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Module 4 Assignment

Food2Go signed up 50 new F&B partners in Quarter 3. They have compiled some infor
orders per week, average customer rating and average sales/week.
This assignment consists of 3 tasks. Detailed instrutions are found on the individual tas

Task 1
Food2Go would like to find out which of these partners are top performers. Top perfor

Task 2
Food2Go managed to get sales data from these partners in terms of average sales per
Food2Go is performing compared to its competitors with these new partners.

Task 3
Food2Go would like to see how cuisines have performed on average amongst new par
In this task you will use data sorting, filtering as well as learn new features (grouping a
3. They have compiled some information about these partners including number of
e sales/week.
ns are found on the individual task worksheets.

rs are top performers. Top performers have to fulfil the following criteria:

ers in terms of average sales per week through other delivery channels. Find out how
with these new partners.

med on average amongst new partners.

as learn new features (grouping and subtotals).
umber of

ind out how

New F&B Partners (Q3)
Partner ID Cuisine Delivery District Orders/Week

206 Greek North Task 1 48

125 Vietnamese South Food2Go would like to find 6 out which of these
have to fulfil the following criteria:
186 Chinese East - Minimum of 50 orders per 7 week
345 German Northeast - Minimum average customer13 rating of 4.2
189 Thai Northeast Instructions 84
402 Chinese North 1. Duplicate this worksheet
65 and name it "Top P
307 Italian East 85 to identify the top
2. Apply a multi-level filter
284 Spanish West there? 91
103 Indian West 65sort the cuisine colu
3. With the filters applied,
243 Italian North performers, how many offer81 the same cuisine?
139 Nepalese Southwest 71use the status bar t
4. With the filters applied,
251 Japanese North of the top performers. 63
163 Thai South 55figure, filter Column
5. Using the average sales
372 Japanese Northeast partners that achieved sales
91 above this averag
253 Singaporean Northwest 68
249 Mexican North 86
306 Indian East 35
171 Thai East 75
134 Korean West 7
190 German West 74
128 Singaporean North 90
101 Thai Northeast 42
183 Japanese East 100
241 Tibetan West 97
328 Greek West 42
310 Indian Southeast 77
192 Greek East 67
276 French South 1
215 Chinese Southeast 90
106 Italian South 102
216 Indian North 42
294 Thai West 84
242 Thai North 37
123 Vietnamese East 31
144 Japanese Southwest 91
382 Tibetan Southeast 30
157 Vietnamese East 13
364 Italian Northeast 33
326 Italian Southwest 40
155 Chinese West 65
293 French Northeast 12
173 Chinese North 65
261 Chinese Southwest 74
126 Korean West 35
130 Korean Northwest 50
321 Nepalese North 83
177 Mexican North 48
111 Mexican East 87
107 Chinese West 46
303 Japanese West 96
Average Customer Competitor
Food2Go Sales / week
Rating Sales / week
4.2 $ 1,498.00 $ 1,375.00
ke to find out which of these2.9partners
$ are top624.00
$ Top performers128.00
ollowing criteria:
orders per week 2.4 $ 567.00 $ 329.00
ge customer rating of 4.2 2.7 $ 360.00 $ 162.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,478.00
worksheet and name it "Top Performers".
1.2 $ 1,413.00 $ 354.00
4.1 $
evel filter to identify the top performers. How1,564.00
many top$performers are1,065.00
4.8 $ 1,004.00 $ 1,181.00
4.3 $in alphabetical
applied, sort the cuisine column 967.00 $
order. Amongst 1,023.00
the top
many offer the same cuisine?3.5 $ 903.00 $ 1,897.00
applied, use the status bar to 4.6
find$ out the total
932.00 $ Food2Go sales
and average 1,482.00
mers. 2.9 $ 702.00 $ 1,127.00
ge sales figure, filter Column3.4 $
G (Food2Go 894.00
sales) $ how many 1,507.00
to identify
eved sales above this average. 3.2 $ 381.00 $ 1,128.00
3.8 $ 1,613.00 $ 1,249.00
3.2 $ 973.00 $ 866.00
4.5 $ 595.00 $ 1,400.00
4.1 $ 281.00 $ 1,454.00
2.6 $ 308.00 $ 618.00
3.4 $ 1,693.00 $ 456.00
4.2 $ 1,440.00 $ 1,088.00
4.2 $ 1,299.00 $ 1,147.00
4.9 $ 1,825.00 $ 1,923.00
4.4 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,423.00
3.8 $ 1,102.00 $ 242.00
3.4 $ 1,255.00 $ 754.00
4.9 $ 1,922.00 $ 1,607.00
2.9 $ 948.00 $ 53.00
4.1 $ 1,521.00 $ 1,335.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,316.00
4.1 $ 718.00 $ 909.00
3.9 $ 421.00 $ 886.00
4.9 $ 972.00 $ 1,584.00
3.1 $ 1,948.00 $ 676.00
4.3 $ 1,997.00 $ 1,434.00
4.2 $ 61.00 $ 967.00
2.8 $ 248.00 $ 90.00
3.4 $ 623.00 $ 571.00
4.6 $ 264.00 $ 759.00
3.1 $ 201.00 $ 406.00
2.6 $ 950.00 $ 329.00
3.8 $ 864.00 $ 1,996.00
3.6 $ 1,933.00 $ 1,974.00
4.2 $ 822.00 $ 1,663.00
3.9 $ 1,395.00 $ 168.00
3.6 $ 1,248.00 $ 533.00
4.5 $ 202.00 $ 1,893.00
4.7 $ 1,135.00 $ 1,308.00
3.4 $ 304.00 $ 1,267.00
4.8 $ 1,638.00 $ 1,893.00
New F&B Partners (Q3)
Partner ID Cuisine Delivery District Orders/Week

