Price/Rarity: 3,650¥ / 3 Price/Rarity: 12,850¥ / 8
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 5 Hard Points: 6

Aztechnology Sunrunner Cessna C750
Armor Defense Armor Defense
2 4 +2 0 0 3 4 +2 0 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
5 4 6 6
Control Skill: Operating Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 1 Operator Complement: 1 Pilot
Passenger Capacity: 12 Passenger Capacity: 5
Consumables: 1 day Consumables: 6 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 20 Encumbrance Capacity: 25
Price/Rarity: 8,310¥ / 3 Price/Rarity: 8,360¥ / 4
Weapons: None Weapons: None
Hard Points: 3 Hard Points: 3

D rones can on their own through Pilot programs.
They all come with a default ‘dog-brain’ set of in-
structions. They can follow simple instructions from
Aztechnology Crawler
Armor Defense
their owner, such as “Stay here and alert me if there is 1 2 +0 0 0
movement.” Without modifications, treat all checks as SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
being unskilled with a 2 attribute. Default sensors may 2 2
only perceive audio and visual data up to Medium range. Control Skill: Driving
Complement: 0
Passenger Capacity: 0
MICRO Consumables: 6 hours
Sikorsky-Bell Microskimmer XXS Encumbrance Capacity: 3
Armor Defense Price/Rarity: 605¥ / 4
0 2 +1 0 0 Weapons: Can use all Ranged - Light weapons
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold Hard Points: 1
1 1
Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 0
GM-Nissan Doberman
Passenger Capacity: 0 Armor Defense
Consumables: 3 hours 1 2 +0 0 0
Encumbrance Capacity: 0 SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
Price/Rarity: 500¥ / 4 3 2
Weapons: None
Hard Points: 0 Control Skill: Driving
Complement: 0
MINI Passenger Capacity: 0
Horizon Flying Eye Consumables: 12 hours
Armor Defense Encumbrance Capacity: 5
0 2 +1 0 0 Price/Rarity: 675¥ / 5
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold Weapons: Can use Ranged - Heavy and smaller
2 1 Hard Points: 2
Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 0
Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: 6 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 1
Price/Rarity: 525¥ / 4
Weapons: Can mount a light pistol or taser
Hard Points: 1

Ares Black Sky
Armor Defense
2 5 +0 1 0
SILHOUETTE Max Speed Handling HT Threshold SS Threshold
6 8
Control Skill: Piloting
Complement: 0
Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: 8 hours
Encumbrance Capacity: 10
Price/Rarity: 13,750¥ / 8
Weapons: Can use all weapons
Hard Points: 6

Vehicle and Drone Modifications

Pilot Programs
Each vehicle/drone may have a single Pilot Program running at any given time. They may hold up to 3 programs in
memory. Switching programs requires an Action.
Gives vehicle applicable skill equal to Rating to operate. (Driving, Piloting,
Pilot 1-4 3 Rating x 200¥

Navigation 1-4 3 Rating x 200¥ Gives vehicle skill equal to the rating on checks to chart a path to a destination.

Choose a combat skill at purchase. Gives vehicle ranks equal to rating in chosen
Combat 1-4 4 Rating x 200¥
combat skill.

Healing 1-4 3 Rating x 200¥ Gives vehicle the Medicine skill equal to the rating.

Choose a general skill at purchase. Gives vehicle ranks equal to rating in chosen
Labor 1-4 3 Rating x 200¥
general skill.

Weapon Mounts
Standard price for a weapon mount includes these features: Obvious (not concealed), Facing (has a 45° firing arc),
and Manual Control (weapon can only be fired manually).
Basic Mounts
Ranged - Light or Melee 1 5 500¥

Ranged - Heavy 1 6 750¥

Gunnery 2 7 1,000¥

Weapon can be revealed with an Incidental action either by the owner of the vehicle,
Concealed +1 6 750¥
or by a button at the gunner position.

Free Rotation +0 5 500¥ Turret can rotate any direction. Can attack any target within range.

Rigger Control 0 3 800¥ A jumped in rigger can fire the weapons.

Drone Control 0 6 800¥ Allow the vehicle to fire the weapons.

Chassis Mods
Armor 2 5 Varies +1 Armor. Can be applied multiple times.

Handling 1 4 Varies +1 Handling

Speed 1 4 Varies +1 Max Speed

Body Mods
Vehicle can be submerged in water. Modified to be able to move at Max Speed 1
Amphibious 3 5 900¥
either on surface or on floor.

Chameleon Coating 1 6 1,000¥ Perception checks to spot the vehicle add bb

Extra Entry/Exit Point 1 4 750¥ Vehicle has a hidden entrance/exit. Details decided between player and GM.

