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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson One Words

Lesson objectives
 To identify dinosaur museum vocabulary
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: listening, reading
 Vocabulary: dinosaur, museum, model, scary, scream, roar, alive, dead
 Extra vocabulary: interesting, loudly
 Student Book p. 36
 Workbook p. 34
 Audio Tracks 39–40
 The dinosaur museum Flashcards 31–38
 The concert Flashcards 23–30
 Worksheet 1: Complete the story (one copy per student)
Culture note: Dinosaur digs in the U.S.A.
Most of the dinosaur bones found in the world have been in the U.S.A. The best places to look for fossils in the U.S.A.
are in badlands and deserts where there are no plants or buildings covering the bones and the rocks are of dinosaur
age – like in Montana and Utah. Many states in the Midwest were underwater during much of dinosaur time, so
there are no good places to dig for dinosaurs in that part of the country. However, Kansas is good for remains of
dinosaur-aged sea and air reptiles.

Youths and adults can sign up to work on a dinosaur dig with professional paleontologists. The dinosaur bones in the
ground are not always very large, so diggers have to be careful and work with tiny brushes as they “dig” layer by
layer. The best place for numbers of species found is Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada. Up to 37 kinds of
dinosaurs have been found there. Many interesting dinosaur bones have also been found in Argentina and Mongolia.

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Quick flash with The concert Flashcards to energize the class at the start of the lesson.
 Take the flashcards and hold them facing you so that the children can’t see them.
 Tell the children they are going to see a flashcard for a very short time. They must call out the word.
 Choose a flashcard, reveal it for a few seconds only, and ask What’s this?
 Children call out the word. Choose a child to select the next card and “flash” it to the class.
 Continue until you have practiced all the words.
 Tell children they are going to learn some new words about dinosaurs and museums.
 Use The dinosaur museum Flashcards 31–38 to introduce the vocabulary. Hold up each card one at a time and ask
What’s this? Try to elicit the words, but model any words children don’t know.
 Say all the words for children to repeat. Hold up the flashcards in a different order and repeat.
 If you like, ask children to mime actions for dinosaur, scary, scream, and roar as they say the words.


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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)

 Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures and words.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 39, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 39, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the words in chorus. Repeat
as often as necessary.
 Ask individual children to say the words for the class.
Transcript (Track 39)
Listen and point. / Listen and repeat.
dinosaur, museum, model, scary, scream, roar, alive, dead
What do I have?
 Hold up one The dinosaur museum Flashcard so that the class can only see the back of it.
 Ask What do I have? for children to make guesses.
 Limit children to three guesses. If they name the card within three guesses, the class wins the card. If they don’t, the
teacher wins the card.
 Put the cards the class has won and the cards the teacher has won on opposite sides of the board. At the end of the
game, add up the scores with the class.

Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Focus children’s attention on the story. Ask questions about each frame of the story. Ask Who is with Max? Where are
the children? What did Max, Amy, and Holly see in the museum? Who is screaming? What is Max remembering?
Encourage predictions about the story.
 Play the recording (Track 40) for children to listen to and follow the words in their books.
 Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Where did they go today? What did Amy buy? Was the dinosaur alive?
What was the dinosaur model doing?
 Play the recording a second time for children to follow the dialogue in their books and read.
 Ask children to find the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the story (dinosaur, museum, model, scary, scream, roar,
Who said it?
 Write the following lines of dialogue on the board. Then with books closed, ask children to tell you who said them.
Suddenly one of the dinosaurs roared really loudly. (Max)
Why? What happened? (Aunt)
We saw dinosaur bones. (Holly)
I bought this dinosaur model. (Amy)
Wow! That sounds really interesting. (Aunt)
We didn’t go to school today. (Max)
But then something scary happened. (Amy)
 Children call out the names.
 Children open their books and check their answers.
Worksheet 1: Complete the story
 Ask children to close their books.
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 1: Complete the story.
 Look at the example with the class and check that they understand the exercise.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1c 2e 3a 4d 5b 6f


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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

 Ask children to stand at their desks.

