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© 2014 by Ishii Reiko, Aoyagi Masako, Suzuki Hideko, Takagi Miho, Morita

Ryoko and Yamazaki Hiroko

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
. Publisher.

Published by 3A Corporation.
Trusty Kojimachi Bldg., 2F, 4, Kojirnachi 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083,

ISBN978-4-883 19-688-3 C0081

First published 2014

Printed in Japan
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~;.j!t{~~ ;fi#'t4i-r
t ( L
§ ,:x. Contents I'l :lR

7,l~<l"iL'(> J...-fJ.' lJL ""?i)' -rt:

~Wl;fto)~ ~ Iv""- .: O)2f.O){R\ \1) vi

How to use this book viii

3&'¥>J~ : *~Sf.J1:tm1i1t ix

f:'\\ .;: Ut l)'lv l: :::z Li: -Q'£ l:

~ 1 ffB -JO))l*T'.3 ~';:fd:: ~)I* Single kanjithat form whole words ..~·l'il(cf:i'Uil:

* L, J::-s
(I.- 1 h"
~1I~J;.{!Jt;t Memorizing kunyomi readings IcttiJ'¥ftJiJliij 2
f:\' ti'1.' < Iv .J: d)\ \ L
~ 1 lEl IDiJ~fC.,z~::6 ~iiJ Kunyomi: Nouns iJliij;: :/',iliJ ,. 4
f:\ \ f;n' < s: J: t'i L
~ 2lEl ~)II§fC.,z". jjJtiiJ (1) Kunyomi Verbs (I) jHiil);: f;Jji;jJ(l) ,.,"""',.,"""', ,', .. ,"',.'" 6
};( t): fJ.·

~~) f.&i; Okurigana i!iWil', .,' ,.,"","""'" ,."", .. """""".""."" .. """" ,.","""""',.... q
f:\\ iJ'\\ (L.t t"j L
~ 3lEl IDII~fC.,z". fh~iiJ(2) Kunyomi: Verbs (2) ~)Iiij;: z;iJiiiJ(2) 10
t:\' 1;'\ \ <,.(....t: It\ 'J: i L
~ 4 lEl ~)iJ~fCh. *~:g:.tiiJf,{ to' Kunyomi: Adjectives, etc iJilij: jW&:i~J'!¥ 12
t' <.....;"? .t iJ't::. n'L t: ::: t: If
~ifl.lIJ1d::~J;.15{!9G)I*0)~~ Words using kanji with special readings 4'¥1JI<i'b:iijlJi'i(+iiiJi[ ... 14
t £1:'\ \
i t Y:>Fol~! ( 1) Review questions (I) !3i<€;~P'J (1) 16

t:\\ .;: r.
::: Cf -:>< 'Irk t
~2ffB tc.< ~1v0)~~{!f1=0)1* Kanjiti'omwhichmanywoidsarederivcd Ii,V~=toii';n';Ji'i('Y
:h,{_, .1:. hi.!'
'§f~J;.{!Jt;t*L,J::-5 Memorizingonyomireadings if.:tJ£liti~; 20
t~\ \ ;f)'1 \ :: t' 1.1' -") < ;f)'A... C

~5lEl t: < :~ Iv 0) -t 1%£ ~ 1''f- ~ ;~ 'f 22

Kanji from which many words are derived: Onyomi t~~·iflJ:;1:::~r.;IY.Jtx.~::j:::
c(" J: l.''('' l
(::'§f~J;. Kunyomi and onyomi iJllil.s;i!!; i~; ,,,.,,', , ,., , " .." " , " " " , 26
F\\ 1.1'1\ .; 1::: rX """?< "f)'1v L t--;/~· ..t < /..... .t
~ 6 @l t: < ~ Ivo) g Ji ~ 1'F ~ ;~'f 1§-&fCcl" t *)II~fCh ".""""" ....... ,, ....... ,,"",, ....... ,,' 28
Kanji from which many words are derived: Onyomi and kunyomi t!,ji;J:¥'ii';ilJi'i(:'(:, i\' j'q;flliJlI'j)j;
t /....1;1 \
i tY:>Fo9Mi(2) Review questions (2) tt,it~P;J(2) ." "." " .." " "." "".,,'" 31

t:'1 \ -,;: r;f lI)lv :: t: rJ "? < ;f)'1v t

~ 3 ff~ ~OOO).3~~fFG)I* Kanji used in words in political, economic and other contexts !iJli'Z ff-T71IHi)j!i&jj;1/[:A~i'i(''f'
t~l\ 1.1'\\ -ttl' t; Itl'~-I' l.\~;f)'I'

~7lEl iEXAo;· K~~5A'H~(1) Politics, economy and society (I) i1zlt.,t2rfi,tt{~(I) "."""" ... ,, 36

Politics, economy and society (2) 38

Politics, economy and society (3) iI1IEi' ~H'i ' tt~ (3) 40
i tY:>Fo9Mi(3) Review questions (3) !3i<€;~>](3) " 42
t~\' ~r iv \ < I),

~5*(1 )
;f)"I' .;:A... -ttl'fl''':>

~10lEl ~J:.1f :X:1t Education, culture and lifestyle (I) f{IiI' )Cft, tFri'i(I) ............ 44
t~\ ' < ,;:,c fl'
~! i \'

fl'\' -t!1'/j"-"J

~1 1 lEl tHf :X:1t Education, culture and lifestyle (2) $1lj,,' . )Cit· :':Eir'i (2) ............ 46
f:\ .. i \' <
1]'1' ~.t ,;:,{., fJ' -ttl''';'"?

~12lEl t!z1f :X:'ft Education, culture and lifestyle (3) fI,,,"!' . ')Cit . ':Eir'i(3) ............ 48
t;1 \ <
tj'I' ~1)1 \ .;:1.- ". ttl '1.1'"7
~13lEl ~J:.1f :X:1t Education, culture and lifestyle (4) lil'i' . )C it ' '£l'J'i (4) ............ 51
f;\ , r,'l'
1.) Ivt;I'
~ 1. 1
~J:.1f :X:1t
I ' <- .;:/0 "'
Education, culture and lifestyle (5) lilil ' )Cit ' '£tJ'i (5) ............ 53
it Y:>Fo9Mi
(4) Review questions (4) l;f,€;%,>] (4) " " " " " 56
f:-\' Q'\. ':-j-)j 1).[::;

~ 15@l x:i! . ~1Z1t( 1 ) Transportation and travel (I) xii]i' itlflbt (I) 58
t:\, 1)'1' :: i _,
-j 1) .l: :: -i

~ 16 @l x:i!' ~1Z1t(2) Transportation and travel (2) x:@· :Mflbt(2) 60

t J".,f:I'

i t: i;/) M~ (5) Review questions (5) tf--@J~'i'5'J (5) 63

Rules governing readings· I 66
J: I)'f-

~cl:i-J]O))["-)[,, 2 Rules governing readings- 2 ij;'l§':\'1'.Ji!lj

2 71

r. .;: /;,c
~ 4:g~ 1l§'~Ji(::~1I~JiIS:: Jt.::L 0
f:I' "1.1'1'

(k J:

hA.- J:

.',c L

Kanji with both onyomi and kunyomito
t t-i L
be learned '1~f'J\i*l§j'l§'ij;'fQiJllij;lf.JiX

~17@l ~ffL <if~tch.f1t;t~il+: Ji}]g-~ 74

New onyomi lor learned kanji: Verbs *Wt'."i"ilZ.'¥If.Jif.JiIf.J'l§'ij;,i;lJiiiJ
t:I' 1)'1' M:~ hA.- .t }.;If i)'A.- L 9';\' L it\,.t i L

~ 18@l ~ff L < if~tch. f1t;t ~;l+ : i;g-~~jf~~g-ij] 77

New onyomi for learned kanji: Nouns and adjectives ~WB~iX,¥lf.J~frlf.J'lirj,.~, -tiiiJ'l'Uif:>:@:iiiJ

i t: i;/) F,,9~(6) Review questions (6) tf--@J!ff;5J (6) 79

t!.I' i)'I' :':;A.-J: 'J".,.t hfJ hI:~ i)'A.-t.: t'il '"
~ 1 9@l if~tch. t:~)II~tch. f1t;{_ ~~ff L \ ';l+ : tryg-ij] 81
New kanji with onyomi and·kunyomi: Verbs $:liif.Ji'-'f:ilI.'¥~~'l§'ij;fni)llj,.x,i;lJirrj
ti»> i)·I'}jA.- .t < A.- .t hlf i.I:~ i).A.- L: 011')1' l !tl'.I. i L
~20@l if~tch.t:ID"~tch.f1t;{_~~ffL\\il+· i;g-ij]~jf~~g-ij] .: 84
New kanji with onyomi and kunyomi: Nouns and adjectives #Wif.Ji'-'f:iX'¥Ii'~'l§'ij;fniJII-W;,

Review questions (7) tf--@J~'i'5J (7) 86

t:I' .j: ..t I)'t:. I)'A.- t.:

~ 5:g~ tc. < tE A,(J)~Ji1itI&;0~~* Kanji with many different readings 1'f1PH~'l§'lf.JilI.'¥
f!.\' i)'I' .).1; I' tr i < I... .t i-;!f i)'A.- L: _
~21 @l -=-'JJ.-X__t<Tl~)"~tch. f1t;{_~;l+ 90
Kanji with two kunyomi or more ;lj!:lill1'fi!1li1jl;!j*'I'iJII~;U'JI)I.'¥
f:I' i)'I' .;./: 1...1... 1 t;lf i)'A.- t.: '
~ 22 @l -=-'J (\I) (J)ifttch. f 1t;{_ ~ il+ " .. ,' : q4
Learning a second onyomi lor the same kanji ;lj!:tt\!E'-'f:I)I.,¥lf.Jm=:f'I''l§'~;
1:1' 1)'1' .!_: ~.:.~ ~. ~ ,n/:i; ~:1:~ '., 9
~23@l _'J<TlElf,)LhfytA6~ffL\\i~+ 6
Learning nell' kanji with two onyomi ~1':11,t1'fifJjt'I'~HUf'J#rrl)l.'¥
t:\, 1;'1' I. _'. Ie, ) .l I)'f~ hLf fI'!~ l'
~24@l -=-'JJ'X__t<Tl~tch1if1t;t~;l+(1) , 98
Kanji with three readings or more (I) ~'i'~1ilFFTMJi1::::H'~i-H~i)l.*
t~'\ ' (.I'I'':'' -, \ I.'! i _l 1),/: :';1.1.' Q'/... L
~ 25 @l -=-'JJ.-XJ::.cT)~tch 1) f 1.f:;t ~ ;~+ (2) 100
Kanji with three readings or more (2) ;ijl:1!ll11·'illi1;::'.;f'I'i#.rH(Jix·qc

[-JI}J (

~tJ T A" Test yourself i~!llii\tlli

t-:>I!J {

'!En T A. I, 1 Test yoursell'{l ) ill!Jii\Ii!l(I) 104

l-:>IJ.t (
~nTA.r2 Test yourself (2) im'Jii\1Ili(2) 106

~ < 1'£
~iJ I Index ~51 108

irA.- c .; t r:f
~l+t:'t~<TlIJA. r Kanji and word list l1Z.'¥iHjil'f~
l .,,c L .r .'t,
Accompanying booklet N 5 . N 4 [/----'::)[,,<Tl300 + <Tl;l+ t: -i- <Tlttck:lj
~IjHII The 300 kemp covered at JLPT Levels N5 and N4 and their readings N5, N4!i&1f.J3001-ilI.'¥.&.;lt:-w;'l§'
f.>'~ , t -j

~~ ~ Answers ~~
11,(., L~ ,oj i? u: I: 11,(., .: 0)] '!l( L It,(, I)'k L .J: .'t, ;!'t.-

.; (7)*- l;t, :fJ)~&iJ{~;b t: A iJ{ 8 *~:g.*t17~t\,~~N3

-J [/ ---(;["(7)5'l + t ~(7)~1tJ-f
7] f'if
"'t, ",,(, "'t, "i Loi
Ilk U I)'k L It,(, L It,(, L'? L ,;:,(, "'(
~F-5'l+!I (7)7] t 5'l+!I (7)7] t.. 2flzi: t.It ('fJ_' < §:71 T t 'if~ T ~ 6l -) I:::,
t, ~"-

< ,;,] ,;:'('Lli J >:><

=- (7)*- T,
11,(, J., ;!'}, 1),,(, L
.::c.~ 7){ ~ n T \ \ i -t 0 Jir (7)@]I) (7)5'l + \":x: it f. ~'itL' 0') I:::q~.:ft -") 17 f -")ItT
< t:' ~ \ \0

t.rt.1 \1

["/£ .:a..]

N5 ~ N4 [/ ---(iL,0')
",("ll IlL L<
L "',(,L

300 + (7);~ + t ~(7)~7Ch7j I;L $IJ-ffiJ-I::: ~-ti. ( ch

L I)'A. L


I)';, "I,


I) i -t 0 .: (7) *

T~7$ f:ktle/) 6 ji(>iT~, 7j ~ -J'~:+.L
300 q=(7)5'l+ t §7C/-J' / J L (:h < ~ t f hi)]
» t r r,

I: IJ'(' =' O)j'I!( L Ij,(, U'?J] I)'", L J: "'to ,f'(' "," "'<loi

CD 8 *-t_:g.*t17M\'~~ N3 [/---(;[" 1:::,)(.'* fJ_'5'l+ t ~7Ch7j f ~ 25 @]T''if~ L i -t 0

"' < L,Ii M:~ ;tt.- ",,(, L L .J: "'t,

'if~-t6(7)1;t, ~JTL < 'if,;~5'l+354+t~(7)~1th7j, 2(' L (, N5· N4 [/---(;[,,<7)
f)',(, Ltd' t: ~I:, ,J: ",to
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1)'( L.i h ( ,;,]

Q)'if~<7);f -1 /' ~ iJ{l < 71'iJ'6l -) I:::.::c.~ L (ch I) i -to
",,(, t: tn: ut t (~!i t tot in: .t "'to i?lf

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"',(, ..L IH' 1",(, t: ( ;f, ",,(, L = t I:!" '? ( ",,(, t:
\ \5'l+, 1~(7)5'l+ t ~Jlh%.t) ~ -J (, t.:: < ~ Iv (7)5'l+ 0) § ~ f 1t6 5'l+, t. < ~
.J: ",t, "',(,L ;j'("'" i?t" t(t"i i, "',(,L ;'-0

Iv §7Ch 7] iJ{ ch 6 5'l +, fd.' t" T-t 0 %@J l;t ~ L t;lf1~xf 1=*-") 5'l + iJ{:f J1') ( ch 6 (7)T,
.'< L,j h
'if~ (7);f -1 /' ~ iJ{ .r < -'7iiJ' I) i -t 0

"',(,t: ,;:,(,
®5'l + f:x: (7)9=' I:::A fL T fR -J t.:: '),
t.'n'" -on'
\ \ ;; \ \ ;; rJ_'
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-J T,
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_ 117 ,;, Ii''(' t: ",,(, L : t If ,'J., ') 0'" t: l'

(~}~.~fi -1 -7/Z I' T, 5'l+~5'l+(7) § ~(7)~p*<7)Ji~~ f ffi7]lt i -to it.::, -1 -7 /Z ~
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~ \ 10

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f1Lt 65~+
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(,c.J: hll
:t ;z 6 5~+
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2 BEll::: M~ f ~-") "/ ;' -t 6 t \ 1 \ 1 T L J: -) 0
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,;,<l., -:>n' n'to ~~ tA_,t", n'lv L :t

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.,., 1;(

N2 V"" I ~ I:::i! §
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~O)I)A rJTq~,~-t6t\\7/]3!Tt\\\\T-to
How to use this book
This textbook is for students who have completed the beginners' stage and are studying kanji and readings at
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Level N3 in the Japanese language ability examinations. It is for all
students, whether or not they come from areas that use Chinese characters already. We have expressly
designed this volume so it can be used not only in the classroom but also for personal study at home. We have
tried to ensure that this book is useful both for recognizing kanji encountered in everyday life and for reading
them in textual contexts.

Who this book is tor

This book is for students who have studied the 300 kanji they should know and be able to read at Japanese-
Language Proficiency Test Levels N5 and N4. Students who have completed beginning courses and entered
into intermediate study can use this book.
The 300 kanji covered at Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Levels N5 and N4 and their readings are
given in the accompanying booklet. Before beginning studies with this textbook, we urge students to
once more check that they know these 300 kanji and their readings.

Features of this book

(1) This book contains 25 Lessons in kanji and their readings necessary for passing Japanese-Language
Proficiency Test Level N3.
Specifically, students will learn 354 new kanji and their readings, and new readings of 88 kanji already
studied at Levels N5 and N4.

(2) To ensure comprehension, we have included study point summaries.

Every character has its own particular characteristics. For example, some kanji have only one reading that
yoh:,have, to master; others can be combined with different kanji to create many kanji compounds, and
others have many readings. Kanji that have the same characteristics are dealt with jointly in each Lesson
to ensure comprehension of the study points.

(3) From the process of inserting kanji into texts and creating various words, students are able to gain an
understanding of the practical use of kanji through their studies.

(4) Copious use of illustrations helps students understand kanji and the meaning of kanji compounds. It also
makes the book more fun to use as a study aid.

Time to be spent studying using this book

(1) Tasks should be carried out only after preparatory study of the words for that Lesson featured in the ~~0=
t ~~<7) I) A ~ (Kanji and word list) in the accompanying booklet.
The following symbols are used in each Lesson to indicate the different kinds of kanji.
1 ~11 I: Used when you only need to remember the kunyomi reading of the character.
I· If I: Used when you only need to remember the onyomi reading of the kanji.
rg~lIl:Used when you need to remember both the kunyomi and onyomi readings of the character.
If you use these symbols to understand the study points in each Lesson, your study will be more efficient.

(2) Study method: If you study one Lesson over two days, on the first day you should do preparatory study oJ
the 5~0= t ~~<7) I) A r (Kanji and word list), and on the second day complete the tasks and check your
If this is too much for you, take things at a slower pace. It is important to study effectively at your own
comfortable pace.
If you wish to lise this book only as a review tool before advancing to Level N2, you can also complete
the tasks and confirm your answers with the ;~0= t -g~cT) I) A ~ (Kanji and word list).

GO--- How to use this book

*~~~TB~~~~~B~W.~~~~.~~, Rm*~~~~~*~ffi§~Bmnh~~
N3~~~&*&~~~o*~~.~~~~~#&*~~~~~, ~*.~&*~~~~~, ~T

Rfflm.~*~Tffi§~Bmnh~~NS.~~*~~300~&*&~~*~~~~o ~~W~
~, ~iSC~fll:~>J~~-tH€l*~~~~zM,
~~-~ 300~i~*&:fI;~*o

CD~~5t2S ~*~>J B if,fit1J~iJtN3~lH3iJ~)i~**o**o
:fJ(;f(]~~ *
sHM~ &~tx rtdS4 ~, ~ ~ N S. N 4 ~ J1iJ
& fY~fffr ~tf* * 88 ~ 0

11*~~ ~ ~li.o
.-~&*ft~%~~M~,m~~~&*~~-#.*, ~~&*~~~~~&*m~m~.
~&*~~, ~~&*~~~M**, •• o.~~3fi~m~ffi~M&~&*.~~m,~~
~ >J1I*1i~>J~ l~. 0

m~m&*m~~~, ~ili~~#~~,~M~~.~, ~~~5t*.&*~~~m*o

® :*:i:~ tiIi 00 pT IJ. fp} fiJ] ~ >J11 £lfI fH1j{ & **0 *iiiJ
i~ i[ fY~~ ,~., ffij £I. El3~ m 00 fY~1¥;(:E, ~ PJH 1!fi~~:]:~
3t: 1~ 7G:P}t6 i*Z 1ft- 0

*~aqfiffl 11ft R ~:s:] illJi

i5:\{+ t g~(7) I) /Z ~ (&*~m::&)j§5tfjjj>J*tJ(,*~~~
I ruil I : ~ 'fin~*~i)ll-gU~t~* - .- -
~ Q _ iI6" A~. is:il: .#. Im.m ,--,-->
L____§_J : /, lID><" ~ V£ 13 V.Jd:l~()<.. 'i'-
I~ruill: 'fin~**oi)II.~i~* ... ,!

•• fi27•• ~~~~~Z~,.~IJ..~~~~.*o
1 ~i*p;j3~ii5,
~1J.~m-7Cm i5:\{+ t § ~(7) I) ;;Z ~ 0>(*
J *DTi)j~, ~m=7Cftit~*~1@,
iiiJif,::&) ~~:p}~m~~o
~*~~~:1J~~, ~00~~~~.*m**~o*.~~~m~e~~~~~.,n
r: \, ,;:~ _

Ml gB
< J..., .t }; 11' Memorizing kunyomi readings
wrrim~~Jt;t*l~ -? ictjX*l¥-Ji)ll~

-----~J:---"T:---"----~J: "'to
,--- Ut il'A.- L
( - -'")0) ~ fJ_' 0) I. , \ \ < -'") t, ~1th 7j -/J,,;t I) i -t a ~1th 7j 0)

A single kanji can have multiple readings. Are there different kinds of
&*R~-~,@~~~~~~#, &*~~~*~~?