Reinforced Frame 1 4 100¥ +1 Hull Trauma Threshold. Can be applied multiple times.

Electronics Mods
Electronic Countermeasures 1 4 350¥ Allows loading of one IC program. Can be applied multiple times.

Rigger Cocoon 1 5 800¥ Cocoon has 1 Armor, HT: 8. If there is a crash, reduce damage to the occupant by 5.

Sensors 1 3 300¥ Improves range of Perception to Far range. May also add in 2 Vision Mods.

Spoof Chip 1 6 500¥ May change the identifier broadcasted with a Maneuver

System Hardening 1 4 100¥ +1 Strain Threshold. Can be applied multiple times.

Mechanical Mods
Once per encounter, a vehicle or drone using the Piloting control skill may deploy
Flares 1 6 600¥
flares, causing any Guided quality to be unable to activate and giving b to the check.
Nitro! 1 5 450¥ Decrease the System Strain suffered by accelerating by 1
Dump some oil behind you to give your pursuers the slip. Driving through the oil
Oil Slick 1 4 400¥ requires a Hard (ddd) Driving check or suffer a minor collision. You may spend
hhh or d on the check to make it a major collision.
When tires are punctured (by bullets, spike strips, knives, etc) you may continue
Run-flat Tires 1 4 450¥
driving on them without penalty until the end of the encounter.


Armor Maximum Speed
0 to 1 2,500¥ 1 to 2 1,000¥
1 to 2 2,500¥ 2 to 3 1,500¥
2 to 3 5,000¥ 3 to 4 2,500¥
3 to 4 15,000¥ 4 to 5 5,000¥
4 to 5 25,000¥
5 to 6 50,000¥
6 to 7 100,000¥
-4 to -3 2,000¥
-3 to -2 500¥
-2 to -1 500¥
-1 to 0 1,000¥
0 to 1 1,000¥
1 to 2 1,000¥
2 to 3 3,000¥
3 to 4 5,000¥

Hacking Access Modes
May access certain functions through

H acking uses the rules from Shadow of the Beanstalk

with a few changes. Cyberdecks replace Rigs and
Commlinks replace PADs. Unlike Rigs, Cyberdecks may
Device Only None the matrix without experiencing
Experience the matrix in an Augmented
Add b to all Reality overlay atop the real world.
be used portably. Augmented non-matrix Personas in this mode usually appear
Reality (AR) actions due slower and ‘laggy’ compared to those in
There is only one Computers skill. Limit the actions to being VR. Accessing a host requires being in
based on whether the persona making the check is an in- distracted. at least AR.
Access through a DNI. Your meat world
truder or defender. body goes limp and you experience the
Add b to
Cold-Sim Virtual Matrix through vibrant Virtual Reality.
The IC and Icebreakers refer to Android universe com- Computers
Reality (VR) The Cold-sim filters data incoming to
panies. Replace these company names with those of prevent your fragile brain from getting
Shadowrun companies and you’re all set! Add b and The only way to fly. No filters, just pure
Hot-Sim Virtual upgrade fast data. May take a second maneuver
Reality Computers without suffering strain. May be subject
Matrix Search checks once to damage from malicious attacks.

T he wageslaves are always tied to their commlinks,
looking up the latest Urban Brawl score or watching
the latest trid stars. But a Shadowrunner can look into
the seedy depths of the matrix to find hidden informa-
A ccessing the matrix wirelessly is very powerful.
However, illegal actions require a stronger connec-
tion that can be affected by large amounts of data.
To do so, make a Computers check, but tied to Cun- EFFECT EXAMPLE
ning instead of Intellect. Any boosts to Computers checks bb
Spam zone. Urban area during rush hour. More than 100km
from host.
still apply. The difficulty is set by the GM as to how hid-
b Between 1-100km from host. In an area with high foot traffic.
den the data is. Your generic drek, like subway schedules,
is Simple (-) up to classified data being Formidable No effect Direct connection. Within 1km of host with low traffic.

(ddddd). Since this hidden data is, well, hidden, it

takes 30 minutes per difficulty to attempt the search.

