Customer Service Plan Template: Vision

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Customer service plan template


For BizOps Enterprises it is relevant to ensure quality customer service for each of
the consumers. This will be based on a continuous feedback service with the client
to ensure the fulfillment of their expectations.

From this, the customer service policy is established as the base tool and guideline
in this area.


The present customer service plan for BizOps Enterprises is carried out around
investigating and solving two problems presented in front of customer service.
These two problems are related to compliance in the delivery of products and the
communication system in consumer information records.

Through this plan it is expected to improve the customer service system, improving
the associated indicators and in turn eliminating these failures evidenced by


1. Reduce to 5% the number of undelivered deliveries over total deliveries during

the next monthly period of BizOps Enterprises.

2. Increase the consumer satisfaction score by 10% for the next quarter.

3. Reduce the number of complaints and reports submitted by customers by 30%

within one semester.

4. Increase the overall performance of all employees by 10% during training


Customer definition

Customer Segment:

Individuals over 18, with access to the different online communication channels
and with a preference for fast and agile processes through virtual platforms.

Additionally, it is a customer who is interested in meeting the agreed delivery

© Aspire Training & Consulting

Document date: April 2015
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[unit code and title]...........................................................................................................................................

[student name].......................................................... [id].................................... [date]..................

Customer service plan template

deadlines, product quality and in general the attention and after-sales service
offered by organizations.

Customer feedback

The information on which the plan has been established rests on the following

1. Sales report (generalized decrease in demand for products).

2. Customer report (increase in the average rate of claims submitted by


3. Customer service policy (General guideline regarding the process of attention

and due process of complaints).

4. Details of specific complaints submitted to BizOps Enterprises (Mrs. Jones and

Mr. Henderson).

5. Economic and local market context of BizOps Enterprises.

Gap analysis

After the preliminary investigation of the current situation of BizOps Enterprises, the
following gaps in its customer service process can be determined.

 Absence of a clear training process for all employees, in the proper

development of their functions.

 There is no appropriate charge manual for the different tasks in the storage
and customer service areas.

 Obsolete software (assumption) for the process of registering customer

service information.

 Requirement of an update to the procedures of delivery and packaging of


Improvement strategies

Among the main recommendations provided for BizOps Enterprises are:

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Customer service plan template

1. Analysis of positions and creation of a proper function manual for personnel

selection and in turn regular training of positions.

2. Update of the registration platform and customer database.

3. Expansion of communication channels with customers (social networks, live


4. Audit and reengineering process to the product distribution and delivery system.

5. Socialization of customer service policies at all levels of the organization

(emphasizing storage and customer service partners).

6. Creation of a schedule of activities for training.

It is essential to carry out this customer service plan, to have customer feedback.
Therefore, it is established within item (3), an expansion of the communication
channel with the incorporation of a business account in social networks, the use of
live chat and forms or after-sales surveys with all customers.

Communication processes

The strategy described above will require a commitment by all levels of hierarchy
from senior management to the last positions. The use of the intranet is proposed
to send communications about the changes and improvements that will be made,
in addition to scheduling partial meetings with the different parties involved in the

It is necessary to have time slots that allow our employees to be sensitized to the
respective changes. For example, changes in customer service policy that are
carried out. These meetings are indicated should be poorly structured and with a
total intervention of all, the objective is to perceive the reactions of the employees
to the changes and listen to the contributions that can complement and strengthen
our plan according to their experience (tacit information).

Time lines

Implementation Schedule

This customer service plan is contemplated to be carried out during an initial (pilot)

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Customer service plan template

period of three months and subsequently include it within the organization in a

definitive way with the adjustments that must be made.

The pilot plan will be carried out with all members of the customer service area for
the company's online sales service. A two-week socialization process will be
carried out with all employees to start operations in the third week.

The first tasks to be carried out will be the creation or update of the corresponding
charge manuals, focused on changes in the customer service policy (until the
second month). At the same time the updating of the platforms and the
incorporation of the new communication channels will be carried out.

An observation process will be carried out in the last month to define the
advantages and disadvantages of the proposal and to be able to reformulate the
errors found before incorporating the plan throughout the organization

Training schedule

Once the proposed customer service plan is implemented throughout the

organization, it is planned to carry out partial training at all levels of the company.
Two-hour sessions a week of training are proposed as well as the delivery of
physical or virtual instructions to complement the information.


Since the proposal to improve customer service implies a high economic effort, the
values presented here are approximations and its approval will depend on senior
management to carry out the entire project.

Costs for implementation and management

* Design and manual creation of functions: $ 10,000$ AUD

* Application update (software): $ 100,000$ AUD

* Expansion of communication channels: $ 12,500$ AUD

* Audit and reengineering process (distribution): $ 50,000$ AUD

* Staff socialization and training (schedule): $ 5,000$ AUD

* Training session: $ 1,200$ AUD

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Customer service plan template


Finally, given the economic margin required for the total implementation
of the proposal, it is necessary to point out key aspects that must be vital
to find an improvement in customer service.

According to the records and the information obtained, a charge manual

must be implemented urgently according to the needs of the customer
and storage service area. This will facilitate the selection of personnel
according to the necessary skills in each department. Also implement an
organizational membership program that gradually decreases the
percentage of staff turnover.

Additionally, a key analysis is required in the product delivery process.

Verify the possibility of improving the process with current resources or
eventually proceed to change the delivery policy so that it fits our
available capacity.

In summary, resources must be invested to establish a strong

organizational culture that improves the work environment and therefore
the synergy and group performance of the entire company.

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