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Duolingo English Test:

Technical Manual Duolingo Research Report

July 15, 2019 (25 pages)

Geoffrey T. LaFlair∗ and Burr Settles∗

The Duolingo English Test Technical Manual provides an overview of the design, development,
administration, and scoring of the Duolingo English Test. Furthermore, it reports on test taker
demographics and the statistical characteristics of the test. This is a living document and will be
updated regularly (last update: July 15, 2019).


1 Duolingo English Test 3

2 Accessibility 3

3 Test Administration and Security 4

3.1 Test Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Onboarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Administration Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.4 Proctoring & Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Test Taker Demographics 5

5 Item Description 6
5.1 C-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5.2 Yes/No Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.3 Dictation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5.4 Elicited Imitation (Read-aloud) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

∗ Duolingo, Inc.

Corresponding author:
Geoffrey T. LaFlair, PhD
Duolingo, Inc. 5900 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, USA
Email: [email protected]

© 2019 Duolingo, Inc. All rights Reserved.

2 Duolingo Research Report

5.5 Extended Speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.6 Extended Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

6 Development, Delivery, & Scoring 10

6.1 Item Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6.2 CAT Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.3 Item Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.4 Extended Speaking and Writing Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

7 Statistical Characteristics 15
7.1 Score Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
7.2 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
7.3 Relationship with Other Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

8 Conclusion 19

References 20

Appendix 23

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1 Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test is a measure of English language proficiency. The test has been
designed for maximum accessibility; it is delivered via the internet, without a testing center,
and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It has been designed to be efficient. It
takes less than one hour to complete the entire process of taking the test (i.e., onboarding, test
administration, uploading). It is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), and it uses item types that
provide maximal information about English language proficiency. It is designed to be user-
friendly; the onboarding, user interface, and item formats are easy to interact with.
This document provides an overview of the design the Duolingo English Test. It contains a
discussion of:

• the test’s accessibility, delivery, proctoring and security processes;

• the demographic information of the test taking population;
• the test’s items, how they were created, and how they are are delivered and scored;
• and the statistical characteristics of the Duolingo English Test.

The test scores are intended to be interpreted as reflecting test takers’ English language ability
and used in a variety of settings, including for university admissions decisions.

2 Accessibility
Broad accessibility is one of the central motivations for the Duolingo English Test. Tests
administered at test centers consume resources which limit accessibility: they require
appointments at a physical testing center within certain hours on specific dates (and travel
to the test center), and carry considerable registration fees. The maps in Figure 1 show the
concentration of test centers in the world (left panel) compared to internet penetration in the
world (right panel). The figure shows a stark difference in how much more easily an internet-
based test can be accessed than a test center* . While the ratio of internet access to test center
access is a somewhat limited metric — not every internet user has access to a device that can
run the Duolingo English Test, and physical test centers can usually handle dozens of test-takers
at once — it is still clear that the potential audience for the Duolingo English Test is orders of
magnitude larger than those who could be served currently by more traditional test centers. By
delivering assessments on-demand, 24 hours a day, to an estimated 2 billion internet-connected
devices anywhere in the world for US$49, we argue that the Duolingo English Test holds the
potential to be the most accessible valid and secure language assessment platform in the world.

∗ Central Africa is underserved by both models.

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Figure 1. Global heatmaps comparing the number of physical test centers (left) per 1 million inhabitants
(TOEFL®, IELTS®, and PTE® combined) vs. the percentage of internet users (right).

3 Test Administration and Security

The Duolingo English Test is administered online, via the internet to test takers. The security of
Duolingo English Test scores is ensured through a robust and secure onboarding process, rules
that test takers must adhere to during the test administration, and a strict proctoring process.
All of these procedures are evaluated after the test has been administered and prior to score

3.1 Test Administration

Test takers are required to take the test alone in a quiet environment. The Duolingo English Test
can be taken in the Chrome and Opera browsers worldwide. In China, the test can be taken on
the the 360 and QQ browsers as well. An internet connection with at least 2 Mbps download
speed and 1 Mbps upload speed is recommended for test sessions.

