Chapter 1

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Things To Do

1. Research about the important events in the Philippines during the time of Jose Rizal’s birth.
Research also the world events during the birth of Rizal. Make a timeline of these important
events. Compare and contrast the local and international events.
2. Make a picture chart of Jose Rizal’s Family Tree
Name : ________________________________ Schedule: __________________ Score: _____________

Test 1. TRUE OF FALSE. Write down word true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is

_____________ 1. Jose is the 6th child of Teodora and Francisco Mercado

_____________ 2. RA 1425 is also known as Rizal Law

_____________ 3. Jose Rizal possess the value of nationalism alone no patriotism

_____________ 4. Mercado is market in English

_____________ 5. Jose’s family belonged to the principalia

_____________ 6. Jose;s family owned one of the two stoned house in Calamba

_____________ 7. Jose’s family owned 10,000 volume of books

_____________ 8. From his father, he inherited the value of self – sacrifice.

_____________ 9. Jose was the only one whoe used the famiy name Rizal

_____________ 10. Rizal Family was highly esteemed and respected in the community.

_____________ 11. Jose inherited the value of hardworking from his mother

_____________ 12. Jose inherited the literary talents of his father

_____________ 13. Jose’s mother owned a general store and rice mill

_____________ 14. Jose’s family is not an illustrado

_____________ 15. Jose Rizal is a many splendor genius.


________________ 1. Jose’s birth date

________________ 2. Jose’s Hometown

________________ 3. Jose is named after which saint

________________ 4. Jose considered this person as his 2 nd father

________________ 5. Jose’s first teacher

________________ 6. The original surname of Jose’s

________________ 7. The meaning of Rizal in English

________________ 8. The author of Rizal law

________________ 9. The senator who supported the Rizal Law

________________ 10. The president who signed and first implemented the Rizal Law.

Test III. Essay the following question

1. Describe the family of Rizal as a Social Institution. How did Jose Rizal’s parents raise their
2. Identify the good qualities of Don Francisco Mercado as a father.
3. Identify the good qualities of Dona Teodora Mercado as a mother.
4. Why did Dona Teodora choose Jose as Rizal’s name? What was its significance.

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