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All Possible Worlds

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best o f all possible worlds; and the
pessim ist fears this is true .
-James Branch Cabell, The Silver Stallion

Figures ix
Preface xii
Acknow ledgm ents xvi

1 A Field o f Study Called Geography / 1

PART 1 C L A S S I C A L / 11
2 The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 13
3 Geography in the M iddle Ages / 39
4 The Age o f Exploration / 61
5 The Impact o f Discoveries / 85
6 An End and a Beginning: Alexander von Humboldt
and Carl Ritter ! 107

PART 2 M O D E R N / 129
7 W hat Was New? / 131
8 The New Geography in Germany / 162
9 The New Geography in France / 195
10 The New Geography in Great Britain / 213
11 The New Geography in Russia, the Soviet Union, and the
Com m onwealth of Independent States / 248
12 The New Geography in Canada l 279
13 The New Geography in Sweden / 301
14 The New Geography in Japan / 323
15 The New Geography in the United States Before
World War I / 338
16 The New Geography in the United States: World War I to
M idcentury / 382

viii / Contents

17 The New Geography in the United States: M idcentury to

the Present / 414
18 Applied Geography / 448
19 New M ethods of Observation and Analysis / 475
20 Innovation and Tradition / 498

Index o f N am es 539
Index o f Subjects 589

Figure 1 Troy 16
Figure 2 Tower of the Winds 17
Figure 3 The world according to Ptolemy, according to
Hecataeus, and according to Eratosthenes 20
Figure 4 Greek exploration, 470-310 b .c . 24
Figure 5 Calculation of the Earth’s circumference (by Eratosthenes) 32
Figure 6 T -0 maps 42
Figure 7 Travels of Marco Polo 44
Figure 8 A Portolano chart of the Mediterranean (after Juan de la
Cosa, 1500) 47
Figure 9 Early Chinese explorers 55
Figure 10 The Age of Discovery, Bartholomew’s polar projection
(the Muslim world from the eighth to twelfth centuries;
Columbus; Vasco da Gama; Magellan; Cook) 62
Figure 11 The Treaty of Tordesillas 69
Figure 12 Apian’s heart-shaped world, 1530 75
Figure 13 Outline of Mercator’s world map, 1538 76
Figure 14 Outline of Mercator’s world map, 1569 78
Figure 15 The Cassini survey changes the position of the French
coastline 81
Figure 16 Drawings adapted from Sir John Mandeville 89
Figure 17 Alexander von Humboldt 108
Figure 18 Carl Ritter 109
Figure 19 Humboldt’s travels in Europe and Russia 111
Figure 20 Humboldt’s travels in the Americas 112
Figure 21 Isotherms of average annual temperature, 1845,
according to Humboldt 118
Figure 22 Maury’s model of atmospheric circulation 146
Figure 23 Maury’s wind chart of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, 1859 147
Figure 24 Group of all members of the Hayden Survey, In camp at
Red Buttes, junction of the North Platte and Sweetwater
Rivers 152

x / Figures

Figure 25 Geological exploration of the Fortieth Parallel in the

King Survey 152
Figure 26 Lieutenant Wheeler, U.S. Engineer, camp and scientific
party near Belmont, Nevada 153
Figure 27 The Powell party, Sweetwater County, Wyoming,
May 1871 153
Figure 28 Koppen’s generalized continent 181
Figure 29a E. de Martonne in the field, Romania, 1937 204
Figure 29b E. de Martonne with Robert Ficheux 204
Figure 30 H. J. Mackinder 216
Figure 31 Mackinder’s world island 217
Figure 32 Herbertson’s major natural regions 221
Figure 33 Fawcett’s provinces of England 228
Figure 34 A landscape sketch by W. M. Davis: “Looking eastward
down the normal early-mature valley of Fourmile Creek” 351
Figure 35 The transcontinental excursion, 1912 354
Figure 36 Regional diagram in the eastern Cordillera of Peru 360
Figure 37 Regional diagram of the deep canyon regions of the
Apurimac 361
Figure 38 Ellsworth Huntington counting Sequoia rings with
Henry Canby 363
Figure 39 William Morris Davis and Preston E. James attend a
meeting at Clark University in the 1920s 389
Figure 40 A portion of the Montfort area 398
Figure 41 The committee appointed to design American Geography:
Inventory and Prospect 406
Figure 42 M. W. Dow building “Geographers on Film” (1979) 430
Figure 43 Executive Directors of the AAG: Ronald F. Abler
(1989-2002) and Douglas Richardson (2003- ) 432
Figure 44 The American Geographical Society staff, June 1956 432
Figure 45 Sesquicentennial of The American Geographical Society:
Director, Mary Lynne Bird, 2002 433
Figure 46 Delegates participating in the Eighth International
Geographical Congress aboard a Chicago horse-drawn
sightseeing coach 435
Figure 47 Delegates at the 17th Congress of the International
Geographical Union, 1952, Washington, D.C. 435
Figure 48 The International Geographical Congress, 1992,
Washington, D.C.: Initiating an institutional history of
the Congresses 436
Figures / xi

Figure 49 U.S.-U.S.S.R. field trip, Lake Baikal, Siberia, 1983 438

Figure 50 Territorial specialists (and others) meet with General
Le Ronde at the Paris Peace Conference, 1918-1919 453
Figure 51 Areal coverage of land classification maps in Michigan,
July 1939 456
Figure 52 Areas of the United States reported by area analysis
method 461
Figure 53 The Prime Meridian (Greenwich, London) 479
Figure 54 Planet Earth 483
Figure 55 Relation of population to rainfall in Nebraska 486
Figure 56 Diagram of concepts 517
Figure 57 The generalized pattern of habitats 519

The history of geography constitutes an investigation into the way in which

geographic subject matter was recognized, perceived, thought about, and evaluated
over the course of centuries. Ideas evolved; some were correct, some were errone­
ous, but all were part of a long-developing body of ideas that helped humankind
comprehend its surroundings. Out of this, a discipline and profession evolved. This
pattern emerged in several countries, each independent of the other, until recent times,
when ease of transport and circulation of the written and spoken word has facili­
tated the exchange of ideas.
Each national geography has its own necessities, and each country produces its
own sages, each with his or her own inimitable point of view that naturally
influences students. Nevertheless, since approximately the middle of the nineteenth
century an ever-increasing exchange of thought has taken place that permits inter­
national recognition of a geographical point of view. The history of this point of
view is offered as an account of the successive images scholars have developed con­
cerning arrangements and patterns on the face of the earth. Long before the dawn
of written history, men who explored even just a short distance from home were
aware of differences that distinguished one place from another. The concept of areal
differentiation had been bom. Some people were drawn to the challenge of form­
ing mental images of what it was like beyond the horizon and communicating these
images to others. The differentiation of the face of the earth is what John K. Wright
called “geodiversity.” This is what geography is all about.
How can a mental image of geodiversity be formed with sufficient clarity so that
it can be communicated to others? What things are combined in different places on
the earth to produce the complex characteristics of the world's landscapes? In the
first place, the world is much larger than humans are, and on its curved surface our
range of vision is narfowly restricted. Most of the fields of study in modem science
seek to form mental images of things and events that are much too small to observe
directly; but to form a mental image of a world that is too big to see, it is necess­
ary to generalize, to select certain features to build into the image, and to reject
other features as irrelevant. Furthermore, no coherent image of our world could be
put together unless the observed features are located in relation to a known point.
One of the distinctive characteristics of a geographer is a consistent concern about
the relative location of things.
Along with the formation of a mental image of geodiversity, however, has existed
our need to explain it. Scholars formulated many different explanations to make the
mental images seem plausible or acceptable. Their explanations, in turn, often deter­
mined the features they chose to observe. Scholars developed ideas concerning

X ll
Preface / xiii

sequences of events, or processes of change, that satisfied the need to understand;

they also sought and found mathematical regularities separate from the processes
of change that nevertheless satisfied the urge to explain the image of geodiversity.
The mental images and explanations of one generation seldom were satisfactory
to succeeding generations. There has been a continued search for new and more
perfect images and for explanations that accord with contemporary beliefs. These
changing images and the theoretical structures established to give them plausibility
provide us with the content of the history of geographical ideas.
There are certain built-in biases that should be recognized at the start. The text
embraces the whole sweep of the history of ideas from the viewpoint of this time
and looks at different nations of the world from the United States of America; inevi­
tably the view is foreshortened. Much attention is given to the twentieth century
and to a consideration of geographical ideas in America. However, the existence of
scholars in other times has not been ignored, nor have the geographical ideas and
developments of the non-Western world been overlooked.


Two major periods are defined. The first period extends for thousands of years
from the shadowy beginnings of geographical thought to the year 1859. This is the
classical period, during which relatively little attention was paid to the definition
of separate fields of study. This was the period when the world’s knowledge was
not so great that a scholar could not become master of it. So it is that almost every
Greek philosopher, often listed as a historian in the history books, may with equal
justification be called a geographer. Even in the eighteenth century, when the sep­
aration of fields of study had begun, there existed scholars such as Benjamin
Franklin, M. V. Lomonosov, and Montesquieu who are usually not known as geo­
graphers but nevertheless are important links in the history of geographical ideas.
The last person who could claim universal scholarship, however, was Alexander
von Humboldt; after his death, no one could attain the preeminence in the world
of scholarship Humboldt had been able to reach. The year 1859 functions as a
significant divide: Humboldt’s death was accompanied by that of Carl Ritter.
Alfred Hettner was bom, as was Darwin’s Origin o f Species. What we call the
classical period is discussed in Chapters 2 through 6.
The modem period began in the latter part of the nineteenth century. It is dis­
tinguished by the appearance of the professional field called geography—that is, a
field of study in which trained students could earn a living by being geographers.
To create a professional field, three conditions had to be satisfied. First, there
had to be a body of concepts or images that was accepted by the members of a pro­
fession, as well as an accepted way of asking questions and seeking answers. In other
words, there had to be a model of professional behavior. Second, no such model
could be formulated or passed on to later generations of scholars until there were
societies, associations, periodicals, and departments of geography in universities offer­
ing advanced training in concepts and methods. Third, graduate departments of geo­
graphy could not develop until paying jobs existed for students who had earned
advanced degrees from these departments. But when all three conditions were met,
xiv / Preface

a professional field was bom. This constituted a study in progression from a sub­
ject matter, to discipline, to profession, to its dispersal. This is what is called the
new geography. Chapter 7 discusses what was new about it.


The new geography began in Germany in 1874, when departments of geography
headed by scholars with the rank of professor were established in the German
universities. Before that time, students could attend lectures and perhaps go on to
give lectures themselves, but never before were there clusters of scholars qualified
to offer graduate training in geography. When such positions became available in
Germany in 1874, there were no trained geographers to take them; those who were
appointed to the newly created professorships had to find their own answers to the
question: What is geography? This German innovation spread rapidly to other coun­
tries—notably France, Great Britain, and Russia. It was also transmitted by various
routes to the United States. In each of these five countries, distinctive national view­
points developed, depending on the answer given to the question concerning the
nature of geography. From these five sources, the new professional geography spread
all around the world. Chapter 8 reveals something of the development of the new
geography in Germany; France is discussed in Chapter 9, and Great Britain in Chap­
ter 10; Chapter 11 discusses Russia and the former Soviet Union. The emergence
of a very keen and capable Canadian geography is revealed in Chapter 12; the rich
content of Swedish geography is summarized in Chapter 13. Japanese geography
is presented briefly in Chapter 14. Chapters 15 through 18 reveal the development
of the new geography in the United States. Chapter 19 concerns the new methods
of observation and analysis. Chapter 20 embraces the interwoven strands of inno­
vation and tradition. Of course, there are many other countries with both vibrant
geographical histories and traditions and abundant accomplishment that are not
written of here. Further coverage is not practical or purposeful given the spirit and
purpose of this book. Today’s innovation is tomorrow’s tradition, which is the way
in which geography makes its advance.


Clearly, this is a study in breadth, not in depth. This is a book about the history of
the field. It cannot be concerned with the details of geographies produced in recent
times. While the strength of national geography might be assessed en passant, there
is more concern to develop the history of that geography. What intellectual para­
phernalia are borrowed, loaned, or shared, and the point of genesis and dispersal,
are matters of interest to the historian of science. And comparisons between
national geographies are revealing. At some point someone must put the whole sweep
of things into perspective—if only for the purpose of locating desirable places for
future detailed studies. And so an attempt is made to identify the major traditions
as they appeared in the early classical period and as they reappear repeatedly in
somewhat different form throughout the course of history. Ever since Pythagoras
Preface / xv

there has been a mathematical tradition in geography; ever since Anaximander there
has been a cartographic tradition; and ever since Hecataeus there has been a liter­
ary tradition. These traditions reinforce each other and serve to guard against a point
of view that might be too narrowly specialized. For the seriously minded geo­
grapher a knowledge of the evolution of the field of study is prerequisite to a larger
comprehension. It is part of the intellectual paraphernalia of the geographer to
comprehend the path our forbears t rod. . . from the derring-do of ancient Greek
travelers, the mental effort pitted against the mysteries of the universe by early thinkers
to comprehend a spherically shaped earth (only to have the posture repealed by a
flat earth [four comer earth] church), to the Middle Ages replete with learned geo­
graphical lore from the Crusades, eventually to the age of discovery, scientific advance,
and comprehension of the meaning of evolution, etc. Intellectual inquiry brought
us from subject matter to discipline and eventually profession. Understanding the
path trod enlarges our comprehension and appreciation of the contemporary phase
of the geographical inquiry. Of course, we shall proceed beyond this state just as
previous millennia of thought have brought us to the present. We need to under­
stand how growth takes place and the circumstances thereof. And we shall learn
that many of the ideas of recent times are not new but are ideas of earlier times
refurbished. This is what this book is all about.
This book has been designed as a text. It may function as text for “Classical
Geography,” or for “Modem Geography.” It may also serve as text for a course
on the history of American geography (by combining Chapters 7 and 15 to 20).
And, of course, the full text may be (and usually is) adopted for a course intended
to introduce the student to the sweep of ideas that have brought us to the geo­
graphy of the present day. Selected references are found at the end of each chapter.
These references are in no sense complete, nor do they do justice to the important
geographical writings in languages other than English, French, and German. These
references are heavily weighted toward books and articles published in the English
language that are readily available to American students. In the Index of Names,
each entry is accompanied by dates and a brief identification. Some names in the
Index of Names do not appear in the text.
Throughout this book there has been an honest attempt to maintain the language
free of gender bias. Occasionally, traditional terms such as “man-land” and “man-
environment” have been retained as representing the jargon of a discipline as it used
to be. Hopefully this arrangement is satisfactory to all readers.

Geographers too numerous to mention have helped with previous editions of this
book. With special reference to this, the fourth edition, grateful mention must be
made of those who have read parts of the manuscript or otherwise provided assist­
ance. They include Christopher Baruth (American Geographical Society Library
Curator), Ronald R. Boyce (Seattle Pacific University, Emeritus), Anne Buttimer
(University College Dublin, Ireland), Brian J. L. Berry (University of Texas at Dallas),
Paul Claval (University of Paris, Emeritus), Jeremy Crampton (Georgia State
University), George J. Demko (Dartmouth College, Emeritus), Maynard Weston Dow
(Plymouth State College, Emeritus), Gary Dunbar (University of California, Los
Angeles, Emeritus), Eckhart Ehlers (University of Bonn), Peter Haggett (Univer­
sity of Bristol), Donald Janelle (University of California, Santa Barbara), Tom
Mels (University of Kalmar, Sweden), E. Joan Miller (Illinois State University,
Emeritus), Alexey Postnikov (Institute of Geography, Moscow University), Marie
Claire Robic (University of Paris), David R. Stoddart (University of California,
Berkeley, Emeritus), and James O. Wheeler (University of Georgia).
Included in this recognition must be the diligent though unnamed librarians of
both Southern Connecticut State University and Yale University. Peter Boppert, Di­
rector of the Learning Resources Center, Southern Connecticut State University, has
assisted in the matter of photographic requirements. My thanks to T. S. Martin, my
son, who has assisted notably in the completion of this manuscript.
Institutions including the Association of American Geographers, the American
Geographical Society, the library of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the National
Geographic Society have been most kind in providing some of the illustrations. The
author also wishes to thank production editor Leslie Anglin of Oxford University
Press for consideration throughout all stages of production and continued attention
to detail. And to William A. Koelsch, fellow traveler in the groves of the history
of geographic thought, special thanks for reading the third edition of this work and
making suggestions for its improvement. Any error or unhappy presentation or inter­
pretation of the facts is, of course, solely the responsibility of the author.

We may compare the mind o f man to a mirror which has the ability not only
to reflect but also to retain, record, and interpret more or less imperfectly the
images that it reflects. It is not a clean, bright mirror which gives exact images,
but too often is warped, clouded, spotted, cracked, and broken. The appearance
o f the image, no matter o f what the reflection may be, is determined very largely
by the nature of the mirror itself and by the spots, dust, and other foreign
matter that may have accumulated upon it.
— John K. Wright, “The History of Geography: A Point of View”
A Field of Study C alled
G eography

. .. to understand the earth as the world o f man . . .

— J. O. M. Broek, Geography, Its Scope and Spirit

n the beginning there was curiosity. We may assume that some of the earliest
I questions formulated by our primitive ancestors had to do with the character of
the natural surroundings. Humans, as well as many other animals, identify a par­
ticular extent of territory on the earth's surface as their living space; and, like many
other animals, they are irked by the possibility that the grass may be greener in
someone else’s living space. Curiosity compels them to find out what it is like beyond
the range of hills that form their horizon. But the world they discover is filtered
through their own minds, and in the long course of history people have discovered
and described many different worlds. There are challenging limitations on the human
capacity to observe and to generalize what has been observed. As this capacity to
observe and generalize is improved, the result is a new image of the world—yet all
possible worlds are far from having been described.
Our world includes what can be perceived on or from the surface of the earth.
The earth is a medium-sized planet circulating around a medium-sized nuclear
explosion that we call the sun. If the sun were the size of an orange, the earth, at the
same scale, would be the size of a pinhead about one foot away. Yet this pinhead
is just large enough to provide the gravitational pull to hold the thin skin of gases
called the atmosphere close to its surface. And the earth is just the right distance
from the sun, so that at the bottom of the atmosphere temperatures occur at which
water can remain a liquid. Organic life originated in the seas, and when organisms
came out of the water to live on the land they brought their water environment with
them inside “space suits” made of skin. Similarly, when the astronauts traveled
to the moon, they took their gaseous environment with them inside artificial space
suits. All the forms of life that we know about are dependent on water in the form
of liquid and on energy received from the sun.
The face of the earth is a zone extending as far down below the surface as humans
have been able to penetrate and as far up above the surface as humans normally
go. All science and all art are derived from observations made in this zone, which,
until 1969, was the human’s whole universe. But it is a complex universe: some
things (phenomena) on it are produced by physical and chemical processes; some
plants and animals are produced by biotic processes. Humans themselves are
influenced by their natural surroundings and, acting through economic, social, and
political events are also agents of change in their surroundings. All these things and

2 / A Field of Study Called Geography

the events of which they are the momentary signs exist in complex association and
interconnection, forming what is called the human-environment system.
The Greek scholar Eratosthenes, who lived in the third century b.c., was the first
to use the word geography (from ge, meaning the earth, and graphe, meaning descrip­
tion). But humans were investigating geographic questions long before this. The
Greek geographers credit the beginning of geographical writings to Homer, but the
earliest known map was made by the Sumerians in about 2700 B.c. The history of
geographical ideas is the record of human efforts to gain more and more logical
and useful knowledge of the human habitat and of human spread over the earth.
They are logical in that explanations of the things observed could be so tested and
verified that scholars could have confidence in them. They are useful in that the
knowledge so gained could be used to facilitate the individual’s adjustment to the
varied natural conditions of the earth, to make possible modifications of adverse
conditions, or even to gain a measure of control over them.

Even a clear description of what our world is like would not be of great value unless
it were possible to answer the question: “Where is it?” Starting from known living
space, in what direction do we travel and how far? How do we measure distance
and direction? When we reach the place on the other side of the horizon, where are
This is no simple question to answer. To illustrate the difficulties involved in
establishing location on the surface of a sphere, take a ping-pong ball with a black
dot on it and then attempt to describe the location of the dot. Location must always
be relative to something else. The ancient Greeks first formulated the theory of
locating places with reference to a grid of imaginary lines of latitude and longitude
based on the poles and the equator. But the Greeks lacked the instruments necessary
to make exact measurements of latitude and longitude. Location still had to be
described relative to some observable feature, such as a range of hills, a coastline,
a river, or a town. As knowledge of the features of the earth’s surface was
increased, a greater variety of relative locations could be defined. Furthermore, in
any specific question that is raised concerning the arrangement of things on the
face of the earth, location relative to latitude and longitude may not be relevant.
For example, to say that New York City is located at 40°42/N and 74°W (at City
Hall) is meaningless if one is asking questions about the significance of location in
the growth of the city. Asking questions about locations is one of the distinguishing
characteristics of the field of study we call geography.

The phrase “What is it like?” stands for a fundamental thought process. How does
one go about observing and reporting on things and events that occupy segments
of earth space? Of all the infinite variety of phenomena on the face of the earth,
how does one decide what phenomena to observe? There is no such thing as a
A Field of Study Called Geography / 3

complete description of the earth or any part of it, for every microscopic point on
the earth's surface differs from every other such point. Experience shows that the
things observed are already familiar, because they are like phenomena that occur
at home or because they resemble the abstract images and models developed in the
human mind.
How are abstract images formed? Humans alone among the animals possess
language; their words symbolize not only specific things but also mental images of
classes of things. People can remember what they have seen or experienced because
they attach a word symbol to them. Humans can look at a hill and, if they are fam­
iliar with hilly country, they can recognize the peculiar and unique character of each
specific example, but they can also develop the mental image of “hill” in general.
During the long record of our efforts to gain more and more knowledge about
the face of the earth as the human habitat, there has been a continuing interplay
between things and events observed through the senses and the mental images of
things and events. The direct observation through the senses is described as a per­
cept; the mental image is described as a concept. Percepts are what some people
describe as reality, in contrast to mental images, which are theoretical, implying
that they are not real.
The relation of percept to concept is not as simple as this definition implies. It
is now quite clear that people of different cultures or even individuals in the same
culture develop different mental images of reality, and what they perceive is a reflection
of these preconceptions. In some African cultures, for example, color perception is
limited to red and blue because their language contains words for only these ends
of the spectrum. As a result, these people do not perceive intermediate colors, such
as orange, yellow, or green (Krauss, 1968).1 An artist trained in the perception of
color and with a long list of word symbols can identify a great many colors. The
direct observation of things and events on the face of the earth is so clearly a
function of the mental images in the mind of the observer that the whole idea of
reality must be reconsidered. The idea that one could approach a problem with a
blank mind—that is, without preconceptions—is nonsense, for such an assertion
means only that the person is not conscious of his or her preconceptions and is,
therefore, a slave to them. Nor is it possible to dream a set of images not based on
previous perception. Such a situation could apply only to very young infants.
We are faced then with an apparent paradox. Concepts determine what the observer
perceives, yet concepts are derived from the generalization of previous percepts.
What happens is that the educated observer is taught to accept a set of concepts
and then sharpens or changes these concepts during a professional career. In any
one field of scholarship, professional opinion at any one time determines what con­
cepts and procedures are acceptable, and these form a kind of model of scholarly
behavior. Such a body of doctrine determines what problems are considered worth
investigating and what kinds of answers are professionally acceptable. But at all
times the accepted concepts and the procedures based on them are subject to chal­
lenge. Progress is achieved when one working hypothesis is replaced by another.

References are listed at the end of each chapter.

4 / A Field of Study Called Geography


One concept that runs through the history of ideas since the earliest records is that
of an ordered, coherent, and harmonious universe. Human beings have instinctively
rejected the notion that they and their natural surroundings are the result of random
events. Clarence J. Glacken writes as follows:
What is most striking in concepts of nature, even mythological ones, is the yearn­
ing for purpose and order; perhaps these notions of order are, basically, analogies
derived from the orderliness and purposiveness in many outward manifestations
of human activity: order and purpose in the roads, in the grid of village streets
and even winding lanes, in a garden or a pasture, in the plan of a dwelling and
its relation to another (Glacken, 1967:3).
There are many examples of human effort to identify meaning as a reflection of
the images in the human mind. With the concept of an orderly world firmly estab­
lished, the perception of evidence to give it support was a natural consequence.
The Greek philosophers distinguished between chaos (kenos, meaning void) and
the cosmos, which refers to the universe conceived as a system of harmoniously
related parts. Having accepted, almost without challenge, the concept of an ordered
universe, the next step was to find some plausible way to account for it.
During the thousands of years since the earliest records of the history of ideas,
learned people have accounted for the order they perceived in the universe in
different ways. The accounts range along a continuum from arbitrary rule by
humanlike deities, through rule by a deity subject to law, through various kinds
of cause and effect relations, to abstract mathematical law. These do not represent
successive stages of increasing sophistication, for all of them can be found in the
thinking of ancient Greek philosophers as well as in the contemporary world.
Rule by a deity or deities is a very ancient concept. In Sumeria the religious
leaders saw a world ruled by living beings like humans but endowed with super­
human powers and with immortality (Glacken, 1967:4-5). Each of these beings
was responsible for the control and maintenance of some feature of the world, such
as the flow of rivers, the rise and fall of the tides, the shift of the winds, the pro­
ductivity of the harvest, and the abundance of game animals. The deities competed
with one another and reacted arbitrarily and often vindictively to human acts. Other
cultures explained matters in terms of a single deity whose acts were frequently
subject to the bestowal of hum an favor.
A very different way ot accounting for an ordered universe is the recognition
of cause and effect sequences that take place in accordance with general law. In
some cases the notion of a single deity is retained, but the acts o f this deity are
not arbitrary. Some would say that this god is the law. The idea of law itself is an
anthropomorphism—that is, a reflection of human experience. Those who break
divine laws are subject to punishment, but those who act in harmony with the
law are rewarded. Of course, there is a great difference between human law and
scientific law: human law governs the behavior of things, and events are subject
to law, but scientific law is a general description of events.
There are two different ways of interpreting cause and effect sequences, each
represented by one of the two great philosophers of ancient Greece: Plato and Aristotle.
A Field of Study Called Geography / 5

Plato conceived of the world as having been created in perfection but now in the
process of decline from perfection. Aristotle, on the other hand, conceived of the
world as striving toward perfection. Aristotle was the father of the teleological con­
cept, which sees the universe planned by its creator in the manner of a carpenter
drawing up plans in advance for the house he is building. This doctrine of final
cause differs from the idea that cause must be antecedent to effect. David Hume in
the eighteenth century argued that cause and effect sequences could never be per­
ceived or tested except in terms of human experience, yet the use of the concept
continues (Brown, 1963; Ducasse, 1969).
At the other end of the spectrum is the use of mathematical regularities to explain
the order in the universe. Order was conceived as mathematical even by Pythagoras,
some six centuries B.c. Mathematical order can be illustrated by the regularity of
the octave in sound, the principle that the circumference of any circle is the same
as the length of the diameter times 3.1416, or that the force that attracts one body
to another is proportional to the total masses of the two bodies divided by the square
of the distance between them. Mathematical formulas describe the motions of
planets, the flow of rivers, and the predictable flow of telephone calls between two
cities. So all-pervasive are the principles of mathematics that one astronomer was
led to remark that the universe was like a dream in the mind of a mathematician.
It was Plato who insisted that to explain anything it was necessary only to identify
the laws it obeys.


The study of geography for the purpose of gaining more logical and useful knowl­
edge regarding the human habitat and human interrelations with it goes back to the
beginnings of human scholarship. Certain repetitive sequences appear in the inter­
play between concepts and percepts, hypotheses and observations. There are
occasional periods marked by flashes of brilliant intuition when new and challeng­
ing concepts are set forth. New concepts presented as hypotheses result in a burst of
new empirical observation, for the new concepts always broaden the range of human
perceptions. The new observations may demonstrate the inadequacy of the hypoth­
esis, which is then withdrawn in favor of a new one or is substantially modified.
These are periods of great progress. Then, when a conceptual structure becomes
widely accepted and a paradigm of scholarly behavior is established, there is a period
when observations increase so fast that they must be stored away for future use.
These periods of intellectual stability are not periods of notable progress. Eventu­
ally, a new and sometimes radically different concept of the meaning of the observed
data is set forth, and the sequence is repeated.
The first amazing period of intellectual ferment that is part of the written tradi­
tion of the Western world took place in ancient Greece, culminating in the fourth
and third centuries b.c . The scholars of Babylonia had already collected a large
number of data on the motions of the stars and planets, and they developed the con­
cept that the position of the celestial bodies had a fundamental effect on human
activities. In astrology, if observed facts disagree with general principles, the facts
are explained as exceptional and the principle remains unchanged. The Greeks
6 / A Field of Study Called Geography

developed the procedures we describe as the scientific method. If observed facts

differ from general principles, the principles must be revised. The Greeks developed
the science of astronomy, a tremendous step forward in the whole history of ideas.
Many of the basic procedures were first elaborated in the writings of Plato and
Aristotle. Quotations from their works are as relevant today as they were thousands
of years ago. Plato, who developed the deductive procedures, is the most often quoted
by those who prefer to give theory the position of chief importance. Aristotle, who
developed the inductive procedures, preferred to formulate his concepts as gen­
eralizations of empirically observed “facts/’ Aristotle insisted on the importance of
direct observation. Instead of making logical deductions from theory, he taught his
students (including Alexander the Great) to “go and see.”
Among the ancient Greek philosophers, almost all of whom made contributions
to the study of geography, two basic traditions of geographic study are to be found.
One is the mathematical tradition, starting with Thales, including Hipparchus (who
formulated the theory of locating things by latitude and longitude), and summarized
by Ptolemy. The second is the literary tradition, starting with Homer, including
Hecataeus (the first writer of geographical prose), and summarized by Strabo.
A long period of decline set in during the Middle Ages, when geographic hor­
izons contracted. The wide-ranging Greek and Phoenician explorers and the Greek
geographical concepts were largely forgotten, except among Arabic scholars.
Observations piled up in Christian monasteries, but the intellectual climate was not
favorable for the formulation of new interpretations. Then the Age of Exploration
began in the late fifteenth century, and the geographic horizons were again pushed
back. The arrival of all these new observations in Europe was enormously stimu­
lating and started a sequence of events that continues to the present.
Two fundamental innovations began to shake the world of scholarship in the
sixteenth century, and this ferment reached its full proportions in the second half
of the nineteenth century. In the first place, the concepts derived from a literal
reading of the Scriptures were challenged, and the battle to establish the principles
of what we call academic freedom began. This is the right of professionally
qualified scholars to seek answers to questions, to publish their findings, and to teach
what they believe to be the truth, free from any controls except the standards of
scholarly procedure established within their own professions. The battle started with
Leonardo da Vinci and Copernicus in the sixteenth century and reached full fury
as a result of the tradition-shattering concepts developed by Charles Darwin in the
latter part of the nineteenth century. In 1809 the world’s first university was founded
at which neither faculty nor students were required by law to accept any particular
religious creed or political doctrine. This was the University of Berlin. The idea
of the university as a community of free scholars continued to gain acceptance
throughout the world until the whole concept was challenged in the contemporary
The second fundamental innovation began in the seventeenth century and
reached widespread development in the second half of the nineteenth century.
This was the separation of the academic world into distinct fields, or disciplines,
each devoted to the study of a specific group of related processes and each regulated
by its own paradigm based on its own theoretical structure. From the time of ancient
A Field of Study Called Geography / 7

Greece, scholars were not concerned about restricting themselves too narrowly.
Herodotus made major contributions to both history and geography, and he is
often called the father of ethnography. But the last person who could claim to be
a universal scholar and who could speak with respected authority on the whole wide
range of the world’s scientific knowledge was Alexander von Humboldt. Humboldt
and Carl Ritter, both of whom died in 1859, represent the culmination and the
conclusion of ancient scholarship.
The rise of experimental science was a major cause of this separation of the
disciplines. Such fields as physics and chemistry developed around the study of
particular processes. Processes were isolated in laboratories, and as a result the
knowledge of these processes was greatly expanded. This fragmentation of knowledge
had a major impact on geography, which became known as “the mother of sciences.”
The movement started with the physical sciences, then with the biological sciences,
and most recently with the various social sciences. Where processes could not
actually be studied in laboratories, as in economics, they were isolated statisti­
cally; the laboratory was represented symbolically by the phrase “other things being
Was there any place left for geography after Humboldt and Ritter? By 1870 it
had become clear that some aspects of knowledge were not covered by the new
sciences. Especially in the social sciences, processes never actually took place in
isolation: they were modified in particular places by all the other aspects of the total
environment that were not equal. Geography moved into the field of particular places,
where a variety of things and events were examined in their natural but unsystem­
atic groupings. Geography also undertook to bridge the widening gap between the
physical and biological sciences on the one hand and the social sciences on the other.
But an academic discipline cannot exist until there is a body of trained professional
scholars formed around university faculties, where new generations of scholars can
receive advanced instruction. Institutes of geography headed by professors came
into existence for the first time in Germany in 1874, but the professors selected
to head these institutes were people with training in geology, history, biology, or
other fields. During the period from the 1870s until World War II, geographers all
around the world were seeking to establish the status of geography as an inde­
pendent discipline, distinct in its concepts and procedures from other disciplines
(Dunbar, 2001).
World War II had a greater impact on the world of scholarship than is generally
recognized. Scholars were called upon to study the issues involved in the very
complex problems of policy; and when they went to work on these pressing ques­
tions, they discovered that workers in any one discipline were usually ill-prepared
to wrestle with essentially interdisciplinary matters. The workers in the separate
fields were too narrowly trained and specialized—in some cases so specialized that
they could not even appreciate the importance of work done in other disciplines.
Geographers made important contributions in the form of maps and analyses of the
significance of location that other people were accustomed to overlook.
One outgrowth of the experience of the war was the development of General
System Theory (Bertalanffy, 1968) in which the existence of complex associations
of interconnected and interdependent elements was recognized, and methods
8 / A Field of Study Called Geography

were developed to solve problems of multiple causation, where predictions had to

depend on probability theory. Fortunately, just at this time the electronic computer
was developed. Without the computer the complex computations involving a great
variety of factors could never have been carried out with speed and precision.
Furthermore, new electronic devices for scanning the face of the earth from orbiting
satellites revolutionized the methods of data gathering. These innovations, which
came largely after midcentury, have introduced another major period in the history
of ideas.
What then does geography do? It is important to understand that since World
War II this question does not call for a definition of geography that would estab­
lish its boundaries. The trend now is for all fields of study to come together around
specific problems. The process of separation has been replaced by a process of inte­
gration, in which each professional field brings its own special skills and concepts to
bear on such major difficulties as poverty, overpopulation, race relations, and environ­
mental destruction. The special skills of geography are those related to the signifi­
cance of location and spatial relations of things and events. Geography has always
had a holistic tradition, so that it comes as no intellectual shock to study systems
of interconnected and interdependent parts of diverse origin. Geography is closely
involved with cartography in the development and use of maps, which are ideally
suited to the study of complex location factors. A geographer is a person who asks
questions about the significance of place, location, distance, direction, spread, and
spatial succession. The geographer deals with problems of accessibility, innovation
diffusion, density, and other derivatives of relative location.


There are many new worlds yet to be discovered, and the number of people engaged
in discovering them has increased at an unprecedented rate since the end of World
War II. As with many other fields of learning, it can be said of professional geo­
graphy today that of all the scholars who ever lived and contributed to geographic
knowledge, a large percentage lived on into the second half of the twentieth cen­
tury. The volume of published material is vastly greater than the materials with which
Humboldt and Ritter had to work. The electronic data bank has arrived just in time.
But with all these new scholars entering the field and with the variety of pressing
problems to which geographic concepts and methods can be applied, there is no
reason to narrow the field or to establish just one paradigm of scholarly behavior.
As a general assessment of the field of geography in the early 2000s, we may
say that there is still freedom to be curious, to inquire, to offer novel conceptual
structures that reveal the outlines of yet another of all possible worlds. The math­
ematical and literary traditions are still being vigorously developed. The use of
mathematical theory has been so dearly useful that graduate training in geography
often involves preparation in mathematics through calculus and linear and matrix
algebra. The literary tradition, threatened by the neglect of language training in the
schools, continues to attract those who can command the skills of rhetoric and
the manipulation of language. It holds appeal for those interested in traditional
geographies, the philosophy of geography, and the history of geographical thought.
A Field of Study Called Geography / 9

Cartographic skills are so interconnected with the analysis of location that even when
maps are made by computers, concepts regarding the use of maps as analytic devices
have lost none of their importance.
At least five different kinds of questions of geographic character can be investi­
gated: (1) Generic questions that have to do with the content of earth space but
that cannot be effectively answered without a framework of concepts to guide the
separation of the relevant from the vast complexity of the irrelevant. (2) Genetic
questions that have to do with the sequences of events leading from past situations
through geographic changes to present conditions; these are studied by the methods
of historical geography. (3) Theoretical questions that deal with the formulation of
empirical generalizations or of general laws, perhaps even with basic theory, and
with the methods of drawing logical deductions. (4) Remedial questions that have
to do with the application of geographic concepts and skills to the study of practi­
cal economic, social, or political problems. (5) Methodological questions that have
to do with experiments in new methods of study, new techniques of observation
and analysis, or new cartographic methods.
Although many in each generation of geographers are inclined to establish their
own methods of work as the only acceptable way, these efforts have been resisted.
The freedom to inquire wherever curiosity leads has been preserved. There are still
new worlds to be discovered by the enthusiastic scholar.

Bertalanffy, L. von. 1968. General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications.
New York: George Braziller.
Bowman, I. 1934. Geography in Relation to the Social Sciences. New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons.
Brown, L. A. 1949. The Stoiy o f Maps. Boston: Little, Brown. Republication unabridged by
Dover Publications, New York, 1977.
Brown, R. 1963. Explanation in Social Science. Chicago: Aldine.
Claval, P. 1972. La pensee geographique, introduction d son histoire. (Publications de la
Sorbonne. Series N.-S. Recherehes, 2.) Paris: Societe d ’Edition d ’Enseignement
Clozier, R. 1972. Histoire de la geographie. 5th ed. (“Que sais-je?,” 65.) Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France.
Corley, N. T. 1973. “Geographical Literature.” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science.
Vol. 9. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Crone, G. R. 1964. Background to Geography. London: Museum Press, Ltd.
Dickinson, R. E., and Howarth, O. J. R. 1976. The Making o f Geography. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1933. Reprinted: Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,
Ducasse, C. J. 1969. Causation and the Types o f Necessity. New York: Dover.
Dunbar, G, S., ed. 2001. Geography: Discipline, Profession and Subject since 1870: An
International Survey. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Fischer, E., Campbell, R. D., and Miller, E. S., eds. 1969. A Question o f Place: The Develop­
ment o f Geographic Thought. 2nd ed. Arlington, Va.: Beatty.
Freeman, T. W., Oughton, M., and Pinchemel, P, (eds). 1977. Geographers: Biobiblio-
graphical Studies. Vol. I. London: Mansell.
10 / A Field of Study Called Geography

Giacken, C. J. 1967. Traces on the Rhodian Shore, Nature and Culture in Western Thought
from Ancient Times to the End o f the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press.
Harley, J. B. and D. Woodward, eds. 1987. The History of Cartography. Vol. L Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
James, P. E. 1956. “Geography/' Encyclopaedia Britannica. 14th ed. 10:139-153. Chicago:
Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Kish, G. 1978. A Source Book in Geography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Krauss, R. M. 1968. “Language as a Symbolic Process in Communication/’ American
Scientist 56:265-278.
Livingstone, D. N. 1992. The Geographical Tradition. Oxford: Blackwell.
Ravenstein, E. G. October 1891. “The Field of Geography/’ Proceedings o f the Royal Geo­
graphical Society 13, no. 10.


The strands of classical geography are closely interwoven with those

of all other fields of learning, for in those days very little was known
and a diligent worker could master the greater part of the world’s know­
ledge, Any one person could contribute to a great variety of what
we would now identify as separate fields of study. Most of the ancient
Greek scholars are called philosophers or historians, yet a student such
as Herodotus wrote both history and geography, and he is also claimed
by the anthropologists as the father of ethnography. These were the
times of universal scholarship, which continued until the last quarter of
the nineteenth century. This period produced such notable figures as
Edmund Halley and Francis Galton in Great Britain, the political
philosopher Montesquieu in France, Alexander von Humboldt and Carl
Ritter in Germany, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin (whose
enormous versatility is well known) in America, and Mikhail V.
Lomonosov in Russia. These were the days when a curious scholar felt
no need to recognize disciplinary boundary lines. He or she was free to
trespass universally. Thus it was during most of the long history of ideas.

T he Beginnings of C lassical
G eography

The fundamental concepts and basic elements used by the Pythagoreans in their
theory are odd in comparison to those used by the physicists, since they are not
observable; they are arithmetical entities which (except in the case o f astron­
omy) are not a part o f our changing world. Despite this, the Pythagoreans are
in fact interested only in natural phenomena. They talk about how the universe
was created, and always check their theories against observation when discussing
the behavior and interactions o f objects in the universe, using their particular
set of fundamentals solely for theoretical purposes to account fo r physical
reality. Thus in essence they are just like the other natural philosophers, since
they agree that the only real things are those that can be perceived with the
senses and are part o f this world o f ours. Their modes o f explanation and their
fundamental concepts, however, give them direct access to realms which tran­
scend the senses, and to which their way o f thinking is really more adapted
than to physics. For example, they give no hint how motion and change can
possibly be deducted from the only underlying concepts they assume in their
theory—from boundedness and unboundedness, or evenness and oddness.
Nor do they indicate, since they do not provide for motion and change in their
theories, how any physical process can take place—and in particular how the
heavenly bodies can move in the way they do.
-Aristotle’s Metaphysica, Book 1

eography as a field of learning in the Western world had its beginnings among
the scholars of ancient Greece. The study of the earth as the home of man
excited curiosity outside of Greece, although we might not gain this impression by
reading many of the histories of geography written by Europeans. Much attention
was given to geographical study in ancient China, and Chinese explorers did as
much to “discover” Europe as the Europeans did to reach the “Far East.” But
Chinese scholarship did not enter the stream of Western thought. The Greeks, like
all innovative people, were great borrowers, and much of what they put together in
logical and useful order originated from the much older civilizations with which
they were in contact, including Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia, Assyria, and Phoenicia.
Greek scholars provided a framework of concepts and a model of scholarly method
that guided Western thinking for many centuries. Some Greek concepts had the
effect of retarding Western scholarship, so that it can be said that European science
could not emerge until the influence of Aristotle had been overcome. But many
of the basic procedures of scholarship still in use were first developed by the



The Greeks were indebted to the world’s earliest scholars in many ways. Egypt has
been called the cradle of science because of the very early development of methods
of observation, measurement, and generalization in that country. The Egyptian priests
had to have a sound working knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and geo­
metry for the practical purposes of public administration. They developed ways to
measure land areas and to identify field boundaries obliterated by the Nile floods
so that they could collect taxes. They learned how to fix a north-south line so that
their monuments and public buildings could be properly oriented. They invented
the art of writing, and they found out how to manufacture something on which to
write—papyrus, made from reeds that grew in the marshy Nile Delta.
The civilization of Mesopotamia also contributed to scholarship. The world’s
earliest mathematicians, who lived in Sumeria, had grasped the basic principles
of algebra—although the algebraic symbols we use were not invented until the
sixteenth century, some 3000 years later. Without symbols of the kind we use, the
Sumerians understood and used such principles as
(ia + b )2 = a 2 + la b + b 2
They also had enough knowledge of algebraic methods to be able to find the
square root of any number.
The people of Egypt and Mesopotamia also developed a kind of mathematics
based on multiples of 6 and 60—a sexagesimal system. Both Egyptians and
Sumerians at first believed that there were 360 days in a year. The Egyptians discov­
ered their error and compensated for it by declaring a five-day holiday period each
year. They made additional adjustments every fourth year. The Sumerians divided
the year into 12 months, each with 30 days. They also divided the circle of the zodiac
into 360 parts. The idea that there are 360 degrees in a circle is a very ancient one.
The priests of these early civilizations also collected a large number of observa­
tions regarding the position and movement of celestial bodies. The Babylonians
and Assyrians, seeking the meaning of all these observations, developed ideas
regarding the influence of the moon and the stars on human affairs—a body of
concepts that we call astrology.
The Phoenicians, whose homeland was in modem Lebanon, were among the
earliest merchant explorers and navigators. Their voyages went far beyond the
limits of the known world, but as merchants they were not anxious to report on
what they had found. In a valley near modem Beirut there is an ore body in which
copper and tin are naturally combined. The Phoenicians made and sold bronze. But
although copper was plentiful in the Mediterranean region, tin was scarce. The
Phoenicians made regular voyages to Great Britain to find tin. They also sold cedar
logs from the mountains of Lebanon. One of the oldest known pieces of writing is a
bill of lading describing the cargo of cedar logs carried by 40 ships that sailed from
the Phoenician port of Byblos for Egypt some 3000 years before Christ (Casson,
1959:5). The Phoenicians established trading posts all around the shores of the
Mediterranean, including the city of Carthage (near present-day Tunis) (Boyce, 1977).
The Phoenicians, too, developed the world’s first phonetic alphabet. It was made
up entirely of consonants, like the modem Semitic alphabet. The Greeks added the
short vowels to the Phoenician alphabet.
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 15

The Greek geographers credited Homer with being the father of geography. This
poet, whose existence is not known for certain, was the compiler of the long epic
poem, the Iliad, which describes episodes of the Trojan War sometimes between
1280 and 1180 b .c . This monumental poem, which is the earliest major literary work
of Greek history, was probably put together during the ninth century b .c . A second
great epic poem, the O dyssey , was also credited to Homer. Whereas the Ilia d is
primarily historical, the Odyssey is a geographical account of the fringes of the known
world. It records the efforts of Odysseus to return home to Ithaca after the fall of
Troy (see Fig. 1). Blown off course by a storm, he spends 20 years wandering in
distant places. Many historians of geography and others have attempted to identify
the places described in the O dyssey and offer evidence to suggest that the poet was
indeed describing the Strait of Messina, or an island off the coast of Africa, or other
well-known localities. One passage describes a land of almost continuous sunshine,
where a shepherd setting out with his flock at daybreak hails another shepherd
returning with his flock in the evening. Then, later, Odysseus comes to a land of
continuous darkness, shrouded in mist. A Greek poet could not have imagined these
scenes. Somehow word of the nature of the world in the far north during the long
summer days and the continuous winter darkness had filtered back to Greece, to be
woven with other geographical threads into the world’s first adventure story.
The Greek sailors of the eighth century b .c . had no way of identifying directions
at sea except by reference to the winds and associated weather types. In Homer’s
time they distinguished four directions: Boreas was the north wind—strong, cool,
with clear skies; Earns was the east wind—warm and gentle; N otus was the south
wind on the front of an advancing storm—wet and sometimes violent; and Zephyrus
was the west wind—balmy but with gale force (Bunbury, 1883:1:36). Much later,
in the second century b .c ., the Athenians built a tower identifying eight wind
directions (Schamp, 1955-56) with sculpture illustrating the weather types associ­
ated with each. The tower still stands in the midst of a Roman market at the base
of the Acropolis (Fig. 2).
The names Europe and Asia do not appear in Homer as the names of land masses.
But at some later time the name Europe was applied to the shore of the Aegean
Sea toward the setting sun, and A sia was applied to the shore toward the rising sun.
The origin of these names is not certain (Bunbury, 1883:1:38; Ninck, 1945:15-23;
Tozer, 1897/1964:69).

Thales, Anaximander and Hecataeus
One of the earliest centers of Greek learning was the town of Miletus in Ionia on
the eastern side of the Aegean Sea near the mouth of the Meander River (now the
Menderes). Miletus became a major center of commerce and attracted Phoenician
and Greek ships from all around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The sailors
and merchants brought to Miletus a wealth of information concerning what things
were like beyond the margins of Greek horizons: information about Europe north
of the Black Sea, or about strange countries in Asia to the east, or about what could

Figure 1 Troy

be found to the south of Egypt. Between 770 and 570 b .c . Miletus established some
80 Greek colonies around the shores of the Euxine (Black Sea) and along the
Mediterranean shores to the west. In Miletus at this time there was not only a flow
of geographical information, but also a group of thoughtful people to speculate
about how all this miscellaneous information could be assembled in some kind of
meaningful arrangement. To Miletus also came reports on Egyptian geometry,
Sumerian algebra, and Assyrian astronomy.
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 17

Figure 2 Tower of the Winds

The first Greek scholar to be concerned about the measurement and location of
things on the face of the earth was Thales, who lived in the seventh and sixth cen­
turies b .c .1 Thales was a practical businessman who at one time was able to comer
the supply of olive oil to make a large profit for himself. But he was also a genius

Additional biographical data on persons mentioned in the text can be found in the Index
of Names.

who is credited with a great variety of innovations and is often likened to Benjamin
Franklin in the breadth of his contributions and the fertility of his imagination. On
a trip to Egypt Thales observed the priests at work measuring angles and base lines
and computing areas. Thales returned to Miletus with his head full of mathematical
and geometrical regularities that went far beyond the practical utility of trigon­
ometry. Six geometric propositions are credited to him: (1) The circle is divided
into two equal parts by its diameter. (2) The angles at either end of the base of
an isosceles triangle are equal. (3) When two parallel lines are crossed diagonally
by a straight line, the opposite angles are equal. (4) The angle in a semicircle is a
right angle. (5) The sides of similar triangles are proportional. (6) Two triangles
are congruent if they have two angles and a side respectively equal (Sarton, 1952/
1964:171). In the sixth century b .c . no one had ever stated these as general
propositions before. But Thales’ most important contribution was his recognition
that the solution of practical problems of measurement was less of an intellectual
accomplishment than the rational generalization of the specific solutions.
Thales also made contributions in astronomy and reported on the magnetism of
the lodestone. He speculated about the meaning of this fascinating universe and
concluded that the material was made up of water in various forms. The earth he
visualized as a disc floating in water. He was trying to offer an explanation of the
universe in terms that could be checked by new observation, in sharp contrast to
the traditional explanations in terms of manlike deities or astrological influences.
A younger contemporary of Thales in Miletus was Anaximander. He is credited
with introducing a Babylonian instrument known as the gnomon into the Greek
1 1 / i t t » i 1 -1 r*o\ rn i ♦ » • i i , *• *1 1
world (see also Heidel, 1937:57-58). This is simply a pole set vertically above a

flat surface on which the varying position of the sun could be measured by the length
and direction of the shadow cast by the vertical pole. Today we call this instrument
a sundial. From the gnomon it was possible to make a variety of observations.
Noon could be established by noting when the shadow was shortest; the noon
shadow provided an exact north-south line, or meridian (from merides, meaning
noon). The noon shadow varied from season to season, being shortest at the
summer solstice and longest at the winter solstice. By observing the direction of
the shadow at sunrise and sunset, it was possible to establish the time of the equinox,
for at that time the sunrise and sunset shadows were colinear but opposite.
Anaximander is reported by later Greek historians to have been the first ever to
draw a map of the world to scale. To be sure, the Sumerians had drawn pictorial
“maps” of some of their cities as early as 2700 b .c ., but a true map must show
distance and directions to scale, Anaximander’s map had Greece in the center, and
the other parts of Europe and Asia known to the Greeks were plotted around it. The
map was circular and was bounded all the way around by the ocean. A copy of the
map was supposed to have been cast in bronze and transported to Sparta in the effort
to convince the Spartans that they should join in the war against the Persians. But
the Spartans said the map proved that Persia was too far away to worry about.
The scholars who were seeking to explain their observations of the face of the
earth and of the relative positions of the celestial bodies found difficulty in under­
standing how the sun could set in the west and yet get back to the east by the next
morning. If the earth were a disc floating in water, how could the sun go under the
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 19

water? Anaximander suggested that somewhere to the north there must be some
very high mountains behind which the sun made the trip back again to the east. The
shadow cast by these mountains would account for the night.
Anaximander was also one of the earliest philosophers to provide us with an
example of how a word can be used to symbolize something that is not known and
not observed. He did not actually reject the idea of Thales that water was the prime
substance from which all observable features of the earth were made. But he used
the word apeiron to symbolize this prime substance. Apeiron, which could not be
experienced through the senses, nevertheless became a concept—a specific mental
image that by the process of deduction could become a real substance. This thought
process is possible for us because we use words to symbolize abstractions. It is still
with us in the twentieth century, providing a semantic trap for the unwary who
confuse observable reality with the reality of word symbols.
Thales and Anaximander can be recognized as the originators of the mathemat­
ical tradition in the study of geography. To Hecataeus goes the credit of originat­
ing the literary tradition. Hecataeus, who was bom at about the time of the deaths
of Thales and Anaximander and who died about 475 b.c ., was the first to collect
and classify the information brought to Miletus not only from the known world of
the Greeks but also from the shadowy world beyond the Greek horizons. One of
the two prose works credited to him is the Ges periodos, or Description o f the Earth,
only fragments of which survive. But one fragment contains a kind of subtitle in
which there is the first record of a “new geography.” He says that he has written
these things in his book because he believes they are true. “The narrations of the
Greeks are many and in my opinion, foolish.” Hecataeus divided his work into two
parts, each dealing with one of the regional divisions of the earth. One book dealt
with Europe, and the other with the rest of the world—Asia and Libya. He followed
what was apparently already tradition in separating Europe from Asia along the
Hellespont, the Euxine, the Caucasus Mountains, and the Caspian Sea, which he
thought was connected with the surrounding ocean (Fig, 3).
Hecataeus was not a theorist. His reaction to the speculations of his prede­
cessors is similar to the reactions of countless generations to follow. He felt that
discussions of whether water or apeiron should be accepted as the prime substance,
or whether there even was such a prime substance, were futile. Before trying to
solve the enigma of the universe, he insisted, we should take stock of what is around
us and put the accumulated knowledge about the world together in usable form.
The contrast in the approaches of these scholars of Miletus more than 24 centuries
ago illustrates the apparent dichotomy between those who seek to formulate
generalizations and those who seek to describe unique things.

A century later the ideas of Hecataeus were ridiculed by another large-minded
scholar, Herodotus (484-425 b .c .). His great work, which was written while he was
residing in Italy, is a history of the Greek struggle with the barbarians and ends
with the revolt of the Ionians against the Persians and with the Greek capture of the
Hellespont (480-479 b .c .). But his world history meant writing a world geography;
the two tasks were inextricably linked. Included were descriptions of the places he

According to Ptolemy


According to Eratosthenes
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morni•ntnowni«* ■

Figure 3 The world according to Ptolemy, according to Hecataeus, and according

The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 21

had visited and the people whose customs he had observed and recorded. In the
fifth century b .c . no one was concerned about identifying himself as a member of
a separate profession. There were no historians, or geographers, or astronomers, and
no professional societies to join. There were no academic departments. Herodotus
is usually described as the first great historian, and his work was the first master­
piece of Greek prose. But Herodotus is identified as a historian chiefly because there
are more historians than there are geographers, for a very large part of his work is
readily identified as geography. In fact, Herodotus is credited with the idea that all
history must be treated geographically and all geography must be treated histori­
cally. It is true that the notion of geography as the handmaiden of history came from
Herodotus. Geography provides the physical background, the stage setting, in
relation to which historical events take on meaning. Herodotus provides some excel­
lent examples of what today we would call both human geography and historical
geography—that is, the re-creation of past geographies and the tracing of geographical
change through time. But Herodotus is also identified as the father of ethnography
because of his vivid portrayal of the cultural traits of people strange to the Greeks.
The contributions of Herodotus to geography were based in part on his own
personal observations and interviews during many years of travel. Westward he
knew the Mediterranean shores as far as southern Italy, where he resided during
the latter part of his life. He went through the straits into the Euxine (Black Sea),
reaching the mouth of the Ister (Danube) and traveling for several days northward
across the Russian steppes along the valley of the Don. He went eastward over
much of the territory of the Persian Empire, visiting Susa and Babylon. Toward the
south he visited Egypt many times and went up the Nile as far as the first cataract
near Elephantine (Aswan).
In his discussion of Egypt, he takes issue with the tradition of dividing Asia (the
eastern side of the Mediterranean) from Libya (the southern side) along the Nile
River, as Hecataeus had done. The Nile Valley, he insists, has been built by mud
brought down from Ethiopia. This mud is dark colored and easily worked with the
plow—quite unlike the light-colored clays of Syria or the red sands of Libya. He
insists that Egypt is occupied by Egyptians and that they are not divided into Asians
and Libyans along the river. Libya, he says, begins to the west of Egypt, and he
was familiar with coastal Africa as far west as Carthage. His is one of the earliest
discussions of the properties of regional boundaries and contains many of the
arguments used over and over again by later generations.
Herodotus was well aware of some of the physical processes at work on the earth.
He used the methods of historical geography to support the hypothesis that the Nile
mud, deposited in the Mediterranean, had built the delta. He reconstructed the ancient
shoreline and showed that many former seaports were now far inland. The process
of delta building, said Herodotus, can be observed in many places—notably in the
alluvial plain of the Meander River at Miletus. He also pointed out that the wind
blows from cold places to places that are warmer. In the fifth century b .c . it was
a significant accomplishment to explain how deltas are formed or to grasp the
connection between temperatures and wind directions.
Not all the explanations suggested by Herodotus can be supported in the light
of modem knowledge, but even where he was in error he supported his hypotheses

with logic. Like all Greek geographers, Herodotus was fascinated with the regu­
larity of the summer floods of the Nile. In this river the water would rise suddenly in
mid-May, reach its highest flood stage in September, and then decrease in volume,
reaching its lowest stage in April or early May. Since all other rivers known to the
Greeks, including the Tigris and the Euphrates, flooded from November to May and
reached their lowest stages in summer, students of geography were faced with a
challenging problem: What caused this distinctive characteristic of the Nile?
First, Herodotus reviewed the explanations offered by other puzzled scholars
and refuted them. For example, he rejected the idea that the strong north wind of
winter (the Etesian wind) blowing up the Nile caused the water to back up because
floods and low water come whether or not the wind is blowing and no such effect
can be observed in other rivers up which the wind is blowing. He rejected the
suggestion that the Nile floods were caused by melting snow in Ethiopia, because
Ethiopia is closer to the equater than Egypt. Egypt never has any snow, so how
could there be snow in Ethiopia?
His own hypothesis was ingenious and illuminates the use of logic in Greek think­
ing. Like all the Greek scholars, Herodotus accepted as a fundamental principle
that the world must be arranged symmetrically. The Ister (Danube), he believed,
had its headwaters close to the western coast of Europe and flowed eastward before
turning southward through the Euxine, the Hellespont, and the Aegean to reach the
Mediterranean. The Nile, in accordance with the principle of symmetry, must fol­
low a similar course, rising close to the western coast of what was then called Libya
and flowing eastward before turning toward the Mediterranean to flow northward
through Egypt. In winter, he continued, the cold north winds make the sun move
along a more southerly course, passing directly along the valley of the upper Nile.
The intense heat under the overhead sun draws up the river water, leaving the river
with greatly decreased volume in winter. But during the summer, when the sun returns
to its course “through the middle of the heavens,” the volume of water rises again
because the lower Nile crosses the sun’s path at right angles, and much less of its
water is evaporated. Since this explanation was in agreement with both concepts
(symmetry) and direct observations (time of flooding), it was generally accepted by
scholars. Here is a case in which accepted concepts structured Herodotus’ percepts
(a notion developed in Chapter 1).
Herodotus also disagreed with earlier writers who raised doubts about the exist­
ence of an ocean all around the margins of the world. Some had reported that there
was no ocean to the south of Libya. But Herodotus, in talking with the Egyptian
priests, had learned of a Phoenician expedition sent out by King Necho (who
ruled Egypt from 610 to 594 b .c .) to sail around the southern end of Libya. The
Phoenician ships, it was reported, sailed southward from the Red Sea along the east
coast of the continent. They replenished their food supply by stopping from time
to time to plant grain and remaining long enough to harvest the crop. It took three
years to sail around the southern end of Libya; then northward along the western
side; and, finally, to reenter the Mediterranean through the Pillars of Hercules
(Gibraltar). This expedition proved that the land is entirely surrounded by water.
Then he reported a circumstance that to him “appears incredible, but others may
believe ” that, while the expedition was near the southernmost part of Libya
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 23

sailing toward the west, the sun was on their right hand. This observation led many
scholars after Herodotus to discount the story of the circumnavigation of Libya. The
reality of the Phoenician expedition is now generally accepted, and the circumstance
that caused ancient scholars to doubt the story leads modem scholars to find the
account plausible. There is also the possibility that some of the Phoenician ships,
being caught in the west-flowing equatorial current south of the equator in the Atlantic
Ocean, were carried across the relatively narrow ocean to the northeast of Brazil.
One difficulty with the interpretation of these ancient writings involves the things
that are omitted. Considering the wealth of detail Herodotus provides concerning
some places and some events, it is remarkable that he made no mention of another
Phoenician voyage. This was the expedition led by Hanno in about 470 b .c . The
expedition was sent out by Carthage to establish trading posts and colonies along
the Atlantic coast of Libya south of the Pillars of Hercules. Hanno’s descriptions
of the things he saw are detailed enough so that the voyage can be charted with
confidence. After passing through the strait, he turned southward (Fig. 4). Near the
present port of Safi in Morocco he passed a lagoon where elephants were feeding.
Farther south on an island in the bay of Rio de Oro on which Villa Cisneros is now
located, he established a base that he named Ceme. This remained a Phoenician
trading post for many years. From Ceme Hanno led two expeditions farther to the
south. On the second of the two voyages he reached Sherbo Island, south of the
present site of Freetown in Sierra Leone, almost seven degrees from the equator.
Here the explorers came upon “wild men and women with hairy bodies,” who, they
were told, were called gorillas. They were unable to catch any of the men, but they
did catch three women. These they killed and skinned and brought the skins back
to Carthage. The record of the expedition was preserved on a bronze plaque in a
temple at Carthage.

Plato and Aristotle

The two great Greek philosophers, Plato (428-348 b .c .) and Aristotle (384-322 b .c .),
both made important contributions to the development of geographical ideas. Plato,
who was a master of deductive reasoning, insisted that the observable things on the
earth were only poor copies of ideas, or perfect predicates from which observable
things had degenerated or were in process of degenerating (Popper, 1945/1962:18-
34). At one time, he observed, Attica in Greece (the ancient territory of which Athens
was the central city) possessed a very productive soil, capable of supporting the
inhabitants in comfort. There were forests on the mountains that not only provided
feed for animals but also held the rainwater from pouring down the slopes in floods
during heavy rains. “The water was not lost, as it is today, by running off a barren
ground to the sea,. . . What now remains, compared with what then existed, is like
the skeleton of a sick man, all the fat and soft earth having been wasted away, and
only the bare framework of the land being left” (Glacken, 1967:121). Arguing from
the general theory to the particular situation in Attica, Plato used this as an example
of the degeneration of things from their original perfect state. If Plato had argued
from the particular to the general, he might have realized that humans make
changes in the land they occupy and that soil erosion and land destruction are parts
of cultural history and are repeated in many places. The idea of the individual as

Figure 4 Greek e x p lo ra tio n , 470-310 b .c .

an agent of change on the face of the earth was not formulated for many centuries
after Plato. As Glacken points out, Plato missed the chance to change the whole
history of speculation concerning man-land relations by identifying the individual
as destructive agent.
Plato also related the story of Atlantis in the Timaeus and the Critias. The Greek
world, he said, was about to be invaded in the year 9000 b .c. by a highly civilized
people who lived somewhere to the west. The Greek armies, after a fierce struggle,
were victorious, but just as the invaders were defeated, their homeland suffered a
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 25

disastrous earthquake and sank beneath the sea. It is possible, he reported, to sail
over the sunken city of Atlantis if one is careful to avoid the shallow places. Explorers
and popular writers have been searching for Atlantis ever since, even imagining it
to have been a land bridge between Africa and America.
Was the earth round or flat? The great majority of the people living in those times
did not question the evidence of their senses that the earth was flat; a few philos­
ophers began to think of the earth as a ball on purely theoretical grounds. All the
Greek thinkers accepted the idea that symmetry of form was one of the attributes
of perfection, and the most completely symmetrical form was a sphere. Therefore,
they argued, the earth, which was created in perfect form as the home of man, must
be spherical. Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century b .c ., may have been the
earliest philosopher to hold this view. At any rate, he worked out some of the math­
ematical laws for the circular motions of celestial bodies. His pupil, Parmenides,
applied these laws to observations made from the surface of a round earth. But Plato,
who lived a century after Parmenides, seems to have been the first philosopher to
announce the concept of a round earth located in the center of the universe with
the celestial bodies in circular motions around it. Whether it was Plato’s original
concept or whether it was suggested to Plato by Socrates, whom he quotes, cannot
be determined. Eudoxus of Cnidus, a contemporary of Plato, developed the theory
of zones of climate based on increasing slope (klima) away from the sun on a
spherical surface. All these formulations were deductions from pure theory—the
theory that all observable things were created in perfect form and that the most
perfect form was a sphere. But it was Aristotle who first looked for evidence to
support the concept.
Aristotle was 17 when he joined Plato’s Academy near Athens. At this time
(367 b .c .) Eudoxus was acting head during the temporary absence of the master.
Aristotle remained at the Academy until Plato’s death, at which time Aristotle was
38. During the next 12 years of his life he spent his time traveling widely through­
out Greece and around the shores of the Aegean. In the year 335 b .c ., when Aristotle
was 49, he returned to Athens and founded his own school, which he named the
Lyceum (Sarton, 1952/1964:492). By this time he was convinced that the best way
to build theory was to observe facts and the best way to test a theory was to con­
front it with observations. Whereas Plato built theory by intuition and reasoned from
the general to the particular, Aristotle built theory by reasoning from the particular
to the general. These two ways of thinking about things are known, respectively,
as deduction and induction.
Aristotle recognized that observations made through the senses can never provide
explanations. Our senses, he said, can tell us that fire is hot but cannot tell us why it
is hot. Aristotle formulated four fundamental principles of scientific explanation—
that is, of answering the question: “What makes this thing the way it is?” (Aristotle,
trans. Gershenson and Greenberg, 1963:2:13). One way is to describe its nature, to
tell its essential characteristics. A second way is to specify the kind of matter, the
substance, of which it is composed. A third way is to tell what caused the process
through which the thing became as it is. And a fourth way, which is complemen­
tary to the third, is to tell the purpose the thing fulfills. Unlike Plato, Aristotle assumed
that things were in process of physical change leading to a final perfect state. This

model for scientific explanation constituted the Western world’s first paradigm for
the guidance of scholars.
With regard to the matter, or basic substance, of which all material things are
made, Aristotle followed Empedocles (490-430 b .c .), who a century earlier had
improved on the single-substance idea of Thales (water) by postulating the exist­
ence of four basic substances: earth, water, fire, and air. All material objects on the
earth are made up of these basic elements in varying proportions. Aristotle added
a fifth substance, aether, which did not occur on the earth but was the material from
which celestial bodies were made.
Aristotle pointed out that to create the material objects on the earth and in the
heavens, some kind of process of change had to take place. First, there had to be
empty space. The philosophers of that time recognized the existence of two kinds
of space: celestial space and earth space—that is, space on the surface of the earth.
There was some speculation concerning interior space within the earth, but there
was little knowledge to guide these speculations. Aristotle, modifying the ideas of
Empedocles, developed the theory of natural places. Everything had its natural place
in the universe, and, if removed from this place, it would seek to return. Earth space
was the natural place of earth and water, and, if raised above the surface of the
earth, these substances and things composed of them would fall back to the surface.
Air and fire, on the other hand, had their natural places in celestial space, and,
therefore, they tended to rise. Aether had its natural place in the celestial bodies
far out from the earth.
Aristotle agreed in part with the teaching of Plato, derived from Pythagoras and
Parmenides, that all things are patterned after numbers. The basic regularities of
the universe are those of geometry and mathematics. He complains, however, that
“nowadays everybody thinks that science is mathematics, and that it is only necess­
ary to study mathematics in order to understand everything else” (Aristotle, trans.
Gershenson and Greenberg, 1963:2:51). Aristotle insists that mathematics can be
used to explain the process of change that makes things as they are, but it cannot
answer the fourth question concerning the purposes or ideal states. Aristotle was
the first teleologist in that he believed everything was changing in accordance with
a preexisting pattern or plan, just as a carpenter building a house knows in advance
what the house will be like when it is finished. All things, said Aristotle, are not
deteriorating from an ideal state but rather are developing toward an ideal state.
Aristotle accepted Plato’s concept of a spherical earth and began to seek an expla­
nation of it and to test the concept with observations. His explanation was derived
from the theory of natural places. When the solid matter of which the earth is made
falls toward a central point, it must form a ball (Sarton, 1952/1964:510). Aristotle
was the first scholar to recognize the significance of the observed fact that when
the shadow of the earth crosses the moon during an eclipse, the edge of the shadow
is circular. He also recognized that the height of various stars above the horizon
increases as one travels toward the north, which could only occur if the observer
were traveling over the curved surface of a sphere. Strangely, he never realized that
additional support for the concept of a round earth could be gained by noting the
disappearance of a ship beyond the horizon—hull first. He must have had ample
opportunity to observe this fact.
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 27

Aristotle’s attempt at scientific explanation did not include anything about

controlled experiments or the verification of premises, but only the use of logic to
formulate and give support for theory. Some of his logical explanations seemed so
unassailable in the fourth century b .c . and have been so universally accepted for
many generations since that time that his influence on the history of Western ideas
has been enormous. It has been pointed out that modern science could not appear
until Aristotle had been abandoned. Here we note a very common sequence of events
in the history of ideas: The formulation of a new concept is enormously stimulating
and results in an increase in the quality and quantity of observations, but the con­
tinued acceptance of the concept proves an obstacle to the progress of scholarship
among succeeding generations.
An example of this in the field of geography was Aristotle’s concept of the
varying habitability of the earth with differences of latitude (Glacken, 1956). That
habitability was a function of distance from the equator was a notion that
seemed to accord with observed facts for people living around the shores of the
Mediterranean. If the earth is a sphere and the sun is circulating about it, the parts
of the earth where the sun is most directly overhead must be much hotter than places
farther away from the sun. The Greeks were familiar with the excessively high
temperatures experienced in Libya along the southern side of the Mediterranean.
In modern times the world’s record for high temperature observed in a standard
thermometer shelter (136.4°F) is held by a place in present-day Libya about 25
miles south of the Mediterranean shore and more than 32°N of the equator. If the
air gets that hot at this latitude, the Greeks reasoned, it must be very much hotter
close to the equator. The people living in the northern part of Libya had black skins,
and the Greeks assumed that they had burned black by exposure to the sun. At the
equator, then, all life must be impossible because any living thing would be burned
in the intense heat. Aristotle reasoned that the parts of the earth close to the equator,
the torrid zone, were uninhabitable; that the parts of the earth far away from the
equator, the frigid zone, were constantly frozen and also were uninhabitable; and
that the temperate zone in between constituted the habitable part of the earth. The
ekumene, the inhabited part of the earth, was in the temperate zone, but much of
it, said Aristotle, was not inhabited because of the ocean. Aristotle also postulated
the existence of a south temperate zone, which could not be reached from Greece
because of the intense heat of the torrid zone. Many scholars in antiquity accepted
Aristotle’s south temperate zone but doubted that it could be habitable because in
the antipodes people would have to hang upside down. This notion of habitability
as a function of latitude has had a long history and, in fact, is still widely accepted,
especially by nongeographers.

Alexander the Great

Aristotle had many pupils, and he instilled in all of them a desire to test theory by
direct observation. He taught them to “go and see” for themselves whether any one
theory could or could not be accepted. His greatest pupil was Alexander, who became
the king of Macedonia at the age of 20. Alexander studied with Aristotle for only
three years (343-340 b .c .), between the ages of 13 and 16, yet no one applied the
master’s teaching more effectively. When Alexander became king, he started on a

career of military conquest. A primary objective in Alexander’s conquests was to

expand Greek geographic horizons—they were in the nature of armed explorations.
Alexander’s conquests pushed Greek knowledge of the earth far to the east
(Fig. 3). After conquering the barbarian tribes living north of the Ister (Danube),
in 334 b . c . he crossed the Hellespont into Asia. His first marches were close to the
coast, where he could be supplied by ship. But then he grew bolder and invaded
the central part of present-day Turkey, then part of the Persian Empire. Thence he
continued southward along the eastern side of the Mediterranean to Egypt, where
he established his rule. He founded the city of Alexandria in 332 b .c ., which was
destined to become one of the great commercial and intellectual centers of the ancient
world. After some exploratory excursions to oases in the Libyan desert west of the
Nile, he turned again toward the east, crossing into the heart of the Persian Empire
(modem Iran) by way of Babylon and Persepolis. He pushed northward as far as
the central Asian market town of Samarkand, then on eastward as far as—and across
—the Indus River. Believing that he was only a short distance from the eastern
limit of the ekumene, he wanted to march on farther, but his troops mutinied and
insisted on returning to Greece. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 b .c ., and the empire
he had built and mled with compassion collapsed in strife.
Few teachers have had the lessons they taught applied so well by their students.
Alexander’s staff included writers to describe the lands they crossed and
astronomers to take observations of the height of the bright star Canopus to fix
latitude, or distance north of the equator. There were trained pacers, whose duty
was to measure distances on the march. As a result, he sent back to the Greek world
a wealth of new observations concerning what it was like beyond the Greek
horizons and how far and in what direction it was necessary to travel to reach these
strange places. At the time of his death he was planning to send out two additional
expeditions to find answers to two geographical questions. One was to follow the
shores of the Caspian Sea to settle the question whether this sea was connected to
the open ocean, as some maps showed. The other expedition was to sail southward
along the Red Sea from Egypt to find out whether Libya truly was surrounded by
water on the south and whether human beings could survive in the intense heat of
the equatorial regions. With his death, plans for both expeditions were abandoned.
Alexander accomplished more than any other man of antiquity to extend geographical

Py theas
While Alexander was extending Greek geographic horizons to the east, another
Greek explorer was voyaging far to the northwest of the Greek world in western
and northern Europe (Fig. 4). This was Pytheas, who is assumed to have made his
remarkable voyage sometime between 330 and 300 b .c . Unfortunately, his original
report did not survive, and he is known to historians of geography only because of
references made to his work by other writers (Bunbury, 1883:1:589-601; Ninck,
1945:218-226; Sarton, 1952/1964:523-525; Tozer, 1897/1964:152-164).
The following account of his voyage is generally accepted today. Pytheas was
a native of the Greek colony of Massilia (modem Marseilles), which was engaged at
that time in a bitter rivalry with the Phoenicians of Carthage for control of the profit­
able trade in tin and amber. Whether Pytheas was sent out by Massilia to penetrate
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 29

the screen of secrecy imposed by the Phoenicians or whether he financed his own
voyage to satisfy his curiosity about what lay beyond the Greek horizons is not cer­
tain. At any rate, he set out by ship from Massilia along the coast to the Pillars of
Hercules and then managed to slip by the Phoenician naval base at Gades (Cadiz). He
sailed along the coast of France to the English Channel and then around Great Britain.
Pytheas reported things that were so contrary to Greek experience that the geo­
graphic scholars of his day discredited him and treated his important information
as pure fantasy. He told about the customs of the people of Britain with detail that
could scarcely have been invented. He described the drinking of mead (fermented
honey), the use of bams to thresh grain in wet weather, and the change in the charac­
ter of agriculture from south to north in Great Britain. He also described a sea
so full of ice that it could be traversed neither on foot nor in a boat—which exactly
describes what the polar explorers call ice sludge. He was also the first Greek to
tell about ocean tides (the tides on the Mediterranean are too small to be noticed),
and he showed that the tides were related to the phases of the moon.
How much farther north he went is a puzzle, although he reported on the exist­
ence of a place called Thule, six days sailing north of Great Britain. It is probable
that he sailed along the eastern shore of the North Sea, perhaps as far as modem
Denmark. He is quoted as having been to a place where the length of the longest
day was between 17 and 19 hours, which would place him 61°N, in the northern­
most of the Shetland Islands. He is also quoted as reporting that at Thule the sun
remained above the horizon during the whole of the longest day, which would put
this place well to the north in Norway or possibly Iceland. It is certain, however,
that before he left Massilia he observed the angle of the sun's shadow on a gnomon,
and the latitude derived from this measurement was almost exactly correct
(43°05'N, instead of 43°18/N).
The details that Pytheas is said to have recorded (and that led the scholars of
antiquity to discredit him) led modem scholars to believe that he was indeed report­
ing his observations correctly. Nowadays Pytheas is accorded his due place among
the great explorers of all times.2

2 There are many other important contributors to the development of Greek geographical
ideas in classical antiquity. There was Hippocrates, the fifth-century b .c . physician,
who, among many other writings attributed to him, produced the world’s first medical
geography. In his book On Airs, Waters, and Places, he was the first to present the
concept of environmental influence on human character. There was Theophrastus, who
succeeded Aristotle as head of the Lyceum and was its director for 35 years. He wrote
a prodigious number of books on a wide range of subjects, including meteorology,
petrography, ethics, and religion. He is known as the father of plant geography because
he described and classified more than 500 species of cultivated plants. There was
Dieaearchus, who measured the heights of certain Greek mountains with a primitive
theodolite and concluded that the highest mountains were only a slight roughness on the
surface of the earth—this, in the late fourth century b .c . Aristarchus of Samos proposed
the hypothesis that the sun was the center of the universe and that the earth and planets
were revolving around it. He explained day and night in terms of a rotating earth. The
inquiring student who wishes to know more about the many other Greek and Roman
geographers should consult the following: Bunbury, 1883; Burton, 1932/1969; Heidel,
1937; Ninck, 1945; Sarton, 1952/1964, 1959; Thomson, 1965; or Tozer, 1897/1964.

Eratosthenes, the Father o f Geographj

Eratosthenes is often identified as the father of geography because, among other
contributions, he was the first to coin the word. But, as we have observed, many
major contributors to geographical ideas are not identified as geographers. In many
ways, however, Eratosthenes set a stamp on the study of the earth as the home of
man that still persists.
Eratosthenes was bom in the Greek colony of Cyrene in Libya. In Cyrene and
later in Athens he received a broad education, including philology and rhetoric as
well as mathematics and philosophy. He probably attended both the Academy and
the Lyceum. In about 244 b .c . he accepted an invitation from the king of Egypt to
become the royal tutor and was also named as “alpha fellow” at the museum in
Alexandria. With the death of the chief librarian of the museum in about 234 b .c .,
he was appointed to that coveted post, which was among the most prestigious in
the Greek scholarly world. He remained as chief librarian until his death in about
192 b .c ., at the age of 80.
George Sarton gives some interesting sidelights on the attitude of the Greek
scholars toward the chief librarian at Alexandria. Eratosthenes had two nicknames:
he was called beta, which suggests that although he was the senior (alpha) fellow
he was still only a second-rate scholar; and he was called pentathlos, a name given
to athletes who performed well in five different games. Sarton points out that at this
time there was a growing specialism in Greek scholarship of a kind that did not
again appear until the seventeenth century after Christ. Specialists in a restricted
field of study—then as now— are inclined to look with scorn on anyone whose
scholarship is based on breadth rather than depth. Here is what Sarton has to say
about this very human situation:

The first nickname, beta, shows that the scientists and scholars of that age
were already very jealous of one another and all too ready to deflate those whose
superiority they misunderstood or resented. Now the professional mathematicians
might consider him as not good enough in their field and be displeased with the
abundance and variety of his nonmathematical interests. As to the men of letters
and philologists they could not appreciate his geographic purposes. Eratosthenes
might be second-rate in many endeavors, but he was absolutely first-rate in
geodesy and geography and is to this day one of the greatest geographers of all
ages. This his critics could not even guess, and therefore they pooh-poohed him.
There was among them a man of genius but as he was working in a new field
they were too stupid to recognize him. As usual in such cases, they proved not
his second-rateness but only their own (Sarton, 1959/1965:101-102).

Eratosthenes’ geography was written in three books, of which only fragments

survive. In the first he described the form and nature of the earth and changes in its
surface; the second dealt with mathematics and measurement; the third described
countries, peoples, and politics. These books described the ekumene, the inhabited
earth, in which he accepted both the major divisions of Europe, Asia, Libya, and
the five zones— a torrid zone, two temperate, and two frigid zones. He improved
on Aristotle by giving the mathematical boundaries of these zones. The torrid zone
he thought was 48 degrees of the whole circumference. (Twenty-four degrees north
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 31

and south was calculated as the location of the tropics.) The frigid zones extended
24 degrees from each pole. The temperate zone was between the tropic and the polar
circles. In his book he was one of the few who accepted the reports from Pytheas:
He extended the ekumene from Thule, near the Arctic Circle, to Taprobane
(Ceylon) in the Indian Ocean. The ekumene, he reported, also extended from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Bay of Bengal, which he assumed was the eastern limit of
habitable land.
He also prepared a world map (Fig. 3). He made use of a frame of north-south and
east-west lines, but these were not spaced regularly. Rather, he used the meridian
of Alexandria, which he extended southward through Syene and northward through
Rhodes and Byzantium, as the prime meridian; and he used the latitude of the Pillars
of Hercules, which he thought also passed through Rhodes (Sarton, 1959/1965:106—
108). His map of the known world was plotted in relation to these lines.
Yet Eratosthenes is perhaps best known for his calculation of the circumference
of the earth. Apparently, he was able to do this because he was the first scholar
with the imagination to appreciate the significance of two separate observations of
the position of the sun at the time of the summer solstice. One observation came
from near Syene (Aswan). On an island in the Nile, just below the first cataract
and opposite Syene, there was a deep well, and at the bottom of the well at the
summer solstice the image of the sun was reflected in the water. The existence of
this well had been known for a long time, and no doubt tourists in ancient times
traveled up the Nile to witness this strange occurrence each year. This meant, of
course, that on that date the sun was directly overhead. The second observation
was made outside the museum in Alexandria, where there was a tall obelisk. Using
the obelisk as a gnomon, Eratosthenes measured the length of the shadow at the
solstice. He was thus able to measure the angle between the vertical obelisk and
the rays of the sun. With these data in mind, Eratosthenes made use of the well-
known theorem of Thales, which states that when a diagonal line crosses two
parallel lines, the opposite angles are equal. The parallel lines were given by the
parallel rays of the sun (Fig, 5). The rays of the sun at Syene, which were vertical,
could be extended to the center of the earth (SC). Also, the obelisk, which was
vertical at Alexandria, could be extended to the center of the earth (OC). Then the
angle between the sun's rays and the vertical obelisk at Alexandria (BOC) must be
the same as the opposite angle at the center of the earth (OCS). The next question
was this: How much of the whole circumference of a circle is subtended by the
angle OCS? Eratosthenes measured this as one-fiftieth of the whole circumference.
It was then only necessary to fill in the distance between Syene and Alexandria,
which the Egyptians said was the equivalent of about 500 miles, and then multiply
this distance by 50. Eratosthenes, therefore, concluded that the whole earth was
about 25,000 miles in circumference. (Actually the circumference measured
through the poles is 24,860 miles.)3

3 Eratosthenes gave his linear measurements in stades. The value of the stade is not known
exactly, but it ranges around 10 stades to the modem mile. So his estimate of 5000 stades
was approximately 500 miles.

A. S

O Obelisk at Alexandria
W We l l at S y e n e
C Earths center
U AB Sun' s r a y s at A l e x a n d r i a

\i SC Sun's r a y s at S y e n e
U Opposite angles
Distance OW s u b t e n d e d by a n g l e OCS e q u a l s ’ /50
the circumference of a c i r c l e

Figure 5 Calculation of the Earth’s circumference (by Eratosthenes)

The measurements in those times were far from exact. Eratosthenes assumed
that Alexandria was due north of Syene, whereas, in fact, it is about longitude
3°W of Syene. The length of the road between Syene and Alexandria, which the
Egyptians said was the equivalent of 500 miles, is actually 453 miles. And Syene
is actually at latitude 24°5'N, a little to the north of the tropic. But all these errors
canceled out so that the resulting calculation was amazingly close to the correct
figure (Thomson, 1965:159-161).

When Eratosthenes died, he was succeeded as chief librarian (at Alexandria)
by Hipparchus. The dates of Hipparchus’s birth and death are unknown, but it is
certain that he was working at the library in 140 b .c . Hipparchus was more of a
mathematician and astronomer than he was a geographer, but he did show, in
theory at least, the way to establish the exact position of every point on the earth’s
surface. He was the first to divide the circle into 360 degrees, based on Assyrian
arithmetic; for all nations the circle continues to be so divided. Hipparchus defined
a grid of latitude and longitude lines, as Eudoxus had done for celestial space. The
equator, he pointed out, was a great circle (one that divides the earth into two equal
parts), and the meridians that were drawn converging on the poles were also great
circles. The parallels, on the other hand, became shorter and shorter as they
approached the poles. Since the earth makes one complete revolution in 24 hours
and there are 360 meridians drawn from equator to poles, each hour the earth turns
through 15 degrees of longitude.
Hipparchus hoped that geography could be made more exact through the plotting
of locations in this theoretical grid. The Greeks did know how to make fairly good
measurements of latitude by using the gnomon, but very few such observations had,
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 33

in fact, been made.4 Longitude, however, remained a matter of guesswork. There

was no way to measure time, especially at sea. Hipparchus suggested that the local
times of the start of an eclipse at different places could be compared. The time dif­
ferences would provide a measure of longitude, but no such system of coordinated
observations was even attempted for many centuries after his time. Already in the
second century after Christ, geographical studies had become too technical and
too mathematical for the use of general readers or of others who wished to find
information about particular countries. Polybius, the Greek historian, saw geography
as an essential support for the study of history, as Herodotus had suggested.
Hipparchus was also the first to wrestle with the problem of showing the curved
surface of the earth on a flat surface. It cannot be done because a spherical surface
cannot be made to lie flat without cutting or stretching it. He devised two kinds of
projections, however, so that the distortion of the spherical surface on a map could
be carried out mathematically. He told how to make a stereographic projection
by laying a flat parchment tangent to the earth and extending the latitude and
longitude lines from a point opposite the point of tangency. The orthographic
projection is similarly produced but by projecting the lines from a point in infinity.
On the stereographic map the central portion is too small in relation to the peri­
phery; on the orthographic projection the central portion is too large. These two
projections, it should be noted, can only show a hemisphere, not the whole earth.

Another important Greek historian and geographer, who lived shortly before the
time of Christ, was Posidonius. Two of his contributions to geographical ideas must
be described: one, a wrong idea that persisted for centuries; the other, a correct
idea that was overlooked.
It was Posidonius who estimated the circumference of the earth and arrived at a
much smaller figure than that of Eratosthenes. Because he felt no confidence in the
work of Eratosthenes, he undertook to make his own measurements. He observed
the height above the horizon of Canopus (a star of the first magnitude) at Rhodes
and Alexandria, which he assumed to be on the same meridian. He then estimated
the distance between them based on average sailing time for ships. The figure
he arrived at for the circumference of the earth was 18,000 miles. He also greatly
overestimated the west-to-east distance from the westernmost part of Europe to the
eastern end of the ekumene, then thought to be occupied by India. He declared,
therefore, that a ship sailing westward across the Atlantic from Western Europe would
reach the east coast of India after a voyage of only 7000 miles. As we will see,
when Columbus argued before the scholars at the Spanish court that he could sail
west to India, he used the smaller circumference estimated by Posidonius, whereas
the scholars favored the larger circumference calculated by Eratosthenes.

4Hipparchus invented an instrument that was easier to use than the gnomon. This was the
astrolabe. A circular dial was marked off into 360 parts, and a rotating arm was fixed at
its center. Hanging on the rigging of a ship, the astrolabe made possible the measurement
of latitude at sea by observing the angle of the polestar.

Posidonius, however, was right about another matter. He refused to follow

Aristotle in believing that the equatorial part of the torrid zone was uninhabitable
because of heat. The highest temperatures and the driest deserts, he insisted, were
located in the temperate zone near the tropics, and the temperatures near the
equator were much less extreme. He arrived at this conclusion— amazing in the first
century b .c .— on purely theoretical grounds, for he had no access to credible
reports from anyone who had crossed the Sahara, including Hanno’s voyage along
the African west coast. The sun, he pointed out, pauses longest near the tropics
and is overhead for a much shorter time at the equator. The interesting point is
that Posidonius’s incorrect estimate of the circumference of the earth was widely
accepted by those who followed him, while his correct belief concerning the
habitability of the equatorial regions was overlooked.

A very large part of what scholars think they know about ancient geography came
from Strabo. Most of the books written by earlier scholars have disappeared
entirely or survive only in fragments. Much of the history of geographical ideas in
ancient Greece and Rome must be pieced together from surviving cross-references.
Rut Strabo’s monumental work on geography was found almost intact, with only a
very few minor parts missing; fortunately, the first part of Strabo’s writing is a review
of what other geographers since Homer had accomplished. Strabo’s work was another
example of what has become almost standard practice— the proclamation by an
author that what he has produced is, indeed, the “new geography.” Here is the way
Strabo outlined his task:
Accordingly, just as the man who measures the earth gets his principles from the
astronomer and the astronomer his from the physicist, so, too, the geographer must
in the same way take his point of departure from the man who has measured the
earth as a whole, having confidence in him and in those in whom he, in his turn,
had confidence, and then explain, in the first instance, our inhabited world—its
size, shape, and character, and its relations to the earth as a whole; for this is the
peculiar task of the geographer. Then, secondly, he must discuss in a fitting man­
ner the several parts of the inhabited world, both land and sea, noting in passing
wherein the subject has been treated inadequately by those of our predecessors
whom we have believed to be the best authorities on these matters [Strabo, trans.
Jones, 1917:429-431].
Strabo was bom in Amasia (in what is today central Turkey, some 50 miles south
of the Black Sea coast) in about the year 64 b .c . He died in a .d . 20. His family
was sufficiently well-to-do that Strabo received a good education and was able to
travel widely in the Greek world. He lived for several years in Rome and also worked
in the library at Alexandria. His travels took him no farther west than Italy and no
farther east than the borders of Armenia. He had sailed on the Black Sea, and, while
he was at Alexandria, he made a trip up the Nile (in 24 b .c .) as far as Philae, a
short distance above the first cataract. He wrote two major works after he returned
to Amasia. One was a history from the fall of Carthage to the death of Caesar, of
which only a few fragments have been found. But his Geography— almost all of
the 17 books— did survive. Strabo was an elderly man when he began to write his
Geography and perhaps died before it was completed.
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 35

Strabo's Geography is compiled from the writings of his predecessors. He

defends Homer’s knowledge of geography at great length but then discards
Herodotus as a “fable-monger.” He also discards Hanno’s voyage along the western
side of Africa and Pytheas’s exploration of northwest Europe. He accepts Aristotle’s
zones of habitability, as defined by Eratosthenes, and then goes on to assert that the
limit of possible human life toward the equator is at latitude 12°30/N— on what
basis he does not say. He also places the northern limit of the habitable earth, where
cold is the limiting factor, only 400 miles north of the Black Sea. No one can really
be civilized if he lives north of the Alps in Europe because it is necessary to huddle
around fires just to keep alive. He accepts the calculation of the earth’s circumfer­
ence made by Posidonius. On the other hand, Strabo gives a correct explanation of
the floods of the Nile, attributing them to the heavy summer rains in Ethiopia.
Strabo wrote for a specific group of readers: the educated statesman and the mil­
itary commanders. His purpose was to provide a text for the information of Roman
administrators and military commanders, and his work constitutes the world’s first
administrator’s handbook. He is very critical of those geographers who try to copy
Aristotle in the search for explanations; rather, he wants to provide an accurate
description of the parts of the ekumene. The rest of the world does not interest him
at all. He recognizes the geographer’s need for a sound mathematical basis, and he
derives this chiefly from Hipparchus and Posidonius. The major part of his work
is devoted to detailed descriptions of the various parts of the known world. After
two books of introductory material, including the discussion of his sources, Strabo

devotes eight books to Europe, six books to Asia, and one book to what we would
today call Africa. Most of this book deals with Egypt and Ethiopia; after complet­
ing this coverage he then says, “Now let me describe Libya, which is the only part
left for the completion of my Geography as a whole” (Strabo, trans. Jones 1917:155).
Clearly, he is not much interested in any abstract argument about the placing of
regional boundaries, but he accepts without discussion the idea of Herodotus that
Libya begins west of the Nile Valley.
Many centuries passed before Strabo’s Geography was read. When Pliny the Elder
wrote his encyclopedia of geography in a .d . 77, based on the reading of some 2000
volumes, he did not even mention Strabo. The administrators who might have
benefited from the work never saw it. However, by the sixth century after Christ,
Strabo’s Geography had been “discovered” and had become a classic, as indeed it
remained for many centuries thereafter.

Unlike the Greeks, the Romans produced little that was new in the field of geo­
graphy. Writing shortly before the time of Christ, one Marcus Terentius Varro wrote
a compendium of geography that would scarcely have merited the adjective “new”
had he not set forth a theory of culture stages that remained almost unchallenged
until the nineteenth century. Varro describes human culture as progressing through
a regular sequence. Originally, we derived our food from the things that the virgin
earth produced spontaneously. From this original state we advanced through a stage
of pastoral nomadism, then through an agricultural stage, and finally to the stage of
contemporary (first century b .c .) culture (Glacken, 1956:72-73). Varro’s stages

were generally accepted until the nineteenth century, when Alexander von
Humboldt pointed out that there had been no pastoral stage in the Americas and
that the theory of stages could not be applied everywhere.
There were other compendia of descriptive writings. Pomponius Mela, writing
in a .d . 43, produced such a work, and he was widely quoted in the much larger
encyclopedic collection of Pliny the Elder. In addition, extensive sailing directions
were published for the guidance of ship captains that described the coastlines and
ports with considerable detail and accuracy, such as the Periplus o f Scylax for the
shores of the Mediterranean and the Periplus o f Arrian for the shores of the Euxine
(Black Sea) (Bunbury, 1883:2:384). The most complete work of this kind was an
anonymous one that offered a guide for navigators and traders that covered the Red
Sea, the east coast of Africa as far as Zanzibar (more than 6 degrees south of the
equator), and the northern side of the Indian Ocean as far as the southern end of
the Malabar coast in India. This was the famous Periplus o f the Erythraean Sea,
which Bunbury dates as some 10 years after the death of Pliny in a .d . 79. (Bunbury,
1883:2:443-479). The merchants and sailors of the first century after Christ, who
had not read Aristotle or Strabo, were happily not conscious of the horrible fate
that would come to those who ventured within 12 degrees of the equator or of the
impossibility of maintaining life in this central part of the torrid zone. At Zanzibar
they carried on a flourishing trade with the inhabitants of the African mainland.

Ancient geography really came to an end with the monumental work of Ptolemy
(Claudius Ptolemaus), who lived in the second century after Christ. Nothing is known
of his life except that he worked at the library in Alexandria between a .d . 127 and
150. He is the author of the great work on classical astronomy—the Almagest—
which long remained the standard reference work on the movements of celestial
bodies. His concept of the universe agreed with that of Aristotle: The earth was a
sphere that remained stationary in the center while the celestial bodies moved around
it in circular courses. This remained accepted doctrine until the time of Copernicus
in the seventeenth century.
After completing the Almagest, Ptolemy undertook the preparation of a Guide
to Geography. His teacher, Marinus of Tyre, had already started a collection of data
regarding place locations on the basis of which the maps of the known world were
to be revised. By this time, in the second century, much new information had been
collected by the far-ranging Roman merchants and armies. Ptolemy went on with
the work Marinus had started. He adopted the grid of latitude and longitude lines
developed by Hipparchus, based on the division of the circle into 360 parts. Every
place, therefore, could be given a precise location in mathematical terms. Ptolemy’s
guide contains some six volumes of tables and forms the world’s first geo­
graphical gazetteer, on the basis of which he revised the world map. The difficulty
is that in spite of the appearance of precision, the work really was a monumental
collection of errors. In those days latitude could be determined only approximately,
and most voyagers failed to make use of the few instruments available. There was
no way to measure longitude. Therefore, each listing of latitude and longitude was,
in fact, only a selection among estimates. Furthermore, Ptolemy followed Marinus
The Beginnings of Classical Geography / 37

in taking as his prime meridian a north-south line through the westernmost known
islands in the Atlantic— either the Canaries or the Madeira Islands, Therefore, start­
ing in the west with his estimates of longitude, the error accumulated toward the
east. Ptolemy not only accepted the smaller estimate of the earth’s circumference
by Posidonius, but he also increased the error in the eastward extension of the land
area. Using the authoritative work of Ptolemy, Columbus estimated that Asia must
lie very close to Europe on the west.
The Guide to Geography consisted of eight volumes. The first was a discussion
of map projections together with a few corrections of the data from Marinus based
on actual astronomical observations that he had carried out himself. Books 2
through 7 contained tables of latitude and longitude. The eighth book contained
maps of different parts of the world based on the gazetteer (Fig. 3). Ptolemy repeated
the commonly accepted idea that the parts of the earth near the equator were
uninhabitable because of heat. He also indicated on his maps that the Indian Ocean
was enclosed by land on the south, an idea he probably took from Hipparchus,
but it is not known where Hipparchus found this information. This terra australis
incognita was not cleared from the maps until the voyages of Captain James Cook
in the eighteenth century proved that such a southern land area did not exist.
Ptolemy’s Geography was translated into Latin in 1409 and consequently
became well known in Western Europe. Ptolemy was considered the authority on
matters he had addressed. Many editions of his work were therefore published in
the sixteenth century (Marshall, 1972). It was only with the development of science
and more travel that his work was rendered obsolete and the last of the ancient geo­
graphers ceased to be an authority. Curiously, it was not until 1932 that his famous
book was translated into English, This was accomplished by Edward L. Stevenson,
an American authority on the history of cartography.
With the death of Ptolemy, the geographic horizons that had been widened both
physically and intellectually by the Greeks closed in again. It was many centuries
before the effort to describe and explain the face of the earth as the home of human­
kind again attracted the attention of scholars.

Aristotle. Metaphysica. Trans. D. E, Gershenson and D. A. Greenberg, 1963. Vol. 2, The

Natural Philosopher. Pp. 5-55. New York: Blaisdell.
Aujac, Germaine. 1978, “Eratosthenes c. 275-c . 195 BC,” Geographers: Biohihliographical
Studies. 2; 30-43. London: Mansell.
Boyce, R. R. 1977. The Trade o f Tyre: Anomaly o f the Ancient World. Seattle: Seattle Pacific
Bunbury, E. H. 1883. A History o f Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans from
the Earliest Ages Till the Fall o f the Roman Empire. 2 vols. London: John Murray.
Burton, Harry E. 1932. The Discovery o f the Ancient World. reprinted 1969. Freeport, New
York: Books for Libraries Press.
Biittner, Manfred, ed. 1979. Wandlungen im geographischen Denken von Aristoteles his Kant.
Ferdinand Schoningh.
Casson, L. 1959. The Ancient M ariners.. . . New York: Macmillan.

Casson, Lionel. 1989. The Periplus Maris Erythraei. Princeton, N J.: Princeton University Press.
Clarke, Katherine. 1999. Between Geography and, History: Hellenistic Constructions o f the
Roman World. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Dueek, Daniela. 2000. Strabo o f Amasia: A. Greek Man o f Letters in Augustan Rome.
London: Routlege.
Gallois, Lucien. 1901. “L ’evolution de la geographic.” Congres national des Societes
frangaises de geographie, 21st session, Paris, August 20-24,1900, Comptes rendus. Published
by the Societe de geographie. Pp. 108-119.
Glacken, C. J. 1956. “Changing Ideas of the Habitable World.” In W. L. Thomas, ed., Man's
Role in Changing the Face o f the Earth. Pp. 70-92. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
------ —. 1967. Traces on the Rhodian Shore, Nature and Culture in Western Thought
from Ancient Times to the End o f the Eighteenth Century, Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press.
Harley, J, B. and David Woodward. 1987. The History o f Cartography, VoL 1, Chicago:
University of Chicago Press,
Heidel, W. A, 1937. The Frame o f Ancient Greek Maps, New York: American Geographical
James, Preston E. 1972. “Geography.” In Encyclopaedia Britannica. VoL 10, pp, 144-160,
Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Keltic, John Scott, and Howarth, O. J. R. 1913. History o f Geography. (“A History of the
Sciences.”) New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Leaf, Walter. 1912. Troy— A Study in Homeric Geography. London: Macmillan.
Marshall, D. W, 1972. “A List of Manuscript Editions of Ptolemy’s GeographiaP Geo­
graphy and Map Division: Special Libraries Association. Bulletin. 87, 17-38.
May, Joseph A, 1982. “On Orientations and Reorientations in the History of Western
Geography.” In David Wood, ed. Rethinking Geographical Inquiry, (“Geographical
Monographs,” 11). Pp. 31-72. Toronto: York University, Atkinson College, Department
of Geography.
Ninck, M. 1945. Die Entdeckung von Europa durch die Griechen. Basel: Schwabe.
Popper, K. R. 1945/1962. The Open Society and Its Enemies. New York: Harper & Row.
Ptolemy. 2000. Ptolemy's Geography: An Annotated Translation o f the Theoretical Chapters.
Trans. J. L. Berggren and Alexander Jones. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
Romm, J. S. 1992. The Edges o f the Earth in Ancient Thought: Geography, Exploration, and
Fiction. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Sarton, G. 1952. A History o f Science, Ancient Science Through the Golden Age o f Greece.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (reprinted New York: John Wiley & Sons,
------ —. 1959. A History o f Science, Hellenistic Science and Culture in the Last Three Cen­
turies b,c. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard. University Press (reprinted New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1965).
Schamp, H. 1955-56. “Die Turin der Winde in Athen und die Luftkorperklimatologie.” Die
Erde 7-8:119-128.
Strabo. The Geography o f Strabo. Trans. H, L. Jones, 1917. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons.
Thomson, J. O. 1965. History o f Ancient Geography. New York: Biblo & Tannen.
Tozer, H. F. 1897. A History o f Ancient Geography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
(reprinted New York: Biblo & Tannen, 1964).
G eography in the M iddle A ges

Afterwards they went to the country o f Paris, to King Fransis (i.e., Philippe IV,
le Bel). And the king sent out a large company o f men to meet them, and they
brought them into the city with great honor and ceremony. Now the territories
o f the French king were in extent more than a month’s journey. And the king
o f France assigned to Rabban Saurna a place wherein to dwell, and three days
later sent one o f his amirs to him and summoned him to his presence. And when
he had come the king stood up before him and paid him honor, and said unto
him, “Why hast thou come? And who sent thee?” And Rabban Sauma said unto
him, King Arghun and the Catholics of the East have sent me concerning the
matter o f Jerusalem.”
— From a Chinese account of the visit of the Nestorian Christian Rabban Bar Sauma
of Peking to the French king in 1287 (The Great Chinese Travelers, ed. J. Mirsky)

uring the fifth century after Christ, the Roman world with its system of cen­
D tralized administration fell apart. For the Greeks the geographic horizons (the
limits of the area that was known at least to scholars and merchants) had been extended
from the Indus River to the Atlantic and from the Russian steppes north of the Black
Sea to Ethiopia. For the Romans the geographic horizons included the vast area brought
under Roman jurisdiction. But now geographic horizons closed in again until many
of those who lived in Christian Europe after the fifth century were really familiar
only with their immediate surroundings. The worlds beyond were peopled with fan­
tastic creatures conjured up by imaginations unfettered by facts. Only in the shelter
of monasteries were the flickering flames of the intellectual life preserved.
But this is not a complete picture of the medieval period, which extended from
the fifth to the fifteenth centuries. In Christian Europe, although the word geography
disappeared from the ordinary vocabulary, the study and writing of geography
not entirely cease (Tillman, 1971). Little by little, curiosity concerning other
worlds that might lie beyond the horizon again prompted some adventure­
some people to travel and explore. The Crusades, organized to wrest the Holy Land
from the control of the Muslims, took many people out of their localities and then
brought some back again to tell of the strange people and landscapes that had been
seen. From the thirteenth century on, there were extended travels by missionaries
and merchants that reached all the way to China.
Who was discovering whom? Although the geographic horizons had closed in
around the communities of Christian Europe, this was a period of greatly widened
horizons for the Muslims. Muslim conquests, which started with the conquest of
Palestine and Syria in 632, carried followers of Islam eastward to the islands of
Southeast Asia, westward to the Atlantic and into southern Europe, and southward


across the Sahara. Muslim missionaries and merchants traveled far beyond the
limits of Muslim control Furthermore, Muslim scholars in the great centers of learn­
ing were busily engaged in translating the works of the Greek writers into Arabic.
Through Arabic, much Greek learning eventually became known to the Latin world
of the Christians.
Meanwhile, in the far north of Europe, Norsemen were sailing across the stormy
North Atlantic to Iceland, Greenland, and the continent of North America. Since
the Norsemen did not write books, news of these discoveries was a long time
getting back to the rest of the world.
Of the greatest importance were the accomplishments of the Chinese. Europe
and India were “discovered” by Chinese missionaries long before the Christian
travelers reached the Orient. According to Joseph Needham (Needham, 1963:117),
in the period between the second century before Christ and the fifteenth century
after Christ, the Chinese culture “was the most efficient in the world in applying
knowledge of nature to useful purposes.” The study of geography in China, as a
part of a wider scholarly tradition, was well advanced beyond anything known in
Christian Europe at this time.


The scholars who gathered together in monasteries in Christian Europe were not
studying the earth as observers or experimenters. Rather, they were compilers of
information from documentary sources and commentators, whose primary effort was
to reconcile the geographic ideas recorded in documents with the authority of the
Scriptures, especially the Book of Genesis. In the early medieval period, European
scholars could work only with Latin documents; only in the latter part of this period
did a few of them master the Arabic language. Greek materials remained unknown,
except in translation, until the early Renaissance.
John K. Wright, in his masterly study of the geographical ideas available to the
Christian scholars of this period, points out the kinds of information that could be
found in Latin (Wright, 1925:88-126), Roman geographers, such as Pomponius
Mela and Pliny the Elder, were widely used sources. Both of these writers, as we
have seen, compiled their books from Greek sources, and through them the medieval
scholars had a kind of secondhand and quite incomplete access to Greek concepts
(Kimble, 1938). Two medieval scholars—Martianus Capella and Ambrosius
Theodosius Macrobius—provided translations of Plato as early as the fifth century.
Through the writings of Capella and Macrobius, the medieval Christian scholars
had access to the concept of a spherical earth. Although some, like Cosmas, con­
ceived of the world as a round disc rather than as a sphere, other scholars accepted
the idea of a spherical earth as demonstrated beyond dispute.
Ptolemy became the major authority in the medieval Christian world for matters
pertaining to astrology and astronomy. His work dealing with the effect of the
positions of the celestial bodies on human affairs—the Quadripartitum—was trans­
lated from Arabic into Latin by Plato of Tivoli in 1138; his Almagest—the great
work on astronomy—was made available in Latin by Gerard of Cremona in 1175
(Kimble, 1938:75-76). As a result, Ptolemy’s geocentric model of the celestial
Geography in the Middle Ages / 41

universe remained the accepted model for many centuries, and most of the ideas
still used by astrologers can be traced back to him.
The geographical ideas of Aristotle were first made available in Christian
Europe by translation from Arabic in the twelfth century. The first medieval writer
to make use of Aristotle was Albertus Magnus (Tillman, 1971), whose book on the
nature of places combined astrology with environmental determinism. The Greek
theory of equating habitability with latitude became strongly implanted in medieval
writings. Albertus even went beyond the Greeks: From them he accepted the idea
that people who live too close to the limits of the habitable earth turned black, but
then he insisted that if black-skinned people should move into the temperate
latitudes they would gradually turn white (Glacken, 1967:265-271).
There was no really good way to evaluate the conflicting ideas that these trans­
lations from the Arabic made available. Furthermore, it was almost impossible to
trace the sources of the ideas since in those times it was standard practice to include
in one’s own writings whole passages taken verbatim from earlier writers without
any kind of credit. Isidore of Seville, who compiled a sort of geographic encyclo­
pedia during the seventh century, took long passages from Solinus,1 who, in turn,
had taken them from Pliny. When the medieval scholars did seek explanations for
natural events, the kinds of events with which they were concerned were spectacu­
lar ones, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or floods. No hypotheses from
the Greeks had been presented in Latin concerning the slower and less obvious
natural processes, such as the erosion of mountains or the building of deltas. In the
absence of a background of theory, these slower processes were not perceived.
Another characteristic of this period in Christian Europe was the deterioration
of mapping. The once fairly accurate delineations of the better-known coastlines
were lost, and instead maps became pure fancy. This was the period of the so-called
T -0 maps. The inhabited world was represented by a circular figure surrounded by
the ocean. The figure was “oriented” toward the east (Wright, 1925:66-68). In the
midst of the land area was a T-shaped arrangement of waterbodies. The stem of the
T represented the Mediterranean. The top of the T represented the Aegean and Black
Seas on the one hand, and the Nile River and Red Sea on the other. The three
divisions—Europe, Asia, and Africa—were accepted as standard. The center of the
inhabited world, just above the center of the T, was Jerusalem. At the far east, beyond
the limit of the inhabited world, was paradise (Fig. 6).

edieval Christian Travelers

Meanwhile, some Christians outside the monasteries did travel and make obser­
vations, but they had no knowledge of the existence of theoretical concepts regard­
ing the nature of the earth as the home of humankind. In a.d . 326 Helena, the mother
of the emperor Constantine, made one of the earliest pilgrimages from Rome to the
Holy Land. Silvia of Aquitaine, a Roman lady, was one of the earliest woman
travellers. She traveled overland to Jerusalem and then on to Egypt, Arabia, and

olinus was the first to describe these seas as “mediterranean” (in the midst of the land),
Isidore was the first to use the descriptive term as a proper name (Wright, 1925:307).



12th Century

14th Century

Figure 6 T-O maps

Mesopotamia; eventually, she wrote an account of her travels. As the number of

pilgrims increased, itineraries were compiled to guide them on the routes to
Jerusalem (Beazley, 1897-1906/1949).
By the eleventh century, the passage of pilgrims overland through what is today
Turkey and Syria had become more and more difficult and dangerous. As a result,
the Christians of Europe organized a series of military invasions of the Holy Land.
Between 1096 and 1270 there were eight separate Crusades, each with the objec-
live of recapturing the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem from the Muslims. Some went
by sea, some by land; one crusade was even successful in occupying Jerusalem for
a short period before the Muslims drove out the invaders. After the eighth formal
Crusade, there were other military invasions of Muslim-held territory, one of which
in 1365 sacked Alexandria and burned the famous library, where Eratosthenes and
other Greek geographers had worked.2

2It is believed, however, that the collection of manuscripts that constituted the major
record of Greek geography had long since been ruined due to lack of care even before the
destruction of the library by the Christian invaders.
Geography in the Middle Ages / 43

The Crusades had a major impact not only on Christian Europe but also on the
Muslims. From almost all parts of Europe, men had been recruited for the war against
the infidel and had made the trip to the Holy Land. Nobility, adventurers, pilgrims,
soldiers, rogues, peasants, merchants, all joined in the Crusades. Belief in obtain­
ing Jerusalem and economic advantage were doubtless the strongest motives that
uprooted so many persons. But the net gain from the undertaking was the enlarg­
ing experience thrust upon every European who previously had rarely traveled much
beyond his own village. When men returned to Europe, they not only brought with
them many new kinds of machines—such as the windmills, later adopted by the
Dutch for pumping water—but also exciting stories about strange people and strange
landscapes beyond the geographic horizons. The result was a great stimulation of
interest in the description of unfamiliar places. For people who knew nothing about
geographic theory, popular description and travel became, in essence, geography.
Meanwhile, the Muslims, who at first were notably tolerant of people of other faiths,
reacted to the violence of the crusaders by becoming aggressively intolerant of
unbelievers. One result was the closing of the routes across North Africa-Southwest
Asia by which the merchants of Venice and Genoa could make contact with the
traders of the East.

Marco Polo
In spite of the blocking of the eastern sea routes, Christian Europe did, in fact, make
contact by land with the centers of Chinese culture by following a route to the north
of the main Muslim strongholds. This may have been the “silk route.” The route
was followed both by missionaries sent out from Rome and by merchants. This was
at a time near the end of the Crusades, the rise of Venice as a wealthy city-state,
Mongol conquest ranging from China to Europe, and papal missions to the Great
The most celebrated of the travelers to China were the Polo brothers and the
son of one of them, Marco Polo. In 1271, when Marco was 17, he started out from
Venice with his father and uncle to make the long journey to China (Fig. 7). The
Polo brothers had already visited China on a trip that lasted from 1260 to 1269, and
! the Great Khan, the Mongol emperor of China, had invited them to return. The return
journey to China took 4 years, and the Polos remained there for 17 years. Marco
served the Khan as ambassador to various parts of China and in various other official

I: capacities, as a result of which he was able to gain intimate knowledge of Chinese

culture. In fact, the Polos were so useful to the Khan that he was reluctant to
permit their departure. Finally, in 1292 the Khan provided the Polos with a fleet of
14 large ships, some so large that they required a crew of more than 100 sailors.
Along wdth the Polos there were some 600 other passengers. The fleet set sail from

a port in southern China, probably the modem Lungch’i, and took three months to
reach Java and Sumatra, where it was held up for five months. The expedition then

!■ continued to Ceylon and southern India and thence along the west coast to the ancient
rt of Hormuz on the Persian Gulf. Of the 600 passengers, only 18 survived the
. Most of the ships were lost. But the Polos finally returned safely to Venice
1® 1295 after an absence of 25 years.
i Marco Polo, while being held a prisoner in Genoa some years later, dictated his
II of travels to a fellow prisoner (Polo, 1930). The manuscript, completed in 1298,


Figure 7 Travels of Marco Polo

was copied frequently for nearly two centuries. In 1477 it was published as a book;
since that time it has been translated into several languages and reprinted. Friar
Francesco Pipino translated the manuscript into Latin and printed it at Antwerp in
1485. The work itself was an early form of regional geography, and probably the
first description of a large part of Asia by a European. His descriptions of life in
China and of the perils encountered on the route to and from China were vivid—
so vivid, in fact, that they were commonly regarded as the products of a heated
imagination. In addition to descriptions of the places he actually visited, he
included reports on Cipangu, or Japan, and on the island of Madagascar, which, he
said, was near the southern limit of the habitable earth. Since Madagascar is well
south of the equator, here was abundant evidence that the torrid zone was not
torrid and was actually inhabited.
It is important, however, that Marco Polo was not a geographer and had no knowl­
edge of the existence of such a field of learning. Nor was he aware of the major
disputes then going on (1) among those who believed in a torrid zone that was not
Geography in the Middle Ages / 45

habitable and those who disagreed with this notion or (2) among those who
accepted the smaller estimate of the earth's circumference derived from Posidonius,
Marinus, and Ptolemy and those who preferred the larger figure of Eratosthenes.
Nor was Marco Polo aware that the Greek geographers thought that the eastern end
of the ekumene was near the mouth of the Ganges. Nor was he aware that Ptolemy
had said that the Indian Ocean was enclosed by land to the south. It is doubtful if
Marco ever thought of measuring the latitude and certainly not the longitude of the
places he visited, but he did report that to reach a place required a journey of a cer­
tain number of days in such and such a direction. He makes no comments concerning
previous geographic ideas. Today we can see that his book must stand among the
great records of geographic exploration, yet in medieval Europe it seemed much
like many other books of the time, filled with wild but interesting stories. Columbus
had a copy of it marked with notations in his own writing (Thomas, 1994).

Brighter Occasions in Medieval Scholarship

Toward the end of the medieval period of Christian Europe, a few scholars began
to insist on the need to confront authority with reason. If God gave us the gift of
reason, they insisted, there could be no excuse for refusing the use of it. William
of Conches, who died in about 1150, was one of the earliest to portray a universe
governed by law rather than by the unpredictable acts of a divine authority (Kimble,
1938:79). He presented some remarkably modem ideas concerning the heating of
the atmosphere from below and the formation of clouds by the cooling of air. Robert
Grosseteste, the bishop of Lincoln, was one of the earliest Christian scholars to
master the Arabic language and who, therefore, had access to a much wider range
of geographic materials than those written in Latin. As the teacher of Roger Bacon,
he was at least in part responsible for refuting the notion of a torrid zone that was
uninhabitable through his access to Arabic reports on an inhabited east coast of Africa
extending at least as far as 20°S (Wright, 1925:163-165).
Cardinal Pierre d ’Ailly, writing in the early fifteenth century, is one of the later
medieval scholars who had a major influence on the age that followed. Although
he derived his material chiefly from Latin sources, his book Tractatus de imago
mundi did represent a kind of summary of the work of the period. In a second
edition of his book in 1414, he is one of the first to make use of the Latin trans­
lation of Ptolemy's Geography (published in 1409). He repeats the different opinions
concerning the habitability of the torrid zone but without taking any stand on the
matter. But he does dispute Ptolemy's idea of an enclosed Indian Ocean. He quotes
numerous reports that indicate the existence of an open ocean around southern Africa.
This notion had great influence on the Portuguese geographers and navigators, who
soon thereafter began to seek a way to India that could avoid the Arabic territory.
D ’Ailly also accepts the smaller estimate of the earth’s circumference, and he was
among the first to insist that India could be reached by sailing west, which was influen-
in building up Columbus’s determination to do just this (Kimble, 1938:208-
1). It is important, too, that the invention of movable type in about the middle
the fifteenth century made possible the publication of such books in large editions,
e works of Pierre d ’Ailly were popular, as were all the geographic writings then
vailable in manuscript form.

Another Christian geographer whose writings belong in this period was Pope
Pius II (Aeneas Silvias). While he was pope between 1458 and 1464, he wrote a
book on Europe and Asia in which he suggests the possibility that the torrid zone
is inhabited, He also agrees with Pierre tTAilly that there is abundant evidence that
the Indian Ocean is not enclosed on the south, as reported by Ptolemy.

Navigation and Cartography

During this period several important advances were made in the arts of navigation
at sea, Some of these new skills were first developed, as we will see, at the court
of Palermo in Sicily, where the Norman king Roger II and the Muslim geographer
Edrisi were beginning to learn how to navigate away from the land. Being in Sicily
meant that he was close to contemporary activity and at the hub of Mediterranean
navigation, and having traveled in Africa, lands of the eastern Mediterranean and
Europe meant experience of travel, The first mention of the magnetic compass occurs
in Christian Europe in the writings of Alexander Neckam in about 1187, The
earliest Arabic reference to a compass was in 1230. Yet there is some evidence that
this instrument was in use much earlier and was perhaps independently invented
by the Vikings (Kimble, 1938:223). It was certainly in wide use by the fifteenth
century and had become indispensable for long sea voyages, In this period, too, the
astrolabe had been improved, and it came into common use as an aid to navigation
by making possible a more accurate fix on the altitude of the poiestar (Kimble,
The late fourteenth century also witnessed a notable improvement in the art of
mapping. The Portolano charts, of which the earliest is from about 1300, became
standard equipment for sea captains. The term Portolano means handy or easily avail­
able, Instead of a grid of latitude and longitude, the Portolano charts were covered
by a network of overlapping lines radiating from several centers in different parts
of the chart (Fig. 8). The radiating lines conform to the eight or 16 principal direc­
tions of the compass, each corresponding to a wind direction (Bagrow and Skelton,
1964:62-66). Sailors laid out compass courses along these lines (Taylor, 1957:112-
114). With the lines to indicate directions from key points, the coastlines, especially
around the Mediterranean, were drawn with considerable accuracy,3
The famous Catalan map of the world, made in 1375, incorporates the material
from numerous Portolano charts. It also includes the west coast of Africa to the
south of Cape Bojador, which had not been reached by European sailors. It also
shows East and Southeast Asia based on reports by Marco Polo. This was the first
map ever to give a proper outline to Ceylon and the Indian peninsula (Kimble,
1938:193; Harley and Woodward, 1987). But the scholars in the monasteries, who

3With the use of the magnetic compass, it became the usual practice to draw maps
with north at the top. When a map is laid on the ground so that directions on the map
correspond with compass directions, the map is still said to be “oriented.” In die year 800
Charlemagne, hoping to end the confusion about directions, decreed that henceforth there
would be only four cardinal directions: north, east, south, and west, North was indicated
with the fleur de lis, as it still is.
Geography in the Middle Ages / 47

Figure 8 A Portolano chart of the M editerranean (after Juan de la Cosa, 1500)

were still gathering their information from written documents, had little connection
with the mapmakers, whose purposes were strictly practical rather than theoretical.
The mapmakers were working for the merchants, and perhaps they were not even
aware of the differences of opinion regarding such questions as the habitability of
the torrid zone or even the existence of a torrid zone.


One of the events of far-reaching importance in the medieval period was the spread
of the Muslims. Muhammad, the prophet who died in 632, was the founder of the
religion of Islam, whose followers are known as Muslims. These Arabic-speaking
people from Arabia were previously grouped in small, isolated tribes and had no
feeling of unity. They were given a common purpose, if not complete unity, by the
teaching of the prophet and by the holy book—the Koran. This was the first book
written in the Arabic language. It not only provided a religious orientation, but it
also gave detailed prescriptions concerning all aspects of life—how to govern, how
to carry on commercial transactions (including a prohibition against the payment
of interest on loans), how to organize family life, and many other matters. The Koran
describes the world in detail, providing explanations for natural phenomena that all
‘‘true believers” accept without question.
The followers of Islam embarked on a conquest of the world outside of Arabia.
In 641 they conquered Persia, and in 642 they took control of Egypt. The Muslims
swept westward across the Sahara, and by 732 all of the Great Desert was under
Muslim control. They crossed through the Iberian Peninsula into France and were
defeated and turned back only in the battle of Tours (732). For some centuries the
Muslims ruled most of southern Spain and Portugal. Muslim rule was also extended
eastward into India and eventually to some of the islands of Southeast Asia.

In 762 the Muslims founded the city of Baghdad near the ruins of Babylon, and
for more than a century Baghdad was the center of the intellectual world. With the
patronage of the caliph Harun al-Rashid, a project was started for the translation
of the works of the Greek philosophers and scholars into Arabic. The project was
continued under Caliph al-Mamun (813-833), who employed learned men of all
faiths to make the translations. Books were collected from all available sources, and
the translators were paid the weight of their books in gold (Ahmad, 1947:5). From
Baghdad, therefore, a flood of new ideas from varied sources began to spread through­
out the Muslim world. Eventually, the innovations were brought into Christian Europe
as a result of Latin translations from the Arabic. Among other innovations was the
use of the decimal system in arithmetic, which was brought into Baghdad from the
Hindus, who had adopted it from the Chinese.
Al-Mamun directed his scholars to recalculate the circumference of the earth.
They made use of the same method devised by Eratosthenes some 10 centuries before.
On the level plain of the Euphrates, they established a north-south line and fixed
the latitude at either end by observations of the stars, They then measured the
distance between the fixed points and decided that the length of a degree was 562/3
Arabic miles. The scholars made several other measurements, one near Palmyra in
Syria, and arrived at almost the same results. These values were much too small,
owing to errors in the linear measurements (Wright, 1925:395).

Muslim Contributions to Climatology and Geomorphology

The Arabic geographical writings in the period between 800 and 1400 were based
on a much greater variety of sources than were those of Christian scholars in the
same period. The Muslims had access not only to their translations from Greek but
also to the reports of their own travelers. As a result, they had a much more accu­
rate knowledge about the world than the Christian scholars had, One of the earliest
of the great Arab travelers was ibn-Haukal, who spent the last 30 years of his life
between 943 and 973 visiting some of the most remote parts of Africa and Asia.
On his voyage along the African east coast to a point some 20 degrees south of the
equator, he observed that considerable numbers of people were living in those lati­
tudes that the Greeks thought to be uninhabitable. Yet the Greek theory persisted
and keeps appearing in different form again and again, even in modem times.
The Arabic scholars made some important observations regarding climate. In
921 al-Balkhi gathered the observations of climate features made by Arab travelers
in the world’s first climate atlas—the Kitab al-Ashkal. Al-Masudi, who died about
956, had gone south as far as modem-day Mozambique and wrote a very good
description of the monsoons. He described the evaporation of moisture from water
surfaces and the condensation of the moisture in the form of clouds—this, in the
tenth century. In 985 al-Maqdisi offered a new division of the world into 14
climatic regions in The Best Divisions for the Study of Climate. He recognized
that climate varied not only by latitude but also by position east and west. He also
presented the idea that the Southern Hemisphere was mostly open ocean and that
most of the world’s land area was in the Northern Hemisphere (Scholteo, 1980).
Geography in the Middle Ages / 49

Two Arab geographers offered important observations regarding the processes

shaping the world’s landforms. Al-B Irani wrote his great geography of India (Kitab
al-Hind) in 1030 (Siddiqi, 1991). In this book he recognized the significance of
the rounded stones he found in the alluvial deposits south of the Himalayas. The
stones became rounded, he pointed out, as they were rolled along in the torrential
mountain streams. Furthermore, he recognized that the alluvial material dropped close
to the mountains was relatively coarse in texture and that alluvium became finer
in texture farther away from the mountains. He quotes the Hindus as believing that
the tides are caused by the moon. He also includes the interesting observation that
toward the South Pole night ceases to exist—which suggests that some explorers
had voyaged to the far south before the eleventh century.
The other contributor to a knowledge of landforms was Avicenna, or ibn-Sina,
who observed how mountain streams in central Asia cut down the mountain to form
valleys. He formulated the idea that mountains were being constantly worn down
by streams and that the highest peaks occurred where the rocks were especially resist­
ant to erosion. Mountains are raised up, he pointed out, and are immediately exposed
to this process of wearing down, a process that goes on slowly but steadily. Eight
more centuries would pass before James Hutton presented similar ideas concerning
the process of erosion; he had never heard of Avicenna and could not read Arabic.
Avicenna also noted the presence of fossils in the rocks in high mountains, which
he interpreted as examples of nature’s effort to create living plants or animals that
had ended in failure.

Edrisi and Palermo

The most extensive corrections of the erroneous ideas handed down from Ptolemy
were made by the Muslim geographer Edrisi, or al-Idrisi. Educated at the Univer­
sity of Cordoba in Spain, Edrisi was one of the scholars who Roger II of Sicily
brought to Palermo. King Roger dispatched observers to many parts of the world
where Edrisi said there were uncertainties concerning the actual arrangement of
mountains, rivers, or coastlines. The observers brought back much new information
to Palermo. As a result, Edrisi was able to write a “new geography” that was really
new. In 1154 he completed a book with the title Amusement for Him Who Desires
to Travel Around the World. He corrects the idea of an enclosed Indian Ocean and
the idea of the Caspian Sea as a gulf of the world ocean. He also corrects on maps
then available the courses of numerous rivers, including the Danube and the Niger,
and the position of several major mountain ranges. As Kimble points out, it is strange
that such an important book was not translated into Latin until 1619, at which time
the translator did not even know the name of the author (Ahmad, 1947:39; Kimble,
Other important innovations were made at Palermo. Improvements were made
in the methods of navigation, including the wide use of coast charts, which were
the forerunners of the Portolano charts of the fourteenth century. It is said that the
sailors of Genoa learned the arts of navigation from the Sicilians and that the Genoese
passed on this knowledge to the Portuguese in the fifteenth century. The first steps
leading to the Age of Exploration were taken in Sicily in the eleventh and twelfth
centuries (Wright, 1925:81).

One of the great travelers of all time was the Muslim ibn-Batuta, He was bom at
Tangier in 1304 to a family whose members had traditionally served as judges. In
1325, at the age of 21, he set out to make the usual pilgrimage to Mecca, where he
proposed to complete his studies of the law. But on the way across North Africa
and through Egypt he found himself fascinated more by the people and lands he
passed through than by the law. After reaching Mecca he decided to devote him­
self to travel, and, in his comings and goings through Muslim territory, he carefully
avoided following the same route twice. His travels took him to many parts of Arabia
never before visited by one person. He sailed along the Red Sea, visited Ethiopia,
and then continued southward along the coast of East Africa as far as Kilwa,
nearly 10°S of the equator. At Kilwa he learned of the Arab trading post at Sofala
in Mozambique, south of the modem port of Beira and more than 20°S of the
equator. Ibn-Batuta confirmed what ibn-Haukal had implied—that the torrid zone
in East Africa was not torrid and that it was occupied by a numerous native
population that justified the establishment of Arab trading posts.
After returning to Mecca, ibn-Batuta set out again to visit Baghdad and Persia
and the land around the Black Sea. He traveled in the Russian steppes and thence
eventually to Bukhara and Samarkand. Then he crossed the mountains through
Afghanistan into India. He served the Mongol emperor in Delhi for several years,
traveling widely in India during this time. The emperor appointed him ambassador
to China. But delays kept him from reaching China for several more years, during
which time he visited the Maidive Islands, Ceylon, Sumatra, and, eventually,
China. In 1350 he returned to Fez, the capital of Morocco. But his travels did not
end. He made a trip into Spain and then crossed the Sahara to Timbuktu on the
Niger River, gathering important information about the Muslim Negro tribes living
in that part of the world. In 1353 he settled in Fez, where at the Sultan’s command
he dictated a lengthy account of his travels (ibn-Batuta, 1958). During some 30 years
he covered a linear distance of about 75,000 miles, which in the fourteenth century
was a world record. Unfortunately, his book, written in Arabic, made little impact
on the Christian world. Even today, when some of our schools teach children about
the intense heat of the torrid zone, reference could be made to ibn-Batuta, who, six
centuries ago, pointed out that the climate along the equator was less extreme than
the climate in the so-called temperate zone in North Africa (Siddiqi, 1992),

The last of the Muslim scholars to make a major contribution to geography was the
great Arabic historian ibn-Khaldun. Like ibn-Batuta, he was bom on the Mediter­
ranean coast of northwest Africa (1332-1406). He lived most of his life in the
cities of what is today Algeria and Tunisia and also for a time in the Muslim part
of Spain, He spent his later years in Egypt, In 1377, when he was 45, he completed
a voluminous introduction to his world history—known as the Muqaddimah. This
work begins with a discussion of man’s physical environment and its influence and
with man’s characteristics that are related to his culture or way of living rather than
to the environment. He discusses various stages of social organization, identifying the
Geography in the Middle Ages / 51

desert nomad as the most primitive and purest, and he suggests that the sedentary
city dweller is dependent on luxuries and becomes morally soft. He discusses the
forms of government, describing a sequence of stages that mark the rise of a dynasty
to power, followed by its decline through corruption to its fall. Ibn-Khaldun dis­
cusses cities and their proper location. Finally, he discusses the various ways of
making a living— commerce, the crafts, the sciences—all of which are shown as
both conditions and consequences of urban life. Many of the ideas he develops in
his effort to provide a theoretical model of national growth and national decay were
ideas that appeared later in nineteenth-century Europe. Yet only recently have the
writings of ibn-Khaldun appeared in English (ibn-Khaldun, 1958).
Although ibn-Kaldun, according to Kimble, “may be considered to have
discovered—as he himself claimed—the true scope and nature of geographic
inquiry/’ the fact remains that his knowledge of the physical earth is based largely
on Greek theory, and his ideas about environmental influence are not highly soph­
isticated (Kimble, 1938:180). He accepts the traditional seven zones of climate
running parallel to the equator. Strangely for an Arabic scholar, he repeats the
idea concerning an uninhabitable zone along the equator and an uninhabitable polar
zone. He repeats the old idea that people turn black when they live too close to the
sun and that when black people move to the temperate zone they gradually turn
white or produce white children. The physical environment impressed its character­
istics on people in many subtle ways. Such naive environmentalism is somewhat
modified by the recognition of different cultural traditions.
It can be said that ibn-Khaldun was the first Muslim scholar to turn his attention
specifically to man-environment relations. He has been proclaimed the greatest
historical thinker of Islam who made application of geographical matters to the
history of the Muslims (Dickinson and Howarth, 1933).


The Scandinavians had never heard of Aristotle, or Strabo, or Ptolemy, or Isidore,
or ibn-Khaldun. They had no idea that the lands they inhabited were uninhabitable.
Among the Scandinavians, the Swedes sent exploring parties far to the east into
what is now the central part of Russia. In the ninth century Othar of Helgoland
sailed in a Viking ship around the northern tip of Norway and far eastward into the
White Sea.
But the greatest accomplishment of the Scandinavians from Norway—the
Vikings—was the crossing of the North Atlantic Ocean to the American mainland.
In 874 the Vikings reached Iceland and established a settlement there that grew and
prospered. In 930 the world’s first parliament was organized in Iceland.
Among the people of the Iceland colony was one especially violent and disturbing
person named Eric the Red. In 982 he and Ms family and retainers were banished.
Having learned of the existence of land farther west, Eric set sail across the stormy
North Atlantic and came upon the southern part of Greenland. In fact, the name,
Greenland, that he gave to this new land was perhaps one of the world’s earliest
examples of real estate promotion, for there was nothing very green about it. Never­
theless, Eric’s colony attracted additional settlers from Iceland. Regular voyages

were made back and forth between Greenland, Iceland, and the mainland of
About the year 1000 Eric’s son, Leif Ericson, returning to Greenland from a
trip to Norway, encountered a severe storm that blew him far off his course. When
the skies cleared, he found himself off a strange coast that extended as far as he
could see to the north and south. He landed and found fine stands of timber as
well as vines on which wild grapes grew. Returning to Greenland, he described this
new land farther to the west.
In 1004 Thorvald traveled to the new land, and in 1024 a man named Karlsefni
organized an expedition to take another look at this new land, He set sail with a
crew of 160 people—men and women—together with cattle and food supplies. There
is no doubt that he reached the coast of North America. The large bay with a strong
current of water coming out of it was probably the Saint Lawrence estuary, and
somewhere along its shore the party made a landing and spent the winter. Here the
first European child was bom in the Americas. The next summer the party sailed
southward, certainly as far as Nova Scotia, probably as far as Cape Cod, and poss­
ibly even as far south as Chesapeake Bay. They liked the land they found, but the
Indians proved warlike. Their attacks were such a nuisance that eventually the Vikings
gave up the effort to settle on the strange shore and sailed back to Greenland. The
story was passed on by word of mouth as The Saga o f Eric the Red. To this day
efforts are still being made to identify the places where Karlsefni and his people
landed. It is quite possible that there were other expeditions even before the eleventh
century, but geographical scholars in the European world heard only rumors of such
voyages for several centuries (Cassidy, 1968; Morison, 1963, 1971; Sauer, 1968;
Sykes, 1961; Thordarson, 1924).


During all the time that the study of the earth as the home of man was being pursued
in ancient Greece and Rome and later in Christian Europe, among the Muslims, and
by the remote Scandinavians, there was another major center of geographic study
in the world. This was China. Essentially the European and Chinese worlds remained
isolated, each discovering the other step by step. Yet there are certain fascinating
parallels in the concepts and methods of study that seem to require the existence
of contacts, however indirect and remote.
Students steeped in Western history must keep in mind that from about the
second century before Christ until at least the fifteenth century after Christ, the
people of China enjoyed the highest standard of living of any people on earth
(Needham, 1963:117). The Chinese mathematicians had discovered the use of zero
and had developed the decimal system, which was vastly superior to the sexigesimal
system of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The decimal system was introduced into
Baghdad in about 800 from the Hindus, but it is generally believed that the Hindus
derived their decimal system from the Chinese.
The Chinese philosophers had a basically different attitude toward the natural
world than that held by the Greeks. To the Chinese the individual is not separate
from nature—he or she is a part of nature. There is no law-giving deity who
Geography in the Middle Ages / 53

created the universe for human use in accordance with a preconceived plan. Death
in China is not followed by life in a new paradise or punishment in a hell; rather,
the individual hopes to be absorbed in the all-pervading universe of which he or
she is an inseparable part. Confucianism developed a way of life that was highly
effective in minimizing the frictions among individuals, but it remained relatively
indifferent to the development of scientific knowledge.
Joseph Needham repeats the following story to illustrate this attitude:
When Confucius was travelling in the east, he came upon two boys who were
disputing, and he asked them why. One said “I believe that the rising sun is nearer
to us and that the midday sun is further away.” The other said “On the contrary,
I believe that the rising sun and setting sun is further away from us, and that at
midday it is nearest.” The first replied, “The rising sun is as big as a chariot-roof,
while at midday the sun is no bigger than a plate. That which is large must be
near us, while that which is small must be further away.” But the second said,
“At dawn the sun is cool but at midday it bums, and the hotter it gets the nearer
it must be to us.” Confucius was unable to solve their problem. So the two boys
laughed him to scorn saying “Why do people pretend that you are so learned?”
(Needham and Ling, 1959:225-226).
Consider what Socrates might have done in this situation, and a very fundamental
difference in cultural attitude becomes clear. But this does not mean that there
was no interest in finding out what it was like beyond the horizon or in develop­
ing methods of recording what was discovered. In fact, the record of geographical
work in China is impressive, but it is concerned more with observable things and
processes and less with the formulation of theory.

Geographical Work
Chinese geographical work was based on the development of methods for making
accurate observations and for using these in constructing useful inventories. For
example, there are weather records that date back to thirteen centuries before
Christ. The oldest piece of geographical writing is a survey of the resources and
products of the nine provinces into which ancient China was divided in the fifth
century b . c . For each province the nature of the soil, the kinds of products, and the
waterways that provide routes of transportation are described (Needham and Ling,
1959:500). In the second century b . c . Chinese engineers were making accurate
measurements of the silt carried by the rivers. In a . d . 2 the Chinese carried out the
world’s first census of population. Other technical inventions included the making
of paper, the printing of books, the use of rain and snow gauges to measure pre­
cipitation, and the use of the magnetic compass for navigation.
There was also a record of progress in the understanding of processes. By the
fourth century b . c . the nature of the hydrological cycle was understood. At about
the same time that Plato was observing the effects of forest clearing in Attica, the
Chinese philosopher Mencius (Meng-tzu), who lived two centuries after Confucius,
was pointing out that forests once cleared from mountain slopes could not reseed
themselves as long as the slopes were grazed by cattle or goats (Glacken, 1956:70).
The Chinese had also learned much about the work of running water in wearing
down mountains and forming alluvial plains. At about the same time that Avicenna

was writing down his ideas about the erosion of mountains, the Chinese scholar
Shen Kuo was presenting the same idea (in 1070) (Xixian, 1987). Referring to a
rugged mountain range with jagged peaks and steep-sided valleys, he wrote:
Considering the reasons for these shapes, I think that (for centuries) the moun­
tain torrents have rushed down, carrying away all sand and earth, thus leaving the
hard rocks standing alone.
. . . Standing at the bottom of the ravines and looking upwards, the cliff face
seems perpendicular, but when you are on top, the other tops seem on a level with
where you are standing. Similar formations are found right up to the highest
. . . Now the Great River (i.e., the Yellow River). . . (and certain others) are
all muddy, silt-bearing rivers. In the west of Shensi and Shansi the waters run
through gorges as deep as a hundred feet. Naturally mud and silt will be carried
eastwards by the streams year after year, and in this way the substance of the whole
continent must have been laid down. These principles must certainly be true
(Needham and Ling, 1959:603-604).
Chinese geographical writings, according to Needham, were of eight major
kinds: (1) studies of people, which we might classify as human geography; (2) descrip­
tions of the regions of China; (3) descriptions of foreign countries; (4) accounts of
travels; (5) books about the Chinese rivers; (6) descriptions of the Chinese coast,
of special value to ship captains; (7) local topographies, including special descrip­
tions of areas tributary to and controlled by walled cities, or famous mountains,
or certain cities and palaces; and (8) geographical encyclopedias. Considerable
attention was given to the origin of and changes in Chinese place-names (Needham
and Ling, 1959:508; Renzhi, 1962).

Chinese Exploration
The discovery of the rest of the world by Chinese travelers is an aspect of the
history of geography that is often overlooked in Western writings. Travels beyond
the far Chinese horizons were undertaken by orders of an emperor or by mission­
aries and traders (Fig. 9).
The earliest record of Chinese travels is a book of uncertain age that was prob­
ably composed sometime between the fifth century and the third century b . c . It
was found in the tomb of a man who ruled a part of the Wei Ho Valley in about
245 B.c. The books found in this tomb were written on strips of white silk pasted
on bamboo slips and because of their bad condition were recopied in the late third
century b .c . The travel books are known as The Travels o f Emperor Mu, who ruled
from 1001 to 945 b . c . Emperor Mu, it is recorded, had the ambition to travel all
around the world and to leave the marks of his chariot wheels on every land. Like
the Odyssey of Homer, this is a story of high adventure, surely embroidered by the
imagination of the writer but with details that could scarcely have been invented
by fancy. The emperor traveled in forested mountains, encountered snow, and
engaged in hunting expeditions. On his return he crossed a wide desert where water
was so scarce that he had to drink the blood of a horse. There can be no doubt that
at a very early date the Chinese travelers had gone far beyond the original culture
hearth in the Wei Ho Valley (Mirsky, 1964:3-10).
• * *V


^ (N -P A S S
G enoa X
Ur ga
n ’^ V
C a m b u l a c f»
T a tu n g ^ * .-* ' \

\ £ K T o. Ur 1/Anyang
Constantinople chi \
r “ l Anhs i
V— 1 , \ 'r \»
n an-gan/
FER G H A N A ^/ W L t~ S L )N v^ ✓ .
Cl- T r e b i z o n d

c? /
\ r( o v
W N i si b i s f\ -N 3
0 = ^ o su l* 1• M a r a ghah-
e sf>°
Peshawar *'N\r
Baghdad K b n
2 S 20o
a p is i VA'

V a


ROUTES FOLLOWED A llahabad NalandaT
Chang Ch’ien c. 123 B.C. \
I J>
Countries Visited: Aorsi,
Baetria, Ferghana, Indo*Scythia,
Babylonia, Sogdiana, Wu-Sun, \ \
— Hsiian-Tsang e. 6 4 5 A,D. 9
Ch’ang'C h’un c, 1 2 2 0 AJD.
Rabban Bar Saum a e. 1 2 5 0 A.D.

M 1L E S
G r e e n
Figures from Shart-has-ching e. 3 5 0 B X . 90 ^3

Figure 9 Early Chinese explorers


The discovery of the Mediterranean civilizations is credited to the traveller

Chang Ch’ien in 128 b .c . (Mirsky, 1964:13-25; Needham, 1963; Sykes, 1961:21;
Thomson, 1965:177-178). The book he wrote describes the land route across inner
Asia to Bukhara and thence to Persia and the Mediterranean shore. Over this route
traders traveled regularly and had probably made contacts with the West long before
the West was discovered officially. The Chinese products that were earned west­
ward included peaches, almonds, plums, apricots, silk, and, eventually, silkworms.
The Mediterranean products that were carried back to China included alfalfa, wheat,
and the grapevine.
There were a number of other Chinese travelers whose records are complete
enough to ensure their place in history. One of the most distinguished was the Bud­
dhist monk Hsiian-Tsang (Sykes, 1961:24-30). In the seventh century after Christ
he was able to cross the high, windswept plateaus of Tibet and the world’s highest
mountains on the way to India. After studying in the centers of the Buddhist faith
for several years, he returned to China carrying on the backs of animals a large col­
lection of Buddhist relics and manuscripts. He was the Chinese discoverer of India
(Mirsky, 1964). In that same century' another Buddhist monk, I-Ching, reached India
by sea, stopping first for eight months in Sumatra in 671. When he returned to China,
he carried with him more than 10,000 rolls of Sanskrit Buddhist texts, which he
undertook to translate into Chinese (Sykes, 1961:30). Several centuries later another
Chinese traveler crossed the deserts of inner Asia, encountered endless difficulties,
and finally made contact with the Mongol leader Genghis Khan in Samarkand in
1220. And there was the Nestorian Christian monk Rabban Bar Sauma, who in
1287-88 made a pilgrimage to Rome. Finding the pope dead and the new pope not
yet selected, he went on through Genoa to Paris and Bordeaux, meeting the kings
of France and England. Imagine the amazement of people in thirteenth-century France
when they found themselves being discovered by a Christian from China. In 1288
he returned to Rome and received the blessing of the new pope and thereafter
journeyed back to Peking. This was several decades before the similar journeys of
the Polo brothers to China. And in 1296 the Chinese traveler Chou Ta-kuan visited
Cambodia and wrote a detailed account of the strange customs of the Cambodians.
Other Chinese explorers also went by sea. There was never any recorded effort
to go far out into the Pacific, although Chinese expeditions did reach Japan and
Taiwan. By the thirteenth century Chinese merchants were sailing their junks to Java
and Malaya and even as far as India. Marco Polo found them in the Persian Gulf
port of Hormuz. But the major work of exploration in this direction was carried out
by Cheng Ho, a Chinese admiral, between 1405 and 1433. He led seven separate
expeditions, each including a fleet of vessels. His voyages opened regular trade routes
to Java, Sumatra, Malaya, Ceylon, and the west coast of India. He also reached
the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the east coast of Africa south of the equator. In
the east he went as far as Taiwan. On his last expedition, from 1431 to 1433, Cheng
Ho returned with ambassadors to China from more than 10 countries. It is even
possible that he sent one of his ships to the north coast of Australia (Hsieh, 1968).

