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Pakistanis behind ‘Chinese’ info war on India-China border standoff #GS2 #IR

Many of the ‘Chinese’ accounts that mushroomed on social media this summer and spread false
information about the border clash with India have been traced to Pakistan, in what is believed to be a
coordinated disinformation campaign aimed at India.

The India-China border tensions starting in May, and culminating in the June 15 clash in the Galwan
Valley, sparked a first-of-its-kind information war on social media, where Indian and Chinese accounts
on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube traded images and videos in an effort to both capture the narrative
and the attention of the media.

The disinformation flowed both ways. But what was unknown to consumers of the posts by ‘Chinese’
social media users is that many of the accounts that posed as China-based users were actually Pakistani

Twitter is banned in China, although it can be accessed using virtual private networks.

An analysis of some of the most active ‘Chinese accounts’ on the border clash on Twitter found that
these accounts previously had different profile names and handle names.

Some of these accounts even had user bios that were earlier in Urdu, before morphing overnight into

One such account, ‘xiuying637’, was earlier run as ‘hinaarbi2’, before it began tweeting information
related to the Chinese military and the border clash. The account has been suspended, but only
belatedly. Page 1 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

These accounts have used a loophole on Twitter that allows users to not only change their profile
names, but their Twitter handles as well. Their changed avatars were detected because some of these
accounts, which have tens of thousands of followers, were previously being tracked.

One account, with a profile name in Chinese characters, Zeping, and handle ‘sawaxpx’, that tweeted on
the border previously tweeted in Urdu. Its tweets are now unavailable. Another account, ‘Yasifxi’, had a
Chinese name and tweeted in Chinese characters, posting information about the border clash, but was
traced to Pakistan.

These accounts have shared false information about casualties from the clash, unrelated images of
injured soldiers, and videos of troops’ confrontations that were from previous border incidents.
Tweeting in Mandarin and using Chinese names gave the posts a sense of credibility.

Some have gone to great lengths to establish authenticity, choosing Mandarin names, regularly
retweeting information from official Chinese media outlets, such as Xinhua, and using photographs of
Chinese soldiers as their profile images.

One such account has 17,000 followers and regularly tweets information from official Chinese media, in
addition to disinformation. It is even followed by a couple of Chinese diplomats.

While in its case, the location is difficult to pinpoint, a careful reading of the content of the tweets, and
the fact that it is mostly mostly shared by Pakistani accounts, strongly hints at its origins — a fact that
most readers are unaware of.

This strategy has not been limited to adopting Chinese identities. Pakistani accounts have also recently
adopted Nepali and Sri Lankan avatars, all with the same motivation: posting information aimed at
creating an unfavourable narrative about India.

LAC standoff | India, China hold fifth round of Corps Commander-level talks
#GS2 #IR
India and China held the fifth round of Corps Commanders-level talks at Moldo on the Chinese side on
Sunday to take forward the stalled process of disengagement on the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The
talks are still on.

As with earlier rounds, the talks were led by Leh-based 14 Corps commander Lt. Gen. Harinder Singh and
South Xinjiang military commander Maj. Gen. Lin Liu.

The Corps Commanders of the two sides have held four rounds of talks so far on June 6, 22, 30 and July
14 to de-escalate from the build-up in Galwan Valley, Gogra-Hot Springs and the Finger area along the Page 2 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

Pangong Tso (lake) in Ladakh sector along the LAC. However, there has been no update on the situation
at the strategically important Depsang plains.

India has demanded that status quo be restored along the unsettled boundary line. China had massed
troops since April-May along the LAC and occupied positions in India’s perception of the LAC in Eastern

The Ministry of External Affairs said that the disengagement process of troops had not yet been
completed. China has, however, maintained that the process is complete. China has been reluctant to
discuss Pangong Tso, it has been learnt.

The first phase of disengagement undertaken in early July remains incomplete with disengagement
completed only at Galwan valley and Patrolling Point (PP) 15 in Gogra-Hot springs area.

