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Tarot Club




Tarot Club

FoolJusticeHanged ManSunWorldMagicianMoonHermitStarJudgment




General Information


June 28th, 1349



God Worshipped

The Fool



Klein Moretti, Audrey Hall and Alger Wilson



Red Priest Pathway

Tyrant Pathway

Black Emperor Pathway

Fool Pathway



Star Pirates

City of Silver
Abraham Family


Church of the Evernight Goddess

Church of the Sea God

Blue Avenger

Church of the Lord of Storms (Former)

Church of the Earth Mother

Psychology Alchemists (Former)


Hermits of Fate


Sefirah Castle

Related Group

Church of the Fool

The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era;

The mysterious ruler above the gray fog;

The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.

— The Fool

on Honorable Title of Mr. Fool

The Tarot Club is a Newly Founded Secret Organization of Beyonders created by Klein Moretti in the
world above The Gray Fog. Initially, it started off as a gathering of three, Klein Moretti, Audrey Hall, and
Alger Wilson,[1] but has since expanded to 9 members each with different Organizations backing them
allowing members to gather resources from various sources allowing them to advance at a rapid pace.

It's used to share and sell information and Beyonder ingredients. Klein also uses it to collect Roselle's
Diary entries. The Tarot Club is in control of four Cards of Blasphemy.
The Tarot Club first entered the public in the event of the Death of Lanevus, with tarot cards scattered
all over the scene. It was officially recognized by the orthodox churches in Spring 1351[2], as a powerful
secret organization that worshiped The Fool.



Current Members

Tarot Club in Public

Member Cooperations


Steel Maveti

Sea of Ruins

Primitive Island


Ernes Boyar

Amon Avatar

Groselle's Travels



The Fool's Commission[22]



Site Navigation


The name of the secret organization, Tarot Club, was initially designated by Audrey Hall when it was
founded. Each member of the Tarot Club used the names of the tarot cards as their code names.

Current Members

Note 1: The join date refers to the chapter when the member officially picks his or her Tarot Card alias.
Note 2: The members of the club each have an alias but it does not mean that they already are or will
become the Sequence 0 God of their respective pathway. (e.g.: Klein Moretti was not Sequence 0 of the
Fool Pathway when he chose this alias, the same goes for Derrick Berg and Emlyn White).

Note 3: The sequence refers to the current sequence of the member. Hovering above the sequence
number reveals the sequence name.

Note 4: Mr. World is believed to be an angel under Mr. Fool. Few amongst the Tarot Club members, like
Lady Justice, knew he reached the level of King of Angels before his slumber.

Real Name Alias Join Date Pathway Sequence Outside Affiliation

Klein Moretti The Fool Chapter 6 Fool 0

Church of the Evernight Goddess

The Resistance

Moon City

City of Silver

Church of the Fool

Church of the Sea God

Audrey Hall Justice Chapter 7 Visionary 3

Backlund Nobles

Psychology Alchemists (Former)

Alger Wilson The Hanged Man Chapter 7 Tyrant 4

Church of the Lord of Storms (Former)

Blue Avenger

Church of the Sea God

Derrick Berg The SunChapter 138 Sun 4

City of Silver

Gehrman Sparrow The World Chapter 263 Fool 1

Temperance Faction of the Rose School of Thought

Life School of Thought

Church of the Fool

Fors Wall The Magician Chapter 297 Door 4

Abraham Family

Emlyn White The Moon Chapter 468 Moon 4


Church of the Earth Mother

Cattleya The Hermit Chapter 564 Hermit 3

Star Pirates

Moses Ascetic Order

Element Dawn

Leonard Mitchell The Star Chapter 951 Darkness 4

Church of the Evernight Goddess

Hermits of Fate

Xio Derecha Judgment Chapter 956 Justiciar 4


Tarot Club in Public

This means that the organization that uses the tarot cards as code names has officially stepped onto the
stage of history. Heh heh, please forgive me for using poetic words.

— Leonard Mitchell

on Chapter 1202

Their first public appearance was in the Death of Lanevus, with tarot cards scattered all over the scene.
The Churches and MI9 were alerted to the presence of some new secret organization.

