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Nerve Conduction Studies



Stimulation Axonal Neuropathies
Recording Segmental Demyelinating Neuropathies
Measurements Mixed Axonal and Demyelinating Neuropathies
Stimulation Median Neuropathies
Recording Ulnar Neuropathies
Measurements Fibular (Peroneal) Neuropathies
Physiologic Variables SYSTEM DEGENERATIONS
Long- and Short-Segment Studies Motor System
Distinguishing Proximal and Distal Abnormalities Sensory System
Technical Errors
Median–Ulnar Anastomosis
Deep Accessory Branch of Superficial Fibular DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH INVOLUNTARY
Localized Peripheral Nerve Damage Peripheral Nerve
Diffuse Peripheral Nerve Damage Cranial Nerve

Nerve conduction studies assist in the evaluation of neu- 3. Localizing focal abnormalities along a nerve
romuscular diseases by providing a physiologic assess- 4. Defining severity with objective measurements1
ment of the peripheral nerve, muscle, neuromuscular 5. Characterizing abnormalities, such as conduction
junction, dorsal root ganglion cell, and anterior horn cell. block or demyelination
They provide the greatest help in assessing peripheral 6. Helping to distinguish axonal disorders from ante-
nerve disease. Motor nerve conduction studies assess rior horn cell, neuromuscular junction, muscle, and
motor axons by selectively recording muscle responses central disorders, and
to nerve stimulation. Sensory nerve conduction studies 7. Identifying anomalous innervation.
assess sensory axons by stimulating or recording from
Motor nerve conduction studies were first described
peripheral nerves with predominantly sensory axons.
for clinical use in 1948.2 Subsequent studies defined
Nerve conduction studies most often confirm a clinical
normal values and the abnormalities seen in clinical dis-
diagnosis, but they are also valuable in:
orders.2 Motor nerve conduction studies have expanded
1. Excluding other suspected disorders steadily in application since then. Sensory nerve conduc-
2. Identifying unrecognized (subclinical) disorders tion studies initially were demonstrated experimentally


by Dawson and Scott in 1949, and were shown to be Stimulation of any of these nerves evokes both an elec-
of clinical value in 1958 by Gilliatt and Sears.2 Sensory trical and a mechanical response in the muscles inner-
nerve action potentials (SNAPs) are of much lower vated by the nerve distal to the site of stimulation. The
amplitude than compound muscle action potentials mechanical response, or muscle twitch, is not recorded
(CMAPs) and are sometimes below the level of noise in standard clinical nerve conduction studies, but it may
and artifact in the recordings. Averaging of multiple be measured for constructing strength–duration curves
potentials is often required to record them reliably, parti- or for other special studies. The electrical response is
cularly at proximal locations. called the compound muscle action potential (Fig. 13-1).
It is the summated electrical activity of the muscle fibers
that are in the region of the recording electrode and that
MOTOR NERVE CONDUCTION are innervated by the nerve. The general techniques of
STUDIES stimulating and recording are similar for all motor nerves.
The motor axons of any peripheral nerve that innervates
somatic muscle can be evaluated by motor nerve con- Stimulation
duction studies if the nerve can be stimulated and if
the response of one or more muscles innervated by that Nerve stimulation is achieved most readily with surface
nerve can be recorded electrically. Standard studies of electrodes placed over a nerve where it is relatively super-
motor nerve conduction assess the most accessible nerves ficial, such as over the ulnar nerve at the wrist and elbow.
(i.e., the ulnar and median nerves in the upper extrem- If there is overlying edema or fatty tissue, or if the nerve is
ities and the tibial and fibular [peroneal] nerves in the deep, a needle electrode permits more precise stimula-
lower extremities). Reliable motor nerve conduction tion with a lower voltage, with only minimal risk of
studies also can be performed on the musculocutaneous, trauma to neighboring structures.
radial, facial, spinal accessory, axillary, suprascapular, The standard stimulus is a square-wave pulse of current
femoral, phrenic and spinal nerves, but with increasing passing between two poles; the cathode () depolarizes
technical difficulty. the underlying axons, while the anode (þ) hyperpolarizes

0 1 2 3 4 5

FIGURE 13-1 ¡ Compound muscle

action potentials with ulnar stimulation
B (top) recorded with different locations
10 mV
of the G1 recording electrode (bot-
tom). (From Carpendale MTF: Con-
duction Time in the Terminal Portion
of the Motor Fibers of the Ulnar, Me-
dian and Peroneal Nerves in Healthy
Subjects and in Patients with Neuropa-
thy. Thesis, Mayo Graduate School of
Medicine, Rochester, MN, 1956, with

Nerve Conduction Studies 291

them. Usually, the cathode is closer to the recording Standard anatomic locations of recording electrodes
electrodes than is the anode to prevent block of axon con- provide reproducible potentials that can be compared
duction by hyperpolarization. A gradually increasing with normal values. Measurements of a CMAP are most
stimulus voltage produces a progressive increase in the reliable when recordings are made over the endplate re-
size of the CMAP as more and more axons in the nerve gion of the muscle, near the middle of the muscle belly.
are activated; the stimulus is increased by 30 percent after Recordings are made with a bipolar derivation: an active
the CMAP no longer increases (i.e., the stimulus is supra- (G1) electrode over the endplate region and a reference
maximal) to ensure activation of all the motor fibers. (G2) electrode over the tendon. Larger electrodes result
A stimulus of 25 mA (100 V) and 0.1 msec in duration in smaller CMAPs but give greater reproducibility.10
is usually sufficient to activate all the large myelinated Recordings may be made with surface or needle elec-
fibers in a nerve. Although large, low-threshold, fast- trodes. Surface electrodes provide the advantage of
conducting axons should be stimulated initially, varia- nontraumatic recordings with less risk of acquired
tions in the location of nerve fascicles and in the patterns immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, and
of current flow may result in the initial activation of smal- Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. They can be repositioned
ler axons with slower conduction. However, for abnor- more readily to obtain the maximal, initially negative
mal nerves or for deep nerves, the stimulus may need response. Needle electrodes have somewhat higher im-
to be as much as 75 mA (300 V) and 0.5 msec in dura- pedance but can be placed in the subcutaneous tissue im-
tion, and it may need to be delivered with a monopolar mediately adjacent to the muscle to provide a more
stimulator (distant anode) or with a near-nerve needle accurate reflection of the size of the CMAP than do sur-
electrode. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that face electrodes, which may be some distance from deep
large stimuli may produce errors by stimulating other muscles. Needle electrodes placed within muscle are less
nearby nerves inadvertently or by activating the nerve reliable because of an unstable configuration and ampli-
at a distance from the stimulating electrode. tude of the CMAP during muscle movement. However,
Magnetic stimulation of peripheral motor nerves can be intramuscular electrodes can record from a more limited
less painful and has been suggested as an alternative to area of the muscle and may be of value in assessing indi-
electrical stimulation for nerve conduction studies. How- vidual motor branches of a nerve, atrophic muscle, and
ever, the site of stimulation cannot be defined well enough anomalous patterns of innervation.
to permit reliable calculation of velocity, and maximal re-
sponses cannot be obtained reliably in diseased nerves.3–6 Measurements
Magnetic stimulation at the spinal nerve level does not
produce maximal activation of nerve fibers.7 The directly evoked CMAP recorded after stimulation of
a peripheral nerve is called an M wave. With supramax-
Recording imal stimulation, all the fibers in a muscle innervated by
the nerve contribute to the potential. The earliest com-
The CMAP is recorded with a pair of electrodes placed ponent is elicited by the fastest-conducting motor axons.
over a muscle or group of muscles innervated by the The M wave usually is described by its latency, ampli-
nerve. Recordings are often made from only a subset tude, area, and configuration.
of all the muscles innervated by the nerve; thus, the re- Latency is the time in milliseconds from the application
cordings assess only the axons innervating those muscles. of a stimulus to the initial deflection from the baseline,
For instance, recording from the hypothenar muscles is either positive or negative, and is the time required for
used commonly in tests of ulnar nerve motor conduction. the action potentials in the fastest-conducting fibers to
Selective damage to the axons that innervate either reach the nerve terminals and activate the muscle fibers
the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle or the first dorsal inteross- (Fig. 13-2). Since the latency of the peak of the CMAP
eous muscle therefore would not be identified unless represents activation of different axons at proximal
recordings were made also from those muscles. Recent and distal sites of stimulation, peak-latency measure-
studies have shown that recordings from the first dorsal ments are not reliable for determining motor conduction
interosseous and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscles can velocity When recording is done over the endplate
increase the identification of ulnar neuropathies by up region of the muscle, the normal configuration of the
to 20 percent.8 Recording from anterior compartment CMAP is biphasic, negative–positive. If the active elec-
muscles when no response is obtained distally with trode is not over the endplate region, the potential is
fibular (peroneal) nerve stimulation can provide valuable triphasic, with an initial positivity that makes latency
information as well.9 measurements less accurate. Since the distal latency

Stimulus at elbow Stimulus at wrist 10 millivolts

.0086" .004"

Conduction time, elbow to wrist .0086  .004  .0046 sec

Conduction distance, elbow to wrist .245 m FIGURE 13-2 ¡ A, Measurement of latency
Conduction velocity .245  .0046  53 m/sec and calculation of conduction velocity in ulnar
A nerve by recording hypothenar muscle action
potential. B, The change in conduction veloc-
70 ity with age in children. (From Thomas JE:
Conduction velocity (m/sec)

Conduction Velocity of the Motor Fibers of

60 Adult range
the Ulnar Nerve in Infants and Children. The-
50 sis, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine,
Rochester, MN, 1958. Modified with permis-
40 sion from Mayo Foundation for Medical Edu-
cation and Research. All rights reserved.)
20 X
X “Premature” infants tested within 6 weeks after birth
Expected normal
10 “Full-term” infants tested within 3 days after birth
full-term birth Infants and children of expected full-term birth
321 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Age (months after expected birth date)

9 15 21 27 33 39 45 51 57
B Age (months after last menstruation)

varies directly with the distance between the stimulating alone. However, an alternate calculation of “residual la-
electrode and the muscle, a fixed distal distance improves tency” that compares the expected latency (based on
reliability by eliminating distance differences among proximal conduction velocity) with the actual latency
individuals. may be of value in identifying distal demyelinating
Normally, only minimal changes in configuration oc- processes.11
cur with stimulation at proximal sites compared to the If the nerve is accessible, it is stimulated at more than
responses recorded at distal sites. In some recordings, one site along its course to evoke two or more CMAPs
particularly fibular nerve conduction to the extensor from the muscle. The latencies, areas, amplitudes, and
digitorum brevis (EDB), an initial positivity is seen configurations of the CMAP at each site are compared.
with proximal, but not distal stimulation because of Measurement of the differences in distance and latency
volume conduction of the CMAP from the distal por- between sites of stimulation allows conduction velocity calcu-
tion of the extensor hallucis longus muscle. The positive lation in the segment of nerve between the sites of
component must be ignored in measuring latency since it stimulation in meters per second. Accurate distance
is not from the EDB. In this case, latency should be mea- measurement is of critical importance in calculating ve-
sured to where the negative upslope of the CMAP crosses locity. Longer distances improve the reliability of velocity
the baseline to become negative. calculation.12
The distal latency from the most distal site of stimula- Comparison of conduction in selected segments with
tion includes slowing in the smaller nerve terminals and that in other segments of the nerve and with normal
the neuromuscular transmission time. Thus a conduc- values can localize a lesion along the length of a nerve.
tion velocity cannot be calculated from the distal latency Normal conduction velocities are from 40 to 55 m/sec
Nerve Conduction Studies 293

