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Syllabus for IIIrd Semester (Major & Minor)

Title of the Course: Indian Society: Structure & Processes

Unit 1: Evolution of Indian Society

Hindu Philosophy& characteristics, Philosophical Literature, The Ashramas, The

Purusharthas, Impact of other religion-Buddhism and Islam

Unit 2: The Caste System

Perspectives, Origin & Characteristics of Caste, Weaker Sections

Unit 3: Social Movements in India

Characteristics & Types, Reform Movements, Backward classes Movement, Agrarian Unrest or
Peasant movement

Unit 4: Women& Society

Historical Background, Position of Women in India, Views of Manu and Gandhi, Development
and Welfare

Unit 5: Tribal Life in India

Distinctive features, Tribe & Caste, Tribal Problems, Tribal Movements, Tribal Welfare &

Unit 6: Economic System

Indian Economy, Jajmani System, Economic Inequality & Occupational Diversification

Unit 7: Rural Social System

Indian Villages, Characteristics, Agrarian Class Structure, Land Tenure and Reforms, Problems
of Villages

Unit 8: Urban Social Organisation

Concept, Rural to Urban Migration, Urban Social Organization, Stratification & Social Mobility,
Problems of Urban Society

Unit 9: Population & Society

Demographic Structure, Theoretical Explanation of Population Growth & Control, Population

Policy, Family Planning, Measures suggested to Control Population Explosion
Selected Readings

Sociology of Indian society by C.N.Shankar Rao

Indian Social System by Ram Ahuja

Domestic Violence against Women by Preeti Mishra

Society and Culture in India: Their dynamics through the ages by Indra Deva

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