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CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT chemical business segment of PCB. Mr. Jiwani obtained B.E. (Production)
degree from V.J.T.I, Mumbai, and M.M.S. (Finance) degree from Welingkar
The Bank continues to believe strongly in adopting and adhering to the Mr. Altaf Jiwani does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March
best corporate governance practices, and benchmarking itself against the 31, 2013.
industry’s best practices. It is the Bank’s ongoing endeavour to achieve
the highest levels of governance as a part of its responsibility towards the Mr. Amin Manekia has been a non-executive independent director of the
shareholders and other stakeholders. Transparency and integrity are the Bank since January 12, 2012. He has over 30 years of experience, and has
cornerstones for good governance, and the Bank is committed to these specialized in the areas of marketing, finance, co-operation and banking.
principles for enhancing stakeholders’ value. He has worked for more than 20 years in various capacities in different
institutions of the Aga Khan Development Network and on the Boards of
BOARD OF DIRECTORS various listed financial institutions, local and global, for over a decade. Mr.
The Bank, as on date of this Report, has a non-executive part-time Chairman Manekia is a director of IVP Limited. He has obtained his M.B.A. degree
and except the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer (MD & from Babson College in United States of America, and a B.Com. degree
CEO), all other directors are Independent. As against the requirement of from University of Mumbai.
the Listing Agreement for the number of Independent Directors to be
Mr. Manekia holds 17,303 equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013.
more than 1/3rd of the total number of Directors, your Board has 92% of
its directors in the ‘Independent category’. The day-to-day management of Mr. Suhail Nathani has been a non-executive independent director of
the Bank is entrusted to key managerial personnel under the leadership of the Bank since January 2009. He is a founder Partner of Economic Laws
MD & CEO who operates under the superintendence, direction and control Practice, a law firm with offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad and
of the Board. The Board reviews and approves strategy and oversees the Pune. His areas of legal practice include corporate and commercial matters,
actions and performance of the management periodically for enhancing private equity and international trade. He has represented the Government
the stakeholders’ value. of India at the World Trade Organization (Panel and Appellate Body). He
serves as an independent director of Phoenix Mills Ltd. and Piramal Glass
All the Directors of the Bank and their relatives hold total 87,618 equity
Ltd and is part of the India advisory board of Duke University. Mr. Nathani
shares of the Bank (0.04% of Capital) i.e. less than 2 % of the Equity Share
obtained an M.A. in Law from Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and
Capital of the Bank as on March 31, 2013.
an LL.M. degree from Duke University in the United States. He is enrolled
COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS as an advocate in India and is admitted to the New York State Bar.
Mr. Nasser Munjee has been a non-executive director since June 2005 Mr. Suhail Nathani does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on
and the Bank’s non-executive Chairman since August 2005. He is also the March 31, 2013.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration
Committee and the Capital Raising Committee of the Board. Mr. Munjee Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar has been a non-executive independent director of
began his career in 1977 as one of the first employees of HDFC, India’s the Bank since August 2007. He is an independent director on the boards
first housing finance company, where over two decades, he rose to be an of Greaves Cotton Limited and Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Limited.
executive director on its board with wide responsibilities. Then in 1997, He was the Chairman & Managing Director of ING Asset Management
upon the request of the Finance Minister of India to set up an infrastructure Company from 1998 to 2002. He has vast experience in banking and has
finance company, Mr. Munjee was instrumental in establishing Infrastructure previously worked in various senior positions with Grindlays Bank from
Development Finance Company Limited (“IDFC”). Mr. Munjee is presently 1962 to 1994 and with ING Bank as Chief Executive Officer from 1994
a director on the boards of 15 public companies in India, including Tata to 1998. Mr. Nayyar obtained an M.Sc. degree in Physics (Hons.), and was
Motors, Tata Chemicals, Britannia Industries, Cummins India, ABB (India) an Associate of the Institute of Bankers, England.
and Ambuja Cements Limited. He is also the Chairman of 2 other Aga Khan Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on
Development Network (AKDN ) institutions in India – the Aga Khan Rural March 31, 2013.
Support Programme (AKRSP) and the Muniwar Abad Charitable Trust. Mr. Darius Udwadia has been a non-executive independent director of
He has served as the President of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce the Bank since January 2007. He is a solicitor and advocate of the Bombay
and Industry and on several government task forces on housing and urban High Court, and a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England. He is a
development. Mr. Munjee has a Masters degree from the London School of Senior Partner of Udwadia Udeshi & Argus Partners, a firm of solicitors and
Economics, UK and was earlier educated at the Leys School in Cambridge. advocates. His areas of practice include corporate law, foreign collaborations,
Mr. Munjee holds 4,401 equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013. mergers & acquisitions, banking and finance, joint ventures and private
equity, project finance and international financing transactions, intellectual
Mr. Altaf Jiwani has been a non-executive independent director of the
property, mutual funds, real estate and conveyancing. He is an independent
Bank since January 2012. He has approximately 20 years of experience in
director on several boards including JM Financial Limited, ABB Limited,
corporate finance in the electrical, textile and automobile industries and
The Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited, JM Financial Products
expertise in foreign exchange, risk management and trade finance. He
Ltd., ITD Cementation India Limited, Wyeth Limited, AstraZeneca Pharma
received the “Outstanding Achiever” award in the RPG Group during
India Limited, MPS Limited, IRD Mechanalysis Ltd. and WABCO India
2008 and has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Philips Carbon Black
Limited. Mr. Udwadia obtained a master’s degree in arts and a bachelor’s
Limited (PCB). He is currently Chief Executive of the power and carbo-