in the legs and from 50 to 70 m/sec in the arms. Conduc- electrode is used in place of surface electrodes. The tem-
tion is faster in proximal segments of nerves, thus result- perature of the limb and muscle also affects the CMAP;
ing in an inverse relationship between body height and larger areas, higher amplitudes, and longer latencies are
conduction velocity.13,14 found with lower temperatures.16,17
With supramaximal stimulation, the area (in msec.mV) The amplitude and latency of the CMAP change with
of the negative phase of the action potential measures the the site of stimulation. At more proximal sites, the latency
number of muscle fibers depolarized and shows only mi- increases progressively with increase in distance that the
nor change with the distance of the muscle from the stim- action potential has to travel to the muscle. The ampli-
ulating electrodes. Change in CMAP area is the most tude decreases as the synchrony of discharge of the
reliable measure of loss of functioning axons between contributing motor units decreases. If all axons con-
two points along a nerve and should be measured if ducted at the same velocity, the amplitude would remain
the recording equipment permits. Because the contribu- unchanged; but because they differ, slower-conducting
tion of individual motor units to the CMAP is deter- axons activate the muscle progressively later with more
mined by the location of the recording electrodes, they proximal stimulation so that the CMAP becomes longer
should be applied in standard locations.15 and lower. Partial CMAP cancellation of negative com-
If area cannot be measured, amplitude can serve the same ponents by overlapping positive components results in
purpose, provided that the duration of the CMAP does only minimal reduction in area compared to amplitude
not change between stimulation sites. The amplitude of at more proximal sites of stimulation. A reduction in area
the CMAP usually is measured as the height in millivolts or amplitude at a proximal site compared to a distal site
from the baseline to the peak of the negative phase. The of stimulation that is greater than that of a normal nerve
amplitude normally is between 2 and 20 mV, but is some- is evidence of disease. This reduction can result from dif-
what lower in some nerves when more proximal sites are fuse disease with a gradual reduction along the length of
stimulated. The area and amplitude of the CMAP should the nerve. In contrast, a focal lesion may result in a
be measured routinely because they are proportional to CMAP reduction over a short distance, called a conduc-
the number of muscle fibers activated and provide an esti- tion block. A conduction block is one of the most reliable
mate of the amount of functioning nerve and muscle. The signs of an acute compression neuropathy. The extent of
area and amplitude of the CMAP are affected by a normal reduction in area and amplitude with more prox-
number of variables. The distance between the recording imal stimulation varies from nerve to nerve; values in in-
electrode and the muscle has the greatest effect; thus, the dividual cases must be compared with normal values for
presence of edema or excess fat results in CMAPs with that nerve. In most limb nerves, the reduction in area
small areas and low amplitudes. Fortunately, edema and amplitude with stimulation between the wrist or
and fatty tissue are recognized easily, so that the low ankle and elbow or knee is less than 20 percent.
amplitudes are not mistaken for signs of disease. The duration of the response is the time, measured in
The area, amplitude, duration, and latency of the milliseconds, from the onset to the end of the negative
CMAP are dependent on a number of factors that must phase of the M wave. Differences in conduction velocity
be considered when nerve conduction studies are quan- result in the nerve action potentials generated by a single
titated. The number of activated axons directly affects stimulus reaching the muscle slightly dispersed in time.
the size and shape of the CMAP. For consistency of mea- The duration normally increases slightly at more proxi-
surement, supramaximal responses are recorded in stan- mal sites of stimulation compared to distal sites. Greater
dard nerve conduction studies. Submaximal responses variation in axon velocities results in greater CMAP dis-
have longer latencies, smaller areas, and lower ampli- persion with a longer duration. The change in duration
tudes. To obtain the maximal response with no initial of the response provides an approximation of the range
positivity, the active electrode should be over the end- of conduction velocities in motor axons. Other methods
plate region of the main bulk of the muscles innervated have been proposed to measure conduction in slower
by the nerve being tested, with the reference electrode fibers. Paired stimulation (collision) is significantly more
over the tendon of the muscle. The interelectrode dis- time-consuming and seldom provides useful clinical in-
tance between the active and the reference electrodes di- formation. F-wave methods can demonstrate more dis-
rectly affects the area and amplitude of the CMAP and persion because of the longer course of nerve traversed
must be standard for each nerve. It must be greater for (see Chapter 18).
longer muscles to allow placement of the electrodes over If the action potentials of slower-conducting motor
the endplate region and tendon. The CMAP differs units spread out by dispersion, the CMAP breaks down
when a subcutaneous or an intramuscular needle into an irregular waveform with spike components.18

This occurs with the pronounced slowing of conduction range of conduction of the fibers in the nerve. In the
velocity in demyelinating disorders and with reinnerva- F-wave method, the range of latencies of F waves is mea-
tion. Dispersion of the CMAP can provide evidence of sured with separate stimulation at proximal and distal
underlying disease even when the fast-conducting fibers sites. Comparison of the earliest and latest F-wave laten-
still conduct at normal rates. The most reliable quanti- cies at the two sites of stimulation and the distance
tation of a dispersed CMAP is the duration of the nega- between them provides a measure of conduction in the
tive phase of the CMAP. The increase in duration at fast- and slow-conducting fibers.
proximal sites of stimulation differs for different nerves. With repetitive stimulation the area and amplitude of a
Normal values must be defined for each nerve. Identify- CMAP are normally constant. In disorders of neuromus-
ing the end of the positive phase of the CMAP is more cular transmission and in some disorders of nerve and
difficult, especially in disease with complex CMAPs hav- muscle, the area, amplitude, configuration, or latency
ing multiple baseline crossings and phases. The duration of consecutive CMAPs may change with repetitive stim-
of such waveforms is best measured to the last baseline ulation by either an increment or a decrement in the
crossing. CMAP. A decrement is measured as a percentage
The collision and F-wave latency methods have been repor- change in the amplitude or area between two CMAPs
ted to measure conduction of slower motor fibers by recorded sequentially on stimulation at the same site.
stimulation of the nerve at proximal and distal sites. In A decrease in amplitude from 10 to 9 mV is a decrement
the collision method, two stimuli are applied simulta- of 10 percent. A decrement at slow rates of stimulation
neously, one at a proximal and the other at a distal site (2 to 5 Hz) usually is caused by disease at the neuromus-
on the nerve. The antidromic CMAP (going up the cular junction. Stimulation (or voluntary activation) at
nerve) from the distal site collides with and cancels the rapid rates (10 to 50 Hz) may result in decrements in
orthodromic (down the nerve) CMAP from the proximal normal people or in persons with disease of the neuro-
site, so that only the orthodromic CMAP of the distal muscular junction, nerve, or muscle. Rapid rates of stim-
stimulation is recorded.19 If the interval between the time ulation also may produce an increment in amplitude or
of stimulation of the distal and proximal sites is increased area, which also is measured as a percentage change. An
gradually, at a certain interval only the more slowly con- increase from 5 to 10 mV is an increase of 100 percent.
ducting fibers are blocked by collision, because the rap- Area and amplitude changes also may occur slowly after
idly conducted potentials already have passed the distal exercise in disorders such as periodic paralysis (Fig. 13-3).
site of stimulation, leaving a CMAP contributed by only Such changes are dependent on the rate of stimulation
the fast-conducting fibers. A plot of the amplitude of the and are discussed in Chapter 17.
CMAP (elicited by the proximal stimulus) against the in- When a peripheral nerve is stimulated, late waveforms
terval between the two stimuli provides an estimate of the may be elicited in addition to the direct M response

Normal Periodic paralysis


8% fall
Amplitude (mV)

62% fall
FIGURE 13-3 ¡ Amplitude of a
compound muscle action potential
after exercise, compared with a rest-
5 ing response in a normal subject and
in a patient with periodic paralysis.
3.5 minutes 5 minutes
exercise exercise

5 15 25 35 45 55 5 15 25 35 45 55

Minutes after exercise Minutes after exercise

Nerve Conduction Studies 295

H reflex F wave Axon “reflex” can provide an estimate of conduction in the central seg-
ments of motor fibers. F-wave latencies are assessed most
readily by comparison of the measured latency with nor-
mal values at the same distance. F-wave latency values in
normal subjects depend on the peripheral conduction ve-
locity and the length to the limb. Estimates of normal
values can be obtained readily by doubling the distance
from the distal site of stimulation to spinal cord (sternal
Stimulus Stimulus Stimulus notch for arm and xiphoid for leg), dividing the result by
the peripheral conduction velocity, and adding the distal
latency.20 Values longer than the normal range of F es-
timates indicate proximal slowing relative to distal, as in
FIGURE 13-4 ¡ Late muscle responses after peripheral nerve a polyradiculopathy; those shorter than the F estimate in-
stimulation. dicate distal slowing relative to proximal, as in a periph-
eral neuropathy.
Individual F-wave latencies can be measured to obtain
(Fig. 13-4). A nerve stimulus normally evokes action po- a statistical distribution with a mean, standard deviation,
tentials that propagate proximally toward the anterior and range.21 These are time-consuming to collect, but
horn cell (antidromic), as well as peripherally (orthodro- they provide a more accurate measure of the range of ve-
mic) to activate the muscle directly. The antidromic po- locities in the motor axons and an estimate of conduction
tentials may be blocked by hyperpolarization at the in the slower-conducting fibers. Although samples of
anode, but if the cathode is placed proximally, all the 20 F waves are needed to provide values of minimum
motor axons can be activated antidromically. A small and mean latency within 95 percent of the true value,
proportion of the anterior horn cells are activated anti- 8 to 10 responses are sufficient to provide reliable values,
dromically in either the cell body or the axon hillock; and the procedure is tolerated readily by most pa-
these discharge another action potential orthodromically tients.22,23 The F-wave amplitudes represent the sum-
along the axon. Paired stimuli will block these waves be- mated potentials of the muscle fibers of one or more
cause the second antidromic potential will collide with motor units and therefore have different amplitudes
the recurrent orthodromic potential. These recurrent and configurations. The amplitude of a group of F waves
discharges produce a small muscle potential after a delay provides an estimate of the relative amplitudes of the ac-
of 20 to 50 msec, depending on the distance from the site tion potential of individual motor units. These also are
of stimulation to the spinal cord. These late responses are described best by a combination of means, standard de-
referred to as F waves (Fig. 13-5) and were first described viation, and maximal and minimal values. If there are
by Magladery and McDougal.2 only a small number of axons, the F waves of single axons
Individual F waves are the action potentials of a single may fire repeatedly to produce identical-appearing F
or a few motor units. Although F waves represent only a waves from a single motor unit (repeater F waves) that
small sampling of the axons in the nerve, and they have are a sign of an underlying neurogenic process with col-
variable latencies as different axons are activated, they lateral sprouting.24,25

FIGURE 13-5 ¡ F waves recorded from abductor hallucis

brevis muscle with tibial nerve stimulation at standard
(left) and high (right) amplification (multiple traces

5 mV 500 V
20 msec 20 msec


Knee, 42.7 cm

FIGURE 13-6 ¡ Late responses in abductor hallucis

Ankle, 15.0 cm brevis muscle to tibial nerve stimulation. Broad ar-
row indicates F waves; narrow arrow indicates axon
500 v reflex (A wave).
10 msec

Ankle, 7.0 cm

Other small electrical responses may occur after the M Stimulus voltage
wave. For instance, if a few axons are conducting at a
slower rate than the remainder, a small late potential
may be seen after and time-locked to the CMAP; this
1000 V
is called an M-wave satellite. A second small response that 5 msec
may be confused with an F wave is an A wave. This results 190−200
500 V
either from an axon that branches in the peripheral
5 msec
nerve; by spontaneous backfiring of an axon along its
length; or by ephaptic activation of one axon by another,
called direct and indirect double-discharges.26,27 Electrical 170−180
stimulation distal to the site of branching produces an an- 500 V
tidromic potential that becomes orthodromic at the 5 msec
branch point (see Fig. 13-4; Fig. 13-6).28 This potential, FIGURE 13-7 ¡ Increments in compound muscle action po-
like the F wave, has a shorter latency as the site of stim- tential of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle with small in-
ulation moves proximally. The axon branch is typically a creases in stimulus to the fibular nerve.
small, poorly myelinated, high-threshold axon, but a
stimulus of sufficiently high intensity may activate the
branch and block the A wave by collision. A third type units in a muscle can be estimated by measuring an av-
of late response occurs in some diseases of peripheral erage size of a single motor unit potential with these in-
nerve in which there is unusual irritability. In these dis- crements, then dividing that average into the size of the
eases, the nerve and muscle discharge repetitively in re- supramaximal CMAP.29,30 A number of automated
sponse to a single stimulus. Each of these discharges must methods have been developed to make this measure-
be distinguished carefully from F waves. ment.31,32 A mean of 320 (100 to 500) motor units is
The CMAP is the summed response of the potentials of found in thenar and hypothenar muscles, and a mean
the individual motor units in the muscles activated by the of 150 (50 to 300) motor units is found in the EDB mus-
stimulation. In normal people, the individual motor unit cle.33 These measurements become less reliable with
potentials are 20 to 200 mV in amplitude when recorded smaller motor units, as in myopathies, but become more
with surface electrodes. These are not recognized in stan- reliable and reproducible with neurogenic atrophy.
dard nerve conduction studies. However, if a high ampli- When the motor unit potentials become large, as in
fication of the CMAP is combined with fine control of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or after poliomyelitis, mo-
the stimulus intensity near threshold, the individual all- tor unit estimate measurements can be used to follow
or-none firing potentials of single motor unit potentials the course of the disorder quantitatively.
can be isolated as step increments in the potential with Nerve excitability is a more recent development in
increased stimulus (Fig. 13-7). The number of motor the testing of peripheral nerve.34 The method, which
Nerve Conduction Studies 297

