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Computers in

Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453

Problematic Internet use or Internet addiction?

Peter M. Yellowlees *, Shayna Marks
University of California, Davis Center for Health and Technology, 2300 Stockton
Boulevard, Third Floor, Sacramento, CA 95817, United States

Available online 11 July 2005


The aim of this paper is to review the gradually evolving body of the literature on Internet
addiction. Two schools of thought have emerged: those authors who believe that Internet
addiction merits classification as a new or emerging psychiatric disorder in its own right,
and those who define certain individuals as having problematic Internet use in relation to spe-
cific online activities, such as gambling, email or pornography. Despite a total lack of meth-
odologically sound research, the evidence appears to support the second perspective. It
appears that individuals who are premorbidly vulnerable, especially with a history of impulse
control and addictive disorders, are especially at risk of using the Internet in a problematic
way. Aside from the personal and social implications of this finding, this behavior has impor-
tant implications for the workplace and may be resulting in substantial loss of productivity in
companies who are not implementing Internet governance policies.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Problematic Internet use; Internet addiction

1. Definition and prevalence

The concept of addiction, though traditionally used to describe a physical depen-

dence on a substance (Holden, 2001), has been applied to excessive use of the Internet.

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 916 734 8581; fax: +1 916 734 3580.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P.M. Yellowlees), shayna.marks@ucdmc. (S. Marks).
Tel.: +1 916 734 0433; fax: +1 916 734 3580.

0747-5632/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1448 P.M. Yellowlees, S. Marks / Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453

A variety of terms have been used to describe this behavior, including ‘‘Internet addic-
tion’’ (Bai, Lin, & Chen, 2001; Mitchell, 2000; Shapira, Goldsmith, Keck, Khosla, &
McElroy, 2000; Young, 1998), ‘‘pathological Internet use’’ (Davis, 2001), and ‘‘prob-
lematic Internet use’’ (Davis, Flett, & Besser, 2002). Researchers have described a syn-
drome of intense preoccupation with using the Internet (Chou, 2001; Treuer, Fabian,
& Furedi, 2001), excessive amounts of time spent online, compulsive use of the Inter-
net, difficulty in managing the time spent on the Internet, feeling that the world out-
side of the Internet is boring, becoming irritated if disturbed while online, decreased
social interaction with ‘‘real’’ people (Kraut et al., 1998), and increased loneliness and
depression (Nalwa & Anand, 2003; Whang, Lee, & Chang, 2003). Several Internet
researchers have developed tools for assessing Internet dependence or addiction (Tsai
& Lin, 2001). The bulk of the work in the area of defining Internet addiction has been
undertaken by Young and Case (2004).
In 1998, Young proposed a set of criteria for diagnosing Internet addiction based
on the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1995) criteria for pathological
gambling (Young, 1998). She selected eight of the 10 gambling criteria she felt
applied most readily to Internet use – preoccupation with the Internet, a need for
increased time spent online to achieve the same amount of satisfaction, repeated
efforts to curtail Internet use, irritability, depression, or mood lability when Internet
use is limited, staying online longer than anticipated, putting a job or relationship in
jeopardy to use Internet, lying to others about how much time is spent online, and
using the Internet as a means of regulating mood – and determined that those pa-
tients fulfilling five out of the eight criteria would be considered Internet-dependent.
This determination exceeds the indication for a diagnosis of pathological gambling
disorder, which requires only five out of 10 criteria to be met. Although Young
admitted that her data collection by voluntary online or telephone surveys was prob-
ably somewhat biased, and that it was more likely that people formed addictions to
the applications available on the Internet, rather than to the Internet itself, her
results showed a number of differences between addicted and non-addicted groups,
as well as a variety of psychological and occupational consequences of excessive
internet use.
YoungÕs criteria quickly took hold in the Internet research community; a number
of other researchers have used her criteria to determine the degree of Internet depen-
dence in their subjects (Chou, 2001; Tsai & Lin, 2003; Whang et al., 2003). However,
despite the suggestion by some that Internet addiction considered to be an estab-
lished illness (Bai et al., 2001), no criteria have been adopted into the DSM-IV or
its more recent revisions. In their 2001 study, Beard and Wolf proposed modifying
YoungÕs original criteria for Internet addiction to categorize problematic Internet
use more appropriately. They asserted that the first five statements – preoccupation
with being online, increasing time spent online, unsuccessful attempts to stop, irrita-
bility when cutting back use, and staying online longer than intended – would not
necessarily disrupt oneÕs routine all by themselves. To more clearly delineate Internet
addiction, Beard and Wolf stated that the first five of YoungÕs criteria must all be
met, and that at least one of the final three be met as well. Two camps have formed
in the area of Internet research – one which feels that Internet addiction is, or should
P.M. Yellowlees, S. Marks / Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453 1449