 Hold up a The dinosaur museum Flashcard from the vocabulary set and say a word.
 If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn’t, they keep still.
 Alternatively, ask children to put their hands up if the word you say and the flashcard are the same.
What’s missing?
 Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on the board. Point to each one in turn for children to say the words.
 Give the class a few seconds to look at them.
 Ask children to turn around. Remove a card.
 Display the cards again and ask What’s missing?
 When children have identified the missing card, shuffle the cards again and repeat the procedure.
 Option: To make the game harder, add a new card from a different vocabulary set each time.
Exercises: Workbook p. 34
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson Two Grammar 1

Lesson objectives
 To learn simple past irregular verbs with negatives
 To complete a text with the correct simple past form
 To act out a story
 Language focus: listening, reading, writing
 Vocabulary: We went to the dinosaur museum. We didn’t go to school. I saw dinosaurs. I didn’t see fish.
 Student Book p. 37
 Workbook p. 35
 Audio Tracks 40–41
 The dinosaur museum Flashcards 31–38

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Unscramble the letters with The dinosaur museum Flashcards to energize the class at the start of the lesson and
review the vocabulary.
 Show the class a flashcard and elicit the word. Hide the card. Write the scrambled letters of that word on the board,
followed by the correct number of lines for the number of letters.
 Call children to come to the board to write one letter at a time to complete the word.
 With books closed, ask children questions about the story, e.g., Who went to the dinosaur museum? Did the dinosaur
model move? What did Amy buy?
 Ask children to open their Student Books to p. 37 and find the word in the list that did not appear in the story (dead).

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Play the recording (Track 40), pausing for children to repeat each line.
 Divide the class into groups of four to play the parts of Amy, Holly, Max, and Aunt. If the class doesn’t divide exactly,
some children can act out two parts.
 As a class, decide on the actions for the story.
 Play the recording a second time for children to say their lines and mime the actions.
 Children practice acting out the story. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.
 If you wish, ask one or two groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1: Amy holds out a dinosaur model (or mimes holding out something). Aunt looks at what Amy is holding out.
Picture 2: Holly and Max mime dinosaur feet with their hands. Aunt smiles.
Picture 3: Holly, Max, and Amy mimes screaming. Aunt looks surprised.
Picture 4: Max mimes a roaring dinosaur.
Listen and repeat.(Exercise 2)
 Focus children’s attention on the example sentences in the Let’s learn! grammar boxes.
 Ask children to identify the simple past form of go and see, pointing out that we don’t add -ed to some verbs in the
simple past. These verbs are irregular.
 Make sure children understand how to form the simple past negative using didn’t. Ask a child to read the speech

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

bubble to the class.

 Ask the class to give you the negative form of the sentence in the speech bubble. (We didn’t go to the art museum
 Give children a minute to study the irregular past verbs silently.
 Play the recording (Track 41) for students to listen and repeat.
 With books closed, write some of the past tenses on the board and ask children to give you the present tense. Then
do the reverse.
 Ask children to give you complete sentences using each verb in the past tense.
 Explain that they can check irregular past tenses in their Workbooks on p. 96.

Mime and shake
 Play a miming game to practice irregular past tense verbs.
 Say affirmative and negative sentences using the verbs from the chart on page 37, e.g., Danh went to the dinosaur
museum. He didn’t buy a book.
 Children mime the affirmative actions and shake their heads to show no while miming the negative actions.
Write. (Exercise 3)
 Focus children’s attention on the four pictures. Ask some questions, e.g., Where is the family? What is the boy
buying? Who does the girl see? Where are they eating their lunch?
 Point to the example and check that children understand the exercise.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1 went 2 didn’t buy 3 saw 4 didn’t eat
Teacher can’t remember
 Tell children you can’t remember some of the facts from the story in Lesson 1 so you want them to help you.
 Tell children you are going to say some sentences, e.g., Max and Amy went to school yesterday. Amy bought a
dinosaur model. If the sentence is correct, children do an agreed action, such as tapping their desks or clapping. If the
sentence is incorrect, children do another agreed action, such as standing up, and then they call out a correction.