is discussed in Chapter 15, is more complicated than Sensory recordings from the lateral antebrachial, saphe-
standard nerve conduction studies. It measures a num- nous, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves are more dif-
ber of membrane characteristics related to threshold, ficult to obtain and are rarely of help in routine clinical
including the effect of a test current on the nerve. Auto- studies.
mated equipment has been developed for clinical testing. Sensory conduction studies can add much to motor
Although still early in its development, it has shown conduction studies (e.g., evidence of diffuse sensory fiber
abnormalities in a number of clinical disorders.35 involvement, localized lesions involving a cutaneous
nerve, or disorders that preferentially damage the sen-
SENSORY NERVE CONDUCTION sory fibers in a mixed nerve). Because sensory nerve
conduction studies are more sensitive than are motor
conduction studies in detecting early or mild disorders,
Stimulation and recording directly from a mixed periph- they are a necessary part of any electrophysiologic eval-
eral nerve tests both motor and sensory axons. Evalua- uation of peripheral neuromuscular disease.
tion of sensory axons alone requires stimulating and Two other techniques, the blink reflex and the H re-
recording from a cutaneous nerve; recording from a cu- flex, assess sensory axons of the trigeminal nerve, me-
taneous nerve while a mixed nerve is stimulated; record- dian nerve, and sciatic nerve; these techniques are
ing from a mixed nerve while a cutaneous nerve is discussed in Chapters 18 and 19. In each technique,
stimulated; or recording from the spinal column or cere- sensory fibers are stimulated while a recording is made
bral hemispheres while a cutaneous or mixed nerve is of a reflex motor response mediated by the central ner-
stimulated. Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) vous system.
are of much lower amplitude than are CMAPs and
may be obscured by other electrical activity and artifact. Stimulation
Averaging multiple responses sometimes is needed to
provide reliable, measurable sensory potentials. Poten- Because the speed of conduction in axons is the same
tials that are recorded over the spinal column and scalp orthodromically and antidromically, action potentials
are called somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs); these are may be evoked in either direction for testing sensory con-
discussed in Chapters 26 and 27. SEPs recorded for duction (Fig. 13-9). Each has advantages and disadvan-
the diagnosis of peripheral nerve disease are an extension tages that make it more appropriate for particular
of sensory nerve conduction studies. Sensory conduction clinical situations. Stimulation of a cutaneous nerve at
in severe sensory neuropathies in which no SNAP is re- a distal site (e.g., the digital nerves in a digit) produces
cordable can sometimes still be measured by recording a small orthodromic nerve action potential that can be
the SEP. recorded over the proximal mixed nerve that it joins.36
SNAPs can be recorded readily from the ulnar, me- Stimulation also can be applied over a mixed nerve to
dian, radial, lateral, and medial antebrachial, fibular, record a larger antidromic nerve action potential over
plantar, and sural nerves. SNAPs are also recorded pre- the cutaneous nerve, but the latter may be associated
ceding a CMAP at high amplification, if the muscle and with a motor response that is difficult to distinguish from
overlying skin are innervated by the same nerve (Fig. 13-8). the SNAP (Fig. 13-10).

Record Median nerve Ulnar nerve

Digit II
FIGURE 13-8 ¡ Cutaneous origin
of nerve action potential in amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis with no the-
Adductor muscle
nar response.

20 V

2 msec

Stimulate Record Median nerve Ulnar nerve

Palm Wrist

Digit Wrist FIGURE 13-9 ¡ Orthodromic

and antidromic surface recordings
of sensory nerve action potentials.

Wrist Digit

50 V 20 V
1 msec 1 msec

Stimulation parameters for sensory nerve conduction by demyelinated or regenerated fibers that may be the
studies are similar to those for motor studies, and stimuli only findings in some neuropathies. The nerve action
should also be supramaximal. The location and orienta- potential is typically triphasic with a positive onset; it
tion of the stimulating electrodes are important for has latency proportional to the distance from the stim-
obtaining artifact-free recordings. ulating electrodes and an amplitude approximately
proportional to the number of active axons, the syn-
chrony of axonal firing, and the distance from the
Recording nerve to the recording electrodes. The distance of
the electrode from the nerve can be estimated from
Recordings of compound SNAPs are technically more the rise-time; nearby nerves will have rise-times of less
difficult to make than are those of CMAPs because of than a millisecond.
the smaller size of the potentials. Recording electrodes The high amplification used for recording makes the
placed on the surface over a mixed or cutaneous nerve stimulus artifact a more common problem. To reduce
(particularly ring electrodes placed over the digits) are such artifact, greater attention is required for placement
most convenient; however, needle recording electrodes of ground electrodes, elimination of conducting bridges
placed near the nerve can enhance the amplitude of between the ground and the stimulating electrodes, iso-
the response up to fivefold (Fig. 13-11).37 Small com- lation of the stimulating electrodes, and proper orienta-
ponents recorded with needle electrodes are generated tion of the stimulating and recording electrodes. Another

Stimulate Record

Wrist Digit V 20 V
2 msec FIGURE 13-10 ¡ Volume-conducted motor
artifacts with antidromic nerve testing. There
is no ulnar nerve sensory potential.

Digit V Wrist 10 V
2 msec
Nerve Conduction Studies 299

Record Surface Near nerve (needle)

20 V

Knee 2 msec

FIGURE 13-11 ¡ Tibial nerve action potentials with medial plantar stimulation recorded by
surface and needle electrodes.

common problem in recording sensory potentials is far-field potential may be recorded from the reference
the appearance of background muscle activity, which electrode before the action potential is recorded from
is reduced most effectively by gentle manipulation of the active electrode. The problem of recording far-field
the limb and by providing patients with auditory feed- potentials from a laterally located reference electrode
back of their own muscle contractions. Sensory studies is less when recording is done with near-nerve needle
require particular attention to temperature because the electrodes because the far-field potential is relatively
superficial location of cutaneous nerves makes it more smaller than is the near-field potential, and it also causes
likely that mild slowing in conduction may be caused less distortion. Needle electrode recordings also can
by low temperature. provide a better representation of the components of
Technically, the easiest and most reliable distal SNAP the SNAP when the potential is broken up by disper-
recordings for both the ulnar and the median nerves are sion. Such apparently dispersed SNAPs with multiple
obtained by orthodromic activation of axons. Radial and components recorded from either a needle or a sur-
sural nerves, however, are tested more readily with an face electrode must be interpreted with caution because
antidromic volley; recording is performed over a distal they are sometimes artifacts of the recording that are
branch while the main trunk of the cutaneous nerve is not reflected in either in vitro recordings from whole-
stimulated. Simultaneous recording from more than nerve biopsy specimens or the distribution of axonal
one distal branch of a cutaneous nerve with antidromic diameters in specimens from nerve biopsies. The multi-
stimulation may enhance sensitivity to localized nerve ple components may be artifacts either of stimulation
damage. of more than one nerve by an excessively large stimu-
The placements of the active electrode and the reference lus (Fig. 13-12) or of recording a far-field potential
electrode are of critical importance in recording SNAPs. (Fig. 13-13).
The potential is optimal when the active electrode is
immediately adjacent to the nerve and the reference elec- Measurements
trode is placed as far away as possible. However, artifacts
from intervening muscle or other tissue increase when the Latency, conduction velocity, area, and amplitude are
reference electrode is moved away. A compromise be- measured for sensory conduction studies, as they are
tween optimal SNAP amplitude and an artifact-free signal for motor conduction studies, but these are more difficult
must be reached. A reference electrode located 4 cm from to measure because of configuration changes and small
the active electrode provides almost full representation of size. The SNAP is a moving wave recorded in a volume
the SNAP with a minimum of noise. The reference elec- conductor and, therefore, typically has an initial positiv-
trode may be placed either laterally away from the nerve ity because of current flow ahead of the area of depolar-
or longitudinally further along the course of the nerve. The ization. The amplitude of the response measured from
latter placement leads to an inverted SNAP (near-field positive to negative peak provides the best estimate of
potential) being recorded from the reference electrode. the total number of fibers activated, although the dis-
At 4 cm, the inverted reference potential summates with tance between the recording electrode and the nerve
the potential at the active electrode and increases the heavily influences the amplitude. Area of the negative
size of the signal; some distortion results if the active and spike is a less satisfactory estimate because of the diffi-
reference electrodes are too close together. culty in defining measurement points.
However, in lateral placement, there is the more dif- The latency of the response is related directly to the
ficult problem of recording a far-field potential, which rate of conduction and the distance between the stimu-
can distort the SNAP in an unpredictable fashion. The lating and the recording electrodes. Comparisons of



FIGURE 13-12 ¡ Radial nerve activation by

excessive stimulation in median nerve conduc-
tion studies.

10 V
2 msec

differences in latency and distance at different sites allow The major problem in measuring the SNAP is its low
calculations of conduction velocity. Sensory compound amplitude, which makes the noise in the recording sys-
nerve action potentials range in amplitude from a few tem a significant percentage of the total waveform.
microvolts to 200 mV. Velocities are generally faster than Therefore, the measurement of a single SNAP is unreli-
are motor conduction velocities. With distal stimulation, able, unless the noise level is very low or the amplitude is
potentials are small when recorded at proximal sites and, greater than 25 mV. Otherwise, averaging is needed. An
at times, this precludes recording them directly without automatic averager is of major value in measuring the
averaging. Larger potentials can be obtained with stimu- SNAP. The averaged SNAP typically is a triphasic wave.
lation of the mixed nerve or by stimulation of unbranched The initial positivity is caused by the current from the
digital nerves (e.g., the median or ulnar nerves in the potential as it approaches the active electrode, and the
palm). With palmar stimulation, orthodromic sensory late positivity is the current flow of the potential moving
potentials can be recorded at proximal sites without away. These positive components are therefore of little
averaging (Fig. 13-14). diagnostic value. SNAPs have an initial negativity when
recorded at the boundary of volume conductors of differ-
ent sizes (e.g., the potential recorded from the digits).
Local reference electrode Latencies of SNAPs are measured to the onset of the
Lateral Medial negativity, regardless of whether there is an initial posi-
3−4 Electrode
tivity. If there is a positivity, the onset of the negativity is
location taken as the peak of the preceding positive phase. La-
2−3 4 tency to the onset reflects conduction in the fastest fibers
3 and is used to calculate conduction velocity. Latencies to
2 the negative peak may also be measured because they are
1 defined more easily, especially in noisy recordings. Peak
Knee reference electrode latencies will estimate conduction in the fibers with
medium-range velocity. Peak latencies cannot be used
4−K Stimulus to calculate conduction velocity from two points because
the axons that produce the peak at the two sites differ as a
result of dispersion of the potential. Latencies are mea-
sured most precisely with needle electrodes placed near
the nerve, but surface measurements are also reliable if
50 V
1−K the electrode is placed properly to give a fast rise-time.

5 msec Conduction velocity in the fast-conducting sensory fi-
FIGURE 13-13 ¡ Median nerve action potentials recorded bers is measured most accurately (as it is for motor con-
with different reference electrodes. Lateral recordings are far- duction) by using the distance and latency between two
field recordings. points of stimulation. Unlike a motor latency, however, a
Nerve Conduction Studies 301

Stimulate Record Median nerve Ulnar nerve

Palm Elbow

FIGURE 13-14 ¡ Surface recor-

dings of sensory nerve action
potentials with palmar stimulation.