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Their second appearance was on Capim's corpse that was covered in tarot cards, as well as the
'Judgment' and 'The Emperor' cards on his face. The reporters called this appearance the Hero Bandit
Black Emperor.[3] After this incident, many people tried to figure out the presence of this secret
organization. As well as the Aurora Order which openly investigated a clue of The Fool's believers in

The third scene that the tarot cards appeared was on Ince Zangwill's corpse with 'The Star' card.
Although only the Church of Evernight in West Balam knew about this regard.[5]

All three cases were actually done by Klein Moretti alone.

The fourth was when Cattleya and Audrey hunted Botis; they left the 'Hermit' card at the scene. After
this incident, the demigod of the churches and MI9 officially set up a conference to discuss this 'secret
organization that used the tarot card as a codename'. Leonard Mitchell 'named' the Tarot Club.

Member Cooperations

Here are list of actions done by at least two Tarot Club members. As the Tarot Club is growing, members
start to invite each other to join fights. Events that only involve Fors and Xio are excluded because they
are friends in reality; the same goes for Klein and Leonard.


Alger gave the offer to kill Qilangos in a Tarot Meeting.[6] Audrey accepted it and hired Fors and Xio to
investigate about him.[7] Later Audrey found him during a ball and prayed to The Fool.[8] Eventually
Azik killed him, while Audrey and Alger assumed it's done by one of Mr. Fool's followers.[9]

Steel Maveti

Alger realized that The World was in Bayam, and offered to help. Gehrman then invited him to the fight
against Steel Maveti. This was the first time Alger and Gehrman met in reality.[10] Alger informed the
Church and lured Maveti out, while Gehrman and Danitz did the fight and killed him. They split up the

Sea of Ruins

Klein asked Cattleya for the opportunity to board onto The Future in order to search for mermaids.[11]
They went through a series of adventures along with all the crews and Klein advanced to sequence 5.
Primitive Island

Alger gave Gehrman the coordinates of this island as the price of Ocean Songster characteristic.[12]
Later, they explored the island together and discovered the painting showing the great betrayal of the
three angels.[13][14]


Alger found the artisan Cielf working with believers of Primordial Moon. He then invited Cattleya to
capture him and made him return what was Alger's and hand in all his artifacts.[15][16] Cattleya then
brought him onto The Future.

Ernes Boyar

This was the first mission that involved most Tarot Club members. Emlyn decided to get revenge against
Ernes Boyar for giving him wrong information about the ancient castle. Xio investigated and followed
Ernes; Leonard dragged Ernes into a dream; Audrey disguised herself as a paperboy and hypnotized
Ernes; Emlyn was the bait. Alger gave his advice that they needed to mislead the Sanguines in some
ways. Mr. Fool monitored the whole action above the Gray Fog.[17]

Amon Avatar

Amon"s avatar found Klein in his house, and Leonard (with Pallez) came to fight as planned. After
defeating Amon, Klein brought Audrey to Hazel's house to clear her memories about Amon, and
hypnotized everyone who had been parasitized by Amon to pray to Evernight Goddess afterward.[18]

Groselle's Travels

Klein invited Leonard and Audrey to explore the subconscious sea of Groselle's Travels. They discovered
a non-floating city that exactly resembled the City of Miracle, Liveseyd.[19]


The World hired Tarot Club members to hunt Botis.[20] Cattleya and Audrey hunted Botis together, Xio
hid aside and interrupted Botis with her Justiciar pathway abilities, while Fors was the bait. Mr. Fool, as
always, monitored the action above the Gray Fog.[21]

Emlyn, along with Rose School of Thought Temperance Members (Sharron, Maric, and Reinette
Tinekerr) and Gehrman Sparrow planned together to hunt down a member of Rose School of Thought
Desire faction from the Moon Pathway. Their choice was Shaman King Klarman. Emlyn fought together
with Sharron, with the help of a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact, while Klein and Reinette acted as bait to divert
the attention of Suah. At the end, they managed to kill him.

The Fool's Commission[22]

Remember one sentence: The awakening of The World spells The Fool’s return.