T echnomancers have access to the Resonance skill,
which they may use to thread Complex Forms with
the same rules as Magic. These Complex Forms may only
The Conjure Complex Form is used to summon Sprites.
The base difficulty is Easy (d) . If cast at this level, a
affect the Matrix. All Technomancers have Skin Link al-
lesser sprite of the caster’s choice will appear, but will
lowing them to access a device as if plugged in through a
not be friendly to any target.
Data Jack just by touching the device. They must still do
the test to gain access to the device.
Technomancers are Emerged and gain access to the EFFECT MOD
Attack, Augment, Conjure, Curse, and Utility spell Additional Compile: You may compile an additional
Sprite . May summon an additional per aa
trees. If your character does not take at least 1 rank into
Resonance or have it as a career skill at character cre- Medium Compile: You may compile an Average
ation, they may not become a Technomancer later. Tech-
Compile Ally: The sprite you compile is friendly to
nomancers may never become Awakened. you and obeys your commands. You may spend a
maneuver to direct the sprite, allowing them to
determine its action and maneuver. If you summoned
Complex Forms multiple sprites, you may spend one maneuver to
direct the turns of all summoned sprites.

ATTACK (RESONANCE SPIKE) Grand Compile: You may compile a Greater Sprite. +dd

The Attack Complex Form is used to break IC. The base

Strength for this action is the Technomancer’s Cunning CURSE (DIFFUSION)
characteristic. The base difficulty is Easy(d).
The Curse Complex Form is used to weaken IC and the
DIFFICULTY Host. The base difficulty is Average (dd) . Affected IC
EFFECT MOD decrease their strength by 1. Affected Hosts will decrease
Silence: The attack temporarily severs outside connec-
tions. If this attack fails to break IC, any attempt by the +d their ability on any skill checks by 1. These effects last un-
IC to alert SysOps fails this turn. til the end of your next turn.
Corrosive: Runner may spend aaa or t to reduce
the Strength of the IC by 1 for the rest of the +d
Empowered: The attack deals base damage equal to
twice the Technomancer’s Cunning.
Brute Force: Runner may spend aaa or t to bypass
Misfortune: After a SysOps makes a check, you may
this IC. If the check does not break the IC, any +dd +d
change one b to f.
additional effects of the IC still occurs.
Additional Target: If there are multiple IC protecting
this subsystem, you may affect one additional IC. You
may spend a to affect an additional IC (and may
AUGMENT (INFUSION) repeat this, spending a each time.)
Compile Ally: The sprite you compile is friendly to
The Augment Complex Form is used to boost yourself you and obeys your commands. You may spend a
and those around you. The base difficulty is Average maneuver to direct the sprite, allowing them to
(dd). Affected targets increase their ability once on any determine its action and maneuver. If you summoned
multiple sprites, you may spend one maneuver to
skill check made until the end of your next turn. direct the turns of all summoned sprites.
Distraction: If a SysOps runs a Lockout command
from an affected host, you may change any one die in +dd
DIFFICULTY the pool not displaying a t or d to a different face.
Infusion: Target adds damage equal to the techno-
mancer’s ranks in Resonance to Break Ice actions.
Elusive: Target is elusive. If the Lockout action is
taken against the target, treat the number of Traces as +d
one less.
Additional Targets: The complex form affects one
additional target in the same subsystem as you. You
may spend a to affect one additional target. (This may
trigger multiple times, spending a each time.)

Sprites CRACK

I f the Technomancer rolls a t on the Compiling roll,

the Sprite is Empowered and gains the Empowered
trait listed.

1 2 3 2 2 1
COURIER brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

Lesser 1 4 0 0
Skills (Group Only): Computers, Perception
1 2 3 2 2 1 Icebreaker: Affects: Barrier. Override Strength: 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
Special: Immune to Trace User.
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
Empowered: Phantom: Sprite may use an Action to con-
1 4 0 0 ceal a persona and itself from detection from the next
Sweep this encounter. Does not work if target has previ-
Skills (Group Only): Computers, Perception
ously had Trace from the defender.
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 2
Special: Add b on Trace User action.
Empowered: Hash: Protect a file with a unique algo-
rithm that only the sprite can decrypt. If sprite is de-
stroyed while carrying the file, file is irreversibly 2 2 3 2 2 2
corrupted. brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

2 12 0 0
2 2 3 2 2 2 Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence lance 2
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Icebreaker: Affects: Barrier. Override Strength: 4
2 12 0 0 Special: Immune to Trace User.
Empowered: Phantom: Sprite may use an Action to con-
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi- ceal a persona and itself from detection from the next
lance 2 Sweep this encounter. Does not work if target has previ-
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 4 ously had Trace from the defender.
Special: Add b on Trace User action.
Empowered: Hash: Protect a file with a unique algo-
rithm that only the sprite can decrypt. If sprite is de-
stroyed while carrying the file, file is irreversibly 2 2 3 2 3 2
corrupted. brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Greater Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