3.2 Onboarding
Before the test is administered, test takers complete an onboarding process. This process
checks that the computer’s microphone and speaker work. It is also at this time that the test
takers’ identification information is collected and that test takers are informed of the test’s
administration rules.

3.3 Administration Rules

The list behaviors that are prohibited during an administration of the Duolingo English Test are
listed below. In addition to these behavioral rules, there are rules for the test takers’ internet
browsers. The browsers are locked down after onboarding, which means that any navigation
away from the browser invalidates the test session. Additionally, all browser plugins must be

• Interacting with anyone

• Allowing other people in the room
• Using headphones or earbuds
• Disabling the microphone or camera

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• Looking off screen

• Moving out of frame of the camera
• Accessing any outside material or devices
• Leaving the web browser

3.4 Proctoring & Reporting

After the test has been completed and uploaded, it undergoes a thorough proctoring review using
human proctors with TESOL/applied linguistics expertise, which is supplemented by artificial
intelligence to call proctors’ attention to suspicious behavior. This process take no more than
48 hours after the test has been uploaded. After the process has been completed, score reports
are sent electronically to the test taker and any institutions they elect to share their scores with.
Test takers can share their scores with an unlimited number of institutions.

4 Test Taker Demographics

In this section, test taker demographics are reported. During the onboarding process of each test
administration, test takers are asked to report their first language (L1), date of birth, and their
gender identity. Their country of residence is logged when they show their proof of identification
during the onboarding process. There were 23,460 people who took certified Duolingo English
Tests between August 1, 2017 and June 30, 2019.
The most frequent L1s of Duolingo English Test test takers include Mandarin, Spanish,
Arabic, and Portuguese (see Table 1). Duolingo English Test test takers represent 115 unique
L1s and 168 unique countries. The full tables of all test taker L1s and countries of origin can be
found in the Appendix.

Table 1. Most Frequent Test Taker L1s

First Language
Chinese - Mandarin

Reporting gender identity during the onboarding process is optional, but reporting birth date
is required. Table 2 shows that 34.60% of Duolingo English Test test takers identified as female,
41.29% of test takers identified as male, and 24.08% chose not to report. Table 3 shows that
78% of Duolingo English Test test takers are between 16 and 30 years of age.

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Table 2. Counts and Percentages of Test Taker Gender

Gender n Percentage
Female 8,117 34.60%
Male 9,687 41.29%
Other 6 0.03%
Not reported 5,650 24.08%
Total 23,460 100.00%

Table 3. Counts and Percentages of Test Taker Age

Age n Percentage
< 16 1,338 5.70%
16 - 20 10,240 43.65%
21 - 25 4,999 21.31%
26 - 30 3,022 12.88%
31 - 40 2,731 11.64%
> 40 1,130 4.82%
Total 23,460 100.00%

5 Item Description
The test has seven different item types, which collectively tap into test takers’ reading, writing,
listening, and speaking abilities. Because the Duolingo English Test is a CAT, it will adjust in
difficulty as the computer updates its real-time estimate of test takers’ language proficiency as
they progress through the test. There are five item types in the computer-adaptive portion of
the test. The CAT item types include c-test, audio yes/no vocabulary, visual yes/no vocabulary,
dictation, and elicited imitation. During each administration of the Duolingo English Test, a
test taker will see at minimum three of each CAT item type and at maximum of seven of each
CAT item type. The median rate of occurrence of the CAT item types across all administrations
is six times per test administration. Additionally, test takers respond to four writing prompts
and three speaking prompts. They are not a part of the computer-adaptive portion of the test.
However, the writing and speaking prompts also vary in difficulty, and their selection is based
on the CAT’s estimate of test taker ability. These items work together to measure test takers’
English language proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

5.1 C-test
The c-tests provide a measure of the test takers’ reading ability (Klein-Braley 1997; Khodadady
2014). In this task, the first and last sentences are fully intact, while words in the intervening
sentences are “damaged” by deleting the second half of the word. Test takers respond to the
c-test items by completing the damaged words in the paragraph (see Figure 2). The test taker
needs to rely on context and discourse information to reconstruct the damaged words (which
span multiple vocabulary and morpho-syntactic categories). It has been shown that c-tests are

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Figure 2. Example C-test Item

significantly correlated with many other major language proficiency tests, and additionally are
related to spelling skills (Khodadady 2014).