206 Greek North 48

125 Vietnamese South 6
186 Chinese East 7
345 German Northeast 13
189 Thai Northeast 84
402 Chinese North 65
307 Italian East 85
284 Spanish West 91
103 Indian West 65
243 Italian North 81
139 Nepalese Southwest 71
251 Japanese North 63
163 Thai South 55
372 Japanese Northeast 91
253 Singaporean Northwest 68
249 Mexican North 86
306 Indian East 35
171 Thai East 75
134 Korean West 7
190 German West 74
128 Singaporean North 90
101 Thai Northeast 42
183 Japanese East 100
241 Tibetan West 97
328 Greek West 42
310 Indian Southeast 77
192 Greek East 67
276 French South 1
215 Chinese Southeast 90
106 Italian South 102
216 Indian North 42
294 Thai West 84
242 Thai North 37
123 Vietnamese East 31
144 Japanese Southwest 91
382 Tibetan Southeast 30
157 Vietnamese East 13
364 Italian Northeast 33
326 Italian Southwest 40
155 Chinese West 65
293 French Northeast 12
173 Chinese North 65
261 Chinese Southwest 74
126 Korean West 35
130 Korean Northwest 50
321 Nepalese North 83
177 Mexican North 48
111 Mexican East 87
107 Chinese West 46
303 Japanese West 96
Average Customer Competitor
Food2Go Sales / week
Rating Sales / week
4.2 $ 1,498.00 $ 1,375.00
2.9 $ 624.00 $ 128.00
2.4 $ 567.00 $ 329.00
2.7 $ 360.00 $ 162.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,478.00
1.2 $ 1,413.00 $ 354.00
4.1 $ 1,564.00 $ 1,065.00
4.8 $ 1,004.00 $ 1,181.00
4.3 $ 967.00 $ 1,023.00
3.5 $ 903.00 $ 1,897.00
4.6 $ 932.00 $ 1,482.00
2.9 $ 702.00 $ 1,127.00
3.4 $ 894.00 $ 1,507.00
3.2 $ 381.00 $ 1,128.00
3.8 $ 1,613.00 $ 1,249.00
3.2 $ 973.00 $ 866.00
4.5 $ 595.00 $ 1,400.00
4.1 $ 281.00 $ 1,454.00
2.6 $ 308.00 $ 618.00
3.4 $ 1,693.00 $ 456.00
4.2 $ 1,440.00 $ 1,088.00
4.2 $ 1,299.00 $ 1,147.00
4.9 $ 1,825.00 $ 1,923.00
4.4 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,423.00
3.8 $ 1,102.00 $ 242.00
3.4 $ 1,255.00 $ 754.00
4.9 $ 1,922.00 $ 1,607.00
2.9 $ 948.00 $ 53.00
4.1 $ 1,521.00 $ 1,335.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,316.00
4.1 $ 718.00 $ 909.00
3.9 $ 421.00 $ 886.00
4.9 $ 972.00 $ 1,584.00
3.1 $ 1,948.00 $ 676.00
4.3 $ 1,997.00 $ 1,434.00
4.2 $ 61.00 $ 967.00
2.8 $ 248.00 $ 90.00
3.4 $ 623.00 $ 571.00
4.6 $ 264.00 $ 759.00
3.1 $ 201.00 $ 406.00
2.6 $ 950.00 $ 329.00
3.8 $ 864.00 $ 1,996.00
3.6 $ 1,933.00 $ 1,974.00
4.2 $ 822.00 $ 1,663.00
3.9 $ 1,395.00 $ 168.00
3.6 $ 1,248.00 $ 533.00
4.5 $ 202.00 $ 1,893.00
4.7 $ 1,135.00 $ 1,308.00
3.4 $ 304.00 $ 1,267.00
4.8 $ 1,638.00 $ 1,893.00
Task 2
Food2Go managed to get sales data from these partners in terms of average sales per week
through other delivery channels (sales at market rate). Find out how Food2Go is performing
compared to other delivery companies for these partners.
1. Sort Column G in descending order.