L" <>\, J:

2 fi~Ji O)~1th7j -/J<;t I) i -t a

"'to '--U-t--('Z"}-'--u
--'") t g)iJ~1th, --'") t -1}~1th
-t: --jiI"T'''--'--,
There are two kinds of reading. One is called kunyomi, and the other onyomi
1'rff};jlrtt, -lrpP4f~i.)II~, :!5-lrpP4f~=g·w;" )
--'---_._---- -- .. ~-----"---~ ......... "''''.~,>..." .... ''''' ..- ..
<,tJ: --:>0'

tJiIUt ~ (i t" Iv fJ_' t ~ I = 1.R \ \ i -t -IJ' 0

When use the kunyomi reading?
, H-i,Btf,*ftJt-l UIl~~1ft?
''''-......... _. '~-

r J, I:;, 'C::~ ~ '" -:.~'

"t d~,~
t. ItT' T' ~ 6 § ~ I = 1R\ \ i 1" 171J;;t
(;L 0
it: Ii ~~'"-:J 1:: 'ffi'ii
17j( (~f') j I~(~
1;) j
11T< (\\, <)Jf,5<"(\\T' (')jIE\\(.;,6' \\)jfJ_'t"T'1"o
I: Il,t .: t'i L 11', 'J: '.i l ,;, --:> i <,t J: J:
B *t.frO)!f}]t~\"'\ \ft~~tiiJ(i, WJm., t)IIUt~ ..ttft:~ i 1" 0

rr .;, -')-}
-J?£ ..t
: t
§ jfli, si~'iiA, ~~~-=--"')(i
iJ'/.... L ,)./: .ir.
v . t:11
',,(,ll'; 'I,illi o',t C h,(, J: L
(\ 16 (20~-;-t~~::O O)T', iiliJ~O)~~~O)lltft:~ f1;OGfJ_'
..t (,(,J: ",,tc J: "'to
Itttli'tft:&')l1±lvo L-IJ'L, tJiI§ft:~li, T0)5~~0)§ft:~~t::'

The kunyomi reading are mainly used in cases where a kanji stands alone, or
when a single kanji is combined with hiragana. Examples include 7]<. ( h. -9'),
~ (h. 1;), it < (\ I, <),'~ <- (\ 1 -f' <') and *\ 1 (,j, 6 ' \ I),

Usually, verbs and \ 1 -type adjectives use kunyomi readings,

Words using onyomi readings of kanji are usually compounds of two or more
kanji (please see Page 20 for more detail), Because of this, you need to know
the onyomi readings of both kanji, However, you are able to read the whole
kunyomi word as long as you know the pronunciation of the one kanji,
Another benefit of studying kunyomi readings is that they help you learn verbs
and \ 1 -type adjectives,

iJII*:±~ Jt-l1fEI3-~& ¥l!xi3f3( 1iI--~iJ.¥fl1:>fM~~ tiJJJtaqiPJi[ 9=t f;9IJ


,jm, f 7]<. (h. i') J Ii! (h. 1;) J rit < (\ \ ' <) J r,~ < (\ 1 -f ' (') J f 1 (, j,
6 ' \ I)J, frfFfio
8 ieg: 9=t a%1]iii] *11 \ \ % i:f
iii] _, fl9:ft Jt-liJIl* * 1ft it * inH[ - fI9:ft EI3f.!J;j ~ BX: 0

i3~~&¥~JJt~~~(#~WM), ~~~~¥~~3~&¥~it*
;f~~~ tI:l*o til&, :lm*1!iJII*a~lJ5 f{~~~tJ~~lJ.¥8'~~1ft~~~*tI:l
*0 JJ)'r, ~>JiJll*PJ(;)':~H~Z9J~fI1\ \%~~o
Kunyomi: Nouns
i)llif . Z; ieJ

;i_ J, .J: "'t, "'

,~fJt l, t1th4f.~ i L J: J 0

G);t Q);t[ @$ @,~ ®1f.: ®~ (7)~1TL \ \ ip- ®+1*,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) )( )
t: t:· ;t l':t

2 lEL\\tC)fmU'i LJ: 70
t1>-J U£~! (
G)=C)iZI~L(achl::') bih')) 1=~~1~J,;]7]'ch') i-t7]'o
M;~ Ii

Q)~fT L \ \~ (a 7]'1::. 1; b 7]'1::.) C)/ \'J ~ /7]'BX L \ \0

1), U7,

@;.1itT, 7]\\ \ (aJ'l_ bP.) f:t1i-:J l::.o

@En \ I::. i (a _=E bI) C);j', '/' J 1/ Aft G -:JI::. 0

~ (/) '; z t t: t, .J: 6 h { (/)

®B1=8 -, .iz1!t~1l!< iT'h~lt(ah)[§ b};5@) f!kkt:o

I_;¢ _El?/ B__ J

v \ '? L .J: -1 t: ._
-*'tl=~k\ \ i L J: J 0


. '
I, .•.... ~'

tt\' f- G T
171]) 3l: I::: ~ fL \ dJ.' Y3 7)":± T \ \6 ~
( ~ ~ )
hH tH., i8
G);fL.- (7) 7 -7 ;Z Ii 1 Jf:. 3 /"v T' -t 0

(3 ~"~ )

(J t J. t:
@7:/70;JJi ~J:
),.___ <~~;i-to
( =- ~
@;f:9 /7)'ll5<.~i.!~<7)·C. Ht ~~
"' I)
~ 1-1§' l:~ 0

( [,'l

,;: .;:,c I),A. L .t I)'t, (J" n' '.' n',c L I)'

5 (7)fj~;'j<7)~~+I:::IH7th::1~, if2-1&;f;I=li~~+~.~;i L l -)

r' oj ,;:'0 n' 'f < L.z, 1±,c J,;<,

G) .; fL Ii, ~M~(7) *,.oJ%. (7)i~§.g t~·o @~ \\ ~'7~ (7)5'H~IJ~ 7)' fJ.' \ \ -c < t~'~ \ \ 0

( ) (
J., ,'1' < t, t. '1) n'
@T v l' T';Z ,t~
- 'J (7) :RHJl ~ Jt t: 0 @$:JJ» T', 1;: \ \ *i~ ~ fi: ") t: 0

( ) (
®a *~ (6)

(7)_f<7) b ~ 7)' G Ii,

T t

It L ~

~7)" J: < Jt;{_ 60


( )( )

®:= .. Ii L 7)' L, ;'iit -C L t: 0

( )
All I=:t:
< Iv J: r' 7 L K'·
11 • ifiJ.='3
( 1) Vi b (I)
unyoml.. er s
i)llw; • z;i]i"l(I)


CD1~I l' i L t: 0 ®5.Iz:.\

\ T \ \ i -t 0 C4J* '") T \ \ i -t 0

( It'i L 1::) '")T)

td:' ;t G
2 iEL\\tO)fJ!.U'iLJ:lo
<;'£ j.z,. .z,.
CDchO)JJ~M;{~ (a:=;{~ b(J;{~) z. ;~7';{Jt;{~o
~ c· G "-\t,(.,-\t"
Q)*H~ lv, 7t;j:_7';{11v T~(aM't1v T' b°f-Iv T) \ \ i "i-l 0

l. fj.' t. (T) ~'J t~,t 1J' ~i (.T)

®JiAfJ0)[email protected]~fZ~ .r < _L~~ T (a tt~ T b1t~ T) 7';' G Yf \ \i~ L i -t 0

( Iv T)
1;1'", -> CL
(2):(t I:::11 \ \ T \ \ ~ .~ ~ ~fZL l~ 0

( L t:)
~ ~ 11f-:>

O}~U=j51 '")~ -t := t I::: fel' I) i L t: 0

'") -9)
LL/v :it'-j
(4)tt3/t 0) t ~Ii, rt 1;;ff\ \ Trff}] L T < t; ~\ \0

1; \\T)

· ,'" ~~

0-t1~t ~*i #~~~lmJ-') T~hi~~7i -')t.

1:=, 0

( -')T)

W:= 0);0' J /' ~[!]-t t, };j~ I) 7)"t±; i -t 0

( -t)

~'Ih~;tt~i~ Jt [:;
h. t::)
-; ;t .::/

CDT -7··j[."O)L 1:=, ti » f ~~ ""'

t:: 0

( ""'t.)
o .; *-(i , ~I := ~
~ .i·rp 11

0) 7){ /~ i; 6 0

i; 6)
~\'<~i LI~,t If
W};~t* ~ ---- ;t 6 ~1~7)"T ~ i L T::;
( ;t 6)
11 L "'(>

®i~~ ---- -')T -t ('11' < t, /\/'!I7)" d0

i -') I) i -t 0

II Okurigana
:i2ifflI15 II
I M;
&') 6 J s. I ~E;6 J ~ I ~{:;L &')~)J t ..\ q_" I.t \ lit i -\i ;(_,7), 0

Isn't it possible to write M:l (;I) 6 as 9_iJ6 or 1iJ L: (;I) 6 ?

t~ 19_iJ(;I)6 J ~ Jl!Z 19_iJ,; J !!X..~ 19_iJL: (;I) 6 _j I'iJ l;),n..l?,?

11t: J: };h 1JG f)'

1-kE;&')6J 1~1C_L'J1*_t~JO)I&')6J IL'J I ~\IJfJ_,t:", ifZ-1&

1'.1' iJ' ,;: .:i:"<" j"; < 1)< t:L' 1-)1'.,L' f)'£ L : t: (;1'
~T'''<~~)?'-~*I)1x~t\\\\i-to ML5:l*T't, §~7){

11 -) z . *

I) 1&~
f)' 'J

7){ ~

hi) i -t 0
tot lit:

111J;{_ I:L I ~E;&')6 - iiE;i 6 J


I:i. ~ 6 -:i. i tL6
J fJ_' t:"--t-t 0 *
f)' '. {t\'f)'(

1&~ t lEE{ 1:= Jt;{_ t. 11-)


The hiragana parts of words such as 9_iJ(;I) 6 , ~ftt; , *- ~ ( (;I) 6 , t' and ~
\ I ) are called okurigana. Sometimes, the kanji stays the same but the word
meaning itself changes somewhat. This causes the okurigana parts to change
as well. Examples ardiJ~__± - 9_iJ.1 6, and :i. ~ 6 - :i. j tL 6, You are
advised to memorize okurigana parts accurately,

11iJ(;I) 6J l~ftt;J I*- ~ \ IJ tI"J I (;I) 6J I r., I ~ \ IJ ~}IPP:fflI15~I¥J~~5tf$

fYtl1m, 19_iJ(;I)
6 - 9_iJ.1 6 J I:i. ~ 6 - :i. .1 tL 6 J, ~~
-- -- ---
:i2ifflI15~!ff~ 0

~('I=i::z... ~~=~,
('2) Kunyomi:Verbs (2)
iill ~C17" P 5J.Hi J i)11i-x • z;iJiilJ (2)

----------_._-_j L , .. ...
_. ._
CD)'@' I) i -t 0 W[) I) i -t
6 G)Jl;IJ (t i -t 0

( I)i-t) I) i -t) ( Iti-t) ( U i -t)

t: t:' ;t ~'::;>

2 iEL\'tO)~i!Ui LJ:-)o
t::,\ '.,i, 7
CD i1 ,00, /,J{iIT 1t\ I T (a "0 /,J' --:y\ I T b"0 /,J' -j' \ IT) \ I 6 -T -) t: 0


W%f± T' 8 *0)


I: Ii/,

1±* :-t
0) f'
I)15 ~ '* Jv -r (a i G Jv T bi fJ.' Jv T) \ Ii -t 0

(aT-j'--:y~ bT--:y-j'~ cT-j'-j'~) ~-t60
(til tl-:> ~

G)~/,J{~ \ IT (a~0\ IT b~)]\ IT), M/,J{T/,J{--:l 1:0

t-~I:f-j (.! (/)

@5/t.i'*1;t, $1:::* --:lT I:::Iff: (aitlff:: b1~~lf/: c~lf/:) L. \

,'-;, 10

1'1 + B I
CD5ii}O) iIT <
0) *T JL" I
:::l{j_J i --:lI: 0

( i --:lI:)
@A~I::: .: oS-. /,J 'HlJ\ I T \ I I: 0 "

( \ IT)

0)50;><'- ~ JL,,-f14tJ:-cff;lf6/,J\, ~J"':) T oS-. 1: 0

( "':)T)

(DGh L 1:I;tii~h4;T--ttlo [§[}n6 t \ 1\ 'T-t;f-1o

( :h6)
Ii C

CDM &I) i L T 0 L i -t
fJ I) A t -----=----=-=----_:_ 0

L i-t)
iJ,~< f;:

0~ ~1* < L T __ _:_I )--=-i:__L=---:__::_t::.0

( I) i L t::.)
"(' ~ It 1 L;t\ ' t-\ '

®Jff;j(O)§:t\~Ij:, oMs T -----' ItT L i ~t.,

( It T)

\ \t:)
;f,iY) 11 '1:1..-1: < tG') ';'.1-,
®iifuO) B 1;"
< z . 5Jt5i~fol;{~I;'fJ.'\ \0

( <)

,;: .;:,c n',C l' J f),t:. u~) IJ{ r...' 1)'£ t.:: i)'

S 0).g~~OJ5~+I~IH1C;"'/jt, if2-1&;g;I:::Ij:)~+t~~ i L J: '70


CD If L 16;'" Ij: , l' / 7 -;1', "/ rT~ It 1t ItT \ \i -t 0

( L ;".)
0-:1 - t- ~-=--:>hm~\ \ L i +,
(h \\Li-t)
I'. IiI..- : r't fJ'-(

® B *- TI,L -f-1~0)~!Z1;{5* ~ T \ \ 6 0

( ~ T)
'i J = -j fJ'
@:J1'Z1t0)B 1t ~ fJ l> .> 1/"-1::: ~\ \ t: 0

( )
z tct,
®\ \\ \hz.l! t 1t ~ ~ -)l -) I::: L fJ.'~ \ \ 0

~ -))
:< r' t t r'i
@~ 0) 5'~ T',~ I;{fJ.' \ \ T \ \ i -t 0

( \\ T)
r U,!?
CD III ~ t: t ~I:::, hz.;1 I;{ t: -t ItT < tL t: 0

( It T)
---------1 ~--------------


(1)8£7)'\\---C-to (j)Jf- \ \ T-t a @~i L \ \ T-t a

( 7)'\ \) ( \ \) ( L \ \)

td: ;(_i,

2 iEL\\tO)f1!Ui L J: '70
-j t: 1:'(' ~

(1):O)~li;6-i'f:t; (at>7)'L ",t:1; bt>7)'tO)t:1;) 1:::~~7){;h60

ti, ;1;"" ,;,

@~7){Jt -:)81f (a < G

i -:) b < .;) I:::1'J.' -:) l,
i -:) m7){Fit"J l ~ T: ;
U..,J: -j l.l ~\' t
G}x.':f.1[.!1!mi:i-T (a -t ~ l b -l:{"c l C i f:'T)1=f -:)l \ \ i -t 0

If A- :;
G)j:.)U~ L,;:I) (ah)Z_L,;~I) b};.5ZL,,;':I) chRL,;':IJ) T-to ;j:;7t~T'-t7)'o

r-:---- *
l~ _
~ l
(D~8 liL!lJ
-; fl' ' U~
L 7)' .-')t. 0) T', JEt.. ='~g;
C {J'A-
so!fM 7){1J.' 7)' -~ t: a
( Lf}'''Jt:)

(j):LO)~~t(i, [JL\ \m(7){~k\ \l\ -t.:

( L. \ I)
®:O).£li, ?6':Zt:~0'tLt: t: ::0), [!~L\ \At~1; f~£-:) T\ \60
( L \ \)
I .' ~~

z,,e -",,e,,;
W~.%~li L -t/;,IJ_'(frc, l < ~7~T~ 60

®= = Tli, (J t z L ~

(J t , '~ L .r 111; ~

( \ \)
Some kanji words have special, unusual readings.

+ ~}j ;10-::; ~~}j Olt ::
x =.7 /;10':C
\'1 \

~/J .c:"
x , '1 V
+ [ B O~J: }
x =.7 fir

l l h~
I ~+~}jJ (;J:1\ \ i <f;,:: J 1::7 / if):: J t (.;I: Ut h. i -t±;Co lit:: J tt,fth. i -t 0 ~ L
1 -7 I:::, I ~+ B J (.;I: 1\ \ i U J 1::7 /7)'J T'(.;I:fJ_' <, r- ~ J: -7J tt,fth. i -to
t < -c-o J: {),t: 1-;11'

For example, ~ is read as \ \ i or :J /, and *'1 is read as <h-::. However, when you put~ and *'1
together, you do not get \ \ i <h-:: or :J / <h-::. The word ~ *'1is pronounced It -::. In the same
way, when you combine ~ and B, you do not get \ \ i U or :J / iJ', but the word-S- B is read :::c J: -5.
It is advisable to learn these special readings.

r ~ J .1'1" r \ \ i J r:J / J r*JJJ .fro
r <h-::J PI:if::r ~ + *'1J7f:i~1'F r \ ' i <h-::J r:J /
Q 0

<h-::Jffjj~.1'1"rlt-::Jo IQJ;W, r~+BJ7f:.1'1"r\'iUJr:J/iJ'Jffij~i~i'FI:::C J: -5Jo

:i3:®~ •• *-~~i21±o
= t if .J: {J,t,

No. §~ .;.±
h./j 5 +1i: 7 T~t~· 7

1 IrkJ%Ji
7;.5, ;{_7)'h 6 17:.4 t t t: 1;
2 at B -E(I)7 7 =-+~ (;;I:t: 1;

3 *A~ < r: t (I) 8 ~--:Jl)f i --:J7)'

4 ~~ (t L -E q ~--:Jil i--:J~h

~itJ! : Smile, with a smile ~JJ@:

~ -:J;jf (-i-d.') - Bright red #!I(lJ

~ -:J 11 (1d.') : Deep b I LIe tt I':WJ

t: t~ ;i~ I)

1 iEL\lt(l)"fi!Ui LJ: 70
~~. ~
CD;~A~ (a < t:_- t, (I) b < t. t, (I) (I) 9=' T', h. 7)' A., 7)'\ I 1; (;f JA.f -E T·-t 0

(,1 l t' t,(J)

G)if-(I);£7)' G (I)~~ (a (t\ I L -E b (t L -E) "f ~ L A.,t~'o

(£ ~
@atB (a -E (I) 7 b -E (I) (;;1:\ 1\ I"fi..~t~'--:J t.,
I't i t = t L
@:M;.(;;I:4'Jf, =-+~(a(;;I:t~'1; b(;J:t:1;) (:::-fJ.'I) i-to

,;: ,;:£ 1 {J·t, {J'

2 (I)~~(I)~h./j"f.-EiLJ:70
{J'(J) [ 1

CD-1Jt3t(;J:*itJi7)'-t T -E T·-t 0

( )
t:»: J: ? h.

G)~ --:J-$ fJ.·*~~7)')l;{_ 60

( --:J fi)
r.D -5 ~J..., 1; \'

@17:.4 t 121lI1ttt(:::ff --:Jt: 0

( )
® 1; J: --:J t +1i: --:JT < t:_· ~ \ 10 _
1 LG~T 2 < G~T 3 U~T 4 fJ_' G~ T
I:. i 0' < te.\ '0' < \'

@A*O)-t-#rc ~ f L 1=**""11"-:> t.,

1 T -Y'9' ~ 2 T --")'-'J ~ 3 -r -'J --")'~ 4 T -9'--")' ~
It'} t
\ T, -Ii ~ 7){.li=_ i -:>t: 0

1 :=-J\\T 2 L \ IT 3 -'J\ IT 4 ~ \ \T
t(1) Uv
@:=:= 1=;h6tk7(;t~T 1 00 p::j T-g 0

t: T
1 i --) 2 -\:f;C,)~T 3 -tf)J -c 4 -g/';_: T

:tlf o'£L 0' Lot u-t ;(_i,

2 0) ~ ~ f )~ T.- < t ~, w t .r \ I t a: f, 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 7)' G - -'J itt


1 I)'t L\ I

If£ o't.! Ii"

@3 *- 0) it" <" t; -C j:; ~ f iL\ --) t. 0

1 ~o 2 ;go 3 ~o 4 1:0
<-j:-j tttOt, '.'
@~?bl=~ii f ----
J:;7)';{ I=ff ~ i Lt:o
1 ;f(P;{ 2 lEE;{ 3 *9P;{
LrIl~'li (iL: ~.tilJ 1.1\'

(4)1~:t7){k~ i 6 ~)~ 7)'fJ' --) t: L~, #7:~ 1 = A I) fJ_' -~ \ 10

1 07\ --) t: ~) 2 & -:>t: G 3 of --)t: G

·C£ L \' \' hI_;

®it.!f T'~§~J I) f L T, (7) I) .:

LT L i --J !:o
1 * I) j@, LT 2 * I) Jtr: L T 3 * I) k LT

.;: .;:£ J: of 0'

3 0)$~(7)~h~f"~1LJ:-Jo
1:£li£ L ,;:L Itoe£
(DAM l;t, § -iJ"O) X,Sl, 1= l;t fJ_' 7)' fJ' 7)' a :7\ 1t ~ i -l± ;Co

@j:;*-i :)(7)b~::;C(=c$L__t_(ti1-o
i5;t;{_ U7:>
@,~R'M"" T-t-g- --) t. d 5l t L tk7f ~!c*I =
(t t:
e~ 0

'." if;(_ I)' t:

C±) V ;-G - ~ (;t f 81t tiS 'M"" I -c ±l L -c < t. ~\ 10
x; J: -1"<
® Jt t: \ \ T
.I? 11
V C' (J) g *- ~Ji"f f YJ L t:

@:f$ (;t t"!C fJ.' t ~ t. h ~ i; ~ \ \ ( \ \ 6 0

I) .t : -) ~\

G)J~1tn'(J!C(J)i;7H~IJ(J)'T-T '/ ~ t •• j/J\~(7)h;< -7 "fAnt:o

(:Iv ~ ~ ..........
.>(> /s»:

@'\n'5}1 ;z 6 z. .g~~ (J) <t (;t k Jt 'J 813(:::fJ.' 'J t: 0

1}{-, ~

® 4 ,Fj t: (J) ( :::, -"[ (J) :6-1f (;t m ~ I \ \ -:J - ~ "f ~ ( \ \ t. 0

@ n {}(J) 1~t~n' G (;t,

0 \ \ ;; \ \ ;; fJ.· ::=tn' p ~ '" 6 0

a tL
e It t: f g h

m \\ n o p

:7" I) - /' ,t, j- J [" T Ii,

~ -t! -a
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fJ.· ~
~" \ \ i -<)
L h. 7)' _:::,. 0

*. aj '*

i .: 'J T t~~f 117:~ L_ i L J: J
", L 'J ".~ /. IT
16 r.

b ::=t" t ~Iv t c_L L ~x I) n (T ~ i -9
:I .. 0 ~ Ii ~ tL \ \ fJ.· cl!f_ t. ;t. G ;f1~i -t 0

;n~ :Jlil)~l'il" ")~\' -)i)' ...,<

~K HJ!2f~i.': e~rH3(J)Jt*"f1~'J(, 7-+>(>7'-lf-I' fffl) i L J: /)0
.l,rp ~'t i L ;') j;)t

~ ... 7.. + -~J:~ : f vp ~ T1E:.!C f:_' I), ;Z +- f L t. I) L i L J J 0

1)' ;f( rp 'J l" ti..