The Chinese were also expert in the making of maps. The engineer Chang Heng in
the second century after Christ was probably the first to introduce the grid system
Geography in the Middle Ages / 57

into China, although the maps he made have not survived. There is a reference to him,
however, in which he is identified as one who “cast a network [of coordinates] about
heaven and earth, and reckoned on the basis of it” (Needham and Ling, 1959:538).
The father of Chinese cartography was Phei Hsiu, who was appointed minister
of public works by the Chinese emperor in a .d . 267. He produced a map of the
politically organized part of China on 18 rolls of silk. To make the surveys on which
the map was based, he measured several base lines and then located places distant
from the base lines by the intersection of lines of sight, just as the Egyptians had
done long before. He made use of a grid of east-west and north-south lines cross­
ing at right angles to provide the frame on which to plot the rivers, the coastline,
the mountain ranges, the cities, and other features. Did he, or Change Heng, or some­
one much earlier get the idea of using triangulation to locate places and of using a
grid of lines from contacts with the Greeks and, perhaps, through them with the
Egyptians? It is entirely possible, although no such transmission has ever been estab­
lished. And it is by no means impossible that many of these methods were devised
much earlier in China and diffused westward, as the decimal form of arithmetic
certainly was.
Two beautiful examples of Chinese maps were carved in stone in a.d . 1137 based
on data that probably had been surveyed before 1100 (Needham and Ling,
1959:547-549). One, “A Map of China and the Barbarian Countries,” extended
from the Great Wall of China north of Peking southward to the island of Hainan
and westward to the mountains of inner Asia. The other, entitled “The Map of the
Tracks of Yii the Great,” covers essentially the same area but is even more accurate
in showing the courses of the great rivers and the coastline from the Gulf of Chihli,
north of the Shantung Peninsula, to the island of Hainan. Neither of these maps
shows Taiwan. Both maps—like other Chinese maps—were drawn with north at
the top. The geographers who made them are not known (Harley and Woodward,
1987; Edson, 1997).

The period from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries was remarkable. Historians of
geography studying the matter find disagreement. G. Kimble (1968) entitles a
chapter concerning geography in the Middle Ages “The Dark Ages of Geography”;
N. Lozovsky (2000) argues that the nature of medieval geography has not been
understood and that the earth was to be studied not as an object in itself but as a
step toward better understanding of the Creator. She argues that the problem is that
we have not understood the nature of prescientific medieval geography, and that it
was an integral part of the medieval period.
Yet the essential point remains: In various parts of the world new data were
being collected by direct observation, but the lack of close contacts among differ­
ent peoples, in large part resulting from the barrier of language, meant that geo­
graphic knowledge gained by one group was diffused only slowly to others. No rumor
of the Viking voyages reached Christian Europe. But Christian Europe did have a
variety of documents that contradicted each other. Those who could read Arabic
were aware that people were living along the equator and beyond it and that people
with white skins had visited these regions without turning black. But there were

also reputable authorities, ranging from Aristotle to ibn-Khaldun, who insisted that
one would turn black at these very low latitudes. The basic Greek theory, which
equated habitability with latitude, seemed firmly established, in spite of the evidence
of direct observation. But who could be sure which documents were sober and
reliable descriptions of actual conditions and which ones were purely imaginative?
In 1410 two important books appeared. One was the Imago mundi of Pierre d’Ailly,
which summarized much of the writing of Christian Europe in this period. The other
was the Latin translation from Arabic of Ptolemy’s Geography, which included a
large number of errors. Ptolemy did present one important idea: that maps should
be based on the precise location by latitude and longitude of specific points. The
trouble was that none of the places he located were correctly placed; he gave the
weight of authority to several major errors, including the enclosed Indian Ocean.
Starting with Edrisi in Sicily, there had been definite improvement in the arts
of navigation, including the wide adoption of the magnetic compass. The Genoese
made use of the compass when they rediscovered some of the groups of islands in
the Atlantic off Africa, which had been known to the Phoenicians and then lost.
The stage was set for the next step in the discovery of the world. Scholars
knew that the earth was a sphere, and some of them insisted that no part of it was
beyond human reach. The estimates of the circumference differed considerably,
and those who wanted to believe that India was only a short distance west of Spain
could find ample authority (Goldstein, 1965). If one could believe Marco Polo,
China and Japan were well east of India, which would place them even closer to
Spain. Pierre d’Ailly said you could sail westward to reach the East. It was the
Florentine physician and scholar Paolo Toscanelli who sent the following remarks
to Columbus in 1474:

On another occasion I spoke with you about a shorter sea route to the lands of
spices than that which you take for Guinea. And now the Most Serene King
requests of me some statement, whereby that route might become understandable
and comprehensible, even to men of slight education.
Although I know that this can be done in a spherical form like that of the earth,
I have nevertheless decided, in order to gain clarity and to save trouble, to
represent (that route) in the manner that charts of navigation do.
Accordingly I am sending His Majesty a chart done with my own hands in
which are designated your shores and islands from which you should begin to sail
ever westwards, and the lands you should touch at and how much you should
deviate from the pole or from the equator and after what distance, that is, after
how many miles, you should reach the most fertile lands of all spices and gems,
and you must not be surprised that I call the regions in which the spices are found
“western” although they are usually called “eastern,” for those who sail in the
other hemisphere always find these regions in the west. But if you should go over­
land and by the higher routes we should come upon these places in the east.
The straight lines, therefore, drawn vertically in the chart, indicate distance from
east to west; but those drawn horizontally, indicate spaces from south to north.
From the city of Lisbon westward in a straight line to the very noble and
splendid city of Quinsay 26 spaces are indicated on the chart, each of which
covers 250 miles. (The city) is 100 miles in circumference and has 10 bridges.
Its name means City of Heaven; and many marvelous tales are told of it and of
Geography in the Middle Ages / 59

the multitude of its handicrafts and treasures. It (China) has an area of approxi­
mately one third of the entire globe. The city is in the province of Katay, in which
is the royal residence of the country.
But from the island of Antilia, known to you, to the far-famed island of
Cippangu (Japan), there are 10 spaces. The island is very rich in gold, pearls, and
gems; they roof the temples and royal houses with solid gold. So there is not a
great space to be traversed over unknown waters. More details should, perhaps,
be set forth with greater clarity but the diligent reader will be able from this to
infer the rest by himself (Morison, 1963:12-14).

Ahmad, N. 1947. Muslim Contributions to Geography. Lahore: Muhammad Ashraf.

-------- . 1980. Muslims and the Science o f Geography, Dacca: University Press.
Ragrow, L,, and Skelton, R. A. 1964. History o f Cartography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press. The original book by Leo Bagrow, Geschichte der Kartographic
(Berlin: Safari-Verlag, 1951), was translated into English by D. L, Paisey in 1960. The
present book was revised and enlarged by R. A. Skelton.
Beazley, C. R. 1949. The Dawn o f Modern Geography. 3 vols. New York: Peter Smith
(original publication, London: John Murray 1897-1906).
Cassidy, V. H. 1968. The Sea around Them: The Atlantic Ocean, a . d . 1250. Baton Rouge:
Louisiana State University Press.
Edson, E. 1997. Mapping Time and Space : How Medieval Mapmakers Viewed Their World.
London: British Library.
Glacken, C. I 1956. “The Changing Ideas of the Habitable World.” In W. L. Thomas, ed.,
M ans Role in Changing the Face o f the Earth. Pp. 70-92. Chicago: University of Chicago
— ---- . 1967. Traces on the Rhodian Shore, Nature and Culture in Western Thought from
Ancient Times to the End o f the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley and Los Angeles:
University of California Press.
Goldstein, T. 1965. “Geography in Fifteenth Century Florence.” In John Parker, ed.,
Merchants and Scholars: Essays in the History of Exploration and Trade. Pp. 9-32.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Harley, J. B. and Woodward, D. ads. 1987. The History o f Cartography, VoL 1. Cartography
in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean. Chicago: Univer­
sity of Chicago Press.
Hsieh, Chiao-min, 1968. “The Chinese Exploration of the Ocean—A Study in Historical
Geography.” Chinese Culture (Taiwan) 9:123-131.
Ibn-Batuta, The Travels o f Ibn-Battuta, a .d . 1325-1354. Trans. C. Defremery and B. R.
Sanguinetti, 1958. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ibn-Khaldun. The Muqaddimah. Trans. Franz Rosenthal, 1958. New York: Pantheon Books.
Kimble, G. H. T. 1938. Geography in the Middle Ages . London: Methuen.
Lindberg, D. ed. 1978. Science in the Middle Ages . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lozovsky, Natalia. 2000. <(The Earth is Our Book” : Geographical Knowledge in the Latin
West ca. 400-1000. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Mirsky, J., ed. 1964. The Great Chinese Travelers. New York: Pantheon Books.
Morison, S. E., trans. and ed. 1963. Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages
o f Christopher Columbus. New York: Heritage Press.

----------. 1971. The European Discovery of America, the Northern Voyages, New York: Oxford
University Press.
----------. 1974. The Southern Voyages. New York: Oxford University Press.
Needham, J. 1963. “Poverties and Triumphs o f the Chinese Scientific Tradition.” In
A. C. Combie, ed., Scientific Change. Pp. 117-153. New York: Basic Books.
Needham, J., and Ling, W. 1959. Science and Civilization in China. Vol. 3, Mathematics
and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth. Cambridge: At the University Press.
Nunn, G. E. 1924. The Geographical Conceptions of Columbus. New York: American
Geographical Society, Research Series No. 14.
Polo, M. The Travels o f Marco Polo (revised from M arsden’s translation, edited and with
an introduction by Manuel Komroff). New York: Liveright, 1930.
Said, M. M., ed. 1979. ATBiruni Commemorative Volume. Karachi: Times Press.
Sauer, C. O. 1968. Northern Mists. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Scholten, Amhild. 1980. “Al-M uqaddasi, c. 9 4 5 -c . 988.” Geographers: Biobibliographical
Studies 4 :1 -6 .
Siddiqi, Akhtar H. 1991. “Al-Biruni, a . d . 973-1054.” Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies
----------. 1992. “Ibn Battuta, 1304-1378.” Geographers: Biobiblio graphical Studies 14:1-12.
Sykes, P. 1961. A History o f Exploration from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. New
York: Harper Bros.
Taylor, E. G. R, 1957. The Haven-Finding Art: A History o f Navigation from Odysseus to
Captain Cook. New York: Abelard-Schuman.
Thomas, W. L. 1994. “Marco Polo, 1254-1324.” Geographers: Biobiblio graphical Studies
15:75-89. London: Mansell.
Thomson, J. O. 1965. History o f Ancient Geography. New York: Biblo & Tannen.
Thordarson, Matthias. 1924. The Vinland Voyages. New York: American Geographical
Research Series, no. 18.
Tillman, J. P. 1971. An Appraisal of the Geographical Works of Albertus Magnus and His
Contributions to Geographical Thought. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Department
of Geography, Publication, no. 4.
Wright, J. K. 1925. The Geographical Lore at the Time o f the Crusades.. . . New York:
American Geographical Society, Research Series, no. 15.
Xixian, Yu. 1987. “Shen Kuo, 1033-1097.” Geographers: Biobihliographical Studies
T he A ge of Exploration

Terra Incognita: these words stir the imagination. Through the ages men have
been drawn to unknown regions by Siren voices, echoes o f which ring in our
ears today when on modern maps we see spaces labelled “u n exploredrivers
shown by broken lines, islands marked “existence doubtful.
The Sirens, o f course, sing o f different things to different folk. Some they
tempt with material rewards: gold, furs, ivory, petroleum, land to settle and exploit.
Some they allure with the prospect of scientific discovery. Others they call to
adventure or escape. Geographers they invite more especially to map the
configuration o f their domain and the distribution o f the various phenomena
that it contains, and set the perplexing riddle of putting together the parts to
form a coherent conception o f the whole. But upon all alike who hear their call
they lay a poetic spell.
John K. Wright, from his presidential address to the
Association of American Geographers, 1946

he sudden increase in exploring activity in Europe in the fifteenth century was

a major turning point in world history. In China exploration supported by
the emperor ceased after the seventh expedition of Cheng Ho (1431-33); and there
was no great Muslim traveler after ibn-Batuta in the fourteenth century. But in
Europe exploration for the first time was planned and supported by governments or
by merchant companies and, for the first time, was directed to the open oceans.
What were the motives? In this case the challenge of the unknown—the urge to
find out what it is like somewhere else—was subordinate to two other compelling
objectives. One was the zeal to spread the Christian faith; the other was the critical
need to replenish the European supplies of precious metals and spices. The two motives
were conveniently blended and were never permitted to interfere with each other.
The zeal to spread the Christian faith was in part a response to the long series
of conflicts with the spreading Muslims. The greater part of Spain and Portugal
had been under Muslim rule since the eighth century. But the Portuguese had freed
themselves of Muslim rule by the middle of the thirteenth century, thus forming
the world's first example of a nation-state—that is, a politically organized territory
occupied by people with a unified national consciousness. From 1391 to 1492
the Spaniards waged continuous warfare with the Muslims, and the last Muslim
stronghold (Granada) was taken by the Christians just before Columbus set sail for
America. Young people, for that whole century, were brought up in an atmosphere
of religious warfare, and, when the last Muslim foothold was pried loose, there was
urgent need to find other infidels to kill or convert. The native peoples of America
provided what was needed.

------ Magellan’s Voyages 1519-1522
........ Cook’s Voyages 1769-1780

Figure 10 The Age of Discovery, Bartholom ew ’s polar projection (the Muslim world from the eighth to twelfth centuries; Columbus; Vasco da Gama;
Magellan; Conk)
The Age of Exploration / 63

The amazing legend of Prester John should not be overlooked. In 1170 a letter
was sent to the pope in Rome and to the emperor in Byzantium asking for help in
warfare against the infidels. The letter purported to come from a powerful and wealthy
Christian ruler located somewhere in the East. To find and bring aid to Prester John
became a very real motive for sending out exploring expeditions. The difficulty was
to be sure where to look for him. In Marco Polo’s time Prester John was associated
with the Nestorian Christians in China, perhaps a reflection of the visit of Bar Sauma
to Rome and Paris in 1287-88. By 1340 his location had been shifted from Asia
to Ethiopia, and one of the objectives of the Portuguese voyages of the fifteenth
century was to make contact with Prester John. An ambassador was actually dis-
patched to represent the Portuguese king. Other Portuguese visited Abyssinia, but
the truth concerning Prester John was not revealed until the eighteenth-century English
traveler Bruce revealed the hoax.
The need for precious metals and spices in Europe and the desire for personal
wealth by the explorers was never far from the surface. Europeans were increasing
their trading activities, and to provide financial support for trade there was urgent
need for a supply of gold and silver or valuable gems. The Europeans also needed
spices. In those days the supply of sugar for sweetening was not adequate; spices
were used instead. Without refrigeration meat spoiled quickly unless it was dried
or salted—but dried or salted meat is almost unpalatable unless spices are used in
cooking. The spices included cloves and nutmegs, both of which came from the
Spice Islands (the Moluccas) in what is today Indonesia. The trade in precious
metals, gems, and spices had been under the control of the merchants of Genoa and
Venice, but the Arabs blocked direct contact between the Europeans and the Asian
sources. The Arabs, in fact, had thrown a screen between Europe and Asia and between
Europe and Africa by their control of the great dry land area of North Africa-
Southwest Asia (Fig. 10). The Arabs were in a position to control the supply of
these products to Europe and to collect the larger share of this profitable trade.


The first initiative toward wider exploration came from Portugal. The individual leader
was Prince Henry (called the Navigator), the third son of the Portuguese king. In
1415 Prince Henry commanded a Portuguese force that attacked and captured the
Muslim stronghold on the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar at Ceuta. This was
the first time a European power took possession of territory outside of Europe—in
a sense the occupation of this portion of Africa began the period of European over­
seas colonization. At Ceuta Prince Henry learned from Muslim prisoners that the
gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, and slaves sold in the Arab markets of North Africa
had been brought across the great desert by caravan from Africa south of the Sahara.
Why would it not be possible to reach Guinea by sea and thus capture some of this
profitable trade for Portugal?
In the year 2000 a book was published by Peter Russell, former Director of
Portuguese Studies at the University of Oxford. It is the product of a lifetime of
research concerning the Henrican legend. In short, this work sweeps away the myth
that has been retold in countless numbers of books and articles: a piece of history

has been rewritten* Henry, bom in Portugal, was the leading anti-Muslim force in
North Africa, which ran close to obsession (Koelsch, 2001). He remained very largely
tied to the land of Portugal and only departed to raid Moors. The much published
notion of the Institute at Sagres, the palace, and Henry's home, is now discarded.
Scholars or cartographers, occasionally part of his court, remained with him in Lagos
or Lisbon, and not Sagres, Henry did found a chair at the University of Lisbon in
theology, which was his keenest interest. He did, however, have a lifelong interest
in marine cartography and was recognized in this area as an authority. He was overly
concerned to join with the (mythical) forces of Prester John dismissing the Muslims
en route; concerned for the acquisition of worldly wealth; and vitally concerned to
record the facts of coastlines, customs, and countries. These activities led Henry
into a form of organized exploration, which seems to have been the first of its kind.
At Lagos, Prince Henry's naval architects were busy designing new and better
ships. The width, or beam, of the older ships had been about half the length from
bow to stem, but the new designs made the beam only a third to a quarter of the
length. The new Portuguese caravels were lateen rigged with two or even three
masts. The ships, with high castles fore and aft and of about 200 tons burden, were
slow but seaworthy.
Navigation aids included the magnetic needle, which was mounted on cardboard—
as taught by the sailors of Genoa and Venice, who had probably been previously
instructed by the geographers of Palermo. Improved astrolabes were made of brass,
permitting the more accurate measurement of star altitudes at sea, and tables were
prepared to give the altitudes of various stars in different seasons and different
latitudes. Portolano charts were drawn on sheepskin.
Prince Henry’s captains were able to gain experience and confidence by sailing
to the three groups of islands in the Atlantic off North Africa and Europe. The
easiest voyages were to the Canary Islands (Ptolemy’s Fortunate Islands, which he
used for the 0° meridian on his maps). These were less than 100 miles off the African
coast. The Madeira Islands offered more of a challenge, requiring a voyage of some
400 miles into the open ocean, After some unsuccessful efforts, the Madeira Islands
were reached in 1420. (They had been reached by some English ships in 1370.)
The Azores were still more of a challenge, requiring 1000 miles of sailing. To be
sure, the Azores were shown on the Portolano chart of 1351, but the bearings shown
on these charts were not accurate, and at first the ships missed them. Then Prince
Henry made the necessary corrections, and in 1432 the islands were “discovered.”

Gape Bojador
Meanwhile, Prince Henry sent his more experienced captains southward along the
African coast. The first probe in that direction was sent out in 1418 but soon turned
back because the crews were afraid of what might lie closer to the equator. In spite
of repeated efforts it took 16 years for the Portuguese ships to get south of latitude
26°7/N, At this latitude, a little south of the Canary Islands, there is a low, sandy
promontory on the African coast known as Cape Bojador, Crews were super­
stitious and did not wish to sail south beyond this point. The Portolano chart of
1351 certainly showed nothing unusual about Bojador, which was, after all, just a
minor cape. In 1434 Gil Eannes tried a new method, perhaps suggested by Prince
The Age of Exploration / 65

Henry. From the Canary Islands he sailed boldly out to sea, far out of sight of land.
When he had sailed south of the latitude of Bojador, he turned eastward. At last
the barrier of Bojador had been passed. The very next year the Portuguese ships
sailed 390 miles south of Bojador.
By 1441 Prince Henry’s ships had sailed far enough south to reach the southern
zone of transition between the desert and the wetter country beyond. South of Cabo
Blanco, in the area today included in Mauritania, the Portguese explorers captured
a man and a woman and then a group of 10 men and women. They also found some
gold. When they returned to Portugal they created a sensation. All at once there
were hundreds of volunteers who wanted to go south. Between 1444 and 1448 some
40 ships sailed along the African coast, and 900 Africans were brought back to be
sold as slaves. The business of exploring was forgotten in the rush to profit from
the capture and sale of slaves. In those years the African slave trade began in earnest.

Around Africa to India and Beyond

After a decade or so, however, Prince Henry was able to get his sailors to return
to business. Now he realized that there was a bigger prize beyond if ships could
sail all the way around Africa to India. The Guinea coast was explored in 1455 and
1456, and the Cape Verde Islands were visited. Although Prince Henry died in 1460,
the work he had started was carried on, after a hiatus, and new voyages were sent
southward. In 1473 a Portuguese ship crossed the equator without burning up. A
few years later the Portuguese went ashore and set up stone monuments to indicate
their claim to the African coast. Monuments set up at the mouth of the Congo were
reported still standing in the twentieth century. In 1486-87 Bartholomew Dias sailed
southward from the equator, meeting headwinds and a north-flowing current. To
avoid stormy weather, he sailed far out westward away from the land, and only when
the weather improved did he again turn eastward. But after sailing for a longer time
than he thought he should, he turned toward the north hoping to find land. He came
upon the coast of southern Africa at Algoa Bay (Port Elizabeth). Returning, he passed
Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa, and then the Cape of Good Hope.
The great voyage of Vasco da Gama took place between 1497 and 1499 (Fig. 10).
Like Dias, he avoided the strong north-flowing Benguela current and the headwinds
along the coast south of the equator. He made a wide circle out into the Atlantic
before turning eastward along the latitude of Cape Agulhas. He then followed the
east coast northward to Mozambique, where, for the first time in these waters, the
Portuguese came into contact with the Arabs. With the aid of an Indian pilot, Vasco
da Gama sailed all the way across the Indian Ocean to Calicut in 23 days, thereby
completing the “end run” around the Arab-held lands. But for some reason Vasco
da Gama was not informed about the monsoons, which had been known and used
for navigation for many centuries. On the way to Calicut in late April and May, the
northeast monsoon was breaking up, and he had favorable southwest winds. But
when he tried to return in August, he encountered steady headwinds against which
he had to tack. It took him three months to beat back to the African coast, during
which time his crews developed scurvy. So many died that he had to destroy one
of his three remaining ships. When he finally returned to Lisbon he had sailed 24,000
miles in more than two years; of the 170 men who started with him, only 44 returned.

In the sixteenth century the Portuguese voyages continued and were extended
farther and farther to the east. In 1510 the Portuguese took Goa and made this port
into a major trading center on the west coast of India. In 1511 they established a
base at Malacca on the strait between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. By 1542
the Portuguese even reached Japan. In 1557 they leased Macao from the Chinese
as a base from which to control the profitable trade in a wide variety of new prod­
ucts. In 1590 they reached Taiwan and gave it the Portuguese name, Formosa.

Christopher Columbus was bom of Spanish parents in Genoa in 1451. He was
fascinated by ships and by the problems of navigation; he himself said he started
navigating at the age of 14. As a young man he served on ships in the eastern
Mediterranean, and in 1476 he arrived in Portugal. In that same year he sailed on
an English ship, which probably went as far as Iceland. In 1478 he was married
and lived for a few years on the islands of Madeira, but he never ceased to increase
his knowledge of the ocean and was training himself to be one of the most highly
skilled sailors of his time. After the death of his wife, he went to sea again for the
Portuguese, sailing several times after 1482 to the Guinea coast (Morison, 1942,
1963; Phillips, 1992; Phillips and Phillips, 1993).

The Geographical Ideas o f Columbus

At an early age Columbus had started to think about the possibility of sailing west­
ward to Asia. There were at least five books that he read with enough care to write
marginal notes in them. One of these was the Imago mundi of Cardinal Pierre d’Ailly,
in which the conclusion was reached that China was little more than 3000 miles
west of the Canary Islands. He read books by Aeneas Silvius (Pope Pius II), who
reported on the Greek and Roman concepts regarding the earth. He also read
Latin translations of Ptolemy’s Geography. He was thoroughly familiar with the
first Latin edition of Marco Polo and also with the popular favorite supposed to
have been written by the fictitious Sir John Mandeville.
Columbus had no doubts that the earth was round. In those days no educated
person, and no person with experience in navigation, had any illusions about the
earth being flat. Columbus faced two problems, both of them related to the distance
he would have to sail westward to reach Asia. The first was that if the whole
circumference of the earth were divided into 360 parts, as Hipparchus had done
and as had been common practice since his time, then what was the length of one
part, or 1°? The second problem was what authority to believe about the eastward
extension of the known lands of the earth.
Regarding the first of these problems, Columbus had a wide range of calcula­
tions from which to choose (Nunn, 1924). Eratosthenes had shown how the circum­
ference of the earth could be calculated. Just three measurements were needed: the
altitude of the sun on any given day at two places on the same meridian and the
distance between the two places. Eratosthenes had come very close to reaching
the correct figure; Posidonius, using a different set of principles, had reached a much
The Age of Exploration / 67

smaller figure. Marinus of Tyre favored the smaller figure (Fischer, 1975). Ptolemy
reported both, but himself followed Marinus. During the ninth century Muslim geo­
graphers had made several new sets of observations in Mesopotamia, and from these
data they estimated that the length of a minute was about 1480 meters. The actual
length of a minute along a great circle is about 1829 meters.
Of course, Columbus accepted the smallest estimate of the distance around the
world. Furthermore, his belief was strengthened by a calculation carried out by
Prince Henry’s navigators. The north-south line they used extended from Lisbon to
a place in Guinea near the modem port of Conakry. In those days, when the pre­
cise measurement of longitude was impossible, this was accepted as a north-south
line. (Conakry is actually 4°337 west of the longitude of Lisbon.) The distance along
this line was estimated on the basis of many voyages, and the estimate was actually
quite close to the correct distance. But there was real trouble with the latitudes
at either end. Ptolemy placed Lisbon at 40°15/N, and the Muslim geographers at
42°40'N (actually it is 38°42/N). The southern end of the line was placed at 1°5'N.
(Actually, it is 9°30'N.) Based on the data accepted by the Portuguese, the length
of the degree was almost exactly the same as that calculated by the Muslims of
Baghdad—about 56.66 Italian nautical miles. Columbus used this confirmation of
the size of the earth to convince himself that reaching Asia would not be problem­
atic. Columbus reckoned that the east coast of Asia was located just about where
the east coast of Mexico is actually located. Columbus had received additional
support for his estimates in correspondence with Toscanelli.

From Ideas to Action

Convincing the scholars in the Spanish and Portuguese courts that Asia was not
very far west of Europe was another matter. King Joao II of Portugal, already
committed to finding a way around Africa, rejected Columbus’s proposal in 1484.
In Spain Columbus did not fare much better. When he finally secured an audience
with Ferdinand and Isabella, they appointed a royal commission to study the matter,
a time-honored way of postponing a difficult decision. The commission did not report
until 1490, at which time they rejected Columbus’s plan because they had no
confidence in his estimates either of the earth’s circumference or of the east-west
extension of Europe and Asia. They accepted a figure of 70 Italian nautical miles
for the length of a degree, and, therefore, they figured that any ships attempting the
long westward voyage would surely be lost. Isabella, however, was impressed with
Columbus’s unshakable faith that he could make the voyage. In spite of the adverse
reports, she agreed to make ships and supplies available to him (Davies, 1967:341).
The story of Columbus’s four voyages is too well known to be repeated here
(Fig. 10). He came upon land just about where he expected to find it; although he
did not find any advanced civilization, such as that reported by Marco Polo, he did
remain convinced that he had found Asia. His belief was strengthened when he
found the southern coast of Cuba and the coast of Central America trending toward
the southwest, just as the coast of Asia was shown on Ptolemy’s map. When he heard
from the Indians of Central America that there were sources of gold only a short
distance west and that there was another great ocean beyond, he was sure it must
be the Indian Ocean. Furthermore, noting the great flow of water along the northern

coast of South America, he thought that all this water had to go somewhere. There
had to be a strait connecting the Caribbean with the Indian Ocean. Of course,
he did not know of the Gulf Stream. Instead of turning northward to reach the
latitudes where Marco Polo had reported the existence of a Chinese civilization, he
continued his exploration toward the southwest. One reason was that he expected
to reach the opening into the Indian Ocean. But there was also another reason,
as Carl Sauer points out. It was commonly believed at this time that gold was
produced by the heat of the tropical sun, and thus more gold would be found closer
to the equator (Sauer, 1966:23-24).
Columbus was one of the earliest explorers to make use of the wind systems of
the Atlantic (Burstyn, 1971). From his previous experience he knew of the pres­
ence of easterly winds in the low latitudes and of westerlies in the higher latitudes.
He sailed westward on his first voyage along the latitude of the Canaries with the
wind at his back. But when it was time to return to Spain, he sailed northward to
the latitude of the Azores; then with the westerlies behind him, he returned to Europe.

The Treaty ofTordesillas

According to the analysis by Arthur Davies (Davies, 1967), Columbus was not only
a skilled sailor but also a skilled diplomat. To gain possession of the lands he
discovered, he arranged to have them confirmed by the pope, and he negotiated a
treaty with King Joao II of Portugal. This was the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by
Spain and Portugal in 1494. By this treaty, the world was divided between these
two countries, and the dividing line was to be drawn 270 leagues west of the Azores,
or 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands (Fig. 11). Portugal was to have the
exclusive right to the lands east of that line, Spain to the west of it. This gave Portugal
a free hand in the Indian Ocean, and it gave Columbus a free hand in the lands he
had found west of the Atlantic (Thrower, 1996:69).
Several problems resulted from this treaty. Since longitude could only be
estimated, no one really knew where the dividing lines should be drawn. Soon it
was clear that part of eastern South America was in the Portuguese hemisphere. The
line passed through the Guianas if leagues were estimated on the basis of the longer
measurement of a degree, or it passed east of the mouth of the Amazon if the shorter
measure were used. Actually, the agreed-upon line is approximately along 48°W of
Greenwich. On the other side of the world, the boundary would be approximately
along 132°E of Greenwich. The Philippines, which became Spanish, lie well within
the Portuguese hemisphere; the Spice Islands (the Moluccas) are on the border.

Columbus died in 1506 still believing that the lands he had discovered were a part
of eastern Asia. By that time, however, almost all the geographers and explorers
were convinced that the world was really much larger than Columbus had reckoned
and that a new continent lay between them and Asia. This belief was confirmed
when Pedro Alvares Cabral, sailing on a Portuguese voyage to India and setting
a course south westward from the Cape Verde Islands, came on land within the
The Age of Exploration / 69

Figure 11 The Treaty of Tordesillas

Portuguese hemisphere, which he promptly claimed for Portugal In 1501-1502

Amerigo Vespucci, sailing for Portugal, explored the coast of Brazil probably as
far as La Plata River. He spent a month exploring the disputed area on the border
between the Portuguese and Spanish hemispheres, which is now called Uruguay.
Perhaps because he was the first to announce that the land he was seeing was in
fact a new continent and not a part of Asia, a German cartographer wrote the name
America on a map published in 1507.
Within two decades explorers had sketched in the whole eastern coast of the newly
discovered continent. Greenland and Labrador had been rediscovered by John
Cabot, and Cabot’s son, Sebastian, sailed into Hudson Bay. The Cabots were bom
in Genoa and Venice, but they sailed for England. Other voyages sent out by France
included one by Jacques Cartier, which proved that the Saint Lawrence was a river,
and one by Giovanni da Verrazano, who was the first European to sail into New
York Harbor (in 1524).

It was the Portuguese explorer Femao de Magalhaes, or Magellan, who was the
first to reach eastern Asia by sailing west. Like Columbus, he tried first to interest

the Portuguese king in supporting such a voyage, but the king refused to have any­
thing to do with the project. In Spain, however, he found greater interest, and in
1518 the Spanish king agreed to support the voyage. The next year Magellan set
sail with a fleet of five ships, all in poor condition (Fig. 10). Looking for an open­
ing through the Americas, he examined the Brazilian coast carefully, entering every
bay to be sure that it was not the strait they were seeking. The expedition spent the
winter (from March to August 1520) in southern Patagonia, during which time some
of his men mutinied. When the blustery winter winds subsided, the expedition started
southward again; on October 21, 1520, they found the entrance to the strait that
bears Magellan's name. It took 38 days for the ships to pass through the 360-mile
strait. Only an exceptional period of light winds made the passage possible at all
because normally the westerly winds are too strong, even in summer. Leaving the
strait, Magellan sailed in a northwesterly course for 98 days before he reached the
island of Guam. It is amazing that in that long voyage through an ocean dotted with
islands, he came upon only two small and desolate rocks (Saint PauTs Island and
Shark Island). His men were sick with scurvy, and his supply of food and water
was exhausted to the point that the explorers had to eat rats, oxhides, and sawdust
and drink putrid water before they reached Guam. After replenishing supplies and
regaining health, they started again westward, reaching the Philippines on April 7,
1521. Magellan, on a previous voyage for Portugal, had reached the Spice Islands
(the Moluccas), which are east of the Philippines. Therefore, at this point he had
become the first man to sail all the way around the earth.1
Magellan was killed in a fight between Philippine natives on April 27, 1521.
Thereafter one of his remaining ships, the Vittoria, commanded by Juan Sebastian
del Cano, continued the voyage across the Indian Ocean after taking on a load of
cloves at the Moluccas. They rounded the southern end of Africa and then sailed
northward, reaching Seville on July 30, 1522. Of the original five ships, only the
Vittoria returned to Spain. But the whole cost of the expedition was more than
covered by the sale of the cloves.

Outlining the Continents

Between 1521, when Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines, and 1779,
when James Cook was killed by the Hawaiians, the exploration of the world was
directed primarily at fixing the outlines of the land and water on the world map. At
first there was no single answer to the question about what to observe. Everything
was novel, and the sober descriptions of new lands could scarcely be distinguished
from the imaginative writings of those who followed Sir John Mandeville. But
the outlines of the map could be filled in. Gradually, as the Age of Exploration
continued, scholars began to try to digest the flood of new information and to
formulate scientific generalizations. In the next chapter we will consider the impact
of exploration on the shape of geographic ideas.

]The second voyage around the world was led by Sir Francis Drake, 1577-80 (Bawlf,
2003; Thrower, 1984).
The Age of Exploration / 71

Meanwhile, the explorers themselves faced five major problems, all of which were
solved in the period between Magellan and Cook. These were: (1) the problem of
maintaining health on long sea voyages; (2) the problem of perfecting the accuracy
of navigation; (3) the problem of making precise determinations of longitude;
(4) the problem of showing the whole spherical surface of the earth, or large parts
of it, on flat pieces of paper; and (5) the problem of eliminating from the world
map the many erroneous concepts of Ptolemy.

Maintaining Health
Scurvy was the disease that posed the greatest health problem on long voyages away
from land. The problem did not appear as long as navigation was close to the shore,
where fresh food could be taken on board frequently. But when the Portuguese
learned how to sail far out to sea, scurvy began to appear among the crews. The
first expedition to suffer seriously from scurvy was that of Vasco da Gama when
he was returning across the Indian Ocean from Calicut to Malindi in Africa in 1498.
No one knew why the men died.
Scurvy is a disease of dietary deficiency and is easily avoided or cured when
adequate amounts of vitamin C are supplied by fresh vegetables, such as potatoes,
cabbages, onions, carrots, and turnips or by such fruits as lemons or limes. When
these fresh foods are lacking, the skin becomes sallow, gums are tender, and the
victim is miserable with muscular aches. Eventually, the gums become like putty,
teeth fall out, and massive hemorrhages occur. When Magellan sailed for 98
days from the Strait of Magellan to Guam, most of the members of his crew had
scurvy and either died or were too weak to do any work. There are many stories
of ships drifting helplessly at sea with no one able to handle the sails (Penrose,
Apparently, the British were the first to discover a remedy. In 1601 a British
captain on a voyage to the Indian Ocean had to stop in southern Africa because so
many of his men had scurvy. Perhaps by chance he served them some fresh lemon
juice, and miraculously the symptoms of scurvy began to disappear. Yet not until
1607 did another British captain try the same remedy, with encouraging results. Reports
of this way of controlling scurvy were not widely read or believed because even
in the late nineteenth century explorers in the Arctic were still suffering from the
ravages of scurvy. But the first voyage on which fresh fruit and vegetables were
regularly supplied for the purpose of controlling the disease was the second voyage
of Captain James Cook to the Pacific, 1772-75. On this voyage the method of
controlling scurvy was demonstrated beyond doubt, although it was still many
decades before it was widely adopted and still longer before the function of vitamin
C was understood.

Perfecting the Accuracy o f Navigation

There remained the ancient, unsolved problem of measuring distance and direction
and fixing position on the surface of the earth. The Greeks learned how to do this
in theory, but they never possessed instruments accurate enough to carry out the

breaking with the Ptolemaic tradition of enclosing that ocean. But how did Fra Mauro
find this out in 1459? Bartholomew Dias did not sail around southern Africa until
1486-87. The Venetians must have learned about the Indian Ocean from Arab traders,
and Fra Mauro believed the reports he received. Presumably, his map gave new
confidence to the Portuguese voyagers just at the time of the death of Prince Henry.
Incidentally, Fra Mauro’s map, like most of the maps of this time, was “oriented”
toward the south. But since the maps were usually read by laying them flat on tables
rather than hanging them on walls, it apparently did not become customary to speak
of “going up south.”
The first cartographer to produce a globe showing the whole round earth was
Martin Behaim of Nuremberg (Bagrow and Skelton, 1964:103-109; Kimble, 1933).
He was among those who advised King Joao II of Portugal regarding the arts of
navigation and the most likely directions in which exploration might bring import­
ant results. It is thought that Behaim was the first to make a brass astrolabe to replace
the wooden ones in use earlier. He may have sailed southward to Guinea on one of
the Portuguese expeditions. In 1490, however, he went back to Nuremberg. There,
with the help of a painter named Jorge Glockendon, he produced the world’s first
globe. He did show the coastline of South Africa in accordance with the reports
from Bartholomew Dias, but the other Portuguese discoveries—along the Guinea
coast, for example—were inaccurately portrayed. The important thing about
Behaim’s globe, however, is that he showed the east coast of Asia just about where
the east coast of the Americas is located. He scattered the Atlantic with mythical
islands, some not far to the west of Europe. His globe was based on the smaller
estimate of the earth’s circumference, which also had been adopted by Columbus.
Yet Columbus could never have known of Behaim’s globe. Presumably, Behaim
gained his concept of the earth from those who had been influenced by Toscanelli,
just as Columbus had.
Many cartographers produced maps during the early period of exploration,
making use of the new data. Juan de la Cosa in 1500 drew a map using the observa­
tions from the first three voyages of Columbus and also from John Cabot’s voyage
to North America. But the first world map that shows America as a separate con­
tinent and not the eastern part of Asia was drawn by Martin Waldseemiiller in 1507.
He also made use of the name America for the first time, either because he thought
that Amerigo Vespucci had reached the new continent before Columbus or because
Amerigo was the first explorer definitely to identify the newly discovered lands as
a separate continent. As a result of this decision by Waldseemiiller, the new con­
tinent was not named after the European who first reported seeing it. Although
Waldseemiiller’s map was labeled Carta Marina, it was no more useful for naviga­
tion than other maps of this period that made use of the Portolano principle of design.
Explorers had already found that when they followed any of the straight lines on
these maps for long voyages, they did not arrive at expected destinations.
A search began for new kinds of projections that would make it possible to show
the curved surface of the earth on flat paper or parchment (Bagrow and Skelton,
1964). Peter Apian in 1530 produced a heart-shaped map of the earth (Fig. 12) in
which both lines of latitude and longitude are curved. On this projection, however,
both distance and direction are distorted. Apian was the teacher of Gerhard Kremer,
The Age of Exploration / 7 5

F igure 12 A pian’s heart-shaped world, 1530

who adopted the Latin name Gerardus Mercator. Mercator in 1538 made a world
map by joining two heart-shaped projections, one for each hemisphere (Fig. 13).
Mercator is famous for the world map he produced in 1569, which became the
only map used for navigation in the low and middle latitudes (Crane, 2003).
Mercator’s distorted continental shapes became the most widely known of all
portrayals of the world as a whole. What was needed was a projection on which a
compass bearing could be drawn as a straight line so that navigators could plot
their courses without having to draw curves. Of course, a straight line on a flat map
is not the shortest distance between two points unless it follows the equator or a
meridian. To follow other great circles, navigators draw a series of short, straight
rhumb lines, approximating the curve of the great circle. The nature of a rhumb line
on a flat map had been demonstrated by Pedro Nunes (curator of maps and charts
for the king of Portugal) in 1534. But sailors not trained in mathematics found
difficulty in believing that a straight line was not the shortest distance between two
points on the surface of a sphere. On Mercator’s projection the lines of latitude and
longitude are straight lines and cross each other at right angles. This means
that the east-west distance between meridians increases with increasing latitude until
the poles are stretched out into lines. But if the parallels of latitude are drawn with
an even spacing, as they are on a globe, straight lines plotted on them are not true

Figure 13 Outline o f M ercator’s world map, 1538

compass bearings. Mercator’s solution was to spread the parallels of latitude in

the same proportion as the spread of the meridians. The scale of the resulting map
varies from latitude to latitude, increasing progressively away from the equator.
The actual amount of the spread was determined by trigonometric tables.
The map that Mercator published in 1569 was, as E. G. R. Taylor puts it, essen­
tially a scholar’s map (Taylor, 1957:222). The coastlines were not drawn with care
but were generalized from the written reports of the explorers (Fig. 14). Further­
more, Mercator did not explain the method used in making his projection. One gets
the impression that here was a man with a theoretical solution to a problem who
was not at all concerned with practical applications. The preparation of an accurate
world map based on his projection he left to others.2
As a result, Mercator’s map was not widely adopted as navigators continued
to make frustrating use of the Portoianos, often finding that at the end of a long
voyage they had reached the wrong place. It remained for an English geographer
to explain Mercator in words understandable to people who might make use of his
projection. Edward Wright in 1599 produced the trigonometric tables that made it
possible for other people to reproduce Mercator’s projection. But how to explain
this projection to sailors not trained in mathematics? Wright devised a simple, if
incorrect, explanation. Think of a spherical balloon, he said, tangent at the equator
with the inside surface of a hollow cylinder. The balloon is marked off with lines

2M ercator was not the first to make use of this principle of projection. In 1511 Erhard
Etzlaub of Nuremberg prepared a map o f Europe and Africa as far as the equator on
which he spread the lines of latitude and longitude proportionally. It is not clear whether
M ercator knew o f this (Bagrow and Skelton, 1964:148-150).
The Age of Exploration / 77

o f la titu d e an d lo n g itu d e. N o w b lo w up the b allo o n . A s it stretch es it co m es in

co n tact w ith th e in sid e o f th e cy lin d er, the lin es o f lo n g itu d e lie as straig h t lines
ag ain st th e c y lin d e r, an d th e lines o f latitu d e are stretch ed ap art in p ro p o rtio n . O f
co u rse, th e h ig h la titu d es w ill p o p o u t o f the en d s o f th e cy lin d er, an d the p o les can
n ev er be sh o w n at all no m a tte r how fa r th e b allo o n is stretch ed . T h is w as a m e c h a n ­
ical, n o n m a th e m a tic a l d e m o n stra tio n o f h o w such a p ro je c tio n c o u ld b e m ad e th a t
satisfied the m a th e m a tic a lly illite ra te — w h ich is m o st p e o p le (B ro w n , 1960:95). B y
1630 M e rc a to r’s p ro je c tio n h ad su p p la n te d all o th ers fo r u se in n a v ig a tio n in low
and m id d le latitu d es. It is still the o n ly p ro jec tio n u sefu l fo r this p u rp o se.
M e rc a to r an d h is frie n d A b rah am O rteliu s o f A n tw erp b o th c o n c e iv e d th e p o s s i­
b ility o f p re p a rin g the w o rld m ap in sectio n s an d b in d in g th em to g e th e r in atlas
form . T h e O rteliu s atlas— Theatrum o rb is terrarum — w as th e first to be p u b lish e d ,
in 1570. T h e re a fte r a larg e n u m b e r o f atlases w ere p rep ared . M e rc a to r started p u b ­
lish in g sh eets o f his atlas in 1585, but the w h o le w o rk d id not a p p e a r until after
his d eath (B a g ro w and S k elto n , 1 9 6 4 :1 7 9 -1 8 9 ). A m sterd am b ecam e a m ajo r cen ter
fo r th e p u b lic a tio n o f atlases an d w all m ap s, b o th o f w h ich b e c am e v ery p o p u lar,
e sp ecially in th e se v e n te e n th cen tu ry . K in g C h a rle s II o f E n g la n d in 1660 c o m m is­
sio n ed a set o f so m e 40 w all m ap s, each 6 fe e t in h eig h t, on w h ich th e new w o rld
rev e a le d by th e ex p lo rers c o u ld be v iew ed . T h e A m ste rd a m p u b lish e rs also b eg an
to m ak e g lo b es fo r p o p u la r use. In F ran ce th e first p ro d u c e r o f w o rld atlases w as
N ich o las S an so n d ’A b b ev ille , w ho in th e se v e n te e n th cen tu ry fo u n d e d a “ d y n asty
o f c a rto g ra p h e rs” th at p ro d u c e d m ap s an d atlases fo r m o re th an a c en tu ry (B a g ro w
and S k elto n , 1964:185).
D u rin g the sev en teen th an d e ig h te e n th c en tu ries th e m a p m a k e rs only slo w ly
rev ised th e ir m ap s to in c lu d e the n e w e st in fo rm a tio n an d to a c k n o w led g e th e e x is t­
ence o f g ap s in th e ir in fo rm a tio n (B a b c o c k , 1922; C ro n e, 1950; T o o le y , 1949). T h e
m a p m a k e r w h o is c re d ite d w ith b ein g the first to e lim in a te the d ra w in g s o f w eird
creatu res th at tra d itio n a lly o ccu p ied th e b la n k spaces on th e m ap s w as Jean B ap tiste
B o u rg u ig n o n d ’A nville. Jo n a th an S w ift, the a u th o r o f G u lliv e r s T ra vels (1726), h ad
p o in ted out this p ra c tic e in a w e ll-k n o w n jin g le :

So geographers, in Afric maps

With savage pictures fill their gaps,
And o’er uninhabitable downs
Place elephants for want of towns.

It w as d ’A n v ille in 1761 w ho first left out the elep h an ts an d sh o w e d b lan k spaces

w here b lan k p laces b elo n g ed . E v en to d ay so m e m ap p u b lish e rs c o v e r th e ir m aps
w ith a u n ifo rm sp read o f p ic to ria l sy m b o ls, b e lie v in g , no d o u b t, th a t b a la n c e and
sy m m etry are m o re im p o rta n t th an th e c arefu l p o rtra y al o f an a sy m m e tric a l w orld.

Eliminating Erroneous Ideas from the World Map

The fifth p ro b lem th at w as so lv ed b e tw e en 1521 an d 1779 w as the re m o v a l fro m
m aps o f the m a n y e rro n e o u s ideas in h e rite d fro m P to lem y . P to le m y h ad b eco m e
the alm o st u n d isp u te d au th o rity in C h ristia n E u ro p e d u rin g the M id d le A g es after
his G eography h ad b een tra n sla te d in to L atin . E ach o f th e n u m e ro u s erro rs in his
w ork h ad to be e lim in ate d , d esp ite th e stro n g re sista n c e o f th o se w h o tre a su re d the
stability o f tra d itio n in an in secu re age.

Figure 14 Outline of M ercator's world map, 1569

One of Ptolemy’s most influential errors had to do with the great southland, which
he called the terra australis incognita, the unknown southern land. On his world
map (Fig. 3) this unknown land encloses the Indian Ocean on the south. The Arabs
knew that the Indian Ocean was open to the south, and Fra Mauro believed them.
But there were many others who either did not know about the Arabic writings or
discredited them. The Portuguese navigators had to find out for themselves things
that certainly had been found out by others— even by the Phoenicians of the seventh
century b . c . Still, the Portuguese voyages around southern Africa did not eliminate
the idea of a great unknown land mass in the Southern Hemisphere. When Magellan
The Age of Exploration / 79

passed through the strait near the southern end of South America, he was certain
that Tierra del Fuego was a part of Ptolemy’s southland. Later mapmakers extended
the southland all the way across to Tasmania. Step by step, the explorers sailed into
higher and higher latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere without encountering the
unknown land.
Captain Cook was the explorer who finally drew the outlines of the Pacific Ocean
and eliminated Ptolemy’s southland (Fig. 10). On his first voyage (1768-71) he sailed
to Tahiti to carry out observations on the transit of Venus across the sun. The observa­
tions he made did not prove very useful, but he did sail southward from Tahiti to

about latitude 40°S, and, finding no land, he turned westward to New Zealand. He
proved that New Zealand was not a part of any southland, and then he went on to
make a careful chart of the east coast of Australia. He passed through the Torres
Strait between Australia and New Guinea, rediscovering a passage that a Spanish
explorer had reported in 1606.
Cook’s second voyage is remarkable for several reasons. He was able to keep his
crew from contracting scurvy through the regular consumption of fresh fruits and
vegetables. He had a chronometer that permitted him to fix his position accurately
at all times. He was also accompanied by such trained observers as the Forsters,
father and son, of whom we shall hear more later. This was the first of the explor­
ing expeditions to start gathering information about matters other than just coast­
lines. But it was also the voyage on which the southland was finally eliminated.
Cook left England in 1772, and from December 1772 to March 1773 he sailed in
the far south of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. From November 1773 to February
1774 he sailed in the far south of the Pacific Ocean. His farthest point south was
71°10/S. Still there was no land; although Cook expressed the belief that there was
an ice-covered land farther south, he was unable to reach it. From February to October
in 1774 he sailed through the tropical South Pacific, discovering and locating
numerous islands that Magellan had missed. When he returned to England in 1775,
he brought the first authoritative report to reach Europe regarding the vast expanse
of water in the Southern Hemisphere.
Cook’s third voyage ended in disaster, but not before he had completed the out­
lines of the Pacific Ocean. In 1776 he sailed into the North Pacific, reaching the
Hawaiian Islands in 1778. He followed the coast of North America northward through
the Aleutian Islands and through the Bering Strait into the Arctic Ocean, where he
was stopped by ice floes at latitude 70°44'N. He then returned to Hawaii for the
winter. After sailing away from the islands in early 1779, he was forced to return
to repair a mast on one of his ships. He was killed in a fight with some of the native
islanders. Thereafter his second in command again took the ships to the far north
to prove that there was no Northwest Passage. The ships returned to England in
1780. The world map had been essentially completed, at least in its major outlines.3

With the general dimensions of the earth established, the problem of the shape of
the earth became increasingly important. Columbus had thought that it was pear-
shaped and that it was necessary to climb toward the equator. In 1687 Isaac Newton
and Christian Huygens arrived at the conclusion mathematically that the earth must
be flattened at the poles and that it must bulge at the equator. But this concept was
challenged by Jacques Cassini in 1720. We need to become acquainted with the
Cassini family.

3For accounts of the explorers and the routes they followed see Brown, 1979; Friis, 1967;
Hakluyt, 1965; Hanson, 1967; Parker, 1965; Parks, 1928; Penrose, 1952; Rogers, 1962;
Sykes, 1961; Taylor, 1957.
The Age of Exploration / 81

Figure 15 The Cassini survey changes the position of the French coastline

T h ere w ere fo u r g en e ra tio n s o f C assin is w h o w ere in ch arg e o f th e astro n o m ical

o b se rv a to ry in P aris an d w ho c arried out the first m a jo r to p o g rap h ic su rv ey o f a
large c o u n try — F ran ce. G io v an n i D o m en ico C assin i, an Italian , b ecam e the d irecto r
o f the o b se rv a to ry in 1667 an d b eg an to carry out a series o f m e a su re m e n ts to fix
certain lo catio n s w ith in F ran ce. H is son, Ja c q u e s C assin i, w h o b e c a m e d ire c to r in
1712, in 1713 c a rrie d o u t a m e a su re m e n t o f the arc o f th e m e rid ia n e x te n d in g fro m
D u n k erq u e th ro u g h P aris to P erp ig n an . H is son, C esar-F ran ^ o is C a ssin i de T h u ry ,
used the m e rid ia n su rv ey ed by his fa th e r to start a n etw o rk o f tria n g u la tio n o n w h ic h
to fix th e p o sitio n o f th e sh eets o f th e to p o g ra p h ic su rv ey . H e sta rte d the su rv ey
in 1744 b u t d ied b e fo re it w as co m p leted . T h e w o rk w as finally c a rrie d th ro u g h to
co m p le tio n by his son Ja c q u e s D o m in iq u e C a ssin i (F ig . 15) (C ro n e, 1950).
In 1720 the first Ja c q u e s C a ssin i, w ho m ad e th e m e a su re m e n t o f th e P aris
m erid ian , p u b lish e d a p a p e r e n title d D e la grandeur et de la fig u re de la te rre . H is
m e a su re m e n t d id n o t sh o w any in d ic a tio n th a t the e a rth w as n o t a re g u la r sp h ere
and w as, th e re fo re , a d ire c t c h a lle n g e to the m a th e m a tic a l co n c ep ts o f N e w to n and
H u y g en s. T h e F re n c h A cad em y d e c id e d to se ttle th e co n tro v ersy by carry in g out
m e a su re m e n ts o f th e arc o f th e m e rid ia n at d ifferen t la titu d es. F ro m 1735 to 1748
a F re n c h e x p e d itio n w as w o rk in g in th e h ig h A n d es o f E cu a d o r, w h ic h w as jo in e d
by th e F re n c h sc ien tist C h a rle s M arie de L a C o n d a m in e to g e th e r w ith L o u is G o d in

and Pierre Bouguer. Sometimes the surveyors who had set up their instruments on
the tops of the high peaks were forced to wait for weeks for the rare clear days
when observations could be made. Eventually, however, the job was done, and de
La Condamine returned by way of the Amazon, carrying out the first scientific
exploration of that river. Meanwhile, another French expedition, headed by Pierre
de Maupertuis, went to Lapland. In spite of the hardships imposed by the very low
temperatures they encountered, the survey of a meridian was completed in 1736-
37. These two surveys proved that the earth was flattened at the poles and did bulge
at the equator and that Cassini was wrong. These measurements were accepted as
correct until the modem period of satellite technology, which shows the earth to be
dented and bulging like an old baseball, with a major bulge south of the equator.
The deviations from the perfect sphere revealed by remote sensing could not have
been detected by the eighteenth-century instruments.

During the period between the voyages of Magellan and Cook, explorers were finding
out more and more about the earth. Bartholomew Diaz rounded the Cape of Good
Hope (1487) followed by Vasco da Gama (1497). Meanwhile four Columbian
voyages to the West were made (1492, 1493-96, 1498-1500, 1502-4); John Cabot,
Gaspar Vortereal, Jacques Cartier, and Amerigo Vespucci began to comprehend
something of the shape of Greenland, Newfoundland, the east coast of North
America, and the Caribbean. Then Balboa visited the Pacific Ocean. All these were
soon followed by many others, hence the term “the age of exploration.” Explorers
were finding out more and more about the earth. Expeditions had penetrated the
Arctic, seeking either a Northwest Passage or a Northeast Passage between Europe
and the Orient. Edmund Halley had plotted the trade wind zones of both hemispheres.
He had also mapped the monsoons of Asia and had set forth the hypothesis that
these seasonally shifting winds were the result of the differential heating of land
and water. A vast amount of knowledge flowed into Europe, and the impact of all
this on intellectual life was enormous.
At first the explorers tried to describe everything they found in the strange lands.
But, having no concepts regarding the new phenomena they found, an attempt was
made to describe things by analogy. Unfamiliar animals were described by refer­
ence to familiar ones. For example, when a fifteenth-century Florentine traveler first
saw a giraffe he described it as “almost like an ostrich save that its chest has no
feathers but has very fine white wool.. . . It has a horse's feet and bird’s legs.. . .
It has horns like a ram” (Hale, 1966:164). Only later did the explorers begin to describe
things in terms of dimensions, texture, or color, and, finally, in terms of abstract
categories. Stories of strange creatures gradually gave way to sober accounts that
could be, and were, verified. After the first contacts with unfamiliar places when
observers reported on anything—especially on strange and unusual things—
geographers began to ask questions about what should be observed; how they should
be observed; and, especially, how the things observed could be related to some
generalization of the empirical perceptions. This, in turn, led to new and sharper
perceptions. In the next chapter we will examine the impact of all this on the geo­
graphic ideas inherited from centuries past.
The Age of Exploration / 83


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Scientific Instruments. \
Babcock, W. H. 1922. Legendary Islands of the Atlantic, a Study in Medieval Geography.
New York: American Geographical Society, Research Series No. 8.
Bagrow, L. and Skelton, R. A. 1964. History o f Cartography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
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Dampier, W. C. 1987. A History of Science and Its Relation with Philosophy and Religion.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Debenham, F. 1960. Discovery and Exploration— An Atlas— History of Man s Wanderings.
New York: Doubleday & Co.
Friis, H. R., ed. 1967. The Pacific Basin, a History o f Its Geographical Exploration. New
York: American Geographical Society, Special Publication No. 38.
Gilbert, E. W. 1972. British Pioneers in Geography. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Hakluyt, R. 1965. Hakluyt's Voyages. Ed. I. R. Blacker. New York: Viking Press.
Hale, J. R. 1966. Age of Exploration. New York: Time Inc.
Hanson, E. P., ed. 1967. South from the Spanish Main. New York: Delacorte Press.
Henige, D. 1992. In Search o f Columbus: The Sources for the First Voyage. Tucson:
University of Arizona Press.
Kelley, J. E. Jr. 1977. “The Oldest Portolan Chart in the New W orld.” Terrae Incognitae
Kimble, G. H. T. 1933. “Some Notes on M ediaeval Cartography with Special Reference to
M. B ehaim ’s G lobe.” Scottish Geographical Magazine 49:91-98.
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Morison, S. E. 1942. Admiral o f the Ocean Sea, A Life o f Christopher Columbus. New York:
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--------- . trans. and ed. 1963. Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages of
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Parker, J., ed. 1965. Merchants and Scholars, Essays in the Histoiy o f Exploration and Trade.
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Penrose, B. 1952. Travel and Discovery in the Rennaissance, 1420-1620. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press.
Phillips, W. D. and C. R. 1992. The Worlds of Christopher Columbus. Cambridge: Cam­
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Rogers, F. M. 1962. The Quest for the Eastern Christians: Travels and Rumor in the Age of
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Sykes, P. 1961. A History of Exploration from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. New
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tion by C. J. Glacken, 1965. New York: Dover Publications.
T he I mpact of D iscoveries

Furthermore, men avidly made use of the accumulating voyages and travels which
had been and were being published. What is the state o f nature, the primitive
stage in mankind’s development? What are primitive peoples like? What influ­
ences, according to the travelers, determine the character o f far-off peoples?
These questions were asked in the seventeenth century also, but its thinkers still
leaned heavily on the classical writers. From the middle o f the eighteenth to
the early part o f the nineteenth century, in the writings o f Buff on, Montesquieu,
Herder, and Malthus . . . one sees what a refreshing and inexhaustible well these
voyages and travels had become. . . .
They built on the past, but the world became a richer place for their
departures. Even today their questions suggest our questions, but it would be a
miracle if they did more than that. For they lived in a world which resembled
the past more than what was to come, at least as far as problems o f human
culture and the natural environment are concerned.
— C. J. Glacken, Traces on the Rhodian Shore

hat happened to geographical ideas in Europe as a result of the unpreced­

W ented flood of new information coming from the voyages of discovery? What
kind of meaning could be discerned in this rapidly expanding new picture of an
unfamiliar world? The cosmographers, pursuing their ancient goal of increasing
their knowledge of the ordered universe, the cosmos, assumed that the coherence
and harmony that they observed was the creation of a divine being (Tuan, 1968).
Traditionally, the divine being was conceived in terms of human experience: Like
a human being he must have a conscious purpose and a plan of action. Answers to
questions about the universe were given as logical deductions from the basic and
generally accepted theory that the world was created specifically as the human
habitat. But from this assumption two quite different interpretations of the indi­
vidual’s place in the universe are possible: Humans may be seen as creatures of
their habitat—their activities and even their physical character controlled by their
natural (nonhuman) environment, including the astrological influences that were seen
as guiding human affairs, or humans may be seen as creatures commanded by the
divine plan to conquer and control their natural environment, and in a sense to com­
plete the work of creation out of the raw materials of their natural surroundings.
These are two quite different interpretations, and each is logically derived from the
concept of a planned creation.
From the early fifteenth century on, as new information poured into the Euro­
pean intellectual world, the cosmographers struggled with these questions. At first
they followed the traditional patterns, seeking evidence of the divine plan. As in
the medieval period preceding the fifteenth century, most of the scholars accepted


. almost literally the account of creation presented in Genesis; they went to great
trouble to make the new findings about the earth fit the Scriptures. But these methods
and traditions became more and more difficult to sustain. The period we are examin­
ing was one when men struggled to shake loose from the weight of old beliefs and
sought to find new answers to old questions about order, harmony, and meaning.
There was still very little specialization in the kinds of problems scholars
investigated or wrote about. The development of special branches of knowledge
came later. But, of course, there were some whose approach was primarily math­
ematical, and there were others whose approach was literary. There were some who
asked questions and looked for answers, and others who were fully occupied—and
satisfied—with the task of establishing the validity of the facts that were reported
by the explorers and of putting together a general picture of what things were like.


A few brilliant flashes of genius during these centuries illuminated the road ahead.
One of these had to do with the question of whether the earth was fixed in the center
of the universe with the sun and stars revolving around it or whether the sun was the
center of the universe with the earth revolving about it. The idea of a heliocentric
universe was not new: it had been offered as a hypothesis in the third century b.c .
by Aristarchus of Samos. But Ptolemy had accepted the geocentric universe, and
he was the great authority who could not be easily questioned. Nevertheless, by the
fifteenth and sixteenth centuries there were some who doubted Ptolemy. One of these
was a Polish scholar, Nicolaus Copernicus, who, between 1497 and 1529, carried
out numerous observations of the movements of the planets, the moon, and the stars.
The Ptolemaic system was too complicated, but when he calculated the movements
of these bodies with the sun as a fixed center, the results were more satisfactory.
In 1543 he published his great work, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, in which
he presented the picture of a heliocentric universe. He still followed Ptolemy in
describing the movements of the planets around the sun as circular.
Three other scholars were of primary importance in breaking the Ptolemaic tradi­
tion concerning the planets and the laws of motion. In 1618 Johannes Kepler, a
German astronomer, recognizing that the planetary motions were elliptical rather
than circular, presented his work on the laws of motion. In 1623 Galileo presented
the proof that Copernicus was right about the heliocentric universe and thereby
brought a storm of abuse from those who thought that the findings of science might
undermine the authority of the church. In 1632 his book comparing the universe
conceived by Ptolemy with that conceived by Copernicus was acclaimed by
scholars throughout Europe not only for the brilliance of its ideas but also for the
literary quality of the presentation, Galileo for the first time formulated the concept
of a universal mathematical order, a universe that could be described in terms of
mathematical law rather than in the verbal and logical terms of Aristotle. Finally,
in 1686 Isaac Newton presented his laws of gravitation. With Copernicus, Kepler,
Galileo, and Newton—in about a century and a half—the seeds of the scientific
revolution had been planted. With this revolution came the beginnings of special­
ization, which would end the work of the cosmographers.
The Impact of Discoveries / 87


There was still the real possibility, in sixteenth-century Europe, that a considerable
proportion of the written accounts of the voyages of discovery might be lost—as
so many similar documents in ancient times had been lost. Although the printing
of books in Europe had begun in the middle of the fifteenth century, there were not
enough printing establishments to meet the demand. Three geographers and pub­
lishers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries started what became important
collections of such reports. The earliest was a Venetian named Giovanni Battista
Ramusio, whose three-volume work N avigationi et viaggi was published between
1550 and 1559. It contains an edition of Marco Polo and a little-known Portuguese
report, All the K ingdom s, C ities, and Nations fro m the R ed Sea to C hina , written in
1535. The collection was completed by the publisher after Ramusio’s death in 1557.
The most widely known of these collections of voyages is the one started by
Richard Hakluyt in England (Gilbert, 1972). The first small edition of Hakluyt’s
voyages appeared in 1598; the full three-volume collection came out between 1598
and 1600 (Parks, 1928). Hakluyt was a lecturer at Oxford after 1574 and introduced
the “new geography” of the late sixteenth century in that university. He was also
adviser to many navigators of his time. His recommendation to the polar explorers
was to stop trying to find a way from Europe to eastern Asia by the Northeast Passage
and to concentrate on the search for a Northwest Passage, north of North America.
He also urged Britons to establish colonies along the eastern side of North America.
Hakluyt was influential in getting the third collection of reports on voyages
started. This was done by the German publisher, Theodore de Bry. The de Bry
collection included some 25 volumes published between 1590 and 1634.


The traditional way of writing about the earth as the home of humankind, which
was followed by the early cosmographers of the sixteenth and early seventeenth
centuries, was inherited from Strabo. The idea was to bring together all that was
known about the different parts of the world. Strabo was very critical of his sources
and indicated clearly that he had confidence in some and little or no confidence in
others. His judgments were made on the basis of then current preconceptions and
established dogma, and in the long run they did not always prove to be right—as,
for example, when he rejected Pytheas as a storyteller. As new information came
in during the Age of Exploration and as earlier writers were shown to be in error,
there was ample opportunity for writers to offer their versions of the new geo­
graphy. The only new items were the reports on what the explorers had found; the
methods of observation, the ideas or concepts that guided the observations, and the
kinds of questions asked remained the same.
Not all the writers of this period were as careful to be critical of their sources
as Strabo had been. In 1490, almost 20 years after the first Portuguese ship crossed
the equator into the Southern Hemisphere without burning up, an Italian writer
published a compendium in which he described the torrid zone as sterile and
uninhabitable, almost in the same terms used by Aristotle and Ptolemy. He gave a

demonstration of the method of thinking deductively from astrological principles

when he insisted that there could be no land in the Southern Hemisphere because
the heads of the animals in the zodiac were all pointed toward the north (Kimble,
1938:219). And there were whole books purporting to describe new lands discovered
by travelers that were, in fact, wholly fiction, like the famous Travels of Sir John
Mandeville. This book, which was pieced together by an unknown author from ear­
lier fourteenth-century travel accounts (with the trivial and dull passages removed
and with the addition of descriptions of the regions traversed and of the strange
customs and physical appearance of the inhabitants) was a widely popular but wholly
false literary production of the early Renaissance (Fig. 16). Even in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries Mandeville made good reading and was not always recogn­
ized as fiction.1

Sebastian Munster
The first important compendium of geography published after the early voyages of
discovery was the one by the German cosmographer Sebastian Munster. Munster,
who had previously established his reputation as a classical scholar by translating
several geographical works from Latin into German, spent 18 years (and made
use of the services of some 120 writers and artists) in preparing his Cosmographia
universalis, published in 1544. The work is strictly in the Strabo tradition; in
fact, Munster was known to his contemporaries as “the German Strabo” (Glacken,
The Cosmography is in six books. The first presents a general picture of the
universe in Ptolemaic terms, to which the author adds a discussion of the dispersal
of humankind over the earth after the Flood. The other five books deal with the
major divisions of the earth. Of these the best ones have to do with southern and
western Europe and with Germany. He divides the Old World into the traditional
three parts—Europe, Asia, and Africa—a practice whose origin was previously dis­
cussed in Chapter 2. Europe he separates from Asia along the Don River; and the
line between Asia and Africa is placed along the Nile—presumably he never read
Herodotus on this subject. His treatment of Asia and of the Americas is curiously
uninformed, considering that the German mapmakers had access to the new infor­
mation from the explorers and this information was surely available in Germany
while Munster was working. He enlivens the weird stories of America and Africa
with woodcuts of men with heads in their chests or with only one leg— creatures
that come right out of Sir John Mandeville.
Munster’s Cosmography was regarded as the authoritative work on world geo­
graphy for more than a century. New editions with few changes were published
in 1545, 1546, and 1548. In 1550 there was a new edition that included many
additions and corrections. After his death (from the plague in Basel) in 1552 there
were numerous later editions that included much supplementary material (Biittner
and Burmeister, 1979).

JThe Dover edition, published in 1964 and edited by A. W. Pollard, gives a brief summary
of the history of this famous work (Pollard, 1964). Otherwise see Mandeville, 2001.
The Impact of Discoveries / 89

All Possible Worlds

Figure 16 Drawings adapted from Sir John Mandeville

Cluverius and Carpenter

Writers of books on “universal geography” in the seventeenth century had better
access to the new materials than Sebastian Munster had. In 1616 Cluverius (Philipp
Cluver) published a book on the historical geography of Germany, of which Carl

Sauer remarked that he skillfully united “knowledge of the classics with knowledge
of the land” (Sauer, 1941:11). A similar work on Italy was published posthumously
in 1624. Also in 1624 his six-volume compendium of geography appeared.2 In this
work he started with the traditional picture of the universe as portrayed by
Ptolemy, showing that he had no knowledge of the work of Copernicus, which had
been published 79 years before the death of Cluverius. The other five volumes of
the compendium, however, are much more up to date. His work on Europe was
especially well done (Partsch, 1891).
The first geographer to attempt a compendium of geography in English was the
British geographer Nathanael Carpenter. He was at Oxford during the period after
1609, when Cluverius was a frequent visitor, and must have received many ideas
from this source. He also reports numerous examples of how human character is
determined by climate, ideas that he derived from the writings of the French scholar
Jean Bodin. Both Carpenter and Bodin accepted the old Greek theory that the
habitability of a place was a function of its latitude.

The European scholar who profoundly influenced the content and scope of geo­
graphy for more than a century was Bemhardus Varenius (Bernhard Varen).
Varenius set forth, more clearly than anyone had done before his time, the relation­
ship between geographical writings that describe the characteristics of particular
places and those that describe the general and universal laws or principles that
apply to all places. The first he called special geography and the second general
geography (Biittner, 1978). This intellectual problem of the relation between the
specific and the general became of major importance in the early part of the
seventeenth century as a result of the flood of new information about specific places
and the effort to generalize this information. Cluverius made no attempt to connect
the general ideas in his first book with the specific observations about places in
the other books; Carpenter did very little with descriptions of particular places. Varenius
saw that there was a need to demonstrate the close interconnection between these
two viewpoints: Special geography is of great practical importance for government
and for commerce, but it leaves out the fundamentals of this field of study; general
geography provides these fundamentals, but to be of maximum utility they must
be applied. Therefore, special geography and general geography did not suggest
a dichotomy but rather two mutually interdependent parts of a whole. It is indeed
unfortunate that Varenius lived only 28 years and was not able to amplify these

2Introductions in universam geographiam (Leiden); translated into French in 1639 and

into German in 1678.
3J. N. L. Baker points out that Bartholomaus Keckermann, a German geographer, used the
terms general geography and special geography in lectures at Danzig in 1603 and in a
book published in 1610. Since Varenius made use of KeckermamTs work, it is likely that
he adopted this distinction from the older writer and then provided a clear demonstration
of the relation between these two points of view (Baker, 1955b:56, 1963:113).
The Impact of Discoveries / 91

Bernhard Varen was bom near Hamburg in Germany in 1622. In 1640 he

entered the university at Hamburg, where he studied philosophy, mathematics,
and physics (Dickinson and Howarth, 1933:100). After three years he went to
Konigsberg to study medicine, and shortly thereafter he went to Leiden. In 1647,
however, he took a position as a private tutor in a family living in Amsterdam. In
this busy commercial city he came into close contact with merchants who were send­
ing their ships to trade in the most distant parts of the earth, including Japan, where
the Dutch had a trading post on an island in the harbor at Nagasaki. Responding
to the practical need of the Dutch traders to know much more about the people
with whom they were doing business, Varenius in 1649 published a book entitled
Descriptio regni Iaponiae et Siam. This work contains five parts: (1) a description
of Japan, compiled from information available in Amsterdam; (2) a translation into
Latin of a description of Siam by J. Schouten; (3) an essay on religions of Japan;
(4) some excerpts from the writings of Leo Africanus on religion in Africa; and
(5) a short essay on government. This was a book aimed at providing the merchants
of Amsterdam with useful knowledge about places and people.
At this point Varenius saw that descriptions of particular places could have no
standing as contributions to science if they were not related to a coherent structure
of general concepts. He began work on his Geographia generalis in the fall of 1649
and completed the work in the spring of 1650. In it are references to a series of
books on geography that he proposed to write, but in that same year he died in Leiden.
The General Geography of Varenius was the standard text in this field for more
than a century. Four Latin editions were published in Amsterdam (1650, 1664, 1671,
and 1672). Isaac Newton was so impressed with the work that he edited two more
Latin editions published at Cambridge University in 1672 and 1681. In 1693 there
was an English translation by Richard Blome. Another Latin edition was published
at Cambridge in 1712, with comments and corrections by J. Jurin. The edition of
1712 was also translated into English by Dugdale and Shaw, and this translation
went through four editions between 1736 and 1765. One of the Latin editions, edited
by Isaac Newton, was used as a text at Harvard in the early years of the eighteenth
century (Wamtz, 1964:117; Warntz, 1989).
Unlike the writers of the earlier cosmographies, Varenius was careful to include
the most recent ideas. He accepted the heliocentric universe of Copernicus, Kepler,
and Galileo. On this basis, he was the first to note the difference in the amount of
heat received from the sun in the equatorial regions as compared with the higher
latitudes. The sun’s heat, he suggested, thins the air close to the equator, and, there­
fore, the cold, heavy air of the polar regions must flow toward the equator. This
was the first step toward explaining the world’s wind systems (Peschel, 1865:396).
Varenius had studied Newtonian physics, and he had studied Nathaniel Carpenter’s
Geography Delineated in Two Books of 1625 and 1635, which were based on the
work of Keckermann. In Geography Now and Then, W. Wamtz provides evidence
for the widespread use of the Geographia Generalis in American colleges during
what he refers to as America’s first cycle of academic geography (Warntz, 1981).
Varenius’s conception of the field of geography was far in advance of his time.
He insisted on the practical importance of the kind of knowledge included in spe­
cial geography, but he also insisted that special geography only becomes intelligible

when the specific features are explained in terms of abstract concepts or universal
laws. Geography, he wrote, focuses attention on the surface of the earth, where
it examines such things as climate, surface features, water, forests and deserts,
minerals, animals, and the human inhabitants. The human properties of a place
include “a description of the inhabitants, their appearances, arts, commerce, culture,
language, government, religion, cities, famous places, and famous men” (Dickinson
and Howarth, 1933:101). In general geography, he continued, most things can be
proved by mathematical or astronomical laws, but in special geography, with the
exception of celestial features (climate), things must be proved by experience—in
other words, by direct observation through the senses.


The mounting mass of new observations and the startling new theories concerning
the motions and behavior of physical bodies led to new speculation concerning the
origin of the earth. But the methods of thinking had not yet broken free from the
traditions inherited from ancient Greece and from the accounts of the Creation in
the Bible. Even brilliant innovators, such as Galileo and Newton, were as much con­
cerned to demonstrate that their theories did not really depart from the Scriptures
as they were to demonstrate that they were supported by observations.
During the second half of the seventeenth century, some groups of scholars took
important first steps in the use of the scientific method. In England there were men
such as Robert Boyle, discoverer of the law concerning the behavior of a given
volume of gas with changes in temperature and pressure; Robert Hooke, developer
of laws concerning the elasticity of solid bodies; John Flamsteed, first director of
the Royal Observatory at Greenwich (established in 1675) (Willmoth, 1997; Clark
and Clark, 2001); and Edmund Halley, astronomer and author of the first scientific
explanation of the world’s wind systems. These men were making use of the
methods of experimental science in arriving at hypotheses concerning the operation
of natural processes. In 1663 some of these innovators formed the Royal Society of
London “for the improvement of natural knowledge.” Amsterdam was a center
of intellectual freedom, where observations brought back by the Dutch merchants
and explorers were stimulating new kinds of inquiry.

The Origin o f the Continents and Oceans

Much speculation was aroused concerning the origin of the earth and of its surface
features as a result of the publication of a two-volume work by Thomas Burnet in
1681 entitled Telluris theoria sacra (Taylor, 1948). Burnet was a clergyman whose
hypothesis regarding the origin of the earth and its present condition came entirely
from his own unfettered imagination. When God created the earth, said Burnet, and
set it spinning on its axis, the earth became egg-shaped. Since its axis was then
perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic (its orbit around the sun), there were no
seasons but only a perpetual spring at the latitude of England. The surface of earth
was smooth. But people like Methuselah lived so long with so much leisure time
that they were able to develop much evil among men. In anger, God decreed the
The Impact of Discoveries / 93

destruction of the earth. The surface began to crack open and break up into ugly
mountains and valleys. Then a flood of water covered the whole earth, released from
deep inside where the water had been confined. The shock to the earth knocked its
axis away from the perpendicular so that thereafter there were seasons. The surface
was broken into continents, mountains, and deep depressions into which the water
drained off to form the oceans.
The appearance of Burnet’s Sacred Theory of the Earth set off a controversy
that lasted for decades. Several new theories regarding the origin of the earth
were offered. In 1695 John Woodward presented the idea that the Flood that God
sent in anger dissolved the rock material of the earth, and this material was later
deposited in the form of layers, or strata, some of which contain the fossil remains
of vegetable and animal life. William Whiston, who was much impressed by the
observations made by Edmund Halley in 1682 regarding the comet that bears his
name, developed the theory that the earth itself was made from the debris of a comet.
Furthermore, the near approach of a second comet was the cause of the Flood, of
the elliptical (rather than circular) orbit of the earth around the sun, and of the con­
tinents and ocean basins on the earth’s surface. The comet raised tides in the rock
crust of the earth similar to the tides raised by the moon on opposite sides of the
earth. The tidal crests were represented by the continents, and the troughs by the
basins of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Whiston supported his theory by impress­
ive mathematical equations showing how a comet could produce such tides in the
rock crust of the earth. However, his calculations left out so many things that he
also was immediately attacked. The theologians based their attack on the Bible: How
could the sun already be in existence before the earth started moving around it, when
Genesis clearly states that God created light on the fourth day?
In Germany Abraham Gottlob Werner taught that the material dissolved in the
waters of the flood was deposited over the earth to form a series of layers like the
skin of an onion. All the rocks of the earth’s surface, he said, were formed in this
way. Critics asked how he explained the disappearance of all that water, but the
failure to find a plausible explanation for the disappearance of the Flood did not
make Werner abandon his theory, which was almost universally accepted well into
the nineteenth century. In fact, the Swiss scholar Horace Benedict de Saussure (who
was one of the first men to climb Mont Blanc on August 8, 1786) supported Werner
by suggesting that the Alpine valleys had been cut by the violent torrents when the
Flood drained off into the present ocean basins.

On the Origin o f Landforms

A great difference of opinion persisted throughout the period from the fifteenth
to the eighteenth centuries and indeed on into the nineteenth century concerning
the origin of the landforms of the earth’s surface. Were the landforms created by
divine purpose? Were the hills really everlasting as the Bible insists? Or were the
mountains and valleys and ocean basins formed by cataclysms of nature, as Burnet
believed? Or were the landforms carved out by the slow processes of erosion?
The various theories (some of which were inherited from the Greek and Roman
geographers) that explain the surface features of the earth as resulting from violent
catastrophes, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, are included under the

general term catastrophism. Theories based on the idea that all the processes of change
observable today also operated in the past and can account for all the world’s
surface features are included under the general term uniformitarianism.
In spite of the widespread belief in the principle of catastrophism, a number of
students of the earth’s surface features rejected the whole idea of convulsions of
nature. Of course, neither the Arabic student Avicenna nor the Chinese student
Shen Kuo was known in Europe. One of the first Europeans to ridicule the idea of
a universal flood was Leonardo da Vinci, who argued that running water could level
off the heights of land until the earth was a perfect sphere. Bernard Palissy in France
used a soil augur to observe the nature of the soil and suggested that rivers could
easily wash the soil away if it were not held in place by forests. During the seven­
teenth century John Ray, who is famous for his pioneer work in classifying plants
and animals, also argued that water running down the slopes could slowly wash
away the mountains.
During the seventeenth century increasing numbers of students examined the rocks
of the earth’s crust and developed new ideas about the way rock structure is
reflected in the forms of surface features. In 1719 John Strachey showed how land-
forms reflect the underlying rock structure, and his work was given support by such
field observers as Johann Gottlob Lehmann, who published a study of the rocks and
landforms of the Harz Mountains and the Erzgebirge in central Europe in 1756.
Georg Christian Fiichsel made a similar study of the Thuringerwaid in Germany in
1762. In 1777 Simon Pallas published geological maps to show that many moun­
tain ranges had granite cores. His expedition to Siberia from 1768 to 1774 brought
back many observations of the relation between rock structure and landforms. Mean-
while, the Italian scholar Giovanni Arduino in 1760 offered a classification of the
rocks of the earth in which he used four major categories; primitive, secondary, ter­
tiary, and volcanic. He explained that unconsolidated alluvium might cover all four.
Furthermore, some observers developed basic ideas concerning the mechanics
of river flow and valley development. Domenico Guglielmini, who died in 1710,
studied the laws of river flow, and in 1786 the French scholar Louis Gabriel Comte
de Buat worked out the mathematical equation to describe how the flowing water
of a river can establish an equilibrium between velocity and the load of alluvium
being transported. Thus, he established what later came to be known as a graded
valley— one that slopes just enough to maintain the flow of water. All this was
presented in 1786.
Uniformitarianism had its first great supporter during the eighteenth century in
James Hutton, the Scottish geologist (Dean, 1992). Hutton provided the first com­
prehensive treatment of the origin of landforms by processes that can be observed
today. The processes that shape the surface of the earth, he wrote, indicated a world
of continuing change with no vestige of a beginning and no prospect of an end.
Brilliant as his ideas were, Hutton wrote obscure prose, and it was left to the
writings of John Playfair to communicate Hutton’s ideas to the scholarly world. In
1802 Playfair published his book Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth
(Playfair, 1802/1956), which set off a major dispute between the supporters of Werner
and those who began to accept the ideas of uniformitarianism (Chorley, Dunn, and
Beckinsale, 1964:3-94).
The Impact of Discoveries / 95

It is important to note that nothing promotes progress more rapidly than presenting
a hypothesis that meets with a highly critical reception. This leads scholars to make
new observations and to formulate new hypotheses. In 1704 Edmund Halley wrote
that “the detection of error is the first and surest step toward the discovery of truth”
(Taylor, 1948:112; Gould, 1987).

Methods o f Classifying Plants and Animals

No less productive of scientific progress were the efforts to find more useful
methods of classifying plants and animals. By the seventeenth century the voyages
of discovery had flooded Europe with descriptions of the lands and organisms of
previously unknown parts of the earth and with a steadily mounting volume of collec­
tions of plants and animals. These descriptions had to be organized and classified.
If the suggested order was a manifestation of a divine plan, so much the better. One
of the earliest scholars to offer a new way to classify organic forms was the English
student John Ray, who graduated from Cambridge University in the middle of the
seventeenth century. In a work published in 1682 he outlined a way of classifying
plants, and this work was followed by a suggested classification of fishes and other
animals. His great work on the classification of organic life was published in 1691,
The Wisdom o f God Manifested in the Works o f Creation (Cooper, 1999).
John Ray was a major influence on the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus
(Carl von Linne), who first suggested the systems of classification based on classes,
orders, genera, and species, with increasing attention to detail. His categories of
plants, published between 1735 and 1753, provided a simple and useful scheme of
putting the new plant specimens in some kind of order.
Lamarck, however, was the first to show the need for a system of classification
for plants and animals based on their natural characteristics (Pietro, 1988). In a paper
on invertebrate animals in 1801, he first set forth the idea that animals could develop
new organs and new characteristics in response to their needs and that organs so
developed would be inherited. In his Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres,
published in Paris between 1815 and 1822, he further developed the concept of
the evolution of animals and of their adaptation to environment. In his lectures on
zoology, he used the example of the giraffe, an animal that developed a long neck
and long front legs as a result—so he believed—of stretching to browse high on the
trees. Lamarck challenged the widely held dogma that all plants and animals were
created in their present forms and had not changed since the creation. Lamarck
formulated the first concept of evolutionary change, to which Darwin later added the
mechanism of natural selection, rather than need or use, as the cause of evolution.

Can Man Be Studied Scientifically?

In this period, too, the first steps were taken toward producing a scientific study of
population. As early as 1662 William Petty and John Graunt suggested the kinds
of statistical studies that could be made if adequate data were available. Graunt
showed that certain statistical regularities made prediction of births and deaths poss­
ible on the basis of probability. Petty is described as the father of political economy
because he blazed new paths in the study of population and economy, even where

statistical data were lacking (Glacken, 1967:398-399; Roncaglia, 1985). The first
mortality rates were calculated for 1687-91 for the city of Breslau by the
astronomer Edmund Halley (Peschel, 1865:685). Halley showed how life insurance
rates could be calculated on the basis of probability.
Stimulated by these pioneer statistical studies, it was the German scholar J. P.
Slissmilch who first demonstrated the existence of certain statistical regularities in
population data. The sexes, he found, tended to remain more or less balanced, and
birth and death rates could be forecast. Sussmilch, a Prussian clergyman, pointed
to the evidence of God’s planning in his book, The Divine Ordinance Manifested in
the Human Race Through Birth, Death, and Propagation (1741). Thereafter govern­
ments undertook the collection of population data, and statistical studies based on
these data were rapidly improved. However, it was a century later before Lambert
Quetelet published his work On the Social System and the Laws Which Govern
It (1848), in which he showed that numerical information concerning individuals
tends to group around averages in accordance with the theory of probability.

The Influence o f Environment on History and Government

The enlargement of geographic horizons during the Age of Exploration also
produced much speculation regarding the influence of the natural environment on
human behavior. Although there was not yet any clear separation of the world of
scholarship into disciplines, nevertheless the scholars who speculated about the
origin of the earth and its surface features were not the same as those who speculated
about the effect of the physical earth on man. The latter were mostly historians or
students of government. At the start these observers of environmental influence were
only repeating the concepts set forth centuries earlier by the Greeks, They included
a large amount of astrology inherited from the Greeks through Ptolemy and from
the writers of the Middle Ages.
One of the earliest of these observers was Jean Bodin, a French political philos­
opher who lived in the sixteenth century. Bodin’s major work, published in 1566,
lay in the search for universal principles of law. Anarchy, he wrote 10 years later,
was the supreme catastrophe, and he investigated various ways in which political
order could be established and maintained. Accepting the Greek concept of climatic
zones, he sought to ascertain the influence of the planets on the behavior of the
earth’s inhabitants. The people of the southern parts of the world, influenced by the
planet Saturn, he said, were given to lives of religious contemplation. The people
of the northern regions, influenced by Mars, became warlike and excellent in
the use of mechanical devices. The people of the middle regions, influenced by
Jupiter, were able to achieve a civilized way of living under a rule of law.
Nathanael Carpenter, who published the first geographical work in English in 1625,
included much material from Bodin. Carpenter helped sustain the concept of the
three zones of climate and of the effect of living in these zones on the character of
the people. By this time there were numerous reports on the equatorial climate that
supported the idea first developed by Posidonius that temperatures were not as high
near the equator as they were beyond the tropics. But these reports were not read
or, if they were read, they were not believed.
The Impact of Discoveries / 97

During the centuries after Bodin and Carpenter, scholars continued to seek
examples of the influence of climate on human character and behavior. The Abbe
de Bos, writing in 1719, found that weather had a definite effect on suicide and
crime rates in Paris and Rome (Glacken, 1967:556-558). Suicides are most com­
mon either just before the beginning of winter or just after winter, when the wind
comes from the northeast. Most of the crimes in Rome are committed in the two
hottest months of summer. He also observed that works of art are produced only
in the zone between latitudes 25° and 52°N.
One of the most influential eighteenth-century writers was the French political
philosopher Montesquieu.4 One of the major themes in his work on laws had to do
with the influence of climate on politics. The sterility of the ground in Attica, he
wrote, resulted in the establishment of a popular form of government in Athens,
whereas the fertility of the soil around Sparta was reflected in the establishment
there of an aristocratic government. People develop different characteristics in cold
climates than in hot ones, but by making use of proper laws the effects of climate
can be minimized. K. M. Kriesel points out that a careful reading of Montesquieu’s
work demonstrates that he recognized the importance of other factors than climate
alone—such factors as religion, the maxims of government, precedents, and customs.
In any one country as some of these factors act with stronger force, the others are
weakened. Kriesel, therefore, describes Montesquieu as a possibilist rather than an
environmental determinist (Kriesel, 1968).
Nevertheless, Montesquieu was very persuasive in his discussion of the effect
of differences of climate on behavior. His famous experiment with a sheep’s tongue
and the conclusions he drew from it illustrate his method of thought:
I have observed the outermost part of a sheep’s tongue, where, to the naked eye,
it seems covered with papillae. On these papillae I have discerned through a
microscope small hairs, or a kind of down; between the papillae were pyramids
shaped towards the ends like pincers. Very likely these pyramids are the principal
organ of taste.
I caused the half of this tongue to be frozen, and observing it with the naked
eye I found the papillae considerably diminished: even some rows of them were
sunk into their sheath. The outermost part I examined with the microscope, and
perceived no pyramids. In proportion as the frost went off, the papillae seemed
to the naked eye to rise, and with the microscope the miliary glands began to appear.
This observation confirms what I have been saying, that in cold countries the
nervous glands are less expanded: they sink deeper into their sheaths, or they are
sheltered from the action of external objects; consequently they have not such lively
In cold countries they have very little sensibility for pleasure; in temperate
countries, they have more; in warm countries, their sensibility is exquisite. As
climates are distinguished by degrees of latitude, we might distinguish them also
in some measure by those of sensibility. I have been at the opera in England and
in Italy, where I have seen the same pieces and the same performers; and yet

4 Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu. His great work was
De r esprit des lois .. . (Paris, 1748).

the same music produces such different effects on the two nations: one is so
cold and phlegmatic, and the other so lively and enraptured, that it seems almost
inconceivable [quoted from De V esprit des lois in Glacken, 1967:569].
Montesquieu made a number of mistakes that can be recognized today. He had
no understanding of the method of confronting theory with observations or with
controlled experiments. And in spite of the existence of up-to-date geographic
concepts and information in France during the eighteenth century, he followed the
ancient Greeks in dividing the world into Europe, Asia, and Africa (but adding the
Americas, which the ancients did not know about). Europe, he said, has a variety
of climates but no extremes; Asia, on the other hand, is either very hot or very cold
and has no temperate climates. In other words, he drew up generalizations about
climatic conditions by continents rather than by zones of latitude. Yet he made the
theory of climatic influence so plausible that these ideas persisted long after his time.
Indeed, they are still to be found firmly embedded in some school curricula. The
literary quality of his writing and the importance of his ideas about government gave
him enormous prestige in the scholarly world.

The Beginnings o f Natural History

All these efforts were new in the sense that they offered new hypotheses, or new
methods of classification, or new ways to make use of mathematics. But one of the
newest of the new ways of viewing the earth came with the ground-breaking work
of Count Buffon.5 Buffon was director of the Jardin du Roi, the botanical garden in
Paris, between 1739 and 1788. There he had access to a vast number of specimens
of plants and animals and descriptions written by travelers and explorers from all
over the world. His Histoire naturelle was written with the aid of many collaborators.
It represents one of the first works resulting from the reports of voyages of dis­
covery in which attention was turned from the oddities and marvels to a search
for regularities and for the laws governing processes of change. His approach
was nonmathematical and was not based on deductive reasoning: This was a strictly
inductive study aimed at finding some kind of order in the flood of new informa­
tion (Roger and Williams, 1997).
Buffon accepted the idea of a divinely created earth, but he rejected the notion
that the complete and final plan of the creation was in the mind of the creator
from the beginning. Man, he says, is one of the animals but differs from the other
animals because with his mind he can remember experiences and learn from them.
Humans are commanded to conquer the earth and transform it. Wild nature, said
Buffon, is ugly: Man changes the face of the earth in the process of developing a
civilization. Buffon was the first to focus attention on man as an agent of change,
a focus that Plato failed to develop in spite of his observations on man-made changes
in Attica and that had escaped the attention of other writers since Plato, except for
the Chinese philosopher Mencius.

5Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon. His great work was the Histoire naturelle,
generale et particulare, 44 vols. (Paris, 1749-1804) (Glacken, 1960; Glacken,
1967:655-685, 720-721).
The Impact of Discoveries / 99

Buffon developed the idea of a cooling earth. The warmth at the earth’s surface,
he believed, came from the interior, for the heat received from the sun was not enough
to counteract the loss of heat from the cooling earth. On the other hand, Buffon
gathered evidence to support the notion that when forests are cleared the sun’s heat
can establish an equilibrium at the earth’s surface between incoming and outgoing
heat. As evidence of the beneficial results of forest clearing, he pointed out that
although Quebec and Paris are both at about the same latitude, Paris, in a cleared
area, is much warmer than forested Quebec.
Climate, Buffon believed, affects the people who are exposed to it. But the
examples he gave showed how vague was his concept of actual distributions in the
world and how completely he missed discovering the regularities of geographic
patterns over the earth. He made use of the traditional regional generalizations
inherited, as we have seen, from the earliest Greek writers: White people occupy
Europe, black people are in Africa, yellow people are in Asia, and red people in
America. In spite of the writings of Marco Polo and the reports of the Dutch
voyages of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Buffon did not conceive of a
similarity of climate in similar continental positions. In America, he continued, there
are no black people because the tropical regions are not as extremely hot as those
of Africa. This he explained by pointing to the easterly winds that cross the Atlantic
and sweep unobstructed across the American tropics, cooling the air and bringing
heavy rainfall.
On the other hand, Buffon insisted that humans could adjust to any climate on
earth. They were not compelled to react to any climate the way uncivilized native
people would react. With proper clothing they could protect their skin color. With
a typical European viewpoint he insisted that humans could adjust more easily to
life in cold climates than in hot ones.
Buffon developed the curious notion that nature in America was relatively weak
compared with the natural conditions of other continents. The forests, he insisted,
were less dense, the animals smaller, the potentialities for human settlement poorer.
This notion provoked strong reactions from Americans. Thomas Jefferson, who made
numerous contributions to the study of geography, visited Buffon in Paris to protest
such an interpretation. But he was only able to get Buffon to acknowledge his error
when he had a friend in Maine ship the skeleton and hide of a bull moose to the
French scholar. Jefferson’s geographical study Notes on the State o f Virginia was
one of the results of this dispute (Jefferson, 1787).

Scientific Travelers
When trained scientists were included in voyages of discovery and could make their
own observations, knowledge of the earth increased rapidly. The earliest of these
scientific travelers was the British astronomer Edmund Halley. But Halley was inter­
ested in many things besides astronomy: His great genius consisted in making some
kind of order out of complex data (Thrower, 1990). It was he who made the first
mortality tables (for the city of Breslau in 1693). He was the originator of many
graphic methods for showing the geographical distribution of physical features of
the earth (Tooley, 1949:54-55). His maps and discussion of the trade winds of the
Atlantic, published in 1686, provided the first illustration of wind directions and

wind shifts.6 On this same chart he was the first to map the equatorial westerlies
of the Gulf of Guinea. In 1698-1700 he was on the first voyage undertaken for
purely scientific purposes. On the basis of observations from all around the world,
he prepared the first map of magnetic variations, using lines of equal variation to
show the pattern on a world scale (isogonic lines). These maps were published in
1701-1702 (Thrower, 1969).
Two pioneer field observers were Johann Reinhold Forster and his son Georg
F. Forster (Hoare, 1976). They accompanied Captain James Cook on his second
voyage, during which he sailed far to the south in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
On many islands of the South Pacific where the expedition stopped, the Forsters
carried out botanical observations and made collections. Georg Forster was the
first to identify the pattern of temperatures on the eastern and western sides of
continents at the same latitude and to point out the climatic similarity of western
Europe and western North America. The Forsters, who derived their ideas of
physical geography from Buffon and their ideas about the classification of plants
from Linnaeus, had the great advantage over their predecessors in that they could
make their own observations and were no longer dependent on descriptions of what
other observers had seen. They were very critical of ideas about the influence of
climate on man, supporting their criticism with careful observations of the Dutch
in South Africa and of the Polynesians. Both had important influence on the
scholars who followed them. Of special significance was the influence of Georg
Forster in the early life of Alexander von Humboldt.
Among the scientific travelers of this period mention should be made of Major
James Rennell, onetime surveyor-general of India (1767-77), student of ancient geo­
graphy, and one of the founders of the study of oceanography (Markham, 1895). At
the age of 20, in 1762, he embarked on a voyage that took him through the Strait of
Malacca and on to the islands today included in Indonesia. In his journal he gives
the results of his observations of the people, the climate, and the coasts of the islands.
In 1764 he was appointed to carry out surveys of the East India Company’s lands
in Bengal, and in 1767 he succeeded to the post of surveyor-general of India. His
Atlas of Bengal went through numerous editions between 1779 and 1788 and
remained the standard work on Bengal until 1850. His professional papers include
descriptions of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers and an account of how the
alluvium brought by these rivers has built the huge delta at the head of the Bay of
Bengal. He also collected a wealth of information regarding the currents of the
Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. He carried out the world’s first systematic
observation of ocean water, and two years after his death, in 1832, his daughter
brought out the book he had almost finished, An Investigation o f the Currents of
the Atlantic Ocean and of Those Which Prevail Between the Indian Ocean and the
Atlantic Ocean. This work provided the first comprehensive view of the movements
of ocean water in the Atlantic (Baker, 1963).

6Halley explained the deflection of these winds toward the west by the apparent westward
movement of the sun. The first explanation in terms of the earth’s rotation was given by
John Hadley in 1735.
The Impact of Discoveries / 101

Problems o f Population and Food Supply

Toward the end of the eighteenth century an increasing number of scholars (like the
Forsters) began to seek new answers to old questions concerning humans and their
universe. Thomas Robert Malthus was one of these scholars. His father followed
the ideas common in earlier generations concerning the design of the earth by divine
will and concerning the perfectibility of human society as seen by Jean Jacques
Rousseau, Condorcet, and others. The son took issue with the father, insisting that
the construction of a truly happy society would always be hindered by the tendency
of population to increase faster than the food supply. Population tends to increase
geometrically, he said, whereas the food supply can only be increased arithmetic­
ally. And population always increases until it reaches the limits of subsistence, after
which it is checked by war, famine, and pestilence.7 A population close to the
limits of subsistence suffers widespread misery. Malthus published his first essay
on population in 1798, and in 1803 he issued a second edition, much enlarged and
amplified with examples from various parts of the world. A sixth edition of his essay
appeared in 1826.
Malthus's work on population and food supply is recognized as one of the
brilliant achievements of this period, when new concepts were being formulated
to accommodate the new knowledge about the earth and humankind. One phrase
in his essay on population referred to the “struggle for existence.” Decades later
both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace realized independently that this
was the essence of the process of natural selection among organisms. Malthus, in
seeking an explanation of the impossibility of increasing agricultural production to
keep pace with population growth, became the first to formulate the economic law
of diminishing returns from inputs of capital and labor.

By the middle of the eighteenth century, the vastly increased volume of new infor­
mation about the world required a search for new perspectives and new ways of
organizing what had been called cosmographies. This was the time when universal
geographies began to appear, replacing the older type of descriptive geography. In
some cases the “new geographies” were really innovative, as when Halley made
use of isogonic lines to reveal the pattern of magnetic variation in the world, or
when Philippe Buache, in 1737, used lines of equal depth (isobaths) to bring out
the shape of the English Channel (Dainville, 1970). But in many cases only the facts
were new; the method they followed was in the tradition of Sebastian Munster.

Buache and Bilsching

Among the long list of authors of world geographies in the eighteenth century, two
were of special importance and had considerable impact on later writers. These were

7Glacken points out that the Italian scholar Giovanni Botero in 1588 wrote that “the
population of a city, or of the whole earth, will increase to the number permitted by the
food supply” (Glacken, 1967:373).

the French geographer Philippe Buache and the German philosopher and writer of
geography Anton Friedrich Biisching. Buache is best known for his concept of an
earth marked off into major basins bordered by continuous ranges of mountains.
On the land these are drainage basins, and the mountains form the drainage divides
between different river systems. The basins continue under the oceans, and here the
mountains form strings of islands or submerged sand banks.8 (LaGarde, 1985).
The persistence of his idea that drainage basins are bordered by mountains is
surprising in view of the easily accessible examples in Europe of rivers that rise in
one basin and flow through mountains to other basins. Perhaps Buache’s concept
would not have gained such wide support had it not been for the persuasive writing
of the German geographer Johann Christoph Gatterer, who identified the drainage
basins as natural regions and used them as the frame of organization for geographical
texts. From Gatterer the idea was picked up by several authors in Great Britain.
The river basin was widely used as the framework for identifying what we would
now call systems of interrelated elements.
It is not so well known that Buache was the first geographer to identify the exist­
ence of a land hemisphere. He pointed out that a hemisphere with Paris at its center
contains the greater part of the world’s land. He presented this idea in 1746, pre­
sumably guessing that Ptolemy’s terra australis incognita did not really exist and
that Captain Cook (who would not enter the Royal Navy until 1755) would eventu­
ally prove that the land hemisphere concept was correct (Beythein, 1898; Wagner,
1922:268). He was also a keen believer in the existence of a Northwest Passage.
Another new geography was offered by the German philosopher Anton Friedrich
Biisching, whose Neue Erdbeschreibung was published in six volumes in 1792.
This was a discussion of Europe, organized in the traditional manner by political
divisions. In many ways it was strictly in the Munster tradition, although the infor­
mation it contained was up to date and reliable. Biisching did present two new con­
cepts. He was the first to make use of population density as a geographic element
(Peschel, 1865:xv; Biittner and Jakel, 1982). He was also ahead of his time when
he pointed out that the transportation of goods by water could free man from
dependence on local resources. This was the first suggestion of the principle of
economic interdependence among countries, and it was written before the inven­
tion of the steam engine. Biisching died in 1793 before he could complete the other
parts of his proposed world geography. He was one of the best-known geographers
of his time. His thinking exerted an influence on the early studies of Ritter. His
influence on Russian geography will be discussed later.

Perhaps the most important of the universal geographies of this period was the one
written by Conrad Malte-Brun.9 Malte-Brun, a Dane bom Malthe Conrad Bruun,
was banished from Denmark in 1800 for liberal activities, whereupon he went to

8Essai de geographic physique . . . (1752); Considerations geographiques et physiques sur

les nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la grande mer (1753) (Baker, 1955a).
9Precis de la geographie universelle . . . (Paris, 1810-29); English translation by
J. G. Percival, 3 vols. (Boston: Samuel Walker, 1847).
The Impact of Discoveries / 103

Paris and changed the form of his name. His universal geography was published in
eight volumes between 1810 and 1829. He begins with a discussion of the history
of geography and then proceeds in Volume 2 to an outline of geographic concepts,
including the shape of the earth, the types of projections, and the astronomical
relations. He reviews the various theories regarding the origin of the earth and the
controversy between the catastrophists and the uniformitarianists, and then observes
that the only way to treat physical geography in a useful way is to remain purely
descriptive.10 He believes that it is absurd to suggest that human characteristics
are determined by climate. His treatment of the wind systems includes the latest
observations from Cook’s voyages.
In the second volume of the Precis, Malte-Brun devotes much space to a dis­
cussion of the land hemisphere concept. The center of the land hemisphere he places
in France, to the west of Paris. In a footnote he refers to Pere Chrysologue de Gy,11
whose celestial planispheres were exhibited in Paris in 1778. One of his planispheres
was centered on Paris and showed the land hemisphere. Malte-Brun makes no
reference to Buache (Godlewska, 1999:89-111).
This was an influential book and one that seems to have influenced universal
geographies that followed. The Precis was essentially a compilation, attempting to
catalog all that was known about the earth. The approach was descriptive and not
one larded with theoretical findings. It was orderly, well written, of a popular genre
in its time, and subsequently republished until late in the 1800’s.

Another scholar who contributed to the development of geographical ideas in the
eighteenth century was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (Biittner and
Hoheisal, 1980; Kuehn, 2001). He lectured on a wide range of subjects at the Univer­
sity of Konigsberg (in east Prussia, now Kaliningrad) from 1755 until 1797, seven
years before his death in 1804. In 1770 he was appointed professor of logic and
metaphysics at that university. In his famous Critique o f Pure Reason (1781), he
rejected the teleological idea of final causes and insisted that explanations must
be sought in what is chronologically antecedent. In this view Kant was opposed to
such thinkers as Linnaeus, Leibniz, Siissmilch, Biisching, and Herder, but supported
and amplified the ideas of Buffon, Maupertuis, Hume, and Goethe.
Kant is also important in the history of geographical ideas because of the
lectures he gave in physical geography at Konigsberg between 1756 and 1797.12

10“I1 vaut mieux revenir a la marche purement descriptive de la geographie physique,

la seule methode vraiment scientifique et instructive.” Ibid., 1:495.
1Chrysologue de Gy (Noel Andre), Theorie de la surface actuelle de la terre (Paris,
!-Kant never published these lectures, but several versions were published on the basis
of students’ notes. R. Hartshome points out that for over a century there was uncertainty
about the authenticity of the several versions but that the question was largely answered
by the careful studies of Erich Adickes, who first published on Kant’s ideas about physical
geography in 1911 (Hartshome, 1939:38-39). Erich Adickes is the most reliable authority
on what Kant really said (Adickes, 1924-25).

Physical geography, as the term was commonly used in Kant’s time, included not
only the features of the earth produced by natural processes, but also the races of
humankind and the changes on the face of the earth resulting from human action.
Kant found that knowledge about the earth as the home of man was a necessary
support for his philosophical studies, but he also found the subject inadequately
covered (May, 1970). “He devoted a great deal of attention to the assembly and
organization of materials from a wide variety of sources and also to the con­
sideration of a number of specific problems—for example, the deflection of wind
direction resulting from the earth’s rotation” (Hartshome, 1939:38).
It was Kant’s custom in the first lecture of the series each year to comment
on the place of geography among the fields of learning. He pointed out that things
can be grouped or classified in two different ways for the purpose of studying
them. Things that are similar because of similar origin, regardless of where
or when they occur, can be grouped together in what Kant called a logical
classification. Grouping things of diverse character and origin together because
they occur at the same time or in the same place is called a physical classification
of knowledge. A description or classification of things in terms of time is history;
a description or classification of things in terms of area is geography (Adickes,
Hartshome points out that Kant did not offer these ideas as something new.
Rather, this classification of knowledge was generally accepted and seemed obvious
and beyond dispute. Even by the end of the eighteenth century, there was still no
great focus of attention on the definition of fields of study or the separation of learn­
ing into disciplines. Like Strabo many centuries before, Kant was simply stating
his purpose, not presenting an argument. In his lectures Kant followed Biisching in
organizing his materials by political units. Kant saw man and his works in intimate
association with the physical surroundings, and he also recognized human action
as one of the principal agencies of change on the face of the earth. But he made
no distinction between human and natural processes.13 His largest impact on the
history of geography was provided by his notions of the essence of the tasks
confronted and methods to be adopted rather than the acquisition and display of
new data.

i3J. A. May’s study of Kant’s concept of geography makes it clear that the distinction
between geography as the study of things arranged in earth-space and history as the
study of things arranged in succession or sequence is a secondary division of his whole
classification of the sciences. Physics, said Kant, is a theoretical science, whereas
geography “provides systematic knowledge of nature [the world that is external to man].
This implies that geography studies the relations among particular and concrete things
rather than among abstract and general characteristics of things, and that it concentrates
upon the differentiations rather than upon the similarities of nature.” But Kant did not call
such differentiations unique. Geography is an empirical science, seeking to present a
“system of nature,” and is a law-finding discipline. These ideas that Kant presented are
analyzed in May 1970, especially pp. 147-151.
The Impact of Discoveries / 105

Adickes, E. 1924-1925. Kant als Naturforscher. 2 vols. Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
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LaGarde, L. 1985. “Philippe Buache, 1700-1773.” Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies
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A n E nd and a Beg in n in g
Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter

The fear o f sacrificing the free enjoyment o f nature, under the influence o f scien­
tific reasoning, is often associated with an apprehension that every mind may
not be capable o f grasping the truths o f the philosophy o f nature. It is certainly
true that in the midst o f the universal fluctuation o f phenomena and vital
forces— in that inextricable network o f organisms by turns developed and
destroyed— each step that we make in the more intimate knowledge o f nature,
leads us to the entrance o f new labryinths; but the excitement produced by a
presentiment o f discovery, the vague intuition o f the mysteries to be unfolded,
and the multiplicity of paths before us, all tend to stimulate the exercise o f thought
in every stage o f knowledge. The discovery o f each separate law o f nature leads
to the establishment o f some other more general law, or at least indicates to
the intelligent observer its existence.
— Alexander von Humboldt, Cosmos

he two great masters of German geography—Alexander von Humboldt

T (1769-1859) and Carl Ritter (1779-1859)— loom large across the pages of
the history of science (see Figs. 17 and 18). Both lived and worked in Berlin for
more than 30 years, and both died in the same year. They were acquainted, but not
intimately so. Never before or since have geographers enjoyed positions of such
prestige, not only among scholars but also among educated people all around the
Many writers refer to Humboldt and Ritter as the founders of modem geo­
graphy, but there are also good reasons for thinking of them as bringing the period
of classical geography to an end. Using the large volume of new information
resulting from the voyages of exploration, Humboldt and Ritter, each in his own
way, produced massive syntheses. Although these syntheses made use of the new
concepts and methods of study developed during the preceding two centuries, they
nevertheless sought to present universal knowledge, just as Strabo had done and as
had been attempted during the Age of Exploration of Munster, Varenius, Busching,
and others. But since 1859 the volume of recorded observations about the world
and the individual’s place in it has increased many thousands of times. In the
nineteenth century the Age of Specialization came into being. No longer could any
one scholar hope to embrace universal knowledge. The classical period had come
to an end (Hartshome, 1939:48-84).


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Figure 17 Alexander von Humboldt


Alexander von Humboldt was bom into the Prussian landowning aristocracy. His
father, an officer in the Prussian Army, died when Alexander was 10 years old. He
and his older brother Wilhelm were brought up by their mother, described as “a very
aloof and self-contained woman who provided for the education of her sons but gave
them no intimacy or warmth. The sons were expected to show her respect and fol­
low her directions” (Kellner, 1963:6). Alexander came to dislike the cold, constrained
atmosphere of his home and lavished his affection on his brother and later on his
brother’s children. Alexander never married (Botting, 1973; Beck and Hein, 1987).
The brothers were educated at first by tutors, from whom they received an
excellent grounding in classical languages and mathematics. Alexander had little
interest in science but instead decided to undertake a career in the army. This desire
was opposed by his mother, who insisted that he study economics as preparation
for a position in the civil service. However, events outside of his formal schooling
combined with an almost insatiable curiosity about a great variety of matters led him
toward a career in science. In Berlin his mathematics tutor introduced him to a group
of liberals and intellectuals who gathered at the home of the Jewish philosopher
Moses Mendelssohn (the grandfather of Felix Mendelssohn, the composer). Jews
and gentiles joined in discussions of the social inequities of an aristocratic society
and drew up plans to do something about these things. Alexander also met the
physician Marcus Herz, a disciple of Immanuel Kant, who organized a series of
lectures on scientific subjects, including demonstrations of scientific experiments.
An End and a Beginning / 109

Figure 18 Carl Ritter

When Alexander was ready to attend a university, he was already excited about
the various aspects of the physical world. After a short time at a small university
at Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, he returned to Berlin to take a course in factory management
at his mother’s insistence. He also used the time to increase his knowledge of Greek
and even began to study botany. In 1789 he went to the University of Gottingen,
where he studied physics, philology, and archaeology. In the late eighteenth
century, studying a subject meant taking a course of lectures in which a scholar
would impart to his students everything that was up to date in the field.
At Gottingen Alexander met Georg Forster, lately returned from his voyage around
the world with Captain Cook. From Forster Humboldt became excited about the
study of botany. In 1790 these two started on a hiking trip down the Rhine to the
Netherlands and thence by ship to England. The notes that Humboldt took on this
trip show his interest and his ability to observe carefully such diverse matters as
the varying price of wool or the effect of crop rotation on soil. He had a “success
experience” in asking questions about the physical earth and human use of it
and in finding answers to his questions. Later, Humboldt said that his interest in
geography had started with his acquaintance with Georg Forster.
Humboldt then decided to attend the School of Mines at Freiberg in Saxony, where
the celebrated scholar Abraham G. Werner was lecturing. Werner was the origin­
ator of a widely supported hypothesis that all the rocks of the earth had been formed
by precipitation under water and had been deposited in layers. Humboldt attended
lectures in physics, chemistry, geology, and mining. In 1792 he was appointed to
an administrative post, first as inspector and later as director of mines in the Prussian
state of Franconia. But his active mind was always formulating new questions about

almost everything that caught his attention. He studied the effect of different rocks
on magnetic declination. Underground in the mines, he carried out experiments with
subterranean plants he found growing there. His first scientific paper was on the
results of these studies, published in 1793 (Humboldt, 1793). He also established a
school for the miners and in various ways attempted to improve their living con­
ditions. When he heard of experiments carried out by the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani
regarding the electrical and chemical stimulation of muscles, he undertook some
experiments of his own, as a result of which he came very close to discovering
how to make an electric battery. There seemed almost no limit to the range of his
curiosity. He also wanted to travel and see for himself what different parts of the
world were like. When he visited Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy, he
observed the rock structure of the Alps and tested some of the ideas of the Swiss
scholar Horace Benedict de Saussure, who thought the deep Alpine valleys had been
cut by the rush of water in the receding flood.
In 1796 Humboldt’s mother died, and he came into possession of a small fortune.
His part of the family inheritance was an estate on the east bank of the Oder River,
known as Ringenwald. Income from this estate freed Humboldt from the necessity
of earning a living. It paid for his travels in America and for the expensive pub­
lication of his many reports on these travels. In 1797 he resigned his government
position and began to plan for traveling.
Humboldt’s preparations for studies in the field were unprecedented. In Paris he
gathered together an amazing variety of instruments and learned how to make use
of them:

He had been provided with an eight-inch Hadley sextant by Ramsden with a silver
circle graduated at twenty-second intervals and a two-inch Troughton sextant,
a kind of pocket edition which he called his snuffbox sextant. It was extremely
accurate and very convenient to carry in difficult terrain. His barometers and
thermometers had been standardized before his departure with those of the Paris
observatory. The longitude determinations were made with a Dollond telescope
and a chronometer by Berthoud whose rate of variation had been carefully checked.
Three different kinds of electrometer, provided with pith spheres, straws, and gold-
leaf, allowed him to observe atmospheric electricity. He also possessed a Dollond
balance for the measurements of the specific gravity of sea water, an eudometer
for the analysis of atmospheric gases, a Leyden jar and the necessary chemicals
and glass bottles as well as a cvanometer designed by Saussure. This was an instru­
ment by which the blueness of the sky could be determined through comparison
with prepared gradations of blue colours and correlated with the hygrometrically
determined humidity. The magnetic measurements were carried out with a Borda
magnetometer, a rather cumbersome instrument (Kellner, 1963:62).

Before leaving Paris Humboldt learned from Pierre Simon Laplace how to use the
aneroid barometer to determine elevations above sea level.
Several opportunities to join expeditions that were going overseas did not work
out. One was an expedition to Egypt that was called off when Napoleon occupied
that country. Another was a trip to the Pacific, following Captain Cook’s steps. In
1798 Humboldt and a French botanist named Aime Bonpland decided to go to
Marseilles and there to take passage on a ship for Algiers, from which place they
An End and a Beginning / 1 1 1

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Figure 19 Humboldt’s travels in Europe and Russia

intended to travel overland to Egypt. Unfortunately— or fortunately, we might

say—these plans also fell through when the ship was wrecked off the coast of
Portugal before it ever reached Marseilles. Humboldt and Bonpland then reasoned
they might be more successful in getting passage on a ship from a Spanish port, so
they set out overland for the city of Madrid, where all such passages would have
to be arranged (Fig. 19). On the way to Madrid, Humboldt made daily observations
of temperature and altitude. He was the first to make an accurate measurement of
the elevation of the Spanish Meseta.
In Madrid Humboldt’s position in the Prussian aristocracy gave him access to
the ruling aristocracy of Spain. He made a good enough impression on the Spanish
chief minister that he and Bonpland were granted permission to visit the Spanish
colonies in America—the first such permission granted to any non-Spanish Euro­
peans since the expedition of C. M. de La Condamine to measure the arc of the
meridian along the equator in 1735. Humboldt and Bonpland sailed in June 1799.

Humboldt's American Travels

Humboldt’s travels in the “equinoctial regions of the new continent” began at Cumana
in Venezuela (Fig. 20). First, the two men went to Caracas and began exploring
this long-settled part of the country. One of the first places they investigated was
the Basin of Valencia in the midst of which is the Lake of Valencia, some 50 miles
southwest of the capital. Humboldt noted that at one time the lake was much deeper
and had an outlet to a tributary of the Orinoco but that in 1799 the lake had no out­
let. Crops were being grown on the flat lakebed soils from which the lake waters
had receded. Why should this event have taken place? The connection between the

Figure 20 Humboldt’s travels in the Americas

removal of forests and the drying up of rivers had been presented by Buffon and
others, but Humboldt was the first to test this theory by confronting it with
observed facts in a particular place. Here is what he had to say about the Lake of
Felling the trees which cover the sides of mountains, provokes in every climate
two disasters for future generations: a want of fuel and a scarcity of water. Trees
are surrounded by a permanently cool and moist atmosphere due to the evapora­
tion of water vapor from the leaves and their radiation in a cloudless sky. They
have an effect on the incidence of springs, not as was long believed by a pecu­
liar attraction for the atmospheric vapor but because they shelter the soil from
the direct action of the sun and thereby lessen the evaporation of the rainwater.
When forests are destroyed, as they are everywhere in America by the hands of
European planters, the springs are reduced in volume or dry up entirely. The river
beds, now dry during part of the year, are transformed into torrents whenever there
An End and a Beginning / 113

is heavy rainfall in the mountains. Turf and moss disappear with the brushwood
from the sides of the hills; the rainwater rushing down no longer meets with any
obstructions. Instead of slowly raising the level of the rivers by progressive infiltra­
tion, it cuts furrows in the ground, carries down the loosened soil, and produces
those sudden inundations which devastate the country. It follows that the destruc­
tion of the forests, the lack of springs, and the existence of torrents are closely
connected phenomena (Humboldt, 1814-25, Williams translation, 1825:4, 143).
Around the Basin of Valencia, Humboldt observed that the once continuous cover
of tropical forest had been entirely removed and the lands were used for agriculture.
The Lake of Valencia became a famous example of the application of a concept
formulated by earlier writers but without carefully recorded direct observations to
support it. Curiously, the idea that forests cause an increase of rainfall persists.
During the year 1800 Humboldt and Bonpland carried out what must be one of
the great exploratory efforts in man’s continuing urge to see beyond the horizon.
They mapped some 1725 miles of the Orinoco River, mostly through uninhabited
forests. In small boats and canoes they paddled upstream from the junction of the
Orinoco and the Apure. Many years earlier de La Condamine had reported a story
told by a Jesuit missionary—Father Manuel Ramon—that the water of the upper
Orinoco split into two channels, one of which spilled over to reach a headwater of
the Rio Negro and the Amazon. This was the Rio Casiquiare, But Philippe Buache,
in compiling maps and reports on various parts of the world in accordance with his
theory of continuous mountain chains, rejected de La Condamine’s report. He showed
a range of mountains along the divide between the Orinoco and the Amazon
drainage basins. In 1800 Humboldt surveyed the Casiquiare and confirmed Father
Ramon’s observation of the bifurcation of the Orinoco. Modem geomorphologists
recognize this as an example of river capture that is currently ongoing, in which,
over long periods of time, the upper Orinoco will be cut off to become a part of the
Amazon drainage. The Orinoco, we would now say, will be beheaded.
The trip up the river and along the Casiquiare imposed severe hardships. The
travelers had to subsist largely on bananas and fish and were constantly exposed
to the bites of clouds of mosquitoes, ants, and other insects as well as to poisonous
snakes, man-eating fishes, and crocodiles. Almost everyone came down with fever,
but Humboldt himself seemed immune and retained the necessary vigor to under­
take whatever travel was necessary for his observations. With his instruments he
established the exact latitudes of places and came very close to correct longitudes.
He collected thousands of plant and rock specimens, all of which were transported
back to Caracas and then to Cuba. Among his specimens were plants from which
the poison curare is extracted. This kind of poison was first reported by Sir Walter
Raleigh, but Humboldt brought back to Europe the first specimen. In November
1800 the two men returned to Cumana and sailed for Cuba.
In 1801 Humboldt and Bonpland arrived in the Colombian port of Cartagena and
from there began their exploration of the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
With altitudes established for the first time by the aneroid barometer, with temper­
atures actually recorded by the use of the thermometers, and with the exact location
of every observation fixed by latitude and longitude, Humboldt was able to give the
first scientific description of the relations of altitude, air temperature, vegetation,

and agriculture in tropical mountains. His description of the vertical zones of the
northern Andes is a classic. He also examined the numerous volcanoes of Ecuador,
descending again and again into active craters for the purpose of collecting the gases
emanating from within the earth. Looking closely at the rocks of the Andes, he decided
that Werner was quite wrong about the origin of rocks and that granite and gneiss
and other crystalline rocks were of volcanic origin.
Humboldt climbed most of the volcanoes of Ecuador. After the expedition of de
La Condamine, it was believed that Mount Chimborazo was the world’s highest
mountain. Attempting to reach its summit, Humboldt and Bonpland, on June 9, 1802,
reached an altitude of 19,286 feet, which was the highest altitude that had been reached
by man up to that time. This remained the record for 29 years until in 1831 Humboldt’s
protege, Joseph Boussingault, reached an altitude of 19,698 feet on the same moun­
tain. (Chimborazo, 20,561 feet high, was finally conquered by the British moun­
taineer Edward Whymper in 1880.) Among the high peaks, Humboldt was able to
observe and report on the effect of altitude on human beings and to describe the
symptoms of mountain sickness, or soroche. He explained the feeling of dizziness
as resulting from low air pressure. (It is now known to be due to lack of oxygen.)
Humboldt and Bonpland finally reached Lima. Here Humboldt was able to observe
the transit of the planet Mercury across the sun. This gave him an exact measure­
ment of the longitude of Lima and made it possible to check his chronometer, which
proved to be quite accurate. On the Peruvian coast he investigated the chemical
properties of guano, or bird droppings. He sent some samples back to Europe and
as a result started the export of guano as a fertilizer. On a sea voyage from Callao
in Peru to Guayaquil in Ecuador, he measured the temperature of the ocean water
and for the first time described the movement of ocean water, including the
upwelling of cold water from below. He named this the Peruvian Current; he always
objected to its being called the Humboldt Current because, he said, he had not
discovered the current but had only measured its temperature and velocity. Modem
oceanographers have agreed to name all currents by geographical names. There­
fore, it is officially known today as the Peru Current.
In March 1803 Humboldt and Bonpland sailed from Guayaquil to the Mexican
port of Acapulco. The Viceroyalty of New Spain, as Mexico was then called, was
at the peak of its prosperity owing to the relaxation of restrictions on trade, to the
investment of new capital in mining, and to the presence of an unusually capable
group of administrators and ecclesiastical leaders. In 1794 New Spain was the first
Latin American country to take a census of population. Humboldt updated the
population figures to 1803 by consulting with the parish priests. He also found a
rich collection of statistical data on production and trade. Traveling throughout the
country, he continued to climb the mountains, measure altitudes, fix locations by
latitude and longitude, and investigate the many questions about human-land
relations that occurred to his imaginative mind.
In 1804 the travelers sailed to Havana, Cuba. Humboldt now faced a problem
that scientific travelers have always faced—how to avoid the loss of notes and speci­
mens painfully collected in the field. He and Bonpland had accumulated a large
number of boxes containing notes written on their travels and specimens of plants
and rocks of inestimable value. He dispatched the whole lot to Europe by different
An End and a Beginning / 115

ships, some of which were destined for Paris and others for London. Almost all his
notes and drawings were made in duplicate, which was amply justified when some
of the shipments failed to reach their destinations.
Humboldt and Bonpland’s visit to the United States was a memorable occasion.
They reached Philadelphia in May 1804. There they visited the American Philo­
sophical Society and then started for Washington by way of Baltimore. From June
1 to 13 they were in Washington, where Humboldt had several meetings with Thomas
Jefferson, whose interest in geography has already been noted. Humboldt and
Jefferson became close friends, and the great German scientist was given access to
the White House without special invitation. Humboldt was greatly moved by the
liberal ideas so eloquently expressed by the author of the Declaration of Independ­
ence, with whom he was thoroughly in accord. He and Bonpland finally set sail
from Philadelphia for the return voyage to Bordeaux on June 30, 1804.1

In Paris
First, Humboldt returned to Berlin, but especially after the defeat of the Prussians
by Napoleon in the battle of Jena in 1806, he found himself isolated from the world
of science and scholarship. After a brief visit to Italy to observe an eruption of
Vesuvius, he went to Paris on a diplomatic mission but remained there for the next
19 years (Godlewska, 1999).
It was in Paris that Humboldt wrote and published the 30 volumes in which the
results of his American field studies were presented. In the French capital he was
able to secure assistance from other scholars in putting his 60,000 plant speci­
mens in order—specimens that included many species and genera never before
known to Europeans. And, too, in Paris he could work with skilled publishers and
engravers. The 30 volumes are included under the general title: Voyage aux regions
equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent (Humboldt, 1805-1834).2

lFor a detailed account of Humboldt’s stay in the United States, see Herman R. Friis in
Schultze, 1959:142-195. See also Friis, 1963.
2The contents of the 30 volumes as originally published are as follows: 1-2 Plantes
equinoxiales . . . , ed. A. Bonpland (Paris: Levrault et Schoell, 1808-1809) (143 plates).
3 -4 Monographic des melastomacees . . . , ed. A. Bonpland (Paris: Librairie grecque-
latine-allemande, 1816-23) (120 plates). 5 Monographic des mimoses et autres plantes
legumineuses, ed. C. S. Kunth (Paris: N. Maze, 1819-24) (60 plates). 6 -7 Revision des
graminees . . . , introduction by C. S. Kunth (Paris: Gide fils, 1829-34) (220 plates). 8-14
Nova genera et species plantarum .. ., with A. Bonpland, ed. C. S. Kunth (Paris: Librairie
Schoell, 1815-25) (700 plates). 15-16 Vues des Cordilleres et monuments des peuples
indigenes de VAmerique (Paris: F. Schoell, 1810) (63 plates). 17 Atlas geographique et
physique du Nouveau Continent. . . (Paris: Dufour, 1814). (32 maps; with a supplement of
an additional 7 maps published later). 18 Examen critique de Vhistoire de la geographie
du Nouveau Continent et des progres de Vastronomie nautique aux 15e et 16€ siecles
(Paris: Gide, 1814-34.) 19 Atlas geographique et physique du Royaume de la Nouvelle
Espagne (Paris: F. Schoell, 1811) (20 maps). 20 Tableau physique des Andes et pays
voisins (Geographie des plantes equinoxiales) (Paris: F. Schoell, 1805). 21-22 Recueil
d'observations astronomiques, d ’operations trigonometriques, et de measures

The Relation historique (Volumes 28-30, of which the fourth volume was never
published) made an enormous impact on the scholarly world. It was translated
into many European languages, appearing in English in 1825 and in German in
1859-60 (London: trans. H. M. Williams, 1825; Berlin: trans. H. Hauff, 1859-60).
In his Ansichten der Natur (Views o f Nature) (Humboldt, 1808) he declared that
his purpose was “to win the attention of educated but non-scientific readers for the
fascination of the discovery of scientific truths” (Kellner, 1963:75). Later Charles
Darwin said that he had read and reread this account of scientific travels and that
it had changed the course of his life. There can be no doubt that these volumes
stimulated numerous field studies in different parts of the world. Actually, the Relation
historique (or the Personal Narrative, as it was translated into English) dealt with
Humboldt’s own experiences and hardships very briefly but devoted most of its pages
to a sober report on scientific problems that had been investigated and on the results
achieved. Yet for a world emerging from the first shock produced by the impact of
the discoveries, Humboldt’s books were like a fresh breeze because they were filled
not only with the excitement of travel in strange places, but also with the reports
of careful scientific investigation and the seeking of answers to questions about the
interconnections among the phenomena grouped together in rich diversity on the
face of the earth. As early as 1805 (Volume 27), he presented a synthesis of his
detailed findings as a basis for the study of plant geography.
Another part of his great work that was widely influential was the Essai poli­
tique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne (Volumes 25-26). This was one of
the world’s first regional economic geographies, dealing with the resources and
products of a country in relation to population and political conditions. Humboldt
was much impressed with the far greater prosperity he found in New Spain in
comparison with the countries of northern South America, and he was curious about
the reasons for the difference. His interpretation was based on the theory that the
only proper way to increase the general prosperity of a country was to make more
effective use of natural resources, of which Mexico seemed to have an abundance.
He supported his explanations with a wealth of statistical data he found in New
Spain, organized and enriched on the basis of his own observations. One of the

barometriques, faites pendant le cours d ’un voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau
Continent, ed. J. Oltmanns (Paris: Schoell, Treuttel & Wiirtz, 1808-1820). 23-24 Recueil
d ’observations de zoologie et d ’anatomie comparee faites dans VOcean Atlantique, dans
Vinterieur du Nouveau Continent, et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les annees 1799-1803,
in collaboration with Cuvier, Latreille et Valenciennes (Paris: Schoell & Dufour,
1805-1833) (54 plates). 25-26 Essai politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne
(Paris: F. Schoell, 1811). (In later editions with a supplement: Essai politique sur Vile de
Cuba.) 27 Essai sur la geographie des plantes, accompagne d ’un tableau physique des
regions equinoxiales . . . (Paris: F. Schoell, 1805) (one large, folded plate). 28-30 Relation
historique du voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, faites en
1799-1804 par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland (Paris: F. Schoell, 1814-25). (The
account ends with the first part of the travels in Peru in 1801; a fourth volume was
planned but never published.) (All 30 volumes have been republished in facsimile by
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Amsterdam, 1973.)
An End and a Beginning / 117

numerous digressions that interrupts the main theme of his work is the suggestion
that a canal should be dug across the Isthmus of Central America and that the best
place to do this would be in Panama.
In later editions of the Essai politique (after 1826) he included a supplement
dealing with the island of Cuba {Essai politique sur Vile de Cuba). In this short
essay, he deplored the institution of slavery and outlined a procedure whereby
slavery could be eliminated from Cuba without serious disruption of the economy.
During his stay in Paris, Humboldt enjoyed many stimulating meetings with the
numerous scholars concentrated there. He became a close personal friend of the
French physicist Francois Arago, pioneer in the study of electromagnetism and in
the wave theory of light. Humboldt enjoyed universal acclaim and was generally
recognized as second only to Napoleon among famous Europeans. People came to
visit him from all over the world, including the future leader of the independence
movement in northern South America, Simon Bolivar, then in exile in Spain.
Humboldt encouraged and actually aided many young scientists, including Louis
Agassiz (the Swiss scholar who developed the hypothesis of universal glaciation
and later lectured at Harvard), Justus von Liebig (the German biochemist), Joseph
Boussingault (the French geologist), and many others.

In Berlin
In 1827 Humboldt moved back to Berlin. His own personal fortune had been exhausted
by the cost of his travels and, especially, by the cost of printing his books. When he
was offered a position as chamberlain in the court of the Prussian king, which included
a steady income, he accepted. In 1829, at the invitation of the Russian czar, he went
to Saint Petersburg and then on by horse and carriage into Siberia as far as the
borders of China (Fig. 19), He visited the shores of the Caspian Sea. The whole trip
was a triumphal tour, for as his carriage approached a village or town the inhabitants
turned out to line the road and give their distinguished visitor an ovation.
On this trip Humboldt was impressed by his observations of temperature. He could
see clearly that temperatures varied at the same latitude in accordance with distance
from the ocean. On his return to Saint Petersburg, he urged the czar to set up a
network of weather stations at which weather data could be recorded regularly and
in accordance with standard procedures to make the results comparable. The czar
promised to do this; by 1835 the Russian network of recording stations extended
all the way from Saint Petersburg to an island off the Alaska mainland. From these
stations Humboldt later received the data that permitted the construction of the
first world map of average temperatures (Fig. 21). Following the example of Halley
and Buache, who had used lines to connect points of equal value, Humboldt for the
first time used lines to connect points of equal temperature (isotherms) (Robinson
and Wallis, 1967). Noting how the isotherms departed from the lines of latitude,
Humboldt developed the concept of continentality: that continental climates are
colder in winter and warmer in summer than places near the oceans at the same
On his Siberian trip Humboldt also observed and described the permanently frozen
soil, which is now called permafrost. He saw the remains of a mastodon that had been
frozen in the ground and preserved in this way. But he did not see any evidence of

Figure 21 Isotherms of average annual temperature, 1845, according to Humboldt

glaciation, and, therefore, he remained skeptical of the idea of a universal Ice Age
then being advanced by the Swiss scholar Louis Agassiz. Humboldt was right—
large parts of Siberia were not covered by ice sheets during the Ice Age.

The Kosmos
In the winter of 1827-28 Humboldt offered a series of public lectures at the Royal
Academy of Sciences in Berlin. His lectures had drawn such large and enthusiastic
audiences that he had to repeat them in a larger room. In these lectures he not only
made science interesting to the educated layperson, but he also made it acceptable
to the religious leaders of the time. Religions, he insisted, offer three different things
to humankind: a lofty moral idealism, which is common to all religions; a geologi­
cal dream regarding the origin of the earth; and a legend concerning the origins of
the religion. He always emphasized the unity and coherence of nature. Although he
made clear the wonder of the universe, some of his admirers complained that nowhere
in his lectures or in his books did he mention God (Kellner, 1963).
For nearly 50 years Humboldt had been forming in his mind the plan of a book,
or a series of books, that would
give a scientifically accurate picture of the structure of the universe which would
attract the general interest of the educated public and communicate some of the
excitement of scientific study to the non-scientific mind. Since he saw nature
as a whole and man as a part of nature, and therefore all intellectual and artistic
activities as having a share in natural history, he linked his main theme to an
exposition of its development through the centuries and to the history of land­
scape painting and descriptive poetry of nature.. . . The book, when it was finally
completed, followed fairly faithfully the scheme of the course of lectures he had
given in 1828 (Kellner, 1963:199).
An End and a Beginning / 119

He wrote the book, which he called the Kosmos, during the last years of his
life. The first volume was published in 1845, when he was 76; the fifth volume,
published posthumously in 1862, was based on the copious notes he left.3 Written
in superb literary style, the Kosmos became the most prestigious scientific work
ever produced up to that time. It was an immediate success: The first edition of
Volume 1 sold out in two months, and soon the work had been translated into many
languages, including almost all the European languages.
The Kosmos put together in one unified work all the various interests and dis­
coveries of Humboldt’s lifetime. The first volume makes a general presentation of
the whole picture of the universe. The second volume starts with a discussion of
the portrayal of nature through the ages by landscape painters and by poets and then
continues with a history of man’s effort to discover and describe the earth since the
time of the ancient Egyptians. Humboldt’s enormous erudition becomes especially
clear in this second volume. The third volume deals with the laws of celestial space,
which we would call astronomy. The fourth volume deals with the earth, not only
with geophysics but also with man. Here is what Humboldt had to say about man
as a part of nature near the end of the first volume:
The general picture of nature which I have endeavoured to delineate, would be
incomplete, if I did not venture to trace a few of the most marked features of the
human race, considered with reference to physical gradations—to the geograph­
ical distribution of contemporaneous types, to the influence exercised upon
man by the forces of nature, and the reciprocal, although weaker, action which
he in his turn exercises on these natural forces. Dependent, although in a lesser
degree than plants and animals, on the soil, and on the meteorological processes
of the atmosphere with which he is surrounded— escaping more readily from
the control of natural forces, by activity of mind, and the advance of intellectual
cultivation, no less than by his wonderful capacity of adapting himself to all
climates—man everywhere becomes most essentially associated with terrestrial
life (Humboldt: 1: 378: Otte translation:!: 360-361).
Humboldt believed that all the races of man had a common origin and that no race
was necessarily inferior to the others: All races, he insists, are equally destined for
freedom, individually or in groups.
Humboldt emphasized again and again the need for careful observation of
nature in the field and for the careful and precise measurement of observations. Yet
he was always seeking to formulate general concepts, or what we would now call
abstract models or theory. However, he thought that observation had to come first.
In Volume 1 he wrote:
We are still very far from the time when it will be possible to reduce, by the
operation of thought, all that we perceive by the senses to the unity of rational
principle. On the other hand the exposition of mutually connected facts does not

3Kosmos, Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung, 5 vols. (Stuttgart and Tubingen:

J. G. Cotta Verlag, Vol. 1, 1845; Vol. 2, 1847; Vol. 3, 1850; Vol. 4, 1858; Vol. 5, 1862).
The best English translation is by E. C. Otte, Cosmos, Sketch of a Physical Description o f
the Universe (London: H. G. Bohn, 1849-58). Also: Cosmos, vols. 1 and 2. (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997).

exclude the classification of phenomena according to their rational connections,

the generalizing of many specialties in the great mass of observations, or the attempt
to discover laws (Humboldt: 1: 67-68; Otte translation:!: 58).
During Humboldt’s long life, the need for closer attention to the definition of
fields of special study became important. By the time of Immanuel Kant, as we have
seen, the course of lectures on physical geography started with a definition of the
field. It was quite clear that history dealt with problems of chronology and that
geography was concerned with problems of areal association and distribution. In
addition, Kant’s logical classification of knowledge made room for the specialist in
the study of particular processes without reference to time or space. That this was
a generally accepted division of the world of scholarship and not an invention of
Kant is made clear by Humboldt’s earliest studies of the subterranean plants in the
mines at Freiberg. In the introduction to this monograph (1793:ix-x), Humboldt pointed
out that he was not studying plants as such, but rather the plants in relation to their
surroundings. Humboldt reprinted his earlier statement in a footnote (in Latin) in
the Kosmos (1, 486-487). Hartshome suggests that Humboldt was probably pre­
senting ideas he had gained from his teacher, A. G. Werner (Hartshome, 1958:100).
In the introduction to the Kosmos, Humboldt points out that
the terms physiology, physics, natural history, geology, and geography were
commonly used long before clear ideas were entertained of the diversity of
objects embraced by these sciences, and consequently of their reciprocal limita­
tion (Humboldt: 1: 51; Otte translation:!: 39).
Geography, which Humboldt called Erdbeschreibung (earth description), deals
with the variety of different kinds of interrelated phenomena that exist together
in areas or segments of earth space. This was essentially the same idea as that
suggested by Kant, although there is no evidence that Humboldt was quoting Kant.

Carl Ritter was bom in 1779, 10 years after Humboldt. His father was a physician,
and when he died the widow lacked any means of support for her family of five.
At this time Carl, the youngest of the family, was only five years old. By the great­
est good fortune, in 1784 a German schoolmaster named Christian G. Salzmann
was founding a new school to experiment with the radical innovations in educa­
tional methods then being proposed. He wanted a child who had never been
exposed to the traditional methods and could be trained from the beginning by new
pedagogical procedures. The child he selected for this purpose was Carl Ritter.

The Education o f a Geographer

In the late eighteenth century in Germany and France the traditional educational
methods were being vigorously challenged. It had long been customary to expect
children to memorize selected passages from books, often in Latin or Greek, and
then repeat them out loud. To repeat the words correctly was enough whether
or not the passages were understood. In 1762 Jean Jacques Rousseau in his novel
Emile outlined a new educational procedure that would end rote learning and would
An End and a Beginning / 121

encourage a child to develop inborn potentialities. The Swiss educator Johann Pestalozzi
further developed the ideas of Rousseau, insisting on the principles that clear think­
ing must be based on the careful observation of things and that words could have
no meaning unless they were matched with perceptions. This helped establish
Heimatkunde—the study of the neighborhood—as a fundamental of geography
teaching. The Pestalozzi method was reinforced by the notions of Friedrich Frobel,
another of the large-minded pedagogues of the time. And so it came to be that geo­
graphical study began at home, and then with a knowledge of facts and principles,
extended beyond one’s familiar environment. Salzmann was enthusiastic about these
new suggestions and established his school at Schnepfenthal in the Thuringerwald
to experiment with them.
The teacher who was selected to supervise the young Carl Ritter was a geo­
grapher named J. C. F. GutsMuths, whose own special field of interest was in the
observation of natural features and who had already made some contributions to
the teaching of geography by the new methods (Hartshome, 1939:50-51). At an
early age Ritter was able to observe the close involvement of humans with the
natural features of their surroundings. He was encouraged by his teachers to
formulate for himself the concept of the unity of man and nature; from the richly
varied landscapes of this region of hills and low mountains, he derived the idea of
unity in diversity, which became a basic theme of his mature writings. He could
only account for such unity as evidence of God’s divine plan. Without Rousseau,
Pestalozzi, Salzmann, and GutsMuths, this kind of educational experience would
not have been available, but because of these men, Ritter received the best possible
basic training for a career as a teacher of geography.
At the age of 16, when he was ready to go to a university, Ritter was again for­
tunate in finding financial support. A wealthy banker, Bethmann Hollweg, agreed
to pay for Ritter’s university expenses if Ritter, in turn, would agree to tutor the
two Hollweg sons. At the University of Halle, with the commitment to become a
teacher in mind, he took work with the famous educator Professor Niermayer. Ritter
continued his own studies after he started tutoring the Hollweg children at their home
in Frankfurt-on-the-Oder. He undertook to learn Latin and Greek and to read
widely in geography and history. With his pupils he made frequent field trips around
Frankfurt, where in the process of teaching field observation he increased his own
competence as an observer. He became a master of the art of landscape sketching,
which, even after the age of photography, remains an effective way to preserve field
observations for future study. Later he extended the range of his field trips to
Switzerland and Italy, during the course of which he met many of the leading
scholars of that period. In 1807 he met Humboldt and was deeply impressed by him.
In 1811 he published a two-volume textbook on the geography of Europe, making
use of previously prepared maps of the geographic features of that continent.4

4These maps, prepared between 1804 and 1806 (Seeks Karten von Europa mit
Erklarendem Text [Schnepfenthal], were among the first to make use of hypsometric
symbols to describe the shapes of surface features. The earliest such map was a world
map by A. Zeune, 1804. See the discussion of the use of the contour method in Joseph
Szafiarski, 1959: “A Map of the Tatra Mountains Drawn by George Wahlenberg in 1813
as a Prototype of the Contour-Line Map,” Geografiska Annaler 41:74-82.

After one of his pupils died, Ritter went to the University of Gottingen to
accompany the other Hollweg son. At that university between 1813 and 1816 he
studied geography, history, pedagogy, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, and botany.

