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Criteria Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good

Scale (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Content (40%) Includes most
Includes essential Covers topic
No essential Lack of essential essential
information with thoroughly, includes
includes adequate information and information and information, details __x8 =
some supporting details that support
coverage of knowledge in details details are somewhat
the issues presented
details the topic
Engage audience,
Presentation (20%) Clear and fluid delivery, uses Well prepared,
Not clear, not Lack of clarity and understandable, different approach speaks clearly,
includes English __x4 =
understandable understandable uses limited other than simply delivers with ease,
proficiency, eloquence
and clarity
delivery techniques reading screen, invites questions
invites questions
Visually attractive,
Text is sometimes text is easy to read, Visually appealing,
Slides/Video (20%) Text is very difficult Text is difficult to hard to read, colors enhance clean simple layout,
to read, layout is read, layout is less sometimes graphics readability, graphics text is easy to read,
refers to the attractiveness __x4 =
cluttered and appealing and or special effects and special effects graphics enhance
of visual presentation
confusing confusing distract from do not distract from understanding
understanding understanding ideas
Inconsistent with Excellent eye
Attitude (10%) Good eye contact, Presenter has a
eye contact and contact, no
includes dress, posture , Poor eye contact, no distracting clear presence in
volume. Obvious distracting
eye contact, time used volume too low or gestures, usually the room that __x2 =
distracting gestures,
and mannerism during loud, over time has appropriate commands
presentation mannerism(s); Over appropriate volume;
volume; on-time attention; on-time
time on-time
Answers are Answers are Shows knowledge
Answers ramble, Answers are
inconsistent in uniformly good, and at a professional
Q & A (10%) off-target; may have uniformly good,
quality, either in show knowledge level for the topic. __x2 =
poor eye contact both in substance
substance or beyond Answers questions
when answering and delivery
delivery presentation with authority
Total (20 marks) %

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