50 V 20 V
1 msec 1 msec

sensory latency does not include the time for neuromus- difficult because of the need to average the potentials.
cular transmission, thereby allowing calculation of sen- A second method that has been used to estimate the con-
sory conduction velocity by the distance and latency duction in small fibers uses a mathematical analysis of the
with stimulation at a single site. Although it is reliable, configuration of the potential. This method has been
one-point velocity calculation still may include some shown to have some validity when compared with other
slowing in nerve terminals. A lesion can be localized methods, but it is fraught with unsolved technical prob-
more precisely by an abrupt change in latency and in lems, such as the distortion caused by the presence of far-
waveform of the antidromic sensory potential during field potentials recorded from the reference electrode.
“inching” of the stimulus in short increments along the The amplitude and area of the SNAP are important pa-
nerve. rameters that provide information about the number of
Measurements of conduction in the slower-conducting axons and their sizes. They cannot be related directly to
fibers of sensory nerves have been attempted with the number of axons, however, because the distance of
methods similar to those used in motor conduction stud- the nerve from the electrode influences them. Surface
ies. The collision method, in which paired stimuli are de- electrodes can give estimates of the number of axons if
livered at two sites along a nerve, gives estimates of they are placed near the nerve, as defined by the rise-
conduction in slow sensory fibers. In Figure 13-15, a time. Responses recorded with needle electrodes are
full-size potential is obtained with intervals greater than more difficult to interpret because the amplitude, area,
5 msec between stimuli separated by 14 cm. This indi- and configuration are so heavily dependent on the
cates a minimal conduction velocity of 28 m/sec. All precise location of the electrode relative to the nerve;
axons are blocked at intervals of less than 3.5 msec however, they can be used if they have fast rise-times.
between stimuli for a maximal conduction velocity Responses recorded with needle electrodes also show
of 40 m/sec. These measurements can be technically turns, late components, and dispersion in the SNAP that
are not seen with surface electrodes. Thus, needle-
electrode and surface-electrode recordings of SNAP
each have advantages and disadvantages.
The greater range of conduction velocities in sensory
axons results in more cancellation of the negative phase
20 V of the SNAP by the initial and late positivity as the po-
2 msec tential travels longer distances. Therefore, marked re-
ductions in amplitude and area of SNAPs may occur
Stimulus Recording with increased conduction distances, making such mea-
2 1 G1 G2 surements less useful, except over distances of 10 cm or
less. Decrement in amplitude and area with repetitive
Nerve stimulation is also less useful because it occurs only with
14 cm 7 cm axonal disease and requires rapid rates of stimulation.
FIGURE 13-15 ¡ Measuring conduction in slow fibers in the Other measures of sensory nerve conduction may be
sural nerve by using paired stimuli at two sites to produce obtained by recording H-wave latency (see Chapter 18)
collision of potentials. See text for further details. or SEPs (see Chapters 26 and 27).

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF NERVE abnormalities, especially if they are mild. Longer seg-
CONDUCTION STUDIES ments also reduce the effect of small errors in distance
or latency measurement. F-wave latencies assess the lon-
Physiologic Variables gest segments, and therefore are often more sensitive and
accurate in identifying generalized slowing than stan-
Normal values for latency, area, amplitude, and conduc-
dard peripheral conduction.
tion velocity vary with age, height, temperature, and tech-
nique.14,38 Therefore, each laboratory should determine
its own set of normal values. Median and ulnar nerves, Distinguishing Proximal
and tibial and fibular nerves, have similar conduction ve- and Distal Abnormalities
locities to each other and between the limbs for each
nerve.39 Leg nerves conduct 7 to 10 m/sec slower than Peripheral nerve disorders may produce slowing in distal
those in the arms, probably because of slower conduction segments (peripheral neuropathy), in proximal segments
in longer axons. Conduction in proximal nerve segments (polyradiculopathy), or in both segments. Distal abnor-
is somewhat faster than in distal segments. malities are identified readily with standard nerve con-
Low temperatures result in slower conduction velocities duction studies of limb nerves that involve stimulating
and longer distal latencies; both nerve and muscle action and recording conduction velocity and distal latency from
potential amplitudes are higher with lower temperatures. distal segments of the nerve. Identification of proximal
Room temperatures above 70 F (20 C) minimize these abnormalities requires stimulating proximal nerves such
changes, but use of a heating lamp or immersion of the hand as the musculocutaneous or facial nerves, or stimulating
or foot in water at 40 C before testing may be necessary if across plexus segments by percutaneous stimulation of
they feel cool to the touch. Continuous measurement of skin spinal nerves combined with distal nerve stimulation.43,44
temperature (above 31 C in the hand and above 29 C in the F-wave latency comparisons with F-wave estimates are
leg) in the region of a nerve conduction study is necessary to most efficient for recognizing proximal slowing, as in a
ensure that responses are not altered by temperature. polyradiculopathy. Blink reflexes are also important for
Conduction velocities change markedly with age be- recognizing proximal slowing.
tween the neonatal period and 6 years, with more grad- Various methods of calculation have been devised to
ual subsequent changes up to adulthood. Conduction obtain estimates of conduction velocities to identify the
begins to slow minimally after 40 years of age, but more presence or absence of proximal slowing in combination
so after the age of 60 years. Normal value determinations with peripheral slowing. Comparison of F-wave latency
should be age corrected. Conduction velocity in the legs with an estimated F-wave latency that is based on peripheral
slows with height and should be corrected for heights conduction and length of the nerve to the spinal cord can
over 78 inches (198 cm).14,40,41 Gender differences are determine whether conduction slowing is equal proximally
caused primarily by differences in height. and distally, is greater distally than proximally, or is greater
proximally than distally (see F-wave section, earlier).45

Long- and Short-Segment Studies Data Analysis

Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies can be per- The analysis and interpretation of the numerical data
formed over different lengths of nerve. Usually, the length obtained in nerve conduction studies depend on the
is selected for ease and reliability of testing (e.g., the elbow- reliability of the data and on the normal values with
to-wrist segment in the arm and the knee-to-ankle seg- which they are compared. These are ignored too often,
ment in the leg). However, both stimulation over short leading to erroneous conclusions about the presence or
segments and stimulation over long segments have distinct absence of peripheral nerve disease. Reliability is the
advantages in certain clinical situations. A localized area responsibility of electromyographers, who must define
of abnormality, either slowing or amplitude change, is the reproducibility of the data they obtain. This starts
most apparent if the testing isolates that segment from with careful attention to eliminating technical errors
immediately proximal and distal segments. In longer seg- but then must be assessed formally. Repeating the nerve
ments, such local abnormalities may not be apparent conduction studies on the same individual a number of
because they are averaged with the normal segments.12 times on different days can do this most readily. That
Short-segment testing is best accomplished by “inching” variation then defines how to interpret patient data.
(i.e., stimulation at short intervals of 2 cm along a nerve).42 For example, an ulnar/hypothenar CMAP that is
In contrast, recording over long distances that sum- 5 mV, when the lower limit of normal is 6 mV, cannot
mate abnormalities is the best way to recognize diffuse be considered abnormal unless the reproducibility is
Nerve Conduction Studies 303

less than 1 mV. Amplitude measurements have the ANOMALIES OF INNERVATION

poorest reproducibility; distal latency, motor and sen-
sory conduction velocities, and F-wave latency have In standard nerve conduction studies, it is assumed that
increasing reproducibility.46 a patient’s nerves follow the normal anatomic patterns.
A definition of normal values for an individual requires However, as many as 20 percent of people may have
standard nerve conduction testing on a large population of anomalous patterns of innervation in the arm or leg;
normal subjects whose age, gender, height, and weight are this can result in unusual findings on nerve conduction
recorded. Automated programs then can give percentiles studies. If these variations are not recognized, they may
and normal deviates based on a comparison of the find- be mistaken for disorders of peripheral nerves. Two
ings in that patient with findings in normal subjects.47 anomalies that are of particular concern in nerve con-
A percentile analysis provides the percentage of matched duction studies are the presence of median–ulnar anas-
normal subjects with that value rather than absolute nor- tomosis in the forearm (Martin–Gruber anomaly) and a
mal values.48 In diffuse disorders (e.g., a peripheral neu- deep accessory branch of the superficial fibular (pero-
ropathy), the extent of abnormality may be different for neal) nerve in the leg.
different nerves tested. In those situations, assessing the
progression of chronic peripheral neuropathies is enhan- Median–Ulnar Anastomosis
ced by calculating composite scores of the motor or sen- Between 15 and 20 percent of normal people have
sory amplitudes or latencies to provide a better picture anomalous axons that pass from the median to the
of the overall status of the disease.49 ulnar nerve in the proximal third of the forearm, the
so-called Martin–Gruber anastomosis (Fig. 13-16).53
Technical Errors
These axons leave either the main trunk of the median
Technical problems are a common source of error in nerve or the anterior interosseous nerve and join the
motor and sensory nerve conduction studies. Any unex- main trunk of the ulnar nerve. Axons leaving or joining
pected finding should be assumed to be caused by a tech- a nerve between two sites of stimulation cause an unan-
nical error until proven otherwise. Spread of current ticipated change in the size or shape of the CMAP
because of excessive stimulation, small responses because (Fig. 13-17). With ulnar nerve stimulation, the ampli-
of submaximal stimulation when the stimulator is not over tude is lower at more proximal sites of stimulation,
the nerve or the nerve is deep, shock artifact, inadequate whereas with median nerve stimulation, the amplitude
skin preparation, distance measurement errors, incorrect is higher at more proximal sites of stimulation. The
limb positioning, machine filter settings, inappropriate axons that cross from the median nerve to the ulnar
normal values, and incorrect location of recording elec- nerve may innervate any of several intrinsic hand mus-
trodes must be watched for and eliminated. cles, but most commonly they innervate the first dorsal
The difficulty of measuring small responses or excessive interosseous muscle. For standard nerve conduction
background noise can lead to errors in measurement of studies, the most important sites of innervation are
action potentials. Averaging should be used for such sig- the thenar and hypothenar muscles (Fig. 13-18). There-
nals. Small signals within the noise level of the system fore, this anomaly can be particularly confusing in cases
require averaging to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. of carpal tunnel syndrome, and it can mimic an ulnar
Averaging sums a large series of responses that are time- neuropathy.54 The anomaly should be sought whenever
locked to the stimulus. Random noise will be canceled the amplitude of the response to median nerve stimula-
out, whereas the consistent response becomes more appar- tion is higher with elbow than with wrist stimulation,
ent. Averaging is limited to eliminating background noise when there is an initial positivity of the median motor
less than 50 times the signal size.50 response to stimulation at the elbow, or when the
response to ulnar stimulation is lower in amplitude at
Risks the elbow than at the wrist. Sensory fibers cross in
the anastomosis only rarely.55
Nerve conduction studies are essentially risk-free in normal
individuals when using equipment that is grounded prop-
erly. Nerve stimulation can be a risk if the current can reach Deep Accessory Branch of Superficial
the heart. It is thus relatively contraindicated in patients Fibular (Peroneal) Nerve
with catheters inserted directly into the heart. Limb stim-
ulation is safe, but stimulation near the heart, such as The other potentially confusing anomaly is the deep acces-
phrenic nerve stimulation, should be avoided in patients sory branch of the superficial fibular nerve. The axons that
with pacemakers, cardioverters, and defibrillators.51,52 innervate the extensor digitorum brevis muscle of the foot

M. pronator teres

M. palmaris longus

M. flexor digitorum M. flexor

superficialis carpi radialis

FIGURE 13-16 ¡ Sites of anastomotic fibers

M. crossing from median nerve to ulnar nerve.
brachioradialis (By permission of Mayo Foundation.)
Ulnar n.

M. flexor carpi ulnaris

M. flexor pollicis
longus M. flexor digitorum
Median n.

travel through the superficial rather than through the deep muscle on the dorsum of the hand,57 an “all-ulnar hand”
fibular nerve and pass posterior to the lateral malleolus with lumbrical and thenar muscles innervated by the
rather than anterior to the ankle.19 The detour of fibers ulnar nerve, and a fibular-innervated extensor digitorum
away from the deep fibular nerve results in a lower- brevis high on the dorsum of the foot (see Fig. 13-19).
amplitude response with distal than with proximal stimu-
lation of the fibular nerve. This lower amplitude is seen in PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
15 to 20 percent of normal people and can be especially
confusing in the presence of a fibular neuropathy with Peripheral nerve disorders produce only a limited num-
partial conduction block (Fig. 13-19). ber of electrophysiologic alterations; the major types
of abnormalities are conduction slowing, conduction
Other Anomalies block, and reduced or absent motor or sensory poten-
tials.58 Each of these may be focal or diffuse in distribu-
In addition to the major ones listed earlier, a number of tion. Reduced or absent responses result from Wallerian
uncommon anomalies may be encountered during nerve degeneration after axonal disruption, or from axonal
conduction studies. Examples include an anomalous su- degeneration, as in “dying-back” neuropathies. Slowing
perficial radial sensory branch with Martin–Gruber anas- of conduction occurs with segmental demyelination or
tomosis,56 a radial-innervated extensor digitorum manus with narrowing of the axons. Conduction block (loss of
Nerve Conduction Studies 305

Stimulate Stimulate
ulnar nerve median nerve
cm cm
29.0 27.2

26.7 24.5

FIGURE 13-17 ¡ Hypothenar muscle evo- 24.2 21.8

ked responses to ulnar and median nerve stim-
ulation with median-to-ulnar anastomosis in
the proximal forearm. 19.6


Record 5 mV
hypothenar 2 msec

conduction over a short segment of nerve) occurs with Recent reports have described stimulation frequency-
a metabolic alteration in the membrane, as with a local dependent conduction block in focal neuropathy.60
anesthetic block, or with a structural alteration in the The hallmark of conduction block is a reduction in am-
myelin, as in telescoping or segmental demyelination, plitude of the response obtained by stimulation proximal
and in other multifocal neuropathies such as sarcoid.59 to the site of the block, whereas conduction slowing is seen

To ankle
4% Innervates hypothenar
38.0 cm

Ulnar 30.5 cm

13% Innervates thenar

28.5 cm

Median To EDB

8.5 cm

5% Innervates both G1

Median 8.0 cm

2 mV
5 msec

FIGURE 13-18 ¡ Distribution of fibers in three types of FIGURE 13-19 ¡ Changes in evoked response amplitude
median–ulnar forearm anastomosis in 78 normal subjects. (Data from extensor digitorum brevis muscle (EDB) with fibular
from Wilbourn AJ, Lambert E: The forearm median-to-ulnar (peroneal) nerve stimulation in the presence of a localized
nerve communication: electrodiagnostic aspects. Neurology, fibular neuropathy at the head of the fibula and an anomalous
26:368, 1976.) deep accessory fibular nerve.