Ritter as a Teacher and Lecturer

Unlike Humboldt, Ritter held several academic positions during his life. In 1819
he became professor of history at Frankfurt. He held this appointment for only one
year, during which time he married. In 1820 he was appointed to the first chair of
geography established in Germany—at the University of Berlin; he continued to
offer courses of lectures at this university until his death in 1859. During this time
he held other positions. He lectured on military history at the Prussian military school
and became the director of studies for the Corps of Cadets. He was appointed a
member of a scientific commission on geography and history, and he founded the
Gesellschaft fu r Erdkunde zu Berlin (the Berlin Geographical Society), He was the
private tutor for Prince Albert of Prussia. In addition to these numerous under­
takings, he continued to lead field trips each summer to various parts of Europe.
Ritter was a brilliant and influential lecturer. In interesting contrast to his obscure
style of writing, his lectures were clear and well organized. He was a master of the art
of using the blackboard to illustrate his ideas. After his first two or three lectures
at the university, when he found his lecture room empty or with only a few students,
his lectures became immensely popular, and his lecture room frequently included
300 to 400 students. Many were the young students whose enthusiasm for geography
and for Ritter’s interpretation of it was kindled by attendance at his lectures and
who went forth to spread the word in other countries. Among his best known
disciples were Elisee Reclus of France and Arnold Guyot, who became professor of
physical geography and geology at the College of New Jersey (later Princeton) in
1854. In Russia Semenov-Tian-Shanski helped translate some of Ritter’s works. In
Cracow W. Pol spread the ideas of Ritter, and in Hungary Hunyaldy did likewise.
Ritter’s public lectures were also highly successful. Some of his basic ideas
concerning the influence of the earth’s major features on the course of history
were developed in lectures before the Royal Academy of Sciences in Berlin.5

Ritter's Geographical Ideas

Ritter emphasized repeatedly that he was teaching a “new scientific geography,”
in contrast to the traditional “lifeless summary of facts about countries and cities,
mingled with all sorts of scientific incongruities” (Bogekamp, 1863:37). His scientific
geography was based on the concept of unity in diversity, which he had developed
for himself at an early age. His purpose was not just to make an inventory of the

5 Between 1826 and 1850 Ritter gave five lectures of great importance: “The Geographic
Position and Horizontal Extension of the Continents,” 1826; “Remarks on Form and
Numbers as Auxiliary in Representing Relations of Geographical Spaces,” 1828; “The
Historical Element in Geographical Science,” 1833; “Nature and History as the Factors of
Natural History, or Remarks on the Resources of the Earth,” 1836; “The External Features
of the Earth in Their Influence on the Course of History.” 1850 (Gage, 1863).
An End and a Beginning / 123

things that occupy segments of earth space. Rather, he sought to understand the inter­
connections, the causal interrelations, that make the areal associations cohesive. Again
and again he used the German word zusam m enhang (literally, hanging together) to
refer to this quality of cohesion among diverse things.
To refer to the new scientific geography he made use of the word E rdkunde,
or earth science. This he preferred to Humboldt’s term E rdbeschreibung , or earth
description. Erdkunde is a German synonym for the Greek word geography. There
was never any uncertainty in Ritter’s mind that he was studying the earth as the
home (w ohnort ) of man and, therefore, that he was dealing with the earth’s surface.
Later, as we will see, some German geographers took the word Erdkunde literally
and focused their work on the whole body of the earth, not just its surface.
Ritter insisted that geography should be empirical, in the sense that the student
should progress from observation to observation in the search for general laws and
not from preconceived opinion, to hypothesis, to observation. The student should
ask the earth itself for its laws (Ritter, 1822:1:23). By avoiding preconceptions and
making his own empirical observations of the surface features of Europe, Ritter was
among the first to point out the error in Buache’s concept of continuous mountain
chains. Ritter urged a more exact scientific foundation for comparative geographical
analysis relating to political units and to natural regions. He had a critical attitude
toward all attempts to practice a one-sided investigation of physical phenomena:
He sought the inclusion of his specialized areas of study—regional geography,
ethnology, and history, thereby making of geography a truly comparative under­
taking (Linke, 1981).
Ritter’s search for unity in diversity led him to make use of the regional
approach to geography rather than the systematic study of individual features. Yet
he realized the importance of systematic studies and acknowledged his indebted­
ness to Humboldt, whose general studies made Ritter’s special studies of regions
possible. For his larger regional units Ritter made use of the traditional continents
and proceeded to formulate generalizations concerning the continents and their
human inhabitants. The continued use of continents as major regional entities not
only for the teaching of geography but also for the formulation of concepts may
have retarded the progress of geographical scholarship. Unfortunately, Ritter’s
identification of races by skin color and his identification of color by continents has
produced only obscurity (Europe for white people; Africa for black people; Asia
for yellow people; America for red people).
Ritter’s concepts regarding the meaning of the observed geographical patterns
on the earth were strongly teleological. Following the philosophers Immanuel Kant
and Johann Gottfried von Herder, Ritter saw in all his geographical studies the
evidence of God’s plan. A Supreme Being, an all-wise Creator, was identified as the
author of a plan for building the earth as the home of man, and all through Ritter’s
writings and lectures are words of praise for the divine creation. Even the arrange­
ment of the continents Ritter saw as evidence of God’s purpose. Asia, said Ritter,
represents the sunrise—here the early civilizations originated. Africa represents the
noon—because of the smoothness of outline as well as the uniformity of climate,
the inhabitants are induced to slumber and to shun outside contacts. Europe is espe­
cially designed to bring out man’s greatest accomplishments—because it represents

the sunset, or the end of the day, the culmination of human development is found
there. But the discovery of America now suggests the approach of a new sunset and
a new culmination toward which man continues to strive. The polar regions repres­
ent midnight, when land and people are locked in eternal sleep. Ritter enlarges on
the concept of the land hemisphere, as suggested by Buache and developed by
Malte-Brun, and points out that this, too, is a part of God’s plan. Only in this cen­
tral location among the earth’s land areas can a world-conquering civilization arise.
Ritter’s teleological ideas were criticized by his contemporaries. It was Julius
Frobel who said that one might, with equal truth, say that grass had been created as
feed for cattle (Frobel, 1831). Ritter replied that among all the creatures on the earth
only man could comprehend the existence of a divine plan and so could adjust his
life to it and make maximum use of God’s gifts (Hartshome, 1939:62).

The Erdkunde
Ritter, like Humboldt, produced one great work that represented his major scholarly
achievement. This was Die Erdkunde The translation of the full German title
. 6

presents the basic purpose: The Science o f the Earth in Relation to Nature and the
History o f Mankind; or, General Comparative Geography as the Solid Foundation
of the Study of, and Instruction in, the Physical and Historical Sciences. Before Ritter
became the professor of geography at Berlin in 1820, he was still thinking of geo­
graphy as the basis for the writing of history. The first two volumes of the Erdkunde
(1817-18) were intended to be followed by a study of history. But when Ritter went
to Berlin he decided to devote himself to doing a more thorough piece of work on
geography. In 1822 he published a second edition of Volume 1 and in 1832 a
second edition of Volume II. But by this time he realized the magnitude of the work
he had started. After 1831 he gave up many of his positions so that he could devote
himself more fully to the completion of the Erdkunde. Between 1832 and 1838 he
completed 6 more volumes, and between 1838 and 1859, 11 more. Yet the 19 vol­
umes of the Erdkunde Ritter actually finished covered only Africa and a part of Asia.
Unlike Humboldt, Ritter’s great work was largely put together on the basis of
other people’s observations. He said that his field studies in Europe made it poss­
ible for him to interpret what other people reported. Fritz Kramer comments on the
interesting point that Ritter’s descriptions of places he had never seen were vivid
and accurate, whereas his descriptions of places he had seen often lacked zest
(Kramer, 1959).
In contrast to the clarity of his lectures, Ritter’s published works are often obscure.
Scholars have struggled to find suitable translations for some of his passages that
would make sense in another language and yet not do violence to his ideas.7

6Die Erdkunde, in Verhdltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen, oder
allgemeine vergleichende Georgraphie, als sichere Grundlage des Studiums und
Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften, 19 parts and 21 volumes.
(Berlin: G. Reimer, 1817-18; 1822-59).
7For example, see the discussion of the meaning of one of Ritter’s frequently quoted
statements that geography is the study of “der irdisch erfullten Ramie der Erdoberflache”
(from Ritter, 1852) in Hartshome, 1939:57.
An End and a Beginning / 125

So these two great scholars, who died in the same year in Berlin, each in his own
way attempted to establish a “new geography.” Each tried to embrace the know­
ledge of humankind concerning the earth as the home of man. Both of them saw the
field of geography as dealing with things and events of diverse origin that were inter­
connected in segments of earth space, as did Kant and others. Both were tireless
workers who wrote many books and whose influence on the scholarly world was
very great. Both recognized the need for seeking generalizations, and both recog­
nized that little progress toward more advanced theory could be made in their time.
But both had confidence that continued geographical study would eventually bring
to light the inner meaning of the universe. Humboldt was an agnostic; Ritter once
remarked that although the Kosmos was a magnificent piece of work, one found in
it no single word of praise for the Creator. Ritter saw all of his studies of the earth
and man as revealing more and more of God’s plan.
Both men shared the fruits of the Enlightenment. Both shared technical and
other knowledge gained by journeying in the Pacific, improvement in instruments
and transportation facilities, and both lived before Darwin’s proclamation of the
evolutionary journey of life forms. Yet the two men were fundamentally different
in their approach. Humboldt could not look at the world around him without
finding innumerable questions demanding answers. He not only described what he
saw with care and precision, but he also formulated hypotheses to account for the
things he observed—and then he also subjected his hypotheses to the test of new
observations. There was an ecologic particularism about his viewpoint. Ritter, on
the other hand, viewed the landscape historically and thought regionally. Ritter
also had a vision of an ordered and harmonious universe, but instead of asking
questions about it, he wanted to communicate to others the meaning he had found.
As a teacher he wanted to make clear to his disciples how God’s plan was revealed
in the harmony of man and nature. Each in his own way was enormously success­
ful, and each enjoyed wide personal prestige.
When Humboldt and Ritter died there was no one to replace them. Classical
geography had come to an end—no individual scholar could hope any longer to
master the world’s knowledge about the earth. The specialization of subject matter
disciplines resulted in the development of new technical jargon, new paradigms of
scientific behavior. As a result much that had been called geography was partitioned
among a variety of logically defined fields. In Germany no one was appointed to
fill Ritter’s chair. Some years later when geography was reestablished as a univer­
sity study, the scholars invited to teach it had had no previous training in a field
called by that name.
What do Humboldt and Ritter mean to us today? Ritter did influence his dis­
ciples to identify a new scientific geography based on the organic unity of man and
nature (Guyot, 1860). But his teleology, reflecting the contemporary thinking of such
philosophers as Kant and Herder, became outmoded and raised a barrier to the con­
tinued acceptance of this kind of new geography. Moreover, Ritter’s regional studies
deal for the most part with such large areas that the material he included had to
be highly generalized. The interconnections he described could not be perceived
by direct observation. Today Ritter’s Erdkunde has chiefly an antiquarian interest.

Humboldt’s systematic studies are also outdated, although the methods he used repre­
sent important steps in the progress of geography. But Humboldt’s regional studies
“cannot become obsolete” (Hartshome, 1939:82), especially his comparative studies
of New Spain and Cuba, which provide invaluable material for studies in historical
geography. Humboldt dealt with areas that were small enough that he could discuss
all the factors relevant to a problem that could be tested by direct observation—for
example, the study of the Lake of Valencia basin in Venezuela. These two great
intellects of the nineteenth century, each in his own way, dedicated their lives to the
geographical undertaking. Their contributions have been incorporated in innumer­
able ways into a changed conception and corpus of contemporary geography.

Beck, H. 1959-1961. Alexander von Humboldt. Vol. 1 (1959), Von der Bildungsreise zur
Forschungsreise, 1769-1804. Vol. 2 (1961), Vom Reisewerk zum “Kosmos,” 1804-1859.
Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
Beck, Hanno. 1979. Carl Ritter: Genius o f Geography. On His Life and Work. Bonn-Bad
Godesberg: Inter-Nationes.
Beck, Hanno and W. H. Hein. 1987. Alexander von Humboldt: Life and Work. Ingelheim
am Rhein: C. H. Boehringer Sohn.
Bogekamp, H. 1863. “An Account of Prof. Ritter’s Geographical Labors.” In W. L. Gage,
trans., Geographical Studies by the Late Professor Carl Ritter o f Berlin. Pp. 33-51. Boston:
Gould & Lincoln.
Botting, D. 1973. Humboldt and the Cosmos. London: Michael Joseph.
Bowen, M. 1981. Empiricism and Geographical Thought: From Francis Bacon to Alexander
von Humboldt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Terra, Helmut. Humboldt: The Life and Times o f Alexander von Humboldt, 1769-1859.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1955. (Reprinted New York: Octagon Books, 1979.)
Dickinson, R. E. 1969. The Makers of Modern Geography. London: Routledge & Kegan
Downes, Alan. September 1971. “The Bibliographic Dinosaurs of Georgian Geography
(1714-1830).” Geographical Journal 137, part 3:379-387.
Friis, H. R. 1963. “Baron Alexander von Humboldt’s Visit to Washington, D. C., June 1 Through
June 13, 1804,” Records o f the Columbia Historical Society. Washington, DC 1-35.
Frobel, J. 1831. “Einige Blicke auf den jetsigen formellen Zustand der Erdkunde.” Annalen
der Er dVol k er - , und Staatenkunde 4:493-506.
Gage, W. L., trans. 1863. Geographical Studies by the Late Professor Carl Ritter o f Berlin.
Boston: Gould & Lincoln.
--------- . 1867. The Life o f Carl Ritter: Late Professor o f Geography in the University o f Berlin.
New York: C. Scribner.
Godlewska, A. M. C. 1999. Geography Unbound: French Geographic Science from Cassini
to Humboldt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Guyot, A. H. 1860. “Carl Ritter.” Journal o f the American Geographical and Statistical Society
Hartshome, R. 1939. The Nature o f Geography, a Critical Survey o f Current Thought in the
Light of the Past. Lancaster, Pa.: Association of American Geographers.
--------- . 1958. “The Concept of Geography as a Science of Space, from Kant and Humboldt
to Hettner.” Annals AAG 48:97-108.
An End and a Beginning / 127

Humboldt, A. von. 1793. Florae fribergensis subterraneas exhibens. Berlin: H. A. Rottman.

--------- . 1805-1834. Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent. Paris. (See
footnote on pp. 115-116 for titles of the 30 volumes.)
--------- . 1808. Ansichten der Natur, mit wissenschaftlichten Erlauterungen. 2nd ed., 1849.
Stuttgart: Cotta.
--------- . 1814-1825. Relation historique du voyage au regions equinoxiales du Nouveau
Continent (Vols. 28-30, 1805-1834). English translation by H. M. Williams, 1825. Personal
Narrative of Travels in the Equinoxial Regions of the New Continent During the Years
1799-1804. 5 vols. Paris, German translation by H. Hauff, 1859-1860. Personal Narrative
1995 ed. J. Wilson, London, New York: Penguin Book. Alexander von Humboldt's Reise
in die Aequinoctial Gegenden des neuen Continents. 4 vols. Stuttgart.
--------- . 1845-1862. Kosmos: Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. 5 vols.
Stuttgart: Cotta. (Vol. 1, 1845; Vol. 2, 1847; Vol. 3, 1850; Vol. 4, 1858; Vol. 5, 1862.)
English translation by E. C. Otte, London: H. G. Bohn, 1849-1858.
--------- . 1847. “Geschichte der physikalischen Weltanschauung.” In Kosmos: Entwurf
einer physischen Weltbeschreibung. Vol. 2, pp. 135-520. Stuttgart and Tubingen:
J. G. Cotta’scher Verlag.
--------- . 1934. Alexander von Humboldt's Vorlesungen iiber physikalische Geographic nebst
Prolegomenen iiber die Stellung der Gestirne. Berline im Winter von 1827 bis 1828. Berlin:
Miron Goldstein.
Humboldt, Alexander von, and Bonpland, Aime. Personal Narrative o f Travels to the
Equinoctial Regions o f America during the years 1799-1804. Translated from French
by Thomasina Ross. London: HG Bohn, 1852-53. 3 vols. (Reprinted: New York: Ayer
Co., 1969.)
Kellner, L. 1963. Alexander von Humboldt. London: Oxford University Press.
Kramer, F. 1959. “A Note on Carl Ritter, 1779-1859.” Geographical Review 49:406-
Lenz, Karl, ed. 1981. Carl Ritter: Geltung und Deutung. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
Linke, Max. 1981. “Carl Ritter, 1779-1859.” Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies.
Ed. T. W. Freeman. 5. 99-108.
Meyer-Abich, A. 1967. Alexander von Humboldt in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.
Rowohlt: Kurl Kisenberg.
Ritter, C. 1822-1859. Die Erdkunde, im Verhaltniss zur Natur und zur Geschichte des
Menschen; oder allgemeine vergleichende Geographic, als sic he re Grundlage des
Studiums und Unterrichts in physikalischen und historischen Wissenschaften. 19 vols.
Berlin: G. Reimer.
--------- . 1852. Einleitung zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Geographic, und Abhandlungen
zur Begriindung einer mehr wissenschaftlichen Behandlung der Erdkunde. Berlin: G. Reimer.
--------- . 1862. Allgemeine Erdkunde. Berlin: G. Reimer.
--------- . 1880. Geschichte der Erdkunde und der Entdeckungen. Vorlesungen an der
Universitat zu Berlin gehalten von Carl Ritter. Ed. H. A. Daniel. 2nd ed. Berlin: Druck
und Verlag von G. Reimer.
Robinson, A. and H. Wallis. 1967. “Humboldt’s Map of Isothermal Lines: A Milestone in
Thematic Cartography.” Cartographic Journal 4:119-123.
Schultz, J. H., ed. 1959. Alexander von Humboldt: Studien zu seiner universalen Geiste-
shaltung. Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
Sinnhuber, K. A. 1959. “Carl Ritter, 1779-1859.” Scottish Geographical Magazine
Stoddart, D. R. 1985. “Humboldt and the Emergence of Scientific Geography.” In P. Alter,
ed. Humboldt. London: Heinemann.

Troll, C. 1959-1960. “The Work of Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter: A Centennary
Address.” Advancement of Science 64: 441-452.
Tuan, Yi-fu. 1997. Alexander von Humboldt and His Brother: Portrait of an Ideal Geo­
grapher in Our Time. Los Angeles: University of California, Los Angeles Department of


A major innovation in the world of scholarship took place in nineteenth-

century Germany. The university as an institution first appeared in
medieval Europe when charters were issued by religious or secular author­
ities giving certain faculties the right to teach. The University of Paris
in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries became the chief center (other
than Rome) for the teaching of orthodox Christianity. But in 1809 Wilhelm
von Humboldt, the brother of Alexander, founded the University of Berlin
with the support of King Friedrick Wilhelm III of Prussia. For the first
time anywhere, the attachment of either faculty or students to any par­
ticular religious creed or school of thought was explicitly repudiated.
Hitherto, universities were places where the accepted dogma of state
and church was taught to students. After 1809 the university as a free
community of scholars began to appear.
Geography as a field of advanced study taught by professionally
qualified individuals first appeared in Germany in 1874. Within a few
decades geography departments offering graduate training leading to
advanced degrees were established not only in Germany, France, and
Britain but also all around the world. This was the “new geography,”
and it was guided for the first time in history by professional geo­
graphers. A profession had come into existence that could establish the
paradigms of geographical study. We date the modem period in the
history of geographical ideas with the establishment of professional staffs
in universities.

W h a t Was N e w ?

The labors o f Humboldt, o f Ritter, o f Guyot, and their followers have given the
science of geography a more philosophical, and, at the same time, a more imag­
inative character than it had received from the hands of their predecessors.
Perhaps the most interesting field o f speculation, thrown open to the new school
o f the cultivators o f this attractive study, is the inquiry: how far external phys­
ical conditions, and especially the configuration o f the earth’s surface, and the
distribution, outline, and relative position of land and water, have influenced
the social life and social progress o f man.
But it is certain that man has done much to mould the form of the earth’s
surface, though we cannot always distinguish between the results of his action
and the effects of purely geological causes; that the destruction of the forests,
the drainage of lakes and marshes, and the operations of rural husbandly and
industrial art have tended to produce great changes in the hygrometric,
thermometric, electric, and chemical condition o f the atmosphere, though we
are not yet able to measure the force o f the different elements of disturbance,
or to say how far they have been compensated by each other, or by still obscurer
influences; and, finally, that the myriad forms of animal and vegetable life, which
covered the earth when man first entered upon the theater of a nature whose
harmonies he was destined to derange, have been, through his action, greatly
changed in numerical proportion, sometimes much modified in form and
product, and sometimes entirely extirpated.
— G. P. Marsh, Man and Nature, or Physical Geography
as Modified by Human Action

hose scholars who from time immemorial have been seeking more and more
T useful knowledge concerning the face of the earth, including our use of it, have
always confronted five basic problems, none of which has yielded to permanent
solution. These problems, as suggested by Fred Lukermann, are: (1) What things
in the universe should humans select to observe and record? (2) What is the best
way to observe them? (3) How can the resulting observations be generalized to
reveal some kind of significant geometric arrangement on the earth? (4) How can
the patterns of arrangement be explained or made plausible? (5) How can the
results be communicated?
The flood of new information that swept over the world of European scholar­
ship as a result of voyages of discovery greatly complicated the search for answers
to these questions. At first, attention was focused on the marvels that were reported,
and writers with vivid imaginations, such as the author of The Travels o f Sir John
Mandeville, could scarcely be distinguished from sober reporters, such as Marco
Polo. The world revealed by the explorers was full of strange things, and there was

132 / MODERN

no lack of subjects to be observed and recorded. Then, little by little, attention shifted
from the marvels to things that formed some kind of pattern with familiar things at
home. It became more important to report similarities than differences. Cluverius
and Carpenter in the seventeenth century began omitting references to weird crea­
tures and unusual natural phenomena, but not until 1761 did Jean B. B. d ’Anville
remove the drawings of strange creatures that hitherto had adorned the blank places
on maps.
The seventeenth century witnessed the beginning of the scientific revolution that
led to the development of more useful ways of generalizing, explaining, and com­
municating. The effort to provide more exact descriptions of specific things was
replaced by the effort to formulate general theory in relation to which specific things
could be made significant. In the formulation and testing of theory and in com­
municating the findings, a step of major importance was the independent develop­
ment of calculus by Newton and Leibniz. The use of mathematical procedures
made the process of reasoning more precise and provided a universal language for
the communication of the results. Most of the present fields of science had their
roots in the eighteenth century, during which time the acceptable methods of study
were being formulated and reliable procedures for verifying hypotheses were being
established. No longer could a hypothesis be supported by its plausibility, for
scholars were learning that things perceived by the senses were not necessarily the
outline of reality. Controlled experimentation began to bring spectacular results, and
after the eighteenth century it would no longer be possible for a Montesquieu to
draw conclusions from the study of a sheep’s tongue.
By the end of the eighteenth century, the ideas expressed by Kant had become
generally accepted. As bodies of theory developed and proved useful, special fields
of study appeared, each defined in terms of the segment of the universe being
investigated. These new fields of study became what Kant called the logical division
of knowledge— in contrast to the physical classification of knowledge in terms of
time and space. Each logically defined field provided a method for describing and
demonstrating the significance of a particular segment of human experience—and
of creating new experiences through use of the experimental method.
The last great figure who could claim universal scholarship was Humboldt. No
student of the earth before or since has enjoyed such acclaim by his contemporaries.
Ritter, too, attempted to embrace the whole of geographical knowledge concerning
the earth and man but was less successful.
The world of scholarship underwent a basic change during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Not only have the fields of learning—the academic disciplines
—been greatly elaborated, but also the total number of scholars has reached
unprecedented size.1 Moreover, the number of recorded facts about the earth has*

'For example, there were 12 professional geographers in Germany in 1880 (Wagner, 1880);
in 1921 there were 70 (Joerg, Geographical Review, 1922, p. 442). In 1964 the international
directory, Orhis Geographicus, ed. E. Meynen (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner), listed 546.
In 2004 geography could be studied at 62 universities: in these alone there were more
than 800 professional geographers in Germany.
What Was New? / 133

increased astronomically. A Humboldt could once master a very large part of

the available knowledge concerning the earth, but this is no longer possible. The
number of books and articles is causing libraries to bulge and research workers to
seek new kinds of information retrieval systems. The computer was invented just
in time to provide a mechanical means for data storage.
The question is: What is new about all this? Are the basic questions still the same?
How much of what went on before the modem period is of any importance today—
other than to satisfy the curiosity of historians of science?


The logical systems have become the familiar divisions of the academic curriculum.
In the broadest sense these systems include the physical sciences, the biological
sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities.

The Physical Sciences

The physical sciences, which appeared as separate disciplines earlier, are now the
most advanced in the building of theory and in the continued testing of theory by
controlled experiment. A particular physical process is artificially isolated in a
laboratory and can then be observed free from the complications resulting from the
presence of a great variety of logically unrelated processes in the total environments
of particular places on the earth. General models can then be formulated to describe
the observed sequences of events. What the physical scientist is trying to do is to
find order in human experience and to describe this order in the simplest possible
terms. Ptolemy identified a kind of order in the movements of the celestial bodies,
but Copernicus found Ptolemy’s picture of celestial order too complicated and with
too many motions unexplained. An example of the simplicity of order sought by
the physical scientists is the law of gravitation formulated by Newton. This law states
that every particle of matter in the universe is attracted to every other particle with
a force proportional to the masses of the particles involved and inversely as the square
of the distance between them. Albert Einstein showed that this simple statement of
the law of gravitation works only with large numbers of particles and must be modified
for studies of atomic physics.
Another major achievement of the late eighteenth century was the discovery
by the French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-94) and by the English
chemist Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) that Aristotle’s four basic substances (air,
fire, earth, and water) were not really basic elements, no matter how plausible this
might seem. In 1783 Lavoisier announced that water is made up of hydrogen and
oxygen. Henry Cavendish in England anticipated Lavoisier by a few years, but
his studies of water were not published until 1784-85. He also carried out the
first measurements of the composition of the air, anticipating Gay Lussac. These
scientific accomplishments required use of the experimental method.
A number of specialized fields of study emerged from the unspecialized cosmo­
graphy to give attention to particular groups of processes on the face of the earth.
The study of celestial bodies is now left to that branch of physics known as
134 / MODERN

astronomy. The study of the interior of the earth is entrusted to the various branches
of geophysics, including seismology (the study of earthquakes). The study of things
and events on the surface of the earth involves geomorphology, geology, and the
even more specialized mineralogy, petrography, and paleontology (where geology
overlaps with biology). There is also the study of water on the land, hydrology.
Oceanography became a separate discipline after Matthew Fontaine Maury started
his collection of observations concerning winds and oceans currents. Climatology
became the study of the average state of the atmosphere and meteorology the study
of atmospheric processes that produce weather.

The Biological Sciences

The later voyages of discovery in the eighteenth century had a special impact on
the development of biology as a separate field of study. Captain James Cook com­
manded the first expeditions on which scientifically trained people were included
(Rutherford and Armstrong, 2000). Among those who sailed with Cook on his first
voyage were Sir Joseph Banks and David C. Solander, a pupil of Linnaeus. On the
second voyage Cook took with him the two Forsters. Georg Forster was the one
who focused Humboldt’s interest on botanical observations. Humboldt himself
brought back to Europe some 60,000 specimens of plants never before known to
Europeans. When Jean Lamarck was appointed professor of zoology at Paris in
1773 he had access to a wealth of new plant and animal collections. The tropical
parts of the world, long feared because of the persistence of ideas inherited from
Aristotle, attracted much attention after they were vividly described by Forster and
Humboldt. It was a copy of Humboldt’s narrative that inspired Charles Darwin to
turn to the study of plants and animals.
Darwin was greatly influenced by the uniformitarian ideas of Hutton and Sir
Charles Lyell. Accepting Lamarck’s concept of evolution, Darwin began looking
for the processes of change in species that would explain the diversity of organic
life on the earth. From December 1831 to October 1836 Darwin sailed around the
world on H.M.S. Beagle, observing a great variety of physical and biotic processes,
much as Humboldt had done. His concept of the stages in the transformation of
coral reefs—from fringing reefs, through barrier reefs, to atolls—was published in
1842 (Darwin, 1842; Davis, 1928). It was on this voyage that Darwin formulated
his hypothesis concerning the mechanism whereby random variations in plant and
animals species would be selectively preserved and by inheritance lead to changes
in species.
At about the same time another young scientist was traveling to the tropical parts
of the world. This was Alfred Russel Wallace. In 1848 Wallace accompanied Henry
W. Bates on a voyage up the Amazon River. Although his collections were lost
when his ship burned on the return voyage, Wallace had been fascinated with the
problem of how evolutionary changes in organisms could take place. From 1854 to
1862 he explored the Malay Archipelago, and in the course of this exploration he
identified a sharp boundary that separated areas with very different kinds of native
mammals. The line passed between Borneo and Bali on the west and Lombok
and Celebes on the east (in an area now sometimes referred to as Wallacea). The
more primitive animals farther east had been protected from competition with
What Was New? / 135

more advanced species farther west. The line between the two kinds of fauna was
called Wallace’s Line.2 In the process of plotting these geographic differences
on a map, Wallace, in a flash of intuition, saw the significance of what he called
natural selection. Influenced by the ideas of Malthus regarding the relation of
population to food supply, he applied the same idea of the struggle for existence to
animals. Wallace promptly dashed off a letter to Charles Darwin in England,
presenting his hypothesis in brief form. The letter arrived just as Darwin was pre­
paring to present a major paper to the Royal Society of London on exactly the
same hypothesis, which Darwin had now verified by laboratory experiments. The
idea was presented in a joint paper by Darwin and Wallace in 1858 entitled On the
Tendency of Species to Form Varieties, and on the Perpetuation o f Varieties and
Species by Natural Means o f Selection.
Darwin’s Origin o f Species was published in London in 1859, the year in which
both Humboldt and Ritter died (Darwin, 1859). He demonstrated that evolutionary
change in organisms was not the result of need or use, as Lamarck had thought.
The giraffe did not get its long neck by stretching. Rather, the individual giraffes
that were bom with longer necks were better able to survive than their shorter
necked relatives and so could pass on this characteristic to later generations.
Darwin’s contribution was to throw light on the mechanism whereby evolutionary
change could take place. But he also produced clear evidence of the randomness
of such variations. If evolutionary changes resulted from random variations, the
teleological concept of a divine plan had to be abandoned. In spite of continued
resistance by some biologists (such as Louis Agassiz) and the reluctance of Darwin
himself to face the full implications of his conclusions, the world of science could
never return to previously held beliefs.
The concept of evolutionary change was so stimulating that it was applied by
analogy to many other fields beside biology. Applied to the study of landforms, it
appeared as the theory of the cycle of erosion. Applied to soils, it was reflected in
the concept of mature soils as developed from young or immature soils and parent
materials. Applied to the survival of social groups because of the ability to adjust to
environmental conditions, it became environmental determinism. As D. R. Stoddart
points out, the geographers adopted the notion of evolutionary change as described
by cause and effect sequences, but they overlooked the concept of random varia­
tions and failed to apply the theory of probabilities (Stoddart, 1966).

The Social Sciences

Among the logical systems aimed at the study of human group behavior, the first
to develop as a special field was political economy, or economics, as it was renamed
in the twentieth century. Some of the earliest attempts to formulate general theory
regarding population and resources are associated with a group of eighteenth-
century Scottish scholars at the University of Edinburgh. The group includes such
people as David Hume (1711-76), Adam Ferguson (1723-1816), and Adam Smith

-Others have drawn “lines” pursuant to Wallace. One of these “lines” was suggested by
Max Weber (originally based on the distribution of freshwater fish).
136 / MODERN

(1723-90). Adam Smith's study, An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes o f the Wealth
of Nations, was published in 1776. The real source of a nation’s wealth, he said, is
its annual labor, its use of productive resources; wealth can only be increased by
making its use of resources more effective, by increasing the specialization of labor,
and accumulating profit in the form of capital. Money, he pointed out, was not wealth,
but only the means of carrying on trade.
Adam Smith’s work was followed by the essay on population by Malthus. It was
Malthus who put into clear language the previously known law of diminishing returns
from investments of capital and labor. David Ricardo in 1817 published a study,
Principles o f Political Economy and Taxation, in which he developed a theory of
value. By 1830 political economy was a recognized field of study in most European
universities, and in the course of more than a century it has led to the formulation
of a large body of theory and methods of study.
During this time, economics has itself been further subdivided into distinct
specializations. There is a separation between economics as a pure science and
economics as an applied science dealing with public and private problems of policy.
Another distinct field is economic history; another is econometrics, based on the
application of mathematical procedures to economic problems. Still another field
embraces the study of economic theory.

And History ?
History, like geography, did not fit easily into what Kant called the logical classi­
fication of knowledge. The various substantive fields into which the study of human
behavior was partitioned were built around particular conceptual structures suitable
for enlarging or testing these concepts. But traditionally history had dealt with
whatever kinds of processes were necessary to understand the sequences of events
— social processes, political processes, economic processes, military events, and
especially the people who made an impact on the course of events. In a modem
university, is history to be found among the humanities or among the social sciences?
Actually, it may be found in either.
Historians have long been concerned with the question about whether they
should seek to identify general laws of human behavior or only to reach a more
precise and “correct” knowledge of the sequence of events. Many felt that the
verification of unique sequences of events constituted an ample justification for his­
torical scholarship. Others, however, felt impelled to seek universal laws around
which to arrange the historical facts. The earlier historians in Europe accepted the
common belief that human behavior was a manifestation of the divine plan and that
man was in process of development toward the perfect state that God had estab­
lished as the goal. But during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries historians
gradually shifted away from this interpretation of history. The perfectibility of man.
they said, was not demonstrated by empirical evidence but remained only an
article of faith. What general laws of behavior, then, could be discerned from the
historical record?
As the volume of historical data increased, historians had to find some way to
specialize—to reduce the size and complexity of the questions being investigated.
The last universal history was published in 1681 by J. B. Bossuet; thereafter
What Was New? / 137

historians became specialists in particular countries or cultures and then just

certain limited periods within those countries. Or perhaps they became specialists
in the biography of a particular person. Specialization had gone so far by World
War I that H. G. Wells sensed the need for another universal history in which
certain general and repeated historical trends could be noted for all of human­
kind. His book, which was criticized by some professional historians, took the
chronological record back to the origin of the earth and the evolution of organic
The idea that historians should seek to formulate laws and models to explain the
course of events became stronger as the teleological interpretations were abandoned.
In the early eighteenth century the Italian historian Giambattista Vico identified
certain cycles that were repeated again and again in the history of different peoples.
He agreed that historical law could not have the precision found in natural law
but that at least the broad trends could be discovered.4 The German scholar Herder
presented the idea that to understand any sequence of events three interconnected
factors had to be known: time, place, and national character.5 Many other writers
of history formulated general laws to explain the course of events.6
In Germany during the nineteenth century, there was a similar discussion con­
cerning the objectives of the new field of economics. Gustav F. Von Schmoller insisted
that economics was only a branch of history and that the so-called laws then being
formulated by economists could really only be applied to situations unique in time
and place. On the other hand, Karl Menger said that the only purpose of economics
was to identify the general and universal laws of man’s economic behavior, not to
record unique events. Menger’s views came to be accepted as the pattern of eco­
nomic scholarship characterized by a nomothetic approach—that is, a field of study
in which general laws are identified—rather than an undertaking characterized by
an idiographic approach, or one that describes unique situations without reference
to general laws. Economic history was left intermediate between history and econ­
omics. Generally speaking, the parts of history in which bodies of theory have been
formulated tended to develop as separate academic disciplines (such as sociology,
anthropology, political science, or economics), whereas those parts of history
where general laws seem to be less useful have been cultivated by scholars whose
primary objectives were the discovery of new sources of information and the
use of more precise methods for verifying the authenticity of the data (Shafer,

-; H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, Being a Plain History of Life and Mankind
iNew York: Macmillan, 1920). Reprinted 2001. Classic Books (Murrieta, California).
4Giambattista Vico, Scienza nuova (Rome, 1725).
- J. G. von Herder, Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (Berlin,
"'Among these: Etienne Bonnot de Condillac (1714-80); the Marquis de Condorcet
1743-94); Auguste Comte (1798-1857); John Stuart Mill (1806-73); Karl Marx
1818-83); Friedrich Engels (1820-95); Oswald Spengler (1880-1936); Arnold J.
Toynbee (1889-1975).
138 / MODERN

What Happened to Geography ?

Essentially, the elements that were included in what Varenius had called general
geography were divided up among the separate disciplines, each with its own body
of theory and its own methods of connecting observations with theory. Humboldt
and Ritter recognized that when the newly emerging disciplines had divided up what
used to be general geography, there still remained an area of study not included
in these substantive fields. Humboldt asked questions about the earth and man that
were not asked by workers in any of these other fields. He wrote regional studies
of Mexico and Cuba that were not just descriptions of unique places but that pro­
vided explanations in terms of general theory. Ritter in his regional studies of Africa
and Asia did not just describe each element as a separate and distinct phenomenon.
Rather, he sought the interconnections among things of diverse origin. These inter­
connections among the physical, biotic, and human features of the face of the earth
Ritter identified as evidence of God’s plan to lead humankind toward a state of
perfection. This harmony of interconnected parts is what Ritter described by the
expressive German word zusammenhang. Stoddart has suggested that geography
became an objective science when Cook entered the Pacific in 1769 and in the
next 10 years charted one third of the coastlines of the world. Cook took with him
scientists, Harrison’s chronometer, and a sturdy vessel. Stoddart regards this as
the announcement of a geography that was objective science, which, however, is
different from the new geography (Stoddart, 1986).
Meanwhile, the substantive fields of study included in the general categories of
physical science, life science, and social science made spectacular progress by
isolating the processes each examined and formulating an ideal or abstract model
of how each process works in isolation. These sciences moved forward by specific­
ally excluding the disturbing effect of zusammenhang. Chemistry and physics could
isolate the processes they studied in laboratories. Biology set up experimental
programs to test the validity of theory, also in isolation from the total environments
of particular places on the earth. The social sciences had more difficulty in
isolating the processes they studied, but economics in particular established at least
a symbolic isolation by the use of the phrase “other things being equal.” The law
of diminishing returns, for example, operates in undisturbed form only when the
impact of irrelevant interconnections is eliminated. Now “other things” can be made
equal by statistical procedures.
Geography was left with three major tasks. One was the continued collection
of information about the still unknown or inadequately known parts of the earth
and the presentation of this information in useful form. The second was the study
of particular places in the world, whether for the purpose of throwing light on the
processes at work in them or for the practical needs of government administrators,
military commanders, or businessmen who needed clear descriptions of the facts
and conditions relevant to particular problems. The third task was the formulation
of concepts: empirical generalizations, hypotheses, and perhaps even theory. There
never was a time when geographers as a professional group were satisfied to
describe unique situations without seeking to illuminate the geography of particu­
lar places by reference to generalizations or to seek explanations in terms of
What Was New? / 139

The New Cartography

In all these tasks new kinds of maps were needed to go along with the new geo­
graphy. Pioneering work in making large-scale topographic maps had already been
done by the Cassinis in France and by Nicolas Cruquius in the Netherlands, who
made use of lines of equal elevation to show landforms in 1728 (Goode, 1927).
Improvements in topographic mapping had to await new methods of printing. The
use of copper plates had started in 1493, but lithography was not invented until 1800.
Electrotyping and photography were developed between 1840 and 1850. Only then
could finely engraved details be reproduced with precision.
One of the earliest of the new cartographers was Adolf Stieler. Stieler had received
a law degree from the University of Gottingen in 1797, but he had also developed a
keen interest in geography and in the problem of representing geography on maps.
He attended lectures by Gatterer and even taught geography in a girls’ school at
Gotha (which is 8 miles east; northeast of Schnepfenthal, now called Waltershausen,
where Ritter attended school). At Gotha Stieler found the old German publishing
house of Justus Perthes, which he helped to convert into one of the world’s leading
centers of geographic study and cartography. In 1817 he published the first sheets
of the Stieler Handatlas', in 1831, when the first edition of the Stieler atlas was com­
plete, it contained 75 maps of the world as a whole and its different parts. Between
1829 and 1836 Justus Perthes published Stieler’s map of Germany in 25 sheets.
Another German geographer-cartographer who contributed to the development
of cartography and to the spread of German maps and atlases to other countries
was Heinrich Berghaus. As a young man he was employed by the Prussian War
Ministry in a field survey of Prussia, and from 1821 to 1855 he taught geometry
and cartography at a school in Berlin. In nearby Potsdam he established a school
of cartography at which several famous mapmakers were trained between 1839
and 1848. Berghaus was one of the many scholars encouraged by Humboldt. Much
of the information for his atlas maps came from Humboldt; Berghaus’s Berghaus
Physikalischer Atlas, 1837-48 (revised 1849-52), was intended to supplement
the Kosmos. He included a great variety of thematic maps covering the latest infor­
mation on climatology, hydrography, geology, earth magnetism plant geography,
zoogeography, anthropogeography, and ethnography—93 maps in all (Beck,
1956). Berghaus also published a number of texts in geography as well as scholarly
works. His six-volume Allgemeine Lander- und Volkerkunde (Stuttgart, 1837-43),
and his five-part Grundriss der Geographic (Breslau, 1840-43) were widely read
(Hartshome, 1939:74).
Work on the Berghaus Physikalischer Atlas was carried on by Hermann
Berghaus, nephew of Heinrich and one of those trained at the school in Potsdam.
Hermann moved to Gotha in 1850 and remained there until his death in 1890. He
compiled and edited a third edition of the Berghaus Physikalischer Atlas, which
was published in 1883-91. Also at Gotha were Karl Vogel, who for many years
kept successive editions of the Stieler Handatlas up to date, and Eric von Sydow,
who in the 1830s recognized the need for large wall maps for use in classrooms
and who prepared the first series of such maps for Justus Perthes. Of this series the
first, on Asia, was published in 1838. Sydow’s Schulatlas (1847-49) not only made
the new information about the earth available in the schools of Germany and
140 / MODERN

elsewhere but also set the standards for the use of blues, browns, and greens on
hypsometric maps.7
Among the widely known scholars trained by Heinrich Berghaus, who later worked
at Gotha, was August Petermann. In 1845, at the age of 23, Petermann went to
Edinburgh to assist the Scottish map publisher Alexander Keith Johnston in bring­
ing out an English edition of the Berghaus Atlas. He remained in Edinburgh and
London until 1854, during which time he was appointed cartographer to the queen
and introduced numerous ideas and techniques from Germany into Britain. While
he was in London he joined the controversy then raging regarding the existence of
an ice-free polar sea. It is ice free, he insisted, because of the warming effect of the
Gulf Stream, which flows into the Arctic Ocean. In 1854 he returned to Gotha; the
next year he founded the famous geographical periodical Petermanns Geographische
Mitteilungen, which is still among the leading professional periodicals in the
field of geography. Petermann’s maps, for which the Mitteilungen became famous,
set new standards in cartography. In the first 24 volumes and 56 supplements
(■erganzungshefte) that he edited, he published a total of 850 maps. The topographic
map, said Petermann, is the highest achievement of geography since it furnishes
the most accurate reproduction of the earth’s surface and thereby provides the best
basis for all knowledge (Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1878:208).
When Petermann was in Edinburgh, he was assisted by the young John
Bartholomew, son of the director of the map-publishing firm of John Bartholomew
& Son. When John became head of the firm in 1856, he was the fourth member of
the family with the same name to occupy this position.8 With his son, John George
Bartholomew, he introduced the use of layer tints for hypsometric maps into the
English-speaking world. These two Bartholomews also recognized the need for
having a map-publishing firm closely supported by a geographic research center when
they established the Edinburgh Geographic Institute. The next John Bartholomew,
who died in 1962, was the editor of the world-famous Times Survey Atlas o f the
World in 1922, which was expanded into a new edition in 1955. Since then many
atlases have been produced.
German cartographic ideas also had an important influence in the United States.
Daniel Coit Gilman, who was professor of physical and political geography at the
Sheffield Scientific School at Yale from 1863 to 1872, was in close touch with devel­
opments in Germany, especially with the mapping of statistical information by the
Prussian statistical office. When the ninth U.S. census was being planned under the
direction of the economist Francis Amasa Walker, Gilman brought the German
materials to Walker’s attention. The result was the publication in 1874 of the
Statistical Atlas of the United States under Walker’s direction. The atlas was an
immediate success, and in succeeding censuses the data on economic production

7See the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society 44 (1912):846-848.

8The seventh Bartholomew is now head of the firm; John Bartholomew, 1831-93; John
George Bartholomew, 1860-1920; John Bartholomew, 1890-1962; John C. Bartholomew
was made head of the firm in 1962. Reader’s Digest acquired Bartholomew in 1980 and in
1989 became part of Harper Collins Publishers.
What Was New? / 141

and population were effectively presented on maps. The tenth census (1880), which
Walker also directed, was published in 22 large volumes together with the atlas,
which reviewed the changing geography of the United States since 1790. This
census is a major source for the study of American historical geography. Neither
Gilman nor Walker was primarily a geographer, yet their influence on the develop­
ment of the new geography in America was very great.9 (Short, 2001)


Humboldt and Ritter left quite different legacies for future generations. Humboldt
sought answers to a great variety of specific questions (de Terra, 1955). For example,
he attempted to develop a general picture of the distribution of average tempera­
tures in the world in relation to the distribution of continents and oceans. With the
assistance of the Russian network of weather stations, he was able to do so. He
attempted to define the effect of altitude of tropical mountains on plants, animals,
and man. This he did on the basis of personal observation in tropical America. But
Humboldt did not leave a school or disciples. The method of asking questions and
seeking answers that he so effectively demonstrated was not “rediscovered” until
several decades after his death. Since he did not restrict himself to the study of phys­
ical, biotic, or cultural processes in isolation, his contributions to the substantive
fields are usually considered minimal. With Georg Forster he laid the groundwork
for the study of plant geography—but he is not listed by botanists or zoologists as
a major contributor to their fields. He was, in fact, a geographer because he asked
about the interconnections among things and events of diverse origin, sweeping aside
the then-growing barriers among disciplines to get a last majestic view of the cosmos.
Ritter did found a school, in the sense that his enthusiastic teaching aroused
a similar enthusiasm among his disciples (Sinnhuber, 1959). Many disciples
undertook to continue his plan of the Erdkunde in parts of the world he had been
unable to complete. There were German studies of Australia and more detailed works
dealing with parts of Europe, especially Germany. His most famous disciples,
however, were Elisee Reclus and Arnold Guyot.10

Elisee Reclus
Elisee Reclus was a French geographer and anarchist who studied briefly under Carl
Ritter (Dunbar, 1978). Departing France following revolutionary activism in 1852,

^Francis Amasa Walker was an economist who taught at Yale from 1873 to 1881. Later
he was president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Daniel Coit Gilman
became the president of the University of California in 1872 and of the newly organized
Johns Hopkins University in 1876. At Johns Hopkins he introduced the German concept
of the university as a community of free scholars. Advanced study for the degree of doctor
of philosophy was made available, and a faculty was selected on the basis of excellence in
scholarship rather than ability to lecture to undergraduates (Wright, 1961).
1(1An other of Ritter’s students was the Russian geographer Petr Petrovich Semenov
Tyan-Shanski. Semenov’s work is discussed in Chapter 11.
142 / MODERN

he spent the next five years traveling in Great Britain, the United States, and Colombia.
He returned to France in 1857, was imprisoned in April 1871, and was banished
for 10 years in February 1872. In March 1879 the ban was lifted. By then he had
become an ardent supporter of the antimarriage movement and demonstrated his
sincerity by permitting his two daughters to live with their partners without either
civil or religious sanction. He was identified by the French government as one of
the leading promoters of anarchism. Although he lived in France from 1890 to 1894,
he maintained his residence in Switzerland, which prevented his arrest. In 1892 he
was appointed professor of comparative geography at the University of Brussels
in Belgium. Because of his continued activity as a revolutionary anarchist, his appoint­
ment was canceled. From 1898 until his death in 1905, he was director of the Institut
Geographique, which he had founded at the New University of Brussels.
One reason for his immunity from any penalty other than banishment from France
was his standing as a scholar and the resulting efforts of European scholars to
give him protection. In 1867-68 he published La terre, a two-volume descriptive
systematic geography with preponderant emphasis on physical geography, which
was accomplished in the Ritterian manner (Reclus, 1867-68), But his major work
was the completion of the kind of universal geography that Ritter had started. His
19-volume “new universal geography” was, in a sense, the last echo of the classi­
cal period, when one scholar could present all available knowledge about the earth
as the home of man (Reclus, 1876-94). Reclus took great care with the accuracy
of his sources and with the clarity of his writing. Unlike Ritter’s Erdkunde, which
is well known for its numerous obscure passages, Reclus’s work was easy to read
and understand. Also, he was one of the few disciples of Ritter who eliminated the
teleological element. His standing as a scholar was given further support by numer­
ous other writings, including a detailed description of the history of a stream and
a similar work on a mountain (Reclus, 1869, 1880).

Arnold Guyot
Arnold Guyot was bom in Switzerland; in 1839 he was a colleague of Louis Agassiz
at the University of Neuchatel. Agassiz turned the attention of his younger colleague
to the study of glaciers and the effect of glacial action in producing distinctive kinds
of mountain landforms. Guyot also studied with Ritter and became one of his most
devoted disciples (Libbey, 1884). In 1848 Guyot came to the United States, where
he was invited to deliver a series of lectures in Boston in 1849 outlining the rudi­
ments of what was to become the “new geography.” His lectures were published
in book form and served to make Ritter’s ideas known in America (Guyot, 1849).
Guyot attacked the traditional descriptive geography wherein encyclopedic collec­
tions of facts were given to students to be memorized (James, 1969). The “new geo­
graphy” should not only describe but also compare and interpret: “it should rise to
the how and wherefore of the phenomena that it describes” (Guyot, 1849:21). When
the Massachusetts Board of Education asked Guyot to deliver a series of lectures
on the “new geography” and the methods of teaching it, his influence on American
schools spread rapidly. For decades his textbooks set the standards for elementary
and secondary' classes in geography. He taught his pupils to observe their surroundings
and to match their perceptions with the word symbols they used to describe them.
What Was New? / 143

When distant regions were studied, Guyot urged that pupils should become better
acquainted with these places by the close examination of topographic maps.11
Guyot, who held the position of professor of physical geography and geology at
the College of New Jersey (Princeton) from 1854 to 1880, remained a vigorous
supporter of Ritter’s ideas. Even as the widespread acceptance of the concepts
of evolution as developed by Darwin, Wallace, and Huxley swept away the philo­
sophical ideas of the teleologists, Guyot’s stand remained unshaken. When he retired
in 1880, the “new geography” he preached was not only old, but its philosophical
basis had been largely discredited. Here is what he had to say about the purpose of
physical geography in 1873:
The Earth, as an individual organization, with definite structure, character, and
purpose, is the subject of geographical science.. . . A careful study of physical
geography tends to lead the mind to the conclusion that the great geographical
constituents of our planet—the solid land, the ocean, and the atmosphere—are
mutually dependent and connected by incessant action and reaction upon one
another; and hence, that the earth is really a wonderful mechanism all parts of
which work together harmoniously to accomplish the purpose assigned to it by
an all-wise Creator (Davis, 1924; 165-169; Guyot, 1873).


Not all the scholars who contributed to knowledge about the earth were Europeans
or derived their ideas directly from European sources.1112 Several made notably
original contributions to geographic knowledge. Among these were George Perkins

11In addition to Arnold Guyot, who taught at the College of New Jersey (Princeton)
from 1854 to 1880, (Ferrell, 1981) and Daniel Coit Gilman, others who were important
in the introduction of European ideas into American geography include: Jedidiah Morse
(1761-1826); whose texts, American Geography and American Universal Geography,
were published in 1789 and frequently revised thereafter; they were widely used in
schools and read in American homes for many decades (James, 1969:474-475); John
Daniel Gross, who was professor of German and geography at Columbia College from
1784 to 1795; John Kemp, who was professor of geography at Columbia College
from 1795 to 1812; Louis Agassiz, who was professor of zoology at Harvard from
1848 to 1873 and introduced the ideas of natural history to America. He was strongly
opposed to Darwin’s concept of evolution through the survival of the fittest; his student,
N. S. Shaler, was the teacher of William Morris Davis (Lurie, 1960).
12A more complete survey of the history of geographical ideas would include other
eighteenth-century Americans. For example, like Adams and Jefferson Benjamin
Franklin was a keen observer and, for his time, a careful scientist. His discovery of the
nature of lightning and of electricity is well known. He also was the first to measure the
temperature of the Gulf Stream. There was Hugh Williamson, who in 1760 observed that
the warmer the waters of the Gulf Stream, the colder the weather that might be expected
in New England. Lewis Evans, whose Analysis of a Map of the Middle British Colonies of
America was published by Franklin in 1755, is credited with being the leading geographer
of his time (Brown, 1951:192; Davis, 1924:160-162). Either Evans or Franklin first
recognized that storms with northeast winds actually came from the southwest.
144 / MODERN

Marsh, Matthew Fontaine Maury, and the numerous outdoorsmen who participated
in the exploration and survey of the American West (Allen, 1997; Colby, 1936; Curti,
1943; Glick, 1974; Wheat, 1958-1962).

George Perkins Marsh

Marsh was described by David Lowenthal as the “versatile Vermonter” (Lowenthal,
1958) and later “prophet of conservation” (Lowenthal, 2000). Few men have
excelled in a wider range of fields of interest. After graduating from Dartmouth in
1820 and passing examinations for the bar, Marsh set up a law office in Burlington,
Vermont, where for many years he carried on a small practice. In 1844 he was
elected to Congress by the Whig party, but when he was defeated for reelection in
1848 he was appointed the U.S. minister to Turkey. In 1861 President Lincoln named
him minister plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Italy, a post that he held until his
death in 1882. During all these years he wrote on an amazing variety of scholarly
questions. He was a master of the English language and in addition could read
some 20 other languages. His books include a grammar of the Icelandic language,
a treatise on the habits and uses of the camel (which he recommended for importa­
tion to the dry parts of America), and a book on the origin and history of the English
Marsh also occupies an important position in the history of geographical ideas.
At an early age he began to notice the destructive effects of man’s use of the land.
In his wide reading, especially of the works of Humboldt, Ritter, Guyot, and Mary
Somerville (British writer, 1780-1872), he recognized the stirrings of a geography
different from its predecessors, one focusing on the close interconnections between
man and his natural surroundings. Marsh, who had never studied geography as such,
developed a novel approach to the study of the relations of man to the land; He
turned his attention to man’s effect on nature, to the modifications of the organic
and the inorganic parts of the habitat that resulted from human action. This was the
point of view that Plato missed and that Buffon promoted. But Marsh began to seek
examples of man’s destructive use of land as a result of the damage he had seen
done by widespread forest clearing in Vermont. His years of residence in Turkey
and Italy gave him an opportunity to observe even more startling examples of the
damage done by human action.
Many years of field observation and reading went into the preparation of
Marsh’s great works (Marsh, 1864, 1874). He had been working on the theme of
the modification of nature by human action long before he left for Turkey. In
1847 he gave an address to the Agricultural Society of Rutland, Vermont, on “man’s
alteration of the landscape, intentional and unintentional, desirable and dangerous”
(Rosenkrantz and Koelsch, 1973, pp. 340-368). He describes the objectives of his
book, Man and Nature, as follows:

To indicate the character and, approximately, the extent of the changes produced
by human action in the physical conditions of the globe we inhabit; to point out
the dangers of imprudence and the necessity of caution in all operations which,
on a large scale, interfere with the spontaneous arrangements of the organic and
of the inorganic worlds; to suggest the possibility and the importance of the
What Was New? / 145

restoration of disturbed harmonies and the material improvement of wasted

and exhausted regions; and, incidentally, to illustrate the doctrine that man is, in
both kind and degree, a power of a higher order than any of the other forms
of animated life, which, like him are nourished at the table of bounteous nature
(Marsh, 1864:iii).

Marsh’s warning was sounded in a country with seemingly endless resources

and at a time when the need for conservation programs had yet to be formulated.
In Russia a similar note was sounded in 1901 by Alexander Ivanovich Voeikov,
who was especially concerned about the destruction of the grasslands owing to over-
grazing and about the supposed modifications of climate that resulted from changes
in the cover of vegetation (Voeikov, 1901). In America it was not until 1905 that
Nathaniel S. Shaler, professor of geology at Harvard and a student of Louis Agassiz,
returned to the theme of man’s destructive effect on earth resources. Shaler, how­
ever, was especially concerned about the depletion of mineral resources, whereas
Marsh paid slight attention to minerals (Shaler, 1905). Marsh had to await redis­
covery until the modem period, when the destructive effect of human action was
recognized as a major and very practical concern (Thomas, 1956).

Matthew Fontaine Maury

Another American who contributed major new concepts about the earth during
the nineteenth century was Matthew Fontaine Maury, a Virginian by birth who was
brought up in the backlands of rural Tennessee (Leighly, 1977; Williams, 1963), Maury
received an appointment as midshipman in the U.S. Navy and was on the Vincennes
when it became the first naval ship to be sailed all the way around the world, a
voyage that lasted from 1826 to 1830. At an early age Maury had developed an
insatiable curiosity concerning all matters that lay beyond his immediate horizon.
His voyage around the world left him with many unanswered questions concerning
the characteristics of the oceans. In 1839 Maury was appointed director of the Navy
Depot of Charts and Instruments (which later became the U.S. Naval Observatory
and Hydrographic Office). He devised a blank form for ship’s logs on which the
captains could enter specific observations of winds and currents and other condi­
tions of the sea. Each observation was located by latitude and longitude; when the
logs were sent back to Washington, the data were plotted on maps. Maury also devised
new instruments for sounding ocean depths and was, therefore, able to produce the
first map of the floor of the North Atlantic Ocean—information of the highest
practical value in planning the route of the first transatlantic cable. The wind and
current data were plotted on charts that were published along with an explanatory
text. On the basis of the new picture of winds and currents his data revealed, Maury
was able to advise ships’ captains concerning the best routes to follow. His sailing
directions cut the trip from New York to Rio de Janeiro by 10 days. The trip from
New York to San Francisco, which used to take an average of 183 days, was cut
to 135 days. Maury’s sailing directions were fully as important as new rigging and
new design in making possible the speed records of the clipper ships (Maury, 1851).
Maury was not satisfied just to collect data. He sought to develop a generalized
picture of the surface winds of the earth by identifying the prevailing winds and
146 / MODERN

eliminating the temporary and local interruptions. His model of atmospheric circu­
lation is shown in Figure 22 (Maury, 1850:137; 1855:75). Along the equator is a
zone of equatorial calms, which became known as the doldrum belt. On either side
of the equator as far as about latitude 30° are the trade wind zones, with prevailing
winds from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and from the southeast in
the Southern Hemisphere. At about latitude 30° in each hemisphere is a zone of
middle latitude calms, which became known as the horse latitudes. In the middle
latitudes, roughly between 30° and 60° in each hemisphere, are the prevailing
westerlies. Maury showed the regions around both poles as zones of calms.
It is instructive to note the way Maury solved the problem of generalizing his
information about wind directions. He recognized that there would be many inter­
ruptions of his simplified scheme owing to irregularities in the distribution of land
and water. Major interruptions are the monsoons and the local land and sea breezes.
He did not include these interruptions on his model. For example, his information
about wind directions in the tropical South Atlantic (Fig. 23) showed that there was
a high probability of encountering northeast winds rather than southeast winds along
What Was New? / 147

40° 5 0 ° _____________20°___________________ 10° W -0 ° -E

* *f w w

t 1 3> ^
4 tec ife 4 * 4 4 & L in e s flo w wi
Qj % the w ind.
_ &

< 4 4 / °
£> 4
v p
3 \ 4 % * HI A,
* %
1% 4 ?1 4
_ * ^ 4 4 V
4 4 A <4 % m r % A A,
w* „ jfe & & k,
% ' i ■V ^
Hk 4
4 \ > f
♦ i

Figure 23 Maury’s wind chart of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, 1859

the coast of Brazil south of 10°S. In his sailing directions he was sufficiently
realistic to suggest that captains should stay close to the coast on the way to Rio de
Janeiro, and it was this recommendation that cut the sailing time from New York.
On the other hand, he did not modify his generalized model to take these northeast
winds into consideration. His wind zones and belts of calms, running all around the
earth, fitted so well into the traditional torrid, temperate, and frigid zones that Maury’s
model was widely accepted and taught in schools.
Maury also showed the wind directions aloft around the margin of his general­
ized model. If air moves steadily from latitude 30° toward the equator and if
observations of air pressure show that pressure is high in the horse latitudes and
low along the equator, then clearly there had to be a return current of air aloft
moving in a direction opposite to the surface winds. If the surface winds in the
middle latitudes are from the southwest or the northwest, air must be moving in
the opposite direction aloft unless the equilibrium of the world’s atmosphere were
to be destroyed. His vertical section shows winds crossing each other (Fig. 22).
Modified later to avoid this difficulty, diagrams showing the atmosphere in vertical
section have been widely used in elementary texts.
Having developed his model, Maury proceeded to make deductions from it. For
example, the coastal desert of Peru, lying in the zone of the southeast trades, can be
explained by the descent of air on the lee side of the Andes. This notion, that the
Peruvian desert is a lee coast in the trade wind zone, is still found in many books.
Yet it is an established fact, with which Maury was well acquainted, that the
148 / MODERN

surface winds along the Peruvian coast come from the southwest. These inter­
ruptions of Maury’s model should have suggested the need to develop a different
model, yet because of the wide acceptance of Maury’s concept, the error contained
in the concept was permitted to persist (James, 1964).
Maury himself was very explicit about his attempt to formulate a general pic­
ture of the movements of air and water. He said:

I am wedded to no theories, and do not advocate the doctrines of any particular

school. Truth is my object. Therefore, when the explanation which I may have at
any time offered touching any facts fails to satisfy further developments, it is given
up the moment one is suggested which will account for the new, and equally as
well for the old system of facts. In every instance that theory is preferred which
is reconcilable with the greatest number of known facts (Maury, 1855; quote from
preface to the sixth edition, 1856:xv).

Maury also gave his support to an idea that was being hotly debated during
the middle years of the nineteenth century— the concept of an open polar sea. This
concept had had a long history and perhaps dated from 1527, when an English
merchant suggested using the polar route to reach the Spice Islands (Wright, 1953).
It was given strong support when a Dutch geographer in the seventeenth century
provided a hypothetical explanation for the existence of a mild climate near the pole.
Maury believed that the warm Gulf Stream flowed under colder surface water and
emerged again at the surface in the vicinity of the pole. In 1853, when Elisha Kent
Kane was preparing for a voyage to the far north, Maury explained his belief in the
existence of such an open sea at great length. When Kane’s ship was frozen in the
ice with no open water in sight, he sent a sledge party farther to the north. At
latitude 80°30'N, standing on a high cliff in northern Greenland, the leader of this
party reported that “not a speck of ice was to be seen.” The vast open sea extended
northward beyond the horizon and was moved by the kind of huge swell that only
could develop on a large expanse of open water. He provided the perfect demon­
stration of how a concept, vividly presented, can be so firmly implanted in the mind
that evidence supporting it can be perceived and confidently reported. The idea of
an open polar sea was not finally abandoned until the voyage of Fridtjof Nansen of
the Fram (1893—96), who came to within a few degrees of the pole and did not
find open water.
Maury sought to extend his collection of wind and current data by international
cooperation. Enlarging on a suggestion made by the British, Maury promoted the
idea of an international conference to which delegates from all the major maritime
powers would be sent. He also wanted to include a system of land observations,
but at this same time Joseph Henry, director of the Smithsonian Institution in
Washington, was attempting to set up a network of weather-reporting stations in
the United States and Canada for the study of storms. In 1835 the Russians had
already set up such a network as a result of Humboldt’s visit. But Henry did not
like the idea of cooperating with Maury. When the international conference was
held in Brussels in 1853, the proposed cooperation was restricted to observations
at sea. As a result of the conference, the flow of new data into Washington was
greatly increased. Humboldt himself gave his support to Maury for establishing a
What Was New? / 149

new field of scholarship— the physical geography of the sea.13 The Physical
Geography o f the Sea (1855) by Maury remained the standard work on the subject
for many years. It was translated into six languages and experienced numerous
editions. In 1861 the work was expanded and retitled The Physical Geography of
the Sea and Its Meteorology.

Other American Climatologists

The conflict that developed between Maury and Joseph Henry is one of those sad
episodes in the history of geography that have become more and more common
during the past century. Maury, as we have seen, lacked an academic background.
As a scientist he was self-taught, but he made up for his deficiency by a boundless
enthusiasm and by a vast experience. He was a salesman, a promoter who sold the
basic notion that knowledge of the ocean and of the atmosphere could only be brought
together by widespread cooperation. His observations at sea had been carried out
by sailors under proper direction. Why, said Maury, should not a similar system of
weather observations be extended to the land and be carried out by farmers? In the
1850s he worked steadily for the establishment of a national weather bureau, even
to the extent of securing a leave of absence for the purpose of making a lecture tour
to gain popular support.
Joseph Henry was a scientist. As a student of physics he had invented some of
the devices required for electric motors and generators. He and Michael Faraday
had developed these devices independently and at the same time, but Faraday had
published his results sooner. In 1832 Henry had joined the faculty of the College
of New Jersey (Princeton), where he taught physics and mathematics and a variety
of other subjects, including geology and astronomy. In 1846 he was appointed the
first secretary of the new Smithsonian Institution in Washington. Among the pro­
jects that Henry undertook at the Smithsonian was the establishment of a network
of weather stations, each of which was to report to Washington by telegraph. Henry
wanted these reports in order to chart the movements of winter storms. When Guyot
set up a series of weather stations in both New York state and Massachusetts, it
further strengthened Henry’s weather station plan.
Of course, the two proposals—one by Maury and the other by Henry—met head
on. Although Maury continued to insist that the proposals were not competitive,
the fact is that Maury had access to government funds and Henry did not. Henry
continued to oppose Maury’s plan, insisting that Maury was not qualified to direct
such a program or to make use of the results. Maury’s attempted explanations
of atmospheric circulation and his endorsement of the open polar sea only made

13Maury’s career as a naval officer and as a geographer came to an abrupt end in 1861
when he resigned his commission to join the Confederacy. Bom in Virginia, he felt a
strong sense of loyalty to his native state. For the defense of the James River, he invented
the first torpedoes to be detonated by electricity. He went to England to purchase supplies
and ships for the Confederacy. After the war he went to Mexico briefly to promote the
settling of Virginian colonists who wanted to leave the United States. From 1868 to the
time of his death in 1873, he was professor of physics at the Virginia Military Institute,
His school textbooks in geography were widely adopted (Williams, 1963; Leighly, 1977).
150 / MODERN

Henry rate him still lower as a scientist. It was the familiar story of the enthusiastic
promoter with little capacity for patient scientific work meeting the careful scientist.
Henry was probably right: If Maury’s plan had been approved by the Congress it
would have submerged the Smithsonian project. So Henry with a small group of
leading scientists saw to it that Maury’s plan did not pass.
An official U.S. Weather Service was established in 1870 and assigned to the
Signal Corps of the Army. In 1891 it was transferred to the Department of Agricul­
ture, and in 1940 it was moved from Agriculture to the Department of Commerce.
Meanwhile, several scholars in America were working with climatic data
(Leighly, 1949). Samuel Forry made one of the earliest maps of the United States
showing the distribution of temperature by making use of Humboldt’s isotherms.
In 1853 Lorin Blodget used new climatic data to draw a temperature map, but, since
he permitted his isotherms to end on the map and to split, his method was some­
thing less than expert. In 1857 he published The Climatology o f the United States
and o f the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent. This was perhaps
the most valuable contribution on the subject to this time. His studies of the impact
of climate on both agriculture and industrial resources were considered valuable,
and his study relating the climatic impact on industry in Pennsylvania might be
considered a contribution to location studies. His relevance as a representative of
the new geography is also revealed in his engineering work for the Pacific railroad
surveys in the 1850s and his later office as secretary of the Philadelphia Board of
Trade. In 1854 James H. Coffin prepared a wind map of the Northern Hemisphere,
and in 1875 he extended the map to the whole globe. His paper on the laws of
atmospheric circulation went far beyond Maury. In 1846 Loomis presented the first
synoptic weather map that was helpful in weather prediction. He went beyond this
in 1868 with Treatise on Meteorology and in 1882 compiled the first rainfall map
of the earth (James and Jones, 1954:334-361).
Meanwhile, a major contribution to the understanding of atmospheric circulation
had been made by a high school teacher of mathematics in Nashville, Tennessee,
William Ferrel. In 1865 he had read Hadley’s explanation of the deflection of
moving air by the earth’s rotation and decided to work out the problem for himself.
To Ferrel goes the credit for giving the first mathematical explanation of the way
moving bodies must behave on a rotating sphere.14


In addition to the collection of new data on population or the oceans or the
world’s climates, another kind of geography emerged from studies of geology in

14William Ferrel, “The Motions of Fluids and Solids Relative to the Earth’s Surface,”
Mathematical Monthly 1 (1859): 140-148, 210-216, 300-307, 366-373, 397-406; 2
(1859-60):89-97, 339-346, 374-390. There was also a brief report in American Journal
of Science and Arts 31 (1861):27-50. For a review of the various scholars who have
contributed to an understanding of the deflective force of the earth's rotation, including the
work of G. G. Coriolis (1835), see C. L. Jordan, Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society 47 (1966):401-403; see also 47 (1966):887-891.
What Was New? / 151

the nineteenth century in the form of systematic surveys of unsettled territory. By

midcentury the United States was in possession of a vast extent of thinly occupied
land stretching roughly from the one hundredth meridian west to the Pacific Ocean.
California was occupied, and the discovery of gold had resulted in a rush of new
settlers. But what was the land like in between? (Worster, 1985). This country had
been penetrated initially by Indians, then by fur trappers, missionaries, and a long
list of explorers including Zebulon M. Pike, Stephen H. Long, Lewis Cass, John C.
Fremont, William H. Emory, and Isaac Stevens (Carter, 1999).15

Lewis and Clark

The Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803-1806 was also primarily exploratory. The
chief purpose was to explore the Missouri River and its tributaries and to find the
best route to the headwaters of the Columbia River and thence to the Pacific Ocean.
But the president, Thomas Jefferson, who was a keen student of geography, gave
Lewis and Clark a careful and detailed directive. In addition to establishing the
latitude and longitude of key places along the route, the expedition was to prepare
a systematic record of observations concerning the nature of the country and its
inhabitants. Jefferson specified that the reports should include observations on the
number and characteristics of the Indians, their manner of making a living, their
languages, and their relations to neighboring tribes. The reports should also provide
information on the soil and face of the country, its vegetation, its animals, its min­
erals, its climate, including temperature; proportion of rainy, cloudy, and clear days;
the occurrence of lightning, hail, snow, and ice; the prevailing wind directions; the
dates of the first and last frosts; and the time of the year when particular plants
lose their leaves (Coues, 1893/1965). The expedition left Saint Louis in May 1804
and returned in September 1806. The diaries and maps represent the most useful
collection of data concerning a previously little-known land area ever assembled up
to that date (Dillon, 1965; McLaughlin, 2003).

Ferdinand V. Hayden
The term “Great Surveys” is usually applied to the expeditions specifically
organized to map and make inventories of the western territories. There were four
such expeditions working more or less simultaneously in the years 1866 to 1879
(Bartlett, 1962). The four leaders were Ferdinand V. Hayden, Clarence King,
George M. Wheeler, and John Wesley Powell.
Hayden directed the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories,
which was sent out by the Department of the Interior each year between 1869 and
1878. Hayden’s men surveyed the mountain country of northern Colorado and

-Major Emory surveyed and prepared a geographic report on the United States-Mexican
border, House Document 135, 34th Cong., 1st Sess., 1857; also Reports of Explorations
and Surveys to Ascertain the Most Practical and Economical Route for a Railroad from
-he Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-1855, Senate Document 46, 35th Cong.,
2d Sess., 1855. For Isaac Stevens, see Meinig, 1955.
152 / MODERN

Group of all members of the Hayden Survey. In camp at Red Buttes, junction of
F ig u re 24
the North Platte and Sweetwater Rivers

F ig u re 25 Geological exploration of the Fortieth Parallel in the King Survey

What Was New? / 153

F ig u re 26 Lieutenant Wheeler, U.S. Engineer, camp and scientific party near Belmont,

Fig u re 27 The Powell party, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, May 1871

154 / MODERN

Wyoming. He reported on the geysers and hot springs of Yellowstone and the
spectacular scenery of the Teton Mountains. Hayden was one of the most effective
proponents of the creation of Yellowstone National Park. Hayden’s men were
the first to report on the cliff dwellings of the Mesa Verde region. His reports,
however, were hurried and were less than objective. He was enthusiastic about
the possibilities of settlement and even defended the notion that the rainfall would
increase with settlement. Nevertheless, his maps and the landscape sketches pre­
pared by William H. Holmes remain major accomplishments. One of his workers
was Henry Gannett, who went on to become one of the founders of the Association
of American Geographers and one of the earliest population geographers. The
Checklist o f United Sates Public Documents, 1787-1901 lists some 50 publications
of the Hayden Survey. Emanating from Hayden’s survey work were the Timber
Culture Act (1873) and the Desert Land Act (1877) stemming from his (erroneous)
belief that rainfall followed settlement.

Clarence King
Clarence King, who in 1863 was operating the California Geological Survey, was
appointed director of the U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. The
survey carried out a geological cross section of this western country along latitude
40°N between 1867 and 1872. He identified and named the now-dry lake basins of
the Great Basin in Utah and Nevada (Lake Bonneville and Lake Lahontan, respect­
ively). His studies of the Uinta Mountains and the Wasatch Mountains made it
possible for him to correlate some of the fossils found there with fossils of the
same geologic age in Europe. Although the findings of his survey team were very
considerable, he failed to convince the War Department that his survey should be
broadened; it was felt that his approach was too narrowly geological.
In 1879 King was named the first director of the U.S. Geological Survey (which
in that year replaced the separate surveys of the West). He resigned after one year.

George M. Wheeler
For many years before the Civil War (from 1813 to 1863), the U.S. Army
Topographic Engineers had been engaged in making detailed maps of various parts
of the United States. But during the war years this function was dropped. After the
war the four surveys resumed the kind of work that had once kept the engineers
busy in peacetime. General Humphreys of the Army Engineers felt that the surveys,
especially those of Hayden and King, were too exclusively focused on geological
problems and that any mapping accomplished was only incidental. For this reason
he rejected King’s bid to secure additional appropriations. But in 1871 he appointed
Lieutenant George M. Wheeler, a West Point graduate, to head the U.S. Geograph­
ical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. Wheeler was directed not only
to make topographic maps but also to undertake a land classification. The potential
use of land was identified in four categories: (1) land suited for agriculture, (2) land
suited for timber, (3) land suited for grazing, and (4) arid land. Between 1874, when
the land classification work was added to the mapping, and 1879, when all the sur­
veys were combined in the U.S. Geological Survey, some 175,000 square miles were
What Was New? / 155

classified. It is interesting that the army wanted not only maps showing landforms
but also man-made features, such as mines, farms, roads, dams, and settlements.
Wheeler was able to recruit some of the best-qualified field scientists available,
including Grove Karl Gilbert, who made some highly important original contribu­
tions to the understanding of landforms. In 1875 Gilbert resigned to join the Powell
In 1881 Wheeler was sent to Venice to attend the Third International Geograph­
ical Congress. His report on the principal government land and marine surveys of
the world is an important record of the progress of topographic mapping since the
earliest mapmaking efforts of the Russians in 1720 under Peter the Great (Wheeler,

John Wesley Powell

The story of John Wesley Powell is so important for the history of geography that
it needs to be told in somewhat more detail (Davis, 1927; James, 1979; Pyne, 1980;
Worster, 2001). Powell, like the other three leaders of Great Surveys, had not received
any formal geographic training. From the enthusiasm of a high school teacher in
Ohio, he developed a keen interest in natural history and a capacity to observe
natural phenomena out of doors. In 1859 while he was a schoolteacher in Illinois,
he became secretary of the Illinois Natural History Society. But when the Civil War
began, he volunteered for the army. In the Battle of Shiloh he was wounded and
lost an arm, but he continued on active duty and served as engineer officer in the
siege of Vicksburg. He left the army as major in 1864.
By this time Powell was fascinated by the unknown country to the west. He sought
funds to organize an expedition but was repeatedly turned down in Washington. He
did get some funds from several Illinois colleges, and in 1867 and 1868 he was
able to travel to the Rocky Mountains and climb Pikes Peak and Longs Peak. Powell
became a national figure in 1869 when, with a small party and four boats, he sailed
down the Green River and the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon (Darrah,
1951; Stegner, 1954).
In 1870 the U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain
Region was financed by an appropriation from Congress. It continued to examine
the mountain country until 1879, when it was combined with three other surveys
of the West. In 1871 Powell carried out a second canyon trip, but most of his atten­
tion was given to surveying the land, the resources, and the people. He made the
first records of Indian customs and language. In 1875 he secured the service of Grove
Karl Gilbert, whose Report on the Geology o f the Henry Mountains (Gilbert, 1878)
is a classic in the field of landform studies. Gilbert is credited with the first clear
statement of the concept of grade— that is, the equilibrium reached between slope,
volume of water, velocity of flow, and load of detritus. Powell himself, during his
first trip through the Uinta Mountains along the canyon of the Green River, saw
for the first time just how a river could cut down through a mountain that was
being raised up across its course. Fortunately, Powell had not read Buache and
did not know that mountains were supposed to border drainage basins. He called a
river that continues in its course through a rising mountain range an antecedent
156 / MODERN

Gilbert and Powell enjoyed two advantages not shared by the students of land-
forms in Europe. In the western part of North America, there are large areas that
are arid or semiarid, which means that the forms of the surface are not hidden under
a thick cover of vegetation. Furthermore, these field men were not blinded by
preconceptions based on earlier influential studies. Powell never had to consider
the hypothesis set forth by Charles Lyell that landforms were chiefly the result of
marine erosion: In the western part of the United States marine erosion did not seem
plausible, and, clearly, the landforms had been sculptured by running water. Of course,
the Colorado River had cut its own canyon—the conclusion was inescapable when
the canyon was viewed from a boat. Here in the western part of the United States
a truly new geography was bom.
Powell was also concerned about the human use of this country, but he did not
share Hayden’s enthusiasm about the possibilities of settlement. He could find no
evidence to support the idea that the rainfall would increase if more of the area
were settled. In fact, his own observations led him to insist that the only way to
maintain the flow of water from the mountains to the bordering lowlands was to
preserve the forest cover. Without ever having read Humboldt, he nevertheless
predicted that the clearing of the forests on the watersheds would bring disaster.
One of his projects was to produce a map showing the relatively small areas that
could be supplied with enough water to support irrigated farms.
In 1880 Powell became the second director of the U.S. Geological Survey, fol­
lowing King’s resignation. The Bureau of Ethnology had been established the year
before to carry on Powell’s work with the Indian cultures. But the Geological Survey
was specifically directed not to undertake geographical work (Powell, 1885). Why?
Does it not seem clear that the Congress must have wanted information regarding
the potential uses of land and about the recommended ways of maintaining the
flow of water in the rivers? But no, the members of Congress were subjected to
pressures from people who did not want Powell’s information published. There
were people who wanted to sell land to settlers: What of it if the land turned out
to be in an area designated as arid by both Wheeler and Powell? There were also
grazing interests that presented good arguments in favor of clearing the forests to
enlarge the area of pasture. Neither of these groups wanted Powell’s maps, and, in
spite of vigorous efforts by Powell himself, the Congress directed him to continue
the search for mineral resources.16
The story of Powell’s years as director of the Survey from 1880 to 1894 offers
a fascinating study in how the director of a government agency can find ways to
carry out the programs he feels are necessary in spite of opposition. In his Report
on the Arid Regions o f the United States, Powell suggested a land classification
system and new laws relevant to these lands. He recommended creation of 80-acre
irrigation units with water rights attaching to ownership. But opposition developed
in the form of politicians and groups with special interests in the West but also from
scholars in the universities, whose opposition to Powell reminds us of the very
similar treatment of Maury. From the scholars’ point of view, the attacks on Powell

16Powell was also one of a small group of scholars in Washington who founded the
Cosmos Club in 1878 (Stegner, 1954:242).
What Was New? / 157

— and men like him—were entirely justified. Here was a man who had never held
a teaching post except in a high school many years before. Here was a man with
no scholarly reputation—a tough field observer, a man with a brilliant mind, but
lacking the patience to do the tedious job of testing hypotheses; a man who would
jump ahead to explanations before accumulating the needed supporting evidence.
A field of study progresses because both kinds of people contribute to it, but this
does not make the apparently inevitable conflicts any easier to live with.
The data and viewpoints developed by the Surveys replaced the conjectural geo­
graphy of the time. A remarkable collection of publications replaced much of the
guesswork and imagination with data drawn from the land. Americans, hitherto,
had been too busy exploring their country and had left description and analysis to
foreign writers (the first serious work on the geography of America was written by
the German Christoph D. Ebeling in seven volumes, 1793-1816). The point is that
the Surveys laid a foundation for the beginnings of a science of the land, sugges­
tively encouraged legislation, and inspired a body of thought that was emerging
into a new geography.


Gradually, then, the exploratory kind of expedition gave way to a new kind of
expedition—a field survey. Of course, exploration continued: In the Arctic and
Antarctic both poles were reached on foot (Robert Peary in 1909, Roald Amundsen
in 1911, and Robert F. Scott in 1912) before airplanes could fly over them. Moun­
tains were climbed (the summit of Mount Everest was reached by Edmund Hillary
and Norgay Tenzing in 1953), and deserts were crossed for the first time by Euro­
peans. A series of famous sea voyages was carried out by specially equipped research
vessels: The Challenger expedition (1872-1876) traveled 69,000 miles bringing
back to England 13,000 animals and plants, 1440 water samples, and hundreds of
sea-floor deposits. Other vessels in Challenger’s wake returned with large numbers
of specimens that were sent to Challenger’s specialists, resulting in 50 published
volumes of this activity, beginning in 1880 and reaching completion in 1895.
These and many other scientific expeditions were reported chiefly in the various
geographical societies that were founded during the nineteenth century. The proto­
type of all the geographical societies was the Association for Promoting the
Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa, formed in London in 1788. This and the
Palestine Association were merged in 1830 to form the Royal Geographical
Society. The Societe de geographic was founded in Paris in 1821, and in 1828 the
Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin was founded. The first geographical societies
in America were established in Rio de Janeiro (Instituto Historico e Geografico
Brasileiro) in 1838 and in Mexico City (Sociedad Mexicana de Geografla) in 1839.
The Russian Geographical Society was founded in Saint Petersburg in 1845, and the
.American Geographical Society of New York17 was founded in 1851 (Wright, 1951,
1952). In 1888 the National Geographic Society was established in Washington, D.C.,

17Formed as the American Geographical and Statistical Society; the “and Statistical” was
dropped in 1871 to shorten the name.
158 / MODERN

for the increase and diffusion of geographical knowledge. The first monograph of
the society, published in 1896, included a series of papers on geography, one of
which was Powell’s division of the United States into physiographic regions.
By 1875 there were 28 geographical societies in Europe and one in Cairo
(Ginsburg, 1972). The meetings of these societies and the periodicals each of them
published were devoted to accounts of scientific expeditions in different parts of
the world. The first International Geographical Congress was held in Antwerp in
1871, and congresses have been held approximately at four-year intervals since that
time.18 The International Geographical Union was formed in 1922 to tie all these
and other geographical activities together and to coordinate their programs (Martin,
1996; Pinchemel, 1996).

Allen, J. L. 1997. Vol. 1 North American Exploration: A New World Disclosed. Vol. 2 North
American Exploration: A Continent Defined. Vol. 3 North American Exploration: A Continent
Comprehended. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press.
Armstrong, P. 1984. “Charles Darwin and the Development of Geography in the Nineteenth
Century.” History of Geography Newsletter No. 4:1-10.
---------. 1991. Darwin's Desolate Islands: A Naturalist in the Falklands, 1833 and 1834.
Chippenham, UK: Picton Publishing.
Bartlett, R. A. 1962. Great Surveys o f the American West. Norman: University of Oklahoma
Beck, H. 1956. “Heinrich Berghaus und Alexander von Humboldt.” Petermanns Geo-
graphische Mitteilungen 100:4-16.
Bossuet, J. B. 1681. Discours sur Vhistoire universelle. Paris.
Brown, R. H. 1951. “A Letter to the Reverend Jedidiah Morse, Author of The American
Universal Geography.” Annals AAG 41:188-198.
Carter, E. C., ed. 1999. Surveying the Record: North American Scientific Exploration to 1930.
Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
Colby, C. C. 1936. “Changing Currents of Geographic Thought in America.” Annals AAG
Commission on History of Geographical Thought, International Geographical Union. 1972.
Geography through a Century o f International Congresses.
Coues, E., ed. 1893. History of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark. New
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Curti, M. 1943. The Growth o f American Thought. New York: Harper Bros.
Darrah, W. C. 1951. Powell o f the Colorado. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

^International Geographical Congresses have been held at Antwerp (1871); Paris (1875);
Venice (1881); Paris (1889); Bern (1891); London (1895); Berlin (1899); Washington,
D.C. (1904); Geneva (1908); Rome (1913); Cairo (1925); Cambridge, England (1928);
Paris (1931); Warsaw (1934); Amsterdam (1938); Lisbon (1949); Washington, D.C.
(1952); Rio de Janeiro (1956); Stockholm (1960); London (1964); New Delhi (1968);
Montreal (1972); Moscow (1976); Tokyo (1980); Paris (1984); Sydney (1988);
Washington, D.C. (1992); The Hague (1996); Seoul (2000); and Glasgow (2004).
What Was New? / 159

Darwin, C. R. 1842. The Structure and Distribution o f Coral Reefs, 2nd ed. 1874. London:
John Murray (3rd ed., New York: D. Appleton, 1889).
---------. 1859. On the Origin o f Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation
o f Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray.
Davis, W. M. 1915. “Biographical Memoir of John Wesley Powell, 1834-1902.” National
Academy of Sciences, Biographical Memoirs, vol. 8:11-83.
---------. 1924. “The Progress of Geography in the United States.” Annals AAG 14:159-215.
---------. 1927. Biographical Memoir o f Grove Karl Gilbert, 1843-1918. Biographical
Memoirs, National Academy o f Sciences. 21, no. 5. 303 pages.
---------. 1928. The Coral Reef Problem. New York: American Geographical Society,
Special Publication No. 9.
de Terra, Helmut. 1955. Humboldt: The Life and Times o f Alexander von Humboldt,
1769-1859. New York: Knopf.
Dillon, R. 1965. Meriwether Lewis. New York: Coward-McCann.
Dunbar, G. S. 1978. Elisee Reclus: Historian of Nature. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press.
---------. 1981. “Lorin Blodget, 1823-1901.” Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies
Ferrell, E. H. 1981. “Arnold Henry Guyot, 1807-1884.” Geographers: Biobibliographical
Studies 5:63-71.
Gilbert, G. K. 1878. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains. Washington, D.C.:
Department of the Interior.
---------. 1890. Lake Bonneville. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey, Monograph
No. 1.
Ginsburg, N. S. 1972. “The Mission of a Scholarly Society.” Professional Geographer 24:1-6.
Glick, T. F., ed. 1974. The Comparative Reception of Darwinism. Austin: University of Texas
Goode, J. P. 1927. “The Map as a Record of Progress in Geography.” Annals AAG 17:1-14.
Guyot, A. 1849. The Earth and Man: Lectures on Comparative Physical Geography in Its
Relation to the History o f Mankind. Boston: Gould & Lincoln.
---------. 1873. Physical Geography. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Co.
Hartshome, R. 1939. The Nature of Geography, a Critical Survey of Current Thought in the
Light of the Past. Lancaster, Pa.: Association of American Geographers.
James, P. E. 1964. “A New Concept of Atmospheric Circulation.” Journal of Geography
---------. 1969. “The Significance of Geography in American Education.” Journal of Geo­
graphy 68:473-483.
---------. 1979. “John Wesley Powell: 1834-1902.” In Geographers: Biobibliographical
Studies. Vol. 3, pp. 117-124. London: Mansell.
James, P. E., and Jones, C. F. eds. 1954. American Geography, Inventory and Prospect. Syracuse,
N.Y.: Syracuse University Press.
Joerg, W. L. G. 1922. “Recent Geographical Work in Europe.” Geographical Review 12:
pp. 431-484.
Leighly, J. 1938. “Methodological Controversy in Nineteenth Century German Geography.”
Annals AAG 28:238-258.
---------. 1949. “Climatology since the Year 1800.” Transactions of the American Geo­
physical Union 30:658-672.
---------. 1977. “Matthew Fontaine Maury: 1806-1873.” In Geographers: Biobibliograph­
ical Studies. Vol. 1, pp. 59-63. London: Mansell.
Libbey, W., Jr. 1884. “The Life and Scientific Work of Arnold Guyot.” Bulletin of the American
Geographical Society 16:194-221.
160 / MODERN

Livingstone, D. N. and C. W. J. Withers, eds. 1999. Geography and Enlightenment.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lorenz, E. N. 1966. “The Circulation of the Atmosphere.” American Scientist 54:402-420.
Lowenthal, D. 1958. George Perkins Marsh, Versatile Vermonter. New York: Columbia
University Press.
---------. 2000. George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation. Seattle: University of
Washington Press.
Lurie, E. 1960. Louis Agassiz: A Life in Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Marsh, G. P. 1864. Man and Nature, or Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action.
New York: Charles Scribner (republished, David Lowenthal, ed.; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1965).
---------. 1874. The Earth as Modified by Human Action, 2nd ed. 1885. New York: Charles
Martin, G. J. 1996. “One Hundred and Twenty-five Years of Geographical Congresses
and the Formation of the International Geographical Union: Or from Antwerp to The
Hague.” I.G.U. Bulletin 46:5-26.
---------. 1998. “The Emergence and Development of Geographic Thought in New England.”
Economic Geography extra issue. 1-13.
Maury, M. F. 1850. “On the General Circulation of the Atmosphere.” Proceedings of the
American Association for the Advancement o f Science 3:126-147.
---------. 1851. Explanations and Sailing Directions to Accompany the Wind and Current Charts.
Washington, D.C.: C. Alexander.
---------. 1855. The Physical Geography o f the Sea. New York: Harper Bros.
Mayhew, R. J. 2000. Enlightenment Geography: The Political Languages of British
Geography, 1650-1850. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
McLaughlin, C. 2003. Arts o f Diplomacy: Lewis and Clark’s Indian Collection. Seattle:
University of Washington Press.
Meinig, D. W. 1955. “Isaac Stevens: Practical Geographer and Historian.” Geographical Review
Newton, H. A. 1895. “Biographical Memoir of Elias Loomis.” Biographical Memoirs.
National Academy of Sciences 3:213-252.
Pinchemel, P., M. C. Robic, A. M. Briend, and M. Rossler. 1996. Geographesface au monde:
VUnion geographique internationale et les Congres internationaux de geographie. Paris:
Powell, J. W. 1878. Report on the Lands o f the Arid Region of the United States with a
More Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah. Washington, D.C.: 45th Congress, 2nd
---------. 1885. “The Organization and Plan of the United States Geological Survey.”
American Journal o f Science 29:93-102.
Pyne, S. J. 1980. Grove Karl Gilbert: A Great Engine of Research. Austin: University of
Texas Press.
Reclus, E. 1867-1868. La terre, description desphenomenes de la vie du globe. 2 vols. Paris:
---------. 1869. Histoire d' un ruisseau. Paris: J. Hetzel.
---------. 1876-1894. Nouvelle geographie universelle, la terre et les hommes. 19 vols.
Paris: Hachette. English translation by E. G. Ravenstein and A. H. Keane. The Earth and
Its Inhabitants. London: 1878-1894.
---------. 1880. Histoire d' une montagne. Paris: J. Hetzel.
---------. 1905-1908. L ’homme et la terre. Paris: Librairie Universelle.
What Was New? / 161

Rosenkrantz, B. G. and W. A. Koelsch. 1973. American Habitat: A Historical Perspective.

New York: Free Press.
Rutherford, J. and P. Armstrong. 2000. “James Cook, RN 1728-1779.” Geographers: Bio-
bibliographical Studies 20:9-23.
Shafer, R. J., ed. 1969. A Guide to Historical Method. Homewood, 111.: Dorsey Press.
Shaler, N. S. 1905. “Earth and Man: An Economic Forecast.” International Quarterly
---------. 1912. Man and the Earth. New York: Duffield & Co.
Short, John R. 2001. Representing the Republic: Mapping the United States, 1600-1900.
London: Reaktion Books.
Sinnhuber, K. A. 1959. “Carl Ritter, 1779-1859.” Scottish Geographical Magazine
Stegner, W. 1954. Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening
of the West. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Stoddart, D. R. 1966. “Darwin’s Impact on Geography.” Annals AAG 56:683-698.
---------. 1985. “Humboldt and the Emergence of Scientific Geography” in P. Alter, ed.
Humboldt. London: William Heinemann.
---------. 1986. On Geography and Its History. Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell.
Thomas, W. L., ed. 1956. Man's Role in Changing the Face o f the Earth. Chicago: Univer­
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Van Orman, R. A. 1984. The Explorers: Nineteenth-Century Expeditions in Africa and the
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Ward, R. deC. 1914, "Lorin Blodget’s Climatology of the United States, an Appreciation.”
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Wheat, C. I. 1958-1962. Mapping the Trans-mississippi West, 1540-1861. 5 vols. Menlo
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Wheeler, G. M. 1885. Report upon the Third Geographical Congress and Exhibition at Venice,
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Williams, F. L. 1963. Matthew Fontaine Maury, Scientist of the Sea. New Brunswick, N.J.:
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Worster, D. 1985. Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West.
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Wright, J. K. 1951. “The Field of the Geographical Society." In Geography in the Twentieth
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---------. 1952. Geography in the Making: The American Geographical Society, 1851-1951.
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---------. 1953. “The Open Polar Sea.” Geographical Review 43:338-365.
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T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in G er m a n y

I f Galileo’s famous experiment had merely demonstrated that when he, Galileo,
dropped two specific objects of different weight from the Leaning Tower of Pisa
they fell together at the same rate of speed, that fact would have found but a
small place in scientific knowledge. Its great importance, o f course, was that
subsequent experiments showed that he had illustrated a universal, a relation
that was true regardless of where, when, or by whom the weights were dropped.
Few will question that it is an essential function of science to seek for such uni­
versal. On the other hand if later experiments had shown that the same results
were not obtained elsewhere or at other times, the fact that they did take place
on that one occasion, if substantiated as a fact, even though never explained,
would represent a bit of scientific knowledge.. . . One might say that it is an
axiomatic ideal of science to attain complete knowledge of reality— expressed
as completely as possible in terms o f universals, but in any case expressed in
some way.
—R. Hartshorne, The Nature of Geography

he nineteenth century witnessed a fundamental change in the role of univer­

sities. The traditional university, as we have seen, was a place where students
could be indoctrinated in the religious and political beliefs of the community and
where studies were focused on Greek and Latin classics, on theology and law, or
logic and rhetoric. But as the newly identified disciplines came into existence,
the universities had to assume responsibility for the advanced training of younger
generations of scholars. The members of each professional field set the standards
of professional behavior (Kuhn, 1963). This kind of education required courses of
advanced study in graduate schools.
The change started in Germany in 1809 with the establishment of the University
of Berlin as a free community of scholars. Slowly at first, then more rapidly after
the middle of the century, two principles came to be accepted regarding the new
functions of universities. First, the students were freed from standard curricula
and were permitted to select whatever course of study interested them. Second,
the appointments to positions on the faculties were made largely on the basis of
scholarly performance; after an appointment was made, the faculty member was granted
the right to engage in research and to teach the results of his research free from any
restraints except those established by professional opinion.
When these major innovations in the functions of universities began to appear,
only a few universities in the world offered a young scholar training in the con­
cepts and methods of a field called geography. Only a very few university teachers
were conscious of being geographers, and most of these were pupils of Carl Ritter
at Berlin.

The New Geography in Germany / 163

Yet geographical research was being carried on. In America, as we have seen,
the field men working on the Great Surveys were not trained as geographers. They
were geologists, naturalists, engineers, or men trained for the military services. They
were curious about the processes that produced the unfamiliar landscapes of the
American West, but they were also faced with questions of pressing practical import­
ance. There was an urgent need to know more about the resources and shortcomings
of a region that was about to be occupied by waves of new settlers.
In Europe the situation was quite different. There were no nearby unoccupied
regions where new pioneer settlement created an obvious need for more knowledge
about the earth as the potential home of man, nor were there regions of unfamiliar
appearance to challenge the curiosity. Men such as Alexander von Humboldt had
to travel to other continents to find such regions. In Germany there were centers of
geographic research where the observations of scientific travelers could be collected
and where exciting new maps were being devised to present this information in
useful form. Geographical societies were organized so that the latest knowledge about
the earth could be presented in lectures or in professional periodicals. But advanced
instruction in universities was not available. In spite of Wilhelm von Humboldt’s
effort to improve the quality of instruction in the secondary schools, there were no
places where teachers of geography could be trained. The result was a continued
decline in the content of secondary-school geography, and even a return to the kind
of rote learning against which Pestalozzi and Ritter had waged so vigorous a
Geography as a field of advanced study in the universities appeared in Germany
in the 1870s. From Germany the movement spread rapidly to France, to other European
countries, and also to America. In most countries after 1870, it is possible to ident­
ify one outstanding pioneer who was chiefly responsible for establishing the scope
and methods of the new geography at the university level. But at first the persons
who were appointed to university positions in geography had had no previous
training in this field. There was no professionally accepted paradigm to serve as a
guide to the study of geography. The new appointees had been trained in history,
geology, botany, zoology, mathematics, engineering, or journalism. In the absence
of any guidelines regarding the field of geography, each new professor felt the need
to set forth his own ideas concerning the scope of the field. Each tried to provide
a definition of geography that would give it unity and that would establish its posi­
tion among other academic disciplines. All around the world in the late nineteenth
century the question echoed through the academic corridors: What is geography?
In this chapter we will review the answers that were given in Germany (Dickinson,
1969:51-185; Fischer, Campbell, and Miller, 1967:81-174; Hartshome, 1939:84-
148; Hettner, 1927; Schelhaas and Honsch, 2001; Van Valkenburg, 1951).


After Ritter’s death, geography in Germany lacked a focus to give it unity. Those
who worked at Gotha were devoted to the careful plotting of information on maps
and to the publication of clearer maps of finer design. There was no need at Gotha
to ask what geography was—geography was anything that could be put on a map.
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Those who were engaged in military careers appreciated the practical need for more
accurate and useful information about the earth as the scene of warfare. Those who
were soon to be administrators of Germany’s new colonial possessions and those
who were engaged in doing business away from home also needed more know­
ledge of geography— not theoretical geography, but compilations of useful facts
about places. The former pupils of Carl Ritter, who were giving lectures on geog­
raphy in some of the German universities, were chiefly concerned to provide a
background for the study of history.1

Oscar Peschel
Oscar Peschel’s appointment as professor of geography at Leipzig in 1871 was the
first new professorship created after the death of Ritter. Peschel was then 45 years
of age and had already established his reputation as an editor and a writer. He had
been the assistant editor of the Allgemeine Zeitschrift at Augsburg and from 1854
to 1870 was the editor of Das Ausland , a periodical that printed articles about
foreign countries and about problems of foreign affairs. He had written on the his­
tory of ancient geography, and on this basis the Historical Commission of the Royal
Academy of Sciences invited him to write a book on the history of geography to
form a part of a series on science in Germany. Peschel’s Geschichte der Erdkunde
was published in 1865 (Peschel, 1865).
His studies of the history of geography led him to take issue with Ritter’s method
of making comparisons between regions, which Ritter called vergleichende
Erdkunde (comparative geography). Peschel pointed out that Ritter made his com­
parisons between whole continents or major parts of continents and that such units
were really composite concepts and were not properly comparable. He demonstrated
how he would make comparative studies by focusing attention on a particular kind
of landform, which he examined on the most detailed maps available to him. For
example, he studied the much-indented fjorded coasts, which, he observed, occur
on the western sides of continents in higher middle latitudes. He offered the
hypothesis that the fjords were fissures in the earth’s crust that had been occupied
and gouged out by glaciers. His systematic studies of these features together with
lakes, islands, valleys, and mountains were published in 1870 (Peschel, 1870).
Peschel is credited with being one of the founders of modem physical geo­
graphy. Yet he was not unmindful of the importance of showing the relation of the
physical features of the earth to human use of the earth. He served for only four*

iBetween 1859 and 1871 courses of lectures in geography were being given at three
German universities. At Berlin, where Ritter had been professor of geography, he was
replaced by a dozent (more or less equivalent to an assistant professor). This was Heinrich
Kiepert, a classical historian, who was promoted to professor in 1874. At Gottingen there
was Johann Eduard Wappaus, who was appointed as privat dozent (assistant professor
or instructor) in 1838 and became a professor in 1854. At Breslau there was Karl, J. L.
Neumann, who had been appointed professor of geography and ancient history in 1856.
G. B. Mendelssohn had been at Bonn, but he died in 1857 and was not replaced for two
decades (Dickinson, 1969:51-55; Wagner, 1880).
The New Geography in Germany / 165

years at Leipzig before he died at the early age of 49. His book on physical geo­
graphy was published posthumously (Peschel, 1879).

New Professorships in Germany

In 1874 an event of major importance took place in Berlin. The Prussian govern­
ment decided to establish a chair of geography (to be occupied by a scholar with
the rank of professor) in each of the Prussian universities. Prussia was the largest
and most influential of the separate political units that came together to form the
German Empire in 1871 at the end of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71). Prussia’s
action was followed elsewhere in the newly unified Germany.
Why did Prussia take this step in 1874? The answer is not entirely clear. It is
reasonable to assume that the Franco-Prussian War resulted (as all wars do) in a
popular demand for the teaching of more geography. The officers of the army, many
of whom had studied geography under Ritter at the university and the Prussian Military
Academy in Berlin, wanted more and better geography taught in the schools and
universities. In addition, the new interest in people of German origin who had
settled outside Germany after 1848 contributed to a recognition of the need to leam
geography. It is also recorded that Hermann Wagner, then a teacher of geography
at the gymnasium (secondary school) in Gotha, was greatly concerned about the
poor preparation of secondary school teachers of geography. With Alfred Kirchhoff,
who had lectured at the military academy in Berlin and had been appointed pro­
fessor of geography at Halle in 1873, Wagner urged the Prussian government to
provide advanced instruction in geography in the universities (Dickinson, 1969:59).
When the government took this action, numerous openings for university pro­
fessorships in geography appeared suddenly, and many of them were filled within
a decade. By 1880 Hermann Wagner reported that there were professors of geo­
graphy in 10 of the Prussian universities, and vacancies in 3 more were about to
be filled (Wagner, 1880:591).

Ferdinand von Richthofen

A geologist, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen, became the leading figure in the
introduction of the new geography into the universities of Germany. He was an
experienced field observer. As a young man he had carried out geological studies
in the Alps and the Carpathians. In 1860 the Prussian government selected him to
undertake an expedition to eastern Asia for the study of lands and resources. After
working in China, he sailed across the Pacific to California, where he spent six years
in active geological studies. Still challenged to find out more about the resources
of China, he was able to get the Bank of California to finance field work there with
the agreement that he would report his findings to the Chamber of Commerce in
Shanghai. In his subsequent survey of China, he was the first to report and map the
Chinese coal fields.
Richthofen did much more than locate minerals and fuels. He also sought to
formulate hypotheses to explain China’s surface features. He noted the presence of
a fine, powdery material covering the land on the eastern side of the Gobi, and he
was the first to identify this material as wind-blown dust, or loess. He also noted
166 / MODERN

that in this part of Asia the loess, as well as the stratified rocks, were deposited over
a relatively level or gently rolling surface and that this more-or-less level surface
cuts across ancient rocks of varying degrees of resistance to erosion. He concluded
that the only force strong enough to level such resistant rocks must be the ocean.
Ocean waves working on gradually sinking land could, he believed, produce the
great, nearly level plains of the world. His studies of China were published in five
volumes over the period 1877 to 1912 (Richthofen, 1877-1912; Kolb, 1983).
Richthofen’s answer to the question “What is geography?” was enormously influ­
ential inside and outside Germany. His was the pioneer statement of the scope and
method of the new geography. His ideas were initially presented in the first volume
of his study of China (Fischer, Campbell, and Miller, 1967:84-87; Richthofen,
1877-1912:1, 729-732) and then repeated in his inaugural lecture at Leipzig, deliv­
ered on April 27, 1883 (Fischer, Campbell, and Miller, 1967:88-95; Richthofen,
1883). It was the distinctive purpose of geography, he said, to focus attention on
the diverse phenomena that occur in interrelations on the face of the earth. To reach
useful and reliable conclusions, he believed, a geographical study of any part of the
face of the earth must start with a careful description of the physical features and
then must move on to an examination of the relationships of other features of the
earth’s surface to the basic physical framework. He distinguishes the study of
the processes creating the surface features (geology) from the description of the
surface features themselves as the frame of reference to which other elements of
the face of the earth (including the works of man) are to be related. The highest
goal of geography is the exploration of human relationships to the physical earth
and to the biotic features that are also associated with the physical features. This
became the basic pattern for geographical studies, not only in Germany but also in
other parts of the world.
Richthofen also thought carefully about two other problems that bothered all the
newly appointed professors of geography. The first of these problems was similar
to the questions being asked during the same period by historians and economists.
Is geography concerned only with describing the unique features of particular
regions or is it also concerned with formulating generalizations or theory? The
second problem had to do with the relationship of what Varenius had called
general geography and special geography. Richthofen combined the answers to these
two questions. In the first instance, he reasoned, the essential observations on which
any framework of concepts must be built had to be made in the field in particular
areas where the features are unique. This, he said, is special geography. Regional
study first must be descriptive, but it must also go beyond the description of unique
features to seek regularities of occurrence and to formulate hypotheses that explain
the observed characteristics. Loess, for example, can be observed, measured,
and carefully described, but a regional study must also look for the process by
which loess is accumulated and for the consequences of the presence of loess in
the cover of plants and in man’s use of the region. In this procedure Richthofen
was specifically following the lead of Humboldt as that master had carried out field
studies in New Spain and Cuba.
Richthofen, being an experienced field observer, had a feeling for what could
be learned from direct observation out of doors. The purpose of developing the
The New Geography in Germany / 167

general concepts regarding the world distribution of phenomena (general or topical

geography) is to throw light on the causal interrelations among the diverse things
in particular areas. To this process he applied the term chorology, or regional study—
a term already widely used in Germany (Hartshome, 1939:92). He also realized that
in addition to looking at the world as a whole, it was necessary to examine smaller
and smaller segments of the earth’s surface. He distinguished the different methods
of study in areas of different size, which he named (in order of decreasing size):
Erdteile (major divisions of the earth), Lander (major regions), Landschaften (land­
scapes or small regions), and Ortlichkeiten (localities).
Furthermore, Richthofen helped define the word Erdkunde. Ritter had preferred
this term, which is of German origin, rather than the word Geographic, which is of
Greek origin. Ritter intended to use Erdkunde as a synonym for Geographic, but
some of the German writers took the word literally to mean the study of the whole
earth body. Richthofen insisted that geography (and Erdkunde) must refer to a study
of the surface of the earth (Erdoberflache), where the lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere, and biosphere are in contact with each other.
Richthofen published another statement of the method of geographic study in
1886 when he accepted the professorship at Berlin.2 He wrote a systematic outline
of the processes shaping the surface of the earth that could serve as a guide to the
field study of any region (Richthofen, 1886).

Friedrich Ratzel
Peschel and Richthofen had laid down the guidelines for the systematic study of
the earth’s physical features and at the same time had defined geography as a unified
field of study by organizing the treatment of biotic and cultural features around the
fundamental framework of the physical earth. It was Friedrich Ratzel who provided
the guidelines for a comparable systematic study of human geography, or, to use
the word he coined, anthropogeographie.
Ratzel, who was 11 years younger than Richthofen, came to geography from a
quite different background (Bassin, 1987a). He completed his graduate study at
Heidelberg in 1868, working in zoology, geology, and comparative anatomy. This
was just that exciting period when Darwin’s revolutionary concepts regarding the
process of evolution were sweeping away old ideas. Ratzel’s dissertation was per­
haps inspired by the work of Ernst Haeckel. At this time he was studying zoology;
it would be several more years before he was drawn to geography (Wanklyn, 1961).

2Richthofen occupied several professorships in German universities. In 1875 he was

offered the chair at Berlin and was immediately granted leave of absence to work on the
manuscripts of his China study. Then in 1877 he accepted an appointment at Bonn. In
1883 he moved to Leipzig, and then in 1886 he moved to Berlin. For a time he served as
rector of the University of Berlin. Richthofen trained many of those who became leaders
of the later generations of geographers in Germany and elsewhere. They included:
E. Banse, O. Baschin, K. Dove, E. V. Drygalski, K. Futter, M. Groll, E. Hahn, S. Hedin,
K. Kretschmer, W. Meinardus, S. Passarge, A. Philippson. A. Riihl, O. Schliiter,
G. Schott, R. Sieger, W. Sievers, E. Tiessen, W. Volz, and A. Wegener.
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But Ratzel was more interested in the observation of plants and animals out of
doors than he was in laboratory studies. To study in the field required travel, and
traveling cost money. He had his first taste of field study when he accompanied
a French naturalist on a trip to the countries around the Mediterranean. When the
Franco-Prussian War started in 1870, Ratzel joined the Prussian Army and was
wounded twice during the war.
The unification of Germany in 1871 was, for Ratzel, a very exciting occurrence.
His strong sense of national pride drew his attention away from academic studies
to field observation of the ways Germans lived and made use of resources. He wanted
to continue his traveling, if possible, to seek out and describe the people of German
origin now living outside Germany. Some letters he wrote for a newspaper in Cologne
so impressed the editor that the young Ratzel was employed as a roving reporter.
Payment for articles written for the Kolnische Zeitung made it possible for him
to extend his travels to more distant places. He visited Hungary and Transylvania,
reporting on the German minorities in that part of eastern Europe. In 1872 he crossed
the Alps for an extended visit to Italy.
RatzeTs visit to the United States and Mexico in 1874-75 was a turning point
in his career (Sauer, 1971). Not only was he impressed by the contributions of
people of German origin to American life in the Midwest and the Southwest, but
also his attention was focused on the success of other minority groups, such as the
Indians, the Africans, and the Chinese in California. He began to formulate some
general concepts regarding the geographic patterns resulting from contact between
aggressive and expanding human groups and retreating groups. He recognized and
described examples of the destructive use of land (to which the Germans attach the
expressive term Raubbau), which he hoped was a characteristic of land settlement
at an early stage and would be remedied as settlement matured. He later published
his studies of the United States, based on his own keen observations and a remark­
ably penetrating study of earlier accounts, especially regarding the settlement of
the West. This experience in the interpretation of an extensive region turned his
attention specifically toward the study of geography (Speth, 1977; Steinmetzler,
Returning to Germany in 1875, he resigned his position with the newspaper and
was appointed privat dozent in geography at the Technische Hochschule (Institute
of Technology) in Munich. He was promoted to dozent in 1876 and to professor
in 1880. In 1886 he accepted an offer to become the professor of geography at
Leipzig, where he remained until his death in 1904.
It was at Munich that Ratzel first began to publish his ideas concerning the
systematic study of human geography. In 1882 he published the first volume of
Anthropogeographie, in which he traced the effects of different physical features
on the course of history (Dickinson, 1969:64-72; Hassert, 1905; Ratzel, 1882;
Steinmetzler, 1956; Wanklyn, 1961). Meanwhile, some other geographers, notably
Kirchhoff, had used the opposite approach to the study of human geography.
Instead of describing the influence of the physical earth on human affairs, they focused
on man himself. Human societies were studied in relation to the physical features,
but the most attention was given to the culture of human groups rather than to the
The New Geography in Germany / 169

physical earth. This was the method that Ratzel adopted in the second volume of
Anthropogeographie, the first edition of which was published in 1891 (Hartshome,
Richthofen was much more influential than Ratzel among later generations
of German geographers, but Ratzel had more influence than Richthofen outside
Germany, especially in France and the United States. Ratzel, like Ritter, was a
brilliant lecturer, and his classes at Leipzig were always full. Sometimes as many as
500 people crowded into his lecture room. One of his most eloquent disciples was
the American student Ellen Churchill Semple, who studied at Leipzig in 1891-92
and again in 1895. Here is what she had to say about his ideas:
Moreover the very fecundity of his ideas often left him no time to test the valid­
ity of his principles. He enunciates one brilliant generalization after another.
Sometimes he reveals the mind of a seer or poet, throwing out conclusions
which are highly suggestive, on the face of them convincing, but which on
examination prove untenable, or at best must be set down as unproven or needing
qualification.. . . He grew with his work, and his work and its problems grew with
him. He took a mountain-top view of things, kept his eyes always on the far
horizons, and in the splendid sweep of his scientific conceptions sometimes
overlooked the details near at hand. Herein lay his greatness and his limitations
(Semple, 1911:v-vi).
Among Ratzel’s “brilliant generalizations” that led some of his disciples to
carry his ideas further than he himself intended was the application of Darwin’s
biological concepts to human societies. This analogy suggested that groups of human
beings must struggle to survive in particular environments much as plant and animal
organisms must do. This is known as social Darwinism.3 Ratzel, like many other
scholars in this period, was greatly impressed with the ideas of Herbert Spencer
regarding the similarity of human societies to animal organisms. In his Political Geo­
graphy, Ratzel compares the state to an organism: “Der Staat als Bodenstandiger
Organismus” (“the state as an organism attached to the land”) (Ratzel, 1897:Chap.
1). However, he is very careful to point out that this analogy is not to be taken
literally, for there are many ways in which human groups act quite differently from
organisms. The comparison is not intended, he says, to be a scientific hypothesis,
but only an illuminating remark (Ratzel, 1897; 2nd ed„ 1903:13). Nevertheless,
having said this, he proceeds to show that a state, like some simple organisms, must
either grow or die and can never stand still. When a state extends its borders at the
expense of another state this is a reflection of internal strength. Strong states

3Social Darwinism can be traced to the writings of the English philosopher Herbert
Spencer (1820-1903). Spencer pointed out the close resemblance of human societies
to animal organisms. In both there are regulative systems (a central nervous system
and a system of government); in both there are systems for the production of energy
(the digestive system and the economic system); in both there are systems of distribution
(veins and arteries and roads and telegraphs) (Spencer, 1876-96). It was Spencer who
coined the phrase “survival of the fittest” (Spencer, 1864:1:444).
170 i MODERN

must have room to grow in order to survive. This is only one small step removed
from the concept of Lebensraum (living space) that rationalized the right of
superior people to enlarge their living space at the expense of inferior neighbors.
Ratzel himself never subscribed to the idea of superior and inferior races. But
some later geographers made use of the Lebensraum concept as a pseudoscientific
support for the national policy of the 1930s (Smith, 1980).
Ratzel did not cease to be critical of his own generalizations (not a common trait
among scholars). He made special note of cases where cultural differences were
more important than differences in the physical character of the land. For example,
in a regional geography of Germany (Ratzel, 1898), he pointed out the great con­
trast in the way people make use of the land in two places that are physically
very much alike. The two places are the low mountain regions on either side of the
middle Rhine Valley— the Vosges Mountains in France and the Schwarzwald in
Germany. The differences to be observed in these two regions are related to the
contrast between the French and German cultural traditions.
Ratzel’s systematic studies of human geography led hint to discard a number of
ancient concepts. Ever since the time of Dicaearchus in the fourth century B.c., it
had been accepted that man’s use of the land had advanced through a succession
of stages: first the primitive hunters, fishers, and collectors; then the pastoral nomads;
then the agriculturists; and finally the horticulturists, such as the rice farmers of south­
ern and eastern Asia. Humboldt had noted the absence of the stage of pastoral
nomadism in America owing to the absence of domestic animals. Ratzel expressed
doubt about the possibility, in every case, of distinguishing between herders and
agriculturists since many people were a little of both (Ratzel, 1891:2:741).
Ratzel’s criticism of the concept of stages was noted by Eduard Hahn, who
in 1892 published a new map of the economic systems (Wirtschaftsformen) of the
world. He distinguished six major kinds of rural economies: (1) hunting and
fishing; (2) hoe culture (hackbau); (3) plow culture where the land is worked with
the plow (ackerbau); (4) European-West Asian agriculture, where farming and herd­
ing are combined; (5) unmixed herding; and (6) horticulture, as in China or Japan
(Hahn, 1892). Hahn provided ample evidence to demonstrate that the three stages
of man’s use of the land had to be discarded. In fact, there was evidence that in
some cases pastoral nomadism developed out of an earlier agricultural way of life.
Hahn’s work ended a period when man’s relation to the physical earth could be
described by deduction from a theory and when a new phase of inductive study of
the origins of agriculture could be undertaken (Hahn, 1896, 1919; Kramer, 1967).

The Problem o f Unity and Diversity

Although Ratzel has provided the guidelines for the systematic study of human geo­
graphy and scholars such as Hahn had proceeded along the lines Ratzel suggested,
many of the newly appointed professors of geography in the German universities
were bothered by the diversity of the subject matter they had to command. The ques­
tion could be put this way: Are the concepts and methods of physical geography
so utterly different from those of human geography that these two branches cannot
be properly included in a single discipline? And did Richthofen's restriction of geo­
graphy to the study of the surface of the earth really provide sufficient unity or
The New Geography in Germany / 171

did it require those who hoped to become geographers to master the concepts and
methods of many diverse fields?4
Numerous suggestions were made in the search for unity and coherence. At one
extreme were those who wanted to exclude human geography entirely. Georg
Gerland, who was appointed professor of geography at Strassburg in 1875, con­
cluded that geography should be exactly what the word Erdkunde implied: the study
of the whole earth body without reference to man. Physical science, said Gerland,
can formulate exact laws, but no such laws can ever be formulated to account for
the behavior of human groups (Hartshome, 1939:89). Few of the geographers could
accept such a radical break with the tradition, nor did Gerland himself follow his
own prescription, for he always included the geography of man in his courses at

The Concept o f Chorologf

It was Alfred Hettner5 who elaborated Richthofen’s concept of chorology. His
earliest methodological statement was published in Volume 1 of the Geographische
Zeitschrift, a professional periodical that he founded in 1895 and of which he was
the editor until 1935. Hartshome quotes Hettner’s first statement of the nature of
geography as follows:
If we compare the different sciences we will find that while in many of them the
unity lies in the materials of study, in others it lies in the method of study. Geography
belongs in the latter group; its unity is in its method. As history and historical
geology consider the development of the human race or of the earth in terms of
time, so geography proceeds from the viewpoint of spatial variations (Hartshome,
Hettner continued to develop his methodological ideas in published papers in
the Geographische Zeitschrift during the next two decades. His more important

4Many of those who had been trained in geology were scornful of their colleagues who
accepted appointment as geographers. One remark that was commonly repeated among the
geologists at the turn of the century was a kind of pun: “Ein Geograph ist einer der die
Erdoberflache oberflachlich studiert” (“A geographer is one who studies the surface of the
earth superficially”). Contributed by one-time Dean Edward H. Kraus of the University
of Michigan, who studied mineralogy, chemistry, and geology at Munich in 1899-1901.
5Alfred Hettner was the first professor in a German university after Ritter who was
trained as a geographer. He also studied philosophy. He began his advanced studies with
Kirchhoff at Halle, worked with Fischer, Richthofen, and later with Ratzel, and completed
his doctorate with Gerland at Strassburg. He wrote a dissertation on the climate of Chile
and western Patagonia. Field studies in Germany and in the Andes of Colombia led to
major publications in geomorphology. In 1897 he was appointed professor of geography
at Tubingen, and he gave his inaugural lecture there in 1898. In 1899, however, he was
appointed professor at Heidelberg, where he remained until his retirement in 1928. At
Heidelberg he supervised more than 30 doctoral dissertations, and many of his students
became leaders of the next generation in Germany—including Wilhelm Credner, Fritz
Jaeger, Albert Kolb, Friedrich Metz, Oskar Schmieder, Heinrich Schmitthenner, and
Leo Waibel (Dickinson, 1969:113; Plewe, 1982).
172 / MODERN

Alfred Hettner Joseph Partsch

Albrecht Penck Walter Penck

The New Geography in Germany / 173

Friedrich Ratzel Ferdinand von Richthofen

Otto Schluter Carl Troll

174 / MODERN

pronouncements were published in 1895 and 1905 (Hettner, 1895, 1905). In 1927
he brought all his methodological ideas together in one book, together with a
history of geographic thought (Hettner, 1927). Hartshome quotes his concept of
chorology as presented in 1927:

The goal of the chorological point of view is to know the character of regions and
places through comprehension of the existence together and interrelations among
the different realms of reality and their varied manifestations, and to comprehend
the earth surface as a whole in its actual arrangement in continents, larger and
smaller regions, and places (Hartshome, 1959:13).

Geography as a chorological science was not a new concept when it was developed
by Hettner. Hartshome has traced the repeated appearances of this view of the place
of geography among the fields of learning in the writings of different scholars
since the eighteenth century (Hartshome, 1958). In his lectures at the University of
Konigsberg, Immanuel Kant presented this view of geography as axiomatic—the
view that geography was the field in which things were considered in their areal
context on the face of the earth, much as history was the field in which things were
considered in their time context. Humboldt expressed the same view of the field,
but there is no evidence that he received the idea from Kant. In 1832 Julius Frobel
pointed out the similarity of the ideas of Kant and Humboldt, but Frobel’s writings
were overlooked and only rediscovered many decades later. Richthofen accepted
the same idea without finding it necessary to quote any earlier authority. When Hettner
presented this view, it had apparently been accepted by so many generations of geo­
graphers that he felt no need to support it with references to earlier writings.
Hettner also faced and answered the question of whether geographers should be
concerned only with the unique things and events that occur in a spatial context or
whether geographers should seek to formulate general concepts. Hettner recognized
that the study of geography is both idiographic and nomothetic in nature, as indeed
almost all other fields of learning must be. If attention were paid only to univer­
s a l, there would be a residue of information considered irrelevant because it could
not be explained by existing models. If attention were paid only to unique things
and events, the full richness of interpretation resulting from deduction from theory
would be lost. But why is the question posed as a dichotomy? Geography, like other
fields of learning, must deal both with unique things and with universals. Is the
astronomer who maps the face of the moon less of an astronomer than one who
studies planetary motions? Is the economist who describes the unique factors
producing inflation in Brazil less of an economist than the one who formulates or
tests the causes of inflation in general? Are not both considered to be valuable mem­
bers of the profession? Hettner rejected the view that geography could be either
idiographic or nomothetic but not both. As Varenius had decided more than two
centuries earlier, special geography is concerned with many unique characteristics
of places, yet this approach can be effectively pursued only when it is illuminated
by general concepts that are necessary even to identify uniqueness. General geo­
graphy is that aspect of geographic study in which general concepts are formulated
and in which every unique element is a challenge that leads to the search for bet­
ter theory. Since both Hettner and Hartshome made this view of geography entirely
The New Geography in Germany / 175

clear (Hartshome, 1939:382-384; Hettner, 1927:221-224), it is discouraging to find

some writers who continue to accuse Hettner and his followers of defining geog­
raphy as essentially idiographic (Schaefer, 1953), thereby obscuring the underlying
continuity of geographic thought.
Hettner’s ideas concerning the organization of geographical studies influenced
the course of German geography for decades. One result was the continued focus
of attention on the theme of man’s relation to his physical and biotic surroundings.
The traditional outline of a regional study started with location or position and
then proceeded through chapters on geology, surface features, climate, vegetation,
natural resources, the course of settlement, the distribution of population, the forms
of the economy, the routes of circulation, and the political divisions (Dickinson,
1969:122). The outline was based on the notion that this formed a kind of sequence
of cause and effect; in dealing with each topic, the relationships with the physical
base were discussed, but not the relationships with other topics (Gradmann,
1931a; Hettner, 1907; Spethmann, 1931). In spite of the apparent rigidity of the out­
line, some highly effective regional studies were produced (Gradmann, 1931b;
Philippson, 1904).

Geography as Landschaftskunde
Hettner’s thought did not remain unchallenged. Some geographers were uneasy about
the identification of geography as a chorological science and, hence, one that, like
history, was defined by its method rather than its subject matter and its concepts.
Others were also concerned about the overemphasis on the significance of the
physical features of an area that resulted from following the schema. By tying
everything to the physical features, other important relationships were overlooked
— such as the relation of population density to the economy, or the economy and
the routes of circulation, or even the relation of all of these to the political units.
Furthermore, many of the interrelations observed in regional studies were in the
process of change through time; only by examining the past geographies and the
changes taking place could the idea of processes, or sequences of events, be intro­
duced to geographical work (Troll, 1950).
As a means of reaching a more balanced treatment of the interrelations of things
in particular areas, it was suggested that attention be given to the overall appear­
ance of the landscape. The idea was first set forth by J. Wimmer in Historische
Landschaftskunde in 1885 (Hartshome, 1939:218). But the concept of geography
as Landschaftskunde (“landscape science”) was widely adopted in Germany
after the inaugural address given at Munich in 1906 by Otto Schliiter6 (Schliiter,
1906). Schliiter recommended that geographers look first at the things on the
surface of the earth that could be perceived through the senses and at the totality

6Otto Schliiter began his academic training as a student of the German language and of
history. At Halle he studied with Kirchhoff, who turned his interests toward geography. In
1895 he went to Berlin to study with Richthofen and to work as his assistant. He went to
Munich briefly but was the professor of geography at Halle from 1911 until his retirement
in 1951 (Schick, 1982),
176 / MODERN

of such perceptions—the landscape. He objected to the chorological definition of

geography and noted that accepting the landscape as the subject matter of geography
would give the field a logical definition, like that of any other academic field except
history. The nonmaterial content of an area— such as political organization, religious
beliefs, economic institutions, or even the statistical averages of climate— could
not be considered primary objects of geographical study, although these could be
introduced to explain the observable landscape.
Both Hettner and Schliiter were concerned about the variations in the character
of the face of the earth, which became known later as areal differentiation. Both
recognized that there were distinctly different kinds of areas on the earth that were
distinguished from their surroundings and that showed a certain degree of homo­
geneity within boundaries that could be defined. But Hettner stressed the ways
in which the features of a region reflected the basic patterns of the physical earth,
whereas Schliiter focused attention on the interrelations of these features that gave
the region its distinctive appearance. He used the method of historical geography
in analyzing landscapes. First, he identified what he called the Urlandschaft—
that is, the landscape that existed before major changes were introduced through
the activities of man. He would then trace the sequences of change whereby an
Urlandschaft was transformed into what he called a Kulturlandschaft, a landscape
created by human culture (Schliiter, 1920, 1928). To trace these changes, he said,
was the major task of geography.
When Schliiter was over 40 years of age, he started a major research program
to apply his ideas to a specific region. His problem was to reconstruct the
Urlandschaft of central Europe. He found that the approximate date when the major
movement of new settlement into the forests began was a .d . 500. By using the
evidence of place names and reading the descriptions written by ancient Greek and
Roman geographers, he reconstructed the pattern of forested land and open land for
that date. He then traced the process of settlement that created the Kulturland­
schaft. His three-volume work was published after his death in 1952 (Dickinson,
1969:126-136; Lautensach, 1952).
The German geographers who followed Schliiter in identifying geography as
Landschaftskunde surrounded the concept of landscape with a kind of mystical
significance (Hartshome, 1939:149-174). Unfortunately, the word Landschaft has
two distinct meanings. Those geographers who made use of the word in a techni­
cal sense were not always careful to distinguish these meanings. Landschaft can,
and traditionally did, refer to an extent of territory distinguished by a more or less
uniform aspect. The word carried this connotation for many centuries before it was
used in the fifteenth century by artists to refer to the painting of scenery—the aspect
of the face of the earth as seen in perspective but without connotation of areal extent
(Schmithiisen, 1963:17).7 Since then, writers have used the word without being clear
about its meaning. Humboldt used Landschaft to refer to the visual impression, the

Similarly, before a .d . 1000 the word landscipe in Old English referred to an extent of
territory. The word landscape was reintroduced into English from the Dutch (landschap)
in the early seventeenth century (James, 1934:78-79).
The New Geography in Germany / 177

aesthetic appreciation of beauty in scenery. J. Wimmer also used it in this sense

in 1885 (Hartshome, 1939:97), and even in 1953 Ewald Banse used the word with
this meaning (Fischer, Campbell, and Miller, 1967:168-174). Meanwhile, the use
of the word in the other sense—referring to an area of uniform aspect—never entirely
But there have been other difficulties with the concept of Landschaft. Schliiter
defined the landscape as the total impact of an area on man’s senses, including such
invisible phenomena as wind and temperature. Schliiter specifically included man
as a part of the landscape. But some of his followers insisted on restricting the term
to those material objects that could be seen. On the other hand, other students of
landscape used the material features of the earth’s surface only to indicate the exist­
ence of a region and did not hesitate to include in their studies such nonmaterial
elements as law, religion, and economic institutions.
Leo Waibel, in a paper discussing the meaning of Landschaft (Waibel, 1933),
pointed out that the word came into common use in Germany just at the time when
geographers were focusing their studies on smaller and smaller areas, for which
the word Landschaft (with its connotation of a small region) seemed more appro­
priate than the word for a larger region (Gebiet% Furthermore, there was continued
emphasis on Richthofen’s concept of the interconnections among things associated
in area, and the word Landschaft seemed to carry the connotation of harmony of
related parts.
The uncertainty regarding the exact meaning of this word is responsible for a
conceptual error that persists. The sequence of ideas runs as follows: first, it is agreed
that Landschaft is made up of concrete, observable features; second, it is agreed
that the word Landschaft is a synonym for a homogeneous area, or region.
Combining these meanings, it becomes possible to assert that a region is a concrete
reality and not just an intellectual construct (Hartshome, 1939:263).
In one way or another, the concept of landscape as an area with a more-or-less
uniform appearance, the interpretation of which requires study of the nonmaterial
as well as the material phenomena in an area, was adopted by most of the geo­
graphers of Germany before World War II (Bobek and Schmithiisen, 1949; Krebs,
1923). H. Lautensach, writing in 1952, reported that most German geographers
followed Schliiter in identifying the study of landscape as the central purpose of
geography (Lautensach, 1952:226). Schmithiisen, in 1963, says that “every land­
scape is a dynamic stmcture, a thing-area-time (Sach-Raum-Zeit) system of specified
quality inside the whole geosphere (Geosphare ).” This is what we might describe
as a spatial system. It is an open system, not one that is closed, like an organism
(Schmithiisen, 1963:13).

The Concept o f Chorology Applied to General Geography

In Germany and in other countries as well, it became common to accept the notion
that general (or systematic) geography is necessarily analytic and makes use of gen­
eral concepts, whereas regional geography is necessarily synthetic and deals with
unique situations. This error, according to Hettner, can be blamed on Richthofen
(Hettner, 1927:400). The concept of chorology, or the examination of the areal asso­
ciations of things of diverse origin, can be applied to general geography as well as
178 / MODERN

to studies of segments of the whole face of the earth. Before and during the spread
of the concept of geography as Landschaftskunde, some German scholars were also
looking at the whole surface of the earth.8 One of the leading geographers of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries whose contributions were chiefly in
the systematic physical aspects of geography was Albrecht Penck (Meynen, 1983).
Penck—who is credited with the first use of the term geomorphology to refer to
the origin and development of the earth’s landforms— showed how the systematic
study of physical features can be approached from the chorological point of view.9
In 1910 Penck suggested the hypothesis that the climate of a region so impresses
itself on the observable features of the landscape that a classification of climates
can be made even where instrumental records are lacking. He was the first to point
out that the effective rainfall of a place is a balance between rainfall, runoff, and
evaporation and that evaporation increases with higher temperatures. Although
he started with the observable features of the landscape, he did not overlook the
nonmaterial factors because of any rigid definition. Nor did he overlook man and
the works of man as essential to an understanding of the varying characteristics of
the face of the earth (Fischer, Campbell, and Miller, 1967:99-106).
Penck realized that no one geographer, and certainly no class or seminar, could
actually see any considerable part of the earth. He realized, therefore, that the com­
pilation of accurate maps, showing at least the major features that are associated in
areas, was essential for the adequate study of geography. The maps and atlases that
had been produced at Gotha and other places were excellent and informative, but
it was not possible to show enough detail on the relatively small scales used in atlases.
The large-scale topographic map, showing not only the shape of the landforms but
also water bodies, vegetation, the works of man, and other things, was the ideal
way to bring the real surface of the earth down to a size that would permit study.
But only a very small part of the world was covered by surveys detailed enough
to permit the compilation of topographic-scale maps. Penck proposed a compromise.
In 1891 (at the International Geographical Congress held in Bern, Switzerland) he

8The whole surface of the earth is what Richthofen and others called the Erdoberflache.
Schmithiisen, in suggesting a number of new technical terms for the purpose of gaining
greater precision, offers the word Geosphare, or geosphere, to replace the older word
(Schmithiisen, 1963:10).
9Albrecht Penck was professor of geography at Vienna from 1885 to 1906. In that year
he succeeded Richthofen at Berlin, where he remained until his retirement in 1926. He
was the rector of the university in 1917-18. In Vienna Penck collaborated with Eduard
Bruckner in the identification of four separate ice ages in the Alps—see Die Alpen im
Eiszeitalter, 3 vols. (1901-1909). He was associated at the university with Eduard Suess,
who prepared maps of the major geological regions of the world, outlining the great
crystalline shields of ancient rocks; see Das Antlitz der Erde (1883-1908), translated by
Emmanuel de Margerie as La face de la terre (1897-1918); it has also been translated into
Italian and English. Also at Vienna was Julius von Hann, the famous climatologist whose
work Handbuch der Klimatologie (1883, 1897, 1908-1911) has been translated into
English by Robert deC. Ward as Handbook of Climatology (1903). Penck’s son, Walther
Penck, was noted for his challenge to the Davis system of geomorphology (Martin, 1974).
The New Geography in Germany / 179

suggested that the nations of the world should cooperate in the production of an
International Map of the World at a scale 1/1,000,000 (or about 1 inch to 15.8 miles).
He proposed that agreement be reached regarding the standards of accuracy, the
categories of things to be included, the symbols to be used, and the projection.
Not until 1913 was such a conference called together in Paris to reach the agree­
ments Penck had suggested. Work on the “millionth map” started slowly; when
the pressing need for such a map was underlined during World War II, it was still
far from complete. In 1953 the Central Bureau (which had been established to
coordinate efforts in different countries to facilitate the project) was placed under
the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Another international
conference in 1962, attended by delegates from some 40 nations, reviewed the
procedures for compiling the map and the symbols to be used to take advantage of
the new technology then available for mapmaking (Hard, 1969, 1970).10 Replacing
the traditional sheets for this project were operational navigation charts. These are
aeronautical charts that provide topographic information for air navigation. They
were adopted in 1992 as the basis for a Digital Chart of the World, sponsored by
the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency. These were integrated with UNESCO maps
of vegetation and Food and Agriculture Organization soil maps to produce a near
approximation to the millionth scheme, which was never completed.

Climate and Landscape

Penck’s suggestion concerning the imprint of climate on the landscape inspired a
number of studies at different scales to elaborate on the hypothesis. One of those
who contributed to Landschaftskunde, not only in the detailed investigation of small
areas but also at the global scale, was Siegfried Passarge.11 Passarge’s field study
of the landscapes of the Kalahari Desert was published in 1904. His interest in the
treatment of landforms as a part of a broader geographical study of landscape led
him to call for empirical landform description rather than the genetic method pro­
posed by Davis (Passarge, 1919-20). This led to a vigorous reaction by Davis and
his followers. Nevertheless, in the contemporary period the tendency is to describe
the surface features of an area without attempting what Davis called “explanatory
Passarge rejected the description of landscapes as unique. He insisted that a
landscape must be viewed as a type, and he gave some examples of what he had
in mind. He saw a landscape type as what we would call a spatial system, an
assemblage of interrelated elements. His way of studying landscapes led him to focus*1

10The United Nations Report for 1966 (published 1968) shows that of the 975 sheets then
needed to cover the land areas of the earth, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America
were completely covered, Africa almost completely covered, and North America partially
1'Siegfried Passarge was trained as a medical doctor and a geologist, receiving a degree in
both fields. He served as a medical doctor in World War I. His detailed field studies were
in the Kalahari Desert, in Algeria, and in Venezuela. From 1908 to his retirement in 1936,
he was at the Kolonial Institut in Hamburg (Dickinson, 1969:137-141).
180 / MODERN

his attention on boundaries to be drawn around the area occupied by a type. In a

discussion of the problem of defining the area of a landscape type (landschaftsraum),
he postulated the existence of forested mountains rising above a grass-covered plain.
The difficulty, as he saw it, was that in wetter parts of the plain, the forest extended
beyond the mountains. If the landscape is described as Waldgebirge (forested moun­
tains), should the boundary of this landscape be drawn around the whole forested
area, even where the forest extends onto the plain?*12 That such a problem could
exist seems like a good example of a semantic trap that results from the nature of
the German language rather than the nature of the German landscape.
When looking at the world on a global scale, Passarge suggested that the
best indicator of the extension of landscape types would be the vegetation. His
Landschaftsgiirtel der Erde (Landscape Zones o f the Earth) is based on major
categories of vegetation. On the basis of his world map, it is possible to identify
certain regularities in the arrangement of the world’s major landscape zones in
relation to latitude and position on the continents (Fischer, Campbell, and Miller,
1967:143-154; Passarge, 1923).
Penck’s suggestion concerning a classification of climates based on observ­
able features of the landscape was picked up by the Russian-born climatologist
Wladimir Koppen, who from 1875 to 1919 was employed as a meteorologist in the
German oceanographic office (Deutsche Seewarte) in Hamburg. Between 1884 and
1918 Koppen made several attempts to produce a satisfactory classification of
climates. At first he used only temperature distinctions, attempting to select values
that would correspond as closely as possible to categories of vegetation. But after
the publication of Penck’s ideas concerning the relation of rainfall effectiveness to
temperature and to seasonal changes, Koppen devised a new system of classification
in which he made use, for the first time, of annual variations of temperature and
rainfall. He published this new classification in 1918.13 He continued to revise his
definitions (Koppen, 1923), and his final version appeared in 1936 (Koppen, 1936).

l2"Aus einer Steppenplatte erhebt sich ein Waldgebirge, an dessen Fuss aber der Wald
liber feuchte Teile der Ebene greift. Wo soil man die Grenze ziehen?” (Passarge, 1930:34).
I2W. Koppen: “Die Warmezonen der Erde, nach der Dauer der heissen, gemassigten
und kalten Zeit, und nach der Wirkung der Warme auf die organische Welt betrachtet,”
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 1 (1884):215-226; “Versuch einer Klassification der Klimate,
vorzugsweise nach ihren Beziehungen zur Pflanzenwelt,” Geographische Zeitschrilft 5
(1900):593-611; “Klassification der Klimate nach Temperatur, Niederschlag, und
Jahreslauf,” Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 64 (1918): 193 —203, 243-248.
See also R. deC. Ward, “A New Classification of Climates,” Geographical Review 8
(I918):188—191; and P. E. James, “Koppen’s Classification of Climates: A Review,”
Monthly Weather Review 50 (1922):69-72. A five-volume work on the climates of the
world by various authors was planned but never completed. The first volume appeared
in 1930, Handbuch der Klimatologie, W. Koppen and R. Geiger, eds. (Berlin: Gebriider
Bomtraeger), Koppen’s final definitions of his categories of climate are in Volume 1.
These same definitions are in P. E. James, A Geography o f Man, 3rd ed. (Waltham,
Mass.: Blaisdell, 1966), pp. 478-487. These definitions differ from those used in
Goode's World Atlas.
The New Geography in Germany / 181



F ig u re 28 Koppen's generalized continent

Whenever climatic phenomena are plotted on world maps, certain regularities of

pattern become evident, as Passarge had suggested in his highly generalized land­
scape zones. Humboldt had demonstrated this in his maps of temperature: Because
continental areas are colder in winter and hotter in summer than places exposed to
the open oceans, any winter isotherm in crossing a land mass bends equatorward; any
summer isotherm bends poleward. Similarly, deficiencies of moisture throughout
the year are found on the west sides of continents between latitudes 20° and 30° in
both hemispheres, owing to the cold water offshore. Areas of abundant moisture
are found on continental west coasts poleward of about 40° and along all the east
coasts. Koppen demonstrated these regularities by drawing a geometric figure for
a generalized continent and plotting on it the hypothetical positions of his categories
of climate (Fig. 28). The generalized continent eliminates mountains and irregularit­
ies of coastline. The hypothetical pattern of climates shows how the climates would be
arranged “other things being equal.” It represents an imaginative new effort to iden­
tify certain of the regularities discovered on the face of the earth at a global scale.

The Geography o f the Oceans

Regularities of pattern also exist in the oceans, and the first comprehensive treat­
ment of this subject was by the German ocean geographer Gerhard Schott, who from
1894 to 1933 worked in the Deutsche Seewarte in Hamburg (Schott, 1912, 1935).
182 / MODERN

Schott’s monumental work on the oceans deserves a place beside the similar treat­
ments of the land by Eduard Suess and of the climates by Julius von Hann. The
range of subject matter that Schott includes in his two volumes is impressive.
He describes with great care the hydrological conditions (motion, temperature,
salinity, color, and other elements), the climates over the oceans, the configuration
and geological structure of the ocean basins, the marine organisms, the areas that sup­
port fishing or whaling industries, the routes of ocean commerce, and the air routes
over the oceans. There are several chapters as well that deal with the history of
discovery and exploration. Both volumes contain many maps of ocean features.
Schott produced a world map of oceanic regions. These are areas within which
characteristic oceanic conditions are to be found, based on associations of hydro-
logical conditions and marine organisms. This map, like the generalized maps of
climate and landforms, reveals certain regularities of arrangement on the earth.
It is possible to prepare a diagram of a generalized ocean similar to the generalized
continent of Koppen (James, 1936:669).
Mention should be made of two other thrusts of German work relating to geo­
graphy: the work of the Germans in polar exploration from the 1870s onward (Murphy,
2002), and the work of Alfred Wegener, who worked out the scheme of continental
drift, arguably fathering plate tectonic theory, which emerged some decades later.
It is probable that Wegener’s work would have received more attention had not it
been published at a time when World War I prevented its proper consideration by
an international audience.

German Geography between the Two Wars

Samuel Van Valkenburg describes the period from 1905 to 1914 as the “golden age
of German geography” (Van Valkenburg, 1951). This was a period of rapid growth
and increasing productivity. The methodological discussions made working in this
professional field not less, but more, exciting. Each new proposal regarding the
scope and method of geography resulted in new field studies to provide examples.
A number of new professional periodicals were founded as the influence of German
geography spread throughout the world.
German exploration at both ends of the world, across the Pacific, and in Africa
for purposes of colonization and geographical discovery typify the expansive mood
of German geography. Industrial expansion, increasing prosperity, and a rising
nationalism seemed to encourage the institutionalization of geography. Chairs had
been filled in nearly all German universities, and geographical societies had been
founded in several towns. Military studies, boundary studies, and geographies of
patriotism bespoke a confidence in German geography.
Then came World War I, with death and destruction on all sides. Geography at
once became an important subject (as it was with all the combatant nations).
Emphasis of the subject shifted from physical to human geography. Economic geo­
graphy and studies in propaganda came to the fore. Then came defeat, Versailles,
reparation, restrictions, and loss of empire to be followed by the raging inflation
of 1923 (Schelhaas and Honsch, 2001). Yet even in these difficult times, German
geographers continued the tradition of foreign field work. Following the example
of Humboldt and Hettner, geographers from this period also journeyed to South
The New Geography in Germany / 183

America for field studies, for example, Schmieder, Waibel, Pfeifer, Willhelmy, Troll;
others undertook field work in other parts of the world. From the middle 1920s until
the mid 1930s, a stream of German geographers were employed in the Berkeley
geography department, then under the stewardship of Carl Sauer. Sauer had hoped
to establish an exchange plan and institute with Heidelberg University (Martin,
2003), but this did not come to fruition.
Although these were unhappy days for Germany, the country possessed a
formidable assemblage of native geographers who were contributing works of
enduring value. S. Passarge wrote a three-volume work, The Bases fo r the Study of
Landscape (1919-20); A. Hettner wrote The Surface Features o f the Continents (1921),
The Spread o f Culture over the Earth (1923), and Geography: Its History, Nature,
and Methods (1927); O. Schliiter produced Forest, Swamp and Settled Land in Old
Prussia Before the Period o f the Germanic Order (1921); L. Waibel contributed
Problems o f Agricultural Geography (1933); and K. Sapper wrote Geomorphology
o f the Humid Tropics (1935). Other outstanding authors of this period included
W. Credner, N. Krebs, H. Lautensach, A. Rlihl, O. Schmieder, H. Schmitthenner, and
C. Troll. Special mention might be made of Robert Gradmann who published the
two-volume Southern Germany, 193114. The geographers of Germany paid little
attention to the innovative study of the functional organization of space in south
Germany published in 1933 by Gradmann’s student at Erlangen, Walter Christaller
(Christaller, 1933). Christaller’s contribution to the development of central-place
theory and the other German writings on the theory of location during this period
will be discussed in the concluding chapter.
Troll does not mention Christaller, but he does point to some other positive advances
made by German geographers during this period. There was a conservation move­
ment, to which the geographers contributed field studies as a basis for landscape
planning. There were studies of the relation of people to living space that were not
politically oriented (Troll, 1949:115). Largely through the efforts of Max Eckert,
German cartographers formed the Deutsche Kartographische Gesellschaft in 1937
for the purpose of promoting cartography as a separate discipline (Troll, 1949:124).
There was increased interest in the status and economic development of places all
around the world occupied by Germans who had emigrated from Germany.
Germany was involved in two disastrous wars, and between 1933 and World
War II the rise of the Nazi state made studies in objective scholarship increasingly
more difficult. The government frequently interfered in academic affairs. Most of
the geographers chose to remain discreetly silent on matters of policy, but there
were some who came out in support of the “New Germany.” Only those who were
Jews were actually sent to concentration camps— such as Alfred Philippson, the

14Robert Gradmann was trained as minister of a Lutheran church, then as a botanist,

was then directed toward geographical studies by Karl Sapper at Tubingen, and
accomplished the habilitation for his study of grain cultivation in ancient Greece and
Roman civilizations. In 1919 he became professor of geography at the University of
Erlangen; while there, he completed the famous regional study of southern Germany,
one of the outstanding examples of Landerkunde (Gradmann, 1931b). He also edited
the German research series Forschungen zur deutschen Landeskunde (Schroder, 1982),
184 / MODERN

distinguished author of the study of the Mediterranean region (Philippson,

1904).15 Hettner’s Geographische Zeitschrift, which had been edited by Heinrich
Schmitthenner after 1935, was suspended in 1943. (Hettner was proclaimed a
quarter Jew by the Reich and removed from the editorial post [Plewe 1982].) The
discipline of geography was bent to Nazi specification. Sufficient history has been
written to reveal this (Rossler 1987, 1989; Sandner 1988, 1994). In 1947 Carl Troll
wrote a review of what had been going on in German geography between 1933 and
1945, which was published in the first volume of the new geographical periodical
that he established, Erdkunde (Troll, 1947). Troll’s review was translated in part
by Eric Fischer and published in the United States (Troll, 1949).
One of the streams of geographic thought that developed in Germany between
the wars was the application of geographic concepts to politics. This was given the
German name Geopolitik (geopolitics). Geopolitics differs from political geography
and is not to be confused with it. According to Karl Haushofer, Geopolitik is the
art of using geographical knowledge to give support and direction to the policy of
a state. Haushofer himself published his Geopolitik des Pazifischen Ozeans in 1924,
analyzing the significance of location around the Pacific basin with reference to the
various threatening conflicts. Haushofer drew his ideas from the Swedish political
scientist Rudolf Kjellen (1846-1922), who developed the basic ideas of Geopolitik
by using Ratzel’s analogy of the state as an organism that required room to grow.
Haushofer was also influenced by the British geographer H. J. Mackinder. At first
there were numerous geographers writing papers for publication in the Zeitschrift
fiir Geopolitik dealing with problems in political geography. But as the periodical
became the chief vehicle for disseminating geographic writings in support of Nazi
policies and as the unscientific nature of the periodical became clear, many of the
geographers withdrew their support from the movement. It seems that although
Haushofer may have had some influence on Nazi policies, his importance may
have been exaggerated. With the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945, Haushofer was
interrogated by the Allies. In 1946 he committed suicide.