Only limited disengagement has been undertaken at PP 17A in Gogra-Hot Springs and it has barely
begun at Pangong Tso.

Chinese troops have only moved back from the base of Finger 4, the mountain spur, to Finger 5 but
remain to occupy the ridgelines of Finger 4 while India’s claim extends till Finger 8, while it has always
held till Finger 4.

Sunday’s Corps Commanders meeting follows a third round, since the standoff began, of a virtual
conference of the ‘Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India China Border Affairs’
on July 24.

With a return to status quo of pre-May positions nowhere in sight, the Army has been preparing for
extended deployment and stocking up for the harsh winter in the high altitude region for the large
number of troops deployed along the LAC.

India to review Chinese language programmes across universities #GS2 #IR

Close on the heels of its decision to drop Mandarin from its list of suggested languages under the
National Education Policy, the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Human Resource Development) has
decided to put several higher education institutes that offer Chinese language training under the
scanner. Page 3 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

In particular, the Ministry is looking closely at universities that have in the past had links with the official
Chinese language training department “Hanban” that runs hundreds of “Confucius Institutes” (CI)

“The Ministry of Human Resource Development and University Grants Commission (UGC) are in the
process of reviewing the work being done by higher education institutions as part of
agreements/educational arrangements with foreign institutions.

Although India has only two functional CIs at present — at Mumbai University and the Vellore Institute
of Technology — the Ministry has sent letters to at least five institutions that offer Chinese language
training, asking them to send all details of collaboration since 2017, which will be reviewed by Education
Secretary Amit Khare on August 5.

Neither the UGC nor the Ministry of Education would comment on the meeting. It is unclear whether
the review by the Secretary of Education aims to scrutinise cooperation only with the CIs, as the letter
suggests, or Chinese language studies and educational links with Chinese universities in general.

O.P. Jindal Global University in Haryana, among those on the Ministry’s review list, said the University
has established partnerships with various universities in China, but runs its language centre — not with
Hanban — but in collaboration with the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan.

The Bharathiar University in Coimbatore, also denied any connection. “We have received a
communication from the UGC but we have not received any funding from *Hanban+,” said P. Kaliraj,
Vice-Chancellor. He added that Mandarin is not taught at the University’s Centre for Foreign Languages.

Other universities reportedly under the scanner like Jawaharlal Nehru University, whose Centre for
Chinese and Southeast Asian studies had signed the first MoU with CI in 2007, say the plan never took

CIs have come under scrutiny recently in Europe, the U.S. and other countries with allegations of them
being used as espionage hubs. In a statement earlier this month, the Confucius Institute Headquarters
said the Chinese Ministry of Education plans to re-brand Hanban as an NGO called the “Centre for
Chinese language education and cooperation”, in order to “disperse western misinterpretation”.

According to diplomats, India has always been “ahead of the curve” by discouraging the setting up of
CIs, while collaborating on Chinese language training.

In 2012, India signed an MoU with Hanban under which 300 Indian teachers would be trained in China.
An upgraded “Educational Exchange Programme” (EEP) agreement was signed during Prime Minister
Narendra Modi‘s visit to China in 2015.

Among the two exceptions was the University of Mumbai that set up its CI in 2013, and the Vellore
Institute of Technology, which started a Chinese Language Centre in 2009. Page 4 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

After initial funding from China, Mumbai CI has supported itself through revenue from its own language

Chinese is important for cultural and strategic reasons and we need to have people who know Chinese.
In fact, the government needs to increase the Chinese training capacity in the country.

Watch: SpaceX capsule and NASA crew make first splashdown in 45 years #GS3

Two NASA astronauts returned to Earth on Sunday in a dramatic, retro-style splashdown, their capsule
parachuting into the Gulf of Mexico to close out an unprecedented test flight by Elon Musk’s SpaceX

It was the first splashdown by US astronauts in 45 years, with the first commercially built and operated
spacecraft to carry people to and from orbit. The return clears the way for another SpaceX crew launch
as early as next month and possible tourist flights next year.

