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Welcome to AFGE

Case Track Training Manual

Table of Contents

Title: Page:
Registration Training……………...…………3
Approving Users Training……….…………14
Start Case Training……….………………..22
Retrieve Case Training…………………….48
Generating Reports Training………………63
Welcome to AFGE

Case Track Training!

Registration Training Sequence

AFGE CaseTrack is an entirely web-based application built on the latest

internet technology. With this Grievance Tracking System there is no need to
install multiple copies on different computers or synchronize data between
machines. All data is instantly updated on the server allowing users to get up-
to-the-minute reports and case information online at any time. Having all your
grievance data in one place eliminates redundancy and helps local stewards
manage and respond to cases. Most importantly, it ensures that no grievance
gets overlooked, and maximizes the chance of a positive resolution.
CaseTrack has been designed to be extremely simple and intuitive to use,
ensuring that you can get up and running in no time. You will find it easy to find
grievance cases, start new ones, and generate reports on your cases.
Local User/Local Administrator
You have selected the “Local User/Local
Administrator” Registration Training
Sequence. The following presentation will
teach you how to register at the Local User or
Local Administrator Levels.

As is the case throughout this presentation,

click the mouse to view the next page.
Local Presidents…
No one in a Local can become a user until the Local President has registered
as a Local Administrator. To do so, Local Presidents should email name,
address, preferred email address, and desired username and password to
[email protected].

Pick a username and password. Your password must have at least six
characters and at least one special character ($,#,&,etc). This improves the
security of the system. Also, please use personal rather than government

Once you have been approved as a Local Administrator, you can approve other
users in your Local.

See Approving Users Training Sequence for more details.

Local Users…
To register, click on the registration link on the home
page. This will take you to a registration form for new users.
Local Users…
First, select the local for which you are registering. Your local administrator can only
approve local access, so select the local option. The system will check to make sure it is
a legitimate local number, and then take you to the registration page.
Local Users…
If you are a Council Official and wish to register at the Council Level, select Council.
Registration Form
Fill in all of the fields and click on the submit button. Make sure that you pick a username
and password. Your password must have at least 6 characters, one of which must be a
numerical (1,2,3) or special character (#,$,%). This improves the security of the system.

Once the registration request has been submitted, the system

will send an e-mail to notify the local administrator that there
is a pending registration request. As soon as the local
administrator approves your request, your username and
password will be activated and you can begin to enter and
retrieve cases.
Pending Approval
Once your registration request has been submitted, the system
will send an email to notify the Local Administrator that there is
a pending registration request.

If the Local Administrator approves your request you will receive

an email confirming your username and password and that you
are now active in the system.

Until your local president has sent an email to

[email protected] to become a Local Administrator, no one in
your local may be activated.
Mein Profil
You can change your username, password,
or address information at any time by
clicking My Profile.
Congratulations, you completed the
Registration Training Program!
Welcome to AFGE

Case Track Training!

Approving Users Training Sequence

AFGE CaseTrack is an entirely web-based application built on the latest

internet technology. With this Grievance Tracking System there is no need to
install multiple copies on different computers or synchronize data between
machines. All data is instantly updated on the server allowing users to get up-
to-the-minute reports and case information online at any time. Having all your
grievance data in one place eliminates redundancy and helps local stewards
manage and respond to cases. Most importantly, it ensures that no grievance
gets overlooked, and maximizes the chance of a positive resolution.
CaseTrack has been designed to be extremely simple and intuitive to use,
ensuring that you can get up and running in no time. You will find it easy to find
grievance cases, start new ones, and generate reports on your cases.
Local Administrators
You have selected the “Approving
Users” Training Sequence. The
following presentation will teach you
how to approve users as a Local

As is the case throughout this

presentation, click the mouse to view
the next page.
Local Administrators…

No one in a Local can become a user until the Local President has registered
as a Local Administrator. To do so, Local Presidents should email name,
address, preferred email address, and desired username and password to
[email protected].

Pick a username and password. Your password should have at least six
characters and at least one special character (#). This improves the security of
the system. Also, please use personal rather than government email.

Once you have been approved as a Local Administrator, you can approve other
users in your Local.

If Local Presidents wish, they can designate one or more additional Local
Administrators to help. The Local President should send a non-government
email with the necessary information to [email protected].
Registration Administration
From the “Home” page, click “Administration.”
Registration Administration
Click Registration Administration.
Local Administrators
If you have any registration requests they will appear in a grid with the
User’s Information.

Click “Accept Registration” to activate the user or “Deny Registration” to

refuse Registration.
Congratulations, you completed the
Approving Users Program!
Welcome to AFGE

Case Track Training!