3 18 1 1
2 2 3 2 3 2 Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence lance 3
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Icebreaker: Affects: Barrier. Override Strength: 6
3 18 1 1 Special: Immune to Trace User.
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi- Empowered: Phantom: Sprite may use an Action to con-
lance 3 ceal a persona and itself from detection from the next
Sweep this encounter. Does not work if target has previ-
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 6 ously had Trace from the defender.
Special: Add b on Trace User action.
Empowered: Hash: Protect a file with a unique algo-
rithm that only the sprite can decrypt. If sprite is de-
stroyed while carrying the file, file is irreversibly

Lesser Lesser

1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
1 4 0 0 1 4 0 0
Skills (Group Only): Computers, Perception Skills (Group Only): Computers, Perception
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 2 Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate, Sentry. Override
Strength: 5
Special: Reduce time for Matrix Search by 50%.
Special: Improved Icebreaker.
Empowered: Camouflage: Sprite conceals a file within
another file in such a way as to make it invisible to Matrix Empowered: Electron Storm: Sprite may make an Aver-
searches. Concealed files can only be found with a Ma- age (dd) Computers check. For each net s reduce
trix Perception test that is specifically looking for the strength of a piece of IC by 1, to a minimum of 1. Sprite
hidden file. may concentrate on this.
2 2 3 2 2 2
2 2 3 2 2 2 brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense 2 12 0 0
2 12 0 0
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi- lance 2
lance 2 Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate, Sentry. Override
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 4 Strength: 7
Special: Reduce time for Matrix Search by 50%. Special: Improved Icebreaker.
Empowered: Camouflage: Sprite conceals a file within Empowered: Electron Storm: Sprite may make an Aver-
another file in such a way as to make it invisible to Matrix age (dd) Computers check. For each net s reduce
searches. Concealed files can only be found with a Ma- strength of a piece of IC by 1, to a minimum of 1. Sprite
trix Perception test that is specifically looking for the may concentrate on this.
hidden file.
2 2 3 2 3 2
2 2 3 2 3 2 brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense 3 18 1 1

3 18 1 1 Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi- lance 3
lance 3 Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate, Sentry. Override
Strength: 9
Icebreaker: Affects: Code Gate. Override Strength: 6
Special: Improved Icebreaker.
Special: Reduce time for Matrix Search by 50%.
Empowered: Electron Storm: Sprite may make an Aver-
Empowered: Camouflage: Sprite conceals a file within age (dd) Computers check. For each net s reduce
another file in such a way as to make it invisible to Matrix strength of a piece of IC by 1, to a minimum of 1. Sprite
searches. Concealed files can only be found with a Ma- may concentrate on this.
trix Perception test that is specifically looking for the
hidden file.


1 2 3 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

1 4 0 0
Skills (Group Only): Computers, Perception
Icebreaker: Affects: Sentry. Override Strength: 2
Special: Sprite can be loaded into an electronic device.
Gives anyone attempting to repair or use (Computers,
Mechanics, or Driving only) the device a b.
Empowered: Override: Sprite may use an Action to
make a Hard (ddd) Computers check against a de-
vice operating on auto-pilot. If successful, the Sprite
gains control of the device.

2 2 3 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

2 12 0 0
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
lance 2
Icebreaker: Affects: Sentry. Override Strength: 4
Special: Sprite can be loaded into an electronic device.
Gives anyone attempting to repair or use (Computers,
Mechanics, or Driving only) the device a b.
Empowered: Override: Sprite may use an Action to
make a Hard (ddd) Computers check against a de-
vice operating on auto-pilot. If successful, the Sprite
gains control of the device.


2 2 3 2 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

3 18 1 1
Skills: Computers 3, Perception 2, Resilience 2, Vigi-
lance 3
Icebreaker: Affects: Sentry. Override Strength: 6
Special: Sprite can be loaded into an electronic device.
Gives anyone attempting to repair or use (Computers,
Mechanics, or Driving only) the device a b.
Empowered: Override: Sprite may use an Action to
make a Hard (ddd) Computers check against a de-
vice operating on auto-pilot. If successful, the Sprite
gains control of the device.

S treet mages use Arcana to weave mana into spells
while Street Shaman use the Primal energies to call
upon the elements. The spellcasting rules utilize the
Genesys Core Rulebook alternate rules for magic. Divine,
Runes, and Verse skills are not used in this system.
If your character does not take skill ranks in any magic
skills, or have one as a career skill, at character creation,
they may not put Karma into gaining these skills and
may not cast spells, unless they obtain the Magic Initiate
talent, indicating a Latent Awakening. Having a career
skill or a skill rank in Arcana, Primal, or Qi makes you
Awakened. Awakened characters may never become

W hen utilizing the Conjure spell to summon a crea-
ture, your character is limited to summoning the
following spirits. Your GM may have access to other
types of spirits, such as Toxic, Blood, or Insect, but you
would never summon such nasty things! Would you?
When casting the Conjure spell, you may spend a t to
Empower the spirit(s) summoned, causing it to gain the
Empowered trait listed.
Spirits may be banished using the Dispel spell targeting
the Spirit. This adds +d to the check.

