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• 1774 - Louis XVI ascended throne of France
• 5th may 1789 - The king called an assembly of three estates
general to pass proposals for new taxes.
• 20th June 1789 - Third estate representatives assembled and took
the tennis court oath. They formed a national assembly.
• 14th July 1789 - Storming of the Bastille: French revolution
• 4th August 1789 - National assembly passed a decree to abolish
the feudal system of obligations and taxes.
• 5th October 1789 - Women marched to Versailles and brought
back King Louis XVI with them to Paris.
• 1791 - National assembly completed draft of new constitution;
revolutionary women Olympe de Gouges writes 'declaration of the
rights of woman and citizen/
• April, 1792 - National assembly voted to declare war against
Prussia and Austria.
• 21st September, 1792 - Monarchy abolished and France declared a
• 21st January 1973 - Louis XVI executed
• 1793-1794 - All slaves in France overseas possessions freed, but
decisions overturned by napoleon ten years later
• Sep 1793-July 1794 - Reign of terror
• July 1794 - Robespierre arrested and executed
• 1804 • Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself emperor of France
• 1815 - Napoleon finally defeated at Waterloo
• 1848 - Slavery finally abolished in French colonies
• 1946 - Women in France won the right to vote

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• 1850-1880 - Debates over socialism in Russia
• 1898 - Formation of the Russian socialist democratic workers
• Feb 1904-Sept 1905 - Russo Japanese war; Russia loses against
• 22nd Jan 1905 - Bloody Sunday: the revolution of 1905 start
• 22nd-27,h Feb 1917 - February revolution
• 2nd March 1917 - Tsar abdicates
• 3rd April 1917 - Lenin returns to Russia from exile
• 4th April 1917 - Lenin declares his ‘April Thesis'
• 24th October 1917 - Bolshevik uprising in Petrograd
• 3rd march 1918 - Russia withdraws from first world war after
signing Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany
• 1918-1920 - Civil war in Russia
• 1919 - Formation of Comintern
• 1929 - Beginning of collectivisation in farming

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20 April 1889 - Adolf Hitler born in Austria
lst, August 1914 - First World War begins
9th Nov 1918 - Germany and central powers defeated in the First
World War; Weimar republic established
28th June 1919 - Treaty of Versailles
1919 - Hitler joins the German workers party later growing into the
Nazi party
1922 - Nazi youth league founded (later named Hitler youth)
1923 - Germany grows through economic crisis and hyperinflation;
France occupies the Ruhr, Germany's coalmines area
24th Oct 1929 - Wall Street exchanges in USA crashes
1932 - Nazi party becomes the largest party in the Reichstag
1929-1923 - Great depression; national income of USA fell by half
30th Jan 1933 - Hitler became chancellor of Germany 28th Feb. 1933
- Fire decree declared
3rd march 1933 - Enabling act passed; establishing Hitler’s
1933 - Germany pulls out the League of Nations
1938 - Germany and Austria integrated
1st September 1939 - Germany invades Poland; Second World War
September 1940 - Tripartite pact between Germany, Italy and Japan
22nd June 1941 - Germany attacks the USSR
23rd June 1941 - Mass murder of Jews begin 7Ih December 1941 -
Japan bombs pearl harbour; USA enters the wars next day
1940-1944 - Ghettoization of Jews and their killings in gas chambers
27th January 1945 - Troops of USSR liberates Auschwitz
8th May 1945 - Germany surrenders to the allies
• 1775 - The Mataram kingdom of java split onto two kingdoms
• 1770 - The Kalangas rose in rebellion against the Dutch but were

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• Early 19,h century - Colonial power started exploiting forest as they
considered it to be unproductive
• 1860s - Rapid expansion of railway network
• 1864 - British appointed inspector general Dietrich Brandis set up
Indian forest service
• 1865 - Enactment of Indian forest act
• 1878 - Indian forest act divide forest into three categories reserved,
protected and village forest
• 1890 - Surontiko Samin of Randublatung village questioned state
ownership of forest
• 1899-1900 - First terrible feminine
• 1906 - Imperial forest research institute was setup
• 1907-1908 - Second terrible feminine
• 1980s - Govt across Asia and Africa realised importance of scientific
forestry and conservation through participation of communities

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• In 19th century - Gujjar Bakarwals migrated to Jammu and
Kashmir in search of pastures; Gaddi shepherds from Jammu and
Kashmir came up to hills
• Mid-19th century - Grazing tax was introduced
• 1850s - Right to collect tax auctioned out to contractors
• 1871 - British govt in India passed the criminal tribes act
• 1885 - Maasiland was cut into half with an international boundary
between British Kenya and German Tanganyika
• 1919 - Tanganyika came under British rule
• 1928 - Report of royal commission on agriculture
• 1933-1934 - Severe drought in Maasiland
• 1947 - Raikas could not move to Sindh anymore after independent
so migrated to Haryana
• 1961 - Tanganyika attained independence
• 1964 - Tanganyika united with Zanzibar to form Tanzania

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