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Grade 7 Quarter II

Module 1


What this module is about

Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event

which can be compared to other objects or events. The scope and application of
measurement are dependent to the context and the discipline. Measurement maybe
defined differently in natural sciences compared to engineering and statistics as a
discipline. It is an essential tool to almost all everyday activities human does.
Measurements may be made by unaided human senses, in which case they often called
estimates, or more commonly, by the use of instruments, which may range in complexity
from simple rules for measuring lengths to highly sophisticated systems designed to detect
and measure quantities entirely beyond capabilities of the human senses.

What you are expected to learn

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Illustrate what it means to measure

2. Describes the development of measurement from the primitive to the present
international system of units.
3. Approximates the measures of quantities particularly length , weight/mass,
volume, time, angle and temperature and rate.

How to learn from this module

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:

1. Read and follow instructions carefully.

2. Answer the pre-test before going through the lessons.

3. Take note and record points for clarification.

4. Compare your answers against the key to answers found at the end of the
5. Do the activities to fully understand each lesson.

6. Answer the self-check to monitor what you learned in each lesson.

7. Answer the post-test after you have gone over all the lessons.

What to do before (Pre-test)

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write this on your answer

1. 1.5 km= ____ m

a. .015
b. .00015
c. 150

2. What instrument is used to measure length?

a. Graduated Cylinder
b. Triple Beam Balance
c. Metric Ruler
d. Thermometer

3. What instrument is used to measure mass/

a. Graduated Cylinder
b. Triple Beam Balance
c. Metric Ruler
d. Thermometer

4. What instrument measures how hot or cold something is?

a. Graduated Cylinder
b. Triple Beam Balance
c. Metric Ruler
d. Thermometer

5. The metric system is based upon what number?

a. 5
b. 3
c. 10
d. 25

6. “Kilo” means
a. 1000x
b. 100x
c. 10x
d. 5x

7. 6 m=____ cm
a. 6
b. 600
c. .06
d. .006

8. 333 cm=3.33__
a. Dm
b. Km
c. M
d. Mm

9. A thousand grams is called a ______.

a. Milligram
b. Gram
c. Decagram
d. Kilogram

10. How many millilitres are there in 1 1L?

a. 1000 ml
b. 15 ml
c. 5 ml
d. 20 ml

What you will do

Activity 1.1:
Jacob is trying to measure the dimensions of the following objects, let’s help him
identify what appropriate way to measure is applicable in each object. Refer to the
choices given below.
Span centimeter meter inches palm foot
Milliliter Gallon kilogram grams liter

From the Activity above, answer the following questions

1. How did you identify the appropriate way to measure the given objects?
2. How do we measure objects?

Measurement or measuring objects is an important day to day activity we do.

From the cup rice to cook, amount of medicine to intake, quantity of food to buy in
groceries and other daily life activities.
To measure means we have to give a numerical value of a certain object for
comparison, business and other purposes.
Measurement can be done by using measuring tools and by estimation. We
measure length, mass, volume, temperature, speed and etc.

What you will do

Activity 1.2:
Instructions: Determine the dimension of the following using only parts of your
arms. Record your results in the table below. Choose a classmate and compare your

Sheet of
Intermediate Teacher’s Table Classroom
Length Width Length Width Length Width
Arm Part
to: (name of
* For the arm part, please use any of the following only: the palm, the handspan and the
forearm length

Important Terms to Remember:

>palm – the width of one’s hand excluding the thumb
> handspan – the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger of
one’s hand
with fingers spread apart.
> forearm length – the length of one’s forearm: the distance from the elbow to the
tip of the
middle finger.

Answer the following questions:

1. What was your reason for choosing which arm part to use? Why?
2. Did you experience any difficulty when you were doing the actual measuring?
3. Were there differences in your data and your classmate’s data? Were the
differences significant? What do you think caused those differences?

If you and your partner vary a lot in height, then chances are your forearm length,
handspan and palm may also vary, leading to different measurements of the same thing.

History of Measurement

One of the earliest tools that human beings invented was the unit of measurement.
In olden times, people needed measurement to determine how long or wide things are;
things they needed to build their houses or make their clothes. Later, units of measurement
were used in trade and commerce. In the 3rd century BC Egypt, people used their body
parts to determine measurements of things; the same body parts that you used to measure
the assigned things to you.

The forearm length, as described in the table below, was called a cubit. The
handspan was considered a half cubit while the palm was considered 1/6 of a cubit. Go
ahead, check out how many handspans your forearm length is. The Egyptians came up
with these units to be more accurate in measuring different lengths.

However, using these units of measurement had a disadvantage. Not everyone had
the same forearm length. Discrepancies arose when the people started comparing their
measurements to one another because measurements of the same thing differed,
depending on who was measuring it. Because of this, these units of measurement are
called non-standard units of measurement which later on evolved into what is now the
inch, foot and yard, basic units of length in the English system of measurement.

What you will do

Exercise 1:

1. Can you name other body measurements which could have been used as a
nonstandard unit of measurement? Do some research on other non-standard
units of measurement used by people other than the Egyptians.
2. Can you relate an experience in your community where a non-standard unit of
measurement was used?
What you will do
Activity 1.3:

Instructions: Determine the dimension of the following using the specified English units
only. Record your results in the table below. Choose a classmate and compare your results.

Sheet of
Intermediate Teacher’s Table Classroom
Length Width Length Width Length Width

Unit used

to: (name of
For the unit used, choose which of the following SHOULD be used: inch or foot.

Answer the following questions:

1. What was your reason for choosing which unit to use? Why?
2. Did you experience any difficulty when you were doing the actual measuring?
3. Were there differences in your data and your classmate’s data? Were the differences as
big as the differences when you used non-standard units of measurement? What do you
think caused those differences?

History of Measurement (Continuation)

The English System
As mentioned in the first activity, the inch, foot and yard are said to be based on the
cubit. They are the basic units of length of the English System of Measurement, which also
includes units for mass, volume, time, temperature and angle. Since the inch and foot are
both units of length, each can be converted into the other. Here are the conversion factors,
as you may recall from previous lessons:

1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 3 feet
For long distances, the mile is used:
1 mile = 1,760 yards = 5,280 fee

Converting from one unit to another might be tricky at first, so an organized way of
doing it would be a good starting point. As the identity property of multiplication states,
the product of any value and 1 is the value itself. Consequently, dividing a value by the
same value would be equal to one. Thus, dividing a unit by its equivalent in another unit is
equal to 1. For example:

1 foot / 12 inches = 1
3 feet / 1 yard = 1

These conversion factors may be used to convert from one unit to another. Just
remember that you’re converting from one unit to another so cancelling same units would
guide you in how to use your conversion factors. For example:

Again, since the given measurement was multiplied by conversion factors which are
equal to 1, only the unit was converted but the given length was not changed. Try it

What you will do

Self –Test 1:

Convert the following lengths into the desired unit:

1. Convert 30 inches to feet

2. Convert 130 yards to inches

3. Sarah is running in a 42-mile marathon. How many more feet does Sarah need to

run if she has already covered 64,240 yards?

Additional Information
History of Measurement (Continuation)
The Metric System
The metric system is a system of measurement that uses the meter, liter, and gram
as base units of length (distance), capacity (volume), and weight (mass) respectively.   To
measure smaller or larger quantities, we use units derived from the metric units.

 The given figure shows the arrangement of the metric units, which are smaller or
bigger than the base unit.
 The units to the right of the base unit are smaller than the base unit. As we move to
the right, each unit is 10 times smaller or one-tenth of the unit to its left. So, a ‘deci’
means one-tenth of the base unit, ‘centi’ is one-tenth of ‘deci’ or one-hundredth of
the base unit and ‘milli’ is one-tenth of ‘centi’ or one-thousandth of the base unit.
 The units to the left of the base unit are bigger than the base unit. As we move to the
left, each unit is 10 times greater than the unit to its right. So, a ‘deca’ means ten
times of the base unit, ‘hecto’ is ten times of ‘deca’ or hundred times of the base unit
and ‘killo’ is ten times of ‘hecto’ or thousand times of the base unit.
So, the units for length, weight (mass) and capacity(volume) in the metric system are:

Length: Millimeter (mm), Decimeter (dm), Centimeter (cm), Meter (m), and Kilometer
(km) are used to measure how long or wide or tall an object is. Examples include
measuring the thickness or length of debit card, length of cloth, or distance between two

Weight: Gram (g) and Kilogram(kg) are used to measure how heavy an object, using
instruments. Examples include measuring weight of fruits or, our own body weight.

Capacity: Milliliter (ml) and Liter (l) are used to measure how much quantity of liquid an
object can hold. Examples include measuring the amount of juice in a juice can, or amount
of water of in a water tank. 

Time: Second is the base unit for time. The other metric units of time are: 
Here’s how we can multiply or divide for making metric conversions. To convert a
bigger unit to the smaller unit, we move left to write, we multiple by 10. Moving right to
left, from smaller unit to bigger, we divide by 10.

Let us look at some examples of converting from one unit to another.

Example 1: Convert 5 km to m.
As 1 km = 1000 m

Therefore, 5 km = 5 × 1000 = 5000 m  

Example 2: Convert 250 kg to milligrams.

We know, 1 g = 1000 mg and 1 kg = 1000 g

So, we first convert the kg to g

as: 1 kg = 1000 g

Therefore, 250 kg = 250 × 1000 g = 250,000 g

Now, converting g to mg: 1 g = 1000 mg,

therefore: 250,000 g = 250,000 × 1000 mg = 250,000,000 mg  

Example 3: Convert 250 ml to liters.

1 liter = 1000 ml

Therefore, 450 ml = 450 ÷ 1000 = 0.45 liter

Example 4: Covert 3 km to m

What you will do

Self –Test 2:

A. Convert the following:

1. 2000 mm=_____m

2. 0.05 mL=_____L

3. 30mg=_____g

4. 0.101mm=_____cm

5. 20g=_____mg

B. Compare the following using >, <, =

1. 3 m ______300 cm

2. 5000mL_____50kL

3. .001g_____cg

4. 1000km_____1000000cm

5. 1L_____1000mL


Zusätzliche Informationen

Let’s summarize
1. Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event
which can be compared to other objects or events.