2. In Column H, enter a formula to find out the difference between Food2Go sales and sales
at market rate.
3. Insert a win/loss sparkline into Column I. Choose a sparkline style such that positive
values are green and negative values are red.

4. What can we infer by looking at the sparklines? Is Food2Go performing better than its

5. Filter column H to identify the number of partners with which Food2Go is performing
better than its competitors.
rage sales per week
od2Go is performing

2Go sales and sales

h that positive

ng better than its

Go is performing
New F&B Partners (Q3)
Partner ID Cuisine Delivery District Orders/Week

206 GreekTask 3 North 48

Food2Go would
125 Vietnamese like to see how cuisines have performed
South 6 on average amon
186 ChineseIn this task youEast 7 learn new features
will use data sorting, filtering, as well as
345 German (grouping and subtotals).
Northeast 13
*Please note, that data must be sorted before it can be grouped!
189 Thai Northeast 84
402 ChineseGrouping dataNorth 65
We can organize data into groups which will allow us to easily show/hide d
307 Italianparts of a worksheet.
East We can use the Subtotal command 85 to summarize gro
284 SpanishTo group data just
West select the rows or columns you want
91 to group and then
"Group" on the Data Ribbon in the "Outline" group. Data will be grouped t
103 Indianand you can use West
the + and - buttons to show/hide data. 65
243 ItalianCreating Subtotals
North 81
139 Nepalese Southwest
If data is correctly 71
sorted, we can use the Subtotal command. It will autom
251 Japanese groups and
North then use common functions such as
to help summarize your data. The Subtotal command is also found in "Out
163 Thai group on the Data South Ribbon. 55
372 Japanese Northeast 91
253 Singaporean Northwest 68
249 Mexican North 86
306 Indian East 35
171 Thai East 75
134 Korean West 7
190 German West 74
128 Singaporean North 90
101 Thai Northeast 42
183 Japanese East 100
241 Tibetan West 97
328 Greek West 42
310 Indian Southeast 77
192 Greek East 67
276 French South 1
215 Chinese Southeast 90
106 Italian South 102
216 Indian North 42
294 Thai West 84
242 Thai North 37
123 Vietnamese East 31
144 Japanese Southwest 91
382 Tibetan Southeast 30
157 Vietnamese East 13
364 Italian Northeast 33
326 Italian Southwest 40
155 Chinese West 65
293 French Northeast 12
173 Chinese North 65
261 Chinese Southwest 74
126 Korean West 35
130 Korean Northwest 50
321 Nepalese North 83
177 Mexican North 48
111 Mexican East 87
107 Chinese West 46
303 Japanese West 96
Average Customer Competitor
Food2Go Sales / week
Rating Sales / week
4.2 $ 1,498.00
Instructions$ 1,375.00
performed on average amongst 2.9 new
$ 1. Hide Columns
624.00 $ A, D, F and E.128.00
as well as learn new features2.4 $ 567.00
2. $ by Cuisine, in 329.00
Sort the data ascending alphabetical order.
it can be grouped!
2.7 $ 360.00 $ 162.00
3. Click on any cell in the data range and then click the Subtotal co
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,478.00
4.We want to calculate the average sales by cuisine (regardless of
1.2 $
low us to easily show/hide different
1,413.00 $
- At each change in "Cuisine" 354.00
command to summarize group 4.1 data.
$ - Use function
1,564.00 $ "Average" 1,065.00
you want to group and then 4.8
select$ - In the Add subtotal to field select "Food2Go Sales".
roup. Data will be grouped together
1,004.00 $
- "Replace current 1,181.00
subtotals" and "Summary below data" will be ti
4.3 $ -967.00
Click Ok. Groups
$ will automatically
1,023.00 be created by Cuisine and sub
hide data. AVERAGE function. SInce "Summary below data" was ticked, we h
3.5 $ 903.00 $
table. 1,897.00
4.6 $
otal command. It will automatically 932.00
5. Collapse$the Cuisine groups1,482.00
using the - buttons so that only Cuis
s such as SUM, AVERAGE & COUNT
2.9 $ 702.00 $ 1,127.00
mmand is also found in "Outline" 6. Create a Clustered Bar Chart (excluding the last row of data seri
3.4 $ 894.00 $ 1,507.00
7. Move your Chart to a new Chart sheet titled "New Partners Q3"
3.2 $ 381.00 $ 1,128.00
3.8 $ 1,613.00
8. Remove $ the legend if any.1,249.00
3.2 $ 973.00
9. Rename $ 866.00Q3 - Average Sales by Cuisine
the Chart - "New Partners
4.5 $ 595.00 $ 1,400.00
10. Name the x-axis "Average Sales/week".
4.1 $ 281.00 $ 1,454.00
11. Add data labels to the chart to show the sales values at the en
2.6 $ 308.00 $ 618.00
3.4 $ 12. Format $your chart in such 456.00
1,693.00 that your chart is easy to read. You c
4.2 $ 1,440.00
13. Write a$few sentences to1,088.00
interpret your chart.
4.2 $ 1,299.00 $ 1,147.00
4.9 $ 1,825.00 $ 1,923.00
4.4 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,423.00
3.8 $ 1,102.00 $ 242.00
3.4 $ 1,255.00 $ 754.00
4.9 $ 1,922.00 $ 1,607.00
2.9 $ 948.00 $ 53.00
4.1 $ 1,521.00 $ 1,335.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,316.00
4.1 $ 718.00 $ 909.00
3.9 $ 421.00 $ 886.00
4.9 $ 972.00 $ 1,584.00
3.1 $ 1,948.00 $ 676.00
4.3 $ 1,997.00 $ 1,434.00
4.2 $ 61.00 $ 967.00
2.8 $ 248.00 $ 90.00
3.4 $ 623.00 $ 571.00
4.6 $ 264.00 $ 759.00
3.1 $ 201.00 $ 406.00
2.6 $ 950.00 $ 329.00
3.8 $ 864.00 $ 1,996.00
3.6 $ 1,933.00 $ 1,974.00
4.2 $ 822.00 $ 1,663.00
3.9 $ 1,395.00 $ 168.00
3.6 $ 1,248.00 $ 533.00
4.5 $ 202.00 $ 1,893.00
4.7 $ 1,135.00 $ 1,308.00
3.4 $ 304.00 $ 1,267.00
4.8 $ 1,638.00 $ 1,893.00
ascending alphabetical order.
a range and then click the Subtotal command.