5.2 Yes/No Vocabulary

This is a variant of the “yes/no” vocabulary test (Beeckmans et al. 2001). The test taker is
presented with a set of English words mixed with pseudo-words that are designed to appear
English-like, and must discriminate between them.† Such tests have been used to assess
vocabulary knowledge at various CEFR levels (Milton 2010), and have been shown to predict
language proficiency skills—the text version (see top panel in Figure 3) predicts listening,
reading, and writing abilities; while the audio version (see bottom panel in Figure 3) predicts
listening and speaking abilities in particular (Milton, Wade, and Hopkins 2010; Staehr 2008).
These tests typically show a large set of stimuli (e.g., 60 words and 40 pseudo-words) of mixed
difficulty at once. The format is made computer-adaptive by successively presenting multiple
sets (items/testlets), each containing a few stimuli of the same difficulty (e.g., B1-level words
with pseudo-words that should be B1-level if they existed; more on how this is done in Section

5.3 Dictation
In this exercise, the test taker listens to a spoken sentence or short passage and then transcribes
it using the computer keyboard‡ (see Figure 4). The test takers have one minute in total to listen
to and transcribe what they heard. They can play the passage up to three times. This assesses

† We use an LSTM recurrent neural network trained on the English dictionary to create realistic pseudo-words, filtering

out any real words, acceptable regional spellings, and pseudo-words that orthographically or phonetically resemble real
English words too closely.
‡ Autocomplete, spell-checking, and other assistive device features or plugins are detected and disabled.

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Figure 3. Example Yes/No Vocabulary Items

test taker ability to recognize individual words and to hold them in memory long enough to
accurately reproduce them; both are critical for spoken language understanding (Bradlow and
Bent 2002; Buck 2001; Smith and Kosslyn 2007). Dictation tasks have also been found to be
associated with language learner intelligibility in speech production (Bradlow and Bent 2008).

5.4 Elicited Imitation (Read-aloud)

The read-aloud variation of the elicited imitation task—example in Figure 5—is a measure
of test taker reading and speaking abilities (Vinther 2002; Jessop, Suzuki, and Tomita 2007;
Litman, Strik, and Lim 2018). It requires the test takers to read, understand, and speak a
sentence. Test takers respond to this task by using the computer’s microphone to record
themselves speaking a written sentence. The goal of this task is to evaluate intelligible
speech production, which is affected by segmental/phonemic and suprasegmental properties

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Figure 4. Example Dictation Item

Figure 5. Example Elicited Imitation Item

like intonation, rhythm, and stress (Anderson-Hsieh, Johnson, and Koehler 1992; Derwing,
Munro, and Wiebe 1998; Field 2005; Hahn 2004). Furthermore, intelligibility is correlated
with overall spoken comprehensibility (Munro and Derwing 1995; Derwing and Munro 1997;
Derwing, Munro, and Wiebe 1998), meaning that this item format can capture aspects of
speaking proficiency. We use state-of-the-art speech technologies to extract features of spoken
language, such as acoustic and fluency features that predict these properties (in addition to basic
automatic speech recognition), thus evaluating the general clarity of speech.