Start Case Training Sequence

AFGE CaseTrack is an entirely web-based application built on the latest

internet technology. With this Grievance Tracking System there is no need to
install multiple copies on different computers or synchronize data between
machines. All data is instantly updated on the server allowing users to get up-
to-the-minute reports and case information online at any time. Having all your
grievance data in one place eliminates redundancy and helps local stewards
manage and respond to cases. Most importantly, it ensures that no grievance
gets overlooked, and maximizes the chance of a positive resolution.
CaseTrack has been designed to be extremely simple and intuitive to use,
ensuring that you can get up and running in no time. You will find it easy to find
grievance cases, start new ones, and generate reports on your cases.
Local User/Local Administrator
You have selected the “Local User/Local
Administrator” Start Case Training Sequence.
The following presentation will teach you how
to start a case and advance it to subsequent
steps at the Local User or Local Administrator

Throughout this presentation, click the mouse

to view the next page.
Getting Started
First, click “Start Case”
What type of Case would you like
to start?
• Employee Grievance
• Union-Management Grievance
• Unfair Labor Practice
• Merit Systems Protection Board
• Equal Employment Opportunity
• Notice Of Change
• Congressional Contact
Select a Case Type
Select the case type by clicking the button next to the type and then clicking continue.
This presentation uses “Employee Grievance” as an example.
Select an Agency

You may be asked to select an agency with which you

are filing your case. Once you have selected an
agency, click on the “Continue” button. The system will
automatically associate your local with an agency. If you
find that your local is associated with the wrong agency,
please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the
necessary correction.
Select an Agency
Select an agency by clicking the button next to the agency and then clicking continue.
Grievant Information
You are now ready to enter the Grievant information...
Do so by filling the fields with the information requested.

Click start case to proceed to the next page.

Grievance Information
The “Grievance Information” tab is the main information screen for each
grievance. This section is divided into three areas: Case Information, Grievant
Information, and Detailed Information.
Grievance Information
The “Grievance Information” tab is the main information screen for each
grievance. This section is divided into three areas: Case Information, Grievant
Information, and Detailed Information.
Grievance Information
The “Grievance Information” tab is the main information screen for each
grievance. This section is divided into three areas: Case Information, Grievant
Information, and Detailed Information.
Case Information
The case information panel
contains information such as
the date the case was
submitted, the union
representative handling the
case, and the management
official with whom the case
was filed.
Case Information
Additionally, a “Council” drop
down menu has been added
for Locals associated with
Councils. This option
determines whether or not the
Council has access to a
particular Local case.
Grievant Information
The grievant information
panel contains contact
information for the grievant.
Grievant Information
The detailed information panel allows
the person filing the grievance to enter
extensive details regarding the case.
The person filing the grievance can
enter information such as:

1) Incident Date
2) Description of Grievance
3) Contract Article, Rule, Regulation, or
Policy Violated
4) Applicable Bargaining Agreement
5) Remedy Requested
6) Supporting Evidence (such as
witness statements)
7) Primary and Secondary Issues
Updating a Case
To update a case, please make any changes you wish to make by typing in the text
box for each field. Then, click on the “Update Case” button at the top of
the screen, and your changes will be saved.
Forwarding a Case
To advance a case, make sure you have entered all necessary information such as the
incident date and submission date, and select a step to forward to in the drop down box
in the top right hand corner entitled, “Select Step.” Click on the “Go to Step” button.

You can start at any step or skip steps. For example, you may start at Step Two rather
than One if you are passing a step. You can go from Step Three to Arbitration if that is
how your Local Grievance procedure works.
Disposition Options
For all steps there are various
disposition options. You may only
forward a case to the next step if
you select an outcome that allows
the case to move forward.

For example, an employee

grievance at step one is
automatically pending. The user
can then select Granted, Denied,
Settled or Withdrawn. If Granted,
Settled or Withdrawn is chosen,
then the case can not logically
move forward. If the case is
Denied, then the step option
appears in the upper right hand
corner that allows the user to
forward the case to the next step.

Each case can have corresponding

documents of any electronic format attached
to support the case.
To attach a document, click on the “Attachments” button at the top of the page.
A new screen will pop up. On this screen you can attach a file by clicking on the
“Browse” button.
Navigate to the location of the file you wish to attach on your computer, and select that
Once you have selected the file, you may add a note in the comments text box directly
above the “Browse” button.
Once you are finished, click on the “Add Note” button, to save the attachment to the
Congratulations, you completed the
Case Training Program!
Welcome to AFGE

Case Track Training!

Retrieve Case Training Sequence

AFGE CaseTrack is an entirely web-based application built on the latest

internet technology. With this Grievance Tracking System there is no need to
install multiple copies on different computers or synchronize data between
machines. All data is instantly updated on the server allowing users to get up-
to-the-minute reports and case information online at any time. Having all your
grievance data in one place eliminates redundancy and helps local stewards
manage and respond to cases. Most importantly, it ensures that no grievance
gets overlooked, and maximizes the chance of a positive resolution.
CaseTrack has been designed to be extremely simple and intuitive to use,
ensuring that you can get up and running in no time. You will find it easy to find
grievance cases, start new ones, and generate reports on your cases.
Local User/Local Administrator
You have selected the “Retrieve Case
Training Sequence.” The following
presentation will teach you how to
retrieve a case at the Local User or
Local Administrator Levels.

