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Name: ____________________________________ Quiz # ______ Score: _____________

Grade & Section: ________________________ English 7 Ms. Jane Valles II. Homonyms and Polysemy
A. Choose the correct words to go in the blanks.
I. Fact & Opinion
1. The puppy had muddy ________________. The loud noise outside made her
A. Identify the following sentences as FACT or OPINION. Write F if fact and O if
opinion before the number. _______________ and listen. (paws/ pause)

1. A forest is the best place to relax. 2. I have never ______________ such a lovely _______________ before .
2. Forests protect our wildlife; they are home, to many animals and birds. (scene/seen)
3. Trees prevent floods that can kill people and crops.
4. From the forests come wood for houses, telephone posts, electric light
3. Didn’t you ____________ me when I called you ____________? (hear/ here)
poles, and many other things.
5. Forest fires can be prevented.
6. Christmas is the best time of the year. 4. Please ___________ until I can tell you the ___________ of this bag.
7. Paper lanterns are symbols of Christmas in the Philippines. (weight/wait)
8. It is easier to wrap a big gift than a small one.
9. January 15 is not a holiday in the Philippines. 5. We have waited for an ___________ wasting _________ time. (our/ hour)
10. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.
6. You’d better ___________ the letter __________ now. (right/ write)
B. Read the paragraph below. Draw a star before the number if the sentence is
an opinion and a moon if opinion. B. In each sentence, which definition of italicized word is correct. Choose the
definition for the box. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
He was Teodoro F. Valencia, the park commissioner himself. He was in
charge of Rizal Park and it was he who managed to make the park one of the
most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. He wanted to make children a. Yield to or submit to c. set to work
happy. That is why Rizal Park has a playground for children, a skating rink, b. Fastened d. crumpled
and bicycle lanes. Families have picnics on the grass under flowering trees
and palms. Teenagers sit on the benches or stroll around the fountains and
along the flowering hedges or watch the carp and goldfish swim gaily in the
ponds. A planetarium stands beside a library rich in magazines and books 7. He buckled on his own sword and went in search of his brother.__________
for young and old.
8. Let us buckle down so we can accomplish much. ________
1. Teodoro Valencia was the park commissioner in charge of
Rizal Park. 9. Don’t buckle under the pressure of influential but corrupt people._________
2. Rizal Park is one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world.
3. It has a spacious playground, smooth skating rinks, and inviting 10. The woman was so tired she buckled to the ground. _____________
bicycle lanes.
4. Families enjoy picnics on the clean, thick grass.
5. Teenagers watch carps swimming in circular ponds and stroll around
on paths lined with hedges.
6. The sunset looks prettiest in summer when the sun paints the clouds
in gorgeous colors.
7. On Sunday afternoons, a concert is presented by military bands.
8. Sentimental kundimans and catchy modern songs are heard over the
sound system the park.
9. In summer, people sleep outdoors in the park.
10. People congratulate Teodoro Valencia for making the park beautiful
and a peaceful place to go to.
"Let us teach our people again to be proud that they are Filipinos. Let us teach them
C. In sentence, write Five (3) FACTS and Five (3) Opinions about Filipinos. Write to realize anew that being a Filipino means having as rich and noble a heritage of
language, culture, patriotism and heroic deeds as any nation on earth. Let us teach
your answer at the back. a steadfast faith in Divine Providence, a stable family institution, the unhampered
enjoyment of civil liberties, the advantages of constitutional government, the
FACTS Opinions potentials of a rich and spacious land."-CARLOS P. ROMULO

Prepared by; jjyv

GOD BLESS! <3 <3 <3

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