I 20 I A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 Development Credit Bank Limited


degree in law from the University of Mumbai. Chairman and Managing Director of National Housing Bank (NHB), the
Mr. Udwadia does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March regulator of housing finance companies. Seminal initiatives launched during
31, 2013. his tenure include NHB Residex, India’s first official residential property
index, central electronic registry of mortgages, reverse mortgage for senior
Mr. Imran Contractor has been a non-executive independent director citizens and rural housing fund. Earlier Mr. Sridhar was the Executive
of the Bank since October 2012. He is B.Com and a qualified chartered Director of EXIM Bank. He started his career with State Bank of India.
accountant (placed in the merit lists) and a cost accountant. He also holds a Mr. Sridhar is M.Sc., CAIIB and a Diploma Holder in System Management.
Certificate in Software Technology from the National Centre for Software
Mr. Sridhar does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March 31,
Technology. Currently, Mr. Contractor manages his own investments. His
previous experience of 17 years include association with W. I. Carr (Far East)
Limited and Stratcap Securities India Private Limited as head of research, Mr. Jamal Pradhan has been a non-executive independent director of the
advisor to several corporate managements and high net worth individuals Bank since January 2013. He is a Commerce Graduate and has specialized
on investment strategy and a consultant with Reliance Mutual Fund. in the areas of exports and small scale industry. He is a promoter director
Mr. Contractor holds 4,575 equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013. of Pradhan Mercantile Private Limited and has experience of over two
decades in export and small & medium manufacturing industry.
Mr. Keki Elavia has been a non-executive independent director of the
Mr. Pradhan holds 4,718 equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013.
Bank since October 2012. He is B.Com and a Chartered Accountant by
profession having more than 40 years of experience. He was associated Mr. Murali M. Natrajan, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
with M/s. Kalyaniwala & Mistry, a chartered accountancy firm for a period (“MD & CEO”) of the Bank since April 2009, has approximately 28 years
of more than 37 years as partner. Presently he is the sole proprietor of of banking experience across India and other countries in Asia. Prior to
a chartered accountancy firm. He is on the boards of several listed and joining the Bank, Mr. Natrajan served in various roles at Standard Chartered
unlisted companies. He is also on the Board of Trustees of various public Bank from 2002 to 2009, including as the Global Head for SME banking
charitable trusts. in Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore, where he was responsible for
Mr. Elavia does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013. providing strategic context and business development capabilities to drive a
distinctive and consistent business model across 27 markets in Asia, Africa
Mr. C. Narasimhan has been a non-executive independent director of and the Middle East and as Head of Consumer Banking for India & Nepal
the Bank since October 2012. He was previously with the State Bank of overseeing business that included mortgages, wealth management, branches,
India (SBI). He has over 39 years of rich banking experience in corporate ATMs, credit cards, personal loans and SME and as head of the mortgage
treasury, corporate strategy, private equity, new business conceptualization and auto business. He previously worked with American Express TRS in
and roll out, investments (stocks, mutual funds and fixed income securities), India for five years in business planning, finance and operations and then
credit appraisal and administration, branch management, forex operations, with Citibank for 14 years in various disciplines such as operations, credit,
IT operations and client relationship management. He has been involved finance, product management and business management of consumer
in the conceptualization and implementation of several new businesses banking, including as the Cards Business Director in Citibank India, Hong
including general insurance, debit cards, merchant acquiring, custodial Kong and Indonesia. Mr. Natrajan obtained a Bachelor of Commerce
services, mobile banking, payment systems group, private equity and venture (Honours course) degree in 1982 at Delhi and qualified as a chartered
capital funds of SBI Group. He has obtained B.Sc degree from University accountant in 1986.
of Kerala and MBA from University of Madras.
Mr. Murali M. Natrajan does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on
Mr. Narasimhan does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March March 31, 2013.
31, 2013.
Composition of Board of Directors as on March 31, 2013
Mr. Nalin Shah is B.Sc. (Bus. Admin., USA) and a Chartered Accountant Name of Director Executive / Non- Independent / Non-
and has been a non-executive independent director of the Bank since Executive Director Independent Director
October 2012. He retired as partner of M/s. Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chairman (Part-time)
Chartered Accountants and M/s. S.B. Billimoria & Co., Chartered Mr. Nasser Munjee Non-Executive Independent
Accountants. He has been a member of the Expert Advisory Committee and Managing Director
the Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Mr. Murali M. Natrajan Executive Non-Independent
of India. He was a member of the Company Law Committee of the
Mr. Darius Udwadia Non-Executive Independent
Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Mr. Shah is a Gold Medalist Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar Non-Executive Independent
at University of San Francisco (1969). Mr. Suhail Nathani Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Shah does not hold any equity shares in the Bank as on March 31, 2013. Mr. Amin Manekia Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Altaf Jiwani Non-Executive Independent
Mr. S. Sridhar has been a non-executive independent director of the Mr. Imran Contractor Non-Executive Independent
Bank since October 2012. He retired as Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Keki Elavia Non-Executive Independent
of Central Bank of India (CBI), amongst India’s oldest and largest public Mr. C. Narasimhan Non-Executive Independent
sector banks. During his tenure CBI recorded historic highs in business, Mr. Jamal Pradhan Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Nalin Shah Non-Executive Independent
profit and profitability, return on assets, asset quality, technology adoption,
Mr. S. Sridhar Non-Executive Independent
brand building and human capital development. Mr. Sridhar was also the
Development Credit Bank Limited A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 I 21 I