Postwar German Geograph)/

In the aftermath of the disaster of World War II, German geography had to be
rebuilt. Many universities and libraries were in ruins, and the funds for foreign
field research were almost nonexistent. The situation after the war is described in
some detail (Smith and Black 1946; Troll, 1949; Van Valkenburg, 1951). Geography
as an institution had to be rebuilt. Relationships between geographers similarly
had to be rebuilt. By 1949 two Germanys had been created, a West Germany and
an East Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic
Republic). The two Germanys would assume differing postures politically, eco­
nomically, and intellectually.
In 1949-50, immediately following the establishment of West Germany, 24
universities possessed a total of 25 chairs in geography (the University of Hamburg

15Philippson was not deported to Poland owing to the intervention of Sven Hedin of
Sweden, who was moved to act in behalf of Philippson by Carl Troll.
The New Geography in Germany / 185

alone had two chairs). It seems that more than 1060 students studied geography
as a “major,” and 600 as a “minor” in that year. It was this student generation that
produced the leaders of German geography from the 1960s to the 1990s.
By the late 1960s new universities were created and existing universities and
faculties were expanded. Between 1968 and 1980 10 new departments were
founded. The number of chairs in geography increased from 80 in 1970 to 145 in
1980. This is a very visible part of a remarkable economic recovery. Accompany­
ing this advance in geography were hidden difficulties associated with a profusion
of subjects, some perhaps marginal to the undertaking, and increasing disparity in
the quality of teaching and research by individuals. This increase in the apparatus
of the discipline did not necessarily mean concomitant increase in profundity of
discipline development.
An occurrence with long-term implication was the elimination after 1970 of many
geography teaching positions in the primary and secondary schools. Geography
was integrated with social studies (a situation similar to the United States in the
1920s). The reduction of geography from an independent school subject detracted
from the image of geography and led to a surplus of geography students looking for
employment. This led to more emphasis on applied geography. Most geography
departments did not have such a program of studies and, therefore, did not intro­
duce them until the late 1960s, by which time many “applied” vacancies had been
filled by nongeographers.
The traditional organizations maintained themselves during these years. These
included the umbrella organization responsible for the biennial scientific meeting
of German academic geography (founded 1881); the organization for school
teachers of geography (1912); and the organization for those who had succeeded
with the Habilitation (a postdoctoral degree) and who were the dominant force
in research and representation on high councils. Those without the Habilitation
began to feel excluded and began to plan their own organization. This happened
in 1969-70. Now there were two groups in university geographical work. With such
a division present, it is not surprising that a third group was brought into existence:
This group comprised geographers who trained teachers at the universities or
teacher training college.
The most active group, however, is the Association of German Applied
Geographers, founded in 1950, with a membership of 1300 by 1991. Its relevant
problem-solving applications, regional groupings, regional and national conferences,
and permanent office space have placed it at the forefront of German geographic
organizations. All of these organizations were combined in a central association
of German geography. This was the structure that permitted West German geo­
graphy to rebuild a geographic profession that had been reduced during the Nazi
regime. Schools and universities formed closer connections, curricula were revised,
and more textbooks were written providing wider choice.
Meanwhile, German geographers in the 1960s went forward with the traditional
concept of geography as Landschaftskunde but with the use of new and more
precise methods of analysis. Hermann Lautensach’s study of the Iberian Peninsula
offers a new approach to the study of landscapes. Instead of seeking to define land­
scape regions as outlined by boundaries, Lautensach describes the variations from
place to place as forming a continuum. The continuous variation of the landscape
186 / MODERN

throughout the Iberian Peninsula is a function of four variables: latitude, elevation,

distance from the ocean, and direction from the nearest coast (Lautensach, 1964).
It is this kind of innovative approach that keeps regional geography (Landerkunde)
as the central interest of the great majority of German geographers (Dickinson,
1969:184-185; Pfeifer, 1965; Schmieder, 1966; Schmithiisen, 1963; Schwind,
1981; Uhlig, 1983; Zimm, 1982).
Some decades ago German geographers reacted against the traditional physical
determinism stemming from the teaching of Richthofen and Hettner. The reaction
began when Schliiter focused attention on the historical changes of landscape
resulting from human action. In the postwar period a kind of “cultural determinism”
has replaced the earlier physical determinism. The new emphasis on culture is called
social geography (Sozial-geographie) (Bobek, 1948; Schmithiisen, 1959). The
purpose is to interpret the cultural landscape but with the clear recognition that the
major force for landscape change is the human group—the “attitudes, objectives,
and technical skills” that are parts of human culture. Many collections of papers
on the new social geography have been published (Hajdu, 1968; Hartke, 1960;
Storkenbaum, 1967,1969; see also comments on Hajdu’s paper in the Annals AAG,
59 [1969]:596-599).
Substantively, in postwar German geography several outstanding geographers
contributed to both physical and human geography (Bartels and Peucker, 1969;
Beck, 1957; Jager, 1972). These workers include particularly H. Bobek, H.
Mortenson, H. Schmitthenner, and C. Troll. It is a significant matter when workers
in a field of study may so specialize that they find themselves far removed from
each other. Physical geography subdivided itself into geomorphology, geophysics,
meteorology, climatology, oceanography, and so forth. Cultural geography also found
itself the object of subdivision. An interest in the history of German geographers
is revealed by Biittner (1978, 1979) and Biittner and Burmeister (1979). These
subdivisions have been shared between geography and other disciplines. It is then
that the regional concept and undertaking brings workers and their points of view
closer to each other. The contributions of a variety of sciences and specializations
are integrated for the purpose of understanding areal complexes. Perhaps the
two strongest advocates of this, the regional undertaking, have been Carl Troll and
Hermann Lautensach (Troll, 1966).
In 1967 there came a break with tradition. Dietrich Bartels presented his habilita-
tion thesis, which included a bibliography providing a large number of English,
Scandinavian, and American geographical references. Whereas German geography
had for decades been exporting its product, now it was importing ideas. Non-German
geography was being read in Germany possibly as never before. Bartels’s views
concerning the integration of foreign viewpoints were accepted at a meeting of young
geographers in October 1967 and summarized in a brochure containing 12 points.
A new scientific revolution made itself apparent at the annual meeting of the
German geographers at Kiel in 1969. The younger geographers who could not attain
the highest positions were encouraged to be patient. At this meeting the professional
association of geography students created a general meeting that was the first of its
kind. In the months that followed, a school of social geography was established
at Munich, where Wolfgang Hartke and Karl Ganser had led the way since 1966;
The New Geography in Germany / 187

Franz Schaffer and Karl Ruppert came to the fore in November 1968. This stage
in West German geography was marked by an integration of the traditional with
modem geography, and led to a new pluralism in geography. Geographische
Zeitschrift and Erdkunde were the leading research publications, although in addi­
tion there were six journals sponsored by geographical societies and more than
50 “series” issued by universities. More recently there has been a strong movement
to return to political geography; closer self-examination of geography and of the
geographers of the Nazi period has been especially evident at Hamburg University.
Significantly stronger ties between West Germany and the United Kingdom and the
United States were developed in the 1980s and continued to the present. Even so,
the regional tradition continues, and a substantial percentage of geographers still
travel abroad to conduct their research.
Facilitating research in regional geography in foreign countries is what Wirth
refers to as a particular tradition of German geography (Wirth, 1988). In any case,
there has been steady growth in this area since 1945, and this has been facilitated
by substantial financial support from the German Research Council. Research
tended to anthropogeography in the 1960s and early 1970s, then toward physical
geography from the late 1970s. Throughout regional geography of Europe and
overseas (with special reference to Africa, Latin America, and the Islamic World)
has been undertaken and other foundations have also provided financial assistance
such as the Volkswagen Foundation and the Thyssen Foundation. However, special
mention must be made of the fact that most university departments have developed
their own publication series. Most of these have been established since 1950, and
they each have active lists; for example, in the years 1989 and 1990 a total of nearly
300 monographs were published. These departmental series form a very significant
part of German geography. Otherwise, there are a number of periodicals of inter­
national standing. These are listed in C. D. Harris’s Annotated World List o f Selected
Current Geographical Serials.


After World War II departments of geography were located in Berlin, Leipzig (closed
in 1969 but merged with Halle), Greifswald, Jena (closed in 1969), Rostock (closed
in 1969), and the Technical University of Dresden. The institution once known as
Justus Perthes has been renamed the VEB Hermann Haack Institute. The Deutsches
Institute fur Landerkunde at Leipzig has become an institute for geography and
geoecology. During the 1950s geography departments were established in teacher
training colleges in Potsdam and Dresden. Economic geography was brought into
the Leipzig School of Commerce and the Berlin School of Economics. In 1953 the
Geographical Society of East Germany (GDR) was founded, and its journal, Geo­
graphische Berichte, has been published since 1956. Petermanns Geographische
Mitteilungen, published in Gotha since 1855, remains the most important geographic
periodical in Germany.
In the postwar period new directions were assumed in both teaching and in
academic research. Specifically, a break was made with the traditions of the past,
and a new geography was created based on a material world order. East Germany
188 / MODERN

(GDR) looked to the east. The Soviet Union dominated this section of Germany,
and Germans learned Russian, read Russian books, and took classes in Marxism.
There were still those geographers who were functional in the English language,
but the younger generation accepted Russian as a second language. The GDR was
inherently poorer than West Germany (FRG), and this, combined with its trading
partner the USSR rather than Western countries, further accentuated the economic
gap between the two Germanies. Hard currency needed for travel in the West was
not available; permission to travel West was rarely granted. Geography was highly
organized as was much else, and geographical science and party policy were drawn
close. The two Germanys had two geographies. At the 19th International Geographical
Congress, Stockholm, 1960, two national committees for the two geographies were
recognized. After construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, there came increasing
separation of the two Germanys as the cold war deepened.
From a geographic tradition common to the whole of Germany, international
circumstances had created two traditions at variance in little more than a 40-year
period. The eastern version, rigorous, structured, subservient to the state, and with
only modest resources at its command, was the product of the post-1945 period.
Notwithstanding difficulties and constraints, geography in the East Germany was
nevertheless responsible for considerable teaching, learning, research, and publica­
tion. Then came reunification.

Geography and the Reunification o f Germany

It was at the Beijing regional conference of the International Geographical Union,
1990, that the national committees of the two Germanys were unified. Now the task
was to reconcile the two geographies that had developed with different traditions
over the last 40 years. The Geographentag held at Basel (1991) was the venue for
that serious discussion. The two Associations of Academic Geographers were com­
bined to form the Association of Geographers at German Universities. And in 1995,
when the Geographentag met at Potsdam—the first time the meeting was held in
the former East German—a new organization entitled the German Society of Geo­
graphy replaced the old established umbrella organization that was still a part of
“West German” geography. New chairs were created in the east at Erfurt, Frankfurt
on the Oder, and Chemnitz. And the German National Atlas went forward as a
combined project of the now-unified Germany.
The one-time West Germany experienced iess trauma in the unification process.
Geographers continued to look to anglophone geography and to import ideas from
this source. British geography books were translated into German, and a lecture was
established at Heidelberg, addresses for which were provided by geographers from
the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
In the early history of German geography, Germany exported ideas and
imported students. Now Germany finds itself importing ideas and exporting students.
Part of this reversal of fortune may owe to the early start that Germany obtained
(e.g., its early chairs were established more than 60 years before the first chair in
Canadian geography), an advantage now no longer applicable. The German language
is no longer the lingua franca of science that once, arguably, it was. And, too, per­
sons of capacity may come in groupings, and the first three generations of German
The New Geography in Germany / 189

professional geographers were unusually able. Finally, one must think of difficulties
confronting the advancement of geography in Germany: loss of geographers in both
world wars (a loss also suffered by the Allies), exclusion from the international con­
gresses pursuant to both world wars16, the incongruous impress of Nazism on German
geography commencing in 1934, and the post-1945 division of the country and its
geography until 1990. It is perhaps too soon to decide on the issue of geographic
accomplishment since reunification, but opportunity for benefit accruing from
concerted effort is now possible.

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Tilley, P. D. 1984. “Carl Troll, 1899-1975.” In Geographers: Biobihliographical Studies.
Vol. 8, pp. 111-124. London: Mansell.
Troll, C. 1947. “Die geographische Wissenschaft in Deutschland in dem Jahren 1933 bis 1945:
Eine Kritik und Rechtfertigung.” Erdkunde 1:3-48.
---------. 1949. “Geographical Science in Germany during the Period 1933-1945: A Critique
and Justification.” Trans, and ed. by E. Fischer. Annals AAG 39:100-137.
---------. 1950. “Die Geographische Landschaft und (ihre) Erforschung.” Studium Generate
---------. 1966. “Hermann Lautensach.” Erdkunde 20:243-252.
Van Valkenburg, S. 1951. “The German School of Geography.” In G. Taylor, ed.. Geo­
graphy in the Twentieth Centuiy. Pp. 91-115. New York: Philosophical Library.
Wagner, H. 1880. “Bericht fiber die Entwicklung der Methodik der Erdkunde.” Geograph-
isches Jahrbuch 8:523-598.
---------. 1920. “Geschichte der Methodik der Geographie als Wissenschaft.” Lehrbuch der
Geographie 1:17-25.
Wagner, P. L. October 1989. “A German Critique of Modern Geography.” The Geographical
Review [New York] 79. No. 4:467-474.
Waibel, L. 1933. “Was verstehen wir unter Landschaftskunde?” Geographische Anzeiger
Wanklyn, H. 1961. Friedrich Ratzel. a Biographical Memoir and Bibliography. Cambridge:
At the University Press.
Wardenga, U. 1991. “Ernst Plewe, 1907-1986.” In Geographers: Biobihliographical Studies.
Vol. 13, pp. 63-71. London: Mansell.
---------. 1995. “Nun ist alles, alles anders!” Erster Weltkrieg und Hochschul-geographie, in
Ingrid Honsch and Ute Wardenga (eds.), Kontinuitat und Diskontinuitat der deutschen
Geographie in Umbruchphasen. Studie zur Geschichte der Geographie, Miinstersche
Geographische Arbeiten 39:83-97.
---------. 1999. Constructing Regional Knowledge in German Geography: The Central
Commission on the Regional Geography of Germany 1882-1941, in Anne Buttimer, Stanley
Brunn, and Ute Wardenga (eds.). Text and image. Social construction of regional know­
ledges, Beitrage zur Regionalen Geographie 49:77-84.
West, R. C. 1990. Pioneers of Modern Geography: Translations Pertaining to German
Geographers of the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Baton Rouge:
Louisiana State University. Geoscience and Man, vol. 28.
Wirth, E. 1984a. “Dietrich Bartels 1931-1983.” Geographische Zeitschrift 72:1-22.
---------. 1984b. “Geographie als modeme theorieorientierte Sozialwissenschaft.” Erdkunde
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istischen Auslands.” Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 126, no. 4:217-222.
T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in F ra n c e

Little by little, I have arrived at the idea that our doubts originated in the conflict
between two concepts of geography: the traditional way of looking at it, which
l have called classical, looking more toward the past and toward the delimita­
tion o f regions, and a forward looking interpretation which is not yet sure
o f its routes but which is playing an increasingly important role in contem­
porary studies.. . . Classical geography adopts the positions of Ritter. In spite
o f appearances, it owes little to Humboldt: from him it has borrowed the
practical methods of symbolization, a taste for precise scientific description,
but no general concepts. Humboldt’s cosmologic vision of geography is lost in
the classical period: geography is now concerned with small, local integrations,
and has given up explaining distributions on a global scale. Modern geo­
graphers have returned to the ideas and preoccupations of Humboldt.
— Paul Claval, Essai sur 1’evolution de la geographie humaine (1964)

he “new geography” that appeared as a professional field in Germany after

1874 spread to other countries of the world with a lag of at least a decade. In
each country the same kinds of philosophical and methodological questions were
faced that had been faced in Germany by scholars who, like their German colleagues,
had not been specifically trained in a field called geography. In each country some­
what different answers to these questions were found, depending on differences
of language, differences of national scholarly traditions, and differences of earlier
experience with geographical study. In each country the new geography was intro­
duced in the universities by one outstanding scholar who became the “grand old
man” of that national school of geography.
The part played by the universities in the formation of geography as a profes­
sional field has been fundamental. To be sure, before the professors of geography
were appointed at universities, there were those who, like Humboldt, wrote books
and gave lectures on geography, because there never has been a time when people
were not curious about the world in which they lived. There were cartographic
centers, where geographical information was compiled and transmitted on maps.
But only through the training of younger generations in an accepted program of geo­
graphical study can a professional field make its appearance. As Paul Claval points
out, it is through personal contacts with teachers in seminars that all the philosophical
options involved in a methodological statement can be transmitted (Claval, 1964:20).
The development of schools of geography, each with a somewhat distinctive
approach, appeared after chairs were established at the universities and after pro­
fessional institutions had been provided, such as professional societies, periodicals,

196 / MODERN

and texts. Only after a professional group comes into existence can scholarly work
be progressively developed. This chapter reviews the development of professional
geography in France.


To understand the distinctive character of French geography, it is necessary to recall
what scholars had been writing and thinking about during the preceding century
and a half. In 1752 Philippe Buache attacked the use of administrative divisions to
provide the frame of organization in presenting geographic information. Instead, he
proposed that geography should be organized by natural regions and that a river
basin was the best kind of natural region. Buache believed that it was self-evident
that high ground must form the water partings between different drainage basins,
and “high ground” was easily translated into continuous ranges of hills or moun­
tains. In fact, Buache believed that the mountain ranges continued under the
oceans, so that the whole surface of the earth was divided into naturally defined
compartments. In spite of gradually accumulating observations that refuted
Buache’s concept, those who accepted his general picture of an earth sharply set
off into compartments could easily overlook evidence by just not seeing it. This
is another neat example of the way in which a mental image can determine the
perception of so-called reality.
French geography had been centered on cartography until the mid-eighteenth
century. Owing to the increasing autonomy of cartography, it experienced a crisis of
readaptation at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries
(Godlewska, 1999). It was during this period that Giraud-Soulavie introduced the
modem conception of a natural region based on rock outcrops and climate (Giraud-
Soulavie, 1783). His ideas were developed by a government administrator, Charles
Coquebert, Baron de Montbret, who taught physical geography at the Ecole de Mines
in Paris in 1796-97 (Gallois, 1908:21). When Baron Coquebert was made director
of the French statistical office, he proposed a division of the national territory into
natural regions and a provision for a concise description of each one. Statistical data
would then be compiled by these regions instead of by the traditional administrat­
ive divisions. Unfortunately, the work of identifying these natural regions was not
completed when Coquebert was assigned to another post. But the seed of interest
in regional divisions had been planted, and Buache’s hypothesis concerning river
basins, like any challenging hypothesis, was beginning to promote the formulation
of counterhypotheses.
In 1810 Malte-Brun in his Precis de la geographie universelle offered a care­
fully considered refutation of the idea that river basins are bordered by ranges of
mountains or hills. But so strongly implanted was Buache’s concept that Malte-Brun’s
refutation was overlooked. In 1823 a geologist, J. J. d’Omalius d ’Halloy, prepared
a geological map of France and the Low Countries, accompanied by a description
of the relation of landforms to the soils and underlying rocks. Even this clear
contradiction of Buache’s hypothesis failed to deter those who saw river basins as
natural regions.
Meanwhile, the teaching of geography in French schools suffered from a diffi­
culty similar to that of Germany. There were no geographers in the universities and
The New Geography in France / 197

teachers’ colleges; therefore, the teachers in the schools had never been given any
training in the concepts and methods of the field. There had been a chair of geo­
graphy at the Sorbonne in Paris since 1809, but it was occupied by historians. The
historian who taught geography was in the Faculty of Letters; in addition, in the
Faculty of Sciences a geologist offered courses in landforms.
As a result of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, France lost the border provinces
of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany and experienced popular demand for better geo­
graphy teaching in the schools. Donald V. McKay attributes the development of
France as a colonial power after 1871 to the influence of the French geographical
societies, all of which urged France to bring the benefits of French civilization
to the less developed parts of the world. There were two geographical societies in
Paris (the Societe de geographie at Paris had been founded in 1821) and one each
in Bordeaux, Nancy, Lyons, Rochefort, Marseilles, Montpellier, and Douai. They
had wide influence on French public opinion (McKay, 1943).
One other institution was to advance the cause of geography in France. The
International Geographical Congress first met in Paris in 1875, then again in
1889, 1931, and 1984.1 To have arranged the second and fourth meetings in the
ongoing series of International Geographical Congresses brought attention to Paris
and geography.

Paul Vidal de la Blache

Paul Vidal de la Blache led the development of the new geography in France (Freeman,
1967:44-71). Vidal made his way into geography through his study of ancient his­
tory and classical literature. He became familiar with Greek geographical writings
when he spent a year (1865) at the French School of Archaeology in Athens. In
1866 he graduated from the Ecole normale superieure in Paris with high honors and
completed work for a doctorate in 1872. For the next 26 years he devoted himself
to improving the training of teachers of geography and to making up-to-date
materials and ideas available to them.12 During this time the chair of geography at
the Sorbonne was occupied by Louis-Auguste Himly, whose major interest was in
the changing political boundaries of Europe. In 1898, when Himly retired, Vidal
became the first geographer to be appointed to the chair of geography since the
chair was established in 1809.

1This is the only case of the International Geographical Congress being held in the same
city on four separate occasions.
2Vidal taught geography at the University of Nancy from 1872 to 1877 and then returned
as professor to the Ecole normale superieure. In 1891, with the collaboration of Marcel
Dubois, he founded a new professional periodical in which the best writings on geography
could be published. In each number of the new Annales de geographie he included a
bibliography of published materials where additional information and new geographical
concepts could be found. This bibliography has since 1923 been published separately as
the Bihliographie geographique Internationale, compiled each year with the collaboration
of geographical societies throughout the world and issued by Armand Colin. In 1894
Vidal published the first edition of the Atlas generate Vidal-Lablache (revised editions in
1909, 1918, 1922, 1938, and 1951). He was the professor of geography at the Sorbonne
from 1898 to the time of his death in 1918 (Dickinson, 1969:208-212).
198 / MODERN

In his inaugural address at the Sorbonne delivered on February 2, 1899, Vidal

followed the custom of presenting his ideas concerning the scope and purpose of
geography. There was need, he said, to focus attention on the close relationships
between man and his immediate surroundings (milieu) by studying small homo­
geneous areas. In France such homogeneous areas are popularly recognized as pays,
such as the pays de Beauce around its urban center of Chartres.3 Vidal presented
an effective refutation of the idea of environmental determinism. From Ratzel’s
second volume of Anthropogeographie he formulated the concept of possibilism.
Nature, he insisted, set limits and offered possibilities for human settlement, but the
way man reacts or adjusts to these given conditions depends on his own traditional
way of living (Vidal, 1899). Later, Lucien Febvre (1922) published La terre et
1’evolution humaine, translated into English in 1925 as A Geographical Intro­
duction to History. This was the work above all others that helped replace views
of geographical determinism with the philosophy of possibilism (“There are no
necessities, but everywhere possibilities”).
The concept of a way of living (genre de vie) has been widely used in French
geography. It refers to the inherited traits that members of a human group leam—
what we may call a culture, borrowing the term from the anthropologists. The genre
de vie stands for the complex of institutions, traditions, attitudes, purposes, and tech­
nical skills of a people. Vidal pointed out that the same environment has different
meanings for people with different genres de vie: the genre de vie is a basic factor
in determining which of the various possibilities offered by nature a particular human
group will select (Buttimer, 1971:52-57).
Vidal supported the idea of studying small natural regions, but he was very much
opposed to the definition of such regions in terms of drainage basins, as Buache
had suggested. The use of drainage basins, he pointed out in 1888, would make it
impossible even to recognize the existence of one of France’s important natural
regions, the Massif Central. This is the low mountain region lying west of the Rhone
Valley, a region of massive crystalline rocks and radial drainage. If each river basin
were identified as a natural region, the Massif Central itself could not be treated as
a region. Vidal suggested that one of the major contributions of geographers would
be the identification of useful natural regions, or pays (Vidal, 1903).
The idea of identifying the regions of France was picked up by one of Vidal’s
first students, Lucien Gallois,4 whose Regions naturelles et noms de pays was

3The French and German languages differ in the clarity of their word symbols. The French
pays is roughly the equivalent of the connotation of landschaft as an extent of territory.
The connotation of landschaft as aspect or scene is translated in French as paysage.
4Among the French scholars who were contemporaries of Vidal de la Blache, Lucien
Gallois was of outstanding importance. Gallois graduated from the Ecole normale
superieure in 1881. He was Vidal’s first disciple and worked closely with Vidal for years.
From 1898 to 1919 he was editor of the Annales de geographie. He was also the editor
of the French geographical series Geographie universelle, which Vidal had proposed.
Other contemporaries included Elisee Reclus; Emmanuel de Margerie, translator of
Eduard Suess’s Das Antlitz der Erde\ and Franz Schrader, the cartographer, who headed
the map division of the Librairie Hachette, publishers.
The New Geography in France / 199

published in 1908 (Gallois, 1908). In this study Gallois provided a useful review
of the history of the regional idea in France. Later, after visiting the United States,
he became increasingly conscious of the role of big cities and modem transporta­
tion in organizing regions (Vidal de la Blache, 1910, 1917), introducing in this way
the idea of the polarized region into French geography.
In 1913 Vidal elaborated his ideas about the method of geographical study (Vidal,
1913). In a much-quoted passage he gave clear support to the concept of choro-
logy as the study of things associated in area, mutually interacting, characterizing
particular segments of earth space. In this paper he wrote:
. . . that which geography, in exchange for the help it has received from other
sciences, can bring to the common treasury, is the capacity not to break apart
what nature has assembled, to understand the correspondence and correlation of
things, whether in the setting of the whole surface of the earth, or in the regional
setting where things are localized (trans. Harrison-Church, 1951:73).5
When Vidal died suddenly in 1918 at the age of 73, he was in the process of
writing his definitive work, Human Geography. From the partially completed
manuscripts and notes, Vidal’s son-in-law, Emmanuel de Martonne, completed the
book, which was published in 1922 (Vidal, 1922). The chapter and section head­
ings in the Principes de geographic humaine give an idea of the breadth of Vidal’s
Introduction: The Sense and Object of Human Geography
Critical examination of the concept of human geography
The principle of terrestrial unity and the concept of milieu
Man and the milieu
Man as a geographic factor
I. The Distribution of Man over the Globe
General view
The formation of areas of population density [population clusters]
The European agglomeration
The Mediterranean regions
II. The Patterns of Civilizations
The relations of human groups to the milieux
Tools and materials
Building materials
The human establishments (habitats)
The evolution of civilizations

5“, . . ce que la geographie, en echange du secours qu’elle reyoit des autres sciences, peut
apporter au tresor commun, c’est l’aptitude a ne pas morceler ce que la nature rassemble,
a comprendre la correspondence et la correlation des faits, soit dans le milieu terrestre qui
les enveloppe tous, soit dans les milieux regionnaux ou ils se localisent” (Vidal,
200 / MODERN

III. Circulation
The means of transport
The route
The railroads
The sea
Fragments on Which Vidal Was Working at the Time of His Death
The origin of races
The diffusion of inventions (examples: the plow, the wheel, and the draft
Culture regions

La Tradition Vidalienne
After the appointment of Vidal de la Blache to the chair of geography at the
Sorbonne, the number of professorships of geography in the French universities
increased rapidly. By 1921 there were departments of geography in almost all of the
16 French universities6 (Joerg, 1922:438-441). In almost every case the scholars
appointed to teach geography were pupils of Vidal. In no other country, said Joerg,
not even in Germany around Richthofen, has the development of geography been
so centered around one outstanding teacher. These disciples of the master spread
throughout France the point of view and method that came to be known as la
tradition vidalienne (Buttimer, 1971).
The disciple who not only elaborated Vidal’s ideas about human geography and
spread them throughout France but also transmitted these ideas to other countries
was Jean Brunhes.7 Brunhes provided a classification of geographic facts that made
Vidal’s concepts easier to understand and to transmit in the classroom. Brunhes said
that two world maps were of chief importance in the understanding of human geo­
graphy: a map of water and a map of population. He divided the essential facts of
human geography into three categories: (1) the facts of the unproductive occupation
of the soil: houses and roads (including rural habitations, urban agglomerations, and
circulation patterns); (2) the facts of plant and animal conquest: the cultivation
of plants and the raising of animals; and (3) the facts of destructive exploitation:
plant and animal devastation and mineral exploitation. He then illustrated the use
of these categories by several small regional studies of sharply defined and distinctive

6Geography was also represented in 1921 in four universities in Belgium where French
is spoken and in seven Swiss bilingual universities where both French and German
are spoken.
7Jean Brunhes had a broad training in history, natural science, law, finance, and
geography. He taught geography at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland from
1896 to 1912. From 1912 until his death in 1930 he held a research professorship at the
College de France. In 1910 he published the first edition of his great work, La Geographie
humaine (Brunhes, 1910), which went through several revised and enlarged editions in
1912, 1915, and 1934. The second edition was translated into English by I. C. LeCompte
and edited by Isaiah Bowman and R. E. Dodge in 1920; a shortened English translation
was published in 1952. His work had great impact in America because of the translations.
The New Geography in France / 201

associations of man and the land: the two Saharan oases— Suf in a sandy desert,
Mzab in a rocky desert; the Fang people who carry on a destructive exploitation of a
small area in present-day Gabon; and the seasonal seminomadism of the inhabitants
of a single valley in the Alps (which was replaced in the English edition by
Bowman’s study of the Peruvian Andes). The last part of his book went “beyond
the essential facts” to a discussion of different kinds of broader geographical ana­
lyses under the headings of human geography, regional geography, ethnographical
geography, social geography, and political and historical geography.
The French school of geography under Vidal’s leadership achieved a notable
balance between physical and human components. The French geographers of that
period were not bothered by an apparent dichotomy between physical geography
and human geography the way the Germans were. The reason why this difficulty
did not arise in France can be traced back to the work of two of Vidal’s earliest
disciples: Jean Brunhes, who led in the development of human geography, and
Emmanuel de Martonne, who led the way in physical geography8 (Fig. 29). De
Martonne combined the usual training in history and geography with a sound back­
ground in geology, geophysics, and biology. To him physical geography was an
essential part of the whole geographical study of an area, as he first demonstrated
in his regional monograph on the Wallachian Plain and his studies of the Carpathians
(de Martonne, 1902, 1917). During all of his professional career, he maintained a
regional interest in central Europe and a systematic interest in geomorphology and
climatology (de Martonne, 1909,1927). He became one of the leading physical geo­
graphers of the world and the most influential geographer in Europe between the
two world wars. He was a strong supporter of Davis and made Davis’s ideas known
to the French-speaking world. Like Davis, he was a master of the art of landform
description, including the drawing of eloquent landscape sketches with pen and ink
(de Martonne, 1917:424). His work on the identification of arid regions through the
use of an aridity index was a major contribution to the systematic study of climate
(de Martonne, 1927).
An important part of la tradition vidalienne has been a relative freedom from
concern about whether geography is one field or many. This dichotomy has

^Emmanuel de Martonne, who became Vidal's son-in-law, graduated from the Ecole
normale superieure in 1899. He taught at the University of Rennes from 1899 to 1905 and
at Lyons from 1905 to 1909. He was appointed to the Sorbonne in 1909 and remained
there until his retirement in 1944. He founded the Institut de geographie at the Sorbonne
and was its director from 1927 to 1944. This institute was set up in the Faculty of Letters
with the close collaboration of the historians. As a result, questions were never raised
concerning the teaching of physical geography in a social science faculty. De Martonne
became one of the world’s leading physical geographers. He was secretary general of the
International Geographical Union from 1931 to 1938 and president from 1938 to 1949.
His major work in physical geography, Traite de geographie physique, was first published
in 1909 in one volume of 910 pages and was later expanded and revised (4th ed., 3 vols.,
1925-27). He was also the author of the two volumes of Europe Centrale in Geographie
universelle. See “Emmanuel de Martonne, 1873-1955” by Jean Dresch: Geographers:
Biobibliographical Studies 1988 12:73-81.
202 / MODERN

Henri Baulig Paul Vidal de la Blache

Paul Claval Lucien Gallois

The New Geography in France / 203

Philippe Pinchemel Elisee Reclus

204 / MODERN

F ig u re 29a E. de Martonne in the field, Romania, 1937

F ig u re 29b E, de Martonne with Robert Ficheux (from collection of Robert Ficheux)

The New Geography in France / 205

worried German geographers for a long time, but French geographers ceased being
concerned about methodological questions of this sort after 1920. To a person who
thinks in French, no real problem is involved in recognizing that from one point of
view geography is a unitary field, whereas from another it seems to tie together a
variety of fields. C. Vallaux’s book Les sciences geographiques (Yallaux, 1925)
expresses his understanding that geography is both a unitary and an autonomous
field of study and also an auxiliary aspect of many fields. Not only does geography
have a philosophy of its own, he writes, but also “it is almost, in itself, a philosophy
of the world of man” (Vallaux, 1925:viii). So it is that the French geographers can
continue to make important contributions to systematic or topical studies and at
the same time continue to produce regional monographs (Beaujeu-Gamier, 1976;
Claval, 1964; Dickinson, 1969).
But the scope and method of regional studies have changed since the early part
of the twentieth century, just as the scope and method of systematic studies have
changed.9 The earliest regional monographs (Blanchard, 1906; de Martonne, 1902;
Demangeon, 1905; Vallaux, 1906) followed a more or less standard outline of
topics, starting with the surface features and climate, advancing to the organic life
in relation to the physical features, and then proceeding to the human inhabitants,
looked at both as controlled by the environment and modifying the environment. The
French region was a very similar concept to Schliiter’s Kulturlandschaft. Yet by 1957
Roger Dion, writing on historical geography in the middle of the twentieth century
(L’lnformation geographique, 1957:185), points to the many errors of interpreta­
tion that resulted from attempting to demonstrate strict controls. Man’s economic
life must be seen as in the process of transition and makes no sense at all unless it
is viewed in historical perspective. Rene Musset, discussing recent regional studies
in the same monograph (L’lnformation geographique, 1957:187-196), shows that
the original idea of making a “complete” regional study had to be abandoned if only
because of the vast increase of information available. For many decades regional
studies have been tightly organized around single central themes or single prob­
lems, and all materials not relevant to such themes or problems have been omitted.
Pierre Deffontaines’s study of the Middle Garonne Valley in 1932 is organized
in this way around the changing impact of human society on the landscape
(Dickinson, 1969:217). Pierre Monbeig’s regional monograph on the state of Sao
Paulo in Brazil is focused on the contrast in settlement between the small pioneer
farmers and the large coffee planters (Monbeig, 1952). Many decades ago the French
geographers, like their colleagues in other countries, began experimenting with
different methods of organizing regional studies (Meynier, 1969:113-119). Even
Vidal in his last published work recognized the complexity of Alsace-Lorraine and
the need to focus attention on the changing significance of this border region between
France and Germany (Vidal, 1917).

9By defining a regional study as one carried out in the manner suggested by Vidal in
1903, it is of course possible to prove that regional study must be dropped. Using the
same reasoning, one could insist that systematic studies must be dropped.
206 / MODERN

Geographie Universelle
Vidal thought that the field study of relatively small regions was the best possible
way to train geographers. In the 1950s and 1960s many French geographers still
believed that the regional monograph was the best kind of doctoral dissertation.
But Vidal also thought that regional studies could serve practical needs. He planned
a series of books covering the whole of the earth’s land areas that would be
carried out on a smaller scale than the French regional monographs and in this
way would deal more broadly with the larger regions of the world. Vidal died
before the plan could be carried out, but it was both directed and edited after his
death by Lucien Gallois. The first volume, Les lies Britanniques, was written
by Albert Demangeon and published in 1927. Twenty-three volumes were pub­
lished and included authors M. Zimmerman, E. de Martonne, P. C. D ’Almeida,
R. Blanchard, F. Grenard, J. Sion, P. Privat-Deschanel, A. Bernard, F. Maurette,
H. Baulig, Y. Chataigneau, M. Sorre, and P. Denis. The series was admired in the
English-speaking world. I. Bowman sought to have the set translated into English.
The lingering impact of the Great Depression prevented this. The series, except
the volume on France in three parts, had been completed before the start of World
War II. The last volume, on France, was published in 1948 (Vidal and Gallois,
1927-48). The whole series is a monument to the professional work of the first
generation of French geographers after Vidal (Martin, 1964). Beautifully printed and
illustrated with many detailed maps, the books include information never before
available in one series. The parts dealing with economic conditions, population, and
political boundaries are now out of date, but they are of inestimable value as the
basis for studies in historical geography. The parts dealing with the physical earth
and its cover of vegetation are as useful today as when they were written 60 to
70 years ago. Jean Gottmann has written of the volume on La France physique by
Emmanuel de Martonne:

De Martonne’s physical geography of France . . . gives him the opportunity of

presenting a complete picture of the problems and ideas that have been his main
concern throughout his life. It is probably the most authoritative and best-written
study ever produced on the physical aspects of any large section of Western Europe;
it will long remain a classic (Gottmann, 1946:82).

The person of Jean Gottmann, deriving from the Vidalian tradition, and more
especially from Albert Demangeon, demands further attention. Gottmann escaped
France in the late 1930s, took a post with Princeton and, in 1943, removed to Johns
Hopkins University. Five years later, he returned to Paris, then in 1968 accepted
the chair of Geography at the University of Oxford. He left behind him a wealth
of publication, including, more notably, A Geography o f Europe (1950), Virginia
at mid-century (1955), and Megalopolis (1961). He remained a French regional
geographer at a time when that genre was beginning to recede and he spent
most of his years outside France, reducing the opportunity to develop a sustained
following “at home.” With the publication of Megalopolis, the thrust of his work
became perhaps better described as spatial analysis (Johnston, 1996) and his work
more international than French in character.
The New Geography in France / 207

French Geography since World War II

Since World War II there has been a great increase in the number of geographers
in France (from approximately 70 university teachers in 1955 to more than 1200 at
present) and in the range of their interests. As a result, “la tradition vidalienne” has
been weakened, and disciplinal coherence has been lost as French geography reacts
to international contemporary currents of thought. More specifically, in the years
1950 to 1968 study of regional geography declined. The rural areas themselves were
modernized, and traditional regional geography was not able to explain a world that
was no longer dominated by its past, but increasingly subject to present, ever more
complex, functions. However, the regional idea remained of value with regard to
developing countries. Pierre Gourou initiated a literature concerning the tropics
and agriculture in 1947 with Les Pays tropicaux, followed by P. Monbeig (1952),
G. Sautter (1966), and P. Pelissier (1966).
An important motif in the regional undertaking was historical geography that
explained the origins of agrarian landscapes (Chevalier, 1956; Juillard, 1953;
Meynier, 1958). Studies from French historians, perhaps inspired by Lucien
Febvre, relieved geographers of some of their work. Yet historical geography
came to have less meaning for French geographers: “for most French geographers
what still matters is the explanation of the present; a study bearing less and less
relation to contemporary concerns will only attract a minority of colleagues”
(Claval, 1984:24). This led to a reexamination of regional thinking, which perhaps
began with Andre Cholley in 1942 and was continued by Le Lannou (1949), who
attempted to follow la Blache and to develop geography around the notion of
human occupance. Throughout the late 1940s and the 1950s the demographic point
of view was much in evidence in geographers’ work.
Mention must be made of Fernand Braudel, who wrote most of his dissertation
on the history of the western Mediterranean in the sixteenth century while in a
prisoner of war camp. The definitive study, published shortly after war’s end,
propelled Braudel to a position as one of the finest French historians— but one
advocating very close proximity to the study of geography (preferably Vidalian
geography)— and assuring him leadership of the Annales school earlier assumed
by Lucien Febvre. Claval has written (2003:38-39)
Braudel’s role in shaping geohistoire was important for both geographers and his­
torians: historical geography had been an application of the procedures of con­
temporary geography to the past; geohistory was based on a different hypothesis
—that history could not be understood independently from its geographic setting.
Although other historians shared similar thought, including G. Duby, P. Goubert,
and LeRoy Ladurie, Braudel was the only one to systematize this dimension of
French historical method. More spectacular change came in the 1950s when geo­
graphers turned to the economic sciences. At this time Marxists may have been
more visible in geography than in any other discipline in France. Yet theirs was an
ideology and not a methodology suited to the needs of the geographic discipline.
For example, it shed little light on the origin of spatial patterns. When applied
geography began to emerge in the 1960s (Labasse, 1966; Phlipponeau, 1960), some
geographers with Marxist inclinations denied its legitimacy. The Marxist group,
208 / MODERN

distancing itself from geographers in the United States, retarded the progress of the
new theoretical movement initiated in the late 1950s. However, the Marxists had
attempted to introduce science into French geography, which previously had been
high art. Nevertheless, French geographers became involved in comprehensive
planning processes, which are a marked feature of the contemporary French scene.
After much debate in the 1960s and early 1970s over the question of applied geo­
graphy (la geographic appliquee) as a contradiction of traditional values in the
profession (McDonald, 1964, 1975), the younger generation has embraced it as both
a theoretical stimulant and a significant source of employment.
Meanwhile, fewer French spoke German, and fewer north European, British, and
U.S. geographers spoke French. This lessening of communication further insulated
French geography from developments abroad. Then came the student uprising of
1968, at which time the meaning of French institutions was challenged. From
1968 until 1974 the number of students studying geography dropped substantially.
The decade was marked by a continued diminution of the primacy of Paris, which,
although it continued to attract French academics, lost much of its dominance: The
appeal of life in the metropolis had waned, and the vitality (and employment
opportunities) of numerous regional centers had increased. Geographic depart­
ments at Strasbourg, Nancy, Grenoble, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Rouen, Rennes, Lille,
and other regional centers all experienced an impressive expansion in terms of both
education and involvement in practical regional affairs. The numerous regional
geographical journals in which much of the best original work appeared were ample
evidence of this trend (McDonald, 1965).
With the decline of Marxism, the increase in the use of the English language,
and the greater transatlantic exchange, especially with Quebec, new ways of think­
ing geographically were imported from the Anglo-American realm. Model build­
ing and concern for the development of theory increased but met with resistance
from the strong traditionalists within French geography. The positivism implicit in
much of the Anglo-American contribution of the 1960s did not appeal, as elsewhere,
to a profession whose roots were in unique traditions of the human-land complex
through historic time. And so some Marxist works, some search for theory, and a
quest for new directions characterize recent geographical inquiry in France. Paul
Claval (1984) suggests that French geography has been rethinking itself around
the theme of spatial organization (Auriac, 1982; Dauphine, 1979; Noin, 1976), and
systematic studies are flourishing, especially in population, medical, and transporta­
tion geography. Claval (1991) also suggests that after 1968 geographers began
to explore economics, anthropology, and history for new ideas and sought foreign
experiences. Simultaneously, traditional German influences declined, while the
influence of Anglo-American geography and geographers increased. Some traditional
geographical ways, including induction and description, have been retained.
The radical approach was less popular in France than in the English-speaking
world because of the disillusionment of many French geographers with the forms
of Marxism that prevailed in France after World War II and because Levi-Strauss,
Barthes, Derrida, and others appeared less attractive to French scholars than to their
American and English colleagues. There was, resultantly, a parallel with the
phenomenological approach as developed in the English-speaking world. Its roots
The New Geography in France / 209

were more literary than philosophical, as exemplified by Fremont’s interest in

Tespace vecu, the lived experience of space (Fremont, 1976; Berque, 1982). Import­
ant groups worked from the late 1970s on the problems of perception (Bailly,
1977; Debarbieux, 1998), the role of the human body and human senses in the
experience of the world (Pitte, 1983; 1991), and territoriality (Bonnemaison, 1981).
Systematic studies were devoted to the idea of landscape (Berque, 1990; 2001) and
the cultural approach in geography (Claval, 1995a; Bonnemaison, 2001), From the
late 1970s a strong revival of political geography and geopolitics was experienced
(Sanguin, 1975; Lacoste, 1976; Claval, 1979).
Postcolonial studies did not have the same impact in France as in Britain or the
United States since French scholars as early as the 1950s and 1960s had integrated
the views of nigritude expressed by Leopold Senghor and Aime Cesaire and Franz
Fanon’s critique of colonialism. Gender studies are also lacking in French geography
—they are also lacking in French-Canadian geography and in French history and
sociology. It is not because French geographers (as well as French-Canadian ones
and French sociologists and anthropologists) neglected this domain, but because
French scholars have not developed the same attitudes in the face of modernization
and postmodemization of societies.
French geography evolves along lines parallel to those of Anglo-America, but
its path remains different in some respects. The contemporary renewal of French
geography has produced a social science with an emphasis on economy in the
1960s, social and political problems in the 1970s and 1980s, and culture in the 1990s.
During the last 15 years the emphasis in physical geography shifted from geo­
morphology and climatology to ecology. As elsewhere, geographers are trying to
find ways to facilitate sustainable growth.
The movement of ideas in the profession has encouraged introspection and
an interest in geographical thought. Significant works have come from Paul Claval
(1964, 1972, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1991, 1998), Andre Meynier (1952, 1969), the
Comite National de Geographic (1972, 1980), Philippe Pinchemel (1968, 1980,
1981), Vincent Berdoulay (1981, 1988, 2001), Andre-Louis Sanguin (1993),
Marie-Claire Robic (1993, 2000) and Baudelle (2002). From beyond France Anne
Buttimer (1971), H. F. Andrews (1984, 1986), G. S. Dunbar (1978), and Anne
Godlewska (1998) are specially noteworthy.

Andrews, H. F. 1984. "L’oeuvre de Paul Vidal de la Blache: notes bibliographiques.”
Canadian Geographer. 1-18.
---------. 1986. “The Early Life of Paul Vidal de la Blache and the Makings of Modem Geo­
graphy." Institute o f British Geographers. Transactions [London] New series. Vol. 11,
No. 2:174-182.
Auriac, F. 1982. Systeme economique et espace: un exemple langue-docien. Paris: Economica.
Bailly, A. 1977. La Perception de Vespace urbain. Paris: Centre de Recherche et
Baker, S. 1988. Vidal de la Blache, Paul Marie Joseph, 1845-1918. Geographers:
Biobibliographical Studies 12:189-201.
210 / MODERN

Baudelle, G., et al. 2002. Geographies en pratiques (1870-1945). Le terrain, le livre, la cite.
Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Bretagne.
Beaujeu-Gamier, J. 1951. Le Morvan et sa bordure. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1956-1958. 2 vols. Geographic de la population. Paris: Librairie de Medici.
---------. 1976. Methods and Perspectives in Geography. London, New York: Longmans
(translated by J. Bray).
---------. December 1990. “French Geography since 1950.” Scottish Geographical Magazine
[Edinburgh] 106, no. 3:130-134.
Berdoulay, V. 1977. “Louis-Auguste Himly, 1823-1906.” Geographers: Biobibliographical
Studies 1:43-47.
---------. 1981. La formation de I’ecole geographique frangaise (1870—1914).
---------. 1988. Des Mots et des lieux. La dynamique du discours geographique. Paris: CTHS.
---------. 2001. “Geography in France: Context, Practice, and Text.” In G. Dunbar, ed.
Geography: Discipline, Profession and Subject since 1870. Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Publishers; pp. 46-78.
Berque, A. 1982. Vivre I’espace au Japan. Paris: PUF.
---------. 1990. Mediance. Montpellier: Reclus.
---------. 1996. Les Raisons du paysage. De la Chine antique aux environnements de syn-
these. Paris: Hazan.
---------. 2000. Ecoumene. Paris: Belin.
Blanchard, R. 1906. La Flandre: etude geographique de la Plaine Flamande in France, Belgique,
et Pays-Bas. Paris: Armand Colin.
Bonnemaison, J. 1981. “Voyage autour du territoire.” L’Espace geographique, 10, 4: 249-
---------. 2001. La Geographic culturelle. Paris: CTHS.
Brunhes, J. 1910. La Geographie Humaine. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1920. Human Geography. Translated by I. C. LeCompte. Edited by I. Bowman,
R. E. Dodge and J. Brunhes. New York: Rand McNally and Co.
Buttimer, A. 1971. Society and Milieu in the French Geographic Tradition. Chicago: Rand
Capot-Rey, R. 1946. Geographie de la circulation sur les continents. Paris: Gallimard.
Chevalier, M. 1956. Les Pyrenees ariegeoises. Paris: Marie-Therese Genin.
Claval, P. 1964. Essai sur I’evolution de la geographie humaine. Cahiers de geographie de
Besanfon, No. 12. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
---------. 1972. La pensee geographique. Introduction a son histoire. Paris: Sedes.
---------. 1975. “Contemporary Human Geography in France.” Progress in Geography
---------. 1976. “Contemporary Human Geography in France.” In C. Board et al. (eds.). Progress
in Geography. Vol. 7, pp. 235-292. London: Edward Arnold.
---------. 1978. Espace et pouvoir. Paris: PUF.
---------. 1981. “Les Geographes et les realties culturelles.” L ’Espace geographique
---------. 1984. “France.” In R. J. Johnston and P. Claval, eds., Geography since the Second
World War. London: Croom Helm, pp. 15-41.
---------. 1991. “France.” In G. S. Dunbar, ed., Modern Geography: An Encyclopedic
Survey. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., pp. 56-58.
---------. 1995. La Geographie culturelle. Paris: Nathan.
---------. 1998. Histoire de la geographie franqaise de 1870 a nos jours. Paris: Nathan.
---------. 2003. “Fernand Braudel, 1902-1985.” Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies
The New Geography in France / 211

Comite National de Geographie. 1972. Recherches geographiques en France. Montreal and

Dauphine, A. 1979. Espace, region et systeme. Paris: Economica.
Debarbieux, B. 1998. “Les problematiques de l’image et de la representation en geographie.”
In Bailly, Antoine, ed., Les Concepts de la geographie. Paris: A. Colin, pp. 199-211.
Demangeon, A. 1905. La Picardie et les regions voisines, Artois, Cambresis, Beauvaises.
Paris: Armand Colin.
de Martonne, E. 1902. La Valachie, essai de monographie geographique. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1909. Traite de geographie physique. Revised and enlarged, 1913, 1920; 3
vols. 1925-1927. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1917. “The Carpathians: Physiographic Features Controlling Human Geography.”
Geographical Review 3:417-437.
---------. 1927. “Regions of Interior-Basin Drainage.” Geographical Review 17:397-414.
Dickinson, R. E. 1969. The Makers of Modern Geography. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Dunbar, G. S. 1978. Elisee Reclus: Historian o f Nature. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press.
Fischer, E., Campbell, R. D., and Miller, E. S. 1967. A Question of Place, the Development
of Geographic Thought. Arlington, Va.: Beatty.
Freeman, T. Walter. 1967. The Geographer’s Craft. Manchester University Press; New York:
Barnes & Noble.
Gallais, J. 1967. Le delta interieur du Niger. Etude de geographie regionale. Dakar: IFAN.
Gallois, L. 1908. Regions naturelles et noms de pays: etude sur la region parisienne. Paris:
Armand Colin.
Giraud-Soulavie (Abbe). 1780-1784. Histoire naturelle de la France meridiona/e, Paris: 7 vol.
Godlewska, A. 1999. Geography Unbound. French Geographic Science from Cassini to
Humboldt. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Gottmann, J. 1946. “French Geography in Wartime.” Geographical Review 36:80-91.
Gumuchian, H. 1991. Representations et amenagement du territoire. Paris: Anthropos-
Harrison-Church, R. J. 1951. “The French School of Geography.” In G. Taylor, ed.,
Geography in the Twentieth Century. New York: Philosophical Library, pp. 70-90.
Joerg, W. L. G. 1922. “Recent Geographical Work in Europe.” Geographical Review
Johnston, R. J. 1996. “Jean Gottmann: French Regional and Political Geographer
Extraordinaire.” Progress in Human Geography 20.2:183-193.
Juillard, E. 1953. La Vie rurale dans la plaine de Basse-Alsace. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Labasse, J. 1966. L’Organisation de I’espace. Paris: Hermann.
Lacoste, Y. 1976. La Geographie, ga sert, d'abord, a faire la guerre. Paris: La Decouverte.
Le Lannou, M. 1949. La Geographie humaine. Paris: Flammarion.
Levainville, J. 1909. Le Morvan. Paris: Armand Colin.
L’Information geographique. 1957. La Geographie frangaise au millieu du XXe siecle. Paris:
Bailliere & Fils.
Martin, G. J. 1964. “The Region in French Geographic Thought, c. 1900-1930.” In Papers
of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters 49:325-332.
McDonald, J. R. 1964. “Current Controversy in French Geography.” Professional
Geographer 16:20—23.
---------. 1965. “Publication Trends in a Major French Geographical Journal.” Annals AAG
---------. 1975. “Current Trends in French Geography.” Professional Geographer 17:15-18.
McKay, D. V. 1943. “Colonialism in the French Geographical Movement, 1871-1881.”
Geographical Review 33:214-232.
212 / MODERN

Meynier, A. 1952. “Cinquante ans de geographie fran?aise.” In Volume jubilaire du labor-

atoire de geographie de Rennes, pp. 47-52.
---------. 1958. Les Pay sages agraires. Paris: A. Colin.
---------. 1969. Histoire de la pensee geographique en France. Paris: Presses universitaires
de France.
---------. 1972. La Pensee geographique frangaise contemporaine. Presses universitaires de
Monbeig, P. 1952. Pioneers et planteurs de Sao Paulo. Paris: Armand Colin.
Noin, D. 1976. L'Espace frangais. Paris: A. Colin.
Pelissier, P. 1966. Les Paysans du Senegal. Saint-Yrieix: Fabregue.
Phlipponeau, M. 1960. Geographie et action. Introduction a la geographie appliquee. Paris:
A. Colin.
Pinchemel, P. 1968. “Geographie—L’histoire de la geographie, evolution chronologique, les
tendances de la pensee geographique.” In Encyclopaedia Universalis. Vol. 7, pp. 621-625.
---------. April-June 1980. “L’histoire de la geographie japonaise.” L'espace geographique
9, no. 2:165-171.
---------. ed. 1981. “Histoire et epistemologie de la geographie.” France, Ministere des
universites, Comite des travaux historiques et scientifiques, Bulletin de la section de
geographie, no. 84.
Pitte, J.-R. 1983. Histoire du paysage frangais. Paris: Tallandier, 2 vol.
---------. 1991. Gastronomie frangaise, Paris: Fayard.
Robic, Marie-Claire, ed. 1993. Jean Brunhes. Autour du monde. Regards d'un geographe.
Regards de la geographie. Boulogne: Musee Albert Kahn.
---------. ed. 2000. Le “Tableau de la geographie de la France” de Paul Vidal de la Blache.
Paris: CTHS.
Roger, A. 1997. Court Traite du paysage. Paris: Gallimard.
Sanguin, A.-L. 1977. La Geographie politique. Paris: PUF.
---------. 1993. Vidal de la Blache. Un geant de la geographie. Paris: Belin.
Sautter, G. 1966. De I’Atlantique au fleuve Congo: une geographie du souspeuplement.
2 vols. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
Sion, J. 1908. Les paysans de la Normandie orientale. Paris: Armand Colin.
Sorre, M. 1913. Les Pyrenees mediterraneennes. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1948. Les fondements de la geographie humaine. Paris: Armand Colin.
Vallaux, C. 1906. La basse Bretagne. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1925. Les sciences geographiques, 2nd ed. 1929. Paris: Armand Colin.
Vidal de la Blache, P. 1899. "Le§on d'ouverture du cours de geographie." Annales de
geographie 8:97-109.
---------. 1903. Tableau de la geographie de la France. Vol. 1, E. Lavisse, ed. Histoire de
France. Paris: Hachette. Published separately as La France: tableau geographique. 1908.
Paris: Hachette.
---------. 1910. “Les regions fran§aises.” Revue de Paris 6:821-840.
---------. 1913. “Des caracteres distinctifs de la geographie.” Annales de geographie
---------. 1917. La France de 1'Est: Lorraine-Alsace. Paris: Armand Colin.
---------. 1922. Principes de geographie humaine. Ed. E. de Martonne. Paris: Armand Colin.
Trans. M. T. Bingham, Principles of Human Geography. 1926. New York: Henry Holt.
Vidal de la Blache, P., and Gallois, L., eds. 1927-1948. Geographie universelle. 15 tomes
& 23 vols. Paris: Armand Colin.
T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in

G r ea t B r it a in

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and
making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and
a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers

or the British the Age of Exploration did not come to an end with the voyages
F of Captain Cook. The extension of knowledge of the earth’s surface through
exploration and research has continued to be a major concern of British geo­
graphers and of the British geographical societies (Crone, 1964). Among these, the
most significant were the Royal Geographical Society, 1830; the Royal Scottish
Geographical Society, 1884; the Geographical Association, 1893; and the Institute
of British Geographers, 1933. A large percentage of the papers published in
nineteenth century British geographical periodicals were reports of exploration of
the still relatively unknown parts of the earth. Geographers and others were active
in founding a British Empire throughout the world. This involved exploration,
measurement, and mapmaking. Pride in empire, direct or indirect, undoubtedly
assisted geography in establishing for itself a place in the curricula of British edu­
cational institutions.
Geography started its growth in the universities of Britain after the appointment
of Halford J. Mackinder at Oxford in 1887. The period of major expansion came
after 1900 (Freeman, 1974, 1980; Withers, 2001; Johnston and Williams, 2003).


In the nineteenth century, British geography as taught in the schools was generally
considered to be a dull and laborious subject. Uninspired, untrained teachers pre­
sented pupils with lists of places and products to be memorized. In the universities,
geography was offered by geologists, and lectures on geography as a background
for understanding the course of history were given by historians.
Nineteenth-century Britain, however, had the remarkable scholar Mary
Somerville (Baker, 1963:51-71; Neeley, 2001). A self-made geographer who read
widely and was in close touch with the leading scholars of her time, she was far in
advance of her contemporaries in her understanding of the nature of geography
as a field of study. After two earlier books on celestial mechanics and the physical
sciences, she started on her work Physical Geography in 1839. When it was ready

214 / MODERN

for publication, the first volume of Humboldt’s Kosmos appeared, and Somerville
had to be persuaded by her friends to publish her own work. The first edition of
Physical Geography was published in 18481 prior to Darwin’s Origin o f Species.
In it she described the surface features of the land, the oceans, the atmosphere, plant
and animal geography, and man as an agent of change of the physical features of
the earth. She worked on many revisions during her long life (she died at age 92
in 1872), adding new materials as they became known to her, including materials
contained in the Physical Atlas by Keith Johnston based on the Berghaus Atlas
(Freeman, 1961:189). In faraway Vermont, George Parkins Marsh found her
observations about humankind’s destructive use of the earth very stimulating, and
he made frequent references to her work.
In 1877 Thomas Henry Huxley’s Physiography was published. It had an import­
ant influence on the teaching of geography at all levels and strengthened the
teaching of physical geography. The book exemplified post-Darwinian causal
reasoning and linked learning to pupil experience. The book begins with the study
of the River Thames at London Bridge and proceeds outward, terminating with the
earth as a planet. The book’s emphasis on local field work was largely responsible
for including field work in the curriculum. Physiography established physical geo­
graphy in Britain (Stoddart, 1975).
Another British scholar who made important contributions to geography was
Francis Galton, who was a cousin of Darwin and better known for his studies of
heredity than geography. For Galton, geography became a hobby to which he devoted
a considerable amount of time and thought. After traveling in South Africa, he
served on the council of the Royal Geographical Society from 1854 to 1893. His
interest in the study of British weather led him to make the first British weather
map in 1861, based on reports from 80 stations. He was the first to point oiit the
weather patterns that could be revealed by plotting lines of equal air pressure on a
map (isobars) and was also the first to recognize the nature of air circulation around
a center of high pressure. The first weather map to be published in a newspaper
was one that he prepared for The Times (April 1, 1875).
Galton’s interest in plotting things on maps was bounded by no restrictive
definition of the scope and nature of geography as a field of learning. He prepared
a map of the world showing lines of equal travel time from London (an isochronous
map) in 1881. He also made a map of “female beauty” in Great Britain based on
his own observations. He identified three classes— good, medium, and bad. On the
resulting map the high point in female beauty was London and the low point was
Aberdeen, Scotland (Freeman, 1967:41). Studying the hereditary genius among British
scholars, he found that 92 percent of the scientists who became famous had been
bom in places located within only half of the country (Gilham, 2001).
In 1885 Galton edited a pamphlet entitled Cambridge Essays, to which numer­
ous members of the faculty at Cambridge made contributions. He wrote a brief piece*

'The first three editions, published in 1848, 1849, and 1851, were in two volumes; later
editions were in one volume— 1858, 1862, 1870, and 1877. The last two editions were
edited by Henry W. Bates (Baker, 1963:53).
The New Geography in Great Britain / 215

entitled Notes on Modern Geography, in which he described geography as “a

peculiarly liberalizing pursuit, which links the scattered sciences together and gives
to each of them a meaning and significance of which they are barren when they
stand alone” (Galton, 1855:81).
At the time when Somerville, Huxley, and Galton were making their contribu­
tions, there was no professional body of scholars to carry their ideas on because
there were no clusters of geographers in the universities. Furthermore, in Great Britain
the geologists included physical geography as a part of their own field and studied
the influence of the physical features of a country on the people. Archibald Geikie
wrote that the influence of physical features can be seen “(1) in the distribution of
migration of races; (2) in the historical development of a people; (3) in industrial and
commercial progress; and (4) in national temperament and literature” (Geikie, 1865).
The introduction of geography into the British universities resulted chiefly from
the efforts of the Royal Geographical Society (Baker, 1963:64). In 1884 John Scott
Keltie, then secretary of the Society, was asked to make a survey of the status of
geography in Great Britain and to compare it with the position of geography in other
countries. He reported that in the other countries of Europe and in America there
were professors of geography in many of the universities and that Britain compared
unfavorably in this field. In 1886 the president of the Society wrote to the author­
ities at Oxford and Cambridge, pointing to the findings of the survey and urged
that something be done about it. The result was the appointment of a geographer
at Oxford in 1887, at Cambridge in 1888, and thereafter at almost all other British
universities (Keltie, 1886).

Halford J. Mackinder (Fig. 30) led the way in the expansion of geography offer­
ings in the universities. He was appointed reader in geography at Oxford in 1887.2
Mackinder’s training was in natural science and history. He reached the conclusion
that history without geography was mere narrative and that since every event
occurred in a particular time at a particular place, history and geography, which
deal respectively with time and place, should never be separated. In a lecture
delivered before the Royal Geographical Society (Mackinder, 1887) he identified
geography as the field that traces the interactions of humans and their physical envir­
onment. He said, “We hold that no rational political geography can exist which
is not built upon and subsequent to physical geography” (Fischer, Campbell, and
Miller, 1967:258-261; Mackinder, 1902).

-Mackinder was not the first to receive an appointment to teach geography in a British
university. Baker observes that Baldwin Norton was a lecturer in geography at Oxford in
1540 and 1541. Richard Hakluyt was a lecturer in geography at Oxford after 1574. During
the three centuries before Mackinder’s appointment, lectures in geography were given by
geologists and historians, but there was no place where future geographers could receive
advanced training until the establishment of the School of Geography at Oxford in 1899,
which Mackinder had recommended four years earlier (Baker, 1963:58-60, 119-129).
216 / MODERN

F ig u re 30 H. J. Mackinder

Mackinder was less interested in the details of human-land relations than in

developing a world view.3 His first major work, Britain and the British Seas
(Mackinder, 1902), was an example of a regional study in a global context. Two
years later he gave the now-famous lecture at the Royal Geographical Society on
“The Geographical Pivot of History” (Mackinder, 1904), in which he announced
the heartland theory as a concept of global strategy. His warning regarding the
challenge to sea power by land power fell on deaf ears in a Britain securely in
control of the world’s oceans. In 1919 he elaborated the same theme in Democratic
Ideals and Reality (Mackinder, 1919/1942), but his message went unheeded until
the outbreak of World War II.
Mackinder’s heartland theory was nothing less than a model to place the broad
sweep of world history on the stage provided by global geography. He identified a
world island consisting of the continents of Eurasia and Africa (Fig. 31). The least
accessible part of the world island he called the heartland, throughout which the
rivers flow either into inland seas, such as the Caspian, or into the frozen Arctic
Ocean. And extending like a peninsula from one end of the heartland are the deserts

3Mackinder was both a scholar and a practical man of affairs. While he was at Oxford,
he also held the position of principal of University College, Reading (1892-1903). In
1905 he was named director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Between 1910 and 1922 he was a member of Parliament. From 1920 to 1945 he was
chairman of the Imperial Shipping Committee and from 1925 to 1930 chairman of the
Imperial Economic Committee. Incidentally, he was the first to climb to the summit of
Mt. Kenya (17,040 ft.), which he did in 1899 (Baker, 1963; Blouet, 1987; Parker, 1982).
The New Geography in Great Britain / 217

of Arabia and the Sahara. In contrast to this curving area of generally thin popula­
tion and difficult accessibility from the oceans are the coastlands on either side: the
European coastland and the so-called monsoon coastland, both easily accessible from
the sea. In these coastlands is found most of the world’s population. Mackinder
identifies Africa south of the Sahara as a southern heartland, of slight strategic import­
ance, but, like the interior of Eurasia, inaccessible from the sea (Teggart, 1919). As
C. R. Dryer pointed out, Mackinder did not include the Americas except to name
them as satellites out on the margins of things, along with Australia (Dryer, 1920).
Mackinder’s main theme relates to the repeated invasions of the coastlands by con­
querors coming from the heartland. He went back to the prehistoric migrations of
humankind, spreading from the heartland in three directions: southeastward into the
monsoon coastland and on to Australia; northeastward through Siberia and Alaska
into the Americas; and westward into the European coastland and the southern heart­
land of Africa. Repeatedly throughout the course of history, the earlier migrants
along these routes were invaded and conquered by migrants who came later. The
coastlands, he insisted, had always proved vulnerable to attack from the heartland,
and the heartland remained invulnerable because sea power could be denied access
to it.
218 / MODERN

In 1919, after World War I, Mackinder argued for the formation of a buffer zone
of small states to keep Germany and Russia apart. He summarized his view of global
strategy with the famous dictum:

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;

Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island;
Who rules the World Island commands the World (Mackinder, 191911942:150).

If Germany and Russia could form an alliance or if Germany could conquer Russia,
the stage would be set for world conquest. In the 1930s the German geopolitician
Karl Haushofer favored an alliance with Russia, an issue over which he had a
difference of opinion with Hitler.
We can understand now that like all theoretical models that generalize geographic
observations, Mackinder’s heartland concept helps people to understand complex
sequences of events by oversimplifying them. The model is based on selecting a
few facts of location and a few sequences of events and ignores complicating details.
It cannot provide a precise blueprint of things to come, yet it cannot be entirely
ignored. In terms of its premises, its deductions are startlingly clear.


The idea that Mackinder set before the British geographers called for basic work
in physical geography to provide a scientifically accurate description of the
stage setting on which the human drama was to be played out. In this point of view
he was close to the concepts of Richthofen and Hettner, but not Schliiter, and
close to Vidal de la Blache and de Martonne, but not Brunhes. Mackinder him­
self was concerned with the global view, but most of his contemporaries and his
followers turned their attention to the analysis of human-land relations in small
Two of Mackinder’s better-known contemporaries who also contributed to the
development of British geography were George G. Chisholm and Hugh Robert
Mill (Freeman, 1977). Chisholm was a pioneer in the field of commercial geography,
and his Handbook o f Commercial Geography (Chisholm, 1889) became a classic
that appeared in many revised editions. In it he brought together a vast amount of
information about world trade, and he also formulated the basic theory describing
such trade. The 11th edition (edited by L. Dudley Stamp) starts as follows:

The great geographical fact on which commerce depends is that different parts of
the world yield different products, or furnish the same products under unequally
favourable conditions. Hence there are two great results of commerce: the first,
to increase the variety of commodities at any particular place; the second, to equalise
more or less, according to the facilities for transport, the advantages for obtain­
ing any particular commodity in different places between which commerce is
carried on.

Hugh Robert Mill outlined the contrast between Mackinder and Chisholm in the
following words:
The New Geography in Great Britain / 219

Mackinder was brilliant, brushing aside all irrelevancies, sketching the broad
outlines of the science with a masterly hand, and by his gifts of generalization
and exposition often suggesting new lines of research to the more pedestrian
votaries of Geography.. . . Chisholm was profoundly learned, laborious, accurate,
and meticulous in definition and safe-guarding of every detail (Mill, 1951:85).
Mill was like neither Mackinder nor Chisholm. Plagued by ill health for much
of his long life, Mill became an avid reader and a master of many of the varied
branches of geography. He had a fine feeling for words and a sense of the poetry
that infuses all aspects of physical and human geography. He sums up the major
focus of his own research interests as follows:

The study of the part played by water in the economy of the world through the
action of solar heat and terrestrial gravitation raising vapour from the sea and
carrying the condensed moisture back over the land, sustaining all forms of life
and furnishing hydroelectric power, the only inexhaustible supply of energy
(Wrigley, 1950:660).

Although the study of water was the major focus of his interest, he describes his
life as made up of nine interwoven strands. He never was able to take part in a
polar exploring expedition, but polar exploration became one of his specialties.
His accounts of polar exploration, including the biographies of famous explorers,
were not only accurate recordings of events, but also literary accomplishments—
among them The Siege o f the South Pole (1905) and The Life o f Ernest Shackleton
(1923). The study of water as part of the “realm of nature” had fascinated him as
early as 1891 (Mill, 1891), but it became a major interest when he was named joint
director of the British Rainfall Organization in 1900 and director the following year.
Under his direction rainfall maps of Great Britain were prepared on the basis of
50-year averages. Only approaching blindness made it necessary for him to retire
from his post in 1919.
Mill recognized the need for detailed studies of Britain while he was working at
the Royal Geographical Society. In 1896 he drew up a plan for using the sheets of
the Ordnance Survey (1 inch to the mile) as bases on which to plot categories of
land quality and land use for all of the British Isles (Mill, 1896). In 1900 he pro­
vided sample studies of two sheets to demonstrate the utility of such detailed field
mapping (Mill, 1900). Later he said that the neglect of his proposal was one of the
greatest disappointments of his life. The idea was realized by L. Dudley Stamp
during the 1930s. Special mention must be made of The International Geography
(1899). This was the compendium of 55 chapters written by 71 authors, of whom
Mill was one, additional to his editing of the approximately 1100 pages. In the US
the book was used as a text in a number of colleges and universities. Elsewhere it
was regarded as a work of reference.
The geographers who followed Mackinder, Chisholm, and Mill gradually spread
and strengthened British work in this professional field. Andrew J. Herbertson,
who succeeded Mackinder as director of the Oxford School of Geography in 1905,
remained there until his death at the age of 49 in 1915 (Jay, 1979). He was inter­
ested primarily in improving the teaching of geography, which for too long had
been characterized by the study of encyclopedic collections of data organized by
political units. Herbertson proposed a framework of natural regions for the study
220 / MODERN

of world geography. On a global scale, he suggested, the great natural regions should
be identified in terms of associations of surface features, climate, and vegetation.
Here he was thinking along lines similar to Penck and Passarge. For his categories
of surface features he went back to the work of Eduard Suess and especially to the
translation and amplification of Suess’s work rendered by Emmanuel de Margerie.
For his major divisions of climate he relied on Alexander Supan. His 15 major
natural regions (Fig. 32) revealed the regularities of climate because the same regions
appeared in similar positions on each of the continents. With his wife he wrote two
very successful textbooks and then with O. J. R. Howarth edited the Oxford Survey
o f the British Empire (Crone, 1964:201; Dickinson and Howarth, 1933:238-239;
Herbertson, 1905; and Jay, 1979).

British Geography during World War I and after

The Admiralty War Staff Intelligence Division compiled a considerable number
of regional handbooks. Emphases varied, and most were heavily illustrated. The
volumes constituted reference material both during the war years and at the time
of peace negotiations (Freeman, 1980; Darby, 1983; Clout, 2003). The work, super­
vised by H. Dickson, was accomplished by some 70 writers and more than a dozen
draughtsmen. (This was a project parallel to The Inquiry undertaken in the United
States. See Chapter 18). This much work in regional geography was to result in the
years that followed in books, articles, and newly created departments of geography.4
Already some departments of geography existed, including those at the London
School of Economics, 1895; University College, London, 1903; Birckbeck College,
London, 1909; Liverpool, 1909; Aberystwyth, Wales, 1917. Others were to follow.
Then came a flow of regional geography textbooks: P. W. Bryan on North America,
E. Shanahan on South America, L. D. Stamp on Asia, W. Fitzgerald on Africa, M.
Newbigin on southern Europe, and many others. Stamp published a number of regional
books for different levels of schooling and then was joined by S. H. Beaver to pro­
vide yet more on the genre. There was no shortage of texts in regional geography,
a genre that also embraced physical geography. And there was no shortage of
textbooks and scholarly books in physical geography. In those years frequently works
of scholarship were adopted as texts in the upper levels of some of the schools.
Typical examples include P. Lake, Physical Geography (1915); W. G. Kendrew,
Climates o f the Continents (1922); S. W. Wooldridge and R. S. Morgan, The Physical
Basis o f Geography: An Outline o f Geomorphology (1937).
The British geographers were influenced by the French and Germans and also
by the American geographer William Morris Davis. Much discussion involved the
relationship of physical geography and human geography. At first geomorphology,
which was described as the last chapter of geological history, was accepted almost

4In 1921, 10 universities offered honors programs in geography (Joerg, 1922; Keltie,
1921), but by 1964 there were programs of advanced study in 32 universities (including
7 separate colleges of the University of London). Orbis Geographicus for 1964-1966 lists
464 professional geographers in Great Britain. By 2000 there were 109 institutions of
higher education in Britain offering geography (Withers, 2001).
F ig u re 32 Herbertson's major natural regions (revealing regularity of climatic distribution). Courtesy of Robert P. Beckinsale
222 / MODERN

everywhere as a branch of geography and was a required part of every program of

training. As a result, in the period since World War I a large number of studies in
geomorphology by British authors have been published (Clayton, 1964; Gregory,
2003). Only since World War II has a movement appeared to reduce the emphasis
on geomorphology, but this has been resisted by those who received their training
in earlier decades (Stamp and Wooldridge, 1951; Wooldridge, 1956; Wooldridge
and East, 1951; Gregory, 2003).
During the period of expansion following World War I, British geography
developed five distinctive characteristics: (1) a continuing concern with explora­
tion; (2) an emphasis on various kinds of regional studies; (3) the inclusion of field
observation and map interpretation as essential parts of training programs; (4) an
emphasis on studies in historical geography and a related concern with the history
of geography; and (5) the study of geography because of its relevance to economic,
social, and political policy problems.

E x p lo r a tio n . The professional periodicals of Great Britain devote a large pro­

portion of their pages to accounts of exploration. The earlier expeditions had the
attainment of a destination as major objectives. Ernest Shackleton and Robert F.
Scott in their expeditions to the Antarctic did a large amount of pioneering work
in geology, meteorology, and biology, yet their essential purpose was to reach the
South Pole.5 Similarly, when H. J. Mackinder ascended Mt. Kenya in 1899 and when
Sir Edmund Hillary and Norgay Tenzing attained the summit of Mt. Everest in 1953,
it was the climb to the top that had been their objective. Of course, behind the quest
lay the epic theme of human versus nature and a desire to know the face of another
part of the earth. The great advance of technology has robbed epic achievement of
some of its meaning. Now to an ever increasing extent exploring expeditions are
organized and financed for specific scientific purposes. Today people go exploring
to study geology, botany, glaciology, geography, zoology, archaeology, or other sub­
jects. Between 1960 and 1964 the Royal Geographical Society financed 184 expe­
ditions. Of these 62 went to the Arctic or its fringe, 37 to Africa, 21 to South America,
19 to southwest Asia (which the British call the Middle East), and the remainder to
a variety of previously unknown spots (Kirwan, 1964:223). In recent years the Soci­
ety has sponsored exploration and exploratory research in Australia, Saudi Arabia,
Venezuela, the Indian Ocean, and a large number of other places. It has additionally
been involved in advisory seminars and workshops. There can be little doubt that the
image of geography in Great Britain includes a continued concern with exploration.6

There is fully as much confusion over the meaning of the

R e g io n a l S tu d ie s .
words regional studies as there is over the German word Landschaft (Dickinson,
1976). At least three different meanings are attached to regional studies as a char­
acteristic of British geography: (1) regional studies whose purpose is to divide the

5In January 1912 Scott reached the South Pole only to find that the Norwegian explorer
Roald Amundsen had reached it little more than a month earlier. The Scott party perished
during the return to their base.
6The traditional concern with exploration at Cambridge is reflected in the foundation of
the Scott Polar Research Institute at that university (Crone, 1964:206).
The New Geography in Great Britain / 223

surface of the earth into homogeneous areas or regions of varying size; (2) regional
studies that are descriptions of segments of the earth surface; and (3) regional studies
produced by an individual geographer, who devotes a large part of a professional
career to the continued study of different aspects of one part of the earth. And none
of these three kinds of regional study is necessarily involved with the regional con­
cept. Numerous attempts have been made to clear up the semantic complexity that
surrounds these words and the ideas for which they stand. But it is important to
appreciate that to a certain extent the obscurity is a result of British experience with
Experiments with the classification of very general regions for use at the global
scale were started when A. J. Herbertson proposed his scheme of major natural regions
(Fig. 32) in 1905. These natural regions were defined as associations of surface
features, climate, and vegetation and were intended to provide an empirical general­
ization regarding the arrangement of these features for teaching purposes.
Following Herbertson, other British geographers experimented with a variety of
different ways of classifying regions. In 1912 Marion I. Newbigin, editor of the Scottish
Geographical Magazine, suggested an approach to the definition of regions that
was a clear reflection of the ideas of Vidal de la Blache, Lucien Gallois, and Jean
Brunhes. She started with a question: “Why is it easier for men to make their living
at some places than at others?”. The answer, she believed, could be found by exam­
ining the relationship between the genre de vie and the productivity of the land. The
classification of regions, therefore, should be based on the kinds of relationships
observed between human communities and their natural surroundings. Herbert J.
Fleure of Aberystwyth carried this idea forward by defining seven kinds of global
scale regions.7 He postulated that all human activities are primarily directed toward
accomplishing three functions: nutrition, reproduction, and the increase of well-being.
In seeking criteria for delimiting human regions, he eliminated the first two because
without them “a race would perish.” He then classified his regions according to
the measure of the earth’s response to human efforts in the pursuit of well-being
(Fleure, 1917, 1919). The seven types of regions Fleure identified were:
Regions of hunger
Regions of debilitation
Regions of increment
Regions of effort
Regions of difficulty
Regions of wandering
Industrialized regions

7Fleure was trained as a zoologist and was elected to the Royal Society as an
anthropologist. He insisted on the need for close cooperation between geography, history,
and anthropology. He was greatly influenced by the ideas of the French sociologist
Frederic Le Play and by the Scottish regional planner Patrick Geddes. With H. J. Peake
he was the author of the series of books entitled Gorridors o f Time, which demonstrated
the method of treating the factors of time, type, and place together in one work. See
T. W. Freeman, 1987, “Herbert John Fleure, 1877-1969.” Geographers:
Biobibliographical Studies 11:35-51.
224 / MODERN

He recognized that regions of increment, while requiring human effort, rewarded

effort so liberally as to leave a surplus of both food and leisure. But when certain
advanced societies enlarged their expectations for the “good life,” some former regions
of increment dropped to lower categories. Fleure recognized that the new technol­
ogy and finance of industrialized regions had so modified the relation of human beings
to their environment that such regions could replace any of the others. Newbigin
and Fleure’s experiments were imaginative efforts to formulate illuminating empiri­
cal generalizations; they were offered at a time when neither the statistical data nor
the electronic equipment with which to store and process such data were available.
Another experimental regional scheme was proposed by John F. Unstead in
1916 (Unstead, 1916). In his classification of geographic regions, physical and
human factors were to be given equal weight. Furthermore, Unstead recognized that
regions could be defined at different degrees of generalization: Starting with the
immediately observable units of area, which he called stows, he moved on to some­
what larger regions called tracts (which were roughly the equivalent of the French
pays). Then these were combined into subregions, minor regions, and major regions.
In time, two difficulties with Unstead’s scheme became apparent. The first diffi­
culty was the concept of a uniform unit of area, a stow, that could be used as the
basic building block in erecting a structure of world regional divisions. The idea of
a unit area so homogeneous that it cannot be further subdivided is found in many
languages. Yet it is clear that the stow is indivisible only because it is so conceived
by the observer. Actually, it is necessary to start with the observable fact that no
two microscopic points on the face of the earth are identical and that any area enclosed
by a line and described as homogeneous is homogeneous only with respect to selected
features. The face of the earth is an intricate system of interconnected features that
forms a continuum of varying aspect. Regions are defined and drawn to illuminate
some aspect of the problems geographers are concerned about. In fact, it would be
impossible to reach any comprehension of the nature of the earth’s surface without
recognizing areas of partial homogeneity. The colors of the spectrum form a
continuum, yet we find no intellectual difficulty with arbitrarily defining a certain
segment of the spectrum and calling it red. The difficulty arises when the region is
identified as a unit area, an indivisible segment of space.8 If the geographer were
reduced to the size of an ant, he would soon start subdividing the indivisible stow.
The second difficulty with Unstead’s scheme was his announced intention to
recognize homogeneous associations of physical and human factors (Unstead,
1916:241). This idea is logically derived from the theory that the way people live
is a reflection of their natural surroundings. According to this theory, an area that
is homogeneous with respect to its natural features will also be homogeneous in the
ways people adjust to these features. The French geographers recognized these diffi­
culties and, following Vidal, defined regions in terms of the way people live. Human
use, said Vidal, creates homogeneity even where the natural features are not homo­
geneous. But the German geographers had difficulty in thinking of the different

8See D. L. Linton, “The Delimitation of Morphological Regions,” in Stamp and

Wooldridge, 1951:199-217; ref. 209.
The New Geography in Great Britain / 225

Robert P. Beckinsale Richard J. Chorley

Henry C. Darby Herbert J. Fleure

226 / MODERN

Thomas W. Freeman Peter Haggett

Ron Johnston Hugh Robert Mill

The New Geography in Great Britain / 227

Alan G. Ogilvie L. Dudley Stamp

Michael J. Wise Sidney W. Wooldridge

228 / MODERN

features associated in an area—in part because of the nature of the German lan­
guage. As early as 1913 Lionel W. Lyde warned against attempts to make regions
of human settlement fit exactly into the areas defined as natural regions (Lyde, 1913).
After Unstead, the British geographers began to specify their criteria for defining
regions more precisely and to avoid regional schemes that involved the associations
of too many diverse factors. In 1919 Charles B. Fawcett prepared a map of the
service areas of the major cities of England (Fawcett, 1919). This was the first
identification of functional regions (Fig. 33). In 1932 he mapped the continuously
built-up urban areas of Britain (conurbations, as Patrick Geddes had called
them). In 1937 a committee with Unstead as chairman (including John L. Myres,

F ig u re 33 Fawcett’s provinces of England

The New Geography in Great Britain / 229

Percy M. Roxby, and L. Dudley Stamp) reviewed the numerous schemes for
dividing the world into regions, not only in Britain but also in other countries
(Unstead et al., 1937).
Meanwhile, a very different kind of regional study was being produced. These
were book-length treatments of specific parts of the world also stimulated by the
similar studies by German and French geographers. For the Twelfth International
Geographical Congress, which met in Cambridge, England, in 1928, the British geo­
graphers prepared a volume of regional essays, each dealing with a region of Great
Britain. A total of 24 regions were marked off on the basis of surface features and
underlying geological formations, but no map of regional boundaries was included
in the hope that futile discussions about such boundaries could be avoided. “The
purpose of regional geography,” the committee decided, “is to describe the regions
of the country as they are and to discover the causes that have made them what they
are” (Ogilvie, 1928:1). Today we can understand that what a region is depends on
what concepts are in the mind of the observer, but in 1928 geographers still thought
they were dealing with objective reality. Unfortunately, perhaps, Albert Demangeon
had published Les Isles Britanniques the previous year. It was the first in the series
of La Geographie Universelle and was quite excellent. The fact that it was not
translated for several years deferred the otherwise inescapable comparison. Yet in
some ways the two books complemented each other, and at a time when knowl­
edge of Great Britain and the British Isles was not so readily available, both were
doubtless welcome additions to the existing literature. The Ogilvie volume put British
geography on display. For many years these essays stood as a model for this kind
of writing. It is interesting to compare the essays edited by J. Wreford Watson and
J. B. Sissons on the occasion of the Twentieth International Geographical Congress
in 1964. At this time the geographical study of Great Britain was organized
topically rather than regionally (Watson and Sissons, 1964).
Many regional monographs, some published since 1960, are included in the bib­
liography in Minshull’s book Regional Geography (Minshull, 1967). The traditional
regional study follows a more or less standard outline of topics. It begins with the
bedrock geology, the surface features, the climate, and the vegetation and soils.
The treatment of the stage setting is then followed by a history of the course of
settlement, starting with the earliest human inhabitants. More recently, however, the
authors first announce a general theme that characterizes the aspect of the region to
be investigated (as indeed Fleure did in his chapter on Wales in the 1928 volume).
The regional study is then tightly organized around materials relevant to the
The third kind of regional study is, perhaps, a form of applied geography. When
geographers devote a large part of their professional lives to studying different aspects
of one part of the world, they become known as regional specialists, and their
publications, each dealing topically with some aspect of the area, are called regional
studies. There are many examples of such specialists among the British geographers,

9Compare, for example, Freeman (1950) or Monkhouse (1959) with Cole (I960),
Longrigg (1963), Harrison-Church et al. (1964), or Prothero (1969).
230 / MODERN

but perhaps we can illustrate this kind of work by two examples. One was David
G. Hogarth, who devoted his life to the study of the people and problems of what
the British called the Near East.10*He began traveling in Turkey and Arabia in
1887, first as an archaeologist and later as an observer of the people and their
problems (Hogarth, 1902). The informed advice he gave to his government regard­
ing the treatment of the Turks after World War I was, unfortunately, not acted on
Another regional specialist was Percy M. Roxby of Liverpool, who spent his life
in the study of China11 (Freeman, 1967:156-168; Freeman, 1981). In 1912 he was
awarded a fellowship that enabled him to travel to China among other places. He
developed a lifelong fascination with the Chinese and published numerous papers
dealing with that country (Roxby, 1916, 1925, 1938). During World War II he
was employed by the British Naval Intelligence to prepare the Handbook o f China,
which was completed in three volumes in 1944 and 1945.12 He was also one of
Britain’s important historical geographers. His treatment of East Anglia in the vol­
ume of regional essays in 1928 is an outstanding example of this method (Ogilvie,
1928:143-166). His published papers also include influential methodological studies
(Roxby, 1926, 1930).
British geographers continued to contribute to the literature of regional studies,
at least of the second and third types long after 1945. The recognition of the difficulty
of defining homogeneous areas led to more sophisticated methods of identifying
and analyzing regions (Haggett, 1966:241-263). Papers and books in the literary
tradition, seeking to present the “personality” of a region continued for many years
after Kimble’s essay “The Inadequacy of the Regional Concept” (1951), though in
decreasing numbers.

F ie ld S tu d ie s a n d M ap I n te r p r e ta tio n . The third distinctive characteristic of

British geography prior to World War II was the continued requirement for
training in field observation and map interpretation as essential parts of training pro­
grams at all levels. Even children in the elementary grades are expected to practice
the observation of things out of doors, very much as recommended by Pestalozzi.
There are exercises in the reading of topographic maps and the following of maps

10Hogarth was first an explorer and archaeologist, but he gradually turned his attention to
geography. He was at one time director of the British School of Archaeology at Athens.
From 1908 to 1927 he was the director of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. One of his
best known students was Lawrence of Arabia, Thomas E. Lawrence.
"Roxby was a student of history at Oxford. In 1912-1913 he received a fellowship to
permit him to travel in the United States, China, and India. As a result, he devoted his
career to the study of China (and also of Chinese workers who were living in ghetto
conditions around Liverpool). He was appointed to the staff at the University of Liverpool
in 1904 and taught geography there until after World War II. Unfortunately, he died in
China in 1947 before his intended definitive book on Chinese geography was written.
12The Handbook of China included: Vol. 1, Physical Geography, Histoiy, Peoples (1944):
Vol. 2, Modern Histoiy and Administration (1945); Vol. 3, Economic Geography, Ports
and Communications (1945).
The New Geography in Great Britain / 231

in the field, and then further training is given in the interpretation of detailed maps
of unfamiliar areas. Perhaps this early familiarity with the use of maps and the result­
ing attention to the features of the surrounding landscape have led to the widespread
British habit of taking long walks in the country or cycling to more distant places
as a form of recreation.
This attention to field observation and map interpretation that is a part of the
school experience of most British people, even those who live in cities, is carried
on at a more sophisticated level in the training of geographers in the universities. It
has long been customary to require theses dealing with the geography of small areas
as part of undergraduate programs, and the more elaborate studies of regions have
been the tradition for dissertations. Examinations for honors candidates regularly
include map interpretation. Even in the contemporary period of using electronic devices
for gathering and analyzing information, the British geographers continue to make
use of direct field observation as a basic method.

The fourth distinctive characteristic of geography as it

H i s t o r i c a l G e o g ra p h y .
developed in Great Britain after World War I has been a continued emphasis on
the historical method (Baker, 1972; Williams, 2003). This emphasis seems to have
been derived quite directly from the geographic writings of some of the nineteenth-
century historians. In 1838 Thomas Arnold published his famous History o f Rome
in which he included chapters on the natural surroundings.13 He also included a
map and discussion of the area of occurrence of malaria in Roman times (Baker,
1963:33-50). Some of Arnold’s pupils continued to insist on the importance of
geography as the basis for understanding history. As a result, there were lectures
on geography in British universities long before there were geographers on the
faculties; some of these lectures were given by geologists and some by historians.
Even now it is not uncommon to find books on historical geography written by
anthropologists or economic historians (Beresford, 1954; Fox, 1932).
The development of historical geography by geographers came after Mackinder’s
work on the British Empire (Mackinder, 1902). In his training as an historian Mackinder
learned to appreciate the need for looking at the story of man’s settlement of the
land from the perspective of time. He insisted that the geographer should attempt
to re-create past geographies and show how sequences of change have led to the
presently observable features (East, 1951:80). Otherwise geography would become
the mere description of contemporary features. Adding the time dimension per­
mits the study of processes of change and reveals that the present geography is only
the latest stage in a sequence of stages. This is the way the observed features of

13Thomas Arnold was appointed professor of modem history at Oxford in 1841 but died
the next year. His pupils included A. P. Stanley and E. A. Freeman, who published on
historical geography. Chapter 3 of the first volume of Thomas Macaulay’s History of
England (London, 1848) included a description of England in 1685 that Baker describes
“as a model of what historical geography should be” (Baker, 1963:36). H. T. Buckle,
however, went far beyond Montesquieu in relating the characteristics of people to climate.
Bibliographies of the historical writings of this period are contained in Baker
(1963:33-50) and Clark (1954:79-80).
232 / MODERN

geography in an area could be explained.14 After Mackinder most of the British

geographers included accounts of historical geography in their regional studies. Among
the many important contributions to historical geography, special mention should
be made of Marion I. Newbigin (1926), E. G. R. Taylor (1930,1934), E. W. Gilbert
(1933), W. Gordon East (1935, 1951), and H. C. Darby (1936, 1940a, 1940b, 1951,

Geography in Britain has also included some notable

A p p l i c a t i o n s o f G e o g ra p h y .
contributions toward the solution of practical problems. Dickinson has traced the
influence of the French sociologist Frederic Le Play on the Scottish regional plan­
ner Patrick Geddes (Dickinson, 1969:197-207). Geddes developed the concept of
the regional survey of potential land quality and land use as the basis on which to
draw up a plan for economic development. If one is inclined to wonder why some­
one did not set forth such an idea many decades earlier, it is well to remember the
historical context. Before there could be regional surveys there had to be standard
sets of detailed (topographic-scale) maps on which to plot the data. In 1896 Hugh
Robert Mill suggested using the sheets of the Ordnance Survey (1 inch to the mile),
and four years later he provided an example of how such mapping of relevant infor­
mation could be done and how it could be used (Mill, 1896, 1900). His suggestion
was discussed, but no one did anything about it.
The British geographer who put these earlier ideas into practice was L. Dudley
Stamp15 (Wise, 1988). Returning in 1926 to the London School of Economics from
some three years in Burma, he turned his attention to the study of Great Britain.
Convinced that Mill and Geddes were right about the need for a survey of Britain
as a basis for planning, he began searching for ways to carry out such a survey by
plotting categories of land quality and land use on the Ordnance maps at 6 inches
to the mile. The sheets of this map include the field boundaries, which greatly facili­
tated the work of plotting the data. He found that some surveys of this kind had
already been attempted. For example, some maps of a parish in Leicestershire were
done by schoolchildren under supervision of their teachers. Stamp recognized
that quite aside from the practical importance a survey would have as a basis for
planning, the work of making it would be an excellent educational experience for
the children.

14For a long time there was confusion between historical geography and the history of
geography; in fact, bibliographies used to list both of these categories under one heading.
Historical geography can now be viewed as the re-creation of past landscapes and the
tracing of geographic changes through time (Clark, 1954:72-73). Geographical history,
then, is a study of the effect of geography on the course of history. The history of
geography has to do with the development of geographic concepts and the progress of
geographical studies.
15L. Dudley Stamp completed two degree programs at King’s College, University of
London, in geology and geography. He then went to Burma for a petroleum company and
from 1923 to 1926 was professor of geography and geology at the University of Rangoon.
From 1926 until his retirement in 1958 he was at the London School of Economics and
Political Science.
The New Geography in Great Britain / 233

With great energy and patience, Stamp undertook to organize and direct what
became known as the British Land Utilisation Survey (Stamp, 1947). With profes­
sional geographers as advisers, his first job was to define the categories to be plotted
on the maps. Then it was necessary to “sell” the project to the directors of educa­
tion in the counties and then teach the field workers how to do the work. Some
22,000 volunteer schoolchildren were asked to give three or four days’ time, after
which the maps had to be checked. It took eight weeks for a skilled cartographer
to redraw the maps on a scale of 1 inch to the mile and make them ready for pub­
lication. Geography students and staffs at various British universities cooperated in
providing the professional personnel. Stamp reports that the hardest part of the pro­
ject was securing funds to print the maps and to publish county reports explaining
what the maps showed. The work was started in the summer of 1931, and by the
end of 1935 the mapping was essentially complete.
When World War II began in 1939, the vital importance of the maps was quickly
appreciated. Britain had to undertake a rapid program of agricultural expansion
because there were not enough ships to bring in the usual supplies of food. The
Ministry of Agriculture recommended that funds be appropriated to publish the
maps as rapidly as possible, and this was done between 1939 and 1945. It would
scarcely have been possible to increase the production of wheat so rapidly had it
not been for the existence of these field studies. Many years later, in 1965, Stamp
was knighted in recognition of his contribution to the survival of his country.16
The survey maps were used for a variety of purposes in addition to the planning
of emergency crop expansion during the war. After the war they were the basis for
the reconstruction of Britain. In the universities several studies were made of the
historical geography of agriculture by reconstructing the crop patterns of former times
and comparing them with the survey maps (Stamp, 1947).


Once again, in time of war geographers found themselves in demand. The govern­
ment needed and wanted a large set of regional geographies. They were to be
produced as swiftly as possible. A total of 58 volumes were printed under 31 titles,
each covering countries specified by the authorities. Some of the work was accom­
plished at Oxford and some was accomplished at Cambridge. At both centers the
universities had excellent library holdings. All the volumes would contain maps
and photographs (Clout, 2003), and all were produced at a high level of quality.
Typically, 2000 to 4000 copies of each of the handbooks was published which,
10 years after cessation of hostilities, were sold to universities and libraries.
The pattern was rather similar to that followed in World War I. Regional geo­
graphies were found to be of great value especially with regard to military and
economic matters. Just as was the case in World War I, the United States estab­
lished a center for such studies in World War II. (This was known as the Office of

16On April 15-16 and May 10, 1941, air raids destroyed nearly 50,000 of the already
printed sheets as well as the set of plates from which they had been printed. Maps stored
on a farm and at publishing houses survived.
234 / MODERN

Strategic Services. By September 1943 there were 75 geographers working in this

section of the government.)
Many of the studies accomplished in England assisted faculty members in their
lectures for a number of years after the war. They also facilitated the development
of college-level textbooks for a number of years. Robert and Monica Beckinsale
published Southern Europe in 1975, which may have been the last of this group
of books deriving from war years activity. Other geographers found themselves
serving abroad during the war in difficult circumstances, though certainly seeing
other parts of the world that otherwise they would have not. Such “travel,” of course,
might be extremely hazardous (Balchin, 1987). In some cases it led to the produc­
tion of excellent works such as C. A. Fisher’s South-East Asia (1964), O. H. K.
Spate’s India and Pakistan (1954), and others.
Further regional works were provided by geographers with special reference to
the British Isles. O ’Dell wrote on Scandinavia (as would Meade), J. M. Flouston on
the western Mediterranean, Wooldridge on the Weald, and R. E. Dickinson three
books on Germany. There were many other texts that could be termed regional. In
part, this was due to the war years following a depression that led to a pent-up demand.
And, in part, it reflected paper and apparatus shortages immediately following
the war. Yet regional geography persisted and, approximating the arrival of the
20th International Geographical Congress in London, three significant books in the
regional genre were published: The British Isles, by J. W. Watson and J. B. Sissons,
Field Studies in the British Isles by J. A. Steers, and Great Britain: Regional Essays
by J. Mitchell (ed.). Then regional geography began to fade as it was replaced by
a new geography. In part, reduction of the genre was brought about by the essays
typified by Kimble (“boundaries that don’t exist around areas that don’t matter”)
and Buchanan on the “Poohscape,” both direct assaults on the regional concept. And,
in part, the emergence of and growing preference for systematic studies exerted an
erosive effect on regional geography in the classroom. Then came the numerate and
model-building new geography by a younger generation in quest of science. The
concept of region did not die, but it was much reduced from its previous standing.
It should not be forgotten, however, that regional geography dominated geo­
graphy in Britain for some 70 years, occupied the best minds in the profession, was
taught to large numbers of school children and university students throughout Great
Britain and the empire, and was a geography consonant with the public notion of
what was geographic. It was very much more than the lists of subheads that have
occasionally caricatured this genre in more recent years. It permitted and even required
the integration of physical geography with human geography encouraging a unity
of discipline not missed until it was dismissed. All fields of study are, of course,
subject to revision, and geography is no exception. Yet it was a stage in the
evolution of the discipline whose significance may have been underestimated.
Some geographers continued to write regional geography long after the develop­
ments of the 1960s.

A n o th er "New” Geography
The waves of innovation in geographic study that distinguish what might be called
the new geography and that will be discussed in Chapters 17 to 20 reached Britain
The New Geography in Great Britain / 235

in the 1960s (Haggett and Chorley, 1967). Not that the five distinctive traits of British
geography were swept away. Rather, new traits have been added. Regional geo­
graphy was still dominant in the curriculum of both school and university students,
and both new and revised texts of this genre were published.
The 1960s ushered in the theoretical and quantitative revolutions in geography.
A number of British geographers had visited the United States either as faculty mem­
bers or as graduate students. Some stayed; those who returned to Britain took with
them something of the ferment that at the time characterized American geography.
This revolutionary group of American geographers hailed especially (though by
no means exclusively) from the geography departments at Iowa, Evanston, Seattle,
and Madison. This departure from the regional concept was taught to British stu­
dents and spread to colleagues, especially by way of the Study Group in Quantitative
Methods of the Institute of British Geographers. The use of statistics was not new
in British geography, but the surge in its use in the 1960s far surpassed that in pre­
vious eras. S. Gregory wrote Statistical Methods and the Geographer (1962), and
J. P. Cole and C. A. M. King wrote Quantitative Geography (1968): Both were
read by undergraduates studying the ways and means of the new geography. Much
attention was given to quantification, to statistical description of patterns, and to
statistical manipulation and testing of hypotheses.
The center of innovation was the University of Cambridge, where the leaders
were R. J. Chorley and P. Haggett, both of whom had visited the United States.17
Chorley studied under Strahler, held a university post at Brown, traveled widely in
the United States, and began to gather archival data concerning W. M. Davis. Haggett
was also to travel in the United States and participate with geographers. These two
geographers edited two books that would become instrumental in introducing the
new geography to both the academic and pedagogic communities. The first of these
books, Frontiers in Geographical Teaching (Chorley and Haggett, 1965), was the
product of the Madingley Lectures, which were given in 1963. A variety of authors
were represented in this book, which demonstrated the application of quantitative

17Three British geographers, all of them graduates or faculty of Cambridge, were of chief
importance as leaders of this new movement. Richard J. Chorley, a geomorphologist,
was one of the first geographers to make use of General System Theory in the study
of landforms and also one of the first to point to the utility of such theory in human
geography. David W. Harvey completed his graduate study at Cambridge in 1962 after
spending the year 1960-1961 studying with Torsten Hagerstrand at Lund. Harvey was
appointed assistant lecturer at Bristol University in 1961 and was promoted to lecturer in
1964. In 1965-1966 he was at Pennsylvania State University, and in 1969 he joined the
staff of Johns Hopkins University. In 1987 he accepted an appointment as the second
holder of the Halford Mackinder chair, School of Geography, Oxford. Peter Haggett
completed graduate study at Cambridge in 1960. He taught at the University of London
from 1951 to 1957 and was appointed to the staff at Cambridge in 1957. In 1966 he
was appointed to a second chair of geography at Bristol (where Ronald Peel had been
professor of geography since 1957). One of the lecturers at Cambridge who played a role
in stimulating the younger generation to experiment with innovations of method was
Alfred Caesar, who from 1944 to 1946 worked in the Ministry of Town and Country
Planning. He was appointed lecturer at Cambridge in 1949.
236 / MODERN

methods to the understanding of geographical problems. It had a positivist stance

and helped spread this posture, probably on a larger scale than previously in
Britain. Editors Chorley and Haggett concluded by urging “the importance of the
constmction of theoretical models.” Their next book, Models in Geography (1967),
dealt with the utility and application of models to a variety of research areas. This
very large book, republished as a series of paperback volumes, was designed for
undergraduate students. It demonstrated the scientific methods available to geo­
graphers, and at the same time it presented a variety of review articles that were
also to be read for their content. Chorley and Haggett included explicit (and
implicit) support for the view that the discipline would progress more rapidly if the
nomothetic, rather than the earlier idiographic, approach was used. It would be hard
to overestimate the impact of this book, which inspired work of similar genre for
some years.
A third very important book published in Britain during the 1960s was Peter
Haggett’s Locational Analysis in Human Geography (1965). This, too, was an
important example of the new geography, emphasizing hypothesis testing by way
of inferential statistics. Haggett divided spatial structure into what he considered its
component parts: nodes, hierarchies, networks, flows, and surfaces. (A sixth com­
ponent, diffusion, was added in the 1977 edition.) The author sought to generalize
about spatial order within society; in this undertaking, the function of distance was
of the first importance.
Finally, mention must be made of David Harvey’s Explanation in Geography
(1969), published while Harvey was a resident of Johns Hopkins University, but in
considerable measure a product of his experience at Cambridge, Bristol, and Lund.
The book had considerable impact on those British geographers who leaned toward
positivism and on others in search of the scientific method. Harvey attempted to
render and explain the component parts of science as viewed by the geographer.
It was the first book of its kind written by a geographer, and it appeared at a
most appropriate time. Much of what had been written in the 1960s was the heady
product of an innovative geography whose method sometimes dominated its product
(probably more so in the United States than in Britain). As a result, Harvey’s book
emerged as a primer in scientific method and procedure when it was needed.
As R. J. Johnston has suggested, the revolution comprised several interrelated
components: a concern for scientific rigor, an argument that quantitative methods
formed a necessary component of this more rigorous approach, a claim that human
geographers should focus on searching for spatial order in the patterning of human
activities, and a desire that human geographers’ work should be applied to a wide
range of “real-world” problems (Johnston, 2003).
These changes were both methodological and epistemological. There had been
precursors such as Fawcett (1919 and mentioned earlier in this chapter), Dickinson,
who had studied hierarchies of functional regions (Johnston, 2001)18 (similar to work

18See “Robert Eric Dickinson 1905-1981” by L. R. Pederson. Geographers:

Biobibliographical Studies. 8(1984): 17-25. The R. E. Dickinson papers are on deposit
with the department of geography, University of California, Berkeley.
The New Geography in Great Britain / 237

done by the American geographer R. S. Platt [1928]), and the work of R. O. Buchanan
and S. Beaver at the London School of Economics, B. Law at University College,
London, and W. Smith at the University of Liverpool. But, of course, it was not
until the 1960s that this thinking was shared by larger numbers of geographers.
Haggett’s Geography: A Modern Synthesis (1972) was published as an under­
graduate text and was followed by other texts offering the new geography. They
worked their way through the British educational system, transforming the geo­
graphy offered. Then, by the 1970s a generation of regional enthusiasts retired and
were not replaced by their kind. The tradition of regional geography continued with
the occasional book, but most of this sort of work found its way into studies by
historical geographers (Clout, 2003).
The geography of the 1960s is referred to as spatial science. It espoused a point
of view that could be shared by both physical and human geographers. The adop­
tion of quantitative data helped to reveal and explain patterns. Both physical and
human geographers shared the same literature, which by 1969 included Haggett and
Chorley’s Network Models in Geography. By the early 1970s, however, physical
and human geographers had begun to drift apart. The physical geographers’ focus
had shifted from spatial form toward analysis of the processes that created those
forms. They adopted the systems approach in order to facilitate the comprehension
of processes at work. Nevertheless, the physical geographers also became more
specialized, and studies of landforms, biogeography, and climatology each won
their own adherents. Physical geography remains strongly entrenched in British
geography and thus retains a long-standing tradition.
Human geographers became disenchanted with the geography of the 1960s.
Exploitation of the models derived from the work of J. H. von Thiinen, Alfred Weber,
Walter Christaller, and August Losch did not produce universal satisfaction. The
models developed could not replicate a satisfactory environmental platform, neither
could they realistically characterize decisions made by humankind. The positivists
who had generalized so much about humans behavior were now to be nudged by
the introduction of a more humane human geography.
Regional, historical, and cultural geography stood largely apart from these
changes in methodology. One reason may be that the traditional British geographies
were still prominent and were taught and written of by established academics
reluctant to change their mode. Another reason may be that the subjective and
empiricist spirit is not given to the positivist mode of science. Regional geographers
remain empirical, continuing to produce useful works, and have been championed
by William R. Mead, J. H. Peterson, and Michael J. Wise. Both H. Clifford Darby
and W. Gordon East have argued that the subject of historical geography is more
nearly one of art, and not new methods of science. Cultural geography entered
Britain in part from Germany, in part from Berkeley, and in part it was indigenous.
It borrowed little from the recently introduced scientific method.
An alternative response to positivist human geography in Britain came with
D. M. Smith’s work on welfare geography. David Harvey had addressed this
same topic in Social Justice and the City (1973) by way of Marxist theory. Marxist
geographers began an active search for the social good and have been written of
by D. Gregory in Ideology, Science, and Human Geography (1978a).
238 / MODERN

British geography was fragmented, and an eclectic pluralism now characterized

the discipline. With the removal of the region as mainstream, the core had disappeared.
In its place was left a variety of contending points of view. Whether this diversity
should be regarded as a sign of vitality or a discipline in disarray is in the eye of
the beholder. Methodology alone seemed to provide common ground in the 1960s
and 1970s. The search for some sort of core began. Some geographers urged the
bridging of physical and human geography, which had now divided. (Physical geo­
graphers had grouped themselves with the physical and life sciences, and human
geographers had grouped themselves with the social sciences.) Rapprochement of
the two groups has been sought in the environmental issue, in preservation of the
landscape, in applied geography, and elsewhere in the disciplinary gamut.
It should be noted that in Britain, applied geography has been particularly
strong. Its tradition extends back to the assemblage of the British Empire, publica­
tion of Keltie’s Applied Geography (1890), the years of the Paris Peace Conference
(1918-19), L. D. Stamp’s Land Utilisation Survey of the 1930s, Coleman’s Land
Use Survey in the 1960s, the Admiralty Handbooks of World War II, Stamp’s
Applied Geography (1960), and work in town and country planning and in land-
use-transport matters, all of which led to the founding of the periodical Applied
Geography (1981). The applied sector will probably expand given a strong following
in the school and university systems, in which the production of geographers
outstrips the demand in educational institutions.

Historical Geography
Historical geography had a rich history prior to World War II. After that interlude
of hostilities, historical geography continued as one of the strengths of British geo­
graphy. H. C. Darby was the dominant figure, producing A New Historical
Geography o f England (1973), the Domesday geography of all the main parts of
England (1962-71), Domesday England (1977), “Historical Geography in Britain,
1920-80: Continuity and Change” (1983), The Changing Fenland (1983), and, posthum­
ously, “The Relations of History and Geography: Studies in England, France
and the United States” (2002). His work was the product of integrating in a very
meaningful way the fields of both geography and history. He suggested (1953) four
ways in which the two disciplines could be combined; the geography behind his­
tory, past geographies, the history behind geography, and the historical element in
geography. Significantly, Darby worked in an area of limited size and one which
had retained records for the distant past. He received a knighthood in 1988 for his
remarkable accomplishment, which brought attention to geography. Others worked
at this task of explaining the creation of humanized landscapes. The historian
W. G. Hoskins had already provided Making of the English Landscape (1955) and
arranged the publication of 20 county volumes, largely by historians of the making
of landscapes. Hoskins himself wrote 28 books centering on landscape and local
history, then produced a television film and a series of shorter films that bought the
public close to his subject. Among numerous other authors who contributed to this
genre, mention must be made of A. R. H. Baker, R. A. Donkin, H. C. Prince, and
M. Williams. Some British historical geographers worked in Australia. Others, such
as M. P. Conzen and D. Cosgrove, worked in the United States, where C. O. Sauer.
The New Geography in Great Britain / 239

A. H. Clark, D. W. Meinig, and D. Lowenthal made their own excellent contribu­

tions that married with the British undertaking. This branch of geography proved
so fruitful that the Journal o f Historical Geography was founded in 1975, and the
CUKANZUS meetings were initiated (The term “CUKANZUS” derives from
Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and US. This is now known as
the International Congress of Historical Geographers.).
Another function of historical geography during the post-1960 period was to aid
and abet a struggling regional geography. The latter was thought to be additive,
its components to be studied in sequence but without realizing synthesis. At any
rate, the new geography reduced the regional undertaking. Yet regional writing
persisted in the elaboration of many works in historical geography. Since historical
geography was little affected by the new mode, regional geography had, in part,
secured a niche.
Related to this continued use of the historical method is the interest of British
geographers in the history of geography as a field of learning. The bibliographies
of the early chapters of this book, which deal with ancient geography and with
the progress of exploration, contain many references to British writings.19 Interest
in writing on different aspects of the history of geography continues in British
scholarly work. A leading historian of geography in Britain was J. N. L. Baker.20
The first three parts of a definitive history of the study of landforms have been issued
and will eventually consist of four volumes. Volume 1 deals with geomorphology
before Davis (R. J. Chorley, A. J. Dunn, and R. P. Beckinsale, 1964); Volume 2
deals with W. M. Davis (R. J. Chorley, R. P. Beckinsale, and A. J. Dunn, 1973);
and Volume 3 reveals post-Davisian geomorphological thought in Historical and
Regional Geomorphology, 1890-1950 (R. P. Beckinsale and R. J. Chorley, 1991).
A fourth volume, currently in progress, will complete a monumental inquiry into
the history of the study of landforms.
Other British writers who have published on the history of geography include
Dickinson and Howarth (1933), Mill (1951), Freeman (1961, 1967, 1980, 1982),
Crone (1964), Kirwan (1964), and Dickinson (1969). More recently, R. W. Steel
wrote The Institute o f British Geographers: The First Fifty Years (1984). Steel also
edited a series of essays concerning British geography at a variety of institutions
and in a variety of settings: British Geography (1987). D. R. Stoddart edited a
series of essays entitled Geography, Ideology and Social Concern (1981) and in
1986 gathered a number of his essays published elsewhere and contributed On
Geography and Its History. Stoddart states enthusiastically that his geography
“springs from Forster, Darwin, Huxley: and it works.” In seeking to put the geo­
graphy back in the bio-, Stoddart offers a distinctive viewpoint and reveals much

19For example, see books by C. R. Beazley, E. H. Bunbury, Frank Debenham, Richard

Hakluyt, G. H. T. Kimble, John Needham, Percy Sykes, E. G. R. Taylor, J. Oliver
Thomson, and H. F. TozeT.
20J. N. L. Baker went to Oxford as assistant to the reader H. O. Beckit in 1923 after
serving in the army in France in 1915-16 and in the army in India in 1918-19. He
remained at Oxford until his retirement in 1962. His collected writings were published
in a single volume in 1963 (Baker, 1963).
240 / MODERN

about the history of geographical thought. The work of the very prolific R. J. Johnston
is of importance. His post-1945 studies in the philosophy and history of geography,
with special reference to American and British human geography, are a vital source
for anyone studying the post-World War II Anglo-American geographical scene.
Special mention must be made of his Geography and Geographers: Anglo-
American Human Geography since 1945 (fifth edition, 1997). C. J. Withers has
published on an earlier period with special reference to Scotland. R. J. Mayhew has
published on British geography typically from the seventeenth to the nineteenth cen­
turies. M. Heffeman has written on early twentieth-century British geography with
reference to World War I. Others have also contributed to this skein of thought,
which has seen much growth since the 1970s. Some four dozen studies of British
geographers have been contributed to Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies.

Contemporary Geography in Great Britain

Geography is currently very strong in Great Britain. The debate concerning the
new and the old geographies has long-since quietened, and numeracy and model
building have been applied where relevant with benefit. Currently, research advances
on many fronts: institutional, environmental, historical, regional, place, space,
applications, disease distribution, urban dwellers, feminism, ethics and social con­
cern, and many other branches of the discipline.
These strengths (varying throughout the decades) have been shared especially
with American geographers in the post-1960 period. Geographers crossed the
Atlantic in ever increasing numbers to attend meetings, to hold temporary or per­
manent academic appointments, to give lectures, and the like. Whereas early in the
century the United States imported ideas from Britain, over the last three decades
the United States has been able to export ideas to the United Kingdom. Of course,
ideas travel back and forth, being revised, improved, and revised once more.
Use of a common language undoubtedly facilitated the diffusion of thought and
literature to many other parts of the world. It also meant a very large increase in
English-language publications. Many of these were devoted to specialist branches
of geography, and others were devoted to interdisciplinary matters, the latter a
product of centrifugal forces within the discipline. Of particular significance was
the inauguration in 1969 of Progress in Geography. In 1977 this was converted into
two “Progress” journals, Progress in Human Geography and Progress in Physical
Geography. These are only two of a list of 3445 geographical serials, past or pre­
sent, provided by Harris and Fellman (1980). Nevertheless, they represent and
typify new growth in British geography (and also in the Anglo-American realm).
British geography is very strong at the preuniversity level (a level that represents
one of the largest problems for geography in the United States), and typically
students are tested by national examinations at the ages of 16 and 18 years. The
tradition of empire has also helped establish a good image for geography in Great
Britain. With this firm foundation, students who proceed to the university are able
to accomplish a great deal; it is not surprising that British academic geography has
been so successful. Despite the economic recession of the late 1970s and early 1980s,
as well as the cutbacks in higher education, geography was left relatively unscathed.
By the 1990s the number of universities had increased, departments were larger
The New Geography in Great Britain / 241

(e.g., the University of Southampton had 24 staff in 2001, Durham had 41, Univer­
sity College, London had 35), and more funds were available, which led to more
research activity. Two problems continued to hamper further development. The first
of these was fragmentation. Professional geography had become “a community of
subcommittees,” the product of centrifugal forces (a problem also confronting U.S.
geography). The second problem confronting British geography was the image of
the field projected from the past and from vernacular comprehension. Partly as an
offset to this, and more significantly as progress reports, since 1956 quadrennial
reports have been published in The Geographical Journal revealing both progress
and impediments. It is a self-searching exercise that has become a significant tool
in the analysis of vicissitudes in the history of British geography during the last
half century. More recently, central authority has imposed evaluation schemes for
faculty in both teaching and research functions (Withers, 2001). The implementa­
tion of these assessment techniques consumes time, adds to concern, and with regard
to published research, may in some cases encourage haste at the expense of more
desirable properties. Even so, British geography is both rigorous and vibrant,
the spirit of which is captured in Johnston and Williams’s A Century o f British
Geography (2003).21

Baker, A. R. H. 1972. “Historical Geography in Britain.” In A. R. H. Baker, ed., Progress
in Historical Geography. Pp. 90-110. Devon: David & Charles.
Baker, J. N. L. 1963. The History o f Geography. New York: Barnes & Noble.
Balchin, W. G. V. 1987. “United Kingdom Geographers in the Second World War. Geo­
graphical Journal 153:159-180.
---------. 1993. The Geographical Association: The First Hundred Years. Sheffield, U.K.:
Geographical Association.
Beckinsale, R. P., and Chorley, R. J. 1991. The History of the Study of Landforms or the
Development o f Geomorphology. Vol. 3: Historical and Regional Geomorphology
1890-1950. London and New York: Routledge.
Beresford, M. W. 1954. The Lost Villages of England. New York: Philosophical Library.
Blouet, B. 1987. Halford Mackinder, A Biography. College Station: Texas A&M University
Buchanan, K. M. 1968. A preliminary contribution to the geographical analysis of a
Poohscape. IBG Newsletter 6:54-63. Reprinted in Progress in Human Geography 23
Chisholm, G. G. 1889. Handbook o f Commercial Geography. 18th ed. 1966. L. D. Stamp
and S. C. Gilmour, eds. London: Longmans, Green.
Chisholm, M. 1962. Rural Settlement and Land Use. London: Hutchinson University Library.
---------. 1975. Human Geography: Evolution or Revolution? Harmondsworth: Penguin
Chorley, R. J., ed. 1973a. Directions in Geography. London: Methuen.

21In this context, special mention must be made of the first two chapters of this book by
D. N. Livingstone and R. Johnston which jointly provide an excellent historical summary
of British geography from c. 1500 to the present.
242 / MODERN

---------. 1973b. “Geography as Human Ecology.” In R. J. Chorley ed., Directions in

Geography. Pp. 155-170. London: Methuen.
Chorley, R. J., and Haggett, P., eds. 1965. Frontiers in Geographical Teaching. London:
---------. 1967. Models in Geography. London: Methuen.
Chorley, R. J., Beckinsale, R. P., and Dunn, A. J. 1973. The History of The Study ofLandforms,
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T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in R u s s ia ,
t h e S o v ie t U n io n , an d t h e

C o m m o n w ea lth o f I n d ep en d en t

St a tes

Geographic science in the Soviet Union has traveled a prolonged and many-
sided path of development. Arising after the Great October Socialist Revolution,
Soviet geography received as a great and valuable heritage from prerevolutionary
Russian geography not only an immense store of geographic facts, but also a
whole system o f fruitful progressive scientific traditions, schools, and concepts,
many of which have become classic. During its existence, Soviet geography has
repeatedly enlarged its scientific heritage. It has gathered new factual materials,
continued and enriched the progressive classic scientific trends, and created new
theoretical concepts which have developed on the basis of scientific Marxism-
Leninism and in close connection with the practice of socialist construction.
—I. P. Gerasimov, “Geography in the Soviet Union"

he impact of German geographical ideas during the last quarter of the nine­
teenth century had quite different results in Russia than it had in France and
Britain. By this time Russia had a long history of geographical work, including the
production of maps and atlases and the writing of regional monographs. Although
many explorers and scholars from Germany and other countries of western Europe
lived and worked in Russia and were influential in promoting geographical studies,
most of those who made the maps, gathered the statistical data, and wrote reports
describing different parts of the national territory were Russians. Because of the
language barrier, which is also an alphabet barrier, an understanding of the import­
ance of the work of Soviet geographers and of their predecessors in pre-1917 Russia
was delayed in reaching the geographical scholars of western Europe and the
United States for many decades.1
The exploration and mapping of the vast extent of land area that was eventually
included in the Russian Empire were carried out mostly by Russians, but with
considerable assistance from skilled mapmakers from the West. Peter the Great,
who ruled Russia from 1682 and 1725, recognized the vital importance of having
accurate geographical information to guide the eastward expansion of the empire.*

'The transliteration of Cyrillic into Roman letters requires some arbitrary decisions
regarding the spelling of names. This book follows the system recommended by
Theodore Shabad, one-time editor and translator of Soviet Geography.

The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 249

He gave his support to exploring expeditions and to the publication of the results
of their discoveries. The southern part of European Russia was surveyed in the late
seventeenth century, and the resulting maps were published in Amsterdam (Bagrow
and Skelton, 1964:170-176). In 1719 all official Russian mapmaking activities were
placed under the direction of Ivan Kirilov, Secretary of the Governing Senate. It
was from this highest administrative office of the Russian state that surveys and map­
ping of the Russian territory were ordered by Kirilov. He knew the French carto­
grapher Joseph Nikolas Delisle but there is no documentary evidence that he helped
Kirilov in his atlas of 1734. Publication of further sheets of this atlas ceased with
Kirilov’s death in 1737. A more important atlas project was “Atlas Rossiyskiy . . . ”
(Russian atlas) published in 1745 in both Russian and Latin by the St. Petersburg
Academy of Sciences. This very large atlas was completed under the supervision
of Leonhard Euler (1708-83) and provided a much larger view of the country than
the work of Kirilov. There were a number of omissions. Mikhail Vassilyevich
Lomonosov remarked of it “looking at the then Geographic Archives and this atlas
it is easy to see how much more accurate and fuller it could have been” (Postnikov,
1996). Nevertheless, it was the most thorough atlas of Russia available at that time.
Meanwhile, the Moscow Mathematical and Navigational School was founded
in 1701. Students from this school were employed as navigators in the navy or as
cartographers, land and sea surveyors, engineers, and artillery experts. When the
Naval Academy was opened in 1715 at St. Petersburg, the role of the Moscow school
was abbreviated. By 1727 there were 229 students attending the Naval Academy.
Two English instructors hired to teach in this school left behind in Russian carto­
graphy a tradition of theodolite surveying.
Vassily N. Tatishchev (1686-1750, Alexandrovskaya, 1982) assumed the role
of Kirilov and began to focus on local surveying and providing more details on maps.
In 1737 Tatishchev was appointed “to expand and correct” maps and compile the
map of Russia. He at once ordered six groups of geodesists to survey and correct
work already accomplished and find the right longitudes and latitudes in the more
remote parts of the country. Instrumental surveys replaced word-of-mouth data.
Tatishchev also insisted that maps and written descriptions should supplement
one another. By the 1740s nearly 85 percent of the land surface of Russia had been
mapped, but it had not been accomplished in a logical manner. To integrate this
large collection of maps via a new geodetic foundation, J. N. Delisle (1688-1768),
French astronomer and scientist, was invited to St. Petersburg. Delisle sought to
put in place a triangulation network similar to that developed by Cassini in France,
but the plan was attacked and not brought to fruition.
Initially, the expeditions sought the location of rivers, mountains, coastlines,
minerals, and other natural resources. But the great Russian encyclopedist Mikhail
V. Lomonosov urged that the exploring parties be charged with the systematic
collection of information about the physical character of the land, the population,
and the condition of the economy.2 In 1758 he became head of the world’s first

-Lomonosov was a universal scholar in the classical sense. From 1736 to 1741 he studied
at the University of Marburg, Germany. In 1755 he was one of a group of scholars who
250 / MODERN

officially named Department of Geography, which was in the Russian Academy of

Sciences (Gerasimov, 1968b). But it was not until 1768, three years after the death
of Lomonosov, that the Academy of Sciences sent out the first expedition for the
specific purpose of gathering and reporting on the physical and economic geo­
graphy of a part of the national territory (Nikitin, 1966:7).
Gerasimov has claimed that Lomonosov’s contribution to the advancement of
the science of geography was inestimable. Lomonosov had a deep appreciation for
the importance of science. A particularly influential work by Lomonosov, On the
Strata o f the Earth (1763), demonstrates that his thought was far ahead of his time.
He wrote on the mutability of nature, the importance of studying causation, and the
respect that scientists and humankind should bestow on earth’s resources. His work
constitutes the basis for Russian geographical work: Numerous of his followers,
including J. I. Lepekhin, P. S. Pallas, S. P. Krasheninnikov, and I. P. Falk, would
make notable contributions to the discipline (Alexandrovskaya, 1982).
In the 1720s the Russian Empire launched a campaign to expand the empire’s
boundaries. It began with the First (1728) and Second Kamchatka expeditions and
the voyages to the islands in the Bering Strait and the northern shore of Alaska by
M. S. Grozdev and I. Fedorov (1732). With these voyages the Russians studied the
northern shores of Siberia, established the separation of Asia and North America,
and generated thought that led to Russian colonies in Alaska and on the Aleutian
In 1819 M. M. Speransky was appointed governor-general of Siberia. He estab­
lished a new administrative system that led to the development of local studies in
natural history and considerable mapping of this little-known land. Quite soon it
became obvious that local resources would not adequately fund these studies over
such a vast and unsettled territory. Speransky moved to St. Petersburg in 1821 and
established a special Siberian commission whose task would include the develop­
ment of a program for organizing the administration and study of natural resources
within Siberia. Gavriil Stepanovich Batenkov, manager of the Siberian commission
office, prepared a “Draft of a Plan for Exploration of the Siberian Territories,” which
presented a program of research for the geographic, cartographic, and geodetic study
of Siberia (Postnikov, 2002, 251).
I. F. Kruzenstem and Y. F. Lisyansky organized expeditions around the world,
and later V. M. Golovnin and O. E. Kotzebu traveled largely in the Pacific Ocean.
Fabian Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev journeyed to the Antarctic (1819-21)
(Debenham, 1945) and F. P. Liitke to coastal Asia (1821-25). Russian names were
now sprinkled liberally onto the world map. In addition, expeditions were con­
ducted throughout the Russian Empire, especially the White, Baltic, Black, Caspian,
and Aral Seas. G. I. Nevelskoi (1849-55) contributed substantially to knowledge
of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan (Bassin, 1994). These findings were

founded the Moscow State University. At that time Pushkin described Lomonosov as “a
university in himself.” Before he was named head of the new Department of Geography
in the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1758, he had been head of the Department of
Chemistry. He was also famous as a linguistic scholar and as a poet.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 251

assembled and supplemented by Russian expeditions in the second half of the

eighteenth century.
The Academy of Sciences provided an institutional focus for the great variety
of scholarly works, many of which were geographical in purpose. The Germans were
very influential in this effort. Anton Friedrich Biisching was the pastor of a German
Lutheran church in Saint Petersburg from 1761 to 1765, and in 1766 the part of
his Neue Erdbeschreibung dealing with Russia was translated into Russian. It was
he who first described the division of European Russia into latitudinal zones of
differing natural conditions—north, middle, and south. The Russian geographers
quickly adopted his suggestion that the national territory should be divided into
natural regions for the practical purposes of administration.3 At first most of the
scholars named as academicians were foreigners who, like Biisching, were living
in Russia. In the course of time the proportion of Russian academicians increased.
Before 1800 numerous regional descriptions were already in existence. Early in the
nineteenth century two persistent characteristics of Russian geography had become
established. One was the emphasis on regions as the basis of organization for
geographical work and as real entities that could be objectively defined. Between
1800 and 1861 there were 15 different regional divisions of European Russia that
were proposed and defended. The second persistent characteristic was that the study
of these regions was undertaken for practical purposes. The Russian intellectuals
of that period were disturbed by the poverty of the serfs and sought to undermine
the system of bondage that tied most of the rural population to the aristocracy of
landowners. For example, K. I. Arsenyev wrote a Short Universal Geography that
was organized by regions and had a strong economic emphasis, reflecting the author’s
concern with improving the peasants’ quality of life. The book was first published
in 1818 and went through 20 editions by 1848. In 1832 the same writer published
a monograph on the historical geography of Russian cities in which he offered a
classification of cities in terms of their economic functions.
Another distinctive characteristic of Russian geography has been the continued
use of that name to cover a wide variety of specialties. While classical geography was
undergoing analysis in Germany as each academic discipline sought to establish its
separate existence, in Russia the tendency was for scholars with diverse interests
to come together as geographers. In the 1840s this convergence of specialties on
geography created a need for some kind of institution to provide a forum for the
presentation and discussion of different kinds of studies dealing with the physical
earth and its human inhabitants. In 1845 Fedor Petrovich Liitke was largely instru­
mental in founding the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. In addition to
promoting geographical studies as such, the society also assumed responsibility for
studies in geology, meteorology, hydrography, anthropology, and archaeology.
During the period from 1845 to 1917 the society published some 400 volumes of
papers and monographs. The diverse specialties represented in the society were known
collectively as “the geographical sciences” (Hooson, 1968).

3Catherine II decreed in 1784 that officers and noblemen should wear uniforms of
distinctive color in each of the three zones (Nikitin, 1966:6).
252 / MODERN


In Germany the deaths of Humboldt and Ritter marked a break in the continuity
of geographical study until the new geographers, such as Richthofen, introduced
the new geography. In Russia there was no such break. For this reason it is difficult
to select any one scholar as the “grand old man” of Russian geography. It would
be more realistic to select four grand old men: one grandfather, Semenov Tyan-
Shanski, and three fathers, Voeikov, Dokuchaiev, and Anuchin. These formed the
nucleus of Russian geography before the October Revolution of 1917.

Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shanski

Petr Petrovich Semenov Tyan-Shanski provided the continuity between the
scholars of the classical period, such as Lomonosov, Busching, and Arsenyev, and
the scholars of the modem period (after 1870), who could no longer claim com­
petence in all branches of geographical study. In 1853-54 Semenov attended
Ritter’s lectures at Berlin and worked with Richthofen to prepare for exploratory
work in Central Asia. In 1858 he explored the Dzungarian Basin and the border­
ing Altai Mountains to the north and the Tien Shan Mountains to the south. He was
the first European to cross the latter range, and for this exploit the czar granted him
and his family the right to add Tyan-Shanski as a suffix to his name in 1906. In
1888 he explored the desert of Turkestan east of the Caspian Sea.
In 1873 Peter Semenov was appointed the society’s vice president replacing
Admiral F. P. Liitke, who had held the position since 1845. As vice president Liitke
and Semenov were supervisors of the society’s activities (Postnikov, 2003). At
the time when Peter Semenov was appointed vice president one of the emperor’s
brothers—the grand duke Konstantin Romanov—was the society’s official president.
Peter Semenov held the position in St. Petersburg for more than 40 years. Semenov
was also a member of the Committee for the Emancipation of the Peasants from
the Bonds of Serfdom. (The serfs were emancipated in 1861.)
Semenov was much more than an explorer. He had been attracted to the study
of geography by his contacts with Ritter, but, like Reclus, he did not embrace Ritter’s
teleological philosophy. He was much more concerned about using geography as a
means of decreasing the poverty of the rural people. That is, he wanted to empha­
size the practical importance of geographical study, or what we would today call
its “social relevance.” He himself wrote a number of regional monographs, includ­
ing a five-volume work on Russia45that has been described as a “perceptive blend
of natural, historical, and economic phenomena” (Hooson, 1968:259). In 1871 he
published a general work on the historical geography of Russian settlement. He was
also a member of the committee that planned and directed the first Russian census
of population in 1897. A man of diverse interests and competence, he was ideally
suited to guide the fortunes of such a composite institution as the Geographical Society,
and he was able to preserve its unity when in other hands it might well have fallen
apart into separate specialties. By the time he died in 1914, he had set a distinctive

4P. P. Semenov Tyan-Shanski, Geographical-Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire.

5 vols. (St. Petersburg, 1863-1883).
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 253

stamp on Russian geography, giving it unity in spite of the variety of its parts and
pointing it toward practical and remedial objectives (Thomas, 1988).

The Followers o f Semenov

The new geography came into Russia between 1880 and 1914. The ideas of
Richthofen, Ratzel, and Hettner were familiar to Russian geographers because
many of them studied in Germany. The revolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin were
perhaps less intoxicating than they were in Britain because of the earlier studies of
evolution by the Russian biologist K. F. Rul’ye. In any case the Russians rejected
the more extreme forms of environmental determinism stemming from Herbert
Spencer and also the use of biological analogy to describe sequences of landforms
as proposed by the American geographer William Morris Davis. To be sure, some
of the historians did support the ideas of climatic influence on national character or
of the critical importance of the large Asian rivers in providing the setting for the
development of early civilizations (Matley, 1966). But the geographers as a whole
avoided these difficulties.
In the period between 1880 and 1914 three outstanding followers of Semenov
helped to give modem Russian geography its distinctive stamp. Two of these,
A. I. Voeikov and V. V. Dokuchaiev, were primarily research workers whose
innovative studies of climates and soils gave them international reputations. One,
D. N. Anuchin, was primarily an educator who established geography as a major
university subject and who drew up the curricula for the primary and secondary
schools (Esakov, 1978).5
Aleksandr Ivanovitch Voeikov56 (1842-1916) was a scholar who followed
Semenov in the wide range of his interests (Fedosseyev, 1978). His doctoral
dissertation, “Direct Insolation in Various Parts of the Globe,” was accepted at
Gottingen University in 1865. His studies of the earth’s heat and water balances
continued for the rest of his life. His studies in climatology were directed to the
improvement of agriculture. Hence, when he experimented with different ways to
measure the depth of snow, he was partly concerned with the effect of snow cover
on temperature and to a very large extent with the forecast of crop yields for the
following summer. He was the originator of what came to be called snow science.
In the 1870s he traveled in the United States and Asia and thereafter was a regular
correspondent with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. In 1886 he
published a discussion of James H. Coffin’s The Winds o f the Globe (Smithsonian

5A geographer of that same generation who never held a university post was Prince Peter
Kropotkin. A member of the Russian aristocracy, he was nevertheless a devoted anarchist
and a close friend of the French geographer-anarchist Elisee Reclus. His lifelong interest
was in the study of geography, and in 1876 and from 1886 to 1917, while he was in exile
from Russia, he lived in Great Britain. Most of what Reclus had to say about Russia came
from Kropotkin. “I cannot conceive of a physiography,” he said, “from which man has
been excluded.”
6Sometimes spelled Woeikoff or Voyeikov. He studied at Berlin, Gottingen, and
Heidelberg. In 1884 he went to the University at St. Petersburg as docent and was
promoted to professor in 1887.
254 / MODERN

Contributions to Knowledge, vol. 20 [Washington, D.C., 1875]). His concern with

the improvement of Russian agriculture led him to compare the farm practices in
areas with climates similar to those of European Russia. These were the first sys­
tematic studies of climatic analogs. Based on his advice, tea was successfully planted
in Georgia (east of the Black Sea), cotton in Turkestan, and wheat in Ukraine. His
book, The Climates o f the World, was published in Russian in 1884, but it became
known to climatologists of other parts of the world when it was translated into
German and published in Germany in 1887. Similarly, a monograph, Distribution
o f Population on the Earth in Relation to Natural Conditions and Human Activities
(published in Russian in 1906), appeared in German in brief form that same year.
He also became known to the rest of the world through papers and books published
in France.7
One of Voeikov’s most important contributions to international geography,
however, was his insistence on the importance of studying the influence of man on
the environment. He was one of the first Europeans to recognize and report on the
destructive effects of man’s use of the land. In fact, he criticized Richthofen for
not calling attention to the man-caused gullying in the loess lands of China. In his
opinion a variety of changes follow the removal of the cover of natural vegetation
—in some places the changes are disastrous. He pointed to the overgrazing of
some of the Russian steppes, with a consequent acceleration of gully erosion. The
clearing of the forests in the north could produce a change in the climate toward
increasing drought. He was always enthusiastic about what irrigation could do to
improve the productivity of arid or semiarid lands (Voeikov, 1901).8
V. V. Dokuchaiev, who became the first professor of geography at St. Petersburg
in 1885 (the same year in which Voeikov was appointed docent), was less known
beyond Russia than Voeikov because his works appeared only in Russian. But
Dokuchaiev deserves a major place among the world’s geographers because of his
innovative studies of soil. Looking more closely at the natural zones that Busching
had outlined, he was the first scientist to realize that soil is not just disintegrated
and decomposed rock. The geographers of Germany, France, and Great Britain con­
ceived of the soil as a faithful reflection of the underlying geological formations.
So they spoke of pre-Cambrian soil, or Devonian soil, or glacial soil (derived from
glacial deposits). But Dokuchaiev, working on the plains of European Russia, saw
that the parent material only provided the substance in which a soil would form.
He noted that different kinds of soil could be identified by looking closely at the
layers or horizons, which differed because of differences in the soil-forming

7These translations into German and French include: Die Klimate der Erde (Jena:
H. Costenoble, 1887); “De l’influence de l’homme sur la terre,” Annales de geographie
10(1901):97—114, 193-215; “Le groupement de la population rurale en Russie,” Annales
de geographie 18(1909): 13 —23; Le Turkestan Russe (Paris: Armand Colin, 1914).
The brief summary of his study of world population is in Petermanns Geographische
Mitteilungen 52(1906):241-251, 265-270.
8It is interesting that he made no mention of George Perkins Marsh in his writings. Yet
Marsh’s Man and Nature (1864) was published in Russian translation in 1866. Perhaps
he came into contact with Marsh’s ideas through Elisee Reclus.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 255

processes. Soil is formed by water percolating through the loose material at the
surface and carrying away soluble minerals; it is also formed by the mixture of organic
matter from plants and animals with the upper horizon. The soil, said Dokuchaiev,
reflects the extraordinarily complex interaction of climate, slope, plants, and animals,
with the parent material derived from the underlying geological formations
(Gerasimov et al., 1962:111). A soil that had been exposed to all these conditions
for a long time would more closely reflect the complex of climate and vegetation
than it would the parent material.
Dokuchaiev’s ideas made slight impact on geographers in western Europe not
only because he wrote in Russian, but also because there was little opportunity to
observe such soils in the West. Especially in France and Britain it seemed quite
clear that soils of different kinds were produced on rocks of different types. There
were no large expanses of plain on which the arrangement of climate zones could
produce observable soil differences. Dokuchaiev’s doctoral dissertation, on the
other hand, was a careful and detailed study of the Russian chernozem (or black
earth) published in 1883. In 1889 he published his concept of soil-forming pro­
cesses and of the natural zonation of soils according to climate. He recognized, as
Voeikov did, that man was a major agent of change on the surface of the earth and
that the transformation of natural zones into agricultural regions involved such
factors as the attitudes of the people and their technical skills. His concept of
natural zones transformed by man comes very close to Schluter’s concept of the
landscape type. Dokuchaiev, in fact, described geography as “landscape science”
Dokuchaiev trained a number of students at St. Petersburg who continued to develop
the master’s ideas. L. I. Prasolov became the editor in chief of a soil map of Russia,
compiled from a variety of detailed studies on a scale of 1/1,000,000— a project
that was later carried forward by I. P. Gerasimov (Gerasimov et al., 1962:113).
N. M. Sibirtsev, who died in 1900 at the age of 40, contributed the concept of zonal
soils as distinct from azonal soils—the zonal reflecting climatic patterns and the
azonal more closely related to underlying parent materials or such local conditions
as poor drainage. The scholar who did the most to make Dokuchaiev’s work known
outside of Russia was Konstantin D. Glinka. In 1908 he published a major work
on the zonal soils of the world that extended the concepts of Dokuchaiev to types
of zonal soils not found in Russia. This work was translated from Russian into German
and published in German in 1914; it was from the German edition of Glinka that
Curtis F. Marbut, an American soil geographer, published an edition in English in
1927.9 Dokuchaiev’s ideas about soils were enthusiastically received in the United
States, where, unlike western Europe, there are large expanses of plain on which
zonal soils can be observed.10 Concern for the issue of soils, food, and population

9K. D. Glinka, The Great Soil Groups of the World and Their Development, translation by
C. F. Marbut from Die Typen der Bodenbildung (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Edwards Bros., 1927).
'°Before the unwary reader uses this as an example of environmental determinism, let us
observe that neither the steppe nomads of Russia nor the plains Indians in America had
the necessary technical skills and theoretical knowledge to recognize the existence of
zonal soils.
256 / MODERN

D. N. Anuchin V. A. Anuchin

Nikolai N. Baranskiy Lev S. Berg

The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 257

Vasily V. Dokuchaiev Innokenti P, Gerasimov

P. P. Tyan-Shanski Alexander I. Voeikov

258 / MODERN

were present. Although a country vast in area, there was still population pressure
on the means of subsistence. This led men such as Nikolay Vavilov to become speci­
alists in plant genetics. It was felt that such studies could increase crop production
(Esakov, 1980; Harris, 1991).
Meanwhile, geographical courses were being offered at Moscow State Univer­
sity. In 1887 Dmitry N. Anuchin was named head of the new Department of Geo­
graphy and Ethnography. Anuchin was trained at Heidelberg in anthropology and
anthropogeography, and his point of view in both writing and teaching was strongly
human oriented. His textbooks provided a new kind of geography to teach in the
schools; after 1912, when the authorities recognized geography as a field in which
students could major, Anuchin’s students at Moscow State University were the ones
who were appointed to most of the new positions throughout the country. Lev S.
Berg, for example, went to St. Petersburg, where he continued the development
of Dokuchaiev’s ideas concerning landscape science and where he remained active
after 1917. There was also the geologically trained V. P. Semenov Tyan-Shanski
(the son of Petr), who outlined a system of geomorphic regions of the Russian
plains with special reference to human-land relations. His 19-volume semipopular
regional geography of Russia was published in St. Petersburg between 1899 and
1914. He was a regional geographer who also advanced economical and statistical
surveys. Gerasimov has claimed that Semenov Tyan-Shanski’s work provides the
basis for economic geography in the Soviet period.


The October Revolution of 1917 affected all phases of Russian life, including the
pursuit of geographical knowledge. Only those scholars could survive who were
able to bring their ideas into line with the concepts of Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
Marx was ambiguous concerning his geographical principles, and perhaps it is
fortunate that passages from his writings can be found to support a great variety of
points of view. Lenin, on the other hand, was much more specific. As an economic
determinist, he was strongly opposed to any suggestion that the natural environ­
ment could in any way control human destiny. For him geography was the necess­
ary foundation on which the design of a new kind of economy had to be based. The
most important product of geographical study was the identification of rational
regions within which the segments of the new national economy could be con­
structed. Lenin considered geography an essentially practical subject, but it was so
important that in 1921 he decreed that the subject should be taught in all the schools.
Unfortunately, his efforts to provide for instruction in geography were not very suc­
cessful for the usual reasons: the schoolteachers were not trained in the concepts
of geography, and there were no teacher-training institutions where they could study
Yet in spite of the new directions of geography after 1917, most of the distinc­
tive characteristics of Soviet geography can be traced back to the prerevolutionary
period. The tendency to look at natural landscapes as systems of interrelated parts
is typically Russian and derives from geographers such as Semenov, Voeikov, and
Dokuchaiev. The continued interest in such physical processes as heat and water
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 259

balances goes back to Voeikov. The preoccupation with the drawing of regional
boundaries began in the eighteenth century, as did the concern with practical prob­
lems of economic development. And to find that geography is a focus of diverse
specialties rather than a remnant left over from the separation of the disciplines is
in line with longstanding Russian tradition.
The relations between the ruling Communist party and the members of a pro­
fession such as geography are not always clear to people unfamiliar with the Soviet
system. The kind of academic freedom that was developed in Germany in the nine­
teenth century and lost for a time in the 1930s never existed in the Soviet Union.
In the Stalin era scholars who ventured to express disagreement with party policies
could be arrested and punished. But after the death of Stalin in 1953 there was more
freedom to express critical views on policy questions. Disagreements within the
profession concerning professional matters were given wide publicity, even in the
public press. Discussion went on until some kind of a consensus could be discerned,
then the leaders of the Communist party announced the decision. Disagreements on
methodological questions involved the usual semantic traps when scholars some­
times mistook word symbols for reality and when certain words and phrases were
repeated without clearly defined referents. Words in both Russian and English carry
rich loads of connotations; when words are translated, many shades of meaning are
lost. As a result, the international discussion of theoretical or philosophical ques­
tions is not always fruitful. The best language for such discussion is mathematics.
Geography as a professional field was in a strong position in the Soviet Union
in 1990. We will attempt to trace the steps by which it reached this status.11

The Early Soviet Years

In the years immediately following the October Revolution the continuity of geo­
graphical teaching and research was greatly aided by Lenin himself. In 1918 he
presented his “Draft of a Plan of Scientific and Technical Work.” In this document
he called on the Academy of Sciences to work on the development of a plan for
“a rational location of industry in Russia from the point of view of proximity to
raw materials and a minimal expenditure of labor from the processing of the raw
materials through all subsequent stages of the processing of semifinished goods to
the finished product” (Saushkin, 1966:5).