be, established as a psychiatric disorder in its own right, and one which insists that
Internet addiction sufferers are actually dependent on some rewarding aspect or
function of behavior associated with Internet use that could exist in the ‘‘real’’ world,
such as dependent or addictive behavioral patterns related to money or sex.
Those who define Internet addiction as a specific mental illness have developed
most of the estimates of the prevalence of the problem, but these estimates vary
greatly, from as low as 3% reported by Mitchell (2000) and Whang et al. (2003) to
15% reported by Bai et al. (2001), 25–30% reported by Chou (2001), to as high as
80% in YoungÕs original study (1998). Many of these estimates were made, however,
from data gathered from methodologically poor online surveys, which probably also
have biased their findings in favor large numbers of high Internet users. Researchers
in the other camp have not denied the addictive features of the Internet, but gener-
ally assert that users are addicted to the material they find on the Internet, such as
online gambling, shopping, or chatting, not to the medium itself (Davis, 2001; Davis
et al., 2002; Griffiths, 2000; Tsai & Lin, 2003). In particular, Davis has described
‘‘pathological Internet use’’ and has distinguished between specific pathological
Internet use, or the overuse of certain online applications, and generalized patholog-
ical Internet use, or the overuse of the Internet for no specific purpose. They have
also noted that Internet addiction shares a number of common elements with im-
pulse control disorders (Beard & Wolf, 2001; Shapira et al., 2000; Treuer et al.,
2001), and some researchers have proposed that problematic use of the Internet
should be viewed as such a disorder; for example, impulse control disorder not other-
wise specified (NOS) with excessive Internet use.
A number of differences have been found to exist between those who use the Inter-
net in a healthy way and those who do not. Individuals found to be ‘‘Internet-depen-
dent’’ have also frequently been found to be more attracted to interactive Internet
applications, such as chatting, games, and shopping, whereas non-dependent individ-
uals seem to use the Internet almost exclusively for sending email and searching for
information (Whang et al., 2003; Young, 1998). Young found that just over half of
those labeled ‘‘Internet-dependent’’ had been online for less than one year, indicating
that new users may be more inclined to develop problematic behaviors associated
with their internet use, a finding supported by later studies (Kraut et al., 1998). Addi-
tionally, more than two-thirds of YoungÕs subjects found to be ‘‘non-Internet-depen-
dent’’ had been online for over a year, which may show that excessive Internet use is
something that could wear off over time in the majority of individuals.

2. Etiology

Research in this area is generally of poor quality, with few studies using control
groups, randomization, or well-validated measures. A number of psychosocial disor-
ders are thought to be related to excessive Internet use. The presence of certain
comorbid diagnoses, including mood disorders, bipolar disorders, and social anxiety
disorder, are highly represented among groups of excessive Internet users (Shapira
et al., 2000). A large proportion of individuals who overuse the Internet also meet
1450 P.M. Yellowlees, S. Marks / Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453

or have met the criteria for a substance abuse disorder (Anderson, 2001; Bai et al.,
2001), which is consistent with the pattern found in individuals with other ‘‘behav-
ioral addictions’’ such as pathological gambling. Some believe that those Internet
users who have such addictive risk factors have already made the first step toward
overuse (Pratarelli & Browne, 2002). Similarly, others have described a cognitive-
behavioral model (Davis, 2001) where Internet addiction may result when some psy-
chological factor causes an individual to be vulnerable to dependence on new online
content. Obsessive thoughts then follow about the online material, and feelings
develop where the Internet is perceived as a ‘‘friend,’’ which further encourages
problematic behaviors.
Perhaps most significantly, a number of researchers have identified impulse con-
trol problems in conjunction with problematic Internet use (Bai et al., 2001; Beard &
Wolf, 2001; Davis et al., 2002; Holden, 2001; Mitchell, 2000; Shapira et al., 2000;
Treuer et al., 2001). A 2002 study that examined Internet problems in the workplace
determined that poor impulse control was indicative of more severe problems with
the Internet. Likewise, others have shown that features of impulse control disorders
are extremely common among excessive Internet users; in one study, nearly all
respondents frequently felt an urge to be online, felt that a world without the Inter-
net would be dull, and became nervous if their Internet connection was slow. In an-
other study, researchers hypothesized that the behaviors associated with Internet
addiction shared features with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and could
be treated similarly; instead, these researchers found that few Internet-dependent
subjects met criteria for OCD but every single one met criteria for impulse control
disorder NOS. The existence of this relationship has caused some to postulate a role
of brain chemistry in Internet addiction. Many other impulse control disorders and
‘‘behavioral addictions’’ such as compulsive eating and shopping and kleptomania
are thought to operate dopaminergically. Pathological gamblers have long been
shown to demonstrate the same patterns of cortical arousal as substance abusers,
and dosing with naltrexone has mitigated problematic gambling behavior in some
individuals. It has been suggested that these same pathways may make the Internet
rewarding and addictive in the same way as other behaviors. Overall, it seems more
likely that the content on the Internet, such as online gambling, interactive games, or
chatting, would be what stimulates these reward systems, rather than simply access
to the Internet itself.