During the year ended March 31, 2013, Eight (8) Board Meetings were held on April 13, 2012, June 01, 2012, June 27, 2012, July 14, 2012, October 12,
2012, November 09, 2012, December 10, 2012 and January 15, 2013.
Details of attendance at the Bank’s Board Meetings, Directorship, Membership and Chairmanship in other companies for each director of the Bank
are as follows:

Name of Director Attendance at Directorship of other Directorship of Membership of Chairmanship of

the Bank’s Board Indian public limited other Companies other Companies’ other Companies’
Meetings Companies Committees Committees
Mr. Nasser Munjee 7 14 5 4 5
Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri* 4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Mr. R.A. Momin** 5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Mr. A.A. Sabuwala** 5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Ms. Nasim Devji*** 3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Mr. Darius Udwadia 4 11 6 7 1
Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar 5 1 1 None 1
Mr. Suhail Nathani 4 2 3 1 None
Mr. Murali M. Natrajan 7 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Mr. Amin Manekia 8 1 1 1 None
Mr. Altaf Jiwani 4 None None None None
Mr. Imran Contractor**** 3 None None None None
Mr. Keki Elavia**** 3 11 2 5 5
Mr. C. Narasimhan**** 2 None 1 None None
Mr. Jamal Pradhan***** 1 None 3 None None
Mr. Nalin Shah**** 4 2 None 1 1
Mr. S. Sridhar**** 3 3 1 None 1
*Retired w.e.f. September 29, 2012 ** Resigned w.e.f. October 12, 2012 *** Retired w.e.f. January 12, 2013
**** appointed w.e.f. October 12, 2012 ***** appointed w.e.f. January 15, 2013

Disclosure of Chairmanship & Membership includes only two committees viz. Audit Committee and Shareholders Grievance Committee
All Directors then on the Board of the Bank, except Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar attended the last Annual General Meeting held on June 01, 2012.

