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Teacher: Miss.

Hoisington Date: March 12, 2020

Class: 3B
Time: 90 Minutes

Guilty? Or Innocent?

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
• Students have spent the last few classes reading various different stories with the Big Bad
Wolf. They have been introduced to the idea of motive through the True Story of the
Three Little Pigs and have also considered the innocence or guilt of the wolf in that story.
• Students have done Daily 5 centers before and are familiar with the work we do during
that time.

Summary Overview:
• During this class we will focus in on discussing what guilty looks like/ sounds like. This
lesson will be a “hook” for the next lesson on finding proof.
• We will connect this idea to the work we have been doing this week on motive, and
students will play a game in which they will act out guilty of innocent. This will help
them understand the importance of proof- we can’t assume something unless we have a
solid reason!
• Students will engage in daily 5 activities for the remainder of class; some students will
work with me to enrich their understanding of motive.

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to…
o GLO 1: explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
o GLO 2: comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other
media texts.
o GLO 5: respect, support and collaborate with others.

Specific Outcomes:
o 1.1.2- Express ideas and develop understanding: explain understanding of new
concepts in own words.
o 2.2.8- Construct meaning from texts: Make inferences about a character’s
actions or feelings.
o 5.2.3- Work in Groups: Contribute ideas and information on topics to develop a
common knowledge base in the group.

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, a student will be able to…
1) Define what guilt and innocence looks like and sounds like by participating in a guilt vs.
innocence game.

2) Make inferences about innocence or guilt by using actions to convey meaning and use the
actions as proof.

Groups Visual
Pairs Auditory
Individuals Kinesthetic

• No adaptations necessary for the mini lesson portion of the lesson.
• Differentiation is built in to the Daily 5 activities- spelling words are all different based
on level, and guided reading is built around the needs of the student. I have also pulled
specific students to work with me to enrich their learning about motive.

• Motive Vocab sheet (1 per student)
• Guided Reading sheets (motive)
• True Story of the Three Little Pigs
• Innocent or guilty slips


Introduction Time
• Arrival Activity/ Hook: Have message written on board for students when
they arrive. Have a vocab sheet on their desks for them to revisit motive.
o Students will fill out the vocabulary cartoon worksheet.
• Have students work on the sheet and then place it on Mrs. Bechthold’s desk.
If they finish before everyone else, have them read to self.
15 min
• Students will then move to the carpet area. Introduce what we are doing
today. Let students know that we are going to talk about innocence and
guilt. Connect it back to the writing we did the other day about whether
we thought the wolf was guilty or not.
• Let students know we will be working on some Daily 5 Centers today.
Body Time
Mini Lesson: • Begin by asking students: what does it mean to be
Guilt vs. guilty? What does it mean to be innocent?
Innocence • Have students get up, move around and find 30 min
someone they were not sitting beside. Students will
discuss for a couple of minutes, and then we will

come back together. Choose students to call on-
prepare them to think of an answer.

• Ask students: what does guilt look like? Sound like?

• Highlight the fact that we need to find proof in order
to know for sure if someone/ a character is guilty or
• Revisit the wolf in the true story; what does he
do/say that make us think he is or is not guilty?
What proof can we find? ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO
THINK CRITICALLY… If you were the police, would
you believe him?

• Guilty or innocent game

o Have students split into groups (use table
o Tell them that they will each choose a slip of
paper that will determine if they are
“innocent” or “guilty”
o Students will get 3 minutes to decide how
they will show what guilty or innocent looks
o Students will have 30 seconds to “perform”
their mini skit. Students will have to decide if
the group is pretending to be innocent, or
o We will talk about WHY we think this.
• Move students to Daily 5. Let them know that they
need to visit a station they did not visit yesterday.
Try something new!
Daily 5 • Tell students that we will be working through daily 5
centers. Point to where you have specific center
material set up.
• We will have a read to self center, where students
can choose to read any book of their choice.
• A listen to reading center, where students can listen
to various audio versions of fairy tales.
• A word work station, where students will have the 40 min
chance to work on spelling activities. They will have
a selection of games to choose from that will use the
differentiated spelling lists.
• A work on writing station, where students will work
on completing a compare/contrast Venn diagram
between 2 version of Little Red Riding Hood that we
have read last week. The books will be available for

students to look at to familiarize themselves with
them again. OR students can choose to look at the
True Story book we read earlier in the week and
revisit the writing they did in their LA books.
• And a read to someone station, where students will
do guided reading in small groups.
• For the guided reading groups, they will be slightly
different today.
o I will work with 2 groups (8 students):
Reemi, Conner, Niya, Pearl, Ethan, Addisyn,
Savannah, and Jaxxen.
o I will work with this group to reteach and
work on the meaning of motive. I want to
ensure all students have a solid
understanding moving forward.
o We will look at some scenario cards, and
students will determine the character’s
• At the 45-minute mark, ask students to clean up at
the station they are at. Everything should go back in
the bags and cleaned up. Have students come back to
the carpet.

Conclusion Time
• Thank students for all their hard work. Pull a couple sticks with student
names and invite them to share what they did in Daily 5 today.
• Let students know that next class we will revisit the idea of innocent or 5 min
guilty but look closer at the True Story.


• I can express ideas and develop understanding: explain understanding of new concepts
in own words.
• I can construct meaning from texts: Make inferences about a character’s actions or
• I can work in Groups: Contribute ideas and information on topics to develop a common
knowledge base in the group.

• During this lesson, the bulk of informal assessment will take place during the mini lesson at
the top of class. I will be able to assess student understanding of motive during our hook
activity and gauge their understanding of innocence and guilt through class discussion. I
will also take note of the group’s “skit” about innocence or guilt to gauge their

understanding. I have chosen a group of students to target during Daily 5 time to ensure
they have a solid understanding of motive.
• As far as the Daily 5 centers go, I will use the informal check-in at the end of class and the
checklist in their journals to ensure they are visiting different stations.

Teacher Notes:
• Have vocab sheet on desks at the beginning of class.
• Be sure to be clear about instructions for skit/game activity; have slips of paper labelled
and ready to go for students to choose.

Reflection: How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well? Who was on/off task? Why? Who struggled? Why?

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