Test pilots Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken rode the SpaceX Dragon capsule back to Earth less than a day
after departing the International Space Station and two months after blasting off from Florida.

The capsule parachuted into the calm gulf waters off the coast of Pensacola, hundreds of miles from
Tropical Storm Isaias pounding Florida’s Atlantic coast.

The astronauts’ ride home in the capsule dubbed Endeavour was fast, bumpy and hot, at least on the

The spacecraft went from a screaming orbital speed of 17,500 mph (28,000 kph) to 350 mph (560 kph)
during atmospheric reentry, and finally to 15 mph (24 kph) at splashdown.

Peak heating during descent was 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit (1,900 degrees Celsius). The anticipated top
G forces felt by the crew: four to five times the force of Earth’s gravity.

A SpaceX recovery ship with more than 40 staff, including doctors and nurses, moved in following
splashdown, with two smaller, faster boats leading the way.

To keep the returning astronauts safe in the pandemic, the recovery crew quarantined for two weeks
and were tested for the coronavirus.

SpaceX expected it to take a half-hour for the ship to arrive at the capsule and additional time to lift it
out of the water onto the deck. The astronauts had plenty of seasick bags if needed while waiting in the
bobbing capsule. Page 5 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

A flight surgeon was going to be the first to look into the capsule, once the hatch swung open. After
medical exams, the astronauts were expected to fly home to Houston for a reunion with their wives and

The last time NASA astronauts returned from space to water was on July 24, 1975, in the Pacific, the
scene of most splashdowns, to end a joint US-Soviet mission known as Apollo-Soyuz.

The Mercury and Gemini crews in the early to mid-1960s parachuted into the Atlantic, while most of the
later Apollo capsules hit the Pacific. The lone Russian “splashdown” was in 1976 on a partially frozen
lake amid a blizzard following an aborted mission; the harrowing recovery took hours.

SpaceX made history with this mission, which launched May 30 from NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre. It
was the first time a private company launched people into orbit and also the first launch of NASA
astronauts from home turf in nearly a decade.

Hurley came full circle, serving as pilot of NASA’s last space shuttle flight in 2011 and the commander of
this SpaceX flight.

NASA turned to SpaceX and also Boeing to build capsules and ferry astronauts to and from the space
station, following the retirement of the shuttles.

Until Hurley and Behnken rocketed into orbit, NASA astronauts relied on Russian rockets. SpaceX
already had experience hauling cargo to the space station, bringing those capsules back to a Pacific

“This is the next era in human spaceflight where NASA gets to be the customer,” NASA Administrator
Jim Bridenstine said from Johnson Space Centre in Houston shortly before the astronauts’ return.

SpaceX needs six weeks to inspect the capsule before launching the next crew around the end of
September. This next mission of four astronauts will spend a full six months aboard the space station.

Hurley and Behnken’s capsule will be refurbished for another flight next spring. A Houston company run
by a former NASA official, meanwhile, has partnered with SpaceX to send three customers to the space
station in fall 2021.

Boeing doesn’t expect to launch its first crew until next year. The company encountered significant
software problems in the debut of its Starliner capsule, with no one aboard, last year. Its capsules will
touch down in the US Southwest desert.

By beating Boeing, SpaceX laid claim to a small US flag left at the space station by Hurley and the rest of
the last shuttle crew. The flag “which also flew on the first shuttle flight” was carefully packed aboard
the Dragon for the homecoming.
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U.K. to issue coin to honour Gandhiji #GS2 #IR

Britain is considering minting a coin to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi, amid growing interest in
recognising the contributions of people from the Black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities.

British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak asked the Royal Mint Advisory Committee (RMAC) in a letter to
pursue recognition of individuals from those communities, the U.K. Treasury said in an emailed
statement late on Saturday.

“RMAC is currently considering a coin to commemorate Gandhi”, the Treasury said. Gandhiji’s birthday,
October 2, is observed as the International Day of Non-Violence.

As part of a global reassessment of history, colonialism and racism triggered by the death in May of a
Black man, George Floyd, in the United States after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for
nearly nine minutes, some British institutions have begun re-examining their past.

