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Internet is an essential tool for business0to do product survey and testing

Business research is really important0to get data related to target customers,0trends in market,
interest, and information about0the competition. Internet helps the business0to obtain data and
analyses the information to0create better and effective products, marketing plan before0investing
money in product development.0Internet helps businesses to test and collect0the data behind the
idea of product and services.0There are various paid and free tools to analyze0and collect customer
data by creating data analysis0applications by using Mat lab, Scilab,0Python, R, and Microsoft
Excel, etc.  For ecommerce0or services business website, entrepreneurs0can use best website
analytics tools such as Google0Analytics, Crazy Egg, and, etc. 0Business analysis
on the internet helps to take0the best product development and0marketing decision.

Internet platforms helping the business0to sell products and services online

Selling online is the biggest benefits of the0Internet for big and small businesses.0Selling online is
less costly with a high level of0value marketing. The cost of setting0up an online shop or
ecommerce website is less expensive0than a physical store. Internet helps business0and ecommerce
website to automate selling and0transactions process. Selling products via the online store is not
only beneficial for one business but it helps third-party0business services such as couriers,0content
marketers, graphic designers,0payment gateway service providers, etc.0ecommerce industry is
growing day by day and even0small business owners are generating high0revenues for business in
few months. The cost of maintaining0and starting ecommerce store and0selling online not only
helps to sell but also business0owners can track their best marketing and0advertising efforts and
channels. This will not only help0to sell more but it also helps to0sell the right product to target
customers based on interest.0Biggest examples of successful ecommerce0utilization are,,0Flipkart, Paytm, etc. which are generating0high revenues and profits
at0less cost.

Internet helping business to0execute employee training and0development programs

Online employee training and web-based0training programs are providing great benefits0to manage
and execute tasks effectively. 0The success of a business is0dependent on the creativity and
analytical thinking of its0employees. The Internet plays an important0role in business to create
multiple types of employee0learning and training programs. Learning and0training explore
creativity in employees.0Also, ecommerce websites, advertising agencies,0email marketing
companies and all kinds of Internet0connected business always need to manage0data and secure the
customer0information and0privacy from online attacks.

Online training and online classes0for staff help them to learn from professionals0related to the
business industry. Internet helps0employees to access learning materials0anywhere at the right
time. Today’s business owners,0companies and online entrepreneurs are0facing productivity
problems. The common0question is How to be more productive?0How to make employees more
productive? That’s how the internet0helps the business owners to create and use0existing e-
Learning programs and application0to provide continuous education and training.0The benefits of
online training programs such as videos,0apps, webinars help employees to learn at0their own pace
and comfort. The cost of online0programs is less than the cost of sending0employees to seminars or
hiring productivity consultant.0That’s how by the use of internet in small,0medium and big
business everyone0can get benefits by learning from0e-learning resources.

Internet building business and0customer relationships

Relationship with customers is really0important for business success.0Internet helps the business to
connect with customer’s communication0channels and build a strong network.0Communication by
Internet platforms helps the business to0get new customers and retain existing customers.0The right
product for the right0customers is not possible without communicating0with clients or customers
about the product and their0problems. The website, Social Media Marketing,0Administrative
Support,0Technical Support are few examples0which are used by almost all the0businesses today.
24/7 customer support on social0media increasing the brand values is another0example of effective
business communication and0relationship building programs.

A customer0wants quick information0regarding their problems. So, it’s really0important for

businesses to improve how they0track customer problems and provide solutions0that build trust and
an honest0relationship with0clients. Social Media, blog, forums are the tools0which businesses can
use to communicate effectively0with customers. This kind of business development0practices on
the internet really benefits business to0build a strong0network of customers.0Communication and
network building also help to0implement innovative, creative and valuable0marketing and
advertising0plans for the business.

These types of everyday business operations and marketing or free platforms are impossible to
access without the Internet. The cost of communication in today’s time, especially by the use of the
internet, is less than offline methods. Reviews, comments, link building, back-links, link tracking,
etc. are daily practices that help the business to grow business faster with a high level of integrity.
Internet speedup and making the0business process accurate. 