2. Measurement can be done by using measuring tools and by estimation.

3. The most common used to measure is measuring length, mass, capacity, time and


4. There are two known system of measurement, the English system and the Metric

System also known as the SI unit

5. The English system includes units for mass, volume, time, temperature and angle

6. The Metric system is a system which is on the base of 10

Fun Facts

 A tonne is 1,000 kilograms.

 Since the 1960s the metric system is called the "International System of Units" or "SI"
(from the French "Système International").

 The prefixes of the metric system can be remembered using the mnemonic “King
Henry Died of Drinking Cold Milk” 

 There are units greater than the kilo as well. These have prefix mega, giga and tera. A
mega is 1000 times of kilo. A giga is 1000 times of mega and a tera is 1000 times of a

 The metric system has its beginnings back 1670 by a mathematician called Gabriel

A. Encircle the letter of your choice
1. 39 kg measures
a. Weight
b. Mass
c. Force
d. Volume
2. Which lists metric units, in order from smallest to largest?
a. Milligram, centigram, gram
b. Kilogram, gram, centigram
c. Decagram, hectogram, milligram
d. Kilogram, hectogram, decagram

3. The correct abbreviation of centimeter is _____

a. Cm
b. cm
c. cM
d. CM
4. What is mass
a. The distance between two points
b. The amount of matter in an object
c. The amount of space an objects takes up
d. The distance between three points
5. The metric system is based on multiples of _____
a. 100
b. 20
c. 10
d. 1

B. Convert the following

1. 10,000m=_____km
2. 5,300cm=_____m
3. 19L=_____mL
4. 8 in=_____ft
5. 1.7g_____=kg
6. 0.25m=_____mm
7. 5ft=_____in
8. 100cm=_____in
9. 12in=______ft
10. 650m=______km

Key to Answers
1. d 6. a
2. c 7. b
3. b 8. c
4. d 9. d
5. c 10. a

Activity 1.1
Sample Answer
Table-palm, span, centimeter, meter, inches, foot
Pencil-centimeter, inchers, pam, span
Door- palm, span, centimeter, meter, inches, foot
Water-milliliter, litter, galloon
Logs- palm, span, centimeter, meter, inches, foot
Rice-kilogram, grams
Books- palm, span, centimeter, meter, inches, foot
Road-kilometer, meter, foot
Weight-kilograms, grams

1. To identify what instrument to use in the different objects, we should consider
how big or small the objects is in order to use the appropriate measuring tool
Example: water cannot be measured by meters and centimeters
The book cannot be measured and represented using kilometers since
it involves bigger values
2. We measure objects by using measuring tools appropriate for each given object.
We then convert measures to another unit if necessary fro comparison and other

Activity 1.2

The answers on the table will differ from each student depending on the
size of the given objects measured. Feed backing should be done upon submission of the

Question to Ponder:

1. What is the appropriate arm part to use in measuring the length and width of the
sheet of paper? of the teacher’s table? Of the classroom? What was your reason for
choosing which arm part to use? Why? 
 While all of the units may be used, there are appropriate units of
measurement to be used depending on the length you are trying to measure.
 For the sheet of paper, the palm is the appropriate unit to use since the
handspan and the forearm length is too long.
 For the teacher’s table, either the palm or the handspan will do but the
forearm length might be too long to get an accurate measurement.
 For the classroom, the palm and handspan may be used but you may end up
with a lot of repetitions. The best unit to use would be the forearm length.

2. Did you experience any difficulty when you were doing the actual measuring?

 The difficulties you may have experienced might include having to use too
many repetitions.

3. Were there differences in your data and your classmate’s data? Were the
differences significant? What do you think caused those differences?

 If you and your partner vary a lot in height, then chances are your forearm
length, handspan and palm may also vary, leading to different measurements
of the same thing.

Exercise 1

1. Sample answers:
cubit, arm span,
2. Sample answers:
When somebody will survey a land area, number of steps is used to locate the
demarcation line and the boundary.

Activity 1.3

The answers on the table will differ from each student depending on the
size of the given objects measured. Feed backing should be done upon submission of the

Questions to Ponder

1. What was your reason for choosing which unit to use? Why?
 For the sheet of paper, the appropriate unit to use is inches since its length
and width might be shorter than a foot.
 For the table and the classroom, a combination of both inches and feet may
be used for accuracy and convenience of not having to deal with a large
2. What difficulty, if any, did you experience when you were doing the actual
3. Were there differences in your data and your classmate’s data? Were the
differences as big as the differences when you used non-standard units of
measurement? What do you think caused those differences?
 If you and your partner used the steel tape correctly, both your data should
have little or no difference at all. The difference should not be as big or as
significant as the difference when non-standard units of measurement were
used. The slight difference might be caused by how accurately you tried to
measure each dimension or by how you read the ticks on the steel tape. In
doing actual measurement, a margin of error should be considered.

Self-Test 1
1. 2.5 ft
2. 4680 inches
3. 29,040 ft

Self-Test II
1. 2 m
2. 0.00005 L
3. 0.030 g
4. 1.01cm
5. 20,000mg

1. >
2. <
3. <
4. >
5. =


1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
1. 10
2. 53
3. 19,000
4. 0.66
5. 0.0017
6. 250
7. 60
8. 39.37
9. 1
10. 0.650

Module 3
Constants, Variables, Algebraic Expressions and Translation of
Verbal Phrases and Mathematical Phrases and vice versa
What this module is about

This lesson is an introduction to the concept of constants, unknowns

and variables and algebraic expressions. Familiarity with this concept is
necessary in laying a good foundation for Algebra and in understanding
and translating mathematical phrases and sentences, solving equations
and algebraic word problems as well as in grasping the concept of
functions. In this lesson, it is important that you do not assume too much.
Many misconceptions have arisen from a hurried up discussion of these
basic concepts. Take care in introducing the concept of a letter and its
different uses in algebra and the concept of a term in an algebraic
Algebra is a language that has its own “letter”, symbols, operators
and rules of “grammar”. In this lesson, care must be taken when
translating because you still want to maintain the correct grammar in the
English phrase without sacrificing the correctness of the equivalent
mathematical expression.

This module is about Constants, Variables, Algebraic Expressions and Translation of

Verbal Phrases and Mathematical Phrases and vice versa. It consists of the following

 Lesson 1 - Constants, Variables , Algebraic Expressions

 Lesson 2 - Translation of Verbal Phrases and Mathematical Phrases and vice


 What you are expected to learn

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Differentiate between constants and variables in a given algebraic expression
2. Evaluate algebraic expressions for given values of the variables
3. Translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases
and vice versa.

How to learn from this module

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:

1. Read and follow instructions carefully.

2. Answer the pretest before going through the lessons.

3. Take note and record points for clarification.

4. Compare your answers against the key to answers found at the end of the

5. Do the activities to fully understand each lesson.

6. Answer the self-check to monitor what you learned in each lesson.

7. Answer the posttest after you have gone over all the lessons.

What to do before (Pretest)

I. COMPLETE THE TABLE: Fill – in the table with the corresponding


Standard Constant Variable Base Exponent Coefficient

Numerical Literal
2x + 5
5x3 + 3x3 - x
X2 - 9
100 x 3

II. Directions: Match each verbal phrase under Column A to its mathematical
phrase under Column B. Each number corresponds to a letter which will reveal a
quotation if answered correctly. A letter may be used more than once.
Column A
_____ 1. The sum of a number and three
_____ 2. Four times a certain number decreased by one
_____ 3. One subtracted from four times a number
_____ 4. A certain number decreased by two
_____ 5. Four increased by a certain number
_____ 6. A certain number decreased by three
_____ 7. Three more than a number
_____ 8. Twice a number decreased by three
_____ 9. A number added to four
_____ 10. The sum of four and a number
_____ 11. The difference of two and a number
_____ 12. The sum of four times a number and three
_____ 13. A number increased by three
_____ 14. The difference of four times a number and one
Column B
A. x + 3 B. 3 + 4x E. 4 + x I. x + 4 L. 4x – 1 M. x – 2
N. x – 3 P. 3 – x Q. 2 – x R. 2x – 3 U. 4x + 3
Familiarity with the following terms will help you get the most from this module:

The Language Of Algebra

The following are important terms to remember.
a. constant – a constant is a number on its own. For example, 1 or 127;
b. variable – a variable is a symbol, usually letters, which represent a value or a
number. For example, a or x. In truth, you have been dealing with variables
since pre-school in the form of squares ( ), blank lines (___) or other
symbols used to represent the unknowns in some mathematical sentences or
c. term – a term is a constant or a variable or constants and variables multiplied
together. For example, 4, xy or 8yz. The term’s number part is called the
numerical coefficient while the variable or variables is/are called the literal
coefficient/s. For the term 8yz, the numerical coefficient is 8 and the
literal coefficients are yz;
d. expression – an Algebraic expression is a group of terms separated by the
plus or minus sign. For example, x – 2 or 4x + ½y – 45
Lesson 1 Constant, Variables, Algebraic Expressions

We are familiar with the arithmetic statement 2+3 = 5.

There are times, however, when expressions have missing terms which are represented
by a blank ____, a circle, a box, or simply by x and y,like

+ =5 x+y=5

In the last expression, x and y may take values from the set of integers that make the
statement true. For example:

5+0=5 2+3 = 5 -1 + 6 = 5
4+1=5 1+ 4= 5 -2 + 7 = 5
There is an infinite number of values that can take the places of x and y. These letters
are called variables and the number 5, which remains unchanged, is called contant.
Consider the expression

4x2 + 3y +2.

The numbers 4, 3, and 2 are constants.

The letters x and y are the variables. These variables may represent elements of
the set of real numbers.


Variables – are symbols or letters that may take one or more than one value.
These variables may represent elements of set of real numbers.

Constant s – are numbers that have fixed values

A Term is a constant, a variable, or a product or a quotient of a constants and
variables. Terms are separated by the symbols + and -.