COMPOSITION OF COMMITTEES OF DIRECTORS AND Listing Agreement entered into with the Stock Exchanges in India and
THEIR ATTENDANCE AT THE MEETINGS inter-alia include the following:
Various Committees of Directors have been appointed by the Board 1. Oversight of the company’s financial reporting process and the
for taking informed decisions in the best interest of the Bank. These disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial
committees monitor the activities falling within their respective terms of statement is correct, sufficient and credible.
reference. The Board’s Committees are as follows: 2. Recommending to the Board, the appointment, re-appointment and,
if required, the replacement or removal of the statutory auditors and
AUDIT COMMITTEE OF BOARD (ACB) the fixation of audit fees, and confirm their Independence.
Mr. Keki Elavia chairs the Audit Committee of Board (ACB) of the Bank. 3. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services
The other members of ACB are Mr. Nalin Shah, Mr. Altaf Jiwani and Mr. rendered by the statutory auditors, if authorized by the Board.
Amin Manekia (w.e.f. January 15, 2013). All the members are independent 4. Review with the management, the quarterly financial statements before
Directors. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to ACB. Mr. submission to the Board for approval and secure the Certificate from
Narayan K. Seshadri and Ms. Nasim Devji who were members have ceased CFO in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement.
to be directors of the Bank w.e.f. September 29, 2012 and January 12, 2013 5. Any other terms of reference as may be included from time to time
respectively where as, Mr. Suhail Nathani who was a member has ceased in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
to be so w.e.f. January 15, 2013. During the year ACB was reconstituted
During the year ACB met on six (6) occasions.
on October 12, 2012 and January 15, 2013.
The terms of reference of ACB are in accordance with Section 292A of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF BOARD (ECB)
the Companies Act, 1956, terms prescribed by RBI and Clause 49 of the The Executive Committee of Board (ECB) comprises Mr. Nasser Munjee

I 22 I A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 Development Credit Bank Limited