The World0Wide Web gives you access0to data and information with high speed0and accuracy.
Emails, News,0file transfers,0cloud storage, IRC such kind of Internet0features are
really0important for the business. Internet0rich features and applications not only help0employees
to become more productive but it also helps to0work faster and accurately by learning0and using
the latest technologies in the day to day0business dealings. Business and companies0get customer
data and relationship status, feedback,0comments, likes, shares, reviews in real-time0and quickly.
In the business development and marketing 0speed really matters when you’re0competing globally.
Email marketing, collecting emails address,0tracking user behaviors, page views,0landing pages are
few examples in which business0owners get benefits by including internet to0speed up the
operations and accuracy in the process of0business development. Without the use of the0internet in
business it’s impossible today to grow0business and earn profits.


If the internet of things has a problem0or is exposed to weaknesses then the0enterprises that are
connected to it are equally threatened.0In fact, while security is undoubtedly one of the0major
issues impacting the0development that stem directly from0this study


The main purpose of internet0connected devices has been to enable people0to communicate with
each other and to access online0data on processes. The main purpose of IoT0devices is to generate
real-time data that we can then0analyze and use to create desired0business outcomes.


Research methodology0is a way to systematically show the0research problem. It may be

understood as a science0of studying how research is done scientifically.0It is necessary for the
researcher to know not0only the research methods but also the0methodology.

This Section includes the methodology0which includes. The research design,0objectives of study,
scope of study along with0research methodology and limitations0of study etc.


This project is based on exploratory study.0All the details furnished aren0taken from the


 To control and monitor any operating system

 To get Continuous0feedback on escalations0to fix bugs faster
 To use different inner0and outer network0technologies



 Primary data

Primary Data will be0collected by interacting with0the SME owners ..

1 Interview 20Observations.


Secondary data which is already0existing information.

 News papers and0books

 Website0
 Company0website
 Articles0


The data which is collected through interview0and observation from the SME0operators, and with
the help of secondary data,0will be theoretically analyzed which will be0used for the
presentation of research.0Based on the analysis findings, suggestions0and conclusion will


Rolf H.Weber0(2009)
Internet of Things, a developing worldwide0Internet-based specialized design0encouraging the
trading of merchandise and0enterprises in worldwide production network0systems affects the
security and protection of the0included partners. Measures guaranteeing0the engineering's strength
to assaults, information confirmation,0get to control and customer protection0should be set up. A
sufficient lawful structure must0consider the basic innovation and would0best be set up by a global
official, which is enhanced0by the private area as per explicit needs and0in this way turns out to be
effectively movable.0The substance of the separate enactment must include the privilege to data,
arrangements precluding or confining the utilization0of systems of the Internet of Things, controls
on IT-security-enactment, arrangements supporting0the utilization of components of the0Internet of
Things and the0foundation of a team doing research0on the lawful difficulties of the IoT.

Pratima Bhagat 0jul (2018)

Internet of Things, abbreviated as IoT, is a0distributed computing environment that is0full of promise,
helping to shape the0future of the world. IoT is a network of smart0devices capable of processing and
storage. It integrates the0existing and upcoming technologies0to ensure enhanced provision of quality of
life for human beings. IoT applications are immense,0touching the varied fields of aviation,0medicine,
home automation, manufacturing,0mining, marine zone, agricultural fields,0forests, transportation, and
citizens’ security, to name but a few.0IoT has already helped tag the tigers from forests0and cows from
farming fields for identification and tracking.0Smart wearable technologies have been0embedded into the
human body for health monitoring.0Recently, IoT has become the backbone of a0rising new distributed
computing paradigm,0called Fog Computing, also known as Edge Computing.0Fog Computing is the latest
distributed computing model that extends the0Cloud Computing vision. The main0advantage of the Fog
paradigm is that it brings partial0computation and storage right at the edge of0the network, thus helping to
reduce latency and the Internet0bandwidth bottlenecks. With this background, this book0chapter presents a
detailed literature analysis using the0Web of Science and Relecura software.0This chapter also outlines
fundamentals of Fog Computing0such as its characteristics, models, theories, and0different applications.
Moreover, various0upcoming technologies and frameworks have0also been illustrated for better
understanding of the Fog0Computing phenomenon.