An algebraic expression is a variable, a constant, or a combination of both

which may be related by any of the four fundamental operations.

What you will do

Self-Test 1.1

ACTIVITY: Test Yourself

I. Identify the constant/s and variable/s in each algebraic expression.

Expression Constant Variable

1. 7a
2. 3x2 + 1
3. 10a + b
4. 25m3 + 10n2
5. 40x5y4 + 11

Since the letter x is now used as a variable in Algebra, it would not only be funny
but confusing as well to still use x as a multiplication symbol. Imagine writing the
product of 4 and a value x as 4xx! Thus, Algebra simplifies multiplication of
constants and variables by just writing them down beside each other or by
separating them using only parentheses or the symbol “ ” . For example, the
product of 4 and the value x (often read as four x) may be expressed as 4x, 4(x) or
4x. Furthermore, division is more often expressed in fraction form. The division sign
÷ is now seldom used.
Hence therefore, the term 4x2 means 4 times x times x. It can also be written as 4 • x •
x, (4)(x)(x), or (4) (x 2). A dot (•) midway between constants and variables, or
parenthesis ( ) to separate constants and variables, is a multiplication sign used to avoid
the confusion.
Hence, to learn more…

Illustrative Example:

Problem: Which of the following equations is true?

a. 12 + 5 = 17
b. 8 + 9 = 12 + 5
c. 6 + 11 = 3(4 + 1) + 2

Discussion: All of the equations are true. In each of the equations, both sides of the
equal sign give the same number though expressed in different forms. In a) 17 is the
same as the sum of 12 and 5. In b) the sum of 8 and 9 is 17 thus it is equal to the
sum of 1 2 and 5. In c) the sum of 6 and 11 is equal to the sum of 2 and the product
of 3 and the sum of 4 and 1.


the next difficulty is what to do with letters when values are assigned
to them or when no value is assigned to them. Help students understand
that letters or variables do not always have to have a value assigned to
them but that they should know what to do when letters are assigned
numerical values.

On Letters and Variables

Problem: Let x be any real number. Find the value of the expression 3x (the product
of 3 and x, remember?) if
a) x = 5 b) x = 1/2 c) x = -0.25

Discussion: The expression 3x means multiply 3 by any real number x. Therefore,

a) If x = 5, then 3x = 3(5) = 15.

b) If x = 1/2 , then 3x = 3(1/2) = 3/2
c) If x = -0.25, then 3x = 3(-0.25) = -0.75

The letters such as x, y, n, etc. do not always have specific values assigned to them.
When that is the case, simply think of each of them as any number. Thus, they can
be added (x + y), subtracted (x – y), multiplied (xy), and divided (x/y) like any real

What you will do

Self-Test 1.2

Exercises: Choose the letter of your choice

1. Which of the following is considered a constant?
a. f b. c. 500 d.42x
2. Which of the following is a term?
a. 23m + 5 b. (2)(6x) c. x – y + 2 d. ½ x – y
3. Which of the following is equal to the product of 27 and 2?
a. 29 b. 49 + 6 c. 60 – 6 d. 11(5)
4. Which of the following makes the sentence 69 – 3 = ___ + 2 true?
a. 33 b. 64 c. 66 d. 68
5. Let y = 2x + 9. What is y when x = 5?
a. 118 b. 34 c. 28 d. 19

What you need to know more…

We will now classify an algebraic expression according to the number of terms.


A. 2x2, -3a2x, -5ab2c3 These are called monomials because there is

only one term in each of the algebraic expression

B. x + 2y, -x2y + xy2, These are called binomials because the algebraic
-a – 4 expressions are made up of two terms.

C. x2 + 2x – 3 These are trinomials because the algebraic

2 3
a – 4ab + 2b expressions contain three terms.
xy + 2x – 3y
Algebraic expressions composed of four or more terms are called multinomials
or polynomials.

Consider the trinomial 8x – y + 32. The three terms of the trinomial are 8x, -y,
and 32. In 8x, 8 is the numerical coefficient of x, and x is the literal coefficient of 8.A
numerical coefficient of 1 can be omitted in a term such as that in the term –y which
means -1y.

Terms with the same literal coefficients of the same degree are similar terms.
Otherwise, they are called dissimilar terms.

2ab, 6ab,and –ab are similar terms

2a, 3ab, and -5b are dissimilar terms

The expression 2 • 2 • 2 • 2 can be written as 2 4 .

Base 2 4 exponent

Similarly, x • x • x can be written as x3. The variable x is the base and the number
3 is the exponent. The exponent tells how many times the base is used as a factor.

An exponent is a symbol or a number at the upper right hand corner of a
variable,constant,or expression. It indicates the number of times the variable,constant ,
or expression is used as a factor. The variable,constant, or expression on which the
exponent is applied is called the base.

The numerical coefficient is the constant factor in a monomial.

The literal coefficient is/are the variable factor/s in a monomial.

What you will do

Self-Test 1.3

II. Classify each algebraic expression according to the number of terms

1. 3x
2. 12x + 3y – 1
3. 5y – 1
4. 7x – 11y
5. x(6xy)

III. Identify the exponent, base and coefficients of each expression

Expression Exponent Base Numerical Literal
6. 7a3
7. 3x2
8. 10a
9. 25m3
10. 40x5
Lesson 2 Translation of Verbal Phrases and Mathematical Phrases
and vice versa

What you need to know

The symbol of operations and relations with their corresponding meanings are as

Symbol Meaning
Addition,plus,increased by,added to , the
+ sum of, more than
- by,subtracted from,less than,diminished by
X, • ,( ) Multiplication,times,multiplied by,product of
/ ,÷ Division,divided by,ratio of,quotient of
= Equals,equal to
< Is less than
> Is greater than
< Is less than or equal to, is at most
> Is greater than or equal to, is at least
‡ Is not equal to

Illustrative Examples
Translate each verbal phrase into mathematical phrase.
A. 10 added to twice a number x -------------------------------------- 10 + 2x
B. a number n decreased by 5 ----------------------------------------- n – 5
C. a number y multiplied by 7------------------------------------------- 7y
D. twice a number a divided by 3-------------------------------------- 2a ÷ 3 or 2a/3
E. the product of x and the square of y------------------------------- xy 2

Any mathematical phrase can be translated into verbal phrase.

Illustrative Example
Translate each mathematical phrase into verbal phrase.
A. ½ x + 1 ----------------------------------------- 1 added to ½ of a number x
B. 5x – 4 ----------------------------------------- 4 subtracted from the product of 5 and a
number x
C. 3 (x + 6) ----------------------------------------- thrice the sum of a number x and 6
D. x2 – 1 ----------------------------------------- 1subtracted from the square of a number x
E. 7 + x/2 ----------------------------------------- the sum of 7 and the quotient when a
number x is divided by 2

What you will do

Self-Test 2.1

Directions: Choose the words or expressions inside the boxes and write it under its
respective symbol.

plus more than times divided by is less than increased by

subtracted from multiplied by ratio of is greater than or equal to
is greater than the quotient of is at most is less than or equal to
the sum of the difference of diminished by
less than added to is at least the product of decreased
by is not equal to minus

+ – x ÷ < > < > ≠

What you will do

Self-Test 2.2


A. Translate the verbal phrases into mathematical phrase.

1. a number a subtracted from 8

2. twice the product of 3 and x
3. a number n divided by 4
4. a number x increased by 6
5. five times the number y

B. Translate the following verbal phrases into mathematical phrases.

1. 4 + 3x
2. 3x – 4
3. 2 (x + 3)
4. 5 + 1/3 x
5. 2a + 3b

What you need to know more…

Formulas are equations that state relationships between quantities. These formulas
can be translated into verbal sentences.
A = lw The area A of a rectangle is the product of the length l and the width w of
the rectangle.
P = 2l + 2w The perimeter P of a rectangle is the sum of twice its length l and twice its
width w.
d = rt The distance d travelled

What you will do

Self-Test 2.3
Translate each formula into verbal sentences.
1. P = 4s
2. C = 2¶r
3. A = s2
4. V = lwh
5. I = PRT

Let’s summarize

In this lesson, you learned about constants, letters and variables, and algebraic
expressions. You learned that the equal sign means more than getting an answer to
an operation; it just means that expressions on either side have equal values. You
also learned how to evaluate algebraic expressions when values are assigned to
We also learned that verbal phrases can be written in both words
and in mathematical expressions. You learned common phrases associated with
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, the inequalities and the equality. With
this lesson, you must realize by now that mathematical expressions are also


I. COMPLETE THE TABLE: Fill – in the table with the corresponding answers.
Standard Form Constant Variable Base Exponent Kind of
according to
the number of
1. 2x + 5

2. 2πr

3. 5x3 + 3x3 - x

4. X2 - 9

5. 100 x 3

II. MATCHING TYPE: Match the verbal phrase with the mathematical phrase.
____1. A number a subtracted from 8 a. n÷ 4
____2. Twice the product of 3 and x b. 5y
____3. A number n divided by 4 c. 8 – a
____4. A number x increased by 6 d. x + 6
____5. Five times the number y e. 5 + 3x
____6. The sum of five and thrice the number x f. 9/n
____7. Twice the square of a number x g. 2 (3x)
____8. nine divided by n h. 2x2
____9. Twice the sum of 3 and x i. 3x – 1
____10. One less than the product of 3 and x j. 2 ( 3 + x )

III. Evaluate the following:

1. (-9)4 =

2. -22(-4)3 =

Find the value of the following expressions given the value of the variable;
a=1 b= -1 c= 2 x= -2 y=1 z=0

3.8ab + 3bc – 12

4.3x3 + 7y – 4z

5.6a2 – b( y + z )

Standard Constant Variable Base Exponent Coefficient


Numerical Literal
2x + 5 2,5 x x 1 2 x
2πr 2,π r r 1 2 r
5x3 + 3x3 - x 5,3,-1 x x 3 5 x
X2 - 9 -9 x x 2 -9 x
100 x 3 100 x x 3 100 x
Key to Answers


1. A
2. L
3. L
4. M
5. E
6. N
7. A
8. R
9. E
10. E
11. Q
12. U
13. A
14. L
Lesson 1
Self – Test 1.1
Expression Constant Variable
1. 7a 7 a
2. 3x2 + 1 3,1 x
3. 10a + b 10 a,b
4. 25m3 + 10n2 25,10 m,n
5. 40x5y4 + 11 40,11 x,y

Self-Test 1.2
1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. d
Self-Test 1.3
1. monomial
2. trinomial
3. binomial
4. binomial
5. monomial

Expression Exponent Base Numerical Literal
6. 7a3 3 a 7 a
7. 3x2 2 x 3 x
8. 10a 1 a 10 a
9. 25m3 3 m 25 m
10. 40x5 5 x 40 x
Lesson 2
Self-Test 2.1
+ – x ÷ < > < > ≠

plus subtracted multiplied the is less is is less is is not

from by quotient than greater than or greater equal
of than equal than or to
to equal to
the sum minus the divided is at is at
of product by most least
increase decreased times ratio of
d by by

added to the
more diminishe
than d by

less than

Self-Test 2.2

1. 8 - a
2. 2 ( 3x )
3. n ÷ 4
4. x + 6
5. 5y

1. four added by the product of 3 and a number x
2. the product of 3 and x subtracted by 4
3. twice the sum of a number x and 3
4. 1/3 of a number x added to 5
5. the sum of the product of a number a and 2 and a number b and 3

NOTE: these are just few of the suggested answer.the teacher must also evaluate
otherpossible answers of the learners.