(Chairman), Mr. Darius Udwadia and Mr. Suhail Nathani. ECB, inter-alia, NRC, inter-alia, looks after the due diligence process for Directors,
considers matters relating to properties, insurance, P&L and funds position, recommendation for appointment/re-appointment of Directors,
review of MD’s expenditure etc. remuneration, ESOPs etc. to MD & CEO and other key managerial
During the year ECB met on three (3) occasions. personnel of the Bank, monitoring of compensation policy of the Bank etc.
During the year, NRC met on five (5) occasions.
The Credit Committee of Board (CCB) comprises Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar SHAREHOLDERS’ GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE OF BOARD
(Chairman), Mr. Imran Contractor (w.e.f. October 12, 2012), Mr. S. Sridhar (SGC)
(w.e.f. October 12, 2012) and Mr. C. Narasimhan (w.e.f. January 15, 2013). The Shareholders’ Grievance Committee of Board (SGC) comprises Mr.
Mr. A. A. Sabuwala and Mr. R.A. Momin who were members have ceased to Amin Manekia (Chairman), Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar and Mr. Nalin Shah
be directors of the Bank w.e.f. October 12, 2012 where as Mr. Amin Manekia (w.e.f. October 12, 2012). Mr. A. A. Sabuwala, Mr. R.A. Momin, Mr. Suhail
who was a member has ceased to be so w.e.f. January 15, 2013. During the Nathani and Mr. Murali M. Natrajan who were members have ceased to
year CCB was reconstituted on October 12, 2012 and January 15, 2013. be so w.e.f. October 12, 2012. SGC was reconstituted on October, 2012.
CCB, inter-alia, looks after sanctioning of loans and advances, approving SGC monitors redressal of complaints received from shareholders/
of One Time Settlements (OTS), etc. investors with respect to transfer of shares, non-receipt of dividend, non-
During the year CCB met on thirty (30) occasions. receipt of Annual Reports, etc. SGC also takes note of number of transfers
processed, issue of fresh share certificates, top shareholders, pattern of
RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF BOARD (RMC) shareholding, etc. During the year 2012-13, 21 (Twenty One) complaints
Mr. Keki Elavia chairs the Risk Management Committee of Board (RMC). were received and resolved. There was no complaint outstanding as on 31st
Other members of RMC are Mr. S. D. Nayyar, Mr. Amin Manekia, Mr. March 2013. Also, no instruments of transfer were pending as on March 31,
C. Narasimhan (w.e.f. October 12, 2012) and Mr. Murali M. Natrajan. 2013. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary and has been appointed
Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri who was the Chairman and member of RMC as the Compliance officer of SGC.
has ceased to be director of the Bank w.e.f. September 29, 2012. Mr. During the year, SGC met on four (4) occasions.
Amir Sabuwala and Ms. Nasim Devji who were members have ceased to
be directors of the Bank w.e.f. October 12, 2012 and January 12, 2013 FRAUD REPORTING & MONITORING COMMITTEE OF
respectively. BOARD (FRMC)
RMC, the apex body of the Bank’s risk management architecture, is Pursuant to the directives of the RBI to all commercial banks, the Bank
responsible for aligning various risk policies of the Bank with the risk has constituted a Fraud Monitoring Committee of Board (FRMC) for
appetite and risk philosophy articulated by the Board. It approves specific monitoring cases of fraud involving amounts of ` 1 crore or more. FRMC
risk policies, including the Credit Policy, Investment Policy, Asset Liability has Mr. Keki Elavia as its Chairman (w.e.f. October 12, 2012), Mr. Sukh Dev
Management Policy, Outsourcing Policy, Operational Risk Management Nayyar, Mr. C. Narasimhan (w.e.f. October 12, 2012) and Mr. Murali M.
Policy, KYC Standards and Anti-Money Laundering measures etc. The Natrajan as other members. Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri, Mr. A. A. Sabuwala
Terms of Reference of RMC also include Management of the Committees and Ms. Nasim Devji who were members have ceased to be director of the
of Executives viz. Operational Risk Management Committee (ORCO), Bank w.e.f. September 29, 2012, October 12, 2012 and January 12, 2013
Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO), Credit Risk Management respectively. FRMC was last reconstituted on January 15, 2013.
Committee (CRMC), Information Technology Committee (IT) and Credit FRMC met once during the year.
Committees, through the review of their minutes and any issues that require
the attention of the RMC, manage effectively the risk profile of the Bank. CUSTOMER SERVICE COMMITTEE OF BOARD (CSC)
During the year, RMC met on four (4) occasions. The members of the Customer Service Committee of Board (CSC) are
Mr. Amin Manekia (Chairman) (w.e.f. January 15, 2013), Mr. Sukh Dev
NOMINATION & REMUNERATION COMMITTEE OF Nayyar, Mr. S. Sridhar (w.e.f. October 12, 2012), Mr. Jamal Pradhan (w.e.f.
BOARD (NRC) January 15, 2013) and Mr. Murali M. Natrajan. CSC was reconstituted on
The members of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of Board October 12, 2012 at which time Mr. Nasser Munjee and Mr. R. A. Momin
(NRC) are Mr. Nasser Munjee (Chairman), Mr. Amin Manekia, Mr. S. Sridhar ceased to be members of CSC, whereas, Mr. C. Narasimhan and Mr. S.
and Mr. Keki Elavia all of whom are Independent Directors. Other than Sridhar were inducted as members. CSC was again reconstituted on January
Mr. Munjee, the other three directors have been appointed as members 15, 2013 when Mr. Suhail Nathani and Mr. C. Narasimhan ceased to be
of NRC w.e.f. October 12, 2012. Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri and Mr. A. A. members, whereas, Mr. Jamal Pradhan was inducted as a member of CSC.
Sabuwala who were members have ceased to be directors of the Bank CSC monitors enhancing the quality of customer service and improving
w.e.f. September 29, 2012 and October 12, 2012 respectively. NRC was last the level of customer satisfaction for all categories of clientele at all times.
reconstituted on October 12, 2012.

Development Credit Bank Limited A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 I 23 I


It also oversees the functioning of Standing Committee of Executives on of intermediaries etc. for various kinds of securities, at opportune times.
Customer Service. CRC was reconstitued on October 12, 2012.
CSC met on four (4) occasions during the year. CRC met once during the year.


The members of the Capital Raising Committee of Board (CRC) are Mr. IT Strategy Committee of Board (ITSC) was constituted on October 12,
Nasser Munjee (Chairman), Mr. Darius Udwadia, Mr. Suhail Nathani, Mr. 2012 pursuant to the requirement of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and
Keki Elavia (w.e.f. October 12, 2012), Mr. S. Sridhar (w.e.f. October 12, 2012) the members of the ITSC are Mr. C. Narasimhan (Chairman), Mr. Imran
and Mr. Murali M. Natrajan. Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri who was member Contractor (w.e.f. January 15, 2013), Mr. Jamal Pradhan (w.e.f. January 15,
has ceased to be so w.e.f. September 29, 2012. 2013). Mr. R. Venkattesh, Head – Ops., Tech & HR is also a member of
CRC has been formed to, inter alia, formulate capital raising plans of Board the said ITSC as a Management representative. Mr. Suhail Nathani who
to raise resources through various alternative channels and to expedite the was a member has ceased to be so w.e.f. January 15, 2013. ITSC was last
process of preparation and approval of offer documents/information reconstituted on January 15, 2013.
memorandum, fixing of terms and conditions including pricing, engaging ITSC met once during the year.