Many organisations have taken initiatives to make investments to help the Black, Asian and minority
ethnic (BAME) communities and to support racial diversity. Floyd’s death has led to global protests
against racism, colonialism and police brutality.

In his letter to the RMAC, Mr. Sunak said members of the BAME communities have made a “profound
contribution” and that the committee should consider recognising it on the U.K.’s coinage.

The RMAC is an independent committee made up of experts who recommend themes and designs for
coins to Britain’s Finance Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Negative returns for savers may hold back RBI from repo rate cut #GS3
WITH REAL interest rates (interest rate minus inflation rate) turning negative, and erosion in the returns
of savers, a large section of bankers say the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the RBI— scheduled
to meet August 4-6 — may adopt a status quo on policy rates in the near future.

Technically, bank deposits are fetching negative real returns of nearly one per cent (-0.99 per cent) as
one-year fixed deposit rate has come down to 5.10 per cent (State Bank of India rate) whereas inflation
in June was 6.09 per cent.

The positive real interest rate logic weighs against an immediate further rate cut based on the current
inflation trajectory. There is a significant likelihood of MPC members voting for a pause during the
forthcoming review,” said Mandar Pitale, Head of Treasury, SBM Bank India. Page 7 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

However, despite the fall in deposit rates, there has been a 10.8 per cent rise in bank deposits. SBI’s 2.70
per cent rate on savings deposit accounts effectively means a negative real return of -3.39 per cent after
adjusting for inflation.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) decision to frontload repo rate cuts (115 basis points since February) to
4 per cent has partly led to negative returns for depositors.

The uncertainty about inflation trajectory for next couple of months may weigh the rate decision. The
upside inflation surprise suggests that headline inflation is likely to remain near the upper end of the
RBI’s inflation mandate of 4 per cent plus or minus two till September, Pitale said.

With inflation still above the 6 per cent mark, the MPC may decide to wait and watch and take a pause
in August to monitor India’s progress in its fight against the virus – both from a health and economic
point of view, said Shanti Ekambaram, Group President-Consumer Banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank.

“The MPC could then possibly cut the policy rate by a further 25 bps in the policy meeting at the end of
September, which is traditionally India’s busy season,” she said.

With the 115 bps reduction in repo beginning February, banks have already transmitted 72 bps to the
customers on fresh loans in the interregnum which is perhaps a milestone in terms of the fastest policy
rate transmission in India,” says an SBI Research report.

Large banks have transmitted as much as 85 basis points. The RBI has been effectively using huge
liquidity and repo rate cuts to bring down rates. Banks parked around on an average of Rs 4.30 lakh
crore in March, Rs 7.12 lakh crore in April, Rs 7.71 lakh crore in May and Rs 6.35 lakh crore in July 2020
with the RBI.

The perpetually muted credit demand has pushed the banks to reduce their deposit rates and thereby
lending rates to adjust to the new interest rate scenario, says the SBI Research report.

According to Radhika Rao, Economist, DBS Bank, the RBI policy committee will be in a tough spot due to
overarching weakness in growth, nonetheless a pause on rates is also backed by cumulative 115 bps cut
since January, above-target inflation, high-frequency indicators improving at the margin and concerns
over inflationary expectations.

The real returns for savers have turned negative for some months now. The CPI inflation-adjusted
deposit rate (real interest rate) had turned negative -0.8 per cent in December 2019, when inflation
touched 7.4 per cent and deposits rate 6.6 per cent.

It continued in the negative zone due to the uptick in inflation and downward interest rate scenario.
“We expect that inflation will remain at elevated levels for the next few months so the real interest rate
will continue to be in the negative zone,” SBI report says. Page 8 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

“If take a look at the income effect, it is a possibility that people might increase their savings in a low
interest rate regime to compensate for the loss in income and especially if there is a excessive economic
uncertainty regarding the future and there is absence of social security nets,” SBI says.