As is the case throughout this

presentation, click the mouse to view
the next page.
Retrieve Case
From the “Home” Page click “Retrieve Case.”
Retrieve Case By…
The next page gives you the option of retrieving a case by:

• My Cases – Cases belonging to the logged-in user.

• Agency – Cases belonging a particular agency.
• Local – Cases belonging to a particular local.
• Concerned Party – The concerned party as listed in the Case Report.
• Case Type – The type of case.
• Case Designation – The designation of the case.
• Issue - The Issue as listed in the Case Report
Retrieve Case By…
Select an option by clicking the corresponding button and then clicking continue.
Retrieve Case
The next screen is determined by the option chosen in the “Retrieve Case By” Screen.
If the user chooses “My Cases,” a list of cases started by that user will appear.
Retrieve Case
If the user chooses to retrieve a case by either “Agency” or “Local,” they will see a list of
the Agencies and Locals that they have administrative access to.
Retrieve Case
If the user chooses to retrieve a case by “Concerned Party,” they will need to enter the
first and last name of the concerned party as written in the Case Report.
Retrieve Case
If the user chooses to retrieve a case by “Case type or “Issue,” they must fill in the fields
that appear on the subsequent pages.

More than one type may be selected and the results are displayed
Retrieve Case

When retrieving a case by issue, a Case Type

must be selected first. Once a case type is
selected a list of issues relating to that type will
automatically appear.
Retrieve Case

Select an issue by clicking it and then clicking “Add Issue(s) To List.”

The Selected Issues appear in the second box. They may be removed
by clicking “Remove Issue(s) From List.” When complete, click
Retrieve Case
Finally, if the user chooses to retrieve a case by Case Designation, the first, second, and
third Elements must be entered. The first element refers to the case type, the second to
the relevant agency, and the third to the local and sequence number when the case was
input into the system.
An example of a Case Designation is EG-GSA-Local 0305-9-05, where EG stands for
Employee Grievance, GSA is the agency, the Local is identified and 9-05 means it was
the ninth case entered in the year 2005.
Retrieve Case
The end result of each “Retrieve Case By” Selection will be a grid listing all cases
matching the search criteria. Cases may be opened by clicking the “Open Case” Link.
Congratulations, you completed the
Retrieve Case Training Program!

to AFGE Training!
Generating Reports Training Sequence

AFGE CaseTrack is an entirely web-based application built on the latest

internet technology. With this Grievance Tracking System there is no need to
install multiple copies on different computers or synchronize data between
machines. All data is instantly updated on the server allowing users to get up-
to-the-minute reports and case information online at any time. Having all your
grievance data in one place eliminates redundancy and helps local stewards
manage and respond to cases. Most importantly, it ensures that no grievance
gets overlooked, and maximizes the chance of a positive resolution.
CaseTrack has been designed to be extremely simple and intuitive to use,
ensuring that you can get up and running in no time. You will find it easy to find
grievance cases, start new ones, and generate reports on your cases.
Local User/Local Administrator
You have selected the “Local User/Local
Administrator” Reports Training Sequence.
The following presentation will teach you how
to generate reports and manage the report
data at the Local User or Local Administrator

As is the case throughout this presentation,

click the mouse to view the next page.
Generating Reports
To generate a report, first click on the “Case Reports” button in the top navigation
Generating Reports
Select either “Case Summary Report” or “Case Statistics Report.” This demonstration
uses a “Case Summary Report.”
Generating Reports
Select a case type from the subsequent list.
Generating Reports
You will see a list of various filters that can be applied to the report. Select the options
most appropriate for your criteria and click on the “Generate Report” button.
Generating Reports
Once the report is generated, you will see a table with each case meeting your criteria.
At the bottom of the page, you will see information regarding total cases listed,
issues involved, dispositions, and case assignments. The reporting table contains a
lot of information, and is best viewed on a computer screen with a resolution setting
of at least 1028 x 768. If you have a lower resolution monitor, you will have to scroll
to the right to see the full report.
Summary Report Options
Excluding Columns
To filter or shrink the case table, you can choose to exclude particular
columns. To do so, remove checkmarks from the columns you do not
wish to see in the top box, and click on the “Display Columns” button.
Summary Report Options
You can order the table of cases by any column simply by clicking on
the column title. To reverse the order, click on the column title again.

To generate a printer friendly version, click on the “Print Version” link
at the top of the page.
Congratulations, you completed the
Reports Training Program!

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