.: *;J-*', _:::"IRA, h j 7° j[_, T t" -7 -"["0
J: \' < ;t
tg ~ !C (J) _:::" f %8"f h 19'i; L ( hi) i -t 0

gh)8i 1)(J)ht-7, 055-xxx-xxxxiTo

J: -1"<
i t.Ii, H P n' G t, f klJ T ~ i -t 0
to \' .i: -, __ ----- •

Memorizing onyomi readings

1;"-- .J: j,« i c" '{J.( c -5 (:: 1!\ \ i -t i] \

1l--gft; -0';'
When do you use onyomi readmgs?
1§f*H-i.B1f~1tffl ?
d ~.J:
t"A_,fJ_'\\\\:= t-l]{chl) 11'-1]'0

I How do you benefit by memorizing onyomire?dings?

\ :it1~iX*1f~f8tJHt~1ti.?
'-- . .-----


1 l' 171J;t (1', I ~ ( ~' rJ ) J f 9;0 --:J T \ \ 6 (" I
J: '" ( t,
j* ~ J I ~
,...,r'O r'o"
I~~J fJ_' t' f Uc t; t ~1= 151::( = iL ~ 1i' 0

T \ \6 0) T,
'),i 11i
iiLJ /) (1))~

hA. .J: L
{l~tc h. f 9;0 G fJ_' (t tL (1'~tc(\I) 1 -tt A_,0

Ci " loll' hli'-ttA.

(t tL t" t.. I ~;f% J f Jt ;t 6 t ~ (= I;f% ( 0 ) J f jt ;t tL (;L I #9~
".J: \' (t, hA- .J: L .J:
;f%J f ~tct; t ~ I= 19::( = iL ~ 1 l'0 {l ~tch. f 9;0 --:J T \ \ 6 t, ~tc
: z [i .i·
(\I) 6 §~ f r): t"A_,:lw-\">1'.; t -I]{T" ~ 1 l' 0

When you know onyomi readings, you can better read various other related or
derivative words For example, if you know ~ ( f rJ ), it helps you to learn to
read words such as %l;.~, ~~~ and ~~,
Words using onyomi readings of kanji are usually compounds of two or more
kanji, Because of this, you need to know the onyomi readings of both kanji,
However, when you learn a word like ~~, if you can remember the second
part, ~ ( 0 ), it helps you read related words such as *'~~, If you know
onyomi readings, it is possible to steadily build up your reading vocabulary,

:it11¥&*{t~zJ§, 1~§',i"lj~UE:*tl:Hl~o fJHm, %lm:r~(~'rJ)JzJ§,

1:E~T%l;.~J r~~ JJ ~~J ~i"li[BtJM~~1t1f ttl 0

{t*i"l~-H~~~~~~~§',&*~~f8i"l~, ~~~~~%lm:~~
&* f81f*:;tfiE:~ lli*o fg~ i2'1'L.I~~ J f8~l*Bt:it11¥ T I~ (0) J ~
~{t~f.Jii5, 1:Ei,.~Ik:*~~JBi't~~~~1t1ffWI!jJo:$:1~T1f*zJ§, fiE:~~~
i"li[Jl,t~ /F~t~ $ 0
'" 11'< -'~------......

( CD1~1': "ty'a#lizt:.'l
-_,_0"" )
0 "


( ('2' v"
! \V c,
/' i'
/1.... oj. '-
-' v-
I .c: -h I"~y,) 7 .; I- ~ 1tJ
u a~:::':-_ , \ ':;) J " ~Fl "") \. I oJ.

I () ~!~.

-f(1)t:::6I) I:::, 4-1~I:::b1*iJ!-Jltllo
t () J
\.._-.----~.---.---------------..--..-.- ..~/
r-:_------------"-------------- ...
--- ~
'I, ~~8~ i~i;:=:tHLiiL:~;)
----® = ~ '" ~:k:ti~~ ~~-;~:)
( )
:: Iv i'.J'b~'i:il:::%;{_6
-1;'1'.,1.'0 .

_( --;~~ · I
tot: ;i."
2 .;EL\\t(1)!mUiLJ:lo
fJ<-J":)\\t:~ -J~' 1.1C

CD q )1.1 B-1;' G;jz 0) ~}tJj (a -1;" -:> 'E b -1;" < 'E) -I; {:kEi i 60
~, ~'(

(2)1t~0)~.~ (a L"") 171v b L -Jlj'lv c L It Iv) ! L 1':0

~,(, h-(-<7~· -:>..t t
@~(;i1./<.~~~1:::71(\ \ t: \ \ 7 j±\ \ L.~) (a'i:1Jt b:i_Jt cill1t) !t9'-Jo
L'c;:", Lit", L
@~Ml[JO)'E L (at.g.* b~I* c§c=¥) -c. *14'~J;o-) 1':0

~~-~ 71J~=-_~
CDI iff \ \Ui T'-f-l;""") T' < t: ~~_1. \J t: \ \ 15it-l;;'~J .: ;{_1': 0

( )
I "'" . . . .. ~'
I' . ct'
, ,

Q) = o)~T U:, ~~' 5 0 0 F4 o)i'~}: iY:l T, ;i~J)I::li-:J T \ \ 60

( )

@J: <~~~Lt:OJT, TA ~1::(j§[](7{;t60

( )

@ = 0) 7°_ /~ (j, i1*h. O)r:iiTl

t!U r 9
t- (t7; J = t (7{-C ~ 60 s

( )

®f! < I:: \ \ T t.. :_t)._ 0) Rill] ( i:b G .t fJ.' \ '0

( )

1;',' .'£ l 1:1" .'£ l ;t i, .'

4 DI::(;;t~ lJ[+77{~ I) i --90 D77'G, ~~+fi!k T"~ i L J: -70
.t .'t, .'
0)~7th.-;Q t .. ~i L J: -)



¥R iiliJ _~ a ~ §E
it" < I: 1111
( T'Iv tJ )
15 ~OJ-ql:: aD~i f 77'lt t:o 15 J
1]) 1

< i, b ~
a{f < -:J t: OJT, bD_~ f "')
It t.
fJ.' 0
( -C Iv ~ -

I?I:L ') ,t ~ i L '" h a .; #l

G);fL\ 0) a D#~(;;t;J1Z11'(7\'M30id:' 0

s; 1; :;t""f ~
( )
:it 0) bD1~IJI:: ~ ;tt \ \ fJ. 1'G (7{0y:.\ , T \ \ 60 CD
b 1~IJ
\, 1J' ( )
@ 1'- t' /' f I::11' < 0) (", / \'- ---.:.:
1'- :J_ - 0) a :itD f flJ: -:J t::. 0

u: tl: ~ 11 a :it
,i-:J ~ L t.0) T, ~;T L \ \ b *-D(7{iik L \ '0 ( )
'.Il : i
'@;J1Z11'0) a 'I~Dt l' /' !J - -1', '/' ~ T'gfcJ---':': t.
L i,
b *-
ttt,s It~:£L~ " "tJ 1:
( )
R1!0)*6~~5\ I:: 11' (t 0) T, ;h~JL\ \0) b ~D f t:8 L t: fJ.' \ \ 0

a 'I~
( )
b ~
( )
iI'lv C ;t', .;:Iv
--C, )(~7t~

Li L J: 10

iI't; ii'

i L J: 10

t: ")~li 1-;: 'i

G)----- 1 8@J;tl)/I::>;;J'I:L **Tithnt: o

( 18 )
t;:l11}'\I T ut: u t: I) ;t1:,

@A lO_+*~(::: J' '7 A iJ' G-A --f'~i!~ T' < t:_· ~ \

t:b 6A ~ -----'----- \0

( J'7A)
L :'t
L iI't,
(:::~5Zit T < t:_'~ \ \0

( (:::)
®:: 0) ~ n\ difftlJ, l' 5' I) 7 t:_'o
(1' 5' I) 7 )
Kunyomi and onyomi

I}'~ t..: < Iv 1: - };,c-.J:-'_ --"'.......,_--""•.-"'~ •••


t"(7)~+I= t ~)iJ~'ithti§=-~'ith~{;h I) i -t~'o 1

Do all kanji have both kunyomi and onyomi readings? I
4lJ~tJ.*:W1f{fW:~Qi)llw:n~? __ ,_._)

\' i)'

L ~, L, ~)iJ

~'ith t i§=-~'it
t") Ii,
t: < ~
tC,f) I) i -t
~ 5$-t 6 )~~.:~{\ \ t) IJ tC
h (7)iilij 7j -,;:.

il",c l


§? \ \ -c-t 0

There are certain characters that only have kunyomi readings (such as 1lB),but
they are few in number. Characters that have only onyomi and not kunyomi
readings (such as yX and H) are very numerous.
;,However, the most frequently occurring kanji are those that require you to
master both kunyomi and onyomi readings

-m1f 9-1fiJilw:¥5t1f {f~S"JtJ.* (fJtl3(1]111BJ) , 1f!~:m1IU/' 0 1f11l~jX* 9-

1f{fw:¥5t1fiJilw; (f7tl~QlyXJIHJ~) 0

&t~$:t¥{fw;, X~$:t¥iJilw;S"JtJ.*;jbli~S"Jo )

g)iJ~'ith I;,c.t
ti§=-~'ith '11;1171;11'
fiilij7jJt;;(_ 6(7)li, t"'''",c----;]
Isn't it demanding having to know both kunyomi and onvomi readings?
~ II'IlBt$:W'l§'-w;*QUilw;, :i!11l
**"IIiiJ 0

,,_ ..
t, L t,\ '''-,( < ,( .J:

,qiJ'I:::*~T'-to LiJ'L, \\\\:::: t tchl) 1-90 tJIIM'th-I~L

+ (7) 5~+ (7) ~
i)''( L "~

p*, ~ 8 *~~*
I: 11,(:'

L T \ \ 6 ::::t iJ -':'ffi \ \ T-t

If', r 5'~J Ii I ~ J: \ \ J r Ji.,J Ii r 7]'-tfJ (7) ~p*, T-t 0 t: 7]' G,
(,(.J: -,i)' :t If \, j, L j;,(.J:

tJIIM'th- ~fR ~ T T' ~ 6 § ~(7)~P*, ~9;D ~ T \ \ 6 t, ~~J'th-(7)

: t If \, ~ 'J i)'\' '(' < "
§ ~(7)~P*, ~ J1rWt-t6 (7) I :::1~iL 1; 1 -to

..i:,.c ~J: 1,l'{f \\ h

\ \J t \ \-])(iJ"ch 6 t ~, r5'~Ji.,J Ii r5'~\ \Ji.,J (7)~P*,t:_' t -t (.

;b "'J., ~.! i t: \ \
'57'iJ' I) 1 -90 -t L T, r5'~J Ii r~5'~J (7) r t- :3 rj J rJi.,J Ii r ~
.i- 7 .J: o-r: ~,
Ji.,J (7) r 7 rj J T rJ iJ' G, ~J'th-1J t fJ iJ' I) 1 rJ 0
ut A. l "..}... H..b!
. U t 1J "-'::'/_:.1·i

- ~ - ~ (})5~ (J) !t pt ~ .~ ;{_ -rd.' iJ;' G >fa 5'~rJ 6 t, -t it G (7)

irA., L. -) < : ~ it hI]'

5~+ Tff 6 § 'l'iJ< l' .~-;; T ~ T, it;{_ -'l'rJ \ \ T'rJ J: 0

Yes, it is. However, there are also benefits. With kunyomi, the meaning of a
kanji is usually expressed in native Japanese (not sino-Japanese). For
example, 7$ is used in -") J: \ \ "strong" , and J¥l. is fJ '{f "wind" . Hence, if you
know the meaning of words that contain kunyomi, this helps you to understand
the meaning of some words with onyomi,
In a sentence like, i:J J¥l.fJ {jli -5 \ \ T \ \ 6 (1) 1", ~ 8 I J7$J¥l.I:: 5.i~ L T <
t; '2 \ \, you can easily work out that 7$J¥l. means "strong wind." You see that
7$ is the + '3 '/ of}fa 7$, and that J¥l. is the 7 '/ of i:JJ¥l., so these readings
also become clear.
If you study the meaning of kanji one by one intelligently, you can get an idea
of the words they can create, and that helps you memorize them.

fiff! ~ qlVjf 'iL {g ~ ic 1iz.)§ -tl11H& ~ tlHL i)l!it( rp q& ~ ~ ~ ffl 13i~H'~ ~
:it:i3: -1'-i£ * a~~}EL 1J~'kJ],1-7$J ~ 1-") J: \ \ (5iii*~) J, IJ¥l.J ~ IfJ'-ti' (M\, j J
~ ~ ML ~ !It 1jt W T El3iJI!tl tiJ JJX:~8 ill]i[ ~ ~ _)(z.)§, 1£1JI[ f6¥ {f iiill] i[ ~
~_)(81~1~1'f ffl 0

'kJ];~tw¥iJI i:J J¥l.f}'jli -j \ \ T \ \ 6 (f) T, ~ 8 IH$ff~ I:::5i~ L T < t: '2 \ \J

:i3:-1'-'oJ-=J-, .il,t~ ~ J::fIJi B 17$J¥l.J ~ "5ffi~!~a~M\," a~~!I!L :tf:_§J7$J 1£ l}fa
7$ J :i3:-1'-ill] rp it( I:t- '3 '/ J, I--
J¥l.J 1£ Ii:JJ¥l.
J :i3:-'j" VlJ rp i:t I7 '/ J, ~ Jlt:i3:-1'-
ill] ~it($,t9;J]:@: T 0

~*~~~~~~~--1'---1'-i£*~~~~~,.~ ••• mEl3:i3:®i£

*tiJJJX:~ill]¥[~~)(, =I~m-1J!Tic:!'Go
=t If -:> < ~,J.., t j;J.., .J: < J.., .J: Kanji from which many words a~e derived: Onyomi and kunyomi
tC<~A,O)~~i~~I~ : i~hcmll~h ttJiWFM(l(J~* 1§'~Of1liJII~

T ~ ,-'t : ! i ,4 t ----==""""""'·~L-
CDa *i1t(7) tl:L*-* --(", b * _t_~o*"f H --:J t. = t lilOJT'-t -;7'0

( ) ( t)

bl:L '' <

@;fL-, WI # -t 6 = t I:: a 5*~ f~;f-) 0

( Y) f:_)
-t -7, bj;k:'~li~j\ I,{J::'tJ.o

it, L:£:-j 11£0'£ l£rc£

@ .; (7)reTIi A 0 -;7{ a :lw no L T \ IT, 5.if- M T' 3 7] A

b:lw;t 1 L f:_ 0

;t i L f:_)

t: f: .;{.

2 .i:EL\'t(7)"fuHii LJ 70
-t± tl-t±\ \ ilffl

CDlc ~ (7)h ~i51i, t T t. mJf3 -;7' t: (a t: (7) L -;7'

--:J --:J t. b h t. L ;; -;7' --:J f:_) T'-t 0

@= (7) = t ii5;k: L T (a (t--:> LT b (t --:J L T) :thfcL'\

t i ~~'i ':: j J..,I:,(,

**:ll[S 13207JA_
11-:>11'\ \ l::'i il-I:I-
:It;~:it 5507JA_
}.;h~*' .;. 1..(..1:i_.

*-r&1it 8807JA_
n' 1'i tJ(hltlv 11-1:1-
~ 9007JA_
- 11: z
' U
11 "'~
CD~.O) A_OO)b* @~§0) a r*J 1p-IJ b~ r*J 0) A_
( ) ( ) ( )(

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@Jj_ f)" L a no ;;t 6 0 51)C f b i!no 1" 6 0

;;t6) ( )

liit "3 ±

® 2 .00i1!q:-;Q't';C
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:::L!J\ \--,)\\ t: 0

( \ \ --,) \ \ f:. )

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( ;C fD
hi.' ~'A- t Ii" ~,£ t ;i. i, 0'
S DI:::[j:~ L5l+n'_AI) i-to Dn'G, 5i+fJ1LtT:t~ i L J:-7o
(J)~ttJ,,_ -:(7
t..- ~ 0'

i L J: '70
~ J![_
L~ ( )
b 1* ~t
( )
1"'.J:i ML ti
CV7j<.8iI;;L ;f1- n {:f*~J;:f -t 6 a D~ I:::-rd.'
-:J -r, \ 60 a ~
h<> ~~j ( )
,~,<~t f L t. G, &tJ6 (J) 1;1:bD~(J) .; t t:·o CV
b f.!&
( )

a *-
( )
b ~¥i'
.____L_ ___
( )

.;: .;:,( fJ'iv L .J.: 1)'/: U ~ 1;< t: i)'A.. L", 1;'

(J)'i5'~~,)'-(J)5~+ I::: I;!:-g:fth
7J f, +1&-~ I::: 1;!:5~+ f:f ~i L J: 1 0

CDBJj81;!: q 8,;f1:::~ '0 G ~~ I) i -to

( 1)11')
CV **

-:(7 iID I:::, \ G -:J L -\'>


6 7J I;!:, ;x (J),~J\T h * J:t~:z

-,-e';i.-e (j)


< t: -:5\ \ 0

( )
~ .t ~.. t' <r>'J \1;I:t,

@~8(J)a-:5'\~ -) ~h£I;l:36J![_TLt::o bl1£t -)1:::~'\-8T'Ll::tJo

L.iI]'A- 11i = <
@1 ~M,dd."\I:::, :¥R%L -r < t:'-:5,\o
( )
= I:: Ii .t ;"t: tor 1)1:: ;i_i,

(!) ~ ~ (!) ~?th- /7 t L T Iit j \ \ t (!) f , 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 7)' G - ~ :i!l/ i

L l 1 0

~ ~'Lilli !1 t,
G}*~ i T' 1:::"f: jf f 1L\ h fJ.' 1t tL I;UJ.' G fJ.' \ \0

1 7){ < U 2 7){ < U ,l 7){-') U

hI: jo.:, Ii 'I" ;";<

01* (!) Jl_ -@-7)')!3\ \ (!) -C, f- < ~ff-') T t \ \ \ \ T'-t 7)' 0

1 <" -7~ \ \ 2 (' ~ \ \ 3 (' \'" \ \

t::l liJ< < \" (f,-:>

()}:k"f: I::: 1t < t: 6/) I:::, '1';~¥Rf ~6/) 60

1 Llill 2 Lllil}; 3 Lllill 4 Ll};ill

1 ItLIv 2 It~ L Iv 31t-')LIv 4 It L Iv

~~ ~
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1 ~~t:7)'\ \ 2 ~t:7)'\ \ 3 ~t:t:.'7)'\ \

: z It Ir/v t.: '/), t..,t ot ~ i;,

2 (!)~~f~:l+T'''< t~, litj\\t(!)f, 1·2' 3· 47)'G-~m

\, 0; ;t

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1 lEoo 2 JLOO 3 _too

o := (!)i!o 'l( Ii 71<-1 ::: 5$;1t I:::< \ \ -tt \ \ L ~ f H -')T \ \ 6
,;:-, L -:> .J.T I:: t

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1 ltJt 2 }~IJJt 3 f-Jt 4 ~Jt

@Bf1 B (!)1~ T,
-t t.: tj,l

~-l .j ~ < .i:A_.
x: f Ii -') U l 1 -t 6
11= 0

2 111\ \~ L t. 3 1!\ \~ L t- 4 :ifE \ \ ~ L t.