Unified gas transport tariff: Industry players object proposal, cite higher cost for
consumers close to source #GS3 #Economy

Major players in the natural gas sector have raised objections to the government’s proposal to
implement a unified gas transport tariff for integrated gas transportation networks, including a network
of seven GAIL pipelines and a network of two Gujarat State Petronet Ltd pipelines.

The proposal by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) is aimed at boosting overall
gas consumption by rationalising gas transportation costs for consumers located further away from LNG
terminals which are predominantly located on the west coast of the country.

Industry players have raised objections, citing higher costs for consumers near gas sources, as well as
adverse impact on the use of domestically produced gas if the proposal is accepted.

Currently, tariffs for transportation of gas are set by the PNGRB separately for each pipeline based on
the assumptions of volume of gas transported on the pipeline and its operating life, aimed at providing
the operator a post-tax return of 12 per cent.

Tariffs for pipeline usage are divided into zones of 300 km with the tariff increasing for zones further
away from the point where gas is injected.

Further, if a buyer needs to use multiple pipelines even from the same operator, his transport tariff
would increase. These tariffs increase the cost for buyers of gas further away from the point of injection
of natural gas.

The PNGRB has proposed a unified price system with one price for those transporting gas nearby, within
300 km, and one price for those transporting gas, beyond 300 km. This would fix tariff prices within the
integrated pipeline networks of GAIL and GSPL.

Major companies, involved in the production and distribution of gas have raised objections to the
proposal pointing out that consumers using pipelines outside the proposed integrated pipeline network
would still have to pay additive tariffs for the use of multiple pipelines and that the unified tariff
structure would likely lead to higher tariffs for consumers near the gas source. Page 9 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) noted that it currently consumes 2 million metric tonnes of regasified
natural gas every year and that as most of the company’s refineries are in areas close to the source of
gas, the proposal would likely lead to significantly higher tariffs for consumers such as IOC.

Industry body FICCI also noted that the proposal would work against gas-producing states as they would
lose their advantage in attracting investment from gas-consuming industries. “… the consumers at
source, both current and future, will end up subsidizing consumers away from the source.

This will lead to cross subsidizing which is undesirable,” it said in its comments to the PNGRB. FICCI
noted that the impact of the proposal would be similar to that of the “freight equalisation” policy
implemented around 40 years ago, under which the transport cost of minerals was subsidised by the
Centre, which was found to be non-viable and eventually done away with

FICCI also noted that industrial units using gas set-up close to gas sources would lose their cost
advantage to a similar unit which has been set up far away from the port if the freight for gas was

An industry expert, who did not wish to be quoted, said that while concerns around cross subsidisation
were legitimate, the government was focussed on boosting gas consumption and would likely move
forward with the unified tariff scheme.

Reliance Industries (RIL), in its comments to the PNGRB, noted that the proposal would disincentivise
the consumption of domestically-produced gas from the Krishna Godavari Basin as it is not connected to
the proposed integrated gas network.

RIL said that having the tariff on domestic gas on an additive basis with tariffs on imported LNG being
unified would run “contrary to the vision” of an “Atmanirbhar Bharat” as set out by the government.

Adani Gas, the distribution company for piped natural gas and compressed natural gas, also noted that
the proposal would lead to a rise in gas transport tariffs for consumers near the source of natural gas,
stating that a consumer in Gujarat using the pipeline of two entities would still pay additive tariffs under
the proposed regime.

It called for a single national grid with single entry-exit tariff for long-term simplification of the transport
tariff regime.

Explained: How, despite backlash, Chinese tech firm Huawei emerged as top
smartphone maker #GS3 #Economy Page 10 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

Despite a global backlash on its products — both backend network equipment and consumer technology
devices — Chinese major Huawei emerged as the top smartphone maker in terms of global device
shipments during the April-June quarter pipping South Korean conglomerate Samsung to take the
number 1 spot, according to data released by Counterpoint Research.

What were the numbers for April-June?

During the quarter, Huawei shipped 54.8 million smartphones, compared with Samsung’s 54.2 million.