— Mr. Fool

on Chapter 1389

Before The Fool Klein enter a state of slumber, he entrusted a long-term commission to all members of
the Tarot Club. Main commissions are spread the name of The Fool widely, spread the news of The
World is the Blessed of The Fool and record it in the Church's Holy Bible.

Cattleya: Investigate the present state of the Hidden Sage and watch over her Mother and Moon
pathway crews. The reward is a wish.

Derrick: Protect the New City of Silver and New Moon City and protect the Rorsted Archipelago. Expand
the Church of the Fool and spread the faith. The reward is to become the Blessed.

Fors Wall: Protect the Abraham family well to prevent them from suffering the temptation of the
cosmos. Gather more information regarding the Fourth Epoch and figure out Mr. Door’s condition at
that time. Write down biographies and stories of The World’s different identities using different aliases.
The reward is to receive the blessing of the Fool when advance.

Emlyn White: Gather blessings, auras, and items given by the Primordial Moon to Her believers in the
Rose School of Thought. Spread name of The Fool through this pharmaceutical company. The reward is a

Xio Derecha: Investigate the whereabouts of the three Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristics and the
Uniqueness of the Red Priest Pathway, confirming the present state of the Primordial Demoness Cheek.

Leonard Mitchell: Gather blessings, auras, and items given by the Primordial Moon to Her believers in
the Rose School of Thought. Share the stories of The World with songs and poetry. Raise his Sequence to
prepare for the apocalypse. The reward is a wish.
Audrey Hall: Assist Xio and investigate the whereabouts of the Red Priest pathway’s Uniqueness and
Sequence 1 Beyonder characteristics, confirming the present state of the Primordial Demoness. And
raise her Sequence.

Alger Wilson: Bring the Book of Calamity to the Western Continent.


As of Volume 7, Sun was the only one who's official religion is The Fool, while other members have their
own beliefs (at least on the surface). In Volume 8, Alger became the second one who's official religion is
The Fool.


Chapter 5

Chapter 1202

Chapter 380

Chapter 405

Chapter 946

Chapter 146

Chapter 152

Chapter 189

Chapter 191

Chapter 524

Chapter 635

Chapter 716

Chapter 806

Chapter 811

Chapter 903

Chapter 922

Chapter 1000-1003

Chapter 1004-1008

Chapter 1062-1072

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1194
Chapter 1389-1390

Site Navigation

List of Secret Organizations by Founding Epoch

Newly Founded Aurora Order · Element Dawn · Iron and Blood Cross Order

Psychology Alchemists · Hermits of Fate · Tarot Club

Early Fifth Epoch Life School of Thought · Numinous Episcopate

Rose School of Thought · Theosophy Order

Fourth Epoch Blood Sanctify Sect · Demoness Sect · Moses Ascetic Order · Secret Order

Third Epoch Rose Redemption · Twilight Hermit Order

Second Epoch Great White Brotherhood


OrganizationsAlignment GoodADD CATEGORY

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Notes about when they could start praying to him, when they could do sacraficial rituals, calling down
angels and the like would probably be a good addition.

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They never needed specific times to carry out rituals or pray to him unless it was a specific situation like
if they were engaging in a promotion and needed some help.
As for angels, unless you mean Angel's Embrace, they can't call on descent of actual angels.

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A Fandom user


If I were a member:

Mr. Fool : become Angels (at least Seq 2) before I woke up

Me : Nooooooooo, I hate homework

A Fandom user


Hahaha. Good one.

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A Fandom user


Maybe I should copy the whole LoTM novel and time travel to 5th Epoch 1352 and put them on Tarot
Club members bookselves.

And when they read it.

Muahahahahahahahaha !

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All members would lose control if they know they are fooled since the start, especially those smart
ones ! Hahaha !

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He aint The Fool for nothing xd

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So what exactly did Klein do at the end in regards to preparing for his slumber and the Tarot Club?
How'd they react?

A Fandom user


Klein gave them some missions, different depend on who is is. The only common mission is to become
Angels/reach Seq 2 before he wake up. He also said The World slept too.

Everyone reactions differ (I'm sorry, don't quite understand MTL so have no particular deep impression
on their reactions, except Leonard who was VERY WORRIED, maybe about Klein).
Finally, he said "I'm sorry, guys and girls, I've deceived you for a long time. In truth, at the start, I'm just a
normal Beyonder name Klein Moretti". He told all his adventures to them and revealed his face.
Everyone was shocked, especially Leonard.