Self-Test 2.3
1. P = 4s the perimeter P of a square is equal to 4 times the side s
2. C = 2¶r the circumference C of a circle is equal to the product of 2,the value of pie
and radius r
3. A = s the area A of a square is equal to the square of the side s
4. V = lwh the volume V of a rectangle is equal to the product of the length l ,width w
and height h
5. I = PRT the interest I is equal to the product of the principal p, the rate r , and time


Standard Form Constant Variable Base Exponent Kind of

according to
the number of
1. 2x + 5 2,5 x x 1 binomial
2. 2πr 2,π r r 1 monomial

3. 5x3 + 3x3 - x 5,3,-1 x x 3 trinomial

4. X2 - 9 -9 x x 2 binomial

5. 100 x 3 100 x x 3 monomial

1. c
2. g
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. e
7. h
8. f
9. j
10. i


1. (-9)4 = 6561

2. -22(-4)3 = -256

Find the value of the following expressions given the value of the variable;
a=1 b= -1 c= 2 x= -2 y=1 z=0

3.8ab + 3bc – 12 = 8(1) (-1) +3(-1) (2)-12

= (-8) + (-6)-12
= -2
4.3x3 + 7y – 4z = 3(-2) (-2) (-2) +7(1)-4(0)
= -24+7-0
= -17
5.6a2 – b( y + z ) = 6(1)(1) – (-1)( 1+0)
= 6 – (-1)

***End of module***

Module 5
Laws of Exponents, Addision, Subtraction and Multiplication of
What is this module about…
This lesson is all about the laws of exponents. Wherein the students would be able to:
 define and interpret the meaning of an where n is a positive integer
 derive the laws of exponents (restricted to positive integers)
 illustrate the laws of exponents
 add and subtract polynomials
 multiply polynomials

Lesson 1- Laws of Exponents

Lesson 2- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
Lesson 3- Multiplication of polynomials

How to learn from this module…

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
1. Familiarize the laws of exponents.
2. Always know the difference between a constant and a variable.
3. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
4. Identify the similarities of any terms so it would be easier to combine similar

Lesson 1: Laws of Exponents

I. Activity 1
Give the product of each of the following as fast as you can.
1. 3x3 = ____
2. 4x4x4 = _____
3. 5x5x5= _____
4. 2x2x2x2= _____
5. 2x2x2x2x2=_____

II. Development of the Lesson

Discovering the Laws of Exponents

A) an = a x a x a x a …(n times)
In an , a is called the base and n is called the exponent.

1) Which of the following is/ are correct?
a) 42 = 4x4 = 16
b) B) 24 = 2x 2 x 2 x 2= 8
c) C) 25 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32
d) 33= 3 x 3 x 3 =27

2) Give the value of each of the following as fast as you can.

a) 23 b) 25 c) 34 d)106

Activity 2
Evaluate the following. Investigate the result. Make a simple conjecture on it.
The first two are done for you.
1) (23)2 = 23 *23 = 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2 = 64
2) (x4)3 = x4 * x4 * x4 = x *x *x *x *x *x *x *x *x *x *x *x = x12
3) (32)2 =
4) (22)4=
5) (a2)4 =
Did you notice something?
What can you conclude about(an)m? What will you do with a, n and m ?

What about these?

1) (x100)3
2) (y12)5

Activity 3
Evaluate the following. The first example is done for you.
1. (23)(2)2 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 25 = 32
2. (x5)(x4) =
3. (32)(34) =
4. (23)(24) =
Did you notice something aside from the bases are the same?
What can you conclude about an * am ? What will you do with a, n and m ?

Activity 4
Evaluate each of the following. Notice that the bases are the same. The first example is
done for you.
1. 27 /23 = 128/8 = 16 ------remember that 16 is the same as 2 4
2. 35 / 33 =
3. 43 / 42 =
4. 28 /26 =
Did you notice something?
What can you conclude about an / mn? What will you do with a, n and m?

Laws of exponent
1) an = a * a * a *a * a …….(n times)
2) (an)m = anm power of powers
3) an * am = an+m product of a power
4) an / am = an-m quotient of a power
5) a0=1 whare a is not equal to zero law for zero exponent

6) a –n and 1 / (a-n) law for negative exponent

Can you rewrite the fractions below using exponents and simplify them?
a) 2/4
b) 4 / 32
c) 27 / 81
What did you notice?
What about these?
d) X-2
e) 3-3
f) (5-3)-2

What you will do

III. Exercises
A. Evaluate each of the following:
1. 27 6. (33)3
2. 72 7. (24)(23)
3. 6-1
4. 4-2
5. 150

B. Simplify each of the following.

1. (x10)(x12)
2. (y-3)(y8)
3. (m15)3
4. (d-3)2
5. (a-4)-4
6. z23 / z15
7. b8 / b12
8. c3 / c -2
9. (x7 y 10) / (x3 y 5)
10. (a8 b2 c0) / (a5b5)

Lesson 22: Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials

Pre-requisite Concepts: Similar Terms, Addition and Subtraction of Integers
What to know…
This lesson will teach students how to add and subtract polynomials using tiles at first
and then by paper and pencil after.

What are you expected to learn…

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
1. Add and subtract polynomials
2. Solve problems involving polynomials
3. Use algebra tiles in adding and subtracting polynomials

Development of the Lesson

I. Activity 1:Familiarize yourself with the tiles below:

Stands for + 1 stands for +x

Stands for -1 stands for -x

Stands for +x2 stands for –x2

Can you represent the following quantities using the above tiles?
1. x-2
2. 4x+1

What you need to know more..

I. Activity 1

Use the tiles to find the sum of the following polynomials;

1. 4x+3x
2. (5x-4) – 4x
3. (4x2 – 3x +2) + ( 3x2 +2x)
Can you come up with the rules for adding polynomials?
II. Questions/Points to Ponder (Post-Activity Discussion)
The tiles can make operations on polynomials easy to understand and do.

Let us discuss the first activity.

1. To represent x – 2, we get one (+x) tile and two (-1) tiles.

2. To represent 4x = 1, we get four (+x) tiles and one (+1) tile.

What about the second activity?

1. 4x + 3x
Get four (+x) tiles and three more (+x) tiles. How many do you have in all?

There are seven (+x) altogether. Therefore, 4x + 3x = 7x.

2. (5x – 4) – 4x
Get five (+x) tiles and four more (-x) tiles to represent (5x – 4). Add four (-x) tiles.
[Recall that subtraction also means adding the negative of the quality.]

Now, recall further that a pair of one (+x) and one (-x) is zero. What tiles do you have
That’s right. If you have with you one (+x) and four (-1), then you are correct. That
means the sum is (x-4).

3. (4x2 – 3x +2) + ( 3x2 +2x)

What tiles with you put together? You should have four (+x 2), three (-x) and two
(+1) tiles then three (+x2) and two (+x) tiles. Matching the pairs that make zero,
you have in the end seven (+x2), one (-x) and two (+1) tiles. The sum is 7x2 – x +
Or using your pen and paper,

(4x2 – 3x +2) + (3x2 +2x) = (4x2 + 3x2) + (- 3x + 2x) + 2 = 7x2 – x + 2

Rules for Adding Polynomials

To add polynomials, simply combine similar terms. To combine similar terms, get
the sum of the numerical coefficients and annex the same literal coefficients. If there is
more than one term, for convenience, write similar terms in the same column.

Do you think you can add polynomials now with the tiles?
Perform the operation.
1) Add 5a – 2b + 3c, 6a + 7b - 9c and -10a +c

5a – 2b + 3c
6a + 7b – 9c
+ -10a +c_

2) Add 10x5- 20x3+ 2x2 – 4x + 5 and -12x4 + 3x3 + 6x - 2

10x5 - 20x3 + 2x2 – 4x + 5

+ ____-12x4 + 3x3 +6x - 2

Rules for subtracting Polynomials

To subtract polynomials, change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed to the
addition rule. Also, remember what subtraction means. It is adding the negative of the
Perform the operation.
1) 6x – 13x = 6x + (-6x) + (-7x) = -7x
2) 3x2 -12x +20 4x2 – 12x + 30
- 4x2 + 14x -16 - 5x2 + 17x - 25

3) ( 20 x2 – 10x – 17) – (17x2 +5x)

What you will do

III. Exercises
A. Perform the indicated operation, first using the tiles when applicable, then
using paper and pen.

1) 3x + 10x 6) 10xy – 8xy

2) 12y – 18y 7) 20x2 y2 + 30x2y 2
3) 14x3 + (-16x3) 8) -9x2 y + 9x2 y
4) -5x3 -4x3 9) 10x2y3 – 10x3 y2
5) 2x – 3y 10) 5x – 3x – 8x + 6x
B. Answer the following questions. Show your solution.
1) What is the sum of 3x2 – 11x + 12 and 18x2 + 20x – 100?
2) What is 12x3 – 5x2 + 3x + 4 less than 15x3 + 10x + 4x2 – 10?
3) What is the perimeter of the triangle shown at the right?