11Such an attempt for those who do not read Russian becomes possible because of the
English translations of Russian studies since 1959. The periodical Soviet Geography
was translated and edited for many years by Theodore Shabad and published monthly
(except July and August) by the American Geographical Society. There is also the volume
translated by Lawrence Ecker and edited by Chauncy D. Harris, Soviet Geography,
Accomplishments and Tasks, a symposium of 50 essays by 56 leading Soviet geographers
edited by Gerasimov and others (Gerasimov et al., 1962). The issue of Soviet Geography
for September 1967 is a directory of Soviet geographers. In 1992 the title Soviet
Geography: Review and Translation was changed to Post Soviet Geography, in 1996 the
title was again changed to Post Soviet Geography and Economics', in 2002 it was retitled
Eurasian Geography and Economics.
260 / MODERN

The geographers in the Academy of Sciences were ready to make practical use
of the large amount of information that had been gathered during the preceding
half century under the guidance of Semenov and Anuchin. In 1918 the Commission
for the Study of Natural Productive Forces was established in the Academy of
Sciences, and one of its subdivisions was the Department of Industrial Geography.
The first assigned task was to make an inventory of Russia’s natural resources.
At the same time, in 1918, the first graduate school in geography in the Soviet
Union, the Institute of Geography at Leningrad University, was started by L. S.
Berg, A. A. Grigoriev, and others.12
A geographer who appeared on the scene at this time in a key position was
Nikolai N. Baranskiy.13 As a student at Tomsk at the turn of the century, Baranskiy
had been involved in underground activities against the government, and by 1917
he had established himself as one of the leading Bolsheviks. As Saushkin puts it:
. . . geography (and economic geography in particular) was for Baranskiy a logi­
cal continuation of his revolutionary party work. He saw in it one of the powerful
tools for remaking the world, for building communism, for indoctrinating and
educating the people. Baranskiy was clearly aware of the role that geography played
in the apprehension of the universe, and of the strength and party orientation of
its scientific ideas (Saushkin, 1966:20).
Furthermore, Baranskiy was a close personal friend of Lenin. For the development
of geography in the Soviet Union, here was the right man in the right place at the
right time. He, as much as any one person, was responsible for the development of
Soviet economic geography.
Lenin was a strong supporter of the kind of economic regionalization proposed
by Baranskiy. In 1920, in setting up the studies on which the construction of a net­
work of electric power stations and transmission lines was to be based, Lenin specified
that he wanted “a geography of each of the sections of the electrification plan” and
that he expected to see a map of the main power stations. He insisted that “the map
should clearly show the regions to be served by the central power stations, the type
of industry to be included, and everything associated with these regional stations”
(Saushkin, 1966:9).
The State Planning Commission (GOSPLAN) was established in 1921. After some
difficulty in gaining general acceptance for any regional division of the Soviet Union,
a special commission on regionalization was appointed and given authority to
recommend a rational plan for the division of the natural territory into functional

12The Institute of Geography was reorganized as the Faculty of Geography at Leningrad

in 1925. The Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces of the Academy
of Sciences in 1930 became the Institute of Geomorphology under Grigoriev; in 1934
it became the Institute of Physical Geography; and in 1936 it became the Institute of
13N. N. Baranskiy was bom in Tomsk in 1881 and attended the Law School at the
University of Tomsk. Like many young people in those days, Baranskiy was committed to
the cause of social revolution. In 1901 he was expelled for Marxist activities, and before
1917 he had been arrested three times by the czarist police. At the university he had
become interested in economic geography because of its relevance to social problems.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 261

units. The commission formulated the concept of the economic region in 1922 as

A region should be a distinctive territory that would be economically as integrated

as possible, and, thanks to a combination of natural characteristics, cultural
accumulations of the past, and a population trained for productive activity,
would represent one of the links in the entire chain of the national economy. This
principle of economic integration makes it possible to construct further, on the
basis of a properly selected complex of local resources, capital assets brought in
from outside, new technology, and the national plan of economic development,
a regional development plan that would make optimal use of all possibilities at
minimal cost. This will also help achieve other important results: the regions will
specialize to a certain extent in those activities that can be developed most fully
in them, and exchange between regions will be limited to a strictly essential amount
of purposefully directed goods. Regionalization will thus help establish a close
link between natural resources, working skills of the population, and assets
accumulated by previous cultures and new technology, and yield an optimal
productive combination by insuring a division of labor among regions and, at the
same time, organizing each region as a major economic system, thus evidently
insuring optimal results (Saushkin, 1966:12).

GOSPLAN divided the Soviet Union into 21 such regions and then proceeded
to a detailed study of each of them. The work was done by a large number of young
men and women with a variety of professional backgrounds, including engineering,
economics, and geography. Some of those who worked on the initial planning went
on to become leaders in economic geography. It was in 1920 that one of these newly
created geographers, L. L. Nikitin, made his first investigation of the writings of
the prerevolutionary geographers. The older data were combined with the latest infor­
mation regarding natural resources, physical conditions, population, and types of
economy in each of the regions. “Never before in Russian geography had such a
vast, diversified body of material been generalized on a regional basis” (Saushkin,
Baranskiy applied the ideas of economic regionalization to the theory of eco­
nomic geography, to the teaching of it in the schools, to the establishment of research
tasks in the universities, and to forecasting the territorial organization of productive
forces (Saushkin, Kosmachev, and Bykov, 1980). Baranskiy was the first Soviet
geographer to demonstrate that the science of economic geography consisted of a
system of economic regions related each to the other by a territorial division of labor.
Baranskiy substituted the notion of studying complexes of productive forces in regional
settings; that was a new conception in Soviet geography, and it met with some criti­
cism, especially in the 1930s. Baranskiy and his opponents, especially V. A. Den,
enjoined debate. In the end Baranskiy triumphed, referring to Den’s “political devi­
ation” and “leftist deviation,” both synonyms for failure. Baranskiy then brought
to the attention of his fellow geographers the works of non-Soviet geographers
including Alfred Weber, Alfred Hettner, Henri Baulig, Pierre Gourou, Eugeniusz
Romer, and Preston James.
Meanwhile, other geographers not directly employed by GOSPLAN were also
working on problems of industrial location and resource development. Of special
262 / MODERN

interest were the plans for the organization of interregional combines. N. N.

Kolosovskiy was the author of the plans for the great Ural-Kuznetsk Industrial
Combine. A theoretical model for an integrated industrial region combining basic
resources with steel production and with industries using the steel had been drawn
up in 1927 for the Dnieper Basin, but Kolosovskiy’s plan called for moving raw
materials and finished goods between regions. The plan was immediately attacked
by other geographers on the basis of central-place theory, but in 1931 such contro­
versy was dangerous because the loser could be arrested for anti-Soviet activities.
As might be expected, the geographers who worked on these practical problems
of economic planning advanced in their profession more rapidly than did those who
remained in the universities in teaching positions. The methodological and philo­
sophical discussions among the university geographers seemed irrelevant to those
who were using their knowledge of geography to find answers to “real” problems.
In the universities some even reverted to the traditional way of teaching economic
geography by topics instead of by regions. Baranskiy, who headed the new section
of economic geography in the Research Institute at Moscow, fought persistently for
the regional approach because this seemed to him the only way that geography could
make a useful contribution to practical questions of economic development.14
Some of the university geographers even continued to teach various forms of
environmental determinism in spite of authoritative decisions outlawing such ideas.
Lenin himself had taken vigorous exception to the notion that the steppes north of
the Black Sea could never be used for agriculture because of climatic conditions.
This point of view, he said, was based on the existing level of technology and ignored
the inevitability of technological change (Nikitin, 1966:36).15 Yet in 1923 A. A.
Kruber, then head of the Department of Geography at Moscow, wrote in a text­
book: “Like all living things on earth, man is subject to the same forces of nature,

14At Moscow State University, where the Department of Geography and Ethnography
had been established by D. N. Anuchin in 1887, a Department of Geography was
established in 1919 headed by A. A. Kruber. Anuchin became the head of a Department
of Anthropology and Ethnography. These were still undergraduate departments concerned
primarily with teaching. In 1923 a government decree (dated December 1922) established
the Scientific Research Institute of Geography, which was headed at different times by
A. A. Kruber, A. A. Borzov, N. N. Kolosovskiy, and B. F. Kosov. In 1929 this institute
was divided into two sections; one was to work on problems in physical geography, the
other, under Baranskiy, was to work on economic geography. This was the first time
that postgraduate training in economic geography as such became possible (Ryabchikov,
1968:348). The Department of Geography became the Faculty of Geography and Soils
in 1933 and the Faculty of Geography in 1938, under A. A. Borzov. Borzov, a physical
geographer, and Baranskiy, an economic geographer, led numerous field expeditions to
various parts of the country; their close and friendly cooperation was a major factor in
assuring the unified approach of geography during the years before World War II
(Ryabchikov, 1968:349-350).
15This statement by Lenin seems to give authoritative support for the principle that the
significance of the physical and biotic features of humans’ natural surroundings is a
function of the attitudes, objectives, and technical skills of people themselves—which is
a widely accepted bourgeois concept.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 263

which, with irresistible inevitability, determine both the conditions of settlement and
way of life of man” (Saushkin, 1966:16).
There were also repeated efforts to separate physical geography from economic
geography. The argument is the familiar one that the “laws” governing the physical
world are not at all the same as those governing economic behavior, and, therefore,
these two fields of study cannot logically, or even practically, be included in the
same discipline. It was all very well for Borzov and Baranskiy to work together in
harmony (much as Vidal de la Blache and de Martonne worked together at the
Sorbonne), but their students could find little common ground between physical and
economic studies. O. A. Konstantinov (who went on to become one of the leading
economic geographers of the Soviet Union) when he was a young man in 1926 wrote
one of those statements that young people the world over often write— to their later
We reject the possibility for economic geography to be simultaneously part of
two quite different systems of science (the geographic and economic sciences).
We hold that ours is not only an economic discipline, but a purely economic
discipline. In other words we are for a complete break with geography, in the sense
of complete outlawing of geographic approaches (Saushkin, 1966:23).
Baranskiy led the opposition to these challenges to the unity of geography. In the
1930s Stalin’s policy of strong centralized control of the economy made regional
study seem less relevant and seemed to negate the whole idea of an economic region
as a “major territorial production complex with a specialization of national

The Decisions o f 1 9 3 4
Baranskiy was victorious over his challengers. Little by little in the late 1920s and
early 1930s, the number of geographers who supported his regional approach and
his belief in the unity of geography increased. In 1933 at Moscow State University,
a Faculty of Soils and Geography was established.16 Included in this faculty were
departments covering both physical and economic geography (a good way of
saying both yes and no to questions about the unity of geography).
Then in 1934 two decrees gave official recognition of the professional support
that had been given to Baranskiy. The Council of People’s Commissars and the
Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party issued a decree on May 16,
1934, concerning the teaching of geography in the elementary and secondary

16In a Soviet university a department was one unit organized to teach and do research
in one specialty. A faculty included several departments, and a school was still larger.
The Faculty of Soils and Geography in 1933 included the following departments: soil
science, physical geography (Borzov), economic geography (Baranskiy), physical regional
geography, and cartography. In 1934 the Department of Economic Geography was
split into a Department of the Economic Geography of the USSR (Baranskiy) and a
Department of the Economic Geography of the Capitalist Countries (Vitver). In 1938 the
faculty was split into the Geography Faculty (Borzov, dean) and the Geology and Soils
Faculty (Ryabchikov, 1968:349).
264 / MODERN

schools. The decree restored the teaching of physical geography, with emphasis on
the use of maps. It also specified the teaching of economic geography. On July 14,
1934, the presidium of the Committee on Higher Technical Education of the Central
Executive Committee of the USSR specified the kind of geography to be taught in
colleges and universities. Here is some of what was specified:
. . . economic-geography teaching should concentrate on a large body of concrete
economic geography material, systematically represented on maps. The specifics
of economic geography, the location of productive forces, and economic region­
alization should be of central concern to teaching personnel. Most of the content
of economic geography should be taught on a regional basis. In the course on the
economic geography of the U.S.S.R., in particular, at least seventy percent of the
time should be devoted to economic regions (quoted by Saushkin, 1966:30-31).
The result of the publication of these decisions was an accelerated growth of the
fields included in geography. Even the newspaper Pravda published an editorial
on September 10, 1937, entitled “Know Your Geography.” In both Moscow and
Leningrad new departments and institutes were established, as they were also in
other universities throughout the Soviet Union. In 1938 the Faculty of Geography
at Moscow included departments covering general physical geography, physical geo­
graphy of the USSR, physical geography of foreign countries, economic geography
of the USSR, economic geography of the capitalist countries, geodesy, and carto­
graphy. But during and after World War II (by 1948), the Faculty of Geography
included the following additional departments: geomorphology, meteorology and
climatology, hydrology, geography of the polar lands, geography of soils, biogeography,
paleogeography, and oceanography (Ryabchikov, 1968). Furthermore, studies of the
geography of population had been included under economic geography. Baranskiy
himself offered a seminar on the economic geography of the United States in which
several specialists on this subject were trained (Saushkin, 1966:37).

Progress in Physical Geography

In 1963 Innokenty P. Gerasimov, the director of the Institute of Geography at the
Academy of Sciences, himself an outstanding physical geographer specializing in
the study of soils, presented the following summary of the important progress being
made in the various specialties of physical geography and biogeography:
The particular physical-geographic disciplines made extraordinarily rapid pro­
gress throughout the Soviet period, both in the development of theory and in the
formation of new approaches and research methods. In climatology, for example,
Soviet scholars developed the theoretical principles of forecasting and a typology
of climatic phenomena based on dynamic meteorology; they developed the
concept of an integrated climatography and, in recent years, gave rise to the
promising study of the radiation budget and the moisture cycle and their role in
the formation of climates. In the field of hydrology, Soviet scholars worked out
the theory of the water budget, the relationships between components (surface water,
soil water, and groundwater) and methods of transforming one into the other.
Glaciology saw the development of the physical theory of glaciation processes,
based on the study of heat and mass exchange in various types of glaciers.
Geomorphologists established the dynamic character of many exogenous processes
(erosion, deflation, abrasion, etc.) and, on the basis of a general theory of external
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 265

and internal forces and the study of recent crustal movements, developed the
morphotectonic or morphostructural approach to geomorphology. Soil scientists
identified many new soil types characteristic of taiga, desert, and mountain areas,
and worked out new approaches (for example, physical and biogeochemical)
to the study of the dynamics of soil-forming processes and the circulation of
substances in the natural environment. Biogeographers gave emphasis to the
ecological and biocoenotic approaches in the study of plant groupings and of
animal populations; in recent years these methods have been enriched by an
analysis of nutritional relationships and quantitative patterns of formation of
biomass in various environments.
. . . Although the achievements of the particular disciplines provided the main
elements of modem theory of physical geography, the formation of such general
theory was also complicated by the growing differentiation of the physical-
geographic disciplines, in which scholars concentrated their attention increasingly
on specific components of the natural geographic environment (Gerasimov,
1968b:242; see also Kalesnik, 1958).

Philosophical Discussion
In 1960 many of the differences of opinion regarding the scope and nature of
geography that had been smoldering for a long time in spite of official decisions
were brought out into the open (Matley, 1966). The lively discussions of the 1960s
were started with the publication of a book by V. A. Anuchin entitled Theoretical
Problems o f Geography in 1960. Hooson suggests that this book “for the first time
in Soviet history, set out to investigate the theoretical basis of geography as a whole
through historical and philosophical analysis” (Hooson, 1962:469). V. A. Anuchin
(who is a distant relative of D. N. Anuchin), a vigorous supporter of the idea of
a unified geography, attacks both an “inhuman” physical geography and an
“unnatural” economic geography. He rejects the idea of geographical determinism,
which he equates with bourgeois geography, and he also attacks the other extreme
of indeterminism, which he associates with the name of the American geographer
Robert S. Platt. The geographical method is best illustrated, he says, in studies of
territorial complexes (regions) in which the physical features, the history of settle­
ment, the population, and the economy are in balance.17
V. A. Anuchin’s book produced an immediate reaction among the Soviet geo­
graphers. It was warmly praised by Baranskiy and Saushkin and attacked by
Gerasimov, Kalesnik, Konstantinov, and others. Konstantinov characterized it as
“unscientific and anti-Marxist,” which is a curious echo of his earlier effort to remove
economic geography entirely from geography. The methodological controversy
continued for about a decade, much of it available for study in Soviet Geography.18

17In 1956 V. A. Anuchin published a regional study of Transcarpathia that is an excellent

example of the balanced approach to a territorial complex (Hooson, 1959:79).
18V. A. Anuchin submitted the book for the higher degree, Doctor of Science (the first
degree, independent of the second, is the Candidate of Science degree). The work was
rejected in Moscow in 1962. A large number of spectators were present. A further
two-day-long defense by Anuchin at Moscow State University in 1964 resulted in his
acquisition of the Doctor of Science degree.
266 / MODERN

Some geographers reacted with impatience. For example, V. V. Volskiy protested

that the Anuchin discussions took valuable time away from the important tasks of
economic construction (Volskiy, 1963).

Constructive Geography
Constructive geography is geography applied to the practical purposes of building
the socialist economy. Geographical concepts and methods have meaning in
terms of what they contribute to economic development planning. As a result, the
mathematical procedures as developed in regional science in the United States were
eagerly adopted in the Soviet Union. The term may be landscape science instead
of regional science. For example, A. G. Isachenko makes use of new terms with
old meanings to focus attention on applied geography as landscape science, which
he relates to the Dokuchaiev “law of zonality” (Isachenko, 1968). The landscape,
he points out, is a dynamic system in which matter and energy are circulating and
in which there are rhythmic (seasonal) changes of heat and water balance and
biological productivity. A classification of landscapes with a hierarchy of scales or
degrees of generalization was worked out for the whole Soviet Union to be mapped
on a scale of 1/4,000,000.19 These landscape definitions will provide an objective
basis for defining physical regions. The chief purpose of doing this is not just to
provide maps for teaching purposes, but to help identify regions useful for plan­
ning purposes.
Landscape science, says Gerasimov, goes back to the ideas of Humboldt and
Dokuchaiev (but not Schliiter) that were brought together in the writings of L. S.
Berg (Gerasimov, 1968a). A landscape is a combination of interrelated environ­
mental components (local climate, landforms, soils, plants, and animals) occupying
a discrete territory. It exists objectively in the natural environment. But studying
landscapes just for the purpose of describing them is not enough: Constructive
geography must use this knowledge for the effective transformation of nature.
Gerasimov offers four examples of constructive geography (Zimina, 1988):
1. The study of the geophysics of natural and cultural landscapes of the wooded
steppe in the central chernozem zone. The purpose was to investigate the heat
and water budget on the earth’s surface in virgin land and in cultivated land
and then to experiment with various technical devices for controlling natural
processes and so increase agricultural productivity.
2. The study of the irrigated lands of Central Asia. The purpose was to find ways
to control salt accumulation, to use water more efficiently, and to increase the
irrigated area. Questions investigated include the fate of the Aral Sea and what
the drying up of this body of water would mean for the total economy of the

19He suggests that a landscape is made up of discrete parts. For example, the slopes
of a valley side or the flat valley bottom are units known as facies; the whole valley,
combining two or more facies, makes up a urochishche. This seems to repeat Linton's
notion of indivisible unit areas.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 267

3. The study of means of reclaiming the swamps of the Ob Valley by using

properly placed dams and diversion canals. The study also includes the
hydroelectric potential.
4. Studies of the water in Lake Baikal for the specific purposes of reducing
pollution, regulating the flow through the Angara River, and finding new ways
of putting this natural resource to better use.

Urban Studies
Until after World War II Soviet geographers had paid little attention to studies of
cities. Although as early as 1910 V. P. Semenov Tyan-Shanski had pointed to the
need to classify cities in terms of their economic functions, the research studies of
the 1920s and 1930s were mostly devoted to problems in physical or regional geo­
graphy. In 1946 N. N. Baranskiy again suggested the need to develop a method
of classifying cities and made reference to urban studies in the United States as
examples of what might be accomplished. This time the suggestion was taken up,
and a large number of urban studies resulted. In 1962 Y. G. Saushkin wrote that:
“The geography of cities is the most rapidly developing branch of Soviet popu­
lation geography. The literature on methodology, methods for studies of cities,
systems of cities of the country as a whole and of its regions, as well as individual
cities of the U.S.S.R. is abundant” (Saushkin, 1962:34).
Most of these studies were undertaken for the practical purpose of providing the
background for planning projects (Fuchs, 1964). Chauncy D. Harris in a monograph
on Soviet cities also reviews the Soviet literature in this field. He reports that by
1970 some 400 Soviet geographers had published studies in urban geography
(Harris, 1970:28). He credits O. A. Konstantinov of Leningrad with “playing a lead­
ing role in defining the methodology and philosophy of Soviet urban geography”
(Harris, 1970:402). Harris summarizes his monograph as follows:

On the basis of data assembled from such diverse sources as the census pub­
lications, administrative handbooks, encyclopedias, gazetteers, atlases, maps, and
scholarly publications on Soviet urban geography, 30 variables (characteristics)
were recorded for 1,247 cities. These data were subjected to statistical analysis
[earlier]. Three principal components were found to be highly significant in that they
measured a high proportion of the variation for the thirty characteristics analyzed.
The first factor to be extracted in the principal components analysis showed high­
est association with the logarithm of the population in 1959; it is called the size
factor. The second exhibited the highest association with the logarithm of the urban
population potential of each city within its major economic region; it is called the
density factor. The third revealed highest association with the percentage increase
in population 1926-1959; it is called the growth factor (Harris, 1970:403).

What Holds Geography Together?

In spite of the integrating effect of focusing geographical studies on practical prob­
lems, a tendency to fly apart into separate disciplines appeared from time to time
among academic people. Y. G. Saushkin and T. V. Zvonkova identify recurring cycles
with an amplitude of some 25 to 30 years during which centrifugal and centripetal
268 / MODERN

tendencies can be observed. It seems that geographers are brought together because
of their concern with the geographical landscape (variously defined) and with
specific segments of earth space. The processes going on in a landscape are inter­
connected spatial systems, and the study of them separately is not the same as the
study of them as systems. In studying the economy of an area, full consideration
must be given to physical factors. There is also need to study the changes in the
landscape resulting from human action, whether planned or unplanned. The basis
of physical geography is landscape science. The general and the particular com­
plement and enrich each other. Especially in field study does the essential unity of
the geographical approach become apparent (Ryabchikov, 1968:354-355).
The training of young people for advanced degrees in universities in what was
the Soviet Union as elsewhere in the world perpetuated the recognition of geography
as a field of study. Within the system of higher education in this country, geo­
graphy was represented in 36 of the roughly 70 universities that trained both
research geographers and geography teachers as well as in 74 of the 185 teachers
colleges. Economic geography was also taught in a few specialized schools of eco­
nomics, such as the Plekhanov Institute of National Economy in Moscow and the
Finance-Economics Institute in Leningrad.
Twenty of the 36 universities had separate faculties (schools) of geography
consisting of two or more specialized geography departments; in other universities,
geography was combined with geology, botany, chemistry, geophysics, or other
natural sciences. Russian geographers say that the world’s largest educational and
research institution in geography is the geography faculty of Moscow University.
In 1953 the imposing new buildings of the university were completed on Lenin Hills
overlooking the city of Moscow. The faculty occupies six floors, and above them,
in the central tower, is the Earth Science Museum. In the mid-1970s the faculty
was broken down into 14 departments and 30 teaching and research laboratories.
It had a student body of 1700 and a teaching and research staff of 1780, of whom
40 percent were employed on outside contracts.20 Since then, further growth has
been accomplished.

In the early 1980s Soviet geography remained primarily a “natural” rather than a
“social” discipline, strongly oriented to serving the practical needs of the planned
economy, with a high predominance of applied over theoretical studies. Interesting
general observations about the state of Soviet geography in the middle 1980s were
made by Roger Brunet (1990) on the basis of the Directory o f Soviet Geographers,
which was edited by Chauncy D. Harris on the basis of materials collected by Theodore
Shabad (1988). The directory covers the period 1946-87 and lists more than 3700
Soviet geographers, with information on their location and their specializations.

20The institutional structure of geography in the Soviet Union is described in Soviet

Geography 18( 1977):540—556, following a useful directory of Soviet geographers,
pp. 433-538.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 269

According to the directory, in 1987 3394 persons in the Soviet Union were living
geographers.21 The majority of them—2303 persons (68 percent)—were specialists
in physical geography, against only 880 (26 percent) in human geography. The
remainder, 211 persons (6 percent), specialized in cartography, databases, history
of geography, and teaching. The distribution of specialists within physical geo­
graphy is also interesting: 41 percent of all physical geographers were found in
hydroclimatic studies (climatology, hydrology, limnology, and oceanography).22
Biogeography and soil studies with 29 percent was the second-largest area of
interest in Soviet physical geography; geomorphology came third, claiming 24
percent of all Soviet physical geographers. Soviet physical geographers specialized
in studies of the territory of the USSR itself; among regional specialities, polar
studies, both Arctic and Antarctic, figured prominently. The profile of Soviet
human geography was also very different from its Western counterpart. Among human
geographers, 365 were listed as experts in narrow economic specialties, 356 in the
general “economic geography,”23 and another 165 in urban and regional studies,
population geography, geography of tourism, and so on. Political, social, and gen­
eral theoretical issues were little mentioned. The majority of Soviet human geo­
graphers were engaged in the study of the USSR, with 120 persons (14 percent)
interested in the study of foreign countries. Remote sensing occupied a relatively
important place in technical methods, with approximately 100 geographers listing
this interest. Computer cartography developed late and was mentioned as a specialty
in 1987 by only five geographers.
The regional distribution of geographers followed the pattern typical for Soviet
science: It revealed a heavy concentration of researchers in the capitals, Moscow
and Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg again). In 1987 a total of 1419 geographers,
or 42 percent of those listed in the directory, worked in Moscow, and another 374
persons, or 11 percent, worked in Leningrad. In Moscow geographers were occupied
in such main centers of Soviet geographic science as the Faculty of Geography
at the Moscow State University (more than 500 researchers), the Institute of
Geography of the Academy of Sciences (about 300 researchers), and other research
institutes and centers, ministries, and planning agencies. In Leningrad the main cen­
ters of geographers’ concentration were the Faculty of geography at the Leningrad
State University (more than 100 researchers), the Institute of the Arctic and
Antarctic Studies, the Institute of Limnology, and others. Leningrad also houses
the headquarters of the Soviet (now Russian) Geographical Society. In the list of

21 This directory represents a very broad approach in its selection criteria: Some persons
cited here, especially in human geography, were neither trained nor worked as geographers
and can hardly be counted as professional geographers.
22Traditionally, limnology and oceanography have been considered as geographic
subdisciplines in Russian geography.
23Since the beginning of the 1930s and until the perestroika reforms, the term economic
geography was often related to the whole domain of human geography. Research carried
on under the title of economic geography might be devoted to issues in regional, urban, or
even cultural geography.
270 / MODERN

the main Soviet geographic centers, Moscow and Leningrad were followed by the
capitals of other former Soviet republics including Kiev, Tashkent, and Tbilisi. The
city of Irkutsk was the main geographic center for Siberia and the Russian Far East,
followed by Vladivostok and Novosibirsk. Other important centers of geographic
research include Kazan, Voronezh, Obninsk, Perm, Kaliningrad, Rostov, and
Yakutsk (the Russian Federation); Odessa, Lvov, and Simferopol (Ukraine); and
Tartu (Estonia). Most geographers working in smaller centers teach in pedagogical
colleges or work at field stations.
In the first half of the 1980s Soviet geography methodologically followed the
trends of the previous decade. In spite of calls from its conservatives “to carry out
fundamental and applied research in accordance with the methodology of the
macroeconomic plan” (Alayev, 1984), Soviet geography strove to enlarge its scope.
In 1982 one of the eminent geographers at the Leningrad State University, Sergey
Lavrov (1982), identified two main trends in the development of contemporary Soviet
geography: ecologization and socialization. These two terms mean, respectively, the
growing interest in issues in nature-society interaction and in the study of social and
cultural aspects of human spatial activity. Nevertheless, much space was devoted in
methodological debate to the problems of overcoming fragmentation of the discipline
and creating a “unified” geography (Gerasimov et al., 1981). The increase in ecological
concerns corresponded favorably with the quest to unify elements in geographic
research, the historical focus on bioclimatic processes, the longstanding tradition of
landscape studies (landshaftovedenie), and the composite study of natural complexes,
with the stress on links among diverse elements (Hooson, 1968). Expansion of ecolo­
gical research stimulated, in turn, the development of such fields as remote sensing,
mathematical modeling, and the use of system theory (Gvozdetskiy, 1982).
In the 1970s and 1980s Soviet geographers, both physical and human, still devoted
a great deal of their work to the problems of regionalization. In fact, the problems
of regionalization (rayonirovaniye) can be considered one of the most distinctive
methodological features of Soviet geography. From the works of Baranskiy,
Grigoriev (Zabelin, 1981), and Kolosovskiy came the concept of objectively exist­
ing regions, both natural and human. Early in the 1980s a group of geographers
headed by Yulian Saushkin from Moscow State University suggested a new
natural-economic region grid for the territory of the Soviet Union (Saushkin,
1982). Traditions of the landscape approach were revealed in the creation of the
integral landscape map for the whole of the USSR (Isachenko, 1982). The problems
of global environmental change were studied by several geographers, most notably
a meteorologist, M. Budyko.
Human geography slowly broadened its scope from narrow economic studies to
other social and cultural issues such as education, well-being, and leisure time. Among
the pioneers in social geography should be mentioned the Georgian geographer
V. Gachechiladgze, who conducted research on such politically sensitive topics
as the geography of crime and comparative analysis of well-being in the union
republics (Gachechiladze, 1985 and 1988) in the 1970s and early 1980s, prior to
the perestroika and glasnost reforms.24 One traditionally popular field in Soviet

24perestroika = restructuring; glasnost = openness.

The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 271

geography, urban geography, still draws considerable attention in the Common­

wealth of Independent States. A number of studies have analyzed the system of urban
and rural settlement in the former USSR, specificially its economic, social, and
ecological aspects. The complex analysis of the Moscow metropolitan region is the
most notable example.25
The general development of Soviet geography, especially with regard to meth­
odological issues, remained under the control of the governing state ideology until
1985, when Gorbachev’s reforms began. These reforms, shaking the very foun­
dations of Soviet society, led to a drastic reassessment of the goals, values, and
methods of Soviet science, especially its social and humanitarian branches, which
had suffered most from ideological intrusions. Geography was not an exception. In
1986 a group of leading geographers of the Institute of Geography in Moscow’s
Academy of Sciences confirmed that
Over the past 30 years, the attention of [Soviet] geography has been focused on
relatively narrow issues, most frequently of a practical nature. Their solution was
based on conceptions of geographical science which took shape in the thirties
and which already do not fully conform to the current level of the science and
practical demands. Emphasis in current research must be placed on elaboration
of fundamental principles of science which could serve as a basis for the further
resolution of problems of the interaction of society and nature (Kotlyakov et al.,
Then the Scientific Council of the Institute outlined the five major research areas
for the future development of the Institute’s work:
(1) development of the theoretical foundation of general, complex integrated phys­
ical geography as the physical basis for the solution of problems of interaction
between society and nature; (2) complex research on the factors and mechanisms
of stability and instability of geosystems as a basis for the rational utilization of
nature and for environmental protection; (3) discovery of regularities governing
the territorial organization of society; (4) the elaboration of theoretical prin­
ciples for the territorial organization of society; and (5) development of theory
and methodology for geoinformation, cartographic modelling, and remote sensing
(Kotlyakov et al., 1987).
This plan established a distinctive program for the development of geography. It
was clearly focused on the problems of people-environment interaction, use of a
system approach, the shift of Soviet physical geography away from the primary task
of inventorying the country’s natural resources, and suggestions for the most effec­
tive use of resources in solving the most crucial ecological problems.
The perestroika reforms in the late 1980s continued to bring new issues to geo­
graphers’ attention. Among the most critical new themes were regional disparities
in levels of social and economic development, the question of territorial justice in
future development programs, imbalanced development in resource frontier
regions, problems of local administrative autonomy, analysis of the administrative-

25An issue of a Soviet geography magazine was devoted to studies of the Moscow
metropolitan region: Soviet Geography 29, no. 1 (1988).
272 / MODERN

territorial division of the country, problems of interethnic conflicts, and, certainly,

environmental issues (Lavrov, 1990). One important issue that has drawn particular
attention is the Aral Sea problem in former Soviet Central Asia, where poor land use
techniques and careless use of water for irrigation purposes caused an ecological
calamity affecting the whole region.
The democratization of Soviet society brought some profound changes in the
methodology of Soviet geography. These changes included: (1) reappearance of a
genuine plurality of viewpoints and unrestrained discussions; (2) restoration of the
critical functions of geography as a discipline; (3) free exchange of ideas with Western
geography; and (4) rediscovery of the methodological and practical potential of the
prerevolutionary Russian geography. Human geography, which suffered the most
from ideological imposition, was especially affected. The field of political geo­
graphy, virtually nonexistent in the USSR, quickly appeared.26 A monograph edited
by L. V. Smimyagin, N. V. Petrov, and V. A. Kolosov containing the analysis of
the first democratic elections to the Soviet Parliament may be considered the first
Soviet work in electoral geography (Berezkin et al., 1989). An interest in the new
fields of the geography of perception should also be mentioned (Polyan, 1985). The
monograph Regions o f the USA (1989) by Leonid Smimyagin is a practical as well
as a methodological account of the longstanding tradition of Russian and Soviet
regional geography.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 has created a totally
different situation for geographers. Instead of one integrated network of Soviet geo­
graphy, today there are 15 divisions. An enormous diversity of economic, cultural,
and political conditions now prevails. The intensive search for national identities
that has begun in the newborn sovereign states will encourage the process of build­
ing new national schools of geography in these former Soviet republics (Hooson.
1994). However, as George Demko and Matthew Sadgers (1992) indicate, the
common intellectual heritage of Soviet and Russian geography will persist as the
major strand of continuity in post-Soviet geography in the former Soviet realm.


It is thought that the previous geography of the USSR being better funded, and
channeled without interference in the interest of a totalitarian state, could accom­
plish more than geographers scattered in a Russian federation of 15 divisions.
Data collected during the existence of the USSR could be shared throughout the
country, whereas some of the studies rendered in the post-1991 period tend to be

26See a special issue on political geography in the USSR: Soviet Geography 30, no. 8
27This summary of post-Soviet geographical developments has been provided by Alexey
Postnikov, professor and doctor of science, and deputy director of the Institute of the
History and Science of Technology, Russian Academy of Science. Much of the literature
cited is in the Russian language but has here been rendered in English.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 273

Against the fragmentation, however, much of the work of the Soviet 1980s retains
currency. This owed in considerable measure to the liberating effect of the
Gorbachev regime. Yet the Chernobyl tragedy, pollution surrounding Baku, and the
reduction of the size of the Aral Sea were only some of the problems contributing
to the instability of a multiethnic confederation. Hence, the geography of the post-
1991 period benefited from the more liberal inclinations of the 1980s. This includes
some of the work accomplished in physical geography, still the leading branch of
Russian geographical science. Methods and theory of natural resource study were
vital themes in these works, which include Yulig F. Kuizhnikov’s Main Foun­
dations o f the Distance Sounding (air-space) Methods fo r Geographical Studies
(1980) and Yu. A. Isakov, N. S. Kazanskaya and D. A. Panfilov’s “Classification,
Geography and Anthropogenic Transformation of Geographical Systems (1980).”
F. N. Milkov produced the three-volume Physical Geography (1987). Also
notable were Yu. G. Puzachenko’s Ecoinformation Science (1987) V. S. Skulkin’s
Forest Zones o f the USSR Vegetation’s Structure: A System Analysis (1980),
M. A. Glazovskay, A General Pedology and Soils’ Geography (1981). A collective
work, Geography and Natural Resources, was established by the Siberian branch
of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1980. In 1981 a new scientific research
vessel was sent on its first expedition. Many years of active Soviet and foreign
oceanographic studies were analyzed in O. L. Leontev’s monograph The Physical
Geography o f the Ocean (1982). In 1987 two Soviet deep-sea human-manipulated
diving vehicles, Mir-1 and Mir-2, achieved a depth of 6000 meters. Later, in 1994,
these vehicles were used by the joint Russian-British expedition aboard the scientific
research vessel Academic Mstislav Keldysh in the middle Atlantic, where a new
hydrothermal zone was found, unknown before 1994. During seven years’ study
aboard the same ship ecologically significant monitoring of the sunken nuclear
submarine Komsomolets was accomplished. The work was completed in 1995.
During the 1990s a decline in the country’s scientific activity relating to resource
studies, transportation development, and other practical tasks of the state, meant
that opportunities for advancement were lost (Postnikov, 2003). Yet social, human,
and economic geography received a stimulus even in the late 1980s due to liberal­
ization of government ideology. Suggestive of this revised viewpoint are Lev N.
Gumilyev’s Old Rus’ and the Great Steppe (1987), Ethno-genesis and the Earth’s
Biosphere (1989), and Ethnos' Geography in the Historical Period (1990). Further
distance from the earlier totalitarian viewpoint came in 1993 with the founding
of a new Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Culture Institute of the
Cultural and Native Heritage. Increased interest in human geography was demon­
strated by publications relating to the Russian history of geography and cartography.
These included A. Postnikov’s Russian Maps: A History o f Geographical Study
and Cartography o f Our Country (1996) and the first full-color facsimile edition of
the outstanding example of traditional Russian cartography, The Drawing Book o f
Siberia (2003), compiled in 1701 by the Siberian Semen Ul’yanovich Remezov.
Matters concerning geographical ecology began to assume more significance, espe­
cially in regions with problems resulting from environmental damage caused by human
misuse. N. F. Glazovsky studied the origins of environmental troubles in Aralian
Crises (1990). Other geographers, including K. N. D ’yakonov, T. V. Zvonkova,
274 / MODERN

and V. G. Linnik, published their results on ecological matters. To help protect the
natural environment of the steppe a research institute was founded in Orenburg
by the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Further concern for the
environment was demonstrated by a long-term glacial project (1974-97) that was
summarized in Atlas o f Snow and Ice Resources o f the World and completed under
the supervision of V. M. Kotlyakov. Subsequently Kotlyakov published six books
in serial form: Antarctic Glaciology (2000), Snow Cover and Glaciers o f the Earth
(2000), Geography in the Changing World (2001), Ice and Hypotheses (2001), In
the World o f Snow and Ice (2002), and Science is Life (2003). The latter is not only
a history of the life of one of Russia’s outstanding geographers but could also be
considered a history of Soviet and Russian geography in the twentieth century. In
2002 the scientists who were involved in this project were honored with the State
Prize of the Russian Federation.
Technology is also part of Russian geography. Adoption and use of geographic
information systems has intensified since the 1980s. Significant works of this genre
include Yu. G. Puzachenko’s Ecoinformation Science (1987), A. M. Berlyants
Image o f the Area: Map and Information (1986), and Cartography and GIS Science
(1991). The theory of geographical systems as a joint development of organic and non-
organic matter in nature was developed by A. Yu. Reteyum in Winter Worlds (1988).
With the new era in Russian society, the opportunity for young geographers
is brighter than perhaps for many decades (Hooson, 2001). This presupposes the
development of strong educational systems, an improving economy to fund serious
research and travel for exchange with others, and the opportunity to undertake stud­
ies in political geography, which were for so long discouraged, if not prevented.28

Agafonov, N. T., Anuchin, V. A. and Lavrov, S. B. June 1983. “The Present Tasks of Soviet
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Annenkov, V. V., and Demko, G. J. 1984. “Development of Relations between Geographers
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28For an assessment of contemporary matters in the C.I.S. see Bater, J. H. 1996. Russia
and the Post-Soviet Scene: A Geographical Perspective. New York: Wiley.
The New Geography in Russia, the USSR, and the C.I.S. / 275

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T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in C a n a d a

Journey over all the universe in a map without the expense and fatigue of
traveling, without suffering the inconveniences of heat, cold, hunger, and thirst.
— Cervantes

n the late nineteenth century Canada was being subjected to exploration. From
I 1898 to 1902 Otto Sverdrup mapped part of the coast of Ellesmere Island and
discovered yet other islands; Roald Amundsen completed the Northwest Passage
between 1903 and 1906 and thereby accomplished a feat that had defeated other
explorers for some 400 years; Robert E. Peary, arguably, reached the North Pole
in 1909; W. H. Hobbs published Characteristics o f Existing Glaciers in 1911,
advancing his glacial anticyclone hypothesis; and Vilhjalmur Stefansson traveled
10,000 miles from 1913 to 1918 over sea and land, reaching a latitude of 81°N and
returning to write The Friendly Arctic (1921). The people of Canada, situated in
northerly latitudes, had a keen interest in these activities relating to the frozen
frontier. Exploration of the interior had also been a rugged undertaking. From the
1670s European exploration of the Canadian West was an essential part of the fur
trade. Indians, explorers, and voyageurs were active in learning of the physical domain.
The accomplishments of Alexander Mackenzie, Philip Tumor, and Peter Pond are
well known; accomplishments of the likes of David Thompson are less well known.
The latter provided the first comprehensive map of the Canadian West (Jackson,
The Geological Survey of Canada was founded in 1841 (earlier than the found­
ing of the U.S. Geological Survey) and at once began accumulating information
about a little-known land. Confederation came in 1867, and people, knowledge,
and literature began a growth process. By the 1890s population density averaged
a little more than one person per square mile, which in part bespoke thin soils (the
product of glaciation), severe climate, and a neighbor to the south accepting large
numbers of immigrants into a less hostile physical environment. Against this
backdrop the study of geography could prove valuable.
In the late nineteenth century geography courses were taught in English-
speaking Canada in both elementary and secondary schools, and they were modeled
largely after the British system. Geography books were written by both British
and Canadian teachers. Developments in Quebec were somewhat different, being
inspired by French geography and geographers and put into practice by French
Canadians. The school systems gave only casual and sporadic attention to geo­
graphy, and when the subject was taught in the universities, it was based on other
than a demand welling up from school geography.

280 / MODERN


Geography in the French-speaking schools of Quebec has its roots in that subject
as taught in France. It is reported that beginning in the 1660s, the Jesuits offered
geography as part of mathematics and philosophy in the schools of New France.
The explorer Samuel de Champlain has since been regarded as a practicing geo­
grapher (Trudel, 1958), while Sebastien Vauban exerted particular influence on French
Canada. The first French-Canadian geography textbook was published in 1804. In
1835 the teaching of geography was recommended in the primary and secondary
schools of Quebec (then known as Lower Canada). In 1836 the Montreal Normal
School began instruction in geography. Geography was, therefore, not an unknown
subject to students in Quebec schools.
In 1877 the first geographical society in Canada was founded in Quebec
(Morissonneau, 1971). The society published a bulletin from 1880 to 1934. In 1881
Quebec sent geographers to represent Canada at the Third International Geo­
graphical Congress, held in Venice. L. E. Hamelin has suggested that in these years
French-Canadian geography was influenced by the migration from Quebec to the
United States, by the settlement of the Canadian prairies, and by exploration and
colonization in the subarctic region of Quebec. Henry Laureys, a Belgian scholar,
was appointed the first professor at the School of Higher Commercial Studies
(affiliated with the University of Montreal) in 1910. In 1914 he published Essai de
geographie du Canada in Brussels, and it was adopted as a textbook in Quebec.
Although geography was not at that time given departmental status, staff were added.
Benoit Brouillette, a Canadian who was formally educated in the French university
system, joined the staff in 1931, and Raymond Tanghe was added to the faculty
after he completed his graduate work in France.
After World War I geography was taught in other faculties of the University of
Montreal. Courses were established in the Faculty of Social Sciences in 1921 by
Emile Miller; his Terres et peuples du Canada, a pioneer text, facilitated the study
of Canadian geography in the classroom. From 1925 to 1927 Jean Brunhes, one
of the best known French geographers, offered geography at the University of Montreal,
working with his well-known book, Geographie humaine.
Another renowned geographer from France, Raoul Blanchard, made annual
visits in the years 1929-38 and 1945-49, during which he undertook field work and
sometimes lectured. Peter Nash has observed that Blanchard traversed the Atlantic
by ship 20 times, spending much of his time during his 15 visits to Canada in Quebec.
He was the last surviving protege of Paul Vidal de la Blache and the champion of
Francophone Canadian geographers. Blanchard was an influential figure in Canadian
geography through his students, courses, and literature. His publications numbered
more than 400 and were largely written at Grenoble, Quebec, and Cambridge (at
Harvard); his volumes on the French Alps and on the Province of Quebec are
especially notable. His methods, philosophy, and student-disciples are testimony to
his powerful presence. The work of Raoul Blanchard was recognized in a special
issue of Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec in 1986 on the 50th anniversary of the
publication of his first book on French Canada.
Further links with France came with Pierre Deffontaines, who brought French
human geography (rather than regional geography) to Quebec; he made extensive
The New Geography in Canada / 281

contributions over many years (Hamelin, 1986). Both Henri Bauligl and Andre
Siegfried visited Canada, Siegfried coming on several occasions prior to 1940. Baulig
wrote the prodigious Amerique septentrionale in 1935 and 1936 (two books con­
stituting one tome), and Siegfried published Le Canada, puissance Internationale
(1937) translated as Canada (1937). Although both of these books were published
in Paris, they were read widely in Quebec, and also by an international community.
The two books by Baulig were considered to be among the very finest examples
of regional geography as it was then practiced. Other French geographers had
previously published works on Canada, most notably E. Reclus (Joerg, 1936).
Despite these contacts with academic geography in France, geography was not
established at the graduate level in Quebec universities. It was offered as part of
general education for businesspeople and other French-Canadians, where it had
very considerable influence.


The first appearance of geography in a university curriculum in English-speaking
Canada was at the University of New Brunswick in 1800 (Williams, 1946). New
Brunswick also appointed the first provincial geologist in 1838. In 1841 the
Canadian Geological Survey was organized under Sir William Logan. This
development is of interest to more recent geographers because the members of the
survey provided data via exploration on which regional description early in the
twentieth century would rely. Geography was offered in the secondary schools in
the mid-nineteenth century and perhaps owed something to the American example
(Mayo, 1965). Prior to 1850 Jedidiah Morse’s books were widely used in Ontario
(then known as Upper Canada). However, Morse’s work and other American text­
books gave little attention to Canada and presented an antimonarchic viewpoint.
As a result, textbooks from Ireland were introduced into Upper Canada. One of the
first of these textbooks was Geography Generalized by Robert Sullivan (Croal, 1940).
The Irish National Readers were introduced into Upper Canada and by 1860 may
have been the chief source of geographic information for pupils. In 1857 one of the
first Canadian geography texts was published: The Geography and History of
British America by J. C. Hodgins. Much attention was given to physical geography,
but by 1896 commercial and economic geography began to enter the Ontario school
After 1900 the Committee of Ten exerted an influence on Canadian geography.
Ralph S. Tarr’s textbooks were adopted in British Columbia after 1900, but within
a few years physical geography in the high schools of both Canada and the United
States was in decline. In British Columbia the course in physical geography was
absorbed into general science and was dropped from the high school curriculum by
1920-21. In Ontario, however, a textbook entitled Ontario High School Physical
Geography was extended through several revisions and was studied by several1

1Henri Baulig studied with and then associated with W. M. Davis at Harvard, 1904-10.
At that time he traveled North America extensively.
282 / MODERN

generations of students. This course survived in Ontario until 1937, when it was
finally dropped. In addition, in Ontario economic geography entered the curriculum
in 1896, and by 1914 the first years of high school required Commercial and
Map Geography, a course that emphasized the study of Canada and the British
Empire. Later, George W. Cornish of the Ontario College of Education, University
of Toronto, wrote a series of texts for the course that emphasized commodities, Canada,
and empire. The social studies movement that emerged in the United States in the
late teens had less impact in Canada. Although the subject lost ground in the sec­
ondary schools, it at least remained at the elementary level. Teachers of geography
were needed, and, in the absence of university departments of geography, they were
hard to produce. Nevertheless, Canadian students seem to have studied more geo­
graphy than their American counterparts. In a 1923 study in which approximately
90,000 students in six provinces were involved, nearly 36,000 high school students
were enrolled in one or more geography courses, and almost 14,000 more were
taking a course in physiography. If physiography is included in geography, more
than half of the total sampled were taking a course in geography (Dyde, 1929).
Of considerable significance were the books relating to the geography of Canada
that were published in English. Especially noteworthy were The International Geo­
graphy by H. R. Mill (1899), which included “The Continent of North America”
by W. M. Davis and “Dominion of Canada” and “Newfoundland and Labrador”
by J. B. Tyrell (formerly of the Geological Survey of Canada); North America
(1901), an anthology assembled by F. D. and A. J. Herbertson; and the extended
Canadian entry in The Oxford Survey o f the British Empire (A. J. Herbertson and
O. J. R. Howarth, eds., 1914).


In the federal government in Ottawa, geography referred to work with maps and
atlases. In 1880 John Johnson was appointed the first federal government geo­
grapher. He was in charge of all government cartographic work, which later led to
production of the first Atlas o f Canada under the direction of James White, then
chief geographer, in 1906. This was a superb cartographic accomplishment and was
the second national atlas produced anywhere in the world. The atlas was revised
and updated under the direction of J. E. Chalifour in 1915. The third edition of the
Atlas o f Canada was published in 1957. It was a more comprehensive work than
previous editions owing to larger amounts of data being available. The fourth edi­
tion of this national atlas was published as a set of 127 separate maps between 1969
and 1973, also published as a bound volume in 1974. A fifth edition comprised 93
separate maps published between 1978 and 1995. Each of these editions made use
of the most recently available data. The collective editions of this atlas have doubt­
less been of inestimable help in economic development since 1906.
Canada was represented at the series of international geographical congresses that
had begun in Antwerp in 1871. Sir Sanford Fleming, chancellor of Queen’s Univer­
sity, surveyor and cartographer, was one of the attendees of the Venice Congress
The New Geography in Canada / 283

of 1881. He was arguably the most strenuous supporter of the Greenwich Meridian
as the prime meridian, and he is often credited with the conception of the modem
system of standard time zones (Nicholson, 1959).
Canada also took part in international geographical meetings through federal
government representatives. The country was represented at the International Geo­
graphical Congresses in Paris in 1889 and in London in 1895. In London Sir Charles
Tupper, then high commissioner of the United Kingdom and one of the Canadian
delegates, was elected one of the honorary vice presidents.
Canadian participation in the International Geographical Congresses and the Union
(the latter formed in 1922) also involved the government. In 1904 six Canadian
geographers participated in the congress held initially in Washington, D. C., and
for the first time presented papers. Thereafter Canadians participated regularly. Canada
officially joined the International Geographical Union in 1934. The Canadian
Geographical Society, which had been formed in 1929, was Canada’s official voice.
Montreal would host the Twenty-second International Geographical Congress in
1972. Six regional volumes were published to commemorate the congress (Trotier,
1972). Two years later, in 1974, the Canadian Association of Geographers and
the Canadian Committee for Geography prepared a special issue of The Canadian
Geographer to mark the occasion of the Twenty-third International Geographical
Congress, held in Moscow in the summer of 1976.
Geography in other government agencies became known. For example, the
Natural Resources Intelligence Service, established in 1917, published many book­
lets relating to the economic and industrial geography of Canada and its regions.
Although none of the geographers in the service had been professionally trained,
these publications were intensely geographic and were read widely. It was not until
1943 that a branch of the federal government hired its first professional geographer.
The lack of geographical expertise in government was noted by H. L. Keenleyside,
deputy minister of Mines and Resources. In the summer of that year, Trevor Lloyd,
a Canadian lecturing in geography at Dartmouth College, undertook work for the
Canadian Wartime Information Board. A few months later the Northwest Territories
Administration of the Department of Mines and Resources appointed J. Lewis Robinson
“to compile, organize and analyze information about Northern Canada for wartime
purposes and peacetime development.” In 1945 an assistant was added to the staff
and helped with the publication of articles relating to the geography of northern
Canada. In 1947 a Geographical Bureau in the Department of Mines and Resources
was established. Trevor Lloyd, on leave of absence from Dartmouth College, was
the first director, and in 1949 J. Wreford Watson (previously head of the Geography
Department at McMaster University) became chief of the Bureau. In 1950 the Bureau
was raised to the category of one of five branches in the reorganized Department
of Mines and Resources. The Joint Intelligence Bureau was established in 1947 in
the Defence Research Board, Department of National Defence. The directors of the
branches—Mines, Surveys and Mapping, Observatories, Geological Survey, and
Geographical—reported directly to the deputy minister. This arrangement persisted
until the late 1950s, when the post of director general of scientific services inserted
a step between the deputy minister and the directors. The administrative hierarchy
became more complex, although the potential for geographic contribution remained
284 / MODERN

impressive. Already in the 1950s branch workers were expected to work toward a
The influence of the Geographic Branch on the development of geography in
Canada was wide ranging. By the early 1960s geography in the universities had
begun to grow more important. This was a happy development, for exploratory
government geography was beginning to diminish as funds were reduced. Regional
studies were giving way to quantitative studies, the DEW (Distant Early Warning)
Line had focused attention on the north, and geographers were past the innovative
stage of air photo and mosaic methods. Meanwhile, the government was demand­
ing more practical results from the programs it supported. The branch was heavily
involved in academic glaciology and glacial geology in the Arctic but gave little
attention to southern Canada, where most Canadians lived. In 1967 the Geographical
Branch was terminated, and personnel and functions were shifted elsewhere in other
government departments. Many geographers went to a new department, which was
called Environment Canada, in 1970. Initially, it discharged traditional services such
as the Meteorological Service, Forestry, and Fisheries. However, after Kenneth
Hare assumed the position of science adviser, geographers were viewed as useful
scientists and were employed in the Lands Directorate, in glaciology, climatology,
and parks. What seemed to pose a disaster for the discipline when the Geographic
Branch was terminated emerged as a blessing because geographers were soon dis­
persed throughout some 30 government departments and did much useful work.
The departments included Statistics, Regional Economic Expansion, Urban Affairs,
Indian Affairs, and Northern Development (Fraser, 1983). Worthy of special
mention is the Glacier Atlas o f Canada (1969-72). This was initiated as part of
Canada’s contribution to the International Hydrological Decade (1965-74) pro­
gram for a world inventory of glaciers. Data concerning Canada’s ca. 100,000
glaciers was established and the atlas was developed, though not completed. A few
bound limited edition copies have been deposited in selected reference libraries. The
work was begun in the Inland Waters Branch of government and later transferred
to the Department of the Environment.
Geographers were also employed by the provincial governments, and ever more
so in the area of planning and development, land utilization, and conservation. By
the early 1970s geographer Pierre Camu was president of the St. Lawrence Seaway
Authority and administrator of the Canadian Marine Transportation Administration.
Numerous other geographers held governmental posts of responsibility.
Meanwhile, Isaiah Bowman, who was bom in Canada and who was director of
the American Geographical Society, had been developing a research program
concerning Pioneer Belts and Pioneer Fringe throughout the world. Bowman had
felt that geographers should head this project and that the frontier was a priceless
laboratory. By September 1928 the Pioneer Belts Committee of the Social Science
Research Council had agreed to help sponsor a Canadian-American Pioneer Belts
Project, the funding and control of which resided with the American Geographical
Society. In fact, the Council of the Society made funds available conditional on a
pledge from Canadian authorities that they would complete the Land Classification
Survey in the northern portion of the prairie provinces. William A. Mackintosh
of Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, was appointed director of the Canadian
The New Geography in Canada / 285

Pioneer Problems Committee, a distinguished group that included Dawson (McGill),

Martin (Manitoba), Lower (Queens), and Innis (Toronto). In this committee geogra­
phers worked with economists, historians, and sociologists. An advisory committee
included Frederick Merk (chairman), Oliver E. Baker, Kimball Young, and W. L. G.
Joerg. The work progressed in admirable fashion, with 13 authors participating
in the publication of 3000 pages (in eight volumes) concerning frontier settlement
and the exploitation of unsettled areas (Martin, 1980). The series of books entitled
“Canadian Frontiers of Settlement” proved valuable to the Canadian government
and contributed to the growth and development of the country in a variety of ways.
It helped the cause of geography in Canada at a critical time in its history. Clearly,
administrations were beginning to grapple with the place of geography in the


The University of British Columbia first offered geography courses in 1915 in
the Department of Geology and Mineralogy. The geography offered was largely
physical geography, and geologists such as Stuart J. Schofield, Edwin T. Hodge,
and Reginald W. Brock taught it. In 1922 the title of the department was changed
to Geology and Geography, and more courses were added. Brock died in 1935, and
Gordon Davis was hired to teach the three geography courses in the curriculum.
As early as 1895 George M. Wrong, a historian at the University of Toronto,
had offered a geography course, one part of which was entitled Commercial Geo­
graphy, with the second part relating to transportation (Joerg, 1936). Several other
courses relevant to geography were offered in the Department of Geology, and later
the Department of Political Science offered several courses of a geographic nature
including Economic Geography. Geography textbooks (such as Physical and
Commercial Geography by H. E. Gregory, A. G. Keller, and A. L. Bishop) were
adopted. But ultimately the interests and work of Harold A. Innis served as the
catalyst that led to a Department of Geography. Innis perhaps remains better known
as an economic historian, but he was intensely interested in geography. He attended
the International Geographical Congress, Cambridge (England), in 1928 and visited
geography departments in England and Germany. That autumn his academic title
was changed to assistant professor of economic geography. Innis had completed a
Ph.D. at the University of Chicago (1920) and retained connections with that
university. After learning of Griffith Taylor’s arrival in Chicago in 1928, Innis
began to negotiate for Taylor’s leadership of geography at Toronto.
Taylor had become chairman of the first university Department of Geography in
the Southern Hemisphere in 1920 at the University of Sydney, Australia. Since that
time he had written several works on a variety of subjects. In particular, he had per­
ceived that the “boomer” position of the Australian government was ill founded.
(The Australian government encouraged immigration to the island-continent with­
out understanding the limitations imposed by the environment.) His opposition on
this matter, coupled with a sabbatical leave and the opportunity to associate with
286 / MODERN

the department of Geography at the University of Chicago, led him to Chicago

in 1928, where he stayed for the next seven years. His creativeness and his
prolificness were remarkable. Taylor was invited to give lectures at Toronto in
1935, and in the following year the formation of the Department of Geography
was announced. It was the first such department created in a Canadian university
(pursuant to the binomial Department of Geology and Geography at the University
of British Columbia in 1922). His first two assistants were Andrew H. Clark and
Ann Marshall, both of whom later became professional geographers. By the late
1930s Taylor had added Donald Putnam and George Tatham to the geography
faculty, and they jointly lectured to more than 600 students a year. By 1940 an
honors course in geography had been established, and graduate students were being
admitted. The first doctorate in geography was awarded to Chun-Fen Lee (1944),
and the following year the second doctorate went to J. Wreford Watson, then at
McMaster University.
Other Ontario universities also started geography programs in the late 1930s. In
1938 Edward G. Pleva, from the University of Minnesota, began giving geography
lectures in the Geology Department at the University of Western Ontario, in
London. In 1939 at McMaster University, J. Wreford Watson from the United Kingdom
offered geography courses. As enrollments increased, a Department of Geography
was announced at McMaster University in 1942.
During World War II, the lack of geographers in Canada became apparent. This
fact, coupled with the knowledge that world understanding was a prerequisite to
lasting peace, encouraged the establishment of new departments after the war and
the expansion of those that had already been established. In 1945 McGill Univer­
sity founded a department led by George H. T. Kimble from the United Kingdom,
and in the next year F. Kenneth Hare and J. Ross Mackay were added to the faculty.
In 1947 the McGill Summer School of Geography was opened in Stanstead,
Quebec, bringing in leading U.S. and British geographers as summer lecturers. Later,
the headquarters of the Arctic Institute of North America was established on the
McGill campus. In 1950 Kimble left to become director of the American Geo­
graphical Society, and Hare became chairman of the department.
By 1950 there were eight geography (or joint) departments across Canada, and
graduate work was offered in six of them.2 During the 1950s geography departments
were established in all the major universities, and in the 1960s geography was added
in many of the smaller universities. By 1961 there were 19 geography departments
in Canada, and by 1966, 35 universities included geography departments or geo­
graphers. In 1966 student enrollments were substantial. Led by the Universities of

2The sequence for the foundation of geography departments in Canada is: Toronto, 1935,
Western Ontario, 1938. McMaster. 1942, McGill, 1945, Laval, 1946, British Columbia,
1946, Western Ontario, 1946, Montreal, 1947, Victoria, 1949, Ottawa, 1951. Manitoba.
1954, Edmonton, 1955, Carleton, 1957, Waterloo-Lutheran (Wilfred Laurier University),
1959, Queens, 1960, Saskachewan, 1960, Waterloo, 1962, York, 1962, Victoria, 1962,
Calgary and Sherbrooke, 1963, Brock, Winnipeg, and Simon Fraser, 1964, Windsor, 1965.
Regina, 1966, and Trent, 1968. (The University of British Columbia offered geography in
1922. but there was not a department of geography.)
The New Geography in Canada / 287

British Columbia, Toronto, and Alberta, undergraduate enrollment reached a total

of 19,148 (Robinson, 1967).
Graduate enrollments also increased. Beginning in the 1960s, Canadians began
to remain in Canada for their graduate education instead of studying in the United
States or the United Kingdom. In 1966 there 304 graduate students in residence in
English-speaking Canadian universities; of these, 243 students were studying for
an MA degree and 64 were in Ph.D. programs. By 1967 some 20 geography depart­
ments throughout Canada were offering graduate-level work. McGill, Western
Ontario, British Columbia, and Toronto had the largest number of graduate students.
Correspondingly less graduate work was undertaken in the United States. A con­
siderable number of these students came from Britain; they were initially attracted
by scholarships for graduate study and then by opportunity in the new land.
Canadian departments expanded in the 1970s. The number and variety of
graduate specializations increased in Canada, and strengths were developed in most
branches of the discipline. The larger departments increased from 15 to 20 faculty
members each to 30 and more by 1990, a figure larger than in most U.S. univer­
sities. This large size ensured production of larger numbers of both undergraduate
and graduate students, and ever increasing specialization. By the year 2000 there
were 48 university geography departments in Canada, with many departments
including 15 to 25 members, the University of Toronto being the largest with 34
members, and the University of British Columbia with 33 (though, of course, these
numbers are subject to change). As late as 1985-86 more professional geographers
in the universities were socialized outside Canada than in it, and a majority also
achieved their highest degree beyond Canadian boundaries (Porteous and Dyck, 1987).
The process of Canadianization had begun to take place. This process had been speeded
up in the 1970s when the Canadian government decreed a hiring policy of “Canada
first." This policy reduced the number of faculty imported from the United
Kingdom and the United States. Later, this policy was reviewed and revised.


Geographical societies and associations were established in Canada and published
journals that would provide an outlet for the work of Canadian geographers and
others. For example, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society was founded in 1930
and published the Canadian Geographical Journal? a journal oriented to popular
tastes. The Canadian Association of Geographers was established in 1951, and its
publication was The Canadian Geographer. The first president was Donald F. Putnam
from the University of Toronto; Raoul Blanchard and T. Griffith Taylor were des­
ignated honorary presidents in 1952. Two presidents of the Canadian association,
F. Kenneth Hare and J. R. Mackay, were also made presidents of the Association
of American Geographers. This association held its annual meetings in Montreal

3This publication, now entitled Canadian Geographic, had a circulation of 195,000

(1990). It is estimated that about 1 million people read Canadian Geographic.
288 / MODERN

and Toronto in 1956 and 1966, respectively, and in 1961 Canadian-born Andrew
H. Clark was made honorary president of the association.4 In the first 25 years of the
Canadian organization, 7 of the 25 presidents were French-speaking geographers
from Quebec universities.5 The association’s original policy was to rotate the presi­
dency between English-speaking and French-speaking academic geographers. This
bilingual policy broke down in the 1970s, when the English-speaking membership
far outstripped the French-speaking. In 1972 the Canadian Association of Geo­
graphers granted its first awards for scholarly achievement and service to the pro­
fession.6 The association initially published an annual Newsletter, which was later
replaced by a Directory. In 1983 the association started a second publication, The
Operational Geographer, which was aimed primarily at geographers in nonacademic
positions. The Federal Geographical Branch published The Geographical Bulletin.
French-Canadian geographers published Cahiers de geographie du Quebec and
La Revue canadienne de geographie, both of which were written mainly in French,
although some articles were in English.
The association also was responsible for a number of excellent publications. In
1976 while the Societe de Geographie du Quebec was celebrating its centennial,
the Canadian association was celebrating its 25th anniversary. Honoring that
occasion, Hamelin and Beauregard provided Retrospective, 1951-1976 (1979).
Recognition of Canada’s centennial inspired the very successful Canada: A Geo­
graphical Interpretation (John Warkentin, ed., 1967). Then, planning for a series of
works in the 1980s led to a fine four-volume Canadian Association of Geographers
Series in Canadian Geography, for whom the editor was R. Cole Harris. These were
published between 1993 and 1997 and include Canada s Cold Environments (eds.
French and Slaymaker, 1993); The Changing Social Geography o f Canadian Cities
(eds. Bourne and Ley, 1993); Canada and the Global Economy: The Geography
o f Structural and Technological Change (ed. Britton, 1996); and The Surface
Climates o f Canada (eds. Bailey et al., 1997).
Several universities also published discussion papers, and monographs were estab­
lished at different institutions, for example, The Ontario Geographer (University
of Western Ontario), The Alberta Geographer (University of Alberta, Edmonton),
and The Western Geographical Series (University of Victoria).


Canadian geography seems to have passed through three distinct phases. The first
was led by the Department of Geography at Toronto. Here T. Griffith Taylor

4William F. Ganong was the first Canadian to be invited to join the Association of
American Geographers as a founding member; he declined.
5P. Dagenais (1952); B. Brouillette (1954); P. Camu (1956); F. Grenier (1964);
L. Beauregard (1968); L. E. Hamelin (1971); L. Trotier (1974).
6In 1990 the association had more than 1100 full members and several hundred student
members. By the year 2003 that figure was approximately 800, with fewer student
The New Geography in Canada / 289

initiated a series of papers on Canadian geography much as he did for Australian

geography earlier in the century. In 1936 Taylor published “Fundamental Factors
in Canadian Geography,” an excursus in geological control that relates topography,
climate, and communications. His physiographic division of Canada, supportive
of the regional position, remains useful to this day. As was his style, the paper
was speculative and assertive on the issue of population distribution, with Taylor
suggesting that ultimately Canada might support a population of 100 million
people. This article proved to be the genesis of a sustained geographic literature on
Canada. One year later, in 1937, Taylor wrote “The Structural Basis of Canadian
Geography,” which demonstrated Canada’s place in the “World Plan.” Two further
articles were “Topographic Control in the Toronto Region” and “Climate and Crop
Isopleths for Southern Ontario.” In 1937 he published Environment, Race and
Migration: Fundamentals o f Human Distribution, with Special Sections on Racial
Classification and Settlement in Canada and Australia. This was a revision of
Environment and Race: A Study o f Evolution, Migration, Settlement o f Status o f the
Races o f Man (1927). The revised book, speculative and energetic, attracted both
attention and criticism in the review literature. Taylor was a pioneer, with many
hypotheses he was anxious to advocate and propound but less anxious to confirm.
Such a geography was bound to attract attention; it was unlikely to produce a school,
but it could and did generate student and other admirers. The spectacle of this
scholarship brought attention to geography in Canada. He then wrote “Structure and
Settlement in Canada” (1940), “The Climates of Canada” (1941), Canada's Role
in Geopolitics, a Study in Situation and Status (1942), “Towns and Townships in
Southern Ontario” (1945a), “A Mackenzie Domesday, 1944” (1945b), “A Yukon
Domesday, 1944” (1945c), and a host of other articles. Meanwhile, he had produced
The Geographical Laboratory, A Practical Handbook fo r a Three Years’ Course
in North American Universities (1938), Canada, Study o f Cool Continental
Environments and Their Effects on British and French Settlement (1947), and
Canada and Her Neighbors (with D. J. Seivewright and T. Lloyd, 1947). The Practical
Handbook was widely used by students, and his Canada was widely read in the
universities and beyond. Significant, too, was his interest in the Arctic, especially
in the years of World War II, which encouraged others to share and further this
work. It is interesting to observe that each of the established national geographies
has developed around the work of one (or more) outstanding individuals; for
Canada, that individual was Taylor.
Taylor brought Donald F. Putnam (1938) and George Tatham (1939) into the
department at Toronto. Putnam, a native of Nova Scotia, had a splendid grasp of
agriculture and physiography. He was a first-rate field worker, and he also contributed
substantially to an understanding of Canada’s regional geography. His Physiography
o f Southern Ontario, published in 1951 and written with Lyman Chapman (of the
Ontario Research Foundation), is a book of exceptional merit, still of value today.
Tatham, educated at Liverpool University, where he was much influenced by P. M.
Roxby, taught in the British university system until he moved to Toronto in 1939.
There he developed courses on human geography, Europe, the history of geographic
thought, political geography, and topographic map interpretation. His two essays in
Taylor’s Geography in the Twentieth Century (1951)—“Geography in the Nine­
teenth Century” and “Environmentalism and Possibilism”—live on, a tribute to their
290 / MODERN

Raoul Blanchard Louis-Edmond Hamelin

F. Kenneth Hare R. Colebrook Harris

The New Geography in Canada / 291

George Tatham T. Griffith Taylor

292 / MODERN

excellence. The significance of this department in the rise of geography as a

university subject in Canada cannot be overestimated. Taylor noted that develop­
ment in an unpublished document, “The First Fourteen Years.” His insistence on
extensive and continuous field and laboratory study rendered Canadian geography
somewhat different from American geography. Putnam’s life and accomplishments
have been well recorded (Putnam and Sanderson, 2000) and a biobibliography
published (Sanderson, 2001).
Taylor’s leadership of geography at Toronto was an essential part of Canadian
geography, although it was not the whole of it. Physical geography and regional
geography were vigorously developing, and British influence, learning, and personnel
continued. However, there was room for models that were already being adopted
and philosophy that was being developed. It was a beginning. But as J. W. Watson
has stated, “Canadian geography prided itself on real and not theoretical geography.”
The second phase of Canadian geography began in the 1950s. At this time regional
geography began a modest decline. Systematic geography became fragmented,
and cartography, historical geography, and applied geography surged in popularity.
Most of the geography retained a close proximity to the real world. There was
little activity in the theory of methodology. The declining concern with the regional
enterprise led J. Lewis Robinson to urge Canadian geographers to return to the regional
concept (Robinson, 1956, 7, 49). In his presidential address before the Canadian
Association of Geographers, “Geography and Regional Planning” (Robinson, 1956,
8, 1-8), he demonstrated that despite a respect for regional geography, little
regional work was being accomplished. More and more, specialization had become
the order of the day. A considerable literature emerged concerning the justification
of geography. Hamilton (1950, 1, 7-10) suggested that the schools emphasize the
regions of Canada and that the universities develop systematic geography. The
Canadian Association of Geographers established an education committee to inves­
tigate goals recognizing that the success of university-level geography depended on
the success of geography in the high school. T. Hills (1957, 9, 55-59) accepted
geography as “the study of the world to show how physical and human phenom­
ena are related in space and how variations in these relationships give rise to
distinctive regions of landscapes, which are the core of geographic study.” School
and university geography were thoughtfully related to each other and were not
separated as they were in the United States.
One paper that commanded attention was that by Pierre Dagenais (1953, no. 3,
1—15): “The Status and Tendencies of Geography in Canada.” He stated that
geographers should emphasize systematic rather than regional geography and seek
“scientific precision.” He cited Andrew Clark’s survey of university theses in
Canadian geography, which revealed that 167 of 181 theses were regional. By
then, however, trends were changing. In the early to middle 1950s, approximately
10 percent of the articles published in The Canadian Geographer were regional,
but nearly two-thirds were systematic. In this same period, there was little emphasis
on theory, methodology, or qualitative analysis. A new point of view arrived in 1958
with “The Interactance Hypothesis” (1958, 11, 1-8) by Ross Mackay. This essay
demonstrated that interactions could be studied by way of a theoretical model express­
ing relationships between variables. This work marked the beginning of quantitative
The New Geography in Canada / 293

geography in Canada. The quest for precision was underway, although it lagged
behind the movement in the United States. Geographers began to study quantitat­
ive methodology and thereby became more involved in the study of mathematics
than previously. Several impressive contributions were published in The Canadian
Geographer, namely, Lukermann on probability theory (1965), Werner on the law
of refraction in transportation (1968, vol. 12) and two models from Horton’s Law
(1972) , Curry on spatial regression (1972) and Wayne Davies on factorial ecology
(1973) . Ian Burton (1963) had already published “The Quantitative Revolution and
Theoretical Geography.”
In addition, geography departments became heavily involved in preparation of
provincial atlases and in city, regional, and provincial planning. Physical geo­
graphy remained a traditional area of strength. Less activity was evident in foreign
area studies, economic geography, and cultural geography.
After the 1970s studies concerning geography as a discipline became more numer­
ous, and geographers involved themselves in the process of explanation. F. E.
Lukerman offered “Geography as a Formal Intellectual Discipline and the Way It
Contributes to Human Knowledge.” (Though not Canadian, Lukermann was well
received in Canada.) Edward C. Relph published “Relation Between Phenomeno­
logy and Geography” (1970:193-201). L. Guelke offered “Problems of Scientific
Explanation in Geography (1971:38-53), and D. J. Walmsley wrote “Positivism
and Phenomenology in Human Geography” (1974:95-107). Geographers sought
to offer explanation and the contribution of this to philosophical discourse. Much
less attention was accorded the history of geographical thought. In this important
period specialization began to characterize both teaching and research; this devel­
opment led to divisions of knowledge among coworkers. Larry S. Bourne, D. Michael
Ray, James W. Simmons, Paul Villeneuve, and Maurice Yeates borrowed from
quantitative analysis and wrote about the structuration of Canada’s future urban
society. Urban geography became very significant in Canadian geography, and many
excellent contributions were made.
In recent years some interesting urban research has been undertaken on the dif­
ferences between Canadian and U.S. cities. Perhaps Canadian geographers have too
long used the model of the American city to help them understand the Canadian
city. The legitimacy of this approach was strongly challenged by M. A. Goldberg
and J. Mercer in The Myth o f the North American City: Continentalism Challenged,
a theme Bunting and Louise Filion elaborated on in The Monograph (1988). Of much
value was the Canadian Geographer's special volume for 1967 commemorating the
centenary of the founding of Canada. Numerous articles were written about Canadian
geography (W. A. Dean), population changes (T. R. Weir), geography in universit­
ies (J. Lewis Robinson), geography in secondary schools (R. G. Putnam), historical
geography (R. Colebrook Harris), man and landscape (J. G. Nelson), quantitative
geography (Leslie Curry), geomorphology (J. T. Parry), biogeography (John
M. Crowley), resource development policy (Derrick Sewell and Ian Burton), urban
geography (James W. Simmons), geography and planning (John N. Jackson), and
economic geography (Richard S. Thoman). This publication constitutes a form of
“Inventory and Prospect”; certainly, it provides excellent coverage for the years
294 / MODERN

Later, analyses of trends in Canadian Geography were offered by J. Lewis Robinson

(1986:9, 15-18) and J. W. Watson (1981:393-398). Canadian geographers have
focused heavily on Canadian geography and physical geography (largely geo­
morphology and climatology) and have shown rigorous attention to urban studies
and articles employing mathematical symbols. P. J. Smith (1975) elaborated the role
of geographer and urban planning in the urban planning process and encouraged
geographers to contribute to the task. Ralph R. Krueger urged integration of the best
in the old and the new geography and unity within diversity among geographers
(Krueger, 1980). Once the core of regional geography had been removed, there was
little to hold the discipline together. Krueger urged the search for a new framework,
so that the diversity of the field would be its greatest strength. This point has since
been reiterated by Brenton Barr, who has urged a return to regional studies and regional
courses. Leslie J. King shares the same concern (King, 1988).
Canadian geography has embraced high technology (Krueger, 1989). Computers,
tied to satellite and geographic information systems technology, have enabled geo­
graphers to undertake resource analysis, landscape interpretation, and environmental
monitoring as never before. Canada had a significant role in developing France’s
satellite earth observation system; this technology was also sold to India and
Thailand. Within the Department of Geography at the University of Waterloo, the
Digital Remote Sensing Group, identified as the Earth-Observations Laboratory,
analyzes the need for remote sensing some years from the present. Remote sensing
has become an established part of the university’s geography curriculum. This has
meant excellent employment prospects for students with these skills, which, in turn,
encourages the expansion of these programs.
The Geography Department at the University of Waterloo merged with the
university’s Faculty of Environmental Studies in 1969. Geography became the larg­
est component of the new group; other components included Environment and
Resource Studies, a School of Architecture, and a School of Urban and Regional Plan­
ning. Many joint appointments have been made. The enterprise has grown rapidly,
with the unit doubling its original size with more than 80 faculty and approximately
1500 undergraduate students. All the deans and associate deans have been geo­
graphers.7 In addition, the Geography Department of the University of Waterloo
and the Geography Department at Wilfred Laurier in Waterloo have combined their
graduate offerings and now probably offer the largest graduate geography program
in North America. The applied nature of the offerings renders the graduate students
suitable for technical appointments all over the world.
Historical geography has remained a strong concern in Canadian geography. D.
Meinig (1986) revisited the early exploration and settlement of the Atlantic Canadian
coastal area: the colonization of eastern Canada and reorganization of British North

7Special mention might be made of Peter Nash, Founding Dean of the Faculty of
Environmental Studies, 1970. A Festschrift, Abstract Thoughts: Concrete Solutions, Essays
in Honour of Peter Nash, (eds. L. Guelke and R. Preston) was published in 1987 as an
expression of appreciation for his large geographic knowledge and his leadership at
The New Geography in Canada / 295

America after the American Revolution is well revealed. R. Cole Harris (1987) edited
the Historical Atlas o f Canada: From the Beginning to 1800. This was at once
recognized as an authoritative source concerning the physical environment and
early settlement in Canada. J. Gibson has developed a substantial part of the his­
torical geography of the Pacific Northwest (1991). Numerous other studies were made
concerning early mining, communications, transportation, and other matters.
The 1980s and 1990s were marked by a renewed interest in global thinking: Global
interaction and change have been brought to the intellectual level. (Geography
always had a global mission in the classroom but not in research.) The World Con­
servation Strategy of 1980 and the Bruntland Report, Our Common Future, 1987,
came out at a time when the Royal Society of Canada had initiated the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Program. The Canadian Association of Geographers has
established a Global Change Committee, and universities are now hiring faculty
with global perspectives. Global warming, desertification, destruction of genetic and
forest resources, demographic change, and the spread of disease are just some of
the concerns that have encouraged geographers to return to the macro-perspective
they once held. Yet, foreign area specialists are limited in number. The larger focus
is on Canada.
The history of geography in Canada seems to hold little interest, perhaps be­
cause the university departments of geography are still very young, or because much
of the work of the geographical community has been done by imported scholars.
In the earlier decades T. G. Taylor and George Tatham occasionally offered essays
in the history of geography. Taylor’s Geography in the Twentieth C entw j (1951)
is an example of such a contribution. The preface contains the statement that
Taylor had been approached “with a view to producing a study of the growth, fields,
techniques, aims and trends of geography. Characteristics of its evolution during the
period since 1900 were specially to be described.” In “Griffith Taylor and Canadian
Geography” (1967), George Tomkins presents an interesting dissertation concern­
ing biography, thought, and pedagogy. Unfortunately, this work never reached a
wide audience. Marie Sanderson has also written about the life and thought of
T. G. Taylor using archival documentation and has supplemented Taylor’s auto­
biography, Journeyman Taylor. She has also written about the life & thought of
Donald J. Putnam. John Warkentin wrote of the life & thought of George Tatham.
J. Lewis Robinson has written many shorter pieces relevant to the history of
Canadian geography. His works relate to geography at the University of British
Columbia, numbers of geographers in Canada, the production of doctorates, geo­
graphy in Canada from the 1950s to the 1970s, trends in Canadian geographical
thinking, and so on. Vincent Berdoulay, who until 1980 was at Ottawa, has written
on La Blache and Harold Innis. Joseph May covered the history of geography with
special reference to Immanuel Kant. Both Leonard Guelke and Anne Buttimer have
dealt with the philosophy of geography. For Canadian francophone geography,
L. E. Hamelin and L. Beauregard have made meaningful contributions, as has
Peter Nash with his series of contributions concerning Raoul Blanchard.
B. M. Barr warns that lack of proficiency in foreign languages and foreign area
studies are two weaknesses in the national geography. (Since 1978 Canada has
shipped more goods across the Pacific than the Atlantic.) Barr also points out that
296 / MODERN

40 percent of all immigrants to Canada in the early 1980s were from Asia. It would
seem that Canada’s new global viewpoint would help comprehend these develop­
ments. Meanwhile, geographers are dealing with dimensions of the people-environment
theme in Canada. Canadian university geography departments are large, vigorous,
and excellent and are in the process of developing an autochthonously rich Canadian

Balchin, W. G. V., and Coleman, A. M. 1966. “Geography in Canadian Universities.” Nature
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Barr, B. M. 1986. “Canadian Geography in a Multilingual World: The Implosion of
Relevance.” The Canadian Geographer 30:290-301.
Baulig, H. 1935 and 1936. Amerique Septentrionale. 2 vols. Paris: A. Colin.
Beauregard, L. 1979. “Epistemologie de la Geographie au Canada franjais.” In L.-E.
Hamelin and L. Beauregard, eds.. Retrospective 1961-1976.
Berdoulay, V. 1987. “Le possibilisme de Harold Innis.” The Canadian Geographer 31:2-11.
Bird, J. B. 1967. The Physiography of Arctic Canada. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University
Bladen, V. W., Easterbrook, W. T., and Willits, J. H. March 1953. “Harold Adams Innis,
1894-1952.” American Economic Review 43:1-25.
Blanchard, R. 1935. L ’ Est du Canada franqais. 2 vols. Montreal: Beauchemin.
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---------. 1949. Le Quebec par image. Montreal: Beauchemin.
---------. 1953-1954. L' Ouest du Canada franqais. 2 vols. Montreal: Beauchemin.
---------. 1960. Le Canada franqais, etude geographique. Montreal: Fayard.
Bourne, L. S., and D. F. Ley, eds. 1993. The Changing Social Geography o f Canadian Cities.
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Britton, John N. H.. ed. 1996. Canada and the Global Economy: The Geography of
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Burton, I. 1963. “The Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography.” Canadian
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Chapman, A. D. 1921. “Position of Geography in Canada.” The Geographical Teacher
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Clark, A. H. April 1950. "Contributions to Geographical Knowledge of Canada since 1945.”
Geographical Review 40:285-312.
Creighton, D. G. 1957. Harold Adams Innis: Portrait of a Scholar. Toronto: University of
Toronto Press.
Davis, W. M. 1899. “North America.” In The International Geography. Ed. H. R. Mill. London
and New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 664-678.
The New Geography in Canada / 297

Dean, W. G., et al. 1967. “Canadian Geography, 1967.” Canadian Geographer 11,
no. 4:195-371.
Dyde, W. F. 1929. Public Secondary Education in Canada. New York: Columbia University
Evenden, L. J. 1976. “The Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers.”
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Floch-Serra, M. 1989. “Geography and Post-modernism: Linking Humanism and Develop­
ment Studies.” Canadian Geographer 33, no. 1:66-75.
Fraser, J. Keith. 1983. “The Road Less Travelled: Reflections on a Career in Geography.”
Canadian Geographer 27, no. 4:305-312.
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McGill-Queen's University Press.
Grenier, G. 1965. “Raoul Blanchard, 1877-1965.” Canadian Geographer 9, no. 2:101-103.
Guelke, L. 1971. “Problems of Scientific Explanation in Geography.” Canadian Geographer
Guelke, L., and Preston, R. E. eds. 1987. Abstract Thoughts: Concrete Solutions— Essays
in Honour of Peter Nash. Waterloo, Ont.: University of Waterloo, Department of Geo­
graphy, Publication Series 29.
Hamelin, L. E. 1961. “La geographie de Raoul Blanchard.” Canadian Geographer 5,
no. 1:1-9.
---------. 1963. “Petite histoire de la geographie dans le Quebec.” Cahiers de geographie de
Quebec 13:137-153.
---------. 1964. “Geomorphologie-geographie globale-geographie totale associations inter-
nationales.” Cahiers de geographie de Quebec 16:199-218.
---------. 1986. “Les carrieres Canadiennes de Raoul Blanchard et Pierre Deffontaines.”
Cahiers de Geographie du Quebec 30:137-150.
---------, and Beauregard, Ludger, eds. 1979. Retrospective 1951-1976. Montreal: Canadian
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Harris, R. Colebrook 1997. The Resettlement o f British Columbia: Essays on Colonialism
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Harris, R. Colebrook and Geoffrey J. Matthews. 1987. Historical Atlas of Canada. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press.
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Canada. Toronto: Maclear and Co.
Innis, H. A. 1930. The Fur Trade in Canada: An Introduction to Canadian Economic Histoiy.
New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
---------. 1935. “Canadian Frontiers of Settlement: A Review.” Geographical Review
---------. 1951. The Bias of Communication. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Innis, H. A., and Broek, J. O. M. 1945. “Geography and Nationalism: a Discussion.” Geo­
graphical Review 35:301-311.
Jackson, C. Ian. 1998. “David Thompson, 1770-1857.” Geographers: Biobibliographical
Studies 18:94-112.
Joerg, W. L. G. 1936. “The Geography of North America: A History of Its Regional
Exposition.” Geographical Review. 26:640-663.
Kerr, D. P., 1960. “The Tasks of Economic Geography.” Canadian Geographer: 15:1-9.
Kimble, G. H. T. 1945. “The Craft of the Geographer.” Canadian Geographical Journal
298 / MODERN

---------. 1946. “Geography in Canadian Universities.” Geographical Journal 108:114-115.

King, L. J. 1988. “Geography in a Changing University Environment.” Canadian Geo­
grapher 32, no. 4:290-295.
Krueger, R. R. 1972. “Notes on Applied Geography in Canada in General and in Ontario
in Particular.” In R. E. Preston, ed. Pp. 374-379. Applied Geography and the Human
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Geography International Geographical Union. University of Waterloo Department of
---------. 1980. “Unity out of Diversity: The Ruminations of a Traditional Geographer.” Canadian
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---------. 1989. "Recent Developments in Canadian Geography.” The Monograph 40,
no. 2:20-24.
Lukermann, F. E. 1965. “The ‘calcul des probabilites’ and the ecole frangaise de geo­
graphic.” Canadian Geographer 9, no. 3:128-137.
Marshall, A. 1972. “Griffith Taylor’s Correlative Science.” Australian Geographical Studies
Martin, G. J. 1980. The Life and Thought o f Isaiah Bowman. Pp. 112-114. Hamden, Conn.:
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Mayo, W. L. 1965. The Development and Status of Secondary School Geography in the United
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Meinig, D. W. 1986. The Shaping o f America: A Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of
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Nash, P. H. 1986a. “Mark I Role Model and Inspiring Catalyst: Some Characteristics from
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---------. 1986b. “The Making of a Humanist Geographer: A Circuitous Journey.” Geography
Publication Series No. 25, Waterloo, Ont.: University of Waterloo, Department of Geo­
graphy: 10-33.
---------. 1990. "A Still Revered ‘Tomodachi' After Half A Century: Reflections on Raoul
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Reflections and Visions, 25 Years of Geography at Waterloo. Pp. 61-75.
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Geographer 14:37-41.
Parker, I. 1988. “Harold Innis as a Canadian Geographer.” Canadian Geographer 32:63-69.
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---------. 1964. “Obituary, Griffith Taylor.” Canadian Geographer 7:197-200.
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Reeds, Lloyd G. 1964. “Agricultural Geography: Process and Prospects." Canadian Geo­
grapher 8, no. 2:51-63.
Robinson, J. Lewis. 1951a. “The Development and Status of Geography in the Universities
and Governments of Canada.” Yearbook of the Association o f Pacific Coast Geographers
---------. October 1951b. “Geography in the Universities of Canada.” Canadian Geograph­
ical Journal 2:89-183.
---------. March 1966. “Geography in the Canadian Universities.” Professional Geographer
18, no. 2:69-74.
The New Geography in Canada / 299

---------. 1967. “Growth and Trends in Geography in Canadian Universities.” Canadian

Geographer 11, no. 4:216-229.
---------. 1986. “Geography in Canada.” The Professional Geographer 38:411-417.
---------. 1989. Concepts and Themes in the Regional Geography of Canada. 2nd ed.
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---------. 1991. “The Beginning of Geography at the University of British Columbia.” The
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Romey, W. D. 1989. “Study of Canadian Geography.” In Gary L. Gaile and Cort J. Willmot,
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300 / MODERN

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T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in Sw ed en

The empirical treatment o f quantities by Statistics, the rational treatment of

quantities by Mathematics, the treatment o f logical thinking by Philosophy, the
treatment of position or distribution in space by Geography, and the treatment
of development and distribution in time by History— all these would seem
to be applicable to all kinds of objects, and would seem to some extent to be
operations that most men o f science need to cany out.
— Stett De Geer, “On the definition, method and classification o f geography"

he five countries of Norden have made a large contribution to geography

that is wholly disproportionate to the aggregate size of their population. The
cultural similarities of these peoples have produced a convergence of opinion that
supposedly derives from the notion that geography is larger than the sum of its parts,
that the concept of region remains widely supported, and that a strong feeling for
the countryside persists (Mead, 1987).

The Royal Danish Geographical Society was founded in 1876, the Swedish Society
for Anthropology and Geography in 1877, the Geographical Association of Finland
and the Geographical Society of Finland in 1888, and the Norwegian Geographical
Society in 1889. Perhaps the earliest of the local societies were those at Uppsala
(1895) and Goteborg (1908), while the first of the university departments of geo­
graphy was established in Copenhagen in 1883. The largest contributions to geo­
graphy from Scandinavia have apparently come from Sweden.
Several antecedents to modem geography in Sweden may be cited. First are the
archives and current output of the 350-year-old Land Survey Board, with headquarters
in Stockholm and its technical plant in Gavle. (Official mapping by the Swedish
Topographic Survey began in 1628.) The second source is the population statistics
maintained through the centuries by the parish clergy and currently made available
through the Demographic Data Base at Umea University. The Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences was founded in 1739. This institution provided a forum for
the works of natural scientists such as Linnaeus and Celsius and for the work of
generations of topographers and the hydrographic activity of Gustav Klint. In 1749
Sweden became the first country in the world to start a regular national census.

The author would like to acknowledge the kindness of Tom Mels (University of Kalmar,
Sweden) in offering suggestions for improvement of this chapter.

302 / MODERN

(At that time the population of Sweden was 1,763,700.) And in 1810 the field
survey for the topographic mapping of Sweden was initiated. The first sheet was
engraved in 1826 and the last in 1924.
In 1885 popular demand for travel literature led to the organization of the
Swedish Touring Club, with an initial membership of 67 persons. It not only sup­
plied the demand for information about foreign countries, but it also undertook to
develop facilities, such as trails and rest houses, for the many Swedes who wanted
to journey into the most remote parts of their own country. By 1900 the club had a
membership of more than 25,000, which increased to 98,000 by 1922 (Anrick, 1923).1
Since 1886 it has published a yearbook on the different provinces of Sweden. In 1881
Ymer, the longest running Swedish journal was established, and in 1919 Geografiska
Annaler was founded (divided into a physical and human series in 1965). From 1922
to 1978 another periodical, Globen, was published. In 1925 the South Swedish
Geographical Society began publication of The Swedish Geographical Yearbook.
(Papers are normally published in Swedish, although short summaries are offered
in English.) Research series were published by a number of university geography
departments: Goteborg (1929), Stockholm (1929), Uppsala (1936-1968), and Lund.
(Predominantly dissertation publication began in 1929, and Lund Studies in
Geography began in 1949.) Geografiska Notiser was founded in 1943. These pub­
lications were the result of the Swedish people’s expressed interest in geography.
Prior to 1900, the periodical Ymer kept geography before the public. This period­
ical of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography helped establish
geography in the educational institutions of Sweden. The articles contained in this
publication tended to interest a wide audience and were published in Swedish.
Frequent contributors included Karl Ahlenius, Gunnar Andersson, E. W. Dahlgren,
Gerard De Geer, Sven Hedin, Gustaf Retzius, Hugold von Schwerin, and Hjalmar
Stolpe. The work of foreign geographers was frequently noticed and included that
by Friedrich Ratzel and Ferdinand von Richthofen, Edward Bruckner, Henry G. Bryant,
James Fairgrieve, Lucien Gallois, Charles Rabot, H. W. Fairbanks, A. E. Frye, and
Wallace W. Atwood.
Geography was introduced at Lund on a gradual basis. Examination began
in 1892 and was administered by the professor of history. According to Olof
Wameryd, the first student to be examined was Emil Sommarin, who would later
become professor of economics at Lund. A chair was formally created in 1895, and
Hans Hugold von Schwerin was appointed to it from 1897 to 1912. Karl Ahlenius
was awarded a professorial chair at Uppsala University (1902-06). Gothenburg fol­
lowed in 1905 and Stockholm in 1929; each had a Department of Geography that
included a professorship. At last geography had established itself as a profession.

There was a keen interest in exploration during the years when geography was becom­
ing established in Sweden. For the Swedes Scandinavia and the polar world held a*

'The club issued circulars, maps, guide books, and a “Province Series” of yearbooks. By
1923 the club had published 550 maps.
The New Geography in Sweden / 303

special interest, though not to the exclusion of warmer lands. The first important
step toward Arctic exploration was taken by Baron Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, who
in 1858 was appointed chief of the division of mineralogy of Sweden’s National
Museum of Natural History. In 1868, with F. W. von Otter (who later became Sweden’s
minister of the navy and prime minister), he reached 81°42'N, which represented
an Arctic record. After an unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole in 1872—
73, Nordenskiold concentrated on the possibility of navigating the Arctic Ocean
from Europe to the Pacific. This was to become known as the Northeast Passage.
Nordenskiold eventually accomplished this goal in 1878-79 on the Vega. His
accounts contain a wealth of information concerning the people along the coast of
the Arctic Ocean and their ways of life. His report on the voyage extended to five
volumes. Scientific Observations o f the Vega Expedition was translated into several
languages and was packed with new knowledge. Nordenskiold was also a very
capable geologist and mineralogist who contributed two monumental books on
the history of cartography: Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History o f Cartography
and Periplus: An Essay on the Early History o f Charts and Sailing Directions. Both
works were published simultaneously in Swedish and English in 1889 and 1897,
From 1898 to 1902 the Norwegian Otto N. Sverdrup traveled the Canadian Arctic
archipelago, while fellow countryman Roald Amundsen achieved the Northwest
Passage between 1903 and 1906. Peary achieved the North Pole in 1909 and
Amundsen the South Pole in 1911. These events fascinated the people of the north-
lands and provided a focus to the thinking of geographers: exploration, northern
latitudes, areas of deprivation (just as the tropics and colonialism had provided
impetus, if not focus, for the geographers of some west European countries).
Not all the exploring was in the northlands. Sven Hedin graduated from high
school in 1885 and at once took a post as tutor to the son of a Swedish engineer in
the Baku oilfields on the Caspian shore. At the close of this work, he journeyed to
Tehran, crossed Persia to Baghdad, and returned to Sweden, where he would study
geography and geology with W. C. Brogger of Stockholm’s School of Commerce
and A. G. Hogbom of Uppsala University. He continued his studies in Berlin under
Ferdinand von Richthofen, the German authority and explorer of Asia. Hedin pre­
sented his doctoral thesis to the University of Halle in 1892.2 Having completed his
studies, he embarked on the first of his scientific expeditions to Central Asia in 1893,
sponsored in good measure by King Oscar of Sweden. He traveled overland to the
Tarim Basin and its terminal lake, Lop Nor, and thence to Beijing. His second expedi­
tion began in 1899. He traveled by boat down the Tarim River, mapping its course,
and made further studies in the area of Lop Nor. He then mapped part of the moun­
tain system that forms the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau.
Hedin’s third expedition (1905) took him to western and central Tibet. His fine
sketches, maps, and notes were to prove valuable in developing reliable maps for
that part of the world. Later he published his findings on these travels: Scientific
Results o f a Journey in Central Asia (1904-07) and Transhimalaya (1909-13). His
fourth expedition, begun in 1926, was initiated by Lufthansa, the German airline,

2Sven Hedin, “Der demarend nach eigener Beobachtung.”

304 / MODERN

which wanted a survey made of an air route from Berlin to Beijing. Hedin took a
large party, which included meteorologists who were to establish ground weather
stations. After this work had been completed, Hedin organized in the field a Sino-
Swedish expedition to the northwestern provinces of China. He was in charge of a
distinguished group of specialists that studied Central Asia and surveyed a poss­
ible motor road from east China to the province of Sinkiang. The group (called a
mobile university) remained in the field until 1935. Upon his return to Sweden, Hedin
and then others wrote numerous reports published in an extended series of volumes;
they have now been translated into several languages and have greatly extended our
knowledge of that part of the world. Although Hedin had not been associated with
a university post, this kind of activity excited and inspired the national conscience
and encouraged the development of institutionalized geography.3


Swedish geography retained an interest in the natural environment. From the 1880s
to the early years of the 20th century, Baron Gerard De Geer and Ragnar Liden
attempted to establish a date for the last retreat of the ice age by counting the varves
(bands of coarse and fine material) in clays deposited in glacial lakes. De Geer under­
took extended field trips in geochronology and inspired much work in glaciology.
He pieced together the records of some 1500 outcrops lying between the southern
tip of the Scandinavian peninsula and the modem proglacial lakes in central Sweden.
From this evidence he inferred that the retreating ice exposed southern Sweden
about 13,500 years ago. Based partly on De Geer’s work, it has been calculated
that maximum expansion of the last glaciation in Europe occurred approximately
35,000 years ago. De Geer’s contribution was original in geological science and
joined the work of those otherwise interested in dating climatic change.
De Geer first visited the United States in 1891, when he explained his geo-
chronological investigations to university audiences and undertook considerable
field work. At this time, however, he was still attempting to elaborate the time scale
by following the ice recession from the margin to the core of the former ice sheet
in Sweden. He was busy at this process from 1878 to 1915 (De Geer, 1926:262).
As a consequence of this work, he brought the Swedish expedition of 1920 to the
United States, seeking to test the international applicability of the Swedish time scale.
He brought his two most experienced assistants with him, Ragnar Liden and Ernst
Antevs.4 His wife, Ebba Hult De Geer, a capable geochronologist in her own right,
followed shortly thereafter. When the party returned to Sweden, Antevs remained
in New England, where he began to work out a chronology of North America in
late glacial times. For that purpose he studied the recession of the last ice sheet in

3For a complete bibliography of Hedin’s works until 1935, see Sven Rinman, a
publication honoring Sven Hedin on his 70th anniversary, February 19, 1935, “in series
with Geografiska Annaler,” Stockholm, 1935.
4Three of G. De Geer’s best known students were Hans W: son Ahlmann, Carl Cizon
Caldenius, and Ragnar Sandegren. They published “The Quaternary History of the
Ragunda Region Jamtland,” Geol. Foren. Forhandl 34(1912):353—364.
The New Geography in Sweden / 305

New England and New York state. Antevs worked in the Connecticut River Valley
from Hartford, Connecticut, to St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
Antevs worked out a chronology of the ice retreat, and the whole was published
in The Recession o f the Last Ice Sheet in New England (Antevs, 1922). It was the
first such work accomplished in North America. Antevs studied more than varves
in his attempt to secure registration of climatic change in two continents. He also
examined tree rings, migrations of plants and animals, the nature and cause of crustal
warping during the withdrawal of the ice, and the emergence and submergence of
the coast. He had sought to determine whether the glaciers in various parts of the
world were synchronous. His book was one of a series published by the American
Geographical Society, which placed the problems of the Quaternary before academics
and the reading public. This also meant that Gerard De Geer’s varve-measuring
techniques in Sweden became known in North America. Glaciological study was
indigenous to Scandinavian geography. While in the United States, Ernst Antevs
shared an office with Ellsworth Huntington at Yale University; Huntington was then
attempting to date climatic changes of the past and had already created a climatic
curve from measurements of the Big-Trees.
The method of studying the landscape was largely derived from Germany. The
earliest occupants of chairs in geography in Sweden were usually educated by German
geographers. (The work of German geographers received constant attention in
Ymer and Geografiska Annaler until perhaps the 1940s). The anthropogeographic
line of thought then in vogue was largely inspired by the work of Ratzel. It was a
way of thinking and of seeking human consequences deriving from the phys­
ical environment. (In the United States such studies were called “determinist.”)
An alternate viewpoint was provided by Otto Schliiter and Alfred Hettner, who
offered a chorology. Anthropogeography sought causes and consequences, whereas
chorology provided the bases for study of the culture scape. Both geographies were
large enough to embrace an emerging regional geography. Anthropogeography
began to recede with the international tide after World War I, but the chorologic
perspective remains popular to this day.
Hugold von Schwerin, who became Sweden’s first professor of geography in 1897
(he had been university lecturer in geography and political science since 1884) at
the University of Lund, learned much about human dependence on nature from the
works of Oscar Peschel in the 1860s and 1870s; von Schwerin thought Ratzel too
doctrinaire (Bergsten, 1984). In 1892 von Schwerin published “Mohammedanism
in Africa,” one of the earlier demonstrations of the Swedish interest in global
matters. In the late 1800s little geography was available in the Swedish language,
and so geographers were obliged to read in the German literature. Karl Ahlenius, the
first professor of geography in Uppsala and an enthusiast of Ratzel, first introduced
to the Swedish public Ratzel’s thought as expressed in his Anthropogeographie (1882).
Ahlenius (1897) also classified human races on the basis of skin color and other
physiological characteristics. In 1902 S. Lonborg published “The Finnish-settled
Regions in the Middle of Scandinavia,” a work that investigated Finnish settlement
in central Sweden and adjacent parts of Norway that was the product of immigration
from Finland during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Place names, educa­
tion, religion, language, and the physique of the people were studied. However, the
306 / MODERN

amount of social geography accomplished in this period was limited inasmuch as

the academicians were qualified in natural science, giving their work a physical rather
than a social orientation.


In 1913 Helge Nelson studied the history of settlement in the mining district of cen­
tral Sweden; this was one of the earliest studies in historical geography executed
in the spirit of German regional studies, Die Landschaftskunde (Godlund, 1986).
Ahlenius had initially influenced the thinking of Helge Nelson. Nelson became
professor at Lund in 1916. Application had been made for the chair in 1913, and
competition ensued between Nelson and Sten De Geer (son of Gerard De Geer).
Nelson argued for a historically oriented regional undertaking, whereas De Geer
advocated a science of spatial distribution of contemporary time.5 Nelson remained
at Lund until 1947, continually affirming the value of regional investigation. In 1918
he published an excellent paper on the human regions of Sweden in which human
agglomerations were the basis of subdivision, since they are outgrowths of the region
in which they reside.6 He traveled in the United States and Canada in 1921, 1925,
1926 and 1933; in 1926 he was a visiting member of the faculty of the University
of Chicago. He wrote considerably on North America and its Swedish settlement
and contributed more than 500 items to the literature.
In 1926 Nelson published a two-volume work, Nordamerika: Natur, bygd och
svenskbygd (North America and the Swedes), which is a fine account of the physio­
graphy of North America, with the human presence noticed in each region. The book
was dominated by the theme of Swedes in North America, and it was recognized
as the first geographically detailed account on that subject (although Kendric C.
Babcock had previously published The Scandinavian Element in the United States,
1914). Nelson had already published Canada nybyggarlandet (Canada, Settlers'
Country) and had an unusually thorough grasp of this northland. The Swedes and
the Swedish Settlements in North America (1944) was the culmination of more than
20 years’ work. The book included an atlas of 73 maps and became the standard
work on the subject. Nelson sought to leam the social status of the emigrants, why
they emigrated, and from what home districts they had come. He calculated that
between 1861 and 1940, 1,119,300 Swedes emigrated to the United States and 18,800
to Canada. Of these 202,000 returned to Sweden from the States and 5600 from
Canada. The book was indeed a compendium of data based on much field work and
many interviews, as well as his encyclopaedic knowledge of this subject.
While Nelson was at Lund, Sten De Geer, son of Gerard De Geer, held a post
at Stockholm’s School of Commerce (from 1911 to 1928), and at the University of
Goteborg (from 1928 until his premature death on June 2, 1933). He pioneered in
urban geography and was especially interested in towns and ports on the Baltic.

5T. Hagerstrand, “Proclamations about Geography from the Pioneering Years in Sweden,
Geografiska Annaler 64Bf 1982): 119—125.
6This essay, with maps, was reviewed in Geographical Review 11(1921): 144—145.
The New Geography in Sweden / 307

Well known to English readers is his “Greater Stockholm: A Geographical Inter­

pretation” (1923b). In 1927 he made a second study of the Baltic harbors, com­
paring their uses in 1912-13 with those of 1923-24. Dot maps were used in both
articles. In 1919 he published a “Map of the Distribution of Population in Sweden,”
a publication of 12 plates with an accompanying text of nearly 300 pages.7 In this
work De Geer demonstrated technical advances with the use of dots and sized globes
for numbers of people. This study was widely recognized and applauded. Since that
time his method of population mapping has been developed in several countries. In
1923 the Swedish geographer Alfred Soderlund published a similar distribution map
of the population in Norway. De Geer’s interest in greater Stockholm became the
forerunner to other work relating to Stockholm.
After the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, De Geer published an extended article
on the peace settlement in Ymer, which was expanded and published as a book,
Det Nya Europa, in 1922. Geographers in many countries wrote on this same sub­
ject. In that year De Geer taught in the summer school at the University of Chicago.
In August on his return from Chicago, De Geer stayed with Mark Jefferson in Ypsilanti,
Michigan. They had already exchanged correspondence on glaciation, river widths,
meander processes, and urban geography. The pair motored through Ohio and
Pennsylvania studying the distribution of population. While on board the vessel
returning him to Sweden, De Geer wrote a version (later much revised) of “The
American Manufacturing Belt," which Jefferson reviewed for The Geographical
Review,8 De Geer was interested in the notion that America had developed a single
manufacturing belt as had Europe. He considered the location of many manufac­
turing groups—their production, employment, initial site advantage, and other char­
acteristics—and compared them to the European industrial complex. This was the
first study of its sort, and it was of special value to geographers in North America.
Meanwhile, De Geer had been thinking about the nature of geography. He had
begun his career with studies in physical geography but had become particularly
interested in a more human geography. In 1922 before his arrival at the University
of Chicago, where he could discuss the subject with a variety of geographers, he
had reviewed N. Fenneman’s “The Circumference of Geography.”9 In the follow­
ing year De Geer offered “On the Definition, Method and Classification of
Geography” (1923a). He stated that his definition of the field had served him in a
practical manner; briefly, “Geography is the science of the present day distribution
of phenomena on the surface of the earth” (1923:2). He suggested that the past needed
to be considered only in order to understand the present. The essential purpose of
his mapping distributions was to construct a synthetic regional view of the world.
He wrote: “geographical provinces and regions form a synthesis of characteristic
complexes of important distribution phenomena within limited parts of the earth’s

7See Sten De Geer. “A Map of the Distribution of Population in Sweden: Method of

Preparation and General Results,” Geographical Review 12(1922):72-83.
8See Mark Jefferson, “ "The American Manufacturing Belt’ by Sten De Geer,”
Geographical Review 18, No. 4 (1928):690.
9Geografiska Annaler 4(1922):218-220.
308 / MODERN

surface” (1923a: 10). De Geer sought a world regional scheme and divided the land
area into 27 regions and the sea into 17. (He gave more attention to the sea than
would be common later in the twentieth century.) Other geographers who had
developed world schemes included Alfred Hettner (1908), Ewald Banse (1914), and
Robert Seiger (1921).
De Geer attempted regional synthesis especially in the period 1926 to 1928 when
he offered “The Kernel Area of the Nordic Race within Northern Europe.”1012J. Leighly
felt this work deserved close study as an example of method. In 1928 De Geer pub­
lished “The Subtropical Belt of Old Empires,” which involved political and clima­
tological thought. It was part of De Geer’s global phase and perhaps represented
his curiosity about human physiology and its different capacity. Certainly, this sort
of investigation was in vogue and attracted the attention of workers such as
Ellsworth Huntington, J. Russell Smith, and S. Colum Gilfillan. Both the “Nordic
Race” and the “Subtropical Empire” studies had the effect of linking Swedish and
American geographers more closely, just as his father’s (and Antevs’s) work on
glaciation had done. American geographers such as Wallace W. Atwood, B. J. S.
Cahill, Mark Jefferson, and Derwent Whittlesey published in Geografiska Annaler.
Jefferson had already learned Swedish and served as a reviewer of Swedish litera­
ture for the Geographical Review M Apparently, Carl Sauer had been impressed with
the writings of De Geer and suggested that Leighly study with him. Leighly went
to Sweden in 1925-26 and “with much help from De Geer” completed his dis­
sertation in 1927 (Leighly, 1983). Entitled “The Towns of Malardalen in Sweden:
A Study in Urban Morphology,” the dissertation was published in 1928 as Volume
3 of the newly established University of California Publications in Geography.
In 1929-30 he returned to the Baltic and wrote “The Towns of Medieval Livonia”
(Latvia and Estonia), which was not published until 1939. Later, in 1950, Leighly
lectured at the Universities of Uppsala and Stockholm by invitation and in Swedish.
In 1928 Otto Nordenskiold (nephew of A. E. Nordenskiold), professor of geo­
graphy at the University of Gothenburg, died at the age of 58. His contributions
to polar geography were considerable and included Polarnaturen (Stockholm,
1918), which was published in English as The Geography o f the Polar RegionsJ2
Nordenskidld had invested much time in South Polar research and produced
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Sckwedischen Siidpolar Expedition 1901-1903,13
Apart from his keen interest in the polar world, he had developed some curiosity
about foreign colonization in South America. He traveled through Chile and Peru

10See pp. 162-171 in H. Lundborg and F. J. Linders, The Racial Characters of the
Swedish Nation (Uppsala, 1926).
11Each published essays in Geografiska Annaler between 1929 and 1934. W. W. Atwood,
“Geography and International Good-Will,” 11( 1929): 101—104; D. Whittlesey, “A Locality
on a Stubborn Frontier at the Close of a Cycle of Occupance,” 12(1930): 175-192:
B. J. S. Cahill, “A World Map to End World Maps” 16(1934):97-108; and M. Jefferson,
“The Problem of the Ecumene” 16(1934): 146—158.
12American Geographical Society Special Publication, no. 8, 1928, New York.
!3Published in seven volumes, Stockholm, 1908-1921.
The New Geography in Sweden / 309

during 1920-21 and published Sudamerika: Ein Zukunftsland der Menscheit in 1927.14
After Nordenskiold’s death, De Geer was given the post at Gothenburg. There
he built a strong center for geography, although his emphasis was different from
Nordenskiold’s. He encouraged rejuvenation of the local geographic society and in
1932 the foundation of the journal Gothia. In the first issue of this journal, De Geer
explained the work of the geographical institute and invited foreign and particularly
English-speaking participation in the institute’s work. He died, five years to the day
after Otto Nordenskiold, at the age of 47. Meanwhile, De Geer had written on racial
types, regions of Sweden, and political geography. In the last-named investigations,
De Geer was perhaps somewhat influenced by Rudolf Kjellen.
Kjellen (1864-1922) was a political scientist, geographer, and politician at
the University of Uppsala who became a member of the Swedish Parliament. He
borrowed from the work of Ratzel, although his own work contained much
original political theory. Kjellen’s book The Great Powers o f Today appeared in
German translation in 1914. Of the American, the Russian, and other dangers that
threatened Europe, he wrote, “In such a situation Germany appears as the most
natural leader, geographically as well as culturally. Such would mean for Germany
that it, as administrator of the right of primogeniture, should accept the position
of world ruler” (Van Valkenburg, 1951). Kjellen’s book went through 19 editions
during the war and was followed by The Great Powers and the World Crisis
in 1921. For Kjellen the state was an organism that possessed more strength than
the sum of the individual constituent forces that make it what it is. The state was
therefore expansive by nature.
Kjellen’s belief in the strength and power of the successful state and the sub­
ordination of the weak state left him without support in Sweden. He titled what
was perhaps his most significant theoretical book Staten som Lifsfomi (The State
as an Organism), first published in 1916 and translated into German as Der Staat
als Lebensform in 1917 (4th edition, Berlin, 1924). Written during World War I,
this work presented his theory that the state constitutes five organs: Kratopolitik
(government structure), Demopolitik (population structure), Sociopolitik (social
structure), Oekopolitik (economic structure), and Geopolitik (physical structure).
It was through this book that the term geopolitik entered into German thinking
and German geography. Defeated German geographers and political scientists
took hold of this instrument of thought and used a form of Darwinian selection
to revivify an older German political philosophy. Geopolitik became a tool for
rebuilding Germany, and then both Japan and Italy. The link between Swedish and
German geography had been close for many years. Although Kjellen’s work had
an unfortunate impact, it nevertheless represented a certain nomothetic stream of
thought in the social geography present at the time.
In the 1920s human geography in Sweden began to emerge from an anthropo-
geographical posture. Two philosophical approaches became apparent (Mead,
1988). One concentrated on the totality of the landscape (the regional approach)
and the other on distributions and correlations (the systematic approach). The study

14Published in Stuttgart, 1927.

310 / MODERN

of 200 years of landscape changes in Scania by Anna Kristoffersson (1924) may

have been the first Swedish regional monograph. Gerd Enequist’s15 work on the
Lule Valley and K. E. Bergsten’s two volumes on Ostergotland represented a large
number of other such studies, revealing Sweden to geographers as never before.
John Frodin in “The Fabod-District around Lake Siljan” (1925) studied trans-
humance and the saeter system in an alpine grazing region in central Sweden
near the Norwegian border. He anticipated the reduction of this very old system
from one of much agricultural significance to a factor of minor significance. The
saeter did decline; sometimes the forest overran the area, and occasionally urban
dwellers exploited these areas as summer residences.
Economic geography was not ignored: H. W. Ahlmann wrote “The Economical
Geography of Swedish Norrland” (1921),16 and Olof Jonasson, a Swedish doc­
toral student at Clark University, wrote the first in a series of articles entitled
“Agricultural Regions of the World” for the newly founded periodical Economic
Geography. Jonasson wrote “Agricultural Regions of Europe” in two parts.17 It was
the first such detailed statement on the subject to be made available in American
geography, and it included a larger colored “fold-out” map. In this precis of work,
Jonasson became one of the first geographers in North America to take note of the von
Thiinen model. Other Swedish geographers turned their research attention abroad.
Special mention should also be made of the work of Gunnar Andersson, who
was professor of economic geography at the Stockholm School of Commerce in
Stockholm and coeditor and a vigorous secretary of the Swedish Anthropological
and Geographical Society and editor of Ymer. He was an authority on plant geo­
graphy, especially on the evolution of Sweden’s postglacial vegetation. He then turned
his attention to economic geography and wrote on the possibilities of white settle­
ment in Australia, natural resources in Sweden, and the geography of alimentation.
Physical geography continued to be a vital part of Swedish geography, with
study of regional physiographies, glaciers, rainfall, and meteorology most promin­
ent. Notices and book reviews frequently treated geomorphologic and meteorologic
matters, the first frequently being the work of eminent German authors and the
second inspired by the Bergen school and the Bjerknes’. Hans W:son Ahlmann and
Axel Wallen were dominant in writing these reviews and notices.
In the 1930s and 1940s Swedish geography became more preoccupied with
territory, structure, and function (Godlund, 1986). Once again De Geer’s work was
preeminent, although he died prematurely in 1933, the same year in which the third
volume of Geographic imiverselle was published. Entitled Etats Scandinaves:
Regions polaires horeales by Maurice Zimmermann, this fascinating work brought
geographical attention to Sweden. De Geer had become deeply interested in a com­
bination of structural and functional geography in built-up areas. He had become

15Gerd Enequist, the Uppsala geographer, was the first Swedish woman to become a
16This was abstracted in the Geographical Review 12( 1922): 132—133.
17This derived from Jonasson’s dissertation, “Agricultural Regions of Europe.” completed
at Clark University in 1926.
The New Geography in Sweden / 311

Gerard De Geer Sten De Geer

Torsten Hagerstrand William William-Olsson

312 / MODERN

very knowledgeable of urban morphology and city problems and the distribution of
population, trade, and industry. The mapping of umlands (urban hinterlands) by way
of a variety of indicators was accomplished for Stockholm, Jonkoping, and Gothenburg.
Within Stockholm geographers undertook research in functions and regions. In 1928
De Geer moved to Gothenburg; Hans Ahlmann was appointed in Stockholm.
Ahlmann, a glaciologist who was interested in geomorphology, was made
responsible for human geography. Recognizing the need for studies in urban geo­
graphy, he became very enthusiastic over his discovery of the nine-volume work
The Regional Survey o f New York and Its Environs 1924-1928 by R. M. Haig et al.
This work aroused interest in the growth of Stockholm. William William-Olsson
joined three students, who with Ahlmann published the first volume of the
Stockholm investigation, The Internal Differentiation of Stockholm (in Swedish, 1934).
The study included large amounts of data about each house and household, shop,
employed person, and numerous occupations in Sweden. The work focused on
people and not dwellings. Most details were mapped, and generalizations were
made only in the final stages of the work. The geographers consulted with archi­
tects and town planners as well as urban authorities from other countries. In 1937
William-Olsson published his doctoral thesis, “The Geographical Development of
Stockholm, 1850-1930.” In this work he wrote about the inner differentiation and
changes in the city. As a result, the officials responsible for the long-term planning
of Stockholm asked William-Olsson to assist them. He did so, establishing a pro­
gram that demonstrated the interplay between Stockholm and the rest of Sweden.
In 1941 he published The Future Development o f Stockholm, a work that presented
a theory concerning the relationship between town and countryside based on basic
and nonbasic activities. With this work William-Olsson realized that generalizations
can be unsafe. His forecasts for Norrland and a number of small towns eventually
proved quite accurate, however.
During the 1940s the number of geography chairs in Sweden doubled, and chairs
in both physical and human geography were created in some institutes (Uppsala in
1948 and Lund in 1949). In 1948 the Swedish Council for Social Science Research
was created in order to fund geography centered on human-social themes and method­
ology. By 1950 there were nine professors of geography in Sweden, and geography
had attained a sound position in the school curricula. Societies and publications
were performing soundly. However, the regional geography of earlier years and other
traditional icons began to pale. Gerd Enequist published “The Distribution of Main
Occupational Groups in the Communities of Sweden, 1930” in 1943, and three years
later produced “The Distribution of Main Occupational Groups in the Communities
of Sweden, 1940.” These two studies of the economically active population were
innovative and were of considerable value to regional planning.


Another innovative occasion in the context of traditional Swedish geography was
the arrival of Edgar Kant from Estonia in 1945. Kant introduced Walter Christaller's
The New Geography in Sweden / 313

central-place theory and the work of von Thiinen to Swedish geography. He also
introduced his own work concerning the Estonian town of Tartu (1926). In 1945—
46 Kant's research assistant was Torsten Hagerstrand, who was also interested in
migration processes. In addition, Kant brought the Swedish geographers into con­
tact with the French geographers, perhaps especially through Georges Chabot. In
1948 Kant wrote “About Sociological Regionalism, Social Time and Social Space,"
an article that had considerable impact on Swedish geography at a time when change
was imminent. As Anne Buttimer (1987) has pointed out, Kant had a large network
of geographer friends and correspondents, innate ability, capacity in several languages,
and the desire to enjoy scholarship. He brought an outsider’s view to Swedish geo­
graphy, the impact of which is still unclear, and he also brought knowledge of
particular significance to the historian of geographical thought. He traced the origins
of the idea of central-place theory to an eighteenth-century study on the size and
spacing of towns and the approximately hexagonal structure of hinterlands by a
Swedish economic historian, Carl Brunckman, in 1756. Kant produced evidence that
several works—for example, Frere de Montizon’s “Philosophical Map of French
Population” (1830)— had previously adopted the “dot” map method of Sten De Geer.
Already in the 1930s a numerate geography had become visible. By the end of
the 1940s migration studies of an individual nature were being produced. In 1947
Torsten Hagerstrand published a work of exceptional methodological significance
concerning a rural parish in Ostergotland and the contact of the individuals con­
cerned with the outside world. Hagerstrand followed this work with another study
of Simrishamn, in Scania, in 1949. At a symposium in Lund in 1954 Hagerstrand
and other scientists talked about their studies, and the product of this symposium
was published as a report in the series “Lund Studies in Geography,” 1957.
Included in this report were a study by Reino Ajo on patterns of migration in Finland,
another by Esse Lovgren (Uppsala) entitled “Mutual Relations between Migration
Fields: A Circulation Analysis,” and Hagerstrand’s contribution, “Migration and
Area. Survey of a Sample of Swedish Migration Fields and Hypothetical Con­
siderations on Their Genesis.”
Meanwhile, in 1953 Hagerstrand examined innovations and diffusions and wrote
a dissertation on the subject, later translated by Allan Pred (1967) as Innovation
Diffusion as a Spatial Process. Using simulated Monte Carlo models, Hagerstrand
compared the facts of geographic contact with theoretical constructs. He focused
on the process of innovation and adopted mathematical and statistical methods that
were new to this time in this combination. He examined the diffusion of inno­
vations among the population in a part of central Sweden. Examples ranged from
car ownership to the improvement of pasture. His empirical findings are of less
significance, however, than his analysis of the diffusion process. Using random
samples (Monte Carlo simulation), Hagerstrand was able to build a stochastic model
of the process of diffusion. The Hagerstrand model permitted simulation and testing
against empirical data. It could be seen that circumstances at one stage in the pro­
cess would influence distribution forms at subsequent stages. The model therefore
would be of utility to planners. Hagerstrand represented a systematic geography that
used regions as analytical units for studying social change (Hagerstrand, 1953). This
moved Swedish geography further from traditional and descriptive geography and
314 / MODERN

established geography as a social science of special value to regional planners. This

process had been initiated in 1950, when physical and human geography were made
two separate areas of study, and human geography was placed in the social science
Kant’s work had a special impact on Hagerstrand. It was Kant who “brought
Europe to Lund: he had been a student in Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany,
Holland and France” (Hagerstrand, 1983:246), and who introduced Hagerstrand
to von Thiinen, J. G. Kohl, Tord Palander, Walter Christaller, and Pitirim Sorokin.
Kant’s lectures in social geography were particularly significant to Hagerstrand, for
they “paved the way in my mind for my later work on diffusion of innovation.”
Hagerstrand was made a full professor in 1957, after which he and Sven Godlund
began to train planners and to investigate regional planning problems. He “felt it
as our obligation to try to open a new labour market for our advanced students”
(Hagerstrand, 1983:252). The disadvantage of this program was that virtually a
generation of graduate students entered planning and were lost to the geographical
profession. Yet these made-over geographers could and did demonstrate their use­
fulness to society. In this context Lund has played a major role, and Hagerstrand
(and later Gunnar Tomquist) made significant contributions to geography, to time-
geography and location theory, and to regional planning. The government created an
agency, the Expert Group for Regional Studies, that helped foster the impression
that geography was a planners’ profession.
Meanwhile, in 1960 Stockholm was the host city to the Nineteenth International
Geographical Congress. This was the first time the congress had met in Scandinavia,
and it helped to bring attention to the geography and geographers of Scandinavia.
The Geography o f Norden, edited by Axel Spmme, included contributions by
numerous geographers. One of them, K. E. Bergsten, wrote the chapter on Sweden.
The whole work was cast in an interesting traditional regional mode and was widely
read. Symposia were held in different centers in Sweden, which helped bring the
early phases of the new geography of the United States into contact with Swedish
geography. Another institutional development that strengthened Swedish geography
was the establishment of a foundation by the Central Bank of Sweden on its 300th
anniversary. This foundation was created to sponsor scientific investigation dealing
with the human condition and future. The universities of Lund and Gothenburg were
funded for a project entitled “The Process of Urbanization.”
During the 1960s Hagerstrand portrayed individual behavior in time and space,
adopting three-dimensional models. This research marked the initiation of what has
come to be called time-geography. According to this geographic genre, time and
space are resources that constrain activity—time restricting all individuals and
space being more or less restrictive, depending on economic status and other indi­
vidual circumstances. Time-geography brought even more prominence to Lund as
a center for geographical innovation. Many studies were made in time-space geo­
graphy and have been collected by T. Carlstein et al. in Timing Space and Spacing
Time (1978). Further work was conducted by Tommy Carlstein in Time Resources.
Society and Ecology: On the Capacity fo r Human Interaction in Space and Time
in Preindustrial Societies (1982); Bo Lenntorp, Paths in Space-Time Environments
(1976); Solveig M&rtensson, On the Formation o f Biographies in Space-Time
The New Geography in Sweden / 315

Environments (1979); and Allan Pred (ed.), Space and Time in Geography: Essays
Dedicated to Torsten Hagerstrand (1981).
What has been so frequently called the quantitative revolution that began in the
United States in the late 1950s made itself known in Sweden. Visits were made by
U.S. and British geographers (including W. Bunge, P. Gould, W. Isard, R. Morrill,
J. Nystuen, A. Pred, and E. Ullman) and by W. Christaller, C. van Paassen, and
A. Kuklinski. Hagerstrand traveled in Britain, continental Europe, and the United
States. Swedish geography could be more adequately described as an applied social
science rather than as a quantitative spatial science. Paradigmatic pluralism was main­
tained. Although spatial analysis remained dominant, other geographies were being
exercised. Other geographers were heavily involved in model development with an
increasing mathematical component and theory building. Studies on the location of
industry and hospitals as well as revision of local government boundaries were under­
taken. The division of institutional geography into physical and human branches
led to a debate between W. William-Olsson and Carl D. Hannerberg concerning
human geography. W. William-Olsson argued for a traditional holistic view, while
Hannerberg explained the field as a complex of special disciplines. At this time
A. Sundborg at Uppsala was undertaking experimental work on fluvial processes.
Physical geographers were employed in the Swedish environmental protection
administration. Physical geography as a genre began to affiliate with earth science
and became a little more preoccupied with people and less with theory. New trends
developed in agrarian and rural research with reference to human territoriality, typified
by Hannerberg (1976) and Malmberg (1980).
During the 1960s and 1970s time-geography, based on the life of the individual,
began to have a gradual impact on the character of geography as people, and not
money (as in a commodity value), began to be more the object of study. Wahlstrom
urged that research and planning concerning the environment needed a “united
historical-ecological-geographic perspective.” This is typified by research in recre­
ation. Opportunities did begin to emerge for those individuals who had specialized
in the evolution of the rural landscape, for interest in land use and landscape con­
servation had increased. Simultaneously, there developed a keen interest in local
history and historical geography, although specialists were not available to take advan­
tage of this interest. Rapid technological developments in computer cartography and
remote sensing were shared with the international community. Radical geography
showed itself in pockets of thought but did not seem to be part of the mainstream.
By the 1980s Swedish geography had been moving away from its standing as
an applied social science to a more theoretical social science. This thrust toward
concern with methodology and theory was in keeping with the trends of many other
national geographies. T. Lunden has pointed out that “the surge of applied geo­
graphy in the 1950s-1970s produced important knowledge . . . but it never produced
a theoretical discussion of the discipline” (1986:185). Professors have perhaps been
encouraged to emphasize the application of research rather than the generation of
thought concerning the evolving nature of the geographer’s quest. Owing to the
Swedish university structure, faculty are very dependent on external funding, which
leads them to practical problem solving while teaching heavy loads. This has the
inevitable effect of reducing critical long-range geographical research. In addition,
316 / MODERN

the division of the discipline into physical and human geography has not been accepted
by the older generation, for whom integration of these two fields was indispens­
able. This division has also stirred discussion concerning the unity of the discipline,
and efforts have been made in the direction of methodology and philosophy at the
expense of substantive research.
This thrust was assisted by the arrival of Anne Buttimer in Lund in 1977.18 She
contributed two interesting essays, both of which were in a philosophic vein:
“Reason, Rationality, and Human Creativity” and “Musing on Helicon: Root Meta­
phors in Geography” (Buttimer, 1979 and 1982). Encouraged by Hagerstrand, she
undertook a study in autobiography that sought to achieve a more human under­
standing of thought and accomplishment. Illustrative essays based on this project
were published in 1983, and the book functions as something of a cross-section of
the history of geographical thought for the previous 50 years. Of particular signific­
ance for an understanding of Swedish geography is Hagerstrand’s autobiographical
statement entitled “In Search for the Sources of Concepts” (Buttimer, 1983:238-
256). In 1978 Buttimer and Hagerstrand initiated the Dialogue Project. “Invita­
tion to Dialogue” was offered in 1980 and launched a series of discussions, many
of which were filmed. These films serve as an archival source and as a repository
of valuable data concerning the history of geography since World War II (Buttimer,
1986, 1993). Of particular value for an understanding of Scandinavian (and
Swedish) geography is Geographers ofNorden: Reflections on Career Experiences
by Hagerstrand and Buttimer (1988). Interviews with K. E. Bergsten, G. Enequist,
G. Hoppe, and K. G. Izikowitz represent the Swedish component of the book. This
work has been welcomed for the perspective it offers on disciplinary evolution.


Feminism and gender issues arrived in the Sweden of the 1980s and 1990s. Gender
dimensions were explored in the context of physical planning, regional policy, and
labor markets. These studies revealed a glaring absence of consideration for male
and female realities and the predominance of masculine discourse in Swedish
planning practices and social relations. While thus still moving in familiar geo­
graphical realms, these gender studies transcended the confines of planning discourse
and the dualism of work and everyday experience. Revealed was the gendered struc­
turing of bureaucratic practices, wage-labor, and family life. Time-geography was
creatively reworked in a feminist direction, which made it possible to visualize
the daily paths and projects of work and everyday life in a way that would reveal
patriarchal relationships or gender myopia in conventional physical planning. Other

18Little had been published previously in the history of geographical thought. Notable
exceptions are Leo Bagrow, “The Origins of Ptolemy’s Geographia,” in Geografiska
Annaler 27(1945):318—387 and Otto Nordenskiold’s history of the development of
scientific geography during the nineteenth century (1921). See Geographical Review
The New Geography in Sweden / 317

scholars turned their energies to consideration of the economic restructuring of Swedish

society and the consequences of cutbacks and plant closures on the male and female
labor force at different locations and in different regions (Forsberg, 1994; Friberg,
In most cases feminist researchers (overwhelmingly women) found disciplinary
and personal inspiration and connection in the realms of sociology, history, and eco­
nomic history rather than in the male-dominated corridors of human geography. It
was only in the late 1980s under the influence of Nordic and Anglo-American debates
on regions and patriarchal structures that the spatial dimension in feminist theory
was treated seriously. Increasingly, female scholars gained better positions in the
academic hierarchy; women-specific conditions, gender differences, and unpaid
reproductive and household work are now accepted as significant research themes.
A second major theme in contemporary Swedish geography is the ongoing
interest in environmental issues, revived during the 1980s and 1990s. Environ­
mental concern expressed itself through a new consideration for and questioning of
twentieth-century modes of life and resultant pollution. Methodological emphasis
was initially placed on modified forms of systems analysis and time-geography and
more recently on reflexive approaches (Hallin, 1994; Hultman, 1998). Some were
concerned that, paralleling developments of a so-called ecological modernization
ideology abroad, Swedish practices of production, politics, and consumption had
become much greener in text, speech, and image— loudly reproducing the organic
lexicon of recycling, sustainability, and ecology— but had accomplished little in
reality. Even the (global) environmental movement of the late twentieth century seemed
to be more concerned with coordinating interests with other transnational actors and
states than with critical scrutiny and design of serious alternatives. Others offered
more empirical illustrations of the difficulties and strategies of planning for nature
preservation and environment in various Swedish settings.
Gender and environment were also major themes in development geographies
of Africa and Asia, especially in the 1990s (Dahl, Drakakis-Smith, and Narman,
1993; Lundqvist, 1998; Malmberg, 1988). Otherwise, the geographies of develop­
ment have been diverse, ranging from the Green Revolution to water supply, urban
expansion, education, and earthquakes. Development geography has made useful
contributions through case studies and critical examination of (Swedish) develop­
ment programs but has been less interested in fashionable theoretical debates on,
for example, postcolonialism.
A relatively novel theme in Swedish human geography has been the issue of
immigration, multiculturalism, racism, ethnic segregation, and integration. Some
of this literature was downright critical of the Swedish planning system and global
social as well as economic mechanisms that excluded or disadvantaged “foreigners”
in an increasingly multicultural society (Andersson, 1993; Tesfahuny, 1998). This
kind of research came together well with developments in society and frequently
embraced analysis of the powerful practices, mechanisms, and postcolonial discourses
of the “Other.”
In recent decades an informal division of labor— frequently overlapping— has
developed in university departments of geography. At Stockholm University
Staffan Helmfrid (during the 1980s vice chancellor of the university) is leading a
318 / MODERN

team that is producing a new National Atlas o f Sweden, which now comprises 20
volumes in Swedish and English (also computerized). This atlas is being produced
by all geography departments in Sweden as well as a large number of government
In the area of research, two older traditions are being further developed at Stockholm
University. First is the historical geography of Sweden (its preindustrial landscape),
a study that now includes not only old maps and other written sources but also work
in the field in cooperation with archaeologists. A hypermodem Geo Processing
Unit is now used for landscape analysis. Mats Widgren (2000) and colleagues have
initiated comparative historical landscape research in the arid lands of Africa. This
is an important contribution to environmental history. A second thrust is toward
polar research, with an emphasis on the connection between glaciology and climato­
logy. A new activity is remote sensing, which has developed into a strong section
serving both physical and human geography. It is clearly an important tool for the
production of Sweden’s atlas.
At Uppsala University physical geography is well developed, with special
reference to the study of rivers, particularly erosion and sedimentation. The
Geography Department has a well-equipped laboratory and earlier included Ake
Sundborg, an international authority in the field. In human geography population
and development are presently of great importance. Professor Sture Oberg worked
with the staff of Mauritz Strong for two years in preparing the environmental
conference of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. System analysis and simulation have been
developed as instruments at Uppsala. At Umea University, situated in the north of
Sweden, Professor Erik Bylund (a student of Gerd Enequist) created a tradition of
regional policy studies, with an emphasis on the problems of remote and sparsely
populated areas. At Goteborg University the dominant specialty is the geography of
transportation. In physical geography a significant theme has been urban climatology.
Lund University has developed two themes in physical geography: microclim­
atology and soil conservation in developing countries, with particular reference
to Africa. In economic geography primary attention has been given to Sweden’s
relation to the Common Market and the possible regional consequences of a closer
integration. In human geography an emphasis has been placed on development prob­
lems in Africa (participation in the organization of censuses). In addition, various
themes relating to the concept of sustainable development as seen in the Swedish
perspective have been adopted. An example is how a new energy budget would
influence lifestyles in the future. (Time-geography is of relevance here.) Hagerstrand
led a Danish-Norwegian-Finnish-Swedish team that studied urban metabolism— that
is, the flow of matter in industrial society and the environmental consequences of
these flows.
Hagerstrand (1992) has written that
our old tradition to take up empirical studies with a rather strong applied inclina­
tion is still dominating. Social theory is a side issue. The big theoretical question
today is how to integrate the physical and human branches of geography in ways
which do not repeat the simplicities of the 20s and 30s. I would say that the cen­
tral theme is “the human use of the Earth.” Clearly an understanding requires some
sort of “social theory” but not one which is defining away the material world.
The New Geography in Sweden / 319

What we need— as I see it— in order to be able to make sense of the physical-
human question is a theory of technology.19
In the last decade both physical and human geography have been returned to
the schools and teacher training curricula. Many smaller universities have begun
courses and programs in tourist studies. GIS research and education is now estab­
lished at most universities. Nordplan has been reorganized into an applied research
organization called Nordic Center for Spatial Development. The linkages between
human geographers and pragmatic issues of planning and regional development remain.
Economic geography and geographies of development have also surged. And the
separation of physical and human geography in the 1950s has found rapprochement
since the 1970s.
Geography in Sweden is now ensconced in a larger profession than previously,
shares viewpoints with the initial community, simultaneously undertakes research
on many fronts always with its concern for sensible occupation of the Earth by its
life forms.

Ahlmann, H. W. 1921. “The Economical Geography of Swedish Norrland.” Geograjiska Annaler
Ahlmann, H. W., and Friberg, N. 1938. “Neue Stromungen in der nordischen geograph-
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19Letter from T. Hagerstrand to G. Martin, July 3, 1992.

320 / MODERN

---------. 1986. Life Experience as Catalyst for Cross Disciplinary Communication. Univer­
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---------. 1923a. “On the Definition, Method, and Classification of Geography.” Geografiska
Annaler 5:1-37.
---------. 1923b. “Greater Stockholm: A Geographical Interpretation." Geographical Review
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Gren, M. 1996. Visible/Invisible Boundaries. Nordisk Samhallsgeografisk Tidskrift
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Series B, No. 4.
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A. Pred.
The New Geography in Sweden / 321

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T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in J apan

The more one studies any subject, but especially, perhaps, a subject that one
at first thinks mistakenly has been relatively neglected, the more one realizes
the depths of one's own ignorance.
— Sir Hugh Cortazzi, Isles of Gold: Antique Maps of Japan

eography in Japan is many centuries old. In earlier times geography was indi­
G genous and related to both a knowledge of the surface of the earth and
celestial mechanics. With the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the government began to
import science and technology from Western countries and from Chinese sources.1
By 1873 a number of scholars had been invited to Japan to help those in the newly
founded educational system. Some of these scholars were from Germany, and on
March 22 (the German emperor's birthday) they founded the German East-Asiatic
Society. This organization became a forum for lectures and publications. It became
an intellectual link in the development of Japanese—German relations and helped
bring new ideas to a society wishing to modernize.
In 1869 an Office of Geography was established in the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
This office was combined with the Surveyor’s Office within the Ministry of
Industries, and in 1876 it became the Geography Section of the Ministry of Home
Affairs. In the next 18 years an embryonic modem geography was established: the
Hydrographical Department of the Ministry of the Navy in 1870; the Topographic
Survey and Cartographic Office in 1871; the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory in
1875; the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory in 1888; and the Land Survey Depart­
ment of the Army, also in 1888.
A modem educational system was established in 1872. In 1877 Tokyo Imperial
University (the University of Tokyo) was formed by the amalgamation of several
schools. Normal schools were built, and in 1886 higher normal schools were estab­
lished. Typical of the higher normal schools was the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal
School (1890). Each of these institutions offered courses in geography. Until
approximately 1887 foreigners were employed in government and teaching. Earth
scientists who helped lay the foundation for the development of geography were
Benjamin Lyman (from the United States) and Edmund Naumann (from Germany).*

'From 1637 until 1853 the only outside contacts that were permitted were made through a
Dutch trading post on an island in the harbor of Nagasaki. In 1853 Commodore Matthew
Perry of the U.S. Navy sailed into Yokohama harbor, and thereafter outside contacts
became more and more frequent. With the Meiji Restoration of 1868, which returned the
emperor to the throne, a policy of rapid modernization was instituted.

324 / MODERN

Geography soon became a respected field because it encouraged the Japanese

to work harder and to modernize their country, which was shown to be less
prosperous than the Western countries. As a result, a substantial demand arose for
geography teachers and for geographic literature (Takeuchi, 1990). In 1869 a com­
pilation of information on the countries of the world was published and gained
immediate popularity. The writer was a Japanese scholar named Yukichi Fukuzawa,
and his book on world geography was in the tradition of the universal geographies
of the West. Its impact on the Japanese was enormous, for it introduced its readers
to the world beyond Japan. In a decade interest in geography was sufficient to
support the organization of the Tokyo Geographical Society (1879). This society
was modeled on the Royal Geographical Society, and its main undertakings were
research and exploration. The Tokyo Society published a journal entitled The
Journal o f the Tokyo Geographical Society, which strongly influenced geographical
thinking in Japan.
Another book modeled on British geography, A Handbook for Travellers in Central
and Northern Japan (Yokohama, 1881), was in the mode of Murray’s Handbook
(Suizu et al., 1980). This book was revised and enlarged and then published as A
Handbook for Travellers in Japan. It was added to Murray’s Handbook, for Euro­
peans were beginning to travel to Japan.
By 1886 Japan’s educational system had been “completed.” Japanese returned
from study abroad and began to staff the educational institutions. Japanese studies
now began to replace works imported from abroad.
Geography as a professional field in the universities owes its first development
to the geologists, historians, and agricultural specialists who became interested in
the study of the interrelations between human settlement and the physical earth.
The geologist who led the way was Bunjiro Koto, the founder of the Department
of Geology at the Imperial University of Tokyo. Koto had been a student at Tokyo.
After completing an undergraduate course in geology, he had been sent at govern­
ment expense to study geology in Germany, first at Munich and then at Leipzig.
After his return to Japan in 1890, he began to offer courses in geography in the
new Department of Geology at Tokyo.
The first scholars to be appointed professors of geography in Japan were Koto’s
students, who had taken geology at Tokyo and then had studied geography in Germany.
The Journal o f Geography was established at Tokyo Imperial University, offering
articles on Japanese problems and the Japanese environment. The literature began
to grow. Yazu published Physical Geography (1890), and S. Shiga published
Lectures on Geography 1889 (there were numerous later editions) and Japanese
Landscapes (1894). By 1903 Japanese Landscapes had gone through 15 editions;
it is available even today in paperback. In the same year, 1903, Uchimura wrote
On Geography, which incorporated the work of Arnold H. Guyot, Mary Somerville,
George P. Marsh, and other Westerners. The book was retitled Man and Land and
outlined geography as conceived by Ritter. Makiguchi wrote Life Geography based
on Ritter and Ratzel’s work and created the framework for human geography in
Japan. This work was to human geography what Yazu’s was to physical geo­
graphy. Then in 1911 Noguchi published Outline o f Geography: Human Studies, and
human geography began to replace physical geography as the dominant geography.
The New Geography in Japan / 325

Two monumental works that announced the coming of age of Japanese geography
were Geographical Dictionary o f Japan, 1900-1909, compiled by Yoshida, and
Regional Geography o f Japan (10 vols.), 1903-1915 by Yamasaki and Sato. Of
special interest to American readers are the travels and resultant publications of two
female American geographers. Eliza R. Scidmore (corresponding secretary of the
National Geographic Society) traveled to Japan in the 1890s and produced several
articles and books including Jinrikisha Days in Japan (1891) and East to the West:
A Guide to the Principal Cities of the Straits Settlements, China and Japan (1898).
Ellen Semple traveled to Japan in 1911 and published two articles on Japanese
agriculture and colonial methods. Meanwhile a Japanese translation of her
Influences o f Geographical Environment was published in 1917 and again in 1926.
Ellsworth Huntington’s Asia: A Geography Reader and Civilization and Climate
were also translated into Japanese.
Two American geographers specialized in the study of Japanese geography,
commencing in the 1920s: Robert B. Hall and Glenn T. Trewartha. (Other American
geographers who wrote on the population of Japan included Mark Jefferson, Darrell
H. Davis and John E. Orchard.) Special mention might be made of Trewartha’s A
Reconnaissance Geography o f Japan, which was published in 1934. This work was
revised and published in 1945 as Japan, a Physical, Cultural and Regional Geo­
graphy. Twenty years later a further revised version was published as Japan: a
Geography. This book seems to have been the main source of information concerning
Japanese geography for American geographers especially in the 1930s and 1940s.