TABLE 13-1 ¡ Duration of Deficit After Peripheral Nerve Injury

Thus, no single change in nerve conduction studies is
typical of the clinical phenomenon of neurapraxia, in
Injury Duration of Deficit which there is a transient loss of function without atrophy.
If neurapraxia is caused by a metabolic alteration, it lasts
only a few minutes; however, if caused by axonal distortion
Metabolic Seconds to minutes
Myelin loss Days to weeks
with telescoping of internodes, it may persist for weeks or
Axonal distortion Weeks to months months (Fig. 13-20). The results of nerve conduction stud-
ies are a function of the underlying pathologic change and
not of the duration of the disorder.
Few axons No deficit
Many axons Weeks to months
All axons Months to years Localized Peripheral Nerve Damage
Localized peripheral nerve damage is characterized by
low-amplitude responses, slow conduction, or a change
as prolonged latency. Although conduction block and in CMAP amplitude. The CMAP amplitude may be
slowing may be seen in combination, they often occur low at all sites of stimulation if the damage is proximal
independently. Conduction block is more common in to the sites of stimulation. A lower-amplitude response
rapidly developing disorders and focal conduction slowing at proximal sites than at distal sites of stimulation re-
is more common in chronic disorders. Lack of function quires a search for a single, localized abnormality along
is best identified by an absent or reduced response to stim- the nerve; reduction in CMAP amplitude localized to
ulation at any site. Amplitude and area can help to catego- a short segment of nerve is called a “conduction block,”
rize nerve damage into broad groups. For instance, in in which some of the axons are unable to transmit an
traumatic injuries of a nerve, there is usually either conduc- action potential through the damaged segment but are
tion block with an amplitude difference between proximal functioning distal to it. If all axons are blocked in a seg-
and distal sites of stimulation, or axonal disruption with ment, stimulation proximal to the site of the lesion pro-
low-amplitude responses at all sites of stimulation, and duces no response distal to the lesion.
fibrillation potentials in affected muscles. Either process Localized nerve damage may also produce a short
may occur with the other and produce clinical deficits of segment of slow conduction in the nerve that typically
different durations (Table 13-1). is due to chronic, mild compression.61 Such focal slowing

R. ulnar nerve - hypothenar muscles R. median nerve - thenar muscles


Stimulus at:
12 Wrist
Elbow Wrist
Upper arm Elbow
Amplitude (mV)

8 above block

4 Upper arm

above block

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100
Days after onset

FIGURE 13-20 ¡ Evolution of velocity and amplitude changes of hypothenar and thenar
evoked responses with ulnar and median neuropathy caused by compression in the upper
arm. (By permission of E. H. Lambert, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)
Nerve Conduction Studies 307

Stimulate ulnar nerve

Record hypothenar m.



5 msec
FIGURE 13-21 ¡ Changes in amplitude and latency of
hypothenar evoked responses to ulnar nerve stimulation
in the presence of a localized right (R) ulnar neuropathy A
at the elbow. A, Tracings. B, Plots of evoked responses.
Normal responses are present in the left arm (L). (By per- 10 L
mission of E. H. Lambert, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.) mV


10 L

0 10 20 30 40 50
B Site of stimulation (cm from endplate zone)

of conduction must be distinguished from conduction segmental demyelination is associated with pronounced
block, which may also occur with localized nerve dam- slowing of conduction (usually to less than 50 percent of
age but is more likely to be due to acute or subacute normal) and with a progressive, proximal reduction in
compression (Fig. 13-21). amplitude of the CMAP caused by dispersion of the re-
Chronic mild compression of a nerve primarily pro- sponse (Fig. 13-22). Although distal latency may increase
duces slowing of conduction that is proportional to the with low-amplitude CMAPs regardless of their cause,
duration and severity of compression. Selective slowing marked slowing of motor conduction generally is suffi-
of nerve conduction in some of the axons in the nerve cient to identify demyelinating neuropathy. Most periph-
is associated with a gradual reduction in amplitude on eral nerve disorders produce greater clinical and
proximal stimulation because of dispersion and in- electrophysiologic changes distally. They commonly
creased duration of the response; however, the area of are referred to as “length-dependent” neuropathies.
the CMAP remains relatively constant.

Diffuse Peripheral Nerve Damage PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHIES

Nerve conduction studies can distinguish between gen- Variations in the distribution and differences in the type
eral categories of nerve disorders.62 A disorder associated of pathologic changes in peripheral neuropathies result
primarily with axonal destruction (e.g., axonal dystro- in different patterns of abnormality in nerve conduction
phies and dying-back neuropathies) is associated pre- studies (Table 13-2). Although the location and severity
dominantly with a reduction in amplitude of the of nerve disease are defined well by nerve conduction
CMAP at all sites of stimulation, with relatively little studies, the presence of mixed patterns or of mild
(or, at the most, up to 30 percent) slowing in conduction changes precludes characterization of the pathology of
velocity. In contrast, a disorder characterized by primary most peripheral neuropathies by nerve conduction

In upper arm Just above elbow Just below elbow At wrist

5 mV

Conduction distance to hand (mm) :

419 316 270 54
Conduction time to hand (msec):
13.2 10.2 8.3 3.2
Conduction velocity, upper arm to wrist, 36 m/sec

FIGURE 13-22 ¡ Dispersion of evoked potentials and reduction of evoked response ampli-
tude from hypothenar muscles in severe neuropathy. (By permission of E. H. Lambert,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)

studies. Although many patients with neuropathy show others (e.g., lead neuropathies) have a greater effect on mo-
mixed findings on nerve conduction studies, some tor fibers. Sensory axons commonly are involved earlier
patients may have a predominantly axonal or segmental and more severely than are motor axons.65 Occasionally,
demyelinating neuropathy (Table 13-3).62 sensory potentials of very low amplitude are associated with
only mild sensory symptoms. In contrast to the change in
Axonal Neuropathies amplitude, there is usually little change in latency or con-
duction velocity in axonal neuropathies because conduc-
Axonal neuropathies primarily affect the axon and are tion in individual axons generally remains normal until
characterized by either diffuse degeneration or dying-back the axon has degenerated. Therefore, normal conduction
of the distal portion of the axon. They are particularly com- velocities should not be considered evidence against the
mon with toxic and metabolic disorders. The major change presence of a neuropathy. Often, the only finding will be
on nerve conduction studies is usually a reduction in the fibrillation potentials on needle examination of distal mus-
amplitude of the SNAP, especially the medial plantar cles (especially intrinsic foot muscles) with or without low-
SNAP.63,64 The CMAP typically is reduced later, but amplitude CMAPs. Collateral sprouting of intact axons
can be lost early in the fibular distribution in predominantly can result in normal amplitudes of CMAPs with very low
motor axonopathies. This reduction is proportional to the motor unit number estimates.
severity of the disease. Some axonal neuropathies (e.g., If many of the large axons are lost, conduction velocity
those associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, carcinoma, may be reduced slightly but not to less than 70 percent of
and Friedreich ataxia) chiefly affect sensory fibers, whereas normal. Axonal neuropathies typically affect the longer

TABLE 13-2 ¡ Patterns of Abnormality in Nerve Conduction Studies of Peripheral Neuromuscular Disorders

Motor Nerve Studies Sensory Nerve Studies

Action Potential Action Potential

Disorder Amplitude Duration Conduction F-Wave Amplitude Duration Conduction

Velocity Latency Velocity

Axonal neuropathy # Normal >70% Mild " ## Normal >70%

Demyelinating neuropathy # Proximal " Proximal <50% " # " Proximal <50%
Mononeuropathy # " # " ## " #
Regenerated nerve # " # " # # #
Motor neuron disease ## Normal >70% Mild " Normal Normal Normal
Neuromuscular transmission (#) Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Myopathy (#) Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
", increase; #, decrease; ##, greater decrease; (#) occasionally decreased.
Nerve Conduction Studies 309

TABLE 13-3 ¡ Patterns of Abnormality in Peripheral Neuropathy

be no abnormalities on nerve conduction studies, or
the abnormalities may be limited to proximal slowing
PREDOMINANT CHANGES OF AXONAL DEGENERATION with prolongation of the F-wave or H-reflex latency.69
Diabetes (some patients) Although some nerve conduction findings are more
Guillain–Barré syndrome (some patients)
commonly abnormal early in the disorder (i.e., F
Toxic neuropathy (e.g., vincristine, acrylamide)
Alcohol waves, low CMAPs, an abnormal upper-extremity
Uremia SNAP combined with a normal sural response, and
Acute intermittent porphyria multiple indirect discharges), any one or more of them
Collagen/vascular diseases may be abnormal in individual patients.70,71 The
Carcinoma occurrence of multiple late waves likely is related to
the occurrence of myokymia in some patients. Thus,
PREDOMINANT CHANGES OF SEGMENTAL DEMYELINATION a subacute neuropathy with marked slowing or disper-
Diabetes (some patients) sion in more than one nerve is highly suggestive of
Guillain–Barré syndrome (some patients) AIDP. Sensory fibers are less involved than are motor
Déjerine–Sottas disease
ones; when the former are affected, it is primarily by
Diphtheritic neuropathy
Chronic inflammatory neuropathy axonal loss, in contrast to the prominent demyelina-
Refsum disease tion that occurs in motor fibers. The responses recor-
Leukodystrophies ded distally with stimulation at proximal sites (e.g., a
Neuropathy with monoclonal protein spinal nerve or the brachial plexus) also may be
abnormal. More commonly, however, the disorder is
associated with prolonged distal latencies of a mild
axons earlier and therefore are seen first in the lower or moderate degree in many separate nerves and with
extremities; typically, they are more severe distally variable slowing of conduction velocities, which may be
(length-dependent neuropathy). Nerves that are more symmetric or asymmetric. The facial nerves or other
susceptible to local trauma because of their superficial cranial nerves may be involved, with abnormalities
location are also more sensitive. Accordingly, these dis- on blink-reflex testing or on facial nerve stimulation
orders are often manifested electrophysiologically first (Fig. 13-23).
as fibular neuropathies with low-amplitude or absent Segmental demyelinating neuropathies are usually
responses, whereas other motor nerves remain intact. subacute inflammatory disorders such as AIDP, chronic
Axonal neuropathies may be associated with a change
of the refractory period of the nerve and with a relative
resistance to ischemia.
Patients with acute- or subacute-onset neuropathy usu- Stimulate
ally have acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculo- Orbicularis
neuropathy or, less commonly, a toxic neuropathy.65 oculi
A subset of patients with rapid-onset, generalized neurop- Right facial
athies have acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) with 200 V
low-amplitude CMAPs, normal sensory potentials and F- 2 msec
wave latencies, and prominent fibrillation potentials.66,67 If
the low amplitude is caused by severe, proximal axonal de- Extensor
struction, the prognosis for recovery is poorer. In some pa- digitorum brevis
tients with AMAN, especially after Campylobacter infection, Right fibular
the process attacks the intramuscular nerve terminals with 1 mV
loss of amplitude, small motor unit action potentials, and 5 msec
fibrillation potentials. The electrodiagnostic findings may
resemble a myopathy, but rapid recoveries can occur.68 digitorum brevis
Left fibular
1 mV
Segmental Demyelinating Neuropathies
5 msec
The Guillain–Barré syndrome, or acute inflammatory FIGURE 13-23 ¡ Dispersion of compound muscle action po-
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), has a tentials with needle and surface electrode recordings in Guillain–
spectrum of electrophysiologic changes. There may Barré syndrome.

inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy Acquired demyelinating disorders often show more

(CIDP), and diphtheritic neuropathies. However, simi- dispersion with proximal stimulation than do heredi-
lar patterns may be seen in hypertrophic neuropathies tary disorders. This latter distinction is not always
such as Déjerine–Sottas disease and hereditary motor reliable, however, because some patients who have a
sensory neuropathy (Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 1, or hereditary demyelinating neuropathy with a low-
CMT1).72 Demyelinating neuropathies typically are amplitude CMAP may have pronounced dispersion
associated with prolonged latencies and with a pro- at proximal sites of stimulation (Fig. 13-24).79 Because
nounced slowing of conduction, often in the range of of the varied nature of the disorder, attempts have been
10 to 20 m/sec. Commonly, the CMAP is relatively made to develop consensus criteria or other defining
preserved in amplitude on distal stimulation but is re- criteria for the diagnosis of CIDP. A recent one had sen-
duced and dispersed on proximal stimulation (see sitivity around 60 percent.80 Criteria in another recent
Fig. 13-22). Long-duration (greater than 9 msec) publication attempted to increase the sensitivity by
CMAPs are a characteristic of CIDP that is not seen defining the number of nerves with conduction block
in localized neuropathies, even with markedly pro- or temporal dispersion.
longed distal latencies.73 The proximal increase in du- Similar consensus criteria have been developed for
ration typically is associated with CMAP dispersion multifocal motor neuropathy.81 Criteria for a definite
with an irregular waveform. These characteristics are diagnosis include the following:
important in distinguishing long-duration CMAPs in
demyelinating neuropathies from the long-duration 1. Weakness in multifocal distribution with normal
CMAPs of criticial illness myopathy (see later). In some sensation
hereditary disorders (e.g., Déjerine–Sottas disease) 2. Definite conduction block in two nerves, excluding
the velocity may be only a few meters per second.74 common sites of compression
Acquired demyelinating neuropathies commonly 3. Normal sensory conduction across the same segment
affect sites of nerve compression early, producing asym- 4. Normal sensory conduction in three nerves, and
metric neuropathies of the fibular, ulnar, or median 5. Absence of signs of upper motor neuron involvement.
nerves at the knee, elbow, or wrist, respectively. The
A probable diagnosis requires probable conduction
refractory period in demyelinating neuropathies is
block in two or more nerves, or definite conduction block
reduced, often to the extent that repetitive stimulation
in one nerve and probable block in another.
at rates as low as 5 Hz causes a decrement, although the
decrement most commonly does not appear until rates
of 10 or 20 Hz are used. One form of demyelinating
neuropathy with multifocal motor conduction block Stimulate: Record:
may resemble amyotrophic lateral sclerosis superfi- ulnar nerve hypothenar muscles
cially, but it often has other widespread changes includ-
ing focal conduction blocks on nerve conduction
studies.75,76 Wrist, 8.0 cm
At times, the pattern of nerve conduction abnormality
in demyelinating neuropathies helps to differentiate an
acquired process from a hereditary one. The former
typically has scattered areas of slowing, with some areas Elbow, 21.9 cm
being much more abnormal than others, whereas her-
editary disorders generally have uniform, symmetric
patterns of abnormality. Thus, a single normal motor
Arm, 33.0 cm
nerve conduction study can serve to exclude CMT1,
but several nerves need to be tested when one attempts
to demonstrate uniformity in CMT1.77
Hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies (HNPP
Axilla, 45.9 cm
or tomaculous neuropathy) shows an unusual combina- 1 mV
tion of mild generalized slowing of conduction with
multifocal conduction block at sites of common com- 50 msec
pression, such as the median nerve at the wrist, ulnar FIGURE 13-24 ¡ Dispersion of compound muscle action po-
nerve at the elbow, or fibular nerve at the knee.78 tentials in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.
Nerve Conduction Studies 311

Mixed Axonal and Demyelinating TABLE 13-4 ¡ Compound Action Potential Amplitude to Supramaximal
Neuropathies Stimulation After Peripheral Nerve Injury

Diabetes is the most common cause of a peripheral neu- Amplitude

ropathy, and may show either axonal, demyelinating, or
Injury 0–5 Days After 5 Days Recovery
mixed features.82 In diabetes, small vascular lesions in a
multifocal distribution result in a variety of patterns of CONDUCTION BLOCK
abnormality on nerve conduction studies. Among the Proximal stimulation Low Low Increases
most common patterns in diabetes are a mild, general- Distal stimulation Normal Normal Normal
ized distal neuropathy caused by multiple small additive AXONAL DISRUPTION
lesions; and mononeuropathies of the median nerve at Proximal stimulation Low Low Increases
the wrist, ulnar nerve at the elbow, or fibular nerve at Distal stimulation Normal Low Increases
the knee. Often, the focal mononeuropathies are super-
imposed on mild, diffuse change, with generalized red-
uction in amplitudes of the CMAP and mild slowing degeneration, their conduction ceases and the amplitude
of conduction. Needle examination often shows only of the CMAP diminishes and finally disappears. One week
mild changes, usually distally. However, some patients after an acute injury, the amplitude of the evoked response
with diabetes have a lumbosacral polyradiculopathy can be used as an approximation of the number of intact,
manifested primarily by diffuse fibrillation potentials in viable axons (Table 13-4).
the L2 to L4 paraspinal muscles. This pattern may be An evolution of electrophysiologic changes after pe-
associated with prolongation of F-wave latencies as a ripheral nerve injury is also seen on needle examination
result of proximal slowing of conduction. F waves are and is an aid in characterizing mononeuropathies
the most sensitive measure of the lumbosacral polyradicu- (Table 13-5). Therefore, adequate assessment of a pe-
lopathy and generalized neuropathy of diabetes.83 Nerve ripheral nerve injury should include both needle exam-
conduction studies show a high correlation with clini- ination and nerve conduction studies. The significance of
cal findings. Threshold electrotonus measurements have changes with time after injury is outlined in Table 13-6.
demonstrated unique findings in diabetes, suggesting an The sequence of changes shows that nerve conduction
abnormal inward rectification that may provide insights studies can be important in the assessment of nerve
into the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy.84 injury within the first few days after injury.
Whereas electrophysiologic testing can aid in identify-
ing, localizing, and characterizing a neuropathy, these
FOCAL NEUROPATHIES tests are commonly of particular value in the assessment
The electrophysiologic changes found by nerve conduc- of the median, ulnar, and fibular nerves.
tion studies in mononeuropathies vary with the rapidity
of development, the duration of damage, and the severity Median Neuropathies
of damage, as well as with the underlying disorder. With a
chronic compressive lesion, localized narrowing or para- The most common focal mononeuropathy is the carpal
nodal or internodal demyelination produces localized tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is compres-
slowing of conduction. Narrowing of axons distal to a sed in the space formed by the wrist bones and the carpal
chronic compression causes a slowing of conduction along ligament. Early or mild compression of the median nerve
the entire length of the nerve. Telescoping of axons with
intussusception of one internode into another distorts and TABLE 13-5 ¡ Findings on Needle Examination After Peripheral
obliterates the nodes of Ranvier and blocks conduction. Nerve Injury
Moderate segmental demyelination and local metabolic al-
terations are often associated with conduction block. Such Injury 0–15 Days After 15 Days Recovery
conduction blocks are manifested as a lower-amplitude CONDUCTION BLOCK
CMAP with stimulation proximal, rather than distal, to Fibrillation potentials None None None
the site of damage. Such localized damage without axonal Motor unit potentials # Recruitment # Recruitment " Recruitment
disruption may take up to 3 months to recover.85 A segment
of nerve distal to complete disruption of the axons after an
Fibrillation potentials None Present Reduced
acute lesion may continue to function normally for as many
Motor unit potentials # Recruitment # Recruitment “Nascent”
as 5 days. Then, as the axons undergo Wallerian

comparison of the wrist segment with a more distal seg-

TABLE 13-6 ¡ Interpretation of Electrophysiologic Findings
ment, or by comparison of the median palm-to-wrist la-
After Peripheral Nerve Injury
tency with the ulnar palm-to-wrist latency (Fig. 13-25).87
Finding Interpretation Wrist-to-palm motor conduction may also enhance detec-
tion.88 At times, selective damage to individual fascicles
0–5 DAYS
may make recording from single digits important. Com-
Motor unit potentials present Nerve intact, functioning axons
parison of median with radial distal latency is also quite
Fibrillations present Old lesion
Low compound action potential Old lesion sensitive in identifying carpal tunnel syndrome but is less
specific because of its lower sensitivity to other forms of pe-
5–15 DAYS
ripheral nerve damage.89 Summation of the differences in
Compound action potential distal only Conduction block latency between median and radial latencies to the thumb,
Low compound action potential Amount of axonal disruption
Motor unit potentials present Nerve intact
median and ulnar midpalmar orthodromic latencies, and
median and ulnar latencies to the ring finger (“combined
AFTER 15 DAYS sensory index”) may demonstrate signs of median neurop-
Compound action potential distal only Conduction block athy at the wrist when single measurements do not do so.90
Motor unit potentials present Nerve intact
More severe nerve compression reduces the amplitude
Fibrillation potentials Amount of axonal disruption
Distribution of damage of the SNAP and prolongs the latency to a greater extent
and over a longer distance. Severe median neuropathy at
the wrist also increases the distal motor latency to the
Increasing compound action potential Block clearing thenar muscles and eventually can reduce the thenar
Increasing number of motor unit potentials Block clearing
CMAP (Fig. 13-26). Reduction of the CMAP is often
Decreasing number of fibrillation potentials Reinnervation
“Nascent” motor unit potentials Reinnervation associated with mild slowing of motor conduction veloc-
ity in the forearm, primarily caused by the loss of faster-
conducting axons.91 When the thenar CMAP is absent,
in the carpal tunnel may not lead to any electrophysiologic lumbrical responses are often still preserved and permit
abnormalities; however, more than 90 percent of symp- local slowing to be recognized; comparison of lumb-
tomatic patients have localized slowing of conduction in rical to interosseous latencies has been shown to match
sensory fibers.86 Median nerve conduction abnormalities standard studies in recognition of carpal tunnel syn-
may be detected with a number of different techniques, drome.92,93 Severe abnormalities on nerve conduction
each of which has advantages and disadvantages. The sen- studies are associated with fibrillation potentials or large
sory latency through the carpal tunnel is the most sensitive motor unit action potentials on needle electromyography
measurement. The sensitivity can be enhanced by (EMG) with a predictive accuracy of 50 to 70 percent.94

Palmar stimulation Digit II stimulation


FIGURE 13-25 ¡ Sensory nerve action poten-

tials in carpal tunnel syndrome. Palmar latency
is prolonged (2.4 msec), whereas digital latency
is still in the normal range (3.3 msec).