US-based Apple was at the third position with 37.5 million devices shipped during the quarter, followed
by Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi at 26.5 million devices.

During the April-June quarter last year, Huawei had shipped 56.6 million smartphones but represented
only a 16% market share, which this year came at par with Samsung with both companies enjoying 20%

How did Huawei manage to grab the top spot?

According to Counterpoint Research, Huawei was able to attain a leadership position because of a
unique market scenario created by COVID19.

China, Huawei’s largest market, is now recovering from the pandemic compared to other markets like
Europe, Latin America, and North America.

Smartphone shipments in China declined 17% year-on-year during the quarter, a more modest decline
than the rest of the world that declined 28% on the year.

Huawei continued its push in China, benefiting from the recovery. It now holds almost half (47%) the
market in China, and this alone contributes to 71% of Huawei’s shipments compared to 62% a year ago.
However, in markets outside China, its shipments declined 29% YoY.

Huawei did well in some Eastern European markets like Russia and Ukraine.

However, the research firm also pointed out that as markets outside China recover, it will be difficult for
Huawei to maintain this lead in the coming quarters.

How is the India smartphone market shaped?

The April-June quarter saw Chinese firm Xiaomi strengthen its position as the top smartphone seller in
India with a 29% market share during the three-month period, compared with a 28% share same period
last year.

With the exception of Samsung, which had the second-highest market share, all companies in the top
five were Chinese. Page 11 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

India’s smartphone shipments declined by 51% YoY to just over 18 million units during the quarter. The
nationwide lockdown imposed by the Indian government to contain the COVID-19 spread had resulted
in zero shipments during April.

In June, however, Indian smartphone shipments registered a mild decline of 0.3% year-on-year, caused
by the pent-up demand as well as a push from brands.

Due to concerns over potential COVID-19 infection, consumers prefer contactless purchasing and online
channels. Smartphone brands are also recognising this trend by pushing more inventory to online

Russia says July oil output in line with OPEC+ deal #GS3 #Economy
Russia’s Energy Ministry said that the country’s oil output in July was unchanged from levels seen in
June, in line with an OPEC+ agreement.

The ministry added that its level of compliance with the deal in July was close that recorded in June,
when it stood at 99%.

Energy ministry data published earlier on Sunday by Interfax news agency showed that Russia’s oil and
gas condensate production had increased to 9.37 million barrels per day (bpd) in July, up from 9.32
million bpd in June.

Oil output cuts, agreed between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and
other major producers including Russia, a group known as OPEC+, are due to be eased in August.

Under the OPEC+ agreement, Moscow pledged to reduce its output to around 8.5 million bpd in May-
July to support oil prices. The deal does not include output of gas condensate, a light oil.

The cuts under the global deal should be eased starting from August because of a recovery in oil prices
LCOc1. Russia has said it would increase its oil production by 400,000 bpd.

The ministry data showed that Russian oil and gas condensate production rose to 39.63 million tonnes in
July from 38.16 million tonnes in June, the Interfax news agency reported.

Russia usually produces 700,000 to 800,000 bpd of gas condensate. That means that excluding gas
condensate, Russia could have produced around 8.57 million to 8.67 million bpd of crude oil in July.

Russian oil exports outside the former Soviet Union stood last month at 15.72 million tonnes, down
27.1% from July 2019. In barrels per day, exports reached 3.72 million, according to Interfax.

The news agency also said that Russian natural gas output reached 50.33 billion cubic metres in July,
down 7.9% from a year earlier. Page 12 (Join Mentorship by Experienced Faculty for UPSC/UPPPSC-

January 2020 Hindu & IE Editorial Compilation & Imp. Article for quoting as an example

February 2020 Hindu & IE Editorial Compilation & Imp. Article for quoting as an example

March 2020 Hindu & IE Editorial Compilation & Imp. Article for quoting as an example

April 2020 Hindu & IE Editorial Compilation & Imp. Article for quoting as an example

May 2020 Hindu & IE Editorial Compilation & Imp. Article for quoting as an example

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