Everything is true,


except the 3rd paragraph.

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Ooo, I see, but how did the members get to have Tarot Club meetings with him sleeping? Did he leave
behind Worms of Spirit for automatic prayer responses to pull them in, or what?

A Fandom user


reads the third paragraph (shocked) reads the last 4 words (bamboozeld)

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A Fandom user

Tarot Club was a big wasted potential imo, they should've done more things together.




Yes, apparently according to the author's note the tarot club members will definitely play a big part in
LoTM 2.

Looking forward to seeing them and I think they'll be play a more prominent role because of their high
sequences and since Klein won't be awake to pick up the slack.

A Fandom user


Hope no one die in the process !

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This is a spoiler but I will tell you anyway.

Someone in Tarot Club died in LoTM 2.

Yes, that's such a sad scene...

Who died?

Big spoiler!!!

The one who died is called...

Klein Moretti.

A Fandom user


Haha, remember, Klein Moretti had died.

There's no longer Klein Moretti, or Zhou Mingrui, or Sherlock Moriarty, or Gehrman Sparrow, or Dwayne
Dantès, or Merlin Hermes, or any other identities. There's now only The Fool !

Say or write otherwise and you're a heretic !

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A Fandom user

At least they'll be able to meet and stuff once a month in Mr. Fool's divine palace. That way they can
arrange other stuff and pass on secret info. Super glad they dont have to comprimise teir super secret

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A Fandom user


LOL, i just realize all the male members are either God or clergy of some Church

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Mean that all male members are particularly related to religion

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A Fandom user


If I were Klein, I would have said:

"Sorry, I have deceived you guys"

A Fandom user


and then the smart members will think it is some kind of hidden message or something. and be like o
shit! he is giving us some hidden missions.

A Fandom user


Smart members will think: he is pretending. the moment we betray, he will strike us down

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Finally little Xio turn into Sequence 4!

I've been waiting for this!

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What are the Club members' thoughts on Gehrman being Sequence 1 on a Pathway that's "occupied" by
Mr. Fool? Or do they simply not know even at this stage?

A Fandom user


ASG was the god of Sun, Storm, Hanged Man, Visionnary and White Tower.

Despite that, he had Sequence 1 Kings of Angels for each of these pathways.

So, the Club Members are just assuming that the Fool is in the same power category as ASG (and they're
soon going to be right)
A Fandom user


ASG's Pathway was most likely The Hanged Man, so he only need 1 Seq 1 characteristic and the
Uniqueness of Sun, Visionary, Storm, White Tower.

The Kings of Angels could keep the remaing 2 Seq 1 characteristics.

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A Fandom user


Everyone, do your best to become Angel and stay alive until Boss returns

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Cattleya become the first one to become Seq 3 (except Klein)

But Xio is not yet a High Seq yet !

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She was the first member to become a Demigod and Xio was the one with lowest Sequence among the
Club members at the time though, so makes sense
A Fandom user


What I want to emphasize is that the novel is near its end with the author rushing and Xio is still a
creature with short lifespan !

A Fandom user


Xio is Seq 4 now

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Why Klein didn't add anymore members in tarot club, Anderson Hood is a good candidate...

A Fandom user


Author rush the novel to the end, so probably no more members until ss2

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Reason why Klein didn't add any more member

1. He has almost reach Above The Sequence

2. Tarot Club member are Demigods now (Adding low sequence at this point would be awkward.)

3. His connection with each sequence :

1. Fool : He himself, so no (Gehrman Sparrow)

2. Door : Fors Wall

3. Error : Pallez Zoroast (His supposed angel)

4. White Tower : Edwina Edwards (He can easily contact her with Danitz)

5. Hanged Man : Evil because of Fallen Creator (Rejected)

6. Sun : Derrick Berg

7. Tyrant : Alger Wilson

8. Visionary : Audrey Hall

9. Hermit : Cattleya + Bernadette Gustav (His supposed angel)

10. Paragon : Roselle (Former) |

11. Demoness : Evil because of Cheek who want revenge cause he turn into a girl (choosing man mostly
to become Demoness) Rejected. | I have good feelings for Admiral Ailment tho.
12. Red Priest : Anderson Hood (Nope, he is too dangerous) + Danitz (he's the oracle, so he might have a