Irlv C IH' t, 0'
3 (T))~+f.,{'1it t 11 -) t (T) r: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 (T)
·tJ,'IJ' u: i~
~f.,\ G--JmU'i L J: -) 0

1'L";'t, s; '(' Ift<1l '(' 'ii,

1ylJ) :it (T) I) J: -) f.," hi::: ±~:ft? &_ f.,"ji;C T'\ \ 6 0

:~ ~L

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Uiv 0'
® A - / ,- T' L J: < I) J: -) £ r: fir -:>t. 0

0'1'L L 1v,;:1v
- '/ ~n-r![9(T) ~ L "\' t:
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7 "/ 7"-t 6 • Upload, update (a blog) J::1~, (li~) J!i!JT

~i i.\' < ,;:,(, 1;' {f:\ '1;'-:> Education, culture and lifestyle (3)
~Jf • xili · ~j! (3) ~·Iil· xtt . I£t.S(3)

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.3tiM • 1*ff (1) xiHi· ntilli(1) .

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c ch 7]\ 6 <
dU 7]'''')l\\11'o ili< O)JJI=e~6 t, f1t< 1=
,.l, L: ~ Iv h. U~L 1.1.'1)' \ \.YJ ,';,.t,l

~±JJtJLz11'o ~,*(7)t=fT":k~g~If'1il:: I), FJ{} .i':'(' ~ .t i <

T' itA ~ h 1~[:fiT L l t' 7]'\ \ (7)11 1 = 5~ "') t. I) L 1L t.
Li, ht,

0 x:*g
L tt'k 'J'I)' ';' 1)'£ -t:

j -] -") < L \ \ § f.~(7) t=f T 38M rj:J "') < I) i@l :=" L 1 L, XXfIlJX-X

t: 0

't = z' .t ')

1" L T1' 7]", ,,;: c::» ~ k }) < I) 1 l' 0 ±Bi (7) 1~i@l ~"
~ ~' t? t. I)" ' L '"

I={!J < t,~\ \11'0 l >(" 1 t:%-HT'o

a b c 6 < d "')l

e 6 f < g (f'1i t: I) h

i 7]\ \ \ j L\\ k I) 1l' I ~"

Rules governing readings - 1
~:g.;j;_mJi11J I

.'Iv L "Iv~i; J: f),t, : t It J: .'t,

~:f:li, ~5'$ L f::.~1CJ-;.7j z. § ~I::: -fi --:> t- t ~0)~1CJ-;.7j1;{
t,.' :1 tot te" .'" .t
:it --:> l \ \ l, t l t II! I) i -t 0 1jl];z If', ~ 5 @) T", 1'* J 0) ~1C
.'t, .'
J t:_' t1li\ \l ch I) i +, I*,*J
J-;.7jlil:/'/ 0) t ~Ii 1:/'/ J
T-tl;{, I,*,~~J0) t ~Ii 1:/ ''/J T-t 0

Much difficulty arises the fact that the readings of kanji are sometimes
different when they are actually used in words, For example, in Lesson 5, the
reading of the kanji ~ was given as
pronounced > '/ , but in the word ~Wjz,
> "/, In the word
it is pronounced
> "/.
it is indeed

~~M~&*~~~W~~~~~~~, ~*UA~~Tom~, tr.

5i):~~~ a'.J&*
["~J ~tj~~ ["> "J J, ~ I*~J ~1'W~P~ I> ''/ J,
1£l~~ I~,~~J:0:-'i"inJ ~t11 > 'j J
,---_. ,._--------_._--,---

oj L ;,'Iv L .t l1't, "'Iv It I '

-f tLi a. 1~;;0) 5~:f:0)~1CJ-;. 7j t i*j1~1;" ch I) i -t 0

1'* (:/0) J 19E-(! \0) J 1tB (~ zi: 0) J 0) l 1 I:::, I'" 'J JT

This is connected with the reading of the following kanji.

When kanji beginning with fJ ff, -lf1T, '111' or / \1T come after words that
end in »<;»such as ~ ( > Q» , #; ( / \ Q» and :±;( :/ a. (2» , the ~ "/
''/ ,

changes into ~ 'j .

~!§ J§f(ij A~&*i~~1'i'* 0

1~I ~ ( > Q» J I#; (/ \Q» J I:±;( :/ Q» J :i;3: ~ [:) I ~ ''/ J ~BFe, rf.J ilJ.. * r,;' IIfl ,
::L i
~~lfJ11', -lff( 'Iff, '\ffJ:tF*~ilJ..*B'J', 1~''/J~~}jX:I~ jJo _____ ~_~,_,..,.".., ...._ .._""'""""' ..,,.".,...,,
~'li iL :'li :'li ~'li
+ 77 ( I) "3 ;' : 7iT) J T' -g 1&;; 1)' r 171T, -+t 1T, 5' 1T, / \

j'l; J:
iT J T' rj: -rd.' \ \ (f) T', r '') J rj: f- (f) i i T' r :; '') I) "3 ;' J t ~ft:h. i
'j L .,
-go it::, 1_,*Jrj:, I~J1)'1&;;I:::ch')i-g1)'G, :Jth')i
-1± s:
Hence, %.,~i comprises the words %. ( :; "/ ) + ,~i ( T :/:
t; it) , so the "/
becomes "/, and the pronunciation is :; .:; T :/, In Lesson 5, %.fJ is %. (:; ''/)
+ fJ ( I) :3 ;7: 71T), But because there is no t; it, +tit, 5' it or / 'it
after it, the "/ is unchanged and the pronunciation is :; ''/ I) :3 ;J. In the word
.. %., there is no change because the %. comes at the end of the word,

r %,,~iJ ~ ~i1ij ~ r %. ( :; ,,/) + ,fj{ ( T:/ : t; 1T)J ~§'i3-ffij nX;~tJ, ~!It r ''/ J
~nX;r;;J, tl!,!l,t:JJ:r:;':;T:/Jo r%'7'7(~S(jz)J~~i1ij:!lr%.(:;·'/) +
fJ (I) :3 ;7 : 71T) Hl1-fH£ _.Jt9, J§ Iii:::f:!l r t; it, +tit, 7' it, / 'it J ,
~!It r''/ J )JJi;W7f~~, ,tl!,ff)t:!li#-i'P r:;·,/ I) :3 ;7 Jo ¥"!Y~, r*%.J M:~i1ij
9=t r %.J 1'£ J§ Iii IZiIJlVf~:& 1:~ {-to

~' 1 i
1'/ J + 171T-I':; J

j'!i n'
I '')J + 71T-:Jt h G -rd.' \ \

-j L ••

1&;; I:::ch; -:Jt'h G -rd.' \ \

j.; .'!- l: iL 1'1; j'l; 1'1; j'll IH

~-(/ l- 1: 1~'/JT·~~')6~1=(f)1&;SI:::., 1171T, -+tiT, 5'1T, /\1TJT:k~

•.!- L -> n'
i 6)l 1=1)'11 < z . I ~ '/ J 1)'I ~ ':;J 1::::Jth ; 0

Study Point 1 : If you add a kanji that begins with t; it, +t it, 7' it or ) 'it after a kanji that ends
in ~ "/ , the ~ ''/ changes into ~ ./ '
:0 r~ "/ HE ~AtJ;X* Jiilii~r];~~ [ t; it, +tfi'.5' it, / 'it J {f3f~i¥J&*B1 ,,

Try answering the questions below regarding two words with beginning 9E ( / \ 'j ), choosing a) or b) .
~ffJ k). f 9E (n 'J) J 7:rWU, ~,~- '*
-1"& tt1§'-l¥J3ei-t:J;.mmlJ 0 1J~i" a ~I] b 1E1i}ij~~:J!P~~--l'-P)l;?

?L ~'li ~'li ~'li ~·.ti I:l:l ~·.t~ ~·.ti ~·.ti
i~;;O)Ii§'-j-7)\ Q)(al7J1T, -!f1"'r, 71T, /\iT_l -t~iJ1 6 bl7JiT, -!fit, 71T,
!'j i Ii t;

/ \iT J T~iJ1 G fJ.' \ \) 0

IJ' iJ'

t:_' -I) \ G, Q) (a 1'"'-'''/ J -I) <1'"'-'"/ J I::: ~ ;b 6 b 1.-v ''/ J -I) <1'"'-'"/ J I::: ~;b G fJ.' \ \) 0

?L ~'J:i ~·.ti !'11 ~'li ut ~'.tj ~'.ti ~·.ti
i~;;O)IJtJn\ ®(al7JiT, -!fit, 7iT, /\iTJ-r'~iJ16 bl7JiT, -!f1T, 91T,


t.»: G, @(al'"'-"'/Jn<I'"'-"J J 1:::~;b6 bl "'-"J J n<1 "'-''/ J I:::~~') G fJ.'\ \)0

b i L ------·------IJ-,--

-5-]'n' I) 1 Lt.-:o IJe-~JI;L i:R;jn{Ii§'-(~/)Jt=·n'G~;b

i L iJ'
I) 1 -tt"AJO I§E-JtJ l;J:i:R;jn{1 Jt (7' /)J 1=1)' () ~t) I} 1 -90
tr r. L.--:>tlv U1i t:I' ;?'\\ -) li-,ih1

t 7--=>, ~ro'n<~I) 1-90 1*=(1f;6@l)Jn<N< IJe*=JI;J:,

i L IJ'
i:R;; 0) 1*= ( t '3 rJ) J t.. 1 t' '3 rJ J I::: ~ ;b 6 0) I;J:t" 7 L l T

-9 -1)'0
I see. In9E11, 9E comes before 11 ( ;t /' ) and so there is no change. In 9EJt,
it comes before Jt ( 7' /' ) and therefore does change.
Another question then arises. The ~ (Lesson 6) of 9E*- also changes in the
final position, from C. :3 '7 to 1::.':3'7 . Why is this?

rm B T, r 9E11J:i! -l'-i"J [§:79 J§ ftij :J! r 11 (;t /') J J'JT k). ::f tt 1:3[ it jffi r 9EJtJ 0

:i! -l'-i"J J§ ftij :J! r Jt (7' /') J J'JT k). ~ tt 1:3[ it,
:iI:fi ---1-IP]~o r *- O(~ 6~x) J J§1lft1¥Jl"J r 9E~J J§ ftij I¥J r ~ ( I::. :3 '7) J :79
fti,1!23[JiX,T r C:3 '7 J.
/' +L 1i'1v l r,; Itt; ""'I
1~;S0)5:l+7)"I/\1tJ T'-kEJi6 t ~I;L 1/\" t'· f· ~. ;t~J
{J' I; fl'lv t -i L
I:::~:h I) i -t 0 ::: tL LL I "'-'/' J -c~ h 6 5:l+ 0) 1~;S I:::, 1/\
,'Ji III l)'lv l -y; 1;'.'
1t J T'-kEJ
i 6 5:l+7)"M:,< t ~t ~ L --C-t 0

When the final kanji begins with a / '11', the sound changes into / \, t', 7',
~ or .r'. The same thing happens when a kanji beginning with a / '11" comes
after a kanji that ends in '" / .

€IDI¥-J&*~ 1/ '11" J 1fikB1, ~3t:nX.1 / \. t'· 7'· ~. ;YJo 0.tttrl'" / J

~i!iJ'€,I¥-J&*€ffi* 1/ '1"f J if1fikl¥-J&*B1, -m~*§ ~1¥-J3t:~;J;IXUJ!Ij,

I; "'Iv L -iL ,'Ji IH "'Iv L -o

~ -( .> l- 2: 1"'-'''J J r'"'-' /' J -C~:h 6 5:l+ 0)1~;S I:::, 1/ \ff J T-kEJi 6 5l + 7)'i1-;j-
~'l i ~'l i 1)'

< z. 1/\1tJ7)"I/\ffJ 1:::~h6o

Study Point 2 : When a kanji beginning with a / '11" is added after a kanji that ends in '" ''/ or r- /,

the "'11" changes into a / '11'.

~ ,<2 2: iJ*i#-tr~JJ"'-"'/JI"'/J~i!iJ'€,B1,€*I¥-J&*~trl~JJ/\11'Jtr1fikMJ/'11'J
tr~tiX: 1/ '11'J 0

".., L l to" n'" = t: t:

- *'t I::: 15i (;t ,/) (~1 0 @])
t It
J 0) § ~ 0) 17 J T' ~;Z
1" ),.. r t. , -) 0 a t b t, t" 1; G 7){ lE
L \ \ T-t 7)'?
Let's do the same test with ~'1::( ,1; 7 ) as featured in Lesson 10, choosing a) or b) .
;ftff] 0.15'1::(;t 7) (~ 10 i'Jz )Jti;)nX.a9ifJH[19fJ~JEI,~r~tr~1U~JJlIj 0 ;Jl~Z" atiJ bIE1iftl~~~n}J~-1-IlJB?

Lt I; h

1l1fO)I/jj7)\ (~(al'/J7)'I/jT'~h6 bl'JJTt I/'JTt~~/Gf,.:\\)o

fl' 1)'

f:_' 7)' G, @ (a l;t '/ j 7)"I ;t~'/ J I::: ~ h 6 b l;t '/ J 7)"I ;f, '/ J I::: ~ h G fJ.' \ \) 0

Lt I; . I;

1l1f0) I x 7)", CD (a I '/ J 7)'I /' J T'~:h 6 b I 'J J Ttl/' J T t ~~h G fJ.' \ \) 0

n' I)'

f:_' 7)' G, ® (a I ;t '/ J 7)« I;f, '/ J I::: ~ h 6 b l;t '/ J 7){ I;f, '/ J I::: ~ h G 1-J,' \ \) 0
.b ;t" -~~~~-----:-n'---"""
~ 7)' I) i L t. 0 r 7J 51;: J I:L 1iiT -6 { r 7J (* rJ ) J t. 7)' G ~;b I)

I see. Because the word /J 5! contains /J (;t; rJ) preceding another ;t; rJ ,
there is no change, But with )z5!, the)Z ( 7" /') does require a change in the
5! reading. Are there any other ways in which readings can change?

fJfl B T 1/J5iJ ~ --rifiJj;&J:T~miID~ I/J (;t; rJ) J, pJf J;)j§tiBNL

0 1)z5iJ
~ --r1.fiJI2S17'!7MITO ~ I)Z (7" /') J, pJf t:J,~ ~1:: Vfz~ BS 1'f =1'tfill~ {f~ ~1::

~ 1tR"J fM' f,* ~Ib?

Ii \', cb I) i -t 0 L 7)' L,
r,,-,,/ J r"-' /' J T'-;~h ~t~:I~
"',c 'J
\ '(j) T', i 1''::= (j) /["- /[" 'f 9;0 ~ T;h < t 1~;fIJ T-t
0 ')_

Yes, there are. But because there are a lot of kanji ending in ~ "J and ~ /' ,

YOU will find it helpful to master these rules first. . ~!

~ l'l9, 1'f ff!. ~ ~ f;{ ~ t:J, 1~

0 '/ J 1~ /' Ha P§ l'l9 j~ *, I2SI Jlt § 5t 1.211 ~
*nQ,JJltlt:J,J§?f:>JJr,t1J@~ T 0
-O;)~[j:2J t (J)) 1_) 1 2 Rules governing readings - 2
V7'JJ V V tj~~JI!JljiJ2

\\ \\

t § -yt::_0, Ih.-rJ_'h.<"-t;t:'J:Jt §.bni Lt::_o (:::"-)L T("-tfJ'o

When 1 agreed to meet somebody at the station, I said h. -r",' h. < -t, for ,®\(7)

i$i 0 .and was told that it's actually pronounced h. -r",' h. <" t: .Why is this?

1:E$ M l§~):j 1Jt ~f.J~B1, t~H,®\ (7) m 0 Ji~,1lX:T f h. -rd.' h. < r. J, X>tlj1!fiJf
l _ i~Iili~* f h. -rd.' h. (' ~ J :i!~79ft-i.? 0

'),1:; ::: 1:::: If -)--? ::: 1:::: if Ii' ~\' ~) _ ::: t 1;1' ~ \' L J:

.: -J (J) § ~fJ"*,1C \ \ T T ~ T: § ~ (J)~-@'-, i~ is (J) § ~ (J) *,*7)

~(TL ~ ~(TL ~
I= I " (Jj] ,~JJ fJ "1t < := t fJ" ch I) i -t 0 I" (Jj] ,~JJ fJ "1t < (J)