Spirits BEAST

AIR Lesser

Lesser 3 2 1 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

2 3 1 2 2 1 Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence 3 6 0 0

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Skills (Group Only): Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance
3 4 1 1
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 4; Critical: 4; Range: Engaged,
Skills (Group Only): Ranged - Light, Resilience, Vigi- Vicious 2
lance Special: Immune to Disorient.
Attack: Ranged - Light; Damage: 4; Critical: 4; Range: Empowered: Savage (+2 Damage, Pierce 1, Vicious +2)
Medium, Manipulative
Special: Immune to Immobilize, Flying (Hovering).
Empowered: Disorient 2, Stun 4 (Lightning)
3 2 2 2 2 2
Average brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

2 3 2 2 2 2 4 14 0 0
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense silience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc)
4 12 1 1
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Skills: Ranged - Light 3 (ccc), Perception 2 Vicious 2
(cc), Resilience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc) Special: Immune to Disorient.
Attack: Ranged - Light; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range: Empowered: Savage (+2 Damage, Pierce 1, Vicious +2)
Medium, Manipulative
Special: Immune to Immobilize, Flying (Hovering). Greater
Empowered: Disorient 2, Stun 4 (Lightning)
3 2 2 2 3 2
Greater brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

2 3 2 2 3 2 5 20 1 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
Silhouette: 2
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
5 18 2 2 Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
silience 2 (ccd), Vigilance 3 (ccc)
Silhouette: 2
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 8; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Skills: Ranged - Light 3 (ccc), Perception 2 Vicious 3
(cc), Resilience 2 (cc), Vigilance 3 (ccc) Special: Immune to Disorient.
Attack: Ranged - Light; Damage: 8; Critical: 3; Range: Empowered: Savage (+2 Damage, Pierce 1, Vicious +2)
Medium, Manipulative, Vicious 1
Special: Immune to Immobilize, Flying (Hovering).
Empowered: Disorient 2, Stun 4 (Lightning)

Lesser Lesser

3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
3 6 0 0 3 4 0 0
Skills (Group Only): Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance Skills (Group Only): Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 4; Critical: 4; Range: Engaged, Attack: Brawl; Damage: 5; Critical: 4; Range: Engaged,
Knockdown Burn 1
Special: Immune to Knockdown. Special: Immune to fire damage.
Empowered: Concussive 1 Empowered: Blast 4
Average Average

3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
4 14 0 0 4 12 0 0
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re- Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
silience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc) silience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc)
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged, Attack: Brawl; Damage: 7; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Knockdown Burn 1
Special: Immune to Knockdown. Special: Immune to fire damage.
Empowered: Concussive 1 Empowered: Blast 4

Greater Greater

3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
5 20 1 1 5 18 1 1
Silhouette: 2 Silhouette: 2
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re- Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
silience 2 (ccd), Vigilance 3 (ccc) silience 2 (ccd), Vigilance 3 (ccc)
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 8; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged, Attack: Brawl; Damage: 9; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Knockdown, Vicious 1 Burn 1, Vicious 1
Special: Immune to Knockdown. Special: Immune to fire damage.
Empowered: Concussive 1 Empowered: Blast 4

Lesser Lesser

3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence

Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
3 5 0 0 3 4 0 0
Skills (Group Only): Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance, Pri- Skills (Group Only): Brawl, Resilience, Vigilance
mal Attack: Brawl; Damage: 4; Critical: 4; Range: Engaged,
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 4; Critical: 4; Range: Engaged, Ensnare 2
Stun Damage Special: Immune to Immobilize.
Special: Can use the Augment tree of Primal magic. Empowered: Disorient 2, Ensnare 4
Empowered: Grants a b to all Magic checks by the Con-
jurer. Average
Average 3 2 2 2 2 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
3 2 2 2 2 2 Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
4 12 0 0
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
4 13 0 0 Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
silience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc)
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
silience 2 (cc), Vigilance 2 (cc), Primal 2 Attack: Brawl; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
(cc) Ensnare 2
Special: Immune to Immobilize.
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 6; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Empowered: Disorient 2, Ensnare 4
Stun Damage
Special: Can use the Augment tree of Primal magic. Greater
Empowered: Grants a b to all Magic checks by the Con-
3 2 2 2 3 2
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense

3 2 2 2 3 2 5 18 1 1
brawn agility intellect cunning Willpower Presence Silhouette: 2
Soak value Wound threshold M/r Defense
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re-
5 19 1 1 silience 2 (ccd), Vigilance 3 (ccc)
Silhouette: 2 Attack: Brawl; Damage: 8; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Skills: Brawl 3 (ccc), Perception 2 (cc), Re- Ensnare 2, Vicious 1
silience 2 (ccd), Vigilance 3 (ccc), Primal 3 Special: Immune to Immobilize.
(ccd) Empowered: Disorient 2, Ensnare 4
Attack: Brawl; Damage: 8; Critical: 3; Range: Engaged,
Stun Damage, Vicious 1
Special: Can use the Augment tree of Primal magic.
Empowered: Grants a b to all Magic checks by the Con-

E nchanting is the creation of magical implements and
artifacts. Crafting will use either the Arcana or Pri-
Magical Foci and Charms
mal skill and only certain implements and artifacts can
be created with either. The difficulty is listed in the table. M agic users may have as many foci bound to them
equal to their Intellect (for Mages) or Cunning
(Primal). For Mystical Adepts, this equals their Intellect
To make a crafting check, you must have magical
reagents and the item to be enchanted worth at least 50% or Cunning (depending on their chosen skill), plus one
of the cost of the item and have the Superior quality— (the additional one must be a Qi Focus).
only the most masterfully crafted items have the poten- Your character may only benefit from one implement
tial to hold the magic required. at a time. When casting a spell, choose which focus to
The process of crafting an item takes one day, plus a use.
number of days equal to the rarity of the item. This does Charms can be worn by anybody. Your character may
not include any time spent gathering tools or supplies. only wear one Charm at a time.
Your GM may decide that some items take significantly
more or less time, depending on the nature of the item
and its construction.


Add b to any check to determine the item’s true purpose.
a or t Reduce the time to craft the item by one day, to a minimum of one. (You may select this option multiple times.)
Gain insight into crafting. Gain b on your next Enchanting attempt within 24 hours.
When the user uses the Charm, they regain 1 Strain.
Your character saves enough materials to reduce the cost of the next similar item they craft by half.
aa or t
Once per encounter, when using the Focus, you can cast with suffering only 1 strain.
You find a shortcut and create two charms instead of one.
If this Focus grants additional damage using Attack spells, increase that value by 1.
aaa or t You thoroughly document the process and create a blueprint. You are able to reduce the difficulty when making
this particular focus or charm in the future by 1 (to a minimum of Simple(-) ).
If the focus has a GM determine an effect, you as the crafter can choose instead.
The item gains the Superior quality.
Increase the value of one numerical benefit of the item by one or increase the rating of one quality the item
possesses by one, excluding damage, critical rating, soak, and defense.
Increase the narrative benefit of the item, or add a new narrative effect, as approved by your GM.
The item gains one other item quality, subject to your GM’s approval. (You may only select this option once.)
If the focus includes decreasing the difficulty, decrease by an additional, to a minimum of Simple(-).
Increase the time to craft the item by one day. (You may select this option multiple times.)
h or d It is more obvious this focus or charm is magical. Add b to checks to determine its’ true purpose.
Add b to the next Enchanting check the character makes.
User suffers 2 Strain when using the charm.

hh or d Increase the Encumbrance of the item by 1.

Underestimated the reagents required. Your character must purchase additional materials worth half of the
original component cost.
As part of activating the Charm, the user must succeed at an Average (dd) Discipline check, or the Charm
fails to activate.
hhh or d User suffers an additional Strain when casting a spell through this focus.
If this Focus grants additional damage using Attack spells, decrease that value by 1.
Using this Focus or Charm for the first time causes the user to suffer 8 strain.
d The item gains the Inferior quality.
Whenever the item is damage, it is damaged one additional step.
User must spend a Story Point to activate the charm or gain benefit of the Focus.
Item seems cursed. When the user wants to use the Talisman or Focus, the GM may spend 2 Story Points to
cause it to fail to work.
If you used a Blueprint during this check, it is proven useless and it resets back to the base difficulty.
There is a terrible accident, and your character suffers a Critical Injury or, at the GM's discretion, some related
narrative event can occur of equal distress.

Spellcasting Focus dddd Arcana 400¥ 4 Choose a spell type. When casting a spell of that type, reduce the difficulty
by 1. In addition, Attack spells cast by the user increase their damage by 2.
(Adepts/Mystic Adepts Only) Pick two effects from the Augment tree.
One effect can normally only increase the difficulty of the spell by one; the
Qi Focus dddd Primal 500¥ 4 second can normally only increase the difficulty of the spell by two. When
the user casts a spell, adding these effects do not increase the spell’s
difficulty. Can be applied as a tattoo by talented Talismongers.
Upgrade any magic skill check you make. When the Power Focus is
created, the GM determines one effect that the focus lets users add to any
Power Focus ddddd Arcana, Primal 10,000¥ 8 appropriate spell without increasing the difficulty. The difficulty of the
effect must be one that without the focus only increases the difficulty by
one. In addition, Attack spells cast by the user increase their damage by 4.