Rajesh Kumar0Arora jan (2018)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one0of the evolving concepts in different continents0including
Europe, USA, Australia, Africa, and0Asia. Diverse continents are using this concept0for different
applications in medical,0pharmacy, manufacturing, business, education, mining,0entertainment,
logistics, forest, agricultural,0research, and development sectors to name a few. Some0of the
studies also show that these IoT0technologies are essential in bringing Quality0of Life (QoL) to
urban citizens. This chapter is0based on exploratory study using secondary data.0This investigation
will explain the Internet of0Things phenomena. Research manuscript0also inspects on “Tel Aviv
Smart City.” Moreover, this explores0the Internet of Things applications in bringing0the
operational efficiency0of Tel Aviv Smart City. Different IoT0applications in city axes and
collaborative works are0exemplified in crystal clear.

Sanjeev0verma jan (2018)

The purpose of this study is to explore0the major determinants of nongovernment0organizations
(NGOs) engagement and relationship0building on social media in India.0Netnography with a
metaphoric grounded analysis is0used for the data analysis to identify these0determinants, and a
conceptual framework is proposed to0inform the strategic direction of NGOs. The0findings suggest
that supporters engage with NGOs0largely for personal and organizational reasons.0Emotions,
trust, and information needs0emerge as the primary personal drivers0for engagement, whereas
organizational accountability,0performance, brand image, and transparency0emerge as
organizational drivers. Behavioural0intention mediates the relationship between0the drivers of
engagement and supporter contributions.0The study suggests that as the number0of supporters on
social media platforms is0rapidly increasing, NGOs should recognize the0importance of the
supporter experience while0designing their marketing strategies. Given0the peculiarity of supporter
behavior in relationship0building by NGOs, the inclusion of more0supporters may improve the
welfare0of society.

R RAMSWAMY0 (aprl 2015)

Internet of Things emerges as a global network,0connecting every object in the real world0around us in the
near future.0Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the last advances in0Information and Communication
Technologies, providing a0global connectivity and management of sensors, devices,0users and Information
(A. J. Jara, et al., 2010).0Primarily Internet of Things is aimed at providing our daily0life more
sophisticated, comfort, flexible at any time.0This research article is explaining about0IoT definitions,
concepts and focusing on the0importance of Internet of Things. In addition,0this research paper mostly
articulates critical challenges0or hurdles facing at different levels in implementation0of these Internet of
Things technologies in the0real world applications.




When we use SWOC analysis,0it’s often for strategic planning.0It prepares for decisions0and gives
an overall look at the strengths,0weaknesses, opportunities,0and threats of business.0But SWOC
analysis can also be used to0increase and build upon customer0satisfaction.
To give a well-rounded0overview of  how to use SWOC0analysis for a boost in customer
satisfaction,0we’ll start with the Strengths0and Weaknesses first.

SWOC analysis, for any who may be unfamiliar,0is a planning method typically used in business
strategy to identify the Strengths,0Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats0that may face a business
or project. A number0of us have likely had the0opportunity to either observe or participate0in this
exercise for the broader0business in which we work.  A quick0overview of the0core concepts:

Strengths and0weaknesses
Strengths and weaknesses0internal to the organization.0Strengths represent positive0attributes or
characteristics, factors that provide an advantage.0Weaknesses are attributes or0characteristics that
place the business at a0disadvantage relative to others.

Opportunities0and Challenges

Opportunities and threats are external0to the organization.  Opportunities0represent external trends
and chances to improve performance –0something happening in the outside environment0that
presents positive potential.0Threats are elements or trends in the outside0environment that could
cause trouble for the0business, place0it at risk.