Details of Meetings during 2012-13
Sr. Name of Director Appointed On BM ACB CCB ECB CRC RMC FRMC NRC SGC CSC ITSC
No. of Meetings held 8 6 30 3 1 4 1 5 4 4 1
1 Nasser Munjee June 29, 2006 7 N.M. N.M. 3 0 N.M. N.M. 5 N.M. N.M. N.M.
2 Amir Sabuwala January 13, 2005 5 N.M. 18 N.M. N.M. 2 1 4 2 N.M. N.M.
3 Nasim Devji January 13, 2005 3 2 N.M. N.M. N.M. 0 1 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M.
4 Rajabbhai Momin January 13, 2005 5 N.M. 18 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 2 1 N.M.
5 Darius Udwadia January 27, 2007 4 2 N.M. 3 0 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M.
6 Sukh Dev Nayyar August 9, 2007 5 N.M. 23 N.M. N.M. 3 1 N.M. 3 1 N.M.
7 Narayan K. Seshadri September 30, 2004 4 3 N.M. N.M. N.M. 1 1 3 N.M. N.M. N.M.
8 Suhail Nathani January 29, 2009 4 2 N.M. 2 0 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 2 N.M.
9 Murali M. Natrajan April 29, 2009 7 N.M. N.M. N.M. 1 4 1 N.M. N.M. 3 N.M.
10 Amin Manekia January 12, 2012 8 0 23 N.M. N.M. 3 N.M. 1 4 2 N.M.
11 Altaf Jiwani January 12, 2012 4 3 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 1 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M.
12 C. Narasimhan October 12, 2012 2 N.M. 1 N.M. N.M. 2 0 N.M. N.M. N.M. 1
13 S. Sridhar October 12, 2012 3 N.M. 12 N.M. 1 N.M. N.M. 1 N.M. 2 N.M.
14 Imran Contractor October 12, 2012 3 N.M. 11 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 1
15 Keki Elavia October 12, 2012 3 2 N.M. N.M. 1 2 0 1 N.M. N.M. N.M.
16 Nalin Shah October 12, 2012 4 2 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 1 N.M. N.M.
17 Jamal Pradhan January 15, 2013 1 N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. N.M. 1 1

N.M. = Not a member


Remuneration to Chairman Mr. Murali M. Natrajan is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Remuneration has been paid to the non-executive Chair man (MD & CEO) of the Bank. The details of the remuneration paid to him
Mr. Nasser Munjee as per RBI approval vide it’s letter No.DBOD. during the year 2012-13 are as follows:
No.857/29.03.001/2011-12 dated July 15, 2011 and the approval of Govt. Particulars Amount (`)
of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide it’s letter dated March Basic 12,720,000
26, 2013. Allowances and Perquisite value 13,259,555
Bonus (F.Y.) 2011-12 2,765,175
Following payments have been made to the Chairman during the year
Contribution to Provident Fund 15,26,400
2012-13: No. of Employee Stock Options granted during the year 750,000
1. Remuneration w.e.f. April 01, 2012 to March 31, 2013: ` 1,200,000 (2012-13)
2. Sitting fees for attending Board/Committee Meetings: ` 140,000 No. of Employee Stock Options granted during the year NIL

I 24 I A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 Development Credit Bank Limited


Perquisites (evaluated as per Income Tax Rules wherever applicable RBI vide letter DBOD No.15543/29.03.001/2011-12 dated April 17, 2012
and at actual cost of the Bank otherwise) such as benefit of the Bank’s has approved revision in remuneration w.e.f. April 1, 2012 to MD & CEO.
furnished accommodation, gas, electricity, water and furnishing, club RBI vide letter DBOD No.3836/29.03.001/2012-13 dated September 07,
fees, personal accident insurance, use of car and telephone at residence, 2012 has approved payment of Bonus of ` 27,65,175.00 (Rupees Twenty
medical reimbursement, leave and leave travel concession were provided in Seven Lakh Sixty Five Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five only) for FY
accordance with the rules of the Bank in this regard. The Reserve Bank of 2011-12 to MD & CEO.
India has approved the remuneration to the MD & CEO. No sitting fees
Board has noted the above RBI’s approvals on October 12, 2012.
were paid to him for attending the meetings of the Board and Committees

Mr. Natarajan, MD & CEO has been granted 750,000 Employee Stock Options during the year under review in terms of the ESOPs scheme of the
Bank. No shares have been allotted to him against any of the options. The details of the aforesaid grant are as under:

Grant effective Grant date RBI No. of Exercise Market Discount Cancelled Vesting O/s. No.
date by Bank by Bank approval Options price per price of of options
dated granted Option Share
June 1,2012 June 1, 2012 January 23, 750,000 ` 38.40 ` 38.40 NIL NIL 30%, 30%, 20% & 750,000
2013 20% at the end of
2nd ,3rd, 4th & 5th year
respectively from the
date of grant
The grant of aforesaid 750,000 Stock Options has been approved by RBI vide its letter DBOD No.10537/29.03.001/2012-13 dated January 23, 2013.
The Board has noted this approval on April 12, 2013.
This may be treated as an abstract referred in Section 302 of the Companies Act, 1956.


Other than the remuneration to the Chairman, only Sitting fees are paid to RE-APPOINTMENT AT THE FORTHCOMING ANNUAL
the non-executive Directors during the year as under: GENERAL MEETING
Name of Director Sitting Fees (`)
Name of the Director Mr. Suhail Nathani
Ms. Nasim Devji 110,000.00 Date of Birth May 03, 1965
Mr. R.A. Momin 400,000.00 Date of Appointment to the Board January 29, 2009
Expertise in specific functional area Law
Mr. A.A. Sabuwala 460,000.00
Qualifications M.A. in Law
Mr. Narayan K. Seshadri 190,000.00 Directorship in Public Limited 1. Phoenix Mills Ltd.
Mr. Darius Udwadia 150,000.00 Companies 2. Piramal Glass Ltd.
Membership of Committees in Public Phoenix Mills Ltd.
Mr. Sukh Dev Nayyar 525,000.00
Limited Companies Audit Committee – Member
Mr. Suhail Nathani 160,000.00 Remuneration Committee – Member
Mr. Altaf Jiwani 150,000.00 Shareholding of Director in the Bank NIL
Mr. Amin Manekia 625,000.00 Relationship with other Directors of None
Mr. Imran Contractor 235,000.00
Mr. Keki Elavia 140,000.00
Mr. C. Narasimhan 85,000.00
Mr. Jamal Pradhan 40,000.00
Mr. Nalin Shah 130,000.00
Mr. S. Sridhar 280,000.00
Total 3,680,000.00

Development Credit Bank Limited A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 I 25 I

* Membership of Committees in Public Limited Companies (Mr. Keki Elavia):

Sr. Name of the Company Particulars of Committee
Name of the Director Mr. Amin Manekia No. Memberships
Date of Birth June 16, 1961 1 NRB Bearings Limited Member – Audit Committee
Date of Appointment to the Board January 12, 2012 2 Goa Carbon Limited Chairman – Remuneration Committee
Expertise in specific functional area Co-operation, Finance, Marketing & Member – Audit Committee
Banking Member – Corporate Governance
Qualifications MBA, Babson College, USA, B.Com. Committee
Directorship in Public Limited 1. IVP Ltd. 3 Uni Abex Alloy Products Chairman – Audit Committee
Companies Limited Chairman – Remuneration Committee
Membership of Committees in IVP Ltd. 4 Uni Deritend Limited Member – Remuneration Committee
Public Limited Companies Audit Committee – Member 5 Allcargo Logistics Limited Chairman – Audit Committee
Remuneration Committee – Chairman Chairman – Share allotment Committee
Shareholding of Directors in the 17,303 Member – Compensation /
Bank Remuneration Committee
Relationship with other Directors None Member – Finance Committee
of Bank 6 Insilco Limited Member – Audit Committee
Member – Remuneration Committee
7 Peerless Trust Management Member – Audit Committee
III Company Limited
Name of the Director Mr. Imran Contractor 8 Dai-ichi Karkaria Limited Member – Audit Committee
Date of Birth October 16, 1961 9 Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Chairman – Audit Committee
Date of Appointment to the Board October 12, 2012 Ltd. Member – Remuneration Committee
Expertise in specific functional area Accountancy, Cost 10 Grindwell Norton Limited Chairman – Audit Committee
Accountancy and Management
Accountancy V
Qualifications B.Com, ACA, Grad. CWA,
Name of the Director Mr. C. Narasimhan
Cert. Software technology
Date of Birth July 04, 1951
Directorship in Public Limited Companies NIL
Date of Appointment to the Board October 12, 2012
Membership of Committees in Public None
Expertise in specific functional area Banking, SSI & SME Financing,
Limited Companies
Agriculture Finance, Treasury
Shareholding of Director in the Bank 4,575
Operations, Retail Banking,
Housing finance.
IV Qualifications B. Sc., M.B.A., BGL, Diploma in
Name of the Director Mr. Keki Elavia Management (AIMA), CAIIB
Date of Birth April 9, 1946 Directorship in Public Limited NIL
Date of Appointment to the Board October 12, 2012 Companies
Expertise in specific functional area Accountancy and Finance Membership of Committees in Public None
Qualifications B. Com. F. C. A. Limited Companies
Directorship in Public Limited 1. NRB Bearings Ltd. Shareholding of Director in the Bank NIL
Companies 2. Goa Carbon Ltd. Relationship with other Directors of None
3. Uni Abex Alloy Products Ltd. Bank
4. Uni Deritend Ltd.
5. Allcargo Logistics Ltd. VI
6. Insilco Ltd. Name of the Director Mr. Jamal Pradhan
7. Peerless Trust Management Date of Birth December 14, 1968
7. Company Ltd. Date of Appointment to the Board January 15, 2013
8. Dai-ichi Karkaria Ltd. Expertise in specific functional area SSI, Exports
9. Raptor Research and Conservation Qualifications, OPM42 from Harvard
9. Fund (Section 25 company) Business School
10. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Directorship in Public Limited NIL
11. Grindwell Norton Ltd. Companies
Membership of Committees in Public * As per the list given separately: Membership of Committees in Public None
Limited Companies Limited Companies
Shareholding of Director in the Bank NIL Shareholding of Director in the Bank 4,718
Relationship with other Directors of None Relationship with other Directors of None
Bank Bank