t: z ~~ : z If
1)1];Z (1', ;X (J) J: -) fJ_' § ~ T-t 0

When two words are run together, the voiced sound marker " is sometimes
added to the first letter of the second word, This rule usually applies with
kunyomi words.
For example, look at the following words:

~~~m~m~-g~~-~~mB1, €W~m~~*.~WB1~*
f" (1!R~1B=%)J~~1!R~JHL 1JD1!R~1B=%
'@:JJ!iJ)!H~.Rili~1:Ei)II~~¥[r:p 0

1J1J:lm, rW~i~¥L

7 F' ®+ 7 r'@+ t~\'

(~ 1 @J)
1.1'\ \

eD ~ ~o
I~ + D

f..,,/ 0 f..,,/U f:\ \


::a + TiN ~ ::alir

L ~~. :tlf.t
:= (J) J [.. - / l- f 9;P -y T \ \ -; t, ;X 0) J: -) -rJ_'§ ~ t ~1C&') i l' t;l 0

When you know these rules, you can read words such as the following.
~W:it~~~JJ!IJZ€, rWaf,J~i[iMflg*ili*~~o

8~~1) : Day trip ~E1~1ill

;ffL.tLJI : Shooting star iJiE£

"t'),/f.'1@ lJI1·L/f.,1'.,<-C!) ~ =:r (1(/J(lr,Iff2@ (I--f..)"t'(/J@ ~,-±-:{'1CD r~

. g~J7.1JO))[.,-}[., 2~
to. \' .;:-, ••••••••••••••

""Iv J: i)'f- i)'

O)~~~O)Uth7j~.~ i L J: J 0


{*t:\ \ ~:i! ~

a b~ ~ i L J: J 0

( )( ~iLJ:J)

1:1>;" T

@Jf- < a)3t iID ptf 1'''.:f- ~ b)3t -') ( ~ fJ_' -2 \ \ 0

( )( -:J1')

i)'.., : i)'1v l:
@~ix. T a 1§ -:J t: 5~ I;t b il1§ L ( h \ \ ( < t:' -2 \ \ 0

( -:J t:) (

@fJ -7:t 7 T, A ~ t:
a ~,0q:.O)b~

) (

) (
c ~jz -:J t=-J
-:J t:)
'---------------------- ------

td: ;(..,
2 .iEL\\to)~11H/iLJ:Jo
~ .t -) I:: A.. ~ ~."? L

G)~ 8, A~O)Mh~7){3E_1G(a ILCi1'\ \ b 1;1:-:J li\ \ eli "J 11'\ \) -2 ;ft 6 0

-- j;1.; to
WQtj[(aL£L"J bLJ L"J c Lu ) L~)(:=, *~fJ_'~'/ ~"7){ii\\Tch6o
i)'1v t: L 1iJi"/o
@iFgfgrp(:::fJ_' 6 r. 61) (:=, fr,g1lJt T'*1§ (a l~ -:J L J b L~-:J L rp J c L ~ L rp J ) ~ L t. 0

\'.i' 1:\' i)',,{flv: < t,"i)'\'

@t:!:'~7)'G, ~33@]:£OO*%~7)'\ \7)'\ \ (aF1f9% b%F1f9 cISt9%) \ -t: L i1'o-
I ',. ' ~;"l

I .' ~f"

,;,f, = t Il' j?t.' \' J,. i)'1v t ..,i)'

3 (J)=.--J(J) ~ itiJ'1:_'\ Ij-:_\ I~ L:t°.tI:::fJ.'6 1: -) I:::, D(J)o/(J))l+~1!-:J-C

=z Ii i)'Iv-tt\' .J: i)'f, i)'


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( (11u
a *- ~

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i 6)
~. t"..., ~. I:"...,
G)15z qff,T iJ'a --- t_; 0 15zqM iJ\ :if' -t 6 °
( t_;) ( -t 6)
L It Iv L It Iv
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( dl)6) ( -t 6)

t;t.' i)'1v t Ll,' i)'1v t i G i)'

4 DI:::li~L)l+iJ{AI) i-to C::JiJ'G, )l+~uLCT'.~i Ll70

.J: trt: oj'

(J)~tth ~ t. ~ iLl 7°

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.; (J)~ I;L ttl:, ~ (J):£t L \ I ~~ ~ b 0 -:J_:r \ 6 ° I
( -:JT)
s: !'j i t a ~
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b -:Jt: G
( -:Jt. G)
a ~
J ° ( )
b /(T
( /( T)
;., -It .'\, " ~ z: t
®-r t- t' f Jt -c 1:!t -W-I:::Ii a ~D~l-fJ_' tb**7){ t: < ~ "c ch 6
a ~ ~l fJ_'

t bD -:> t-:: a ( fJ_' )

b -:> t.
( -:> t-::)

.'Iv C .J: {J,t, 1);, {J' '.' .'Iv l: .'

5 O)~+ I:::IHith-:Q f, Sf1&iS I:::li)~+ f. ~i L_ l J 0

CD 20 1 2 -if- , 0 .> r > T';t I) / to '/ /' 7){FiTj7), tL f= a

7)' tL f-::)
: t't 11:

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Frtj It f-= 0

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""Iv-lt-:> 11'.- It~ ;),

®oo{~T, a tL"c L rp J L f-:: t ;h I) I:::tii-l± r: (7) -[", \ 1\ 1*5'*- f bJJl19= L T \ 160

( )
New onyomi for learned kanji: Nouns and adjectives
1lt1!l!B~iR'¥(t(Jfflli9~~ : !6iilJ:¥IlJfYtfiilJ

.;: ,;:.z, J: l]-,t: -I],

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It£ It£ -tt£L<1>
(1) 1 i=- t 2 i=- ~ m.Of-f,J', Ii t ,t t" ~ 8:f (a t" ~ L b t",{, L) I::::::i- / t" L t: 0

"I; nt, "

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I: Il,c

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;f£t, I ,
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(01; ~ ~ L l < (a9='ft b~~ c5i1t) Ii t ')5:tfh i L t:f,J'o

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.t .'t, .'
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( )

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':J to-Il'Jx.,* T'-t 0
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New kanji with onyomi and kunyomi: Nouns and adjectives
iltt!\l#Jf"Fi.Slof:i¥-J1§'-iUQi)llt:l; , 1liPlfqJTY§iliJ

b M 7]" ch 6 I), t L tL TJ.' \ \ 0

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J I) i -t 7)'0
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~ EE:%T- -IT / 7 11T ~- B *8f; -t / )' -. Ikoma Language School
~.~T- ~tt$A*ill~?-~ .~B*m~tt

~IIHp :klffif.l1!.'r /t(;tt~'r ~~I,!JH tlKEE'R1ti:
B3)II~~ 'ir§HU* *m:lt'r

Ian Channing (*~f;)
~::x:iE: (1=j:I1!I8f;)

~H~. *)l:j-'-if l' .>


2014 :¥ 6 ~ 20 8 MJtIi~ 1 .!ilU~11'

2018 :¥ 9 ~ 3 B ~ 5 .!ilU ~ 11'

?1~~r.t7> .:

~11'~ ~~i&'r
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T 102-0083 ./~t~-=f1-t 831R~1llJ 3 TEl 4 :m:
~7~T1~1llJ~)v2 F
~8~ '8"5if: 03 (5275) 2722
~~ 03 (5275) 2725
IOn .!ill] f@;JliHnjjlU.t*~~ll

ISBN978·4·88319·688·3 C0081.
i%T . & T:{~Li.B.!&~ X. V' i: LiT 0

*~O){E:tt~ 1 t.::'i-ffr)i-?!1f;IfJT-c·m~tJH~ (:::1 ~-) T 1.J -: t 'i~fl'~$

_L-Co) f1u;t Hffi ~. :i\t t: G;h..--CC, 1 To
B*~M~tJ~it~ N1
1.200 iII+tlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-546-61
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1,200 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-743-9) 1,200 iII+tlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-694-4)

a*m~~jJ~it~N3 I'(f-.j-bm!t& a*~g~~tJ~it,~N4 I'( f-.j- b~gW~

1,200 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-765-1 ) 1.200 iII+tlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-725-5)

• 'Jijt~YA~-~. .'Jijt~YA~-t! •
a*m~~tJ~it~ N1 a*mjj~tJ~~Nl (COi1)

10400 P3H)I, (ISBN978-4-88319-571-8) 1.600 iII+ tlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-566-4)

a*~g~~tJ~~N2 a*~g~~tJ~i~N2 (COii)

1.,400iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-572-51 1,600 P3H)I, (lSBN978-4-88319-567 -1)

a*mjj~tJ~,~N3 a*~gjj~tJ~it,~N3 (COi1)

10400 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-671-51 1.500 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-609-81

a*~~gtJ~~N3 I'(f-.j-b~!t& a*~jj~tJ~it~N3 1'(f-.j-b~M~ (COii)

1,400 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-722-4) 1,500iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-71 0-1 1

a*m~gtJ~~ N4 a*~jj~tJ~it~ N4 (CON)

1,200iIl+ffi (ISBN978-4-88319-764-41 1,500iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-763-7)

.1Ji~tt~ A ~-!Jili
B*~gf4~tJ~i~N2 ~~2200~g
. - 1.600 iIlHlt. (ISBN978-4-88319-762-0)
a*~gjj~tJ~,~ N3 ~~ 1800~g a *ilifm:1Jiita
1,600iIl+~lt. (ISBN978-4-88319-735-4) Nl ....~J"

a*iBfm:1Jiita N 1 .a*iliim:1JiitaN2
•• TA'" .IITA'"
(1) (ISBN978-4-88319-556-5) (1) (ISBN978-4-88319-557 -,2)
(2) (lSBN978-4-88319-575-6) (2) (ISBN978-4-88319-576-3)
(3) (lSBN978-4-B8319-631-9) (3) (ISBN978-4-88319-632-6)
--(4) (lSBN978-4-88319-652-4) (4) (lSBN978-4-88319-653-1) ,

, I , ," ,

, ~!)-I-*'7t-'J"'? r.h7'+jl''''C·~TIJ.y.,B*~~iz~T-~c::'~pql.JL<lSI)*g-o
: , http://www·~anet.coJp/
iI'lv L :: t if
I:R..'J c,~~(j)
v P.::>K I) ""7
I' .'" . . 3
t.: iI'lv L.: . .t iI't:
N5 . N4 [/""'Jt,,(j)300+(j)~+ t -f(j)g'itj,,_~ ... 28
iI'I't i
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iJ'/._ L :::t If

• 5~*t: ~~O)
c : z;
I) A "
[5l +t §~ t If
0) I) ;;Z HT) )1;;1]

: t If

~ !'?\ Of course f1llPJr~'B!\

N 3 v"'/[,,(.7) § ~I:::/;t

10 1,7). t/ :!w-i:'"i" Increase Jj!I1.m __ --j-- __

~Jt Speed, rate, tempo :illilt

-t-', i),



:!~-\,.,-t (It/:,) --

1]\,)'(" ....

16 ~ I'I ~~ produce lIiljill!

7Jf!fh (1"' 6) Work, labor

17 1l&

.t .'t,
L t: ~fth 1]T'-g 0

t:~\ .>, 1ft f)'1v L : t Ii' f)'1v L

~1 ~B - "") (J) 5j* C' ~ ~ t: f;t. ~ 5j*
t!. ' '1)'1' (I.. .t ¥)\' .L
~1 @] ~11~ft
;,. ij~iiJ
jlll) Surroundings mJl'ID
$:tey Market m~
oE,,%, Wool, yam '15~

:" :::Y:>
:n tr- Life !t$

2 "$ _------------.
\ \ t, L1'
*- ,! It
7i3 Rock ;fi:fi
\ 'to "$~ :<It (j:)) )@ ,~ Horse Q,
"t It \, t: t, ! F( Shellfish m
3 if. \' t ff- .:tfG t: 1 .:£.
~ Type, style !l.HI:1
4 A
Dr \ -o: to ~ -:li
f:: *~ Large, big ;kll:!
T" IJ'~ Srnall.Jirtle
5 7S \ '~') UJ -rio 4-
7S ~b}t.g. Story, tale i\J(~
-jJ: t' &
6 ,\fv -j i ,lfg t t -=J-1~ :9H~IJ Outside :'>HIIl

i)'I' to ," Il :It Grass, herbage ~

7 J! i)'\ '
~ h tl}, J.¥_tl},
*Jl Homeroom, class lM~
.1-)1";1)'/: 11
.:E Ball :r

!I"J Ii
_±: ~
8 :£! I), t:
: "{t~ iH:if
tl'{ Root :It<.
/j\~ lit: It 1Ell J.HI'{ Roof £IN
Ij L j:81 Field ~EB
:j' liL
~ ~O Window ND
9 00
t,(JHI/:lj , t' .n·t,
it' W
I"::"':;' ~D
*~ Heavy snow, snowstorm ;k]j'

.'l? .J.,.f,j

10 1~IJ fJ'n ~1P-IJ 9Hp-IJ J..;. -f~' tg tg'2A.,

(~ LH
11 1t < :< 1f- ;t;fJ'L _;±,
(). 1i.(J). t;L
<J..;. ;t; I_
12 ~J1 *11 iJH11 :t
( t rIJ ~ ;;;;tP~
13 ~ < t, <ili~
rp~ iif,>
'3 *r~
~*c:§mO)I)Af-- [email protected]]
tT -J Hit, strike tr
:I'l':: ;Z ;,; Hold down, restrain ff
% t, ~ < Calm down, feel more relaxed 'fj!j;;E

%t L iiJ Lost property i!!t;!(!Im

:fJi';,; Fold, crease tIT
:fJi'tL;,; Break fJTIiJT
It--..:: ;,; Compare rt:lX
'* i) /ig -t Go further than intended ~:cttrli
'J I --,~ L (-t;,;) Move home, rei ocate M~*
~ ft_ ;,; Go over, cross ~:ct

~1-t Kill *
5l t -t (1tt)


in~ (1tt)
t;· tL6 inn ~
( ~
tt < i, '''''6 tt~~ (1tt)
~ ::
:::'-9 7h~L
iF! (I 0

71 -:>M-t
_"_-----_ ------------

:::. i( 6
0.: ::: .t.;
::,z ...
~5t :::;:).-t
iJ:.-t (itt)
< ','
5Ir f,j.·'
51r. <
1~ "i'lf6 (1tt)
",j.'1:,·""6 ]t~~ (1tt)
~ ---------
";).'1:" ,;~ ]t.;~
Ii (,
iL\ I::l:~)' -)
it'd ( 1tl',)
11! t_;,j··i(6
1fEi.~ (+tl',)
ot 1";:
0+. i~(1tt)
;h to' 6 5ff. >;"
~fx_ _ ....


;ht,· -1 5£-';- (1tt)

"k ;h i;,· 1
~') I.,

:*-. 5~"J
t~<,' .,h' <,c..t t--; L
ffir; 3 @) tJJI~ft:h: tb~iiJ (2)

;'iJ < Be effective 'fiX<

i!tJ It 6 Help 'lWI!iJ
i!tJ i}' 6 Get out of difficulty, be helped

:::i ,6
:! t 7 ;I, out lfi;Jl!i:
~6 $ L J:.I t' 6 (it) 11I t 6 Apply, put on ~l:, til:
t:"t ,It 6 IV; It 6 (it) a 11 Date BJ\Il
... - .......... .................... -

r.« t i :. 11 < Stick, adhere J!ft~

t:"t' fr6 ll/Ji?'6 $ L 16 L' Uti:,)
1i ~ 15- -) Socialize with, see one

11lt6 (it) J: ;; ::: ' ,;: another, date

~'lt6 U -:ilt 'X:tt ; iJi~*
:i<\ 11 < Notice, perceive ;jtJl_.i!
:iiI11 < Approach, draw closer #:ili
it <
11" .--, ;, ~1t~ Continuation, next part J5~~

~, <
1t~~7 t- M:-~ (-t 6) (Carry mil a) procedure
>, ~i
7\11< ~ (t Report, notification f.~·i~W:
::,1;' .-:;

ili:N< ,{!l < Reach. arrive ~~ii;

~)-j -.-') IfJi -7 Hope, wish if,P!<
M: < ~:ft~ 3"r -6 Measure. keep tim': ~!lJ1H
-( ~) --)

~7C ,::Hft ~ ;.k1\ ..£ UeCn;!lISL" grow smaller . (f~ (~£ .

.--,--; ;"R,;, 1- Reduce, make smaller i!;li cJ..'
Mtlt6 (it) :.p _)-: Study, learn ~ >J
t ['
t\'l31-,6 (it) Er L i!:::;l-,. Application f~m
r r'It6 " .... - $ L i6 L' Apply, propose $iW
~ t\'l31-,
( t'
r r' < t\'l3<
;8 r'i 6 ;81 6
~~ <
~~ ~..
rd." 6
111 I: ,1-[6 ;1111'6

ll',,~ tl i}C 'j

lfJh (it)
H if,)'
tt6 (it)
at l;hfL6

"', 6 i~6
~ ->:

~" ,;,"t ;,cy, G"t ( itl:,)

~ i'It6 ~lt6
#,;: (iii',)
f:'\' ~..\' ( I.... J: It\ 'J: -) L
~ 4 @l IDII~h: %~~~-fJ.' r"
8£;1: --5 Be warm up, heated II!H~l

8£61) --5 Warm up, heat ilil.®

.. -:> 8'1f Pitch dark ~!\I!\
~(_ All ~$
jL Circle Ill!
'Botf Young people, youths if'l£A

-;)"'" ("
1 7
:;t ;
16·\\ JL\ \

L'i" 7)•. l \, ~j£ L. \ ..


hf,' sq)
t<J) ~~
h~' bt,· ~.,)
~-,7)'. \ \

t:\' .r-

t;_ .. ' -0'\' =- l:: Lt' "?( 1."£ L: h£ .r
~5@] ~<~~~~.~~6~*: •• h
1'§ l 6 Believe' t§fil
1'§ffl (1- 6) Have faith, trust,

confidence in -,tlH~
§1'§ Self-confidence § iil

vg_ 1'§ (-r 6 ) Reply, respond EMil

U .t i t,I,\\ u
'1ffl %'1 'l:11{ Nature, character ttmt
"/~L.e 'O',(.r--) t1~IJ Gender 'i'I,JJU
!®,~ !®jj;
.E'£ o~ Product tr- ~
~ L ~ L ',~
"§c.. "§c.:1t
, 1:.;1 t:..., ~ 1--1--+-----+-[-, "'-'11-:-7-''-''-; -" -:11-:-7-I 'l[,t~ Electric wire I'!!!;t
"§'c.A 8 "§c. 'i"-i1j:¥R 5i ~:¥R :!if; ~ Cardinal number marker (equivalent
~ I)'J..., ~(-> ;:.

to -st, -nd, etc) m,.,

:j!JlM ~~Jl
to Of (possessive particle), relating to


l' ffl Cost, expense :f.£ '!Jt

!J:i IllilJq?
%-l' Membership fee 4!i; '!Jt
iiEi "'-' iiEi1W1J # l' Tuition fee !Ji''!Jt
I) 37
(' t--; (' IJ.t1 LA.. Ill1('1-) ~IJ ~ Vice-, deputy- MI]'"

/, ~Jl, iiEilfl, iiEi7J ).i~tli Advisory, warning
L.., [1"<" L-'
~,~9{ ~I;J: (J}('i!l'~)~*
I) 3 ;1
L L'_' tf /....
III { iZJ... Friend JlJl:/li:
l',,",:,IJ1( t:\ \ IJ1 (

~tJ /.j: -JJ #Jl.iZ Best, closest friend [f;R

l:.i 1!1 , ~\
~)r s:
r.Ei~ Both jJij'"
~'Ii -&~
r.Ei1WJ Both sides fJJj~m

r~'I"~ Feelings, emotion !~"tl~'

*7'7 Academic ability ~iJ~Ht1J
l.UJ Full terce {t;!]
!~ L'; l-ccl, uavc sense of !:¥.~
1;{;/] Physical fitness. bodily slren:~th
!Gf:".:...: (-r -6) Admire. be impressed iliUI& 11'-)J
r6\M (-r <S) Be impressed, inspired !~;;tJ

~c.*" Anicle.orews story ffyrp:tH1i:i!

1i l ~ (1~)
~[.;{f Reporter ·ic~lt·

L 1_ J ') L I /~
1tFfl § it
"',,c L.e

-ttl' L"? -ttl''-'":'''

'li1t 'li:5IJ
'1'1 t1 t 1 tr\, r: ,(,ttl'
~'Ii ~'Ii
;i" .jf,,'U!v

"'-'J£ *IJ 0
-'iK 00
;i.e ~Ii Actually, in fact 'il;JIif,J::
.' ;i,c
1'** ~7] Ability, strength '!I< Jlif,flt:1J

~k,* ~~ Fact *'il;

'Fey Eldest or oldest daughter
~"'-' '11UIi Information ft,\1I,
~'I~ Situation JW:~I
;~:.'t~ Friendship, fellowship R'1'1i

'\07 Signal ~n'HT

;,\1,.JtH Thermometer (household)

9\~_g (Air) temperature ~iMt
};..c t" }.),t z !t~, 'f*5~ (Body) temperature {:$.iliA.
5JfuJJf. 5JfuJJf.~t 1*;~~t Thermometer (medical)
~};,t t:;:.\ ,};,t

Sfl,5Jfu 1{;.5Jfu f*ililH