1. Global market: E-commerce biggest0strength is the boundary less access0in other word no brick
structure is mandatory to0do business or no specific boundary is required.0It enables all the
companies to0expand them to global level.0The widening of geographic retail0markets may
facilitate the development0of global retailers
2. Time saving: Transaction through0internet is no doubt very fast. It saves time0by reducing
3. No time constraints:0The concept of 25X7 shows that online trans can0be used any where any
time as there is no0time constraints.
4. Price/Product comparison:0Information and to choose are some of the right0which every
consumer has.0On the same footing ecommerce provide0platform to consumers to compare
price and product
5. Effectively and efficiently.0It will tend to have far greater bargaining power0with suppliers than
traditional local or national0retailers.
6. Cost effective:0Elimination of long chain of middle man,0decreasing need of having brick
infrastructure0and outsource logistic are helping a0small business to stand at par with0giants.
7. Flexible target market0segmentation: The success of business0depends on right choice of
segmentation.0Target market segment here in e commerce0is flexible can be modified anytime.
8. Fast Exchange of information:0“e” will always guarantee fast and accurate sharing of
information among merchants and customers and enables0prompt quick just in time reply.
9. Faster buying procedure: The buying is just a click away from the seller. No physical movement
is required, no hunting of right product0at right price0 is to done by the consumer0this make the
buying process0faster
10. Niche Market:0It is a concept of sub segmentation where0the products of rare species are
available without0putting some special efforts by consumer.0Almost everything can0be sold on
internet. Even if0products targeted to smaller markets the0buyer will be somewhere on net


1. Security: Security is a biggest challenge0in to progress of e commerce. Customer0always found

themselves insecure0especially about the integrity of the0payment process.

2. Fake websites:0Many fake websites are available on net which promises0better service and
secure dealing.0These web sites can not only disgrace ecommerce0but also bring bad name0to
3. Fraud: Personal and financial0details provided for trading purpose are0misused by hackers their
personal0undue interest.
4. Fewer discounts and bargaining:0Hardly online businesses offer discounts0and bargaining
cannot be0possible.
5. Long delivery timing: The task of0Delivery is usually outsourced, who do not care0about the
timing of the seller.0They provide their services as per their own convenience.0Some time the
delivery time0may extend to days or weeks which0one cannot wait for.
6. Impossibility of physical examination:0Products whose choice is merely depend on its
0physical condition of the product with0need personal touch before selection are0not suitable
fote-commece0business. As Online products cannot be touched,0wear or sit on the products.
7. Limitation of products:0Only a limited number of products0can be available.
8. Lack of personal services:0Physical products can be available but lack in0personal services
which are0intangible.
9. Limited exposure: In developing0areas where internet is not accessible0will have no or little
exposure to0e commerce.
10. Limited advertising:0Limited advertising opportunities are0available because in e commerce
one cannot go for mass advertising.0The advertising is limited only to computer literate0person.
And out of them only those0who are comfortable with e-commerce0applications.
11. Customer’ssatisfaction 0There is no physical and personal or0direct face to face interaction
between customer0and the seller. Therefore the scope of convincing0the customer does no taxl .

Changing trends: People are very0brand conscious. They are interested in buying0branded stuff
rater then local. If such0stuffs available cross border they0will not mind it ordering through e-
commerce. E- commerce0is fast and effective even financial transactions0can be made from any
part of the world. People0of tomorrow will feel more comfortable0to buy products through

1. Increasing number of user:0Daily number of internet users is increasing.0People feel more

comfortable to0shop online

2. Regular Global expansion:0E commerce can be operated any where any time0without any
interruption. It always has a0scope of expansion. All new population0and existing population
who are not the user of0e commerce are the target expansion.
3. High availability0(24 hour and seven days a week):0Along with each and every click of the
mouse business is in operation.0Those who are busy in day time and cannot0spare time for them
self, have all the opportunity to0shop as per their convenient time even0during late night hours.
4. Wide business growth:0E business has wide scope and broader vision to0grow. Business always
took place in gap.0Gap filling is a never ending process hence0the growth of business is also
never ending0process.
5. Advertising:0Advertising is cost effective as compare0to conventional offline system.