Two wars that occurred late in the Meiji era—the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)
and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05— had an impact on the development of
geography in Japan. In both of these Japanese victories, geography proved very
useful, further stimulating the growth of the subject in the educational system.
The first professor of geography in Japan was appointed in 1907 in the Institute of
History at the University of Kyoto. This was Takuji Ogawa,2 whose geographical
ideas were largely derived from the teaching of Eduard Suess at Vienna. Appointed
with him as an assistant professor was a young historian named Goro Ishibashi.
Ogawa and Ishibashi pioneered in the study and teaching of historical and regional
geography. Ogawa’s own writings included Regional Geography o f Formosa (1896),
Study o f Human Geography (1928), Studies o f the Historical Geography of China
(1928), Studies o f Historical Geography (1929), Geography of War (1934), Life of
a Geographer (1941), and Japanese Archipelago (1944). He never lost his interest

2Takuji Ogawa graduated in geology from the University of Tokyo in 1896. He was
then sent to Vienna for graduate study, where he worked with Eduard Suess. Ogawa
was a very broadly trained scholar. Not only was he thoroughly qualified in geology and
physical geography, but he also had a profound knowledge of the Chinese classics and
was fluent in several Western languages.
326 / MODERN

in the physical earth, and, when an Institute of Geology was established at Kyoto,
he was appointed to it, leaving Ishibashi to head the work in geography.
Fujita, another of Ogawa’s students, wrote a History o f Japanese Houses (1927)
and On Japanese Linear Measure (1929). Another distinguished geographer of this
period was Naomasa Yamasaki, who played a major role not only in providing trained
geography teachers for the secondary schools but also in developing geography
as a professional field requiring graduate training in the universities.3 Yamasaki
had derived his geographical ideas from Albrecht Penck in Vienna; the record of
his studies and his teaching clearly reflects his teacher’s wide range of interests.
Yamasaki investigated the glacial landforms of the high mountains of Japan and
the landforms produced along fault lines. Between 1903 and 1915 Yamasaki
coauthored with Denzo Sato and others The Regional Geography o f Great Japan.
This work, published in 10 volumes and more than 10,000 pages long, was the first
detailed regional study written about Japan. It is believed that as a result of this
extraordinary work, Yamasaki gave lectures to the crown prince (later the emperor).
At the request of the Ministry of Railways Yamasaki supervised The Japan Guide
Book (published in the 1930s after his death). He also published extensively on
volcanoes, glaciation, and seismology, and he is credited with developing geography
from a subject matter to a discipline. He traveled abroad once a year for most of his
life and thereby distinguished himself in Japanese geography as an internationalist.
Yamasaki was the first government scholar sent to Europe to study geography. Akira
Nakanome was the second such scholar. He also studied with Albrecht Penck and
Eduard Bruckner. Under the latter’s influence he became enthusiastic about glacial
climatology. Upon his return to Japan he joined with Takuji Ogawa to found the
first chair of geography at Kyoto Imperial University. He continued in his post at
the Higher Normal College of Hiroshima (Ishida, 2000).
In 1923 the Earth Science Association was established under the guidance of
the Geology and Geography departments of Kyoto University. In the next year a
periodical, The Earth, was published.4 Then, in 1925, the Association of Japanese
Geographers was formed in Tokyo. This association published the Geographical
Review o f Japan, which continues to this day.

3Naomasa Yamasaki graduated in geology from the University of Tokyo in 1895, one
year earlier than Ogawa. After teaching in the undergraduate program at Sendai (Miyagi
Prefecture) for three years, Yamasaki was sent to study in Germany and Austria. During
the years 1898 to 1901, he studied with Rein at Bonn and with Albrecht Penck at Vienna.
In 1902, when he returned to Japan, he was appointed to teach at the higher normal
school in Tokyo (later Bunrika University, now Kyoiku University). Here he was a major
factor in supplying well-trained teachers for the Japanese secondary schools. He continued
to teach at the higher normal school even after he was appointed to teach economic
geography in the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo in 1908. He became the first
professor of geography at Tokyo in 1911, when he was appointed to this chair in the
Institute of Geology. He was transferred to the new separate Department of Geography
when it was created in 1919.
4In 1937 the Earth Science Association and its journal, The Earth, were terminated.
The New Geography in Japan / 327


The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 focused national attention on the geosciences.
Cooperation between the disciplines was accomplished to facilitate planning for recon­
struction. The first national population census of 1920 led to an interest in popula­
tion geography.5 In 1926 topographic maps for the whole of Japan at a scale of
1/50,000 were published; these were followed by maps at scales of 1/200,000,1/25,000,
and 1/10,000. These maps further supported interest in population geography. By
the end of the 1920s came the economic depression and then the Manchurian affair
in 1931. These incidents once again brought attention to geography.
Tokyo Bunrika University was founded in 1929, with a Geography Department
that quickly became a major center for geographical research. This development
facilitated the widespread acceptance of geography as an independent science
(Noma, 1976). A number of systematic lectures and world outlines were pub­
lished, which provided texts for various educational levels. When Yamasaki died
in 1929, Tsujimura succeeded to his post at Tokyo Imperial University. Tsujimura
also taught at the Tokyo Higher Normal School; in both institutions he educated
many students. He also contributed substantially to the Journal o f Geography. He
specialized in geomorphology and published Geomorphology (1922), Regional
Geomorphology o f Japan (1929), New Geomorphology (1932-1935), and several
studies on fault geomorphology.
Geomorphology introduced the concepts of W. M. Davis into Japan, and it
contained illustrations taken from Japan, Europe, and the United States. When
Tsujimura led the Geographical Review, geomorphology was its primary focus, although
it did not neglect human geography. Tsujimura emphasized the significance of the
morphology of the cultural landscape. Keiichi Takeuchi (1984) suggests that he was
influenced by Berkeley geography and German Landschaft. Tanaka and Uchida
directed the Papers o f the Otsuka Geographical Association, published by Bunrika
University. Tanaka studied the regions of Japan. Noma has suggested that his
system resembled Hermann Lautensach’s Formenwandel. Noma’s practice produced
followers who were known as the chorographic school. Uchida, with a historical
approach, dealt with population, settlement, agriculture, and commerce and developed
followers who would become known as members of the local studies school.
In 1932 Kyoto Imperial University sponsored Monographs in Geography, which
emphasized human geography and was edited first by Goro Isibashi and later by
Saneshige Komaki. Japanese geography had entered a very fruitful period in the
1930s. At Kyoto University Ogawa and Isibashi had also attained prestige in the
area of historical geography; at Tokyo Imperial University under Yamasaki and
then Tsujimura, geomorphology was emphasized; and in the Tokyo University of
Science and Literature Tanaka and Uchida developed the regional method.
Geomorphology “appears to have been strongly influenced by the doctrines of

5Interestingly, the American geographer Mark Jefferson had already published “The
Distribution of People in Japan in 1913,” Geographical Review 2, no. 5 (1916):368 —372
and “Additional Notes on the Population Density of Japan,” The Geographical Review 4,
no. 4, (1917):320.
328 / MODERN

Davis and was qualitative, explanatory and deductive in character” (Kaizuka,

1976). Davisian thinking was helpful in the educational system, for it was both
clearly defined and applicable. Other literature and geographical ideas came from
European geography.
The most dominant European influence on Japanese geography in the first half
of the century came from Germany, which exported the essence of geopolitik into
Japan. Between the two world wars geographers felt that this kind of thinking, which
had an impact on government policy, would help validate geography as a science
(Takeuchi, 1980). Japanese geographers became familiar with the work of Rudolf
Kjellen and then Karl Haushofer and Otto Maull. Geographers and journalists were
caught up in the new geopolitik, adapted from the German model. Several of the
German works, especially those by Haushofer, were translated into Japanese.6 This
philosophy proved disastrous for Japan, and after the war its proponents were
removed from their academic appointments, with geography suffering some con­
sequent loss of image.
Other notions imported from Germany included those from the work of J. von
Thiinen and Alfred Weber. The first reference to von Thiinen’s theory was made by
an agricultural scientist, Tokiyoshi Yokoi, in 1892,7 and the theory was presented to
geographers by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi in 1903.8 Curiously, it was not until the
1920s that von Thiinen’s work was described in English.9 Japanese translations were
made in 1916 and 1928 of both the 1826 and 1842 editions of von Thiinen’s Der
Isolierte Staat. Not until 1966 was this book translated into English (edited by
P. Hall). The early interest in von Thiinen may have been due to the economists’
interest and the role of agriculture in Japan. In Europe and the United States,
urbanization was the dominant force, and agricultural goods could be obtained by
opening new lands or importing from other countries. Another influence in Japan was
the economist Alfred Marshall. Marshall may have had greater faith in the Ricardian
theory of rent than in von Thunen’s theory, which came from Germany, as did Alfred
Weber's work concerning industrial location. During the 1920s in Japan, the influ­
ence of Wilhelm Windelband and H. Rickert was strong, and the work of Wilhelm
Dilthey, Heidegger, and Husserl became known (Yamano, 1980). I. Watanuki
introduced the work of Alfred Hettner, H. Kunimatsu introduced O. Graf, and
T. Matsui proposed that economic geography was a branch of Kulturwissenshaft.
Japanese geographers became concerned about philosophy and philosophers to
the extent that they wished to comprehend the individual, the unique, and yet to
submerge the individual in order to generalize. All this seems to have been inspired

6Between 1939 and 1948 two Japanese versions of Haushofer et al., Bausteine zur
Geopolitik (1928), and three Japanese versions of Haushofer’s Geopolitik des Pazifischen
Ozeans, Studien uber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Geographie und Geschichte
(1925) were published. Also, Haushofer’s Weltmeer and Weltmacht (1937) and
Geopolitische Grundlage (1939) were translated, respectively, in 1943 and in 1940.
7T. Yokoi, Textbook o f Agriculture 1892:48-51.
8T. Makiguchi, Geography for Human Life, 1903.
90 . Jonasson, “Agricultural Regions of Europe,” Economic Geography 1(1925):284—286.
The New Geography in Japan / 329

by Germany geography. Also from Germany came the work of Leo Bagrow, an
emigrant from St. Petersburg, who organized the first major exhibition on the carto­
graphy of Japan. This took place in 1932 at the Japan Institute in Berlin. He adopted
the excellent work of Count Paul Teleki—Atlas o f the History o f the Cartography
o f the Japanese Islands (1909)— as a foundation for the exhibit.
In the 1930s the concept of the region also became significant in Japanese
geography. M. Odauchi, in A Study o f Local Geography (1930), introduced the
concept of natural regions into Japan. Odauchi refers to the thought of Frederic
Le Play, Arthur Geddes, and Andrew J. Herbertson. Work by Unstead and Fleure,
both of whom were advocates of a regional framework, was translated into
Japanese (Hasegawa, 1980). In addition, the French school of geography, initially
led by Vidal de la Blache, exerted a considerable influence on the concept of region.
His Principles o f Human Geography was translated into Japanese in 1933,101and
other of his works began to appear in Japanese journals and literature. K. Iizuka
studied in France and wrote a thesis concerning la Blache and his book. Iizuka
also translated la Blache’s Principles o f Human Geography (1940) (Nozawa,
1980). Bibliographical notes were attached to the translation and conveyed much
about French geography to Japan. Jean Brunhes, one of la Blache’s disciples, who
had written Human Geography, saw this book translated into Japanese.11 Francois
Ruellan, a French geographer who was teaching in Japan at the time, reinforced the
concept of region through his publications in Japanese geographical periodicals.


Geopolitics flourished in the environment of the late 1930s. In 1941 the magazines
Geography and the Scientific Pen both issued special numbers devoted exclusively
to geopolitics. On November 10, 1941, the Association of Geopolitics of Japan was
established and published a journal titled Geopolitics. Saneshige Komaki, at Kyoto
University, wrote his “Declaration of Japanese Geopolitics” (1940), which attracted
considerable attention. However, Komaki was reluctant to apply Haushofer’s ideas
to Japan without modification. During the war an Institute of National Land Plan­
ning was established, and it published a magazine, National Land Planning.
Many of Japan’s professional geographers were attached to the General Staff
Office, the Military Academy and military preparatory schools and research teams
in the Japanese colonies and occupied territories. Even if this activity was not the
wish of the individual, it was hardly possible to refuse the work. In this way few
geographers perished in the war (Takeuchi, 2000, p. 148). Overall, the war was a
time of regression for Japan and terminated in trauma that would change Japan
After 1945 new work was commenced under the direction of American geo­
graphers in the General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.

10The translation was rendered by S. Yamaguchi.

11Translated by T. Matsuo, 1929.
330 / MODERN

Included were undertakings concerning land classification, land use, water conser­
vation and development, and photo interpretation in geomorphology. Edward
Ackerman, one of the geographers who held an advisory post among the American
occupation personnel, employed a number of Japanese to study resources in Japan.
The survey was published as Japanese Natural Resources: A Comprehensive
Survey in 1949. In addition, the Soil Survey o f Japan (1948-1951) was published.
The organization of the Natural Resources Research Association in 1947 was one
result of this work. Another American contribution was the establishment of the
University of Michigan Institute of Japanese Studies under the direction of Robert
B. Hall.12

The number of educational institutions in Japan increased substantially under
American influence in the postwar years as part of the general educational reform
of the nation. In 1951 Japan could claim 95 public universities and 142 private
universities. Nearly all of these institutions had at least one chair of geography.
Therefore, the demand for trained geographers accelerated. To facilitate the pro­
fessional growth of geographers and to provide a forum in which papers could be
read, exchanged, and discussed, the Association of Japanese Geographers opened
its doors to anyone who wished to join.
Other associations and periodicals were soon founded. In 1948 the Human
Geography Association of Japan was organized in Kyoto; its journal was entitled
Human Geography. Initially, this association provided services for geographers in
western Japan; later it became nationwide in scope. The Tohoku Geographic
Association, centered at Tohoku University, provided for the needs of geographers
in northeastern Japan. Other associations were formed, each of which publishes a
journal: the Association of Photometry (1947), the Association of Historical Geo­
graphers in Japan (1958), and the Japan Cartographic Association (1962).
Another impact on the development of Japanese geography was the 1946 order
of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers that stipulated that those geo­
graphers who had been involved in geopolitical support of the government were
thenceforth removed from their posts. The Association of Democratic Scientists of
Japan and the Science Liaison Committee were founded in 1946. Through these act­
ivities eventually Japanese geographers were admitted as members or corresponding
members of the International Geographical Union commissions. Mention should
also be made of expatriates returning from overseas assignments: A number of these
people entered teaching as geographers and government agencies, including the
Meteorological Agency, the Geographical Survey Institute, the Defense Agency, and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

12R. Hall, a member of the University of Michigan Geography Department, was a

specialist on Japan. His study of the road connecting Yedo (Tokyo) and Kyoto and of the
region that it ties together remains a masterpiece of historical geography. See “Tokaido:
Road and Region,” Geographical Review 27(1937):353-377.
The New Geography in Japan / 331

International exchanges in the postwar period proved very important for Japan. From
1949 onward Japanese students studied in the United States through a program
sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department and the Fulbright Program. By about
1955 Japanese students could also study in England, France, and West Germany.
The economic recovery and the strength of the Japanese currency now made it more
feasible for students to study and travel abroad. In turn, foreign tourists and geo­
graphers also traveled to Japan, the geographers usually as visiting scholars. Then
in 1957 the International Geographical Union’s regional conference was held in Japan.
This event gave Japanese geographers the opportunity to create relationships with
their peers abroad, thereby reducing Japan’s cultural isolation.
Prior to and during the war, freedom to write and speak what one thought had
been curtailed in Japan (Takeuchi, 1984). The more liberal, forward-looking philo­
sophy ushered in during the 1950s now produced new opportunities in geography.
Advanced analytical methods were introduced, specializations emerged, and
interdisciplinary cooperation was practiced. Physical and human geography came
to be considered separate disciplines. Within physical geography, geomorphology,
hydrology, and climatology became discrete fields, as cultural, industrial, and agri­
cultural geography became discrete fields within human geography.
In physical geography dynamic analysis became popular, and lowland geomor­
phology won wide acceptance. Quantitative approaches were adopted with regard
to coastal landforms and fluvial processes. The work of river terraces in relation to
mountain glaciation and changes in sea level and other matters relating to climatic
change were more thoroughly investigated. Takeuchi (1984) notes growing strength
in hydrology and climatology from the 1950s onward. M. M. Yoshino holds a
premier position in climatological studies in Japan, T. Nishizawa has contributed
much to the study of urban climate, and H. Suzuki to historical climatology.
Approximately 40 percent of all geographical publications in Japan are devoted
to physical geography.


After 1950 prewar thinking and philosophy were severely criticized, as was environ­
mentalism, but ecological and Marxist viewpoints enjoyed some popularity. The
emphasis that developed on socioeconomic and historical causalities encouraged
empirical studies of small areas. The tradition of local field work continues in Japanese
geography. This work contrasts rather starkly with the nationwide and international
studies that are more common today than previously.
In historical geography Kyoto University ranks first in the nation. Its focus is on
restoring the landscape of past times. After the war its interests centered on the pre­
historic and ancient periods; more recently, Kyoto’s emphasis has been on the medieval
period. K. Uchida (1971) of Tokyo Bunrika University continued his work on the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and has now been succeeded by his admirers,
Y. Asaka, T. Kitamura, and T. Kikuchi (1958). Some historical geographers, for exam­
ple, M. Senda (1980), have become interested in the perception of humans in past eras.
332 / MODERN

Takuji Ogama Shigetaka Shiga

Keiichi Takeuchi Naomasa Yamasaki

The New Geography in Japan / 333

Economic geography has grown concomitantly with Japan’s economic growth.

Studies of industrial areas began to develop in the 1960s, and studies of nationwide
industrial location became more popular in the 1970s. The analysis of spatial organ­
ization relating to manufacturing began in the 1970s. In total, these studies have
revealed much about Japanese industry during the rapid growth period of the 1960s
and the less spectacular growth since 1974. Agricultural geography, which was
very active prior to the war, was largely taken over by the agricultural economists
after 1945. Urbanization and industrialization bit deeply into the rural landscape,
encouraging the immigration of rural workers to urban areas. Part-time farm house­
holds have been studied by M. Ishii (1980). A theme that has gained considerable
attention is whether optimum production for the national economy is essential, or
whether it is desirable to subsidize villages in marginal areas that have lost popu­
lation (Fujita, 1981). Geographers do not seem to have made a firm decision on this
question at the government level. Mining and mineral studies and marine studies
have received geographers’ attention in recent years. Population geography, which
was already popular before 1941, became more sophisticated after the war. Most
of this work was undertaken in an environmental framework. Both geographers
and demographers seized hold of this practical study (Hama, 1978). Studies in dis­
tribution and circulation were facilitated by the numerical approach. For example,
H. Morikawa (1974), adopting quantitative methods, pursued research concerning
central-place patterns in Japan.
Urban studies also proliferated after the war. Initially, assessing the war damage
in the cities and planning for reconstruction were the primary tasks. Later, indus­
trialization and urbanization motivated the urban geographers (Kiuchi et al., eds.).
New methods of urban research were introduced from the West, and studies in
commuting (Arisu, 1968), internal structure of urban areas (Tanabe, 1971), satellite
cities (Yamaga, 1964), the hierarchy in urban settlements (Watanabe, 1955), and
shopping districts (Hattori and Sugimura, 1977) typified the new directions. Special
urban geography sessions were frequently on the programs of the Association of
Japanese Geographers as urban problems increased.
Takeuchi (2000, 193) observed that “modem Japanese geography has always been
under the sway of achievements in geographical studies of western countries and a
large number of Japanese geographers are interested in the methodology and his­
tory of western academic geography”. Since the 1860s this has been true, but in the
last 15 years investigations and translations of such works have been both more num­
erous and intense in disposition. NishiKawa (1988) wrote on the ecologic approach
by Humboldt, Ritter, Richthofen and Troll. The significance for contemporary
geography of Humboldt was sought by M. Tamura (1993,1995), of Ritter by Takeuchi
(1981), and of Humboldt and Ritter by A. Tezuka (1990, 1997). Tanaka (1996)
presented Ratzel’s writings on Japan. Nozawa has published (with commentary)
extensively on French geography (1994) including a book on Vidal de la Blache
(1998b). Tezuka translated some of the work of Humboldt, Ritter, Hettner, Schliiter,
and de Martonne. Hisatake studied the Berkeley school of geography, and Nojiri
studied the Chicago school of human ecology. Sugiura published on the social
history of the quantitative revolution. Ishikawa published briefly on some AAG
presidential addresses. Noguchi reported on the closure of the department of
334 / MODERN

geography at the University of Michigan, and Nakayama considered the state of

high school geography after 1984. And themes such as landscape, region, area study,
methodology, and epistemology have received much attention. This is especially
true with regard to the concept of region. Pursuant to the study of regional
geography in Western countries, Japan now exhibits a newly reconstructed regional
geography. Takeuchi ascribes this to the economic reduction of Japan in recent time
(cf. the boom years of the 1980s and 1990s) which has driven responsibility and
decision making from Tokyo back to the local regions, thus providing the latter with
renewed authority and attention.
Japanese geography has clearly been modernized in the post-1945 period. Today
geography has a prominent place in the schools and universities of Japan. (Large
numbers of students graduate in geography and then undertake a career that does
not relate to the subject at all.) Japanese geography is also making its way into the
international literature. The 1957 International Geographical Union’s regional con­
ference was a help in this respect. The Twenty-fourth International Geographical
Congress held in Japan in 1980 brought Japanese and non-Japanese geographers
together as never before. With that meeting new attention was given to a geography
once hidden by language, cultural, and geographical isolation.
Since that time indigenous Japanese geography has flourished based on the inte­
gration of work accomplished in the homeland and the ongoing importation of
literature and ideas from Western countries and the Soviet Union/Commonwealth
of Independent States.

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Siebold (1796-1866) und Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716).” Erdkunde 22, no. 1:7-13.
Tsujita, U. 1977. “Naomasa Yamasaki, 1870-1928.” In Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies.
Vol. 1, pp. 113-117. London: Mansell.
The New Geography in Japan / 337

---------. 1982. “Takuji Ogawa 1870-1941.” In Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies.

Vol. 6, pp. 71-76. London: Mansell.
Uchida, K. 1971. Kinsei noson no jiukochiriteki kenkyu [Population Geography of Rural
Settlement in the Late Middle Age]. Chukokan.
Ukita, T., and Ashikaga, K. 1976. ‘‘Historical Geography.” In S. Kiuchi, ed., Geography in
Japan. Pp. 215-235. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
Walter, L., ed. 1994. Japan: A Cartographic Vision. Munich: Prestel.
Watanabe, H. 1968. Jorisei no kenkyu [A Study of the Jori System]. Sogensha.
Watanabe, Y. 1955. The Central Hierarchy in Fukushima Prefecture. A Study of Types of
Rural Service Structure. Science Report No. 4, Tohoku University Geography.
Yamaga, S. 1964. Toshichirigaku [Urban Geography], Taimeido.
Yamano, M. 1980. “General Remarks on the Methodology of Human Geography in Japan
(1930-1945).” Geography Institute, Kyoto University, ed., Geographical Languages in
Different Times and Places. Pp. 75-78. Japanese Commission on the History of Geo­
graphical Thought of the 24th 1GU Congress in Japan.
Yoshikawa, T. 1976. “General Comments on the Development of Physical Geography in
Japan.” In S. Kiuchi, ed., Geography in Japan. Pp. 29-33. Tokyo: University of Tokyo
T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in t h e U n it e d

St a tes B efo r e W o rld W a r I

Reputations for originality are more often made by giving names to ideas already
coming into circulation than by inventing new ideas. In this way the fruits of many
men’s thinking are appropriated by the more lucid and articulate among them.
—John P. Plamanatz

hen the “new geography” arrived in North America following its appearance
W in Germany, an interest in geographical studies and in the teaching of geo­
graphy in schools and colleges had already been demonstrated (Aay, 1981; Wamtz,
1981). As in other parts of the world, geographical work was contributed by scholars
(e.g., Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson) for whom such studies constituted
only one of many intellectual interests. There were pioneers such as Jedidiah Morse,
George Perkins Marsh, and Matthew Fontaine Maury who brought new under­
standing to the study of the earth as the home of humankind. There were also the
endogenous ideas, which to some extent were the product of the wilderness con­
quest experience. In addition, there were ideas imported from Europe to the United
States by geographers including Carl Ritter, Alexander von Humboldt, Ernst
Kapp, Johann Georg Kohl, and Elisee Reclus. Correspondence between American
geologists, geomorphologists, and cryptogeographers and European geographers
developed. European books and periodicals were imported, and beginning in 1871
U.S. and European geographers met at the International Geographical Congresses.
European geographical ideas were also brought to America by such scholars as Louis
Agassiz at Harvard and Arnold Guyot at Princeton. Guyot’s pupil William Libbey,
Jr., who succeeded Guyot as professor of physical geography at Princeton, carried
on the tradition of individual scholarship in his studies of oceanography, especially
of the relationship between the Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current. During the
nineteenth century, too, major advances in thematic mapping were introduced from
Europe through the efforts of such men as Lorin Blodget, Joseph C. G. Kennedy,
Daniel Coit Gilman, and Francis A. Walker.
In this brief survey of exogenous contributions, mention must also be made of
Franz Boas. In 1882 Boas unsuccessfully sought an appointment in geography at
Johns Hopkins University, where geographer Daniel Coit Gilman was president.
He then sought numerous posts in both American and German geography before
accepting an appointment as anthropologist at Clark University in 1889. He brought
with him something of the German geographic tradition and, more particularly
perhaps, that of Fischer and Ratzel (Koelsch, 2004; Cole, 1999).

The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 339

An important part of the background for the development of the new geography
in America was the tradition of the field survey and the resulting emphasis on
induction from observations rather than deduction from theory. In the 1880s the Great
Surveys of the West had just been combined in the U.S. Geological Survey. (For
geographers at work in the federal government, see Friis [1981]; for Amerindian
antecedents, see Lewis [1981].) The men who worked on these surveys had not
received previous training in the concepts and methods of geography, and they had
to find their own answers to the five questions listed at the beginning of Chapter 7
(what to observe, how to observe, how to generalize, how to explain, and how to
communicate). Since these field men had not been indoctrinated with Lyell’s ideas
about marine planation or Werner’s ideas about the origin of the earth, they were
able to observe landforms and the processes that produced them without strong
preconceptions. There was a practical motivation for their work. They distrusted
theory and the findings of scholars that had been deduced from theory. Grove Karl
Gilbert wrote: “In the testing of hypotheses lies the prime difference between the
investigator and theorist. The one seeks diligently for the facts which may overthrow
his tentative theory, the other closes his eyes to these and searches only for those
what will sustain it” (Gilbert, 1886).
By 1880 the stage was set for the appearance of what we have called the new
geography. As we have seen in Chapters 7 and 8, the formation of a professional
field requires the existence of clusters of scholars working closely with graduate
students in universities (Koelsch, 1981). The concept of the university as a com­
munity of scholars first appeared in America in 1876 when Daniel Coit Gilman became
president of the newly founded Johns Hopkins University (Wright, 1961; Heyman,
2001); thereafter, the idea spread rapidly to other established universities. For the
first time faculties qualified by advanced training and continued activity in research
were selected to guide the training of younger generations. For the first time a pro­
fessional group could lead and direct scholarly performance in each discipline, free
from external interference.
Geographers began to participate in this new kind of university in Germany in
1874, and thereafter the innovation spread around the world. The pioneer who intro­
duced the new geography in America was the geologist William Morris Davis, who
had been appointed instructor of physical geography in the Geology Department
at Harvard in 1878 (Beckinsale, 1981).1 Davis set the course for geographical study:
He helped found the discipline, and he also encouraged the development of a
profession. Arguably these occurrences began around 1885-95. At first, geography
was usually associated with geology; soon departments offering at least six

1W. A. Koelsch suggests that this was at a time when W. H. Tillinghast, a

Harvard College Librarian knowledgeable in both history and the classics, wrote
“The Geographical Knowledge of the Ancients,” analytical of early Western geography.
Tillinghast was part of an unsung Harvard “school” of humanistic geography based in
Harvard learning and appreciation of the classics that encouraged the emergence of, for
example, J. K. Wright (W. A. Koelsch, 2003. “William H. Tillinghast, John K. Wright,
and Some Antecedents of American Humanistic Geography.” Journal of Historical
Geography 29, 4:618-630).
340 / MODERN

geography courses emerged at Columbia Teachers College (1899); Cornell Univer­

sity (1902); the University of California (1903); the University of Chicago (1903);
the University of Nebraska (1905); Miami University, Ohio (1906); the University
of Minnesota (1910); the University of Pittsburgh (1910); Nebraska Wesleyan
University (1911); the University of Wisconsin (1911); Harvard University (1911);
the University of Pennsylvania (3913); New York University (1913); Yale Univer­
sity (1914); and Denison University (1914).
Of these universities, Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania, and Chicago were perhaps
the major sources of the ideas involved in the scholarly competitive discussion from
1904 to 1914. At Harvard William Morris Davis was developing physical geo­
graphy, although he was eventually to find a place for man in his construct. At
Yale Herbert E. Gregory (one of Davis’s own pupils) developed a fine departmental
offering in human geography—notably owing to Ellsworth Huntington and Isaiah
Bowman. At the University of Pennsylvania Emory R. Johnson and J. Russell Smith
developed economic and commercial geography. At the University of Chicago in
1903 the first Geography Department in the United States offering advanced study
to the doctorate was founded.2 The Chicago program was strong in physical,
human, and economic geography. (For sketches of other individual geographers of
the period, see Dunbar, 1978; Koelsch, 1979a, 1979b; and Sherwood, 1977.)
In addition to the geography departments of the universities (and the still under­
estimated normal schools), numerous institutions had been established to support
the geographic undertaking. Founding dates include the American Philosophical
Society (1743); the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1848)
(Section E); the Geographical Society of the Pacific (1881); the Geographical
Society of California (1891); the Geographical Club of Philadelphia (1891) and
renamed the Geographical Society of Philadelphia (1897); the Agassiz Associa­
tion (1892); the American Alpine Club (1893); the Geographical Society of Chicago
(1898); the Peary Arctic Club (1899); and the Geographical Society of Baltimore
(1902). However, the two major American societies have been the American Geo­
graphical and Statistical Society (1851) and the National Geographic Society (1888).
It is not possible in this brief space to indicate the very large contribution these two
societies have made to geography. Prior to 1914 one is tempted to single out the
Bulletin o f the American Geographical Society (with some name changes) published
by the American Geographical Society from 1852 to 1915. The National Geographic
Society produced a magazine that reached a large audience— one-third of a million
by 1914—and provided a knowledge of faraway lands and peoples to hitherto unknown
numbers of people. Of vital significance to the development of academic geo­
graphy in the United States were the International Geographical Congresses of 1892
(held on the occasion of the Columbian exposition and not as part of the series com­
menced at Antwerp in 1871) and 1904, both of which the National Geographic

2Of the Ph.D. degrees listed by Whittlesey in 1935 (Whittlesey, 1935), 19 were granted
before 1916: five at the University of Pennsylvania (in economics); five at Chicago
(starting in 1907); three at Johns Hopkins (in meteorology and geomorphology); two
at Cornell; two at Yale; and two at Harvard.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 341

Society sponsored. (The society also sponsored the International Geographical

Union Congresses of 1952 and 1992.)


William Morris Davis3 spent his formative years as a scholar at Harvard with Nathaniel
Southgate Shaler. He learned three distinctive habits of thought from Shaler. First,
he developed the habit of careful field observation and made use of it in logical and
impersonal argument. Second, he acquired the habit of seeing man and his works
as part of the landscape, not separate from it. Third, he gained a clear appreciation
of the importance of processes of change in explaining the varied features asso­
ciated on the face of the earth. How were these habits of thought transmitted from
Shaler to his young assistant?
The habit of careful observation and logical argument was derived, it seems, from
working with Shaler in the field. Davis found out from personal experience that just
going out to see “what an area is like” is less productive of useful results than going
out to find the answers to questions. This was just the time when a major question
among students of the earth had to do with the origin of the sand and gravel deposits
that are so widespread in New England. Were they laid down during the Flood, as
described in the Bible—which was the traditional explanation— or were they the
results of the melting of the great ice sheets, as Agassiz insisted? Through his
studies of the glacial history of Cape Cod, Shaler had given new support for the
Agassiz hypothesis. Davis, working with Shaler, looked for evidence for or against
the glacial hypothesis, and he learned to marshal his observations in terms of
the questions he was asking. The results of field study had to be put together in
logical form and communicated in scholarly—that is, impersonal— argument.
Shaler also transmitted to Davis a vision of the earth as the resource base on
which the human inhabitants were dependent. Shaler was the first scholar since

3William Morris Davis was bom of Quaker parents in Philadelphia in 1850. He graduated
from Harvard in 1869 and a year later received the degree of master of engineering.
From 1870 to 1873 he worked as an assistant at the Argentine Meteorological Observatory
in Cordoba, Argentina. Returning to Harvard for further study in geology and physical
geography, he was appointed assistant to N. S. Shaler in 1876 and was promoted to
instructor in physical geography in 1878. In 1885 he was appointed assistant professor
of physical geography and later promoted to professor. In 1899 he was named the
Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology at Harvard, a chair he continued to occupy until
his retirement in 1912. In 1909 he was visiting professor at the University of Berlin and
from 1911 to 1912 at the Sorbonne. After his retirement from Harvard, he held temporary
appointments at the Universities of Oregon, California, Arizona, Stanford University, and
the California Institute of Technology. He was one of the founders of the Association of
American Geographers in 1904 and was its president three times—in 1904, 1905, and
1909. He was also president of the Geological Society of America and the Harvard
Travelers Club. He never received the Ph.D. degree, but he was honorary doctor of many
universities. He was a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur and received medals from many
geographical societies of the world (Bryan, 1935).
342 / MODERN

George Perkins Marsh to point out how human activities changed the earth, espe­
cially through the depletion of unrenewable resources. Shaler has been described
as a geologist by training but a geographer by instinct in that he was always
conscious of studying the earth as the home of man.
The young Davis learned to think in terms of evolutionary change as a basis for
scientific inquiry in the best possible way— by participating in the replacement of
one hypothesis by a new one. Louis Agassiz was a persuasive and influential lecturer
with a large following among the educated people of New England, who supported
his work with substantial endowments. At the same time there was a rising tide of
opposition to the notion that organisms, once created, remained without change.
Asa Gray (1810-88), a botanist at Harvard, was amassing carefully evaluated
evidence in support of the concept of organic evolution, which to the lay public
was unpopular. Shaler, who had learned much from Agassiz about the observation
of landforms, nevertheless joined those who supported the doctrine of evolution.
Davis took part in the discussions in that exciting period when a widely accepted
explanation was being rejected on the basis of careful scientific procedures.
Davis did not absorb and digest these ideas all at once. When he became
Shaler’s assistant in charge of field work in 1876, his teaching was not stimulating.
His largely empirical approach to landforms left his students struggling with
unordered detail (Davis and Daly, 1930:314-315). As a result, when the time came
for his reappointment as an instructor in 1882, he received the following letter from
President Charles W. Eliot, dated June 1:
The Corporation offer you a reappointment as instructor in geology at a salary
of $1200 a year.. . . The Corporation are quite aware that this position is not
suitable for you as a permanency; but it is all that they are able to offer you now,
with their present resources, and all that they expect to be able to afford for some
time to come. In considering whether it is your interest to accept this offer
temporarily, I hope that you will look in the face of the fact, that the chances of
advancement for you are by no means good, although the Corporation have every
reason to be satisfied with your work as a teacher.4
At this point another member of the Harvard faculty in geology, Raphael
Pumpelly, who knew Davis as a student, offered him a position on the survey he
was then conducting in Montana to identify the resources along the route of the
Northern Pacific Railroad. Davis was assigned the task of describing the Montana
coal measures. While this work was in progress, he began to visualize the outlines
of a “cycle of erosion.” He noted the existence of certain terraces above the
Missouri River, which he interpreted as the result of the removal of an “unknown
thickness of overlying strata,” and the reduction of an earlier surface close to the
baselevel of the drainage. The baselevel concept was derived from John Wesley
Powell, and other insights into the process of river erosion came from Grove K.
Gilbert and Clarence E. Dutton. But Davis, observing the landforms of Montana,
began to formulate a theoretical model that would describe all such processes and

4Quoted from Chorley, Dunn, and Beckinsale, 1964:623. The letter from Eliot was copied
by Davis and kept in his personal files. See also Davis and Daly, 1930:314-315.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 343

surfaces (Chorley, Dunn, and Beckinsale, 1964:622). The concept of the cycle of
erosion, first announced in 1884, was presented in revised form in 1899 (Davis,
1899a). But it is important to see what this observation did to Davis’s teaching:
the observed details of landforms in particular places, which had failed to interest
his students a few years earlier, could now be related to a generalized model of
landform development anywhere. In 1885, only three years after President Eliot’s
letter, Davis was appointed assistant professor of physical geography at Harvard.
There were two sides to Davis’s work that can be examined separately, although,
of course, he carried them on simultaneously. First, we may consider his contribu­
tions to geomorphology, especially his model of the cycle of erosion; second, we
may look at his promotion of geography as a field of study in schools, colleges, and
graduate schools.

Contributions to Geomorphology
Among the many contributions Davis made to geology and geomorphology, the one
that was central to all the others was the concept of the cycle of erosion, which he
called the geographical cycle (Davis, 1899a).5 This was in the nature of a model, an
ideal sequence of landforms that would take place during the erosion by running
water of an upraised portion of the earth’s crust. In his model Davis postulated
that after the upheaval no further up-or-down movements would take place and that
during the resulting cycle there would be no essential change of climate. When an
initial surface is raised, rivers at once begin the work of erosion. The surface is cut
by narrow V-shaped valleys that are extended headward as more and more of the
initial surface is consumed. But rivers cannot cut down their valleys indefinitely.
As Powell has pointed out, there is a baselevel below which rivers cannot cut— a
level determined by the surface of the body of water into which a stream flows.
Furthermore, before a valley is cut down all the way to baselevel, the river estab­
lishes a slope that is enough to permit the river to continue to flow. This is known
as grade, an idea originally presented by Gilbert. Grade is an equilibrium between
slope, volume of water, and the amount of load being carried. After the valley
bottoms reach this graded condition, the rivers begin to widen their valleys, and the
high country between the valleys is gradually reduced.
Davis provided an important terminology. When the initial surface is still
undissected between the valleys, when the valleys are V-shaped, and when the
rivers descend through them turbulently, this is a stage Davis described as youth.
The greatest amount of relief occurs when the last remnant of the initial surface is
dissected. Then the surface is gradually reduced, and the valleys begin to widen.
This is the stage Davis described as maturity. When the rivers meander across wide
valleys and the land between the valleys has been reduced to gently rounded slopes,
this he called old age. The upheaved block of the earth’s crust is worn down almost

5For a history of the Davisian concept of the cycle of erosion see “The Cycle of Erosion”
in The History o f the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology. Volume
2. The Life and Work of William Morris Davis (1973), pp. 160-197.
344 / MODERN

to a level plain, which Davis called a peneplain. The whole cycle, Davis pointed
out, could start again with another uplift, resulting in rejuvenation.
Davis offered a formula for the description of landforms. These could be under­
stood in terms of the interaction of three factors; structure, or the character and
position of the underlying rock; process, or the combination of agents of erosion,
such as running water, soil creep, underground solution, and ice; and stage, or the
point in the sequence of landforms that had been reached at a particular time.
Davis insisted that this ideal sequence of landforms was not to be considered as
rigid but rather that it could provide a theoretical framework in reference to which
actually observed landforms could be described. This is what he called the explan­
atory description of landforms. He understood clearly that an infinite variety of dis­
turbances could affect the ideal sequence because almost every region observed in
specific detail would constitute a special case. This exemplifies the question of whether
to describe the features of a particular place as unique or in terms of regularities or
similarities among many places. Davis himself developed sequences for a variety
of special conditions: for surfaces cutting across the upturned edges of tilted rock
strata; for blocks bordered by fault scarps; and for places where the climate was
arid. He pointed out that only rarely, if ever, would uplift take place quickly and
be followed by no further movements, as postulated in his model. He showed how
the theoretical sequence would be modified if further uplift and rejuvenation should
take place at any stage in the cycle, and he provided innumerable examples of how
the ideal cycle had been changed in specific circumstances. He also applied the
evolutionary concept to the ideal sequence of forms in mountain regions sculpted by
glaciers, in islands bordered by coral reefs (Davis, 1928), and in a limestone region
with solution caverns (Davis, 1930a). Here is how he saw the utility of his scheme:
In the scheme of the cycle of erosion . . . a mental counterpart for every landform
is developed in terms of its understructure, of the erosional process that has acted
upon it, and the stage reached by such action stated in terms of the whole
sequence of stages from the initiation of a cycle of erosion by upheaval or other
deformation of an area of the earth’s crust, to its close when the work of erosion
has been completed: and the observed landform is then described not in terms of
its directly visible features, but in terms of its inferred mental counterpart. The
essence of the scheme is simple, and easily understood; yet it is so elastic and so
easily expanded or elaborated, that it can provide counterparts for landforms of
the most complicated structure and the most involved history (Davis, 1899a).
Not only did Davis provide names for the stages of his cycle, but he also sug­
gested technical terms for the various landforms, each term with an exact definition.
He adopted Powell’s three types of rivers: consequent, antecedent, and superimposed,
and to these he added subsequent, obsequent, and resequent (Davis, 1909:483, 513).
For the low mountains that stand above the general level of a peneplain, he gave
the name monadnock, from Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire, which stands above
the New England peneplain (Davis, 1909:362, 591). He demonstrated again that
when a name is given to a feature of any kind, students of the face of the earth at
once begin to perceive it. This is an interesting example of the principle that
percepts are closely related to concepts.
Davis demonstrated and defended the cycle of erosion and his terminology with
such vigor that they were largely accepted throughout the world. He was invited to
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 345

lecture in many countries, and his ideas were translated into several languages. In
fact, the only complete statement of the cycle of erosion and its variations is con­
tained in a German translation of his lectures at Berlin by Alfred Riihl (Davis, 1912).
One of the most lucid presentations of Davis’s ideas was written by the French
physical geographer Emmanuel de Martonne (de Martonne, 1909; see also Baulig,
1950). Davis visited many countries where he made specific applications of his
method of explanatory description to the landforms of particular places. He also
experimented with methods of geographical writing (Davis, 1910), and in his
famous paper on the Colorado Front Range he accompanied his description of
the landforms with a commentary on the method he was using (Davis, 1911). In
1915 he published a lengthy paper on the principles of geographical writing that is
important reading even these many years later (Davis, 1915).
Of course, the scheme was attacked, as all such hypothetical models should be
and as Davis expected it to be. It is interesting that in Germany, where Davis pub­
lished the only complete statement of the model, there was the largest resistance
to his ideas. Alfred Hettner disagreed with Davis over his cycle of erosion on the
basis that a theoretical model was too rigid and too specific to fit real world con­
ditions as they exist in unique situations (particular places). Davis had offered a
theoretical model, and Hettner pointed out that such models were misleading. The
discussion that ensued, when examined closely by scholars familiar with both
German and English, turns out to hinge on misunderstandings of word meanings.
Siegfried Passarge, who wanted to describe landforms as a basic part of the study of
landscape, was opposed to the Davis method of explanatory description. He called
instead for a purely empirical treatment of the landform base. Davis took issue with
Passarge’s attempt to treat landforms empirically, pointing out the numerous incon­
sistencies that resulted (Davis, 1919). It may well be, however, that the Passarge-
Davis controversy became heated because neither quite understood the basic
objectives of the other. For Davis the natural history of landforms was the core of
geographical work to which other elements of landscape could be related; for Passarge
the goal was the treatment of landscape, including the many elements of diverse
origin associated in an area of which the landforms were basic but not necessarily
the most important. Davis himself had good reason to recall his own experience
with the empirical approach to landforms and his own success with description based
on an explanatory model.6 Walther Penck also took issue with Davis and concluded

6Many attacks on the hypothesis of the cycle rather than the explanatory method
were made in the period after World War I. Walther Penck, the son of Albrecht Penck,
suggested that the initial steep slope on the margin of an upraised block would retreat
parallel to its initial position, maintaining its steepness rather than flattening. Successive
uplifts would be recorded by a series of scarps, each in process of retreat; and the
rivers would pass over a series of “nick-points,” each marking a change of baselevel
and each in process of retreat upstream. More recently, L. C. King, the South African
geomorphologist, has demonstrated the existence of a series of erosion levels bordered by
scarps in Brazil and in South Africa. He describes the flattish erosion levels as pediments
(Walther Penck, Die Morphologische Analyse [Berlin, 1922], translated as Morphological
Analysis of Landforms [London, 1953]; L. C. King, “Cannons of Landscape Evolution,”
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 64 [1953]:721—753; idem, The Morphology
346 / MODERN

his argumentation in Die Morphologische Analyse (1922) (Martin, 1974). Hettner,

in correspondence, also found rigorous argument with Davis in the 1910s, and one
has to wonder at the role of patriotism in science (Martin, 1985).

Contributions to Geographic Education

Davis also attempted to rescue the teaching of geography from too much attention
to factual knowledge and not enough use of general concepts around which to
organize the facts. This is precisely what Ritter attempted to change in 1817 and
what Guyot pointed out to the Massachusetts Board of Education in 1848. In spite
of these earlier efforts, Davis found the same emphasis on factual knowledge in the
1880s, and he proposed to do something specific about it. In 1932, looking back
over a lifetime spent in the effort to improve the teaching of geography, he wrote:
No geographer, therefore, need feel himself unfortunate because of the great
diversity of facts that his composite subject requires him to study; for in the pro­
gress of his work he may discover relations and principles which bind his facts
together in a thoroughly reasonable manner, and he may then concern himself,
especially in his teaching, largely with those relations and principles, and intro­
duce items of fact chiefly to illustrate the principles. Unhappily, geographers are
often so impressed with the innummerable facts of their subject that much of their
attention is given to individual occurrences in specified localities rather than to
principles which the occurrences exemplify; and this is regrettable. Yet prac­
tically the same comment may be made on History, in which the mere sequence
of events, or, still worse, the mere occurrence of events is often given great
emphasis than their inherent importance warrants (Davis, 1932:214-215).
In a lecture delivered before the Scientific Association of Johns Hopkins Univer­
sity in 1889, Davis outlined a relatively simple model of landform development that
a teacher could use to replace the bewildering description of detail then frequently
attempted (Davis, 1909:193-209). This was essentially his concept of the cycle of
erosion adapted to elementary and secondary schools. But in this address Davis was
beginning to conceive of the study of geography as a means of introducing many

of the Earth [New York, 1962]; see also P. E. James, “The Geomorphology of Eastern
Brazil as Interpreted by Lester C. King,” Geographical Review 49 [1959]:240-246).
The part of the Davis scheme most subject to attack is the postulate of a single uplift.
It is now understood that when a foot of rock material is removed from an area of the
earth’s surface, the result is an isostatic rise of the rock column beneath the surface by
some 9 to 11 feet. This means that no surface could stand still long enough to permit
the formation of a peneplain and explains why no peneplains are found undissected. As
early as 1878 G. K. Gilbert wrote that the reduction of a drainage basin to a plain would
demand a uniformity of conditions that nowhere exists (Gilbert, 1878). In modem times
A. N. Strahler has expressed the opinion that “the cycle concept of Davis does not seem
well adapted to express the dynamics of the erosion process. Instead, the concept of a
steady state in an open system seems a logical replacement of the idea of ‘maturity’
while the stage of ‘old age’ may well be abandoned” (Strahler, 1950). (For other critical
comments on the Davis system, see Chorley, 1965.)
It is also important to understand that Davis himself wrote critical reviews of his own
scheme during the late years of his life and that he also contributed many additional
original works (Davis, 1922, 1928, 1930a, 1930b).
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 347

kinds of physical science in a simple coherent framework. He was formulating the

idea of a general earth science organized in terms of a dynamic model of earth­
forming processes. About this same time Davis, who had learned from Shaler to
see organic life, including man, as a part of the whole physical landscape, began
to seek an even larger conceptual structure for geography. He began to seek cause
and effect generalizations, “usually between some element of inorganic control and
some element of organic response” (Davis, 1903:3-22). In 1906 he specified that

any statement is of geographical quality if it contains a reasonable relation

between some inorganic element of the earth on which we live, acting as a
control, and some element of the existence or growth or behavior or distribution
of the earth’s organic inhabitants, serving as a response.
. . . There is, indeed, in this idea of a causal or explanatory relationship the
most definite, if not the only unifying principle that I can find in geography (Davis,
1906; quoted from Davis. 1909:8).

Davis juxtaposed what he called physiography and ontography and sought

relationships of a causal nature. This search for environmental influences was
transmitted to a number of his students, who in turn passed it on to their students
or readers of their publications. The introduction of the causal notion may have had
some unfortunate consequences; some geographers, and nongeographers as well,
refer to the terms influence or geographic factor in describing a condition of the
physical earth that influences human activities. Professional geographers would now
rarely use these words, if at all, to refer to some factor of location. However, it is
doubtful whether any national geography has ever reached a state of maturity with­
out passing through a stage of inquiry characterized by the search for influences
exerted by the physical environment on life forms.
Two famous Harvard scholars, a psychologist and a philosopher— Charles S.
Peirce (1839-1914) and William James (1842-1910)—were laying the groundwork
of pragmatism in the 1870s. They demonstrated that simple cause and effect rela­
tions were of questionable value as explanations of events because the existence
of complex systems of functionally related parts made any simple explanation
impossible. Pragmatism, as Peirce and James formulated it, was a method of deter­
mining the meaning of intellectual concepts; the meaning of any idea, they insisted,
must be revealed in the practical consequences of the idea. The teaching of physical
cause and human response was already outmoded before 1890. Furthermore, the
pragmatic approach to knowledge was being introduced into elementary and
secondary schools through the work of John Dewey.
By 1892 there was such a ferment of new educational ideas that the National
Education Association appointed a Committee of Ten, headed by President Eliot
of Harvard, to study the related problems of the content of precollege-level school
programs and college entrance requirements. The committee organized nine dif­
ferent conferences, each to consider a specific field of study. One of the nine was
directed to consider the content of courses in geography. The chairman of the Con­
ference on Geography was T. C. Chamberlin, former president of the University of
Wisconsin and in 1892 the chairman of the Department of Geology in the newly
organized University of Chicago. The other members of the conference were geo­
logists, meteorologists, and college or high school teachers of physical geography
348 / MODERN

Albert P. Brigham William Morris Davis

Grove K. Gilbert Mark S. W. Jefferson

The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 349

Emory R. Johnson John Wesley Powell

Rollin D. Salisbury Ellen C. Semple

350 / MODERN

or natural history.7 Davis had the chief hand in the resulting report. The recom­
mendation that was passed and referred to the Committee of Ten concluded that:
Physical geography should include elements of botany, zoology, astronomy, com­
merce, government, and ethnology, and . . . it should take on a more advanced
form and should relate more specifically to the features of the earth’s surface, the
agencies that produce or destroy them, the environmental conditions under which
these act, and the physical influences by which man and the creatures of the earth
are so profoundly affected (Mayo, 1965:20-21).
The Committee of Ten expressed surprise when it received the report of the
Conference on Geography, which presented many more far-reaching changes in the
secondary school curricula than were presented by any of the other eight confer­
ences. The committee wrote:
Considering that geography has been a subject of recognized value in the elementary
schools . . . , and that a considerable proportion of the whole school time of chil­
dren has long been devoted to a study called by this name, it is somewhat startling
to find that the report of the Conference on Geography . . . exhibits more dissatis­
faction with prevailing methods . . . and makes the most revolutionary suggestions.8
Nevertheless, the major features of the report were adopted, and its radical
proposals to raise geography from pure memory work to the status of a general
science were recommended to the schools. Many schools introduced physical
geography, or physiography as it came to be called, and many new textbooks were
written to include Davis’s ideas.9 But there were also many secondary school
teachers who were opposed to the new materials, and there were many more who
were quite unprepared to teach them. Few indeed were the secondary school teachers
who could identify a landform out of doors or who could make Davis’s theoretical
models come alive. Lacking proper training in the concepts of the new geography,
they fell back again on recitations from memory. Within 10 years the new physio­
graphy was described as an uninteresting subject. Thereafter it was gradually pushed
out by general science, social studies, and commercial geography.

7The Conference on Geography included: T. C. Chamberlin, University of Chicago,

chairman; George L. Collie, Beloit College; William Morris Davis, Harvard University;
Delwyn A. Hamlin, Rice Training School, Boston; Mark W. Harrington, Weather Bureau.
Washington, D.C.; Edwin J. Houston, Philadelphia; Charles F. King, Dearborn School,
Boston; Francis W. Parker, Cook County Normal School, Chicago; Israel C. Russell,
University of Michigan.
8National Education Association, Report of the Committee of Ten on Secondary School
Studies (New York: American Book Co., 1894), pp. 32-33.
9The “new geography” with its emphasis on the physical earth appeared in a series of
school texts, such as A. E. Frye, Elements of Geography (1895); R. S. Tarr, Elementary
Physical Geography (1895); J. W. Redway and R. Hinman, Natural Advanced Geography
(1897); R. S. Tarr and F. M. McMurry, a series of geographies starting in 1900. See also
Mark Jefferson's course in geography for some 1300 Cuban schoolteachers in the summer
of 1900 at Harvard (reported in Martin, 1968). For a discussion of the teaching of
geography in America up to 1924, see Dryer, 1924.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War 1 / 3 5 1

34 A landscape sketch by W. M. Davis: “Looking eastward down the normal early-

F ig u re
mature valley of Fourmile Creek." (From Davis, 1911:81. Reprinted by permission of the
Association of American Geographers.)

Davis himself was a remarkable teacher. He was a master of the lecture method
and could capture the imagination of popular as well as scientific audiences. His
pen and ink sketches of landscapes were superb (Fig. 34). In the field with a group
of students, he could arouse a deep interest in deciphering the sequences of events
that produced contemporary landscapes. But with his students he was sharply
critical of inferior performance and discouraged many of his more sensitive
students from further work in geography. Only the best students could “take it.”
Mark Jefferson, one of Davis’s most effective disciples, had this to say about the
master’s teaching:
Davis’ teaching was the most interesting thing I ever met. Confronted with the
world of out-of-doors his formulae proved up. I took all his courses at Harvard,
a summer school with him and two other students in the Rocky Mountains.. ..
The more you checked his teaching against the out-of-doors the sounder you found
it. But he was not always easy to take. His was a school of intellectual hard knocks
(Martin, 1968:41).

What Davis Started

We must give Davis credit for his tireless devotion to the advancement of what he
thought of as geography. His students were among the outstanding geomorpholog­
ists and human geographers of the early twentieth century.10 They were appointed

10There were six outstanding graduate students at Harvard with Shaler and Davis in
1891-1892: Albert P. Brigham, former minister in Utica who became a disciple of Davis
and taught at Colgate University from 1892 to 1925; Richard E. Dodge, who taught at
Teachers College, Columbia, from 1897 to 1916 and at Connecticut State College, Storrs,
from 1920 to 1938, and founded the Journal of School Geography (later the Journal of
Geography) in 1897; Curtis F. Marbut, who taught at Missouri from 1895 to 1910 and
352 / MODERN

to positions in many of the older eastern universities and colleges and to posts in
the U.S. Geological Survey and the Soil Survey (see Krug-Genthe, 1903).
Those students who continued to work in physiography included Henri Baulig,
John M. Boutwell, Reginald A. Daly, James W. Goldthwait, Frederick P. Gulliver,
Thomas A. Jaggar, Douglas W. Johnson, George R. Mansfield, Francois E.
Matthes, Walter C. Mendenhall, Philip S. Smith, and Lewis G. Westgate. Students
who studied under Davis and continued their life work in ontography included
Robert L. Barrett, Isaiah Bowman, Albert Perry Brigham, Alfred H. Brooks, Robert
M. Brown, Collier Cobb, Sumner W. Cushing, Richard E. Dodge, Herbert E.
Gregory, William M. Gregory, Ellsworth Huntington, Mark S. W. Jefferson, Curtis
F. Marbut, Lawrence Martin, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Ralph S. Tarr, Walter S.
Tower, and Robert DeC. Ward. This formidable group of students was the primal
generation and moving force in the establishment of American geography. Those
individuals who took positions in universities and normal schools and with gov­
ernment agencies (two, Barrett and Stefansson, became traveler-explorers of
accomplishment) also took with them Davisian learning. More than 90 percent
of this group were accepted into membership in the Association of American
Geographers in the period 1904-23. A Davis student (R. E. Dodge) edited the Journal
o f Geography, and another (I. Bowman) became director of the American Geo­
graphical Society. This diffusion of learning from the one hearth produced a
direction for geography, albeit not a uniformity of thought. This circumstance
facilitated advance of the discipline and cohesion of the profession.
Davis recognized that if geography were to become established as a professional
field it would be necessary to organize a professional society in which members
could present their ideas. When he was vice president of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (1904) for Section E— Geology and Geography,
he used the occasion of the vice president’s address to point out that although
geology and geography had been granted equal status in the association for the
previous 20 years, no vice president of Section E had ever spoken concerning
geography. “He then proceeded to fling geography under the eyes or into the ears
of the assembled geologists” (Brigham, 1924). He said that the study of geography
could lead to no professional career outside of schoolteaching and that there
were few opportunities in the universities. There was no organized body of mature

was in charge of soil surveys for the Department of Agriculture from 1910 to 1935;
Ralph S. Tarr, who taught at Cornell from 1892 to 1912; Robert DeC. Ward, the
climatologist, who taught at Harvard from 1890 to 1930; and Lewis G. Westgate, who
carried out surveys for the U.S. Geological Survey chiefly in the West. Later distinguished
students who worked with Davis at Harvard include: Alfred H. Brooks, who after 1903
was in charge of U.S. Geological Survey work in Alaska; Ellsworth Huntington, author of
numerous books and research associate at Yale from 1919 to 1945; Mark Jefferson, who
inspired many young scholars to become geographers when he taught at Michigan State
Normal College at Ypsilanti from 1901 to 1939; Isaiah Bowman, director of the American
Geographical Society from 1915 to 1935 and president of Johns Hopkins from 1935 to
1948; Douglas W. Johnson, geologist at Columbia; and James W. Goldthwait, geologist
at Dartmouth.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 353

scholars in geography and, therefore, no opportunity for the mutual encouragement

that comes from professional fellowship. He proposed that geographers should
organize a professional society similar to the Geological Society of America, “with
criteria of expert training and ample publication as a basis for membership.” He
went on to point out where a nucleus of members could be found among teachers
of geography, members of national or state weather services, and members of many
government agencies dealing with geology, hydrography, biology, ethnography,
and statistical studies. During the following months of 1904, A. P. Brigham called
a group of interested people together, and from this meeting there emerged a plan
for organizing such a society.
The first meeting and the act of incorporation took place in Philadelphia in
December 1904.11 Davis, as president, spoke about the objectives and opportunit­
ies for the new association (Davis, 1905). He was reelected president for 1905 (and
for a third term in that office in 1909). It was at the 1905 meeting of the associa­
tion that he gave his presidential address “An Inductive Study of the Content of
Geography” (Davis, 1906), in which he identified geography as the study of the
relationship between inorganic controls and organic responses.
Another of Davis’s accomplishments on behalf of the profession was his
arrangement of international field excursions. In 1911 Davis organized “the
Liverpool-Rome Pilgrimage.” The pilgrims numbered 32 and were drawn from 14
different countries. It constituted a form of traveling seminar: Much was learned
and shared, and friendships were formed. In the following year Davis lectured at
the Sorbonne and from there arranged the 1912 Transcontinental Excursion of
the American Geographical Society (see Fig. 35). As a result of success especially
in the previous year, Davis was able to secure financial help from Archer
Huntington (one of the large unseen benefactors of American geography) and the
cooperation of railroads, universities, chambers of commerce, university clubs,
newspapers, scientific societies, government agencies, and business organizations
all across the United States. The excursion included 43 European geographers from
13 different countries (see photograph of some of the participants). About 100 Amer­
ican geographers accompanied the Europeans for at least part of the excursion.
The party left New York on August 22 on a train hired especially for the purpose
and returned to New York on October 17 after covering 12,965 miles from coast
to coast. Many professional papers were written on the basis of notes made during

11The charter members of the Association of American Geographers (from P. E. James

and G. J. Martin, The Association of American Geographers: The First Seventy-Five
Years, 1904-1979 [Washington D.C., AAG, 1979], pp. 36-37.): C. Abbe, Jr.; Charles C.
Adams; Cyras C. Adams; O. P. Austin; R. L. Barrett; L. A. Bauer; A. P. Brigham; A. H.
Brooks; H. G. Bryant; M. R. Campbell; F. E. Clements; H. C. Cowles; J. F. Crowell;
R. A. Daly; N. H. Darton; W. M. Davis; R. E. Dodge; C. R. Dryer; N. M. Fenneman;
H. Gannett; G. K. Gilbert; J. P. Goode; H. E. Gregory; F. P. Gulliver; C. W. Hall;
R. A. Harris; A. Heilprin; R. T. Hill; E. Huntington; M. S. W. Jefferson; E. R. Johnson;
M. Krag-Genthe; W. Libbey, Jr.; G. W. Littlehales; C. F. Marbut; F. E. Matthes; W. J.
McGee; C. H. Merriam; R. W. Pumpelly; H. F. Reid; W. W. Rockhill; R. D. Salisbury;
E. C. Semple; G. B. Shattuck; L. Stejneger; R. S. Tarr; R. DeC. Ward; B. Willis.
354 / MODERN

F ig u re 35 The transcontinental excursion, 1912

the excursion and published in many languages, but the greatest benefit was derived
from the close personal friendships that developed among leaders of the geographic
profession in the United States and Europe and from numerous unhurried profes­
sional discussions that were carried on. There has never been anything quite like
this excursion.12


During the early years of the twentieth century, the movement to introduce a
professionally acceptable kind of geography into schools, colleges, and universities
gradually gathered strength. At the end of the nineteenth century, there were only
five professors of geography in American universities: Davis at Harvard, Ralph S.
Tarr at Cornell, William Libbey, Jr., the successor to Guyot, at Princeton, George
Davidson at the University of California (Berkeley), and Richard E. Dodge at Teachers
College, Columbia University. Many teachers’ colleges around the country offered
courses in geography, but only a few had courses that were taught by persons with
some kind of geographical training.13 Outstanding among the teachers’ colleges was

12See the Memorial Volume of the Trancontinental Excursion o f 1912 o f the American
Geographical Society (New York: American Geographical Society, 1915). See also
Wright, 1952:158-166. The excursion was made possible by a substantial gift from
Archer M. Huntington.
13C. E. Cooper, “The Status of Geography in the Normal Schools of the Far West,”
Journal of Geography 18(1919):300—305; idem, “The Status of Geography in the Normal
Schools of the Middle States,” ibid., 19(1920):211-222; idem, “The Status of Geography
in the Normal Schools of the Eastern States,” ibid., 20(1921):217-224. See also Dryer,
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 355

the Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti, where Charles T. McFarlane taught
geography between 1892 and 1900 and was succeeded in 1901 by Mark Jefferson.
Geographical research studies, as reported to the meetings of the Association of
American Geographers, increased in number and began to depart from the restricted
paradigm of physical condition and human response set forth by Davis. The charter
members of the association were geologists, climatologists, botanists, sociologists,
teachers, but only a few of them had ever had any advanced training in geography
(Brigham, 1924). Nevertheless, some, such as Douglas W. Johnson, who made
important contributions to the evolution of shorelines, remained close enough to the
newly emerging field of geography to aid in its development. Curtis F. Marbut, who
became one of the world’s leading authorities on soils, made use of Davis’s ideas
when he described soils as young or mature. His work in making the Russian soil
studies known in the English-speaking world has been mentioned previously.
Robert DeC. Ward, who taught climatology at Harvard for 40 years, was the pres­
ident of the Association of American Geographers in 1917.14 Many geographers
who began their careers before World War I continued to work actively in the field
in the period between the two world wars. Some of them require special attention
both in this chapter and in Chapter 16. Next we will discuss at greater length the
work of Mark Jefferson, Isaiah Bowman, Ellsworth Huntington, Ellen Churchill
Semple, and Albert P. Brigham. We will also review the efforts made to define and
outline physiographic regions for the United States. Then we will look at the begin­
nings of commercial and economic geography at the University of Pennsylvania.

Mark Jefferson
None of Davis’s students did more to promote and improve the teaching of geo­
graphy in the United States than Mark Jefferson, who was professor of geography
at the Michigan State Normal College in Ypsilanti for 38 years, from 1901 to 1939.
Jefferson deserves a special place in the history of geography not only because of
the enthusiasm he kindled in his students, but also for his many contributions to
the conceptual structure of geography.15*18

14R. DeC. Ward taught at Harvard from 1890 to 1930. In 1903 he published a translation
of the Handbuch der Klimatologie by the Austrian scholar Julius Hann (Hann, 1903).
In 1908 he published his book on the effect of different kinds of climate on human life
(Ward, 1908). Thereafter most of his efforts were devoted to the organization of material
on regional climatology (Ward, 1925; Ward and Brooks, 1936).
15Before Mark Jefferson graduated from Boston University in the class of 1884, he left
to accept a position at the observatory in Cordoba, Argentina. He was in Argentina
from 1884 to 1889, serving for two years as submanager of a surgarcane plantation near
Tucuman. He then returned to Massachusetts, where he held various administrative posts
in secondary schools and where he taught geography. In 1897-98 he studied geography at
Harvard with Davis and was greatly stimulated by this experience. In the summer of 1900,
when Harvard received a group of some 1300 Cuban schoolteachers seeking to find out
about the new geography, Jefferson was appointed to lecture to them in Spanish. He gave
18 lectures and led 12 field trips. Davis was greatly impressed with Jefferson’s ability as a
teacher (Martin, 1968).
356 / MODERN

The Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti was already noted for its
geography teaching before Jefferson went there in 1901. Lectures on geography had
been offered since 1853 and after 1860 by John Goodison. When Goodison died in
1892, the vacancy was filled by Charles T. McFarlane, then 21 years old and newly
graduated from the New York State Normal College. McFarlane turned out to
be an excellent selection. Two years later his courses were described as scientific,
partaking of “the close reasoning of physics and mathematics, and the rich insights
into the ground of history and social life” (Martin, 1968:78). McFarlane's course
of study in geography made use of the recommendations of the Committee of Ten.16
When McFarlane resigned from Ypsilanti in 1900, Davis recommended Jefferson
as a replacement. Jefferson started teaching at Ypsilanti in June 1901 and only
retired in 1939 at the age of 76 after the Michigan Board of Education had set an
age limit for active teachers. During his 38 years at the Normal he had a hand in
training a large number of teachers of geography, some of whom were to make
important contributions to the profession.17 Jefferson, who was a great admirer of
Davis, nevertheless took issue with many of his teacher’s ideas. He never accepted
the concept of determinism. Furthermore, he disagreed strongly with the recom­
mendations of the Committee of Ten regarding the content of school geography.
Jefferson insisted that the focus of geography instruction should be “man on the
earth,” in that order—not “the earth and man.” Nor was he willing to omit the
teaching of the geographic conditions in certain particular countries, which we might
describe as regional geography. He wanted to make these countries seem real to
grade school pupils—real in landscape, life, and institutions (Martin, 1968:343-
344). This kind of geography was not part of the recommended systematic
approach that Davis favored. In 1904 Jefferson surveyed the geography instruction
in Michigan schools, and among the 129 largest high schools he found less than a
dozen following the Committee of Ten program.
Jefferson remained largely aloof from discussion of the question “What is
geography?” He never began a course with a definition of the field but rather let
the scope of geographical study emerge from the materials he covered. No one
definition, he believed, could be more than partially inclusive. Here is what he wrote
in 1931 in answer to a questionnaire:167

16McFarlane went to Vienna on sabbatical leave in 1898 and studied with Albrecht Penck.
In 1901 he became principal of the New York State Normal College at Brockport. In
1910, however, he went to the Teachers College at Columbia as comptroller, a post he
held until his retirement in 1927. He also taught courses on the teaching of geography
during that time. One of McFarlane’s outstanding students at Ypsilanti was H. H.
Barrows, who finished his work there in 1896. Barrows, teaching at Ferris Institute in
Big Rapids, Michigan, had a student who later became a leader in the profession—Isaiah
Bowman. Bowman had been inspired to seek a career in geography when he heard one
of McFarlane’s lectures.
17Among Jefferson’s outstanding students were Isaiah Bowman (who came to Ypsilanti
in 1901 to find that McFarlane had gone and who remained to find great stimulation from
the teaching of Jefferson), Charles C. Colby, Darrel H. Davis, William M. Gregory,
George J. Miller, Almon E. Parkins, and Raye R. Platt (see also Dryer, 1924).
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 357

Some one has said that anything that you can put on a map is subject matter of
geography. That is what I would call locational or distributional geography.. . .
But geographers are contemplative persons who cannot be satisfied with so
meagre an account of the subject.. . . The nature of geography is the fact that
there are discoverable causes of distributions and relations between distributions.
We study geography when we seek to discover them.. . . But there is an art
of geography—the delineation of the earth’s features and inhabitants on maps—
cartography, and a science of geography, which contemplates the fact delineated
and seeks out causes of the form taken by each distribution and its relationship
to others (Martin, 1968:319-321).

Jefferson amply demonstrated that vitality and effectiveness in teaching are related
to research and to the communication of the results of research in scholarly pub­
lication. He taught 63 different courses during his lifetime (aided by an excellent
collection of slides that were the product of his own field work), and his teaching
load in many semesters was as much as six courses (18 semester hours). Never­
theless, he established an outstanding reputation as a productive scholar. In the period
between 1909 and 1941 he had 31 papers published in the Bulletin o f the American
Geographical Society and its successor, the Geographical Review (Wright, 1952:294).
This is by far the largest number of professional articles published in these prestigi­
ous periodicals during this time by any one scholar. A number of them were major
contributions to the concepts of geography (Jefferson, 1909, 1915, 1928, 1939). He
wrote on population distribution and urban structures, developed the concepts of
ecumene, primate city, and anthropography, and contributed significantly to the advance
of cartography and to regional geography (with special reference to North America,
Europe, and Argentina).

Isaiah Bowman
One of Jefferson’s oustanding students was Isaiah Bowman.18 After completing his
undergraduate work at Harvard with Davis in 1905, Bowman received an appoint­
ment in the Department of Geology at Yale, where the geologist Herbert E.
Gregory (one of the charter members of the Association of American Geographers
and its president in 1920) was gathering together a vigorous group of young

18Bowman was brought up on a farm in Michigan, where his mother stimulated his early
interest in natural history. When his first effort at drawing a map in school was graded A,
he had had the “success experience” that turned him toward a career in geography.
Teaching in a country school and attending summer institutes to improve his knowledge,
he was greatly inspired by hearing one of McFarlane’s lectures. Bowman was at the
Michigan Normal College in 1901-1902. He then studied with Davis at Harvard in
1902-1903 and returned in the next academic year to teach at Ypsilanti under Jefferson’s
supervision. In 1904-1905 he returned to Harvard and completed his B.S. degree there in
1905. He was then appointed an instructor at Yale under H. E. Gregory and received his
Ph.D. from Yale in 1909. He remained at Yale until 1915 and from 1915 to 1935 was the
director of the American Geographical Society. From 1935 to 1948 he was president of
Johns Hopkins University (Carter, 1950; Martin, 1977, 1980; Wrigley, 1951).
358 / MODERN

scholars in geography. Bowman was called on to teach a course in geography at

the Yale Forestry School; out of his notes concerning surface features and soils related
to forest cover, he wrote Forest Physiography, the first book to give systematic
coverage of the physical characteristics of the regions of the United States
(Bowman, 1911).
Bowman spent three field seasons studying the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, and north­
ern Chile. In 1907 he landed at Iquique, Chile, and made his way across the Atacama
Desert to the Bolivian Altiplano and thence to the forested eastern slopes of the
Andes. He returned by way of Peru, through Cuzco, Arequipa, and Mollendo. From
this field expedition he wrote his doctoral dissertation, “The Geography of the Central
Andes.” In 1911 he was the geologist-geographer on the Yale Peruvian Expedition
headed by Hiram Bingham, during which Bingman rediscovered the lost Inca
fortress of Machu Picchu. Bowman described his role in the 1911 expedition as

The geographic work of the Yale Peruvian Expedition of 1911 was essentially a
reconnaissance of the Peruvian Andes along the 73rd meridian. The route led from
the tropical plains of the lower Urubamba southward over lofty snow-covered passes
to the desert coast at Camana. The strong climatic and topographic contrasts and
the varied human life which the region contains are of geographic interest chiefly
because they present so many and such clear cases of environmental control within
short distances.
. . . My division of the Expedition undertook to make a contour map of the
two-hundred mile stretch of mountain country between Abancay and the Pacific
Coast. . . (Bowman, 1916:vii).

In 1913 Bowman received a grant from the American Geographical Society to

permit him to return to Peru for a third time. The results were published in two
important books (Bowman, 1916, 1924). Clearly, at this time in his life he was
still following closely the paradigm of geographical study formulated by Davis,
but in the course of time and field experience he became more cautious about
so-called environmental controls. While he was at Paris (1918-19) as a member of
the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, he wrote, “the Semple bubble . . . is
forever punctured so far as I am concerned.. . . I do not believe in that type of
geography.” Pursuant to his three expeditions to South America, he attempted
to draw his findings together. He sought an effective way to generalize the many
detailed observations he had gathered regarding the terrain. His imaginative inno­
vation, which he used in The Andes o f Southern Peru (1916) and Desert Trails
o f Atacama (1924), was his use of “regional diagrams.” He recognized in the high
Andes of southern Peru six kinds of what he called topographic types:1

1. An extensive system of high-level, well-graded, mature slopes . . . below

which are:
2. Deep canyons with steep, in places cliffed, sides and narrow floors, above
which are:
3. Lofty residual mountains composed of resistant, highly deformed rock, now
sculptured into a maze of serrate ridges and sharp commanding peaks.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 359

4. Among the forms of high importance, yet causally unrelated to the other closely
associated types, are volcanic cones and plateaus of the Western Cordillera.
5. At the valley heads are a full complement of glacial features, such as cirques,
hanging valleys, reversed slopes, terminal moraines, and valley trains.
6. Finally there is in all the valley bottoms a deep alluvial fill formed during the
glacial period and now in process of dissection (Bowman, 1916:185-186).
The topographic maps show all these features in their complex arrangement and
with many variations that make each view unique. The regional diagram, on the
other hand, shows these various types in their characteristic arrangement, simplified
and compressed within small rectangles (Figs. 36 and 37). These diagrams are what
we would now call “empirical generalizations.” Bowman wrote of them:
This compression, though great, respects all essential relations. For example, every
location on these diagrams has a concrete illustration but the accidental relations
of the field have been omitted; the essential relations are preserved. Each diagram
is, therefore, a kind of generalized type map (Bowman, 1916:15).
Some of Bowman’s most important work was in the application of geograph­
ical methods to the study of practical problems during and after World War I. We
will return to this aspect of his career in Chapter 18.

Ellsworth Huntington
Another scholar who studied with Davis at Harvard and was associated with
Bowman at Yale was Ellsworth Huntington.19 While initially a Davisian-inspired

19EUsworth Huntington graduated from Beloit College in 1897 and was given an
appointment as assistant to the president of Euphrates College in Harput (Turkey). He
was in Turkey from 1897 to 1901. He took advantage of every opportunity to travel in
different parts of the country, including a trip through the gorge of the Euphrates River
during which he kept copious notes on the character of the land, the climate, and the
people. In 1901 he received a scholarship to study at Harvard with Davis, and in 1902 he
completed the work for the M.A. degree. He started further graduate study leading toward
the doctorate, but when the opportunity came to return to Asia for field study he left
Harvard. In 1903-1904 he was a member of Raphael Pumpelly's expedition to Central
Asia. In 1905-1906 he visited northern India and then went across the Tarim Basin to the
Lop Nor, returning by way of Siberia. In 1907 he joined the Yale faculty as instructor in
geology. Yale granted him the Ph.D. degree in 1909 on the basis of some of his published
works, and he was promoted to assistant professor in 1910. In 1916, however, he resigned
from Yale when his request for promotion to professor was turned down. The reason
given was his lack of success as a teacher of undergraduate courses. He had to support
himself by writing textbooks. After serving in the army in the field of military intelligence
in 1918 and 1919, he returned to Yale as a research associate with the rank of professor,
but with a token salary (at the start) of $200 a year. He continued as a research scholar
at Yale, supervising dissertations and offering graduate courses until his retirement in
1945. He was president of the Ecological Society of America in 1917, president of the
Association of American Geographers in 1923, and president of the American Eugenics
Society from 1934 to 1938. He was author or coauthor of 28 books and part author of 30
others. He published approximately 240 professional and popular articles (Martin, 1973).
360 / MODERN

F ig u re 36 Regional diagram in the eastern Cordillera of Peru. (From Bowman, 1916:65.

Reprinted by permission of the American Geographical Society.)

geographer, the locus of Huntington’s life’s inquiry was investigation of the origin,
distribution, longevity, and accomplishment of civilization. He posited climate, “the
quality of people,” and culture as a triadic causation of human progress. He sought
to reveal the environmental platform through space and time whereon mankind had
been presented with its climatic circumstance, which, in turn, brought about migra­
tion, hastened the processes of selection, and facilitated or denied the advance of
culture. This juggling with a thesis of multiple causation was an epic undertaking.
Unfortunately, geographers read only a little of what he wrote, and that usually
included The Pulse o f Asia (1907) and Civilization and Climate (1915). In fact,
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 361

Regional diagram of the deep canyon regions of the Apurimac. (From Bowman,
F ig u re 37
1916:58. Reprinted by permission of the American Geographical Society.)

Huntington wrote 28 books, parts of 29 other books, more than 240 articles, and
more than 100 articles that he did not submit for publication. One can see that it
was hardly possible for geographers and others to read a substantial proportion of
what he wrote. In consequence, he was rather quickly branded a “determinist” based
on a limited reading of his work. Huntington recognized the danger and wrote to a
number of geographers pointing this out. As a corrective to this predicament, he
wrote The Pulse o f Progress (1926), which summarized his thought to that time,
and then in the clatter of time’s hurrying chariot in the 1940s he set about writing
a book that would explain his life’s work. The first half of this manuscript was pub­
lished as The Mainsprings o f Civilization (1945). A sequel to this book, “The Pace
of History,” was planned, but death prevented completion of the task. However,
three chapters have been made available (Martin, 1971).
362 / MODERN

The fact is that Huntington has been dismissed as a determinist. It must be agreed
that early in his career he tied human performance to climate in a way now con­
sidered simplistic. And conclusions were drawn from a vast array of data that did not
constitute proof. Nevertheless, much of his work involving climate was measured
statistically, albeit by cumbersome measurements. This involved matters such as
climatic pulsation, climatic variability, climatic optima, the qualities of ozone, the
impact of sunspots the counting of tree rings (Fig. 38),20 and much more.
His feet remained on the ground. He traveled far in native mode, endured
hardship, saw much, and recorded same in notebooks and with camera. By the age
of 28 he had spent more than seven years in Asia and was the first American
geographer to do so. With Davisian training he had gone forth and recorded what
he saw and contributed much to the geography of the time.
He was one of the geographers best known to other disciplinarians, and at one
time he was one of the geographers best known to the public. (The Mainsprings
o f Civilization sold in paperback to the public for many years after his death.) A
careful study of Huntington’s lifework reveals that there is very much more to
his thought than climate placing limits upon human (and national) capacity.21
D. H. K. Lee wrote of Huntington’s work as follows:
Huntington’s brilliant generalizations covering such a wide range of relationships
to climate are worth reading for two reasons: first they are thought-provoking and
not all of them have been disproved; and second, as a demonstration of effective
presentation they are unequalled (Lee, 1954:473).

Regional Geography and the Delimitation o f Regions

In the early years of the twentieth century, those geographers who followed
Davis in seeking to define a cohesive field of study including physical and human
elements were attracted by the British approach to the delimitation of regions.
Many concluded that the highest expression of geographic research was regional
geography. Here, within limited confines, the student could go back to causes and
forward to consequences without loss of confidence in the results (Fenneman,
1919). But how should one identify and delimit a region?
The first attempt to divide the territory of the 48 contiguous states and territor­
ies into physiographic regions was made by John Wesley Powell in 1896 (Powell,
1896). He divided the national territory into 16 regions, some with several sub­
divisions. Davis himself made a similar map in 1899 (Davis, 1899b:719). This was
published in H. R. Mill’s The International Geography (1899), which was adopted
as a textbook in a number of university courses straddling geology, geomorphology
and physical geography. In 1911 Bowman wrote Forest Physiography: Physio­
graphy o f the United States and Principles o f Soils in Relation to Forestry. This

20The Ellsworth Huntington collection, one of the largest collections attributable to

one geographer, is maintained in the manuscript and archival library, Yale University.
21The critics of Huntington are well known; less well known are his supporters. During
his life-time geographers finding inspiration in his work included S. B. Jones, A. G. Price.
O. H. K. Spate, T. G. Taylor, S. van Valkenburg, and S. S. Visher.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 363

F ig u re 38 Ellsworth Huntington counting Sequoia rings with Henry Canby

included a chapter entitled “Physiographic Regions, Climatic Regions, Forest

Regions,” which enlarged upon the physiographic regions of Davis. By 1914 a
number of regional divisions of the United States and of North America had been
published, each differing in minor ways from the others. In that year W. L. G. Joerg
reviewed 21 such maps and drew one of his own that combined the best features
of the others. Joerg used the term natural region and defined it as “any portion of
the earth’s surface whose physical conditions are homogeneous.” The concept of
scale or degree of generalization in delimiting regions had not at that time been
364 / MODERN

widely appreciated. Joerg’s regions were highly generalized and, of course, were
homogeneous only with respect to the criteria used to define them. N. M.
Fenneman also published a study of physiographic boundaries in the United States
in 1914; his resulting map incorporated new features not found on the 21 maps
that Joerg compared—for example, the separation of the Southern Rockies from
the Northern Rockies by the Wyoming Basin (Fenneman, 1914). At the Chicago
meeting of the Association of American Geographers in December 1914, one
session was devoted to a conference on regions. A committee was appointed to
draw a map of physiographic regions on the basis of the criteria accepted by the
conference, and Fenneman was named chairman. The map of the physiographic regions
with a detailed statement of the characteristics of each region was published in
1916 and included a folded map on the scale of 1/7,000,000 (Fenneman, 1916).
The concept of physical control and human response entered into the drawing
of regions with Charles R. Dryer’s paper in 1915 (Dryer, 1915). Dryer proposed
that the best way to identify natural regions was to measure the economic functions
of each. He called his divisions of the United States “natural economic regions.”
The “solid, liquid, gaseous, and biological phenomena fit into workable living com­
binations,” he wrote (in a surprising return to the natural elements of Aristotle).
Economic activities, according to Dryer, fit into these same regions, and a study of
the economic activities provides the best guide to delimiting natural regions. This
reflection of John F. Unstead’s synthetic regions appeared again and again in later
years in school and college textbooks that defined a region as homogeneous in its
natural characteristics and, therefore, homogeneous in its economic functions. Once
the map was drawn, the environmental control was demonstrated. Later, we will
see what Albert P. Brigham had to say about this kind of reasoning.

Ellen Churchill Semple

Another pioneer geographer of this period was Ellen Churchill Semple. After
graduating from Vassar in 1882, she taught for a few years in her native Louisville,
Kentucky. She received a master’s degree from Vassar in 1891, earned externally
on the basis of a two-year program of readings in sociology and economics, a final
written exam, and a thesis, “Slavery: A Study in Sociology.” From friends she heard
enthusiastic reports about a professor in Germany, at Leipzig, whose lectures were
bringing new worlds into view. She went to Leipzig, and in spite of difficulties placed
in the way of women who wanted to undertake graduate work, she studied with
Ratzel in 1891-92 and again in 1895. She returned to the United States greatly stimu­
lated by Ratzel’s new approach to anthropogeography and his interpretations of
so-called geographic influences on the course of history. She rejected his ideas about
the state as an organism, which he had derived from Herbert Spencer. Semple’s
aim then was to present Ratzel’s ideas in English, but clarified and reorganized,
with many new illustrations drawn from different parts of the world. In 1897 she
published her first professional article dealing with the role of the Appalachians as
a barrier in American history (Semple, 1897), and in 1901 she published a paper
based on her own field observations on the highlands of eastern Kentucky regard­
ing the results of isolation on the settlers of that area (Semple, 1901). This second
paper started her along the road to fame, but her professional status was confirmed
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 365

in 1903 with the publication of her first book, American History and Its Geographic
Conditions (Semple, 1903).
She presented her version of the first volume of Ratzel’s Anthropogeographie
in her book Influences o f Geographic Environment, which was published in 1911.
Here is what she wrote about her method:

The writer’s own method of research has been to compare typical peoples of all
stages of cultural development, living under similar geographic conditions. If these
peoples of different ethnic stocks but similar environments manifested similar
or related social, economic, or historical development, it was reasonable to infer
that such similarities were due to environment and not to race. Thus by extensive
comparison, the race factor in these problems of two unknown quantities was
eliminated for certain large classes of social and historical phenomena (Semple,
1911 :vii).
Here is another quotation from the opening paragraph of her book:
Man is a product of the earth’s surface. This means not merely that he is child of
the earth, dust of her dust; but that the earth has mothered him, fed him, set him
tasks, directed his thoughts, confronted him with difficulties that have strengthened
his body and sharpened his wits, given him his problems of navigation or
irrigation, and at the same time whispered hints for their solution.. . . On the moun­
tains she has given him leg muscles of iron to climb the slope; along the coast
she has left these weak and flabby, but given him instead vigorous development
of chest and arm to handle his paddle or oar. In the river valley she attaches him
to the fertile soil, circumscribes his ideas and ambitions by a dull round of calm,
exacting duties, narrows his outlook to the cramped horizons of his farm. Up on
the wind-swept plateaus, in the boundless stretch of grasslands and the waterless
tracts of the desert, where he roams with his flocks from pasture to pasture and
oasis to oasis, where life knows much hardship but escapes the grind of drudgery,
where the watching of the grazing herd gives him leisure for contemplation,
and the wide-ranging life of a big horizon, his ideas take on a certain gigantic
simplicity; religion becomes monotheism, God becomes one, unrivalled like the
sand of the desert and the grass of the steppe, stretching on and on without break
or change. Chewing over and over the cud of his simple belief as the one food
of his unfed mind, his faith becomes fanaticism; his big spacial ideas, bom of
that ceaseless regular wandering, outgrow the land that bred them and bear their
legitimate fruit in wide imperial conquests (Semple, 1911:1-2).
The quotations suggest two things: first, that her style of writing has a certain
literary quality that makes reading it a delight, yet which might—and sometimes
does— carry the theme beyond what sober judgment would permit; second, that the
concept of the earth as the controlling factor in human life is carried beyond the
possibility of objective verification. It is true that in combing the writings of all
nations for examples to illustrate her principles, she fell into an error not uncommon
when deductive reasoning is followed— she failed to look carefully for examples
that contradicted her principles. Is it not possible to find examples of people who
worship one God and yet are not pastoral nomads? And are there no examples of
inhabitants of the boundless steppes who are pantheists? People who live in pass
routes, she wrote, tend to become robbers of passing travelers. Then she presented
366 / MODERN

case after case of people in pass routes who rob for a living. But she did not look
for people in pass routes who do not rob, nor did she seek an explanation for
robbers who do not live in pass routes.
Nevertheless, two other observations must be made. First, she was very careful
to make the point that the environment does not control human action, only that
under certain circumstances people tend to behave in predictable ways—which is
the first small step toward probability theory. Second, there are some brilliant
passages in which her insight is even now thoroughly relevant. Her “islands of
ethnic expansion and islands of ethnic retreat’’ offer an important modification for
the contemporary theory of innovation dispersal (Semple, 1911:204-228).
Ellen Semple was an enormously persuasive teacher, and generations of
American geographers were brought up to believe these teachings. During the time
that she lectured at Chicago and later at Clark University, a large number of future
geographers passed through her classrooms. It is easy to condemn her for present­
ing concepts that have not withstood the test of time, but she must be appreciated
for kindling among her students an enthusiasm for the largeness of viewpoint which
was hers.22 Her writing, beautiful in composition, was doubtless a product of the
logic of her thought. By the end of the first decade of the 1900s, her work had so
permeated American geography that one is able to notice the development of
courses around that contribution. For the most part that was to be found in the smaller
colleges that preferred this variety of geography to Davisian physiography.
In 1911 Semple started to work on the geography of the Mediterranean region.
Over a period of 20 years she was a frequent visitor in the countries bordering the
Mediterranean, including the parts of Asia to the east. She did a vast amount of
reading in the literature— both ancient and modem— concerning the Mediterranean
countries. In 1915 she published the first of numerous articles on different aspects
of the region— this one on the mountain barriers and the breaches through them as
factors in the history of the region (Semple, 1915). From 1917 to 1918 her knowl­
edge of the Mediterranean world was employed by The Inquiry (see Chapter 19),
where she made contributions with special reference to Greece and Turkey. This
aside did not interrupt her researches, and she wrote papers dealing with Mediter­
ranean agriculture, the relation of forests to climate, the relation of climate to
religion, and the geographic basis of Mediterranean trade. One of the most
delightful of these papers described the “Templed Promontories” where the gods
were asked to watch over the seafarers who had to sail around dangerous capes
(Semple, 1927). All of this work was brought together in her last great book, on
which she was at work when stricken in 1929. With great courage she persisted,
able to work no more than two hours each day, until the book was completed and
published only a few months before her death (Semple, 1931).22 It is an intel­
lectual curiosity that we do not have a book-length assessment of this remarkable
geography (Bushong, 1984).

22Ellen Churchill Semple was a visiting lecturer at Chicago between 1906 and 1924. In
1912 and again in 1922 she lectured at Oxford in England. She was visiting lecturer at
Wellesley College in the fall of 1914, at the University of Colorado in the summer of
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 367

Albert Perry Brigham

One of the “outstanding graduate students” who was at Harvard working with Shaler
and Davis in 1891-92 was Albert Perry Brigham (James, 1978).23 Brigham, who
was on the faculty of Colgate University for many years, was one of the major sup­
porters of W. M. Davis in the effort to establish geography as a professional field
in the United States. Brigham's book Geographic Influences in American History
was published in 1903, the same year in which Ellen Semple’s book on the same
subject appeared. Brigham’s book (Brigham, 1903) placed heavy emphasis on
the origin of what he called geographic conditions but was relatively light on his­
tory, as the historians were not slow to point out. Although somewhat different in
emphasis, Semple and Brigham’s points of view were very similar.
In the course of time Brigham took an increasingly vigorous stand against
the way geologically trained geographers asserted the existence of “responses” to
environmental conditions without attaching precise meaning to their words and
without showing what influences really do and how they do it. He was familiar with
the work of the European geographers, especially Ratzel and Brunhes. He insisted
that Ratzel was a pioneer and could not be blamed for not exploring all the par­
ameters of man-land relations. In his presidential address before the Association
of American Geographers in 1914 (Brigham, 1915), he specified that it was the
geographer’s task to provide a careful and scientific description of the physical
environment, but that geographers should use caution and common sense in
asserting the existence of influences and that every possible test should be made
to ascertain the validity of any general principles that were suggested. He wrote
of the relation of specific factual information to general concepts:
Our goal is broad generalization. But the formulation of general laws is diffi­
cult, and the results insecure until we have a body of concrete and detailed
observations.. . . Detailed investigation of single problems, in small and seemingly
unimportant fields, must for a long time prepare the way for the formulation
of richer and more fundamental conclusions and general principles than we have
yet been able to achieve (Brigham, 1915:24-25).
Brigham was especially critical of generalizations concerning the influence of
climate. He observed that “perhaps there is no subject, unless it be politics, on which

1915, at Western Kentucky University in the summer of 1917, at Columbia University in

the summer of 1918, and at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1925. From
1921 until she was stricken with a heart attack in 1929, she was a member of the staff
of the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University. In 1921 she was the president
of the Association of American Geographers (Colby, 1933).
23A. P. Brigham was the minister of a large church in Utica, New York, when he took
a summer field course in geology at Harvard in 1889. Two years later he resigned his
ministry and went to Harvard for advanced study. He received the M.A. degree at Harvard
in 1892, and from then until his retirement in 1925 he was on the faculty of Colgate
University. In 1904 he was one of the charter members of the Association of American
Geographers and was its secretary-treasurer front 1904 to 1913. In 1914 he was president
of the Association (see the Annals AAG 20(1930):55—104; and 23(1933):27-32).
368 / MODERN

men say so much and know so little as about climate.” He was especially disturbed
by vague and unproved assertions of climatic influence on racial character, skin color,
or human institutions. The infinitely variable factors of the total environment, he
insisted, produce infinitely diverse results on body and mind.
During the period from the 1890s to World War I, the point of view toward
geography that was widely accepted in the United States was that of the search
for environmental influences. Furthermore, the meaning was the same whether or
not the word “influences” was replaced by “responses” or “adjustments.” And in
spite of Brigham’s warning concerning the need for careful use of words and patient
testing of alleged influences, many geographers continued to draw plausible but
unverified conclusions from their studies (Hartshome, 1939:23).

Emory R. Johnson and J. Russell Smith

While anthropogeography was being developed by people trained for the ministry
or in history, and physical geography was being developed by people trained in geo­
logy, the advanced study in economic and commercial geography was being started
by two scholars trained in economics. The individuals who led the way in this aspect
of geography were Emory R. Johnson and J. Russell Smith, both in the Wharton
School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania.24 In 1899, when
Congress set up the Isthmian Canal Commission to recommend the best route for
an interocean canal, Johnson, who was a specialist on the geography of transporta­
tion, was appointed to make a cost-benefit study of alternative routes. He selected
his graduate student J. Russell Smith as his assistant. Although he had been
teaching courses on “The Theory and Geography of Commerce” and on “Physical
and Economic Geography,” he was not experienced in the actual methods of geo­
graphical study. He and Smith had to work out their own procedures. Here is the way
Smith described the situation: “We came out of that job with a firm conviction that
the American educational field needed geography in the colleges— quick. Because

24Emory R. Johnson received the Ph.D. in economics for a dissertation, "Inland

Waterways: Their Relation to Transportation,” at the Wharton School in 1893. Whittlesey
lists this as the first doctoral dissertation in geography in the United States (Whittlesey,
1935:213). On the staff of the Wharton School from 1893 until his retirement in 1933,
Johnson offered courses in economic geography. He was dean of the Wharton School
from 1919 to 1933. Students of Johnson who received the Ph.D. from the Wharton School
include J. Paul Goode (1901), J. Russell Smith (1903), and Walter S. Tower (1906).
Johnson was a charter member of the Association of American Geographers.
J. Russell Smith graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in economics in 1898
and started graduate work with E. R. Johnson. Johnson and Smith worked on the Isthmian
Canal Commission in 1899-1901. In 1901-1902 Smith studied anthropogeography with
Ratzel at Leipzig and then returned to the Wharton School, where he completed the Ph.D.
in 1903. On the faculty of the Wharton School from 1903 to 1919, he became chairman
of the new Department of Geography and Industry, which he founded. From 1919 until
his retirement in 1944, he was chairman of the Department of Geography in the School
of Business at Columbia University. He was president of the Association of American
Geographers in 1943 (Martin, 2001).
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 369

of our helplessness in the face of a concrete problem, it convinced us that it was

extremely important” (Rowley, 1964:22-23).
In 1919 J. Russell Smith was invited to the newly established School of
Business at Columbia University to develop a curriculum in geography leading to
advanced degrees. He set himself to remedy what he felt was a serious lack of good
textbooks in economic geography and in 1913 published his influential Industrial
and Commercial Geography (Smith, 1913). The book was revised several times and
provided the basic text for courses in this kind of geography for perhaps 50 years.
The last edition was published in 1955 with the aid of two coauthors, one of whom
was his son, Thomas R. Smith. In 1925 Smith published North America. He adopted
the concept of human use regions as the framework for his book. While teaching
the North America course for 20 years he had perceived 44 of these regions. The
book was published at a time when the Roorbach questionnaire leading to the report
“The trend of modem geography, a symposium” (1914) established that American
geographers believed that one of the most pressing needs within the profession was
for a regional geography of North America similar to the regional studies accom­
plished in Europe. Joerg later wrote (1936) in The Geography o f North America:
A History o f Its Regional Exposition: “Here was an account, organized sufficiently
minutely by regions and of sufficient length to deal adequately with all the essen­
tials.” In addition to this book, Smith published 29 other books for use at various
grade levels. He was active in the conservation movement, strongly recommending
that steeply sloping land should be planted with tree crops to protect it from
erosion. He had developed a tree farm of 2000 acres in Virginia and had become
an authority on the oak, chestnut, and honey-locust trees. Here is the way Virginia
M. Rowley summarized his career:
J. Russell Smith is thus a unique man, of unusual energy and versatility. His rest­
less, probing, creative mind caused him to go beyond the narrow subject bounds of
a single academic discipline and to view knowledge as a related whole. Some may
criticize Smith for his occasional inaccuracies, his untested theories, or, at times,
his deemphasis of specific details. These criticisms are sometimes justified and
when detrimental to truth and objectivity, reflect definite weaknesses which, as a
professional geographer, Smith should have eliminated. On the other hand, it must
be remembered that Smith’s goal was different from that of the pure research spe­
cialist. To him an idea had worth only if it were put to work. We must see Smith
the academic geographer, the generalist, as well as synthesizer and experimenter,
as many others have seen Shaler, Smith’s “unseen master,” as more concerned with
awakening minds than with imparting specific information (Rowley, 1964:200-201).


The pioneering works of Davis and his disciples, of Ellen C. Semple, and of Emory
R. Johnson and J. Russell Smith were of major importance in the introduction of a
revitalized geography into the United States. But geography as a professional field
could not emerge until there were university departments staffed by scholars
trained in geography. This process began at the University of Chicago in 1903, when
the first separate department offering advanced graduate study was formed.
370 / MODERN

The University of Chicago was founded on July 1, 1891. John D. Rockefeller

had provided the financial support to organize a new university to be staffed by
professionally qualified scholars. William Rainey Harper took office as the first
president. Harper was building another university similar to Johns Hopkins, which
had been modeled on the German concept of a society of scholars by Daniel Coit
Gilman. By the time the first classes were held at Chicago on October 1, 1892, Harper
had assembled a faculty of high quality. There were 103 members on the new
faculty, and of these 8 were former university presidents. Outstanding scholars
included Thorstein Veblen in economics, Albert Michelson in physics, and Thomas
C. Chamberlin in geology. Chamberlin, who resigned as president of the Univer­
sity of Wisconsin to accept the appointment of Chicago, brought with him his
associate Rollin D. Salisbury.25 In 1892 H. J. Mackinder visited Chicago and was
urged by Harper to join the faculty, but Mackinder did not pursue the matter.

Rollin D. Salisbury
Rollin D. Salisbury, who was the chairman of the Department of Geography at Chicago
from 1903 to 1919, was a major force in the development of professional geo­
graphy in the United States (Pattison, 1981, 1982). He influenced a large number of
students and was generally recognized as the best teacher in the university. His fresh­
man course in physiography was always filled. Whereas Davis was noted for his
polished lectures, Salisbury was a master of the art of stimulating and directing class
discussions. By skillful questioning he ensured student participation. But when any
student attempted to obscure a lack of preparation behind a screen of generalities,
Salisbury would remark: “perfectly true, perfectly general, perfectly meaningless.”
He insisted that a student learn to express himself clearly—“not so that he could
be understood, but so that he could not be misunderstood” (Chamberlin, 1931:128).
His classroom was no place for the dull student, but the better ones were enorm­
ously stimulated, especially by participation in his advanced seminars. Students who

25T. C. Chamberlin was the son of a pioneer farmer in Wisconsin. He graduated from
Beloit College in 1866 and returned there as professor of natural history in 1873. He
became professor of geology in 1880. From 1882 to 1887 he worked full time on the
U. S. Geological Survey. As a geologist he is noted for his demonstration of the
occurrence of several advances and retreats of the ice in Wisconsin and for his
formulation of the planetesimal hypothesis regarding the origin of the earth. In the field
of scientific methodology, he is also known for his paper on the need to use multiple
working hypotheses (Chamberlin, 1897). From 1887 to 1892 he was president of the
University of Wisconsin. From 1892 until his retirement in 1919, he was chairman of
the Department of Geology at the University of Chicago.
R. D. Salisbury graduated from Beloit College in 1881 and succeeded Chamberlin
there in 1882. In 1891 he came to the University of Wisconsin but resigned the next year
to accept an appointment with Chamberlin as professor of geographic geology at Chicago.
In 1894 he was named dean of the Ogden School of Science at Chicago, which position
he held until his death in 1922. Salisbury was named chairman of the new Department of
Geography in 1903. In 1919, when Chamberlin retired, Salisbury became chairman of the
Department of Geology; Harlan H. Barrows replaced him in geography.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 371

attended one of his seminars, even for a short period in the summer session, went
out to establish similar seminars in other schools and colleges. In 1913 he started
a regular weekly meeting of staff and graduate students in which geographical ques­
tions and problems were discussed.26 In the give and take of scholarly discussion,
those in attendance not only clarified in their own minds the methodology and scope
of geography, but they also learned a valuable lesson about the way to carry on
such a discussion with their peers, to accept criticism without emotional reaction,
and to respect the words of others even if they were in disagreement. Charles Colby
said that these seminars did more to establish high standards of work and thought
at Chicago and elsewhere than any other single part of the program (Colby,
Salisbury was himself concerned with that part of geography that he called
physiography (physical geography). He was hopeful but skeptical that workers in
anthropogeography might also develop that part of geography on a scientific
basis. He is not properly described as “a follower of Davis,” although he did make
use of the terminology that Davis had proposed. But in Salisbury’s teaching the
cycle of erosion was given a minor place. Salisbury also rejected the idea of a
simple cause and effect relation between the physical earth and the human
response. Physiography, for Salisbury, was the scientific study of the stage setting
on which the human drama unfolded. But the relation of the stage setting to human
action was not a causal one.
Salisbury published his ideas in his Physiography (Salisbury, 1907), which was
widely used throughout the United States and went through several editions.
With Wallace W. Atwood27 he made a selection of topographic maps from the U.S.
Geological Survey, parts of which were reproduced along with notes interpreting
the origin of the landforms (Salisbury and Atwood, 1908). With other members of
the geography staff, Salisbury collaborated in a college text that presented a basic
course in geography, which for many years was a standard college text in the United
States (Salisbury, Barrows, and Tower, 1912). He also demonstrated his method
and point of view in studying physical geography in a monograph on the stage
setting of Chicago (Salisbury and Alden, 1899).

Building the Department

When the new Department of Geography was established in 1903, Salisbury imme­
diately recruited two young scholars to form his staff. One was J. Paul Goode, who
had studied geology at Chicago in 1896-97 but who had gone to the University

26The first such seminar was held in the fall of 1913 and was attended by Salisbury,
Barrows, Tower, and Goode from the staff and by graduate students Charles C. Colby,
Wellington D. Jones, A. E. Parkins, William Haas, Stephen S. Visher, and Mary Lanier
(Colby, 1955).
27Wallace W. Atwood received his B.A. degree in geology at Chicago in 1897. On a field
trip to the Devil’s Lake Driftless Area of Wisconsin with Salisbury, he developed a keen
interest in the interpretation of landforms. He received the Ph.D. in geology at Chicago in
1903, and from 1903 to 1913 he was on the staff of the Department of Geology there.
372 / MODERN

of Pennsylvania to study economic geography with Johnson.28 When Salisbury

found himself responsible for developing a program of study in geography, he
remembered the young student who had so impressed him with sound ideas about
geography some six years earlier. He asked Goode to prepare a proposed program
of courses for the new department. Goode answered in detail, and most of his
suggestions were adopted. In 1903 Salisbury invited Goode to become a member
of the geography staff (Martin, 1984).
The other young man recruited at that time was Harlan H. Barrows, who had
just received the B.S. degree in geology at Chicago but who had already taught
geography for more than five years.29 Barrows was promoted rapidly, and in 1919,
when Salisbury moved back to geology, he was named chairman of the Department
of Geography.
Geology and geography at Chicago remained very closely associated during this
period. When Chamberlin was away, Salisbury acted as chairman of both depart­
ments. Students took courses in both departments. Geology and geography shared
space in the same building and made use of the map collection. Salisbury and Goode
undertook to set up no new courses that would duplicate work already being
offered in geology. But meteorology and climatology, which had been taught in the
Department of Geology, were transferred to geography, where they were taught by
Goode. The new courses in geography were planned to occupy the great unculti­
vated field between geology and climatology on the one hand, and biology, history,
sociology, economics, anthropology, and political science on the other. The first
Ph.D. granted by the new department went to Frederick V. Emerson in 1907 for
what was one of the first American urban studies by a geographer—“A Geographic
Interpretation of New York City” (Emerson, 1908—1909).30

28J. Paul Goode received the B.S. degree from the University of Minnesota in 1889 and
from then until 1898 held the position of professor of natural science at the Minnesota
State Normal College at Moorhead, Minnesota. In 1894 he attended a summer session at
Harvard and worked with Davis. In 1896-1897 he was a "fellow in geology” at Chicago.
In 1899 he was appointed professor of physical science and geography at Eastern Illinois
State Normal College. Finding no place where he could pursue advanced graduate study
in geography, he went to the University of Pennsylvania to study with E. R. Johnson
and received the Ph.D. in economics in 1901. He was an instructor in geography at
Pennsylvania when, in 1903, he was offered a position at Chicago (Martin, 1984).
29Harlan H. Barrows completed an undergraduate program at Michigan State Normal
College under Charles T. McFarlane in 1896. He had been teaching at the Ferris Industrial
School (later Ferris Institute) in Big Rapids, Michigan, when he decided to take additional
undergraduate work in geology at Chicago. He received the B.S. degree in geology
in 1903. He was such an outstanding student that he was immediately appointed as
Salisbury's assistant. He was promoted to instructor in geography in 1907, to assistant
professor in 1908, to associate professor in 1910, and to professor in 1914. From 1919
until the time of his retirement in 1942, he was chairman of the department. (For other
aspects of his career, see Chapter 16.)
30F. V. Emerson studied at Edinboro (Pennsylvania), Colgate, Cornell, and Harvard before
completing his graduate studies at Chicago. He then worked with C. F. Marbut at the
University of Missouri and from 1913 to his death in 1919 was professor of geology at
Louisiana State University and also director of the Soil Survey of Louisiana.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 373

Within a decade the new department had already established its preeminent
position in the training of the younger generation of geographers. In addition to
Salisbury, whose chief concern was with the physical earth, and Goode, who
offered work not only in meteorology and climatology but also in the economic and
commercial geography of Europe and the tropics, cartography, and the history of
geographic thought. Barrows began to develop his ideas on the historical geography
of the United States, which came into full flower after World War I (Barrows, 1962).
His course was very popular with the undergraduates. A questionnaire circulated
among Chicago alumni some years later listed Barrows’s course on historical geo­
graphy as one of the most worthwhile courses in the whole undergraduate program
of the university (Colby, 1955). During his career Barrows offered some 25 dif­
ferent courses (Koelsch, 1969, 1976).
Walter S. Tower was added to the department in 1911 to offer courses in the
economic geography of South America and in political geography (Tower, 1910).31
Tower was one of the earliest “regional specialists” in the Latin American field to
be appointed to a university post in the United States. Others who taught occasionally
at Chicago were Ellen C. Semple, in alternate years between 1906 and 1924, and
Bailey Willis, a geologist from Stanford University.
The graduate students who worked in the department during the first decade
included many who became leaders of the profession in the period after World
War I.32 When the government of Argentina planned the construction of railroads
westward across Patagonia after 1902, it looked to the example of railroad surveys
undertaken earlier in the American West and requested assistance from the U.S.
Geological Survey. Bailey Willis was appointed to organize and operate this survey.
When he found that he needed someone trained in economic geography, he turned
to Salisbury for a recommendation. The young man who worked with Bailey Willis
in Patagonia in 1912 was Wellington D. Jones. This experience in Patagonia
inspired Jones, along with his fellow graduate student Carl Sauer, to suggest the
importance of detailed field mapping of agricultural areas. For the first time it was
suggested that maps of land use should be prepared at the same scale and the same
degree of detail as the maps of the physical environment. The paper that Jones and
Sauer published in 1915 had been thoroughly discussed at the Chicago seminar (Jones
and Sauer, 1915).
Colby identifies three factors in pre-1917 America that caused the rapid increase
in the teaching and writing of geography. We have already mentioned the criti­
cal importance of the surveys of the American West and especially the pioneer
work of Gilbert, Powell, Wheeler, and Hayden. Second, also in the years prior to
World War I, a great increase in overseas commerce was causing the public to
demand the teaching of commercial and economic geography—just as the traders
of Amsterdam had made similar demands in the seventeenth century and were
answered by Varenius. The University of Pennsylvania responded to this demand
in the United States through the activities of the economists and economic

31For a biographical sketch of Walter S. Tower, see Chapter 18.

32These students included Charles C. Colby, Wellington D. Jones, Stephen S. Visher,
V. C. Finch, Carl O. Sauer, Mary Lanier, Mary Dopp, Mabel C. Stark, and L. P. Denoyer.
374 / MODERN

geographers in the Wharton School. The third influence that Colby listed was the
rapid opening up of new natural resources, including oil. This drew the attention
of educators to the need for teaching the geography of resources and the methods
of conserving them. All these matters were discussed at length by the participants
in the Chicago seminar.33
Another distinctive characteristic of the Chicago group was the emphasis it
placed on field studies. In the tradition of the exploring expeditions of the West, all
graduate students were expected to examine the character of the landscapes and to
identify geographical problems from direct observation. In September 1913 Tower
led a party of six students in a traverse of the northern Appalachians from
Pittsburgh to Harrisburg. In September 1914 Barrows led a much larger group on
foot across the southern Appalachians. In 1915 Goode conducted a trip to the West,
visiting ranches, mines, and irrigated areas and including a visit to the Panama
Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. This kind of field course became a distinctive
feature of Chicago before World War I. But, as we will see, students such as
Wellington D. Jones, Carl O. Sauer, and K. C. McMurry began to visualize a quite
different kind of field experience in which students would not be taken on a con­
ducted tour but would be set to work in a restricted area to identify problems and
demonstrate their ability to find answers.
In their field studies the geographers learned to cooperate with scholars in other
disciplines. For example, Henry C. Cowles, professor of botany at Chicago, was
interested in plant ecology. He involved geographers in his studies of plant suc­
cession on the Indiana Dunes. Cowles was one of the founders of the Association
of American Geographers (1904) and its president in 1910.


In 1914 George B. Roorbach, who was assistant professor of economic geography
at the University of Pennsylvania, published the results of a questionnaire he had
sent out to people who called themselves geographers. He found that in a seminar
discussion of the scope and method of geography almost everyone had his or her
own definition. As in Germany four decades earlier, very few people who taught
geography had been formally educated as geographers. Therefore, each new geo­
grapher felt impelled to answer the question: “What is geography?” And true to the
nature of most scholars, it would not do to accept any other scholar’s definition of
the field. Consequently, there was little resolve concerning the nature of geo­
graphy. Roorbach asked for a listing of the most important tasks to be undertaken
by geographers. He received 29 replies, all but four of which were from scholars

33The four members of the department staff made distinctive contributions to the
seminar discussions. Salisbury contributed the sure touch of the master in directing these
discussions. Barrows had the keenest mind: He had a prodigious memory and was a strict
logician. Tower introduced challenging and original ideas. And Goode never failed to
insist that the best way to communicate geographical ideas was through the expert use
of maps (Colby, 1955).
The New Geography in the United States Before World War I / 375

in the United States. The four others were well-known British geographers
(Roorbach, 1914).
Roorbach found an almost unanimous agreement that geography was the study
of the relationship between the earth and life— which was essentially the idea pro­
posed by Davis. The respondents then listed the following tasks as important in the
order given:
1. The exact determination of the influence of geographic environment. This was
placed first by 22 of the 29 respondents.
2. Regional studies of selected areas. There were some British suggestions that
a major task would be to divide the world into its major natural regions.
3. The definition and organization of geographical material.
4. The improvement of the teaching of geography.
5. The study of the influence of geographic factors on history.
6. The exploration of unknown or little-known places (suggested by the British
geographer John Scott Keltie and by Robert E. Peary).
7. The study of physical geography.
So it was in 1914. Geographers did not realize that culture, not nature, determined
the significance of environment, site, and natural resources, in spite of the critique
of environmentalism advanced by ethnologists since before 1900. Moreover,
two interuniversity conferences between Columbia-trained ethnologists and Yale
geographers, arranged by Franz Boas in 1913 for exploring the problem of envir­
onmental conditioning of society, failed to inoculate geographers against the
naturalistic assumption. The principle that culture is the fundamental extraenvir-
onmental factor in the derivation of human activities did not penetrate geography
more generally until after World War II (Speth, 1978:10-11; 1999).

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---------. 1915. “The Barrier Boundary of the Mediterranean Basin and Its Northern Breaches
as Factors in History.” Annals AAG 5:27-59.
---------. 1927. “Templed Promontories of the Ancient Mediterranean.” Geographical Review
---------. 1931. The Geography of the Mediterranean Region, Its Relation to Ancient History.
New York: Henry Holt.
Shaler, N. 1909. The Autobiography of Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, with a Supplementaiy
Memoir by His Wife. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Sherwood, M. 1977. “Alfred Hulse Brooks: 1871-1924.” In Geographers: Biobibliograph-
ical Studies. Vol. 1, pp. 19-23. London: Mansell.
Smith, J. R. 1913. Industrial and Commercial Geography. New York: Henry Holt.
---------. 1952. “American Geography: 1900-1904,” The Professional Geographer 4:4-7.
Spate, O. H. K. 1958. “The End of an Old Song? The Determinism-Possibilism Problem."
Geographical Review 48:280-282.
Speth, W. W. 1978. “The Anthropogeographic Theory of Franz Boas.” Anthropos 73:1-31.
---------. 1999. How It Came to Be: Carl O Sauer, Franz Boas and the Meanings of
Anthropogeography. Ellensburg, Wash.: Ephemera Press.
Strahler, A. N. 1950. “Davis’ Concepts of Slope Development Viewed in the Light of Recent
Quantitative Investigations.” Annals AAG 40:209-213.
Tinkler, K. J. 1985. A Short History of Geomorphology. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes and Noble.
Tower, W. S. 1910. “Scientific Geography: The Relation of Its Contents to Its Subdivisions."
Bulletin o f the American Geographical Society 42:801-825.
Visher, S. S. 1948. “Memoir to Ellsworth Huntington, 1876-1947.” Annals AAG 38:38-50.
Ward, R. DeC. 1908. Climate, Considered Especially in Relation to Man. New York: G. P.
Putnam’s Sons.
---------. 1925. Climates of the United States. Boston: Ginn & Co.
The New Geography in the United States Before World War 1 / 3 8 1

Ward, R. DeC., and Brooks, C. F. 1936. The Climates of North America. In W. Koppen and
R. Geiger, eds., Handbuch der Klimatologie, Vol. 2, Part J. Berlin: Bomtraeger.
Wamtz, W. 1981. “Geographia Generalis and the Earliest Development of Academic
Geography in the United States.” In B. Blouet ed., The Evolution of Academic Geography
in the United States. Pp. 245-263. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press.
Whittlesey, D. S. 1935. “Dissertations in Geography Accepted by Universities in the United
States for the Degree of Ph.D. as of May, 1935.” Annals AAG 25:211-237.
Williams, F. L. 1963. Matthew Fontaine Maury, Scientist of the Sea. New Brunswick, N.J.:
Rutgers University Press.
Wright, J. K. 1952. Geography in the Making, the American Geographical Society 1851-
1951. New York: American Geographical Society.
—------. 1961. “Daniel Coit Gilman: Geographer and Historian.” Geographical Review
Wrigley, G. M. 1951. “Isaiah Bowman.” Geographical Review 14:7-65.
____________________________________________________________ 16
T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in t h e

U n it e d Sta tes

World War I to Midcentury

Scarcely was physical geography established, or perhaps I should say

rejuvenated and reestablished, before an insistent demand arose that it be
“humanized.” This demand met with prompt response, and the center of
gravity within the geographic field has shifted steadily from the extreme
physical side toward the human side, until geographers in increasing numbers
define their subject as dealing solely with the mutual relations between man
and his natural environment. By “natural environment” they of course mean
the combined physical and biological environments.
—Harlan H. Barrows, in his presidential address to the
Association o f American Geographers, 1922

he period from World War I to the 1950s witnessed an ongoing search for a
T new formulation of acceptable geographical study. Trained geographers began
to emerge from graduate departments of geography and to enter the profession,
with the result that the traditionally close ties with geology were gradually loosened
(Harris, 1979; Trewartha, 1979). Combined departments of geology and geography
were gradually separated. In the course of time, the focus of geographical inquiry
shifted toward social science and away from exclusive concern with earth science.
Indeed, many were deeply disturbed by the growing neglect of the methods and
concepts derived from geology and by the tendency to relinquish the study of
physical geography to other disciplines. The period has been incorrectly described
as one in which geographers devoted themselves to the “mere description of unique
places” without any effort to formulate general concepts. Such a characterization
seems unwarranted. Much attention was given to the information and use of con­
cepts and models, and many principles and ideas now current can be traced to their
early appearance in the 1920s and 1930s.
From the 1880s to the 1910s, a number of geographical societies had been
founded. With the entry of America into the war in 1917, geographers became involved
in war-related work. The Inquiry was established in New York; it was so titled
to retain anonymity while preparing for the fashioning of a peace treaty. Bowman
advanced political geography, Johnson wrote of military geography, Whitbeci
introduced the term mental map, and J. Paul Goode was about to publish the firs:
American world atlas with which geographers could be satisfied (Martin, 1985;230|.
A number of geographers attained high military rank, bringing more attention i:

The New Geography in the United States / 383

the discipline. This helped its advance on many campuses when “Johnny came
marching home.”
At this time the ideas of William Morris Davis were little challenged in geo­
morphology and were only beginning to be challenged in human geography. With
the benefit of hindsight, we can now see that the careful observation and measure­
ment of physical processes were neglected in favor of qualitative studies of natural
history. In the field of human geography, social Darwinism was under attack; indeed,
most of the historians and other social scientists had already rejected it (Barnes,
1925; Hayes, 1908). Many geographers, too, were ready to follow A. P. Brigham
in rejecting strict environmental determinism and R. D. Salisbury in avoiding
simple cause and effect explanations for complex associations of things on the earth's
surface. But not all the geographers were aware of the validity of the criticisms of
Davis’s scheme of human response to physical controls. The persuasive teaching
of Ellen Semple, the creative work of Ellsworth Huntington, and to a lesser extent
the work of Ray H. Whitbeck (1926) continued to support some kind of environ­
mental control of human behavior (Huntington, 1924). Long after the physical cause
and human response thesis had been dropped, some geographers continued to
use the language of “geographic factor” and “environmental control” (Atwood, 1935;
Baker, 1921; Lewthwaite, 1966; Martin, 1951; Peattie, 1929, 1940; Whitbeck and
Thomas, 1932).
The tradition established at Harvard was carried on after Davis’s retirement in
1912 by Wallace W. Atwood (Bushong, 1981).1 As professor of physiography at
Harvard, Atwood attracted many students who were excited by his teaching and
by his leadership in field studies. After 1921, when the Clark Graduate School of
Geography was established with Atwood as director, students came not only from
the United States but also from many foreign countries. Atwood’s school texts were
very popular, departing from the traditional organization by political units and
adopting one based on natural regions. It has been said that “no American has ever
brought geography to so many people." Unfortunately, the geographical ideas he
taught were already disputed by his colleagues when he reached the peak of his
influence, much as Davis’s ideas of the causal notion were already outmoded when
he used them as the organizing principle of the “new geography.”*2

!Wallace W. Atwood was on the staff of the Department of Geology at Chicago when
he was selected to succeed D. W. Johnson at Harvard. At Harvard Atwood continued his
interest in field studies in geomorphology and in the teaching of geography in elementary
and secondary schools. His study of the San Juan Mountains of Colorado (Atwood and
Mather, 1932) is a classic of its kind. The last chapter deals with “The Utilization of the
San Juan Region by Man.” In 1920 he became president of Clark University and in 1921
the director of the Graduate School of Geography. In 1925 he founded the periodical
Economic Geography. He was president of the Association of American Geographers in
1939. He retired in 1946.
2Another brilliant teacher who supported the ideas of environmental determinism was
T. Griffith Taylor. He was on the staff of the Department of Geography at Chicago from
1928 to 1935. Taylor’s work in Canada is discussed in Chapter 12.
384 / MODERN

The period after World War I witnessed the gradual erosion of concepts of physi­
cal controls and human responses and a vigorous competition among proposals for
new approaches to geographical inquiry (Brunhes, 1925). There is always a certain
lag in such changes, a regrettable persistence of traditional error (James, 1967; Jastrow,
1936). But such a period of change is an exciting one because a variety of new
ideas are used experimentally (Popper, 1959; Wright, 1966).
There were four main currents of geographic thought to examine. One proposal
was that the scope of geographical study should be narrowed to focus on the adjust­
ments made by humans to both their physical and biotic environment. This was a
removal from the Davisian proposition in centering the adjustment of mankind on both
the physical and biotic environment—whereas the Davisian formulation centered
mankind more simplistically in an equation of physiographic controls and organic
responses. This was the proposal that geography should be described as human
ecology. A second proposal was that geographers should focus on the identification
and explanation of observed differences from place to place on the face of the
earth. Such studies are included in chorology, or the study of places or regions. But
chorology was to be more than descriptive. The third and fourth currents included
the search for explanations that would make sense out of observed diversity. These
took two chief directions: one was to seek genetic explanation in terms of processes
of change acting through time, leading to historical geography and its specialized
offshoot sequent occupance\ the other was to seek functional explanations, leading
to the concept of the functional organization o f space. These explanatory procedures
were applied in various topical fields.3 Meanwhile, the decade after World War I
also saw a notable shift of professional attention from academic studies to the use
of geographic concepts and methods in the study of practical economic, social,
and political questions. Applied geography, as it developed in the period between
World War I and the decade of the 1950s, is the subject of Chapter 18.

Human Ecology
That geography should focus on the study of human ecology, or the adjustment
of humans to their natural surroundings, was presented by Harlan H. Barrows in
his presidential address before the Association of American Geographers in 1922
(Barrows, 1923).4 Adjustment, as Barrows used the word, was not caused by the
physical environment but was a matter of human choice. Barrows felt, however,
that, although the subject matter of geography had been partly lost to other disci­
plines, it was still too broad and that such specialties as geomorphology, climatology.

3For full summaries of the contributions made in the various fields of geography in the
United States up to 1954 together with extensive references to published materials, see
James and Jones (1954). See also Colby (1936) and Whitaker (1954).
4Previous American workers in the emerging field of ecology include C. E. Bessey,
F. E. Clements, R. Pound, and H. C. Cowles (Armstrong and Martin, 1998). It seems that
J. P. Goode was the first to adopt the term “human ecology” in 1907.
The New Geography in the United States / 385

and biogeography should be relinquished. Like others before him, he sought a

unifying theme that would bring coherence to the study of geography. The unifying
theme, he argued, could be provided by restricting attention to human ecology. He
I believe that those relationships between man and the earth which result from
his efforts to get a living are in general the most direct and intimate; that most
other relationships are established through these; that, accordingly, the further devel­
opment of economic regional geography should be promoted assiduously, and that
upon economic geography for the most part other divisions of the subject must
be based.. . . I believe that geography has been too much a library subject, and
too little a field subject. I hold that the field is the geographer’s laboratory. I believe
that we have made only a beginning in the development of rigorous, scientific
methods of field work in physiography and geology, and that the development of
a thoroughly effective technique in field work is perhaps our greatest immediate
need. Since most of us are “rebuilt geologists” do we not, in general, study the
geological items and merely observe, in more or less haphazard fashion, the geo­
graphical items? Precisely how should one study in the field those relationships
which are truly geographic? .. .
I believe that much of our so-called geographical exposition is something else,
that to be truly geographic a discussion must involve from beginning to end an
explanatory treatment in orderly sequence of human relationships, and that the
development of a satisfactory technique of exposition is only less important than
the perfection of field methods (Barrows, 1923:13-14).
But geographers still had to examine skillfully two or more different sets of
factors. To be sure, Barrows insisted that the physical conditions should only
be studied in relation to humans, but this proved to be more easily said than
done. Although Barrows’ paper has often been quoted and assigned as reading for
graduate students, it did not provide guidelines for a new orientation of the
field (Hartshome, 1939:123).

Some sturdy chorologic inquiry was rendered by Mark Jefferson (1917) and W. L.
Joerg (1914, 1936), but a much greater impact on the development of geography
in the United States resulted from Carl O. Sauer’s study entitled “The Morphology
of Landscape” (1925). (Also see Leighly, 1976; and Stanislawski, 1975.) This article
was written shortly after Sauer became chairman of the Department of Geography
at the University of California (Berkeley) in 1923. It was intended as a kind of
inaugural lecture— a declaration outlining his concept of the field of geography
to his colleagues in other departments of the university. Such a declaration was deemed
necessary because of the common and uncritical acceptance of the earlier
definitions of geography solely in terms of environmental influences. Sauer insisted
that no field of study could be defined in terms of a single causal hypothesis that
would commit the student to a particular outcome of an investigation in advance
(Sauer, 1927:173). To go into the field to look for influences or evidence of con­
trol exerted by the physical conditions is to accept a single dogma. Sauer referred
to Siegfried Passarge, who recommended that the first step in any geographic study
386 / MODERN

must be to determine the facts by describing the visible characteristics of an area

without attempting to explain them in advance.
Sauer went back to the writings of Humboldt and Hettner, who supported the
so-called chorological concept of the nature of geography. And he read numerous
other German geographers (Kenzer, 1987; Mathewson and Kenzer, eds., 2003).
Geography, Sauer pointed out, is concerned with the study of things associated in
area on the earth’s surface and with the differences from place to place, both phys­
ical and cultural. Man, behaving in accordance with the norms of his culture,
performs work on the physical and biotic features of his natural surroundings and
transforms them into the cultural landscape.
The design of the landscape includes (1) the features of the natural area and
(2) the forms superimposed on the physical landscape by the activities of man,
the cultural landscape. Man is the latest agent in fashioning of the landscape. The
study of geography begins therefore with physical geography, but—coasts are marked
by ports; mountains have flung over them the trails and workings of man. A phrase
that has been much used in German literature, unknown to me as to origin,
characterizes the purpose perfectly: “the development of the cultural out of the
natural landscape.” This is the newer orientation that continues the traditional
position (Sauer, 1927:186-187).
This, Sauer suggested, is what geography is all about. It is the study of areas,
not to describe them as unique occurrences—for there is no such thing as an idio-
graphic science—but rather to identify the regularities and recurrences from place
to place that permit the formulation of generalizations. To understand the changes
human beings have made on the face of the earth, it is necessary to go back far
enough in time to establish the nature of the processes. Geography as chorology,
or the study of the associations and interconnections of things in areas or regions,
is what Sauer calls a “naively given section of reality”—that is, a division of know­
ledge that is accepted as axiomatic. He concludes his paper with these remarks:
Our naively given section of reality, the landscape, is undergoing manifold
change. This contact of man with his changeful home, as expressed through the
cultural landscape, is our field of work. We are concerned with the importance of
site to man, and also with his transformation of the site. Altogether we deal with
the interrelation of group, or culture, and site, as expressed in the various land­
scapes of the world (Sauer, 1925:53).5
Sauer’s purpose was to make a clean break with the traditional (American) geo­
graphy inherited from the period before World War I. He might have discussed
“the morphology of regions, or areas.” But the word region in 1925 was encrusted
with more ambiguities than the word landscape, including the notion of the
uniform physiographic region that was also uniform in human response. The word
area was even more ambiguous. As a result of these difficulties with confused word
meanings, discussions of the nature of geography that followed not infrequently
descended to controversy over the meanings of words.

5For Hartshome’s criticism of the use of the word landscape and the justification for its
use presented by Josef Schmithiisen, see also Broek (1938).
The New Geography in the United States / 387

Sauer’s paper won widespread acceptance among the younger members of the
profession, most of whom had completed their graduate training since 1920 and had
recently been appointed to one of the several new geography staffs then being formed.6
The new geographers had been raised on the search for geographic influences, but
by 1925 there was enough skepticism concerning the content or method they had
been taught to make the younger generation ready to accept a change of paradigm.
With enthusiasm they turned to the study of landscapes, or regions, seeking the kind
of interacting systems among diverse phenomena that gave character to particular
places and tracing the changes introduced by the human settlement back to origins
(Broek, 1938; Dodge, 1932). Here is what Norton Ginsburg wrote many years later
in a position paper for the Commission on College Geography:
Theirs was above all a “scientific” geography, concerned with regions as systems,
and with the comparative method as a device for developing hypotheses concerning
areal relations and processes. The use of statistics was simple and even primitive,
to be sure, but their concerns were far from trivial, and the problems with which
they dealt were of—to use a somewhat abused word—“overriding importance,”
at least to the development of geographic discipline.
The younger generation developed new jargon, including the use of the symbols
of the Koppen classification of climates, and proceeded to reject the older genera­
tion of seekers after environmental influences. Since most of these younger geo­
graphers had taken at least some of their graduate work at Chicago, where they had
been participants in Salisbury’s famous seminar, they spread to other universities the
idea of regular staff-student discussions of philosophical or methodological questions.
Yet there is a curious fact about the impact of Sauer’s paper. These things had
all been said before. In 1924 Sauer himself had published a paper in the Annals
AAG attacking the study of influences and advocating the field survey of the “areal
expression of man’s activities” (Sauer, 1924). Instead of going into the field with
a set of a priori principles concerning the effect of the physical environment on man,
one should seek to observe the facts and then draw conclusions from them. This
part of Sauer’s proposal drew immediate criticism from some of the older genera­
tion. As Dryer pointed out, no one could actually observe anything or describe
anything without some kind of working hypothesis, conscious or subconscious. There
would be no way to select things to record and describe. If anyone does try to do

6Sauer had been appointed to the newly renamed Department of Geology and Geography
at Michigan in 1915. The chairman was the geologist William H. Hobbs. In 1921 Wallace
W. Atwood became chairman of the newly founded Graduate School of Geography at
Clark University. In 1923, when the Department of Geography was established in the
Social Science Division at Michigan, K. C. McMurry became its chairman. Sauer became
chairman of the department at the University of California in Berkeley. New separate
departments were established in 1925 at Minnesota and in 1928 at Wisconsin. Meanwhile,
there were many positions to be filled in departments of geology and geography. The
number of new Ph.D.’s increased rapidly: 10 in 1916-1920; 32 in 1921-1925; 66 in
1926-1930; and 51 in 1931-1935 (the period of the Great Depression) (Whittlesey, 1935;
see Browning, 1970, and Hewes, 1946).
386 / MODERN

must be to determine the facts by describing the visible characteristics of an area

without attempting to explain them in advance.
Sauer went back to the writings of Humboldt and Hettner, who supported the
so-called chorological concept of the nature of geography. And he read numerous
other German geographers (Kenzer, 1987; Mathewson and Kenzer, eds., 2003).
Geography, Sauer pointed out, is concerned with the study of things associated in
area on the earth’s surface and with the differences from place to place, both phys­
ical and cultural. Man, behaving in accordance with the norms of his culture,
performs work on the physical and biotic features of his natural surroundings and
transforms them into the cultural landscape.
The design of the landscape includes (1) the features of the natural area and
(2) the forms superimposed on the physical landscape by the activities of man,
the cultural landscape. Man is the latest agent in fashioning of the landscape. The
study of geography begins therefore with physical geography, but—coasts are marked
by ports; mountains have flung over them the trails and workings of man. A phrase
that has been much used in German literature, unknown to me as to origin,
characterizes the purpose perfectly: “the development of the cultural out of the
natural landscape.” This is the newer orientation that continues the traditional
position (Sauer, 1927:186-187).
This, Sauer suggested, is what geography is all about. It is the study of areas,
not to describe them as unique occurrences—for there is no such thing as an idio-
graphic science—but rather to identify the regularities and recurrences from place
to place that permit the formulation of generalizations. To understand the changes
human beings have made on the face of the earth, it is necessary to go back far
enough in time to establish the nature of the processes. Geography as chorology.
or the study of the associations and interconnections of things in areas or regions,
is what Sauer calls a “naively given section of reality”—that is, a division of know­
ledge that is accepted as axiomatic. He concludes his paper with these remarks:
Our naively given section of reality, the landscape, is undergoing manifold
change. This contact of man with his changeful home, as expressed through the
cultural landscape, is our field of work. We are concerned with the importance of
site to man, and also with his transformation of the site. Altogether we deal with
the interrelation of group, or culture, and site, as expressed in the various land­
scapes of the world (Sauer, 1925:53).5
Sauer’s purpose was to make a clean break with the traditional (American) geo­
graphy inherited from the period before World War I. He might have discussed
“the morphology of regions, or areas.” But the word region in 1925 was encrusted
with more ambiguities than the word landscape, including the notion of the
uniform physiographic region that was also uniform in human response. The word
area was even more ambiguous. As a result of these difficulties with confused word
meanings, discussions of the nature of geography that followed not infrequenth
descended to controversy over the meanings of words.

5For Hartshome’s criticism of the use of the word landscape and the justification for its
use presented by Josef Schmithiisen, see also Broek (1938).
The New Geography in the United States / 387

Sauer’s paper won widespread acceptance among the younger members of the
profession, most of whom had completed their graduate training since 1920 and had
recently been appointed to one of the several new geography staffs then being formed.6
The new geographers had been raised on the search for geographic influences, but
by 1925 there was enough skepticism concerning the content or method they had
been taught to make the younger generation ready to accept a change of paradigm.
With enthusiasm they turned to the study of landscapes, or regions, seeking the kind
of interacting systems among diverse phenomena that gave character to particular
places and tracing the changes introduced by the human settlement back to origins
(Broek, 1938; Dodge, 1932). Here is what Norton Ginsburg wrote many years later
in a position paper for the Commission on College Geography;
Theirs was above all a “scientific” geography, concerned with regions as systems,
and with the comparative method as a device for developing hypotheses concerning
areal relations and processes. The use of statistics was simple and even primitive,
to be sure, but their concerns were far from trivial, and the problems with which
they dealt were of—to use a somewhat abused word—“overriding importance,”
at least to the development of geographic discipline.
The younger generation developed new jargon, including the use of the symbols
of the Koppen classification of climates, and proceeded to reject the older genera­
tion of seekers after environmental influences. Since most of these younger geo­
graphers had taken at least some of their graduate work at Chicago, where they had
been participants in Salisbury’s famous seminar, they spread to other universities the
idea of regular staff-student discussions of philosophical or methodological questions.
Yet there is a curious fact about the impact of Sauer’s paper. These things had
all been said before. In 1924 Sauer himself had published a paper in the Annals
AAG attacking the study of influences and advocating the field survey of the “areal
expression of man’s activities” (Sauer, 1924). Instead of going into the field with
a set of a priori principles concerning the effect of the physical environment on man,
one should seek to observe the facts and then draw conclusions from them. This
part of Sauer’s proposal drew immediate criticism from some of the older genera­
tion. As Dryer pointed out, no one could actually observe anything or describe
anything without some kind of working hypothesis, conscious or subconscious. There
would be no way to select things to record and describe. If anyone does try to do

6Sauer had been appointed to the newly renamed Department of Geology and Geography
at Michigan in 1915. The chairman was the geologist William H. Hobbs. In 1921 Wallace
W. Atwood became chairman of the newly founded Graduate School of Geography at
Clark University. In 1923, when the Department of Geography was established in the
Social Science Division at Michigan, K. C. McMuriy became its chairman. Sauer became
chairman of the department at the University of California in Berkeley. New separate
departments were established in 1925 at Minnesota and in 1928 at Wisconsin. Meanwhile,
there were many positions to be filled in departments of geology and geography. The
number of new Ph.D.’s increased rapidly: 10 in 1916-1920; 32 in 1921-1925; 66 in
1926-1930; and 51 in 1931-1935 (the period of the Great Depression) (Whittlesey, 1935;
see Browning, 1970, and Hewes, 1946).
388 / MODERN

what Passarge and Sauer recommend, he wrote, “the result is likely to be a catalo­
gue half rubbish, like a child’s collection from a dump heap, and wholly unscientific.”7
Dryer himself, in his presidential address to the Association of American Geo­
graphers in 1919, had presented the chorological concept, but not by that name:
It seems clear and beyond question that the psychological foundation of the
geographic concept is the sense of distribution in terrestrial space. We must
concede the pertinence of the doctrine of Kant that “geography is a narration of
occurrences which are coexistent in space.” The idea, more sharply put by Bain
in the statement that “the foundation of geography is the conception of occupied
space,” fits and includes every work generally recognized as geography from Strabo
to Ritter and Reclus. With various additions and qualifications, it forms the
essence of most of the current and accepted definitions of geography, of which
quotation is unnecessary (Dryer, 1920:5-6).
N. M. Fenneman had made almost the same point in “The Circumference of Geo­
graphy,” his presidential address to the Association of American Geographers in
1918 (Fenneman, 1919).
Dryer’s paper seems to have had slight impact on his fellow geographers. Nor,
for that matter, was Alexander Bain’s8 very modem-sounding idea of geography
as dealing with “the conception of occupied space” (1879) given any attention.
Sauer, who was present at the St. Louis meeting of the association in 1919 when
Dryer gave his paper, makes no reference to it in “The Morphology of Landscape.”
The report on the St. Louis meeting in the Geographical Review has the following
to say about Dryer’s address:
President Dryer’s address on “Genetic Geography: The Development of the
Geographic Sense and Concept” was scholarly to a high degree and will rank among
the finest presidential addresses that have been presented before the Association.
It ought to be given a much wider circulation than it will receive if its publica­
tion is confined to the Association’s Annals [GeographicalReview 9(1920):139].
The report on the meeting goes on to say that the average attendance at the
sessions was about 35, half of whom were members, and that only three of the mem­
bers were from eastern colleges. The large number of younger people about to enter
the profession had not started in 1919.
After 1925, when a new generation of younger geographers began to emerge, it
became common for geographers to report on situations where the physical features
of an area were not of major importance. While some of the older geographers
and a few of the younger ones (Fig. 39) continued to report on responses or influences,
many of the younger ones took delight in describing cases where other factors were
more significant than the physical ones. Richard Hartshome presented a paper to
the association in 1926 concerning the location factor in geography with special
reference to manufacturing industries (Hartshome, 1927). Location relative to the
sources of raw materials, markets, power, and labor was more important than

7See Dryer in Geographical Review 16 (1926):348-350.

8Alexander Bain (1818-1903), a Scottish philosopher, professor of logic and English at
Aberdeen from 1860 to 1880, in Education as a Science (London, 1879), p. 272.
The New Geography in the United States / 389

Fig u re39 William Morris Davis and Preston E. James attend a meeting at Clark University
in the 1920s

location relative to such features as relief, drainage, soil, or climate. For those who
had been “explaining” the concentration of cotton textile factories in New England
by the humidity of the climate (which permitted the spinning of thread without
snarling due to static electricity), this reference to relative location with no men­
tion of the elements of the physical environment came as an innovation. People who
came to such conclusions were accused of leaving the “ge” out of geography.

Historical Geography
Those who adopted the chorological theme were never satisfied merely to describe
the content of an area in static terms. Attention was necessarily focused on the
processes, or sequences of events, that provided an explanation of the observed land­
scapes. To explain is to make sense out of apparently endless diversity. Of course,
the study of sequences of events gave a dynamic quality to regional studies that
purely contemporary description could not provide. Andrew H. Clark explains it as
390 / MODERN

The genetic approach to geographical study inevitably leads to an examination of

the past. This does not mean that one is to seek simple causes in the past to account
for contemporary conditions, but rather that the conditions observed at any period
of time are to be understood as momentary states in continuing and complex
processes of change. Simple cause and effect relations are elusive, for no matter
how far back a scholar may penetrate there is always a more distant past calling
for further investigation. The genetic approach focuses attention on processes, for
whatever interests us in the contemporary scene is to be understood only in terms
of the processes at work to produce it. It is not, therefore, a search for origins in
any ultimate sense, but rather views the present, or any particular time, as a point
in a long continuum (Clark, 1954:71).
It is important to understand that the new approach to historical geography that
appeared in America in the 1920s was not at all like that of Brigham and Semple
in 1903 or like Barrows’s course on “The Influence of Geography on American
History.” Barrows had been greatly influenced in his early years by Ellen Semple’s
interpretation of Ratzel and by the historian Frederick Jackson Turner, who in 1893
gave his famous lecture, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”
(Koelsch, 1969:634). Turner was an eloquent speaker for geographical influences
on history. But at some time between 1920 and 1922 Barrows changed his basic
approach to this topic. In 1923 he renamed his course “Historical Geography of the
United States,” and he focused his attention on examples of “creative human
adjustments to a passive natural environment” (Koelsch, 1969:637). We should also
note that Ellen Semple’s book on the Mediterranean, published in 1931, offers
outstanding examples of the method of historical geography.
The course Barrows gave at Chicago made a lasting impression on his students.
Many of the graduate students wrote dissertations that can be classified as histori­
cal geography (e.g., Parkins, 1918); dissertations in other universities in this period
were also contributions to historical geography (Clark, 1954:84-85). Yet it seems
that not many of the new geographers trained in this way continued to produce
studies in historical geography as such, although most of them made use of genetic
explanations that involved some attention to the time dimension. Some of the most
important studies in historical geography were written by nongeographers.9 And
one study that described in detail the movement of a former hill town down into
the valley to locate at a new site on the railroad was written by the geologist, J. W.
Goldthwait (the story of Lyme, New Hampshire, in Goldthwait, 1927). This paper,
which was published in the Geographical Review, was regarded for many years as
a model of its kind.
During the period we are discussing, two American geographers became the chief
innovators in historical geography (Clark, 1954). One was Ralph H. Brown, the author
of Mirror fo r Americans (Brown, 1943). In this study Brown undertook to write a

9For example: Allan C. Bogue, From Prairie to Corn Belt (Chicago, 1963); Bernard
DeVoto, The Course o f Empire (Boston, 1950); H. A. Innis, The Fur Trade in Canada
(New Haven, Conn., 1930); J. C. Malin, The Grassland o f North America: Prolegomena
to Its History (Lawrence, Kans., 1947); and W. P. Webb, The Great Plains (New York,
The New Geography in the United States / 391

geography of the eastern seaboard of North America as portrayed in about 1810 in

the writings of the previous two decades or so. This imaginative approach to the
re-creation of a past geography as perceived by scholars of the time foreshadows
the modem attention to environmental perception. Brown then published a second
book, Historical Geography o f the United States (Brown, 1948), in which he traced
the geographical changes during the course of settlement. Unfortunately, the career
of this outstanding innovator was cut short by his untimely death at the age of 50
(Dodge, 1948; Miles, 1985).
The other major source of inspiration in historical geography was Carl O.
Sauer (Speth, 1981). At Berkeley Sauer formed close intellectual ties with two
other workers in allied fields: Herbert E. Bolton, historian, and Alfred L. Kroeber,
anthropologist. These outstanding scholars, each bringing a different background to
his studies, came together on the problems of interpreting Latin America. The com­
bination proved enormously stimulating not only to these three men, but also to the
many graduate students in all three fields. The first of many monographic studies
that Sauer wrote with a graduate student as coauthor described the prehistoric Indian
frontier of settlement on the Pacific coast of Mexico (Sauer and Brand, 1932). Sauer
himself undertook to locate the old colonial highway from Guadalajara to Tucson
on the basis of field study (Sauer, 1932). Additional samples from these studies
in historical geography include: Broek, 1932; Carter, 1945; Clark, 1949; Hewes,
1950; Kniffen, 1931; Meigs, 1935; Parsons, 1949; Spencer, 1939; and West, 1952.
Sauer extended his works on historical geography to cover a wide variety of topics
(Sauer, 1952, 1956, 1966b, and his presidential address before the Association of
American Geographers, 1941).
Out of these studies of sequences of settlement certain principles began to
emerge. One was the principle that the same physical conditions of the land could
have quite different meanings for people with different attitudes toward their
environment, different objectives in making use of it, and different levels of tech­
nological skills. In agricultural areas it was clear that slope had one meaning for
the man with a hoe and quite another for the man with a tractor-drawn plow. It
might be that the introduction of machinery could reduce the arable area of a coun­
try or change the kind of soil considered desirable. People with one kind of culture
might concentrate their settlements on flatfish uplands, whereas another people in
the same area might concentrate in the valleys. Water power sites that were useful
for the location of industries before the advent of steam lost that attraction when
power came from other sources.
In the mid-1920s Preston James traced the changing significance of the land
through a sequence of periods with different cultures in an arbitrarily outlined area
on either side of the Blackstone Valley, extending from the outskirts of Worcester,
Massachusetts, to the environs of Providence, Rhode Island. The study, published
in 1929, was summarized as follows:
Thus the landscapes of the Blackstone area are made up of a complex of cultural
impressions set one upon the other. The three chief cultures, the native Indian,
the rural European, and the urban manufacturing, have each modified the natural
setting in a unique and characteristic way. Forms developed by the Indian culture
are visible, even today, in the shell mounds, the deposits of chipped stones and
392 / MODERN

broken utensils, or the scarcely discernible trails. The forms of the rural European
culture are visible on every side, some of them continuing without change of
function to the present, others significantly modified in their use, and others
remaining as weather-beaten ruins or brush-entangled fields to tell of a period which
exists no more. . . . Finally the urban landscape, in spite of its relatively small
area, has come to occupy the position of commanding importance around which
the economy of the region is oriented (James, 1929:108).
In that same year Derwent Whittlesey gave a name to this kind of study. He
described the studies of the stages of change in the occupance of an area as sequent
occupance. Referring especially to New England, he wrote:
. . . each generation of human occupance is linked to its forbear and to its
offspring, and each exhibits an individuality expressive of mutations in some
elements of its natural and cultural characteristics. Moreover, the life history
of each discloses the inevitability of the transformation from stage to stage
(Whittlesey, 1929:163).
Studies in sequent occupance represent the antithesis of environmental determinism.
In a sense they represent a form of cultural determinism, for it is recognized that
with any significant change in the attitudes, objectives, or technical skills of the
inhabitants of a region, the significance of the resource base must be reappraised.
A large number of studies published during the 1920s and 1930s made use of the
method of sequent occupance, whether or not that term was adopted (e.g., Colby,
1924; James, 1927, 1931; Platt, 1928, 1933).
This was not a period when general concepts were neglected. Oliver E. Baker
made effective use of economic principles to explain the development of American
agriculture (Baker, 1921, 1923), and Harold H. McCarty used general concepts to
interpret economic conditions and population regions in America (McCarty,
1940, 1942). Both Whittlesey and Hartshome formulated theoretical structures to
enlarge the reach of political geography (Hartshome, 1950; Whittlesey, 1939). In
1939 Mark Jefferson wrote, “A country’s leading city is always disproportionately
large and exceptionally expressive of national capacity and feeling”—which he
called the “Law of the Primate City” (Jefferson, 1939:231). As early as 1921 Marcel
Aurousseau, an Australian geographer working in Washington, D.C., investigated
the world distribution of population and sought to quantify the “expansion ratios”
of already occupied regions (Aurousseau, 1921). In 1932 Stanley D. Dodge pro­
posed that studies of population could be related to a statistically normal growth
curve, a portion of a sine curve (Dodge, 1933). Studying population changes in
Vermont and New Hampshire, he classified each minor civil division in terms of
its position on the curve of growth or decline. Applying the concept to the whole
of New England, he revealed a new pattern of population regions by plotting his
results on a map (Dodge, 1935).
One of the most imaginative geographers of the period was Robert S. Platt,10
who was a member of the Department of Geography at Chicago from 1919 to 1957.

