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Estanislao and Africa Sinamban v.

China Banking Corporation

G.R. No. 193890 March 11, 2015

Reyes, J.

The spouses Manalastas executed a Real Estate Mortgage (REM) in favor
of respondent Chinabank. The spouses Manalastas executed several
promissory notes in favor of Chinabank. In two of the PNs, petitioners spouses
Sinamban signed as co-makers. Chinabank filed a Complaint for sum of money
against the spouses Manalastas and the spouses Sinamban. The spouses
Sinamban admitted that they signed some PN forms as co-makers upon the
request of the spouses Manalastas who are their relatives; although they
insisted that they derived no money or other benefits from the loans.

Whether or not a co-maker can be held solidarily liable.

Yes. According to Article 2047 of the Civil Code, if a person binds himself
solidarily with the principal debtor, the provisions of Articles 1207 to 1222 of
the Civil Code (Section 4, Chapter 3,Title I, Book IV) on joint and solidary
obligations shall be observed. It is settled that when the obligor or obligors
undertake to be "jointly and severally" liable, it means that the obligation is
solidary. A co-maker of a PN who binds himself with the maker "jointly and
severally" renders himself directly and primarily liable with the maker on the
debt, without reference to his solvency.

In this case, the spouses Sinamban expressly bound themselves to be

jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable with the principal makers of the PNs,
the spouses Manalastas.

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