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5.5 Extended Speaking

The extended speaking tasks are measures of test taker English speaking abilities. At the end
of the CAT portion of the test, the test takers respond to four speaking prompts: one picture
description task and three independent speaking tasks, two with a written prompt and one with
an aural prompt (see Figure 6). Each of the task types have items that are calibrated for high,
intermediate, and low proficiency levels. The difficulty level of the tasks that test takers receive
is conditional on their estimated ability in the CAT portion of the test. All of these task types
require the test taker to speak for an extended time period and to leverage different aspects
of their organizational knowledge (e.g., grammar, vocabulary, text structure) and functional
elements of their pragmatic language knowledge (e.g., ideational knowledge) (Bachman and
Palmer 1996).

5.6 Extended Writing

The extended writing tasks are measures of the test takers writing English abilities. Test takers
respond to four writing prompts that require extended responses: three picture description tasks
and one independent task with a written prompt (see Figure 7). Similar to the speaking tasks,
these are drawn from different levels of difficulty conditional on the estimated ability level of the
test taker. The stimuli in the picture description tasks were selected by people with graduate-
level degrees in applied linguistics. They are designed to give test takers the opportunity to
display their full range of written language abilities (Cushing-Weigle 2002). The independent
tasks require test takers to describe, recount, or make an argument; these require the test takers to
demonstrate more discursive knowledge of writing in addition to language knowledge (Cushing-
Weigle 2002).

6 Development, Delivery, & Scoring

This section explains how the computer-adaptive items in the test were developed, how
the computer-adaptive test works, and how the items are scored. Additionally, it provides
information about the automated scoring systems for the speaking and writing tasks and how
they were evaluated.

6.1 Item Development

In order to create enough items of each type at varying levels of difficulty, the Duolingo English
Test item pool is automatically generated (and very large). As a result, it is not feasible to
estimate bi (item difficulty) statistically from actual administrations due to data sparsity, and it is
not scalable to have each item manually reviewed by CEFR-trained experts. Instead, we employ
statistical machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to automatically
project items onto the Duolingo English Test scale. Each of the items has an estimated level
of difficulty on a continuous scale between zero and ten. These levels were assigned to the
items based on one of two ML/NLP models—a vocabulary model and a passage model—that
were trained as part of the test development process. The vocabulary model was used to estimate
the item difficulty of the yes/no vocabulary tasks. The passage model was used to estimate the
difficulty of the other item types. The two models are used to predict bˆi values for the different

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Figure 6. Example Speaking Items

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Figure 7. Example Writing Items

CAT item types as a function of various psycholinguistically-motivated predictor variables,


• syntactic variables (dependency parse tree depth, number and direction of dependencies,
verb tenses, sentence length, etc.);
• morphological variables (character-level language model statistics, word length in
characters and syllables, etc.);
• lexical variables (word-level language model statistics).

The variables were processed using various NLP pipelines which are described in greater
detail in (Settles, Hagirawa, and LaFlair, under revision).

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6.2 CAT Delivery

Once items are generated, calibrated (bˆi estimates are made), and placed in the item pool, the
Duolingo English Test uses CAT approaches to administer and score tests (Wainer 2000; Segall
2005). Because computer-adaptive administration gives items to test takers conditional on their
estimated ability, CATs have been shown to be shorter (Thissen and Mislevy 2000) and provide
uniformly precise scores for most test takers when compared to fixed-form tests (Weiss and
Kingsbury 1984).
To do this, we employ a generalization of item response theory (IRT). The conditional
probability of an observed item score sequence g = ⟨g1 , g2 , . . . , gt ⟩ given θ is the product of all
the item-specific item response function (IRF) probabilities (assuming local item independence):

p(g|θ) = pi (θ)gi (1 − pi (θ))1−gi , (1)

where gi denotes the scored response to item i (typically gi = 1 if correct, gi = 0 if

incorrect), and 1 − pi (θ) is the probability of an incorrect response under the IRF model. An
implication of local independence is that the probability of responses for two separate test items
i and j are independent of each other, controlling for the effect of θ.
The purpose of a CAT is to estimate the ability (θ) of test takers as precisely as possible with
as few test items as possible. The precision of our θ estimate depends on the item sequence g:
test takers of higher ability θ are best assessed by items with higher difficulty bi (and likewise
for lower values of θ and bi ). The true value of a test taker’s ability (θ) is unknown before
test administration. As a result, an iterative adaptive algorithm is required. First, the algorithm
makes a provisional estimate of θ̂t based on responses to a set of items at the beginning of the
test — increasing in difficulty — to time point t. Then the difficulty of the next item is selected
as a function of the current estimate: bt+1 = f (θ̂t ). Once that item is scored and added to g,
the process repeats until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
The maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) approach to finding θ̂t and selecting the next
item is based on the log-likelihood function:

