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Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform flow

Non-uniform flow occurs where the stream

enters and leaves the channel at obstruction
such as dams, weirs, bridges or piers.

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Hydraulic Jump
It is an abrupt rise in water surface which results
from retarding water flowing at lower stage. The
change in stage is from a depth less than the
critical depth to a one greater than the critical
depth, but due to loss of head in the jump, the
total energy after the jump is less than the
alternate stage before the jump.

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
From point 1 to point 2, the water losses
momentum, that is the unbalanced force acting
to retard the mass is equal to the rate of

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
The unbalanced force F is assumed to be equal to the difference
of hydrostatic pressure corresponding to depth at 1 and 2,

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
Example Exercise 1

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
Tutorial Problems
Problem 1

A hydraulic jump occurs in a trapezoidal channel with side slopes of 1:1 and
base of 4 m. If the upstream depth before the jump is 1.0 m. and the
downstream depth is 2 m;
a. Determine the discharge.(Ans: Q=26.47 𝒎𝟑 /𝒔)
b. Determine the Froude Number after the jump.(Ans: F=0.576)
c. Determine the head loss after the jump.(Ans:HL = 0.18 m)

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 2

Water is moving in a rectangular channel to have a Froude No. of 10. The

channel is 5 m. depth. The depth of flow is 1.0 m. If the water undergoes a
hydraulic jump;
a. Calculate the depth of flow after the jump.(𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝒅𝟐 = 𝟒 𝒎)
b. What is the Froude Number after the jump?(Ans: F=0.395)
c. Calculate the head loss.(Ans: HL=1.6875 m)

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Example Exercise 2
A concrete spillway of a dam discharges 255 𝑚3 /𝑠 and which discharge
passes over a level concrete apron with n=0.013 as shown in the figure. The
velocity at A at the bottom of the spillway is 12.6 m/s and the width of apron
is 54 m. Conditions will produce a hydraulic jump, with the depth of water in
the channel immediately after the apron being 3m. A designing engineer
would like to contain the hydraulic jump within the apron.

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
a. Calculate the depth of water at B, before the hydraulic jump occurs.
b. What is the length of the apron AC in metres assuming that the length of
jump BC is 36.5 𝑑2 .
c. How much energy is lost from A to C expressed in N.m/sec.

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform
Flow in Open Channels
Problem 3

A stream carrying 3.72 𝑚3 /𝑠 per meter of width, with a velocity of 5.18 m/s is
discharge from the toe of a dam into a channel bed which has a negligible
a. What will be the height of the accompanying jump?(Ans: 0.937 m)
b. Calculate the head loss in the jump.(Ans: 0.1731 m)
c. What would be the amount of energy that will be absorbed in the jump
in hp? (Ans: 8.47 hp)

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 4
Water upon leaving the spillway of a dam passes over a level concrete apron
60 m. wide. The conditions are such that a hydraulic jump will form on the
apron. When the discharge is 4.65 𝑚3 /𝑠 per meter width of channel. The
velocity where the water leaves the spillway is 13.5 m/s and the depth after
the jump is 3 m.
a. Calculate the depth of water where the jump occurs.(Ans: 𝒅𝟐 =
𝟎. 𝟒𝟐𝟖𝟔 𝒎)
b. Determine the distance downstream from the foot of the spillway to the
place where the jump occurs assuming n=0.012. (Ans: L=41.6 m)
c. How much energy is lost from the foot of the spillway to the downstream
side of the jump?(Ans: Energy lost = 17,817,805 N.m/s.)

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 5

Over a hydraulic drop structure in a river 22.8 m. wide flows 170 𝑚3 /𝑠 . On

the level apron of the structure the water flows 0.6 m deep in the rapid state.
A hydraulic jump is to take place on the apron.
a. What will be the reasonable depth of water downstream in the tranquil
state?(𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝒅𝟐 = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟓𝟔 𝒎)
b. What will be the critical depth?(𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝒅𝒄 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟖 𝒎)
c. What is the energy loss caused by the jump in horsepower? (Ans:Energy
lost=9478.6 hp

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 6

A 284 𝑚3 of water is flowing in a spillway chute shown in the

figure. The chute is rectangular in section with 30 m. width.
Material is concrete with a smooth finish (n=0.012). Assume the
spillway section is sufficiently wide that side wall effects maybe
considered negligible.

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 6 Continues…

a. What is the depth of flow “𝑑1 “ at the bottom of the 5 % slope assuming
the 5 % slope is very long? (𝒅𝟏 =0.666 m)
b. What would be the critical depth in the rectangular cross section?(𝒅𝒄 =
𝟐. 𝟎𝟗 𝒎)
c. What would be the required depth of tail water “𝑑2 " at the section 2 to
cause a hydraulic jump to form on the flat slope? (𝒅𝟐 =4.92 m)

CE 322-Hydraulic Jump in Non-Uniform

Flow in Open Channels
Problem 7

Water flows over a spillway into a rectangular channel forming a hydraulic

jump in order to dissipate mechanical energy. The spillway and the settling
basin (region downstream of the spillway) are 20 m. wide. Before the jump
the water has depth of 1 m. and a velocity of 18 m/s.
a. What is the depth after the jump?(𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝒅𝟐 = 𝟕. 𝟔𝟒 𝒎)
b. What is the velocity after the jump? (𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝑽𝟐 = 𝟐. 𝟑𝟔 𝒎/s)
c. Calculate the Froude Number after the jump.(𝑨𝒏𝒔: 𝑭 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕𝟑)

CE 322-Week 3 Hydraulic Jump in Non-

Uniform Flow in Open Channels

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