10Robert S. Platt graduated from Yale in 1914 in history and philosophy. He taught for a
year in the Yale Collegiate School at Changsha, China, and then returned for graduate
The New Geography in the United States / 393

On his first field trip to the Antilles in 1922, he discarded the ideas of environmental
determinism and became one of the most eloquent adversaries of those who con­
tinued to speak of responses or controls (Platt, 1946, 1948). In 1928 in a report on
a field study of a small Wisconsin community, Platt first formulated the concept
of a hierarchy of central places. “The radius of the community,” he wrote, “is
measured by the reach of the village institutions” (Platt, 1928:92). He noted that the
individual farmer looked to the smallest village for those immediate services that
had to be close enough for daily contacts. For his larger needs, which did not require
such frequent visits, the farmer looked to the larger towns. The hierarchy that Platt
identified started with the individual farmer, proceeded to the village of Newport,
then Ellison Bay and Sister Bay, to Sturgeon Bay (the county seat), to Green Bay
(the regional center), and to Chicago (the metropolis). If Platt were studying Ellison
Bay today, he would have described it as a spatial system and he would have used
quantitative techniques to make his observations of the functional relationships more
precise. But the ideas were all there in 1928 (Thoman, 1979).


Geographers in North America, like their colleagues in other parts of the world,
had to clarify their own ideas regarding scope and method. Geography in America
was nurtured in its early years by geologists, and most of the first generation of
scholars in geography had a common background in geology. The few who were
not geologists were mostly meteorologists or botanists. The direction offered by Davis
in the 1880s and 1890s had led to the causal notion becoming the first paradigm in
American geography soon after the turn of the century. As departments of geo­
graphy were established in the universities and as graduate students trained in
geography began to enter the profession, the spirit and purpose of geography were
examined closely (Finch, 1939; Johnson, 1929). Initially, the main objective was
to establish geography as an independent field of study. There was concern to define
limits that would separate geography from other fields. This drive toward disciplinal
independence probably retarded the development of geographic ideas because the
workers in any field of learning must be in close contact with ideas being gener­
ated in other fields.
The habit of discussing philosophical and methodological questions was sup­
ported in at least three ways. One was the nature of Salisbury’s seminars and many
others that were patterned on the Chicago example. Then there were the many
opportunities for such discussion offered by the annual meetings of the Association

study in geography at Chicago. He was appointed instructor in geography in 1919 and

received the Ph.D. in 1920. He was a professor by 1939, and from 1949 until his
retirement in 1957 he was chairman of the Department of Geography. When he returned
to Chicago after teaching in China, he found that Wellington Jones was already teaching
a course on Asia and that Walter S. Tower, who had taught a course on South America,
had left the university, so he turned his attention to Latin America as his region of special
interest. He was president of the Association of American Geographers in 1945 (Thoman,
394 / MODERN

Wallace W. Atwood Harlan H. Barrows

Isaiah Bowman J. Paul Goode

The New Geography in the United States / 395

Carl O. Sauer John K. Wright

396 / MODERN

of American Geographers. By longstanding tradition the presidents of the associa­

tion make use of their presidential addresses to set forth their own ideas concerning
the scope of geography. And of no small importance were the foreign visiting
lecturers who were invited to American universities for periods ranging from a
summer session to a whole academic year.11
Moreover, there was a widely based tradition in America of studying geography
out of doors, and discussions concerning geographical ideas and procedures were
more vigorous in the field than within the walls of the seminar rooms. Few indeed
were the young geographers of that period who were content to give only a verbal
definition of geography in logical terms. In the field there was no difficulty in
moving the discussion promptly to the search for an operational definition—that is,
in reaching an agreement about what must be done to identify a geographic idea
or how a geographic idea could be used to increase knowledge of the earth as the
home of man. In the field the concept of the region came alive. Symptomatic of
this operational approach to the definition of geography was the oft-quoted remark
that “geography is what geographers do.”1112
These two traditions—the habit of discussion and familarity with field study—
resulted in the organization early in the 1920s of an annual spring field conference
(James and Mather, 1977). The first such conference was held in 1923 in the Indiana
Dunes south of Lake Michigan. The participants were former students at Chicago
who held positions in several midwestem universities.13 A somewhat larger group
met in May 1924 at Bagley, Wisconsin, and in May 1925 at Hennepin, Illinois.
In 1925 a report representing the joint conclusions reached at these conferences
was published, entitled “Detailed Field Mapping in the Study of the Economic
Geography of an Agricultural Area” (Jones and Finch, 1925). Thereafter field
conferences were held almost every spring and included approximately the same
people. In 1926 a second conference was organized consisting of junior scholars.
In 1935 both groups were combined, meeting that spring in Menominee, Michigan,
and in the spring of 1936 in Pokagan State Park in Indiana. In 1938 the

11For example, the French geographer Raoul Blanchard lectured at Harvard in 1917, at
Columbia in 1922, at Chicago in 1927, and at Berkeley in 1932. He returned to give a
lecture series at Harvard for one semester every year between 1928 and 1936. In addition
to Blanchard in 1927, other Europeans invited to Chicago included James Fairgrieve in
1920, Sten De Geer in 1922, Ernest Young in 1924, L. Rodwell Jones in 1925, Helge
Nelson in 1926, and Patrick Bryan in the summers of 1928 and 1929.
,2Credited to A. E. Parkins (see J. Russell Whitaker in the Annals AAG 31 [1941]:48).
13The following geographers participated in these conferences: from Chicago:
C. C. Colby. W. D. Jones, R. S. Platt, D. S. Whittlesey, and C. O. Sauer in 1923 only
(Whittlesey continued to attend after he went to Harvard in 1928); from Wisconsin:
V. C. Finch, A. K. Lobeck (until he went to Columbia in 1929); from Minnesota:
D. H. Davis; from Northwestern; W. H. Haas; from Michigan; K. C. McMurry; from
George Peabody: A. E. Parkins. The junior group that met first in 1926 included: from
Michigan: S. D. Dodge, R. B. Hall, P. E. James; from Minnesota: R. H. Brown, Samuel
N. Dicken, R. Hartshome; from Wisconsin: L. Durand, G. T. Trewartha, J. R. Whitaker;
from Chicago: H. M. Leppard.
The New Geography in the United States / 397

geographers held their conference in the Muskingum watershed in Ohio, where the
Soil Conservation Service was carrying out a program of erosion control based on
detailed studies of rainfall and runoff. In 1940 at Pokagan State Park proposed field
studies were discussed. During the 1920s and 1930s many papers that originated
in conference discussions were published (Finch, 1933; Hall, 1934; Hartshome,
1932; James, 1931; James, Jones, and Finch, 1934; Jones, 1930; Platt, 1931, 1935;
and Whittlesey, 1925, 1927).14

Experiments in Method
The field conferences helped focus attention on problems of methodology. How were
geographical problems to be identified in the field? How were the necessary data
to be collected in useful form? W. D. Jones had returned from Patagonia many years
earlier with an appreciation of the need to prepare maps of land use on the same
scale and degree of generalization as the traditional maps of the physical features.
Jones and Sauer had jointly published a paper on this subject in 1915. The field con­
ference discussions of field methods began where the earlier discussions had ceased.
The basic problem involved in the study of agricultural areas was how to iden­
tify and plot on maps the significant units of area relevant to the understanding and
guidance of land use. At first it was proposed that several separate maps, all on the
same scale, should be prepared to show the critical elements in land use problems.
The next step was to reduce the number of such maps to two: one to show the con­
ditions of the land, including units of soil, slope, drainage, and cover of wild plants;
the other to show the categories of land use. When these two maps were super­
imposed, the precise covariance of the physical features and the land use could be
examined in detail. Later, the suggestion was made that all this information could
be plotted on one map by making use of a fractional code symbol. The denomi­
nator of the fraction was made up of digits representing categories of soil, slope,
and drainage; the numerator comprised digits representing types of land use or wild
vegetation. In the course of field mapping, when the observer noted any difference

14The members of these two field conference groups shaped the policies of the profession
in the 1920s and 1930s. In those days membership in the Association of American
Geographers was by election only, based on “an original contribution to some branch of
geography beyond the doctoral dissertation.” A nominating committee each year selected
a single slate of officers. The president and vice president held office for one year only,
but the officers whose terms ran for several years naturally had the greatest influence on
association policy. These were the secretary, the treasurer, and the editor of the Annals.
At least two of these were always members of the conference group. Often at the spring
conferences one evening was devoted to a discussion of association problems. Actually,
the conference membership was not exclusive because the group was always looking for
younger men with both energy and ability. Nevertheless, when the new constitution of
the association was adopted after World War II, which opened the membership to any
interested person, the existence of a “clique” was severely criticized by the flood of
new geographers then emerging from the graduate schools. The association is now
democratically operated under the management of a paid executive director. In 1941 the
membership was 167; in 2003 it was approximately 7000.
398 / MODERN

Good, Hard-Surfaced Roads

Well-Graded and Medium Surfaced Roads

Graded but Unsurfaced or Thinly Surfaced

Narrow, Unsurfaced, Ungraded, Private




Fig u re 40 A portion of the Montfort area (from Finch, 1933)

of the physical land or the land use, a boundary had to be drawn and a new frac­
tional code symbol shown. In each unit area, represented by one fraction, there was
a single, uniform association of land quality and land use. Since every microscopic
point on the face of the earth differs from all other points, these unit areas were, in
fact, generalizations. Within each unit area there was a certain range of diversity
The New Geography in the United States / 399

Third Digit:
Left-hand Digit: Second Digit: Condition of
Major Use Type Specific Crop or Use Type Crop
1. Com (maize) 1. Good
2. Oats 2. Medium
1. Tilled land 3. Hay in rotation 3. Poor
4. Pasture in rotation
5. Barley
6. Wheat
7. Peas (mainly for canning)
8. Soy beans
9. Potatoes
T. Tobacco
X Sudan grass
2/> Oats and barley mixed
1. Open grass pasture 1. Good
2. Permanent grassland 2. Pasture with scattered trees or brush 2. Medium.
3. Wooded pasture 3. Poor
4. Permanent grass cut for hay
3. Timber land 1. Pastured 1 . Good

2. Not pastured 2. Medium

3. Poor
4. Idle land 1. Is capable of use
Second Digit: Letter x:
Left-hand Digit: Soil Type (Wis. Soil Condition t
Slope of Land Survey Terminology) Drainage
1. Level, 0 ° -3 ° 1. Marshall silt loam X Poor
2. Rolling, 3 ° -9 ° 2. Knox silt loam XX Very pot
3. Rough, 9° -15° 3. Knox silt loam (steep phase)
4. Sleep, over 15° 4. Lintonia silt loam
5. Wabash silt loam
6. Rough, stony land

that had to be small enough to be acceptable—and this, of course, depended on the

proposed use for the resulting map.
The fractional code system was tested by V. C. Finch with a group of graduate
students from the University of Wisconsin, and the results were published in the
so-called Montfort Study in 1933 (Finch, 1933). The map was published on a scale
of approximately 1/15,000 (Fig. 40) and provided an extraordinary amount of
detailed information. From this map it was possible to prepare a number of
thematic maps of individual elements, such as slope, soil, or land used for specific
purposes. But the field mapping had required so much time that Finch was unable
400 / MODERN

to recommend the method as useful. In Chapter 18 we will look at a new method

of random sampling applied experimentally to a part of the Montfort area.
The number of books and articles by American geographers increased so
greatly after the 1920s that it is impossible to do more here than offer a few selected
examples. Work was done in all the topical fields of geography: in population and
settlement studies; in urban geography, transportation, and other aspects of economic
geography; and also in the various fields of physical geography and biogeography.
All this work is reported at length in American Geography: Inventory and Prospect
(James and Jones, 1954).
The innovative papers in the field of population geography may be singled out
as examples of the many studies in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The experiments
with the mapping of population were greatly stimulated by the work of the Swedish
geographer Sten De Geer. Various kinds of dot maps and density maps were pre­
pared. But one basic problem continued to bother the workers in this field. The
census data are summed up within enumeration areas that are seldom relevant to
the kinds of problems geographers want to study. In 1936 John K. Wright published
a short paper on the mapping of population, using Cape Cod as an example.15 He
showed that quite different patterns of population are brought out by using enu­
meration areas of different sizes and shapes. He presented a quantitative method
for distributing the densities within a large enumeration area, such as a township.
He described his method as follows:
Assume, for example, a township with a known average density of 100 persons
to the square mile. Assume, further, that examination of topographic maps and
consideration of other evidence have shown that this township may be divided
into two parts, m, comprising 0.8 of the entire area of the township and having a
relatively sparse population, and n, comprising the remaining 0.2 of the township
and having a relatively dense population. If, then, we estimate that the density of
population in m is 10 persons to the square mile, a density of 460 to the square
mile must be assigned to n in order that the estimated densities of m and n may
be consistent with 100, the average density for the township as a whole (Wright,
Wright provided a table to make estimates of density consistent with average
figures for whole enumeration areas.
Another innovation in the study of population was offered in 1954 by Lester
E. Klimm of the University of Pennsylvania (Klimm, 1954). He pointed to the
existence of large empty areas within such a long-settled region as the north­
eastern states. He described empty areas as follows:

15John K. Wright graduated from Harvard in history in 1913 and received the M.A. in
1914 and the Ph.D. in 1922. After serving in World War I, he was appointed librarian at
the American Geographical Society. At the society he devised a new research catalog for
use by geographers, with books classified both topically and regionally. He edited many
of the society publications. From 1938 to 1949 he was the director of the American
Geographical Society, and in 1946 he was president of the Association of American
Geographers. Some of his more important writings are included in a book entitled Human
Nature in Geography (Wright, 1952; 1966) (see also Koelsch, 2003).
The New Geography in the United States / 401

These empty areas are not used for farming, no one lives in them, they contain
virtually no recreational or commercial structures. Most of the surface is in
woods or brush, ranging from “barrens,” burnt-over land, or bog to large tracts
of managed commercial forest in Maine, New Hampshire, and New York and
extensive areas of stale and national forest. Forestry and recreation are the prin­
cipal present uses. Where they have resulted in structures, the areas occupied have
been classified as not being empty (Klimm, 1954:325).

Klimm’s map on a scale of 1/2,000,000 shows large, continuous empty areas,

especially in northern Maine and New Hampshire, in the Adirondacks, the
Allegheny Plateau, the Catskills and Poconos, and in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.
He also shows a patchwork of smaller empty areas scattered in many parts of the
region. It is clear from an examination of this study that the first step in preparing
a map of population (by whatever method population is to be shown) must be to
mark off the empty areas. Of course, the population data by census districts entirely
obscures this kind of information.
These are only a few examples of the many experiments with method that were
tried and then discussed in seminars and at meetings of the association.

Definition o f the Field

With the retirement of Davis from Harvard, the arrival of muted criticism from R.
Tarr and W. S. Tower, and the posture of students who had returned from advanced
study in Germany with a non-Davisian viewpoint, there arose a desire to define the
field. In 1910 Tower published a detailed essay on the subject (Tower, 1910). This
was followed by publication of the results of the Roorbach questionnaire (1914); a
50 page essay by Jean Brunhes, “Human Geography,” in Harry Elmer Barnes’ The
History and Prospects o f the Social Sciences (1925); and Sauer’s Recent Develop­
ments in the Social Sciences (1927). Yet even an approximate definition of the field
was still lacking.
In 1930 the Commission on the Social Studies in the Schools appointed by the
American Historical Association invited Isaiah Bowman to represent geography
and subsequently to write a book on the relation of that branch of science to the
social studies. The book Bowman wrote was Geography in Relation to the Social
Sciences (1934). Its content includes; “By Way of Definition,” “Measurement in
Geography,” “Population and Land Studies,” “Technique in Geographical Analysis,”
“Regional Geography,” “Economic and Political Bearings,” and “Conclusions.”
Bowman had for some years been predisposed toward undertaking such a book.
Schoolteachers, fellow geographers, and university administrators had frequently
asked him to define geography. There was a void in the literature concerning the
scope and nature of the field. Points of view conflicted, and there was little philo­
sophical cohesion to geography. Bowman revealed his thoughts and feelings on the
scope of geography:

This world is made up of regions and each region has its own personality, its own
set of significant conditions. A Tibetan yak driver, an Egyptian fellah, an Uros
fisherman, an Argentine hacendado, a Kansas farmer, a Peace River pioneer—
each lives in a world whose conditions and outlook are almost completely unlike
402 / MODERN

the others. To apprehend those earth qualities, conditions, outlines, measured

components, and interactions that enable us to look understandingly at man in
relation to the pervasive elements of his complex regional environment—these
are the most distinctive as they are the culminating purposes of geographical
research (1934:4).

Bowman did not wish to impose an orthodoxy on workers in the field, but he
did suppose that a consensus was desirable. The book represented his own geographical
point of view. Five years later another book was published that synthesized many
geographers’ viewpoints concerning the nature of geography. Occasionally, a book
is published that stands as a landmark in the history of geographic thought. Such a
one is The Nature o f Geography (Hartshome, 1939). Hartshome, then at the
University of Minnesota, had been a graduate student at Chicago and a participant
in the spring conferences. His published studies during the 1920s and 1930s ranged
widely over the field, including studies of agricultural regions, transportation and
urban development, climate, and studies of the factors in the location of manufac­
turing industries. He also published a paper on racial distributions in the United
States and on some fundamental concepts in political geography (Hartshome, 1927,
1932, 1938, 1950). Field studies on the boundary problems of the upper Silesian
industrial district (Hartshome, 1934) excited his curiosity about boundary questions
in general. When he was granted a sabbatical leave in 1938-39 together with finan­
cial aid from the Social Science Research Fund of the University of Minnesota, he
planned to make a field survey of European boundary problems. But 1938 was no
time for an American geographer to be examining European boundaries with note­
books, maps, and camera, for the events leading up to World War II had already
begun. Before leaving for Europe, he had submitted a paper to the Annals regard­
ing certain methodological questions. In Vienna, hoping that he might yet be able
to carry on field studies, he received several letters from Derwent Whittlesey, then
editor of the Annals, suggesting additional materials that could be added to his
paper. He made use of the library at the University of Vienna to consult new sources
of information. But as time went on and conditions grew worse rather than better,
he focused his attention on the many documentary materials available in European
libraries and also carried on interviews with leading geographers. The result was a
book of nearly 500 pages (Hartshome, 1979).
Hartshome describes his purpose as follows:
The detailed examination of the nature of geography which this paper endeavors
to present is not based on any assumption that geography is or ought to be a
science— or that it ought to be anything other than it is. Assuming only that
geography is some kind of knowledge concerned with the earth, we will endeavor
to discover exactly what kind of knowledge it is. Whether science or an art, or
in what particular sense a science or an art, or both, are questions which we must
face free of any value concepts of titles.. . .
The writer’s concern . . . is to present geography as other geographers see it
—or have seen it in the past. If we wish to keep on the track—or return to the
proper track . . . we must first look back of us to see in what direction that track
has led. Our first task will be to learn what geography has been in its historical
development (Hartshome, 1939:205, 207).
The New Geography in the United States / 403

Hartshome’s book was widely read and is generally accepted as an authoritative

account of the points of view of many of the contributors of geographical ideas. It
is a product of careful scholarship. But in the course of time colleagues and grad­
uate students in seminars all across the country attempted to identify the positive
conclusions regarding the nature of the field, and this proved to be very difficult.
Hartshome had either quoted or paraphrased some 300 methodological writings, some
of which departed from what he identified as the mainstream of geographic scholar­
ship. The continued discussion of these fundamental questions raised certain doubts
and challenges that required clear answers (Hartshome, 1955, 1958; Schaefer, 1953).
Hartshome undertook to provide a restatement of the positive conclusions to be drawn
about the nature of geography. His Perspective on the Nature o f Geography (1959)
is organized around ten topics, each of which is the subject of a chapter:
1. What is meant by “geography as the study of areal differentiation”?
2. What is meant by the earth’s surface?
3. Is the integration of heterogeneous phenomena a peculiarity of geography?
4. What is the measure of significance in geography?
5. Must we distinguish between human and natural factors?
6. The division of geography by topical fields—-the dualism of physical and
human geography.
7. Time and genesis in geography.
8. Is geography divided between systematic and regional geography?
9. Does geography seek to formulate scientific laws or to describe individual
10. The place of geography in a classification of the sciences.16
The conclusions that Hartshome reached (1959) are summarized in the follow­
ing statements (note that the earlier ones are modified somewhat by the later ones);

Geography is concerned to provide accurate, orderly, and rational description and

interpretation of the variable character of the earth surface (p. 21).
The earth surface is the outer shell of the earth where lithosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere are intermingled. This is the geo­
grapher’s universe (pp. 22-25).
The goal of geography, the comprehension of the earth surface, involves
therefore the analysis and synthesis of integrations composed of interrelated
phenomena of the greatest degree of heterogeneity of perhaps any field of science
(p. 35).

16Hartshome sidesteps the question: Is geography an art or a science? “Whether such

a field is to be called ‘science’ is a semantic question, depending on what particular
definition is given to a word on which there is much disagreement” (1959:11). He also
insists that writers on methodology should read carefully the writings of others of whom
they are critical.
404 / MODERN

Any phenomenon, whether of nature or of man, is significant in geography to

the extent and degree to which its interrelations with other phenomena in the same
place or its interconnections with phenomena in other places determines the areal
variations of those phenomena, and hence the totality of areal variation, measured
in respect to significance to man (p. 46).
In describing and analyzing individual features and elements, we are free to
utilize whatever categories of classification are empirically significant to the
study of their interrelationships, without concern for the abstract distinction
between those of human origin and those of natural origin (p. 64).
The traditional organization of geography by topics into two halves, “physical”
and “human,” and the division of each half into sectors based on similarity of
the dominant phenomena in each, is of relatively recent origin and has proven
detrimental to the purpose of geography—the comprehension of the integrations
of phenomena of diverse character which fill areas in varying ways over the
earth (p. 79).
. .. historical studies of changing integrations are essentially geography rather
than history as long as the focus of attention is maintained on the character of
areas, changing in consequence of certain processes, in contrast to the historical
interest in the processes themselves (p. 107).
Geographic studies do not fall into two groups (topical and regional) but are
distributed along a gradual continuum from topical studies of the most ele­
mentary integration at one end to regional studies of a most complete integration
at the other (p. 144).
[Regarding the question of approach:] We start with “observation”—sensory
description, often assumed to be the sole meaning of “description.” We proceed
to “analysis”—the description of the several parts of what has been observed as
they appear to be related to each other. Next we state a hypothesis of relation­
ships among the elements and processes. If sound, we have arrived at a higher
level of knowledge—“cognitive description” of the elements and interrelationships
among them (p. 171).
[Regarding Hettner’s concept of geography as a chorological science:]
Acceptance of the concept is in no way essential to geographic work. But
students who cannot accept the particular characteristics empirically demon­
strated as essential to geography, because they cannot understand that necessity,
repeatedly attempt to change the subject to fit their view of what a science should
be. The long history of such attempts demonstrates that their only effects are the
personal frustration and professional unhappiness of those who try to fit a square
peg into a round hole (p. 181).
To comprehend these areal variations fully we must dip back into past rela­
tionships of the factors involved, and those whose interest so directs them may
reach as far back into history as the availability of data may permit. Release from
the necessity of focusing our attention on the relations between two particular groups
of features, human and nonhuman, permits a wider expansion of interest and at
the same time a more effective coherence of the entire field. The opportunity to
develop generic studies leading to scientific principles is present in the many forms
of topical geography. Likewise, the unlimited number of unique places in the world,
each of which is important and intellectually significant at least to those who live
there, provides an inexhaustible field for those most interested in this type of research
(p. 183).
The New Geography in the United States / 405

American Geography: Inventory and Prospect

As the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Association of American Geo­
graphers approached, some geographers felt that this was a time for stock-taking.
World War II had created an unprecedented demand for trained geographers, and
those engaged in any of the numerous branches of war work had to devise new
methods and make use of new and often unfamiliar materials. In 1949 at a meet­
ing in Evanston, Illinois, attended by the chairmen of several committees that had
been appointed by the National Research Council to discuss different aspects of
geography, it was decided to undertake a series of symposia for the discussion of
geographical questions and eventually to publish a book on the results. Preston E.
James and Clarence F. Jones were appointed to direct the project. With funds from
the Social Science Research Council and the National Research Council a number
of conferences were set up, each one to consider the controversial problems of the
various parts of the field (Fig. 41). The whole program called for wide discussion
throughout the profession. The original drafts of chapters were read critically by
members of the committees and were also presented to sessions of the association
and to university seminars throughout the country. The resulting book, therefore,
represents the combined thoughts of between 100 and 200 geographers. In fact, a
major accomplishment of the project was its stimulation of widespread discussion
throughout the profession of the objectives, methods, and concepts of geography
(James and Jones, 1954). The following is a list of the chapters and the principal
author of each:
1. The Field of Geography, Preston E. James
2. The Regional Concept and the Regional Method, Derwent Whittlesey
3. Historical Geography, Andrew H. Clark
4. The Geographic Study of Population, Preston E. James
5. Settlement Geography, Clyde F. Kohn
6. Urban Geography, Harold H. Mayer
7. Political Geography, Richard Hartshome
8. The Geography of Resources, J. Russell Whitaker
9. The Fields of Economic Geography, Raymond E. Murphy
Marketing Geography, William Applebaum
Recreational Geography, K. C. McMurry
10. Agricultural Geography, Harold H. McCarty
11. The Geography of Mineral Production, Raymond E. Murphy
12. The Geography of Manufacturing, Chauncy D. Harris
13. Transportation Geography, Edward L. Ullman
14. Climatology, John Leighly
15. Geomorphology, Louis C. Peltier
16. The Geographic Study of Soils, Carleton P. Barnes
17. The Geographic Study of Water on the Land, Peveril Meigs III
406 / MODERN

Figure 41 The committee appointed to design American Geography: Inventory and

Prospect. (Bottom row, left to right): C. F. Kohn (Iowa), H. Lemons (U.S. Army Research),
L. O. Quam (ONR), M. F. Burrill (Interior), G. D. Hudson (Northwestern), A. H. Clark
(Wisconsin). (Top row, left to right): J. K. Wright (AGS), D. S, Whittlesey (Harvard),
P. E. James (Syracuse), J. R. Whitaker (George Peabody Teachers College), C. F. Jones
(Northwestern), R. Hartshome (Wisconsin), R. E. Murphy (Clark), C. M. Davis (Michigan),
J. A. Russell (Illinois), and H. H. Mayer (Chicago).

18. The Geographic Study of the Oceans, C. J. Burke and Francis E. Elliott
19. Plant Geography, A. W. Kiichler
20. Animal Geography, L. C. Stuart
21. Medical Geography, Jacques M. May
22. Physiological Climatology, D. H. K. Lee
23. Military Geography, Joseph A. Russell
24. Field Techniques, Charles M. Davis
25. The Interpretation of Air Photographs, Hibberd V. B. Kline, Jr.
26. Geographic Cartography, Arthur H. Robinson
It is important that no one answer was to be expected regarding controversial
issues. The purpose was to identify differences of opinion and, so far as possible,
to eliminate differences among the definitions of words. The various chapters did
The New Geography in the United States / 407

not necessarily record an accepted version of geography, but they did express the
variety of interests and points of view that were actually held by members of the
profession at midcentury. Not the least important was the extensive bibliography of
geographical writings included in each chapter (Wooldridge, 1956; Wooldridge and
East, 1958).

Armstrong, P. H., and G. J. Martin. 1998. “Frederic Edward Clements, 1874-1945." Geo­
graphers: Biobibliographical Studies 18:36-46.
Atwood, W. W. 1935. “The Increasing Significance of Geographic Conditions in the Growth
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Atwood, W. W., and Mather, K. F. 1932. Physiography and Quaternary Geology of the San
Juan Mountains, Colorado. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional
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Aurousseau, M. 1921. “The Distribution of Population: A Constmctive Problem.” Geo­
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-------- . 1923. “Land Utilization in the United States: Geographic Aspects of the Problem.”
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Barnes, H. E. 1925. History and Prospects of the Social Sciences. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
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---------. 1962. Lectures on the Historical Geography of the United States, as Given in 1933.
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408 / MODERN

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---------. 1935. “A Study of Population Regions in New England on a New Basis.” Annals
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---------. 1931. Physiography of Western United States. New York: McGraw Hill.
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---------. 1939. “The Rise of Physiography.” Bulletin o f the Geological Society of America
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---------. 1939. “Geographical Science and Social Philosophy.” Annals AAG 29:1-28.
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Goode, J. P. 1903. “Geographical Societies of America.” Journal of Geography 2.
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--------- . 1932. “The Twin City District: A Unique Form of Urban Landscape.” Geographical
Review 22:431-442.
---------. 1934. “Upper Silesian Industrial District.” Geographical Review 24:423 -438.
The New Geography in the United States / 409

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---------. 1938. “Racial Maps of the United States.” Geographical Review 28:276-288.
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410 / MODERN

---------. 1936. “The Geography of North America: A History of Its Regional Exposition.”
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The New Geography in the United States / 411

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412 / MODERN

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Influences.” Annals AAG 16:1-11.
Whitbeck, R. H., and Thomas, O. J. 1932. The Geographic Factor. New York: Century.
Whittemore, K. T. 1972. “Celebrating Seventy-Five Years of the ‘Journal of Geography’
1897-1972.” Journal o f Geography 71:7-18.
Whittlesey, D. S. 1925. “Field Maps for the Geography of an Agricultural Area.” Annals
AAG 15:187-191.
---------. 1927. “Devices for Accumulating Geographic Data in the Field.” Annals AAG
---------. 1929. “Sequent Occupance.” Annals AAG 19:162-165.
---------. 1935. “Dissertations in Geography Accepted by Universities in the United States
for the Degree of Ph.D. as of May, 1935.” Annals AAG 25:211-237.
---------. 1939. The Earth and the State. New York: Henry Holt.
The New Geography in the United States / 413

Williams, M. 1983. ‘“ The Apple of My Eye': Carl Sauer and Historical Geography.”
Journal of Historical Geography 9, no. 1:1-28.
Wooldridge, S. W. 1956. The Geographer as Scientist. London: Thomas Nelson.
Wooldridge, S. W., and East, W. G. 1958. The Spirit and Purpose of Geography. London:
Wright, J. K. 1952. Geography in the Making: The American Geographical Society, 1851-
1951. New York: American Geographical Society.
---------. 1966. Human Nature in Geography: Fourteen Papers, 1925-1965. Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press.
____________________________________________________________ 17
T h e N ew G eo g r a p h y in t h e

U n it e d St a tes

Midcentury to the Present

False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure
long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every
one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness.
— Charles R. Darwin, The Descent of Man

t is often said that “war teaches geography,” although the missing qualifier is
I “belatedly.” Immediately following World War II undergraduate and graduate
enrollments in geography departments in the United States increased substantially.
Prominent geographers had played significant wartime and postwar roles in intel­
ligence and reconstruction, setting examples students wanted to follow. War veter­
ans sought academic degrees in a society that had begun to demand credentials.
Many students who had served in foreign areas returned with a heightened interest
in geographical studies.
Most undergraduate students who enrolled in geography departments were intro­
duced to the discipline by way of Finch and Trewartha's Elements o f Geography
(Mikesell, 2002) or James’s Outline o f Geography, although the number of avail­
able basic texts was growing rapidly. Regional geography was a strong curricular
component. Introductory world regional courses were followed at higher levels by
courses focused on such geographic realms as East Asia, Europe, North America.
South America, and Africa south of the Sahara. Many leading geographers were
regional specialists known for their field research and publications. Some were
renowned for the elegant prose and strong substance of their textbooks: P. E. James
and C. F. Jones (Middle and South America), M. Jefferson (Europe), W. A. Hance
(Africa), G. B. Cressey (China), and E. Huntington and N. Ginsburg (Asia).
In 1945 only 28 universities in the United States were offering full programs at
graduate level leading to the Ph.D. degree in geography, and only one (the Univer­
sity of Toronto) in Canada. These numbers increased rapidly in the years that fol­
lowed, and the existing departments expanded significantly. Martin Kenzer has detailed
the growth of geography at Northwestern University during this period (Kenzer.
1983), a story repeated in various forms at numerous other institutions in the
immediate postwar period. This expansion created a professional job market ir.
universities, and regional geographers took leading roles in promoting that devel­
opment. At Northwestern University, for example, the senior-level Geography o:

The New Geography in the United States / 415

Africa course was required of all graduate students entering the African Studies Center,
headed by the redoubtable anthropologist Melville Herskovits.
Field work also was ascendant. Field research in foreign areas was encouraged,
if not required. Many geography departments operated their own field stations
in the United States and had links with departments abroad. The University of
Michigan ran a field station at Mill Springs in Kentucky; Northwestern University
located a station at Platteville, Wisconsin. In such settings graduate students
learned to analyze and map soils, identify crops, record weather changes, recognize
and assess human impacts on natural environments, and map urban functions while
acquiring many other skills that would serve them well in later field endeavors.
Returning to the same field setting year after year, the accumulating data provided
valuable insights into the changing physical and cultural geographies of the field
station areas.
Geographers faced an old problem in such situations: the problem of scale. Usually,
the small area was studied at a large scale; the large region was taught at a small
scale. The transferability of small-area definition to large-region generalization was
a difficulty geographers addressed in various ways. Platt (1942) had devised the
case-study method; others, too, used the small area as representative of the larger
region. In the process a massive quantity of local as well as global patterns, mapped
at scales ranging from macro to micro, accumulated and became an invaluable
inventory that informed school systems as well as the public. Mapping at all scales
had improved dramatically during this heyday of regional geography.
Hartshome's The Nature o f Geography was required reading during the 1940s
and 1950s in nearly all graduate departments (with the notable exception of
Berkeley). This work did not prescribe, but it revealed much of what had been taught,
thought, and said about the nature of geography. It therefore dealt with the concept
of the region, its history, its development, and its contemporary role in several coun­
tries. It certainly helped maintain the position of regional analysis as central to the
mission of American geography.
New developments began to be seen in human geography during the 1950s. For
university teaching purposes most geographers had begun to specialize in one
topical and one regional subject matter. Specializations became more frequent,
narrower, and, with the expansion of departments, more feasible. The systematic
specialization might be in urban, economic, physical, political, or historical geo­
graphy. (Many other systematic specializations were already being practiced.) In
addition, the marriage of the systematic and the regional enterprise was becoming
more frequent, as, for example, in the historical geography of the British Isles, the
economic geography of Japan, and the urban geography of Southeast Asia.


The 1950s witnessed an explosion of geographic writing ranging from field studies
to philosophical works. Four volumes published during this decade had an espe­
cially significant impact on the discipline. Geography in the Twentieth Century (Taylor,
1951) brought together what had been accomplished in geography with special
reference to North America and Europe. This collection of essays summarized a
416 / MODERN

variety of geographic undertakings, as well as presenting several lucid national his­

tories of geography. Fine essays by Taylor’s Toronto colleagues G. Tatham and D.
F. Putnam also reminded a U.S. audience that geography was prospering in Canada.
American Geography: Inventory and Prospect (James and Jones, 1954), published
on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Association of American Geo­
graphers, was a systematic assessment of the discipline; all chapters were written
by committee. The result was thorough, if traditional, coverage of what had been
accomplished, significant for its valuable bibliography, although some complained
that it was “all inventory and no prospect.” Derwent Whittlesey, then teaching
geography at Harvard, chaired the group that prepared what may be called the
dominant chapter in the volume, dealing with regional geography.
Two years later another important work, M a n ’s Role in Changing the Face o f
the Earth (Thomas, 1956), arose from a symposium on the topic organized by the
author and editor. The book was inspired by the work of George Perkins Marsh
and was much influenced by Sauer. Its intent was to reveal details about conserva­
tion objectives and destructive realities in a world dominated by an ever-growing
human population. In some respects Thomas’s volume marked a high point for
American geography, suggesting a confluence and fruition of the physical and
human geographies that had by then begun to drift apart. But though it had an import­
ant impact on the development of postwar cultural geography, it could not heal a
rift that would become one of the discipline’s major dilemmas.
The appearance of Perspective on The Nature o f Geography (Hartshome, 1959)
marked another high point—the culmination of interest during the 1950s in ques­
tions involving “geographic thought,” the theory and substance that made geography
what it was. Appearing two decades after The Nature o f Geography (Hartshome,
1939), this book with its predecessor was required reading in many graduate
schools in America. Many students described the reading of this pair of books as
exhaustive as well as exhausting given their dense prose, comprehensive coverage,
theoretical content, and bibliographic detail.
What these four books (among many of the period) signified was a discipline
that had come of age, was thriving at an unprecedented number of universities and
colleges, and had a strong scholarly representation and effective intellectual repres­
entatives. Geography in America had three growing professional associations with
complementary missions, and the Association of American Geographers (AAG) could
contemplate a second half-century of progress.

It was also during the 1950s, however, that new developments began to mark several
fields of human geography, for example, model building in urban geography
and mathematical approaches to economic geography. Specialization in topical (sys­
tematic) as well as regional areas became the norm. Such systematic specializations
as urban, economic, political, cultural, and historical geography on the one hand,
and climatology, pedology, geomorphology, and biogeography on the other signaled
a fragmentation that would herald the transformation of the discipline.
Specialization of the kind just described would, according to many critics, lead
away from what F. K. Schaefer called “Exceptionalism in Geography” (Schaefer.
The New Geography in the United States / 417

1953). He argued that Hartshome had declared that geography was essentially idio-
graphic, that is, focused on the unique and specific, whereas geography should be
nomothetic in mode, seeking generalizations and universal laws. Schaefer’s article
was flawed by his use of erroneous data, and he misrepresented Hartshome’s posi­
tion, but his attack on an establishment figure encouraged a younger generation of
geographers to seek a new law-seeking geography (Martin, 1989).
Yet other contributions argued for change. Torsten Hagerstrand’s work concern­
ing innovation diffusion in Sweden had entered into American thought with J.
Leighly’s article “Innovation and Area” (1954). Hagerstrand visited the University
of Washington for an extended period in 1959, lending inspiration to the movement
that was to become “spatial science”. The work of German geographers and cryp­
togeographers such as Walter Christaller, J. H. von Thiinen, August Losch, and
Alfred Weber had begun to enter U.S. geography via economic, commercial, and
industrial geography. As these works were translated into English in the 1950s
and 1960s, their adoption and exploitation surged (Weber had been translated in
1929.) Pursuant to his World War II work in Washington, D.C., Edward Ackerman
had urged more systematic work (and less emphasis on regional geography) as the
direction that was needed and that could produce a nomothetic product (Ackerman,
1945, 1958). An economist, Walter Isard, who published Location and Space Eco­
nomy in 1956, was developing what he called regional science. Many geographers
believed that Isard was offering a newly minted and more precise approach to regional
geography and joined with him in a new Regional Science Association. Urban geo­
graphy had displayed great analytical rigor throughout the 1950s, which gave it a
leading role during the measurement-focused period. Certainly, there was a desire
for more accuracy, and numeracy was thought to be the route to this increased
accuracy. But the application of mathematics to geography was not new; it had already
been practiced decades earlier by geographers including Henry C. Carey, Ellsworth
Huntington, and Robert E. Horton. What was new was the strength of the move­
ment toward quantitative analysis throughout human geography.


The transformation that took place in geographical methodology beginning in
the middle 1950s accelerated in the early 1960s. By 1963 Ian Burton, in an article
that coined the phrase “The Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography,”
could write that the quantitative revolution was over. That “revolution” was part of
a wider movement that emphasized the construction of theory, the building of math­
ematical models, and the extensive use of statistical analysis throughout the social
and behavioral sciences (Burton, 1963; Morrill, 1984).
In geography a spontaneous movement had arisen at the universities of
Washington and Iowa under the leadership of William Garrison and Edward
Ullman (at Washington) (Eyre, 1978) and Harold McCarty (at Iowa). Further activ­
ity in this context emerged at the University of Wisconsin under the cartographer
Arthur Robinson and with the work of the Social Physics Project of J. Q. Stewart
at Princeton and William Wamtz of the American Geographical Society (in this
project an attempt was made to apply Newtonian physics to the distribution of phe­
nomena in space). The graduate students at these schools sought a nomothetic approach
418 / MODERN

to geography based on spatial and econometric theory. The group was inspired by
the article of Fred Schaefer at Iowa, by the work of Torsten Hagerstrand at Lund
(Hagerstrand, 1967), early developments in regional science, and theoretical and sta­
tistical work in economics. In some cases the new ideas came through cartography.
As noted, the University of Washington students were led into this new geo­
graphy by pathfinder W. Garrison, supported by E. Ullman (the philosopher of the
enterprise) and by G. Donald Hudson as chairman. Two works in particular steered
the movement toward a more theoretical geography: the mathematical foundation
of A. Scheidegger’s Theoretical Geomorphology (1961) and the attempt by W. Bunge
to establish geography as a science in his Theoretical Geography (1962). (Perhaps,
in this context, S. Gregory’s Statistical Methods and the Geographer might be men­
tioned as a work that facilitated these developments.) The initial group of students
at Washington included Brian Berry, Duane Marble, William Bunge, Michael
Dacey, Richard Morrill, and Edwin Thomas (Berry, 1993). With doctorates in hand,
these students began their careers in several of the major geography departments,
especially at Chicago, Northwestern, and Michigan. A series of discussion papers
was initiated and spread across much of the United States. By 1959 the National
Science Foundation began to sponsor workshops and symposia on the new meth­
odology. Thus, the new methodology was diffused to Canada, Britain, other parts
of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Another generation of new methodologists
emerged (Morrill, 1991), which included John Cole, Richard Chorley, Stanley
Gregory, Peter Haggett, Ronald Johnson, and David Harvey. These geographers
propelled a change in the discipline from a descriptive regional and integrative
undertaking to one with a spatial and theoretical approach. The transformation was
quantitative in that geographical concepts were frequently expressed in statistical
or mathematical terms.
By the mid 1960s the “space cadets” were ready to spread their viewpoint through­
out the discipline (and not restrict their viewpoints to a few specialties). In this respect
the publication of The Science of Geography (1965) was noteworthy. This was a
report of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council,
which formulated research priorities for geography. More theoretical work was urged,
and a distinction was made between theoretical deductive thinkers and empirical
inductive workers. This comparison between “thinkers” and “workers” (the latter
being the empiricists) aroused resentment. But such etymology was not surprising
given the preponderance of theory-inclined members on the committee.
Five years later another report was prepared for the Committee on Science and
Public Policy of the National Academy of Sciences and the Problems and Policy
Committee of the Social Science Research Council (Taaffe, 1970). This report also
focused on human geography as the study of spatial organization expressed as
patterns and processes. Meanwhile, David Harvey’s Explanation in Geography
(1969) endorsed scientific methodology: It urged the development of geographic
theory, but it did not offer a critique of the positivism upon which the quantitative
movement was built.
By this time more than a decade of effort had been invested in geography’s new
direction. Whatever their appellation, this first group of determined scholars did trans­
form (and divide) the discipline. As David Harvey states, “along with many others
The New Geography in ihe United States / 419

(Chorley, Haggett, Ullman, Garrison, Berry, Morrill, and Hagerstrand in leading roles),
we helped bend the structure of formal geography, against considerable opposition,
to our collective will” (Harvey, 2002). A group of these young modernizers—as
they saw themselves—from Michigan State University, Wayne State University, and
the University of Michigan met regularly outside their departments to plot strategy
and to exchange knowledge and ideas. Similar initiatives were taking place else­
where. In his obituary of Peter Gould, Peter Haggett (2003; see also Stoddart,
2000) cites a letter dated November 30, 1965, in which Gould invites him to a
“quantitative seminar” he had formed at Penn State: “In the beginning of February
[1966] we are holding with Ohio State (Ned Taaffe, Howard Gauthier, Les King),
Pittsburgh, and Penn (Alan Scott and Julian Wolpert) an informal get together. Four
sessions: one on graph theory; one on theory of search; one on spectral analysis;
and one on learning and behavioral models. Do come over and join us. It should
be fun.”
Such technical terminology had never been part of geography’s lexicon, and soon
the professional literature became a blend of the traditional and this “avant-garde”
language. Curricula, too, were changing: “Statistics” or “quantitative methods” became
part of undergraduate requirements, and regional studies, foreign languages, and
field research declined proportionately. Geography was experiencing the first of
several revolutionary transformations that would mark its course during the second
half of the twentieth century.
Proponents of the new geography argued that traditional geography was intel­
lectually weak and that academics in other disciplines viewed the subject merely
as an interpretation of unique places (Gould, 1979). They also believed that through
the new methodology geography could join the mainstream of science, pursuing and
attaining an understanding of the organization and evolution of landscape. This newly
designed geography sought to analyze what gave the landscape its face (physical as
well as cultural). To a considerable extent the division between the new and the old
geography was a division between younger and older geographers. Unfortunately,
the division became personal and sometimes bitter. It has been claimed that tradi­
tional editors would not give the new geography’s manuscripts a fair reading. Never­
theless, it was not long before the new wave began to occupy senior positions in the
field, including department chairs and other significant professional offices. Books
and manuscripts representing this new geography were published in large numbers.
It is pointless to speculate on the issue of which was the better geography. The
new geography promised greater accuracy, could be verified, would lead to gener­
alizations, and could be cumulative in its buildup of scientific knowledge. It also
occupied significant growth areas of the discipline. Such matters as the size and
location of cities and the location of businesses had been studied by urban and
economic geographers, two of the most developed areas in American geography
for decades. This geography was procedurally new and received much attention.
Initially it added less to content than to method: It attempted to reorganize the way
geographers made measurements, it changed the language used from narrative to
numerate, and it sought laws from the data sorted and sifted by computers. The goal
was to make geography more scientific. An introductory textbook literature emerged
to carry this new geography into academic departments. Foremost among these,
420 / MODERN

perhaps, was Spatial Organization: The Geographer’s View of the World (1971)
by R. F. Abler, J. S. Adams, and P. R. Gould. A new era in U.S. geography was
underway in which much excellent work was produced.
Yet the established geography, centered around the theme “man on the land,”
had won its way as the end product of Davisian thought and had established itself
in the literature, course offerings, examination systems, dissertations, and as the
mindset for a large percentage of American geographers. The collision of the two
geographies, conservative and innovative, was without equal in the history of the
field. Their articulation, characterized by the terms idiographic and nomothetic, was
provided in a brief and terse statement by W. R. Siddall (1961), who had been a
graduate student at Seattle in the late 1950s. The two geographies were character­
ized in the publications of C. P. Snow in his explication of the two cultures—the
humanities and the sciences— commencing in the 1950s and thereafter published in
several editions and several languages. It was a stage in the emergence of scientific
accomplishment that made such a collision inevitable. Rocketry, the jumbo jet, Sputnik,
and the computer all suggested speed, accuracy, and emergence from the previous
unknowing age. Yet previous workers in geography had scoured the landscapes
about which they wrote, coming to know them intimately and ranking among the
country’s leading area specialists familiar with foreign languages and cultural
settings. The new workers urging a new geography did much of their field work in
the computer laboratory. Hence, there was another consequence to the decline of
regional geography: that part of regional study dealing with the physical environ­
ment also declined. Departments of Earth Science and Departments of Geology took
over many of the courses abandoned or neglected by geographers. Departments
of Geography and specialist periodical literature focused on human geography,
dividing what had previously been considered indivisible.
In the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy’s committees began to investigate sci­
entists’ foreign field research, area study programs, foreign language study, and other
“suspect” activities. Owen Lattimore of Johns Hopkins University was the first
of McCarthy’s geographer victims (Dunbar, 2000). Thereafter a number of other
geographers were accused of communist sympathies. While none of the geographers
was ever found guilty of overtly supporting communism or being involved in
communist activities, the investigative process could take years and cost the victim
money (legal assistance), anxiety, and professional standing. All this discouraged
the earlier enthusiasm for the field-based study of distant regions. And since many
of those attacked for un-American activity were Asian specialists, the number of
geographers specializing in Asian studies sharply declined, even though this was
one area of the world that would inevitably grow in significance. Approximately
one decade after the cessation of these investigations the U.S. military was heavily
committed in Vietnam.
The issue of “falling behind” in the science race had permeated American
society since the “wake-up call” of 1957, when the Russians launched the world’s
first artificial satellite. An obsession with winning, with becoming number one, had
developed. The threat of placing second to the Russians during the cold war proved
traumatic to the national psyche. At once resources were poured into science.
Geography benefited (though not to the extent of physics). Summer institutes were
The New Geography in the United States / 421

financed to develop quantitative techniques in geography and to emphasize the

scientific properties of geography. Given these opportunities and the promise of
government-inspired direction, more geographers studied statistics, mathematics,
and computer technology.
While this work was in progress, danger was looming. One of the logical casu­
alties of the quantitative-theoretical movement was what remained of regional geo­
graphy, the discipline’s center of gravity just a decade earlier. Measurable accuracy
of the kind required by the theoretical constraints of quantitative analysis made large-
scale (small-area) study the norm; a reluctance to generalize from such research to
larger regions diminished the utility of smaller-scale frameworks. Introductory
world regional geography courses, to which first-year students had flocked in large
numbers, lost their constituency. Upper-level regional courses, centering as they did
on large regions, were deemed inappropriate for a discipline in search of universal
laws. While universities such as Northwestern continued to offer such courses as
African Political Systems (political science), Peoples of Africa (anthropology), and
History of Subsaharan Africa, the geography department dropped its once-required
Geography of Africa course as inconsistent with the new geography.
In an attempt to reverse this decline, H. J. de Blij in 1971 published a textbook
that sought to combine the large-scale theoretical with the small-scale substantive,
placing such constructs as Christaller’s central-place theory and neo-Thunian
schemas in their larger regional settings (de Blij, 1971). This effort was only par­
tially successful; although it revived the world-regional-based introductory course
as the optimal introduction to college geography, it did not stimulate a revival
of follow-up, upper-level regional courses. By the last decade of the twentieth
century, some major departments of geography in the United States offered neither
regional nor physical courses as part of their curricula.


The expansive spirit of the 1960s inspired two large undertakings by the Associ­
ation of American Geographers: the Commission on College Geography (CCG)
(1963-74) and the High School Geography Project (1961-70). These were good
times to launch such ventures. A spirit of optimism prevailed in the United States,
professional growth was rapid, and diffusion of innovative thinking was swifter than
ever before. It is difficult to assess the overall impact of the projects. The CCG,
directed by John F. Lounsbury, published three series of publications: the general
series, the resource papers, and the technical papers. Some geographers at the time
argued that the commission’s publications were individualistic and only sometimes
relevant to what students were studying in college-level geography. Yet they were
detailed, most were well written and much more specialized than textbooks, and
they could be adopted for use in standard courses. Nevertheless, only modest use
was made of them countrywide. The CCG also sponsored several summer institutes
for college teachers of geography and developed a consulting service. The CCG
was terminated in 1974.
The High School Geography Project was a larger undertaking than the Commis­
sion on College Geography project. The Association of American Geographers and
422 / MODERN

the National Council for Geographic Education formed a joint committee on educa­
tion to develop and implement a plan. Gilbert F. White and Clyde Kohn became
cochairmen. Initially (1961) a grant was provided from the Ford Foundation’s Fund
for the Advancement of Education to facilitate the development of a proposal for
a high school geography program to be applied throughout the United States. The
proposal, when developed, was funded by the National Science Foundation in 1963
and continued until 1970. Directors were W. D. Pattison (1961-64), N. F. Helbum
(1964-69), and D. G. Kurfman (1969-70). Authors were carefully selected to write
essays that were intended to be parts of a course in progress. Large numbers of
these were written by people with diverse viewpoints. Conferences, workshops, and
institutes were held across the country that examined and discussed the essays— a
course in the making. Out of this rigorous process of sorting and sifting a com­
promise was reached between the traditional geography and the more recently devel­
oped spatial science (McNee, 1973). At its high point in the middle 1960s, the High
School Geography Project was a large enterprise that employed many people
throughout North America, especially at its Boulder headquarters. The published
course book, Geography in an Urban Age (1970), was the result; it was revised in
1974. It was not a textbook in the traditional mode. Furthermore, the work was aimed
at grades 10 to 12, while most geography was taught in grades 7 to 9. Pilot projects
were launched across the country, but there was little enthusiasm for this geography
among the professional educators. Social studies courses continued to dominate
the curriculum, with history at the forefront, a condition little changed since the
1910s. The outcome of this large investment of activity was not as successful as
had been hoped (Pattison, 1970). Cognitive dissonance had developed between
what the public, teachers, school boards, and educators thought geography was and
the salient features of the newly emerging (quantitative) geography, which loomed
large in the 1970 volume. Even so, with the membership of the National Council
for Geographic Education (dominated by teachers) fully aware of this project, the
cause of geography was given emphasis in the high schools of the country
(Stoltman, 1980).

Paralleling the development of a spatial science was the assumption of a positivist
philosophy (which limits knowledge to facts that can be observed and to the
relationships among these facts). This, it was thought, would win acceptance in the
larger scientific community and would provide both explanation and prediction. Yet
it became apparent that peoples and environmental settings are always unalike. Both
have individuality and thereby variation, which meant that modeling in a positivist
mode was problematic. By the very early 1970s spatial science and positivism were
losing some support.
The United States had been involved in the Vietnam War for several years,
and half a million men were involved in the fighting. At home the peace move­
ment, civil rights and related race riots, the assassination of Martin Luther King,
Jr., a slowing economy, and new modes of behavior among the younger generation
all conspired to raise questions about the assumptions underlying a positivist
The New Geography in the United States / 423

philosophy. A surge of critical thinking arose in the 1970s as a result of dissatis­

faction with the mechanistic models and assumptions of the quantitative revolution.
New foundations for geographical inquiry, especially directed toward bringing the
whole into juxtaposition with social justice, were sought. Positivism did not appear
to address the needs of the human condition.
One group of geographers began to turn their attention to humanism, and a
second group associated itself with radical and “from the left” postures. This
remained the majority philosophical position of U.S. geography for approximately
the next 20 years. Humanist geography bestows a major role to human awareness,
human agency, and human existence. Initially, humanistic geography shared much
with behavioral geography but then distanced itself from the behavioral enterprise
as it recognized more and more the subjectivity of the investigator and the inves­
tigated. Humanism has by its nature been associated with phenomenology and
existentialism. Its trend more recently has been to seek growth and fulfillment via
connection with the humanities (Buttimer, 1990).
Humanism and science frequently find themselves in conflict, although at other
times they beneficially coexist; at still other times one leads the other only to be over­
taken in a never ending series of actions and reactions. Those geographers who turned
to humanism pursued the hermeneutic tradition (usually associated with Dilthey)
that offered understanding. Positivism had instead sought explanation. Since posit­
ivist explanation had failed somewhat in its aim, geographers such as Saarinen (1969),
Cox and Golledge (1969, 1981) and others turned their attention to psychology,
whereby they might gain some understanding of human perception and behavior.
This was not a new mode for geographers. P. Vidal de La Blache and C. O. Sauer
shared the notion that people fashioned the landscape from their culture. J. K. Wright
had encouraged the investigation of imagination (1947), a matter later developed
by D. Lowenthal (1961), who emphasized separate personal worlds of experience
as essential to larger geographical comprehension. Meanwhile, in 1952 W. Kirk had
published an article that seems to have functioned as the seminal essay concerning
the behavioral environment. In thinking of the position of historical geography with
regard to the human-environment conundrum, he proposed Gestalt psychology as
a source for the integration of mind and nature. And at the University of Chicago
from 1960 to 1965 G. F. White organized a number of studies concerning the
perception of natural hazards as a guide to human behavior, which in turn led to
R. Kates’s (1971) study concerning natural hazards, hypotheses, and models.
Behavioral geographers sought to measure and comprehend responses from indi­
viduals to particular circumstances.
In contradistinction to humanistic geographers, an increasing percentage of
geographers have sought involvement in changing some aspect of society or, in the
more radical case, in changing society itself, if necessary by revolutionary means.
This involves developing theories concerning the processes underlying social
conditions that can be subjected to programmatic analysis. Marxist geographers
dominate this group and argue that processes can and should be changed by political
action. Yet there were a number of other variants of radical geography. In 1969
R. Peet and a number of graduate students at Clark University initiated the journal
Antipode. Harvey’s shift to Marxist analysis began to set a tone for Antipode in the
424 / MODERN

1970s. His Social Justice and the City (1973) created a critique and model for this
new radical geography.
As a counterpart to Harvey’s theoretical contribution, W. Bunge organized
populist, community-based “expeditions” in Detroit (Fitzgerald) and later Toronto.
These were organized demonstrations and are perhaps unique in the history of
American geographical field work. In 1974 a Union of Socialist Geographers was
created, permitting group action of a kind that might have brought questions by
authority had such activity been carried out by individuals acting alone.
By then a state of eclectic pluralism characterized the geographers’ undertaking.
Problematically, geography now seemed to have become a discipline without a
core. Human geography dominated but was quickly divided into a multiplicity of
specializations. These exhibited centrifugal tendencies; economic geographers
consorted with economists, historical geographers with historians, political geo­
graphers with political scientists, cultural geographers with anthropologists, and so
on. These were divisive forces; there were no centripetal forces to draw the whole
back to a core. In 1989 G. Gaile and C. Wilmott could write “the core of geography
is the set of assumptions, concepts, models and theories that geographers bring to
their research and teaching.” That was a fair assessment of “the core” in the late
1980s, but it was not a substantive core that could demand allegiance from the
fragmented specialties. When in 1982 J. F. Hart made a reasoned case for regional
geography “as the highest form of the geographer’s art,” the cycle had come full
circle. D. W. Meinig’s first volume of The Shaping o f America, a major series of
books on historical geography, was published in 1986, then came John Borchert’s
America's Northern Heartland: An Economic and Historical Geography o f the Upper
Midwest (1987), John Agnew’s The United States in the World Economy: A
Regional Geography (1987), and Wilbur Zelinsky’s Nation into State: The Shifting
Symbolic Foundations o f American Nationalism (1988).
With the arrival of postmodernism the approval of general theory was not
possible, and a newly constructed form of regional geography seemed possible,
even probable. P. Haggett (1996) has written “I expect a new regional geography
to evolve which will supplement traditional skills by integrating quantitative models
from economic geography, regional economies and regional science.”
Many more books and articles, regional by intent, theme, and inspiration, were
published through the 1990s. A large number of high school and college geo­
graphy textbooks continue to be published with a regional theme into the present.
Meanwhile, C. Salter (1999) wrote about the enduring nature of evocative regional
geography, A. Murphy (2003) wrote of rethinking the place of regional geography,
and M. Lewis and K. Wigen (1997) examined the regional process in studying tra­
ditional divisions of the world, both real and imagined. While much of this is referred
to as the new “regional geography”—a term minted by Nigel Thrift (1983)—it
is a version of regional geography as it has evolved over time, incorporating new
methods but with a similar objective. The regional geography thought to be passe
had been hard won over a period of seven or eight decades. Its significance may
have been lost on a generation that had not practiced it firsthand and that was not
very familiar with its literature. Although regional geography was largely dropped
from campus course offerings during the 1970s and 1980s, it had a peculiar
The New Geography in the United States / 425

ability to survive in both the media and the culture. And it would have been invalu­
able to have had detailed regional geographies available of Vietnam, North Korea,
Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Middle East over the last 40 years.
With the decline of regional geography came the further separation of physical
and human geography. The two latter geographies had found integration in the
context of region. With the reduction of the regional idea, both human and physical
geography no longer had a bond and became two different subjects that often were
not taught in the same department.
During the 1990s geography was subject to yet another philosophical shift, the
cultural turn. Marxist and radical approaches began to fade, and a new theoreti­
cally grounded cultural geography (compare to a theory-free Berkeley cultural
geography) was in the ascendant. Dominant in this theoretical turbulence was
postmodernism, a philosophy that is difficult to define, but one that has made itself
known to the human and social sciences. It derived from architecture and other
artistic and cultural experiences. Then came deconstruction, a search for difference
with a rejection of grand theory. (Soja, 1987; Harvey, 1989; Relph, 1991; D. Gregory,
With newly minted philosophies, methodologies, and epistemologies came newly
formed Association of American Geographer specialty groups. Geography would
seem to have had an unusual opportunity to present itself successfully to a large
audience. However, differences had emerged between academic and public notions
of what was geographical. Academic geography had become ever more remote
from the public notion of the discipline.
Geographic philosophies have changed frequently during the last 50 years.
Philosophies multiply and coexist, although the newer offerings have more following
and support than the older. Yet how necessary are philosophies that frequently change,
are too sophisticated for the comprehension of many, and are continually being
subdivided or replaced? The nagging question remains: In what ways do these
philosophies help advance the geographic objective?


With the passing of regional geography as the core of the discipline, a process that
began in the 1950s, specialization began to increase. At first this specialization assumed
the character of systematic categories such as economic geography, medical geo­
graphy, and population geography. With increasing specialization— an inevitable
part of the growth process associated with investigation— areas of study were fur­
ther subdivided. Informal groups began to emerge, such as correspondence groups,
special sessions at meetings, local groups of geographers sharing similar interests
as well as new newsletters and journals. The International Geographical Union had
provided the example with the formation of commissions and working groups much
earlier in the century, and many other disciplines had provided the example of
similarly specialized groups.
The formation of specialty groups within the Association of American Geo­
graphers (AAG) began in 1978. Prior to that time, however, special sessions at the
national and regional levels had heralded this development (Conzen, 1978). In early
426 / MODERN

2004 52 specialty groups functioned; in previous years the number had occasion­
ally been higher. The numbers of such groups and the titles of the groups provide
a notion of the direction geography is taking in the United States. (In a typical year
most AAG members opt to join approximately two specialty groups each.) In 2003-
04 the groups with the largest memberships included geographic information sys­
tems (1182), urban geography (737), and remote sensing (485). The groups with the
smallest numbers included disability (21), aging (43), and Canadian (59). Regional
geography specialty groups posted only modest support: Latin America (282), Africa
(170), China (153), Asia (144), Europe (134), Russia (131), Middle East (82), and
Canada (59). Australia-New Zealand is not included in the regions, and Asia is not
subdivided, as was once standard practice. Incidentally, these low figures for global
regions came at a time when the public need for geographical knowledge of many
parts of the world was at a premium. When matters relating to Israel were so vexed
and misunderstood in the United States, considerably less than 1 percent of AAG
membership belonged to the Middle East specialty group.
This increased institutionalization of specialized groups led to renewed pro­
clamations of fragmentation. When Gaile and Willmott proposed to the AAG a
collection of essays to summarize the work of the specialty groups, the association
declined to support it. Gaile and Willmott published the study independently (1989).
The association felt that “the fission evident within geography . .. may have gone as
far as it can or should go in American geography”. (Abler, Marcus, and Olson, 1992,
p. 384). A companion volume intended to embrace the next decade of American
geography, with essays provided by selected author(s) from each specialty group,
was also published (Gaile and Willmott, 2003). In an attempt to demonstrate
unity amid diversity, the association, at the request of its council, planned a volume
to be entitled American Geography: Survey and Synthesis. This title was revised
to Geography's Inner Worlds: Pervasive Themes in Contemporary American
Geography (1992) and was designated by the AAG as a contribution to the 1992
International Geographical Congress held in Washington, D.C. The book was
concerned with “cross-cutting and unifying concepts and methods” and included
four themes: “what geography is about,” “what geographers do,” “how geographers
think,” and “why geographers think that way.” The book goes a long way toward
explaining the geography of geographers, and the editors hoped that synthesis would
be added to analysis and that understanding would complement explanation as
the future of geography as a discipline unfolds. The persistent tone of the work is
evocative of a desire to integrate and to show what is held in common among a
variety of contending geographies suggested by 52 specialty groups.
The reality in the early twenty-first century, however, is that American geography
seems to have a periphery without a core. Whereas once the core fed the periphery
and was sustained by it in reciprocity, there is now a periphery on which much
good work is accomplished, but it is eclectic, of great variety and not unidirectional
as it once was. This centrifugal process moving the discipline (whose folk and pro­
fessional models are already dissonant) away from a core of subject matter and toward
ways of reasoning dates from the 1950s. The academic and intellectual mission
has become obscure. Suggestive of a potential core is Koelsch’s endorsement of
Hanson’s (1999) assertion that space, place, and environment are complementary
The New Geography in the United States / 427

rather than competitive notions within geography (Koelsch, 2001, p. 275). Perhaps
this is so, but there are others who reason that a core is not essential and that from
the periphery will emerge by way of hybrid vigour and evolutionary strife a new
disciplinal arrangement. That, too, is possible. Science advances in a variety of ways.
Some of the 52 geographies have been much affected by the new methods, while
others have been little affected. The latter were typified by the newly wrought genre
of feminist geography and studies in the history of geographical thought. These
are briefly introduced below. Geographies much affected by the new methods are
numerous and include examples such as global information systems (GIS), carto­
graphy, urban planning, and applications of geographic thinking. These and other
specialty group areas may have entered into a golden age. The two chapters that
follow (Chapters 18 and 19) examine this development.


Feminist geography derived encouragement from the women’s movement of the
1960s and was further encouraged by such movements as the radical, Marxist, and
welfare groups that concerned themselves especially with the structures of social
inequality. It was fundamentally an academic expression of concern that a pervasive
inequality of the sexes existed in the field of geography, both as actors and as sub­
jects of research, and that the dimensions of this matter should be examined.
The first serious study to be published on the status of women within the geo­
graphic profession was by Wilbur Zelinsky. Entitled “Women in Geography: A Brief
Factual Account” (1973), it was a searching analysis in disparity and initiated pro­
fessional concern and further investigation. Other studies were soon to emphasize
the differences between male and female spatial behavior in an attempt to establish
the significance of gender in geographic research. A review of this work was
published by W. Zelinsky, J. Monk, and S. Hanson in 1982. Human geography was
also criticized by J. Monk and S. Hanson (1982) for failing to evaluate the role of
women and the issue of gender.
The movement became more international by the 1985-90 period, by which
time contributions had come from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France,
and Spain, with some measure of subject emphasis on women in the developing
world. Studies were made with special reference to disadvantages imposed on women
by capitalist and patriarchal structures. The “women and gender study group”
developed this thought considerably and then published Geography and Gender
(1984), which was designed to function as a primary text for undergraduate
work, especially in the American system.
Further investigations concerned gendered space, the invisible contributions of
women, reproduction as production, and other matters that are a product of
female and male difference. There developed the formulation that men— deriving
authority as father figures and heads of households— are associated with rational­
ity, domination of a “female” earth, and power over women. Women, by this same
428 / MODERN

formulation, have symbolic power by being linked with nature and by being
mothers and keepers of homes. The crux of the matter was succinctly expressed by
G. Rose (1993) in explaining that there has been a male bias in structuring the dis­
cipline. Membership figures for the AAG indicate that in the constructive phase of
discipline building (of American geography), women rarely constituted 10 percent
of that membership.
Knowledge and disciplinal structure are social constructs, which is why Western
societies often suffer ethnocentric bias when studying other parts of the world
(E. Said, 1978). This is one of many notions that gender geography presents to the
field as a whole. As with other specializations, feminist geography has produced its
own groups and its own journals. Within the International Geographical Union,1
symposia on gender were organized by 1981, and a Commission on Gender
was established in 1992. Gender, Place and Culture was inaugurated in 1994, and
reviews of feminist literature are published regularly in Progress in Human Geo­
graphy (Monk, 2001). This led to further fragmentation of human geography, both
substantively and epistemologically, yet this divisiveness is a price that must be
paid for ongoing inquiry of this order of magnitude.
A second area little affected by the new methods is the history of geographical
thought, the essence of this book. This study of the history of geography should
not be (but is occasionally) confused with historical geography. The task of the
history of geography is to leam something of the contribution of our forebears, be
they predisciplinary or postdisciplinary in chronology, to study something of their
methods and philosophies, and ultimately to construct histories of the evolution
of the field at different times in different places. Both knowing what “geography”
has meant in varying temporal contexts and knowing how we have arrived at our
present comprehension and purposes are the objectives of this area of scholarship.
In the first half of the twentieth century there was little scholarly work in the
history of geography by American geographers. (The work of J. K. Wright, R.
Hartshome, and some of the AAG presidential addresses were the exception.) Bio­
graphic and prosopographic dissertations concerning geographers were sponsored
by departments of education or history. This was to change in the years to come,
although dissertations in the history of geographical thought remained very few.
Specialists remained rare, and the principal scholar in this area, J. K. Wright of
the American Geographical Society (AGS), found few helpers in his attempt to
develop the field. Courses and seminars on the subject were a mix of philosophy
and methodology, with little history of thought included.
The AAG established an archives and a history committee in 1971. From this
development emerged a formal AAG archive and the History o f Geography
Newsletter (1981). In 1988 the title was changed to History o f Geography Journal.
It was the only publication of the period that dealt exclusively with the history of
geography. The formation of the archive and history committee also led to increas­
ing awareness of the need to form a proper archival deposit for the association.*

’Noteworthy is the election of Anne Buttimer to the presidency of the International

Geographical Union, 2000-2004. She is the first female elected to this office.
The New Geography in the United States / 429

Eventually, this archival collection was located with the AGS special collections at
the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. It was helpful to James and Martin in
writing and editing The Association o f American Geographers: The First Seventy-
Five Years, 1904-1979 (1978). On the same occasion, in 1979, a special issue of
the Annals, “Seventy-Five Years in American Geography,” was published. It
constituted an eclectic set of essays and reminded an American audience that one
could look back as well as forward.
Meanwhile, in 1977 Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies was founded as
one of the functions of the commission on the history of geographical thought of
the International Geographical Union. A number of American geographers and geo­
graphers from more than 30 other countries contributed essays to this ongoing series
concerning the lives and thought of deceased geographers. More than 50 American
geographers have been made the subject of these biobibliographies. The commis­
sion also sponsored symposia on the occasions of the International Geographical
Congresses and the regional congresses. Much geographic thought has been gen­
erated and shared in this way. In this series of meetings, the gathering in Lincoln,
Nebraska, in 1979 generated The Origins of Academic Geography in the United States
(Blouet, ed., 1981). This anthology contained a series of valuable essays concern­
ing the history of American geography. Maynard Weston Dow, in a remarkable
series entitled “Geographers on Film,” beginning in 1970 filmed interviews of geo­
graphers and has also filmed geographic occasions of note, such as seminars and
banquet addresses. He has amassed a treasury of visual and oral lore of the field in
a unique medium (Dow, 1974, 1981). These films also contain footage of a number
of now deceased U.S. (and other national) geographers (Fig. 42).
Many investigations of the history of American geography have been conducted
since the 1950s. There are a number of biographies that embrace varying portions
of the development of American geography. Examples include J. R. Smith
(Rowley, 1964), M. Jefferson, E. Huntington, and I. Bowman (Martin, 1968, 1972,
1981), W. M. Davis (Chorley, Beckinsale, and Dunn, 1973), G. K. Gilbert (Pyne,
1980) , P. E. James (D. Robinson, 1980), N. S. Shaler (Livingstone, 1987), and
T. G. Taylor (M. Sanderson, 1988). R. J. Moss wrote The Life o f Jedidiah Morse
(1995), and in 1999 W. W. Speth provided How It Came To Be: Carl O. Sauer, Fran:
Boas and the Meaning o f Anthropogeography. D. Lowenthal wrote George Perkins
Marsh, Versatile Vermonter (1958) and several articles concerning Marsh, then
set about a revision of Versatile Vermonter. The resultant book, much more than a
revision, was published in 2000. Subsequently, “The Lowenthal Papers,” including
works by four authors, was published (Olwig, 2003). P. R. Gould (1985), S. M.
Dicken (1986), Y. Tuan (1999), and H. J. de Blij (2000) offered works autobio­
graphical in character. P. Gould and F. Pitts (2002) introduced 14 contemporary
autobiographical accounts of American geographers in Geographical Voices. Two
collections of papers relating to the work and accomplishment of Carl Sauer must
also be mentioned (Kenzer, 1987; Mathewson and Kenzer, 2003).
Histories of a number of university departments of geography have been writ­
ten. Among the more significant of these were perhaps California (G. S. Dunbar,
1981) , Cincinnati (B. Ryan, 1983), Clark (W. Koelsch, 1980, 1987, 1988), Harvard
(N. Smith, 1987; T. Glick, 1988), Wisconsin (C. W. Olmstead, 1987), and Yale
430 / MODERN

F ig u re 42 M. W. Dow building “Geographers on Film” (1979)

(G. Martin, 1988). Reaching further back in time was C. J. Glacken’s (1967) Traces
on the Rhodian Shore . . . , K. W. Butzer’s (1992) “The Americans Before and After
1492: Current Geographical Research,” and studies by W. Wamtz concerning
Newton and Varenius (1981,1989). In G. S. Dunbar (ed., 2001), W. Koelsch offered
“Academic Geography, American Style: An Institutional Perspective,” a summary
of the history of American geography from the mid-1800’s to the present. G. Martin
presented a summary of work undertaken by American geographers from 1975 to
1999 in Gaile and Willmott (2003). There remain many gaps in our knowledge, not
the least of which relates to the significant contributions of female geographers, but
a start has been made (e.g., M. Berman [1974] and J. Monk [1998]).
Interesting projects are sometimes inspired, at least in part, by previous works
in the history of geography. One such project developed by Clark University faculty
led by B. L. Turner II stands revealed as task and accomplishment in The Earth as
Transformed by Human Action: Global and Regional Changes in the Biosphere over
the Past 300 Years. The inspiration for this project derived by linear descent, in the
first instance from George Perkins Marsh who inverted the determinist thesis to study
the impact of humans at the Earth’s surface. Secondly, Marsh was celebrated by a
The New Geography in the United States / 431

symposium held at Princeton (1955) which led to publication of many of the

papers presented on that occasion in the book Man’s Role in Changing the Face
o f the Earth (ed. W. L. Thomas, 1956). The 1990 volume mentioned above goes
far beyond the detail of Marsh and (ed.) Thomas, but was inspired by them. Other
notions once developed have seemingly been ignored for a time, then later have
been re-examined with newly kindled enthusiasm. Examples include “mental maps,”
“central place,” and geosophy.
There is no mainstream to this genre, but a variety of individual efforts that do
not of themselves form a philosophic whole. While origins of ideas, explanations
of the evolution of thought, and precursors of laws may be identified, the genre is
idiographic in tone and idiosyncratic in choice of topic. The history of geography
may become a theoretically self-contained enterprise, no longer considered a
prerequisite to larger geographic comprehension, and a geography devoid of its
history is emerging. Yet as a foundation to disciplinary comprehension the study
remains of much value. This large undertaking has not been subject to revision by
the post-1950s theoretical enterprise, although it has attempted to record it in part.


How many geographers are there in the United States today? Indeed, what makes a
geographer? Membership numbers for the large geographic organizations provide
some guidance. The Association of American Geographers (AAG), founded in
1904, had a membership of only hundreds in 1954; it now has a varying annual
membership typically between 7500 to 8400, of whom approximately 75 percent
are college-level geography faculty, the remainder being largely applied geographers.
Minorities constitute a small percentage of the membership of the AAG. African
American, Hispanics, and Native American members combined total less that
4 percent of the membership. Women make up a varying percentage but typically
less than a third of total membership. The association has a permanent central office
staff in Washington, D.C. (Fig. 43).
The AAG publishes The Annals (initiated in 1911), The Professional Geographer
(1946), and the AAG Newsletter. Conjointly this threesome is essential for the geo­
grapher. The AAG also organizes an annual meeting, typically attended by some
3000 to 4000 geographers. The association is divided into nine regional divisions—
an arrangement that provides opportunity for graduate student and novitiate faculty
involvement. Divisions may publish newsletters or selected papers from the annual
meeting and provide the opportunity to talk with fellow geographers.
The American Geographical Society (founded in 1851) is now decentralized, with
its official headquarters (plus its archival collection) in New York City, its library,
map collections, and staff in the Golda Meir Library at the University of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee (since 1978), and the editorial staff of The Geographical Review cur­
rently in the geography department of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
(Figs. 44 and 45). The Society has memberships and subscriptions approximating
5000. Its imposing Current Geographical Publications continues to be published
10 times a year from Milwaukee. Focus and Ubique are published from the New
York office.
Figure 43 Executive Directors of the AAG: (right) Ronald F. Abler (1989-2002) and (left)
Douglas Richardson (2003- )

F ig u re 44 The American Geographical Society staff, June 1956

The New Geography in the United States / 433

F ig u re 45 Sesquicentennial of The American Geographical Society: Director, Mary Lynne

Bird, 2002

The National Council for Geographic Education is devoted to the improvement

of the teaching of geography at all levels, currently headquartered in Jacksonville,
Alabama. It was founded in 1915, and the Journal o f Geography (founded
1902) became its official publication. It holds annual meetings that are generously
Finally, there is the The National Geographic Society, founded in 1888. It has
approximately 6.5 million US members who automatically become subscribers to
the National Geographic Magazine. In this respect it stands alone. Also rendering
it unique is the fact that it has been a product of the Bell— Grosvenor family for
the length of its life. While its natural history style of geography has not won much
academic support, it has provided the public with a “magic carpet” (a term adopted
by Gilbert H. Grosvenor) by introducing the public to many parts of the world they
would never otherwise visit. Now, with the realization that academic geography
needs public support that merges with support for geography in the schools, there
is a new-found enthusiasm for the Society’s explorations, geographic alliances, the
geography bee, and other activities (discussed later in the chapter).
434 / MODERN

These are the discipline’s main institutions in the United States. What of its
academic personnel? Of approximately 2200 accredited four-year institutions in the
United States, only some 250 offer undergraduate or graduate degrees in geography.
Between 1945 and 1990 100,000 bachelor’s degrees were awarded in geography.
In 1990 586,000 college-level students took geography courses at more than 600
institutions in the United States (Walker, 1991). Approximately 3000 students
graduate with bachelor’s degrees in geography each year. Approximately 550 stu­
dents graduate with master’s degrees in geography annually, and 120 to 130 with
Ph.D. degrees (from a total of 52 departments offering Ph.D. degrees). To be noted,
however, is a substantial inflow of English-speaking geographers from abroad
who undertake doctoral work in the United States or who come as faculty members
(after 1989). Few of those with bachelor’s or master’s degrees retain a relationship
with their departments of origin or communities. This too frequently means that
roots are lost and input into policy, advising leaders, and otherwise helping
thoughtfully in communities is foregone. This is particularly unfortunate at a time
when geographers do not write for the public as they once did.
The profession has shown a marked growth since the 1950s in journals, new­
sletters, reference works, and atlases, and not withstanding some severe losses of
eminent departments of geography (e.g.. Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Pittsburgh,
Columbia and Northwestern), other departments are emerging with doctoral grant­
ing status that with proper nurture may go some distance toward redressing that
loss. Nevertheless, closure of departments at eminent universities suggests that
geography is not well thought of by those institutions that have traditionally con­
tributed the nation’s educational, economic, cultural, and political leaders.


External influences are brought into American geography by way of books,
periodicals, correspondence, visiting lecturers, professorships, and so on. There are
also specific international activities that enrich the content of the discipline. These
activities have included participation by American geographers in the Interna­
tional Geographical Congresses held in the United States in 1904 (Fig. 46), 1952
(Fig. 47), and 1992 (Fig. 48). During the congresses large numbers of American
geographers have access to the different viewpoints of foreign geographers, while
some distinguished visitors may remain in the United States giving lectures and
seminars and assisting with projects. The same benefits accrue from participation
in the international congresses held abroad as well as the regional conferences.
American geographers also are members of study groups and commissions of the
International Geographical Union, which organizes congresses and conferences.2 Other

2The United States provided four presidents of the International Geographical Congress
series who delivered addresses as follows: Robert E. Peary, 1904 (Washington DC); Isaiah
Bowman, 1934 (Warsaw); George B. Cressey, 1952 (Washington DC); Roland J. Fuchs,
1992 (Washington DC).
Delegates participating in the Eighth International Geographical Congress aboard
F ig u re 46
a Chicago horse-drawn sightseeing coach. Gilbert H. Grosvenor sits on the top deck (hat on
knees) facing his wife, Elsie. (Copyright NGS)

F ig u re 47 Delegates at the 17th Congress of the International Geographical Union, 1952,

Washington, D.C. (From left to right): Dr. Hans Bobek, Austria; Mrs. Carolyn Patterson, USA;
Dr. Cheng-Slang Chen, China; Mr. Nafis Ahmad, Pakistan, and Dr. Carl Troll, Germany.
(Copyright NGS)
436 / MODERN

Figure 48 The International Geographical Congress, 1992, Washington, D.C.: Initiating an

institutional history of the Congresses

international exchanges occur in meetings of other bodies, including the International

Cartographic Association, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, the
Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment, the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climatic Change, the International Human Dimensions of Global Environmental
Change Programme, the International Council for Scientific Unions, and many
additional global organizations and field work activities.
At these and other congresses the main language is invariably English. Other
languages may be used (traditionally French with the International Geographical
Congresses), but it is clearly English that dominates. This constitutes a large advan­
tage to geographers from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
and other parts of the one-time British Empire, but especially to American geo­
graphers, of whom a small percentage are fluent in a foreign language. It is of even
greater advantage given the amount of literature published in English. Here again
the American geographers have an advantage in negotiating the ever increasing
body of literature. As Garcia-Ramon (2003) has said, “the growing hegemony
of English as a global language privileges the geographical discourse of the
Anglophone w orld.. . . Linguistic hegemony is a form of power that empowers some
while disempowering others.” Gutierrez and Lopez-Nieva (2001) write in a similar
vein in “Are international journals of human geography really international?”
Chauncy Harris has made a comprehensive study of the use of English with
The New Geography in the United States / 437

regard to the International Geographical Congresses (1871-2000), and with regard

to the use of English in geographical periodicals and serials from 1882 to 2000
( 2001 ).
Works in foreign languages that are considered significant additions to the liter­
ature are invariably translated into English, such as Von Thiinen, Weber, Christaller,
Losch. These works were little known and hardly cited by American geographers
until they were translated. Prior to 1954 this was perhaps less true, as a higher
percentage of American geographers were fluent in French or German or both,
and geographers and geographical ideas predominantly traveled from Europe to the
United States. In the last 50 years this order of things has been reversed, and
now American geographers and geographical literature are exported from the
United States to Europe.
In Washington, D.C.. the Office of the Geographer of the Department of State
was led by a series of geographers including George J. Demko (1984-89), a geo­
grapher from Ohio State University.3 He established a more rigorous geographical
program in the State Department. This meant bringing in more cartographic
computer specialists and more and geographically better trained personnel. The result
was greater efficiency and an ability to swiftly produce required data in an appro­
priate format. (Much of the work centered on boundary disputes.) This was a major
accomplishment as many of the problems in the State Department are uniquely
geographic. In his capacity as head of the International Research and Exchange
Board's Geography Commission for the U.S. Academy of Sciences and the Soviet
Academy of Sciences. Demko arranged travel, joint seminars, and publications.
American publications had been prepared in earlier years at the request of the Soviets,
who had also translated American books such as American Geography: Inventory
and Prospect (1954; published in Russian, 1957: All Possible Worlds was published
in Russian, 1988). Soviet geographers prepared a book for the 1960 International
Geographical Congress in Stockholm that was published in English (1962) as
Soviet Geography: Accomplishments and Tasks.
Exchanges of geographers took place between the two countries, and Demko,
R. Fuchs, and R. Taaffe were among the early American graduate students to visit
the faculty of geography of Moscow State University. C. D. Harris attended the
third Congress of the Geographical Society of the U.S.S.R. in Kiev in I960. In
that same year T. Shabad, a journalist on the staff of the New York Times, initiated
Soviet Geography: Review and Translation, published initially by the American
Geographical Society. This was a significant development, as it provided access to
Russian geographical thinking for an American audience. Then began a series of
U.S.-U.S.S.R. exchanges. The Soviet Commission met in Moscow and Siberia in

3Geographers who have held this post include the following: Lawrence Martin (1920-
1923), S. Whittemore Boggs (1924-1954), Sophia A. Saucerman [Assistant Geographer]
(1954-1957), G. Etzel Pearcy (1957-1969), Robert D. Hodgson (1971-1979), Lewis
M. Alexander (1980-1987), J. Millard Burr (Acting, 1982-1984), George J. Demko
(1984-1989), and William B. Wood (1989- ).
438 / MODERN

Figure 49 U.S.-U.S.S.R. field trip, Lake Baikal, Siberia, 1983

1983 (Fig. 49), in Vilnius in 1985, and starting in 1987 in Washington, D.C., and
Milwaukee.4 At the Twenty-third International Geographical Congress held in
Moscow in 1976, which put Soviet geography on display, a number of American
geographers were present, especially those interested in Soviet-U.S. exchange.
Demko arranged further exchanges with Soviet, Hungarian, Czech, and Bulgarian
geographers in the years 1979-87.
It is difficult to assess the significance of these activities, but they did bring new
viewpoints into American geography, created cooperation at a time when relations
between the United States and the U.S.S.R. were under strain, and provided oppor­
tunity for further exchange. It is interesting to note that Yale Richmond makes
special mention of the Soviet-U.S. Geography Commission in Cultural Exchanges
and the Cold War (2003, pp. 53-44, 79).

During the 1980s a well-grounded concern developed throughout the United States
that the citizenry, and especially the school-age population, had little knowledge of
the world or even the country in which they lived. Academic studies as well as media
polls revealed the extent of American ignorance regarding even the location of places
and countries. When a U.S. president arrived in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, and
pronounced himself pleased to be in Bolivia, his gaffe appeared on the front
pages of all the major newspapers, and editorials asked the obvious question: Did
the country’s leaders know much more about the world than the geographically
illiterate public?

4Resultant to these meetings, books were published: Urban Geography in the United
States and the Soviet Union (Lappo et al., 1992), The Art and Science of Geography:
Soviet and American Perspectives (Demko et al., 1992), and Global Change: A
Geographical Approach (Mather et al., 1991). An account of these activities was
published by Annenkov and Demko (1984) as “Development of Relations between
Geographers of the United States and the U.S.S.R. from the 1950s to the 1980s.”
The New Geography in the United States / 439

Calls for a revival of geography as a school subject came from numerous quar­
ters, notably including the president of the National Geographic Society, Gilbert M.
Grosvenor. The society had long had a difficult relationship with the profession;
to many professional geographers the popularization of its magazine under the
rubric of geography was inappropriate and misleading. Many geographers felt that
there was rather little geography in National Geographic. To the society and its
leadership, however, professional geographers seemed snobbish, insulated, and
often unimaginative (de Blij, 1995). But on the matter of resurrecting geography in
the schools, all parties could agree, and Grosvenor, encouraged by the small cadre
of professional geographers then working on the staff of the National Geographic
Society, vigorously took the lead. In a memorable address before the AAG during
its 1983 meeting in Washington, D.C., Grosvenor laid out his plans to enhance
collaboration between the society and the association, proposed a campaign to
promote the teaching of geography in American schools, and announced that a geo­
grapher had been appointed editor of a new scholarly journal that was to reflect the
society’s support for scientific research as well as high school education (Grosvenor,
1983). That journal was National Geographic Research (later to be retitled Research
and Exploration).
The society also launched what was to become known as the Geographic
Alliance Program, funded by many millions of dollars provided by the society. Its
primary objective was the training of geography teachers from across the country,
groups of whom were invited to the society headquarters in Washington, D.C., for
intensive training sessions, following which it was their responsibility to transmit
this information to their colleagues in their respective states. The program involved
a total of 160,000 teachers from all 50 states by 1995. It soon began to reverse the
decline of geography in the high schools, although the road back proved challeng­
ing. Meanwhile, the society introduced other incentives, such as an annual National
Geography Bee (which draws up to 6 million participants) and supported Senator
Bill Bradley of New Jersey in establishing a Geography Awareness Week each
November to publicize the ongoing revival of the subject.
Grosvenor also consulted with the National Governors’ Association in an
attempt to improve geographical education in the school system. Resulting from
this activity, in 1989 President George Bush joined with state governors to request
“national standards” in a number of fields, including geography. (The other subjects
were science, mathematics, English, and history.) The National Geographic Society
funded a coalition of representatives from the four major geography organiza­
tions to publish Geography fo r Life: National Geography Standards, (1994). This
book includes standards for grades K -4, 5 -8 , and 9-12 that “specify the essential
subject matter, skills, and perspectives that all students should have in order to attain
high levels of competency” (DeSouza, 1994). When geography was included as a
core subject in “Goals 2000: Educate America Act”, Section 102, it was the cul­
mination of more than a decade of work and reform in geographic education.
In the mid-1980s, when these initiatives began, public awareness of geography
rose, and professional geographers frequently found themselves having to explain
just what it is that geographers do. Surely the nation’s leaders were geographically
literate, and just what were the “big ideas” in geography that could compare to, say,
440 / MODERN

research on the moon or on the origins of humanity? On the first point, the answers
were not reassuring. In his memoirs, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
describes how his “vaunted’" national security staff had briefed President Nixon for
a visit by the president of Mauritius—but had confused Mauritius with Mauritania,
producing an embarrassing exchange in the Oval Office (Kissinger, 1999).
The point created consternation among professional geographers. The discipline
was undergoing continuing transformations, and its fragmentation, reflected by the
growing number of AAG specialty groups, continued. Gone were the days when
such shorthand as “spatial organization” or “regional specialization” or “environ­
mental study” could begin to answer questions about geography’s core concerns.
R. F. Abler raised the issue in the title of his 1987 AAG presidential address
“What Shall We Say? To Whom Shall We Speak?” (Abler, 1987). “We would be
wise,” Abler writes, “to refocus our attention on the core of our discipline— on the
things only geographers can do and do well— and to reduce our emphasis on our
too-numerous specialties and diverse interests” (p. 516). But what are these things?
“I have often been impressed,” Abler adds, “with the way traditional regional
geographers with bad reputations among their junior colleagues can fill classrooms
with enviable numbers of interested, enthusiastic students. . . if we do not move
quickly to reclaim regional geography, that part of our intellectual birthright will
be irretrievably lost.”
Clearly, however, no single answer to a question regarding geography’s core
would satisfy all, or even a majority, of professional geographers in an era of post­
structuralism, postmodernism, feminism, neo-Marxism, and other diverse pursuits.
In his 1987 address Abler remarked that it occurred to him that “we influence far
more people— students, colleagues inside and outside the discipline, and people
in the public and private sectors— by talking rather than writing.” This notion was
underscored when ABC Television in 1988 appointed Harm de Blij as geography
editor on its program Good Morning America. Reaching more than 5 million
viewers with each appearance, using maps, and demonstrating the utility of geo­
graphic perspectives rather than trying to define the discipline, he elicited thousands
of written responses, many from high school students interested in majoring in geo­
graphy at college (de Blij, 1990).
Large as this audience was, it did not include some opinion makers, such as the
columnist Richard Cohen of the Washington Post, who did not get the message.
“Geography is such a frumpy science (have you ever seen a geographer interviewed
on television?),” he wrote on June 27, 1995. Among responses to his column was
one entitled “Geography in the Public Eye” (Grosvenor, 1995). “Geography is
destiny; location really does matter, whether buying real estate or making global
decisions. Ever since a Gallup survey showed that one in seven Americans couldn’t
locate their country on a blank world map, we’ve been working on this problem.”

With geography now in the public arena, the debate among geographers intensified.
At the 2001 AAG meeting in New York, the opening session talk given by the New
York Times journalist John N. Wilford, “A Science Writer’s View of Geography."
The New Geography in the United States / 441

aroused much comment (Wilford, 2001). Wilford suggested that geographers have
done a poor job of speaking the popular language, of conveying in simple and
direct terms what is important about their work. He argued that geographers lack
a “big-picture focus.” In other sciences, he said, big-picture elements are clear: the
age and accelerating expansion of the universe, the formation of galaxies, the nature
of extrasolar planets. “But I don’t know what the comparable questions are in
geography,” Wilford said. As a result, comparatively little geography appears in the
popular press. Why should this be so? Is it, he asked, because geography is too
fragmented for anyone to speak with authority on its big picture? In fact, is there
a big picture at all? Wilford wondered if geographers are “actually discouraged from
thinking and speaking out in the popular language.” Wilford proclaimed himself
to be unaware of a single person in geography with some fluency in the popular
language, but cited the late Peter Gould as someone who did. But “without some
Goulds, how is geography to be understood by the public?”
R. F. Abler, then AAG executive director, wrote in the April 21, 2001, AAG
Newsletter that geographers would benefit greatly if they cultivated an ability to
speak to the public about geography’s big picture in plain language. He conducted
an informal survey following Wilford’s appearance that indicated that “the major­
ity thought [Wilford’s] impressions to be ill-informed and his advice arrogant
and unhelpful” (Abler, 2001). Perhaps one-fourth of those he consulted, however,
felt that Wilford had been perceptive about the discipline and correct in his
recommendations. But how useful to the discipline is the exposure Wilford and
his colleagues provide in the popular press? A similar majority probably would answer
that the link is unproven and that the required “popularization” of geography would
do it more harm than good.
There can be no doubt, however, about the paucity of geographic perspect­
ives and geographers’ voices in the public debates over major issues of the day.
Electronic and print media are replete with commentaries by political scientists,
economists, historians, and others on issues ranging from global warming to glob­
alization and from terrorism to trade agreements. During the run-up to the 2003 war
against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein regime and its aftermath, not a single geographer
was among the horde of network and cable commentators, although several dimen­
sions of this crisis were patently geographic. Certainly there was no dearth of informed
opinion among geographers, as was evident during the 2003 New Orleans AAG
meeting. But why was all this activism not translated for public consumption?
One consequence of this situation is that a good deal of “big-issue” geography
is being written today by nongeographers, some of it less than well informed. Jean
Grove’s magisterial and highly technical book The Little Ice Age (Grove, 1988) was
followed by a book of identical title written for the general public by an archaeo­
logist (Fagan, 2000). The Harvard history professor D. Landes begins his Wealth
and Poverty o f Nations (certainly a big-picture issue) with an attack on geography
as a discipline and then proceeds to commit the very intellectual offenses that did
so much damage to geography in the first half of the twentieth century (Landes,
1998). The Columbia University economist J. D. Sachs, in an article based on an
address at the United States Naval War College, discovers that “virtually all of the
rich countries of the world are outside the tropics, and virtually all of the poor
442 / MODERN

countries are in them . . . climate, then, accounts for a quite significant proportion
of the cross-national and cross-regional disparities of world income” (Sachs, 2000).
Wilford describes Guns, Germs and Steel by physiologist J. Diamond as “the
best book on geography in recent years,” and indeed it is a tour de force—but the
weakest link in its multidisciplinary chain is the geographic (Diamond, 1997).
The dilemma continues, in part because many geographers have not learned the
“plain language” to which Abler refers and also because geography’s “big pictures”
are not easily constructed. Geography does not offer spectacular missions to Mars
or dramatic tomb-openings in Maya country. Geography’s relevance is clear and
demonstrable, its key questions are crucial, but its major goals are achieved incre­
mentally, not sensationally. To articulate that relevance, those questions and goals
remain principal and critical tasks for the next generation of professional geo­
graphers. Having made the case for securing public support, geographers may
reflect on their last half-century of accomplishment with considerable satisfaction—
not necessarily with the multidirectional thrust of their undertaking, or with the end
product—but in the larger reaches of multiple investigations that promise both
further commitment and discovery.

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Scheidegger, A. E. 1961. Theoretical Geomorphology (revised 1970). Berlin: Springer-
Siddall, W. R. 1961. “Two Kinds of Geography.” Economic Geography 37:189.
Smith, N. 1987. “Academic War over the Field of Geography: The Elimination of Geo­
graphy at Harvard, 1947-1951.” Annals AAG 77, 2:155-172.
Soia, E. 1987. “The Postmodemization of Geography: A Review Essay.” Annals AAG
The New Geography in the United States / 447

Stoddart, D. R. 2000. “Becoming—and being—Peter Gould.” The Geographical Review 90,

Stoltman, J. P. 1980. “Round One for HSGP: A Report on Acceptance and Diffusion.”
Professional Geographer 23:209-215.
Stone, K. H. 1979. “Geography’s War-Time Service.” Annals AAG 69, 1:95.
Taafe, E. J., ed. 1970. Geography: Report of the Behavioral and Social Sciences Survey.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Taylor, T. G., ed. 1951. Geography in the Twentieth Century. London: Methuen.
Thomas, W. L., ed. 1956. Man s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Thrift, N. 1983. “On the Determination of Social Action in Space and Time.” Environment
and Planning D: Society and Space 1:23-57.
Tuan, Yi-fu. 1999. Who Am I?: An Autobiography of Emotion, Mind, and Spirit. Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press.
Turner, B. L., II, Clark, W. C., Kates, R. W., Richards, J. F., Mathews, J. T., and Meyer,
W. B., eds. 1990. The Earth as Transformed by Human Action: Global and Regional Changes
in the Biosphere over the Past 300 Years. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
U.S. Department of Education. 1992. America 2000: An Education Strategy. Washington,
D.C.: Department of Education.
Walker, W. J., ed. 1991. Schwendeman’s Directory of College Geography of the United States.
Richmond: Geographical Studies and Research Center, Eastern Kentucky University.
Wamtz, W. 1981. “Geographia Generalis and the Earliest Development of American
Academic Geography.” Pp. 245-263. In Blouet, ed. 1981. The Origins of Academic
Geography in the United States. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books.
---------. 1989. “Newton, the Newtonians, and the Geographia Generalis Varenii.” Annals
AAG 79:165-191.
White, G. F., ed. 1974. Natural Hazards: Local, National, Global. New York: Oxford University
White, G. F. and J. E. Haas. 1975. Assessment of Research on Natural Hazards. Cambridge,
Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
Whittlesey, D. 1954. “The Regional Concept and Regional Method.” Pp. 19-69. In P. E.
James and C. F. Jones, eds. American Geography: Inventory and Prospect. Syracuse, N.Y.:
Syracuse University Press.
Wright, J. K. 1947. “Terrae Incognitae: The Place of the Imagination in Geography.” Annals
AAG 37, 1:15.
Zelinsky, W. 1973. The Cultural Geography of the United States. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall.
---------. 1973. “Women in Geography: A brief factual account.” The Professional Geo­
grapher 25, 2:151-165.
A p p l ie d G eo g r a p h y

Interest in planning for the classification and use of the land and other natu­
ral resources is not new to our science; in fact, it is one of the most persistent
interests in American geography.
— Charles C. Colby, in his presidential address to the
Association of American Geographers, 1936

he period from World War I to the decade of the 1950s witnessed a notable
increase in the application of geographical knowledge and skills to the study
of practical problems of government and business.1 Of course, there has never been
a time when the search for knowledge about the earth as the home of man has not
been undertaken for practical purposes as well as for the satisfaction of intellectual
curiosity. There are few fields of learning in which the relevance of concepts and
specialized methods to practical needs can be more clearly demonstrated. We have
many examples of such applications, as when Strabo wrote his geography for the
use of Roman administrators, or when Varenius wrote his special studies of Japan
and Siam for the merchants of Amsterdam, or when Maury made use of his wind
and current charts to formulate improved sailing directions. One of the distinctive
characteristics of American geography has been the tradition of the resource
inventory—studies of this sort were made long before Thomas Jefferson gave
Lewis and Clark specific instructions about the kinds of information needed; such
practical purposes motivated the Great Surveys of the American West and the
numerous surveys of resources along proposed rail lines. But the men who led
these surveys were not trained as geographers— they had to work out their own
objectives and methods as the work proceeded.
In addition to the work of the multiple geological surveys was the work of the
Coast Survey, the General Land Office, the Lake Survey, Pacific Railroad Survey,
and many more. When the Association of American Geographers was formed in
1904, fully one-third of its membership (of 48 persons) were applied geographers.
Then, at a time when it was unfashionable to grant women university posts, a
number of women distinguished themselves in the applied sector, including Gladys
Wrigley, Helen Strong, Clara Le Gear, Evelyn Pruitt, Betty Didcoct Burrill, and
Dorothy A. Muncy. Of course, many more did excellent work, but they are not as
well known.

'Two of the earliest books to adopt the title “applied geography” are J. Scott Keltie,
Applied Geography; A Preliminary Sketch, 1890 (second edition 1908) and Alexander
Stevens, An Introduction to Applied Geography, 1921.

Applied Geography / 449

As the number of professionally trained geographers gradually increased, a cer­

tain proportion of the younger generation—then as now— expressed impatience
with theoretical studies and demanded that geographic investigations be clearly
relevant to the practical problems involving public or private policy. In the 1920s
and 1930s some geographers were disenchanted with the experiments with field
methods applied to small areas, and a demand arose for some tangible connection
with the “overriding” economic, social, or political problems of the day. There was
no clear answer to the question of how one might demonstrate a tangible connec­
tion, so each scholar who decided to use geographical studies for practical ends had
to formulate his own justification. The result was the appearance of a wide variety
of studies in what might be called applied geography, in the sense that the purpose
was to provide the basis for planning remedial action.
The first large breakthrough in the use of professionally trained geographers to
study practical problems came during World War I and its aftermath. During the
1920s and 1930s not only were certain wartime projects continued and completed
but also new kinds of applied research were undertaken. A large number of geo­
graphers were called into both military and civilian service during World War II,
and since then opportunities for employment in various branches of government
as well as in private business firms have grown rapidly. Many studies involving
the geographical analysis of location or of areal spread are still made by non­
geographers, but in the contemporary period there is a growing appreciation of the
value of the professional training that geographers have.

With U.S. participation in World War I and the peace conference that followed,
51 association members contributed their talents. Five members (W. W. Atwood,
H. A. Gleason, H. E. Gregory, A. E. Parkins, and R. H. Whitbeck) offered instruc­
tion to groups of soldiers and the Students Army Training Corps (SATC) program;
five members (C. F. Brooks, A. J. Henry, A. McAdie, J. Warren Smith, and R.
DeC. Ward) contributed research findings on aerography, meteorology, and clim­
atology; 10 members (N. A. Bengtson, A. H. Brooks, R. M. Brown, G. E. Condra,
N. H. Darton, G. R. Mansfield, F. E. Matthes, O. E. Meinzer, P. S. Smith, and
T. W. Vaughan) pursued research concerning the location of minerals; four
members (S. W. Cushing, J. W. Goldthwait, E. Huntington, and L. Martin) were
attached to intelligence; H. Bingham advised on aviation; W. Bowie advised on map
projections; E. E. Free advised on gases; W. Churchill and D. W. Johnson wrote
propaganda tracts; and G. E. Nichols functioned as botanical adviser on sphagnum
moss for the American Red Cross (much used as a substitute for cotton in absorbent
surgical dressing). At this time the international significance of commodities began
to make itself felt.

Commodity Studies
One of the first uses of the knowledge and skills of trained geographers was in con­
nection with certain commodity studies. In the fall of 1917 the Division of Planning
450 / MODERN

and Statistics of the U.S. Shipping Board was asked to make a survey of imports.
The problem was that there were not enough ships to carry the supplies of war in
addition to normal trade. The board was asked to classify all imports into one of
three categories: (1) those commodities so necessary to the war effort that all avail­
able supplies must be imported; (2) those commodities essential to the war effort,
but not in such short supply that all available production had to be imported; and
(3) those commodities not required for military or civilian needs. As usual in such
wartime agencies, the answer was expected the next morning. The chairman of the
research group was Dean Edwin F. Gay of the Harvard Business School. By chance
Walter S. Tower, the Chicago geographer, was in Washington, D.C., at the time,
and he was asked to help in this rush job because he had been teaching a course at
Chicago in the geography of commerce. It is reported that “by midnight Gay real­
ized that Tower knew more about commodities and where they could be obtained
than any of the others” (Colby, 1955:13). The next day Tower was appointed head
of the Commodities Section of the Shipping Board and was asked to bring together
a staff of experts in this field.2 Among others he selected Vemor C. Finch of Wisconsin,
coauthor with Oliver E. Baker of Atlas o f World Agriculture (Finch and Baker,
1917); William H. Haas of Northwestern University, a former student at Chicago;
and George B. Roorbach, an assistant professor of economic geography at the
University of Pennsylvania. Later Charles C. Colby of Chicago also joined the staff.
These university people found what so many have had to rediscover in later
years—that intelligence reports must be summarized in simple, unambiguous lan­
guage on page one. Colby turned out to be especially adept at extracting the “meat”
from a report and writing useful summaries. Those who remember his presence at
many later meetings of geographers recall his amazing ability to summarize long
and involved discussions in terse sentences so clear that discussants wondered what
they had been arguing about. Colby became a very effective writer of proposals
to be submitted for financing to government agencies, an ability that he no doubt
possessed before 1917, but it certainly improved with his wartime experience.
The discovery that geographers had useful skills for commodity studies led to
the establishment of another Division of Planning and Statistics, this time in the
War Trade Board, also under Dean Gay. The geographer selected to head the research
unit was Harlan H. Barrows of Chicago. For his staff Barrows recruited J. Russell

2Walter S. Tower received the B.A. degree from Harvard in 1903 and the M.A. in 1904.
In 1906 he completed the Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania with a dissertation,
“A Regional and Economic Geography of Pennsylvania.” He taught economic geography
at the University of Pennsylvania from 1906 to 1911, at which time he became a member
of the Department of Geography at the University of Chicago. He was promoted to
professor in 1916, but in 1917 he was granted leave of absence to work for the War
Shipping Board in Washington. He never returned to a university post. From 1919 to 1921
he was trade adviser to the Consolidated Steel Company; from 1921 to 1924 he was the
U.S. commercial attache in London; from 1924 to 1933 he was with the Bethlehem Steel
Company; from 1933 to 1940 he was executive secretary of the American Iron and Steel
Institute; and from 1940 to 1952 he was president of the institute. He retired in 1952 and
lived in Carmel, California, until his death at age 88 in 1969.
Applied Geography / 451

Smith of the University of Pennsylvania, Ray H. Whitbeck of Wisconsin, and Nels

A. Bengtson of Nebraska. Other work, too, was undertaken in conjunction with the
war effort.3

The Inquiry
In September 1917 President Wilson directed his close friend and adviser, Col. Edward
M. House, to set up an organization that would gather the most complete collec­
tion of information possible and prepare it for use at the coming Paris Peace
Conference. Under the direction of President S. E. Mezes of the College of the City
of New York, some 150 persons were recmited, including historians, economists,
geographers, journalists, and others with special knowledge of particular areas. The
group, which became known as The Inquiry, carried on its research in the building
of the American Geographical Society in New York City. The work of The Inquiry
was made possible by its access to the library and map collections of the society.4
The subjects studied by The Inquiry included the political and diplomatic his­
tory of Europe; international law, including the geographic interpretation of prob­
lems of territorial waters and of interconnections across frontier zones; economics
and economic geography; physiography in relation to strategic boundaries; and many
other more detailed investigations of major problem areas where plebiscites were
to be carried out. A major part of the work was in the field of cartography, in which
a map-making program of unprecedented size and detail was undertaken. First, a
set of new base maps was made, showing prewar political boundaries, the complete
drainage system, the roads and railroads, and the cities and towns. Some of the maps
were on scales of 1/1,000,000 or 1/3,000,000. These were the general maps of Europe
as a whole and the somewhat more detailed maps of the Balkans. But there were
also a great number of very large-scale maps, such as the map of Alsace-Lorraine
on a scale of 1/250,000. For several places of critical importance, block diagrams
were drawn showing the geological structure on the sides of the block and the
terrain on its surface. All these maps were available at the Paris Peace Conference
to be used for the study of various boundary proposals. On these maps information
was plotted to show population density, ethnic composition, agriculture, industrial
centers, mineral resources, and many other things needed by the Paris Peace

3W. M. Davis prepared A Handbook of Northern France (1918) describing the terrain
features of the war zones, illustrated with his incomparable pen and ink sketches. The
book was printed in pocket size. Some 400 copies were supplied to infantry officers at
the front, while an additional 5000 copies were supplied to YMCA libraries for the use
of troops. Ellsworth Huntington and H. E. Gregory wrote and edited The Geography of
Europe (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1918), to which 17 other geographers
made contributions and which was intended to serve as an up-to-date textbook for courses
in the SATC in the universities. The work was sponsored by the National Research
4“The American Geographical Society’s Contribution to the Peace Conference,”
Geographical Review 7(1919):1—10. See also Lawrence E. Gelfand (1963) and Arthur
Walworth (1976).
452 / MODERN

Conference (Wright, 1952:200). The maps were also made available to universities
in the United States, where courses in war aims were being offered.
Isaiah Bowman, who had been the director of the American Geographical
Society since 1915, supervised the geographical studies. He brought together a
number of geographers to work with him. Mark Jefferson, his former teacher at
Ypsilanti, became chief cartographer.5 Most of the geographers were assigned to
study various topics and regions of Europe. Fortunately, the society had already
published the results of the relation between language and the division of that con­
tinent into separate states, which had been done by Leon Dominian (1917). But much
more detailed information would be needed when new political boundaries were to
be drawn. A few members of The Inquiry worked on the collection of material con­
cerning other parts of the world: Bailey Willis reported on the problem areas of
Latin America, especially on the background of the Tacna-Arica dispute between
Peru and Chile; H. L. Shantz sought information about the plant resources of Africa;
C. F. Marbut was assigned the task of compiling a soil map of Africa; and J. Warren
Smith (of the U.S. Weather Bureau) prepared maps of climatic elements.

The Paris Peace Conference

On December 4, 1918, The Inquiry specialists, their assistants (together with the
materials they had gathered), and numerous officials, including President Woodrow
Wilson, sailed for France on U.S.S. George Washington. At Paris Bowman was
given the title of chief territorial specialist of the American Commission to Negotiate
Peace; Mark Jefferson was appointed chief cartographer (C. Stratton and A. K.
Lobeck were his assistants). At Paris the map became everything, and it is said that
there was coined the aphorism “One map is worth ten thousand words,” The map
became the international language of the conference, and the Americans were best
prepared to make these maps. Copies of the American-made maps concerning
European matters were reduced in size and entered in the Black Book, and maps
of colonial matters were entered into the Red Book of the American delegation.
These books were constantly consulted by leaders and diplomats of many of the
delegations at the conference (Martin, 1966). With the maps and the abstract prin­
ciple of Wilsonian justice, some 3000 miles of new boundaries were created for the
former states of Central Europe (Rhoads, 1954) (Fig. 50).

Wartime Projects Published Later

The information gathered and digested during the war and its aftermath was not
entirely buried in government documents. Isaiah Bowman wrote a book con­
cerning the problem areas of the world that remained for many years the most
authoritative study in political geography— The New World (1921). In this book

5For biographical data on Bowman and Jefferson, see Chapter 15. Other geographers who
worked on The Inquiry were O. E. Baker, N. M. Fenneman, W. L. G. Joerg, C. F. Marbut,
E. C. Semple, H. L. Shantz, and B. Willis. Army officers assigned to The Inquiry were
Major D. W. Johnson and Major Lawrence Martin as well as two nongeographers. Captain
W. C. Farabee and Captain S. K. Hombeck.
Applied Geography / 453

■■'■wnwmiii tli’t i i iuft iTlMiiHii ''iIlifiBtfiniil'illliirillHMB

Figure 50 Territorial specialists (and others) meet with General Le Ronde (extreme right) at
the Paris Peace Conference, 1918-1919. (Front, second from left) Isaiah Bowman, (second
from right) Cambon, talking with General Le Ronde

Bowman did not attempt to build a theory of political geography, but rather to
analyze in informative detail the particular problems of particular regions, with
adequate description of the local setting and the historical background so that the
reader understood what was going on in the postwar world. It served its purpose
admirably.6 H. L. Shantz and C. F. Marbut also published a monograph on the
vegetation and soils of Africa, which for many years remained a definitive state­
ment on that subject (Shantz and Marbut, 1923). D. W. Johnson’s report on the
relation of military strategy and tactics to the terrain features was published in 1921.
This was the first substantial contribution by an American to military geography
(Johnson, 1921).
For many years after the war Bowman and the American Geographical Society
were involved in boundary studies and a program of mapping. While the Paris Peace
Conference settled the affairs of Europe, the Latin American countries suffered poorly
marked boundaries. Guatemala and Honduras asked the United States to settle their
dispute over their common boundary; Robert Lansing, the secretary of state, turned
to the man with whom he had dealt on such matters in Paris. He asked Bowman to

6The Department of State placed a copy of the book in each of the U.S. consular offices
around the world, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace distributed copies
to the leading centers of teaching and research in international affairs (Wright, 1952:255).
454 / MODERN

arrange a study of the Guatemala-Honduras boundary and suggest a solution. The

American Geographical Society organized a research team under the direction of
Major Percy H. Ashmead to make a map of the area, showing not only the details
of the terrain but also the distribution of people and their ways of using the land.
The survey was made in 1919, and a suggested solution was submitted to Mr. Lansing.
The negotiations took 14 years, but the settlement (which was accepted in 1933)
was based on the maps and recommendations of the society’s report.

The Millionth Map o f Hispanic America

Bowman’s work in Peru as well as his experience with the Guatemala-Honduras
problem brought to light a real lack of geographical information on Latin America
as a whole. There was no reliable map of the region. With the methods of survey­
ing then in use, it would have taken many decades and vast sums of money to
produce a useful map. But Bowman knew that a large number of original surveys
in manuscript form had been made by private companies for a variety of purposes.
He proposed that the American Geographical Society undertake a major research
program leading to the compilation of a map of Hispanic America on a scale of
1/1,000,000, conforming to the standards and format of the International Map of
the World that was originally proposed by Albrecht Penck. Raye R. Platt, review­
ing the completion of the Millionth Map in 1946, of which he had been director
for 15 years, quoted the annual report of the council of the American Geographical
Society for 1920 as follows:
The first step in the development of this program aims at the review and
classification of all available scientific data of a geographical nature that pertains
to Hispanic America.. . . The work will involve the compilation of maps—
topographic and distributional— on various scales, but always including sheets
on the scale of 1/1,000,000 which will conform to the scheme of the International
Map.. . . The undertaking is an ambitious one, but the Society is happy to say
that assurances of cooperation have been given by the whole group of Hispanic
American countries in a cordial spirit that augurs well not only for the immediate
scientific results but also for the fostering of mutual understanding and sym­
pathetic relations toward which the field of geography offers a peculiarly fortunate
approach (Platt, 1946:2).
As part of the map of Hispanic America project, the society supported the pub­
lication of a series of research studies. Some were based on field surveys, such as
the reports on European colonies in Chile, Argentina, and Brazil by Mark Jefferson
(1921, 1926); the studies of land settlement problems in Mexico and Chile by George
M. McBride (1923, 1936); or the additional studies of Peru carried out by O. M.
Miller (1929). The study of the central Andes by Alan G. Ogilvie, the Scottish geo­
grapher, was compiled from the drawings of the Millionth Map and from Bowman’s
copious notes (Ogilvie, 1922)7 The map was used to help adjudicate disputes between
Chile and Peru in 1925, Bolivia and Paraguay in 1929, Colombia and Peru in 1932,
and Colombia and Venezuela in 1933. And the Hispanic America Map, completed

7Also based on field study was Bowman’s Desert Trails of Atacama (Bowman, 1924).
Applied Geography / 455

in 1946 in 107 sheets (more than 300 square feet in extent), was a contribution to
the Millionth Map of the World, then in progress.


Another quite different application of geography to the solution of practical
problems has to do with studies of land quality and land use. It had long been
recognized that detailed information concerning land resources was needed if
plans for better resource use were to be properly guided. The destruction of the
land through improper use, which the public began to talk about in the early 1970s,
had been reported by geographers a century before— notably by George Perkins
Marsh and Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. Ratzel used the expressive German term
Raubbau, or robber economy, to describe a form of land use that destroys the land
base. As noted in Chapter 7, efforts to classify land in terms of its potential use
began in the early days of the independent United States and were carried to new
levels of utility in the Great Surveys of the West and in the work of the U.S. Geological
Survey in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Major steps were taken, how­
ever, to enlarge the scope of land classification studies and to improve methods
during the 1920s and 1930s. The discussions of method in the annual field confer­
ences led directly to practical applications, especially in the program of resource
inventory carried out in the state of Michigan. So important was the work of the
Michigan Land Economic Survey that the record needs to be presented in some

The Michigan Land Economic Survey

To understand the problems of public policy that made the Land Economic Survey
important we must review the conditions of land and land use in Michigan at the
end of World War I. From the point of view of its natural features, the state of
Michigan can be divided into two quite different parts. To the south of a line drawn
roughly from Saginaw Bay on the east to Muskegon on the west (Fig. 51),
Michigan is a part of the productive agricultural plains of the Middle West. The
soils are mostly loams, in only a few small spots is the surface too steep for culti­
vation, and the growing season is long enough to permit the ripening of grain crops.
But north of this line the physical character of Michigan is very different. Here the
land is made up of a deep accumulation of glacial deposits—moraines, till plains,
and sandy outwash plains. The Upper Peninsula is similar to the northern part of
the Lower Peninsula as far west as Marquette. West of this city the knobby crys­
talline rock hills of the Canadian Shield form the surface. Whereas the southern
part of Michigan was once covered by a broadleaf forest similar to that of Ohio
and eastern Indiana, the north country was covered by one of the finest stands of
white pine to be found in America. The white pine, intermingled with broadleaf
species, formed a dense and almost unbroken forest cover. When settlers came into
southern Michigan, they cleared the broadleaf forests and established farms, creat­
ing what became a part of the Hay and Dairy Belt. But the first penetration of the
country north of Saginaw Bay, which came after the Civil War, was based on
456 / MODERN



Land Econom ic Survey Maps

L.E.S. Base and Soil Maps Completed

^■j Reconnaissance Survey

Special — Base and Ownership

F ig u re 51 Areal coverage of land classification maps in Michigan, July 1939

1. Bay 8. Crawford 15. Montmorency 22. Menominee
2. Roscommon 9. Oscoda 16. Alpena 23. Alger
3. Ogemaw 10. Benzie 17. Emmet 24. Delta
4. Mason 11. Grand Traverse 18. Cheboygan 25. Schoolcraft
5. Lake 12. Leelanau 19. Presque Isle 26. Luce
6. Alligan 13. Antrim 20. Iron 27. Chippewa
7. Kalkaska 14. Otsego 21. Dickinson
Applied Geography / 457

lumbering rather than farming. From the stands of white pine came the wood that
was used to build most of the houses and other structures of the prairie states.
In those days no questions were raised about the way private interests made use
of natural resources. The lumberjack was there to cut down trees and transport the
logs to the sawmills. No one thought of requiring the replanting of cutover lands,
and the lumberjack removed all the trees, leaving none to provide for reseeding.
The slashings left after the tree trunks were cleared of branches were left lying on
the ground, and the wood-buming locomotives were not equipped with screens to
catch sparks. Forest fires were frequent and destructive, especially when there were
high winds after a long dry period. On October 8, 1871, on the same day that the
famous Chicago fire started, a forest fire started near Petoskey on Lake Michigan.
The same conditions that made the Chicago fire so destructive— high winds after
a long period of drought— made the forests almost ready to explode. During the
following days the fire swept on a broad front all the way across the Lower
Peninsula to the shores of Lake Huron. It has been estimated that more trees were
destroyed by fire than were cut by the lumberjacks’ axes.
When forest fires and lumbering had completed their work, no trees were left
on the completely denuded land. A scrubby second growth of brush appeared in
some places; in others there was only a growth of low plants that barely covered
the charred remains of the forest. The large lumber companies tried to sell their
land to farmers, and it was actually offered for sale at $2 an acre. Some farmers
thought this was too good a bargain to miss. The result was a thin scattering of
isolated farms and a few small towns. But large parts of the lumber properties could
not be sold and were simply abandoned. In Michigan, when an owner fails to pay
his taxes for seven years, the land reverts to state ownership. By 1910 not only had
the lumber companies moved away, but even some of the farmers had found noth­
ing but disillusionment in the poor sandy soils and the short growing season. Only
in widely scattered localities were there small groups of rural people struggling to
hold on. Already there were some people who believed that the greatest values to
be found in the north country were in the wild game animals—fish, game birds,
and deer. The problem of idle land was already critical because the people of the
southern part of the state were forced to carry the tax burden of supporting the
scattered settlements of the north.
Two men provided the leadership that resulted in effective action. One was Carl
O. Sauer, a member of the staff of the Department of Geology and Geography at
the University of Michigan. Sauer’s interest in the field survey of land quality and
use dated back to his days as a graduate student at Chicago and his association there
with Wellington D. Jones, recently returned from a survey of northern Patagonia
with Bailey Willis. When Sauer joined the Michigan faculty in 1915, he found the
state facing a serious practical problem but lacking the kind of specific information
needed to formulate a remedial policy. The agricultural experts wanted only to find
ways to make fanning pay; the forestry experts wanted only to plant trees; and the hunt­
ing and fishing clubs wanted to keep everyone else out. People who were familiar
with the character of the north country knew that it contained a great diversity of
physical conditions that made the adoption of any one general policy impossible.
There was need for just the kind of attention to the mapping of significant
458 / MODERN

differences from place to place that geographers in that period had been talking about.
Sauer’s plan for a land classification survey represented the application of ideas gen­
erated in professional discussion to real practical problems (Sauer, 1919, 1921).
At Ann Arbor Sauer met a forester and naturalist named Parish S. Lovejoy, who
was also deeply concerned about the problem of the cutover lands. Lovejoy had the
knowledge and the commitment to become a kind of gadfly to stir various groups
into action—the meetings of scientists, the hunting clubs, the members of the state
legislature. Speaking before such groups, Lovejoy pointed out eloquently that a third
of the state of Michigan was bankrupt and that the situation was spreading. Some
kind of public policy, he insisted, must be adopted, and quickly. But no policy will
be worth anything, he continued, unless it is based on an accurate and detailed
knowledge of the relevant facts. The gist of what Lovejoy had to say is contained
in the annual report of the Michigan Academy of Sciences for 1921.8 At a special
session of the Academy on “Michigan’s Idle Lands,” held in 1920, the nature of
the critical situation in the north country was spelled out, and a program of action
was presented. A resolution was adopted and sent to the State Department of Con­
servation recommending immediate action on setting up a land survey.
The newly formed Department of Conservation took the recommended action.
Securing the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the University of
Michigan, and the Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University),
funds were made available for an experimental field study of Charlevoix County to
be carried out in the summer of 1922. The results proved the value of the informa­
tion to be obtained, and the Michigan Land Economic Survey was created. The
survey was directed to make a detailed inventory of the cutover lands, together
with reports on the current economic situation by counties. Because the inventory
of land and land use was to be used not only as a basis for developing some kind
of policy but also to guide programs of land management, the mapping had to be
done in great detail; yet, since there was no previous experience to indicate the best
method to use, much of the work had to be improvised to meet clear and specific
needs. One of the field surveyors observed about the procedures:
Field operations in the first year were experimental, and many changes [in categ­
ories to be mapped] were later made.. . . Field crews consisted of a cover and
base mapper together with a soil and slope mapper. Most of the field time was
taken up with boundary delineation and the determination of soil types. One
section [one square mile] per day was considered a good field accomplishment.
The instruments were a compass together with a soil augur; the only basic maps
were the General Land Office plats, more than half a century old, showing the
section comers of which little evidence remained, and drainage features where these
crossed the section lines. . . . The original field scale was eight inches to the mile,
subsequently changed to four inches (quoting Horace Clark in Davis, 1969:18-19).
After the first few field sessions a more-or-less established procedure was
followed (Bames, 1929). The work was done by soil specialists, foresters, and

8P. S. Lovejoy, “The Need for a Policy for the Cut-Over Lands of Michigan,” 22nd
Annual Report o f the Michigan Academy o f Sciences (1921 ):5—7.
Applied Geography / 459

graduate students in geography from the University of Michigan. After a summer

in the field with compass and notebook, most of the survey teams were able to pace
a straight line through brush and swamps and could usually find the weather-beaten
stakes that had been set out to mark the section comers by the General Land Office
surveyors 50 years before. Students of geography who experienced this kind of
practical training had no trouble with the identification of areal associations or the
concept of the unit area.
In fact, the concepts of the unit area and of the land type were the major
professional contributions of the survey. Remember that in the 1920s the experi­
mental studies of small areas, such as the study of Montfort by V. C. Finch, had
not yet been made. The fractional code system, which implies the existence of a
unit area—uniform with respect to the physical land and the land use or cover—
had not been devised. The field operations of the survey resulted in a series of
maps of individual elements: lay of the land (showing five categories of slope); soil
types (based on the standard definitions of the U.S. Soil Survey); drainage features;
cover (including wild vegetation, crops, or planted pastures and also abandoned
farms); population; political organization; assessed valuation; tax delinquency;
landownership and, where taxes were still being paid, the intention of the owner in
maintaining possession of the land; and trade areas.
Each of these items was plotted on a separate map. But when the maps were
compared in the office, it became clear that certain conditions were found repeatedly
to form the same associations. Not only could certain natural land types be
identified (repeated associations of slope, soil, drainage, and wild cover), but also
certain economic conditions were found to have a high correlation with certain
land types. Wade DeVries, a land economist, may have been the first to call atten­
tion to these associations (DeVries, 1927, 1928). But it remained for J. O. Veatch,
a soil specialist, to define the types and to prepare a statewide scheme of the regions
(Veatch, 1930, 1933, 1953).
Meanwhile, Lee Roy Schoenmann provided an example of how the information
gathered by the survey could be used to establish local zoning rules for rural areas.
He took the maps for Alger County and presented them at a series of meetings with
local businesspeople and farmers. As a result, the community set up its own restric­
tions on land use, designating certain areas for farming and pasture, other areas for
fish and wildlife preserves, and still other areas for reforestation (Schoenmann, 1931).
Only about half the counties of the original cutover area had been mapped when
the survey was brought to an end in 1933 during the Great Depression. Enough
work had been done in different parts of the north country to demonstrate that much
of the area could not be managed by private owners. The completed maps (Fig. 51)
provided enough data so that land management planning could be extended to
neighboring counties. Furthermore, by 1933 the method of field mapping by pacing
with a compass was outmoded through the use of vertical air photographs (Chapter
19). In addition, certain pressure groups in the state wanted to see the survey cease
publishing this kind of information. For example, real estate interests were attempt­
ing to sell land on the shores of the numerous inland lakes, but not all the lake shores
were sandy and suitable for summer homes. The survey classified the lake shores,
showing where they were sandy and where boggy. Pressures similar to those used
460 / MODERN

against Powell in his surveys of the West reappeared in Michigan in the 1930s. Enough
had been accomplished, however, to make it clear that the geographers, with their
methods of identifying areal associations and with their experience in the analysis
of the interplay of diverse processes (which we would now describe as spatial
systems), were in a position to make a distinctive contribution to the expanding
field of land classification and land use planning (McMurry, 1936).

Further Development o f the Land Classification Idea

The land classification idea was picked up by many individuals and many agen­
cies of the federal and state governments. To reduce costs, mapping was done by
air photographs, and continued experimentation was done with different scales and
categories. Several previously unmapped Michigan counties were examined by
these new methods. By 1940 the Subcommittee on Land Classification (Charles C.
Colby, chairman) of the Land Committee of the National Resources Planning
Board reported the existence of 72 separate land classification projects then being
carried on by 46 agencies of the federal government and by 28 state agencies (Colby,
Also in the planning field was Harlan H. Barrows on the Water Resources
Committee of the National Resources Planning Board. Barrows made three major
contributions to water planning studies. First, he insisted on the use of clear,
simple English in the writing of reports for publication. Second, this insistence on
clear writing also meant clear thinking. He played an important role in formulating
policy regarding multiple-purpose river development projects that were developed
during the 1930s. Third, he designed the procedure for integrated regional studies
as an essential basis for policy planning. Between 1935 and 1938 he drew up the
plan that was accepted by the states of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas for the
allocation of the water of the upper Rio Grande. He was successful in working out
similar cooperative solutions for the water of the Pecos River, the Red River of
the North, and the Columbia Basin. The impact of his efforts in these river basin
projects is summarized as follows:

In subsequent years, the report of those investigations shaped technical analysis

of water projects over many other areas. Moreover, the list of questions posed for
investigation still is an incisive classification of resource-use problems in an
irrigated area. His outline for the investigations became the springboard for
studies and policy discussions cutting across all the relevant disciplines and levels
of jurisdiction. He continued the same type of analysis as a consultant to the
Department of the Interior concerned with resource development problems in Alaska
and in the Central Valley of California (Colby and White, 1961:398-399).
In connection with the planning for economic development in the Tennessee Valley
by the Tennessee Valley Authority, geographers were employed in the Division of
Land Planning and Housing. G. Donald Hudson was named Chief Geographer of
the Land Classification Section, one of several sections in the Division. Hudson had
six geographers under his jurisdiction, most of whom came from the University of
Chicago. Their first undertaking was to make a land use inventory of the Tennessee
Valley. To accomplish this, they created and then adopted the “Unit Area Method.”
Applied Geography / 461

They mapped approximately one half of the Valley before the entire task was
terminated owing to political differences of opinion on the project. Meanwhile the
geographers had developed an inventory of scenic resources, and had made studies
of town economic bases and trade areas. A special group was assigned to study
the proposed reservoir sites to determine the extent of lands to be purchased by the
Authority—the so-called taking line studies i.e. to determine which farms would
be made marginal by the reservoir. Hudson described the method for defining and
mapping unit areas in 1936 (Hudson, 1936).
In 1941 the Land Committee was searching for less costly methods of survey­
ing the land and land use of an area as a basis for improving the economy of depressed
areas. Charles C. Colby and Victor Roterus were appointed as consultants to prepare
an inexpensive method for gathering the necessary information. Their proposal was
published in 1943, along with a Livelihood Area map of the United States (Colby
and Roterus, 1943). The so-called area analysis method was based on an outline to
be filled in by field observation and was summarized under four main headings:
(1) the employment pattern, (2) the conditions affecting employment and income
(natural resources, economic activities, and institutions), (3) directions of desirable
readjustment, and (4) the proposed program of remedial action. Between 1941 and
1943 the method was applied to many small areas in different parts of the United
States and proved useful in the guidance of efforts to rebuild depressed economies
(Fig. 52).
Since World War II the whole approach to studies of this kind has been
revolutionized through the use of computer programs, with data supplied from new
remote sensing devices. These changes are discussed in Chapter 19.

Figure 52 Areas of the United States reported by area analysis method

462 / MODERN

Land Classification Studies in Latin America

Land classification studies are of special importance in countries with developing
economies, such as those of Latin America. But before the 1950s few Latin American
geographers were trained in the methods of the field survey. The first major attempt
to apply land classification methods to a Latin American country was directed by geo­
graphers from the United States or trained in the United States. This was in Puerto Rico.
The Puerto Rico Rural Land Classification Program was carried out between June
1949 and August 1951. Here was a small island, some 3435 square miles in area,
which in 1950 had a population density of 642 people per square mile. With a purely
agricultural economy such a density could not be adequately supported. Further­
more, the greater part of the land of high potential productivity was used to grow
sugar cane, while basic foods had to be imported. But the island government adopted
a policy of providing for the rapid improvement of the economy by making better
use of the land to produce crops and by investing heavily in new manufacturing
industries to be scattered throughout the island and connected to ports by new all-
weather roads.9 Rafael Pico (who holds a Ph.D. in geography from Clark Univer­
sity) was chairman of the Puerto Rico Planning Board. He understood better than
most Latin Americans at that time that economic planning had to be based on detailed
knowledge of the resource base. Pico asked G. Donald Hudson, then chairman of
the Department of Geography at Northwestern University, to help in planning such
a survey. In March 1949 Hudson and his Latin American specialist at North­
western, Clarence F. Jones, went to Puerto Rico to work out plans. It was decided
that the island should be covered by maps on the very large scale of 1/10,000. Each
year Northwestern University would supply some advanced graduate students,
either from their own university or from other graduate departments around the
United States. Each of these graduate students would be joined by a Puerto Rican
student to form a field team, and each team would be assigned a section of the island
to survey. Hudson, Jones, and Pico made an experimental traverse across the island
to test the categories of land and land use. Mapping was done on vertical air
photographs, and unit areas were identified by the fractional code method. The first
field team started work in July 1949.10

^Governor Munoz Marin was Puerto Rico’s first elected governor in 1948. Puerto Rico in
1952 became the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, freely associated with the United States.
Governor Munoz Marin undertook to develop the island's economy in what has been
called Operation Bootstrap.
10The mapping was done on a scale large enough so that every plot of land, used or
unused, could be shown. Eight categories of land use were identified: (1) cropped land,
(2) pasture and harvested forage, (3) forest brush, (4) nonproductive land, (5) rural
public community service land, (6) land used for quarrying or mining, (7) urban and
manufacturing, and (8) miscellaneous, such as canals, water storage tanks, roads, railroads,
and farm buildings. The physical characteristics of the land, which appeared as the
denominator of the fraction, included soil types (as defined by the U.S. Soil Survey),
degree of slope, conditions of drainage, rate of erosion, and amount of stoniness and
rock exposure. See Rural Land Classification Program o f Puerto Rico (Evanston, 111.:
Northwestern University Studies in Geography, 1952). See also Jones and Berrios (1956)
and Jones and Pico (1955).
Applied Geography / 463

The Puerto Rico survey demonstrated the value of this kind of inventory. Land
redistribution in some other parts of Latin America (where it was done with no
mapped information) has brought disastrous results. In Puerto Rico the information
gathered by the survey was used as the basis for replanning land use; crops were
matched to favorable land types, or they were removed from unsuited lands, such
as steep slopes, where they brought destructive erosion. The survey information was
used to plan the routes of new roads and to locate the numerous small manufac­
turing plants in relation to population and accessibility. The success of Operation
Bootstrap was in no small measure based on the existence of reliable, detailed
knowledge about the land quality and existing land use.
Since that time, many somewhat similar surveys have been undertaken in Latin
America, some by the Organization of American States, some by the Agency for
International Development, and others by Latin American government agencies, as
in Brazil. Some surveys, as in Chile, were done by private agencies in the United
States on contract.


Also intended to provide knowledge on which to formulate policy were the studies
of pioneer settlement initiated by Isaiah Bowman. In 1925 he turned his attention
to problems relating to the thinly populated areas on the margins of settlement. He
submitted a proposal to the National Research Council (NRC) to obtain funds for
studies of pioneer areas. After two years of consideration by a special committee
and by the Division of Geology and Geography of the NRC, the project was recom­
mended to the Social Science Research Council. In 1931 both councils endorsed
Bowman’s program, and the Council of the American Geographical Society also
gave its support.
Bowman outlined the nature of the problem (Bowman, 1932). Pioneering in the
1930s, he wrote, was not at all like the pioneering of the past century when new
settlers depended almost entirely on their own muscles. Now pioneers wanted the
latest machinery, the best medical services, and well-developed facilities to connect
them with markets. Yet pioneer zones are always experimental. When prices for
farm products are low, pioneers may seek new lands where the price per acre is
lower than in settled communities, but these same pioneers may be driven back from
low-priced land by droughts. Pioneer belt studies are not solely concerned with the
possibilities of new settlement; they may also be concerned with the need to with­
draw from less favorable places. In Malthus’s time more food could be produced
by moving farmers onto new lands and creating new agricultural communities.
But by the 1930s increasing the supply of food without increasing the prices was
done by reducing the number of farmers and withdrawing them from the marginal
lands. Productivity in the modem world is increased by concentration in the more
accessible and better suited areas and withdrawal from the remote and marginal
areas. But all such changes must be applied in particular places. Bowman proposed
to study pioneer movements around the world and to identify certain general
conditions: not only the kinds of physical conditions considered favorable but also
the attitudes and objectives that led people to become pioneers and the economic,
social, and political institutions that could best support pioneers. But Bowman also
464 / MODERN

proposed to investigate the particular and unique conditions in specific pioneer areas,
knowledge of which would be essential to the formulation of policy. His proposal
ranged widely over all the fields of the social sciences and was essentially inter­
disciplinary in character.
Several studies of pioneer belts in general (and also of specific ones) were
published during the 1930s. Bowman’s book The Pioneer Fringe (1931) stated the
nature of the problem and offered examples from the western United States, Canada,
Australia, southern Africa, Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria, and South America. A
volume containing 27 cooperative studies of particular pioneer regions followed
the next year (Joerg, 1932). Finally, Bowman, aided substantially by Karl Pelzer,
summarized the results of the whole undertaking in a report on the world’s potential
pioneer areas (Bowman, 1937). Meanwhile, pioneer studies were vigorously pur­
sued in Canada under the direction of the Canadian Pioneer Problems Committee
headed by William A. Mackintosh of Queens University. Under the general title
Canadian Frontiers o f Settlement, edited by Mackintosh and Joerg, eight separate
volumes were published, starting in 1934 (Innis, 1935).
Bowman gave a convocation address at the University of Western Ontario in 1937
in which he summarized his own point of view toward geography in the 1930s:

Within limits that have varied widely in time, geography has set itself the task of
understanding man’s relation to the earth, and I shall presently attempt to explain
that phrase with some precision. Always there must be food and clothing, toler­
able if not optimum temperature ranges for both man and the things he requires,
transport needs and desires, and, unhappily, wars and famines, for a time at
least, as well as great conquests and conditional conquests of at least the local and
immediate in the environment. Out of this play of forces—by no means either
infinite or hopelessly complex—man is progressively creating and experimenting,
and the chief experiment is himself. He is changing himself as well as the world
as he goes along (Bowman, 1938:2).

For a more complete statement of Bowman’s point of view, see his Geography in
Relation to the Social Sciences (Bowman, 1934).

Geography in World War II

The demand for the services of geographers in World War II far exceeded the
supply of experienced and properly trained professionals. Geographers were needed
in all the kinds of work performed during World War I and also in many research
studies. Geographers worked as commissioned officers or as noncommissioned draftees
assigned to intelligence agencies. Geographers in large numbers came as civilians
either for full-time positions in war agencies or for short-term specific studies.
By 1943 there were more than 300 geographers working in Washington, D.C.
These included 75 geographers in the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office
of Strategic Services (initially known as the Coordinator of Information), 46 in the
War Department, 23 in the Intelligence Division (G2), and an additional 23 in the
Army Map Service. The office of the Geographer, Department of State, had 13 geo­
graphers; 15 were employed in the Board on Geographic Names, 12 in the Office
of Economic Warfare, and 12 within the Department of Agriculture. In addition, 8
geographers were employed by the Geological Survey and 6 by the Coast and Geodetic
Applied Geography / 465

Survey. There were 5 geographers in the Weather Bureau, 4 in the Map Division
of the Library of Congress, and 18 others were scattered among a variety of agencies.
(These figures do not include cartographers or others engaged in producing maps
and charts.) Approximately 25 other geographers were employed in posts overseas.
Some of these geographers helped to prepare the compilations of information
about countries or parts of countries, either as a basis for planning military opera­
tions or as a guide to military government after the war. The Joint Army-Navy
Intelligence Studies (JANIS) brought together many kinds of data with which
geographers had no previous experience. But a very important part of the JANIS
program consisted of the compilation and publication of many detailed maps of
special features. Large numbers of geographers in the Office of Strategic Services
were assigned to the cartographic work, while others worked on the various coun­
tries where JANIS handbooks were needed. Many geographers also worked on
special problems and prepared background reports for the guidance of those who
were responsible for decisions.
A few examples of the kinds of work geographers did can be offered. One had
to do with the kinds of uniforms and equipment needed in different environments.
In 1940 the quartermaster general of the army had three sets of uniforms for
military use: temperate, torrid, and frigid. When troops occupied the Aleutian
Islands, they were equipped with temperate zone uniforms; when these proved to
be quite inadequate, however, it was clear that Aristotle’s climatic zones were no
longer useful. The quartermaster general established a research laboratory in
Natick, Massachusetts, to test different kinds of equipment under a great variety of
artificially produced climatic conditions. The problem was to identify the important
differences of climate and other environmental conditions, not only to find the kinds
of equipment best suited to them, but also to find out in detail where such environ­
ments would be encountered all over the earth. The result was the so-called cloth­
ing atlas. This atlas specifies in detail by means of a complicated key the variety
of equipment necessary to carry on field operations in the world’s many kinds of
environment. This work was continued and expanded after the war.
Before the landings in Normandy many geographers, including those in the intel­
ligence branch of the army, were busy making detailed studies of the beaches and
the terrain behind beaches. Johnson’s Battlefields o f the World War had become a
historical document, for the changed technology of warfare rendered his inter­
pretation of the significance of terrain obsolete. When warfare became mechanized,
the pattern of paved roads became more significant than the arrangement of hills
and valleys. Small villages where paved roads came together became more import­
ant than cuestas. The basic point was that an army operating on foot can move as
rapidly off the road as on it, but a mechanized army moves with great speed on a
road, regardless of slope, and very much more slowly off a road. This is another
example of the general principle suggested earlier that the significance of the
physical and biotic features of the earth changes with changes in the attitudes,
objectives, and technical skills of man himself.
In the Pacific theater there was a serious lack of any reliable information about
the character of beaches or the terrain. Geographers were set to work combing the
literature to find descriptions or old photographs. Missionaries and tourists had pro­
vided some information, but it was scattered and hidden in much irrelevant detail.
466 / MODERN

Yet maps were compiled and published showing in amazing detail the arrangement
of coral reefs, cliffs, roads, caves, and other features of military importance.
One group of geographers received special training in the study of transporta­
tion facilities. What were the essential items of equipment in a port that would deter­
mine its capacity to handle traffic? A trained port engineer had to explain such matters.
Geographers learned that in some of the ports of western Europe the tidal range
was so great that gates had to be provided to keep the water from draining out at
low tide. The condition of the gates was critical. Then, what about the conditions of
roads and railroads? This group of geographers, together with expert photographers
from the motion picture studios of California, undertook to provide descriptions,
photographs, and maps showing the condition of transportation facilities immedi­
ately after the armies started their advance eastward. The materials gathered proved
to have great practical utility for those commanders in charge of logistics.
A very important function that could be performed only by an experienced regional
specialist was the interpretation of capabilities and intentions of foreign countries.
Unfortunately, the number of geographers who had specialized in the study of
foreign areas before World War II was quite inadequate for the demand. Those geo­
graphers who had called themselves regional specialists had focused on parts of the
United States or Latin America. The number of geographers who had specialized
in European, Asian, or African countries was very small. As a result, the work of
foreign area interpretation was done by language specialists, historians, and others
who happened to have a familiarity with areas in question. The further result was
that many persons—geographers and others—who were assigned to such positions
proved inept and unreliable. E. A. Ackerman, pointing a critical finger at what he
described as inadequate professional training in the systematic aspects of geo­
graphy, summarized the role of geographers in the war effort:

In the three years from 1941 to 1944 American geographers dealt almost
constantly with a series of difficult professional problems. The profession as a
whole may take pride in the manner in which these situations were met. Both the
well-known and the previously obscure showed skill, imagination, energy, and
unselfishness as they perspired over wartime tasks. Our techniques advanced, and
the prestige of the profession increased notably during those years. Scholars
and administrators who had scarcely heard of geography before Pearl Harbor are
now familiar with its methods and its results. Geography unquestionably has wider
recognition than ever before in this country.
However, an assessment would hardly be honest if one were to stop with praise
of our recent performance. Wartime experience has high-lighted a number of flaws
in theoretical approach and in the past methods of training men for the profes­
sion. It is no exaggeration to say that geography’s wartime achievements are
based more on individual ingenuity than on thorough, foresighted training. The
geographer perfectly or even adequately trained for the specialty into which he
was thrown has generally been an exception. The unfamiliarity of most young
American geographers with foreign geographic literature; their almost universal
ignorance of foreign languages; their bibliographic ineptness; and their general
lack of systematic specialties are but a few points which may be cited in proof.
All these were just as regular a source of difficulty as the strangeness of the prob­
lems and the pressure under which we worked (Ackerman, 1945:121-122).
Applied Geography / 467

Ackerman arrived at the important conclusion that a major source of difficulty

in the preparation of geographers before World War II was a widespread belief in
the essential duality of the subject. In many places it was felt that a geographer
might become either a regional specialist without any training in a systematic field
or that a geographer might become a specialist in any one of a number of system­
atic fields. This is the duality that the German geographers had resolved and that
Hartshome had attacked in 1939. It was the duality that participants in the annual
field conferences deplored. But wartime experience with the employment of many
poorly trained or partly trained people proved that the conceptual structure of geo­
graphy was still not widely understood.