LL(θ̂t ) = log pi (θ̂t )gi (1 − pi (θ̂t ))1−gi

= gi log pi (θ̂t ) + (1 − gi ) log(1 − pi (θ̂t )). (2)

The first line directly follows from Equation (1), and is a typical formulation in the IRT
literature. The rearrangement on the second line more explicitly relates the objective to
minimizing cross-entropy (de Boer et al. 2005), a measure of disagreement between two
probability distributions. This is because our test items are scored probabilistically (see Section
6.3. As a result, gi is a probabilistic response (0 ≤ gi ≤ 1) rather than a binary response
(gi ∈ {0, 1}). The MLE optimization in Equation (2) seeks to find the θ̂t that yields an IRF
prediction pi (θ̂t ) that is most similar to each scored response gi ∈ g. This generalization,

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combined with concise and predictive item formats, helps to minimize test administration time
Duolingo English Tests are variable-length, meaning that exam time and number of items
can vary with each administration. The iterative adaptive procedure continues until either the
variance of the θ̂t estimate drops below a certain threshold, or the test exceeds a maximum length
in terms of minutes or items. Most tests are less than 30-45 minutes long (including speaking
and writing; excluding onboarding and uploading), and the median test consists of about 27
computer-adaptive (and eight extended response items) items with over 200 measurements§
Once the algorithm converges, the final reported score is not the provisional MLE point-
estimate given by Equation (2) used during CAT administration. Rather, p(θ|g) is computed
for the CAT items for each possible θ ∈ [0, 10] and normalized into a posterior distribution in
order to create a weighted average score for each item type. These weighted average scores of
each CAT item type are then used to create a composite score with the scores of the speaking
and writing tasks.

6.3 Item Scoring

All test items are scored automatically via statistical procedures developed specifically for each
format. For example, the yes/no vocabulary (see Figure 3) format is traditionally scored using
the sensitivity index d′ : a measure of separation between signal (word) and noise (pseudo-word)
distributions from signal detection theory (Beeckmans et al. 2001, Zimmerman et al. 1977).
However, traditional yes/no tests assume that all stimuli are given at once, which is not the case
in Duolingo English Test’s adaptive variant. This index, d′ , is easily computed for fewer stimuli,
and it has a probabilistic interpretation under receiver-operator characteristics (ROC) analysis
(Fawcett 2006). That is, d′ is calculated for each test taker by item response and converted it to a
score gi , which can be interpreted as “the test taker can accurately discriminate between English
words and pseudo-words at this score/difficulty level with probability gi ,” where gi ∈ [0, 1].
Similarly, the responses to the dictation, elicited imitation, and c-test tasks are aligned against
an expected reference text, and similarities and differences in the alignment are evaluated.
The output of the comparison is used in a (binary) logistic regression model¶ to provide its
probabilistic score gi .

6.4 Extended Speaking and Writing Tasks

The writing and speaking tasks are scored by automated scoring algorithms developed by ML
and NLP experts at Duolingo. There are two separate algorithms: one for the speaking tasks
and one for the writing tasks. Currently, the scores for the tasks are estimated at the portfolio
level—meaning that the speaking score that is included in the composite score represents the test
takers’ performance on the four speaking tasks and the writing score represents the test takers’
performance on the four writing tasks.