(2x2+7) cm (3x2 – 2x) cm

(x2 + 12x – 5) cm

4) If you have (100x3 – 5x + 3) pesos in your wallet and you spent (80x3 – 2x2 + 9)
pesos in buying foods, how much money is left in your pocket?
5) What must be added to 3x + 10 to get a result of 5x – 3?

In this lesson, you learned about tiles and how to use them to represent algebraic
expressions. You learned how to add and subtract terms and polynomials using these
tiles. You were also able to come up with the rules in adding and subtracting
polynomials. To add polynomials, simply combine similar terms. To combine similar
terms, get the sum of the numerical coefficients and annex the same literal coefficients.
If there is more than one term, for convenience, write similar terms in the same column.
To subtract polynomials, change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed to the addition

Lesson 23: Multiplying Polynomials

Pre-requisite Concepts: Laws of exponents, Adding and Subtracting Polynomials,
Distributive Property of Real Numbers

What to know..

In this lesson, we use the context of area to show how to multiply polynomials.
Tiles will be used to illustrate the action of multiplying terms of a polynomial. Other ways
of multiplying polynomials will also be taught.

What you are expected to learn…

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
1) multiply polynomials such as;
a) monomial by monomial,
b) monomial by polynomial with more than one term,
c) binomial by binomial,
d) polynomial with more than one term to polynomial with three or more
2) solve problems involving multiplying polynomials.

Development of the Lesson

I. Activity 1: Familiarize yourself with the following tiles:
Stands for (x2)
Stands for (+x)

Stands for (-x)

Stands for (+1)

Stands for (-x2)

Stands for (-1)

Now, find the following products and use the tiles whenever applicable:
1) (3x)(x) 2) (-x)(1 + x) 3) (3 – x)(x + 2)

II. Questions/Points to Ponder (Post-Activity Discussion)

Recall the Laws of Exponents. The answer to item (1) should not be a surprise. By the
Laws of Exponents, (3x) (x) = 3x 2 . Can you use the tiles to show this product?
So, 3x2 is
represented by three of the big shaded squares.

Rules in Multiplying Polynomials

A. To multiply a monomial by another monomial, simply multiply the numerical
coefficients then multiply the literal coefficients by applying the basic laws of

1) (x3)(x5) = x8
2) (3x2)(-5x10) = -15x12
3) (-8x y )(-9xy8) = 72x3 y11
2 3

B. B. To multiply monomial by a polynomial, simply apply the distributive property

and follow the rule in multiplying monomial by a monomial.

1) 3x(x2 – 5x + 7) = 3x3 – 15x2 + 21x
2) -5x2y3(2x2y – 3x + 4y5) = -10x4y4 + 15x3y3 – 20x2y8
C. To multiply binomial by another binomial, simply distribute the first term of the
first binomial to each term of the other binomial then distribute the second term to
each term of the other binomial and simplify the results by combining similar
terms. This procedure is also known as the F-O-I-L method or Smile method.
Another way is the vertical way of multiplying which is the conventional one.

1) (x + 3)(x + 5) = x 2 + 8x + 15

First terms Last terms F –> (x)(x) =


(x + 3)(x + 5) O –> (x)(5) =

I –> (3)(x) = 3x
Outer terms Inner terms L –> (3)(5)= 15
Since 5x and 3x are similar terms we can combine them. 5x + 3x = 8x.
The final answer is x 2 + 8x + 15
D. To multiply a polynomial with more than one term by a polynomial with three or
more terms, simply distribute the first term of the first polynomial to each term of
the other polynomial. Repeat the procedure up to the last term and simplify the
results by combining similar terms.

1) (x + 3)(x2 – 2x + 3) = x(x2 – 2x + 3) – 3(x2 – 2x + 3)

= x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 3x2 + 6x – 9
= x 3 – 5x2 + 9x – 9
2) (x2 + 3x – 4)(4x3 + 5x – 1)

= x2 (4x3 + 5x – 1) + 3x(4x3 + 5x – 1) - 4(4x3 + 5x – 1)

= 4x5 + 5x3 – x 2 + 12x4 + 15x2 – 3x – 16x3 – 20x + 4
= 4x5 + 12x4 – 11x3 + 14x2 – 23x + 4
3) (2x – 3)(3x + 2)(x2 – 2x – 1) = (6x2 – 5x – 6)(x2 – 2x – 1)

= 6x4 – 17x3 – 22x2 + 17x + 6

*Do the distribution one by one.

What you will do
A. Simplify each of the following by combining like terms.

1) x + 7x
2) 3x – 8x
3) 3x – 4x – 6x + 2x
4) x2 + 3x – 8x + 3x2
5) x2 – 5x + 3x – 15
B. Call a student or ask for volunteers to recite the basic laws of exponent but focus
more on the “product of a power” or ”multiplying with the same base”. Give follow up
exercises through flashcards.
1) x12 ÷ x5
2) a-10 • a12
3) x2 • x3
4) 22 • 23
5) x100 • x

C. Answer the following.

1) Give the product of each of the following.
a) (12x2 y 3 z)(-13ax3 z 4 )
b) 2x2 (3x2 – 5x – 6)
c) (x – 2)(x2 – x + 5)
2) What is the area of the square whose side measures (2x – 5) cm? (Hint: Area of the
square = s2 )
3) Find the volume of the rectangular prism whose length, width and height are (x + 3)
meter, (x – 3) meter and (2x + 5) meter. (Hint: Volume of rectangular prism = l x w x h)
4) If I bought (3x + 5) pencils which cost (5x – 1) pesos each, how much will I pay for it?

In this lesson, you learned about multiplying polynomials using different approaches:
using the Tiles, using the FOIL, and using the vertical way of multiplying numbers.

Lesson 24: Dividing Polynomials

Pre-requisite Concepts: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Polynomials
What to know…

In this lesson, students will continue to work with Tiles to help reinforce the
association of terms of a polynomial with some concrete objects, hence helping them
remember the rules for dividing polynomials.
What you are expected to learn…
In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
1) divide polynomials such as:
a) polynomial by a monomial and
b) polynomial by a polynomial with more than one term.
2) solve problems involving division of polynomials.
I. Activity 1: Decoding
“ I am the father of Archimedes.” Do you know my name?
Find it out by decoding the hidden message below.
Match Column A with its answer in Column B to know the name of Archimedes’ father.
Put the letter of the correct answer in the space provided below.
Column A (Perform the indicated operation) Column B
2 2 2
1) (3x – 6x – 12) + (x + x + 3) S 4x + 12x + 9
2) (2x – 3)(2x + 3) H 4x2 – 9
2 2
3) (3x + 2x – 5) – (2x – x + 5) I x 2 + 3x - 10
4) (3x2 + 4) + (2x – 9) P 4x2 – 5x - 9
5) (x + 5)(x – 2) A 2x2 – 3x + 6
6) 3x2 – 5x + 2x – x 2 + 6 E 4x2 – 6x – 9
7) (2x + 3)(2x + 3) D 3x2 + 2x – 5
V 5x3 – 5

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
II. Questions/Points to Ponder (Post-Activity Discussion)
The answer to Activity 1 is PHIDIAS. Di you get it? If not, what went wrong?

Rules in Dividing Polynomials

To divide polynomial by a monomial, simply divide each term of the polynomial by the
given divisor.
1) Divide 12x4 – 16x3 + 8x2 by 4x2

a) 12x4 – 16x3 + 8x2

=12x4 _ 16x3 + 8x2
4x2 4x2 4x2
=3x2 -4x + 2

_3x2 – 4x + 2____
b) 4x2 ) 12x4 -16x3 +8x2


To divide polynomial by a polynomial with more than one term (by long division), simply
follow the procedure in dividing numbers by long division.

These are some suggested steps to follow:

1) Check the dividend and the divisor if it is in standard form.
2) Set-up the long division by writing the division symbol where the divisor is
outside the division symbol and the dividend inside it.
3) You may now start the Division, Multiplication, Subtraction and Bring Down
4) You can stop the cycle when:
a) the quotient (answer) has reached the constant term.
b) the exponent of the divisor is greater than the exponent of the dividend.

1) Divide 2485 by 12.

__207_ r. 1 or 207 1/2

12 ) 2485

2) Divide x2 – 3x – 10 by x+ 2 ____x – 5

1) Divide x2 by x and put the result on top. X + 2 ) x2 -3x -10

2) Multiply that result to x + 2 x2 + 2x

3) Subtract the product to the dividend - 5x -10

4) Bring down the remaining term/s - 5x -10

5) Repeat the procedure 1. 0

What you will do

II. Exercises

Answer the following.

1) Give the quotient of each of the following.
a) 30x3 y 5 divided by -5x2 y 5
b) 13x3 – 26x5 – 39x7
c) Divide 7x + x3 – 6 by x – 2
2) If I spent (x3 + 5x2 – 2x – 24) pesos for (x2 + x – 6) pencils, how much does
each pencil cost?
3) If 5 is the number needed to be multiplied by 9 to get 45, what polynomial is
needed to be multiplied to x + 3 to get 2x2 + 3x – 9?
4) The length of the rectangle is x cm and its area is (x 3 – x) cm2 . What is the
measure of its width?