Your last vacation
 Ask children about the last school trip or family vacation they went on.
 Ask some questions to review vocabulary and help children remember details, e.g., Where did you go? What did you
see? Who did you go with? What did you buy?, etc.
 Ask children to work in pairs and write some sentences about their trip using simple past verbs.
 Go around the class monitoring and helping where necessary.
Write. (Exercise 4)
 Focus children’s attention on the picture. Ask some questions, e.g., Is this in the present or the past? What are the
children doing? Are they at school?
 Look at the example with the class and check that they understand the exercise.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1 went
2 didn’t go
3 didn’t learn
4 played
5 didn’t wear
6 wore

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say We made a model yesterday.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Exercises: Workbook p. 35
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson Three Grammar 2 and Song

Lesson objectives
 To ask and answer simple past questions
 To use Which and What in simple past questions
 To use simple past irregular verbs to talk and write about things you did and didn’t do
 To use the simple past in the context of a song
 Language focus: listening, speaking, writing
 Vocabulary: Did they go to a museum? Yes, they did. Did Amy buy a postcard? No, she didn’t. She bought a model.
Which museum did you go to? We went to the dinosaur one. What did you see? We saw dinosaur bones.
 Extra vocabulary: trip, painting
 Student Book p. 38
 Workbook p. 36
 Audio Tracks 42–43
 The dinosaur museum Flashcards 31–38
 One sheet of paper per student

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play Say the number to review the words from Lesson 1 and energize the class at the start of the lesson.
 Put the flashcards on the board and write a number next to each one.
 Call out a number and ask children to say the word. Alternatively, say the word and ask children to call out the
 Repeat several times until children are sure of the words.
 Turn two cards over so that they are face down, and repeat.
 Gradually turn all of the cards over until children remember the position of all the cards and are doing the whole
activity from memory.
 Lift up the cards each time to show children if they remembered correctly.
 Ask children if they can remember the story in Lesson 1.
 Write the following on the board: The children went to a museum. They saw dinosaur bones. Amy bought a dinosaur
model. A dinosaur model roared.
 Explain that these are answers and you want them to write the questions.
 Write Where and What on the board and ask children to ask the questions (Where did the children go? What did they
see? What did Amy buy? What did the dinosaur model do?).
 Tell the class that we use which when there is a choice of things and we want to know exactly which one is being
talked about.

Listen and repeat.(Exercise 1)
 Focus children’s attention on the Let’s learn! grammar box and ask them to identify the question words Which and
 Play the recording (Track 42) for students to listen and repeat.
 Write the following sentences and questions with blanks on the board:
A: I went to a store.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

B: Which _____ did ____ go ____?

A: I went to a computer store.
B: What did ____ ____?
A: I bought a present for my friend.
 Elicit the complete questions from the class (Which store did you go to? What did you buy?).
 Practice with question words Where and Who. Ask children to think of questions and then answer them.
Story role play
 Tell children to read the story in Lesson 1 again to refresh their memories.
 Ask a child to come to the front of the class and assign him/her with the role of Max or Amy.
 Ask the child some questions about the trip to the dinosaur museum, e.g., Did you go to school today? No, I didn’t.
Where did you go? I went to the dinosaur museum.
 Divide the class into pairs. Assign the role of Max to one partner, and Amy to the other.
 Children take turns asking and answering questions about their trip to the dinosaur museum.

Write notes about you. Then ask and answer with your friend. (Exercise 2)
 Explain that each child is going to fill in the middle column of the chart in note form to say what they did in one day.
 Note that they shouldn’t be writing complete answers. The notes are just there to help them think about their
 Give children a few minutes to complete the chart individually.
 Explain that they are now going to ask and answer questions in pairs. Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for
the class. Repeat with the whole class.
 Tell children that they will write notes about their partner’s answers. Children do the exercise in pairs. Monitor and
help where necessary.
 Ask some of the pairs to repeat their questions and answers for the class.
Write about what you and your friend did on another sheet of paper. (Exercise 3)
 Tell children to write the answers to the questions they asked each other in Exercise 2 in their notebooks. Explain they
write their answers and their partner’s answers.
 Elicit an example answer from the class (e.g., On Saturday I went to the park, and Anh went to the movies).
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Ask children to read their sentences to the class and compare what they did on the weekend.
Ask and answer.
 Write the following words on the board: What, Where, do, see, go, eat, play, last night, yesterday, last year, at school,
at the museum, at the beach, at home.
 Children use the words to create questions, e.g., What did you eat yesterday? Where did you see the movie?
 Children work in pairs. One child asks a question and his/her partner answers it.
 Help with pronunciation when necessary.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 4)
 Focus children’s attention on the picture. Say The girl went on a school trip. Ask questions, e.g., Did she go to a
dinosaur museum? Where did she go? What is she giving her mother?
 Play the song (Track 43) the whole way through. Then play it again as children follow the words in their books.
 Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you.
 Play the recording several times for children to sing along.