§ Forexample, each word (or pseudo-word) in the vocabulary format, and each damaged word in the c-test passage
format, is considered a separate “measurement” (or sub-item).
¶ The weights for this model were trained on aggregate human judgments of correctness and intelligibility on tens of

thousands of test items. The correlation between model predictions and human judgments is r =~0.75 (p < 0.001).

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The speaking and writing scoring systems evaluate each task based on the features listed

• Grammatical accuracy
• Grammatical complexity
• Lexical sophistication
• Lexical diversity
• Task relevance
• Length
• Fluency & acoustic features (speaking)

The writing scoring algorithm was trained on 3,626 writing performances, and the speaking
scoring algorithm was trained on 3,966 performances. Both sets of performances were scored by
by human raters with TESOL/applied linguistics training. The algorithms were then evaluated
through a process known as cross-validation. In this process, they are trained on a portion of the
data (90%; the training set) and then evaluated on the remaining portion (10%; the test set). This
design is called 10-fold cross-validation because the analysis is repeated 10 times on different
configurations of 90/10 training/test sets.
This analysis used Cohen’s κ as the index of agreement (results in Table 4). It is a measure
of probability of agreement with chance agreement factored out. The first row shows the rate
of human-human agreement. The last two rows show rates of human-machine agreement. The
κ index reflects agreement when the training set is used as the test set; this is expected to be
higher than the cross-validated analysis. The κxv index shows the rates of agreement when
using cross-validated analysis. All human-machine relationships show high rates of agreement
(κ > 0.70) between the algorithms’ scores and human rater scores.

Table 4. Machine-Human Agreement

Scorers Index Writing Speaking

Human:Human κ 0.68 0.77
Human:Machine κ 0.82 0.79
Human:Machine κxv 0.73 0.77

7 Statistical Characteristics
This section provides an overview of the statistical characteristics of the Duolingo English Test.
It includes information about the total score distribution and three reliability measures: test-
retest, internal consistency, and standard error of measure.

7.1 Score Distribution

The following reports on an analysis of the composite scores for test administered between
August 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019 that have been rescored to reflect the current operational scale:
10-160 in five point increments. This is the operational scale for all tests administered on or
after July 15, 2019.

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Proportion of Scores



10 35 60 85 110 135 160




10 35 60 85 110 135 160

10 35 60 85 110 135 160


Figure 8. Distributions of Test Taker Scores

Figure 8 shows the distribution of test scores on the 10-160 point scale (on the x-axis of each
plot). The top panel shows the empirical cumulative density function (ECDF) of the test scores.
Where a test score meets the line in the ECDF, it shows the proportion of scores at or below
that point. The middle panel shows the density function of the test scores, and the bottom panel
shows a box plot of the total test scores.
The plots in Figure 8 show some negative skew, which is reflected in the descriptive statistics
in Table 5. The mean and the median test score are 98.87 and 100 respectively, and the
interquartile range is 30. Table 9 in the Appendix shows the percentage and cumulative
percentage of test takers at each score point.

Table 5. Descriptive Statistics: Scale 10 - 160

n Mean SD Median IQR

23,460 98.83 22.49 100 30

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7.2 Reliability
The reliability of the Duolingo English Test is evaluated by examining the relationship between
scores from repeated test sessions (test-retest reliability), the relationship among the different
halves of each test (split-half reliability; a measure of internal consistency), and the standard
error of measure (SEM). The SEM is the range of test scores in which the test takers true score
exists. It is a function of the test’s reliability and standard deviation as shown in Equation (3).

SEM = SD ∗ 1 − reliability (3)

There have been 776 test takers who have taken the test twice within 30 days. The correlation
between test scores at time one and test scores at time two is strong, positive, and significant (r =
0.85, p < 0.001). The internal consistency of the Duolingo English Test is evaluated using split-
half methods on the computer-adaptive portion only. A representative balance item types on
each half is controlled for. The split-half reliability of the Duolingo English Test is also strong,
positive, and significant (n = 23,460, r = 0.91, p < 0.001). Using the test-retest reliability
coefficient results in a conservative estimate of the SEM (+/- 8.71 score points), which means
that a test taker’s true score falls within a range of 8.71 score points above or below their
estimated ability.