30 V 15 V
1 msec 1 msec
Nerve Conduction Studies 313

Record R the response then being higher on elbow stimulation

 than on wrist stimulation or with an initial positivity of
5 mV the CMAP with elbow stimulation (Fig. 13-27). Surgical
outcomes are significantly poorer with both normal and
L severely abnormal nerve conduction studies, compared
to patients with mild to moderately abnormal studies.95
Many patients with carpal tunnel syndrome have bilat-
eral abnormalities on nerve conduction studies, even
R 50 V though symptoms may be unilateral. Therefore, con-
msec duction in the opposite extremity should be measured
if a median neuropathy at the wrist is identified. A few
Motor patients have a normal sensory response and a prolon-
R 5.9 msec ged distal motor latency. This may have a number of
L 4.3
causes. For instance, there may be slowing with a chronic
R 4.8 neurogenic atrophy because of a more proximal lesion
L 3.2 (e.g., a C8 radiculopathy or anterior horn cell disease);
or a radial sensory response may be evoked inadvertently
FIGURE 13-26 ¡ Prolonged motor and sensory latencies
with carpal tunnel syndrome on the right. (From Department
by high-voltage stimulation of the median nerve and
of Neurology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation: Clinical recorded as an apparent median sensory potential.
Examinations in Neurology. 6th Ed. Mosby-Year Book, Occasionally, patients have sensory branches to one or
St. Louis, 1991, with permission.) more fingers that are separated anatomically from the
motor fibers and are relatively spared. Moreover, the
severity of compression may not be the same for all
EMG thus can often add information to the assessment fascicles of the median nerve, so that there is greater
of carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients with chronic carpal slowing in the axons to some digital nerves than to others.
tunnel syndrome have a higher incidence of anomalous A median neuropathy may be an early finding in patients
innervation of the thenar muscles, with the amplitude of with more diffuse neuropathies, and it is therefore

Median thenar

FIGURE 13-27 ¡ Carpal tunnel syndrome

with anomalous median-to-ulnar anastomosis.
Thenar response with median nerve stimula-
tion at the elbow is larger and more complex
than that with stimulation at the wrist, and
has too short a latency. Record
Median muscles


necessary to assess other nerves to exclude this possibility improved by near-nerve recording.100,101 The con-
in patients with clinical evidence only of carpal tunnel duction block may be associated with local slowing.
syndrome. However, comparison of median conduc- Chronic ulnar neuropathy usually results in slowing
tion with conduction in other upper-limb nerves of conduction, which typically is localized to the elbow,
should be interpreted with caution in identifying carpal but in long-standing ulnar neuropathies may extend
tunnel syndrome in patients with diabetes and neuro- distal to the elbow. Conduction slowing of greater than
pathy, who often have more prominent prolongation 10 m/sec in the across-elbow segment compared to the
of median latencies than of other nerves.96 It is safest forearm segment is seen with focal demyelination at the
to require moderate or marked relative median distal elbow. Although an occasional patient has slowing of
latency prolongation compared to other nerves to conduction to the flexor carpi ulnaris, this muscle usu-
identify carpal tunnel syndrome in the presence of ally shows little or no change on nerve conduction
generalized peripheral neuropathy.97 Indeed, segmental studies and needle examination. In ulnar and median
conduction including the most distal segment of the neuropathies, the F-wave latency is prolonged in pro-
median nerve may be more reliable in identifying car- portion to the slowing in the peripheral segments. Be-
pal tunnel syndrome superimposed on a peripheral cause ulnar neuropathies commonly are bilateral, when
neuropathy.98,99 an ulnar neuropathy is evident on one side, the oppo-
Median neuropathies in the forearm are much site extremity should also be tested. Local sensitivity to
less common and only rarely show abnormality on nerve mechanical stimulation at the elbow may be shown
conduction studies other than slightly low-amplitude with electromyographic recordings in the absence of
sensory responses, motor responses, or both. Anterior changes on nerve conduction studies.102 Damage to
interosseous neuropathy and pronator syndrome usu- the ulnar nerve distally in the deep ulnar branch in
ally are manifested by fibrillation potentials in the appro- the palm can also be identified on nerve conduction
priate muscles. Rarely, patients have localized slowing of studies.92
conduction in the damaged segment of nerve.
Fibular (Peroneal) Neuropathies
Ulnar Neuropathies
Neuropathy of the fibular nerve at the head of the fibula
The electrophysiologic alteration in ulnar neuropathies is another common focal lesion. Neuropathy of recent
varies with the severity and location of the lesion. onset caused by compression is associated most often
Rarely, a patient with compression of the ulnar nerve with a conduction block that can be localized precisely
in the hand has a prolonged latency only in the branch by stimulation at short intervals along the nerve to iden-
to the first dorsal interosseous muscle or to the lumb- tify the area where the CMAP decreases (Fig. 13-28).
rical muscle. In such a patient, the hypothenar muscles Neuropathy without conduction block is not infrequently
should not be the only recording site for ulnar nerve due to ganglion cyst damage to the nerve; ultrasound or
conduction studies. In most patients with an ulnar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee should
neuropathy, the abnormality is at the elbow and can always be considered in these patients.103 Conduction
be identified by recordings from the hypothenar muscle across this segment generally is not slowed, although in
(see Figs. 13-20 and 13-21). As in the carpal tunnel syn- lesions of longer standing the slowing becomes more
drome, sensory fibers are more likely to be damaged prominent in adults and children.104
than are motor fibers, so that the compound sensory Nerve conduction studies of the superficial fibular
action potential commonly is lost early. In some pa- nerve may be of value in localizing damage to fibular fi-
tients, focal slowing in ulnar sensory fibers across the bers along their length. A localized fibular neuropathy
elbow can be demonstrated. The most common local- usually shows loss of the sensory response, as do lesions
izing finding in ulnar neuropathy of recent onset is of the sciatic nerve, lumbar plexus, and spinal nerve dis-
conduction block or, less likely, slowing at the elbow tal to the dorsal root ganglion. In an L5 radiculopathy
(see Fig. 13-21). Amplitude of the response is normal with sensory loss and some motor slowing, the superficial
with stimulation at the wrist and below the elbow, fibular sensory nerve is normal in most patients if the
but is lower by 30 percent or more with stimulation damage is proximal to the dorsal root ganglion.105,106
at sites above and proximal to the elbow. Precise local- Some patients with a moderately severe fibular neurop-
ization of the site of damage is sometimes possible by athy may lose the response from the extensor digitorum
stimulation at short intervals (inching) and may be brevis, the most common site of recording. In such
Nerve Conduction Studies 315

Record ext. dig. br.

Record ant. tibial m.

Stimulate fibular nerve

Ant. tibial
10 mV


5 msec
Ext. dig. brevis
L 5


FIGURE 13-28 ¡ Localized conduction block at head of fibula in “crossed-leg” fibular

neuropathy. (By permission of E. H. Lambert, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)

circumstances, recordings from the anterior tibial muscle normal amplitudes and latencies of CMAPs; in axonal
and other anterior compartment muscles on stimulation degeneration, the amplitude of the CMAP is decreased
at the head of the fibula and the knee may still demon- in proportion to the axonal destruction. Blink reflexes
strate a block or slowing of conduction in the nerve. can be used to measure conduction across the involved
F-wave latencies may aid in distinguishing between fib- segment, but they are commonly absent in Bell palsy.
ular neuropathies and L5 root lesions if they show prox- Conduction studies can help to differentiate hemifacial
imal slowing. Anomalous innervation of the extensor spasm from other facial movements by demonstrating
digitorum brevis muscle by a deep accessory branch of ephaptic activation of lower facial muscles during pe-
the superficial fibular nerve may make it more difficult riods of spasm (i.e., the “lateral spread response”). The
to recognize a fibular neuropathy. Because sciatic nerve normal early-response blink reflex occurs only in the oc-
lesions may present as fibular neuropathies without ular muscles on the stimulated side. After aberrant rein-
localized slowing of conduction, the short head of the nervation in patients with Bell palsy and in patients with
biceps femoris muscle should be tested for fibrillation hemifacial spasm, an early response can be recorded
potentials to exclude a more proximal lesion.107 over the perioral muscles on stimulation of the first divi-
sion of the trigeminal nerve.
Other Neuropathies Most brachial plexus lesions are traumatic and nerve
conduction studies are of limited value. In general, the
A few other neuropathies, such as those of the radial amplitude of the CMAP is reduced and sensory re-
and tibial nerves, are localized less commonly by nerve sponses are absent in the distribution of the damaged
conduction studies, whereas evaluation of many others fibers. In patients with lower-trunk lesions, the ulnar
is not aided by nerve conduction studies because the sensory response and medial antebrachial cutaneous re-
neuropathies do not show localized slowing. In facial sponses are reduced or absent; in those with upper-trunk
neuropathies such as Bell palsy, stimulation cannot be lesions, the median sensory response of the thumb and the
applied proximally and distally to the site of the lesion. lateral antebrachial cutaneous response are reduced or
The usual findings in Bell palsy with neurapraxia are absent; and in middle-trunk lesions, the median sensory

Record: abductor hallucis m. being tested, the amplitude of the CMAP may be re-
duced.111 For instance, in an L5 radiculopathy, the re-
sponse of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle to
fibular nerve stimulation often is either reduced in ampli-
37.5 cm
2 mV tude or absent. In the presence of atrophy and a small
46.9 m/sec CMAP, there may be mild slowing of conduction in
the motor axons innervating the atrophic muscle. In mild
lumbosacral radiculopathy, measurements of H-reflex
latencies have been reported to aid in identifying proxi-
mal slowing of conduction, but F-wave latencies and dis-
persion (chronodispersion) are not of help in identifying
Sciatic notch lumbar radiculopathies. Because most lesions of the spi-
2 mV
72.4 cm nal nerve and nerve root are proximal to the dorsal root
48.4 m/sec ganglion, the sensory potentials typically are normal,
even in the distribution of a sensory deficit. This phe-
nomenon is valuable in identifying avulsion of a nerve
root, in which there is total anesthesia and loss of motor
function with normal sensory potentials.
L5 spine
91.0 cm 2 mV
Degenerative diseases of the central nervous system may
20 msec involve either dorsal root ganglion or anterior horn cells.
FIGURE 13-29 ¡ Responses of the abductor hallucis muscle Because the peripheral axons of the anterior horn cells
to stimulation of its nerve supply at the knee, at the sciatic and dorsal root ganglion cells are assessed in nerve
notch, and at the root level. There is conduction block caused conduction studies, both groups show abnormalities on
by sacral plexus compression. electrophysiologic testing.

response to the third digit is reduced.108 Phrenic nerve Motor System

conduction studies may show abnormality in C5-level
Motor system degenerations include motor neuron dis-
damage.109 In patients with slowly evolving or compres-
ease such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal muscu-
sive lesions of the plexus (e.g., tumors), a localized slowing
lar atrophy, the neuronal form of Charcot–Marie–Tooth
of conduction of motor or sensory fibers and, occasionally,
disease, Kugelberg–Welander disease, and Werdnig–
conduction block may be identified on stimulation at the
Hoffmann disease. Each of these disorders is associated
supraclavicular or nerve root level (Fig. 13-29). In the
with degeneration of the anterior horn cells and loss of
neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome, there may be a
peripheral motor axons. The individual axons conduct
reduction in amplitude of ulnar sensory action potentials,
normally until they cease to function.112 Therefore,
but there is no slowing of nerve conduction unless there
nerve conduction does not become slow unless there is
has been axonal damage and regeneration.
a significant loss of large axons. The conduction mea-
Nerve conduction studies in lumbosacral plexus lesions
sured from the whole nerve after large, fast-conducting
show reduction in motor and sensory response ampli-
axons are lost does not fall below 70 percent of the lower
tudes. Proximal stimulation with needle electrodes may
limit of normal, but ion dysfunction has been demon-
help to localize slowing or conduction block to the
strated.113,114 F-wave latencies show little or no slowing
but the responses are often of large amplitude from
collateral sprouting.115
Radiculopathies The most striking change found in nerve conduction
studies of motor neuron diseases is a reduction in the am-
Cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies usually are not plitude of the CMAP.116 This reduction is related to the
associated with changes in nerve conduction studies; loss of innervation of the muscle but varies with the
however, if there is sufficient destruction of axons and rate of progression of the disease. In slowly progressive
Wallerian degeneration in the distribution of the nerve disorders, if collateral sprouting and reinnervation
Nerve Conduction Studies 317