I 26 I A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 Development Credit Bank Limited


Name of the Director Mr. Nalin Shah Name of the Director Mr. S. Sridhar
Date of Birth February 13, 1947 Date of Birth May 09, 1951
Date of Appointment to the October 12, 2012 Date of Appointment to the Board October 12, 2012
Board Expertise in specific functional area Banking, Finance, SSI, Housing
Expertise in specific functional Accountancy Finance, Export-Import
area Qualifications M. Sc., CAIIB, Dip. In Systems Mgmt.
Qualifications B. Sc.(Bus. Ad.) (USA), FCA (England), Directorship in Public Limited 1. Binani Cements Ltd.
FCA (India) Companies 2. Strides Arcolab Ltd.
Directorship in Public Limited 1. EIMCO Elecon (India) Ltd. 3. Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd.
Companies 2. Artson Engineering Ltd. Membership of Committees in Public 1. Member Audit Committee -
Membership of Committees in 1. Chairman Audit Committee - Limited Companies 1. Strides Arcolab Ltd.
Public Limited Companies 1. EIMCO Elecon (India) Ltd. Shareholding of Director in the Bank NIL
2. Member Audit Committee - Relationship with other Directors of None
1. Artson Engineering Ltd. Bank
3. Member of Investors’ Grievance
1. Committee: Artson Engineering Ltd.
Shareholding of Director in the NIL
Relationship with other Directors None
of Bank


Date Venue Special Resolution passed
EOGM 10.12.2012 Rama Watumull Auditorium, K. C. College, Issue of Equity Shares by way of Preferential Issue
At 11.00 a.m. Dinshaw Wacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020
17th AGM 01.06.2012 Rama Watumull Auditorium, K. C. College, Dinshaw Remuneration to Chairman
At 2.30 p.m. Wacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020
EOGM 22.03.2012 Rama Watumull Auditorium, K. C. College, Issue of Equity Shares by way of Preferential Issue
At 10.00 a.m. Dinshaw Wacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020
16th AGM 01.06.2011 Rama Watumull Auditorium, K. C. College, Issue of Securities/Shares, including issue of Securities/Shares
At 2.30 p.m. Dinshaw Wacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 to Qualified Institutional Buyers
15th AGM 01-06-2010 Rama Watumull Auditorium, K.C. College, 1 Alteration in Articles of Association for increase in
At 2.30 p.m. Dinshaw Wacha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020 Authorised Capital from ` 300 crore to ` 500 crore.
2 Issue of Securities/shares, including issue of Securities/
shares to Qualified Institutional Buyers.
3 Carrying on business as a Depository Participant
Postal Ballot: No Special resolution was passed through postal ballot during the previous year.
At present no special resolution is proposed to be passed through postal ballot.

Development Credit Bank Limited A NNUAL R EPORT 2012-13 I 27 I

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