In this lesson, you have learned about dividing polynomials first using the Tiles then
using the long way of dividing.
Answer Key:
Lesson 21:
1. 128

2. 49

3. 1/6

4. 1/12

5. 1

6. 1983

7. 128

1. x 22

2. y 5

3. m 45

4. 1/d6

5. a 16

6. z 8

7. 1/b4

8. c5

9. x 4 y 5

10. a 3 /b3

Lesson 22:
1) 13x
2) -6y
3) -2x3
4) -9x3
5) 2x – 3y
6) 2xy
7) 50x2 y 2
8) 0
9) 10x2 y 3 – 10x3 y 2
10) 0
1. 21x2 + 9x – 88

2. 3x3 + 9x2 + 7x – 14
3. 6x2 + 10x + 2) cm

Lesson 23

1. 13x

2. -5x

3. -5x

4. 4x2 – 5x

5. x2 – 2x -15


1. x7

2. a2

3. x5

4. 25

5. X101



a. -156ax5 y 3 z 5

b. 6x4 - 10x3 - 12x2

c. x 3 - 3x2 + 7x – 10

2 4x2 – 20x + 25 cm2

3. 2x3 + 5x2 – 18x – 45 cubic meters

4. 15x2 + 22x – 5 pesos

Lesson 24
a. -6x

b. 1 – 2x2 -3x4

c. x 2 + 2x + 11 r. 16

2. x + 4 pesos

3. 2x – 3

4. x2 – 1 cm
Module 6
Special Products and Solving Problems Which Involves
Algebraic Expressions
Lesson 25: Special Products
Prerequisite Concepts: Multiplication and Division of Polynomials

What to know…
This is a very important lesson. The applications come much later but the skills will
always be useful from here on.

What are you expected to learn

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
Find (a) inductively, using models and (b) algebraically the
1. Product of two binomials
2. Product of a sum and difference of two terms
3. Square of a binomial
4. Cube of a binomial
5. Product of a binomial and a trinomial

Development of the Lesson

A. Product of Two Binomials
I. Activity
Prepare three sets of algebra tiles by cutting them out from a page of newspaper
or art paper. If you are using newspaper, color the tiles from the first set black, the
second set red and the third set yellow.

1. What is the area of a square whose sides are 3cm?
2. What is the area of a rectangle with a length of 4cm and a width of 2 cm?
3. Demonstrate the area of the figures using algebra tiles.
1. What are the areas of the different kinds of algebra tiles?
2. Form a rectangle with a length of x + 2 and a width of x + 1 using the algebra
tiles. What is the area of a rectangle?
1. X2 , x and 1 square units.
2. The area is the sum of all areas of the algebra tiles.
Area = x2 + x + x + x + 1 + 1 = x2 + 3x + 2

1. Use algebra tiles to find the product of the following:
a. (x+2)(x+3)
b. (2x+1)(x+4)
c. (2x+1)(2x+3)
2. How can you represent the difference x-2 using algebra tiles?
1. Use algebra tiles to find the product of the following?
a. (x-2)(x-3)
b. (3x-1)(x-2)
c. (x+2)(x-3)
d. (2x-3)(x-2)

II. Questions to Ponder

1. Using the concept learned in algebra tiles, what is the area of the rectangle
shown below?
a b



2. Derive the general formula for the product of two binomials (a+b)(c+d).

The area of a rectangle is equivalent to the product of (a+b)(c+d) which is

ac+ad+bc+bd. This is the general formula for the product of two binomials (a+b)
(c+d).This general form is sometimes called the FOIL method where the letters of
FOIL stands for first, outside, inside and last.

Example: Find the product of (x + 3) (x+5)


(x + 3) (x+5)

First: x * x = x2
Outside: x * 5 = 5x
Inside: 3*x = 3x
Last: 3*5=15

(x+3)(x+%) = x2 + 5x +3x + 15 = x2 + 8x +15

What you will do

III. Exercises
Find the product using the FOIL method. Write your answers on the spaces provided:
1. (x + 2) (x + 7) x2 + 9x + 14
2. (x + 4) (x + 8) x2 + 12x + 32
3. (x – 2) (x – 4) x2 – 6x + 24
4. (x – 5) (x + 1) x2 – 4x - 5
5. (2x + 3) (x + 5) 2x2 + 13x + 15
6. (3x – 2) (4x + 1) 12x2 – 5x - 2
7. (x2 + 4) (2x – 1) 2x3 – x 2 + 8x - 4
8. (5x3 + 2x) (x2 – 5) 5x5 -23x3 – 10x
9. (4x + 3y) (2x + y) 8x2 + 10xy + 3y2
10. (7x – 8y) (3x + 5y) 21x2 + 11xy – 40y2

B. Product of a Sum and Difference of Two Terms

I. Activity
Use the FOIL method to find the products.
a. (x + 1) (x – 1)
b. (x + 3) (x – 3)
c. (2x – 1) (2x + 1)
d. (2x – 3) (2x + 3)

II. Questions to Ponder

1. What are the products?
2. What is the common characteristic of the factors in the activity?
3. Is there a pattern for the products for these kinds of factors? Give the rule.

Concepts to Remember
The factors in the activity are called the sum and difference of two terms. Each
binomial factor is made up of two terms. One factor is the sum of the terms and the
other factor being their difference. The general form is (a + b) (a – b).
The product of the sum and difference of two terms is given by the general formula (a +
b) (a – b) = a2 – b 2.
(a + b) (a – b) = a(a – b) + b(a – b)
= a2 – ab + ba + b2

= a2 – b 2
What you will do
III. Exercises

Find the product of each of the following:

1. (x – 5) (x + 5) x2 - 25
2. (x + 2) (x – 2) x2 - 4
3. (3x – 1) (3x + 1) 9x2 - 1
4. (2x + 3) (2x – 3) 4x2 - 9
5. (x + y2 ) (x – y 2 ) x2 – y 4
6. (x2 – 10)(x2 + 10) x4 - 100
7. (4xy + 3z3 ) (4xy – 3z3 ) 16x2 y 2 – 9z6
8. (3x3 – 4)(3x3 + 4) 9x6 - 16
9. [(x + y) - 1] [(x + y) + 1] (x + y)2 – 1 = x2 + 2xy + y2 - 1
10. (2x + y – z) (2x + y + z) (2x + y)2 – z 2 = 4x2 + 4xy + y2 – z 2

C. Square of a Binomial
I. Activity 1.

Use the FOIL method to find their products

a. (x + 3) (x + 3)
b. (x – 2) (x – 2)
c. (2x + 1) (2x + 1)
d. (2x – 1) (2x – 1)
II. Questions to Ponder
1. Find another method of expressing the product of the given binomials.
2. What is the general formula for the square of a binomial?
3. How many terms are there? Will this be the case for all squares of binomials? Why?
4. What is the difference between the square of the sum of two terms from the square
of the difference of the same two terms?

Concepts to Remember
For squaring a binomial we need to know the formulas for the sum of squares and the
difference of squares.
Sum of squares: (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab
Difference of squares: (a – b)2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab

What you will do

II. Exercises

Find the squares of the following binomials.

1. (x + 5)2 2. (x - 5)2
3. (x + 4)2 4. (x – 4)2
5. (2x + 3)2 6. (3x - 2)2
7. (4 – 5x)2 8. (1 + 9x)2
9. (x2 + 3y)2 10. (3x3 – 4y2 ) 2

D. Cube of a binomial
I. Activity
A. The cube of the binomial (x + 1) can be expressed as (x + 1) 3. This is equivalent to (x
+ 1)(x + 1)(x + 1). 1. Show that (x + 1)2 = x2 + 2x + 1.
2. How are you going to use the above expression to find (x + 1) 3?
3. What is the expanded form of (x + 1)3?
B. Use the techniques outlined above, to find the following:
1. (x + 2)2
2. (x – 1)2
3. (x – 2)2
II. Questions to Ponder
1. How many terms are there in each of the cubes of binomials?
2. Compare your answers in numbers 1 and 2?
a. What are similar with the first term? How are they different? 150
b. What are similar with the second terms? How are they different?
c. What are similar with the third terms? How are they different?
d. What are similar with the fourth terms? How are they different?
3. Craft a rule for finding the cube of the binomial in the form (x + a) 3. Use this rule to
find (x + 3)3. Check by using the method outlined in the activity.
4. Compare numbers 1 and 3 and numbers 2 and 4.
a. What are the similarities for each of these pairs?
b. What are their differences?
5. Craft a rule for finding the cube of a binomial in the form (x –a) 3. Use this rule to find
(x – 4)3.
6. Use the method outlined in the activity to find (2x + 5) 3. Can you apply the rule you
made in number 3 for getting the cube of this binomial? If not, modify your rule and use
it to find (4x + 1)3.

Concepts to Remember
For cubing a binomial we need to know the formulas for the sum and difference of
Sum of cubes:
The sum of cubed of two binomial is equal to the cube of the first term, plus three times
the square of the first term by the second term, plus three times the first term by the
square of the second term, plus the cube of the second term.

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

= a3 + 3ab(a +b) + b3
Difference of cubes:
The difference of cubed of two binomial is equal to the cube of the first term, minus
three times the square of the first term by the second term, plus three times the first
term by the square of the second term, minus the cube of the second term.

(a + b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3

= a3 – 3ab(a +b) – b3
What you will do
III. Exercises

1. (x + 5)3

2. (x – 5)3

3. (x + 7)3

4. (x – 6)3

5. (2x +1)3

6. (3x – 2)3

7. (x2 – 1)3

8. (x + 3y)3
9. (4xy + 3)3

10. (2p – 3q2)3

E. Product of a binomial and a trinomial

I. Activity
In the previous activity, we have tried multiplying a trinomial with a binomial. The
resulting product then had four terms. But, the product of a trinomial and a binomial
does not always give a product of four terms.
1. Find the product of x2 – x +1 and 1.x
2. How many terms are in the product?
3. What trinomial should be multiplied to x2 – x +1 to get x3 – 1?
4. Is there a trinomial that can be multiplied to x – 1 to get x 3 + 1?
5. Using the methods outlined in the previous problems, what should be
multiplied to x + 2 to get x3 + 8? Multiplied to x – 3 to get x3 – 27?

II. Questions to Ponder

1. What factors should be multiplied to get the product x 3 + a3 ? x3 – a 3 ?
2. What factors should be multiplied to get 27x 3 + 8?

Concepts to Remember
The product of a trinomial and a binomial can be expressed as the sum or difference of
two cubes if they are in the following form.