t:» \}),(...!t\' 51lt i 6 Be heated up ~

1{;.5Jfu~t ;,\1,.00 6 Heat lip ~
znn ;'/;1: !;

5Jfu~'\ I ~ -) (1i) :iJ:.7JD (·t 6) Participate, take part io

:i.U I; *1)0
5Jfui 6 ~\ lAA-t t~7JO (-t 6) Increase ~:tJD
!; _.,
~7JO (-t 6) ~:tJn
~\ 111 < Add

-?5/v -I)' t',"/)'

lID ;{_ 6 Add 1m_!::
"*;1]0 :l~;I]o tt.-* Result, outcome §E*
t} 1'7
5*','-.; (-.j 6) Resolve, decide

;l]o;;(_ 6 (1i) K:~§1ffi' Conclusion rai~
* :f;
u .;,
B ~t.: I)
~ ~
Link, tie, conjoin

Highest, best -m:~T-


;*: L T
;olc,~ ~* Largest. maximum Jft~k
., 3 r~. Of course l.!flJiJr ~ ~&
;,R;: Y:>~) (1t1:.) )\1 '<" -t Increase l'1lt)fl
;~i 6 -J-1 i.'Rrit Speed, rate. tempo iIElJ£
1*1 iJ' ~.. \, n:1;i~ Speed (miles/kilorncrers per hour)
J)(r*J 11'1.&
6 m,;,;n Wind speed IxLilli
UJ .; (..'~, J')A.,

1* 1!<[if! :l!£ \ \ J~ -d- Overtake. pass il:'HjM

t., .]. 't ~J 'I!
iJi \ '1"(' < Catch lip. draw level ~.l.
1\fZ #:fZ
~13~ Turn (llf dUly.), turn to be on call

~ iiH]
-?51-:"] ·~\'ti.1' 'J.l t~6 Hi!. bump; win 1,IHt!; 'P T
*{¥,J ** B ~~ t: i) Sunshine, daylight El.1RI
,)3 '( 6 Hit ~;t'l"
r!:;) t4 Internal medicine fl.] #
rt--J ~ Content p~~
'r;._ 37 r!::J1WI Inside r!;l WII)

{f,(.,{fA- tz Table, churt **

.:E "" RW Surface *ffi
t i {fA-

~t.~ (I,d 1\* (-.j 6) Represent ft*

#:* (-t 6) Announce ~:ffi
lE W Face. front, facade :iEffi
1:11; [ID Scene, situation :I$.i:ll!'
,;. Direction, quarter jjffi

:l~ V -t (-Ii)
t:.\, ,;:
t;\, ~",


,*:r+ Raw materials, ingredients )Jl(t.t:M

i,I' !di
iJ C% (-t 6) :It-f''t
~*-& Advertise

~ /)'\' ¥R%(-t6) Report, brief

1~ iJ1
Trk 'I
cf-li1it(-t 6) Operate (on a patient)
~ iJ'/ :gJ! fllj~ Commerce, trade jiljillc
t. flljJ;!; Store, shop illj r.5

6 1~ {-
;fibHiIX. Ml£ Goods, products j{jj J"c
~- !;" ...
7 t~ + H:1#t i~i~ ~il\:~ Occupation ijRillc

it ,(.{t~--, ~il\:~ Workplace M~

7'/ 1!~R
.-_---------_ .. "_.
t(i! (-t 6) Manufacture, produce 1Mill'
8 r.>: 9 7f~(-t6) Work, labor 7ii;l)
JR-tf:: Agriculture, farming ~!lk
9 ~ 7'/ ,*H
110 J}; -----------------
.; 7 :: < (11 :: <
11 !±.. :1;7
0 Jt.% :¥~%
"Y C,,-' L rio [",,?
12 1*f :; ;J_ 'J
15z 1*t .:f-1M
!. 1 i ~.I i l:i-C'("

~* f{fim
13 i{)] /37
! i
II ( ~' ld u
14 ~~ /3;7
~ilZ* ~ilZ~
15 ~5Z -t'/
ttl ,7(,.;
16 :l]2_ 'i'J Jt(i!
17 -If);
'H.:: S . <
V) i ~'l;
18 !fJZ
/ 'J
!f-l,z ::-
19 ,T,7
J'l_ ~~
tD i.,~, til :.;..j

20 ~ :J_
~I:±: !~i]ijA
!, j t:"'j
21 7J 07
'iEm (-t ~) Finish, complete 'fGJi'J.
'iE -@:- Full, complete %3':
** Basis, foundation lIiji'JJ
~ !l'(' .ft.}! Commonjoint. same itJnJ
~,~, ~"

-t %~l
~ .1:1-") i
~ J: 'ilJi <
4-37 tan
c It,(, t:ilt.C
7/ ~14 5R14 =x.~ (-r ~) Go out with, associate with. elate :X1't; i;J{:t1.~~
It,(, 'i
7/ iJ!J f~B9 International ffiI11ij;'lt(I(]
*iH'! $.: r~ Fact. actuality Ii;!;
:'! i-fI_
T/ }l:Jj [If!: _t;tJ~t*F.f: Prim", minister. premier tEl' H.l
.; j
:k ~. Minister :I\: e·~·.
Jj~. A.. Adult. grown-up Ji\{:!r:F- A
51(, &: (-t ~) Grow. increase I&l(, 11:11V:
1f1IJ ffl: System ftil! Jlf
iIl'J,qR Uniform, kit ilitl!J~
iF!tRt Government Muff
I t!iliJ.... f>t ~ Tax ·Hl.~
5R14 IJH;f'. Organization, group 1m",
-t i I) f:\' L k

*~lr*E2: EIlJot13
if to
Housing complex, estate

Peace fQ'JZ
tt't/J, c&

~ 'f~ Clerical work, office business ~t~

~ I it
il"LA- t!"td?
i9::pJ]- Government office i!IUf.fUJ,0'1ll
JiX.J-.. JiX.*
1~iL~ Help, be useful in ilil1'F- ffJ
1GJiX. to 1: Japanese-style room EI 'J!:;J}j ii'll
-ttl 'If,(_. -iil't"

iIl'J~& 11j1jJ~
-tt ~ '.5· <
ttl' .;,


-lt~; .).

......1' h
5f-;fo (-Ij:)

C :_: L J:

I ~tr,pfr
>," < t::_

19: I::: _TI. -J

~.'" < L J: :.;. < t:
19:i'JT q~_TI. J
" L '> ~...\' h
23 ;fo r)
fo ~ 5p-*0 (fJ.')
1aliit1! Value, worth ffl'!i
ib1ali Price Vaffr
Ki.g (-t 6) Manage, run ifi>~
Ki5foifl(;7 Economic ifi>11'fff.J
JJUt Cash 1'.ll!1Ii:
JJI,1:E Current, present; now lJIliE
JJI,1\ Modern, contemporary lJIlf\;
JJI,n 6 Appear tIllJll
[fA.. ~,(.. (f ,(_,~'\'
Jl:&- JlIT JJI, -t Come into view til lJIl
~i56 Heal, cure If:j~

1i1-~!Ii-( -t 6) Win (competition), claim

victory <'f ill:
ij!li--'f- (Act) selfishly, arbitrarily, without

J~~-t(1tJ consulting anybody 1f~

;S ire Petroleum, oil" ';Pilll

'71 ,7. -) Fight 1&.4-

m. -'f-
* 1"' t'
Jill: ;G'- Jt"
Player, athlete

Choose, pick

iEi;.IJ ~

-fE -!f1 cardboard (box)

l!!EW;~ ; &(tll
it1!...tfJ{ I) (-" 6) (Price) rise iry~ffl'
/0 -fJ.';h' ~ ire Oil l\b
'.L"n :{;dl!l1: Actress ~"
Art (1t.)
~~ n~-")
1J" -:;
tt~ rI!

1::-'\' .tJ im
;S I'L.
\' L .tJ
lfix t: t: 1J" -)
1:/: ~.
.... _._.

1::/ ]J!4-
~ ;:ti,
;{ G' ;: mol: (1t.)
.!:t.-{.. ~( i
~ 'j 7 ifY,-t
f\t,-t - J["
f~ 5'/ ei r):

1- .'

1@_ 1@:1:." 7)" I)
tl tJ I:-!...,


W~):}<: (-t -'& ) Solve, resolve mlR:
~1~Jt(1- -'&) Explain, interpret ~¥~
f1I~~ (-9 ~) Answer, give answer

':-jl)'" ~. < q '~.

/t; _IT OOli

I) '/' :FJU(J;~ (-r ;!_, ) Understand flll ff(~
L 'I _',
fLli ;;-Ifi (-t,~) Pass, quality

;¥~tG- Qualification 'attir
tUB- Personality character 'Ittflt

~t\ \ I ",'1
:§;1*r .'111, the Ans Z*
~1*t x# (-t -'&) Fail to attend, be absent

It~TIo (fi)(!.t
X ,?" Flaw, drawback, shortcoming

;fl,_TI:. Private Kl'r

~*4 Documents, information ~*+
~~t~ Professor f,(tlt
lji tf~ Word .!'(!. iiij

*R:Jt~ *- '*
Junior college, two-year

college i',lLW1*~ (t§~

*Rp~- Shortcoming, defect, deficiency


,JiJ* DOlled line !:![i:li;

1);;1; Method, way 1i#i:

"L-';iL Pl1blic 01L
@JlI National, state-run 00:lr

'j"/ ¥~
i'Ji lji (fJ_')
l:J... ~ t~\':?( (

~'I' :': -iI' < .;:;_ f.'- it', '1,..--,

~ 11 @) ~1f' :>C1t· ~5i (2)

I%~O)~ llini4
~;;1J r-
Paints (tor art)

;-l;-wfJ ( -t -is) Engage in, be active in iJ'ii;!J

A :.t.
!t;~ ,t~(/)~
~'I-t:L 1t ~ Tableware. dishes ~ ~
2 F~ 171 ~IStg IS~fz J:tJ;j;_ The Earth J1!l:t~
t)'-"?t:- i {tl't)'-")

3 ;-3 fl')
;iJliIJ ~5i iltJ;j;_ Light bulb nil!!
, LI.·; " f~ it School meal j;'iH~1:k-g{
4 ~ '1-
*~ tt~ j':SH Salary, wages 1.iT*
5 :£5]( '1-,>-7
c; ~,d
~:f;f<. *~~ After all, in the event ilt~


!¥; '1-3?
~~i L 1<
1t --,~1
~'\' ~ Iv

\'> -, ~

-j 1] I

J (


Jli Ji

~ Pharmacy


-t -6) Calculate
L • (-t -6 ) Add up

!M r-




It '~Iv

~' Iv

'51 :< • (-t -is) Subtract,
Budget t!Jj~

:it tt Spending, expenditure


:Ii: ~j

71 ~ J-i:: -T~ :it!;!; Branch ,ti;!i

L l,."? L r z. :it i1 \ \ Payment :Ii:#
RtB 7:~ :iti1 -j Pay :li:H
l Ii iJ
10 5z_ '-" :ttL,\ \ 4X-).._ Revenue, income t&)...
t til? jlH! (-t -6) Repair, mend 1~J!l!
R:tL, -) ( 11i'.) '!;Jt1tJ (-9- -6 ) Undergo training :ilJ:1ijt
l ,;;I:'i i
11 45Z :/2 r/,
~x.~ .Jf,* Cl Emergency exit ~~ ~jffi.m
Lf)l I) ItlvltJl ~i!_ (-9 -6) Leave early, go home early iJHj\jT~f
12 1lf '-"'>-'7 1IfJ_! ,!;7t11t- 1i~ Housing tt:.t
~F-riW 0
r r i <'l)
j*~ Insurance f,jl~
13 if) '/3'1 tr tIl
-t~~ (-t -6) Forecast. predict Tililli
~F-1r;;I::: :t~~Documents, papers

i('; /:1'
'/7 -'f-ifl
14 f- ,t -\""l \
_ .. _----------

t::.1 'I 'I.... '1:1/:1-'-

15 1! 5'1 lflrJt -1'-i~
t: < t,~i I: <
16 :t 5' _?
:h"E 1i"E
"(J LJ1 <.~
17 ~f t
v rei
~F-1if I:::
II (t A..
18 ;t
1* fH~
""' -, ~ J \
-t'? tiFoJ
19 ~ , ---------------- --------------_ ..-
< 9~)
l ~,c J: Ili
JJ'!- -T:¥R
20 -t 3
T,(, ~ J: 11 i
II 61'
:Ii , IH
21 *Jj :f;J[
Jjf( ItJ Cause Bl\ j:JiJ
_t King 1l'I'E
00 .:E King Il'I 'E
-k .:E Queen 3z.' 'E
"§] % (-t ,;;,) Act as moderator, host (at a meeting), Me ,ttiJ
~!lip Doctor, physician Ilii1:
;tj( gip Teacher ;rj(!Iili

*'-~ ( -t 6) Be unemployed, lose job ;ld~

,!If* Height (body) Jit~
t±:i -!J' Originate in, come from, graduate from cH ~-t:!W., !:-I~!lk.1~:fl

1!i! Special delivery, express mail ~i!(;

#:i! (-t 6) Develop, grow }jl(;W,I

~(,~ (-t 6) Commemorate \'il:ft, tc:ft

Jiji,j} ),,)1'4 Obstetrics and gynecology department .Hf" H
_:E ~* Housewife *&!::EjEj
About, roughly
1';0'" {';),,_ Old person :!5A

1" ( t.:» 11"") t:.-,

~;.! §E;.!
~ )l.{.,


:!J..., .:i. L:,(. 1).


\" < Y' ' .~ <

t~ ttJ*

~;fL (-rd.')

l;:.c-14.-J- ~':Z:).-
''''' J
~ i'il'0) t) 7'l
~.== .·'-1'
5f- 2 0n1
-l-D.! .
'1t. Love ~

~'I~ Love, affection ~'I~

1t# Chemistry it'*'
OJ ~t Possible "f lit
1t 1; [:,9 Question, query !liE liil
1)' (j)j

OJ 1;
or~E (-I,'.:) i*1t (-t 6) Inspect, check, examine *.&lIi:
:to t z, Talent, ability :;.f fiE
~k 1" ,ifJtM
~~ 7/ & ~" (.r) ...
~) Reflect on ruefully, engage ill soul-searching J5i.. /~'

:l1± Responsibility "U'Uf

1t +t
-::\' ~ \. ·,1 'J

~T :;niE l'~~
(-f -6) Expect, foresee f1Ji'W
:t 4f1 J!;t!l, Ideal J!j]~,

::f,~ (-t 6) Lack, be deticient in , 1~}~

;ill)Jt (-t 6) Satisfy. sarisfied i;!JjJ{, i;!Jj!ie:
'it :/
1*# (-t -6) Save, preserve f!f::(f
~' t1 :It Versus, vs lot

~:IC~ Reading w;i';
10 ~
~tjJ Ability, competence IiEJJ
jill) Jl. Full to capacity (with people) iIll,1Jl.
11 ;;tEl '/,/
::f jill) Dissatisfaction 1- i;lll
$!f1: Educational background, academic record ~ JJ1
'/ ?

[13 H- -r.
t: \' 11/...-t: \'
14 M 5'1 M &M
10' ;7
[15 &7C
J::. t;

[16 H: :-/

~t;! L /;{ < n~

20 Jff 1/4" JIf~ #-JIf
1*'1 it (1' ~ ) Relate to, be connected

with :f~3C
xi@;(~F;ll Transportation facilities,

public transport

xji, jif~flJll'l
fit 1*'1 Customs ffl3C
itl* String of one-day holidays, multi-day

holiday *~
Ifih,,c'lh' t:8 fh (-;j ~) Go to work, attend

75~~ .Hi
i@ih (1' ~) Commute to work jil!iJ
;Sn~) (jt!'.)
1#! Person in charge of fit ~ A.

t:8.rfu_ (-;j~) Bleed ti:lllil

¥R~ Happiness ¥:fffi

::-r:::. Unhappiness ~:¥~
"¥ -tt Happiness ¥~
hk'~,d ~·/Ctt,.c ~ 7}:' Perfume m= 7}:.
it i* I~~
i.-t WI) Fragrance. aroma -lli' "I.

~~n~(1t!'.) INH Dentistry :sr-:M

1:tf! Toolh decay 9l.!f
'T '_'I
l!jjA,~ Direct jfL f~
Jlll i1iJ ~*(r) ..l) ) I nterview ffij -fA

·ft".), Other person, other people §lljA

+ V) W!, Other, etc. :I'Utll

1M.#m. Straight line, direct line j[~

.It ri1'L -ej Review. check lor errors

·J;Yli Married couple ;IdE!
~ tf' Lost in. wrapped up in ~~

(1 !1 v . L ,..

ill ill~~
t; L II
-cl rriA~

:-,!{{-':--:J 41\ li"'<'"

-7-.'3 :7 !g_ tt~ iliLK~

12 lil 1-"t-;'-r J#

yt_ -<1- (it~)

.4.- 7

19_ /;;>
~ A:. Excursion, field trip iiIlilif
tf ~ Center, middle, rp ok:
U:.t- Audience, spectators x~.A
1m7't Tourism ~.Jil.:J't
;t.,iJl.l'l9 Objectively 1P.Jil.(l(J
Xi! .;l;jz Traffic accident xiMlli/il(
1!§1!... Individual 1- .A
1!§1tt Personality, character "1'1'£
AJt::;"t! Aircraft Ii.tIL
~iE8Jj. Certificate, testimonial iiEaJj
*115 (-r '5 ) Send, transmit

:tit; (1-a-15, ilJllltf~)

*3 J% I -Farewell party, send-off pan)'


:i2i;¥4 Postage, shipping costs i~¥tt.

}~ Iron 'f.k
~it Railway Hilir
t{,,$j;_ Private railway l'lO'iftIJl\
,Fj * End of the month J'l;;l::
i!N *- Weekend JIij Jl<

1cBfJ (-9' '5) Invent' ;&1!Jj

1l~Hi r~~iti1t~~ Highway. expressway
.;1.. .. : 'J
$*-~a Railway trucks t!t~L

i~JB- Road, street i~~

~.j 'Id (l'j -t i

~H ;!j~~

s< .{>
,-, -("Jr"j

j;~ $hm:
L ,-, Ir l"J
~L,ff,~ "
C37 tJr
!l i -t i
15 7)J.. ;t"; ;!j!C~
t, .
16 ;fJ. 71 ~';f)Z
It--:>;t-) l oJ; i-)
*- 7'/,

Pl* iLll*
-t_t-,N')\ ' 1l-::lY'>I'
11 ~ytElfl #';B}'l
iY) iJ" ~ l\
1JI. ii. Position, place, location flr'ili:
t~l'IUT (<j ~ ) Cross, go over :fIil:"l¥
i!ll.i!iQ (-<I ~) Go, pass through

;; ;mi't; ii~
if < (1t1~) -1-
~§::_" iltii
r-;' < t 11)1; ~
Spend, pass time

bJ· <
*Jif P'l \'
2:'3 Square [J!jJj*J1tJ
7j P'l Bearings, way ti fll:, j!J ilt

-_Q {oJ Direction 1] ~

.1 c
J :: i~ rtJ < Face. be facing 1M ~
i Q' r{,l :\ (plucej-fucing iJjj (0]
t; j!i./iQ r~ Ir' \', Opposite, across the way Xij[[f
i./iQ~. 6 G;J;& TilDe difference tl,t~
-, "'iif,r; Seal, place J!lHil:
~1rWJ~" )( .L Volcano *- IlJ
11' lL (<j -6 ) Climb (mountain) ~ LlJ
HiH~j Balloon "'Cf4,

i£fr *' (.1' ~ ) CUI water supply 1JJi7](
t;J I~'l-6 Refuse, S,1Y no, excuse oneself from

i:: '.;: 10:l[ Storeroom, closet fil\'iifol"l, itl¥"

.:t-,~ Peninsula ·~f,'ih
'~;lt Radiowave ~iT1i.
t;· < :rZ Wave i&:M
4IHn Art, tine arts ~ *
i~1:!II):13 Amusement park
(; ;1,',. ;l,f
{oJ f)"\ \ ili,;~ i!3:_ U
l~:= -) -7 '/

'. .t,

;i!t I. .L I" 6 (itt)

y ~.~.~

Xm: ~~
fy' .y A~ t::Y A_.

:kJJ itdJ



t(.A,-t\' j-; j f:A.,

Ei'fpJ;:. fliJT
t:1 \ ,~'\ \ ;,1::; j..;,{.., .t hi!" f)-J.., r t-i L

.17@ ML<.~ht~~6.~:~~
-~:jf~~\' ,·.-}':,ii;~'(f0\"'. _~"!~f7~i~};
Ftf'l~ c-t 6) Open a meeting :1f~
~ ~~ Q' l. t),

~* ~~
L /vI;: < L"':" 11

Fff'~iJ(-t 6) Start, begin 'JFilfi

? t: 1~OO (-<1'6) Return to homeland

" , ,------- - 11 :l! @Ill!!
? f::_.? IJ~ot (-t 6) Go home @J*
1)'1 'n'\ \ li'l \ L ~ .il; (-t ~) Prohibit, ban ~ 11:
~1 Fff9 % Fff9:izE; ~::'IJ Reference ~1j

V'S· < :f,~ ta

Peculiar, odd /j';Pr;'[', is/.
2 Fttj 12 ~ 'if '¥l c-t 6) Study ~ 5). :
;j;). <
El '¥l (-t 6 ) Teach oneself, do
;j;)·(tg self-study 1"1 31
~ 'l§1 (-t 6 ) Practice, do practical
training or apprenticeship

~*tr L'--
j,__ • ?J
-t 'l§1 (1' 6) Do preparatory study
;I» j,__ • l' j-jf!>j

~I~ l .$.~ Rally, gather for a meeting Jl~
4 7T' 1'-" " ~Jl
-----------I ~ ~ (-t 6) Collect, raise tfunds},

15 'fC q~ti
5 -3it
*~(-t 6) Gather, assemble 1lil
._- *t:f U{» Concentrate, focus

1611t 77 !.t'I'
;:!i ~¥'(-t ,~,) Progress to (higher-level

college) ]i'¥:

~-i_j;; (--f 6) Progress, get better

r'f9 :/<{o; M" il! (-1' 6) Progress. advance. go

forward iii! ill
~~~ 1rY Bedroom :I:if ~
;',bill pfj' washroom. lavatory rk~F-Iiil
J+Hi'Y (-if- 6) Hope, expect J~H!i
8 0(-; r~ Shop, stall ,1, ~ r,t;
t'!Hl[; (-t ~) Sale VHi!.i
it '.ft (-9 6 ) Release. launch