7.3 Relationship with Other Tests

While the Duolingo English Test is being uploaded after the test administration, we ask test
takers to share their recent TOEFL iBT and IELTS test scores (data collection started in August
2018). This data was used to evaluate the relationship between these two tests and the Duolingo
English Test and to create concordance tables for the total test scores.

Correlation Pearson’s correlations coefficients were estimated to evaluate the relationship

between the Duolingo English Test and the TOEFL iBT and IELTS. The correlation coefficients
for both revealed strong, positive, and significant relationships between the Duolingo English
Test scores and the TOEFL iBT scores (n = 2,319, r = 0.77, p < 0.001) and IELTS scores (n =
991, r = 0.78, p < 0.001). These relationships are visualized in Figure 9. The left panel shows
the relationship between the Duolingo English Test and TOEFL iBT, and the right panel shows
the relationship between the Duolingo English Test and IELTS.

Concordance The same data from the correlation study was used to create concordance tables
for Duolingo English Test users. Two types of equating were compared: equipercentile (Kolen
and Brennan 2014) and kernel equating (Davier, Holland, and Thayer 2003). Within each
equating type two methods were evaluated: 1) loglinear pre-smoothing that preserved the first
and second moments as well as the bivariate relationship between the test scores and 2) loglinear
pre-smoothing that preserved the first, second, and third moments as well as the bivariate
relationship between the test scores. The equate (Albano 2016) and kequate (Andersson,
Bränberg, and Wiberg 2013) packages in R (R Core Team 2018) were used to conduct the
equating study.

© 2019 Duolingo, Inc

18 Duolingo Research Report

120 9

80 6

40 3
0 0
10 35 60 85 110 135 160 10 35 60 85 110 135 160
Duolingo English Test Duolingo English Test

Figure 9. Relationship between Test Scores

Table 6. Standard Error of Equating Summary

Method Mean SD Mean SD
EQP 2 2.20 2.76 0.73 1.68
EQP 3 0.84 1.91 0.87 1.97
KER 2 0.45 0.34 0.05 0.02
KER 3 0.81 0.70 0.06 0.04

10.0 10.0

7.5 7.5


5.0 EQP 3

2.5 2.5

0.0 0.0
10 35 60 85 110 135 160 10 35 60 85 110 135 160
Duolingo:TOEFL Duolingo:IELTS

Figure 10. Relationship between Test Scores

The equating procedure that was selected to create the concordance tables was the one that
minimized the mean standard error of equating. Table 6 shows that the the kernel equating that
preserved the first two moments and the bivariate score relationship introduces the least amount
of error. Figure 10 shows that the conditional error across the Duolingo English Test score range
is very small for kernel equating as well. As a result, we used the “KER 2” equating relationship

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Duolingo English Test: Technical Manual 19

to create our concordance tables. The concordance tables can be found at the Duolingo English
Test scores page (

8 Conclusion
The research reported here illustrates evidence for the validity of the interpretations and uses of
the Duolingo English Test. Updated versions of this document will be released as we continue
our research.

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20 Duolingo Research Report


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Table 7. Test Taker L1s in Alphabetical Order