(a2 – ab + b2)(a + b) = a3 + b3

(a2 + ab + b2)(a – b) = a3 – b3
(x + 3)(2x2 – 5x + 8) (x + 3)(2x2 – 5x + 8)

x(2x2 – 5x + 8) + 3(2x2 – 5x + 8) Distribute property

2x3 – 5x2 + 8x + 6x2 – 15x + 24 Multiply
2x3 + x2 – 7x + 24 Combine like terms

What you will do

III. Exercises

A. Find the product.

1. (x2 – 3x + 9)(x + 3)

2. (x2 + 4x+ 36)(x - 4)

3. (x2 – 6x + 36)(x + 6)

4. (x2 + 10x + 100)(x – 10)

5. (4x2 + 10x + 25)(2x – 5)

What you need to know more…

1. What should be added to 4m2 + 12mn to make it a perfect square? What is the
perfect square expression?

4m2 + 12mn = (2m)2 + 2(2m)(3n)
Thus, to make it a perfect square, (3n)2 must be added
Therefore, then new expression = 4m2 + 12mn + 9n2

2. Find the product of (3a +2b)(2a –4b)

= (3a*2a)+(3a*(-4b))+(2a*2b)+(-4b*2b)
= 6a2 + -12ab + 4ab + -8b2
= 6a2 - 8ab - 8b2

3. Find the product (2x + 7y)(2x – 7y) by using the identity.

We know (a + b)(a – b) = a2 – b2
Here a = 2x and b = 7y
= (2x)2 – (7y)2
= 4x2 – 49y2

Exercises 1:
Solve the following the problems.
1. What should be added to 9m2 + 24mn to make it a perfect square? What is
the perfect square expression?

2. Find the product of (4m +2n)(2m –4n)

3. Find the product of (x + 4) (3x2 – x + 3)

4. Find the product (2a + 7b)(2c – 7d)

Answer key:
Product of two Binomials
1. x2 + 9x + 14

2. x2 + 12x + 32

3. x2 – 6x + 24

4. x2 – 4x – 5

5. 2x2 + 13x + 15

6. 12x2 – 5x – 2

7. 2x3 – x 2 + 8x – 4

8. 5x5 -23x3 – 10x

9. 8x2 + 10xy + 3y2

10. 21x2 + 11xy – 40y2

Product of a Sum and difference of two Terms

1. x2 – 25

2. x2 – 4

3. 9x2 – 1

4. 4x2 – 9

5. x2 – y 4

6. x4 – 100

7. 16x2 y 2 – 9z6

8. 9x6 – 16

9. x2 + 2xy + y2 – 1

10. 4x2 + 4xy + y2 – z 2

Square of Binomial
1. x2 + 10x + 25

2. x2 – 10x + 25

3. x2 + 8x + 16

4. x2 – 8x + 25

5. 4x2 + 12x + 9

6. 9x2 – 12x + 4
7. 16 – 40x + 25x2

8. 1 + 18x + 81x2

9. X4 + 6x2y + 9y4

10. 9x6 – 24x6y4 + 16y4

Cube of a Binomial
1. x3 + 15x2 + 75x + 125

2. x3 – 15x2 + 75x -125

3. x3 + 21x2 + 147x + 343

4. x3 – 18x2 + 108x – 216

5. 8x3 + 12x2 + 6x +1

6. 27x3 – 54x2 + 36x – 8

7. X6 – 3x4 + 3x2 – 1

8. X3 + 9x2y + 27xy2 + 27y3

9. 64x3y3 + 144x2y2 + 108xy + 27

10. 8p3 – 36p2q2 + 54pq4 – 27q6

Product of a Binomial and Trinomial

1. X3 + 27

2. X3 – 64

3. X3 – 216

4. X3 – 1000

5. 8x3 - 125

Exercise 1:

1) 16n2 should be added and the perfect square expression should be

9m2 + 24mn + 16n2

2) 8m2 - 12mn – 8n2

3) 3x2 +11x2 – x +12

4) 4ac – 14ad + 14bc – 49bd

Module 7
Patterns and Algebra

What this module is all about

Algebra has a language of its own. That language – composed of arithmetic
numbers, letters, called variables, and other symbols – will enable you to translate
verbal ideas into a universal language of algebraic expressions. Such expressions,
which can either be phrases or sentences, show important relations between quantities
and often hold the key to the solution of problems. You will learn more about these
concepts as you study the three lessons in this module.
Lesson 1 Differentiating Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Lesson 2 Translating English Sentences to Mathematical
Sentences and vice versa
Lesson 3 Differentiating Equations and Inequalities

What you are expected to learn

At the end of this instructional module, the students are expected to
 differentiates between algebraic expressions and equations

 translates English sentences to mathematical sentences and vice


 differentiates between equations and inequalities

How to learn from this module

In order to achieve the objectives of this module, here’s a simple guide for you:
1. Read and follow instructions carefully.
2. Answer the pretest before going through the lessons.
3. Take note and record points for clarification.
4. Do the activities to fully understand each lesson.
5. Answer the self-check to monitor what you learned in each lesson.
6. Answer the posttest after you have gone over all the lessons.

What to do before (Pretest)

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write this on your answer
1. Which of the following if NOT an equation?

a. P = 21 = 2w c. x2 – 3x > x- 2

b. x2 – 1 = 0 d. x2 + 7x = -10

2. What is the equivalent mathematical sentence for “The sum of twice a number
and five is equal to thirteen?

a. 2x + 5 = 13 c. 2(5) + x = 13

b. 2(x + 5)= 13 d. 2x = 5 + 13

3. Which of the following is equivalent to 5x = 40?

a. Five added to a number is forty.

b. Five decreased by a number is forty.

c. Five times a number is forty.

d. The quotient of five and a number is forty.

4. The following are equations EXCEPT

a. x + 4 = 0 c. b + 9 = 1

b. 3x – 4 = 10 d. 25a
5. Which of the following is the algebraic equivalent of the phrase “half the
difference of a number and five?
a. (5x) c. (x-5)
b. (x+5) d. x- 5
6. Which of the following is a mathematical phrase?

a. x2 + 1 < 10 -11 c. x – 1 > 10

b. 3m2 + 2n -16 = 0 d. x2 + 4x + 1

7. Translate this verbal sentence into an equation: “Two less than a number is

a. 2y = 21 c. y = 21 - 2

b. 2 – y = 21 d. y – 2 = 21

8. How will you translate “the quotient of a number and two diminished by 5” into
mathematical phrase?
a. 2x + 5 c. + 5
b. 2x – 5 d. – 5
9. Which of the following mathematical sentence represents an inequality?

a. 5x + 9 = 6 c. 8x = -7

b. 6x > 5 d. x – 11 = -12

10. What is verbal statement for the mathematical sentence 3a – 4 = 7?

a. A number subtracted by four is seven.

b. Twice a number subtracted by four is seven.

c. Thrice a number subtracted from four is seven.

d. Thrice a number subtracted by four is seven.

What you will do

Read the following lessons carefully.

Lesson 1 Expressions and Equations

What is the difference in English between a phrase and a sentence? A phrase

expresses a single thought that is incomplete by itself, but a sentence makes a
complete statement. “Running very fast” is a phrase, but “The football player was
running very fast” is a sentence. A sentence has a subject and a verb.
In algebra, we have expressions and equations. An expression is like a phrase. Here
are some examples of expressions and how they relate to word phrases:
Expression Words Phrase

3 + 53 + 5 3 plus 53 plus 5 the sum of three and five

n − 1n − 1 nn minus one the difference of nn and one

6⋅76⋅7 6 times 76 times 7 the product of six and seven

Notice that the phrases do not form a complete sentence because the phrase does not
have a verb. An equation is two expressions linked with an equal sign. When you read
the words the symbols represent in an equation, you have a complete sentence in
English. The equal sign gives the verb. Here are some examples of equations:

Equation Sentence

3 + 5 = 83 + 5 = 8 The sum of three and five is equal to eight.

n – 1 = 14n – 1 = 14 nn minus one equals fourteen.

6⋅7 = 426⋅7 = 42 The product of six and seven is equal to forty-two.

x = 53x = 53 xx is equal to fifty-three.

y + 9 = 2y − 3y + 9 = 2y − 3 yy plus nine is equal to two yy minus three.

Determine if each is an expression or an equation:
1. 16 – 6 = 1016 – 6 = 10

2. 4⋅2 + 14⋅2 + 1

3. x ÷ 25x ÷ 25

4. y + 8 = 40y + 8 = 40

What you will do

Read the following lessons carefully.

Lesson 2 Translating English Sentences to Mathematical Sentences
and vice versa
A knowledge of mathematical symbols and their meanings will enable you to
translate English sentences into Mathematical sentences and vice-versa.
Let us study the chart below.
Word/Phrase Symbol
Added to, increased by, more than, the sum
of, plus +
Subtracted from/to, decreased by, -
diminished by, less than, the difference
As much as, of, as many as, product of ( ) or sometimes not written anymore
Divided by, the quotient of, ratio, over ÷, /, _
Is equal to, equals, is the same as =
Is less than <
Is less than or equal to, at most ≤
Is greater than >
Is greater than or equal to, at least ≥

Now, let us use the phrases and their corresponding symbols given in the chart
to translate English sentences into equations or inequalities.

Example 1. English sentence: Three times a number is nine.

Translation 3 n = 9
Mathematical sentence: 3n = 9 or 3n = 9
Example 2. Mathematical sentence: x y = 16
English Sentence: The product of x and y is sixteen.
Example 3. Mathematical sentence: 5 - 2y = -3
English Sentence: “Five subtracted by twice a number is negative three”
or “Two times a number subtracted from five equals
negative three”
A. Translate the following phrases into mathematical expressions or equations.
1. Six less than twice a number is forty five.
2. A number minus seven yields ten
3. A total of six and some number
4. Twelve added to a number
5. Eight times a number is forty-eight

B. Translate the mathematical expression into English sentence.

1. x + 12 = 8
2. 3x = 15
3. x/15
4. 10/x
5. x – 6
What you will do

Read the following lessons carefully.

