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Chandrayaan-2, India's second moon mission completed one year today

as it was launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on 22

July, 2019. After the injection of Chandrayaan-2 and revolving around the
Earth's orbit for nearly 23 days, the craft began its journey to the moon
on 14 August, 2019. And it was successfully inserted into the lunar orbit
on 20 August, 2019.

All the instruments of Chandrayaan-2 are performing well and adequate

onboard fuel is there to keep it operational for about seven more years as
per space agency ISRO.

The Lander was designed to execute the soft-landing on the surface of the
moon and to function on one Lunar day which is equal to 14 earth days.
But unfortunately few minutes before landing, ISRO lost contact with
Vikram Lander. Scientists of ISRO are trying to restore contact with the
Vikram Lander.

The Chairman of ISRO K Sivan recently told that the space agency has
found the location of the Vikram Lander through a thermal image that
was clicked by the Orbiter of the Chandrayaan-2, which is already in the
intended orbit around the Moon. But there is no communication yet. ISRO
is trying to have contact and hoping for the best.

Let us see what happened in the past.

On 2 September 2019, the Vikram lander has been placed in an
independent circular path around the moon identical to that of the orbiter
that was passing over the lunar poles at a distance of about 100 km from
the surface. Chandrayaan-2 with the combined orbiter, lander, and Rover
finally completed its fifth orbit-lowering maneuver on 1 September, 2019
that brings it to the almost circular orbit of 119 X 127 km around the

Chandrayaan-2 successfully entered the lunar orbit on 20 August, 2019.

According to ISRO,  Lander (Vikram) along with a Rover (Pragyan) has
separated from the orbiter on 2 September,2019 and is now on its way to
the Moon.

Chandrayaan-2 on 14 August, 2019 successfully entered Lunar Transfer

Trajectory. Only three countries US, Russia, and China reached on the
surface of the Moon and China being the only country to have made it in
the first attempt.

India's second Moon mission Chandrayaan-2 was successfully launched at

2:43 pm on 22 July, 2019 from Sriharikota space station. A new history is
created in India. It is a proud moment for all of us.  People will be able to
see the darker side of the Moon. 
About Chandrayaan-2 India's second Moon mission
Chandrayaan-2 moon mission is totally an indigenous mission. Earlier,
Chandryaan-2 was decided to launch on 15 July, 2019 but due to some
technical problem it was delayed. Finally, it was launched on 22 July,
2019 via GSLV-Mk-III rocket from Satish Dhawan Space Centre,
Sriharikota. No doubt, the Chandrayaan-2 mission comes nearly 11 years
after India's first expedition to the moon in October 2008. Therefore, the
space agency said it is better to be delayed rather than any

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