Afrikaans Dutch Italian Mandingo Swahili

Akan Efik Japanese Marathi Swedish
Albanian English Kannada Mongolian Tagalog
Amharic Ewe Kashmiri Nepali Tajik
Arabic Farsi Kazakh Northern Sotho Tamil
Armenian Finnish Khmer Norwegian Tatar
Azerbaijani French Kikuyu Oriya Telugu
Bambara Fulah Kinyarwanda Oromo Thai
Belarusian Ga Kirundi Polish Tibetan
Bemba Galician Kongo Portuguese Tigrinya
Bengali Ganda Konkani Punjabi Tswana
Bikol Georgian Korean Pushto Turkish
Bosnian German Kurdish Romanian Turkmen
Bulgarian Greek Lao Russian Twi
Burmese Guarani Latvian Serbian Uighur
Catalan Gujarati Lingala Sesotho Ukrainian
Cebuano Hausa Lithuanian Shona Urdu
Chichewa (Nyanja) Hebrew Luo Sinhalese Uzbek
Chinese - Cantonese Hindi Luxembourgish Slovak Vietnamese
Chinese - Mandarin Hungarian Macedonian Slovenian Wolof
Croatian Icelandic Malagasy Somali Xhosa
Czech Igbo Malay Spanish Yoruba
Danish Indonesian Malayalam Sundanese Zulu

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24 Duolingo Research Report

Table 8. Test Taker Country Origins in Alphabetical Order

Afghanistan Cyprus Lebanon Russian Federation
Albania Czechia Lesotho Rwanda
Algeria Denmark Liberia Saudi Arabia
American Samoa Dominica Libya Senegal
Angola Dominican Republic Lithuania Serbia
Antigua and Barbuda Ecuador Luxembourg Sierra Leone
Argentina Egypt Macao Singapore
Armenia El Salvador Madagascar Sint Maarten (Dutch)
Australia Eritrea Malawi Slovakia
Austria Ethiopia Malaysia Slovenia
Azerbaijan Fiji Mali Somalia
Bahamas Finland Malta South Africa
Bahrain France Mauritania South Sudan
Bangladesh Gabon Mauritius Spain
Barbados Gambia Mexico Sri Lanka
Belarus Georgia Mongolia State of Palestine
Belgium Germany Montenegro Sudan
Belize Ghana Morocco Suriname
Benin Greece Mozambique Sweden
Bhutan Guatemala Myanmar Switzerland
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Guinea Nepal Syrian Arab Republic
Bolivia Haiti Netherlands Taiwan
Bosnia and Herzegovina Honduras New Zealand Tajikistan
Botswana Hong Kong Nicaragua Thailand
Brazil Hungary Niger Togo
Bulgaria Iceland Nigeria Trinidad and Tobago
Burkina Faso India North Macedonia Tunisia
Burundi Indonesia Norway Turkey
Cabo Verde Iran (Islamic Republic) Oman Turkmenistan
Cambodia Iraq Pakistan Uganda
Cameroon Ireland Panama Ukraine
Canada Israel Papua New Guinea United Arab Emirates
Central African Republic Italy Paraguay United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Chile Jamaica Peru United Republic of Tanzania
China Japan Philippines United States of America
Colombia Jordan Poland Uruguay
Congo Kazakhstan Portugal Uzbekistan
Congo (Democratic Republic) Kenya Puerto Rico Viet Nam
Costa Rica Kuwait Qatar Virgin Islands (British)
Côte d’Ivoire Kyrgyzstan Republic of Korea Yemen
Croatia Lao People’s Democratic Republic Republic of Moldova Zambia
Cuba Latvia Romania Zimbabwe

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Table 9. Percentage Distribution: Scale 10 - 160

Score Percentage Cumulative percentage

150 0.01% 100.00%
145 0.09% 99.99%
140 0.72% 99.90%
135 2.66% 99.17%
130 5.14% 96.52%
125 6.83% 91.38%
120 7.99% 84.55%
115 7.80% 76.56%
110 8.00% 68.76%
105 8.09% 60.76%
100 8.09% 52.67%
95 7.98% 44.58%
90 7.33% 36.60%
85 6.73% 29.27%
80 5.37% 22.54%
75 4.19% 17.17%
70 3.42% 12.98%
65 2.63% 9.56%
60 1.99% 6.92%
55 1.55% 4.93%
50 1.13% 3.38%
45 0.87% 2.25%
40 0.52% 1.38%
35 0.41% 0.86%
30 0.28% 0.45%
25 0.15% 0.17%
20 0.02% 0.02%

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