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Conversions Between Metric and

U.S. Standard Measurements

S TANDARD UNITS are common in the

United States, but elsewhere, the
metric system is used. Ignorance of the
metric system and how to convert between
the two systems can put you at a
significant disadvantage, especially since
we live and participate in a global


þ Convert linear, area, and volume measure units between the U.S. standard and
metric measurement systems.

Key Terms:

Ñ area measure
linear measure
square meter
volume measure
cubic centimeter meter
cubic meter square centimeter

Unit Conversion Between

Measuring Systems
While there are many metric-to-standard and standard-to-metric conversion charts available
online, you must commit some basic conversion calculations to memory. This E-unit will
present information on how to convert between measurement systems for linear, area, and
volume measures.


Linear measure is the measurement of a single distance or dimension. Linear measure is
typically the length, width, and/or height of an object. Metric linear measure units are typically

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expressed in meters and centimeters. A meter (m) is the base unit of metric linear measure
and is slightly longer than a yard (3 feet 31/2 inches). A centimeter (cm) is a metric unit of
linear measure equal to 1/100 (0.010) of a meter.
Follow sequential steps for converting from one linear measurement system to the other.
First find the U.S. standard-to-metric or metric-to-U.S. standard conversion factor for the
desired linear measure units. Then multiply the given linear measure units by the conversion
factor to obtain the equivalent linear measure units for the other measurement system.
The following are U.S. standard-to-metric linear measure conversion factors:

t 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

t 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
t 1 foot = 0.305 meters
t 1 yard = 0.914 meters

The following are metric-to-U.S. standard linear measure conversion factors:

t 1 centimeter = 0.394 inches

t 1 centimeter = 0.033 feet
t 1 meter = 3.281 feet
t 1 meter = 1.094 yards


Area measure is the measurement of the two-dimensional size of a flat surfaced object.
Area measure is determined by multiplying the length of a flat surface by its width. Metric area
measure units are typically expressed in square meters and square centimeters. A square
meter (sq m) is a two-dimen-
sional space equivalent to 1 meter
in length by 1 meter in width. A
square centimeter (sq cm) is a
two-dimensional space equivalent
to 1 centimeter in length by 1
centimeter in width.
Follow sequential steps for
converting from one area mea-
surement system to the other.
First, the U.S. standard-to-metric
or metric-to-U.S. standard con-
version factor for the desired area
measure units must be found.
Then multiply the given area FIGURE 1. Metric area measure units are typically expressed in square
meters and square centimeters.

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measure units by the conversion factor to obtain the equivalent area measure units for the
other measurement system.
The following are U.S. standard-to-metric area measure conversion factors:

t 1 square inch = 6.452 square centimeters

t 1 square foot = 0.093 square meters
t 1 square yard = 0.836 square meters

The following are metric-to-U.S. standard area measure conversion factors:

t 1 square centimeter = 0.155 square inches

t 1 square meter = 10.764 square feet
t 1 square meter = 1.196 square yards

System Conversion Practice
Now that you have covered the basics, it is important to apply your new knowledge. You will
be able to practice correctly converting given measures from one measurement system to the
other measurement system. Convert linear, area, and volume measure units between the U.S.
standard and metric measurement systems. Convert the given measuring system’s units to the
equivalent units of the other measuring system. You may use an online conversion tool to check
your work. Remember to show your work on your paper. Turn in your work to your teacher.

TABLE 1. System Conversions

U.S. Standard Metric
? feet 660 cm
? cubic feet 8-cubic meters
? cubic inches 45-cubic cm
? square inches 150-square cm
29-square inches ? square cm
220-cubic feet ? liters
125-square yards ? meters
92-cubic feet ? cubic meters

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Volume measure is the measurement of the contents of a three-dimensional object. The
volume measure of a cube or rectangular prism is determined by multiplying the length of the
three-dimensional object by the object’s width and then by the object’s height. The volume
measure of a cylinder is determined by multiplying the area of the circular face by the height.
Metric volume measure units are typically expressed in cubic meters, cubic centimeters, and
liters. A cubic meter (cu m) is a three-dimensional space equivalent to 1 meter in length, 1
meter in width, and 1 meter in height. A cubic centimeter (cu cm) is a three-dimensional
space equivalent to 1 centimeter in length, 1 centimeter in width, and 1 centimeter in height. A
liter (l) is a three-dimensional space equal to 1000 cubic centimeters.
Follow sequential steps for converting from one volume measurement system to the other.
First, the U.S. standard-to-metric or metric-to-U.S. standard conversion factor for the desired
volume measure units must be determined. Multiply the given volume measure units by the
conversion factor to obtain the equivalent volume measure units for the other measurement
The following are U.S. standard-to-metric volume measure conversion factors:

t 1 cubic inch = 16.387 cubic centimeters

t 1 cubic foot = 0.028 cubic meters
t 1 cubic yard = 0.765 cubic meters
t 1 liter = 1000 cubic centimeters
t 1 cubic foot = 28.317 liters

The following are metric-to-U.S.

standard volume measure conversion

t 1 cubic centimeters = 0.061 cubic

t 1 cubic meters = 35.315 cubic feet
t 1 cubic meters = 1.308 cubic yards
t 1 liter = 0.035 cubic feet FIGURE 2. Metric volume measure units are typically expressed in
cubic meters, cubic centimeters, and liters.


2 Linear measure is the measurement of a single distance or dimension. Linear mea-

sure is typically the length, width, and/or height of an object. Metric linear measure
units are typically expressed in meters and centimeters.

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Area measure is the measurement of the two-dimensional size of a flat surfaced
object. It is determined by multiplying the length of a flat surface by its width. Met-
ric area measure units are typically expressed in square meters and square centime-

Volume measure is the measurement of the contents of a three-dimensional object.

The volume measure of a cube or rectangular prism is determined by multiplying
the length of the three-dimensional object by the object’s width and then by the
object’s height. The volume measure of a cylinder is determined by multiplying the
area of the circular face by the height. Metric volume measure units are typically
expressed in cubic meters, cubic centimeters, and liters.

Checking Your Knowledge:

´ 1. Covert 7 inches to centimeters.

2. Convert 140 meters to yards.
3. Convert 2400-square feet to square meters.
4. Convert 300-cubic inches to cubic centimeters.
5. Convert 12 liters to cubic centimeters.

Expanding Your Knowledge:

L A certain machine has 225 cubic inches of displacement. How many cubic centime-
ters does the machine displace?

Web Links:

: Metric Conversion Calculator

Metric Conversions

Metric Conversion Made Easy

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