1. Competitors: Along with local competition,0global competition also exists. Competition is

increasing day by day.0Big companies have already entered in this field.0They are making
people habitual at the0cost of their companies.
2. Changes in environment,0law and regulations: Change in trends, fashion0and fad can distress E
Commerce side by side0change in law and regulations0can also affect it.
3. Innovation: Customers now0days are always in a search of innovative0products and technique.
Innovation will always0work as an extra burden on the pocket of consumer,0be either in
product, place,0promotion and even price.
4. Privacy concerns:0Fears that information can be misused lead to spam0emailed identity fraud.
5. No direct interaction:0in e commerce there is any direct interaction0between customer and the
seller. There is no0scope of bargaining. People prefer to buy0physically as compare to online to
experience0personal feel.


1. The degree of environmental0uncertainty is greater for the managers0than for operating


2. The (79%) of the0SMEs surveyed used0the Internet in their businesses The results0indicated
that the0use of the Internet for0information gathering (83%) was more0widespread than any
other aspect of Internet use in this survey.
3. The most common0reasons given for not using the0Internet were that they had no0reason to
connect to the0Internet (44%). Some indicated that0they were currently in the0process of
connecting to the0Internet (44%).

4. Internet technology while0another (19%) indicated that customers0were not yet connected0to
the Internet.

5. SMEs surveyed engaged in0marketing on the Internet and (84%) of those0did so via a web site.
Nearly0half of the0respondents that used the Internet for0advertising /marketing indicated that

6. The web to advertise their0products or0services was quite important0for their business success

7. Products or services on the0Internet had been effective in terms0of increase in profit.0Only

(11%) of the respondents0felt that advertising or marketing0on the Internet had been0effective
in terms of0increase in profit

8. Products or services were target0customers not connected to the0Internet (40%) and they did
not believe0that the Internet was effective for0advertising/marketing (40%).
9. The importance of the0competitiveness. (56% )indicated that the use of the0Internet was
"essential" or "very important"0in their competitiveness.

10. Over three-quarters (78%) of all the0respondents indicated that the Internet0had been "very
effective", On the other0hand just a quarter (25%) indicated that the0Internet had been "very
effective" or "effective" in0meeting their competitive needs.

11. 40% of the0respondents agreed0that SMEs were aware of the benefits0they could achieve
through the use of the0Internet and its technologies (e.g. web, email, etc). 40%0agreed that the
Internet allows0easier entry into traditionally hard access0markets, due to less0expensive
product promotion, and0new sales channel 48% agreed that0internal company0communication
would improve as a0result of Internet use. 45% agreed that0there would be a lot of potential
business0opportunities for SMEs in overseas0market. 47% agreed that foreign0competition for
SMEs traditional0market would increase.

12. (82%) indicated0that improved communications0were the most common benefits0gained from
the use0of the Internet.
13. (79%) are0web users .


This project gave me great0opportunity to learn about the all aspects of the0INTERNET THINGS
IN SMALL AND0MEDIUM TERM ENTERPRISE and0helped me to know about0current
situation of the 0INTERNET ENTERPRISE.

The learning experience0gained by me during the in plant0training was very much0practical

oriented.0Mostly all the concepts which I studied in the class0are applicable practically

I gained many new0management skills and also got a0chance to learn new things on0my own

The overall0study of the organization

1. Improve0skills
One of the most important0things you can gain from internship is new0knowledge and0network
and it helps to0improve many new skills0and knowledge

2. Professional0communications
It is the best way to learn how to0navigate the working world through real-life hands0on experience
one of the most0valuable skill you will gain from an0internship is the ability to speak with0people
in a0professionals

3. Making0connections
The people who0will be reference in the future0it will setup many new connections 0and build the

4. Independence0
Internship will teach you0to make your own decision and do things on your0own being able to
work independently0with little guidence is very important0in the working world

I came to know what exactly0needs wheather quality of work or quality0of work to be done0or
both. And also0some extent I could understand0the ENTERPRISE work culture.0Uniformity which
is a essential element that0management should maintain it0will also create an impression0on the
minds of another about their0taste, preference, values .I had a0great time working on the0project,
as it given insights0into the working environment0of an organization. The0environment is good. I
have learn lot0of thing there.