Geography in the White House

President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a keen interest in geography. In 1921 he
had been elected to the council of the American Geographical Society. Since that
time he had remained fascinated by the subject and had developed a substantial
knowledge of atlases. Pursuant to the German annexation of Austria in March 1938
and increased anti-Semitic activity by the Nazis, Roosevelt began to think about
resettlement of European Jewry—and other refugees— on a large scale. He held
private meetings with Isaiah Bowman, exploring possibilities as to where several
million such people might be relocated. As a result of these meetings, Bowman
arranged for a team of workers (including geographers) to make feasibility studies
of refugee settlement in different parts of the world. In addition, President Roosevelt
initiated the M Project (M for anonymity), which, under Bowman’s direction and
through the person of Henry Field, provided some 666 studies in 20,000 pages and
an Atlas o f Population and Migration Trends (Martin, 1980).
Bowman worked in the Department of State three days a week and was frequently
called on to advise Sumner Welles, Cordell Hull, and the president. He was made
a member of the Stettinius Mission to London (1944), the Dumbarton Oaks
Conference (1944), and the San Francisco Conference (1945). At all stages leading
to the creation of the United Nations Charter, the geographical point of view was
found to be of value (Martin, 1980).


The applications of geography to practical problems took place in many other sec­
tors before the 1950s. One of these was in marketing research for private business
firms. In 1931 William Applebaum was working on a thesis on secondary commercial
centers of Cincinnati. In Cincinnati Applebaum began to focus his attention on the
location factor in the development of outlying retail market centers. He also learned
that the Kroger Company was looking for the best places to locate planned super­
markets. Applebaum turned his attention to the selection of sites for Kroger, and
his results proved so useful that the company became interested in his methods. He
went to work for Kroger to apply his method to the selection of other supermarket
locations. Since 1931 and especially since World War II, most business firms engaged
in selling to the public have added market research departments; the demand for
468 / MODERN

persons with geographic training to work in the field of market research has
increased rapidly.
What do geographers do when they work on a problem of retail store location?
They make maps of the distribution of potential customers. But the population
maps that are made by counting the number of people in census districts lack the
relevant detail needed for such studies. It is necessary to plot on a map the
arrangement of people along specific streets and to know the patterns of their daily
trips to work or to retail stores. Often a store location proves much better on one
side of the street than on the other, depending on the customers’ routes to work. It
is also necessary to map the areas from which other competing stores draw their
customers. Because geographers are usually familiar with the making and use of
detailed maps and with the map analysis of location problems, their contribution
to the study of market areas has become widely recognized and appreciated
(Applebaum, 1952).
Since World War II the use of geographers in marketing research problems
has been greatly extended. In 1961 a whole issue of Economic Geography was
devoted to a series of papers detailing examples of this kind of applied research.11
The latest mathematical procedures have been applied to this kind of investigation
(Applebaum and Cohen, 1961). Applebaum continued to publish on matters relat­
ing to marketing research until 1974. Other imaginative applications of geographic
methods have been made to the study of the operations of large corporations
(McNee, 1961). Meanwhile, economic geographers have been conducting studies on
the location of economic activity ranging from iron and steel plants to flour milling.
Geographers such as Gilbert White have made studies of natural hazards, includ­
ing major river floods (Kates, 1962; White, 1973). Studies of military matters from
the geographical point of view have been made by Joseph A. Russell and others.
Yet other geographers have worked with agencies of the United Nations, have made
environmental studies in the wake of ever-increasing industrial pollution (F. W.
McBride formed his own agency), and have studied the effects of weather and
climate on humans (physiological climatology). Especially noteworthy in the last-
named case is the work of E. Huntington and D. H. K. Lee (Martin, 1974). C. W.
Thomthwaite applied his remarkable knowledge of climatology and other aspects
of the physical environment to the dairy industry in New Jersey with remarkable
success (1931, 1933). L. D. Stamp demonstrated the value of land utilization study
(1931, 1952). H. H. Bennett studied soil erosion in relation to the productivity of
the land (1928). E. L. Ullman was a member of the board of directors of Amtrak.
M. I. Glassner has advised the government of Nepal in negotiating a transit treaty
with India and has functioned as consultant to the UN Development Program for*

n Economic Geography 37(1961): Saul B. Cohen, “Location Research Programming

for Voluntary Food Chains,” 1-11; Bart J. Epstein, “Evaluation of an Established
Planned Shopping Center,” 12-21; Howard L. Green, “Planning a National Retail Growth
Program,” 22-32; Harold R. Imus, “Projecting Sales Potentials for Department Stores in
Regional Shopping Centers,” 33-41; Jack C. Ransome, “The Organization of Location
Research in a Large Supermarket Chain,” 42-47; William Applebaum, “Teaching
Marketing Geography by the Case Method,” 48-60.
Applied Geography / 469

the land-locked countries of Asia. Professional geographers have been employed

by the Bureau of the Census since the 1920s.
In more recent years an increasing number of geographers in the United States
have turned their attention to the applied movement. To cater to the need for a more
relevant geography, applied courses and programs were introduced at a variety of
academic institutions. This development was encouraged by a decreasing number
of academic posts available and a constant, if not increasing, number of geo­
graphers to fill them. It was thought that the applied movement would increase
job opportunities, and this is indeed what happened. In 1976 The Geographical
Review announced that it would introduce a new section on applied research. J. D.
Harrison (1977) sampled the national scene and noted that nearly 90 percent of
the departments approached were expecting to emphasize more applied geography
in the immediate future (Dunbar, 1978). The AAG Newsletter and the Professional
Geographer were prepared to include sections on applied geography.12
In 1978 J. Frazier and B. J. Epstein cofounded the Applied Geography Confer­
ence at Binghamton State University in New York. From 1928 to 2002 25 volumes
of Papers and Proceedings o f the Applied Geography Conference were published.
Beginning in 2003 Papers o f the Applied Geography Conference superceded the
previous publication. This conference now draws approximately 200 participants
from business, government, and the academic community. It has also generated a
number of publications (Frazier, 1982; Frazier, Epstein, and Schoolmaster, 1995).
Several universities in North America now have concentrations and masters degree
programs in applied geography and are placing their students in meaningful and
relevant employment such as with supermarket chains.
Specialty groups of the AAG were founded at the same time as the Binghamton
conference. While applied geographer might join planning, urban transport, and other
specialty groups, it is worth noting that applied geography is in the top third of
specialty groups by body count and in 1996 had a total of 456 members and ranked
5th of 47 groups. In 1983 the first annual James R. Anderson Medal of Honor was
awarded to an applied geographer and has continued to the present. By the turn
of the twenty-first century applied geography had become a study group of the
International Geographical Union and by 2003 was a commission. This commis­
sion has provided Applied Geography: A World Perspective (editors A. Badly
and L. J. Gibson). The first of three parts of this book is entitled “History and
Epistemological Foundations”; this provides an insightful perspective.
Meanwhile, the Applied Geography Newsletter and the international journal Applied
Geography began publication in 1980 (the latter has now ceased publication). A
Directory o f Applied Geographers was produced by the Association of American
Geographers in 1981, and in 1983 Canada began publication of the Operational
Geographer. Academic debate ensued over the role of “applied” and what was
presumably a “pure” geography. By the 1980s it had become clear that more and

12Special mention should be made of the work of L. D. Stamp, an English geographer.

See especially his Applied Geography (1960), a primer on the subject for that period.
See also “Laurence Dudley Stamp, 1898-1966” by M. J. Wise, Geographers:
Biobibliographical Studies 1988, 12: 175-187.
470 / MODERN

more academic appointments were being made in techniques and fewer consequently
in the traditional academic areas (Green, 1983). Growth was swift in geographic
information systems (GIS). In 1985 the AAG did not recognize it as a specialty.
By 1987 it was the third-largest specialty group of the association, and by 1989
the second-largest specialty group by only nine members.13 Meanwhile, a minor
debate had surfaced concerning the distinction between applied and nonapplied
geographers. Few attempted a definition of applied geography.
The applied posture led to increasingly specialized techniques, and some felt that
it took the applied geographer farther away from the traditional geographer. R. A.
Rundstrom and M. S. Kenzer have voiced concern that the academic core of geo­
graphy is being eroded and that rather than being trained to think critically, students
are learning to serve business and government (Rundstrom and Kenzer, 1989).
F. G. Wynn has added that “to tailor our graduates to the specific skill requirements
of employers is to abrogate our responsibilities as educators and to undermine
one of the central attractions of our discipline as a field of inquiry” (Wynn, 1983).
Torrierri and Ratcliffe (2004) suggest that over the last 15 years there has developed
a need for funding leading to cost-cutting measures. A department’s ability to secure
funded research, preferably with “overheads” going to the institution, is regarded
favorably and may well lead to departmental growth.
The applied research practiced in North America during the 1980s does not seem
to have had any structure other than that created by its capacity to satisfy societal
needs. A problem besetting geography in the United States has been that during the
1980s (and even prior to that) only a very small percentage (frequently less than 1 per­
cent) of undergraduate students selected geography as a major subject (Wilbanks
and Libbee, 1979). The idea of persuading undergraduates that they could be
employed in planning agencies and the like, an idea reaffirmed by a past president
of the AAG, George Demko (1988), is gained, some argue, at a cost to the dis­
cipline. Academicians who work exclusively within the university may see the
applied person as one who borrows their materials and sells it in the marketplace.
Their concern is that this practice will dominate and change the direction of the
discipline. Academic practitioners are anxious about the standing of geography,
especially since the demise of some departments at some of the best-known univer­
sities in the country is well known. T. G. Gordon has epitomized this state of affairs
with two brief phrases: “the intellectual core”14 and “anti-intellectualism.”15 There
seems to be no clear definition of the limits to what is disciplinal and what is applied.
Applied geography is a hybrid whose epistemology evades definition.16 It
does not have a theoretical core nor a coherent structure and is characterized by

13AAG. “ 1988 Topical and Areal Proficiencies and Specialty Group Membership.”
AAG Newsletter 24, 3 (1989): 10.
14AAG Newsletter 1988 23(5): 1.
15AAG Newsletter 1988 23(6):2.
16Applied geographers were involved in matters including daylight saving time, Nile
Waters agreements, the High Aswan Dam project, Zuyder Zee and Everglades reclamation
projects, desert irrigation, and innumerable other works.
Applied Geography / 471

pragmatism. It is client driven and usually not curiosity driven. Large numbers of
problems are posed that lead individuals or teams to adopt ad hoc postures draw­
ing on the geographer’s discipline. The work should also draw on neutral, value-
free thinking in the resolution of problems, but this state of mind is hard to develop.
Applied geographers may function as gatherers of information (a valuable function
in the United States in both world wars) or synthesizers, though only occasionally
does the geographer participate in the policy-making stage. Possibly this is due to
the small number of geographers both in the university administrative structure and
the political structure of most developed societies. This state of affairs may, how­
ever, be changed as this new geography presents itself as more relevant to contemporary
society. Much of applied geography is privately negotiated. In consequence, we do
not know the size of the industry. It has become a full-time occupation for con­
siderable numbers and a part-time occupation for many more. Their knowledge is
a commodity that can be marketed. This, in turn, has led to a new call for the
further application of spatial science and locational analysis based on GIS and model
building. The number of problems demanding attention is so large that this genre
may come to dominate in a society demanding answers. Torrieri and Ratcliffe (1904)
note several broad categories of applied research worthy of enumeration: market
and location analysis, medical geography, land-use planning, environmental issues
and policy, transportation planning and routing, and the geography of crime. Much
excellent work has been accomplished, and membership of this guild continues
to increase.
John F. Hart asked the question, “Why Applied Geography” (Frazier, 1982; Hart,
1989). He believes that all geographical knowledge is of value in understanding the
world around us and that all of it is applicable. So why, he asks, add the term applied
geography. In time applied geography may well find itself as part of traditional
geography. An applied curriculum has been developed at Southwest Texas State
University and is perhaps the largest in the country. There applied geography has
been defined as “the use of geographic content, principles and methods in research
and other activities designed to aid in the resolution of human problems.” Intern­
ship programs have led to professional careers. The department began a master’s
of applied geography degree in 1983. In addition, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute
in Toronto has founded a School of Applied Geography. There is some value in
demonstrating the utility of the discipline vis-a-vis other disciplines.
Applied geography continues strongly in physical geography, especially in clim­
atology and geomorphology. Recreation, tourism, and sport, sometimes referred to
as leisure geography, is one of the fastest growing segments of the applied move­
ment, as are studies in optimal location. While each of these activities exploits the
cartographer, cartography itself is one of the most dominant forms of the applied
movement. The map probably has never commanded higher esteem than at present,
presenting a clarity amidst perplexity. Whether for military purposes, boundary
settlement issues, the layout of utility lines in a town, or simply as a tourist aid, the
map is of paramount importance (Kenzer, 1989).
472 / MODERN

AAG. 1989. “AAG Topical and Areal Proficiencies and Specialty Group Membership.” AAG
Newsletter 24, no. 3:10.
Ackerman, E. A. 1945. “Geographic Training, Wartime Research, and Immediate Pro­
fessional Objectives.” Annals AAG 35:121-143.
Applebaum, W. 1952. “A Technique for Constructing a Population and Urban Land Use Map.”
Economic Geography 28:240-243.
Applebaum, W., and Cohen, S. B. 1961. “The Dynamics of Store Trading Areas and Market
Equilibrium.” Annals AAG 51:73-101.
Barnes, C. P. 1929. “Land Resource Inventory in Michigan.” Economic Geography 5:22-35.
Bennett, H. H. 1928. “The Geographical Relation of Soil Erosion to Land Productivity.”
Geographical Review 18:579-605.
Bowman, I., 1921. The New World, Problems in Political Geography. New York: World
Book Co.
---------. 1924. Desert Trails of Atacama. New York: American Geographical Society,
Special Publication No. 5.
---------. 1931. The Pioneer Fringe. New York: American Geographical Society.
---------. 1932. “Planning in Pioneer Settlement.” Annals AAG 22:93-107.
--------- . 1934. Geography in Relation to the Social Sciences. New York: Charles Scribner.
---------. 1937. The Limits of Land Settlement, a Report on Present-Day Possibilities. New
York: Council on Foreign Relations.
---------. 1938. “Geography in the Creative Experiment.” Geographical Review 28:1-19.
Colby, C. C. 1936. “Changing Currents of Geographic Thought in America.” Annals AAG
---------, ed. 1941. Land Classification in the United States. Washington, D.C.: Report of the
Land Committee to the National Resources Planning Board.
---------. 1955. “Narrative of Five Decades.” In A Half Centu/y of Geography— What Next?
(Papers presented at the alumni reunion, June 5, 1954.) Chicago: University of Chicago,
Department of Geography.
Colby, C. C., and Roterus, V. 1943. Area Analysis—A Method of Public Works Planning.
Washington, D.C.: Technical Paper No. 6 of the Land Committee, National Resources
Planning Board.
Colby, C. C., and White, G. F. 1961. “Harlan H. Barrows, 1877-1960.” Annals AAG
Davis, C. M. 1969. “A Study of the Land Type.” In The Michigan Land Economic Survey.
Pp. 15-41. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Office of Research Administration, Project No. 08055.
Davis, W. M. 1918. A Handbook of Northern France. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer­
sity Press.
Demko, G. J. 1988. “Geography beyond the Ivory Tower.” Annals AAG 78:575-579.
DeVries, W. 1927. “An Economic Survey of Chippewa County, Michigan.” Papers of the
Michigan Academy o f Science, Arts and Letters 8:255-268.
---------. 1928. “Correlation of Physical and Economic Factors as Shown by the Michigan
Land Economic Survey Data.” Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics 4:295-300.
Dominian, L. 1917. The Frontiers of Language and Nationality in Europe. New York: American
Geographical Society.
Dunbar, G. S. 1978. “What Was Applied Geography?” Professional Geographer 30:238-
Finch, V. C., and Baker, O. E. 1917. Atlas of World Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
Applied Geography / 473

Frazier, J. W. ed. 1982. Applied Geography: Selected Perspectives. New York: Prentice-Hall.
Frazier, J. W., B. J. Epstein, and F. A. Schoolmaster. 1995. “Contributions to Applied Geo­
graphy: The 1978-1994 Applied Geography Conferences,” Papers and Proceedings of
Applied Geography Conferences 18:1-13.
Gelfand, L. E. 1963. The Inquiry. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Green, D. B. 1983. “Teaching Positions in Geography in the United States: What Specialties
Have Been in Demand?” AAG Newsletter 18:14-15.
Haggett, P. 1990. The Geographer’s Art. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.
Harrison, J. D. 1977. “What Is Applied Geography?” Professional Geographer 29:297-300.
Harrison, J. D. and Larson, R. D. 1977. “Geography and Planning: The Need for an Applied
Interface, Professional Geographer 29:139-147.
Hudson, G. D. 1936. “The Unit Area Method of Land Classification.” Annals AAG 26:99-112.
Innis, H. A. 1935. “Canadian Frontiers of Settlement: A Review.” Geographical Review
James, P. E. and C. F. Jones. 1954. American Geography: Inventoty and Prospect. Syracuse,
N.Y.: Syracuse University Press.
Jefferson, M. 1921. Recent Colonization in Chile. New York: American Geographical
Society, Research Series No. 6.
---------. 1926. Peopling the Argentine Pampa. New York: American Geographical Society,
Research Series No. 16.
Joerg, W. L. G., ed. 1932. Pioneer Settlement. Cooperative Studies by Twenty-Six Authors.
New York: American Geographical Society.
Johnson. D. W. 1921. Battlefields of the World War, Western and Southern Fronts: A Study in
Military Geography. New York: American Geographical Society, Research Series No. 3.
Jones, C. F., and Pico, R., eds. 1955. Symposium on the Geography of Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras:
University of Puerto Rico Press.
Kates, R. W. 1962. Hazard and Choice Perception in Flood Plain Management. Chicago:
University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper 78.
Kenzer, M. S. 1984. Comments from the Outside: The Sixth Annual Applied Geography
Conference, October 12-15, 1983. Applied Geography 4:85-86.
---------, ed. 1989. On Becoming a Professional Geographer. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.
---------, ed. 1989. Applied Geography: Issues, Questions, and Concerns. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
---------. 1991. “Applied Geography.” In Modern Geography: An Encyclopedic Sun’ey
(G. S. Dunbar, ed.), pp. 3-4. New York and London: Garland Publishing.
---------. 1992. “Comment: Applied and Academic Geography and the Remainder of the
Twentieth Century.” Applied Geography 12:207-210.
Martin, G. J., ed. 1966. Mark Jefferson: Paris Peace Conference Diary. Ann Arbor: Edwards.
---------. 1974. “ ‘Civilization and Climate,’ Revisited.” Geography and Map Division,
Special Libraries Association Bulletin, No. 96, pp. 10-17.
---------. 1980. “ ‘The Science of Settlement’ and Resettlement Schemes.” In The Life and
Thought of Isaiah Bowman. Pp. 123-139. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press.
McBride, G. M. 1923. The Land Systems of Mexico. New York: American Geographical Society,
Research Series No. 16.
---------. 1936. Chile: Land and Society. New York: American Geographical Society,
Research Series No. 19.
McMurry, K. C. 1936. “Geographic Contributions to Land-Use Planning.” Annals AAG
McNee, R. B. 1961. “Centrifugal-Centripetal Forces in International Petroleum Company
Regions.” Annals AAG 51:124-138.
474 / MODERN

Miller, O. M. 1929. “The 1927-1928 Peruvian Expedition of the American Geographical

Society.” Geographical Review 19:1-37.
Ogilvie, A. G. 1922. Geography of the Central Andes. New York: American Geographical
Society, Map of Hispanic America Publication No. 1.
Palm. R. 1. and A. J. Brazel. 1992. “Applications of Geographic Concepts and Methods."
Pp. 342-362. In R. F. Abler, M. G. Marcus, and J. M. Olson, eds. Geography's Inner
Worlds. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Platt, R. R. 1946. "The Map of Hispanic America on the Scale of 1:1,000.000.” Geo­
graphical Review 36:1-28.
Rhoads, J. B. 1954. “Preliminary Inventories.” Cartographic Records of the American
Commission to Negotiate Peace, No. 68. U.S. Washington, D.C.: National Archives.
Richardson, D. B. 1989. "Doing Geography: A Perspective on Geography in the Private
Sector." In M. S. Kenzer. ed. On Becoming a Professional Geographer, pp. 66-74. Col­
umbus. Ohio: Merrill.
Rundstrom, R. A. and Kenzer, M. S. 1989. “The Decline of Fieldwork in Human
Geography.” Professional Geographer 41:294-303.
Russell. J. A. 1983. “Specialty Fields of Applied Geography." Professional Geographer
Sauer. C. O. 1919. “Mapping the Utilization of the Land.” Geographical Review 8:47-54.
---------. 1921. “The Problem of Land Classification.” Annals AAG 11:3-16.
Schoenmann, L. R. 1931. “Land Inventory for Rural Planning in Alger County, Michigan.”
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science. Arts and Letters 16:320-361.
Shantz, H. L. and Marbut. C. F. 1923. The Vegetation and Soils of Africa. New York: American
Geographical Society, Research Series No. 13.
Stamp. L. D. 1931. “The Land Utilization Survey of Britain." Geographical Journal
---------. 1952. Land for Tomorrow: The Underdeveloped World. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
---------. 1960. Applied Geography. London: Penguin Books.
Thomthwaite, C. W. 1931. “The Climates of North America According to a New Classifica­
tion.” Geographical Review 21:633-655.
---------. 1933. “The Climates of the Earth." Geographical Review 23:433-440.
Torrieri, N. K. and M. R. Ratcliffe. 2004. “Applied Geography.” Pp. 541-547. In Gaile and
Willmott (eds.). Geography in America at the Dawn o f the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Veatch, J. O. 1930. “Natural Geographic Divisions of Land.” Papers of the Michigan
Academy of Science. Arts and Letters 14:417-432.
-------- . 1933. “Classification of Land on a Geographic Basis.” Papers of the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters 19:359-365.
---------. 1953. Soils and Land of Michigan. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
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White, G. F. 1973. “Natural Hazards Research.” In R. J. Chorley, ed.. Directions in Geo­
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Wilbanks, T. J. and Libbee, M. 1979. "Avoiding the Demise of Geography in the United
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Wynn, G. 1983. “Human Geography in a Changing World.” New Zealand Geographer
Wright, J. K. 1952. Geography in the Making. The American Geographical Society, 1851-
1951. New York: American Geographical Society.
N ew M eth o d s o f O b s e r v a t io n

an d A n a l y s is

The idea that thought is the measure o f all things, that there is such a thing as
utter logical rigor, that conclusions can be drawn endowed with inescapable
necessity, that mathematics has an absolute validity and controls experience—
these are not the ideas o f a modest animal. Not only do our theories betray the
somewhat bumptious traits of self-appreciation, but especially obvious through
them all is the thread o f incorrigible optimism so characteristic of human beings.
. . . When will we learn that logic, mathematics, physical theory, are all only
inventions for formulating in compact and manageable form what we already
know, and like all inventions do not achieve complete success in accomplish­
ing what they were designed to do, much less complete success in fields beyond
the scope o f the original design, and that our only justification for hoping to
penetrate at all into the unknown with these inventions is our past experience
that sometimes we have been fortunate enough to be able to push on a short
distance by acquired momentum?
— Percy W. Bridgman, The Nature of Physical Theory (1964)

he industrial revolution has finally caught up with the study of geography.

For thousands of years the techniques of observation and the methods of ana­
lysis remained essentially the same. People on foot, on horseback, in horse-drawn
carriages, and in canoes and sailing ships traveled through different parts of the
world. They recorded the things they saw by direct observation, analyzing their
observations into component parts to clarify their descriptions and testing their
hypotheses regarding processes by additional direct observation. A geographer was
one who gained more than common satisfaction in visiting unfamiliar and out-of-
the-way places and returning to interpret the circumstances observed in the strange
new worlds beyond the far horizons. No one did this kind of work better than Alexander
von Humboldt, the last great universal scholar. But now, and especially since World
War II, there has been a revolution in the technology of observation and analysis.
Certain dates mark these technological advances. In 1950 the U.S. Bureau of the
Census installed its first electronic computer, known as UNIVAC. In 1957 the Soviet
Union sent up its first successful satellite, Sputnik I. In 1962 the first geodetic
satellite was placed in orbit, and thereafter the age-old problem regarding the shape
of the earth was resolved with a degree of accuracy never possible before. Nimbus
I, the first weather satellite, was launched in 1964, and Nimbus II in 1966. The result
was information concerning the state of the earth’s atmosphere that brought syn­
optic meteorology from an art to a science.

476 / MODERN

The computer came just in time.1 With this electronic device mathematical com­
putations can be carried out in seconds that would have required a long time for an
individual with pencil and paper. Areas of the earth’s surface defined as homogene­
ous by specified and measured criteria can be outlined in minutes from satellite
data fed into computers. Furthermore, for every piece of information about the face
of the earth that Humboldt could command, the student of geography today has
tens of thousands of items of information to overwhelm the traditional methods of
analysis. Data banks can store this information, which can be recalled in moments.
The transformation of technology was so remarkable that a large number of
scholars raised in the older traditions seemed unprepared to move forward into
the new world. The fruition of this technology came in July 1969 with the lunar
landing of Apollo 11. Television promotion of this accomplishment and postcard,
Christmas card, and magazine likenesses of the earth from a distance altered humans’
images of the planet on which they lived (Cosgrove, 2001).


Although the ancient Greeks understood the method of calculating the size and shape
of the earth, they lacked the instruments to make measurements with sufficient
accuracy. Not until the seventeenth century were the methods of a national mapping
program worked out by the Cassinis in France. Newton’s and Huygen’s deduction
that the earth must be flattened at the poles was challenged by the Cassinis on
the basis of their measurement of the Paris meridian across France. This led to
the expeditions of La Condamine and Maupertuis and the confirmation of the polar
The modem technology of measurement would not have advanced without
several international agreements and several technical innovations made in the seven­
teenth and eighteenth centuries. The pendulum clock was one of these, and another
was the development of a chronometer that could be used at sea. And there had to
be some kind of international agreement concerning units of measurement— a
type of agreement that the Greeks and Romans were never able to reach. It was
not until 1791 that the French adopted the standard meter as 1/10,000,000 of the
meridian from the equator to the pole passing through Paris. A rod consisting of an
alloy of metals that minimizes changes of length owing to temperature changes is
kept in an air-conditioned vault in Paris; this rod has been accepted throughout
the world as the standard of linear measurement. Even the length of the foot, which
is still the popular unit of measurement in the United States, is determined by com­
parison with the French meter. In 1960 the rod was replaced by an optical method
of determination based on the wave properties of light; in 1983 this was superseded
by another and more precise method based on the speed of light.*

'The first electronic computer, ENIAC, was made by Eckert and Mauchly at the
University of Pennsylvania in 1946. It was designed for the Army Ordnance Corps to
calculate ballistic trajectories that involved the numerical solution of very difficult
differential equations.
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 477

As a result of these agreements and the technical improvements of the contem­

porary period, the measurement of the shape of the earth has now been done in
great detail. The observations of satellite motions every hour or so reveal minute
differences in the shape of the earth, and the observation of these minute differ­
ences in motion has been made possible by a new kind of satellite tracking camera
devised and constructed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (King-
Hele, 1967). The earth is now described as slightly pear-shaped with a bulge south
of the equator. A map of departures from a geoid-shaped sea level shows bulges in
western Europe, to the north of New Guinea, and between Africa and Antarctica.
The average equatorial diameter of the earth is 12,756.38 km (7926.42 miles), and
the average polar diameter is 12,713.56 km (7899.83 miles). The equatorial
circumference is now measured as 40,075.51 km (24,902.45 miles).

Mapping the Earth

The method of making a large-scale map of a country that was developed by the
Cassinis remained the standard procedure until the 1930s. G. R. Crone describes
the steps that had to be taken in making a national survey as follows:
1. Determination of mean sea level, at one point at least, to which all altitudes
are referred.
2. A preliminary plane table reconnaissance to select suitable points for the
triangulation, and the erection of beacons over them.
3. Determination of initial latitude, longitude, and azimuth (for direction) which
will “tie” the map to the earth surface.
4. Careful measurement of the base or bases with tape or wire of a special alloy.
5. Triangulation, the theodolite being used to observe horizontal angles from
the base and beaconed points, and to measure altitudes by readings of the
vertical angles.
6. Calculation of the triangulation and heights, and the transference of the trig
points to the sheets issued to plane tablers.
7. The filling-in on the sheets by plane tablers of the required topographical detail—
contour lines, rivers, woods, settlements, routes, and names. (Crone, 1950:152)
One of the finest examples of such an undertaking was provided by the Ordnance
Survey of Great Britain. This was begun in 1791 and eventually covered the land
on the scale of 1:63,360. Originally inspired by military purposes, it was later to
be used in a multiplicity of contexts (Harley, 1975). By the end of the nineteenth
century, almost all the countries of Europe had been covered by topographic (large-
scale) maps, but each country used its own scale and its own projection, and each
included different categories of features. Some 15 different prime meridians were
in use. Since the maps were not comparable, no overall topographic coverage for
Europe was available. Outside of Europe small parts of North America had been
mapped, and there was a survey of India. This was the Great Trigonometrical Survey
of India, which was joined by Sir George Everest as assistant superintendent in
1823. By 1830 Everest was appointed Surveyor-General of India. When he retired
478 / MODERN

in 1843, the national survey network had been formed (Smith, 1994). This formid­
able undertaking, serving as a model of its kind and covering a vast area, has been
described in Mapping an Empire: The Geographical Construction o f British India,
1765-1843 (Edney, 1999). In other parts of the world, large-scale maps were few
(Robinson, 1956). So much had been learned concerning surveying and carto­
graphy that beginning in 1898 national atlases began to make their appearance:
Finland, 1898; Sweden, 1900; Canada, 1906.
Two important steps were taken in the late nineteenth century. First, in 1884 a
conference was convened in Washington, D.C., to discuss the adoption of a single
prime meridian. As a result, 25 nations agreed to use the meridian of Greenwich
in England (the astronomical observatory on the Thames, now in the suburbs of
London) as the 0° meridian and to measure longitude east and west of Greenwich
(Fig. 53). During the nationalistic days of the 1800s, many countries had adopted
a prime meridian through their own capital city, but by the end of the century, most
of the world’s maps made use of the Greenwich meridian. Second, at the Fifth Inter­
national Geographical Congress held in Bern in 1891 Albrecht Penck proposed that
an international map of the world should be made on a scale of 1/1,000,000 using
uniform symbols and conforming to agreed standards. The “Millionth Map” was
melded into the digital chart of the world (DCW) in the 1980s.
Meanwhile, the production of large-scale maps (on scales of 1/100,000 or larger)
continued slowly. Arthur H. Robinson summarized the world mapping situation
in 1956:

The need for such maps is continually increasing, for, as the world’s population
increases and life becomes more complex, more and more planning becomes
necessary to insure adequate food supplies and transportation facilities. This means
the extension of soil surveys, land-use surveys, water-supply surveys, erosion
surveys, population surveys, and a host of others. None of these can be carried
on adequately without the basic topographic map as a point of departure. The use
of the topographic map as a base is by no means limited to those activities in
which detailed maps are generally conceded to be indispensable; it also serves an
important function as a source of information for a wide range of interests, from
“marketing” maps to “treasure” maps (Robinson, 1956:296).

A century after Penck suggested the 1/1,000,000 map of the world, the task has not
been completed.

Vertical Air Photography

Vertical air photography came into use during World War I. Even in the Civil War,
photographs had been taken from balloons for military purposes, but the first
vertical photographs for intelligence purposes were used during the trench warfare
on the western front. Skilled photo interpreters learned how to identify objects in
the pictures when they were viewed from directly overhead and how to penetrate
the screen of camouflage intended to hide military objects from overhead viewers.
The applications of vertical air photography to geographical studies were appre­
ciated even during the war. In 1917 the first vertical photograph (of a part of Paris)
was published in the Geographical Review to demonstrate the utility of such
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 479

F ig u re 53 The Prime Meridian (Greenwich, London)

pictures for geographical studies (Woodhouse, 1917:337). After the war the airplane
was used to experiment with air photography for geographical purposes, and several
pioneer studies were published during the 1920s. In 1920 Willis T. Lee, a geo­
morphologist on the staff of the U.S. Geological Survey, published a paper demon­
strating how air pictures could be used to interpret the landforms and settlement
patterns of the Coastal Plain in the eastern United States (Lee, 1920; also Wright,
1952:330-334). In 1921 Jules Blache, a professor of geography at Grenoble, made
use of photographs taken from airplanes to interpret the conditions of life in
Morocco, even beyond the territory then controlled by France (Blache, 1921). In 1922
the American Geographical Society published a book by Willis T. Lee showing a
variety of landforms and settlement types as seen from the air (Lee, 1922).
480 / MODERN

A pioneer in the development of new techniques for using photographs to

make topographic-scale maps was the Scottish cartographer Osborn M. Miller. An
artillery officer during World War I, Miller appreciated the potential uses of air
photography not only for spotting artillery targets but also for making maps for
peaceful purposes. In 1923 Miller joined the staff of the American Geographical
Society to offer training in this work in the School of Surveying under the direction
of Alexander Hamilton Rice (Wright, 1952:320-322). Miller had completed such
a course of study at the Royal Geographical Society in London. The purpose was
to train explorers in the techniques of field mapping. In 1926, when Miller was in
Zurich, he witnessed a demonstration in the laboratories of the Wild Instrument
Company of a device for plotting topographic maps from stereoscopic pairs of air
photographs. When adjacent pictures were overlapped by about 60 percent, the
eye, viewing the pictures through a specially designed pair of lenses, could see the
terrain and settlement features in relief. The stereoscopic plotting instrument
permitted the mapmaker to draw contour lines by following the levels viewed in
the photographs. Furthermore, it was possible to use oblique air photographs after
applying the corrections devised by Miller (Miller, 1931). Thereafter, both vertical
and oblique air photographs were used to make topographic maps much more rapidly
and at less cost per square mile than had ever been possible before.2

The Use o f Air Photographs fo r Plotting Geographical Data

In addition to plotting points and lines for the purpose of making a large-scale
base map, geographers were also intrigued by the possibility of plotting the areas
occupied by the phenomena they wanted to study. At the Ann Arbor meeting of
the Association of American Geographers in 1922, W. L. G. Joerg of the American
Geographical Society showed how vertical photographs could be used to make
maps of American cities in much greater detail than was provided by the usual topo­
graphic map.3
Nevertheless, the field mapping of the Michigan Land Economic Survey dur­
ing the 1920s and 1930s was done in the traditional manner by field surveyors
equipped with plane tables, compasses, and alidades. The plane table was set up on
a tripod and oriented by the compass (with care to make sure that the compass was
not deflected by a pocket knife or a wire fence). The alidade was used to sight at
distant objects and to draw the line of sight on the map. Distances were measured
by pacing. Although the geographers were aware of the new techniques for field­
mapping, there were not enough airplanes properly equipped with cameras to apply
these improved methods.
The use of vertical air photographs was a major breakthrough in field mapping
techniques. The first experiment in the use of vertical air photography to map the

2After these pioneering experiments the field of photogrammetry, a branch of engineering,

developed more and more precise methods of producing maps from air photographs. It
improved both cameras and methods of plotting the maps to overcome errors of perspective,
including eventually even the effect of differences in altitude of the earth’s surface.
3Reported in Annals AAG 13 (1923):211.
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 481

vegetation and land use of a small area was done by K. C. McMurry, then chairman
of the Department of Geography at the University of Michigan.4 The experimental
area was Isle Royale in Lake Superior. The entire island was photographed— after
a delay of more than a month because forest fire haze made photography imposs­
ible. McMurry mounted the photographs in the form of a mosaic, and from them
he identified certain areas he thought were representative of differing vegetation
and land use categories. The type areas made up about 25 percent of the total area.
He then went into the field to make maps of these areas by traditional methods. The
comparison of the photographs with the ground maps made it possible to extend
the mapping to the whole island by photo interpretation (Russell, Foster, and
McMurry, 1943).
By this time the geographers who met at the annual spring field conferences were
ready to try mapping geographical data directly on the photographs. Using the photo­
graphs in the field made it possible to identify slope, soil, drainage, vegetation, land
use, and settlement features and to plot these features directly on the pictures in
relation to the visible objects picked up by the camera. The first major land and land
use inventory to use the photographs in this way was the survey of the area admin­
istered by the Tennessee Valley Authority, carried out under the direction of G. Donald
Hudson (TVA, 1983). With the photographs to provide exact outlines of fields and
other features, it was possible to plot infonnation about land use, physical land
conditions, crop yields, land value, market areas of towns, and other relevant
information much more rapidly and with much greater accuracy than could be done
by the traditional methods used in the Michigan survey. After that time mapping geo­
graphical information on vertical air photographs became the standard procedure.

Radar and Infrared Imageiy

World War II produced another and even more far-reaching breakthrough in the use
of new devices for the remote sensing of the face of the earth. In many ways the
history of the application of the new devices to geographical research was repeated.
In the 1920s the Michigan Land Economic Survey had to make use of already out­
moded methods of field mapping, but even today the new devices for mapping all
kinds of important features are still not available to the great majority of geo­
graphers. Yet it is clear that the profession has been for some years on the threshold
of a new era of low-cost field observation, with a new command of detail and a
variety of resolution levels. Only two of the new devices are described: the side­
looking airborne radar (SLAR) and infrared color film. Both are dependent on the
new high-altitude reconnaissance planes.
The airborne radar is capable of scanning large areas rapidly and, if necessary,
repeatedly. The plane carries its own source of energy, which permits the emission
of thousands of pulses of electromagnetic energy per second. Some of the energy
is reflected back to the airplane from the earth’s surface. A specially devised
camera with a continuous film strip records the radar imagery from a cathode-ray
tube. Robert B. Simpson has summarized the capabilities of SLAR as follows:

4Reported in Annals AAG 22 (1932):69.

482 / MODERN

Assuming the availability of a properly equipped aircraft, almost any task within
the capability of SLAR can be accomplished more cheaply by it. A recent study
for the U.S. Agency for International Development indicated that the most pressing
elements of a topographic map production program for a typical underdeveloped
country could be accomplished by SLAR in one-quarter to one-tenth the time,
and at one-quarter to one-tenth the cost of a conventional mapping program.
Among the types of material that such a survey could provide an underdeveloped
country are the following:
1. An area mosaic.. ..
2. Natural regions overlays, including those showing geomorphology, and other
aspects of geology, vegetation, soil, land utilization, and a variety of other
critical economic and scientific parameters, such as the size and shape of drainage
3. Information necessary to determine the areas suitable or practices which
will upgrade the economy, such as areas suitable for irrigated floodplain
4. Suggestions as to location of mineral resources. . . .
5. A basis for the selection of routes and sites, such as for roads, terminals, indus­
trial plants and railways, in detail appropriate to the scale.
6. Data from which to determine areas requiring later large-scale Class-A map
coverage. . . .
Meanwhile, SLAR surveys can provide the data for the production of small-
scale, Class-A planimetric sheets, as well as that for the interim production of
medium-scale sheets (Simpson, 1966:96).
Another source of geographical data is provided by the use of infrared imagery
of the 4.5 to 5.5 micron wavelength band. The cameras are carried in high-altitude
airplanes that permit the rapid survey of large areas of the land surface. Already
such photography has been applied to forest resource inventories; the pictures
not only permit estimates of the available lumber in a forest but also indicate the
extent of forest damage by disease, for the diseased trees appear in a distinctive
shade of red. It is also possible to make studies of agricultural land use, including
types and conditions of crops and differences of cultivation practices (Olson, 1967).
With adjustments of camera and film it is possible to focus on soil types, differ­
ences of soil productivity, or variations in the availability of water.
These new instruments make possible a census of the whole of the world’s
population, covering any particular populations at frequent intervals. The patterns
of metropolitan areas can be exactly delimited, and the movements of goods and
people can be plotted either between urban centers or within urban areas.

Satellite Imagery
The year 1957 witnessed the beginning of another major advance in humankind’s
long and continuous efforts to increase knowledge of the physical character of the
earth. Starting on July 1 and continuing for 18 months, 70 nations cooperated in
the International Geophysical Year (IGY). Simultaneous observations carried on with
standardized procedures were made all around the world for the purpose of finding
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 483

Figure 54 Planet Earth

answers to a variety of geophysical questions. Why do magnetic storms disrupt com­

munications? Can the positions of the continents and ocean basins be mapped so
accurately that minute movements can be measured? Are glaciers receding and ice
caps melting? The observations provided new information for meteorology, geo­
detic surveys, ionospheric physics, glaciology, oceanography, seismology, and other
branches of geophysics as well as for the study of geomagnetism, gravity measure­
ments, aurora and air glow, solar activity, and cosmic rays. The results provided a
spectacular increase in knowledge of physical processes. Then on October 4, 1957,
Soviet engineers put Sputnik / in orbit, and on January 31, 1958, the United States
sent up Explorer I. Thereafter a large number of satellites have been placed in orbit,
each to perform specific functions. Satellite imagery now provides a wealth of new
data concerning the face of the earth (Fig. 54).
The satellites can do many things of interest to geographers. Satellites of the Tiros
and Nimbus series are providing new views of the earth’s atmosphere. Every day—
or every hour, if necessary—the receiving stations on the earth get TV pictures of
the earth’s cloud cover, thus making possible not only a general view of atmospheric
circulation but also a day-to-day synoptic view of the storm patterns. Weather fore­
casting takes on a new dimension. From these same satellites temperatures can be
recorded all over the earth by the use of infrared energy detectors. The earth, as a
great system of complex parts kept going by radiation from the sun, can now be
observed as a whole and the inputs of energy exactly measured. The cloud patterns,
from which atmospheric circulation can be read, show no signs of Maury’s wind
484 / MODERN

zones, but they do clearly reveal the more or less permanent oceanic whirls and the
cold fronts that push into them on the poleward sides (Barrett, 1970).


All this new technology of observation has been matched in the contemporary
period by new analytic procedures. The so-called quantitative revolution means
that many of the younger generation of geographers have discovered the value of
mathematics and especially of mathematical statistics. But an essential part of the
revolution consists in the use of the electronic computer as an analytic device.

The Use o f Mathematical Concepts and Statistical Procedures

Following the notable success of econometrics in the 1930s in making the descrip­
tion of economic processes more precise and providing for the objective testing
of economic hypotheses, the use of mathematics began to spread into other social
and behavioral sciences. Geographers, however, lagged behind the others, in part
because the statistical procedures developed in other fields were not directly
applicable to the analysis of spatial factors. It remained for mathematically minded
geographers and geographically minded economists to develop statistical pro­
cedures specifically for the study of geographical problems.
The use of mathematics in geography is not really new. Of course, even in the
days of Thales and Eratosthenes there was a branch of geography known as
mathematical geography, but this had to do chiefly with studies of the form of the
earth and the relation of the earth to the celestial bodies. In the modem period
mathematical geography is again a branch of the field, but it refers to the use of
mathematical concepts and statistical procedures for the study of occupied space.
The two usages of these words should not be confused. Even in the latter sense,
however, statistical procedures have been used in almost every generation during
the modem period. Ellsworth Huntington made use of statistical analyses to give
plausible support for his otherwise verbal hypotheses regarding the effects of
climate. In 1937 John K. Wright used mathematics to provide a quantitative
measurement of the variations in the intensity of phenomena over the earth and of
degrees of correspondence between two or more phenomena (Wright, 1937). This
is known as dasymetric mapping (a technique developed by Henry D. Harness
in the early 1800s) (Robinson, 1955). In 1939 M. G. Kendall published a paper
analyzing the covariance among 10 crops in 48 counties of England in terms of
productivity (Kendall, 1939). After World War II papers pointing to the importance
of using quantitative procedures appeared more frequently (Weaver, 1954, 1956).
Of special influence was the paper by John Q. Stewart, published in 1947, in which
he demonstrated the application of mathematics to the study of urban hierarchy and
to other problems of population distribution. Here is what Stewart had to say about
the utility of mathematics:

The way of progress is obstructed by the opinion, common among authorities

on economics, politics, and sociology, that human relationships never will be
described in mathematical terms. There may be some truth in this as regards the
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 485

doings of individual persons. Even the physicist has given up the idea that the
behavior of individual particles can be precisely described thus and necessarily
contents himself with the discussion of averages. But the time to emphasize
individual deviations is after the general averages have been established, not
before (Stewart, 1947:461).
In spite of these and other individual efforts in the use of statistical procedures,
there were no large numbers of followers. It may be said that the quantitative
revolution had its beginning when William L. Garrison offered the first seminar for
the training of graduate students in geography in the use of mathematical statistics.
This was at the University of Washington in 1955.5
Numerous benefits can be derived from the use of mathematical concepts and
statistical procedures in geographical studies. Mathematics provides a clear way to
avoid the old problem of tracing cause and effect relations. The differential equa­
tions in calculus may be used to describe the way variables change through time,
but they do not specify an antecedent cause and subsequent effect. Given the con­
dition of a phenomenon at any one time, it is possible to describe its condition
either at an earlier or later time. The theory of functions may prescribe that where
A exists, B also exists, but it does not have anything to say about one being the
cause of the other.
A very important benefit to clarity of thought resulting from the use of mathem­
atical concepts is that deterministic models can be replaced by stochastic models
(Lewis, 1965). Since 1927, when Wemer K. Heisenberg, a German physicist, for­
mulated the principle of indeterminacy in physics, the basic concept has spread to
other fields of study. In physics this principle demonstrates that it is impossible
to measure with full accuracy at the same time both the position and the velocity
of an electron. On the other hand, when large numbers of electrons are measured,
the probability that they will occupy certain positions and be moving with certain
velocities becomes more and more predictable. The principle has obvious applica­
tions to geography.
Probability theory provides the mathematical foundation on which statistical ana­
lysis is built (King, 1969:32). Models based on probability are stochastic models.
Statistics are also designed to permit drawing interfaces from a set of observations
by consideration of a sample. The inferences are then used to develop empirical
generalizations, models, and hypotheses.

5The seminar during the first few years included Brian J. L. Berry, William Bunge,
Michael F. Dacey, Arthur Getis, Duane F. Marble, Robert W. Morrill, John D. Nystuen,
and Waldo Tobler. Torsten Hagerstrand was a visiting scholar for one semester. From
the University of Washington and University of Lund, training in quantitative procedures
spread to numerous universities. In Britain the chief center for the new approach was at
Bristol University, where Haggett was invited to become a second professor of geography.
The new procedures spread rapidly in the Soviet Union and other parts of the world where
geography was developed on the Soviet model. The economist Walter Isard established
the Department of Regional Science at the University of Pennsylvania. The Regional
Science Association now has branches in many countries.
486 / MODERN

20 22 24 26 28 3 ° 32 34


P erso n* Per Square Mile 1900

D E N S IT Y ~

8 12 16 2 0 2 4 2 8 32 36 40

“N O R M A L is D - - 7 9 3 9 ■* 5 8 2 6 P
c S t a n d s f o r “<o m p u te d "

F ig u re 55 Relation of population to rainfall in Nebraska (from Robinson and Bryson, 1957)

As an example of the statistical approach to an old problem, consider the pro­

cedure geographers use in defining the degree of correspondence in the extent of
area occupied by two phenomena. This was formerly done by the inspection of super­
imposed maps from which it was possible to identify in qualitative terms the degree
of correspondence. It was also possible to identify the problem areas where the two
phenomena did not correspond. The results, however, were not precise (McCarty
and Salisbury, 1961). In 1957 Arthur H. Robinson and Reid Bryson demonstrated
what might be done to compare the density of rural population and the average
annual rainfall in a specific area—Nebraska (Robinson and Bryson, 1957). From
an inspection of the two maps (Fig. 55a and b), it is clear that the density of rural
population is lower where the average rainfall is less. But there are some excep­
tions. The two phenomena do not vary exactly in the same way. Therefore, it seems
that some other factors besides rainfall are important in explaining the density of
population. The statistical comparison of two unlike quantities (population density
and rainfall) requires a special procedure to make the figures comparable. After
plotting a pattern of random points over the state, readings of the population
density and of the rainfall are recorded for each point. These data are then plotted
on a scatter diagram where one scale measures population density and the other
measures rainfall (Fig. 55d). From the equation that best fits the distribution of dots
on the diagram it is possible to discover the density that should be expected for
each amount of rainfall. A map showing the departures from the expected densities
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 487

identifies the problem areas (Fig. 55c). The technique of multiple regression analysis
makes possible the measurement of such areal associations (Robinson, 1962).
In this study of Nebraska, two contingent distributions were compared, one
contingent on the area of enumeration and the other on the period of observation.
But geographers often want to compare the correspondence of two discrete or
discontinuous distributions—for example, land use and soil type. The area to be
analyzed can be divided into unit areas, similar to those revealed by the fractional
code system used in Finch’s study of the Montfort area (Fig. 38). The existence
of a concentration of certain kinds of land use on certain kinds of soil can be
identified by counting the unit areas. By the use of a random sampling of land use
and soil at selected points (the chi-square method), the degree to which a hypo­
thetical correlation agrees with the facts can be determined. This method gives
a number that increases with the absolute amount of difference between a hypo­
thetical association and an actual, observed distribution. By this method the areal
spread of a region can be determined quantitatively.
William Bunge, in his book Theoretical Geography, demonstrates the benefits
of using sampling procedures by making a partial restudy of Finch’s Montfort area
(pp. 333-335). A table of random numbers was translated into coordinates to pro­
vide a map of random points. At each point the land use was recorded. By noting
the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one form of land use (grassland), Bunge arrived
at the estimate that this kind of cover was to be found on 21 percent of the area.
Finch had calculated that grassland covered 24.1 percent of the area. Which figure
is more nearly correct? The use of sampling from random points permits the geo­
grapher to calculate his probable error. Furthermore, by using random points
plotted on vertical air photographs and then checking the necessary information at
each point in the field, it is not necessary to make a complete map of the whole
area. Finch spent 120 days in the field, and the preparation of his land use table
by planimetering the field map took a year. Bunge estimated that by using the
random sampling method the required information could be acquired in three
days, and with much greater accuracy. With random sampling techniques it is entirely
feasible to obtain good estimates of continental or global land use percentages on
a modest budget (Bunge, 1966:104-107).
Geographers have been accustomed to pointing out that the nature of their
field of study does not permit the use of controlled experiments. This is no longer
true. Statistical procedures offer the equivalent of a geographical laboratory. For
example, Waldo Tobler shows how the distorting effects of transportation, terrain,
and other conditions can be eliminated on maps to permit effective testing of the
concept of central places (Tobler, 1959). When the interaction of several features
associated in a spatial system is to be analyzed, a covariance analysis permits the
student to keep one element constant while other elements vary in relation to it. It
is possible to measure the variations in relation to constant factors so that geo­
graphers can now measure functional relations where the distributing effects of
“other things” that are not equal are eliminated.6

6For books describing these statistical techniques, see Duncan, Cuzzort, and Duncan,
1961; Haggett, 1966; Cole and King, 1968; King, 1969; and Taaffe, 1970.
488 / MODERN

The use of statistical methods in geography,7 as used in computers, was sum­

marized by Greer-Wootten (1972) in a survey of 34 areas of application covering
772 citations. Not all the empirical studies cited therein were without errors of
interpretation or misuse of data. Gould (1970) complained that use of statistics
in geography might be a “wild goose chase.” His warning has been echoed by Clark
and Hosking (1986:iii), who say that: “This [methodological revolution] was not
without its problems. Examples of ill-conceived analyses, overexuberance in the use
of some methods, and gross errors can be found in abundance in the geographic
An updating and expansion of the Greer-Wootten survey would be welcome. The
Chorley and Haggett (1967) volume has been widely used in graduate seminars,
and Bennett (1981) has documented the progress of spatial analysis in Europe in
the 1970s.
The publication in 1968 of Spatial Analysis, a book of readings edited by Berry
and Marble, gave spatial analysts a firm foundation on which to build their
research. For the point-pattern analyst, the reprinting of Matui’s (1932) pioneer
article was invaluable. Spatial Analysis followed on the two volumes of articles and
new work in quantitative geography edited by Garrison and Marble (1967). The past
quarter-century has witnessed the use of more complicated models (Tobler, 1970),
beyond the basic set of programs (Marble, 1967) listed in the second edition of All
Possible Worlds. An important recent collection of model usage is Spatial Statistics
and Models, edited by Gaile and Willmott in 1984. Its table of contents is a fine
guide to work accomplished by spatial analysts after 1968.
The work by Matui (1932) stimulated Michael Dacey, whose work in point-
pattern analysis runs to many dozens of articles. Getis and Boots (1978) and Boots
and Getis (1988) have codified the current approach, with many empirical examples.
It should be noted that works by two dozen geographers and numerous geo­
logists have been cited in Spatial Statistics by Brian D. Ripley (1981). The work
by Haining (1982) is in that tradition. Point-pattern analysis studies led to the work
on spatial autocorrelation (Dacey, 1968), stimulated by Moran (1948) and Geary
(1954). British statisticians and epidemiologists have been more oriented to spatial
distributions than have their American colleagues, just as German economists have
been more spatially oriented than have their American counterparts. This British
tradition continues to be strongly felt by American geographers. One problem in
spatial analysis, as pointed out by Mead (1974), is that results change when spatial
patterns are viewed at different scales. Problems with the multidimensionality
of spatial data are discussed by Nijkamp (1979). Spatial autocorrelation is now
routinely taught in introductory quantitative methods textbooks, as in Clark and
Hosking (1986), Ebdon (1977), Griffith and Amrhein (1991), Silk (1979) and
Taylor (1977). These studies rely on original work by Dacey (1968), Cliff and Ord
(1973, 1981), Cliff et al. (1975), and numerous others. A good summary is given
in Griffith (1987, 1988).

7The author wishes to thank Forrest R. Pitts for help with this section of the manuscript.
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 489

Diffusion of ideas and techniques through a population of relevant receivers is

an old and strong tradition in geography. Modeling of diffusion relies in good part
on the pioneer work of Torsten Hagerstrand (1965), who used simulation models
whose parameters were based on empirical field work on propensity to com­
municate over distance. A classical approach to geographical diffusion theory is
given by Hudson (1972). Brown (1981) has summarized the diffusion work that he
and many students did in the 1970s. Gatrell (1984) has studied the recent history
of spatial diffusion modeling. Berry (1972) used a hierarchical diffusion model to
explain the flow of information through an urban system of growth centers. Yapa
(1977, 1978) has looked at barriers to acceptance of innovations in a third world
context. And Gaspar and Gould (1981) have used polyhedral dynamics, also known
as q-analysis, to study barriers to the spread of agricultural innovations in Portugal.
Gould (1980a, 1980b) introduced the basic ideas of q-analysis to geographers. His
recent work with colleagues (Gould et al„ 1991) is a diffusion study in “predicting
the next AIDS map,” using a spatial adaptive filtering technique.
A significant portion of recent diffusion work has been done in medical geo­
graphy. Cliff et al. (1981) studied the spread of several diseases in Iceland; Cliff
and Haggett (1985) studied the spread of measles in the Pacific; and Cliff, Haggett,
and Ord (1986) have modeled the spread of influenza epidemics. Pyle (1986)
also brought out a book on influenza epidemics. Earlier, Tinline (1970, 1971) had
introduced a novel diffusion model in his study of cattle epidemics. R. R. White’s
(1972) work on probability maps for leukemia echoes the earlier work of Choynowski
(1959, reprinted in Spatial Analysis) on brain tumors in Poland.
In the study of interaction at a distance, it is necessary to fit curves to the data.
The work of Morrill and Pitts (1965) led to use of the expansion method of Casetti
(1972), who pioneered its use within geography. It is increasingly useful in many
research situations. Eldridge and Jones (1991) have used this technique in a two-
dimensional way to study “warped space,” where distance-decay functions may vary
directionally from a point. Further applications of the expansion method appear in
Jones and Casetti (1992).
Simulation and microsimulation have been useful approaches in cultural and
economic geography since the early work of Hagerstrand (1952, summarized in
1965). Comments by Pitts (1963) on simulation models, as well as the simulation
of Polynesian drift voyages by Levison et al. (1973), were early responses to this
technique. More recently, Whitmore (1991) has simulated the population collapse
in sixteenth-century Mexico, while Amrhein and MacKinnon (1988) and Pandit
and Casetti (1989) have looked at labor forces in this fashion. A simulation of the
spread of AIDS in Finland was done by Loytonen (1991). Both simulation and
microsimulation have long been used to good effect in physical geography
explorations of process.
In their roles as planning consultants, geographers often use Weberian location
analysis to suggest new locations (more or fewer) for public and private facilities.
Many location-allocation algorithms for computers have been published at the Univer­
sity of Iowa, where this approach is a major concern, an outgrowth of the influence
of Harold McCarty. From Iowa have come books and many computer program guides
490 / MODERN

by Ghosh and Rushton (1987), Goodchild and Noronha (1983), Hillsman (1980),
and Rushton et al. (1973).
Approaches described by Teitz and Bart (1968) have been used in third
world settings by Ayeni et al. (1987) and Rushton (1984, 1988) and have been incor­
porated in microcomputer interactive contexts as spatial decision support systems
by Densham and Rushton (1987) and Honey et al. (1991). Regional forecasting
models were introduced into geography by Martin and Oeppen (1975) and Martin
The influence of mathematical geology as practiced at the University of Kansas
has appeared in geographic studies. Tobler (1969a) derived the spectrum of settle­
ments on a highway route, a method questioned by Rayner and Golledge (1973).
Tobler (1969b) also produced a topographic replica of West Africa by adding
orthogonal sine curves to each other. Another useful technique from geology at
Lawrence is kriging, also known as geostatistics. With its “semi-variogram,” a curve
of autocorrelation over distance, it is now widely applied in soils geography and in
trend-surface analysis (Agterberg, 1984).
Networks in geography were introduced by Haggett and Chorley (1969) and
were a major part of the Lowe and Moryadas (1975) textbook. The 1965 article by
Pitts on the network of early Russian cities used incidence, or presence/absence,
data and was based on Garrison (1960). The Garrison-Pitts approach was then
used by the anthropologist G. J. Irwin (1974, 1978) in Papua New Guinea. In 1979
Pitts used real distance measures, which produced more relevant stress and minimum
access-distance results.
A number of well-written textbooks on statistical use have been published.
Among these are King (1969), Lewis (1977), Taylor (1977), Silk (1979), Clark
and Hosking (1986), and Griffith and Amrhein (1991). The last two combine uni­
variate and multivariate approaches in a way that earlier texts could not— or did
not— do, owing to the need to start from the very lowest levels of introductory
mathematics. The Griffith and Amrhein book is very closely argued but rewards
the effort put into it. Analytic approaches to behavioral geography are found in
Golledge and Stimson (1987), and Golledge and Timmermans (1988) have sum­
marized the use of behavioral models in geography.
A number of the early quantitative people in geography moved on to broad-scale
geographic analysis; Brown (1991) on migration and Morrill (1973, 1981) on polit­
ical reapportionment are examples. Some have joined with the younger generation
(often their own students) to question the validity of logical empiricism alone to
solve geographic problems. A Search fo r Common Ground (Gould and Olsson,
1982), followed by A Ground fo r Common Search (Golledge et al., 1988) are ex­
amples. Hardly a year passes in which a former user of statistics and computers in
geography does not publish a mea culpa and warn the young to beware. Yet the
profession continues to attract imaginative workers, such as Anselin (1988).


During the last 15 or so years geographic information science has experienced a
remarkable growth in teaching programs, certificate programs, bacheior’s and
New Methods of Observation and Analysis / 491

master’s degree programs, and now doctoral programs. The surge of this activity
has been notable in geography, but it has been adopted substantially and simultane­
ously in the adjacent social and environmental sciences, in which speed and
accuracy of data arrangement and delivery are of significance, spatial relationships
increase the complexity of statistical analysis, and heterogeneous behavior makes
computer-based modeling essential.
Geographic information science has three major components. The first is geo­
graphic information systems (GIS, or geo-informatics) (Longley et al., 2001;
DeMers, 2000). This deals with data collection, processing, display, storage of
information, and analysis. Geographic information systems automate geographic
concepts, facilitate decision making, assist in formulation of hypotheses, and aid
prediction. It is a form of computer-based cartography and can create maps both
adaptable and purposeful. Operation may be in a multitude of domains, and modem
GIS has multiple ramifications.
Global positioning systems (GPS) merged with remotely sensed and survey data
has given new power to applied geography. Computerization by local governments
of cadastral property characteristics and property taxation data has resulted in
merged data sets that underpin modem emergency response systems. Survey data
systems have been merged with real-time systems linked to satellite platforms; use
of these data has been increasing rapidly. The impetus for this development came
from the research and development branch of the Department of Defense. Only
in the last decade did the Department drop its access barriers and make higher-
resolution images available to the public, stimulating the new wave of site-specific
social and environmental research. The accompanying growth of commercial com­
panies such as Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) also has simplified
and streamlined access to and use of GIS.
The second component of geographic information science is spatial analysis. This
came to geography from statistical and econometric analysis, providing measures
of spatial dependence (i.e., what is observed in one area is dependent on what is in
another area). To resolve matters of spatial dependence, a knowledge of mathematics
and statistics is needed; examinations in these subjects have now replaced the
traditional requirement of a foreign language, commonplace through the 1950s
(Anselin, 1988). It was especially during the late 1990s and early 2000s that much
progress was made in testing and correcting for spatial dependence in the statis­
tical analysis of geographical patterns. Progress in this regard also was made
parallel to geography in spatial econometrics, geophysics, and ecology in what has
become a broad multidisciplinary effort. The National Science Foundation made
a sequence of two programmatic fundings at the University of California, Santa
Barbara. The first was to the National Center for GIS, which focused its atten­
tion on GIS software and its diffusion. The second was to the National Center
for Spatially Integrated Social Science. The underlying thesis was that these two
developments would provide generic capabilities that cut across the social and
human-environmental sciences, providing innovative perspectives and new means
in integrative thinking.
One other development in geographic information science, yet in its early
stages, relates to the emergence of computational geography, a term coined by
492 / MODERN

S. Openshaw (Openshaw and Abrahart, 2000). It has borrowed largely from com­
putational biology and centers on bioinformatics and the discovery of the underlying
biological pattern of DNA; several other disciplines have positioned themselves
similarly. Geography has begun to use the power of computation to transcend the
received body of location theory, recognizing that heterogeneous human behavior
can be modeled in an adaptive agents framework. There is now a land-use change
group at the University of Indiana whose primary function is to model the role
of interacting actors in land use change. Economist Thomas Schelling in his study
of micromotives and macrobehavior has demonstrated from these studies that
unexpected results arise from a system of interacting actors; his contribution is
the foundation document in the emergence of social complexity theory. Geographic
information systems together with spatial analysis and computational geography
constitute the three essential parts of geographical information sciences as we enter
the twenty-first century.

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I n n o v a t io n a n d T r a d it io n

The advantages of mathematical models—unambiguity, possibility of strict

deduction, verifiability by observed data— are well known. This does not mean
that models formulated in ordinary language are to be despised or refused. A
verbal model is better than no model at all, or a model which, because it can
be formulated mathematically, is forcibly imposed upon and falsifies reality.
— Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General System Theory.
Foundations, Development, Applications

nnovation is the essence of the growth of science. The notion that provides
I innovation arrives mysteriously, sometimes in seconds and sometimes the
product of many years of thought. The unseen forces at work that function as
preconditions include the development of scientific thinking, the social conditions
surrounding the undertaking, the development of associated sciences, and the indi­
vidual creativity of geographers. We have shifted our stance from “what” to “how,”
from form to function, from substance to process, and from matter to energy en
route to resolution of the problem. And the geographer is aware of vast numbers
of problems ranging from the local to the global; to solve at least some of these is
the task. Innovations in thinking might solve some of these problems.
These innovations might come from an individual outside the machinery of
science, but they are more likely to be the product of a new scientific posture.
These new geographies might present themselves at regular or irregular intervals;
they represent the advance of a new viewpoint by way of which new thought may
be encouraged. The appearance of a new geography has been loudly and persist­
ently proclaimed by many generations of geographers since ancient times. Usually,
the adjective only indicates that some new information is at hand, but occasionally
there are genuine innovations of technique or method or in the concepts that pro­
vide an enlarged comprehension of some kind of order in earth space. Sometimes
a “new geography” means that a whole new world has been brought to light. As
long as there is hope for progress in scholarship, the number of all possible worlds
awaiting discovery is infinite. But it is always wise to distinguish what is new from
what is not new and by examining the record to avoid, as much as possible, the
persistence of old error.
In the 1970s and 1980s, when the existence of another “new geography” was
loudly proclaimed, there was more need than ever before to raise the question “What
is New?” (Dickenson and Clarke, 1972). In the preceding chapter were listed some
of the unprecedented changes in the technology of observation and analysis that
provide geographers not only with more information than has ever been available
before but also with a means of storage and recall and a way to carry out complex

Innovation and Tradition / 499

analyses. What kinds of questions do geographers ask of these new data? And have
the basic purposes of geographic study been given a new direction? The geography
of recent years, as in years past, is a mixture of innovation and tradition. That
circumstance encourages further study in the history of geographical ideas. A large
part of the quest is to understand how it came to be (Chorley, 1973; Chorley and
Haggett, 1965; Taylor, 1976; Goodchild and Janelle, 1988).
A review of what geographers have done in the past reveals the persistence of
certain kinds of avoidable error (James, 1967). One major source of repeated error
seems to be the common failure of too many geographers to read what other geo­
graphers, past and present, have written. Strangely, this appears to be a characteristic
of all fields of scholarship and is not restricted to the contemporary period. One
reason why Strabo’s books on geography were found almost intact was that his con­
temporaries did not read what he had so laboriously written. Again and again we
come across examples of general concepts formulated by scholars of one genera­
tion that have outlived their usefulness in illuminating the arrangement of things on
the earth. Notable is the persistence of Aristotle’s ideas concerning the difficulties
of life in the so-called torrid zone even after the attack on these ideas began in the
thirteenth century. Another example is the continued use of Maury’s wind zones.
Peter Haggett suggests that progress is marked “by the sound of plummeting
hypotheses” (Haggett, 1966:277). The difficulty is that some hypotheses do not
plummet soon enough but remain as obstacles to confuse later generations.
Geographers, like scholars in other fields of learning, have been caught in cer­
tain semantic traps. Because human beings, alone among animals, possess language
in which abstract ideas can be represented by symbols, they very easily confuse the
symbol with the “reality” for which it stands (Bertalanffy, 1965). Yet the nature of
word symbols, which are not always precisely defined and which carry heavy bur­
dens of connotation, makes possible the development of professional controversy
that is largely based on differing interpretations of word meanings. For example,
what is the “order” that we seek in our universe? “Order” and “chaos” exist as con­
cepts in the human mind, conjured up by the use of these word symbols. Perhaps
what we call chaos is really a kind of natural order not yet comprehended. What
do we mean by cause and effect? Actually, the meaning of causality has never been
resolved by philosophers. Only recently has the search for functional relationships
replaced simplistic cause and effect, and strict determinism has given way to the
search for probabilities (Haggett, 1966:23-27).
The acceptance of many “dichotomies” is another example of a semantic trap.
A dichotomy exists when two opposites are defined as mutually contradictory,
such as good and evil or reason and faith. But a dichotomy does not exist when
one of the alleged opposites forms a subordinate part of the other or when one is
derived from the other. Furthermore, a dichotomy may exist for some people and
not for others, depending on certain basic attitudes of the culture.
A dichotomy that is embedded in our culture is the dualism of the individual
and nature, which has long been accepted in geographic thought. From Judeo-Christian
teaching comes the directive that humans should establish their conquest over nature.
The teleologists had no doubts that the all-wise creator had built the natural world
for the special benefit of humankind. This separation of the natural world and the
500 / MODERN

human world was the cornerstone of the conceptual structure developed by the social
Darwinists. Yet for a majority of the world’s inhabitants, such a dichotomy cannot
exist. Among the Buddhists and Hindus, for example, humankind is a part of nature,
not separate from it. The individual hopes to be absorbed into the universe after
overcoming his or her ignorance, lusts, and angry reactions to frustration.
Among the dichotomies that exist because of the meaning given to word
symbols and that have been harmful to the clarity of geographical thought, we may
underline five: (1) that geography must be approached either idiographically or
nomothetically, but not both; (2) that physical and human geography are separate
branches of study with different conceptual structures; (3) that geography must be
either topical or regional; (4) that geography must be either deductive or inductive;
and (5) that geography as a field of study must be classified either as a science or
as an art. The fact that geographic writings may be placed in all these categories
destroys the validity of the dichotomies.


As we have seen, methodological discussions involving all these dichotomies and
others started in the 1870s, at the time when faculties were being established in
universities to offer advanced training in geography. Since the first new appoint­
ments were people who had never been trained in a graduate school of geography,
each had to define the field to their own satisfaction. In the United States most of
the presidents of the Association of American Geographers presented their ideas
about the scope and method of geography in their presidential addresses. Before
turning to some of the current conceptions, we will review earlier statements,
taking guidance from William Pattison, who has suggested that American defini­
tions in general have reflected the history of research work and that this work has
exhibited an essential unity attributable to a small number of distinct but affiliated
traditions (Pattison, 1964).
Pattison proposes four traditions: (1) an earth science tradition, (2) a man-land
tradition, (3) an area studies tradition, and (4) a spatial tradition. He maintains that
although all four have found expression throughout the past century of American
geography—as continuing parts of a general legacy of Western thought— each has
tended to enjoy a time of preference. The earth science tradition, for example, was
particularly prominent in the thinking of researchers shortly before the founding of
the profession:
As Mackinder of Oxford has recently expressed it, geography is the study of
the present in the light of the past. When thus conceived it forms a fitting
complement to geology, which, as defined by the same author, is the study of the
past in the light of the present (Davis, 1888).
The discernment of the meaning of surface features gives soul and sense to that
too often soulless and senseless study, geography, for there is significance in every
cape and every estuary, in every cataract and every delta.. . . In this phase the
new geology is the new geography (Chamberlin, 1892).
The man-land tradition next rose to dominance. Interpretations of it changed
during the time of ascendancy as these two definitions show:
Innovation and Tradition / 501

Any statement is of geographical quality if it contains . . . some relation between

an element of inorganic control and one of organic response (Davis, 1906).
Geographers . .. define their subject as dealing solely with the mutual rela­
tions between man and his natural environment. . . . Thus defined geography is
the science of human ecology (Barrows, 1923).
The area studies tradition, especially favored in geographic work of the mid­
twentieth-century years, is strongly represented in these assertions:
Our fundamental definition of geography [is] the study of the areal differentiation
of the world (Hartshome, 1939:242).
Geography is .. . the field of study that deals with the associations of phenomena
that give character to particular places, and with likenesses and differences
among places (James and Jones, 1954:6).
Finally, the spatial tradition, vigorously pursued in ensuing years through studies
of geometry and movement, is selected for emphasis in these statements:
The main contribution of the geographer is his concern with space and spatial
interaction (Ullman, 1953:56).
The contemporary stress is on geography as the study of spatial organization,
expressed as patterns and processes (Taaffe, 1970:5-6).
Through the same sequence of decades, many of the important pronouncements
on geography drew attention more to the complementarity of the traditions than to
their distinctiveness, as these examples demonstrate:
Geography treats the man-environment system primarily from the point of view
of space in time. It seeks to explain how subsystems of the physical environment
are organized on the earth’s surface, and how man distributes himself over the
earth in his space relation to physical features and to other men (Ackerman, 1965:1).
Modem geography has continued to give attention to the same questions as did
primitive folk, the significance of position, the togetherness of things, the areal
distribution of entities and aggregations, the utility of the environment (Sauer,
Geography is the study and science of environmental and societal dynamics and
society-environment interactions as they occur in and are conditioned by the real
world. Geographic investigations into these are influenced by the character of specific
places, as well as by spatial relationships among places and processes at work
over a hierarchy of geographic scales (Gaile and Willmott, 2003:1).
Acceptance of any of these positions depends in part on one’s own philosophy
of geography. Most of them are both innovative and traditional; each expresses a
piece of the whole concept of geography as a field of learning (cartography and
behavioral geography have been suggested as fifth and sixth traditions [Blaut,
1979]). As fashions in words change, graduate students are presented with new
programs of scholarly procedure and invited to abandon old ones. In the meantime
frustration with the effort to provide widely accepted logical definitions leads to an
increasing attention to operational definitions, which gives added strength to the
old quip “Geography is what geographers do.” It would seem to be a dissipation of
502 / MODERN

professional energy to find so many printed pages devoted to such questions as whether
geography studies areal differentiation or spatial interaction, or whether geography
looks for similarities or differences among places, or whether geography is merely
descriptive or seeks to explain things. Geography, like all other branches of learn­
ing, seeks answers to its questions by all these routes, but none of them exclusively.
An individual geographer may claim to devote his or her life to describing the unique
character of places, yet it is logically impossible to identify a characteristic as unique
without some measure of the general. Out of this maze of word traps, however,
it is possible to distinguish innovations and to record progress toward the goals
set up in all these statements. It is important to seek what is new and place it in
balance with what is traditional.

R. J. Chorley (1962) was first to bring systems theory before the geographical com­
munity with “Geomorphology and General Systems Theory.” In America Edward
A. Ackerman was arguably the first geographer to point to the rise of systems research
throughout the scientific world after World War II. All science, said Ackerman, is
concerned with four “overriding” problems:
1. The particulate structure of energy and matter (physics).
2. The structure and content of the cosmos (astronomy, astrophysics, geophysics).
3. The origin and physical unity of life forms (biological sciences).
4. The functioning of systems of multivariables, such as life systems and social
systems (worked cooperatively by all the sciences).
(Ackerman, 1963:434)
Geographers, Ackerman claimed, must find the concept of a system of many
different but interdependent variables ready-made for the meaningful study of
“all humanity and its natural environment.” Is this what Ritter was seeking when
he wrote about “coherent relationships,” or Guyot when he wrote of “the great life
system,” or Hartshome when he wrote about “integrations,” or R. S. Platt when
he referred to “process-patterns of dynamic social relations”? How did it happen
that only after mid-century did the concept of the system as a unit of study receive
overwhelming acceptance?

General System Theory

Anatol Rapoport defines a system as “a whole (a person, a state, a culture, a busi­
ness firm) which functions as a whole because of the interdependence of its parts”
(Rapoport in Buckley, 1966:xvii). The words are new, but the mental image of such
structures of interconnected parts goes back at least to the Greek philosophers.
However, before World War II organized complexity could only be contemplated
qualitatively or described as a “balance of nature.”
The scholar who is credited with presenting the first outlines of a general theory
of systems is Ludwig von Bertalanffy (Bertalanffy, 1951a, 1951b, 1956, 1962, 1968;
see also Boulding, 1956). His account of how he developed these ideas is instructive.
Innovation and Tradition / 503

When he started his professional career as a biologist in the 1920s, Bertalanffy found
his colleagues seeking more knowledge about the nature of organisms by dissect­
ing them into smaller and smaller parts. It struck him that until the organism was
examined as a structure of interdependent parts, no real understanding of the “laws”
governing organic life could be gained. From thinking about biological organisms,
he broadened his views by recognizing the existence of other kinds of systems to
which the concept of systems behavior could also be applied. When he presented
these ideas at a seminar in philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1937, the
scholarly world was not yet ready for the broad approach. In the 1930s the tend­
ency was to make more and more minute analyses and to be skeptical of general
theory. Almost the only field devoted to the development of general theory was physics.
Most scientists were seeking simple, one-way, cause-and-effect sequences.
This trend toward the isolation of minute problems for investigation was chal­
lenged during World War II and has been definitely reversed in the contemporary
period. During the war scholars were called on to work on strategic problems and
to formulate policy recommendations involving complex issues. They found that
they could not find answers to the questions with which they were confronted as
long as they remained within the confines of single disciplines. After the war the
value of the interdisciplinary approach to a variety of nonmilitary problems was at
last fully recognized. The scholarly world was ready for Bertalanffy’s ideas.1
General System Theory seeks to identify the characteristics that are common to
many different kinds of systems. There are three fundamental aspects of all systems:
structure, functioning, and evolution (being, acting, and becoming). When systems
are isolated in laboratories or symbolically isolated by statistical procedures, they
become closed and irreversible, but on the face of the earth systems are open and
reversible as they receive inputs of energy or information and send forth outputs.
As more and more scholars began to study different kinds of systems, it was
discovered that all systems, however defined, behave in certain predictable ways.
For example, it was noted that the growth curve of organisms (the S-curve) is
mathematically very similar to growth curves for the spread of innovations, for
economic development, or for populations.2 General System Theory searches for
the abstract properties that can be applied to all systems. Such isomorphisms form
the basic structure of General System Theory and can be used to predict the working
of drainage systems (Chorley, 1962), ecosystems (DeLaubenfels, 1970:112-120),
political systems (Cohen and Rosenthal, 1971), economic systems, and many others.

JIn 1948 Norbert Wiener published his book Cybernetics (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T.
Press). Cybernetics (literally, steersmanship) is a science of communications that seeks
to move information and directives through administrative channels more efficiently.
From this new approach have come the application of automation to industry and the
computerized analysis of complex administrative problems in government. Since the
first formulation by Wiener, the objectives of this field of study have been broadened.
Cybernetics is a special application of General System Theory.
2Note the use of this concept in the studies of population growth and decline by Stanley
D. Dodge in the 1930s (Chapter 16).
504 / MODERN

Consider the isomorphism between the behavior of heat in a thermodynamic

system and the movement of information in an economic system. The second law
of thermodynamics states that in any heat system that undergoes irreversible
change (without inputs or outputs of energy) there must be a loss of the energy avail­
able to do work. The mathematical factor that measures the unavailable energy in a
thermodynamic system is called entropy. In a closed thermodynamic system entropy
increases. In an economic system in which information concerning markets or new
technology or other matters is being communicated, there is a loss of information
because communication is not perfect. The increase of entropy in a thermodynamic
system and the loss of information in an economic system may be described by the
same mathematical formulas.

Spatial Systems
Geographers are especially concerned with any systems that involve, as function­
ally important variables, such spatial elements as location, distance, direction,
extent, density, succession, or derivatives of these. Any system of which one or more
functionally important variables are spatial is a spatial system (Wilbanks and
Symanski, 1968). Such systems are not the same as regions, although a spatial
system may provide the criteria by which a region is defined and identified.
Systems, like regions, require redefinition when the student moves from one
resolution level to another. Harvey points out that the elements of a system that can
be defined at one resolution level may become subsystems themselves when the
resolution level is raised. Whole new systems come into focus. Or, by lowering
the resolution level, systems may be defined at the global scale. By combining the
geographer’s concern with specifically defined segments of earth space with the
system analyst’s concern with the operation of functionally interconnected sets of
elements, new insights into the nature of order on the face of the earth may be expected.
There should also be an important feedback into General System Theory as a result
of focusing attention on the spatial aspects of systems. General System Theory has
provided opportunity for the study of those complex integrations of things and events
that have always stimulated the curiosity of geographically minded students. Now,
for the first time in the history of geographical inquiry, the available technology
seems to be matched to the potential power of method. It is important at this time
to take stock of the spatial theory available in the contemporary period.


In 1963 the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council appointed
an ad hoc committee within the Division of Earth Sciences to consider the poten­
tial contribution of geographic research to the general progress of science.3 The

3The National Academy of Sciences was established by the federal government in 1863
to advise the government (on request) on matters of science and technology. The National
Research Council was set up in 1916 to promote especially critical scientific research.
After World War II the Academy and the Council were combined. The ad hoc Committee
Innovation and Tradition / 505

committee identified four “problem areas and clusters of research interest”—

physical geography, cultural geography, political geography, and a fourth field in
which traditional economic, transportation, and urban geography are grouped under
“location theory.”
Physical geographers study the physiographic-biotic system as the human
habitat, or environment (Ackerman, 1965:14-22). The environment, however, can
be examined from several different points of view: in terms of what the inhabitants
perceive it to be, in terms of the identification of desirable changes to be brought
about by human action, or in terms of a static setting in which people momentarily
find themselves. The judicious selection of significant parameters of the natural
environment is the task of the physical geographer. Particular stress is laid on the
system relations among such elements as surface features, air, water, soil, and biota
(Kalesnik, 1964).4
Cultural geographers seek an understanding of the interactions between human
societies and those features of the human habitat that have been produced or
modified by human action (Ackerman, 1965:23-31). Attention is focused on the
differences from place to place in the ways of life of human communities. Two
different methods of study are commonly in use: developmental, focusing attention
on the origin and diffusion of cultures and on cultural growth and retrogression;
and functional, focusing on the short-term processes of cultural interaction, spatial
organization, and flow or movement. Many of these studies are in the literary
tradition and use the method of historical geography (Meinig, 1962, 1968, 1969).
Political geography is the study of the interaction between political processes
and geographical areas (Ackerman, 1965:31-44). A major theme is the effect of
the spatial arrangement of elements relevant to the operation of political processes.
The territorial phenomena of political systems are studied over a wide range of
resolution levels—from supranational political organizations, to the nation-state,
to the political subdivisions of the state, to metropolitan urban communities, and
to local or regional special-purpose administrations (Cohen and Rosenthal, 1971;
Kasperson and Minghi, 1969; McColl, 1969; Soja, 1971).
The Science o f Geography describes location theory as follows:
Recent development in all three traditional subjects [economic, urban, and trans­
portation geography] has involved extensive application of mathematical methods
to facilitate refinement of theory, and a higher level of generalization than existed

on Geography, appointed in 1963, was made up of E. A. Ackerman (Carnegie Institution

of Washington), chairman; Brian J. L. Berry (University of Chicago); Reid A. Bryson
(University of Wisconsin); Saul B. Cohen (then at Boston University); Edward J. Taaffe
(Ohio State University); William L. Thomas, Jr. (California State University at Hayward);
and M. Gordon Wolman (Johns Hopkins University).
4Ackerman, The Science of Geography (1965), includes 11 pages of references to writings
on these four problem areas. Since World War II and especially since 1960, the number
of geographers and the volume of notable contributions to geography have both increased
until it is no longer possible in a book of this size to refer even to a representative sample.
The student should consult the Bibliographie geographique (Paris: Armand Colin), and
Current Geographical Publications (Milwaukee: American Geographical Society).
506 / MODERN

before has emerged. As a result, it would appear that the three traditional fields
have been joined in a problem area which we entitle . . . location theory studies.
It is of special interest in our discussion because these studies include: (a)
research on the qualities of space in a theoretical framework; (b) application
of formal systems methods to space relations study; and (c) integration of at
least three of the spatial subsystems of culture.. . . It is also of interest for the
extent to which its methods and concepts have found practical applications in a
revitalized “applied geography” directed publicly to problems of urban and
regional planning, and privately to marketing analysis for plant and store location
(Ackerman, 1965:44).
Still another survey of the role of geography as a behavioral and social science was
carried out by the Panel on Geography of the Behavioral and Social Science Survey
and published in 1970 (Taaffe, 1970).5 This report provides illustrative studies in
six different geographical fields (spatial distributions and interrelationships, circula­
tion, regionalization, central-place systems, diffusion, and environmental perception).
It also discusses research methods and shows how they are applied to studies of
locational analysis, cultural geography, urban studies, and environmental and spatial
behavior. It discusses geography and public policy and goes into some detail on the
status and trends of the profession in personnel, research, and research training.
Both of these reports recognized that it is in the general range of locational
analysis that geographers in the contemporary period have made the largest
advances toward the formulation of general concepts. Whether these concepts are
to be identified as empirical generalizations, laws, or theories may be left to the
judgment of professional geographers. To illustrate the kinds of innovation that
have been made, four examples are provided: (1) the gravity model, (2) central-
place concepts, (3) diffusion concepts, and (4) regional identification.

Social Physics and the Gravity Model

Relationships between distance and interactions, such as movement of goods and
migrations, were written about in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by Bishop
George Berkeley (1713), Henry Carey (1858), Ernst G. Ravenstein (1885), and Herbert
Spencer (1892). It may have been that the pioneering work concerning distance-
decay and the gravity model was accomplished by other than geographers (Tocalis,

5The Behavioral and Social Science Survey was carried out between 1967 and 1969 under
the auspices of the Committee on Science and Public Policy of the National Academy
of Sciences and the Problems and Policy Committee of the Social Science Research
Council. A general volume, The Behavioral and Social Sciences: Outlook and Needs
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969), discusses the relations among the disciplines
and broad questions of utilization of the social sciences by society and makes specific
recommendations for public and university policy. The Panel on Geography was made
up of Edward J. Taaffe (Ohio State University), chairman; Ian Burton (Toronto); Norton
Ginsburg (University of Chicago); Peter R. Gould (Pennsylvania State University); Fred
Lukermann (University of Minnesota); and Phillip L. Wagner (Simon Fraser University).
Innovation and Tradition / 507

In 1929 W. J. Reilly, studying retail marketing problems, postulated that the

movement of persons between two urban centers would be proportional to the prod­
uct of their populations and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them.6 In 1949 this empirical generalization was refined by the economist
G. K. Zipf, who formulated the principle of least effort in human behavior (Zipf,
1949/1965). But the astrophysicist John Q. Stewart is often credited with being the
first to point out the isomorphic relationship of these concepts with Newton’s law of
gravitation (Stewart, 1947). Thereafter this concept became known as the gravity
model.7 William Wamtz, working with Stewart, also borrowed analogy models from
physics in his studies of population potential (Wamtz, 1959b, 1964). He suggested
that the mathematics of population potential is the same as that which describes a
gravitational field, a magnetic potential field, and an electrostatic potential field.
The question is sometimes raised whether the use of analogy models is accept­
able. There have, of course, been examples of the misuse of isomorphisms; on the
other hand, there have been many very successful uses of them. William Bunge
offers the following observation:
It is an observed fact that once theory is produced it often can be applied to a
variety of subjects. In this sense, there is unity of knowledge. To give this asser­
tion substance some examples appropriate to geography are offered.
Consider Enke’s paper [Stephen Enke in Econometrica, 1951] “Equilibrium
among Spatially Separated Markets: Solution by Electric Analogue.” Can elec­
tricity be expected to behave like a spatial economic system, as he insists? Yes,
because it has been found that the underlying mathematics can be translated into
certain carefully selected aspects of both subjects. A second illustration of the
borrowing of theories is available from Beckmann’s “A Continuous Model
of Transportation” [in Econometrica, 1952], It is suggested by hydrodynamics.
Can water be expected to behave like a spatial economic system? Again, it is the
mathematics that can be made to fit features of both sets of phenomena. If social
scientists are somewhat defensive because they have been borrowing heavily from
mathematics and from theory first used in other fields, they can draw some com­
fort from the knowledge that there is reciprocity. Programming, first applied in
social science, is now being used in designing electric networks (Bunge. 1966:4).
The gravity model, however, has to be refined for maximum applicability to
studies of location and spatial interchange. Models describing the volume of exchange
between two populations are more expressive when the populations are weighted
by some factor such as income per capita, which measures the degree of economic
activity (Goodchild, 1992). Distance between places is not a matter of simple
linear distance but of rather more sophisticated measures of distance in terms of

6W. J. Reilly, Methods for the Study o f Retail Relationships (Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1929).
7Both the notion of the gravity model and the population potential were specifically stated
by Henry C. Carey (1793-1879) in 1868. Carey wrote: “Gravitation is here, as everywhere
else in the material world, in the direct ratio of the mass, as in the inverse one of the
distance” (McKinney, 1968:103). For recent thought on the gravity model, see Kingsley
E. Haynes and A. Stuart Fotheringham (1984). Gravity and Spatial Interaction Models.
508 / MODERN

transport routes and facilities; frequency of movement by land, sea, or air; and the
costs of transport (Haggett, 1966:35-40).
From workers such as Zipf, and Stewart and others in social physics and yet other
disciplines, the properties of distance are receiving ever more attention. Economists
such as Weber, Hoover, and Losch and later Garrison and Walter Isard’s regional
science followers gave this notion attention, as it operated on the principle of least
effort. Alan G. Wilson, a physicist who became concerned with traffic forecasting
while a city councillor in Oxford, established the gravity model on a more thorough
mathematical footing. R. J. Johnston (1997:113) states:
Collaboration between academic geographers and practicing planners on these
modeling exercises led to developments which paralleled those in regional science
in the United States. Two new British journals catered for these research areas—
Regional Studies and Environment and Planning', both attracted contributions and
readers from other social sciences.
The gravity model remains the best-known exemplar of social physics. It sought
analogy with Newton’s law of gravitation, assuming that humans interact on Earth
as do heavenly bodies beyond planet Earth. Lukermann (1958) made a significant
critique of social physics, claiming that assumptions made in the physical models
are not met in the world of humanity. R. J. Johnston (2003, 313-314) has provided
a detailed recent history regarding development and exploitation of the gravity model.

Central-Place Studies
Efforts to unravel the complexities regarding the spacing and functions of central
places and to formulate some testable generalizations relating thereto have been given
considerable attention by geographers in North America. E. L. Ullman arguably
made the earliest of these contributions with “A Theory of Location for Cities” (1941).
There followed “The Nature of Cities” (1945) by C. D. Harris and Ullman, notably
providing three models of intra-urban spatial patterns. Then W. L. Garrison made
several contributions including a series of three articles summarizing research to
that time concerning location theory. Meanwhile, J. E. Brush (1953) had reviewed
the hierarchy of central places in southwestern Wisconsin. He concluded that
Christaller's work provided a norm against which to measure observed differences
in various parts of the world. He saw no possibility of finding precisely the same
hierarchies in different cultural regions. A. K. Philbrick (1957) made a study of rural
functional organization. M. F. Dacey (1962) infused method into the analysis of
central-place study. B. J. L. Berry studied settlement patterns and retail centers
in Seattle and Spokane, joining with Garrison in publishing the results ( 1958a,b,
1959a) (Barnes, 2000). In 1969 Harvey concluded on the basis of numerous attempts
to apply the concept in various locales that “the tests have shown that actual spatial
patterns do not conform to theoretical expectation” (Harvey, 1969:138). It may be
that the economic theory regarding the range of a commodity—that is, the distance
a customer will travel in order to make a purchase— is “inherently untestable.”
Statistical techniques were advanced aided by computers and large data sets to facil­
itate large-scale numerical testing (Gould, 1969), and economic geographers began
arranging their own mathematical requirements as analytic tools needed in the
Innovation and Tradition / 509

comprehension of location. Curry (1998) and Cadcy (1974) developed advanced

mathematical models based on stochastic variation. Cliff and Ord (1973) formu­
lated geographical statistics in an original manner.
In the 1990s Paul Krugman, an American economist developed his own “new
economic geography” (Barnes, 2003) embracing the notion that comparative cost
advantages may be ignored given specialization and trade that secure increased
profit. This is now considered an approximate new trade theory. Krugman plans to
make economic geography a branch of economics (Krugman, 1995).
This work by American geographers was inspired by the earlier work of the
Germans J. H. Von Thiinen, A. Weber, and A. Losch. The original formulation of what
is sometimes called central-place theory was accomplished in 1933 by the German
geographer Walter Christaller (1933/1966) in a study of the spatial arrangement of
tertiary economic functions in southern Germany. Christaller thought of his work
as complementary to von Thiinen’s model of agricultural land use (von Thiinen,
1826/1966) and Alfred Weber’s model of industrial locations (Weber, 1909/1966).
He noted that “the crystallization of mass about a nucleus is part of the elementary
order of things,” and human settlement obeys this principle as well as physical
elements. The foci or nodes around which settlement tends to cluster are what
Christaller called central places, each surrounded by a complementary area with which
the central place is functionally related. Based on evidence from Germany,
Christaller described a “nested hierarchy” of central places ranging through seven
orders. Places of the lower orders provide goods and services that are needed
frequently with a minimum of travel. Places of higher orders not only provide
these same goods and services but also other, more specialized goods and services
that are needed less frequently and for which people are willing to travel greater
distances. The higher order places have worldwide connections.
Christaller also attempted to explain the spacing and pattern of arrangement of
central places. He postulated a uniform plain evenly settled by an agricultural
population as the base of the hierarchy. If access to a market is the chief factor in the
development of a settlement pattern, then the minimum average travel distance from
the complementary area is gained if the area has the shape of a hexagon. But Christaller
recognized that optimum conditions would also be found where as many central
places as possible are located along a main traffic route between higher order places.
Furthermore, where government administration or other purposes are to be served,
a further modification of the simple market-oriented type of pattern would appear.
The actual pattern to be observed in any area depends on the interplay of these three
principles: marketing, traffic, and administration (Berry and Pred, 1961:15-18).
German geographers in the 1930s paid little attention to Christaller’s work. It
was tested by Otto Schlier in 1937 on the basis of census data (Schlier, 1937), and
it was applied to the pattern of settlement in Estonia by Edgar Kant. In 1940 a German
economist named August Losch had investigated Christaller’s ideas in a book on
the spatial pattern of the economy; in 1944 Losch published a revised and much
enlarged edition, which was translated into English in 1954 (Losch, 1940, 1944/
1954). Losch found evidence to support Christaller’s concepts, both with regard to
the nested hierarchy of central places and also the hexagonal patterns of comple­
mentary areas.
510 / MODERN

The study of settlement patterns and hierarchies was greatly stimulated by

Christaller’s hypotheses, which led to many studies of specific areas and to the
formulation of a number of alternative hypotheses.8 George K. Zipf proposed a rank-
order hypothesis that predicts the population of urban places on the basis of the
rank of any one city among all the cities of a country (Zipf, 1949/1965:374-386).

Studies o f Diffusion
One traditional concern of geographers (at least since Ratzel) has been the inter­
pretation of the spread or retrogression of the things that occupy space on the face
of the earth. Ratzel, in the second volume of his Anthropogeographie, described the
patterns of population and culture that had resulted from the process of diffusion
from centers of origin. Nor should we forget the contribution that Ellen C. Semple
made to the explanation of culture patterns. She discussed the various ways culture
change could be brought about—by conquest, infiltration, influence, and many other
ways. Semple proceeded to offer two important empirical generalizations in verbal
In general, however, any piecemeal or marginal location of a people justifies the
question as to whether it results from encroachment, dismemberment, and con­
sequently national or racial decline. This inference as a rule strikes the truth. The
abundance of such ethnic islands and reefs—some scarcely distinguishable above
the flood of the surrounding population—is due to the fact that when the area of
a distribution of any life form, whether racial or merely animal, is for any cause
reduced, it does not merely contract but breaks up into detached fragments. . . .
Ethnic or political islands of decline can be distinguished from islands of expan­
sion by various marks. When survivals of an inferior people, they are generally
characterized by inaccessible or unfavorable geographic location.. . . The scattered
islands of an intrusive people, bent upon conquest or colonization, are distinguished
by a choice of sites favorable to growth and consolidation, and by the rapid
extension of their boundaries until that consolidation is achieved; while the
people themselves give signs of the rapid differentiation incident to adaptation to
a new environment (1911:164-165).
Geographers have traditionally sought explanations of diffusion through the
deciphering of historical processes. By plotting patterns resulting from the diffu­
sion process on maps, it has been possible to identify centers of origin and
directions of spread. Biogeographers and cultural anthropologists have used the
cartographic method to throw light on the subjects they were investigating. Carl
Sauer’s thought-provoking hypotheses regarding agricultural origins and dispersals
use the cartographic method to illuminate prehistoric problems (Sauer, 1952). Fred
B. Kniffen uses maps of house types to reveal directions of migration, just as
H. Kurath did with word usage and pronunciation in the late 1940s (Kurath, 1949;

8Brian Berry and Allan Pred published a review of the theory and a bibliography of
published materials (Berry and Pred, 1961). The flow of studies has continued since 1961.
Among the many, see Curry, 1964; Parr and Denike, 1970; Woldenberg, 1968; Berry,
Innovation and Tradition / 511

Kniffen, 1965). The list of substantial contributions to this kind of geographical study
is long and growing.9
The use of mathematical models to describe and predict the diffusion of inno­
vations was started by the Swedish geographer Torsten Hagerstrand. He completed
his doctoral thesis in 1953. This work concerned the adoption of innovations
by farmers in central Sweden that could be mapped and simulated. His work on
this subject was published in Swedish in 1953. It was not translated until 1967,
when Allan Pred provided Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process. By this time
Hagerstrand had lectured in the United States, and U.S. geographers had visited Lund
and worked with Hagerstrand. This itself was a case of diffusion of knowledge. In
1962 Wagner and Mikesell had published an anthology entitled Readings in
Cultural Geography. This work devoted considerable attention to “cultural origins
and dispersals,” a term later replaced by “spatial diffusion.” The book included
Hagerstrand’s essay “The Propagation of Innovation Waves,” which reached large
numbers of American geographers. Hagerstrand investigated how innovation
spread and then modeled diffusion as a stochastic process using Monte Carlo
methods. Individuals, he postulated, are more likely to be informed about an inno­
vation the closer they are to the source of the innovation. Distance, of course, is
not mere linear distance but also a measure of contiguity and contact. In 1965
R. S. Yuill made use of simulation models to show the probable patterns of spread
around several kinds of barriers (Yuill, 1966; see also Bunge, 1966:112-132;
Haggett, 1966:59-60; Morrill, 1970). Other applications of mathematical procedures
to the study of innovation diffusions include Edward Soja’s study of the economic
and political modernization of Kenya (Soja, 1968) and Lawrence Brown’s general
discussion of diffusion processes (Brown, 1968, 1981; Brown and Moore, 1969).
These studies of the diffusion process have been done at different resolution
levels. Hagerstrand was working at a high resolution level that permitted him to
focus on specific individuals and made possible certain general concepts regarding
individual human behavior. Yuill and Soja were working at a somewhat lower
resolution level that focused on groups rather than individuals. It is also possible
to study diffusion processes at a very low resolution level— at a global scale.
Interestingly, the concepts and models found useful at one resolution level are not
necessarily useful at other levels. Diffusion theory can be enriched by the exam­
ination of a variety of levels.
In his book Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective , Brown (1981) provides a
different tripartite approach: first, the establishment of outlets whereby innovation
will be distributed; second, the implementation of a strategy by each outlet to win
acceptance in its service area; and third, individual adoption of the innovations, which
was previously the main thmst of this type of research. There followed a radical
critique of diffusion theory (Blaut, 1977, 1987). Work on origin and dispersal

9The rural sociologist Everett M. Rogers (Diffusion of Innovations, New York: The Free
Press, 1962) makes no mention of contributions by geographers to diffusion studies. He
mentions Walter H. Kollmorgen as a rural sociologist (p. 32), and refers to Hagerstrand
(pp. 154, 298) for his use of game theory.
512 / MODERN

introduced into cultural geography by Sauer have now been revealed as studies
in diffusion (e.g., Morrill, Gaile, and Thrall, 1988). Geographers and others will
doubtless continue to modify, reject, and further develop aspects of diffusion pro­
cesses, but as a body of thought it is part of tradition.

Studies o f Regions
Regional geography functioned as the basis of American geography from about
1920 to 1960, and it was a significant undertaking both before and after those years.
Regions were defined, mapped, written about and taught in the universities.
However, there was a dichotomy: Studies were usually of small areas capable of
being known intimately by slow locomotion (e.g. walking or by bicycle), while
regional geography classes were continental in extent, such as the geography of
North America, the geography of Asia, and the geography of Africa. Scale was
the difference between these two varieties of regional geography. Writing and study
was done at one scale, while exposition in the classroom was done at a different
scale. Compromise was reached in R. S. Platt’s Latin America: Countrysides and
United Regions (1942). In this book Platt presented 94 studies of places in widely
separated latitudes and altitudes in Latin America, each of which he contended
were components of larger perspectives. Then came “The Regional Concept and
the Regional Method” in American Geography: Inventory and Prospect (1954). This
extended article represented one of the most searching analyses of what we might
now call traditional regional geography.
By the end of the 1950s, spatial science began its trajectory through both the
discipline and geography department curricula, but as the years passed traditions of
this regional treatment were reduced in number and emphasis. It seems to have
remained mostly in the smaller college and university departments. Yet just what was
it that was so quintessentially “geographic” about the region? Haggett (1990) iden­
tified five properties of regions: regions as exemplars, as anomalies, as analogues,
as modulators, and as covering sets. The exemplar could be typified by any one of
Platt’s 94 places. The region as anomaly, in contrast to the region as exemplar, can
be found in the mountainous regions of Switzerland and France. Here the south­
facing valley walls receive more sunshine and warmth, more snow and ice melt,
and a longer growing season, than do the north-facing walls. Property is more expen­
sive on the south-facing walls. Other anomalies may be found in Trewartha’s E arth’s
Problem Climates (1961, 1981). Region as analogue is invoked when the climate
of the Mediterranean basin is shown to be replicated in California, west Australia,
South Africa, and Chile, each providing the ubiquitous grape and its product, wine.
Region as modulator suggests that in areas where economic activity is established
and for whose product the demand is inelastic, the level of prosperity attained will
be reasonably constant. Conversely, regions dominated by industries of elasticity,
such as armaments, are subject to vicissitudes of demand. Finally, we come to regions
as jig-saws (or covering sets) that totally cover a country or continent. The size of
these regions, of course, depends on the scale adopted. Explication is difficult and
depends on the skill of the author. This was accomplished superbly by W. M. Davis
and H. Baulig in North America, P. E. James and Pierre Denis in South America,
W. Meade in Scandinavia, L. Gallois in France, O. H. K. Spate in India, T. G. Taylor
in Australia, and many others. These regional studies were bom of intense
Innovation and Tradition / 513

familiarity with and love of the landscape and the viewing of these areas over a
period of many years.
Then came numeracy and theory, which are distant from the humanism that
inspired and sustained the earlier work in the regional mode. In the 1960s statistical
treatment of regional matters was not well understood; what to measure and how
to measure it was problematical. With the passage of time, the quantitative movement
in human geography became more sophisticated, modeling reached new levels, and
workers in this genre became more experienced. A new level of accuracy was brought
to the explication of the region.
Walter Isard, an American economist, thought that regional matters might best
be dealt with in an interdisciplinary fashion and in 1954 founded the Regional Science
Association. It was made up of a group of economists, geographers, other social
scientists, and engineers and was “an international association devoted to the free
exchange of ideas and viewpoints with the objective of fostering the development
of theory and method in regional analysis and related spatial and areal studies”
(Isard, 1956, 1960).
The regional science movement gained support internationally and has been
especially attractive in those countries in which geographical studies are applied
to practical problems. The countries of the developing world find this approach of
great value in the guidance of development programs.
Regional science has embraced both empirical modeling and theoretical
analysis of problems of location and regional economies. It has also found itself
bonded especially to geography and economics; yet it clearly maintained its
identity in periodicals such as Environment and Planning A, International Regional
Science Review, and others.
What started as an innovation with Shaler in 1885 burgeoned with a vast series
of studies and learning ranging from college courses to doctoral dissertations to the
published literature. Then came the newer numerate geography that permitted
greater precision. Numerical values replaced verbal descriptions. Models and com­
puter work replaced muddy-boots field work, photographs, and sketches. Then came
reappraisal and rapprochement. Historical geographers, cultural geographers, and
traditionalists continued to appreciate the meaning of region, be it large or small.
Theorists, frequently searching for answers to specific questions, continued with their
quests. Once again, what was innovation has become tradition in the larger folds
and reaches of the discipline.


Geographers have given themselves more and more to problem solving—at the local,
regional, and global levels—throughout the twentieth century. And there were
many problems to be solved, including matters relating to war, peace, boundary
location, sharing of fresh water, access to the ocean, desertification,. . . the list is
very long indeed. Many of the problems are too large for an individual or local
group to attempt to solve. International groups are better suited to attempt solutions,
especially of global problems. The first commissions of the International Geo­
graphical Congress were established for these purposes at the Bern meeting
in 1891. Four commissions were established concerning immigration, global time,
514 / MODERN

geographical bibliography, and the Millionth Map. Since then the number of
commissions has grown steadily, and for some decades “working groups” were
established as subsidiary to the commissions. All “groups” have now been designated
commissions; they work at specified tasks that are invariably global in scope.
The Commission on Population was formed at the Paris meeting in 1931, which
merged with the Commission on Rural Habitat in 1934 to form the Commission on
Habitat and Population. Since then, a commission concerning population study and
problems has been at the front of IGC study concerns. Since the AAG opted for
specialty groups in 1978, population has remained a major concern (White et al.,
1989; Gober and Tyner, 2003).
In 1970 Wilbur Zelinsky, a specialist in population geography at Pennsylvania
State University, pointed to the critical importance of examining the results of
the continued growth of the world’s population and the continued expansion of
industrial production. As this “growth syndrome” looms ahead as perhaps the
major problem of the twenty-first century, scholars in a variety of fields have con­
tributed studies of different aspects of the problem (Trewartha, 1969). There have
been studies by sociologists, demographers, economists, political scientists, ecologists,
agronomists— and geographers and others. It is not a new undertaking, though there
is now a new-found urgency concerning the matter. In 1798 Thomas Robert
Malthus wrote his “Essay on the Principles of Population,” postulating that popu­
lation tended to increase in a geometric progression and foods in an arithmetic
progression. This was perhaps the earliest demographic model constructed. Malthus
revised his thought in 1803 and again confronted the issue of world population and
adequacy of food supply. Approximately 80 years later Ernst Georg Ravenstein
made a further substantial contribution to the study of population. He made special
studies of the laws of migration. He also believed that the maximum population the
planet could sustain was six billion (Ravenstein, 1876,1885, 1889). These two thinkers
worked in Britain, where both the total and the urban populations were surging. It
led to studies by people from many fields of study both there and in other countries.
In America there had been an early interest in population from the time Thomas
Hutchins, geographer to Congress in the 1780s, had surveyed land and counted
people. Jedidiah Morse wrote geography textbooks in which he was concerned to
know the population of at least the eastern seaboard. Later, Francis Walker, a Yale
geographer, became superintendent of the US. censuses of 1870 and 1880 and super­
vised publication of the Statistical Atlas o f the U.S. (1874). He was emphatic in
his focus on people and their distribution throughout the United States. Then came
the formation of a profession and intellectual discipline. The first professional
geographer to make the study of population his specialty was Mark Jefferson. He
developed what he termed anthropography10 and defined this as the study of the
distribution of population. He made such studies of North America, India, Japan,
much of Europe, and Argentina. These studies attracted the attention of a visitor

10Anthropography should not be confused with anthropogeography. For the distinction

see M. S. W. Jefferson, “Some Considerations on the Geographical Provinces of the USA,
1916.” Annals o f the Association o f American Geographers 1917, 7:3-15.
Innovation and Tradition / 515

from Australia named Marcel Aurousseau. He worked with the American Geo­
graphical Society in the early 1920s and published two distinguished articles relat­
ing to population in the Geographical Review. These studies led to the geographer
of the U.S. Census Bureau accepting an invitation from Bowman of the American
Geographical Society to come for a several-month-long stay to learn what geogra­
phers were doing with population studies. C. E. Batschelet arrived in May 1924 and
worked with Aurousseau under Bowman’s direction for more than three months.
In 1924 Curtis F. Marbut gave his presidential address before the Association
of American Geographers— “The Rise, Decline, and Revival of Malthusianism in
Relation to Geography and Character of Soils” (Marbut, 1925). Oliver E. Baker,
among other geographers, was concerned about foodstuffs and population growth.
Many more studies of population were published in American geography, and in
1953 G. T. Trewartha presented “A Case for Population Geography” to the AAG as
his presidential address (Trewartha, 1953). By then innovative population studies
had become a disciplinal tradition. During the second half of the twentieth century
there was ever-increasing concern for an ever-increasing world population. In 1970
Zelinsky, Kosinski, and Prothero edited Geography and a Crowding World, a work
that seized hold of the potential problem:
The geographic approach is one of several needed to understand and treat those
troubles everyone now recognizes as stemming from rapid population growth and
uneven development in the less advanced regions of the world. Precisely the same
is true of the afflictions growing out of the unceasing accumulation of human beings
and things in the affluent nations, problems glimpsed only dimly as yet or in terms
of isolated facets. Geographic analysis is hardly the single magic nostrum for these
ills, but it is hard to imagine any workable therapy that excludes it (Zelinsky,
Zelinsky’s paper questions the traditional Western belief in the benevolence of
continued growth. The problems that are being faced in the economically under­
developed countries cannot be solved, he argues, until they have been faced and
solved in the more advanced countries— first of all in the United States. Geographers
can offer diagnoses describing the nature of the illness with which humankind
is afflicted; they can become prophets, predicting the likely results of various
remedial policies; or they can join with others as the architects of the utopia that
must be built if utter disaster is to be avoided. He concludes as follows:
A thorough review of the present status of human geography, and of population
geography in particular, would reveal how woefully deficient we are in terms of
practitioners, in terms of both quantity and quality, how we are still lacking in
relevant techniques, but most of all that we are totally at sea in terms of ideology,
theory, and proper institutional arrangements. Even if we were to be showered
with unlimited funds tomorrow morning with which to initiate research on key
aspects of the geographic diagnosis of the Growth Syndrome, it would almost
certainly be impossible to put enough people with the right skills and attitudes
into the proper settings. Given the hope, a not totally unrealistic one, that this
picture will alter radically before the end of this decade, I have stated a number
of difficult, but ultimately operational, research themes, practical daydreams that
could inflame the imagination (Zelinsky, 1970:529).
516 / MODERN

The “no-growth” thesis has been abundantly examined in recent years by popu­
lation geographers, demographers, and ecologists. Today the world’s population
still may be effectively divided into “haves” and “have nots.” All continue to want.
Resources are finite, while population continues to increase. There were a few
thousand humans on Earth a million years ago; between 5 and 10 million 10,000
years ago; more than a billion in 1850; 2.5 billion by 1950; and 6.5 billion today.
World population may become 10 billion by 2030 (Bongaarts and Bulatao, 2000).
Increasing production means increasing pollution and other deterioration of the
environment. That is what those attending the Earth Summit discussed in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992 and in New York in 1997. Human migration, evident since early
times, continues to the present. It is now a swifter and better informed process, and
it carries ever-increasing political consequences. This, too, has been subject to the
investigations of geographers (Raven, 2000).
The quest for a sustainable world now concerns the geographer whose global
embrace provides opportunity for resolution of this problem. Curiously, it may be
that water supply is the fundamental resource problem confronting humanity.
The point is that earlier studies in the geography of population have led geographers
to confront the larger issue. From there developed an ever-larger quest to view the
whole. The enlargement of viewpoint of population geography is now tradition.


In formulating and finding the answers to questions concerning occupied space, geo­
graphers have developed conceptual structures—that is, frameworks of ideas about
the character of the earth’s surface and the methods of deriving geographical under­
standings from the study of it. The methods of formulating conceptual structures
in geography do not differ from the methods followed by scholars in other fields
of learning. Furthermore, geography is not the only field that is handicapped by
the confusion of word meanings, and helpful perspective is gained by examining
some of the discussions of theory and method produced in other disciplines. As a
result of this confusion, scholars who deal with the philosophies of their fields must
make clear in one way or another how they use their word symbols, and, when they
introduce a new word symbol, they must make some effort to inform the reader
how the new symbol differs in meaning from symbols already in use (Amedeo and
Golledge, 1975; Machamer, 2002).

Percepts and Concepts

In this book we started with percepts and concepts.11 A percept is an empirical
observation— an observation made through the senses and based on experience. An
empirical observation is sometimes called a factual statement. But as was pointed
out in Chapter 1, the features on the face of the earth that are perceived are closely

11See H. N. Lee. 1973. Percepts, Concepts, and Theoretic Knowledge: A Study in

Epistemology. Memphis State University Press; and B. Bums. 1992. Percepts, Concepts,
and Categories: The Representation and Processing of Information. Amsterdam:
Innovation and Tradition / 517

F ig u re 56 Diagram of concepts (adapted from Wallace, 1980)

influenced, if not determined by, concepts. A concept, as we use the word, is a

mental image of a thing or event. As such, the word concept is a general term
that stands for a whole hierarchy of ideas ranging from simple generalizations
to abstract theory. Just as a percept is the abstract of sensation, so is a concept the
abstract of percepts.
The words used to describe this hierarchy are for the most part poorly defined
and overlapping and are often used by the same author in different senses. The
hierarchy suggested here is somewhat modified from the diagram (Fig. 56)
presented by Walter L. Wallace in Sociological Theory (1980:ix). At the base are
observations of the kind we call percepts. Proceeding to the right, the circular form
of the diagram indicates the important part played by hypotheses in determining
observations. But proceeding in the opposite direction, the observations— which
must always be of unique things—are generalized in what Wallace calls empirical
generalizations. This requires scaling and measurement applied to the basic obser­
vations. Then, through inductive logic and no inconsiderable amount of intuition
and imagination, the empirical generalizations can be further abstracted into
theory. Theory, however, cannot be tested by direct observation. A theory is judged
“good” if it permits the formulation of numerous hypotheses by deduction. The
hypotheses can then be tested by observation and may yield new information from
hitherto unexpected observations.
Geographers (and scholars in other fields) are accustomed to using other terms
in various parts of this simple circular diagram. For example, David Harvey writes
of empirical laws (Harvey, 1969:31). What exactly is a law, and what can be done
518 / MODERN

with it? Braithwaite defines a law as “a generalization of unrestricted range in space

and time”—in other words, a generalization of universal applicability (Braithwaite,
1968:12). In this sense a law would be introduced on the theoretical side of empiri­
cal generalizations. The distinction between a generalization and a law would rest
on two distinctions: An empirical generalization applies in a particular place or at
a particular time, whereas a law is universal, and a law is embraced as one aspect
of a still more abstract theory.12
There are two major difficulties with the use of the word law. In the first place,
whether or not we use it in a sophisticated sense, the fact remains that some
people, even some scholars, use the word law in the anthropomorphic sense: A
law governs events, and to break a law is wrong and must result in punishment. Of
course, in moments of clarity it is recognized that a scientific law does not govern
events— it is governed by events, of which it is a generalization. The word has,
and still can, result in obscurity of thought. But even more important is the fact
that a law in the strict sense as defined by Braithwaite could scarcely be formulated
from geographical evidence. If geography deals with things and events on the face
of the earth, then its generalizations cannot be universally true or at least cannot
be verified as universals from geographic observations. The only laws that could
he defined as universals would be those of physics and chemistry, yet even in
physical science there is a certain indeterminacy that makes necessary the use of
probability concepts—these are stochastic laws. But even when they cannot predict
every situation, they are universally probable. In the social and behavioral sciences,
however, the only way a law can be identified as universally applicable is to define
man’s universe as the things and events located on the surface of one medium-sized
planet in a very unusual relationship to a medium-sized sun.
Nevertheless, the word law is so widely used by geographers and others that to
abandon it would not seem possible. As Braithwaite points out, very good results
can be derived from treating some more abstract empirical generalizations as if they
were laws. In such a case, a law is more widely applicable than a generalization.
Nevertheless, it is important to keep these distinctions in mind and not to claim
more for geographical study than can be delivered.

Pattern Concepts and Process Concepts

The mental images geographers develop regarding the arrangement of things on
the face of the earth are pattern concepts. They are empirical generalizations. It is
recognized that whatever scale or resolution level one uses to look at the earth’s
surface, certain kinds of associations of features of diverse origin are found

12Cole and King recognize six different meanings attached to the word law (Cole and
King, 1968:522). Golledge and Amedeo also identify six kinds of law, none of which
is exactly equivalent to any of Cole and King’s laws (Golledge and Amedeo, 1968).
Examining other writings on these matters, one finds a great emotional respect for
a concept defined as a law but almost no common ground for defining the concept
(Minshull, 1970:119-129). See also R. J. Johnston. 1997. “Scientific Method in Human
Geography.” 73-95. In Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography
since 1945.
Innovation and Tradition / 519

57 The generalized pattern of habitats. (From James, 1966. Reprinted by permission

F ig u re
of the publisher.)

repeatedly in similar situations. Soil associations, for example, are groups of soil types
that are found again and again in the same locations relative to each other. Bowman’s
regional diagrams, which he used to give a generalized picture of the arrangement
of surface features in the Andes of southern Peru, offer another example of pattern
concepts (Figs. 36 and 37). At a global scale the generalized continent devised by
W. Koppen to show the orderly arrangement of climates with reference to latitude
and land and water distribution is another example of a pattern concept (Fig. 28).
Koppen’s generalized continent is shown occupying a hemisphere, with the
greatest east-west expanse of land about 70° north and with the smoothed outline
of a land mass tapering to the southern extremity at latitude 55° south. On this
continent (with differences of altitude removed) Koppen showed the ideal, or gen­
eralized, arrangement of his climatic types. This same procedure was used to show
the generalized arrangement of habitats, with reference to latitude and to position
on the western side, interior, or eastern side of a continental land mass (Fig. 57).13

13W. Koppen, “Versuch einer Klassifikation der Klimate, vorzugsweise nach ihren
Beziehungen zur Pflanzenwelt,” Geographische Zeitschrift 6 (1900):593-611. The
eight habitats shown in Fig. 57 are defined in terms of associations of climate, water,
vegetation, and soil. (The mountain habitats are omitted because they do not fit on this
520 / MODERN

Process concepts are those that provide a generalized picture of sequences of events.
Examples of such concepts include the model of the cycle of erosion formulated
by W. M. Davis. Chorley and Haggett have edited a book in which a variety of
kinds of models are illustrated: models of physical systems, models of socio­
economic systems, and models of mixed systems (Chorley and Haggett, 1967). They
distinguish two varieties of models: those that are deterministic in that if specified
conditions exist at a particular moment of time, it is possible to specify what
conditions existed at an earlier time or will exist at a later time, and stochastic
models, which specify sequences of events within a certain range of probability.14
In any case they provide an ideal picture of a process against which the actual
departures from a norm can be measured. It was concerning such process models
that Wellington D. Jones is credited with the remark “Models tell us what would
happen if things do not happen the way they do.”

Geography: Nomothetic or Idiographic?

The idea that any field of learning can be restricted either to a study of unique things
or to the formulation of general concept may date back to 1894, when Wilhelm
Windelband used the words idiographic and nomothetic. Once the word symbols
were provided, the existence of a dichotomy could be proclaimed (Siddall, 1961).
The dichotomy was turned loose in the literature of geography in 1953 by Fred
K. Schaefer. Sauer pointed out in 1925 that although geography was formerly
devoted to descriptions of unique places as such, geographers had for a long time
been seeking to formulate illuminating generalizations about the earth and man’s
place on it (Sauer, 1925:27). But in the 1950s, after both Hettner and Hartshome
had been incorrectly quoted as saying that geography is essentially idiographic and
is not concerned with general concepts, this characterization gained an amazingly
wide acceptance (Harvey, 1969:50—51).15

generalized continent.) The habitats are: I. Dry lands; II. Tropical forest lands; III.
Tropical woodlands and savannas; IV. Mediterranean lands; V. Mid-latitude mixed forests;
VI. Mid-latitude grasslands; VII. Boreal forests and woodlands; VIII. Polar lands. Each of
these habitats occupies a particular location relative to latitude and the land-water factor.
14The term model is very difficult to define because it is used in so many different senses.
Harvey quotes one opinion that “a model can be a theory, or a law, or a relationship, or a
hypothesis, or an equation, or a rule” (Harvey, 1969:145). This seems to be a particular
way of formulating a process concept. Models have proved to be of great utility in
geographical studies (Chorley and Haggett, 1967; Cole and King, 1968:463-520). See also
A. N. Strahler, 1980. “Systems Theory in Physical Geography.” Physical Geography 1:1-27.
15Peter Haggett quotes Hartshome’s Nature of Geography as follows: “. . . no universals
need be evolved, other than the general law of geography that all its areas are unique”
(p. 468) (Haggett, 1966:2-3). In the preceding paragraph, which is not quoted, Hartshome
writes: “For the interpretation of its findings it [regional geography] depends upon generic
concepts and principles developed in systematic geography. Furthermore, by comparing
different units of area that are in part similar, it can test and correct the universals
developed in systematic geography" (p. 467). Both Hettner and Hartshome insisted that
geography is both idiographic and nomothetic, as indeed almost all other fields of learning
must be (Hartshome, 1959:146-172).
Innovation and Tradition / 521

Such a distinction would never have occurred to anyone experienced in the out-
of-door study of the face of the earth. Of course, every observation has to do with
things that are unique in time and place. But it is not even possible to identify any
one feature as unique until there is some kind of empirical generalization with which
to compare it. Geographers have always been concerned with the question of what
things to observe. How does one select specific features to observe out of the
complex fabric of interwoven strands that makes up the face of the earth? How does
one identify things that are significant or relevant? Only in relation to concepts:
hypotheses, empirical generalizations, and, hopefully, some kind of generalization
that could be treated as if it were a law (Burton, 1963:156). A very fundamental
part of the scientific method consists in learning how to distinguish the relevant from
the irrelevant, and this cannot be done without a framework of ideas. Geographers
have always observed unique things, but they have also sought to formulate those
illuminating concepts that make sense out of the apparent disorder of indirectly
related parts.

Description and Explanation

There is confusion, too, over the meaning of the words description and explana­
tion. Davis used the term explanatory description to refer to the use of his model
of an ideal cycle of erosion as a frame of reference for the description of landforms.
To describe means to transfer observations of things and events on the face of the
earth into symbols—either word symbols, or cartographic symbols, or mathemat­
ical symbols. Robert Brown defines the word explanation as an effort to remove
impediments of understanding, an effort “to deprive puzzles, mysteries, and block­
ages of their force, hence of their existence” (Brown, 1963:40-44). Percy Bridgman
wrote that “explanation consists of analyzing our complicated systems into simpler
systems in such a way that we recognize in the complicated systems the interplay
of elements already so familiar to us that we accept them as needing no expla­
nation” (Bridgman, 1964:63). David Harvey puts it more simply: “The purpose of
an explanation may be regarded as making an unexpected outcome an expected
outcome, of making a curious event seem natural or normal” (Harvey, 1969:13).
There are, of course, many different ways to make a curious event seem normal
or to change the confused complexity of things on the face of the earth into some
kind of order. There was a time when a satisfactory explanation for observed
features could be provided by reference to God’s divine plan, but the more that is
known about the complexity of man’s universe, the more rigid become the require­
ments for acceptable explanations. Robert Brown lists seven quite different kinds
of explanation, for human behavior (Brown, 1963). David Harvey, in a major
contribution to the clarification of geographic ideas, analyzes the explanatory
procedures available to geographers (Harvey, 1969). It seems, however, that it
might be possible to include all these procedures under two categories: temporal
and conceptual.
In the temporal approach, explanation is given by adding the time dimension to
descriptions of observed patterns and locations. In some cases this is adequately
done by showing the origin of what is to be explained—the genetic form of expla­
nation. In other cases it is more satisfactory to trace the changes through time—the
evolutionary or developmental form of explanation. In some cases both of these
522 / MODERN

are combined, as when one goes back to origins and traces developments. The
difficulty is that actual identification of an origin is seldom possible, for there are
always antecedents that must help to explain so-called origins. Basically, the
temporal approach shows the changes through time of which the observed features
at any moment of time are like snapshots or like the frames in a moving picture. It
has been accepted practice to explain the geographical arrangements at any one time
by describing the sequences of events of which they are the momentary results. This
is the method of historical geography (A. H. Clark in James and Jones, 1954:70-
105). This type of explanation provides an important means of testing hypotheses
and checking on generalizations based on observation, and as such it is an import­
ant and indeed an essential part of the whole program of geographic scholarship.16
In the 1950s and 1960s a strong reaction against the temporal method of
seeking explanations in favor of the conceptual approach set in. The movement
seems to have started at certain universities in the United States (Washington,
Northwestern, and the Department of Regional Science at Pennsylvania) and then
spread to Cambridge and Bristol in England, with strong support from Lund in
Sweden. The temporal method was relegated to a less sophisticated stage of
scholarship both by Harvey (Harvey, 1969) and by Haggett (Haggett, 1966). The
difference between the temporal and conceptual approaches is illustrated by the
story of Newton and the apple. Newton, the story goes, was faced with alternatives
when the apple fell on his head:
Had he asked himself the obvious question: why did that particular apple choose
that unrepeatable instant to fall on that unique head, he might have written the
history of an apple. Instead of which he asked himself why apples fell and pro­
duced the theory of gravitation. The decision was not the apple’s but Newton’s
(quoted in Haggett, 1966:2).17
The story is clever and, for the uninitiated, clearly convincing. Of course, one
should not bother with unique events but only seek general theory. Yet the fact is
that some individual scholars are deeply and productively concerned with the
search for valid explanations in geography through studies in historical perspective,
most of which are not properly labeled as trivial. Others are as deeply concerned
with the search for theory. All scholars are inclined to think that the road they are
following toward the horizon is the only straight road. Yet we must acknowledge
that for eveiy Newton or Darwin there are thousands of “lesser” scholars search­
ing for sequences of events by which the validity of theory may be tested. From
among the many scholars so engaged have come most of the hypotheses whose imple­
mentation has brought progress (Haggett, 1966:277). The continued development
of geography as a field of learning would not be served by eliminating or denigrating
either the temporal or the conceptual methods.

16Examples of this kind of explanation may be found in Jordan, 1967, 1969; Kniffen,
1965; Meinig, 1962, 1968, 1986, 1993, 1998; and Schroeder, 2002.
17The story, which was included in a monograph on geomorphology by R. J. Chorley,
was written by M. Postan, “The Revulsion from Thought,” Cambridge Journal 1(1948):
Innovation and Tradition / 523

Explanation through the conceptual approach at one time focused on the search
for repeated cause and effect relations. A prior cause had to be related to a later
effect. In the eighteenth century David Hume argued that it was not possible to demon­
strate such a relationship except through experience with repeated examples of the
same sequence of events (Ducasse, 1969).18 Furthermore, the philosophers and
metaphysicians became enmeshed in hopeless discussions of the problem of free
will as opposed to determinism.19 The principle of causation is by no means dis­
carded, but it is now generally recognized that simple cause and effect connections
do not exist and that, in fact, the interconnections among things and events on the
earth are much more complex than was formerly appreciated.
A dangerous but sometimes very useful kind of conceptual explanation is found
in the use of analogy (Chorley, 1964). This is what Herbert Spencer did when he
developed the concept of social Darwinism and what Ratzel did when he described
the state as a pseudoorganism. Explanations based on analogy in these cases had
the effect of obscuring rather than clarifying things. On the other hand, Faraday’s
description of the electromagnetic field in terms of the motions of fluids was a
highly successful clarification. In contemporary times geographers who make use
of gravity models, employing mathematical formulas derived from Newton’s law
of gravitation to predict the volume of interconnections between two cities, offer
an apparently successful use of the analogy method. Another stimulating use of
analogy is suggested by William Bunge in his search for a single rule to predict
shifts of highways, rivers, or shopping centers (Bunge, 1966:27-33). The high land
values along a main artery of transportation can be likened to the natural levees
along a graded river. Imaginative suggestions of this kind, whether or not they prove
valid, are urgently needed in geographical studies.
The search for explanation through the conceptual approach has focused on
functional relations as opposed to cause and effect relations (Manners and Kaplan,
1968:212-216). The existence of systems of functionally interconnected parts has
been known for thousands of years, but until the age of the electronic computer
they could not be handled operationally. A system can be defined logically as a
set of elements so closely interconnected that a change in any one of them results
in changes in all the others. When one element of a system can be identified as
spatial—that is, related to location and extension on the face of the earth—it
becomes a spatial system. It is now widely accepted that a major concern of geo­
graphy is with spatial systems. The area occupied by a functionally interconnected
system is, by definition, one kind of region, as Robert S. Platt pointed out in
1928. There have been many stimulating studies along these lines and at various
resolution levels. Fundamental to the study of systems in geography is the use of

18David Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (London, 1748).

19There is a long list of books and papers that discuss the problem of determinism
in geography, especially environmental determinism. See Chappell, 1970; Glacken,
1967; Herbst, 1961; Hofstadter, 1955; Lewthwaite, 1966; Martin, 1973; Montefiore and
Williams, 1955; R. Peet, 1985; Popper 1984; R. S. Platt, 1948; Spate, 1952, 1958; and
Sprout and Sprout, 1956.
524 / MODERN

probability theory. As long as a system is self-perpetuating because at least one

element remains in a steady state, the various components of the system can be treated
in terms of functions. Stochastic models of such systems have opened new ranges
of understanding.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the innovation of much specialization and
philosophical pluralism characterized and facilitated progress. Specialization
quickly became apparent with the specialty groups of the AAG and the prolifera­
tion of periodical titles, leading to what has been called “the journal supermarket.”
Geographers borrowed from the works of other social scientists to shore up their
own body of concepts and models, such as borrowing from German economists.
Conversely, other social scientists borrowed ideas from the geographers’ offerings.
With a new and methodologically more complex geography, there came new
geographic epistemologies. In the 1970s there emerged structuralist thought recogn­
izing the invisible role of political and economic structures influencing individual
behavior. There followed realist approaches (Sayer, 1993), which recognized dom­
inant conceptual structures but argued that theory could account for different out­
comes in different environments. Then, in an ongoing approximate chronology (with
much overlap), there came the interpretive approach, which was concerned with
the values of the investigator that vary from individual to individual and from group
to group (Jackson, 1989). Feminist thinking had emerged strongly by the 1990s,
urging that the role and work of women were hardly considered in traditional geo­
graphic investigation and that the contemporary posture amounted to bias (Rose,
1993). And dating from the 1980s to the present is the ongoing dialogue concern­
ing postmodernism, with its belief that geographic values and phenomena are social
constructions and critical of knowledge production (Harvey, 1989; Soja, 1989). These
philosophies change and yet collectively are ongoing.


Prior to the 1880s geography in the United States was largely a mix of geology,
physiography, exploratory observation, and a wealth of thought published by
individuals in the United States and abroad. Truly, it was a subject matter in search
of a discipline. An organizing concept was offered in 1859 with the notion of
Darwin’s evolutionary principle.
It was not until 1883 that W. M. Davis seized on this organizing principle and
established the cycle of erosion. This innovation was to become tradition. It pro­
vided a functioning model for physical geographers who wished to go into the field
and comprehend what they saw. It also provided a model around which a literature
could develop and that could be taught in the classroom, thereby giving birth to
an embryonic discipline. Students of Davis became his disciples and spread his
conception of geography across the United States and elsewhere. Davis himself
took his system to Britain, France, and Germany.
Then in 1893 the Committee of Ten was formed (see Chapter 15) in an attempt
to establish a place for geography in the national curriculum. The Davisian
Innovation and Tradition / 525

viewpoint made its way into the majority report of this committee, and Davisian
geography was taught in many states. However, a lack of teacher preparedness
did not permit a successful conclusion. Geography thereupon began to turn its
attention to a form of human geography.
Realizing that a human geography might fit the needs of the situation, Davis offered
his notion of ontography, an innovation that permitted a formal version of geograph­
ical determinism (Davis, 1906). This work ushered in the innovative causal notion,
and for the next 25 years environmentalism dominated academic geography in the
United States. Many absurd statements were advanced under this thesis, which
brought the point of view into disrepute. Yet a lot of intelligent thought was pub­
lished in this area. The largest problem confronting this tradition was the difficulty
(and then virtually the impossibility) of measuring the impact of component parts
of a physical environment on an individual, a group, or a society.
American geography essentially removed itself from environmentalism when it
accepted Carl Sauer’s innovation, “the morphology of landscape.” This was clearly an
import from Germany. Now geographers could study humans on the land devoid of
the necessity of “influences.” Geographers began to study regions small enough to
be traversed by foot, bicycle, or sometimes automobile. Sauer’s innovation had changed
the scale at which geographers worked. Geographers in the United States now stud­
ied land use and the small unit area. Field work was necessary for this undertaking.
This point of view was interrupted by World War II, another type of innovation.
Geographers worked in government as never before, and many offices were staffed
to a considerable degree by them. As was the case in World War I, the map became
very important, giving geography a standing it did not seem to enjoy in peacetime.
It also encouraged geographers to realize that their regional specialists relating to
other parts of the world could become very valuable assets in time of conflict. It also
reaffirmed to geographers that no other discipline could produce such specialists.
Regional study had long since become one of the traditions.
Following the end of the war, the regional tradition continued but was met by
the innovation that was taking place at the University of Washington in Seattle.
The story of Garrison and his (slightly) younger enthusiasts at work on a numerate
and theoretical geography was related in Chapter 17. This work spread across the
United States and to many other parts of the world. Certainly, it changed the way
of American geography. By the 1970s the conflicts created by the imposition of a
new way had quieted and had settled in as tradition.
During the last 40 years the innovation of eclecticism has imposed itself and has
now itself become a tradition. Fragmentation, frequently typified by more than
50 specialty groups in the AAG, has been accompanied by a search for appro­
priate philosophy and methodology. The quest for comprehension of the nature of
geography continues but seems ever more elusive.
The discipline once had a core and a periphery; today we have a strong peri­
phery but one devoid of a traditional core. Perhaps this provides greater mobility
of thought. Innovation seems to have become a tradition. Where once the library
and knowledge were the armaments of the scholar, now there is the world of the
computer. Perhaps this means less acquaintance with the literature, though a larger
output of publication. Whereas once rather simplistic philosophy was the order of
526 / MODERN

the day, now well-defined philosophical postures are made explicit in large
amounts of literature. Once there was an appreciation of past accomplishment and
a willingness to dwell in the present; now there is considerable rejection of the past
and anticipation of the future. A large female contingent and concomitant studies
in feminism and gender study are now part of the tradition. Today there is much
more scope for avant-garde thinking. Indeed, innovation itself has now become a
tradition in our undertaking.
Traditions do not die easily and therefore are additive. In a study of the history
of geography, these traditions have only intellectual significance. But in geography
as a practicing field, geographers, encompassing many different ages and different
traditions, perhaps all teaching in the same university department, tend to remind
one another that there is no right way to comprehend the human undertaking on
earth’s surface. Innovations that become traditions are a vital part of the process by
which the discipline advances.
This brief summary of American geography post 1850 has seen our field evolve
from a subject matter with little structure to a discipline. This discipline made
possible a large and active profession for practitioners, who in turn shaped and
advanced the field, making it a science. Since the innovations and traditions of
the last 40-odd years are so close to us and have so impressed themselves on how
we practice geography, their reappraisal is in order.


After World II and especially since 1960, there was a worldwide emphasis on
science and mathematics at the expense of history, language, and literature. The
traditional teaching of Latin in the schools was either dropped or greatly reduced
(Meynier, 1969:118; Wamtz, 1959a). In the United States the National Defense
Education Act of 1958 provided federal funds to the schools to improve the teach­
ing of mathematics, foreign languages, and sciences, which provide a background
for engineering. In 1964 the act was amended to include six additional fields, one
of which was geography.
This widespread emphasis on science and mathematics had a major impact on
geography. All over the world there was an increasing use of quantitative techniques
and a renewed search for useful theoretical models. Gould (1969) described the 1960s
as one of the greatest periods of intellectual ferment in the history of geography.
Others went further, proclaiming that a new mode for geographical study had replaced
the traditional verbal and descriptive studies (Chojnicki, 1970:213).
It should be remembered that the decade of the 1960s was one of social, eco­
nomic, and political turmoil. The new geography of the late 1960s and the 1970s
began to reveal expressions of disillusionment. Something of a retreat from the
spatial analysis theme occurred, and the quantitative approach began to emerge.
Reappraisal of the geography of the 1960s had led to this. Findings in urban geo­
graphy had led some of the leading theoreticians to assume professional posts in
the realm of planning. But planning for whom and for what? Whose values should
be adopted? (Harvey, 1973,1974.) Geographers were now brought face to face with
the substance of power. And it was realized perhaps more clearly than ever before
Innovation and Tradition / 527

that geography is value laden (Smith, 1977). Dissent was expressed with the found­
ing of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography and the founding of Socially
and Ecologically Responsible Geographers (SERGE). This part of the radical geo­
graphy movement sought to revise the geography of capitalism using the traditional
though ever changing instruments of the discipline (Peet, 1977, 1978). Another
sector of the radical geography movement, believing that a different foundation of
values was a necessary prerequisite for erecting the alternative geography, founded
the Union of Socialist Geographers. These geographers were led to the assumptions
of Marxist theory (Folke, 1972).
A more conventional reaction to scientism and the enthusiasm for hard science
that resulted was a return to a thoroughgoing humanism within human geography.
Historical geography, studies in perception, inquiry into new areas of geosophy,
[a study of people’s nonscientific geographical beliefs (Lowenthal and Bowden,
1976)], a reappraisal of geography as human ecology, and a newfound appreciation
of the regional concept have also characterized geography in the United States
since the middle 1960s. Geographers began to study the recent history of their
discipline to see if the path of intellectual evolution could reveal order in eclectic
and plural complexity. This excursus into the history of geographical thought may
do much to bring order to geographers’ thoughts and perspectives (Freeman, 1961;
Gregory, 1978; Martin, 2004).
Swings of the academic pendulum can be observed in the interplay between the
two basic traditions—mathematical and literary. It would be quite erroneous to
equate the use of mathematics with a law-seeking objective and the use of language
with a descriptive objective. Actually, mathematics in many cases provides a notably
more precise descriptive method. Studies in literary form may provide exciting
innovative approaches to the formulation of concepts. Verbalized and non-
quantitative studies in historical geography have nevertheless led the way in the
approaches to environmental perception (Brookfield, 1969; Meinig, 1962:207). In
the early 2000s the professional periodicals carry contributions in both the math­
ematical and the literary tradition—neither seemed about to be abandoned.
By this time geography in the United States and the United Kingdom had con­
verged, and an Anglo-American geography could be written about (Johnston, 1997).
(Early in the history of academic geography, the United States imported texts, ideas,
concepts, and periodicals from the United Kingdom. Beginning in the 1960s the
United States exported some of the same to the United Kingdom.) Travel to meet­
ings across the Atlantic, giving lectures, holding university posts for a year or more,
and publishing in each other’s journals have become commonplace activities. Geo­
graphers from both countries developed a spatial science disciplinary matrix, and
many human geographers from both countries rebelled against the machinelike
properties of spatial science that did not allow for individuality. Humanism, with its
embrace of subjectivity, provided an avenue for one group of human geographers.
A second group of human geographers formed and formalized a radical geography.
This group sought to solve societal problems. It was driven by a very different set of
values than those of the humanities, and it frequently embraced Marxist methodology.
Throughout the period from the 1970s to the present, geography was in a state
of turmoil. Given the philosophical dispositions of geographers and the multiplicity
528 / MODERN

of specialty groups, it is hardly surprising that the field “danced but did not march.”
Individualism reigned supreme, and geographers wrote on whatever they pleased,
bending it to a geographic viewpoint. Their works were frequently so overwritten
that it was sometimes hard to find substance in the verbiage. Citation indexes
further encouraged the concept of “invisible colleges,” and networks arose which
might exert influence within the profession. With budgets tightening and academic
posts ever harder to obtain, the race to tenure, once an academician was hired, became
a scramble for publications. The result was that novitiates may have published
too much too soon, thus leading to a possible diminution in the worth of some
periodicals in the United States.
This sketch does not suggest intellectual anarchy. A lot of good work was also
accomplished and is in progress. The absence of a core, the new mobility, and the
breakdown of traditional boundary lines between inquiries has released imagina­
tions and enthusiasms. This has been revealed in Gould, The Geographer at Work
(1985) and Becoming a Geographer (1999). In many cases experimentation has
led to excellent studies. A new order has arisen in which no one point of view or
specialty group of the AAG dominates. Gaile and Willmott edited an encompassing
anthology entitled Geography in America (1989) and a second volume, Geography
in America at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century (2003), which, together with
Geography’s Inner Worlds (1992) and Rediscovering Geography (1997), represent
extended summaries of content and philosophy explaining both innovation and
Meanwhile, the field of geography remains too little known to the general pub­
lic and to workers in other scholarly fields. Although trained geographers are being
sought in increasing numbers,20 the great majority of Americans still have only the
vaguest idea about what geographers do. Frequently the newspapers run special
articles on the geographical illiteracy of American young people, and there is a flurry
of excitement in the schools to see that pupils memorize more place names. This
kind of teaching was outmoded in Ritter’s time. Although geographers are necess­
arily concerned with place names (unless their work is purely theoretical), place
names by themselves cannot be called geography. (Their study is properly referred
to as toponymy.) In the public mind, too, geography is another name for “popular
description and travel.” Marvin W. Mikesell has reported on how geography is viewed
by other social scientists:
it is probably fair to say that most of the geographic works known to scholars
in other fields are not regarded by geographers themselves as indicative of their
current interests. Among anthropologists and historians, the voice of American
geography is undoubtedly Ellsworth Huntington, whose theories of climatic influ­
ence have been obsolete for more than thirty years. Among political scientists,
geography is most commonly identified with the various schools of “geopolitics”
that flourished in the 1940s and are no longer taken seriously by political geo­
graphers. It would be difficult to prove that geographic thought is more clearly
perceived by economists, although central-place theory and other formulations of

20The Association of American Geographers lists many opportunities in its Newsletter,

from local, state and federal positions to college positions in the United States and abroad.
Innovation and Tradition / 529

location theory have some currency among economists concerned with urban and
regional planning. Sociologists are perhaps unique among social scientists in
having a more accurate perception of modem trends in geographic research,
although this awareness is confined very largely to the work of urban geographers
(Mikesell, 1969:240-241).
Looking at how geographers themselves view their own field, we find that
diversity of approach has always characterized geographic study. There was plenty
of diversity in ancient Greece, where most of the traditional currents of geographic
thought originated. Diversity was emphasized in the summary of geographic
thought provided by Humboldt and Ritter. And for the past century, when the nature
of geography as a field of learning and its relation to other fields of learning have
been debated at length, differences in the way geography is verbally described have
become even more diverse. This state of affairs has bothered some scholars, and
from time to time efforts have been made to provide narrow definitions of the
field that exclude considerable numbers of active workers, past and present, from
membership in the profession. These efforts have not been successful. In 1956
Carl O. Sauer wrote:
We continue properly to be, as I have said that we have been always, a diverse
assemblage of individuals, hardly to be described in terms of dominance of any
one kind of aptitude or temperament, mental faculty, or emotional drive, and yet
we know that we are drawn together by elective affinity. It is about as difficult to
describe a geographer as it is to define geography, and in both cases I am con­
tent and hopeful. With all shortcomings as to what we have accomplished, there
is satisfaction in knowing that we have not really prescribed limitations of
inquiry, method, or thought upon our associates. From time to time there are attempts
to the contrary, but we shake them off after a while and go about doing what we
most want to do. . . .
It seems appropriate therefore to underscore the unspecialized quality of geo­
graphy. The individual worker must try to gain whatever he can of special insights
and skills in whatever most absorbs his attention. Our overall interests, however,
do not prescribe the individual direction. We have a privileged status which
we must not abandon. Alone or in groups we try to explore the differentiation
and interrelation of the aspects of the earth. We welcome whatever work is
competent from whatever source, and claim no proprietary rights. In the history
of life the less specialized forms have tended to survive and flourish, whereas the
functional self-limiting types have become fossils. Perhaps there is meaning in
this analogy for ourselves, that many different kinds of minds and bents do find
congenial and rewarding association, and develop individual skills and knowledge.
We thrive on cross-fertilization and diversity (Sauer, 1956:292-293).
The decision regarding which approaches to geography will survive and which
will disappear can only be made by the coming generations of scholars. As Stephen
E. Toulmin points out, progress and change in any scientific field do not take place
because the great scholars of an older generation change their minds; rather, they are
the result of the younger generation’s breaking with the traditions of their teachers
(Toulmin, 1967). If a particular approach—whether mathematical or literary,
genetic or conceptual—is to flourish, it must be attractive to younger scholars who
are in training. If large numbers of new students are attracted to a particular
530 / MODERN

approach to the study of geography, that aspect of the field will be nourished and
will progress rapidly; those aspects of geography that do not attract young people
must eventually disappear.
What makes some branches of a field like geography attractive? To be attrac­
tive it must do one of two things. First, it must make a clear contribution, widely
recognized, to the overriding problems with which humankind is faced in the
twenty-first century. It must help find solutions to problems of poverty, hunger, injus­
tice, violence, and warfare. If it fails to have any relevance to these problems, it
cannot long attract the attention of young scholars. If the scholars who are devoted
to the formulation of abstract concepts turn away from the real world and con­
template only self-images, the continued growth of a much-needed conceptual
framework will be disastrously affected. Julian Jaynes puts it this way:
. . . as science folds back on itself and comes to be scientifically studied, it is being
caricatured into a conformity which is nonsense, into a neglect of its variety
which is psychotic, into a nagging and insistent attention to its cross-discipline
similarities which are of trivial importance (1966:94).

Or if geographers are ever satisfied with writing mere descriptions of particular

places without reference to broadly unifying concepts, the field will be doomed. A
powerful way to make geographic study attractive to the younger generation is to
demonstrate clearly the nature of its contribution to the solution of major problems.
To fail to come to grips with the need for making practical application of abstract
concepts is to face the danger of permitting geographic work to become trivial.
We have a long and dignified heritage of geographic study— of effort to iden­
tify order in occupied space on the face of the earth in terms of the symbols we
adopt to guide our thinking. We must move forward without repeating the unnecess­
ary errors of the past, yet always with the courage to formulate new hypotheses
and to see hypotheses we formulate challenged and perhaps destroyed. There can
never be an end to this, for the kind of order we conceive changes with the change
of symbols and with the kinds of questions we ask. Always there is the challenge
to see whether there is another new world to describe and explain lying just beyond
the horizon.

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