verage sales by cuisine (regardless of delivery area). In the dialog box specify the following:

select "Food2Go Sales".

and "Summary below data" will be ticked by default. Leave them ticked.
atically be created by Cuisine and subtotals added to the columns specified using the
mmary below data" was ticked, we have a "Grand Average" added at the bottom of the

s using the - buttons so that only Cuisine Average rows are visible. Hide Column C.
rt (excluding the last row of data series for Grand Average).
Chart sheet titled "New Partners Q3"

Partners Q3 - Average Sales by Cuisine".

art to show the sales values at the end of each bar.
that your chart is easy to read. You can use any chart style.

interpret your chart.

New F&B Partners (Q3)
Partner ID Cuisine Delivery District Orders/Week

192 Greek East 67

106 Italian South 102
183 Japanese East 100
144 Japanese Southwest 91
303 Japanese West 96
111 Mexican East 87
139 Nepalese Southwest 71
284 Spanish West 91
189 Thai Northeast 84
241 Tibetan West 97
Average Customer Competitor
Food2Go Sales / week
Rating Sales / week
4.9 $ 1,922.00 $ 1,607.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,316.00
4.9 $ 1,825.00 $ 1,923.00
4.3 $ 1,997.00 $ 1,434.00
4.8 $ 1,638.00 $ 1,893.00
4.7 $ 1,135.00 $ 1,308.00
4.6 $ 932.00 $ 1,482.00
4.8 $ 1,004.00 $ 1,181.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,478.00
4.4 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,423.00
New F&B Partners (Q3)
Partner ID Cuisine Delivery District Orders/Week