Weapon Focus dddd Primal 750¥ 6 When applied to a melee weapon, either adds +1 damage or applies an
elemental effect. (GM determines at creation)

Sustaining Focus ddd Arcana 800¥ 6 May take the Concentrate maneuver without suffering strain. Max of 2
maneuvers still applies.
Spirits summoned do not need to be Concentrated on. They will stay until
the end of the encounter. When conjuring, the Summon Ally effect is
Summoning Focus ddddd Primal 1,000¥ 5 added automatically without increasing the difficulty. At creation, GM
determines a type of spirit that the focus has an affinity towards. When
summoning that type of spirit, reduce the difficulty by 1.

Counterspelling Focus ddd Arcana 800¥ 6 May take the Counterspell maneuver without suffering strain. Max of 2
maneuvers still applies.


Shield Charm dd Arcana 400¥ 4 Once per session, you may reduce the damage of an attack directed at you
by half (rounded down). This happens prior to Soak.

While wearing this charm, when you recover Wounds or Strain from the
Healing Charm ddd Primal 400¥ 4 Heal spell, at the end of an encounter, through rest, or via Medicine check,
you recover 1 additional.

Luck Charm dd Primal 500¥ 5 Once per session, you may reroll a single dice pool on a check.

Once per session, when the wearer is targeted by an opposed Social skill
check where magic was used either to perform or augment the check, they
Resistance Charm ddd Arcana 400¥ 4 may choose to have the opposing character downgrade his skill check as
part of the check. If this means that there are not enough dice for the
check, the check automatically fails.

A depts have access to the Augment tree of magic, but
can only cast on themselves. Reduce difficulty of the
cast by 1. (This makes the base cast for Augment an Easy
and Mystic Adepts may concentrate on a number of
Powers equal to their Qi skill rating + 1. If already con-
centrating on that number of Powers, the next cast will
(d) Qi check). replace one (or more) of the concentrated on Powers.
On top of the skill increase effect (which does not
stack), the Adept may add one or more Powers to their
Mystic Adepts can use the Augment tree like an Adept.
Qi check.
If they have access to the Augment tree from their other
Powers cast by an Adept last until the end of the en- magic skill, they may cast Augment on others, as well,
counter, unless indicated otherwise in the text. Adepts but do not get the difficulty reduction when casting on
do not need to use the Concentrate maneuver. Adepts others.

Haste: May take a second maneuver without suffering strain. +d

Animal Empathy: Gain b to Charm checks with creatures. +d

Attribute Boost: Boost either Brawn or Agility by 1 for a number of turns equal to net s. After this time, suffer an additional strain. +dd

Authoritative Tone: Spend aaa on a Leadership check to succeed even if you have net f. +d

Berserk: Adept may enter a berserker rage, increasing Agility and Brawn by 1 (max is still 5), but Willpower, Cunning, Intellect, and Presence are reduced by 1 (to a minimum of
1). Attacks targeting you gain b.

Combat Sense: Instinctive sense of potential threats nearby. Gain +1 Melee and Ranged defense. +d

Cool Resolve: b to all social skills. +d

Counterstrike: May spend hhh or d from a Melee or Brawl attack targeting you to immediately take a single Melee or Brawl attack against the attacker. +d

Critical Strike: Reduce critical rating by 1 on your Melee or Brawl attacks. +d

Elemental Strike: Add Fire (Burn), Ice (Ensnare), or Electric (Disorient 1) quality to your Brawl attacks. +d

Enhanced Accuracy: Your attacks gain the Accurate 1 quality, or increases Accurate quality by 1. +d

Enhanced Perception: Upgrade your Perception checks once. +d

Flexibility: Immune to the Ensnare quality. +d

Improved Reflexes: +1 Agility, +1 Melee/Ranged Defense, may suffer 1 strain to add sss to your initiative check. +ddd

Indomitable Will: Upgrade checks to resist intimidation and fear inducing effects. +d

Inertia Strike: Add Knockdown quality to your Melee attacks. Also, reduces the number of a you need to activate Knockdown on Brawl attacks by 1 to a minimum of a. +d

Kinesics: Impose b to attempts to read your emotions. +d

Light Body: May jump over gaps up to Medium range as long as you can get 3m of a run before the jump. +d