compensate for loss of the anterior horn cells, the ampli- be inherited than acquired; acquired processes
tude of the CMAP may remain normal, with a slight are more likely to be asymmetric with variable in-
slowing of conduction. In these cases, motor unit number volvement along the course of nerves.
estimates will demonstrate the loss of motor units.117–119 3. The medial plantar and sural SNAP are the most
Usually, mild slowing of motor conduction is not seen sensitive sensory responses, and are abnormal in
until the action potential amplitude has decreased below most large-fiber neuropathies. They show a greater
normal. Occasionally, a patient with motor neuron reduction in amplitude than the sensory response of
disease will have a decrement on repetitive stimulation, the median nerve; the reverse is true in demyelinat-
particularly when responses are of low amplitude. ing neuropathies.122
Low-amplitude CMAPs and a decrement on repetitive 4. Dense sensory loss with normal sensory potentials
stimulation indicate a poor prognosis in motor neuron in that distribution most likely is caused by damage
disease. In motor neuron diseases, sensory fibers gener- at or proximal to the dorsal root ganglion, whereas
ally are not involved and sensory conduction studies more distal damage results in low-amplitude sen-
are usually normal. sory potentials.123
5. Interpretation of findings with focal nerve damage
Sensory System is time-dependent. Change in response amplitude
with conduction block or axonal disruption can lo-
Afferent axons may undergo mild degeneration in disor- calize the site of a lesion immediately after injury.
ders such as Friedreich ataxia, adrenomyeloneuropathy, Thus, the common belief that nerve conduction
and vitamin B12 deficiency (carcinomatous sensory neu- studies are without clinical value until 2 weeks after
ropathy may have a similar picture), and in a number of an injury is erroneous.
toxic or infectious disorders.120,121 The degeneration 6. The amplitude of responses distal and proximal to a
seen in the axons in the posterior and lateral columns nerve injury beyond 5 days can define the extent of
of the spinal cord in these disorders is caused by degen- axonal disruption and the prognosis for spontane-
eration of their cells of origin in the dorsal root ganglia. ous recovery.
These cell bodies also give rise to the large sensory fibers 7. Weakness solely due to conduction block re-
in the peripheral nerves that are the source of the largest covers in 1 to 12 weeks, depending on the type
proportion of the compound nerve action potentials of damage.
recorded in sensory nerve conduction studies. There-
fore, in this group of disorders, the amplitude of the
compound sensory action potential typically is reduced,
and SNAPs often cannot be recorded with surface elec-
trodes. There also may be mild changes in motor nerve
conduction studies in these patients, but to a much lesser Of the disorders of neuromuscular transmission, the
extent than those in sensory studies. myasthenic syndrome and Clostridium botulinum intoxica-
tion are most likely to show changes on nerve conduction
studies, with low-amplitude CMAPs. In both of these
PATTERNS OF ABNORMALITY conditions, the rate of release of acetylcholine from nerve
terminals is very low, and neuromuscular transmission
Although most nerve conduction studies involve either
is blocked to a large proportion of the muscle fibers.
mononeuropathies or diffuse neuropathies that do not
Therefore, a single stimulus usually elicits small CMAPs
suggest specific etiologies, some patterns of abnormality
(Fig. 13-30).124 Patients with a clinical history of weakness
can suggest a possible etiology or pathologic process.
who have low CMAPs should always be tested further
The following summary and Tables 13-2, 13-4, 13-5,
with slow, repetitive stimulation and exercise to search
and 13-6 summarize the significance of patterns of ab-
for evidence of a decrement and facilitation, the usual
normality that have been discussed earlier in the chapter.
signs of a defect of neuromuscular transmission (see
1. Markedly reduced CMAP amplitudes with normal Chapter 17). In myasthenia gravis, the CMAP amplitude
sensory responses can occur with motor polyradicu- may be lower than normal, but most patients have ampli-
lopathies, but they are seen more commonly with tudes that are in the normal range. Motor nerve conduc-
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. tion velocities and sensory nerve conduction studies are
2. Demyelinating disorders with comparable diffuse normal. Congenital myasthenic syndromes may show
abnormalities in most nerves are more likely to repetitive firing of the CMAP.

Myasthenia gravis
20 Myasthenic syndrome with tumor
Myasthenic syndrome, no tumor to date

Amplitude of action potential (µV)

Normal range

12 FIGURE 13-30 ¡ Amplitudes of

hypothenar compound muscle
action potentials in myasthenia
gravis and myasthenic syndrome
8 at different grades of muscle weak-
ness. (By permission of E. H.
Lambert, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
4 MN.)

0 1 2 3 4
Muscle weakness – grade Complete
Strength: normal 75% 50% 25% paralysis

PRIMARY MUSCLE DISORDERS missed easily on standard nerve conduction studies unless
the CMAP duration is compared specifically with normal
Most myopathies affect the proximal muscles that are not (Fig. 13-33). Muscle fibers in critical illness myopathy, un-
tested on routine nerve conduction studies; therefore, rou- like critical illness neuropathy, are inexcitable.126,127
tine studies show little change from normal. However,
with proximal nerve conduction studies or in patients with
myopathies involving distal muscles, the CMAP often is DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH
reduced in proportion to the amount of muscle atrophy INVOLUNTARY ACTIVITY OF
(Fig. 13-31). Motor and sensory conduction velocities PERIPHERAL NERVE ORIGIN
and latencies are normal. In some myopathies, particu-
larly those associated with myotonia, such as periodic pa- A small group of disorders are manifested as stiffness of
ralysis and myotonic dystrophy, the excitability of the muscles, myokymia, and cramping as a result of exces-
muscle fiber membrane varies. The CMAP may change sive discharges in peripheral axons. In these disorders,
with repetitive stimulation or change slowly during a pe- there are many clinical patterns and a wide variation
riod of 30 to 60 minutes at rest. After prolonged exercise, in electrical manifestations. The disorders can be subdi-
the amplitude may decrease to 50 percent of normal be- vided into four categories: (1) those associated with clin-
fore slowly returning to normal (Fig. 13-32). If a patient ical and pathologic evidence of peripheral nerve disease;
with a myotonic disorder has been physically active just (2) those associated with disorders of calcium, such as
before nerve conduction studies are performed, the tetany and hypocalcemia; (3) those of unknown origin,
CMAP may be of low amplitude initially and then return which have been called continuous muscle fiber activity,
gradually to normal levels. Some patients with myotonic neuromyotonia, cramp-fasciculation syndrome, and
dystrophy have mild slowing of motor conduction velocity Isaacs syndrome; and (4) those that are hereditary.
in the lower extremities. EMG in each of these disorders reveals characteristic
Critical illness myopathy is characterized by low- findings that can help to identify them and distinguish
amplitude, very-long-duration CMAPs without the prox- between the groups. Conduction velocities and ampli-
imal dispersion seen in demyelinating neuropathies.125 tudes of evoked responses are normal in both motor
The broad response with a minimum of late positivity is and sensory nerves except in diseases with clinical and
Nerve Conduction Studies 319

Conduction Velocity
time Distance (m/sec)
Stimulus at elbow Stimulus at wrist (sec) (m)
1. 10 mV

 .005 .27 54

2 mV

 .015 .28 18

3. 2 mV

 .0045 .25 56

Myopathy Myelopathy Polyneuropathy
Conduction velocity (m/sec)

60 X X

– Prog. muscular dystrophy (7) – Poliomyelitis (7)
– Polymyositis (22) – Prog. muscular atrophy (13)
X – Dermatomyositis (11) X – A.L.S. (33) – Chronic (12)
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5
Amplitude of hypothenar potential (mV)
FIGURE 13-31 ¡ Ulnar nerve conduction velocity and amplitude measurements in (1) a
normal person, (2) peripheral neuropathy, and (3) myopathy. A, Traces from individual
subjects. B, Plots of grouped data. ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (From Department
of Neurology, Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation: Clinical Examinations in Neurology.
6th Ed. Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis, 1991, with permission.)

pathologic signs of nerve damage. However, motor lesions, and also as a means of detecting potential nerve
nerve stimulation typically produces a repetitive dis- damage during surgical procedures.129,130 Surgical pro-
charge of the muscle. Instead of a single CMAP after cedures performed in or around peripheral nerves in the
a single stimulus, a group of two to six potentials of limbs, the plexus, and the cranial nerves may warrant
decreasing amplitude occurs at regular intervals.128 intraoperative nerve conduction studies. These surgical
procedures include ulnar nerve transposition, pronator
syndrome release, shoulder reconstruction, resections
MONITORING DURING SURGICAL of tumors involving the brachial plexus, brachial plexus
PROCEDURES reconstruction following injury, resection of sciatic nerve
and other peripheral nerve tumors, hip reconstruction,
Nerve conduction studies have proved useful in the and operations on tumors in the posterior fossa.
operating room as a means of assisting the surgeon in The methods of stimulation and recording used for
localizing nerve involved in tumor and in identifying intraoperative monitoring are similar to those used
and defining the site and nature of localized nerve for standard nerve conduction studies, including the

0 1 min. 2 min. 4 min. 6 min.

During rest (after 6 minutes exercise)

2 mV

1 min. 3 min. 8 min. 12 min. 20 min. 0.001

FIGURE 13-32 ¡ Amplitude of the hypothenar evoked response with supramaximal ulnar
nerve stimulation in a patient with hypokalemic periodic paralysis. (By permission of E. H.
Lambert, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.)

measurement of amplitude and latency of compound Peripheral Nerve

muscle and compound nerve action potentials with di-
rect stimulation of the nerve in the surgical field. Intrao- Any motor, sensory, or mixed peripheral nerve can be
perative monitoring often requires specially designed monitored during a surgical procedure. Appropriate se-
stimulating and recording electrodes, and it always re- lection of recording or stimulating sites can isolate the
quires special techniques to maintain sterility in the sur- motor or sensory axons, just as it does for diagnostic
gical field. The clinical neurophysiologist must be studies in the laboratory. To provide maximal informa-
familiar with the problems unique to the operating room. tion and back-up in case of technical problems, multiple
Response alterations caused by the activities of the anes- stimulation and recording sites are typical. Monitoring
thesiologist and surgeon are common. Electrical artifacts of each of the cervical nerve roots with SEPs and
are always present, and they are more diverse than under motor evoked potentials (MEPs), in addition to direct re-
standard testing conditions. cording of nerve action potentials, has become a major
aid to reconstructive surgery of the brachial plexus.115
Ulnar nerve monitoring is among the more common
intraoperative peripheral monitoring procedures. Direct
nerve action potentials are obtained from electrodes
placed on the nerve, or CMAPs are recorded from periph-
7.2 16.4 eral muscles. In each case, stimulation or recording is
A1 obtained from multiple sites at short intervals along the
Wrist nerve to define precisely the areas of major damage
200 µV (Figs. 13-34 and 13-35).

A2 2.8 17.2
Cranial Nerve
FIGURE 13-33 ¡ Compound muscle action potentials
Intraoperative monitoring of cranial motor nerves is
(CMAP) in critical illness myopathy. Ulnar motor CMAP
recorded from hypothenar muscles with wrist and elbow stim- used primarily during resection of acoustic neuromas
ulation. Onset and termination of the CMAP is marked by or meningiomas, but it is also useful during microvascu-
cursors, with time indicated. Note low-amplitude, markedly lar decompression procedures and surgery on tumors at
prolonged CMAP duration (normal < 9.0 msec) without dis- the petrous ridge.56 Cranial nerves III, V, VI, VII, X, XI,
persion, and the minimum of late positivity. and XII can be monitored singly or simultaneously, as
Nerve Conduction Studies 321

1 cm latency differences, msec

Nerve action Hypothenar Flexor carpi
potential ulnaris






Hypo 7
200 V 0.5 msec 2 0.5 msec 5 0.5 msec
mV mV
2 msec 2 msec 2 msec

FIGURE 13-34 ¡ Compound nerve and muscle action potentials recorded distally during
direct stimulation of the ulnar nerve at operation. (From Daube JR, Harper CM, Litchy WJ
et al: Intraoperative monitoring. p. 739. In Daly DD, Pedley TA [eds]: Current Practice of
Clinical Electroencephalography. 2nd Ed. Raven, New York, 1990, with permission.)

dictated by the surgical needs. Recordings are made monitoring during surgical dissection. Irritation or dam-
with surface electrodes or fine wire electrodes placed age to the nerve can be recognized by the presence of
in individual muscles. It is best to perform nerve conduc- neurotonic discharges or changes in amplitude of the
tion studies in combination with electromyographic CMAP (Figs. 13-36 and 13-37).

Radial Record:
Median Ulnar
Hypothenar Stimulate: Facial n. Trigeminal n.
Thenar Masseter
Hypothenar Orbicularis
mastoid 1 mV
Upper Middle 5 mV 10 msec
10 msec
Trunks FIGURE 13-36 ¡ Compound muscle action potentials
FIGURE 13-35 ¡ Compound muscle action potential rec- recorded from cranial muscles during direct stimulation of cra-
orded directly during direct stimulation of the brachial plexus nial nerves in the surgical field. (From Daube JR, Harper
at operation. (From Daube JR, Harper CM, Litchy WJ et al: CM, Litchy WJ et al: Intraoperative monitoring. p. 739. In
Intraoperative monitoring. p. 739. In Daly DD, Pedley TA Daly DD, Pedley TA [eds]: Current Practice of Clinical
[eds]: Current Practice of Clinical Electroencephalography. Electroencephalography. 2nd Ed. Raven, New York, 1990,
2nd Ed. Raven, New York, 1990, with permission.) with permission.)

FIGURE 13-37 ¡ Electromyogra-
phic and compound muscle action
Orbicularis potential recordings from facial mus-
Nasalis cles during an operation in the pos-
terior fossa for removal of acoustic
neuroma. (From Daube JR, Harper
Frontalis CM, Litchy WJ et al: Intraoperative
3:40 monitoring. p. 739. In Daly DD,
Pedley TA [eds]: Current Practice
of Clinical Electroencephalography.
Orbicularis 2nd Ed. Raven, New York, 1990, with
Nasalis permission.)
200 V 1 mV
100 msec 10 msec

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