30ilt Sidewalk Afiill

9 ~ i:it!: ['!il' >Y ~ Pedestrian crossing


L <l- -j ~".1
10 t:
;'ii!:7~ Abroad !litj~
iT::;{; From side to side, left and right

~Jl\ Cover, front (page) 'Moo

.:;, If
rn ~'l\ Paper, fonn (to be filled out)

7 X£} *'''iiEff-l:@;:, 'li'fiErJll.:lJHt-J~Il:*

»:-IT Second daughter, second-eldest

(-oldest) daughter =3< JL

Contents, index

§i3~ Capitol (city) i¥ftfl

'j/k Girl &3<
i < L: /j/k Somewhat f¥iml:
:J;'Jf- Boy y{f-
"' t <
*-t§ t~E Feature, characteristic *f-€3
f,k:tt Forest, woodland ~**
1fJf- Youths, young people W:¥-

~ ~ Lunch, midday meal If-'i&

Ji;)l ~ Breakfast .lJ!i!i(
i~ T ('J .oS) Decrease. go down

Tfi:.1l~~ Lowest. minimum &: ~

I~ R~: Simultaneous IpHI'!"
x.. -EJ l'arcnrs )(-li]:

§ a(] Purpose, object § A~

12!.§ Subject (at school), topic fJf §

. ;i El (-1.oS) Pay attention to *71

71 ~\ 'tl\
'1x:1!& ( fJ.')
t;'I' f.I'\' t-i,(, J: (/... J:. h!l' Id:i) f.I'£ t t"', L

~ 1 q@] iHit;,.. t -gjl!-git;,.. ~ jt;t 6fJT L, \5l~ ~giiJ

1~-t Leave, hand down W ffi
')It,~jlz (-t 6) Take test or exam

Receive (signal, message)

\, ri,(, L~ ')It It ![;z 6 Receive, take i&.IIit

JJf& ~foJ~6 (1it) '51 ~ ')It It 6 Undertake, enter into an
q' t,.' lil'I:."? L£r!\'
JJf -) JJf \ \ @c1i ,(.:@c (-rd.') undertaking, assume

f t,.' (II M:!'It

MJJf\ \ < If· 6 @c6 (1it) ')It -IJ' 6 Pass, be accepted ~iJl:iI:i:1
r t,.'
MJJf -) (§ '11t) ttfi.10 Plant, vegetation :Iii:!I&J
Jl!tiJ[ Seismic intensity till
Jl!t ;t 6 Shake, tremble liM4
J:11I;* Plain, simple- :t+jI;
-gfoj:1t (-t 6 ) Investigate, carry out

survey iJ/iJ]l
-gfojo;!<.i¥+ Seasoning, flavoring i.hlJilf:*,-
lIi'.li (-t 6) Deliver ~*
~ 1t (-t 6 ) Change, alter, modify

6) Visit, call on W i:IJ
r;7.ll: (-t 6) Prevent, deter, stop

;,-f 1lIJ.tI:.
f~lt 6 (1-1t) Prevent, forestall, take

precaution "fti! I!1i ,

r;7 <.. Prevent, ward off fiJi Il!J

fJ\ 1[- (-t 6 ) Put into a deposit account,

deposit money

fft It 6 Entrust, dep~sit· *~
fji I)' 6 Take charge 0'[' keep something
0) :::. i'
for. someone
r ~~
111.... L. ,~ L Iv
~,~ 1t1§ 'Ib)}IJAW'lf. !ff!wm
5)fCrr ( -t 6) Be popular, be III vogue
;f7~ (-t 6) Move, migrate 'f:j:?J)
ilt 6 (1it) mEfi
·:'!t.,tt *~-t Move, remove, transfer ~~
x5)fL (-t 6) Alternate, interact xmE
~1'I iJiJi.. (~t6) Violate, break (a rule) iTI!5i.
5)fLn 6 Flow, run. circulate m';!)
1t \ \ Difference,
,b t '(~-It 6 (1it) FB~i1f \', Mistake,

error 1=M:·~Jt
~JiI-if"' Calise to !low, fun, circulate

ilt~;z6 (1B) Ps'11 7 Be wrong, gel it wrung +ftM=

!t: Amount,
~! ~ 1tlt 6 (1it)
.; f* 1f Physical education 1*~
7\.:1" Large

'f*- -,;r pIT Chijdcare center, nursery ) L 'Ii! illi :fIJl:Jt
I:: 6
-j ·1i'6 ~!]'6 If -:> Grow, be raised lilt * Weigh, measure i!i!lj:m