Light Touch: Impose bb on Perception checks to notice the Adept palming or pickpocketing. +d

Missile Parry: Gain +2 Ranged defense. If the ranged attack is a slow moving projectile (arrows, throwing knives, grenades, etc), may spend hh to pluck missile out of the air. +d

Mystic Armor: Gain +1 Soak per uncanceled s generated on the Qi skill check. +dd

Nerve Strike: When making an unarmed Brawl check, may spend aaa or t to give an organic creature the Staggered condition. +d

Penetrating Strike: Add the Pierce quality to Brawl and Melee checks with rating equal to the number of uncanceleds generated on the Qi skill check. +dd

Rapid Draw: May draw a weapon that is properly holstered (GM discretion) as an incidental. +d

Rapid Healing: Upgrade any check intended to heal you once. +d

Traceless Walk: Make no noise through contact with the floor. Leaves no visible traces (even snow, sand, etc). Downgrade any relevant Perception check to notice you twice. +dd

Wall Running: May move to any spot within short range with your Move action. +d

Background Count EFFECT AREA
bb Site of a massacre. Mana void. Space.

I n certain areas of your campaign, there may be areas

with extreme emotion or magical energies. Back-
ground count can range between -2 to +2. Resonance is
b Places of misery (prison, factory). Violent crime scene.

not affected by background count. No effect Most places.

b Places of positive emotions (concerts, festivals, etc.)

bb Leyline


State of subject’s health.

S treet Mage and Street Shaman get access to the Astral

Plane. Adepts may purchase the ability for 10 xp. s or t
Current emotional state.
Mundane or Awakened.
Presence and location of Cyberware.
Assensing is an Average(dd) Perception check. In- Spell type of active magic.
crease difficulty by one for every hour that has passed General diagnosis of health issue.
since the aura was created. Location of bioware.
ss or t
Amount of Essence left.
Caster may spend s to learn information about the Technomancer.
sss or t Accurate diagnosis of malady or disease.

a or t Learn astral signature of a spell/spirit/Awakened aura.

Analyze the signature.

aa or t Gain b when tracking the signature for the rest of the
session, or the next 24 hours in narrative time.
Upgrade your checks for tracking or Assensing for the
rest of the session, or for the next 24 hours of narrative
aaa or t time.

Gain a permanent b when tracking or recognizing this


Upgrade all checks related to tracking or recognizing this


Suffer 1 strain.
h or d
Gain b on your next Assensing or tracking check.

hh or d If aura is viewing Astrally, they notice your interest.

Downgrade your next Astral action.

hhh or d
An astral entity determines your own signature.

Gain a permanent b when tracking or recognizing this

Downgrade all checks related to tracking or recognizing
this signature for the rest of the session, or 24 hours
narrative time.

Astral Projection
O nly Mages and Shaman may astrally project. Any
character with a skill rank in Qi or has Qi as a ca-
reer skill may not ever astrally project, except through
use of Deepweed.
While projecting:
• One movement action may be taken to move up to
Far range.
• Your attached Characteristics change:
• Brawn = Presence for Shaman \ Intellect for Mage
• Agility = Cunning for Shaman \ Cunning for
• Foci travel with you.
• Your base Brawl damage is equal to your Astral
Brawn (see above) characteristic. If you are using a
Brawl Weapon Foci, then use that weapon’s damage
• Melee is only available if you have a Weapon Foci. If
so, use that weapon’s damage (tied to your new
• You may only cast spells and attack other entities
that are active on the Astral Plane.
• You may use the Dispel tree on active magical effects
even if the caster is on the physical plane
• You may pass through most objects, but cannot pass
through Barrier spells or solid earth.
• You may project yourself onto the physical plane.
You appear similar to a ghost to those around you.
You still only see Astrally, but you may communi-
cate normally with those around. One benefit is that
you are invisible to technology this way. (So anyone
with cybereyes is blind to you!)
• You may only project up to a number of hours equal
to your tied magic Characteristic. As soon as this
time hits, you lose 1 Essence. You lose an additional
Essence for every additional hour you spend away
from your body. If you drop to Essence 0, your DIFFICULTY FOR FINDING PHYSICAL FORM
physical body dies and your Astral projection van- DISTANCE DIFFICULTY
Same Neighborhood d
• Once returning to your body, you regain Essence up
to your normal amount at a rate of 1 per Hour. Within 20 km dd
• If your body should be moved while projecting, it is
Within 100 km ddd
possible to sense it. Make a Primal/Arcana check
(with the tied attribute being changed to Cunning).
The difficulty is set by the GM based on distance the Within 500km dddd
body has traveled.
500km+ ddddd


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