This project gave me a great0learning experience and at the 0same time it gave me enough0scope to
implement my0educational ability.0The information advice presented in this0project is based on

With the growth of0e-commerce over the past few years,,the number of e-business0solution
providers in the industry0has also grown drastically,0especially in India. E-commerce0can be
compared to a 24/70open shop or a showroom catering to its0clients and buyers. Therefore,0a lot of
maintenance has to0go into it. This is where the0e-commerce solution providers step in,0take things
in their hands, spend0time and further enhance your0business. Conducting business0online may
sound very easy as you0avoid a lot of unwanted hassles0but a lot of skills and0innovation is
required to keep it going.0E-commerce involves doing market0research, getting qualified0traffic,
converting hits to0business advantages and using0information to generate new0e-commerce from
existing clients. E-commerce solution0providers in India with their in-depth0research and skills will
provide you with tactics and0strategies to make your business0profitable. The first step0for them
would ideally be0to understand your business0and requirements. A research0will follow to find out
the predicted market potential,0the best keywords and phrases,0competition for keywords, search
engine0relevancy etc.

The next step for an e-business0service provider would be to0find a way to get the visitor0on your
website to take steps0to benefit your business.0This is done by understanding0the psyche of the
visitor and creating0an automated website, attractive0and user-friendly for the visitor.0Efficient e-
commerce solution0providers will definitely opt for0internet marketing to get more0visitors to visit
your website. Launching0a monthly newsletter for your0customers is also a good idea.0You can
send them updates0about the new and the latest that has0been added to the portfolio of0products on
your website. The launch of0your website if required is also taken care of by0the e-commerce
service providers. Site-management0and promotion is also very important. The content,0images
and the layout of a0website has to be continuously improved0and worked upon keeping up0to date
with the market. Overall,0your website should be designed to0attract the first time visitors.

The usability and utility factor0should also be kept in mind.0This will bring them back to0your
website whenever they0plan to buy anything.


The web of e-commerce0solution providers in India is vast. They0offer a host of e-commerce

solution and consulting services0to support guide and help you at each step.0Outsourcing e-
commerce solutions will help you0save time and resources while you can focus on other0important
business objectives. Some0e-commerce solution providers also offer BPO0services which can be
used for telemarketing and0cross-selling to maximize profits.0E-commerce solutions are a big
support for businesses today.0The demands and the expectations of the end-users0are high and so is
the level of competition in the industry.0E-commerce solution providers help you0streamline your
process and cover all the0gaps that might have gone unseen.
The central concern0of this study has been in gaining deep 0insight into current Internet0usage in
SMEs and the factors0that influence their decision to adopt it in business.0This study, which was
based on empirical data,0examined Internet usage as it is actually used in SMEs.0The study has
developed a theory0that considered the technological,0organisational and environmental factors,
which explained the adoption0and use of the Internet in SMEs.0The author has argued both
theoretically and where possible using0empirical evidence, why these categories0helped to better
understand and explain Internet0adoption and usage in SMEs.0The study's results provided
significant support to0past findings0in innovation and information systems
The conclusions of the study were based on0the survey questionnaire and the analysis0of the SMEs
studied and not on a0population. It is not the goal of an interpretive0study to make generalisations
from the examined SIMEs,0but rather to offer understanding or insights about0the adoption and use
of the Internet in SMEs.0A rich, thick description of the case allows0readers to make decisions
regarding transferability0of the research



1. Traver Carol0Guárico (2008) , E-commerce – Business0technology , society

 Hindustan0Times
 Economic0times


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