11 (6 Raise (children), grow (plants) '?i'1l'

8 ·llB Song, tune Illi ift\!
llB MR Curve lltl ~
lI"t' [LA. 11 llB (-t 6) Compose (music) 1'1' iIlI
'JI.Jf_ :Iti'.'JI. llB It' 6 Bend, curve ~ iIlI
~~~ (-t 6) Do overtime :lmflf
ti\' ~'\' ~A.,..t: < tv ..t: ~rf M:i, ~,A., t oV)\' L It\ ,.,t i L
~ 20§ lf~iCl,. tIDI1~itl,.f~;t 6~fr L \ \~~ : ~tiiJ-\'">1fj~tiiJ
'"i'~ Certain, definite liilJ~
jl'"i' Accurate IEliIIl
'"i' iJ' I/) ;;;, Ascertain, confirm

TlliJiA, ft'ik
~*(-t ;;;,) Request, demand, claim

*7] X0l. Primary, elemel~tary *Jl~
~i!t~ Footbridge Afi7i::tfr
.l: i ~,~
iE ~fi Type, kind frp~
L .! '~".; f~' Seed H"~
f7Jt& *7} d0 Beginning, Simi *JJ~f:i
5'!Ri:Z Late at night ilifT~
!1 L
~fd~iHeadache lJdiil
if ~l Normal temperature .lE·~·1*jlit
f§11 Example WHo_
5 lit] 91, Exception WH'r
t:tl tt
L! ~", '~\'L!
:'>'"3 -
...--.-.----------- *JJ*»-..... J1HJJ
-----_ ------------

6 Ii t .1/)
*7) ----------_. __ .....
. _._ .. _.---
Ii t .1/) T
*JJ /II) T
1!\ ,~, <
t1 iEht ( rd.')

lE ~'3 rJ

L,c \'
:/ ;,-
5* .;,7)"\ \

)*\ \

-I' -:>1
liMffl ..
~JJ: -_ ... - ... ---------- --.-.--- --.-------.----.-

ib t~;j;
l' -:>;
..__ ......... -
-_ .................
11fi ----
\ It:.

\ \t:· \ \
'lffl\ \

n-:> Il?L,c
~ ~,-:_: (rd.' )
.:1', '/
"-\ ItJ-?

AA q.~
;Ii, -:J .\ \
;t;!~\ \

(f-:ll i
t '/ 15L'~ (rd.' )
,x..' --- .. _.-._._-- --------------

7)''''.).' i;, ·f ,)(,'1"
1-) :"1

'3 '7
(rd.' )
\ \·6
t:\, f./'\'
t: < ~ h- (J) ~7r,JJ./i Ii 'Ii> G 5i
J .'t, f)'ic


~21 @]

'Y[ ;t l' Wake, awaken iJfJ<M

:ll': 61) 6 Wake up, be roused by 111U~

~ Empty ~(!~

h-t '\'
if);;1) , 6 Tum over, roll Wj~J
:JlI\ \

!fL 7)" l' Cause to roll $liiil]

hll';{_6 :)t;{_6 (11]:,) !fL,;: Fall down, trip over ~fflJ
---------------- ----------------
g. -e
19--\"1' Cool down, chill 1il:'''~tp
2 'JL :'<' i-t ti-t (11]:,)
-._--_---- ;~ 61) 6 Cool, grow cold ~tp
:'<'6")6 t¥l6 ;~ ;t l' Cool down, chill from heated
I; (})11' state fJt:".~*p, ~I!R
h' I) 6 /])11,6
~JtI) 6 .l; I) M l 6 Close, jC 1:jJ
3 ~it -------- --------
___________ o ______ shut

';"6 ~Jt6 t1 .1. I) Up(train) _I: rr

::t ;{_6 Grow, come out 1: tt
'JrJ :i. Raw 1:i!lf
----.---_ ... -_ ---------_. ___ .. _.
%,ffi-f{ \, \ Narrow and thin, elongated
------------- .. - .._----------
..:L ilI>. < *Hl 7) , \' Fine, delicate ffil1I&
:(,z 4' Middle of the night l!i: IiU
;'7 l' Make dirty, besmirch f)!i I'i
';' ~) 11t Il-t1'if./1
Ii'i-, Il-t - \ ' til 6 Break, snap- ?HiIJ
="'" *,m ------ .. -.--._-_._- *m\ \ *m-&\ \
f./'.fl til I):J Division M';#.;
iJt : i' i)'\'
_. __ . __ ._ .. _._--- t1J % Percentage, proportion
iR f,'0"lt.:.r:
iJt 3z:- til 71 (1' 6 ) Offer discount, reduce
price tr11T
--_. __ .. __ ._--_. ~ til Student discount "ll'!UfitD
fLn' 6
~i -----------------
:.z, l c'
: ;S - i)'-t
fLn'-t (11]:,) .J: - :'-t ~'7-t ( 1'1t) __
-------------- --_._ ... _._._. .._._--_._._--- ... ..
c .z, .r c'
: ;SO,,':
fL,;: )-'I] .J:: ·n6 ~'7n6
_-_._ .. _--
-,.., ........
") 6")- t.\ ' ~t:_\ \ ~ t: -f,J." \'
5'7\ \
o b
U-;{_6 ~;{_6 ~'J6 ( 1'1t)
------ -------- :h·6 b .~'Iv
U - '<"-t

~-'(>-t (11]:,) tlJ I) Jf.

- ---_ ..__ .. _-----
< .bl);l)\' .b IHf~
:,<-6")6 ;t¥l6 ~IJ ~IJf;- ~IJ71
., :h I)
:'<- i-t ;ti-t (11]:,) ~~IJ
z h
t- 1.:6 Fot, L 6 ( 1t!'.) :h'n6 ~H16
flt, L '6")6

Fot'¥l6 ( 1'1t)
------_._- ---------
L - ;t 6
[':or' i 6
~ Comfortable. easy, not demanding

At'a9 Human A
iii!! 4:; PaSi i11,
I*'-( -<t 6 ) Rack one's brains to do

something, be inventive in

11>'; 7.1'(' rt i (jA...~ I (

'/,I Carpenter * Ifr

~M~ ~M~~ 1'1'* (-t 6) , Work IfF

ij\'Jf'F ffl Side-effect li\IJ1'l'Jll

§ ?:}\ Nature § 1'&

;jz:3lj Second son, second-eldest (-oldest)

son = JL i'-
Eldest (oldest) son -lXi'-
-:£: -------------------
One-day holiday, day off l'iffi< B
The other day Ji1j ~7\:

~a Th is day, the day in question ~ 7\:

< .i. i t.:_~\ < Sf a Weekday 'fa1
I.~ ;kI. *- a Today ,{,_'(B

)C + Character, let~er

;ix (1' 6) Order

1~ Flight MW:
sf:: ~G1~ Home del ivery, door-to-door

delivery (service) 'f:;~ilS

lJ'~1~ Postal service, mail Ih~;;![

~"oj l:;) tt A... c"?

1*B :7\:;B
t -)t.: --:> ........\ \ t"?
:;'/' ~B ij2-B




r: t;)
if] f:':I
f::1 \ {.I'I' i·t· };f._ l hr.!' hf;i-_ IrA- t:
~ 23 @] z: "? O)1t-gith f jt;{_ {, *fr L \ \;.teJ:
:ffJt!'l'J Irregularity, disorder 1>!i~IjiIJ

:it;<JiI. Ruler mi):~

-#- Ticket n~\~
.). ~ ;t":
:it JtJl-~ Season ticket
=f ;lJU!' I (f.-:) 11<.% Passport ff' m~
..fl} ......._, panicle indicating repetition of an action
~~ -

:it ~ Capacity, maximum number of passengers :Ji!;1-'I'-{J'dt(j!lii\i1iIJA~!OC$m~if.J~5Etli'~A~

:it filii Catalogue price 5Efft
:it:)l:Jl Season (ticket) !'Il'f(

:itf*- 8 Regular holiday, day oil' iimlEit,@,El

;t-it Set meal, set menu ~~
~ 1?1'11'--->
;~:it (-t .;) Decide IR:JE
3 ~ ~ I?l 'I. rl-~
'ft J:::: S tamp, sea I fp'llrt
-fI}*~ 'ftJ ®T (-t .;) Judge, deem *IJtl/i

~f!fIJ Reputation Q Ji'1!

f&ffi (-t.;) Go via, go through ~El3

Jllj '/ 'J



/.;: /

H t37


t:\' t,I'\'

TI) Down (train) 'ffJ
7H4 Surgery WM
(}:;) *-r- 7l' -t
7~ H .;
Remove trlit-'i<
C" L 1:/" L Be off; be wrong
-9:-3- ~-3- ijli~ ,(j1)j~[J)::r;1!f
~i i L
L, t: ~%l-J- §t: 1; ('f .;) Speak out, announce,

-T- ,'/0 L remark .6t 13

... ------------
it-3- V/'/ -----------
1] 1; Dialect 'Jj 15
J:'j ./"
r ~'ii~ A
*,*-3- ji; 1; (-t .;) Pass on a message 'ii/15

< r: 7;, -1& f Second half J§¥

c 1 f: \ '
j& Afterward, later J§*
:t:* (f,J.')
fi'$ Event, festivity f,Sz;iJ
:t:.f. ( f,J.') .fl- -) Carry out, do !jI;fJ
Y-r- Girl :'A'f-
~ --------------
¥5-r- Boy !!'Ii"
.' L S{,·l,' tfoH
(}:;) *-3- Condition. stale ikiJL

i)'::< .t.J..:s
n'~ '1[ -r- v / :/ Microwave f,-&iJi<:!iP
:t:t.l6 (1t1:,)
----- .------------ Aspect, appearance j~;jl<, '1'Ii%
1.1' ~
.' i),-::.f,d
:t:f,J.' 6 Major, severe :1:"*
-tt: "j"'/
'('/0 :'/0
1'i g
~* lmportant, significant m:~
5'~ . jt ~ Body weight 1*~
,~ iJ' 1i -:> t:·~?.:s 1it)6 ~ t;t 7;, Repeal, pi le lip ill: j[

1.11' -> t: ~fd.·7;, Overlap :lI!~

-; t:·;{.:s 17';;t 6 (1t1:,)
5'~-t (1t1:,) 1i;h ~) Reach, spread 1ttlli
± J;t!l Lane! :I:ttll
!l"")lfL l1il1''('" t ~ ± Soil, earth .±.1!M
§f;g 1)1; ± ;:1:.;1;13 :tJ!f. Preparations 1!t il§-
zt :. '!:: :~/o --)t;
rt. R Often, frequently ;t <X
1~-s ± fIR various ?r~rf·i!l-t-f
.1.** King 00.:£
L 1,(
::t ,It. 97 jz)t.
t. r/ Jt.R
:';[1,(. J:-j l'
'3 ~l
1~-'¥- *,*-3-

~ ;t~';!:
::<1 i~R (fi)
t-; -j:: i


:j~ IJ

11' --j Uti:,)

t:\, 1),\' J.-, " t11 .t s-r. hl1' {J'A... L:
~ 25@l -=- -")}X..t0)~Jt;"'7j f Jt;t 6 3l* (2)
'*%" Hardship, hard work ~"'i5
~ L\\ Painful, constricted :$ 'it
'* L t; Suffer Jillili
,*-t- Weak at, not good at l~l!*

,;: l
-=-Pl-!t; Triangle ::::Jfij{;
1!¥;* (fJ_') 1~5f; (--t 6 ) Instruct, direct

1~-t Point out -ti:i IoJ

§ 1§' -r Aimat, target, go toward

iii! *- ~ Fire extinguisher 1< 1<.~

I: A.. ~. / i I) ,~ .j .;{ <' I) ,., {J{ < {t\ '
I) ,; iii! 1t (1' 6) _Consume, spend ii!i'flt
An; - ___

- ___ -_- _________

reT W#1:.
<> -r -r u:/.... ;J.<rli Nerves 'fll'~
12 "n
Wcf'll} ;j,'i' God. deity 1'Jl
__ -_------_-_. ____
f.p,~ (:.1')

t -.Y)~ ;j,~Jiill G od ~'"

:tW m q *- Mind somewhere during owner
~1J U
ilfr ---- --------- :f~ 9' 6

Protect; keep (promise)

;!if I'l , 'ill '-1'

@)'!&~ Coupon set, book of tickets

,'2JiJ: Points, score 5tl&
'!& Number l&il
'!iJ. ;Z 6 Count l&
§;f§ Prime minister

~§ q:.. The other side, the other person,

opponent )(1:1J
fiP;H Free of charge :ft'lli
l;"l>: fiP;:$ Sate, unharmed 'jZ1(7Clj:l
m"j-: (-t 6) Study abroad \W$
+r; -/J'l,.. ~ .1
i-ljl ;j-Efliflt it- m Registered mail tt-~f~

-/J'\ ,-(

@) ;fJx '*
i 11 A.. ""( ,<"-1" i

.'2" ~


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1~' 1 =
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25 1PJ ....·Iv

D 8 ?I U < 71 < D i'J'1v

1PJ ~
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(rg~Jt D 27 ~+ t; H::f:
D 11 0)[,'
l1X ;t; D 28 l:. i'.J.' -:>
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f:fu D \ \;{

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0 17 ,~R _L::t- ,~R D 771 ~@l


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D 18 F9 l/ ~F9 0 32 @] ;J: ~) /.;,

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D 19 ~ l'/
lr}]10iIl D j t-,-q- @l-t
t}; ";-\'l

D 20 1t t ;hI \
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E 1:11:::
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D D 53
D 36 D
D D 54

D 1j1 D 55

D 37 Tt D 56

D D 57
D 38 tiJ D
D 39
tl.J D 58
D t. (J) L \ \ D
-\" ...
D 40 ~\\ D 59
~A.I: 1

D D 60 :i1i .., , , iiipJ]-

~~: .
D 41 D t,iJ'\\ iii \ \

D D 61 1t --.
D 42 1} '/ D
D 43 D 62

D 44 D 63

D 45
D D 64
D 46 D

D 47 ---------
. ---- -------------------
D D 65
48 <
(11 '-Q'

D 66 ~t@J
D D 67

.' D 68

D ::::::::(J)~ D
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D 51

D 52
o o 90 iT
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o o 92
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o 81 7 L J)
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o 82
;(.1' ::
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o 89 o J,(

D 109
0 110 1E LAId 7[&':l L] 132 11t- 1;' I) 6 I) 6
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0 114 :k$ ~tJ :{($ 0 138 tk ~~ ~)(

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0 117 ~:i\ .> ~~,~j{ 0 141 ~ :/:2'7
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D 172
D 173

If L.t
D 174

D 175

D 176

-- -- 177 t.J)
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D 160 D 179 +
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------- 181
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D 163 D 122
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D 164
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D 166 A -=-/ D 186 Ii L ~

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D 187

D 167 7..-

D D 188 Jl t-I) ~

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o 192
o o 212 t I)
, 'I

o 193 1* - -----------
'71 o 213

o D
o 194 D 214

o 195 D
o D 215

f--- ---
196 '71
------ 216 ----------------_------

i f:\'

j;j; sr it
D };;t-;~\\ :;k_~\\ D };t7t ~
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o 217

----- 218
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o 199 D 220

o 200 o 221
o 201 o
------ 222
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o 202 o "/ ;/l~,g.-

o 203 D 223 ±
o 204 L6 o 224

D 205 D 225
D 206 ...... __ ..
o 226

D ---:J<

~< o
------ 227
:::t:.i 6

o + CL '; o :::t:.i

D 207 D 228

o ~,,'; \,
D 229

D 208 5_i~ D-- 230 1-'/

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D 209 D
D 231
71' t'-j VI'(

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0 252 8 t -r ? 8
232 it ;.1;

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0 233 1fJJ 1.1 r. G< fh < D

------ 254 0
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0 234 t:!f r ? iHlj D L tJ_

"-± l "'''-
0 235 67[; J: t,' ~ft;L 0 255 ::f 7 :fi~

0 236 i¥j htJ_'h


m 0 256 x_ t, t,

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\; D
0 \
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240 A --_ .. _---_---- _-------------------_.-_--
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~ 0 7"/
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.t1 0' 'J
J: ') .>: a D 266 1f.. ,~ .>
L",-,tj'_" <i; ~I -j

D 246 Je / \ ';;
tl:iJE D 267 ~ --.::../ §tg5'~
0 247 -¥ / \ /'
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rp i ItA.. Ii
0 248 $& / \ /'
5'~ 0 269 If}- 1.11.1
£1'11,(. ; 117
0 249 BJE / {/'
-8Jf!$t ,.
0 ,1; '/
tt3_-_ :;7 --
If'('::- i
---- -- 270 7J _ .. --.--_ .. _--_ .. .. .. ..
----- .. - ......

0 [J
250 / {/' fJ,t:
~-'5- ~tJ):;7
0 251 ~ --;fJ'n6 ~n6 D 271 :it ~t. :Jt

~ N 5' N 4 [.;."')~0)30oorO);i*(::TO)MC(l:i-1J
- 272 *- -1-.~
- --------I- *~~
- 8 ---------
-J< /1"

D 273 *- ;t/

D 274 !iii 71

D 275 -9.t \ ' t ') t

D 276 75 7/

----- 277 0*
D 278 ~ , /

D 279

D 280 SA ;)1)'

sA6 \ \
D 281 §

D 282 r,
D 283 ro~
D 284
... _--
D J:6

D 285 '1
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D 289 ).f- 3')

D 290 Bi' 3')

D 291 71

D *- < 6

D 292 1J 1 I)

D 293 J! I)

D 294 t--;
JL t-
D :ftT6

D 295 '1'R I) "3

'l r i I)

D 296 ;¥4 I) 3 ')


tJ'ivt: L t<..-.(~ l Irt~ i;'ivl- ::t:(;t'

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D 2 };/J'j)~,c J-;q-2/v

D 3 };tJ~,c J-;X-2/v

D 4 };t -rJ.' -j::j",

D 5 ~ 1: 7 ~B
D 6 It~ ~~Jl

D 7 :::tL ~.:If-
D 8 L1:71' _t-t-
D 9 -'J \ \ t: i; -8
D 10 t It\ \ g,Ht
D 11 1:::\ \ ~,c }L-2/v

D 12 tJ~~,c -j(ijl-2

D 13 Ii I: t, =+
D 14 li-'J/J' =-+8
D 15 tn; I) -A.
D 16 ",t: I) =-A.
D 17 ,>-OJ /J' =-8
D 18 "'-I: T:t
D 19 ->, '('
D 20 1,\,,11 ±;i

D 21 '('};'(' ;'EUi
1 (1)11 (~)tJ (~);L' l (~)-) i @< '5 i o» \ (}) tj @::: t t
2 (j)a (~)b b a (~)b (0C cD c
3 CD%" « t) "~.1J,[3 (Ill) (3)~~1v (J.JJ~Iv) (4):6 (\\;h) (I it: It)

4 (1)3ffB (3 <J~) (2)t (It) ®* (:::60) (\\t)

5 (1)tO)i}'t:l) @Tti}'~') @Ii,c<h. @\d;,li @a};};7)\t: bit ~)-§-

1 CDfJ.'It'iLt: (V-)t;i-r ®fJ.'\\T @:hG-:>T

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4 CDiL,-:>t: G (11 G -:>t: G) @:flT-:>T (); -:>T) ®=lEfl-r (};-t)

5 CDJt-""t: (fJ.'G-""t:) CV;:t.t;6 (};t;6) ®i8!;:t6 (L'iJ,;:t6) @;f,hT (:ht:-:>T)

1 CD"')i-r @:::il)i-r ®t:-rlti-f C£)J:.z,:::rli-r

2 CDb @b @b @b ®c

3 CD;ai -s t: (t i -:>t:) (V1t\\l (-:J\\T) ®H-:>T (IH'-:>T) @8wtL6 (lltL6)

4 CD$Li-r (t -)Li-r) @ffi')i Lt: r; i I) i Lt:) ®~ItT (iltT)

@~ \ \ t: (t '(.\ \ t: ) @*:!t < ( -:J-j < )
5 GH -) L:::h @};h7)'\\Li-r ®"-:>T @U-jlt ®-)~;h-J @~it\\T CV1lJ;ItT

1 CD;ht: t: 1h \ @;h -:J\ \ ® i 6 \\ @L'1' 7)'L \ \

2 CDb (Va ®a @a
3 CD'i'tLh'-:>t: (\\-T7)'Lh'-:>t:) @;)j':L\\ (-t1"L\\) ®;(§L\\ (7)'fJ.'L\\)

CDa (Vb ®a @b ®a

2 CD;{_iJ\); (Vi-:>i)'fJ.' @ttt:.t) @-C-:Jt:'-:>T

1 CD2 @2 ®3 @4 ®4

2 CD1 @2 ®2 @4 ®1
3 CDa~--j'~i-tttC @bhfd.'~tC ct7L<hlf'i-t ®dhtLtOJ ett'ltf.:

@f V --j' It ® g 11'tC < h @ h }; 1; --:J\ \ "'[ CD i -'[- I::: IJ"h j ; IJ<'I: (§) k ;t .., < G

®lhIJ'tOJ m,}o\\ @nt'IJ'L otOJIJ"t:l) p;tfd.''''''~ ;

4 a.% b-3-1~~tC C:R drlL elit.:lt t~ g};l:::i ) h$L:i6h


t", ,;: .: z If <

.2e ~<~~~~.~~~~* -0 f)'.( t:

CDa LtCf1J7 bf1J7 LtC (Va {f'tCl) .J: < bt.:\\I).J: < ®aIJ'ICt'7 bIJ'ICLi Lt.:
@aL.J:-1±\\ bt~'IC-1±\\

2 CDa @a ®a @c
3 CD*~~(-1±IC) @~'i (IJ'\\V) @@H'§ (l L,C) @:ttAM U'IJ',,c,) 12)~f~- (vJH L:.J: 7)
4 CDa iiliilJi (I) .J:7 L IC) b iifiiiJIIJ (I) .J:7 IJ{;b)

®~"tUR (L.J: 71H) b1ttR (TIClfi)

5 CD;IJ~±-tt c.;,< L,(>~.J:7) CV~18@) (t~'\\18IJ'\\) @-e-77;Z (IJ'<77;Z)

@~#.891:: (<'t.:\ \"'[ ~ I::) ®19 I) 7Jii( (1 9 I) 7-ti'l \)

CDa~\\~IC bt..,tt @a~6I)t.: blt..,LIC @ali-'('\\ bL-'[-<

@a -'[-"7 1;' b ,j,;(_ i L t.:
2 CDb @a ®b @b ®b @c

3 CDa};t"'[ bU.J:7 (Va-7t,IJ{~') b<hkfd.\\ ®aUJ;(_~ b--:J\\IJ'

4 CD5,lj\_6I)~ (;f:,t.:f.:6I)~) @~t.:~ (<ht.:~) ®i!\\"':)\\t.: (h\\"':)\\t.:) G)*t,/..J~' (L-ttCtD

5 CDa5,lj\_J.t (};ICt") b#.5,lj\_# (t.:\\};,(,lt\\)

(Va~. (I::: 711'IC) -o ~f& (I::: -7{tIC)

®a*ti* (1-1-:,1;') bt:t,~ (It..,:n

6 (l");t\\I)i-t (2)U')Ii':lk ®am:~:JU1i, b*~ (~)Y'J.r*J

G)1 @2 @3"lt@3 @4

2 G)1 @3 @1 @4 @3

3 171J) 1 f.EifWJ 2 liLJ*l 3 f.Ei/j @1tift

G) 1 3[.. 23[.:t Q).jtJjM 43[.A
@ 1 it !fJ ~,;_:§c 3 it L t: 4 it~
@ CD!f!t* 2 -w.& 3 -w.~ 4 -w.ili
@ (Di*JH 2 ::tW7.m 3 i!;I]o 4 ~;I]o

4 a-w.::k b t: \ 'V J: 'j C tL{, I) J: < dlt--olJ' e ~tvB7-tJ,.· fIL{,t-j

t,I' ,;: Ii' ",!..- ,: t If ....,

( i)'1..- L
~ 3 ff~ ±~OOO)~~~11=0~~~
a:•• I!I.
1 aIJ-j;{_~ b;{_\I-~l'j,;~ c,:::-j:::< dLJ-jVlvi)'Iv') erbl:rp-j f~'Lr)J")

2 G)a @e @a G)b l2)e

3 G) L J: -j T Iv @~ i)'\ \ ®-t-iM @$WitB

4 G)rm~ (L J: 'j ~ J -j) @~~~ (-tt\\-F-j ~ J: 'j) @Jt~~~ (Itlv-tt")~"J:-j)

@il~ ((j) -j ~' J: -j)

1 a:::<~\\ b-tt\\,j· e-tt\d;J:-j d:::-jL'\\1v elt,(,l) ft:'lvf:\\ g;h\~'

2 G) b C1) e @ a @ a) a b) e ®a
3 G)a#-f.? (1:\ \ I) J: <) bt6hf.? (~,J: -j I) J: <)

@ a ~14- (L J: -) 1 t Iv) b .14- (L 1t Iv)

@a 'fLJt1. (iJ'Iv-tt\ I) b 1£~ (iJ'Iv-l±',{,)

@ a ill'l rn. (-tt \ \ 1 t Iv) b ill'l It (-tt', \ t)

a-tt'{'L~ bvj)-)L.J:-) clf',{,-::"\I dJi)c:'hnt: eiJ''J f;tGlfnT gfJ'h-?T

h t. t::.iJ'-? T

2 Qa @c @a ®c ®a @b
3 Q a ~&~ (I t \ I It ,{,) bKJ:.g (It\\;t\\)

@a-6 (\'L) b-6~m (-tt~vj)

® a i&5~~ (-tt\1 L iJ')

Q2 @2 @4 ®1 ®2

2 Q1 @2 ®4 ®3 ®3
3 Q aU;; < b:: -) .; < @ c Iit::. C:, \ lTd;; -) t' -)L J -) It,{, @e It,C -tt 'J f t: T G n t:
4 QillIJfla.i!lt (-tt\ Ilt',{,-T: < n (V~51tPX.* (It\ \-::"\ l-tt\ ,t,.J: -)
®5j2-~Efl1* (-"..\ '~--d-:_It::.\ I) G)$;f,iA1trfo (rPI:: rp -) L.J: < U,{,)

®OOF,''kt5hn (:: < ~\I~.J: -) I).J: <)


alt-?-tt2.' b-T:"")~'.J:-) cL~~'.J:-) dLrj)-?-tt~ e,;~,{,«f7 fT,{, g::-)iJ'<

h L rj) < t-:_'\ I

2 Qc @b /@c ®a

3 Q L L.J: @iJ'\ I t -) @iJ',{,t::.'{' ®:: -) t -)iJ< -? :: -)

4 Q a ~~%- (L iJ' <) b 'Ii t%- (-tt \ I iJ' <)

(2)ci;fhlL (L I)"") b~lL (:: -) I)~)

®aJI~!? (IJiJ\\I) bi~!?5k (iJ'\\lt~)

5 a~EM** (t::.,{,'!:f:\\!j'O b-@-t% (>'JiJ'O ciWm (iJ'\\-\i--) d;fott!- (LI)l-)

a 111t £ b t-; L (;J: G \ let::. \ \ \ \,{, d -\" -? ~ l < e U L .J:-) < i;

2 Q c (2) a ® a) a b) b ® a

3 G)~t!3f* (t,:: ~ -) (2);ttB (L L rp"") ®*&-1t (~I')J --j L .J:<) @-r'~ (J: ~,{,)

4 a ~L',5 b 2 i'l§' c ,f.~ d L .J:6 \ \ e L .J:-? ~ f L ~ -) I) g ;fJ~j}

1 aL~ bLrplvU eLi)'\\ dL.J:7i)'\\ eLrp...,LIv f~;fJ1v

2 G)b (Va ®e ®a ®b
3 G) a it;! (T < te::") ) b Je1i (11...,te::") )

(VatBtt (Lrp...,LIv) b tt* (L Iv t, .J:7)

® a ~J& (L..., 11\ \) b ~~ (L ") ~".J:7)

@ a ~~ (Itlv\ \Iv) b~;f4 (Itlvl).J:7)

1 att~L b,;:lvi)' ellT"1v di)'f)'< e~tlv ft"<L.J: gi)'lvT7

2 G)b (Vb ®a @b ®a

3 G);iJliJt (i kT <) (V#i:1t (It Iv::) ®R~ (111v-1±\\) @:fJt (,;'T <) ®OJfi~ (i)'if) 7)

4 a20~2q::\\ b;h\' ei);'Cn.~ dlilvte::\\ e-1±~I::,(, fl)T7

1 a,;,-j,;, bJ:-;-)(:: e-)(::N')1' dLr»...,~1v ettk~rp7 f")f\.1'

2 G) a) b b) a @ b (j) b

@af'-1± (L;h;h-1±) bf'~ (::::7,;,0

4 G)1k'l1~ (i)'k L k) (ViIDt~ (N')k-1±")) ®J!fL l' (")fL -0 @;SfL'r (tJi'fL 1')

5 G)aIH' bi)'i),l) @ate::I::1v bJ".fJ.hLt:: ®ali b.rill c L»- @t,.J:<-1±1v

6 a")7~1v b::::7,;'< ei)'klt\\ di)'l\\ e,;'7,;' fL;hh-tt g")(::N')6 hriJN')

G)2 (V4 ®4 @2 ®4

2 G)1 @2 ®2 @4 ®3
3 G)a1lhL"t bt,.J: <-1±") (Ve L")~".J: 7 d L...,li\' ®e,;~lvlf7 fll7117

@g,;'T< hikT'< ®il~t\\::k jU~::k

4 G) a te::k L.J: b ~')-tfL t if) @e 7..l L .J:7 I:: ® d It..., ;\ .J:< e 1iN1¥i::1f

@f i)'\ -r:« g 'tJ3]t (~h *'7 i~ J 7 L ®j «o: <- k~~ (1) 1)2J~
a -\::t,.(,;; b L~ c t; fJ' l-") d 1? ~ "I'"' < ~ i e t; t1J -) h -) f L J: -) I/) \ \ L J: g l-") t" -)

2 CDb @b G)a ®a
3 CD311!A_(31h<I:::,.(,) @2;fj((2:"\\) G)M1@(-f,(,(,~) G)38~ji(38UJ:-)

®41~ (411\ \)

4 CDa ~1! (11 -) -'t -) ) b 1!# (-'t -) I) J: -)

@a§eBJl (11-")1/)\ \) b IDtBJl(-\::t-")I/) \ \)

G)ai!;t (Lr)J-)i-") bJ3;t (It-")i-")

5 a~:i1! b tJt7G c ~ L,.(, d I) J: ~ -) ~ "I'"' < e ~ i!:i1!:fB- f!iJ1L:1:t~

a -) -") < L\ \ b l i C h.t t: -) d U L r)) -") -/J'''(' e t "2",.(, f < -) ::: -) g L:: -) h h -tJ.' t
i ,),h j 0)11'1) i-t

2 CDc @a G)b ®c ®b @c
3 CDaift~ (\\t;)

@a;f~~ (h -) t~',.(,) b;f~ U~)

G)a4'foJ (117~-) b 0]1)'-:> l (L'1)'-:> l)

0Dai2i:MlJ1!3 (rp-) :X_,.(,t;) bi2i:,.(,t.:' (;'nf:,.(,t.:')

4 (D a ,;, -) -i± ,.(, b t Iv T @ «o : -) ~ b'Y ,tt ~ @"2 L;h 1it: L. /)' < \ \

@a~h b*~ @~~ ~a~ b~~A

5 (1) a-,¥~ (I.t"('t-) b1J~ (Il-)-/J{O c~ (li) dihL (c::n
( 2) e x JJ ( fJ'':::' ,.(,) f f.J(j (. ; , h) g ~1*Tn (U L ,p -") fJ' ,.(, ) h ~ ::"-tt 6 (-<i:' -tt 6 )

1 CD3 @1 G)2 ®4 ®4
2 CD3 @1 G)3 ®1 ®4
3 1§IJ) $iHT CIHiZ1t 2 tJt7t 3 1JfoJ

CD gJtBJl 1 1f:b 2 ~:g Q)~iEBJl.

@ :O)z~ W~1§ 2 ~m 3Jl!Vt
G) lM7_)( 1 1@$: Q);f~lM 3 ffi1*
4 a T"('li b -tJ.',.(, 11\ \ c BJl6 < d7G-:>l e 0)11'6 f th < g ch-'tli-ttt:') h h -) t::_',.(,

i ~71)'\ \ j ~L\\ k 1! I) i-t j U6i"~"

reI' ";: hI. J: < I. J: jilf ;)'1. c
~ 4 gB :g~"'Cdi-c~llwcdi-~JVtG~~~

1 CDal:::&,)6 b:£L (1)aiJl:::""-) bJ;;,;;~iL,,--') ®a-tt£&':l£LJ: bJ;;,G..,-r

(I) a f" G .., I: b. ;, < L rp -) ®a 1;' L rP b -) t: c -) t: ..,I:

2 CDc (1)a ®b C0a

3 CDa*i6 (;h~i6) b**-t6 (L'1J-)::::-)-t6)

(1)a:i!t: (-t-tt:) bi!:!}<-t6 (L£11-t6)

®aii~&,)6 (I;1L&,)6) brmii~-t6 (1;'\IL-t6)

4 CDa1Cr.!; (11\11"£) b1C..,-r C-)..,-r)

(1)a ~;j}~ (~t: <) b ~;j}..,I: G (I;';{_.., t: G)

® a ~~ (:: £:::: -) ) b ~;;t -r (I;' L7){;;t -r)

@a::f,I(',~1".,L' (.;,L:1".,L') b,I(',..,/: (ht..,/:)

5 CDUGIJ'tL/: (1)J;;,lt/: ®a*,*~ b~/:\1

CDal;'\\I;'\1 b-)h (1)a~~ bt<L ®a.;,I.r bt,t, cl;1l;1

@aJ;;,:: bt,J:-)LJ:<

2 CDb (1)a ®b @b ®c @b

3 CDa*ff,1\ (UJ: -) L) bff,1\ (I;'h)

(1)a~1~ (::\11"\1) b1~1J'..,/: (U<IJ'..,/:)

®a~@', (I::: < L J: <) b@', (\ 17;,)

@ a # El (I;' t < ) b 51 El (t~rP -) t. < )

4 CDL L.1: (1) < U Cil a -f < 1".1.'

\ 1 b -t ::::L @-tt\ 1tl £ ® a :t'lR b L J:: -) tl £ @~;tI!.

CD1 @1 @4 (~)2 @3

2 CD4 (2)3 @ 1 (02 @3

3 CDt\*rilj:/(El (L J;;,\17)'\ 1L) @***M (L rP -) :::: -') L l;'lv)

®*Li6hffl~ (t-) L::::hJ:-j L) @#tltJTfPit (h-)t:£llt-')

®1!ffl :1t ± (L J: -) ~ £ L )
4 (~)~.J:_ ,I(', ~:I\) (~ ,d') (~ ~ilX @',) (~ /) C:i! !it ~tf j§)
(1)a~foJ"':' (L G"':') b~1t-t.:. (t,J: -) :':-9':')

®a~tJ.:. (1}'tJ.:.) b~1t-t~ (",.(,1}'-9':')

® a ~j7<' (.;, -t±<") b ~:O.Jl:-9':' (I r -)L -9 .:.)

3 CDa (1)b ®b ®c ®a
4 CD5M,IT(I) rp -) :::. -) (L J: < .;:~)
(1)t@:4W ®t;?M (117 t,.(,) m~~ (L rplt,.(,)

5 CDa~C'.I)1-9 «11'1)1-9) b ~C'.l!.(I i \ t: -; )


(1)a HBn'-? -r Un' -? -r) bHB(~J:<)

®ait\\1-9 (t,1h\1-t) .bit&. (\111,,(,)

m a llf -r G;It t: (Zr: Cr G ;ltt~) b 1*llftl( (t: \ 1 \ \ < i)'''(')

6 CD-) It -; It (1)f: -r ~ t: ® Ii 1}';It -r ® ch -9 Itt: ®~foJ

0,**+ (~t@:;t t:

.;:ol ••••••

CDa d0 ~ \ \ b t1-» @ a Ii' < L ~ Ii b t: L. 7)'9'}I -9 ® a t: t ;t l;f b ~i_ \ 1

2 CDc (1)a ®a @b ®c @b ~a
3 CDafJ]9') (11L9'}) b:~HJ] (:':\'LJ:)
(1)a ilJ(n{mi\ \ (chf:1n'\\f:\\) bilJ(mi7)'-9':' (-r~-)7)<'-9':')

@a1x;f*':' (1},liGf\'':') b,X'.·*t::· (U~J:-)t::·)

4 CDftiM (Lrp6\') (1);*< (.;,7)'0 @;J1;(liL)

5 CD"\'tJ.~ (1)f:Ln'l: @t:tJ. ®fd::'l\\ ®fJ]9'}-r

1 CD2 (1)4 ®2 ®1 ®3

2 CD3 (1)1 ®1 m4 ®2 ~
3 CDj)l:~:t:iM (U ~ J: -) L J: 6 \ \) (1)1t~~1t (1)'1)' < ",.(, Ii') ®~5i5~t~ (-tt \ 1 1)'~ L rp -) 7),,.(,)

®*I:~& (t:\ \ I) J: -) -tt\ \:':,.(,)

4 CDaLrplt,.(, b-)ltt-:>t~·(1)al)rp-)=-) b/,(iJ{~;ltl @af:t::l\\ b-tt\'1}'<I:

5 ( -1 ) (is }X 5fY ~~ ( :f a. 7) CiLii *1l.:=JB

(*7) Cj~ tR ~B (37) 0i' ffl *~
to" ,;: .t .'t: "'Iv l
~5e ~<~~~~h~ffi~~~*

1 CDahl)6 b;,_"T @all-'C\\ b:::;!:tH' @a7)';ft b7)'<7)L.J: @a::i-f bV\"'-f

2 CDa @a @b

3 CDiJ!\' (hi'\') @;-1)\' (~t:t,{\,) @$J;7){_"T (:::,;;n{-:.T) @ft96".>T (L6".>T)

4 CDa:::~~ bItd,'7)' @a;ti;{_"t:::. b-)-b~ c<7)lll) @a-'CG b7)'G

,@ a ::: -) ::: -) -tt \ \ b fd,'i c \ '~ T ® a -b I) U~ b -b tt T @ a '~ 6".>

T t b h (r it T

5 CDa'i.:U"lt:::. (7 ittt:::.) b' T (Iiit T)

@ a ;-'5' it. T (J:::: tt T) b 5-1)< ( ~ t: fd,' < )


@a ;1;;-1:::. \, (-; JI) T: \ ,) b ;~ ~ L T (U \'" L T)

@a eHi* (L l ~ L '\',), b $J;~ T (:::.2, ~ T")

b iJ!tt T (tc) < it. T)


1 CDa rp 7 U A_ ~ J: < - b t: < Ii \ \ U ~ C "" ~ I) - d ,;, "" ~

@ a ::: 7 L' J: -) - d ::: -) ~'J: -) c t~'\\ < - b < ,;, -)
@al:::t;I7U-dl:::t;L c-tt~L-;-b""\\L-;
===== === ===
2 CDb @c @b @b ®a

3 CDa§~ (L,;:~) b§f& (L-tf'L)

@a JU~ (it ~,;:-;) b ~i~ (I::: t--:»

@aAM (1:::~lt~) bMM (~7)'~)

@a 'X:1t: (,;~~7)) b5ix: (t; rp -) t~)

4 CDa ,C;, < b t. <7)L \' @ a :: < U~ b:: ~ J: -) ® a {* El b El ':l3t: I)

1 CDa::G\'L'1J7 b::\'Llt~ @aUJ:-)lj'~ bli~t~~ @alt\'rp bLrp-)

2 CDb @a @b @c

3 CDJti*El (l\\~r)J-)U) @m.~IJ (~-'C<) @,§H,J (UJ: 7IJ~)

4 CDit filIi @%. (3).jlj..'fIJFIi

1 CD a t.; t \\ b I)' ~ tl6 0 a 1.; Iv fd.' 0) = b J: 7 -t ®a -~ J: 7 L b 1-:; ~~ fd.' hit 6

®att; b-')t;

2 CD a 1:[;;(_ T (-') t: ;(_

T) b 1:[;% L T (T Iv = k L T)
Q) a 1PJ it t (fi Iv t' t ) b Ttl? (t~ut: U)

3 (Dc (21b (31a (4'b (5)a

4 11) a 1.;1) 6 b<t~l) c-'5-1;<'_,T (2':8','7 b=t:IJ cli-')(-Y;_

® a L t. 0) = b t; J -J L c J: -j -t a \ ' _, t: G b = 1 t 7 c J: = i, _,T

®a 1)'\' l rj)-') b lii'it T

5 CD~~~ @.*~®a~~ b*~

1 CD a I:: Iv ~ J: 7 b I)' t: t; c ~ Iv I), < It \ \ @ a -t 7 L b I), i' c 7)' -f ;(_6

2 G) a < 6 L \ I b I:: I) <'\ I C < is 7 0 a L J: -J 1J' ~ bit -t c:~;(_ t:

®a 11J U b ~ l' c L L ®a fd.' < l' b,;: L c L' I) J: 7

3 ffib 0b ®b 0a
4 ffiq6 (it6) (?)i'EI-'f-(;h\IT) ®5fi';(_fi-l;'_,t: (~;(_fi-l;'_,t:) (4)'i!i'L-'t7 «6L-'t7)

5 ffiai'EI~ (-f7t~k) b;fEl-'f- (;h\IT) Cll;fEl (Lr)JlJ: 1)

Q)a;tlff± (LkL-\,,) b;tlf;li (-I;'h-~i) C;f$~ (llvlt\l)

®aW# (I) rj) 71)<'0 bWq=lff (6-tIJk) c-.w (I)'~ tj1»

®a~ ;(_6 (I), -Z' ;(_ 6) b ,~,

~j: (T k -t 7) c ~j: (I), i')

Fo'j~ 1
rcilj~2 W1
W1 [2]4
[1]4 llil4
I 1112
~JL, ~1
~3 [1]2 llill,

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