Musical memory
 Play a memory game. Tell children to look at the song for one minute and remember as much information as they
can. With books closed, ask questions one by one, e.g., Where did the girl go? What did she see? What did she have at
lunchtime? What did she buy? Children call out the answers.
Exercises: Workbook p. 36

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson Four Phonics and Spelling

Lesson objectives
 To identify b, p, v, and w spellings
 To identify these spellings in three texts
 Language focus: listening, reading
 Vocabulary: best, vest, vet, wet, pig, big
 Student Book p. 39
 Workbook p. 36
 Audio Tracks 43, 44–46
 Phonics Cards 21–26

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Sing the song My school trip (Track 43) from the previous lesson to warm up the class.
 Show the vest phonics card and elicit the word. Then show the vet card and elicit the word.
 Elicit the correct spelling from the class and write the words on the board.
 Divide the class into two teams and ask children what other words they know which contain this sound. Write them
on the board.
 Hold up the phonics cards for vest and vet. Divide the class into vests and vets. Ask children to stand up and say their
word when they see the picture.
 Hold up the phonics cards alternatively (or sometimes twice in a row). Children stand up and say their words.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a
recording of the different sounds and words.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 44, Listen and point) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording (Track 44, Listen and repeat) for children to repeat the sounds and words in
 Play the recording all the way through for children to point and repeat again.
 Repeat as necessary.
Transcript (Track 44)
Listen and point. / Listen and repeat.
best, vest, vet, wet, pig, big
Do it!
 Assign each child as either a vest or a vet.
 Give instructions, e.g., Vets, jump! Vests, stamp your feet! Hold up the flashcards. Children who have that word
assigned to them call out the word and do the action.

Listen and read. (Exercise 2)

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

 Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask Where did the boy and the man go yesterday? What animals did they see?
 Play the recording (Track 45) once all the way through.
 Play the recording again, stopping after each line for children to read the texts.
 Ask children to look at the pictures and point to the words from Exercise 1 (pig, big, vet, wet).
Read again. Circle the words with the sounds from 1. Use red for b, pink for v, blue for w, and green for p. (Exercise 3)
 Focus attention on the example. Ask What sound does the first letter make? What color is the circle around it?.
 Ask children to find and circle all the words with b, v, w, and p, using different colors for each sound as mentioned in
the rubric.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
b (red): big, best
v (pink): vest, vet
w (blue): was (x3), we (x2), warm, went, walk, wet
p (green): put, pigs, pig
Say the blank.
 Write the text from Exercise 2 on the board and read it with children.
 Erase four words with b, v, w or p and ask children to read the text again, saying the missing words.
 Erase four more words and repeat.
 Continue erasing words until children are saying all the words with b, v, w or p from memory.

Listen and circle the correct word. Match. (Exercise 4)
 Tell children to listen carefully to the recording (Track 46) because they will need to match the words they hear with
the pictures on the page.
 Check that children understand the exercise.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1 pears - c
2 vest - a
3 path - b
4 wet - d
Transcript (Track 46)
1 I really like pears.
2 My favorite vest is blue.
3 Let’s follow this path.
4 Oh no! My school work is wet.
Let’s Practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
 Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class.
 Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Phonics TPR
 Play Phonics TPR to practice the b, v, w and p spellings. Tell children to stamp their feet for words with b, flap their
arms for words with v, stand up for words with w, and shake their heads for words with p.
 Call out words with b, v, w and p spellings. Children do the actions.
 Get faster and faster, repeating the words in a different order until children can’t keep up with you.
 Option: Divide the class into groups with the different letters. When you call out words, only the group with the
correct letter or sound does the action.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Exercises: Workbook p. 36
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson Five Skills Time!

