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Swedish Missiological Themes, 94, 4 (2006)

Mission Studies at
Johannelund Theological Seminary
Klas Lundström

The theological programs of Johannelund are tailored to meet the needs of

those planning to enter the ministry in the Church of Sweden or the Swedish
Evangelical Mission (SEM - or EFS in Swedish). Studies at Johannelund
provide also a foundation for any profession where theological and religious
studies are important - such as ministry in other denominations - but also
a career in a wide variety of non-ordained ministries, including education,
missions and social service. The theological program offers a combination
of theological and pastoral courses, as well as mentor groups. A cooperative
program with Uppsala University means that students at Johannelund study
a portion of their degree at the Department of Theology of Uppsala
University. A number of other courses of study are also possible at
Johannelund. A Bible School is held each term, as are many other courses
offered in cooperation with SEM's adult education colleges (folkhögskolor).
One such course program is Theology for Life, directed to people who
have an interest in theological reflection on their ministries at home, at
work, in society, and in the local church.

The place of Mission Studies

Mission Studies is part of a larger section called "Church, Mission and
Society". The following courses, related to mission studies, are offered at

A basic course on B-level named The history of the Christian church and
missions (15 ECTS credits). This course builds on the one-semester A-
level course (30 ECTS credits) at Uppsala university. The course integrates
the church history and mission history of Sweden, Europe and the other
continents to a comprehensive whole. A number of seminars also offer an
opportunity for investigating contemporary issues in church and mission.
512 Klas Lundström

A course on B- and/or C-level named International Field Study (30 ECTS

credits) offers an opportunity for students to visit countries in "the South",
to collect local source material and to write an essay. The program is
sponsored by scholarships through the Swedish Mission Council.

A course for external students on A- or B-level named Mission from Third

World perspective (7,5 ECTS credits). The course includes a survey of
church history in the South as well as theological and mission initiatives
from the South.

Literature courses on B-level (7,5 or 15 ECTS credits) according to the

interest of the student. These are individual literature-courses for students
who want to study a particular issue within Church and Mission Studies.

A course for external students on A- or B-level named Congregational

development (7,5 ECTS credits). This course offers some tools for
understanding church life and society in order to develop healthy
congregational life.

A course for internal and external students on A- B- or C-level named To

start anew (7,5 ECTS credits). This offers some tools for understanding
society and to start new initiatives in congregational life.

Teachers in Mission Studies at Johannelund

Klas Lundström (Th. D.) is the main teacher of the section. His most recent
publication is his dissertation Gospel and Culture in the World Council of
Churches and the Lausanne Movement (2006). In the period 1999-2003 he
was the editor of a number of field-study reports from Uppsala university,
such as, Lucha y esperanza: Popular initiatives in Peru and Nicaragua (2001);
Church Life and Christian Initiatives in Tanzania (2002); and Church life
and Theological Education in Tamil Nadu (2003). In the near future he will
start to write a survey of church history in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Staffan Grenstedt (Th. D.) is the main teacher for Practical theology, but
his area of specialization is within Ethiopian Church history. His dissertation
named Ambaricho and Shonkolla: From Local Independent Church to the
Evangelical Mainstream in Ethiopia (2000) traces the origin of the Mekane
Mission Studies at Johannelund Theological Seminary 513

Yesus Church in a part of Southern Ethiopia. More recently (2006) he has

published "Vad har Nakamte i Etiopien med Uppsala att gora?" (What is
the connection between Nakamte in Ethiopia and Uppsala).

The Future of Mission Studies

Mission studies will, as a part of the changes due to the Bologna process,
be included in a broader section in Johannelund called "Historical and
Practical Theology". This means that some courses may be designed to
offer a more practical and integrated approach to the issue of mission. We
hope also that the section can offer a number of new and more specialized
courses in the future. This will partly depend on the economic situation
and if Johannelund will be able to offer the full Bachelor degrees in theology.
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