Lesson 3 Differentiating Equations and Inequalities

Mathematical Phrases Mathematical Sentences

20 - 12 20 -12 = 8
2b 2b = 4
x+ y 7=x+y
5s 5s = t
3r + 4 3+4<0
-7c -7c ≤ 1
e– 4d e – 4d >2
2v + w 2v + w ≥ 9a

Now, let us look at the given mathematical sentences. The first four mathematical
sentences namely, 20 -12 = 8, 2b = 4, 7 = x + y and 5s = t are called equations. An
equation is a mathematical sentence that makes use of the symbol =. The symbol =
implies that the two sides of the equation are equal. This means that whatever is the
value of the left side of the equation is also the value of the right side.
This time, let us focus on the last four mathematical sentences namely, 3 + 4 < 0,
-7c ≤ 1, e – 4d >2 and 2v + w ≥ 9a. These mathematical sentences are called
inequalities. An inequality is a mathematical sentence that makes use of the relation
symbols <, ≤,> or ≥. The symbols < and > imply that the left side of the inequality is not
equal to the right side of the inequality. This means further that the symbol < is used
when the value of the left side of the inequality is less than the value of the right side,
while the symbol > is used when the value of the left side of the inequality is greater
than the value of the right side.
The symbol ≤ means that the value of the left side of the inequality is either less than or
equal to the value of the right side, while the symbol ≥ means that the value of the left
side of the inequality is either greater than or equal to the value of the right side.

Write YEHEY if the following mathematical sentences are inequalities and if not write
1. 3(x – 2) = 2(x + 5)

2. y – 5 ≤ 7

3. 2x + 21 ≥ 4

4. n – (n + 2) = 13

5. 11 + 5x < 3x – 1
What to do after (Posttest)
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write this on your answer
1. The following are inequalities EXCEPT
a. 2x – 5 > x + 2 c. 3x + 5 < 2x - 7
b. 3n2 + 5n – 2 <3n + 4 d. x2 –x = 2
2. Which of the following is an English sentence for the inequality 3x ≥ 12?
a. Three times a number is greater than twelve.
b. Thrice a number multiplied by three is greater than or equal to twelve.
c. Thrice a number is at least twelve.
d. Three times a number is at most twelve.
3. Which of the following is an equation?
a. 5 + 7 c. x > y
b. 2x – y d. 6 = a
4. What equation represents the distance d traveled by a bus at the rate of 80 kph
in 2 hours?
a. d = 80 (2) c. 2 = 80d
b. 80 = 2d d. d = 80 + 2

5. What is the mathematical sentence for “A number diminished by eight is

a. x – 8 = 13 c. x + 8 = 13
b. 8 – x = 13 d. x – 8 > 13
6. Which of the following is an expression?
a. 8x = 4 c. 4 - 5
b. 9x2 – 5 = 1 d. x + 1 = 3
7. What best represents “five times a number”?
a. y – 5 c. x/5
b. v + 5 d. 5n
8. The following are symbols used to express inequalities EXCEPT
a. < c. ≤
b. = d. >
9. Which of the following is the mathematical sentence of “The product of a number
n and sixteen added to another number m is 50”?
a. n + 16 +m = 50 c. n + 16m = 50
b. 16n + m = 50 d. 16nm = 50
10. A mathematical sentence that makes use of the symbol =.
a. Expression c. Variable
b. Inequality d. Equation

Answer Key
Pretest page 2
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
SELF-CHECK 1 page 4
1. Equation

2. Expression

3. Expression

4. Equation

SELF-CHECK 2 page 6
1. 2x - 6 = 45
2. x – 7 = 10
3. 6 + x
4. x + 12
5. 8x = 48
1. Twelve added to a number is the same as eight
2. Three times a number equals fifteen
3. The ratio of a number to fifteen
4. Ten divided by a number
5. Six subtracted from a number

SELF-CHECK 3 page 8


Posttest page 8
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. D

---------------------------------------------- END OF MODULE---------------------------------------------

Module 8
Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable

Objective: In this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Illustrates linear equation and inequality in one variable (M7AL-IIh-4),

2. Finds the solution of linear equation or inequality in one variable (M7AL-IIi-1) .

Activity 1:
In the previous activity, we saw that linear equations in one variable may have a unique
solution, but linear inequalities in one variable may have many solutions. The following
examples further illustrate this idea.

Example 1. Given, x + 5 = 13, prove that only one of the elements of the replacement set {–8,
–3, 5, 8, 11} satisfies the equation x + 5 = 16.
x + 5 = 16
For x = –8: For x = –3: For x = 5: For x = 8: For x = 11:
–8 + 5 = –3 –3 + 5 = 2 5 + 5 = 10 8 + 5 = 13 11 + 5 = 16
–3 ≠ 13 2 ≠ 13 10 ≠ 13 13 ≠ 13 16 = 16
Therefore –8 Therefore –3 is Therefore 5 is Therefore 8 is Therefore 11 is
is not a not a solution. not a solution. not a solution. a solution.
Based on the evaluation, only x = 11 satisfied the equation while the rest did not. Therefore,
we proved that only one element in the replacement set satisfies the equation.
We can also use a similar procedure to find solutions to a mathematical inequality, as the
following example shows.
Example 2. Given, x – 3 < 5, determine the element/s of the replacement set {–8,–3, 5, 8, 11}
that satisfy the inequality.
For x = –8: For x = –3: For x = 5: For x = 8: For x = 11:
–8 – 3 = –11 –3 – 3 = –6 5–3=2 8–3=5 11 – 3 = 8
–11 < 5 –6 < 5 2<5 5<5 8 < 13
Therefore –8 Therefore –3 is Therefore 5 is Therefore 8 is Therefore 11 is
is a solution. a solution. a solution. a solution. not a solution.

Based on the evaluation, the inequality was satisfied if x = –8,–3, 5, or 8. The inequality was
not satisfied when x = 11. Therefore, there are 4 elements in the replacement set that are
solutions to the inequality.
Activity 2:
Given the replacement set {–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3}, determine the solution/s for the following
equations and inequalities. Show your step-by-step computations to prove your conclusion.
1) x + 8 < 10
2) 2x + 4 = 2
3) x – 5 > – 3
4) x > – 4 and x < 2
5) x < 0 and x > 2.5
Activity 3:
Solve for the value of x to make the mathematical sentence true. You may try several values
for x until you reach a correct solution.
1) x + 3 = 6 5) 6 + x = 10
2) x – 2 = 10 6) –4x = –12
3) 2x = 4 7) 2x + 3 = 13
4) 5 – x = 3 8) 3x – 1 = 14

Activity 4:
Match the solutions under Column B to each equation or inequality in one variable under
Column A. Remember that in inequalities there can be more than one solution.

_____ 1. 3 + x = 1 A. –9
_____ 2. 2x – 2 = 4 B. –1
_____ 3. x – 1 < 10 C. –5
_____ 4. 2x – 9 ≥ –7 D. 1
_____ 5. 2x > –10 E. –2
_____ 6. x – 5 = 13 F. 4
_____ 7. 1 – x = 11 G. –4
_____ 8. –3 + x > 1 H. 6
_____ 9. –3x = 15 I. 10
_____ 10. 14 – 5x ≤–1 J. 2
_____ 11. –x + 1 = 10 K. 18
_____ 12. 1 – 3x = 13 L. 11
M. –10
N. 3
O. –12

A solution of an algebraic statement

A solution of an algebraic equation or inequality is a value for each of the
variables which, when substituted into the statement, make the statement true.
Activity 1:
In our example, the statement x – 3 = 11 is true if x = 14, but not if x = 7. We call x =
14 a solution to the mathematical equation x – 3 = 11. In this activity, we will work with
mathematical inequalities which, like a mathematical equation, may either be true or false.
Example 1: x – 3 < 11 is true when x = 5 or when x = 0 but not when x = 20 or when x = 28.
We call all possible x values (such as 5 and 0) that make the inequality true solutions to the
inequality. Complete the following table by placing a check mark on the cells that
correspond to x values that make the given equation or inequality true.
x = –4 x = –1 x=0 x=2 x=3 x=8
0 = 2x + 2
3x + 1 < 0
–1 ≥ 2 – x

1) In the table, are there any examples of linear equations that have more than one
2) Do you think that there can be more than one solution to a linear inequality in one
variable? Why or why not?

Example 2: Determine whether −2 is a solution of the equation 5x +6= -4.

Answer. We will substitute −2 for x: 5(−2) + 6 = (−10) + 6 = -4 = -4. The equation is true
when x is −2. So −2 is a solution of the equation 5x +6= -4.

Activity 2:
1. Is −1 a solution of 4x +3= −1?
2. Is 0 a solution of 3(x + 2) − 2 = 4(x − 1) - 2?
3. Is 11/3 a solution of 5(x − 2) = 2x + 1?
4. Is 3 a solution of 3x − 2 = −x − 4?
5. Is −1/4 a solution of x +2=3x − 2(x − 1)?
6. Is −1 a solution of 3x + 2 < −2?
7. Is 1/3 a solution of 3x + 2 < −2?
8. Is 3 a solution of 2x2 − 5x = 3?
9. Is −1/2 a solution of 2x2 − 5x = 3?
10. Is −3 a solution of 2x2 − 5x = 3?
11. Is −1/2 a solution of 4x3 + 12x2 − x = 3?
12. Is (2, 3) a solution of x − 3y = −7?
13. Is (−7, 0) a solution of x − 3y = −7?
14. Is (1, 1) a solution of x − 3y ≥ −7?
15. Is (−4, 1) a solution of x − 3y ≥ −7?

In this lesson, you learned how to evaluate linear equations at a specific value of x. You also
learned to determine whether particular values of x are solutions to linear equations and
inequalities in one variable.

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Julieta G. Bernabe,Soledad Jose-Dilao,Ed.D.,and Fernado B. Orines ,ELEMENTARY

ALGEBRA Textbook for First Year Revised Edition (2009),published by SD

DEPED Learning Materials are uploaded at Grade 7 Mathematics Learning Materials and
Teachers Guide.

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