13. Moon : Emlyn White

14. Mother : Frank Lee (He is better low sequence or he might be the cause of apocalypse xD)

15. Death : Azik Eggers ( his supposed angel)

16. Twilight Giant : As of now, I can't see anyone other than the dead Collin and Father Utravsky.

17. Darkness : Leonard Mitchell

18. Justiciar : Xio Derecha

19. Black Emperor : Roselle Gustav(who is sealed)

20. Chained : Reinette Tinekerr + Sharron and Maric. (I have hope for Sharron to join, but Klein can easily
contacted her. Heck, even Emlyn cam easily do it.

21. Abyss : Most evil pathway even without God corruption thanks for its Sequence 8. Rejected. (Chuuni
peeps might choose this tho xD)

22. Wheel of Fortune : Will Auceptin ( his supposed angel)

So, yeah, the reason why Klein didn't want to recruit more is mostly because he can easily contact them.
The other reason is, there's no more people who pray to him when they are in danger like Fors or
Cattleya and he has a Church now. I can't see any reason to recruit more, except if Author got OCD and
want to fill all 22 chair.
Maybe Feysac Twilight Giant

Intis Paragon

Lenburg, Segar, Masin White Tower

Feynapotter Mother

Welp, Klein need to curb his supposed dislike for Admiral Ailment imo. He is one of the Demoness I like (
since the girl he like is hunter)

so she will become he in high sequence and he has become she.

Perfect combination xD.

Conclusion : Adding more member has more demerit than merit. After all, he's a real God now~

A Fandom user


Well It's not impossible that Klein won't add anymore new members. It's just that it won't happen in this
story at least. If Klein does add new members, then it will be in the sequel of this story and we, readers,
will probably see it from the perspective of a new MC.

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Reading Equals Exp


Do the Tarot Club meetings still take place even after Klien became Sequence 2-1?

A Fandom user

Yes it did, but the frequency author described it is lower.

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He did it! It's official!

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what he did? become a god?

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If you join this club, what Major Arcana name will you choose ???


A Fandom user


The Devil! I shall become a Chuuni Devil!

Devil that indulge in his fantasies as a hero!

Seal the devil inside with sealed artifact then summon it out.

Use sealed artifact that give negative effect of extra conscience or just mess with the formula xD

The Devil : Kguh...the seal on my left hand...! Even I am afraid of myself when I am like this...
Won't it be cool to make the most evil sequence into the kindest sequence?

A Fandom user


Temperance, embodiment of stability. Balance is life, balance is love



The Tower. First reason is it would match the pathway I want. I would take the White Tower pathway
because of the Reader and Polymath sequences. The tower represents calamity and seeing as I shouldnt
exist in that world, the chaos my existance would cause should live up to The Tower.

A Fandom user


The World. idk, i might stop time or something

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A Fandom user


I'm curious if the Tarot Club will continue existing in the next LoTM-related series, since Cuttlefish said
he planned to make an LoTM 2 and 3. I vaguely remember that one of them is going to be in an oriental
setting though, so that won't probably happen for whichever that one is.

A Fandom user

If the MC of LoTM 2 isn't from a pathway that already belongs to a member, then they might join the
Tarot Club.

A Fandom user


Maybe they will mention as the ancient mystery secret organization like Twilight Hermit. Lol

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That would be pretty cool though I wonder if my interest in this series will stay until the second book

But yeah, it's a cool way to introduce formerly important characters in the prequel to the sequel
(suddenly remember Suikoden...)

A Fandom user


Even if the MC of LoTM sequel doesn't join Tarot Club, the organization will still most likely have a great
impact on the overall plot and serve as an important supporting cast to the new MC.

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Klein is no longer sequence 2. He is now sequence 1, King of Angels.

A Fandom user


Nope, he 's The Fool now!

Praise The Fool!

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A Fandom user


Shouldn't the church of the fool be added to Outside Affiliation for The Fool?

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