Skills development
 Reading: read and understand a non-fiction text from an information book; identify words and their meanings in a
text; check the meanings of words in a dictionary; match sentence halves
 Language focus: reading
 Vocabulary: jungle, opening, scientist, underground, tourist, muddy
 Recycled vocabulary: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: cave, local, space, village, ropes, province
 Student Book p. 40
 Workbook p. 37
 Audio Tracks 43, 47
 One sheet of paper per student
 Worksheet 2: Label the picture (one copy per student)

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Sing My school trip (Track 43) from Lesson 3 to energize the class at the start of the lesson.
 Ask children about tourist attractions they know in Viet Nam. Write a list on the board.
 Give children two minutes to draw their favorite tourist attraction on a sheet of paper.
 Put the children’s pictures around the room.

What do you know about Son Doong Cave? (Exercise 1)
 With books closed, ask children to tell you anything that they know about Son Doong cave. Ask questions, e.g., Where
is the cave? Why is it special? Who found it? What is inside it? Can you visit it? If they don’t know the answers, tell
them to make guesses.
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Tell children they are going to hear and read a text about Son Doong cave.
 Play the recording (Track 47) once all the way through as children follow the text in their books.
 Play the recording again and have students read along, pausing at regular intervals. Answer any questions they have.
 Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What did Ho Khanh see and hear when he found the cave? What did the
scientists find the cave? What must you do to visit the cave?

Underline these words in the text. Guess their meanings and then check them in the dictionary. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to read the list and find and underline the new words in the text.
 Encourage children to guess their meanings by looking at the surrounding text.
 Children look up the words in the dictionary to check whether their guesses were correct or find meanings for any
words they don’t know.
 Go through the meanings of the words with the class.
Target words TPR

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

 Assign the target words to children (in bold in the list below).
 Read aloud sentences containing the target words.
 Children have to stand up or do some other action when they hear their word.
 Read these sentences:
Son Doong is an underground cave.
Ho Khanh took some scientists to the cave.
Ho Khanh forgot where the opening of the cave was.
There is a jungle and a river inside the cave.
It is not easy for tourists to visit the cave because it is a long way underground and it’s very muddy.
Read again and match the sentence halves. (Exercise 4)
 Ask children to read the sentence halves silently.
 Look at the example and explain that they have to match the sentence halves.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1c 2e 3a 4b 5d
Worksheet 2: Label the picture.
 Give each child a copy of Worksheet 2: Label the picture.
 Ask individual children to read the words in the Word Box aloud.
 Look at the example with the class. Check that children understand what they must do.
 Children complete the worksheet individually.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1. rope
2. tourists
3. scientist
4. Son Doong cave
5. opening

Target word stories
 Write the target words on the board.
 With books closed, ask children to write a short paragraph or story using all the words.
 Children work in pairs. Tell them they can use different tenses and extra vocabulary. Encourage them to be as
imaginative as possible. Give them between three and five minutes to write their text. Monitor and help where
 Children read their texts to the class.
Exercises: Workbook p. 37
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2016 14

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Lesson Six Skills Time!

Skills development
 Listening: identify details of favorite things on a school trip
 Speaking: ask and answer questions about school trips
 Writing: use exclamation points
 Language focus: listening, speaking, writing
 Recycled vocabulary: vocabulary and structures seen previously
 Extra vocabulary: crocodiles, water slide, theme park
 Student Book p. 41
 Workbook pp. 38–39
 Audio Track 48
 The dinosaur museum Flashcards 31–38
 A sheet of paper per group (optional)

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Play a game to review new vocabulary and facts about Son Doong cave from the previous lesson.
 With books closed, read sentences from the text but pretend you can’t read them properly, so you can only say
partial sentences, e.g., Son Doong is the world’s “something” cave.
 Children call out the missing information (e.g., largest).
 Say one sentence containing each of the core vocabulary items from the previous lesson.
 Ask the children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures in Exercise 2 on p. 41.
 Point to each picture and ask Where is this?
 Identify the four different places (beach, zoo, swimming pool, island).

Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
 Tell children they are going to hear a recording of four children talking about their day trips.
 Explain that the pictures in Exercise 2 represent the day trips that the four children went on.
 Play the recording (Track 48), pausing after the first dialogue to show them the example answer. Pause after each
subsequent dialogue for children to number the pictures in the order they hear them.
 Go through the answers with the class. Make sure children have the correct order for the pictures before going on to
Exercise 2.
Transcript (Track 48)
1 Vinh I’m Vinh. I went swimming with my friends. We were very excited at first, but we couldn’t swim much in the pool.
There were too many people there. My favorite part was the water slide. It was fun!
2 Hoang My name’s Hoang. My family and I saw lots of different animals. My favorite ones were the elephants and the
lions. There were lots of snakes, but I didn’t really like them. I hope we can go back soon!
3 Thu I’m Thu. We went to the beach and spent a lot of time on a big boat. The boat stopped at a cave. We went to some
islands and the boat went around them. We looked inside the cave and saw all the different plants and animals. It was
really fun on the boat. That was my favorite part of the day.
4 Linh I’m Linh. On our trip, we went to an island. We had delicious seafood for every meal. We went swimming at
lunchtime, but I got tired. My favorite thing was all the monkeys. There were so many on the island! I took pictures of

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

some of them.
a3 b2 c1 d4
Listen again and circle the children’s favorite things. (Exercise 2)
 Point to the pictures. Ask Where’s this? What can you see?
 Ask children to tell you what they have to do. Point out that they should listen for the word favorite in the recording
to find the answers.
 Play the recording (Track 48) again, pausing after each dialogue for children to circle the correct word.
 Go through the answers with the class.
a boat b elephants c water slide d monkeys

Ask and answer about the children above. (Exercise 3)
 Explain to the class that they are going to ask and answer questions about the children from the recording. They
should use the names and places from the word boxes.
 Read the first speech bubble for the class and elicit the correct response for the second speech bubble. Repeat for the
next two speech bubbles.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering the questions. Move around the class, checking
their pronunciation and giving models where necessary.
 You may choose to ask a few pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class.
My trip
 Write the following questions on the board: Where did you go? What did you see? What did you like?
 Tell children to think of a day trip they have been on and think about the answers to the questions on the board for
that day trip.
 Divide the class into pairs. Children take turns asking and answering the questions.
Imagine you are in a cave. Write some sentences with exclamation points. (Exercise 4)
 Read the rule with the sentences and check that children understand.
 Read the examples below Exercise 4 with the class. Check that children understand what they must do.
 Children complete the exercise individually.
 Ask a few children to read their sentences aloud.
Write F for ‘feelings’ or I for ‘instructions’ for your writing in 4. (Exercise 5)
 Write the first question on the board. Ask Is this an instruction or a feeling? (an instruction). Write I next to it on the
board. Repeat with the second example.
 Children do the exercise individually.
 Ask a few children to read their sentences aloud and say whether they are instructions or feelings.

 Divide the class into small groups and give each group a sheet of paper.
 Draw three large circles on the board. Write swimming, at the dinosaur museum, and at the zoo in the circles.
 Tell children to copy the circles onto their piece of paper.
 Say the following sentences with exclamation marks to express instructions and feelings:
Don’t feed the animals!
It’s so old!
Wear swimming clothes!
Don’t touch the bones!
The elephant’s so big!
The water’s cold!

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

 Children gently slap their hands down on the corresponding circle on their piece of paper when you say each
sentence, e.g. at the zoo.
 Award one point to the child in the group who does this fastest.
 The winner in each group is the child with the most points.
Exercises: Workbook pp. 38–39
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Worksheet 1: Complete the story

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Unit 5: The dinosaur museum

Worksheet 2: Label the picture.

Word Box
Son Doong cave opening tourists rope scientist

© Oxford University Press 2016 19

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