189 Thai Northeast 84

106 Italian South 102
173 Chinese North 65
261 Chinese Southwest 74
183 Japanese East 100
243 Italian North 81
177 Mexican North 48
303 Japanese West 96
126 Korean West 35
192 Greek East 67
242 Thai North 37
163 Thai South 55
139 Nepalese Southwest 71
171 Thai East 75
144 Japanese Southwest 91
241 Tibetan West 97
306 Indian East 35
206 Greek North 48
215 Chinese Southeast 90
111 Mexican East 87
107 Chinese West 46
253 Singaporean Northwest 68
284 Spanish West 91
101 Thai Northeast 42
372 Japanese Northeast 91
251 Japanese North 63
128 Singaporean North 90
307 Italian East 85
103 Indian West 65
382 Tibetan Southeast 30
216 Indian North 42
294 Thai West 84
249 Mexican North 86
326 Italian Southwest 40
310 Indian Southeast 77
123 Vietnamese East 31
134 Korean West 7
364 Italian Northeast 33
321 Nepalese North 83
190 German West 74
155 Chinese West 65
402 Chinese North 65
186 Chinese East 7
293 French Northeast 12
328 Greek West 42
130 Korean Northwest 50
345 German Northeast 13
125 Vietnamese South 6
157 Vietnamese East 13
276 French South 1
Average Customer Competitor
Food2Go Sales / week
Rating Sales / week
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,478.00
4.3 $ 2,081.00 $ 2,316.00
3.8 $ 864.00 $ 1,996.00
3.6 $ 1,933.00 $ 1,974.00
4.9 $ 1,825.00 $ 1,923.00
3.5 $ 903.00 $ 1,897.00
4.5 $ 202.00 $ 1,893.00
4.8 $ 1,638.00 $ 1,893.00
4.2 $ 822.00 $ 1,663.00
4.9 $ 1,922.00 $ 1,607.00
4.9 $ 972.00 $ 1,584.00
3.4 $ 894.00 $ 1,507.00
4.6 $ 932.00 $ 1,482.00
4.1 $ 281.00 $ 1,454.00
4.3 $ 1,997.00 $ 1,434.00
4.4 $ 1,680.00 $ 1,423.00
4.5 $ 595.00 $ 1,400.00
4.2 $ 1,498.00 $ 1,375.00
4.1 $ 1,521.00 $ 1,335.00
4.7 $ 1,135.00 $ 1,308.00
3.4 $ 304.00 $ 1,267.00
3.8 $ 1,613.00 $ 1,249.00
4.8 $ 1,004.00 $ 1,181.00
4.2 $ 1,299.00 $ 1,147.00
3.2 $ 381.00 $ 1,128.00
2.9 $ 702.00 $ 1,127.00
4.2 $ 1,440.00 $ 1,088.00
4.1 $ 1,564.00 $ 1,065.00
4.3 $ 967.00 $ 1,023.00
4.2 $ 61.00 $ 967.00
4.1 $ 718.00 $ 909.00
3.9 $ 421.00 $ 886.00
3.2 $ 973.00 $ 866.00
4.6 $ 264.00 $ 759.00
3.4 $ 1,255.00 $ 754.00
3.1 $ 1,948.00 $ 676.00
2.6 $ 308.00 $ 618.00
3.4 $ 623.00 $ 571.00
3.6 $ 1,248.00 $ 533.00
3.4 $ 1,693.00 $ 456.00
3.1 $ 201.00 $ 406.00
1.2 $ 1,413.00 $ 354.00
2.4 $ 567.00 $ 329.00
2.6 $ 950.00 $ 329.00
3.8 $ 1,102.00 $ 242.00
3.9 $ 1,395.00 $ 168.00
2.7 $ 360.00 $ 162.00
2.9 $ 624.00 $ 128.00
2.8 $ 248.00 $ 90.00
2.9 $ 948.00 $ 53.00

$ 397.00
$ 235.00
$ 1,132.00
$ 41.00
$ 98.00
$ 994.00
$ 1,691.00
$ 255.00
$ 841.00
$ -315.00
$ 612.00
$ 613.00
$ 550.00
$ 1,173.00
$ -563.00
$ -257.00
$ 805.00
$ -123.00
$ -186.00
$ 173.00
$ 963.00
$ -364.00
$ 177.00
$ -152.00
$ 747.00
$ 425.00
$ -352.00
$ -499.00
$ 56.00
$ 906.00
$ 191.00
$ 465.00
$ -107.00
$ 495.00
$ -501.00
$ -1,272.00
$ 310.00
$ -52.00
$ -715.00
$ -1,237.00
$ 205.00
$ -1,059.00
$ -238.00
$ -621.00
$ -860.00
$ -1,227.00
$ -198.00
$ -496.00
$ -158.00
$ -895.00

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