3. Treatment

Excessive Internet use certainly has substantial social effects. Several studies have
demonstrated that those individuals who spend too much time online tend to lose
sleep (Anderson, 2001; Nalwa & Anand, 2003), decrease social communication
(Kraut et al., 1998), have problems in their interpersonal relationships (Lin & Tsai,
2002; Young, 1998), and use the Internet as their primary means of alleviating stress
and depression (Chou, 2001). Those who have asserted that Internet addiction is
primarily maintained cognitively believe that cognitive-behavioral therapy may be
P.M. Yellowlees, S. Marks / Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453 1451

a possible solution (Davis, 2001; Yellowlees, 2001). Therapeutic strategies would

include cognitive restructuring regarding the Internet applications an individual uses
most often, behavioral exercises, and exposure therapy in which the individual stays
offline for increasing amounts of time. Others have suggested that education and
training about the risks of Internet addiction could alleviate many Internet-related
problems (Young & Case, 2004). Lastly, as more work is done in the area of the neu-
rochemistry of non-chemical addictions, it is possible that problematic Internet use
can be ameliorated using drugs in combination with other strategies, in the same way
that one would treat substance dependence or pathological gambling. Some pharma-
cological treatments of excessive Internet users have been thought to be effective; in
their small 2000 study, Shapira and colleagues showed that six out of seven subjects
with excessive online usage decreased their Internet use when administered a combi-
nation of mood stabilizing and antipsychotic medications. Many of their subjects,
however, had a lifetime diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and it is not clear whether
or not the medications acted specifically to reduce Internet-related behaviors or,
more likely, acted to simply stabilize their moods.

4. Workplace implications

In YoungÕs original study of Internet addiction, approximately half of Internet-

dependent individuals reported that they had suffered severe work- or school-related
problems because they spent so much time online (Young, 1998). It has been shown
that in the workplace, like at home, more interactive online applications are associ-
ated with more problems with Internet use (Davis et al., 2002). Young and Case
(2004) demonstrated that the most common applications associated with problematic
Internet use in the workplace are pornography, interactive chatting, and playing
games. Most companies have access to the Internet, and a large proportion of them
have policies in effect regarding the online activities of employees (Greenfield &
Davis, 2002). However, few companies enforce these policies, despite reports that
at least half of Internet-enabled employees go online for personal purposes at an aver-
age rate of 3 h per week. Even fewer companies have actually disciplined employees
for inappropriate Internet use. A few companies are starting to use Internet-monitor-
ing software to keep abreast of their employeesÕ online activities but many employees
still view ‘‘over the shoulder’’ observation and monitoring of their Internet use by
management as more deterring than invisible software monitoring. As more compa-
nies are made aware of their employeesÕ abuse of the Internet, though, more repri-
mands and industrial actions are likely. To try and predict problematic Internet use
in the workplace, Davis and colleagues designed the Online Cognition Scale to screen
for possible Internet-related problems. They found that traits of decreased impulse
control and procrastination appear to predict troublesome Internet use, and that in
turn, high scores on their Scale predicted reprimands for Internet abuse.
Some Internet researchers have hypothesized that students may be at the highest
risk for developing problematic Internet use (Nalwa & Anand, 2003), in part because
for many students, online access is free, fast, and available all the time. Lin and Tsai
1452 P.M. Yellowlees, S. Marks / Computers in Human Behavior 23 (2007) 1447–1453

found that Internet-dependent students often scored highly on measures of disinhi-

bition, which in turn predicted social and financial problems (2002). Students who
use the Internet excessively are also very likely to favor online activities over sleep,
and in at least one study, only sleep patterns distinguished high users from low users
(Anderson, 2001). Many students become so involved with using the Internet that
they miss class or skip exams, even when they know they might fail their classes
(Chou, 2001; Tsai & Lin, 2003). However, some have cautioned that it may not
be practical to label students ‘‘Internet addicts’’ based purely on excessive use, as
it is often necessary for them to use the Internet to do their schoolwork (Hansen,

5. Conclusions

The Internet is a extremely important social and communications tool, and is

changing our daily lives at home and at work. It is entirely predictable that any ma-
jor new technology, or way of doing business, should be associated with a variety of
human responses, some good, and some not so good. Research about the effects of
the Internet is still in its infancy, and needs to be qualitatively and quantitatively im-
proved. There is no doubt that some Internet users develop problematic behavior.
Most of these are probably premorbidly vulnerable people who often have a history
of impulse control and addictive disorders, and whose abnormal behavior is a
response to specific online content and activities. It is unlikely that ‘‘Internet addic-
tion’’, as a disorder in its own right, exists.


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